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Protest at the local pool for negroes not being allowed even though being a public space. White
people shooting at them when lunching and police pretending not seeing this behavior. FBI says
is a local matter and police should protect. Same police that supports and protects the white
people attacking the protest.

Attempt to Kill Me
Friday June 23 1961. Car pushing him off the highway trying to kill him. No warrant or action on
the white person because police can't see any prove and the justice is very condiciendent of
white people.

“God Damn, The Niggers Have Got Guns!”

Car trying to attack them while a white crow looking. White male tries to attack with a baseball
bat. Williams shows his gun and police try to unarmed him and give him to the crowd. Another
black kid shows another gun and police cannot do anything. Old white man cry because black
people have guns now.

Self Defense Forces Protection

When they arrived white people demanded police to kill them. To avoid people being hurt
especially white people. The City Council agree for police to escort them. However this was too
dangerous for black people. State police came only 2 policeman. One of them made the mob
spread out. Two police cars escorted the black people out. Being this the first time it ever

An NAACP Chapter is Reborn in Militancy

​ onroe ¼ black. NAACP very small and controlled by upper class black people. Not a target of
segregationists people. Supreme Court desegregation decision comes. Now these
organizations are targeted with violence and economic sanctions. Memberships disappeared.

A Veteran Returns Home

Save NAACP from dissolving. Began by recruting laborers, farmers, domestic workers,
unemployed and any and all negro in the area. Working class composition and ex militants that
were not afraid of anything.
First. Integrate public facilities. Library.
Second, Better right for negroes: economic, education, equal protection under the law.
The most militant branch of NAACP.

The KKK Swings into Action

Pool permission. No pool in their community. No days in the pool because they would have to
drain the pool. Negroes start protesting. KKK starts becoming bigger and bigger demanding the
NAACP officials to leave town. Trying to intimidate them to leave. KKK have rallies and
afterwards drive through black community shooting and honking. City does not protect black
people saying they are a legal organization with rights.

Self Defense is Born of Our Plight

Stop the KKK themselves. Neither state or federal government wanted to act in the matter.
Ignored by President Eisenhower and Governor of NC takes side with KKK.
Started arming themselves with the help of NRA, veterans and churches.
1957 KKK hears about the arming and tries to stop them by attacking Dr. Perry’s house. By
firing back Klan leaves and stops raiding the community.
National newspapers do not report this. Only some locals.
KKK USE OF RACIST COURTS. Dr. Perry acused of abortion even when proof was shown
that the accusation was false.

The Kissing Case

1958 2 boys of 7 and 9 years old charge of rape. Death penalty in NC.
Case: While playing a white girl kisses on the cheek the 9 year old Hanover because she
recognizes him from years before when his mom worked at the girl’s house and would bring
along Hanover. The girl tells her mom. She goes to the police. Both boys are charged with rape.
The american justice does unfair and no media covers this news. NAACP national offices does
not want to take the case because is a sex case. Until an english journalist reports it and the
world starts protesting about the case. The president hears about it and the boys are released.

We will Meet Violence with Violence

1969 a black woman that works as a maid in a hotel is kicked down the stairs by a white guest
because she was making too much noise. The police does not want to do anything about the
case. When NAACP lawyers want to come in the police decides to fine the guy 75 dollars. No
1969 Black woman attacked and almost raped by a white man. Her white neighbor sees it all
and testifies for her. The man brings wife and tells the judge that he would never leave the pure
flower that his wife is to “that”. The man was acquitted.
The south is not a civilized society but a social jungle. “BLACK PEOPLE CANNOT EXPECT
This statement by Williams has force a debate on the issue. NAACP less timid on the black

The Struggle for Militancy in the NAACP

Suspension, Distortion and Re-election

Williams suspended from office by NAACP for saying violent statements.
His NAACP office was the ONLY INTERRACIAL. With some white pacifiers. They protested his
suspension as they understood the situation going on in the south.
The suspension a matter of debate.
MAIN ISSUE NOW TO FIX: Communication within the race.
Disjointed network. Pockets of resistance that did not communicate with each other.
Relying on information written by white journalists.

Developing a newsletter that would be accurate. Named THE CRUSADER

Williams appeals his case. Denied because of pressure. But the national office supports the
self-defense. NAACP national office keeps away from Williams county as they do not want
trouble with their Northern influence white people who were disturbed by the militancy.

Williams county starts SIT-IN protests. Successful, no one was hurt. He believes because they
had shown their willingness to fight and protect themselves.

“A Letter from the Boss”

With the newspaper Williams started informing about black people in other countries. Being
cuba of its most interest. Black Cubans were an important part of the revolution. A Negro was
head of the Armed Forces. Social justice to all Cubans including the black ones.
Williams defends cuba since black people are treated with respect. How does it feel if a black
american hears CUBA SI YANQUI NO. … same as WHITE ONLY. He argues he is not a
yanqui. That only applies to the whites.

Williams believe NAACP should not worry about cuba but the US and how the federal and state
government ignores to help and protect the black race.

Hypocrisy and Run-around

After pool closed racists went wild. Colored people were attacked by mobs, gun fires from white
people at night, many crossfires. Williams needed people to stay at his house.

Through his newspaper he wanted to show the nation how the FBI, Governor, Justice
department, and police were in conspiracy to deny monroe negroes their constitutional rights.
Williams tried to approach FBI filling a report for federal indictment of the police denying rights.
Never heard back from them. Only heard they didn't find prove.

Denied permission to go to Cuba. Multiple attempts of murder and threats of life


Racism assult to the personal dignity of black people. Demoralizing black people in small
personal matters helps the system eat the sense of dignity and pride which are necessary to
fight against racism.
Racism can be measured in dollars.
Write petition to induce employment. Construct pool. Remove segregating signs from the city.
Desegregate schools. Give transportation to school. Dr. Perry to practice medicine. Employ
negros in the government. Inform the people and committee of the city board actions

Taxation without representation: Industries moving from the north received concessions and did
not hire negroes. Officials did everything to prevent black people to get jobs. No hire negroes if
they wanted their concession possible through taxation of us all.

⅓ of black people unemployed. Those with jobs get paid very little.

Denied basic right to have a decent standard of living.

The Freedom Riders come to Monroe

The freedom riders who ride buses in the white only spaces and challenged segregation. Group
that had both black and white pacifist people. Want to teach Mr. Williams how to get victory
without violence. They started the Monroe Non-Violent Action Committee.

The first picket lines seemed peaceful, some said police smiled at them. By the fourth day a
white freedom rider was attacked and other negroes were attacked.

More violence happened and governor did nothing but said to Williams: Aren’t you dead?
Governor only suggests him to get out of Monroe because there is gonna be too much violence.

The Governor and FBI

You asked for violence and now you are getting it: Governor
FBI doesn't come to protect the picket line.



AUGUST 27, 1961

Police urge white people to come fight the Freedom Riders
A Mob attacks the Freedom Riders and non violent youth. But soon all negroes were being
attacked. Police does not help.
Very hurt people were in prison dying
MR. AND MS. STEGALL came riding through the black neighborhood. Upset people grab them
from their car and take them to Mr. Williams house. He treats them well and does not offer to
help them to get out as they were the ones who decided to come in such a chaotic night.
Negroes want to kill them.

Williams gets a call from chief police saying state troops were in the way to hang him.
Williams has to get out of the city.
People believe he left because he was fleeing from a charge against him. But no.
FBI gets in the case to catch him as they say he is dangerous and fugitive interstate.
Kidnapping charge on testimony of 2 white policeman.
Ms. Stegall says multiple versions of her story making Williams look violent.


Words not always mean the same to the same people. To white justice was different than
negroes. They believe they have the freedom to deprive negroes from their rights.

Department of Justice
Williams accused of being extremely dangerous and schizophrenic and having lots of guns.
Unpredicted behavior. All this to get the attention and help of international authorities.
Spending time in jail for asking for constitutional rights
The Other Defendants
Many people who were part of this protests and sit ins were arrested and taken to trial while the
police got a bonus pay for “special services during race emergencies”
The Spectre of the Rusian Rifles
Out of all the weapons the police found they decided only to tell the ones of Russian origin to
upset the racists and mislead the american people.
All the weapons were purchased legally in the states. No special or secret armory.
Newspapers interested in the welfare and security of Americans but...
Reporting negroes having rifles but not reporting fascists groups having automatic guns and gun
training. Minute men have their own army. 5000 People only in monroe.
No one denounces minute men but african americans for protecting themselves and avoiding a
bloodshed on august 27
Rifles were a godsend to them to protect themselves that day of the rally and violence.
Canada and then Cuba
Had a good first weeks in Canada having a normal live. However American authorities send
information to the Canada police saying that he was dangerous and a kidnapper. Omitted
information of his education and his role as a president of a NAACP branch. Authorities started
looking for him everywhere. Not safe in Canada. Moved to Cuba.
Mae Mallory
Mae Mayory helped him having asylum. She is arrested and the state of Ohio sends her to
Monroe. Monroe’s justice is ridiculous. Black people are being charged with false charges and
white people are getting away with murders and attacks.

To the World: “Take Note of Monroe”

Co defendants are being brought to trial and Williams believes only an outraged wold opinion
can save them from injustice.
Asking the world to see the reality in the pretending “free world”.
Asking signatures for a petition presented to the UN
New field of battle since the racists forced him into exile.
Racism cannot be solved by only pleaing for conscience. It involves violence.
Minds Warped by Racism
Racism a mass of psychosis
Ridiculous situations to the eyes of internationals like Cubans or latin americans.
The mental illness “racism” is part of American Way of Life
Create Black Militancy
The sense of national consciousness and militancy is growing among black people.
In a span of 5 years, people are more willing to fight. Determination to break the chains. Spirit of
valor. People who were submissive slaves to a no man’s land.
NAACP branches now say violence has to be fought with violence. White man need to be
whipped to bring them down to earth.
Priest in SC says people “Uncle Toms” who do not fight for their people and feel they are less
are an obstacle.
Uncle Toms and traitors apologize to the white and deny this new consciousness.
White people that donate thousands to make them pacifist should understand the struggle or
drop their pretensions.
White liberals asking blacks to not be violent… they have been the aggressors
White preach to the weak black people who are not willing to fight
Because the black militancy is growing now they spend thousands to convert them pacifist.
Respected negroes leaderships who are pacifists are hypocrites as they not comment on violent
acts of the US like the bomb or Vietnam war. They only say not to attack black people but they
are really afraid of extermination.

The center of racism is violence. A militant does not introduce violence to the racist social
system. The unchallenged violence is what allows the system.
People opposed to Negroes militants are opposed to negroes defending themselves and
challenging the monopoly of violence practiced by white.
Production in the US would fall without black people.

Pacifists, judases and quislings living the best life. They do not want to change anything.
Money raised in the north should not be sent to the south because white liberals considered him
and his crew thugs and outlaws.

Montgomery boycott was a success example. However, it was limited. It did not raised the negro
standard of living. Boycott did not affect white people they do not ride.
When asking for same rights then white turn aggressive.
Black people have to direct their own struggle to achieve their own destiny.
White people cant understand what is like to be oppressed.
Not interested in a good press but becoming free.

There are good whites. Ones that give aid without strings attached.
Without them he would have not been able to go to Cuba
They help and will continue to do so for the sake of justice and human decency.

His movement is not a political organization but a movement of people who resent oppression.
Resent black people not being able to enter the mainstream of American society
He fights so much for the black people because they are the most oppressed community in the
Those who create their own groups and create their favorable societies are nationalists
He describes himself as an internationalist: INTERESTED OF PROBLEMS OF ALL MANKIND.
Justice for all people

He believes non violence and self defense should complement each other but not only one way
will work as this is dogmatism.
YES TO NON VIOLENT as long as it is safe and feasible. No when becomes a suicide plan
Everybody will believe in self defense when a violent act is in their surrondings or affect
someone they know.
No human dignity if it allows to be abused.
Even Thoreau the man who influenced Gandhi and therefore MLK was not dogmatic: Believed
in the right to interfere by force in order to rescue.


Make an impact and make white people see themselves as of who they are. No democracy.
The whole world believes this.


The future belongs to today’s opressed.

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