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US 20070 155598A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0155598A1
Warren (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 5, 2007
(54) CHEST AND SHOULDER WEIGHT LIFTING Publication Classification
(51) Int. Cl.
(76) Inventor: Benjamin Wade Warren, A63B 2L/065 (2006.01)
Patterson, GA (US)
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................................................... 482/105
Correspondence Address:
Benjamin Wade Warren
5027 Laura Chapel Rd. (57) ABSTRACT
Patterson, GA 31557 Forearm support A (18) and forearm support B (20) partially
(21) Appl. No.: 11/643,448 encircle the forearm (24) of the human body. A main strap
(22) runs parallel to the forearm over the palm of the hand
(22) Filed: Dec. 20, 2006 and hangs below the elbow. D rings (19) attach to the main
Related U.S. Application Data strap so the length can be adjusted. A clip ring (16) is
connected to the main strap (22) below the elbow. A metal
(60) Provisional application No. 60/755,643, filed on Dec. rod with a bracket or hole (14) at one end connects to the clip
30, 2005. ring. The metal rod connects to a weight (10).


76° V


G 14

Patent Application Publication Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 1 of 6 US 2007/0155598A1

Fig. 1


26 >S
18 --
EI7 22 21
l 12

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Fig. 2

16 S)
12 A.
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Fig. 3
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Fig. 4


2 s

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Fig. 5

20 26 22 6Oa KS
d s N
Patent Application Publication Jul. 5, 2007 Sheet 6 of 6 US 2007/0155598A1

Fig. 6
US 2007/0155598 A1 Jul. 5, 2007

CHEST AND SHOULDER WEIGHT LIFTING 0011 To solve some of the safety concerns and to create
APPARATUS a more compact gym, weight lifting machines were created.
Machines usually comprise of a stack of weights in the
APPLICATIONS center of the machine that move up and down, cables that
attach to the weight, and stations where a weightlifter sits to
0001. This application claims the benefit of provisional perform sets. One type of chest exercise commonly used is
patent application Ser. No. 60/755,643, filed 2005 Dec. 30 the butterfly machine. The weight lifter's upper arms are
by the present inventor. positioned in line with each other and the forearms facing
each other. Most machines have two metal bars that fold
together much like the wings of a butterfly. The weightlifter
0002. Not Applicable pushes the bars together with the forearms to perform sets.
However, Such machines have only one set range of motion.
SEQUENCE LISTING OR PROGRAM For example, the weightlifter must push the bars together on
0003) Not Applicable the same path every time he/she uses it. As a result, the
muscles will become used to this range of motion and the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION speed at which they strengthen will slow down. Weight
0004. 1. Field of Invention lifting apparatuses known heretofore Suffer from a number
0005. This invention relates to weightlifting, specifically of disadvantages:
to strengthening the chest and shoulder muscles of the 0012 (a) With the exception of some machines,
human body. require Supporting muscles to help lift the weight
0006 2. Prior Art thereby reducing the amount of weight that is trans
0007 Previously, the chest muscles were exercised with ferred to the main muscle(s) the weight lifter wishes to
the conventional bench press. In this form of exercise, the exercise.
weight lifter lies on a bench chest up. Columns come up 0013 (b) With the exception of machines which locate
from the bench and hold a long metal bar with weights on the weight remotely, the weight is positioned above the
each end. The weight lifter grasps this bar, moves it off the
rack and moves it down to his/her chest and back up again. user. This creates a safety concern because there is a
This movement is repeated many times and is referred to as chance the weightlifter could drop the bar on himself
SetS. herself. Also, there is not always a spotter who can help
0008. However, this exercise doesn't always exercise the the weight lifter while he/she is performing sets.
chest muscles as desired. To lift the weights, Smaller muscles 0.014 (c) Most weightlifting machines currently in use
that may not have strengthened as fast as other muscles are today have a particular motion for exercising that
required to help support the weight while the weight lifter cannot be altered. This can cause a pattern in weight
exercises the main muscles he/she desires to strengthen. If lifting that reduces the effectiveness of the workout.
those Supporting muscles don’t develop as fast as the main When muscles are exercised in the exact same way,
muscle being exercised, muscle gains for the main muscle or over time, they become resistant to growth.
muscles can be decreased. For example: during conventional 0.015 (d) Weight lifting machines are generally large,
bench press, the chest is the main target area for exercise. expensive, and require assembly.
However, when the weight lifter moves the weights up and
down, much stress is put on the triceps. The triceps are a
much smaller muscle than the chest. If the triceps are not OBJECTS AND ADVANTAGES
highly developed, it may be difficult to exercise the chest
muscles effectively with the conventional bench press. 0016. Accordingly, several objects and advantages of the
0009. Likewise, the shoulder muscles were and still are invention are:
commonly exercised with free weights that can be held in 0017 (a) to provide an apparatus that targets the
each hand. To perform one type of shoulder exercise, the muscles effectively while reducing stress to as many
user sits upright with forearms pointed up. He/she holds a Supporting muscles as possible;
weight in each hand and moves them up over his/her head
and back down again. Sets are also performed with this type 0.018 (b) to provide an apparatus that locates the
of exercise. However, the same problem occurs in this weight below the weight lifter therefore removing the
exercise as with the bench press. The tricep muscles may not safety risk of weight falling on the weight lifter and
develop as fast as the shoulder muscles which will limit the removing the need for a spotter;
amount of weight the weight lifter is able to lift therefore 0.019 (c) to provide an apparatus that has no predeter
compromising the effectiveness of the workout. mined range of motion and allows the weight lifter to
0010 Safety is a concern in any type of weight lifting. vary the motion with each repetition;
With the bench press, a spotter is needed to stand behind the 0020 (d) to pprovide an apparatus
pp that is small and
weight bench to make sure the weightlifter does not drop the portable, inexpensive, and does not require assembly.
bar on himself/herself. The safety bench pressing apparatus,
U.S. Pat. No. 4,635,930 uses vertical columns to stop the 0021. Further objects and advantages are to provide an
weight should the user drop the bar while performing sets. apparatus that is flexible enough to conform to the weight
However, even with the safety bench press, the weight lifter lifer's body without causing major discomfort during use,
is still dealing with great amounts of weight that is posi which is fully adjustable and allows the weightlifter to vary
tioned over him/her. the amount of weight tremendously. Still further objects and
US 2007/0155598 A1 Jul. 5, 2007

advantages will become apparent from a consideration of the should have a plate (not shown in drawings) on the bottom.
ensuing description and drawings. When weight 10 is lifted, the plate will keep weight from
sliding off the bar.
0022. In accordance with the invention a system of straps EMBODIMENT FIGS. 1A, 2A, and 3A
comprises length of material, D-rings at one end, a hook and 0032. The manner of using the chest and shoulder weight
shaft with a hole at the top and a lip on the bottom at the lifting apparatus requires the user to lie on a bench 21 as
opposite end.
shown in FIGS. 1A, 1B, and 1C. The elbows are pointed
DRAWINGS FIGURES down, and the forearms are in an almost vertical position.
While clenching the top of the main strap 22, the weight
0023 FIG. 1 is the starting point of the pectoral exercise. lifter moves the arms up in a circular or strait up motion. As
0024 FIG. 2 is the midpoint of the pectoral exercise. the arms come up, the elbow will rotate out away from the
body causing forearm Support A 18 and forearm Support B
0025 FIG. 3 is the maximum range of motion of the 20 to rest on the forearm and bear some of the weight. This
pectoral exercise. design allows the weight to be transferred over three differ
0026 FIG. 4 is the starting point of the trapezius exercise. ent points on the body, so that no one part of the body will
0027 FIG. 5 is the midpoint of the trapezius exercise. have to bear the whole load. As the weight 10 comes off the
0028 FIG. 6 is the maximum range of motion of the ground FIG. 1B, the stress will be transferred to the pectoral
trapezius exercise. muscle 23 by these three points: forearm support A 18,
forearm support B 20 and the hand 30. Pectoral muscles
REFERENCE NUMERALS continue to contract until the weight lifter has reached
his/her maximum range of motion FIG. 1C. The bench may
0029) be strait, inclined, or declined. A strait bench will transfer the
weight evenly to the whole pectoral muscle. An inclined
bench will cause the stress of the weight to be transferred to
10 weight the upper pectoral muscles. A declined bench will transfer
12 8 most of the weight to the lower pectoral muscles. Sets
14 bracket should be performed with different amounts of weight
16 clip ring depending on the weight lifter's ability.
18 orearm Support A
2O orearm support B
22 main strap EMBODIMENT FIGS. 4B, 5B, and 6B
23 Pectoral muscle
24 O(8. 0033. Additional embodiments are shown in FIGS. 4, 5,
trapezius muscle
6; In each case, the weightlifter is standing or sitting upright
28 main strap (back)
with his or her chest perpendicular to the ground. The
30 hand trapezius muscles are the main muscles being targeted in this
exercise. The weightlifter clutches the top of the main strap
22 and lifts the weight strait up. As the weight moves up, the
elbows move out. The weight is distributed across the hands
DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIGS. 1A, 2A, AND and forearms by main strap 22, forearm Support A. 18, and
3A PREFERRED EMBODIMENT forearm support B 20. The weight lifter's hands 30 continue
0030 A preferred embodiment of the present invention is to move up toward the head as seen in FIG. 5. In FIG. 6, the
illustrated in FIG. 1A (side view) and FIG. 1B (perspective weight lifter has completed the ranger of motion for this
view) and FIG. 1C (top view). A main strap 22 consisting of exercise. He/she will then repeat the motion many times to
strong flexible material that will conform to the user's exercise the trapezius muscles.
forearm, encircles the forearm and hand running over the
palm of the hand 30 down one side of the forearm, around 0034. From the description above, a number of advan
the elbow, up the other side of the forearm, and connects to tages of my chest and shoulder weight lifting apparatus
itself with D-rings 19. The D-rings are adjustable for dif become evident:
ferent forearm lengths. Two Supporting straps consisting of 0035 (a) This device eliminates the need for a spotter
strong flexible material that will conform to the users arm, (someone to help hold the weight should the weight lifter
forearm support A18 and forearm support B 20 rest on the drop it on himself/herself) because it locates the weight
outside of the forearm and connect each strand of the main below the weight lifter which, and eliminates the danger of
strap 28. In the preferred embodiment, the main strap and huge amounts of weight falling on the weight lifter.
Supporting straps are made of wide nylon strap. However, 0036 (b) By targeting the muscles intensely, a person can
the main strap and Supporting straps may consist of any exercise muscles in a short amount of time.
other material that can conform to the user's body, bear a 0037 (c) The use the different types of material such as
significant load, and be fastened together with other pieces fabric, nylon, leather, or other material will permit the
of material to create necessary Supports. display of multi-colored designs.
0031 Below the elbow, a clip ring 16 is fastened to the 0038 (d) The device provides an intense exercise for the
main strap so that it hangs freely below the elbow. A bar 12 muscles by targeting them individually and reducing as
with a bracket 14 connects to the clip ring 16. This bar many Supporting muscles as possible.
US 2007/0155598 A1 Jul. 5, 2007

0039 (e) Different angles of muscles exercise can be can be in different places, the weight can be in many
achieved simply by using a strait bench, an inclined bench, different shapes, the clips can have several shapes, and the
or a declined bench. weight can be suspended in several ways and/or be con
0040 (f) Distributing the weight across several points of nected. The Supporting straps can be set up in several ways
the body allows it to be held more securely than if the weight and may also be connected. Thus the scope of the invention
lifter were holding the weight with only his/her hands. should be determined by the appended claims and their legal
0041 (g) The amount of weight being used can be equivalents, and not by the examples given.
increased or decreased easily. I claim:
0042 (h) The device adjusts for people with different arm 1. An apparatus for attaching weight to the arms of a
lengths. human body, comprising:
0043 (i) The weight lifter has complete control over (a) a form of resistance to the muscles of a human being
his/her range of motion, and there is no set range of motion for the purpose of increasing muscle strength
like most weight lifting machines have. (b) a plurality of elongated support members of flexible
material, and
CONCLUSION, RAMIFICATIONS, AND SCOPE (c) means for joining said form of resistance to said
0044 Accordingly the reader will see that the chest and elongated Support members so that said form of resis
shoulder weight lifting device can be used to strengthen the tance and said elongated Support members may pivot at
muscles of the human body by concentrating most of the a connection point.
stress on the targeted muscles, provide a quick way to 2. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said elongated
exercise and strengthen muscles, allow a safe way to exer Support members are connected in a way that would allow
cise muscles without a spotter, and to provide an economical them to hold weight when attached to said arms of a human
way to build muscle. Furthermore, the chest and shoulder body.
weightlifting apparatus has the additional advantages in that 3. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said elongated
0045 it isolates the muscle(s) to allow for short dura Support members are connected to said form of resistance to
tion workouts; allow said arms of a human body to act against said form of
0046 it provides a surface that can easily be colored or resistance.
printed on: 4. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said form of resis
0047 it reduces as many supporting muscles as pos tance is connected to said elongated Support members at said
sible; therefore allowing for a more intense workout; pivot point in a way that would allow said elongated Support
0048 it provides variety for muscles exercises by members and said form of resistance to be disconnected and
changing the angle of the bench; reconnected.
0049 it distributes the stress across several points of 5. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said form of resis
the body for a more efficient workout; tance can be increased or decreased.
0050 it allows amount of weight to be changed easily; 6. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said form of resis
0051 it adjusts easily; tance is round with a hole in the center.
0.052 it does not limit the range of motion by means of 7. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein a pin with a lip on one
a predetermined range of motion. end passes through said hole in said form of resistance.
While the above description contains many specificities, 8. The apparatus of claim one wherein said pin is attached
these should not be constructed as limitations on the scope to said elongated Support members with a clip.
of the invention, but as exemplifications of the presently 9. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein length of said
preferred embodiments thereof. Many other ramifications elongated Support members may be adjusted.
and variations are possible within the teachings of the
invention. For example, the Supporting points for the weight k k k k k

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