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What Color is Your Parachute for Teens?


Week 1
Due 8/31

Chapter 1​ - What You Love To Do: Your Favorite Interests and Best Skills – Read pp.5-21

Complete the ​Discovery Exercise​ on page 10. There are 9 questions. PLEASE WRITE OUT the
question then put your answer below. (you can also copy and paste the questions.)

Print out a copy of the parachute page and follow the instructions in the ​Discovery Exercise

Bonus QUESTIONS. Answer the following questions after reading the Chapter.

1. List 5 of your favorite interests.

2. What do you like about each of them.
3. How are you using them now?
4. What is a possible way you can make a career involving each of them?

5. List 5 of your favorite or best skills you enjoy using.

6. What do you like about each of them.
7. How are you using them now?
8. What is a possible way you can make a career involving each of them?

Week 2 Complete the ​Discovery Exercise​ on page 12. Make sure you include Goals,
Due 9/7 Obstacles, Time Frame and Outcome.

Week 3
Due 9/14
Using the charts on page 16, 17, & 18. Answer the ​Discovery Exercise​ questions
on page #19. In addition, following questions after reading the Chapter. When
submitting your work, please COPY AND PASTE you response into the email.
Please label everything precisely with PERIOD #, RESPONSE #, YOUR
NAME, etc. (You ​do not ​need to attach your Word file).

Week 4 Chapter 2​ - Who You Love to Work With: Your Favorite Types of People
Due 9/21
On the blog, you will see a “Parachute” diagram. In the same area of
“Professional Development.” Complete the ​Discovery Exercise ​on page 20
utilizing the parachute diagram.

Read Chapter 2 –
1. describe what a Holland Code is.
2. complete the​ ​Discovery Exercises on page 24 and 25 and ​write the letters for
the three questions.
3. It has been said, “Birds of a feather flock together”.
What do you think?
4. do you see yourself in your favorite type of people? Explain.
5. Complete the ​Discovery Exercise on the bottom of page 25.


Chapter 3​ - Where You Love to Be: Your Ideal Work Environment

Answer the following questions after reading the Chapter.

Week 5 Chapter 4​ - Putting the Pieces Together: Identifying Your Potential Dream Jobs
Due 9/28

Complete the Discovery Exercise on page 39 The “parachute” page should be printed out. There
is a pdf on the blog. Look at the questions on page 47. Write down 3 questions and explain why
they would be good questions for the person you are interviewing.


Week 6 Chapter 5​ - What do I do now? Making the Most of High School

Due 10/5

Read ​Chapter 5​ Entitled, “What Do I Do Now?”

Answer the following questions after reading the Chapter.

1. What are 5 suggestions the author has to make the most of high school and how can they
help you later in life? (see pages 59- 73)
2. How can making a Career Portfolio help you?
3. Dr. Srully Blotnick did some interesting research. What was her study and what were the
4. How can you apply that information to your life?

Please make sure you copy and paste all this info into your response. Thank you.

Week 7 Chapter 6​ - What do I do next? Making the most of College

Due 10/12

Answer the following questions after reading the Chapter.

Page 85 - What Are Employers Looking For?
Put the 3 columns on your response.
1. Which ones do you think you possess already (list 3 if you have them)
2. Which ones do you want to work to possess?
3. List 3 ways to develop good contacts for your career?

Week 8 Chapter 7​ - Goal Setting: A Tool to Shape Your Future

Due 10/19

Read Chapter 7.
Answer questions on p. 95. WRITE OUT THE 2 QUESTION YOU ARE ANSWERING.

Then complete the DISCOVERY EXERCISE on page 96. Turn in your sheet with the four
columns answered in the given time frame for each (2 minutes).

Write a short paragraph of at least 3 sentences about what you have learned about goal setting,
what it is, suggestions to accomplish goals in general and how you can apply it in
your life.

Week 9 Chapter 8​ - Social Networking: Using Social Media to Boost Your Career
Due 10/26

What are 4 ways you can stay safe using Social Networking in your Career search?
List 5 ways you can create a solid WEB presence.
What are 2 suggestions in using Twitter for your career search/job hunt/networking?


Week 10 Chapter 9​ – How to Search for – and Find – Your Dream Job
Due 11/2
Read Chapter 9
1. What are four steps to your dream job?
2. Describe 3 reasons that it is good to do informational interviews
3. List 3 sources of contacts you can obtain for yourself
4. What are 3 critical things you need for a job search (p.122-123)
5. The author lists 10 techniques for a successful job search – what are 4 of

Week 11 Chapter 10​ - The Top 10 Mistakes Job Hunters Make – and How You Can
Due 11/9 Avoid Them

1. List the top 10 Mistakes Job Hunters Make

Week 12 Chapter 11​ - Tracking Emerging Career Trends: Green Careers and
Due 11/26
1. What fields are associated with “green” jobs?
2. What types of occupations can lead to green jobs?
3. What is a sustainable organization or business?

Week 13 Chapter 12​ - Beyond Your Dream Job: Creating the Life You Want
Due 11/30

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