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OVID-19 has shaked the lifestyle of humans.

Whatever was supposed to be normal is now

viewed to have a different scenario as we are out of our normal lives.Waking up everyday,
following daily routine and being a part of rat race in whatever field you are was something
we were a part of , which is completely different now. But this dark thing unlike others has a
bright side too.

The lockdown that happened due to it has brought families together which were physically
present in one place but mentally they were always out in their own life. That's a beautiful
part of this lockdown but there are people like me who got stuck and are missing this
beautiful opportunity.

To be honest, this situation has made me learn a lot of new things about myself.

Let's see the things I learnt about myself in this lockdown:

1. I was more of a materialistic human running after the illusional world and I
thought I would get the thing that I aspired for. The new me thinks it was
something temporary I was running for. When mother nature took the control, no
one is powerful , no one is strong. Everyone is equal in her eyes. And i should lean
for more realistic things now.
2. I am not more inclined towards my parents but after seeing their moral support
towards me and thinking about them, made me believe I have been ignoring all
their hardwork thinking it to be their responsibility rather than seeing the love in
3. I have some skills which I am exploring right now, and these are the skills I never
thought existed in me. Like drawing and myabe writing, I am st

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