Inglés:: Escribe Un Texto Informativo Sobre La Contaminación (2 Pág.)

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Escribe un texto informativo sobre la contaminación (2 pág.).

Pollution (also, pollution) is the introduction of substances or other physical

elements into a medium, which makes it unsafe or unfit for use.1 The medium
can be an ecosystem, a physical medium or a living being. The contaminant
can be a chemical, energy (such as sound, heat, light, or radioactivity). It is
always a negative alteration of the natural state of the environment, and is
generally generated as a consequence of human activity, being considered a
form of environmental impact.

Pollution can be classified according to the type of source it comes from, or by

the form of pollutant it emits or the medium it pollutes. There are many
pollutants among them chemical substances (such as pesticides, cyanide,
herbicides, and others), urban waste, oil, or ionizing radiation. All of these can
cause disease, damage to ecosystems or the environment. In addition, there
are many gaseous pollutants that play an important role in different atmospheric
phenomena, such as the generation of acid rain, the weakening of the ozone
layer, and climate change.

There are many ways to combat pollution, and international legislation that regulates
the polluting emissions of the countries that adhere to these policies. Pollution is
generally linked to economic and social development. Currently many international
organizations such as the UN place sustainable development as one of the ways to
protect the environment for current and future generations.

In 2015, the contamination killed more than 9 million people.

Escribe una poesía sobre el feminicidio, debe ser: 3 estrofas (1 pág. Cada una) 6
Forms of contamination

Air pollution is the presence in the air of materials or forms of energy that imply risk,
damage or serious discomfort for people and beings of popular nature, 14 as well as
that can attack different materials, reduce visibility or produce odors. unpleasant.
Since the Industrial Revolution began in the second half of the 18th century, the
production processes in factories, the development of transportation and the use of
fuels have increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and other
gases that are very harmful for health, such as sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides.

Water pollution or water pollution is a modification of this, generally caused by humans,
which makes it inappropriate or dangerous for consumption, industry, agriculture,
fishing and activities, as well as for animals.17 I don't know

Although water pollution can come from natural sources, such as ash from a volcano,
18 most of today's pollution comes from human activities. It is caused by the release of
waste and pollutants that drain runoff and are then transported to rivers, entering
groundwater or discharging into lakes or seas. For spills or discharges of wastewater,
eutrophication or garbage discharge. Or by uncontrolled release of CO2 greenhouse
gas produced by acidification of the oceans.

Large accumulations of waste and garbage are a problem every day, it originates from
the large population agglomerations in industrialized or urbanizing cities. Garbage is
mostly accumulated in landfills, but many times it is carried by the wind or rivers and
disperses on the surface of the earth and sometimes reaches the ocean.

Electronic scrap, electronic waste, or technological waste is waste made up of waste
electrical and electronic equipment. It is also known by the concept WEEE (Waste from
Electrical and Electronic Devices). Improper treatment of WEEE can cause serious
environmental impacts and put human health at risk.
Escribe tus planes futuros (1 hoja)

Well, my planes are to finish my studies in signal to my family that I can

get ahead I want to get to University and pursue a career as a business
administrator I want to also have a family full of health and that we always
carry God in our hearts to give him the best education to my children I
want to become a good woman in the morning and in pointing out
negative people that you can get ahead no matter the time and time there
is always time for something. You want to achieve.
Hacer un informe noticiero (tema que quieras)

Coronavirus tests in La Ciénaga were not carried

out by Public Health, says the minister

Archive photography of the La Ciénaga neighborhood.

The Minister of Public Health declared today that the coronavirus tests carried
out in the La Ciénaga sector were not carried out by the body, but by the
National Health Service (SNS).

Sánchez Cárdenas maintained that in the procedure, in which some 100 tests
were carried out, 26 of which were positive for the coronavirus, neither SP was
notified nor was the agency involved.

“In La Ciénega, these tests were carried out by the National Health Service
(SNS) and I understand that they were accompanied by some members of the
Armed Forces; the Ministry did not do it and when they were practiced it was
not notified either. We are doing the review of that activity in order to clarify. The
MSP was not participating in that operation, so what we are doing is
investigating these cases,” said the official during bulletin No. 53 to monitor the

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