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Midpalatal suture density ratio: A novel

predictor of skeletal response to rapid
maxillary expansion
Thorsten Gru € nheid,a Chad E. Larson,b and Brent E. Larsona
Minneapolis and Rochester, Minn

Introduction: During adolescence, increasing interdigitation of the midpalatal suture increases resistance to
rapid maxillary expansion (RME); this decreases its skeletal effect. In this study, we aimed at determining
whether a novel measure of midpalatal suture maturity, the midpalatal suture density ratio, can be used as a valid
predictor of the skeletal response to RME. Methods: The midpalatal suture density ratio, chronologic age, cer-
vical vertebral maturation, and the stage of midpalatal suture maturation were assessed before treatment for 30
patients (ages, 12.9 6 2.1 years) who underwent RME as part of comprehensive orthodontic treatment. Mea-
surements on cone-beam computed tomography scans were used to determine the proportions of prescribed
expansion achieved at the greater palatine foramina, the nasal cavity, and the infraorbital foramina. Results:
There was a statistically significant negative correlation between the midpalatal suture density ratio and both
the greater palatine foramina and the infraorbital foramina (r 5 0.7877 and 0.3647, respectively; P \0.05).
In contrast, chronologic age, cervical vertebral maturation, and stage of midpalatal suture maturation were
not significantly correlated to any of the assessed measures of skeletal expansion (r range, 0.2209 to
0.0831; P .0.05). Conclusions: The midpalatal suture density ratio has the potential to become a useful clinical
predictor of the skeletal response to RME. Conversely, chronologic age, cervical vertebral maturation, and stage
of midpalatal suture maturation cannot be considered useful parameters to predict the skeletal effects of RME.
(Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2017;151:267-76)

apid maxillary expansion (RME) is a commonly 39% to 49% and 6% to 13% of the total expansion,
used procedure to correct a transverse constric- respectively.5-7 Dentoalveolar expansion is often
tion of the maxillary arch.1,2 The heavy forces unwanted, since dental tipping may lead to loss of
generated by the expander transmit through the teeth periodontal attachment level,8,9 fenestrations of the
into the maxillary bones and are intended to open the buccal cortical bone,10 and dental root resorption.11
midpalatal suture by separating the hemimaxillae; this For these reasons, the goals of RME are typically to
leads to subsequent bone deposition. These effects are maximize skeletal expansion and to minimize dentoal-
considered skeletal expansion and, in most cases, are veolar expansion.
desired to be the sole effects of the force application. Closure of the craniofacial sutures, especially the
However, dental tipping and bending of the alveolar midpalatal suture, eventually makes skeletal expansion
process, which are considered dentoalveolar expansion, by conventional RME impossible,4 necessitating surgi-
occur as well2-4 and have been reported to account for cally assisted maxillary expansion.12 The surgical
approach can involve either intraoperative widening of
the maxilla through a multisegment LeFort osteotomy
or surgically assisted RME.10,13 Both procedures are
Division of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Minnesota, Minne-
apolis, Minn.
Private practice, Rochester, Minn. invasive, costly, and associated with surgical risks.10,14
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- To help with the clinical decision whether correction of
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. a transverse discrepancy should be attempted with
Address correspondence to: Thorsten Gr€ unheid, Division of Orthodontics, School
of Dentistry, University of Minnesota, 6-320 Moos Health Science Tower, 515 conventional RME or whether surgically assisted
Delaware St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455; e-mail, expansion is necessary, indicators of midpalatal suture
Submitted, December 2015; revised and accepted, June 2016. maturation have been proposed. These indicators
Ó 2017 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. include sutural morphology as assessed on occlusal radiographs,15 skeletal maturity indicators on
268 Gr€
unheid, Larson, and Larson

hand-wrist radiographs,16,17 cervical vertebral maturation

Table I. Descriptive summary of treatment variables
(CVM) indicators on lateral cephalograms,18 and a
recently suggested 5-stage classification of midpalatal Variable Mean 6 SD Range
suture maturation.19 Up to now, however, none of these Age at expansion (y) 12.9 6 2.1 7.9-16.6
indicators has been validated to predict the amount of skel- Prescribed amount of 8.6 6 2.2 3.3-13.0
expansion (mm)
etal expansion achieved with RME. A reliable way to
Postexpansion retention 15.0 6 14.1 2.0-77.0
predict a patient's skeletal and dentoalveolar response to time (wk)
RME before treatment would add a new parameter for Total treatment time (mo) 28.7 6 9.4 12.0-49.0
orthodontic treatment success. For instance, predicting
the response would allow an adolescent with early In each patient, RME was carried out using a Hyrax-
closure of the suture to avoid the potential negative side type expander, which transmitted the force to the first
effects of conventional RME. In contrast, in a young molars and both first and second premolars or, when
adult with late closure of the suture, surgically assisted applicable, the deciduous molars. The prescribed
RME may be avoided in lieu of conventional RME, which amount of expansion was determined before treatment
would prevent the added cost and risks of the surgical from measurements taken on digital casts and recalcu-
procedure. lated based on intraoral measurements taken at each pa-
In the past decade, the use of cone-beam computed tient's first RME-check appointment. The patients were
tomography (CBCT) in clinical practice has increased as a asked to activate the expander once daily, for expansion
consequence of its diagnostic advantages over tradi- of 0.25 mm per day, until adequate correction of dental
tional 2-dimensional imaging for orthodontic treatment arch width—ie, the predetermined amount of expan-
planning.20,21 With CBCT, it is possible to visualize the sion—was achieved as determined by the clinical judg-
midpalatal suture in vivo without any overlapping ment of the treating clinician. Patients who did not
anatomic structures,4 which may allow the development comply with the instructions or who had difficulties acti-
of a qualitative or quantitative assessment of midpalatal vating the expander were excluded from the study. After
suture maturation to assist with the decision about completion of activation, the expander was kept
whether conventional or surgically assisted maxillary passively in place for an average of 15 weeks. After
expansion is more appropriate. this postexpansion retention period, the expander was
The primary aim of this study was to test whether a removed, and preadjusted edgewise appliances were
novel midpalatal suture maturation measure, the midpa- placed to complete comprehensive orthodontic treat-
latal suture density ratio, obtained from a pretreatment ment. A descriptive summary of treatment variables is
CBCT image, can be used as a valid predictor of the provided in Table I.
amount of skeletal response to RME treatment. A sec- Full field-of-view (17 3 23 cm) CBCT scans were ob-
ondary and subsidiary aim was to assess the correlations tained before (T1) and after (T2) comprehensive ortho-
of the amount of skeletal response to RME treatment dontic treatment using an i-CAT Next Generation unit
with the midpalatal suture density ratio, chronologic (Imaging Sciences International, Hatfield, Pa) at
age, CVM, and stage of midpalatal suture maturation 120 kV and 18.54 mAs, with a pulsed scan time of
to determine the relative clinical usefulness of each po- 8.9 seconds as part of the diagnostic records for compre-
tential predictor. hensive orthodontic treatment per the protocol used at
the Division of Orthodontics at the University of Minne-
MATERIAL AND METHODS sota. The scan data were reconstructed with a voxel size
The research protocol including the use of existing of 0.3 mm3. CBCT scans obtained at T1 and T2 were as-
CBCT scans was approved by the Institutional Review signed random numeric identifiers to achieve blinding to
Board at the University of Minnesota (study number subject and time point during data collection and anal-
1402M48043). A total of 30 patients (13 boys, 17 girls; ysis.
ages, 12.9 6 2.1 years) who had RME as part of compre- Data collection was performed using digital imaging
hensive orthodontic treatment at the University of and communications in medicine (DICOM) volumes.
Minnesota School of Dentistry were included in this Each DICOM volume was first oriented using a translu-
retrospective cohort study. Patients were excluded if cent lateral view to achieve superimposition of the left
they had a history of periodontal disease, previous or- and right inferior orbital rims and the zygomatic pro-
thodontic treatment, congenital malformations, or a cesses of the maxilla (Fig 1). Solid right and left lateral
time period greater than 6 months between the pretreat- views were then used to orient the Frankfort horizontal
ment CBCT scan and the beginning of treatment. parallel to the true horizontal.

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Fig 1. Orientation of the 3-dimensional reconstructions in Dolphin Imaging software: A, a translucent

view was used to superimpose the orbital rims and the zygomatic processes of the maxilla; B, solid left
and right lateral views were used to orient the Frankfort horizontal parallel to the true horizontal.

Fig 2. Linear skeletal measurements. Distances were measured between A, the lateral margins of the
greater palatine foramina; B, the lateral walls of the nasal cavity; and C, the lateral margins of the in-
fraorbital foramina.

To quantify the skeletal effects of RME, linear mea- the greater palatine foramina was selected because it al-
surements were made between bilateral skeletal struc- lows measurement of skeletal expansion at the posterior
tures on slices from the T1 and T2 images using hard palate, and the greater palatine foramen is an easily
Dolphin Imaging software (version 11.7; Dolphin Imag- and reproducibly identifiable landmark. The maximum
ing & Management Solutions, Chatsworth, Calif). All width of the nasal cavity and the distance between the
measurements were made by 1 examiner (C.E.L.) and infraorbial foramina were selected because the nasal
repeated after a 6-week washout period for 10 randomly walls and infraorbital foramina are reproducible
chosen subjects to assess intraexaminer reliability. The ascending skeletal landmarks and the effects of RME
linear measurements included the distance between have been reported to be pyramidal.5 Landmarks for
the greater palatine foramina, which was measured be- skeletal measurements were chosen lingually or apically
tween the lateral margins of the foramina on an axial to the dentition to ensure that they remained unaffected
slice through the center of the hard palate; the maximum by treatment with preadjusted edgewise appliances. To
width of the nasal cavity, which was measured on a cor- account for the individualized amount of expansion,
onal slice through the center of the incisive foramen; and each distance was converted to a proportion of the pre-
the distance between the infraorbital foramina, which scribed expansion by dividing the difference in distances
was measured between the lateral margins of the between T1 and T2 by the amount of prescribed expan-
foramina on an axial slice (Fig 2). The distance between sion (Table II).

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determine the correlations between the independent

Table II. Skeletal effect measures
variables—age, CVM, midpalatal suture maturation,
Measure Definition and midpalatal suture density—and the dependent
Greater palatine foramina D Distance between the greater variables—greater palatine foramina proportion
proportion (GPFp) palatine foramina (GPFd)/ (GPFp), nasal cavity width proportion (NWp), and in-
Prescribed amount of
fraorbital foramina proportion (IOFp). The P value of
Nasal cavity width D Maximum width of the nasal the slope was used to determine whether a significant
proportion (NWp) cavity (NWd)/ correlation existed. Linear regressions with adjust-
Prescribed amount of ments for potentially confounding variables were
expansion conducted to assess whether they affected the
Infraorbital foramina D Distance between the
P value. The potentially confounding variables that
proportion (IOFp) infraorbital foramina (IOFd)/
Prescribed amount of were tested were sex, age at the beginning of RME,
expansion retention time, and total treatment time. The Pearson
correlation coefficients and coefficients of determina-
tion were calculated for each relationship. Intraexa-
To determine the midpalatal suture density ratio, the miner reliability was assessed using intraclass
T1 images were oriented to the palatal plane in the correlation coefficients (ICC values) and Bland-
sagittal and frontal views to yield an axial slice through Altman plots for the linear and gray density measure-
the center and parallel to the hard palate (Fig 3). Gray ments to better visualize errors.23 Statistical analyses
density measurements were then made on 0.3-mm slices were performed using SAS software (version 9.4; SAS
using Invivo5 software (version 5.5.2; Anatomage, San Institute, Cary, NC). P values of less than 0.05 were
Jose, Calif). The Invivo5 software assigns each voxel a considered statistically significant.
gray density value on a scale specific to the machine
and exposure settings. Average gray density values
were determined for defined regions of the suture
(GDs), soft palate (GDsp), and palatal process of the ICC values were greater than 0.95 for all measure-
maxilla (GDppm) (Fig 4). The defined region of the suture ments, indicating excellent intraexaminer reliability.
was always determined on the most central axial slice The linear measurements (distance between the greater
through the hard palate. The average gray density values palatine foramina. maximum width of the nasal cavity,
were used to calculate the midpalatal suture density and distance between the infraorbital foramina) had a
(MPSD) ratio by the following equation. mean ICC of 0.988. The gray density value measure-
ments had a mean ICC of 0.998. The CVM and midpala-
GDs GDsp
MPSD ratio 5 tal suture maturation had ICC values of 0.985 and 0.977,
GDppm GDsp respectively. Bland-Altman comparison of linear mea-
This ratio ranges from 0 to 1, with lower values indi- surements at 2 time points yielded a mean difference
cating that the suture region is closer in density to the of 0.02 mm with limits of agreement of 0.79 and
soft palate and hence less calcified. Conversely, values 0.84 mm at 95% confidence; comparison of gray density
close to 1 indicate that the suture region is closer in den- value measurements at 2 time points yielded a mean dif-
sity to the palatal process of the maxilla and hence more ference of 4.2 with limits of agreement of 76.3 and
highly calcified. 67.9 at 95% confidence (Fig 5).
The CVM stage was assessed on a cephalometric The distributions of CVM and midpalatal suture
radiograph extracted from the T1 DICOM volume as maturation stages are shown in Table III. Mean values,
described by Franchi et al.22 The midpalatal suture standard deviations, and ranges of the continuous inde-
maturation stage was assessed on the T1 DICOM volume pendent and dependent variables measured are shown in
using the 5-stage classification of midpalatal suture Table IV.
development described by Angelieri et al.19 The correlation between the prescribed amount of
expansion and the skeletal expansion achieved at the
Statistical analysis level of the greater palatine foramina is shown in
The categorical variables were described by the Figure 6. The scatter plot exemplifies the variability in
number and percentage of subjects in each category. the amount of skeletal expansion achieved with RME.
For the continuous variables, mean values, median A scatter plot matrix of the proportional skeletal ef-
values, standard deviations, and ranges were fect measures (GPFp, NWp, and IOFp) vs midpalatal su-
calculated. Linear regression analysis was used to ture density ratio, age, CVM, and stage of midpalatal

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Fig 3. Orientation of the 3-dimensional reconstructions in Invivo5 software: A, sagittal and B, frontal
views were used to orient the hard palate parallel to the true horizontal; C, central slice used for mea-

Fig 4. Regions used to determine average gray density values: A, the gray density of the suture was
determined in a 6 mm-wide rectangle centered on the midpalatal suture from the distal aspect of the
incisive foramen to the distal aspect of the first molar crown; B, the gray density of the palatal process
of the maxilla was determined in a 4 3 4-mm cortical portion of the palatal process of the maxilla, and
the gray density of the soft palate was determined in a 4 3 4-mm portion representing the soft palate.

suture maturation is shown in Figure 7. There was a in GPFp was explained by the midpalatal suture density
strong negative linear correlation (r 5 0.79) between ratio, 13% of the variations of both NWp and IOFp
the midpalatal suture density ratio and GPFp as well as were explained by the midpalatal suture density ratio.
a fair negative linear correlation (r 5 –0.36) between For each relationship, the null hypothesis that there
the midpalatal suture density ratio and both NWp and was no relationship (slope 5 b1 5 0) between variables
IOFp. Age, CVM, and midpalatal suture maturation was tested. The P values for these tests are shown in
had weak linear correlations to all skeletal effect mea- Table VI. For the relationships between the midpalatal
sures ( 0.25 \r \0). suture density ratio and both GPFp and IOFp, there
The coefficients of determination (R2) for each corre- were statistically significant negative correlations
lation are shown in Table V. Whereas 62% of the variation (P \0.0001 and P 5 0.0475, respectively). Therefore,

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Fig 5. Intraexaminer reliability assessment. Bland-Altman plots of agreement of A, linear measure-

ments and B, gray density measurements. In each plot, the data points represent the differences be-
tween the original measurements and the repeated measurements.

Table III. Descriptive statistics of categorical indepen- Table IV. Descriptive statistics of continuous inde-
dent variables pendent and dependent variables
Variable Category Occurrence Percentage Variable Mean 6 SD Range
Cervical vertebral Stage 1 4 13.3 Midpalatal suture density 0.54 6 0.14 0.28-0.80
maturation (CVM) (MPSD) ratio
Stage 2 4 13.3 Greater palatine foramina 0.18 6 0.10 0.00-0.36
Stage 3 4 13.3 proportion (GPFp)
Stage 4 8 26.7 Nasal cavity width 0.18 6 0.13 0.03 to 0.40
Stage 5 6 20.0 proportion (NWp)
Stage 6 4 13.3 Infraorbital foramina 0.25 6 0.13 0.00-0.55
Midpalatal suture Stage A 3 10.0 proportion (IOFp)
maturation (MPSM)
Stage B 9 30.0
Stage C 7 23.3 of RME success. In this study, we determined whether a
Stage D 5 16.7 novel measurement of midpalatal suture maturation,
Stage E 6 20.0
the midpalatal suture density ratio, is a valid predictor
of the amount of skeletal response to RME treatment.
the null hypotheses for these variables were rejected. The In contrast to chronologic age, CVM, and stage of midpa-
null hypotheses were not rejected for the remaining re- latal suture maturation, the midpalatal suture density ra-
lationships. Linear associations with adjustments for tio was found to have a significant correlation with
potentially confounding variables—sex, age at RME, measures of skeletal response to RME treatment.
retention time, and total treatment time—did not signif- A retrospective study design was chosen to ensure
icantly influence the P value of any association tested. that patients were not exposed to radiation solely for
The statistically significant negative linear associa- study purposes. As a consequence, there were a few lim-
tion between GPFp and midpalatal suture density itations. First, the study sample was a convenience sam-
(MPSD) ratio can be represented by the following ple. Generalizations about the total population from this
least-squares linear regression equation. sample must be made with due caution. Second, the
GPFp 5 0:60 3 MPSD ratio 1 0:50 amount of expansion was tailored to each patient and,
therefore, not standardized. Ideally, each patient would
have had the same amount of expansion because the
proportion of dentoalveolar to skeletal effects may
DISCUSSION vary at different magnitudes of RME. Although stan-
Skeletal maturation from adolescence to young dardizing the amount of expansion was not deemed
adulthood involves progressive closure of the midpalatal realistic to correct each patient's unique clinical presen-
suture, which causes increasing impedance and tation, the amount of expansion was accounted for by
decreasing skeletal response to RME, and eventual failure reporting the skeletal effect measures as proportions.
to separate the hemimaxillae. Therefore, a personalized Furthermore, the activation protocol was standardized
assessment of a patient's stage of skeletal maturation for all subjects. Third, the true amount of expansion
in the area of interest would be an important predictor was not recorded, only the prescribed amount of

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Fig 6. Correlation between the prescribed amount of expansion and the skeletal expansion achieved
at the level of the greater palatine foramina (GPF). A best-fit line is shown with the Pearson correlation

expansion; this added patient compliance as a potential value, the parameters affected by machine and condi-
confounding factor. However, as noted above, uncom- tions cancel out, and only the ratio of attenuation coef-
pliant patients were excluded from the study sample, ficients is left. It follows from this that the midpalatal
and ultimately the predetermined amount of expansion suture density ratio is equivalent to a ratio of absolute
was achieved for all patients. values, allowing it to be compared between different
The midpalatal suture density ratio was determined scanners and scanning conditions.
on CBCT scans as a measure of midpalatal suture matu- This study did not show the pyramidal maxillary skel-
ration. In the infantile period, the suture is a broad gap etal response to RME that has been reported by
between the maxillary bones and is filled with connective others.7,27,28 The most superior measurement, IOFp,
tissue.24 Since this tissue is not calcified and, therefore, achieved a larger mean proportion of prescribed
radiolucent, the suture area is equivalent in gray scale expansion than did the more inferior measurements
value to the tissue of the soft palate, and the midpalatal GPFp and NWp. The different expansion pattern is
suture density ratio is close to 0. As maturation pro- most likely related to the different time points at
gresses into the juvenile stage, bony spicules begin to which effects were measured. Although we measured
form on the margins of the suture, resulting in a mixture the long-term skeletal effects of RME at an average of
of noncalcified connective tissue and calcified bone. As a 28.7 months after initiation of expansion, other authors
consequence, the midpalatal suture density ratio in- have assessed the immediate skeletal effects of RME,
creases throughout the maturation process. In the either directly after the active phase of RME7,28 or
adolescent period, the bony spicules become increas- upon expander removal27 at approximately 3 weeks or
ingly interdigitated, and the suture area becomes calci- 6 months later, respectively. It can be argued that for
fied to a degree similar to cortical bone, resulting in a both clinicians and patients the long-term effects of
midpalatal suture density ratio near 1. RME as assessed in this study are more relevant than
With CBCT, it is not possible to directly compare the the immediate effects.
gray density value from 1 scan with another.25 In However, the long-term effects are also more
contrast to medical computed tomography images, affected by growth and remodeling. It must be assumed
where 1000 Hounsfield units always indicate air and that growth and remodeling of the nasomaxillary com-
0 Hounsfield units always indicate water, attenuation plex occurred in our study population during the 28.7-
coefficients in CBCT images are not standardized. Be- month postexpansion period. During nasomaxillary
tween CBCT scanners, the dynamic contrast and gray growth, the maxilla is displaced anteriorly and inferiorly
density values are influenced by technical factors such relative to the anterior cranial base,29 and bone deposi-
as x-ray beam hardening, scatter radiation, and projec- tion occurs at the circummaxillary sutures.30,31 This
tion data discontinuity related effect.25 However, ac- displacement has been reported to occur at about 45
cording to Cassetta et al,26 a linear relationship exists to the anterior cranial base and at average rates of 0.6
in reconstructed CBCT images between gray density to 0.7 mm per year.29,32 At the same time, active
values and the true attenuation coefficients. If this equa- resorption takes place on the surface of the maxilla,
tion is rearranged and plugged into the midpalatal su- including the orbital rims and infraorbital foramina.31
ture density ratio for each measured gray density The net effect is anterior, inferior, and lateral movement

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Fig 7. Correlations between the skeletal effect measures (GPFp, NWp, and IOFp) and midpalatal su-
ture density (MPSD) ratio, chronologic age, CVM, and stage of midpalatal suture maturation (MPSM).
Best-fit lines are shown on each plot with Pearson correlation coefficients.

of the infraorbital foramina. This process may account expansion, was generally lower than the proportions re-
for the greater increase in width noted at the infraorbital ported elsewhere.4,7,14,36 Ballanti et al36 reported in a
foramina. Remodeling also occurs on the inside of the CBCT study opening of the midpalatal suture of 26.6%
nasal cavity that may contribute to the increase in nasal at the midpoint between the anterior and posterior nasal
width noted. In contrast, remodeling of the hard palate spines. Using a similar approach, Podesser et al37 re-
occurs mainly as bone resorption at the superior surface ported opening of the midpalatal suture as 22.9% of
and apposition at the inferior surface causing movement the total expansion on a coronal section through the
mostly in the vertical dimension.31 This remodeling is maxillary first molar, whereas Weissheimer et al7 re-
paired with transverse maxillary growth including su- ported 36%. However, it is virtually impossible to directly
tural separation of the hemimaxillae that is greater pos- compare the values because different landmarks were
teriorly than anteriorly and has been reported to occur at used in each study, and each study population had a
average rates of 0.12 to 0.48 mm per year.32-35 It must different age distribution. Even more importantly, the
be assumed that this sutural growth affected maxillary values reported elsewhere were immediate RME effects,
width at the level of the hard palate, where GPFp was whereas we assessed long-term effects. It is reasonable
measured. to believe that in the long term the proportions reported
The proportion of skeletal expansion we measured at elsewhere may decrease close to or even below the pro-
the hard palate, an average of 18% of the prescribed portion in our study.

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2 not significantly correlated with any measures of skeletal

Table V. Coefficients of determination (R )
response to RME treatment and can therefore not be
Greater palatine Nasal cavity Infraorbital considered a clinically useful predictor. These findings
foramina width foramina corroborate previous assumptions that, because of large
proportion proportion proportion
Variable (GPFp) (NWp) (IOFp) interindividual variations, age is not well associated with
MPSD ratio 0.6204 0.1303 0.1330 midpalatal suture maturation.15,38
Age 0.0048 0.0174 0.0010 Similarly, CVM did not have a significant correlation
CVM 0.0000 0.0013 0.0488 with any measures of skeletal response to RME treat-
MPSM 0.0002 0.0069 0.0002 ment used in this study. At first glance, this appears to
MPSD, Midpalatal suture density; CVM, cervical vertebral matura- contrast with the findings reported by Baccetti et al,18
tion; MPSM, midpalatal suture maturation. who found skeletal changes as measured on posteroan-
terior cephalograms to be significantly larger in an early
treatment group characterized by CVM stages 1 to 3
Table VI. P values for the statistical test of linear rela- than in a late treatment group characterized by CVM
tionship stages 4 to 6. However, these groupings of CVM stages
Greater palatine Nasal cavity Infraorbital
(CVM 1-3 vs 4-6) simply discriminate between the times
foramina width foramina before and after the peak in skeletal maturity and have
proportion proportion proportion little predictive value for quantitative changes.
Variable (GPFp) (NWp) (IOFp)
Finally, the stage of midpalatal suture maturation as
MPSD ratio \0.0001* 0.0500 0.0475*
Age 0.7153 0.4865 0.8671
proposed by Angelieri et al19 did not have a significant
CVM 0.9886 0.8526 0.2407 correlation with any measures of skeletal response to
MPSM 0.9413 0.6631 0.9361 RME treatment. Although this method of classification
MPSD, Midpalatal suture density; CVM, cervical vertebral matura- by visual assessment of sutural morphology on CBCT
tion; MPSM, midpalatal suture maturation. scans was found to be reliable, its usefulness for the indi-
*Statistically significant. vidualized assessment of midpalatal suture morphology
before RME seems to be limited. If a pretreatment CBCT
image is available, determining the midpalatal suture
The midpalatal suture density ratio has several density ratio should be preferred because it is a more
potentially valuable clinical applications. The first appli- valid predictor of the amount of skeletal response to
cation is to determine whether conventional or surgically RME treatment.
assisted expansion is indicated in patients where the
RME response was previously unpredictable, such as ad- CONCLUSIONS
olescents and young adults. The second application is to
estimate the proportion of skeletal effects before expan- 1. The results suggest that the midpalatal suture den-
sion. For instance, to get adequate skeletal correction, sity ratio, a novel measure of midpalatal suture
patients with a lower proportion of skeletal effects will maturation, has a significant negative correlation
need more total expansion since they will exhibit more (r 5 0.7877; P \0.05) with the amount of
tipping of the anchor teeth. Uprighting these teeth typi- long-term maxillary skeletal expansion achieved
cally leads to partial loss of the increased intermolar dis- from RME at the level of the palate.
tance. Conversely, patients with a higher portion of 2. The amount of long-term skeletal response to RME
skeletal effects will need less expansion to achieve the can be estimated on a pretreatment CBCT image by
same skeletal correction because the anchor teeth tip the equation GPFp 5 0.60 3 midpalatal suture
less and can be maintained close to their immediate density ratio10.50:
postexpansion position. These applications of the mid- 3. The midpalatal suture density ratio has the potential
palatal suture density ratio make it a powerful clinical to become a useful clinical predictor of the skeletal
diagnostic parameter that will help tailor RME treatment response to RME and aid in clinical decisions on
for precise and efficient treatment while minimizing un- whether conventional RME therapy will be a suc-
wanted effects. cessful treatment. Moreover, the midpalatal suture
In addition to the midpalatal suture density ratio, we density ratio was found to be a more useful predic-
assessed other previously suggested potential predictors tor than chronologic age, CVM, or midpalatal suture
of skeletal response to RME treatment such as age, CVM, maturation stage, which had no significant correla-
and stage of midpalatal suture maturation to determine tions (r range, 0.2209 to 0.0831; P .0.05) to the
their relative clinical usefulness. Chronologic age was amount of long-term skeletal expansion.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics February 2017  Vol 151  Issue 2
276 Gr€
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February 2017  Vol 151  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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