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Why Do You Volunteer?

Everyone has a unique reason for donating to American Red Cross. The most in-
spiring stories come from speaking to donors and volunteers at blood drives and
events. The average donor gives 1.6 times per year, but Judy Emmer goes above
and beyond by giving double platelets once a month. Judy not only enjoys helping
others with her generous donation, but she also gives in loving memory of her sis-
ter, Jane S. Lane.

In 1999, Jane was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a progressive can-
cer affecting a group of white blood cells called myeloid cells. Jane’s treatment re-
quired generous donors in the area to provide her with platelets, but the cancer was
very aggressive. Jane passed away a year after diagnosis.

A few years after her sister passed, Judy discovered she could donate platelets
through American Red Cross. Since then, Judy loves donating her platelets to help
people like her sister. Platelets can only be used within five days of donating, and
she knows the urgency of donating as often as possible.

Just one pint of blood can help save three lives, and the number of lives impacted
by Judy since she started donating is unimaginable. American Red Cross is thank-
ful for loyal donors and is always looking for more volunteers. For more informa-
tion, visit

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