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Diving into SDLC

Marina Melnik

Executive Sponsor – the person who nourishes the project with decisions and money
Salesman – the person who helps customers & IT companies find each other
Project Manager – the person who helps project teams to accomplish the project in time, in scope, in budget, with
sufficient quality
Program Manager – the person who has responsibility for the management of a group of related projects
Project Portfolio Manager – the person who controls the management of a group of all projects based on
numerous key characteristics
Delivery Manager – is responsible for project success and consistent client satisfaction, people management,
scope management, expectation management, resource management, leadership, cost management in one region
(typically one development center). Responsible for Commercial Proposals development
Product Manager – is responsible for analyzing market conditions and defining features or functions of a product
to be developed
Business Analyst – is responsible for analyzing the business needs to identify business problems and propose
solutions, and improvements of Business Process
System Analyst – is responsible for writing software requirements to meet business needs
Subject-matter expert (SME) – is a person with special knowledge, skills or expertise in customer business domain
Architect – is a person who makes high-level design choices and dictates technical standards, including software
coding standards, tools, or platforms
Development Team – is a team of software developers who research, design, implement, and test software.
Usually includes Technical or Team Lead
QA (Testing) Team – performs tests on computer software applications to ensure they are working effectively.
They responsible for finding problems that occur in a system. Usually includes Test Lead
Test Manager/Test Lead effectively organizes a testing process while fulfilling the traditional leadership roles of a
Manual QA plays the role of an end user and uses most of all features of the application to ensure correct
behavior. Automation QA uses special software to emulate actions of and users and compare of actual outcomes
with predicted outcomes.
Test Analyst is responsible for analysis of requirements (if they are testable and full); specification of the required
Test Data and evaluating the outcome of the testing conducted in each test cycle. Test Designer creates test cases,
specifies and verifies the required Test Environment Configurations, defines what should be automated.
Technical Writer produces technical documentation for software End Users (good English!)
Beta Tester (UAT) is an actual software user which tests the software to make sure it can handle required tasks in
real-world scenarios, according to specifications. Security Tester is a hacker ☺
Penetration Tester – works with load and stress testing to find weak places in the system reliability.
Configuration Manager – is a person responsible for setting up development, testing and production environments
required for the solution, configuration control and configuration audit
Professional Services – is a group of independent contractors or consultants that perform unique functions.
Support Team – provides assistance to users of software product (3 levels/lines of support)
Customer Success Team – may be used instead of Support Team or includes Support and other teams working on
end user or customer business expectations fulfilment.
UI Team – matches customer expectations for graphics and style by applying graphic design solutions to software
End User – is a person who uses software product.
Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG)/PMO – performs assessment of organizational capability, develops &
implements plans of improvements, and measures the effectiveness of these efforts.
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Diving into SDLC
Marina Melnik

Artifact – object or product created during SDLC. Artifacts are documents in most cases. Some artifacts help
describe the requirements, architecture, and design of software. Other artifacts are concerned with the process of
development itself—such as project plans, business cases, and risk assessments.

NDA (Non-disclosure agreement)– is a legal contract between at least two parties that outlines confidential
material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to share with one another for certain purposes, but wish
to restrict access to or by third parties.
Vision & Scope
Vision (Business Case) defines the stakeholders’ view of the product to be developed, specified in terms of the
stakeholders’ key needs and features. Vision contains an outline of the envisioned core requirements, provides the
basis for the more detailed requirements.
Scope is a list of specific product goals & functions.
RFI (Request for Information) – is a document to collect written information about the capabilities of Software
Company. Normally it follows a format that can be used for comparative purposes. It requires RFI response from
Software Company.
RFP (Request for Proposal) – is a document with preliminary requirements for the product. It may dictate the
exact structure and format of the supplier's response; has deadlines of response. Usually it requests Proposal
document from Software Company.
Proposal is a written offer from the Software Company to potential Client.

Governance Model – describes the roles that project participants can take on and the process for decision making
within the project.
The To-Be (Target) Business Process – defines a concept of what the existing processes should be.
The As-Is Business Process – defines the current process to be enhanced.
“As-Is” model (the present state) and the “To-Be” model (future state: the present state with improvements)
Gap Analysis – is an assessment approach to help identify differences between where we are (as-is business
process) and where we want to be (target business process).
Business Value Assessment (BVA) – is a set of additional advantages that supposed to be brought into Customer’s
business as a result of project success completion.
Business KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) – is a set of values used to measure Business success against.
CSF (Critical Success Factors) – is the term for an element that is necessary for KPIs to be achieved.
RAM (Responsibility Assignment Matrix) – describes the depth of involvement of roles which participate in
completing artifacts for a project

Risk Assessment – is identifying the probability, the impact, and the effect of every known risk on the project, as
well as the corrective action (mitigation plan) describing how this particular risk will be handled – what, when, by
who and how will it be done to avoid it or minimize consequences if it becomes a liability.
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Diving into SDLC
Marina Melnik

High level Requirements – is the most generalized breakdown of requirements of the system. List of prospective
features of future system, which is sufficient to make high-level project estimations.
Architecture / Solution Design – provides a fundamental structure of a software system embodied in its
components, their relationships to each other and to the environment, and the principles guiding its design and
Change Management Procedure is the set of actions to be taken when changes on the project are needed.
Estimation – is the quantity of time, needed to implement desired system.
Budget – is a list of all planned expenses and revenues. Depends on engagement model.
TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) – is total of direct capital investment in software, hardware plus indirect costs of
installation, training, repairs, downtime, technical support, and upgrading.
P&L (Profit & Loss) – financial statement that summarizes project revenues, costs and expenses incurred during a
specific period of time - usually a fiscal quarter or year.
MSA (Master Service Agreement) – is a contract that states the responsibilities and obligations of one party with
SOW (Statement of Work) – is a formal document that captures and defines the work activities, deliverables, and
timeline a Company must execute in performance of specified work for a client. The SOW usually includes detailed
requirements and pricing, with standard regulatory and governance terms and conditions.
Roadmap – is a vision of future activities, laid out in broad strokes (i.e. planned or proposed product releases,
listing high level functionality, business process implementation, trainings etc.) and in rough timeframes — usually
the target calendar or fiscal quarter.
PoC (Proof of Concept) – is realization of a certain method or idea(s) to demonstrate its feasibility. PoC could be
done by Business Analyst, that improves feasibility of business idea and done by Architect, which improves
feasibility of future software. PoC is not a part of future application.

Requirements Document – contains a functional description of the system and important technical characteristics
(nonfunctional requirements).
Product Requirements Document (PRD) – is a document written by a company that defines a product they are
making, or the requirements for one or more new features for an existing product.
Project (Management) Plan – formal document that defines how the project is executed, monitored & controlled.
At a minimum, a project plan answers basic questions about the project (Why? What? Who? When? How?)
Communication Plan – describes how & what formal information will be communicated, when & where each
communication will be made, who is responsible for each type of communication. Could be part of PM Plan
Risk Management Plan – describes how project risk management will be performed on the project. Could be part
of PM Plan
Risk Matrix (Register) – contains qualitative, quantitative risk analysis, risk response actions.
Configuration Management Plan – defines the implementation (including policies and methods) of configuration
management on a particular project.
CM activities include the identification and establishment of baselines; the review, approval, and control of
changes; the tracking and reporting of such changes; the audits and reviews of the evolving software product.
CM Plan describes desired development, testing and pre-rod environment configuration.
Test Plan – contains information about the purpose and goals of testing within the project. It also identifies the
strategies to be used to implement and execute testing, and resources needed
Test Matrix – contains test cases/ test scenarios and captures test results by laying them out in the form of a table.
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Diving into SDLC
Marina Melnik

Traceability Matrix – matches requirements to corresponding test cases. The purpose of the Traceability Matrix is
to ensure that all requirements defined for a system are tested.
Release Plan – describes which features will be delivered in upcoming releases and their milestones. Could be
rough quarterly estimation.
Project Metrics – measure the quality of project
Product Metrics – measure the quality of product
Process Metrics – measure the quality of product
Action Items – contains event, task, activity, or action that needs to take place. Action items are discrete units that
can be handled by a single person. This is a way to capture assignments for other people.
Status Reports – are documents to inform the progress of the project given on the regular basis. One can see if
project is in “green”, “yellow” or “red” zone.

System Integration Test (SIT) – is a testing process that exercises a software system's coexistence with others.
With multiple integrated systems, assuming that each have already passed system testing, SIT proceeds to test
their required interactions.
NFR Test– is set of tests to be sure that nonfunctional requirements are met. (RAMPS is abbreviation for Reliability,
Availability, Manageability, Performance, Security)
UAT (User Acceptance Test) – is the final stage of testing in application software development. To ensure the
software would work well with business environment and infrastructure it is needed to test it with user’s
perspective, in a form that is proposed to be put in to.

Promotion to Production (Release Procedure) – is procedure that describes technical deployment of new
application into production environment.
Roll-back Procedure – is set of planned activities that should be done if production deployment fails.
Release Notes– contains information, what is going to be release in current delivery. Also contains information
about known bugs
Data Migration – is the process of transferring data from one system to another to maintain legacy data (usually
includes extract, transform and load activities). (!) Do not mix up with Data Conversion. Data Conversion is the
transformation of data from one format to another. It implies extracting data from the source, transforming it and
loading the data to the target system based on a set of requirements.
User Training & Documentation – is a set of training courses on developed software and new processes to be held
& set of documents to be created for intended users.
Cutover – is the procedure which describes transition of production environment from the old version of the
application to the current version.

SLA (service-level agreement) – is a negotiated agreement between two parties, where one is the customer and
the other is the service provider.SLA defines the basis of formal understanding and communication between the
vendor and the client. SLA typically describes reaction time, communication, classification of anomalies.
Support Procedure – describes how the developed system will be supported, who will hold support activities, how
communication process will be built.
Monitoring Business KPIs - is process of observing & measuring how we meet expected KPIs.
The information contained in these documents is confidential, privileged and only for the information of SkillsUp authorized students
and may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent of SkillsUp. Copyright © 2011-2019 by SkillsUp. All
rights reserved.

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