Clone: By: Name: Fitria Ramadhani Ayuningtyas Class: D Student ID: B1B017046

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Name : Fitria Ramadhani Ayuningtyas
Class :D
Student ID : B1B017046





Cloning is the process of generating a genetically identical copy of a cell or

an organism. Cloning happens often in nature, for example: when a cell replicates
itself asexually without any genetic alteration or recombination. Prokaryotic
organisms (organisms lacking a cell nucleus) such as bacteria create genetically
identical duplicates of themselves using binary fission or budding. In eukaryotic
organisms (organisms possessing a cell nucleus) such as humans, all the cells that
undergo mitoses, such as skin cells and cells lining the gastrointestinal tract, are
clones; the only exceptions are gametes (eggs and sperm), which undergo meiosis
and genetic recombination. Natural clones, also known as identical twins, occur in
humans and other mammals. These twins are produced when a fertilized egg
splits, creating two or more embryos that carry almost identical DNA. Identical
twins have nearly the same genetic makeup as each other, but they are genetically
different from either parent.


Related to the existence of cloning, I was actually in the middle, namely the
pros and cons. Pro: now with the development of technology can not be separated
from everyday community life. As is known, technology was created for the
convenience of human activity. Therefore, many experts are competing to create new
technologies for the achievement of a more prosperous society. Cloning techniques
enable doctors to identify the cause of spontaneous miscarriage, provide an
understanding of the rapid growth of cancer cells, the use of stem cells to regenerate
nerve tissue, advances in research into aging, genetics and treatment. These benefits
are expected to be able to develop and increase with the advancement in cloning
technology. That's why I support the development of these cloning technologies.
While the contract, can be seen in terms of ethics, morals and religion. With
cloning, it is impossible for someone to be original, because there will be two
individuals who are "the same" but actually different. Cloning in humans basically
insults humans themselves and will have very many adverse effects. In addition,
there will be the danger that human cloning is used as an effort to prevent death, or
even to restore someone famous in history. Thus, an individual will continue to live
and will be very possible the existence of "eternity" even "awakening" by using
cloning technology, where it is certainly very contrary to religious teachings that
emphasize the appreciation of human life, where religion as a moral guide for Lay
people emphasize that the right of creation of life belongs to creatures of a higher
degree than humans. However, when viewed from the health aspect, until now
cloning is still very unsafe for example dolly sheep which turned out to have a poor
immune system, and also before arriving at good cloning, the process experienced
very many failures.
Respect For Wellbeing Autonomy Justice
Researcher Knowledge and Researching Research Ethics
Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain
Animal Freedom of life in Protection and Life worthiness
nature maintenance
Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain
Patient Safety and health Get facilities Equality of
Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain Yes No Abstain
Farmers Earnings and Get Superior Quality Justice in Practice
Productivity Livestock
Yes No Abstai Yes No Abstai Yes No Abstai
n n n

1. Researcher:
Wellbeing: A researcher in addition to research also discovered new innovations in
many ways, one of which is by cloning. With this cloning researchers
can discover and develop new things.
Autonomy:Researchers are free to conduct research in order to create new
technology because humans need new technology for their survival.
However, in conducting research, it must still follow the ethics in
Justice: In researching a matter, a researcher must pay attention to ethics and
know the rules when conducting research. For example in cloning, but
in the case of cloning there are no rules stating that cloning is a
violation of ethics or not. Therefore a lot of debate emerged from the
development of this technology.
2. Animal:
Wellbeing: Cloned animals are usually not left free in nature, but are placed in
conservation for research studies. Therefore cloned animals are deemed
unable to live freely and their growth is of high concern.
Autonomy: Cloned animals in their development are highly considered and
maintained because cloned animals are animals that are not derived
from breeding, but are the result of technology in the form of cloning
that tends to be vulnerable to disease and disability.
Justice: Animal life from cloned results do not get freedom like other animals of
the same species. However, cloned animals receive special protection
and attention in conservation areas.
3. Patient
Wellbeing: Patients who get organ transplants from cloned animals in their health
are still in doubt because the organs obtained are not from the original
organs but are the result of genetic engineering. Therefore patients
who get organ transplants from cloned animals have no certainty
whether they are guaranteed or not.
Autonomy: Patients who get organ transplants from cloned animals get special
facilities when transplanting because organ transplants originating
from cloned animals are unusual and require more attention.
Justice: Patients get the same treatment as other patients in medical and
humanitarian matters.
Justice: Consumers get health insurance because food derived from cloned
livestock is safe for the human body.
4. Farmers
Wellbeing: Farmers get increased income from cloned animals. Because cloned
animals can produce good quality livestock, the quality of which is
meat and eggs produced more, thus making the productivity of a farm
also increases rapidly.
Autonomy: Farmers can get good and superior quality livestock because cloned
animals produced are animals with the best varieties.
Justice: Farmers get their rights to determine the quality and selling price of
their livestock and get the same permission as other farmers.

Based on the result and discussion, it can be concluded that are the development
of science is currently very rapidly developing. Cloning is one example. Cloning is
the process of taking genetic information from a living thing to create identical
copies of it. Technology in the form of cloning has been widely carried out by
scientists, including the case of organ cloning in animals to be transplanted to
humans. In addition, cloning technology can also help produce livestock with
superior properties and help preserve animals from extinction, for example in the
case of gaur animals or known as byson from Asia. However, in the development of
this cloning technology raises the pros and cons. Those who support cloning assume
that cloning is a form of technological progress in the field of science. While those
who oppose cloning assume that cloning is an inhumane act, contrary to God, and
something that can damage civilization.

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