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Activity Sheet 6

Effective Transition Practices & Strategies

The National Early Childhood Transition Center examines factors that promote successful transitions
between infant/toddler programs, preschool programs, and public school programs for young children
with disabilities and their families. This activity sheet is drawn from NECTC’s research and recommenda-
tions with respect to effective transition PRACTICES and STRATEGIES.1

• PRACTICES are defined as the key elements of transition planning that are regularly and consistently
implemented across staff and programs; and

• STRATEGIES are defined as specific program or classroom activities used to implement a practice.

Instructions: Here are 10 (of 21) effective transition PRACTICES recommended by NECTC. Under each, you’ll
find 2 STRATEGIES you might use to implement that particular practice. Can you think of another STRATEGY
that would help? Work with a partner.

Practice 1 Practice 3
A primary contact person for transition is Referral processes & timelines are clearly specified.
identified within each program or agency.
Develop & follow memorandum of under-
Identify a contact person for follow-up in case standing (MOU) between early intervention &
parents have questions after meetings. preschool programs to make referrals at age 2
years 6 months & transition by 2 years 9
Identify a staff member as a “contact person” months to district for preschool.
to visit families prior to the initial IEP to
establish rapport. Provide outreach services to other agencies &
professionals so they are comfortable &
knowledgeable about available programs
when referring families.

Practice 2
Community-wide & program-wide transition
activities & timelines are identified.
Practice 4
Provide informational flyers about programs
Enrollment processes & timelines are clearly
for designated age groups which are dissemi-
nated widely in community settings (e.g.,
grocery stores, WIC offices) in a variety of Develop guidelines to assist parents & agencies
formats (e.g. posters, local papers) before and to better understand timelines & enrollment
after school starts. requirements.
Send letters to parents in their primary lan- Develop a connected database system to
guage regarding what to do to enroll their ensure & support enrollment and services.
child in the program or school district & invite
them to visit the receiving school.

Activity Sheet for Participants 1 A product of NICHCY

Practice 5 Practice 13
Program eligibility processes & timelines are clearly Staff roles & responsibilities for transition
delineated. activities are clearly delineated.

Streamline & clarify the eligibility process Offer staff education regarding transition
between programs (e.g. Part C & Part B). regulations.

Delineate & clarify responsibility for evaluation Outline specific transition roles and responsi-
of children who turn 3 within school year. bilities of all sending and receiving staff.

Practice 10 Practice 14
Transition plans are developed that include Staff know key information about a broad array
individual activities for each child & family. of agencies & services available within the commu-
Personalize the transition with personal
information sheet from the sending teacher & Increase accessibility of resource information
parent to new teachers and staff. by developing a directory (community agency
resource booklet) of public & private pro-
Conduct comprehensive planning to discuss grams & agencies available in the community.
the child's & family's specialized needs.
Provide online access to transition informa-
tion, including the establishment of online
communities for transition specific strategies
and ideas, both within and across programs.
Practice 11
Children have opportunities to develop & practice
skills they need to be successful in the next
Practice 16
Implement strategies that will help the child Families are aware of the importance of transition
learn skills they will need. planning & have information they need to actively
participate in transition planning with their child.
Teachers and other providers visit receiving
programs to get a "feel" for where they are Simplify communication & information
sending children. regarding transitions so that they address
different literacy levels & languages.

Inform & educate families on all possible

placement options, & the procedures and
expectations of the programs.the child's &
family's specialized needs.

National Early Childhood Transition Center (NECTC). (2011).
NECTC transition tips: Toolkit of practices and strategies. Online

A product of NICHCY 2 Activity Sheet for Participants

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