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Contact: Dylan Flynn| USYCS TN State Lead | hcdestudentunion@gmail.

com | 423-225-1985

Youth in Nashville Join Global Climate Strike On

September 20

— Hundreds of Youth in Nashville announce Plans to Join Global Climate

Strike on September 20—

On September 20, young people and adults will strike to demand transformative action be taken
to address the climate crisis. Building on a historic surge of student protests and strikes for
climate action, the September 20 strike comes ahead of the United Nations Summit on Climate
Change three days later, when world leaders will convene in New York with the goal of
deepening climate ambition. In over 150 countries, people are already pledging to organize
events on September 20 and during the Week of Action that will follow it. The September 20
Climate Strike is an intergenerational, intersectional effort which will result in a range of events
taking place across the country. Led by the youth climate strikers, people will walk out of school
and work to join mass marches and rallies, to music concerts, sit-ins and nonviolent direct
action, connecting the climate movement to civic engagement.
Youth in Nashville along with The Sunrise Movement and The Tennessee Youth Climate Strike
are leading the strikes in Nashville, demanding stark climate action be taken by local, national,
and global politicians to preserve our planet for future generations.
Nationally coordinated by Future Coalition, the effort includes youth organizations such as Earth
Uprising, Fridays for Future USA, Extinction Rebellion-Youth, the Sunrise Movement, US Youth
Climate Strike, Zero Hour, Earth Guardians and International Indigenous Youth Council. The
Youth Climate Strike Coalition is steering the national campaign, with the active support,
participation and collaboration from an Adult Climate Strike Coalition, which includes leading
national progressive organizations such as, Greenpeace, SEIU and March On. Youth
and adults, institutional and grassroots organizations, climate-focused and social justice groups,
are coming together as a unified front to demand the change needed to protect the future.
Currently, the Youth Climate Strike Coalition is actively organizing in local communities, such as
here in Nashville, and across the country, working closely with other youth and adult allies, to
build momentum for September. More details about the strike in Nashville can be found at
Find out more information about the national strikes at

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