Questionnaire On Employee Motivation

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As a part of my summer internship project. I am conducting a research on employee motivation. This questionnaire is a
part of the research project. I solicit your co-operation for academic purpose only & shall be kept confidential. * Required

Sex * Age * Designation *

o Female
o Male
o Prefer not to say

Education *
o Secondary
o Higher Secondary
o Graduation
o Post-Graduation
o Prefer not to say
o Other

Work on span: *
o 0 to 12 months
o 1 to 5 year
o 6 to 10 year
o 11 to 15 year
o More than 15 year

I am satisfied with the present salary and increment given to me. *

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

I think that financial or non-financial related reward system in my organization is fair and satisfactory. *
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

My relation with my superior peers and subordinates is good. *

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

I enjoy setting and achieving challenging goal. *

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

I am recognized and praised for my good performance. *

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

There is a clear & effective system of performance appraisal & career development. *
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

I feel that my job has enough learning opportunities which help me in career advancement. *
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

My organization helps me in all possible way to know my abilities, capabilities, present performance and prospect for
improvement. *
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

In our organization we all are given a chance to present our ideas & the same is given due weight age in decision
making. *
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

I think that appropriate work is given to me according to my skill and potential. *

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

I believe that leadership also influences the level of motivation. *

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

I feel that my working environment is clean, pleasant, safe and positive in my organization. *
o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

I am satisfied with the holidays provided by my organization. *

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly agree

I am very much comfortable in discussing my personal or work-related problem with my supervisors. *

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

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