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Auniversity consortium dedicated .

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of negotiation and dis t . to develop,ng the theory and practice
pu e resolut,on, Harvard I MIT I Tufts

Hydropower in Santales:
Dealing with the Social and E .
nv,ronmental lmpacts of Energy Development

Confidential lnstructions for the Mediator

At the request of the t

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r ega ompany, you have been appointed the role of mediator
or t e next meeting between the relevant parties in the town of Villaverde. The
company understands that an impartial actor can help the various stakeholders
overcome concerns and disagreements and reach a consensus. In addition, given the
nature of this new process of project siting, the company is very committed to a fair and
inclusive process.

Your main objective today is to facilitate a constructive meeting among the members of
the community, the mayor, the environmentalist and the hydropower company.

In your position as a mediator, your task is to:

• Listen actively.
• Demonstrate empathy and respect for different opinions.
• Maintain faimess with respect to speaking c or participants as well as

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Assist parties in generating alternative options that satisfy the identified

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Additionally, you ensure that the parties follow the agenda for the meeting. In
particular, parties will have three opportunities to vote on whether the project will go
forward, and with what modifications. The following agenda will help to direct the
meeting (90 minutes total):

• Review the agenda, the objectives of the meeting, and the role of the mediator.
(5 minutes}
• Introduce representatives and have them explain their priorities. (10 minutes)
• Facilitate the discussion of interests and concerns with respect to the project.
(20 minutes)
• Brainstorm options. (20 minutes)
This case was written by Jennie Hatch under the supervision of Lawrence Susskind {MIT Science lmpact Collaborative) and Teo
Kausal (Uni versidad Austral). Copies are available from the Teaching Negotiation Resource Center (TNRC), online at w, by
email: tnrq@law, or by telephon e at 800-258-4406. This case may not be reproduced. r evised or translated in whole or
in part by any mea ns w ithout the written permission of t he TNRC Coordinator, Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. 501
Pound Hall, Cambridge, M A 02138. Please help t o preserve the usefulness ofthis case by keeping it confidential. Copyright © 2014,
2018 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Ali rights reserved . (Rev. 11/ 18)
Hydropower In Santales: Confidential lnstructions for Mediator

• First vote -After SS minutes . .. . ( minutes)

• Review remaining concerns and discuss potent1al modifications. 20
• Second vote (if necessary) - After 75 minutes . )
• Review remaining concerns and discuss potential modifications. (15 minutes
• Third vote (if necessary)-After 90 minutes

Good luck!

Review Copy
Do Not Reproduce

Copyright © 2014, 2018 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Ali rights reserved. (Rev. 11/18)

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