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1. Select the most appropriate option

Training needs can be identified through which of the following types of analysis?
1. Organisational analysis involves a study of the entire organisation in terms of its
objectives, its resources, the utilisation of these resources, in order to achieve stated
objectives and its interaction pattern with environment.
2. Person analysis focuses on the individual in a given job. There are three issues to be
resolved through manpower analysis. First, we try to find out whether performance is
satisfactory and training is required. Second, whether the employee is capable of being
trained and the specific areas in which training is needed.
3. Task or role analysis is a detailed examination of a job, its components, its various
operations and conditions under which it has to be performed. The focus here is on the
roles played by an individual and the training needed to perform such roles. The whole
exercise is meant to find out how the various tasks have to be performed and what kind
of skills, knowledge, attitudes are needed to meet the job needs. Questionnaires,
interviews, reports, tests, observation and other methods are generally used to collect
job related information from time-to-time. After collecting the information, an
appropriate training programme may be designe.
4. All of the above
5. Only (1) and (2)

5 points
1. Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
HRD department of an organization focuses on which of the following areas?
1. Focus on periodic reviewing of HRD system which may call for redesigning
performance appraisal, job-rotation, reward systems, career planning, promotion,
selection, induction, training and development programme, etc.
2. Focus on diffusion of HRD function involving line managers in various HRD aspects
like training of subordinates, performance appraisal, promotion, placement, selection,
career planning, etc. Line people by virtue of their rich experience may effectively
contribute to these HRD areas. Moreover, their active association will accentuate the
process of developing an integrated HRD system in an organization.
3. Focus on integrating HRD with other corporate functions like production, marketing,
finance, material, corporate planning, etc. Such integration will strengthen the
development of an 'enabling' organization.
4. Focus on working with unions by taking them into confidence and collaborating with
them. That unions can also play a positive role in furthering the organization is evident
from a number of examples. Syndicate Bank Employees Union very recently
collaborated with the management to reduce the Nonperforming assets (i.e. bad debt
5 points
1. Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following steps are necessary for carrying out a time study for measurement of
1. To collect and complete all available information about the job, which should also
include surrounding conditions and so also the attribute of the operators, which are
likely to affect the work.
2. To record the details of the method and also to break down different operations into
elements. To record the time taken by the operators to perform the operation (element-
wise) measuring preferably with a timing device such as stopwatch.
3. To assess the working speed of the operators comparing the same with a
predetermined normal speed. To convert the observed time to normal time.
4. To decide the rate of allowances which may be given over and above the normal time
of the operation. To determine the allowed time for the operation.
5 points
1. Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
HR Department, as an internal agency, plays a crucial role in manpower planning. Its
responsibilities in regard to manpower planning can be :
1. Putting pressure on the operating management to plan and establish objectives. HR
Department at this stage is required to assist and to give counsel to the operating
management groups firm time to time.
2. It has to collect data in total organization terms and to ensure that manpower planning
is carried out, keeping pace with the long-range objectives and the total business plan
of the organization.
3. It has to measure and monitor performance against the plan and provide feedback to
the top management.
4. It has to carry out research for effective manpower and organizational planning.

5 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
------- evaluates the integrated use of training and development, organisation development,
and career development to improve individual, team, and organisational effectiveness.
1. Intervention
2. HR audit
3. Job Evaluation
4. Human Resource Planning

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Human Resource Management is primarily concerned with which of the following?
1. Management of people
2. Individuals or groups at work
3. Inter-relationships of workforce
4. All of the above
5. Only (1) and (2)

1 points
1. Fit the best option
analysis can eliminate the problem of Cohort analysis, taking into account a
cross section of the organization, i.e., all the age-specific wastage rates at a given time and
applying a smoothing algorithm to the resulting data to identify a general pattern.
1 points
1. State whether the given statement is true or false
The Manpower Requirement Approach (MRA) is also known as Cost-Benefit Analysis of
Human Capital.
1. true
2. false

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
-------- surveys focus on feelings and motives of the employees' opinions about their working
1. Census
2. Aptitude
3. Attitude
4. Performance

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Lateral transfer is the ------- movement of employees and denotes significant change in the
work content.
1. Vertical
2. Horizontal
3. Equivalent
4. None of the above

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
------- defines the manner or way of accomplishing something, i.e., it is the process and
1. Objective
2. Programme
3. Procedure
4. Policy

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
In ------- , a given system is copied and the variables and constants associated with it are
manipulated in an artificial environment to examine the behaviour of the system.
1. Selection
2. Recruitment
3. Simulation
4. Cohort Analysis

1 points
1. Fit the best option
is defined as collection or aggregation of tasks, duties and responsibilities,
which are assigned to an individual employee.
1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Socialization is a ------- process, today's organizations being dynamic.
1. Continuous
2. Static
3. Flexible
4. Constant

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
------- is the interrelationship between HRD practices and organizational effectiveness.
1. HRD Culture
2. Organisational Development
3. HRD Matrix
4. Organisational Culture

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Organizational development as an intervention programme is basically a ------- approach.
1. Top-to-bottom
2. Horizontal
3. Bottom-to-top
4. None of the above

1 points
1. State whether the given statement is true or false
Labour Economics studies the demand and supply for the important factor of production, i.e.,
human beings.
1. true
2. false

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Advertisements through newspapers, TV, radio, professional journals and magazines are -----
-- methods of recruitment.
1. Direct
2. Indirect
3. Third-party
4. None of the above

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
The system of ranking jobs in a firm on the basis of the relevant characteristics, duties, and
responsibilities is known as ------- .
1. Job evaluation
2. Job design
3. Job specification
4. Job description

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is recommended for training sessions to maximize learning?
1. A full day
2. A half-day
3. One hour
4. Three hours
5. Two hours

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
The systematic and deliberate advancement made by an individual in his career in the entire
work life is known as :
1. Career path
2. Career goals
3. Career anchoring
4. Career guidance

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
------- is concerned with an organized series of learning activities, within a specified time
limit, designed to produce behavioural change in the learner.
1. Human Resource Development
2. Organisational Development
3. Industrial Relations
4. Organisational Behaviour

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Job specifications translate ------- into human qualifications, required for successful
performance of a job.
1. Job Observation
2. Job Descriptions
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Human Resource Management is a sub-system of the ------ and is the responsibility of all
managers, irrespective of their functions, disciplines and levels.
1. Personnel Management
2. Human Resouce Development
3. Total Management System
4. Organisational Development

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Sources of performance deficiencies in an employee may develop from a lack of ------ .
1. Training
2. Supplies
3. Support systems
4. Rewards
5. All of the above

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
------- is the process of dividing how much an employee should be paid.
1. Compensation administration
2. Job Evaluation
3. Job Analysis
4. Performance Evaluation

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
When there are several pay grades in a pay structure, it is called -------.
1. Traditional pay structure
2. Broad-graded structure
3. Job family structure
4. None of the above

1 points
1. Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Some organizations ask for references from the applicants in the application blank itself to
get which of the following candidate's information?
1. Character
2. Antecedents
3. Health Problems
4. Financial Level

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
------- also clarify what is to be done in particular circumstances.
1. Programmes
2. Objectives
3. Procedures
4. Policies

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
------- is a method of evaluating the behaviour of employees at the workplace and normally
includes both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of job performance.
1. Job Evaluation
2. Performance Evaluation
3. Job Analysis
4. None of the above

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
The formal form of promotion is also known as the ------- .
1. Standardised Form
2. Systematic Form
3. Either (1) or (2)
4. None of the above

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
The ------- form of promotion or the promotion at the discretion of the employer is the oldest
form of promotion, which enables the employer (s) concerned to promote those employees
who have the requisite ability and merit.
1. Informal
2. Formal
3. Open
4. Close

1 points
1. Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The other promotion alternatives are :
1. Lateral Transfer
2. Horizontal Transfer
3. Open Transfer
4. Close Transfer

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
The ------- form is designed to have detailed information about the applicants.
1. Question Blanks
2. Application Blank
3. Blank Forms
4. None of the above

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
------- relates to the fundamental framework of principles and rules which are used as
reference information for decision-making and provide a constant pattern of decisions and
structured thought processes.
1. Objective
2. Programme
3. Procedure
4. Policy

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
------- provide a clear idea of what management and employees can expect.
1. Programmes
2. Objectives
3. Procedures
4. Policies

1 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Optimum manpower planning aims at which of the following: a.) Balancing demand, supply,
distribution and allocation of manpower. b.) Controlling cost of human resources c. )
Formulating policies on transfer, succession, relocation of manpower.
1. Only (a) and (b)
2. Only (b) and (c)
3. Only (a) and (c )
4. All (a), (b) and (c)

4 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
The Component(s) of Management Development Programmes (MDP) is / are :
1. Supervised training, on the other hand, is the process of guiding managers and
executives while they apply and use their knowledge in day to day work.
2. Selection process enables us to understand the innate potentiality of the executives and
the degree and extent of their managerial abilities.
3. Intellectual conditioning is the process of educating managers as well as executives on
different managerial tools and techniques.
4. All of the above
5. Only (2) and (3)

4 points
1. Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The problem(s) faced by human resource professionals while preparing or administering HR
Plans is / are :
1. Employees and unions brand HRP exercises as ways to increase workload.
Management simply is trying to turn HRP into a kind of scientific exercise to get more
from employees without offering any commensurate benefits.
2. HRP, in the final analysis, may suffer due to an excessive focus on the quantitative
aspects. The quality side of the coin (consisting of employee motivation, morale,
career prospects, training avenues etc.) may be discounted thoroughly.
3. Projecting manpower needs over a period of time is a risky one. It’s not possible to
track the current and future trends correctly and convert the same into meaningful
action guidelines. Inaccuracies would creep in usually when departmental forecasts are
made without a careful examination of relevant issues.
4. Planning is generally undertaken to improve overall efficiency. In the name of cost
cutting, this may ultimately help management weed out unwanted labour at various
levels. The few efficient ones that survive such frequent onslaughts complain about
additional work. Support from management is equally missing on more than one
occasion. They are unwilling to commit funds for building an appropriate human
resource information system. The time and effort involved – with no tangible,
immediate gains – often force them to look the ‘other way’.
5. Human Resource Planning is not something that would bring in results
instantaneously. It demands elaborate preparation, careful monitoring of internal as
well as external factors, strong support from management and workers, and sincere
implementation. The results may not be encouraging, when the preparation is
insufficient and commitment from people is open to doubt.
4 points
1. Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The responsibility of the immediate manager in induction process include:
1. Contact HR prior to a new employee’s start date for clarifying any issue and ensure the
process runs smoothly from day one
2. Ensure office space and equipment is in place. If the new employee is a manager,
where required ensure a secretary orpersonal assistant is available on the start date
3. Develop an induction program for the first 2 weeks of employment, covering the right
people that the new employeeshould meet individually on specific topics
4. Inform key relationship people of the new employee and the role they will play in the
orientation process and aslo co-ordinate the date and time respectively.s
5. A tour of company facilities and introduction to all employees. Ensure business cards
are ordered, as appropriate
4 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
There is, however, a degree of choice in the way in which job cuts and employment losses are
implemented, and making the right choice can minimize the consequences of job losses,
preserve the reputation of the employer and maintain good employee relations. Who would in
the main be responsible for making such decisions?
1. Line managers
2. Senior management
3. HR specialists
4. Personnel

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is used as a self-assessment technique by the employees?
1. The strength and weakness balance sheet
2. The likes and dislikes survey
3. The type focus assessment
4. All of the above

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
The ‘father’ of Scientific Management is:
1. Henry Ford
2. Frederick W. Taylor
3. Tom Peters
4. W. Edwards Deming
5. Henri Gantt

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Looking at socio-technical systems, which job design principle is not important?
1. Task variety
2. Skill variety
3. Feedback
4. Task autonomy
5. None of the above

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is not usually a characteristic of employee promotion?
1. Upward movement
2. Decrease in authority and responsibility
3. Permanency
4. Merit or seniority as the basis

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
The method that depends mainly on the ability and experience of the supervisors for
gathering relevant information about the job is called the ------- .
1. Task inventory analysis method
2. Technical conference method
3. Diary maintenance method
4. Critical incident method

2 points
1. Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following is / are non-cognitive traits?
1. Personality traits
2. Academic achievements
3. Motivation
4. Knowledge

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
The model that aims at measuring the degree of each essential ability required for performing
the job effectively is known as :
1. Fleishman Job Analysis System
2. Common metric questionnaire
3. Management position description questionnaire
4. Functional job analysis

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Designing a job according to the worker’s physical strength and ability is known as ------- .
1. Ergonomics
2. Task assortment
3. Job autonomy
4. None of the above

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following information should be presented to newly appointed staff?
1. Pay rates and awards
2. Employment agreement
3. Tax declaration form
4. All of the above

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following perspectives looks at the career of an individual from the future
positions he is likely to hold?
1. Subjective Perspective
2. Objective Perspective
3. Neutral Perspective
4. None of the above

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
A written statement of what a job holder does, how it is done, and why it is done is known as
------- .
1. Job specification
2. Process departmentalization
3. Goal-oriented job definition
4. Job description

2 points
1. State whether the given statement is true or false
Organizations, to identify the true potentiality of an employee, in such cases, make provision
for long-term placement, during which phase, employees are allowed to work on different
jobs, through a systematic job rotation programme.
1. true
2. false

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Which one of the following is a source of assessing training needs?
1. Performance evaluation
2. Attitude survey
3. Advisory panel
4. All of the above

2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
E-learning is all about :
1. Computers and computing
2. Being technology-driven
3. Electronics
4. Experience
2 points
1. Select the most appropriate option
Both slavery, serfdom systems have been replaced with the growth of manufacturing and
commercial enterprises by the ------- involving master craftsman (the owner), the journeyman
(the travelling worker) and the apprentice.
1. Guild system
2. Labour System
3. Contract System
4. None of the above

2 points

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