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Rutinas diarias

Good afternon, my name is Jairo Villamizar and I want to tell you my daily routine

I wake up at (five o`clock) every day, I take a shower and I get dressed for work, I
make breakfast usually are eggs with bread and I leave at (fifteen past six) to wait for
the bus that takes me to work. I start work at (half past seven), where I wear the lab
coat and I must check the assignment in my computer for organize the analyzes that I
must perform. I work in an environmental laboratory for 9 hours, I always make
different functions as: analysis of water samples, report the data in the corresponding
formats and analize the data to generate the report. During my activities I have an hour
for lunch and I finish my work at five o`clock. After I have finished work, I go home to
cook dinner, I sometime make hot dog; after dinner I do my homework in the online
university using my computer and participating in the different fórums, I go to bed at
teen to eleven but place the alarm in this way I can wake up early.

Mi ser ideal

My ideal self has always been very spiritual,

Is alays very good friend, collaborative and sociable with their elders

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