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6/7/2019 Oceans – Conference and Exposition

October 27 - 31, 2019


Abstract Submission: Information for

If you or a co-author who will be presenting the paper poster will require a visa to attend the conference,
please start that process immediately to allow sufficient time for processing. If you will require a letter
indicating that you are participating in the conference as part of the visa application, please contact the
Technical Program Chair immediately.

If your abstract is accepted, the following requirements must be met before your paper will be published in
the citable Proceedings of the Conference:

You or a co-author must execute a valid assignment of copyright. This process is normally
completed on-line when uploading your paper. If employer or funding source requirements will
prevent use of the standard copyright form, please allow sufficient time before the paper deadline to
contact the Technical Program Chair. There are established modifications to the standard form to 1/2
6/7/2019 Oceans – Conference and Exposition

accommodate such cases, but execution of modified copyright requires several days at a minimum.
Copyright must be assigned before your paper can be uploaded.
You or a co-author must pay the paper registration fee. This process is normally completed on-line
when uploading your paper or poster. All papers or posters in the regular technical program, including
those by students, are required to pay a registration fee. There are additional discounts for members
and student members of the sponsoring societies and for early registration. The paper/poser
registration fee is waived for students accepted to the Student Poster Competition; however, they still
go through the registration process when uploading their papers and posters. The paper registration
includes one full registration to the conference. A single paid paper registration fee can cover up to
three papers that share a common author or co-author. The waived fee for a Student Poster
Competition paper cannot be applied to other papers in the program.
You must upload a paper or poster by the deadline or oral presentation of the work will not be
scheduled in the Technical Program of the Conference. This process is normally completed on-line.
You or a co-author must make an oral presentation of the paper or poster during the scheduled time
in the Technical Program of the Conference.

Please check box to acknowledge that you have read and understand this information.

Proceed >>

Copyright 2018 OCEANS Conference. All Rights Reserved 2/2

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