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Grains, legumes,  
nuts & Seeds  

Students learn about the wide range of grains, legumes, pulses, nuts and seeds available, and how
to retain the nutritional value and quality through a variety of preparation and presentation
Created by Teri Zimmerman (2019) with special credit to Nancy Lindley for rubric, original lab
grading scale and some questions. Sources: Alberta Curriculum and

Lab Summary 
All 5 labs ​MUST​ be completed in order to pass this course.

Lab # 1 Choose a recipe that is made from a grain

Lab # 2 Choose a home-made pasta dish
Lab # 3 Choose a cooked cereal recipe
Lab # 4 Choose a cooked legume recipe
Lab # 5 Choose a flour alternative recipe
Lab # 6 Choose a recipe from a specific country and make an ethnic or dietary restricted dish from grains,
cereals, or legumes.

Student Learning Outcomes

5. demonstrate knowledge and skills in the planning, preparing and evaluating of grains, grain products, legumes, pulses, nuts and
5.1 prepare, evaluate and present a minimum of five recipes, including:
5.1.1 one grain dish
5.1.2 one pasta dish
5.1.3 one cooked cereal dish
5.1.4 one cooked legume or pulse dish
5.1.5 one flour or flour alternative recipe
5.1.6 one ethnic or special dietary restricted dish
5.2 demonstrate increased multicultural awareness through the preparation and serving of a variety of products
5.3 demonstrate an increased awareness of food sensitivities/allergies and appropriate food preparation related to grains,
grain products, legumes, pulses, nuts and seeds

6. identify and demonstrate safe and sanitary practices

6.1 maintain a clean, sanitary, safe work area
6.2 apply universal precautions related to:
6.2.1 personal protective equipment (PPE); e.g., hair coverings, aprons, gloves
6.2.2 hand-washing techniques
6.2.3 infectious diseases
6.2.4 blood-borne pathogens
6.2.5 bacteria, viruses, molds
6.2.6 safety and first-aid applications; e.g., back safety, cuts, slip and trip hazards
6.3 use all materials, products and implements appropriately
6.4 clean, sanitize and store materials, products and implements correctly
6.5 dispose of waste materials in an environmentally safe manner

7. demonstrate basic competencies

7.1 demonstrate fundamental skills to:
7.1.1 communicate
7.1.2 manage information
7.1.3 use numbers
7.1.4 think and solve problems
7.2 demonstrate personal management skills to:
7.2.1 demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviours
7.2.2 be responsible
7.2.3 be adaptable
7.2.4 learn continuously
7.2.5 work safely
7.3 demonstrate teamwork skills to:
7.3.1 work with others
7.3.2 participate in projects and tasks

8. identify possible life roles related to the skills and content of this cluster
8.1 recognize and then analyze the opportunities and barriers in the immediate environment
8.2 identify potential resources to minimize barriers and maximize opportunities

Lab Grading Score: 
10/10 Student Achieved ​All​ Of The Following Criteria.
1 Mark deduction per missed item in the following criteria:
❏ Followed correct measuring methods carefully and accurately
❏ Followed recipe instructions
❏ Used correct cooking utensils
❏ Followed all safety & sanitation rules
❏ Did classroom job without being asked
❏ Helped as needed with tasks around the classroom
❏ Stayed in kitchen with group until all cleanup fully finished
❏ Did not eat until all cleaning completed then sat down to eat
❏ CAYG (clean as you go)
❏ Used ​descriptive​ terms to accurately describe all relevant
characteristics of their product
❏ Was able to ​critically​ evaluate their product
❏ Was able to determine reasons for success/failures
❏ Presented (plated) product in an attractive manner
❏ Answered lab question completely and accurately
❏ Used extra class time wisely (cleaning / foods theory work)

Lab # 1 ​Choose a recipe that is made from grains

Examples include: Recipe:
Lab date: __________________________________ Self Teacher Eval
Recipe Name: ______________________________
Group members present on day of lab: ___________________________
Describe your product – and rate









Skill/level of difficulty/time to prepare

Availability of tools and equipment

Flavor and Aroma


Nutritional Value
Lab 1 Questions:
1. What are the quality standards to cooking grains?

2. Does your product meet ​all​ the quality standards? ______ Determine why or why not
your product meet/did not meet all the quality standards.
3. What is a grain? ________________________________________________________
4. Draw a picture of the grain you used for this recipe:

5. What are some examples of ancient grains? ___________ __________ ___________

6. Have you made food with grains from scratch at home? If so what did you make?
7. How do the prices of different grains affect your choice of grain?
8. How has the new Canadian Food Guide changed compared to the previous Canadian
Food Guide. What can you discuss about the suggested amount and type of grains that
are expected to be part of your daily meal plan?
9. Explain how you cooked your grain and describe the changes the grain experienced
during the cooking process:
10. Are there other ways to cook this grain?
11. Consider and discuss each of the following:
A. Cooking Time
Amount of water used and does this vary depending on what appliance you are
using to cook with?
B. Cost
C. Use of Cover
D. Shelf Life
E. Where to purchase and what to look for when purchasing
F. Should your grain be rinsed prior to cooking and why?
G. Nutritional Value
Lab 1 CHoice 1 Easy Barley Soup 
Barley Soup
Homemade healthy barley soup recipe. A perfect option to
add whole grains to your diet. Ready to enjoy in about 30
mins.​ Author: Watch What U Eat


● 125 mL whole barley

● 1 celery stalk finely diced
● ½ onion finely diced
● 1 finely diced carrot
● ½ tomato finely diced
● 2 cloves garlic finely chopped
● 15 mL chicken bouillon (or vegetable broth if vegan)
● 750 mL water
● 2.5 mL finely chopped ginger
● 2 spring onions
● 5 mL cooking oil
● 2.5 mL dried thyme
● salt and pepper


1. Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add ginger, garlic and saute until
fragrant for about 30-40 sec
2. Add onions and saute until lightly golden brown for about a min. or two
3. Then add all the remaining ingredients except spring onions and let it boil.
4. Simmer on low heat for about 30 min. or until the barley is tender
5. Garnish with spring onions and serve warm to enjoy a bowl of barley soup

Recipe Notes

1. If necessary add more chicken or vegetable broth.

Add seasoning a little at a time and taste after each addition.
Use a clean spoon for each taste. Otherwise your spit gets into the sauce – gross!
Lab 1 CHoice 2 Favourite Quinoa Salad ​ By Cookie and Kate

● 125 mL uncooked quinoa, rinsed in a fine-mesh colander

● 250 mL water
● ½ can (15 ounces) chickpeas, rinsed and drained,

or 1 ½ cups cooked chickpeas

● ¼ cucumber, seeded and chopped
● ¼ red bell pepper, chopped
● ¼ chopped red onion (from 1 small red onion)
● 125 mL flat-leaf parsley (from 1 large bunch)
● 35 mL olive oil
● 35 mL lemon juice
● 7.5 mL red wine vinegar
● 1 cloves garlic, pressed or minced
● Dash of sea salt
● Freshly ground black pepper, to taste


To cook the quinoa:

1. Combine the rinsed quinoa and the water in a medium saucepan.

2. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, then decrease the heat to maintain a gentle
3. Cook until the quinoa has absorbed all of the water, about 15 minutes, reducing heat as time
goes on to maintain a gentle simmer.
4. Remove from heat, cover, and let the quinoa rest for 5 minutes, to give it time to fluff up.
5. Chill

Putting together the Quinoa Salad

1. In a large serving bowl, combine the chickpeas, cucumber, bell pepper, onion and parsley. Set
2. In a separate small bowl, combine the olive oil, lemon juice, vinegar, garlic and salt. Whisk until
blended, then set aside.
3. Once the quinoa is mostly cool, add it to the serving bowl, and drizzle the dressing on top. Toss
until the mixture is thoroughly combined.
4. Season with black pepper, to taste, and add an extra pinch of salt if necessary.

a. For best flavor, let the salad rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving.
b. This salad keeps well in the refrigerator, covered, for about 4 days.
c. Serve chilled or at room temperature.
d. CHANGE IT UP: This salad is awesome as written. You can also serve it on fresh
greens with an extra drizzle of olive oil and squeeze of lemon juice for dressing. Feel
free to top it with crumbled feta cheese.
e. You can also try adding different spices such as cumin.

Lab # 2: ​Choose a home-made pasta recipe ​Examples:​ home-made pasta ​Recipe option:
You Tube Tutorial: ​

Lab Evaluation Self Teacher Eval

Lab date: __________________________________
Recipe Name: ______________________________
Group members present on day of lab: ___________________________
Describe your product – and rate









Skill/level of difficulty/time to prepare

Availability of tools and equipment

Flavor and Aroma


Nutritional Value

Lab 2 Questions:
1. Does your product meet ​all​ the quality standards and what are the quality standards for
cooked pasta.

2. Draw a picture of your pasta noodles:

3. What does it mean when a recipe indicates cooking your noodles to Al Dente?
4. Do you believe that you should rinse your noodles after cooking? YES or NO
Lab 2: HomeMade Pasta 
Recipe 2 Part 1: Basic Pasta 
Recipe By:​Pat (All Recipes) 

● 1 egg, beaten 
● 1/2 teaspoon salt 
● 1 cup all-purpose flour 
● 2 tablespoons water 

1. In a medium sized bowl, combine flour and salt.  
2. Make a well in the flour, add the slightly beaten egg, and mix.  
3. Mixture should form a stiff dough.  
4. If needed, stir in 1 to 2 tablespoons water. 
5. On a lightly floured surface, knead dough for about 3 to 4 minutes.  
6. With a pasta machine or by hand roll dough out to desired thinness.  
7. Use machine or knife to cut into strips of desired width (on the cutting board not on counter 
Recipe 2 Part 2: Sauce for Pasta 
Quick and Easy Alfredo 
15 ml margarine 
15 ml flour 
175 ml milk 
75 ml parmesan cheese 
salt and pepper to taste 
15 ml garlic plus 
Other spices you want to try 
Cooked Homemade Pasta Noodles! 
1. Heat water in saucepan to boiling point, add salt and cook pasta. Cook until tender, drain with warm water. 
Set aside. (strain gently because homemade noodles are more delicate) 
2. In saucepan, melt margarine. Add flour – remove from heat.  
3. Whisk in milk – return to heat. 
4. Bring to boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and cook for about 4-5 minutes or until thickened. 
4. Stir in Parmesan cheese. Season. 
*** The sauce should not be too thick. When it is tossed with the pasta, the starch in the pasta will cause it to 
thicken more. Check with your teacher and add more milk if needed. 
5. Toss with hot cooked homemade pasta.
6. Serve immediately and garnish with fresh parsley or cilantro. 
Lab # 3: ​Choose a cooked cereal dish recipe: Spiced up hot cereal, Dominican Style

Lab 3 Evaluation Self Teacher Eval

Lab date: __________________________________
Recipe Name: ______________________________
Group members present on day of lab: ___________________________
Describe your product – and rate









Skill/level of difficulty/time to prepare

Availability of tools and equipment

Flavor and Aroma


Nutritional Value

Lab 3 Questions:
1. Does your product meet ​all​ the quality standards? ______ Determine why or why not
your product meet/did not meet all the quality standards.
2. What is the difference in the two cooking methods used to make the cooked cereal vs
the granola based recipe? ________________________________________________
3. What kind of cereal grains would be appropriate to be cooked for breakfast?
4. Can you think of another grain eaten hot for breakfast around the world that we do not
typically eat for breakfast in canada?
5. What could happen to your cereal if you add too much liquid or cook it too long?
6. What are some variations you could do to your recipe to make it taste different?
Lab 3 Recipe:   
Option 1: Spiced Up Hot Cereal
Recipe By:P

● 500 mL water
● 1/2 can evaporated milk
● 2.5 mL vanilla extract
● 2 mL teaspoon ground cinnamon
● 1 mL teaspoon salt

● 1 mL teaspoon ground nutmeg

● 15 mL butter
● 125 mL cream of wheat
● 30 mL white sugar, or to taste

1. Place water, milk, vanilla extract, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg, and butter into a large saucepan and
place over medium-high heat.
2. Once the butter has melted and the water is steaming but not boiling, whisk in the cream of
wheat cereal.
3. Stir constantly until thickened, then
4. Reduce heat to low, and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
5. Stir in sugar to taste before serving.

Option 2: Dominican Style Oatmeal

"After living in the Dominican Republic for many years, I came

to appreciate their tasty and easy way of making oatmeal. The
texture is more creamy and liquidy, and the flavor is comforting
in the morning." Recipe By:Pepita

● 750 mL milk
● 250 mL quick cooking oats
● 50 mL white sugar
● 2.5 mL ground cinnamon

● 2 pinches ground nutmeg

● 2 pinches salt
● 2.5 mL lemon zest (optional)
● ¼ banana/per person
● 25 mL nuts/person

1. Combine milk, oats, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt in a saucepan.
2. Add lemon peel, if using.
3. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly for 2 minutes.
4. Top with sliced banana and nuts (if available)

Option 3: Megan's Granola​ Recipe By:annie9

● 250 mL rolled oats
● 50 mL wheat germ
● 50 mL oat bran
● 50 mL sunflower seeds
● 50 mL finely chopped almonds
● 50 mL finely chopped pecans
● 50 mL finely chopped walnuts
● 1.25 mL salt

● 20 mL brown sugar
● 7.5 mL maple syrup
● 20 mL teaspoons honey
● 50 mL vegetable oil
● 2.5 mL ground cinnamon
● 2.5 mL vanilla extract
● 50 mL raisins or sweetened dried cranberries

1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
2. Line two large baking sheets with parchment or aluminum foil.
3. Combine the oats, wheat germ, oat bran, sunflower seeds, almonds, pecans, and walnuts in a
large bowl.
4. Stir together the salt, brown sugar, maple syrup, honey, oil, cinnamon, and vanilla in a
5. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then pour over the dry ingredients, and stir to coat.
6. Spread the mixture out evenly on the baking sheets.
7. Bake in the preheated oven until crispy and toasted, about 20 minutes.
8. Stir once halfway through.
9. Cool, then stir in the raisins or cranberries before storing in an airtight container or eating!
Lab # 4 ​Choose a recipe that incorporates a cooked legume.

Lab 4 Evaluation Self Teacher Eval

Lab date: __________________________________
Recipe Name: ______________________________
Group members present on day of lab: ___________________________
Describe your product – and rate









Skill/level of difficulty/time to prepare

Availability of tools and equipment

Flavor and Aroma


Nutritional Value

Lab 4 Questions:
1. Does your product meet ​all​ the quality standards? ______ Determine why or why not your
product meet/did not meet all the quality standards.
2. What is a Legume? ____________________________________________________________
3. Draw and identify the components of the legume you used in this recipe:

4. Why are legumes rinsed before cooking?

5. Identify the nutritional value of the of the legume you used in this recipe: (this can be found
online or in the green nutritional guidelines under Foods 10 Resources in Foods Room)
● complex carbohydrates ____________________
● vitamins and minerals _____________________
● fibre ______________________
● fat _______________________
● caloric value __________________
6. What happens if you stir your legumes too much during the cooking process? ______________
Lab 4: Legume Recipe 1 Part 1: Chickpea Curry ​Recipe By:AMINAH A. RAHMAN

● 7.5 mL vegetable oil
● 1/2 onions, minced
● 1/2 clove garlic, minced
● 2.5 mL fresh ginger root, finely chopped
● 1 whole cloves
● 1/2 (2 inch) stick cinnamon, crushed
● 1.25 mL ground cumin

● 1.25 mL ground coriander

● Dash salt
● 1.25 mL cayenne pepper
● 1.25 mL ground turmeric
● 1/2 (15 ounce) can garbanzo beans
● 50 mL chopped fresh cilantro

1. Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium heat, and fry onions until tender.
2. Stir in garlic, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, cumin, coriander, salt, cayenne, and turmeric.
3. Cook for 1 minute over medium heat, stirring constantly.
4. Mix in garbanzo beans and their liquid.
5. Continue to cook and stir until all ingredients are well blended and heated through.
6. Remove from heat.
7. Stir in cilantro just before serving, reserving 1 tablespoon for garnish.
8. Serve over cooked rice

Recipe 1 Part 2: Rice​ by Aarti Sequeira

- 1 cup Basmati Rice
- 1 ¾ cups Water
- Pinch of Salt

1. This is the most important part: Wash he rice! Place the rice in a large bowl and fill with fresh, room temperature
water. Swirl your hand through the wate and the rice; the water will go cloudy. That's all the starch that we're trying to
remove in order to have individual grains of rice, not the sticky kind that's popular in Chinese and Japanese cuisine.
(According to traditional Indian wisdom, this also makes the rice easier to digest because so much of the starch has
been removed). Once you've swirled your hand around for a minute or so, pour off the water, taking care not to lose
any rice. Repeat this washing process until the water runs clear. Usually, this takes 3 or 4 changes of water.
2. Fill up the bowl 1 more time and let the rice soak for 10 - 30 minutes (depending on how much time you have).
At the end the chosen time, drain the rice.
3. Fill a medium saucepan with 1 ¾ cups water, add a pinch of salt, and bring to a boil.
4. Once the water is boiling, add the rice, stir, and wait until the water comes back to a full boil. When it
does, turn the heat down as low as it can go (simmer #1), and then cover.
5. Cook covered for 15 minutes. DO NOT LIFT THE LID
6. At the end of 15 minutes, turn off the heat. Let the rice sit for 5 minutes. Fluff with a
fork; you should see that every grain of rice has grown a little longer and is separate from its brothers and sisters.

Lab 4: Legume Recipe 2: Simple Lemon Green Beans

​Author: Jeanine ​(

● Handful green beans, de-stemmed
● 1 tablespoons olive oil
● 1 garlic clove, smashed
● about ½ teaspoon lemon zest
● a few good squeezes of lemon
● salt & pepper

1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and de-stem your green beans.
2. In a small bowl mix together the olive oil, a smashed clove of garlic (you'll remove it later), lemon zest, a
big squeeze of lemon juice, salt and pepper.
3. Boil green beans until tender but still vibrant green and a little bit crunchy. This will depend on the size of
your green beans (about 2-4 minutes).
4. Drain green beans in a colander, and rinse under cold water. Let them dry for a bit then transfer green
beans to a bowl and toss with some of the dressing.
5. Taste and add more dressing to your liking. Serve.

Lab 4: Legume Recipe 3: Chili

300 g lean ground beef

¼ onion, diced
1 celery stalk, diced
1 small clove garlic, minced
125 ml canned tomatoes, optional
125 ml Kidney beans or Beans in Tomato Sauce or half and half
½ can tomato soup
125 ml water (use 100 ml if using the canned tomatoes)
15 ml ketchup
2.5 ml Italian Seasoning (this is a mixture of oregano, basil, roasted peppers, thyme)
1 ml salt
1 ml black pepper
1 ml chili pepper
* pinch of cayenne to add heat, optional * Cayenne gets hotter as it cooks. Add only small quantities at a time,
allowing it to cook for 1 minute before adding more.

1. In a large frying pan/wok, combine the beef, garlic, onion, celery.
2. Saute until there is no pink left in the ground beef. Break up the meat with a wooden spoon while cooking.
(Show your teacher before you add other ingredients to the meat)
3. Spoon of excess fat into a small bowl with tinfoil in it if there is any present.
4. If you did not use the wok then transfer the hamburger mixture to a medium pot and add the rest of the
5. Simmer gently for 15 minutes or until the right consistency is reached.
6. Stir occasionally to prevent the chili from burning on the bottom.
7. Season to taste. (You can add addition salt, pepper, cayenne. Italian or sugar to cut down the acidity of
canned tomatoes.)
8. Serve with tortilla chips (if there are any available)

Lab # 5 ​ Choose one flour or flour alternative recipe to make.

Lab date: __________________________________ Self Teacher Eval

Recipe Name: ______________________________
Group members present on day of lab: ___________________________
Describe your product – and rate









Skill/level of difficulty/time to prepare

Availability of tools and equipment

Flavor and Aroma


Nutritional Value

Lab 5 Questions:
1. Does your product meet ​all​ the quality standards? ______ Determine why or why not your product
meet/did not meet all the quality standards.
2. What specific skills / techniques did you need to use to make this recipe?__________________________
3. How could you adapt this recipe for someone who has celiac?
4. List some safety considerations need to be made when, handling storing grains, grain products, legumes,
pulses, nuts and seeds?
5. What are the characteristics of the grain products, legumes, pulses, nuts and seeds have a shorter shelf
6. Identify consumer skills to follow when purchasing grain products, legumes, pulses, nuts and seeds:
7. What are some safety concerns of both food and equipment during the following phases and how can
they be resolved? Complete table below:
Safety Concern Resolution
Production phase
In the marketplace
In the home
Lab 5 Flour Alternative Recipe ​Choice 1: PANCAKES (Makes 12)
375 ml flour
15 ml sugar
15 ml baking powder
2 ml salt
1 egg
30 ml oil
375 ml milk

1. Combine dry ingredients in a medium bowl:
2. Beat in egg, then oil, then milk into a small bowl.
Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients, and stir just a little bit. A few lumps are
desirable. If the batter is too thick, add a small bit of milk, and stir again.
Drop batter onto lightly greased cooking surface. (Please make small pancakes 3
3. can fit onto a pan at once!)
4. Turn when bubbles appear on the surface and the edges appear dry.

Lab 5 Flour Alternative Recipe Choice 2: Basic Pizza

Dough Ingredients:
185ml. Warm milk
3ml sugar
8ml yeast
Stir in the sugar into the warm milk
Add the yeast and stir once gently.
Set aside for 5 minutes
Stir well and add:
65ml vegetable oil
Mix the oil in well before adding the salt and flour
Mix the salt into the flour before you add to the milk mixture.
375ml flour
1ml salt
1. Knead until smooth dough is formed. (Add more flour if dough is sticky)
2. Press out or roll out and place on a greased pizza pan.

175ml tomato sauce
1ml garlic powder
1ml oregano
Dash pepper
½ ml seasoning salt
1. Mix together and spread over the dough. Add toppings, ending with the cheese.
2. Bake for 20 minute on the bottom rack.
3. Prepare, serve and evaluate appropriate garnishes and accompaniments for this short order
recipe. (Discuss with your teacher what garnish material is available to use at this time)

Lab 5 Flour Alternative Recipe ​Choice​ 3: Master Muffin Recipe


● 1 and 3/4 cups (220g) Only Oat Flour
● 1 teaspoon baking powder
● 1 teaspoon baking soda
● 1/2 teaspoon salt
● 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
● 1/2 cup (115g or 1 stick) unsalted butter, softened to room temperature
● 3/4 cup (150g) packed light brown sugar (or granulated)
● 2 large eggs, at room temperature
● 1/2 cup (120g) sour cream or plain yogurt, at room temperature
● 1 and 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
● 1/4 cup (60ml) milk (any kind), at room temperature

1. Preheat oven to 425°F (218°C). Line a 12-count muffin pan with cupcake liners. Set aside.
2. In a large bowl, whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt together.
3. In a large bowl using a handheld or stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter
on high speed until smooth and creamy, about 1 minute.
4. Add the brown sugar and beat on high until creamed, about 2 full minutes.
5. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl as needed.
6. Add the eggs, sour cream, and vanilla extract.
7. Beat on medium speed for 1 minute, then turn up to high speed until the mixture is combined
and creamy.
8. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl as needed.
9. Pour the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and beat on low speed until just about
10. Add the milk and continue to beat on low until combined.
11. Spoon the batter evenly into each cup or liner, filling each all the way to the top.
12. Bake the muffins for 5 minutes at 425 then, keeping the muffins in the oven.
13. Then reduce the oven temperature to 350°F (177°C). Bake for an additional 15-18 minutes or
until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
14. The total time these muffins take in the oven is about 22-23 minutes, give or take. Allow the
muffins to cool for 5 minutes in the muffin pan, then transfer to a wire rack to continue cooling.

Recipe Variation Notes:

1. White Chocolate Raspberry Muffins - fold 1 cup raspberries + 3/4 cup white chocolate chips into the
batter in step 4. Sprinkle muffin tops with coarse sugar before baking.
2. Apple Cinnamon Muffins - mix an additional 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon + 1/4 teaspoon ground
nutmeg with the dry ingredients in step 2. Fold 1 cup peeled chopped apple + 1/2 cup chopped pecans or
walnuts into the batter in step 4. Sprinkle muffin tops with some oats before making.
3. Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins - leave out cinnamon and use granulated sugar instead of brown. Mix 2
Tablespoons poppy seeds into the dry ingredients in step 2. Fold zest and juice from 2 medium lemons
into the batter in step 4. Sprinkle muffin tops with coarse sugar before baking. Drizzle with ​lemon glaze
after baking.
4. Mixed Berry Muffins - mix 1 and 1/2 cups mixed berries into the batter in step 4. Drizzle with ​lemon glaze
after baking.

Master Muffin Recipe NOTES continued…

- For a jumbo muffin pan: 425°F for 5 minutes, then reduce to 350°F for 22-23 minutes for a total of 27-28,
give or take. Makes about 6.
- For mini muffins: 350°F for 11-13 minutes. Makes 28-34, depending on which add-ins.

Lab 5 Choice 4: Banana Chocolate Chip Muffin Recipe

3 bananas
125 ml sugar
1 egg
375 ml flour (MUST USE ONLY OAT FLOUR)
5 ml baking powder
60 ml oil
2 ml salt
5 ml baking soda
50 mL Chocolate Chips

1. Preheat oven to 375°F
2. Prepare muffin tins lining with 12 paper liners.
3. In a large bowl, sift together the dry ingredients:
flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and baking powder.
4. In a small bowl, mix together the egg and oil.
5. Mash the banana well. Stir into egg mixture.
6. Make a well in the dry ingredients.
7. Pour the liquid ingredients into the center.
8. Gently stir the mixture to combine the ingredients, until the flour just disappears.
(The batter will be lumpy)
9. Fill muffin tins ¾ full.
10. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Cool.
Lab # 6 ​ Choose a recipe from a specific country and make an ethnic or dietary restricted dish.

Lab date: __________________________________ Self Teacher Eval

Recipe Name: ______________________________
Group members present on day of lab: ___________________________
Describe your product – and rate









Skill/level of difficulty/time to prepare

Availability of tools and equipment

Flavor and Aroma


Nutritional Value

Lab 6 Questions:
1. How many nutrients are in each serving? Found in the Nutritional Chart at the end of the Recipe
Calories: ​_______​ | Carbohydrates: ​____​ | Protein: ​____​ | Fat: ​____​ | Fiber: ​____
2. What country of origin is your recipe from?
3. What specific skills / techniques / tools did you need to use to make this recipe?
4. Are there words within the recipe that are specific to the country of origin?
5. What other recipes would you have liked to make or what country besides Canada do you like
the most food from?__________________________________________________________
6. How has the information learned in this credit changed the way you think about cooking with
grains, legumes, nuts and seeds? _______________________________________________
7. List 3 potential career opportunities in the grains, legumes, nuts or seeds field:
_______________________ _______________________ __________________________
8. What could some barriers be to working in the agricultural industry in Canada?
9. What are some ways you can minimize barriers and maximize opportunities working in the
grains, legumes, nuts or seeds field? _____________________________________________

Lab 6 Ethnic or Dietary Restricted Dish

Recipe 1 Part 1: 3-Ingredient Authentic Mexican Corn Tortillas by​ ​Author: Isabel Eats
This 3-Ingredient Authentic Mexican Corn Tortillas recipe is the best!
They're better than store bought tortillas, are healthy and are a great
gluten-free option.

● 250 mL masa harina
● 190 mL hot water, plus more if necessary
● 1.25 mL teaspoon salt

1. In a large bowl, mix salt and masa harina together.
2. Pour in hot water into the dough and mix with a spoon or your hand to form a big ball. The
dough should be firm and springy when touched, not dry or super sticky. If the mixture is
too dry and it needs some more water, add it in small amounts until dough is the right
3. Preheat a griddle or large frying pan on medium-high heat.
4. Pinch off a golf-ball sized piece of tortilla dough and form it into a ball by rolling it in a
circular motion in the palm of your hand.
5. Put the ball in between two pieces of parchment or wax paper and flatten it using the tortilla
6. Gently remove the flattened masa from the wax paper and cook on the hot pan for about
30 seconds to 1 minute, depending on how hot the surface of your pan is. You want the
tortilla to have beautiful brown marks.
7. Flip the tortilla over and cook on the other side for 30 seconds to about 1 minute. The
tortilla may start to puff up in the middle, That's okay!
8. Remove the tortilla and place it between a cloth napkin to keep it warm and prevent it from
drying out.
9. Repeat steps 5-9 until all the dough is gone.
Nutrition Facts ​Serving: ​1 tortilla​ | Calories: ​67kcal​ | Carbohydrates: ​14g​ | Protein: ​1g​ | Fat: ​1g​ | Fiber: ​1g
Lab 6 Recipe 1 Part 2: Easy Ground Beef Filling
(If we have budget $ for beef and if you have time - otherwise
you can just put shredded cheese, salsa, and sour cream)

● 125 mL ground beef
● 5 mL chili powder
● 1.25 mL ground cumin
● 1.25 mL salt
● 1.25 mL garlic powder
● 1.25 mL onion powder
● 1.25 mL paprika
● Dash dried oregano

Optional toppings
● Iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, shredded cheddar cheese, pickled jalapeños, cilantro, limes, hot
● I will buy you sour cream, however sour cream is not traditional for Mexican Tacos

1. In a large bowl, add ground beef, chili powder, ground cumin, salt, garlic powder, onion
powder, paprika and dried oregano. Mix together with hands until well combined.
2. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat.
3. Add the ground beef and break up the meat into smaller chunks using a wooden spoon.
4. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the beef is completely browned, about 8 to 10 minutes.
5. Drain and discard any excess grease if you'd like. Remove from heat and cover to keep
6. If not still warm…. warm the corn tortillas on a hot griddle or skillet, about 30 seconds per
each side or until they get some toasty brown spots.
7. Fill each tortilla with ground beef and assemble tacos with toppings such as shredded
lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, jalapenos, cilantro, lime juice and hot sauce.

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