Rita Eggert Blog

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From Receiving Blood to Giving

Employees, donors and volunteers at American Red Cross love hearing success
stories from their time and efforts dedicated to helping those in the community.
Rita Eggert shared her story showing exactly how much the American Red Cross
has impacted her life.

In the late 1990s, Rita was diagnosed with breast cancer and lymphoma. A year
later, she had a stem cell transplant which required 25 units of blood and platelets.
After this procedure, Rita was convinced the American Red Cross saved her life.

Rita has been cancer-free for seventeen years, and she gets to spend her time cele-
brating with her eight children and 23 grandchildren. With the blessing of watching
her kids and grandkids grow, she gives blood in hope of helping people who need
blood like she did. Rita is a true inspiration to everyone who knows her, and her
story will not be forgotten.

Just giving one pint of blood can save three people’s lives. Rita understands the ne-
cessity of giving blood, and she has seen the outcomes of our donors and volun-
teers. For more information on how you can help people like Rita, visit red-

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