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I learned many things some of which are given here.

The rich and those who could afford

want to be entertained even during a lockdown. They just cannot live without being
entertained. It is a farce if we say we are all Indians because no one raised one’s voice on the
plight of the poor. No one was perturbed by the sight of the migrant workers trudging
hundreds of kilometers in the scorching sun. We did not do enough to make the
government wake up from its slumber. We are very selfish. We can indulge in hate-
mongering even in a pandemic. The police is brutal. The rulers are curel and ruthless. Day
1 : Kept on picking my phone and opening it. Pure muscle memory.

Day 2 : Had to remind myself that there is nothing to do on my phone since no apps are

Day 3: By now, my mind knows there is nothing to do, but my fingers are itching, and I
nearly open Playstore.

Day 4: By the 4th day, the only thing I do is open the hotspot so I can work(no Wi-Fi at my

Day 5: Hotspot on -> Pledge to myself to get JioFiber after this corona nightmare ends.

Today, on the 6th day, I install back WhatsApp just to check my friend’s groups and see if
anyone messaged. I was expecting a couple of messages as I talk to quite a few people.

But, boy, I was s-h-o-c-k-e-d.

Not a single Message. Not even a Hi, Hey, Wassup.

Not a single person messaged. Normally I would be messaged when they need help only. I
am used to that. But I thought since everyone is busy generally, no one messages.

But now it is lockdown period. You have all the time in the world to catch up with friends
and family etc.

The empty inbox was an absolute eye opener:

 I wasn’t important to anyone. I never had any inflated ego about that. I knew my
position in the social ladder of friendships. But I did not expect this at all.
 I was trying my best to be in touch with everyone. But I guess the effort was
 There was only one person in my entire list of 200 contacts 

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