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Analyzing Current Events

The current Coronavirus outbreak originating from Wuhan, China (also referred to as COVID-19) is a
prime example of the ongoing struggle by the international community to contain and prevent the
spread of the disease.

Use the resources below to read about the potential severity of this and other outbreaks, and how to
employ best practices and easy strategies for your community to prevent disease and stay healthy.

Read more from

II. Reading Comprehension

In the novel the Walkabout, the bushboy became ill. Read chapters 12 and 13 and answer the following
questions in a piece of paper.

 How did the bushboy become sick?

 What were the symptoms?
 Why did he catch the flu?
 How did he feel?
 Was the bushboy afraid? Why?

Using a Venn’s diagram, compare coronavirus symptoms vs. cold symptoms: What are the differences?
What are the similarities?

Take a picture of your answers and upload them in schoology.

III. Writing activity – A short exercise in which students make connections from the text to a
family member and the world around them.
 Students are asked to write a text about a time when a family member encountered
someone who was different from them and what the outcome was.
The goal of an interview article is to engage readers while gaining insight into the
personality and voice of your subject.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you write the best possible interview article:

 Come up with a list of good questions.

 Before you can begin writing your interview essay or narrative text, you’ll need to
conduct the actual interview.
 Interview your subject. When you finally sit down with your interview subject, make
sure the interviewee is comfortable and both parties are aware of any time constraints
there might be. It’s essential to have a recording device during the interview process. If
you are a person who prefers to take notes while interviewing, make sure that your
note-taking isn’t distracting or off-putting to your subject.
 Transcribe your interview. After you’ve completed your interview, transcribe the
recording of the entire exchange. Transcribing your own interview can be valuable for
your writing process.
 Write a narrative, in which the main points of your subject’s answers are described in
the third person.
 Review and proofread. Proofreading is one of the final steps of writing an interview
article. Compare your paraphrased answers to the transcript to make sure you have not
altered your subject’s meaning. Check to make sure the names of people or places
referenced by your subject are spelled correctly.

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