Descriptive Essay Sample

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Descriptive Essay Sample

Describe a scene outside a sports stadium immediately before an important match.

It was 5:00pm, an hour before the match, and the crowd was pouring into the stadium. The car park was a hive
of activity. Vehicles of all manner of shapes and sizes were scrambling about for places to park. Their owners, miffed by
the crawling speeds of the vehicles everywhere wore looks of despair. Their faces reflected their fears: Would they be
able to find a car park space or not? Here and there horns were pressed in irritation and a few fists shaken tin the air. It
was amazing that there was still an hour to go. But then again this was usual. Drivers knew that to get a car park space
they had to arrive an hour early. Smiles on the faces as they walked towards the stadium showed that the car owners
had found a space.

As the time drew nearer, busloads of humanity arrived in swarms. Added to this were those who came in taxis
and those who walked. Like winding rivers queues formed at the gates long before the gates were due open. There
were other queues, which snaked their way around the stadium, the queue at the snack stalls. Everywhere was
humanity, casually dressed; ready to sweat it out in order to witness the exciting finals. It was the match of the year,
between giants- Singapore versus Johor. Tickets were no longer available or there would have been several more
queues at the ticket counters. As it was, the tickets were now held securely in the hands of the fans as they waited.

Immediately as the gates opened at 5:30 pm, there was a surge of humans as they moved like a river released.
The current was fast. There was pushing and shoving and gentle nudges to move people faster. There were also
irritated voices protesting against being pushed followed by apologies. The loudest voices were those of the youths
selling souvenir magazines. Few ere interested; Singaporeans are not know for parting with their money easily.
Laughter and loud conversation filled the air. Men and women had to shout in order to be heard above the din. Swiftly
the rivers of humanity disappeared into the open mouth of the gates. The crowd fell to a trickle. Soon there were only
a few individuals who were rushing into the gate. Precious moments ticked by as they went in at a run.

Loudspeakers were blaring their instructions to the fans. To one standing outside the stadium, the noise within was one
loud cacophony. Suddenly there was a roaring cheer: The Kallang Roar. The heroes had arrived.

433 Words

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