Chapters 8 - 10 Answer Key

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Chapters 8–10 Review – Answer Key

Chapters 8–10 Review Page 450 Question 1

a) The solution will be less than 1. Since multiplying 8 by a factor yields a product less
than 8, the factor must be less than 1.
8x =
8x ÷ 8 = ÷ 8
2 1
x= ×
5 8

b) The solution will be greater than 1. In order to have a fraction equivalent to with a
denominator of 9, the numerator must be greater than 1.
x 5
9 6
x 5
9× = ×9
9 6

c) The solution is greater than 1. In order to have a fraction equivalent to with a
numerator of 7, the denominator must be greater than 1.
7 1
x 4
7 1
x× = ×x
x 4
4×7= ×4
28 = x

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d) The solution is less than one. In order to have a fraction equivalent to with a
numerator of 1, the denominator must be less than 1.
1 5
x 2
1 5
x× = ×x
x 2
2×1= ×2
2 = 5x
2 ÷ 5 = 5x ÷ 5

Chapters 8–10 Review Page 450 Question 2

In the formula, A = bh, replace A with 10.54 m2 and
replace b with 6.2 m.
A = bh
10.54 = (6.2)h
10.54 = 3.1h
10.54 ÷ 3.1 = 3.1h ÷ 3.1
3.4 = h

The altitude of the triangle is 3.4 m.

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Chapters 8–10 Review Page 450 Question 3

Let p represent the amount Bruno paid for each box of granola.
An expression that represents the cost of four boxes of granola is 4p.
An expression that represents the cost of four boxes of granola and the change he
received is 4p + 6.04.
The cost of four boxes of granola and the change is equal to $20.00. Write an equation
that represents this situation.

4p + 6.04 = 20.00
4p + 6.04 – 6.04 = 20.00 – 6.04
4p = 13.96
4p ÷ 4 = 13.96 ÷ 4
p = 3.49

The cost of each box of granola is $3.49.

Chapters 8–10 Review Page 450 Question 4

Let x represent the length of the service call.

An expression that represents Theo’s charge is 49.95 + 40x.
An expression that represents Vita’s charge is 69.95 + 32x.
Write an equation that represents the two charges as equal.
49.95 + 40x = 69.95 + 32x
49.95 – 49.95 + 40x = 69.95 – 49.95 + 32x
40x = 20 + 32x
40x – 32x = 20 + 32x – 32x
8x = 20
8x ÷ 8 = 20 ÷ 8
x = 2.5

For a service call of 2.5 h, Theo and Vita would charge the same amount.

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Chapters 8–10 Review Page 450 Question 5

An expression that represents the perimeter of the

equilateral triangle is 3(3x + 4).
An expression that represents the perimeter of the
square is 4(2x + 5).
The perimeters are equal. Write an equation that
represents this.
3(3x + 4) = 4(2x + 5)
9x + 12 = 8x + 20
9x + 12 – 12 = 8x + 20 – 12
9x = 8x + 8
9x – 8x = 8x – 8x + 8

The side length of the square is represented as 2x + 5.

Replace x with 8.
2(8) + 5 = 16 + 5
= 21

The side length of the square is 21 units.

Chapters 8–10 Review Page 450 Question 6


The number line shows a closed circle on 17 and an arrow to the left. This means values
are the equal to or less than 17. An algebraic expression where x is the variable is x ≤ 17.


The number line shows a closed circle on –6.6 and an open circle on –5. A line is joining
the two circles. This represents all the values equal to or greater than –6.6, but less than –
5. An algebraic expression where x is the variable is –6.6 ≤ x < –5.

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Chapters 8–10 Review Page 450 Question 7

a) On a number line, display the value –6 and values close to –6. Draw an open circle at
–6 to show the boundary point. Starting at –6, draw an arrow pointing to the left to show
that the possible values of x are less than –6.

b) The expression 2.4 ≤ x can also be read as x ≥ 2.4. On a number line, display the value
2.4 and values close to 2.4. Draw a closed circle at 2.4 to show the boundary point.
Starting at 2.4, draw an arrow pointing to the right to show that the possible values of x
are greater than or equal to 2.4.

Chapters 8–10 Review Page 450 Question 8

a) Let p represent the number of projects. An expression to represent that at least 8

projects will be started is p ≥ 8.

b) Let b represent the amount of budget surplus. An expression to represent a budget

surplus of over 1.3 million is b > 1.3 million.

c) Let u represent the unemployment rate. An expression to represent a rate of no more

than 3.7% is u ≤ 3.7%.

d) Let t represent the rate that taxes will be lowered. An expression to represent a rate as
much as 10% is t ≤ 10%.

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Chapters 8–10 Review Page 450 Question 9

a) 15 > x + 6.2
15 – 6.2 > x + 6.2 – 6.2
8.8 > x
x < 8.8

On a number line, display the value 8.8 and values close to 8.8. Draw an open circle at
8.8 to show the boundary point. Starting at 8.8, draw an arrow pointing to the left to show
that the possible values of x are less than 8.8.

b) –25x < 40
–25x ÷ (–25) > 40 ÷ (–25)
x> −

8 8
On a number line, display the value − and values close to − . Draw an open circle at
5 5
8 8
− to show the boundary point. Starting at − , draw an arrow pointing to the right to
5 5
show that the possible values of x are greater than − .

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c) ≥ –10
5 × ≥ –10 × 5
x ≥ –50

On a number line, display the value –50 and values close to –50.
Draw a closed circle at –50 to show the boundary point. Starting at –50, draw an arrow
pointing to the right to show that the possible values of x are greater than –50.

d) 20 – x ≤ 8
20 – 20 – x ≤ 8 – 20
–x ≤ –12
–x ÷ –1 ≥ –12 ÷ (–1)
x ≥ 12

On a number line, display the value 12 and values close to 12. Draw a closed circle at 12
to show the boundary point. Starting at 12, draw an arrow pointing to the right to show
that the possible values of x are greater than 12.

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Chapters 8–10 Review Page 450 Question 10

a) 4x + 17 ≥ 35
4x + 17 – 17 ≥ 35 – 17
4x ≥ 18
4x ÷ 4 ≥ 18 ÷ 4
x ≥ 4.5

To verify, substitute 4.5 into the inequality.

Left Side = 4x + 17 Right Side = 35
= 4(4.5) + 17
= 18 + 17
= 35
= Right Side
This statement is true. Therefore, 4.5 is the correct boundary point.

Verify the inequality by substituting one or more values greater than 4.5, such as 5 and 10
into the inequality.

Left Side = 4x + 17 Right Side = 35
= 4(5) + 17
= 20 + 17
= 37
≥ R.S.
This statement is true.

Left Side = 4x + 17 Right Side = 35
= 4(10) + 17
= 40 + 17
= 57
≥ R.S.
This statement is true. Therefore, the solution, x ≥ 4.5 is correct.

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b) 8< +3
8–3< +3–3
4×5< ×4
20 < x

Left Side = 8 Right Side = +3
= +3
= L.S.
This statement is true. Therefore, 20 is the correct boundary point.

Verify the inequality by substituting one or more values greater than 20, such as 24 and
28 into the inequality.

Left Side = 8 Right Side = +3
= +3
> L.S.
This statement is true.

Left Side = 8 Right Side = +3
= +3
= 10
> L.S.
This statement is true. Therefore, the solution, 20 < x, is correct.

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c) 5x + 30 > 8x – 9
5x – 5x + 30 > 8x – 5x – 9
30 > 3x – 9
30 + 9 > 3x – 9 + 9
39 > 3x
39 ÷ 3 > 3x ÷ 3
13 > x

Left Side = 5x + 30 Right Side = 8x – 9
= 5(13) + 30 = 8(13) – 9
= 65 + 30 = 104– 9
= 95 = 95
= R.S.
This statement is true. Therefore, 13 is the correct boundary point.

Verify the inequality by substituting one or more values less than 13, such as 12 and 7
into the inequality.
Left Side = 5x + 30 Right Side = 8x – 9
= 5(12) + 30 = 8(12) – 9
= 60 + 30 = 96 – 9
= 90 = 87
> R.S.
This statement is true.

Left Side = 5x + 30 Right Side = 8x – 9
= 5(7) + 30 = 8(7) – 9
= 35 + 30 = 56 – 9
= 65 = 47
> R.S.
This statement is true.
Therefore, the solution, 13 > x, is correct.

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d) 2(3 – 4x) ≤ 3(8 – 2x)
6 – 8x ≤ 24 – 6x
6 – 8x + 8x ≤ 24 – 6x + 8x
6 ≤ 24 + 2x
6 – 24 ≤ 24 – 24 + 2x
–18 ≤ 2x
–18 ÷ 2 ≤ 2x ÷ 2
–9 ≤ x

Left Side = 2(3 – 4x) Right Side = 3(8 – 2x)
= 2(3 – 4[–9]) = 3(8 – 2[–9])
= 2(3 – [–36]) = 3(8 – [–18])
= 2(39) = 3(26)
= 78 = 78
= R.S.
This statement is true. Therefore, –9 is the correct boundary point.

Verify the inequality by substituting one or more values greater than –9, such as –8 and 7
into the inequality.
Left Side = 2(3 – 4x) Right Side = 3(8 – 2x)
= 2(3 – 4[–8]) = 3(8 – 2[–8])
= 2(3 – [–32]) = 3(8 – [–16])
= 2(35) = 3(24)
= 70 = 72
< R.S.
This statement is true.

Left Side = 2(3 – 4x) Right Side = 3(8 – 2x)
= 2(3 – 4[7]) = 3(8 – 2[7])
= 2(3 – 28) = 3(8 – 14)
= 2(–25) = 3(–6)
= –50 = –18
< R.S.
This statement is true.
Therefore, the solution, –9 ≤ x, is correct.

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Chapters 8–10 Review Page 450 Question 11

Let r represent the number of tonnes of rubbish.

The Junk King’s charges can be represented as 325 + 110r.
The Clean Queen’s charges can be represented as 145r.
Write an inequality that represents that the Junk King is the better option.
325 + 110r < 145r

Solve the inequality.

325 + 110r < 145r
325 + 110r – 110r < 145r – 110r
325 < 35r
325 ÷ 35 < 35r ÷ 35
9.29 < r
9.29 tonnes or more would make the Junk King the better option.

Chapters 8–10 Review Page 451 Question 12

a) Let t represent the number of hours Lori can rent the climbing wall.
Write an equality that represents the number of hours Lori rents the climbing wall.
145t ≤ 800

b) To determine how many hours that Lori can rent the climbing wall, solve the
145t ≤ 800
145t ÷ 145 ≤ 800 ÷ 145
t ≤ 5.5
Lori can rent the climbing wall for 5.5 or fewer hours.

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Chapters 8–10 Review Page 451 Question 13

Let h represent the number of hours the machine operates.

An expression that represents the number of items the first machine has made after
h hours is 2000 + 25h.
An expression that represents the number of items the second machine has made after
h hours is 1200 + 45h.
Write an inequality that represents the number of hours when the second machine has
made more items than the first machine.
1200 + 45h > 2000 + 25h

Solve the inequality.

1200 + 45h > 2000 + 25h
1200 + 45h – 25h > 2000 + 25h – 25h
1200 + 20h > 2000
1200 – 1200 + 20h > 2000 – 1200
20h > 800
20h ÷ 20 > 800 ÷ 20
h >40
The second machine will have made more items than the first machine after 40 h.

Chapters 8–10 Review Page 451 Question 14

∠DAB and ∠DEB are inscribed angles subtended by the

same arc and are therefore congruent.
So, the measure of ∠DEB is 47°.

∠DCB is a central angle subtended by the same arc as

inscribed angle ∠DAB.
∠DCB = 2∠DAB.
= 2(47°)
= 94°
The measure of ∠DCB is 94°.

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Chapters 8–10 Review Page 451 Question 15

Since CD is a radius that bisects AB, it is perpendicular to AB.

Therefore, rAEC is a right triangle. Since DC bisects AB, the
length of AE is 4.5 cm. By the Pythagorean relationship:
CE2 + AE2 = AC2
CE2 + 4.52 = 72
CE2 + 20.25 = 49
CE2 = 28.75
CE = 28.75
CE = 5.4.
The length of segment CE is 5.4 cm.

Chapters 8–10 Review Page 451 Question 16

Since CG is a radius of the circle and perpendicular to EF, it

bisects EF. Therefore, the length of EH is half the length of
EF. Draw in radius CE. Right rCHE is formed. By the
Pythagorean relationship:
EH2 + CH2 = CE2
EH2 + 72 = 252
EH2 + 49 = 625
EH2 = 576
EH = 576
EH = 24.
The length of chord EF is 2(24), or 48 mm.

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Chapters 8–10 Review Page 451 Question 17

To determine the circumference of the larger circle, determine

the radius of the larger circle. Draw and label radii CA and CF.

Segment CA is a radius of the smaller circle. Segment CF is a

radius of the larger circle. Since FG is tangent to the smaller
circle, CA is perpendicular to FG. Therefore, rCAF is a right
triangle. Since CA is perpendicular to FG, CA bisects FG.
Therefore, AF is half the length of chord FG, or 20 cm. Use the
Pythagorean relationship to determine CF.
CA2 + AF2 = CF2
92 + 202 = CF2
81 + 400 = CF2
481 = CF2
481 = CF
21.9 B CF
The radius of the larger circle is about 21.9 cm.

To find the circumference of the larger circle, use the formula C = 2πr, replacing r with
21.9 cm.

C = 2πr
C = 2π(21.9)
C B 137.6
The circumference of the larger circle expressed to the nearest centimetre is 138 cm.

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