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OBJECTIVE: - To determine the friction factor for different diameter pipes made up of same
THEORY: - If a real fluid flow is considered in a pipe flow or an open channel flow it is
mandatory to consider frictional losses. In a pipe flow when a fluid flows through it, it
experiences some resistance due to which some energy losses (head loss) are encountered.
Although it cannot be visually experienced, this loss is dissipated in the form of heat energy.
The losses in pipes are divided into two: Major losses and Minor losses. The major loss
comprise of friction loss and minor losses are caused due to losses due to valves, bends,
Joints, contraction and expansion. The total energy loss in a pipe system is the sum of the
major and minor losses.
Major losses are associated with frictional energy loss that is caused by the viscous effects of
the fluid and roughness of the pipe wall. Major losses create a pressure drop along the pipe
since the pressure must work to overcome the frictional resistance. Frictional head losses are
mainly due to the fluid viscosity and the flow regime. Their influence may be resented
throughout the length of the pipe. In a long pipe, the frictional head losses are relatively
important, and they cannot be neglected.
A relationship expressing this loss is proposed by Weisbach, 1855 and is known as the Darcy-
Weisbach equation. Using Dimensional analysis, it can be shown that the resistance to flow
in a pope is a function of pipe length, pipe diameter, mean velocity, properties of fluid and
roughness of pipe. The Darcy-Weisbach equation is the most widely accepted formula for
determining the energy loss in pipe flow. This equation, links the head loss the friction
coefficient, the flow velocity and the pipe dimensions. The Darcy-Weisbach equation is valid
for both flow regimes, the form of the functional relationship for the friction factor is
dependent on the type of flow. For laminar flow, the exact theory for the friction factor results
in an expression which is independent of relative roughness: 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑚 =
The frictional losses in pipe depends on Reynold’s Number and thereby frictional loss
depends on whether the flow is laminar or turbulent. In laminar flows, f is only a function of
the Reynolds number and is independent of the surface roughness of the pipe. In fully
turbulent flows, f depends on both the Reynolds number and relative roughness of the pipe
wall. In engineering problems, f is determined by using the Moody chart.


• The Moody diagram represents the complete friction factor map for laminar and all
turbulent regions of pipe flows. It is commonly used in estimating friction factor in pipe
• It is a graph in non-dimensional form that relates the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor
(FDFD), Reynolds number (Re) and surface roughness for fully developed flow in a
circular pipe.
• It can be used to predict pressure drop or flow rate down such a pipe.
• Moody's diagram can be divided into two regimes of flow, that is laminar and turbulent.

• To use the Moody diagram for determining the friction factor f we first calculate the
relative roughness (e/D) and the Reynolds number R for the flow. Next, for this value
of R on the horizontal axis, draw a vertical line that intersects with the appropriate relative
roughness (e/D) curve. From this point of intersection on the (e/D) curve, we go
horizontally to the left and read the value of the friction factor f on the vertical axis on the
• For fully turbulent flow, an adequate expression for friction factor is more difficult to
determine from theory. An accepted practice is to determine the friction factor from the
Moody chart for pipe friction. The Moody chart was developed from the Colebrook
equation, an interpolation formula based on experimental data. While the Colebrook
equation was used to develop the Moody chart, it is cumbersome to use.
• An alternate explicit formula for turbulent flow is attributed to Haaland and is given below:



APPARATUS: - The following apparatus are required for finding the friction losses in pipe:
• Hydraulics bench,
• Pipe friction apparatus,
• Stopwatch for timing the flow measurement

Fig.1 Friction losses in Pipes Apparatus

In certain apparatus an air-bleed valve is provided. The air-bleed valve facilitates

purging the system and adjusting the water level in the water manometers to a convenient
level, by allowing air to enter them


• Flow is fully developed.

• No swirling motion or only axial flow is considered
• Symmetric in terms of 𝜃 i.e. Vz is a function of z and 𝑉𝜃 and Vr are equal to zero


Applying Force balance between section 1 and 2: -

𝑃𝐴 − (𝑃 + ∆𝑧) 𝐴 = 𝜏0 𝐴∗
𝜋 𝜕𝑃 𝜋
𝑃 𝐷2 − (𝑃 + ∆𝑧) 𝐷2 = 𝜏0 𝜋𝐷∆𝑧
4 𝜕𝑧 4
𝜕𝑃 𝐷
− = 𝜏0
𝜕𝑧 4
∆𝑃 𝐷
𝜏0 =
𝐿 4

𝜏0 1
Now, 𝐶𝑓 = 1 where 𝜌𝑉 2 is called as the Fanning’s Friction Factor.
𝜌𝑉 2 2

Combining the above two results,

∆𝑃 𝐷
𝐶𝑓 = 𝐿 4
1 2
But, 𝐶𝑓 = where f is called the friction factor.

∆𝑃 𝐷
= 𝐿 4
4 1 𝜌𝑉 2
∆𝑷 𝒇𝑳𝑽𝟐
= 𝒉𝒇 =
𝝆𝒈 𝟐𝒈𝑫
This equation is called as Darcy’s Weisbach Equation.

• Note down the relevant dimensions as diameter of the pipe, length of pipe between the
pressure tapings, area of collecting tank etc.
• Pressure tapings of a pipe are kept open while for other pipes it is kept closed.
• Open the inlet flow control valve and regulate the value to allow a steady flow through
the pipe. Check if there is any air bubble in the manometer tube. If so, remove the same.
• The flow rate was adjusted to its maximum value. By maintaining suitable amount of
steady flow or nearby steady flow in the pipe circuit, there establishes a steady uniform
flow in the circuit. Time is allowed to stabilize the levels in the manometer tube.
• The discharge flowing in the circuit is recorded together with the water levels in left and
right limbs of manometer tube.
• The flow rate is reduced in stages by means of flow control valve and the discharge &
readings of manometer are recorded.
• This procedure is repeated by closing the pressure tapings of this pipe and for opening
of another pipe.



Pipe Diameter 2.54 cm 1.905 cm 1.27 cm
Length of Pipe 200 cm 200 cm 200 cm
Area of Collecting tank: 40 cm x 40 cm

113.4 372.093 617.4 372.093 1713.6 372.093
126 389.1591 655.2 389.1591 1776.6 389.1591
Pipe 1 226.8 476.5957 Pipe 2 1234.8 476.5957 Pipe 3 3162.6 476.5957
378 497.7778 1638 497.7778 4095 497.7778
415.8 501.7921 1827 501.7921 4132.8 501.7921
567 518.5185 1990.8 518.5185 4473 518.5185

Head Loss Vs Velocity Plot


Non-linear behavior during

turbulent flow

Non-linear behavior during


turbulent flow

1 10 100 1000

Manometer Readings (mm) Discharge measurement Area of

Mean Dia of Length
Left Right Pipe Friction
Sl. No Pipe No. h Initial Final Volume Time Discharge Velocity Pipe of Pipe hf Re
Limb Limb 3 3 2 Factor
(cm) level level (cm ) (Sec) (cm )/sec (cm/sec) (cm) (cm ) (cm)
(cm) (cm)
1 23.9 24.8 11.34 10 17 11200 30.1 372.093023 73.47074 2.54 5.064506 200 0.052346 113.4 20968.05
2 22.7 25.7 37.8 10 17 11200 22.5 497.777778 98.28753 2.54 5.064506 200 0.097498 378 28050.6
3 22 26.5 56.7 10 17 11200 21.6 518.518519 102.3828 2.54 5.064506 200 0.134782 567 29219.37
Pipe 1
4 25.2 23.4 22.68 10 17 11200 23.5 476.595745 94.10508 2.54 5.064506 200 0.063815 226.8 26856.96
5 24.6 23.6 12.6 10 17 11200 28.78 389.159138 76.84049 2.54 5.064506 200 0.053173 126 21929.76
6 25.8 22.5 41.58 10 17 11200 22.32 501.792115 99.08017 2.54 5.064506 200 0.105539 415.8 28276.81
7 21.7 26.9 65.52 10 17 11200 28.78 389.159138 136.6053 1.905 2.848785 200 0.065615 655.2 29239.68
8 17.5 30.5 163.8 10 17 11200 22.5 497.777778 174.7334 1.905 2.848785 200 0.10026 1638 37400.8
9 16.5 32.3 199.08 10 17 11200 21.6 518.518519 182.0139 1.905 2.848785 200 0.112301 1990.8 38959.16
Pipe 2
10 29.2 19.4 123.48 10 17 11200 23.5 476.595745 167.2979 1.905 2.848785 200 0.082448 1234.8 35809.27
11 26.6 21.7 61.74 10 17 11200 30.1 372.093023 130.6147 1.905 2.848785 200 0.067631 617.4 27957.41
12 31.5 17 182.7 10 17 11200 22.32 501.792115 176.1425 1.905 2.848785 200 0.110046 1827 37702.42
13 17.2 31.3 177.66 10 17 11200 28.78 389.159138 307.362 1.27 1.266127 200 0.023429 1776.6 43859.52
14 7.7 40.5 413.28 10 17 11200 22.32 501.792115 396.3207 1.27 1.266127 200 0.032781 4132.8 56553.63
15 8 40.5 409.5 10 17 11200 22.5 497.777778 393.1501 1.27 1.266127 200 0.033007 4095 56101.2
Pipe 3
16 11.5 36.6 316.26 10 17 11200 23.5 476.595745 376.4203 1.27 1.266127 200 0.027808 3162.6 53713.91
17 17.3 30.9 171.36 10 17 11200 30.1 372.093023 293.883 1.27 1.266127 200 0.024719 1713.6 41936.11
18 7.5 43 447.3 10 17 11200 21.6 518.518519 409.5314 1.27 1.266127 200 0.033227 4473 58438.75

1) How to define head or head loss?
In fluid dynamics, head is a concept that relates the energy in an incompressible
fluid to the height of an equivalent static column of that fluid. From Bernoulli's Principle,
the total energy at a given point in a fluid is the energy associated with the movement of
the fluid, plus energy from static pressure in the fluid, plus energy from the height of the
fluid relative to an arbitrary datum. Head is expressed in units of height such as meters or
feet. Using Bernoulli’s principle (energy equation for ideal flow along a streamline):
𝑃1 𝑣12 𝑃2 𝑣22
+ + 𝑧1 = + + 𝑧2 + ℎ𝐿
𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔
In the above equation the terms are Pressure head, Velocity head, and Datum head
respectively. Head or energy losses are mainly due to the frictional losses and viscosity.
Various reasons for losses are given below:
1) Flow Rate
When the flow rate increases, the velocity of the liquid increases at the same rate. The
friction or resistance to flow (due to viscosity) also increases. The head loss is related to
the square of the velocity so the increase in loss is very quick.
2) Inside diameter of the pipe
When the inside diameter is made larger, the flow area increases and the velocity of the
liquid at a given flow rate is reduced. When the velocity is reduced there is lower head
loss due to friction in the pipe. On the other hand, if the inside diameter of the pipe is
reduced, the flow area decreases, the velocity of the liquid increases and the head loss
due to friction increases.
3) Roughness of the pipe wall
As the roughness of the inside pipe wall increases so does the thickness of the slow or
non-moving boundary layer of liquid. The resulting reduction in flow area increases the
velocity of the liquid and increases the head loss due to friction.
4) Corrosion and Scale Deposits
Scale deposits and corrosion both increase the roughness of the inside pipe wall. Scale
buildup has the added disadvantage of reducing the inside diameter of the pipe. All of
these add up to a reduction in flow area, an increase of the velocity of the liquid, and an
increase in head loss due to friction.
5) Viscosity of the liquid
The higher the viscosity of the liquid is, the higher the friction is from moving the liquid.
More energy is required to move a high viscosity liquid than for a lower viscosity liquid.

6) Length of the pipe

Head loss due to friction occurs all along a pipe. It will be constant for each foot of pipe
at a given flow rate. The published tables have head loss values which must be multiplied
by the total length of pipe.
7) Fittings
Elbows, tees, valves, and other fittings are necessary to a piping system for a pump. It
must be remembered that fittings disrupt the smooth flow of the liquid being pumped.
When the disruption occurs, head loss due to friction occurs. At a given flow rate the
losses for the fittings will be calculated using a factor that must be multiplied by a velocity
head figure, or as the head loss equivalent to a straight length of pipe.
8) Straightness of the pipe
Because of momentum, liquid wants to travel in a straight line. If it is disturbed due to
crooked pipe, the liquid will bounce off of the pipe walls and the head loss due to friction
will increase. There is no accurate way to predict the effects.
2) Why is head loss a concern in flow of fluid?
Head loss is a measure of the reduction in the total head (sum of elevation head,
velocity head and pressure head) of the fluid as it moves through a fluid system. Head
loss is unavoidable in real fluids. It is present because of: the friction between the fluid
and the walls of the pipe; the friction between adjacent fluid particles as they move
relative to one another; and the turbulence caused whenever the flow is redirected or
affected in any way by such components as piping entrances and exits, pumps, valves,
flow reducers, and fittings.
3) How to perform some calculations to help plan and design for head
In typical pipe flow problems, we know the nature of the fluid that will flow
through the pipe, and the temperature. Therefore, we can find the relevant physical
properties immediately. They are the density ρ and the dynamic viscosity µ. Knowing
these properties, we also can calculate the kinematic viscosity ν = µ/ρ. The length of the
pipe L can be estimated from process equipment layout considerations. The nature of the
fluid to be pumped will dictate corrosion constraints on the pipe material. Other
considerations are cost and ease of procurement. Based on these, we can select the
material of the pipe to be used, and once we do, the roughness ε can be specified. This
leaves us with three unspecified parameters, namely the head loss f h or equivalently, the
pressure drop required to pump the fluid ∆p, the volumetric flow rate Q (or equivalently
the mass flow rate), and the pipe diameter D. Unless we plan to also optimize the cost,
leaving only a single unknown parameter that can be calculated.

4) What are the factors upon which the friction loss in a pipe line depends?
• Roughness factor of inner surface of the pipe
• Length of the pipe
• Inner diameter of the pipe
• Square velocity of the fluid
• Density of the fluid.

5) How the friction loss on pipelines can be reduced?

It is not practically possible at all. However, in theories or in problems, we can take
a surface which possess a coefficient of friction equal to 0(which means, no friction will
act on the body which would move on the surface). In actual, there is always some loss
of energy in some or other forms which includes friction too. Friction loss in flowing
fluids is loss of pressure in a pipe due to the viscosity of the fluid near the interface of
fluid and the pipe. As the best practice, the piping system should be designed to keep
head losses at a minimum. Here are some practices to minimize the head losses:
1. Reduce the pipe length
2. Increase the pipe area
3. Reducing the surface friction of the pipe by using smoother materials
4. Reduce obstructions within the pipe such as bends and valves
These methods are explained below:
o Correct sizing of pipe: Generally, undersized pipes would lead to increased head
losses due to increased friction. However, over sizing pipes beyond reasonable
limits would increase the Capex and commissioning cost. Hence, the pipes
should be sized optimally for minimal head loss.
o Optimizing the network length: As the length of the network increases, the head
losses increase. Attention should be paid to the network design to ensure that
water reaches all the end users with minimum length of the pipe.
o Inner surface roughness of the pipe: The inner surface roughness of the pipe
plays key role in determining the friction losses. The roughness coefficient for
different diameters and materials can be found in the guideline for designing
water supply networks for e.g. India's Central Public Health and Environmental
Engineering Organization's (CPHEEO) Manual on Water Supply and
Treatment, etc.
o Streamlined design: As the number of pipes, valves, fittings and other
obstructions in the system increase, both major and minor losses pile up.
Therefore, a good hydraulic consultant should be engaged for a streamlined pipe

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