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Paper 1 :

Notebook: Agri Eng paper 1

Created: 1/18/2020 10:56 AM Updated: 1/21/2020 3:43 PM

Paper 1 :  

PART A ...................
1.. Soil and water conservation 

1. Scope of soil and water conservation.

2. Mechanics and types of erosion, their causes.
3. Rainfall, runoff and sedimentation relationships and their measurement
4. Soil erosion control measures - biological and engineering including stream bank protection-vegetative
barriers, contour bunds, contour trenches, contour stone walls, contour ditches, terraces, outlets and
grassed waterways.
5. Gully control structures - temporary and permanent - design of permanent soil conservation structures
such as chute, drop and drop inlet spillways.
6. Design of farm ponds and percolation ponds.
7. Principles of flood control-flood routing.
8. Watershed Management - investigation, planning and implementation - selection of priority areas and
water shed work plan, water harvesting and moisture conservation.
9. Land development - leveling, estimation of earth volumes and costing.
10. Wind Erosion process - design for shelter belts and wind brakes and their management.
11. Forest (Conservation) Act. 

2...2: Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing 

1.. Basic characteristics of photographic images, interpretation keys, equipment for interpretation, imagery
interpretation for land use, geology, soil and forestry.
2.. Remote sensing - merits and demerits of conventional and remote sensing approaches.
3.. Types of satellite images, fundamentals of satellite image interpretation, techniques of visual and digital
interpretations for soil, water and land use management.
4.. Use of GIS in planning and development of watersheds, forests including forest cover, water resources etc
3.. Irrigation and Drainage 

1.. Sources of water for irrigation

2.. Planning and design of minor irrigation projects.
3.. Techniques of measuring soil moisture - laboratory and in situ, Soil-water plant relationships.
4.. Water requirement of crops.
5.. Planning conjunctive use of surface and ground water.
6.. Measurement of irrigation water, measuring devices - orifices, weirs and flumes.
7.. Methods of irrigation - surface, sprinkler and drip, fertigation.
8.. Irrigation efficiencies and their estimation.
9.. Design and construction of canals, field channels, underground pipelines, head-gates, diversion boxes and
structures for road crossing.
10.. Occurrence of ground water, hydraulics of wells, types of wells (tube wells and open wells) and their
11.. Well development and testing
12..Pumps-types, selection and installation.
13.. Rehabilitation of sick and failed wells.
14.. Drainage causes of water logging and salt problem.
15.. Methods of drainage- drainage of irrigated and unirrigated lands, design of surface, sub-surface and
vertical drainage systems.
16.. Improvement and utilization of poor quality water.
17.. Reclamation of saline and alkali soils.
18.. Economics of irrigation and drainage systems.
19.. Use of waste water for irrigation - standards of waste water for sustained irrigation, feasibility and

4.. Agricultural Structures 

1.. Site selection, design and construction of farmstead - farm house, cattle shed, dairy bam, poultry shed, hog
housing, machinery and implement shed, storage structures for food grains, feed and forage
2.. Design and construction of fences and farm roads.
3.. Structures for plant environment – green houses, poly houses and shade houses
4.. Common building materials used in construction - timber, brick, stone, tiles, concrete etc and their
5.. Water supply, drainage and sanitation system

Paper 1 :  

PART A ...................
1.. Soil and water conservation 

1. Scope of soil and water conservation.

Name different soil conservation regions of India with salient soil conservation problems in these regions
Discuss the frequency factor method of frequency analysis and its use in soil and water conservation
engineering (2015)
Define weathering. Discuss the mechanics of water erosion (2014)
Write plotting position method of frequency analysis and its use in soil and water conservation
engineering. (2011)

2. Mechanics and types of erosion, their causes.

What are the factors which affect soil erosion by water ? Discuss. If the degree of slope is increased 4
times, what will be the relative increase in erosion caused by water (2018)
Explain in brief, different types of erosion and their causes. (2017)
What are the main causes of soil erosion in India ? Explain the agronomic practices adopted for
controlling the soil erosion. (2016)
What do you understand by gully erosion and how is it different from channel erosion? Also write the
stages of gully development (2015)
Discuss the topographic effect of soil erosion (2014)
Discuss the symptoms of water erosion in soil. (2014)
Discuss the effect of tillage practices on soil erosion. (2014)
Discuss gulley erosion,its formation and different stages of its formation. (2013)
Discuss raindrop erosion, the factors influencing it and the process. (2013)
What is gully erosion ? Write different stages of gully development. Discuss classification of gullies.
Explain factors affecting erosion by. water. (2011)
What is sheet erosion ? How does it differ from rill erosion ? Differentiate the· soil particles movement by
surface creep and saltation. (2010)

3. Rainfall, runoff and sedimentation relationships and their measurement

Short notes on Rational method for estimating runoff ; 2019

What are the different types of runoff? Explain the factors that affect the runoff in a watershed ; (2018)
Discuss the Rational method of predicting design peak runoff rate. In a watershed the most remote
point is 600 m away from the outlet point. The outlet point is 3.0 m below the most remote point.
Calculate the time of concentration of watershed (2018)
Explain a procedure for checking rainfall data of a station for consistency. (2018)
Define Water Harvesting. Write the components and sequential steps for runoff water harvesting
systems in the dry regions of India with suitable sketches. Also write the limitations of water harvesting
systems (2017)
Let P1,P2,P3....,Pn be the depths of rainfall recorded in n rain gauges enclosed by polygon having areas
A1,A2,A3,A4,.......,An within the watershed. Calculate the average depth of rainfall(P) in the watershed
area A. (2016)
Describe in brief the runoff inducing practices for increasing runoff for water harvesting. (2016)
Define rational formula for estimating peak runoff rate. Why is it called rational ? What are the
limitations of rational formula ? (2016)
Explain the rational formula for estimation of peak rate of runoff. Also write the assumptions and
limitations of this formula (2015)
The soil erosion will be different for two storms having different rainfall intensities even if the total
amount of rainfall is equal. Comment on the statement. Assume suitable data for the two storms, if
necessary (2015)
Discuss the runoff cycle with a neat sketch. (2014)
In and around a watershed there are 6 numbers of rain gauges. Average rainfall is to be determined for
estimation of runoff average. Discuss Thiessen polygon method of average rainfall. (2013)
Explain the process of estimating missing rainfall data and adjustment of records for missing stations by
double mass analysis method. (2013)
Discuss working of Coshocton type runoff samplers. How will you design storage tank for Coshocton
type runoff sampler ? Also discuss· limitation of the method. (2012)
Explain a procedure for supplementing the missing rainfall data (2012)
What are the reasons for inconsistency in rainfall record ? Explain the method of removing inconsistency
in rainfall data (2011)
Explain the different methods of determining the average rainfall over a watershed due to a storm.
Discuss the relative merits and demerits of the various methods. (2011)
Define the runoff. Discuss the Rational method for estimating the peak runoff rate in a watershed. What
ss the assumption and weakness of the Rational formula? (2010)
What is the weakness of rational formula  in  estimating  peak  runoff rate ? What is the time of
concentration of the watershed having length of 1500 m and land slope 0.5% ? (2014)
The annual maximum one day rainfall (mm) for 10 years is as follows : 85, 91, 178, 80, 130, 105, 215, 90,
200 and 165.  Find the approximate values of 5-year l-day and 2-year 1-day rainfall. (2014)

Compute the peak runoff of 15 years return period from a watershed area of 150 ha to design the field
diversion. The sub-watersheds of 50 ha, 75 ha and 25 ha are kept under cultivation (c=0.5), forest cover 
(c=0.3) and grassland (c=0.3), respectively. The other details are as follows :

(i) The maximum length of watercourse=2500 m

(ii) Relief=50 m
(iii) Slope of watershed=2.5%
(iv) Watershed soil is clay; values of a,b,k and n are 0.1483, 0.50, 7.176 and 0.9459, respectively

Describe briefly, the SCS-CN method of runoff estimation. A watershed has 100 ha area. The watershed
has 20 ha pasture in silty clay soil of 2% slope (CN = 65), 30 ha of pasture on silty loam soil of 0-5%
slope (CN = 70) and remaining 50 ha of wheat crop on loam soil of 1% slope (CN = 85). Estimate the
weighted curve number for the watershed. (2017)
Following are the data of unit hydrograph for a rainfall duration of 3 hr storm. Using "S" curve
techniques develop a unit hydrograph of 6 hr rainfall.

Time (hr) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.0 1.9 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0

Define point rainfall and normal rainfall. A catchment has five rain gauge stations I, II, III,IV and V. The
depth of annual normal rainfall recorded in these stations is 75.0, 68.0, 73.0, 79.5 and 85.0 cm
respectively. In a year the rain gauges at station V went out of order and the rainfall recorded in the
other four stations was 87.5, 77.2, 85.5 and 94.5 cm at I, II, III and IV  respectively. What was the rainfall at
station V in that year? (2010)

4. Soil erosion control measures - biological and engineering including stream bank protection-
vegetative barriers, contour bunds, contour trenches, contour stone walls, contour ditches,
terraces, outlets and grassed waterways.
Explain different types of engineering measures of soil erosion control. Mention the design criteria of
contour bund (2019)
What do you understand by biological or vegetative measures in a watershed ? Describe the measures
What is contour trench ? Write about different types of contour trenches. Explain design procedure of
contour trench systems. (2018)
Describe the classification of bench terraces given by Rama Rao and Bali, with suitable sketches. (2018)
Short notes on Grassed waterways ; Nalla bunding  ; Vegetative measures for soil erosion control ; 2019
Write the step-by-step procedure for planning and design of a graded bunding. (2017)
What are the contour and graded bunds ? How do they differ in design and functional aspects ? (2016)
What is a waste weir in a contour bund   designs Explain. Why do we need them? Where these should be
located? Describe the   clear overfall waste weir with diagram (2015)
Describe the classification of bench terraces briefly with neat sketches. Derive an expression for the
vertical drop D between two consecutive bench terraces, if the width of bench terrace is W, slope given
for vertical face is 1:1 and land slope is S in % (2015)
Strip cropping is one of the important agronomic practices employed to control soil erosion. Explain
different types of strip cropping. How is strip cropping laid out in the fields Describe( 2015)
Define terrace. Describe the procedure for design of a bench terrace. What is the horizontal  distance  of
broad  base terrace  of land slope 5% ? (2014)
What are the benefits of organic mulch ? Discuss the minimum tillage with its objectives. (2014)
Differentiate between contour strip cropping, field strip cropping and buffer-strip cropping for assisting
soil and water in a cultivated field. (2013)
What is surplussing arrangement in the design of contour bunds? Write its need and suggest the
suitable location in the bund. Also list different types of outlets used in contour bunding. (2012)
How do you classify bench terraces ? Highlight their salient features with neat sketches. (2012)
Briefly describe various methods of reducing surface wind velocities in wind erosion control. (2012)
List out the procedure for design of a grassed waterway. (2012)
Describe characteristics of the contour lines. Explain the procedure to conduct topographical survey of a
watershed by direct contour method. (2011)
Establish a relationship for width of bench terrace in terms of land slope, vertical interval and the riser
inclination. (2011)

The following elevations of contour lines arid the areas within the contour lines were found in a
pond. Calculate the storage capacity of the pond. (2014)

Area within the contour lines

Elevation of contour lines (m)

33 0.08

35 0.35

37 0.45

39 0.70

41 0.95
Calculate the height of contour bund to be constructed on a land slope of 5%.assume the following: ;

(i)  Rainfall excess for 24 hours duration is 80 cm.

(ii) 15 m is horizontal interval
(iii)depth of water flow over the weir is 30 cm

 Design a grassed waterway of parabolic shape to carry a flow of 2-6 m^3/s, down a slope of 3%. The
waterway has a good stand of grass and velocity of 1-75 m/s can be allowed. Assume the value of
Manning’s roughness coefficient ‘n’ as 0 04. (2017)

It is planned to construct bench terraces on a 20% hill slope. If the vertical interval is 2 m, determine ;

(i)  per hectare
(ii) Earthwork
(iii) Area lost, both for vertical cut and batter slope of 1 : 1. (The cut should be equal to fill) (2017)

Calculate the cross-section of a contour bund used to store 24-hour excess rainfall of 10 cm. the annual
rainfall is about 120 cm with a high intake rate and there is low coverage of crops over the land. The land
slope is 4%. Use Cox's formula for VI of contour bund. (2016)
Design a 150 m long inward sloping(5%) bench terrace for  sandy loam soil with an average slope of
15%. the entire width of the terrace acts as a channel which is provided with a uniform grade of 0.6%.
The rainfall intensity for the return period and time of concentration is 20cm/hr, runoff coefficient = 0.3,
riser side slope = 1:1 , shoulder bund height = 30cm, bottom width = 75cm, side slope =1:1, Manning's
n = 0.04 , VI = 1.06m, area of the terrace = 0.09 ha. (2016)
Design a parabolic shaped grassed waterway to carry a flow 3 cu m/s down a slope of 4%.An excellent
stand of dub grass is to be maintained in the waterway . Take Manning's n=0.04. (2016)
Calculate the design dimensions of a contour bund in a medium deep soil having an average slope of
4%. The maximum expected rainfall during a 10-year recurrence interval is 20 cm. Infiltration capacity of
the soil in the area is such that 20% of the rain infiltrates into the soil. The horizontal interval between
bunds is 50 m. Assume the slope of seepage line to be 4:1 (2015)
Design a contour bund with the following : (2014)

1. Land slope = 2.0%

2. Rainfall abstraction = 30%
3. The maximum rainfall expected in 10 year recurrence interval = 10 cm
4. Horizontal spacing between the bund = 100 m
5. Side slope of the bund = 1.5:1
6. Seepage line of bund soil = 5:1
7. Freeboard = 20% of water depth

Design a parabolic shaped grassed waterway to carry a flow of 2.0 m3/sec down a slope of 4·0%. The
maximum velocity of flow is 1·5 m/sec and a freeboard of 10 cm is recommended. Assume n=0.04.
A variable grade graded bund of 300 m is to be constructed in a cultivated land of 4% surface slope, The
bund channel is to be created by the embankment only and the horizontal distance between these two
bunds is 50 m. Estimate the time of concentration and the total drop in head in designing this graded
bund. Assume channel grade to be 0.1 %, 0.12%, 0.13% and 0.15% for each 1/4th length from upper
section onwards. Show the sketch of the bund. (2010)
Design a parabolic shape grassed waterway with the following : (2010)

1. Expected runoff = 2.2 m3/s

2. Slope of the channel = 3.5%
3. Maximum permissible velocity = 2.0 m/s
4. Manning's n =0.04

Design a contour bund with the following : (2010)

1. Land slope = 3%
2. Rainfall abstraction = 25%
3. The maximum rainfall expected in 10 year recurrence interval = 10cm
4. Horizontal spacing between the bund = 50 m
5. Side slope of the bund = 1.5:1
6. Seepage line in bund soil = 5:1

A bund is to be constructed of top width 2.0 m and side slope 1.5:1 by the soils of excavated channel 3.0
m deep, 2.0 m bottom width and 1:1 side slope. The channel and bund is constructed side-by-side of
equal length. What is the height and bottom width of the bund ? (2010)

5. Gully control structures - temporary and permanent - design of permanent soil conservation
structures such as chute, drop and drop inlet spillways.

Explain the measures for controlling gully formation. ; 2019

Explain different types of spillways used in gully control. compare the structural and design features of
these spillways. ; 2019
Discuss design procedure of permanent soil conservation structures (2018)
Discuss the functions, limitations and design features of chute spillways. (2017)
Discuss different methods of Gully Control. Explain the steps followed in the design of gully control
structures. (2017)
With a neat sketch ,explain the working of drop inlet spillway. Under what situation is it preferred? (2016)
How will you check stability of permanent soil conservation structures against the following causes of
failures ? (2015)

1. Sliding
2. Shear friction
3. overturning
4. Tensile stresses

Describe the stages of gully development. (2014)

Sketch and discuss design and construction of a sand fill poly-bag structure to stabilize a gulley (2013)
Sketch a drop inlet spillway across an earthen dam. Name its components and discuss their functions.
With the help of neat sketch,describe purposes of various structural components of a drop spillway.
How will you check stability of Soil Conservation structures against following causes of failures ? (2012)

1. Sliding
2. Shear Friction
3. Overturning and
4. Tensile stresses

Discuss different phases of design procedure of permanent soil conservation structures. (2011)
Give the sketch of a straight drop spillway and label it. In which situation is this suggested (2010)
6. Design of farm ponds and percolation ponds.

Discuss in brief the utility of farm ponds. What are the different types of ponds depending upon the
source of water and their location with respect to land surface ? Write the criteria for selection of site of
farm ponds.(2018)
What are the different types of farm ponds and their essential design requirements ? (2017)
In a forest area, necessity for a small reservoir was felt for maintaining proper soil moisture regime. For
this purpose a seasonal stream was selected for construction of a small dam across it. But runoff data at
the point was necessary for determining reservoir size and out-flow structure. The depth of flow in the
stream is roughly 4 to 5 m after a good rain in its catchment. You were to use a current meter. Explain
step-by-step how you will proceed for your duty (2013)
How is the water requirement of a farm pond determined ? Explain. (2012)
.In a pond the following elevations of contour lines and  the areas within the contour lines were found

Elevation of contour lines (m) Area within the contour lines (ha)

75 0.05

77 0.23

79 0.55

81 0.85

83 1.30
Calculate the storage capacity of this pond.

7. Principles of flood control-flood routing.

Define flood routing. Discuss the basic elements of flood routing (2018)
What do you mean by flood routing ? Discuss its advantages in design of a reservoir spillway (2013)
Define flood routing. Also describe the elements of flood routing (2011)

8. Watershed Management - investigation, planning and implementation - selection of priority areas

and water shed work plan, water harvesting and moisture conservation.

What is integrated watershed management approach ? Explain its different objectives. (2018)
Discuss the issues and challenges related to watershed management. What is the role of peoples’
participation in watershed development ? (2017)
Discuss land shaping concepts, purpose and applicability in a watershed (2017)
What are the main objectives of watershed management programme ? What survey is required to be
conducted while planning for watershed development. ? (2016)
Write the major objectives of watershed management programmes. Write the mathematical    
expressions     for   calculating     form factor,   elongation, ratio, drainage density and circulatory ratio
for a watershed (2015)
Soil loss from a small experimental forest watershed is to be determined. It was decided to install
multislot divisors. Describe the working of multislot divisors. How will you design it for this watersheds ?
What is water harvesting? Discuss the common techniques adopted for water harvesting. Write the
limitations of water harvesting systems. (2015)
Explain the most important informations available in Survey of India Toposheet for the development of
watershed. (2013)
Discuss the importance of people's participation in watershed development. (2012)
What data would you like to include in a watershed planning report on a recommended management
programme ? Explain. (2012)
What is watershed ? Write major objectives of watershed management programmes. What available
information would you like to collect before conducting field survey in a watershed for preparation of
watershed plan ? (2011)
Write the procedure to determine the priority watersheds. (2011)
Discuss the importance of peoples's participation in watershed development. (2010)
The longest lengths of a watershed consist of 60, 75, 80 and 75 m of slopes 0-1, 0-15, 0 20 and 0-25%
respectively. Determine the average slope and time of concentration of the watershed. (2014)

9. Land development - leveling, estimation of earth volumes and costing.

Write about the methods used for computation of earthwork. Also, write in brief about different
machineries/equipments used for land grading. ; 2019
What are the factors affecting land grading ? How is survey carried out for land grading ? Discuss
commonly used methods for calculation of earth work.(2018)
Explain in brief, different methods of calculating earth and soil volumes. (2017)
Determine the volume of earth work from the following : (2014)

1. Bottom length = 20m

2. Bottom width = 12m
3. Side slope = 2:1
4. Depth = 3m

10. Wind Erosion process - design for shelter belts and wind brakes and their management.

Write about design factors and layout to install shelter belt against wind erosion ; 2019
Short notes on Movement of soil particles in wind erosion ; 2019
What are the different types of soil movement due to wind erosion ? Describe how the movements of
the particles of various sizes take place in different types of movement.(2018)
Discuss the mechanics of wind erosion. (2011)
Discuss the strip cropping and stubble mulches of crop residues as the measures for controlling wind
erosion. (2010)

11. Forest (Conservation) Act. 

2...2: Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing 

1. Basic characteristics of photographic images, interpretation keys, equipment for interpretation,

imagery interpretation for land use, geology, soil and forestry.

Discuss the various elements used in object recognition in photo interpretation. (2012)
List elements used in object recognition in photo interpretations. (2011)

2. Remote sensing - merits and demerits of conventional and remote sensing approaches.
Explain briefly the application of remote sensing in water resources studies (2019)
Define remote sensing. What are the different stages in remote sensing data acquisition and processing
? Diagram showing remote sensing system for resource management from source to end use may be
given. (2018)
Classify remote sensing based on type of data acquisition . Explain in brief the application of remote
sensing in agriculture and forestry (2016)
Differentiate active and passive remote sensing. What are the stages of remote sensing ? (2014)
Discuss merits and demerits of conventional and remote sensing approach in watershed survey for its
development. (2011)

3. Types of satellite images, fundamentals of satellite image interpretation, techniques of visual and
digital interpretations for soil, water and land use management.

. Explain the types of computer-assisted operations in digital image interpretation and analysis ; 2019
Discuss the characteristics and aids with regards to identifications of features in remote sensing images
Enlist the techniques of air photo interpretation. (2011)
Write short notes on : (2010)

2. Digital processing of remotely sensed data

4. Use of GIS in planning and development of watersheds, forests including forest cover, water
resources etc

What is GIS ? Name the applications of remote sensing and GIS in land and water management. Briefly
discuss any three applications (2018)
Discuss the principles of GIS and remote sensing and their apphcations in watershed development and
A watershed map is to be prepared for a stream whose major part of its catchment falls under dense
forest area. Aerial photographs of the area are available. Explain the technique how you are going to use
them. (2013)
Bring out the applicability of GIS in planning and development of watershed (2012)

MISC : Aerial photography and remote sensing : 

Discuss photointerpretation. How does it differ from remote sensing? Discuss briefly the factors that aid
in photointerpretation. (2015)
Explain how aerial photography and remote sensing are useful for watershed development. (2013)


Explain the stability analysis of retention walls and dams ; 2019

What is universal soil loss equation? Explain in detail various parameters involved in the computation of
soil loss using this equation. ; 2019
Describe Universal soil loss equation (USLE) and discuss its different factors. (2012)
Explain different methods for measurement of soil losses from agricultural watersheds(use diagrams
wherever required) ; 2019
Define hydrological drought. Write its components and their possible effects. List the measures that can
be adopted to lessen the effects of drought in a region. (2018)
Explain the procedure to conduct a topographical survey of a watershed by direct contour method
What are rainfall Depth-Area-Duration (DAD) curves ? Write down the step-by-step procedure for
drawing Depth-Area-Duration curves. (2017)
Write short notes on the following : (2017)

(i) Universal Soil Loss Equation

(ii) Catchment Area Treatment
(iii) Agronomic Erosion Control Measures
(iv) Functions and Planning of Terraces
(v) Elements of Flood Routing

What is water-stage recorder ? Discuss the current meter as a water flow measuring device. (2016)
What is rating curved Explain different methods for extension of rating curves. Also write the merits and
demerits of the methods. (2015)
Discuss the factors that affect the shape of a hydrograph (2014)
What do you understand by unit hydrograph ? Explain how to develop a unit hydrograph  from a single
peak run off hydrograph (2013)
Discuss Isohyedal method of determining mean rainfall over a watershed. (2013)
You are given the responsibility of determination of soil loss from a field observation. It was decided to
install 'Coshoeton wheel silt sampler'. Discuss how to proceed step-by-step (2013)
Derive the equation for critical depth in a rectangular channel using specific energy head at a section
with reference to channel bed. (2013)
Write difference between :- (2012)

1. Gully erosion and stream channel erosion.

2. Wind break and shelter belt
3. Diversions and waterways
4. Contour strip cropping and field strip cropping

Describe with the help of suitable diagrams three types of earth embankments. (2011)
Describe with proper illustrations different types of drainage systems used in earth embankments (2011)
 Using neat  sketches, compare simple and diaphragm type of embankments. (2010)
With a neat sketch, describe the constructional details of a brush dam (2010)

Numerical misc :

Design a parabolic shaped waterway to carry a flow of 3 m3/sec down a slope of 4 percent. An excellent
stand of dub grass is to be maintained in the waterway.assume the necessary data required for
calculation and draw a parabolic cross-section.The maximum flow velocity allowed is 2.5 m/sec. ; 2019
Calculate the volume of excavation required to construct a dugout farm pond, if- ; 2019

(i)   average depth of the pond is 5.0 m;

(ii)  bottom width is 15.0 m;
(iii) side slope to be used is 2:1;
(iv) bottom length is 25.0 m.

Construct a hyetograph from the rainfall data provided in the table

Rainfall depth received

Time(h) Time interval (min)
in time interval (mm)

Rain started at 12:36 p.m

12 : 43 p.m 7 1.0
12 : 52 p.m 9 1.2
1 : 02 p.m 10 1.5
1 : 05 p.m 3 1.5
1 : 19 p.m 14 6.5
1 : 26 p.m 7 4.6
1 : 37 p.m 11 2.6
1 : 49 p.m 12 1.8
2 : 03 p.m 14 1.2

Rain stopped at 2 :03 p.m

The ordinates of the 2-h unit hydrograph of a watershed are given below:

=> Time ,h :                                0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22

=> 2-h UH ordinates, m3/s :      0,20,90,150,180,160,100,60,25,15,5,0
Determine the ordinates of S-curve hydrograph and using S-curve determine the ordinates of the 4-h unit
hydrograph of watershed. (2018)

Design a waste weir using the following data : (2017)

Cumulative catchment area : 35 ha

Flood depth over the crest of weir : 0-6 m
Intensity of rainfall; 50 mm/hr
Runoff coefficient: 0-5

Design the dimensions of a weir used to discharge excess runoff through a contour bund for the
conditions given below :
Land Slope :            1.5%
Top width  of the bund       : 45 cm
Height of the bund :                        60 cm
Height of crest above GL              :     30cm
Side slope of the bund           :              2 : 1
VI :                                                       1 m
Length of the bund                        :    400 m
Intensity of rainfall for the return period and time of concentration   :  12cm/hr
During the peak rainfall constant infiltration rate   :      2.5 cm/hr
No water is stored behind the bund before the peak rainfall occurs   
Determine the volume of water stored behind the bund before it starts flowing. (2016)

Find the distance of full protection due to a windbreak of height 12 m when the wind is blowing at an
angle of 15 degree from windbreak. If the direction of wind changes 110 degree from the windbreak,
determine the percentage change occurs in the distance of full protection. The minimum and actual
wind velocities at l5 m height are 9 m/ s and 18 m/s respectively. (2015)
The ordinates of a 4-h unit hydrograph are given below. Derive the ordinates of a  12-h  unit  
hydrograph   for  the  same ‘watershed   using  S-curve method : (2015)

Time (in h) 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Ordinate of 4-h 0 20 80 130 150 130 90 52 27 15 5 0
unit hydrograph
(in m3/s)

Design a system of retards for a stream 15 m wide where the channel makes a 35° turn on 8° curves.
Also discuss the method. (2012)

3.. Irrigation and Drainage 

1. Sources of water for irrigation

2. Planning and design of minor irrigation projects.

  What are the different sources of irrigation in India ? List different factors influencing planning and
development of minor irrigation projects. What are the positive and negative impacts of irrigation on the
ecosystem and environment?(2018)

3. Techniques of measuring soil moisture - laboratory and in situ, Soil-water plant relationships.

Explain in detail the direct and indirect methods of soil moisture measurement/determination. (2019)
List different soil water coefficients. Explain the methodology to estimate maximum available soil water
using these coefficients.(2018)
The following data were obtained in determining the soil moisture content at successive depths in the
root zone prior to applying irrigation water : (2019)

Wt. of moist soil sample Oven dry wt. of soil

Depths of sampling (cm)
(gm) sample (gm)

0-25 134.60 126.82

25-50 136.28 127.95
50-75 122.95 115.32
75-100 110.92 102.64
The bulk density of the soil in the root was 1.50 gm/cc.The available moisture-holding capacity of the soil was
17.8 cm/m depth. Determine-
(i)  moisture content at different depths in the root zone;
(ii) moisture content in the root zone at the time of irrigation; 
(iii) net depths of water to be applied to bring the moisture content to field capacity;
(iv) gross irrigation requirement at an estimated field irrigation efficiency of 70%.

The following data were obtained in determining the soil moisture content at successive depth in the
root zone prior to applying irrigation water (2015)

Depth of sampling (in Weight of moist soil sample Oven-dry  weight of soil
cm) (in g) sample (in g)

0-20 135 127

25-50 137 128

50-75 123 115

75-100 111 102

The bulk density of the soil in the root zone was 1.5 g/cm'. The available holding capacity of soil was 17.8
cm/m depth. Determine the -

1. moisture content at the different depths in the root zone.

2. moisture content in the root zone at the time of irrigation.
3. net depth of water to be applied to bring moisture content to field capacity ;
4. gross irrigation requirement at estimated field irrigation efficiency of 70% 

An undisturbed soil sample was taken with core sampler from a field 36 hrs after irrigation when the
moisture was at field capacity. The core sampler was 7·5 cm in diameter and 15 cm deep. The weight of
the sampler with moist soil was 2·52 kg and weight of oven dry soil was 2·34 kg. The weight of core
sampler was 1·34 kg. What is the available moisture holding capacity ? (2011)
The following data were obtained in determining the soil moisture content at successive depths in the
root zone prior to applying irrigation water : (2011)

Oven dry weight of soil sample,

Depth of sampling ,cm Wt. of moist soil sample, gm

0-25 135 127

25-50 137 128

50-75 123 115

75-100 111 102

The bulk density of the soil in the root zone was 1·50 gm/cm3 . The available moisture holding capacity of soil
was 17·8 cm/m depth. Determine

1. The moisture content at the different depths in the root zone.

2. Moisture content in the root zone at the time of irrigation.
3. Net depth of water to be applied to bring moisture content to field capacity.
4. Gross irrigation requirement at estimated field irrigation efficiency of 70%.

4. Water requirement of crops.

Discuss various factors influencing irrigation water requirement. How can you estimate total irrigation
water requirement incorporating different components for a given field and crop ?(2018)
It is very important for a farmstead to be properly arranged. List and explain in brief, the factors to be
considered for best arrangement of farmstead.(2018)
Differentiate between the following : (2017)

(i) Water requirement and Irrigation requirement

(ii) Crop water use efficiency and Field water use efficiency
(iii) Evaporation and Consumptive use
(iv) Confined and Unconfined aquifers
5. Planning conjunctive use of surface and ground water.

Explain the concept of conjunctive use of surface and groundwater in canal command areas for efficient
water use. What are the advantages and limitations of conjunctive use?(2018)

6. Measurement of irrigation water, measuring devices - orifices, weirs and flumes.

Briefly explain various irrigation water measurement devices that can be installed in an irrigation
channel.Use appropriate diagrams, wherever necessary (2019)

What is Parshall flume ? Explain the working procedure of Parshall flume. How is it different from cut-
throat flume? (2018)
Define a weir. Draw the neat sketch of a rectangular weir placed in a channel and label it. (2016)
Write in brief on the following : (2016)

1. Venturi meter
2. Parshall Flume
3. Cipolletti weir
4. Tensiometer

Discuss the standard conditions that must be observed for installing a weir. Also write the limitations in
the use of weirs (2015)
What  is  a  Cipolletti  weir ? What  are  the  advantages  of it  over other weirs ? Compute the  discharge
of a  rectangular weir of 50 cm width and l5 cm head of water for no-end contraction, one-end
contraction and two-end contraction. Use Francis’ formula. (2014)
State the various water measuring devices. Briefly discuss the use and construction of the following :

1. Parshall Flumes and H-Flumes

2. Cup type current meter

What do you understand by current meter? Name two main types of current meters and explain one of
them (2012)
Explain different types of weir used for measuring water on farms, What precautions are necessary to
ensure reliable results in measurement ? (2012)
What do you understand by aeration of a weir ? Explain. Discuss standard conditions that must be
observed for installing a weir. (2011)
Describe the flow measurement in a channel with the help of current meter method. (2010)
Water from a tube well is flowing over a rectangular weir. the width of crest of the weir is 120 cm and
depth of water flowing over the crest is 36 cm. The stream of water is diverted into a field of 1 ha. the
depth of irrigation is 7.5 cm. Calculate the time required to irrigate the field. (2012)

For a particular soil, moisture at field capacity is 29%(w/w). The apparent specific gravity is 1.30 and
depth of the soil to be wetted is 1 m. Determine-

(i) hectare-cm of water per hectare of land;

(ii) time required to irrigate 10 hectares of land with a 0.10 m³/sec stream, if the efficiency of irrigation
application is 75%   ; 2019

 Explain Franci’s formula and compute the discharge of rectangular weirs 45 cm long with a head of 12
cm, under following conditions : (2013)

1. with no end-contractions
2. with two end-contractions.

7. Methods of irrigation - surface, sprinkler and drip, fertigation.

What are the steps involved in the design of sprinkler irrigation system?Provide the formula, wherever
required (2019)
Explain different filtration systems used in drip irrigation. (2019)
What are the different methods for fertilizer injection (fertigation) ? The location of fertigation systems is
very important in drip irrigation systems. Discuss in brief. (2018)
Draw a neat sketch showing the basic components of a drip irrigation system. Also describe the
functions of each of them in brief (2017)
Discuss sprinkler irrigation uniformity and its measures and describe the procedure to estimate it in the
field (2017)
Discuss the major components of a drip irrigation system with necessary drawing. (2016)
Explain the design procedure of a drip irrigation system. (2015)
Define drip irrigation. Give some other names of drip irrigation. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of drip irrigation ? (2014)
Briefly discuss the advantages and limitations of use of Sprinkler irrigation over Surface irrigation
methods. (2013)
Describe the application of fertilizers and chemicals to crops through pressurised irrigation systems(both
sprinkler and drip irrigation). (2013)
What do you understand by border irrigation method ? Under what conditions is this method chosen ?
Also write its advantages. (2012)
Explain design procedure of a drip irrigation system. Write the advantages and disadvantages of drip
irrigation system. (2012)
How will you design a sprinkler irrigation system for a farm ? Explain. (2011)

A field of wheat crop of size 200 x 100 m with water source located at the lower left corner in the field is
to be irrigated using sprinkler irrigation system. The prevailing land slope is south to north. Draw a
layout of sprinkler mainline and lateral lines with brief explanation(2018)
In an exercise to develop design and operations plan for surface irrigation in wheat crop, an infiltration
test was carried out. The following data were obtained from the test:

-> Time from starting (min)                                :  0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120
-> Depth of water level from reference (mm)    :  0, 3, 5, 9, 14, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32

Plot the infiltration rate vs time and find out basic infiltration rate. (2018)


Climate                                                             Hot humid

Soil                                                                    Fine sandy loaim
Wind speed                                                         7 km/h
Crop                                                                    Wheat
Effective root zone depth                                     1-5 m
Water available in top soil {1-0 m)                     167 mm/m
Water available in top soil (0-5 m)                     183 mm/m
Irrigation application efficiency                             80%
E C ,                                                                     2-0 dS/m
ECg {for 10% yield reduction)                             3-4 dS/m
Area                                                                     10 ha
Peak rate of water removal                                    7-6 mm/day
Management allowed deficit (MAD)                     50%
Operating hours per day                                       12 hours
Find the Net and Gross depth of irrigation, Leaching requirement, Irrigation interval and Sprinkler system
capacity. (2017)

Determine the required capacity of a sprinkler system to apply water at the rate of 1.25 cm / h. Two 180
m long sprinkler lines are required. Sixteen sprinklers are spaced at 12 m intervals on each line. The
spacing between the lines is 18 m, Allowing l hour for moving each 180 m sprinkler line, how many
hours would be required to apply a 5 cm irrigation to a square 16 ha field? How many days are required,
assuming 10-hour days ? (2015)
A sprinkler irrigation system is designed to deliver a daily irrigation requirement of 7 mm and a desired
depth of 15 mm. Ten 300 m long laterals with sprinklers in a 15 m square spacing pattern are operated
simultaneously to irrigate a 25 ha field. Determine the maximum time between successive irrigations  
and the sprinkler system capacity required for a set length of 8 hours. Assume that l hour in each set is
required to move each lateral and an application efficiency of 80%. (2014)

8. Irrigation efficiencies and their estimation.

Explain irrigation efficiency and also explain its different types along with formulas to compare them
Write short notes on the following irrigation efficiencies  : (2016)

1. Water conveyance efficiency

2. Water application efficiency
3. Water storage efficiency
4. Water distribution efficiency

Discuss the procedure for estimating evapotranspiration based on climatological approach by using
Blaney-Criddle method, (2013)
Discuss briefly about water conveyance, water application, water storage, water distribution and water
use efficiency (2011)

A wheat crop is to be irrigated using the check basin method. The size of each basin is 10 m x 8 m. The
size of the available irrigation stream is 18 litres per second. The water-holding capacity of the root zone
soil is 16%. The apparent specific gravity of the soil is 1.58. The soil moisture content before irrigation is
8.5%. Determine the irrigation duration, if the water application efficiency is 96%. The depth of root zone
is 80 cm. (2015)
A   stream   of   150   litres/second   was   diverted     from     a     canal     and 6000 litres/ minute was
delivered to the field. An area of 2 ha was irrigated in 8 hours. The root zone depth r crop was 1-8 m.
The loss of water from the field was 40 litres/ second for 3 hours. The depth of water penetration varies
linearly from 1.7 m at the head end of the field to 1.3 m at the tail end or the field. Determine the water
conveyance, water application and water distribution efficiency. (2015)
Water is applied at a rate of 30 l/s in a border strip 6 m  wide.  The estimated depth of water flow is  7.0 
cm  and the  rate  of  infiltration  is 3.5 cm/h. Determine (i) the time required for the water to reach  a
distance of 350 m, (ii) the average depth of water applied, and (iii) the maximum area and length of
border that can be irrigated (2014)
What do you mean by irrigation efficiency ? Determine the water use efficiency from the following data :

No. of Depth of water Effective Soil water used Seed yield,

‘treatment applied, cm rainfall, cm , cm kg/ha

1 4 3.5 2.5 1225

2 6 3.5 2.3 1320

3 8 3.5 2.1 1440

4 10 3.5 1.9 1450

Differentiate   net   and gross irrigation     requirement     and     irrigation interval and irrigation period.
Calculate the cumulative evaporation required for scheduling irrigation at IW/CPE ratio of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.8
with 5 cm of irrigation water (2014)
What do you mean  by irrigation  efficiency  ? What  is the  importance  of  it ? A stream of 150 l/s was
diverted from a canal and 120 l/s  was delivered to a wheat field of 1.75 ha. The irrigation continued for
7.5 hours. The effective root zone depth was 1.8 m. The runoff loss in the field was 450 m3 . The depth of
water penetrated  linearly from 1 8 m at the head end  to 1.2  m  at  the  tail end.  The moisture  holding
capacity  of the soil is 25 cm/m depth of soil.  Irrigation  was  given  at  50% depletion   of  available  
soil  moisture. Determine   the  water conveyance efficiency and application efficiency. (2014)
Irrigation was given to bring the soil in field capacity. Determine the field capacity of the soil from the
following data : (2010)

1. Root zone depth = 1.5m

2. Moisture content in the soil = 7.5%
3. Dry density of the soil = 1.5 g/cm3
4. Water applied to soil = 50 m3
5. Water lost due to evaporation = 15%
6. Area of plot = 100 m2

A stream of 150 l/sec was diverted from a canal and 120 l/sec was delivered to a wheat field of 1.75 ha.
The irrigation continued for 7.5 hours. The effective root zone depth was 1.8 m. The run-off loss in the
field was 450 m3. The depth of water penetrated linearly from 1.8m at the head end to 1.2 m at the tail
end. The moisture holding capacity of the soil is 25 cm/m depth of soil. irrigation was given at 50%
depletion of available soil moisture. Determine the

i) water conveyance efficiency

ii) water application efficiency
iii) water storage efficiency
iv) water distribution efficiency   ............(2010)

9. Design and construction of canals, field channels, underground pipelines, head-gates, diversion
boxes and structures for road crossing.

Explain the components of canal network in a large irrigation project using diagram (2019)
Define open    channel. With the diagram discuss the different components of it. (2014)
State the types of Road patterns, that can be adopted in planning a Road System. Explain in detail the
construction of general roads. (2013)
What are main· types of canal linings ·? List advantages of having lining of irrigation canals. (2011)
A trapezoidal channel of length 30 m, bottom width 20 cm, side slope 0.5 : 1 is laid on a land of 0.2%
slope. At some point'of time the depth of water at upstream end is 20 cm. What is the volume of water
in the channel ? (2014)
Determine the most efficient cross-section in an open channel to carry a discharge of 1.5 m3/s for
trapezoidal channel. Assume the channel bed slope of 0.005 and n=0.02. The side slope is 1.5:1 (2014)
A pre-fabricated concrete channel section used for lining irrigation channel has the following
specifications. (2013)

1. Bottom width = 17.5 cm

2. Top width = 20 cm
3. Height = 17.5 cm

Calculate the carrying capacity of the section when the channel slope is 0.25%. Take Manning's n= 0.06

An earthen channel is laid on a grade of 0.15% with bottom width of 60 cm and side slope 1:1. the depth
of flow of water is 1.2 m. calculate the velocity of flow and carrting capacity of channel assuming
Manning's roughness coefficient as 0.04. (2012)
Compute the most efficient bottom width of an open channel to carry a flow 2.2 m deep in silty loam
soil. What is the discharge of channel if hydraulic gradient (slope) is 0.05% ? Assume Manning's n as
0·04. Assume any reasonable data, if necessary. (2010)
Determine the outflow from 250 m lengths of tiles spaced 15m apart laid at a depth of 2 m above the
impermeable layer if the water table is maintained at a height of 5 m from the impervious layer. Assume
soil hydraulic conductivity as 20 cm/h (2010)

10. Occurrence of ground water, hydraulics of wells, types of wells (tube wells and open wells) and
their construction.

Write short notes on (with sketches/diagrams, wherever required) : 2019

(i) Cavity tube wells

(ii) Dug-cum-bore wells
(iii) Driven wells
(iv) Filter points

Differentiate between the following :  (2018)                    

1. Specific capacity of well and specific yield of aquifer

2. Open wells and Tubewells
3. Pumping test and Recuperation test of a well
4. Confined and unconfined aquifers

A tubewell is established in an artesian aquifer. Find its yield in litres per hour for a drawdown of 3 m
when the diameter of the well is 20 cm and the thickness of the aquifer is 30 m. Assume the coefficient
of permeability to be 35 m/day. If the diameter of the well is doubled, find the increase in the yield, the
other conditions remaining the same. Assume the radius of influence as 300 m in both cases.(2018)
Discharge of a tube well is 40 lit/sec. It irrigates 1.2 ha area in 16 hrs. Water is available at the plot at the
rate of 35 lit/sec. The depth of root zone of crop is 1.2 m and loss of water in the plot is150m3. Water
holding capacity of the soil is 20 cm/m. 50% of available moisture was available in the plot before
irrigation. Calculate water conveyance, water application and water storage efficiency. (2012)
What discharge can be expected from an unconfined well having diameter as 3.0 meters? The drawdown
in the well is 8.0 m and the aquifer is saturated to a depth of 15.0 meters. The coefficient of permeability
of the aquifer material is 5 meter per day and the radius of influence is 150 meters. (2012)

11. Well development and testing

Discuss the important aquifer characteristics influencing yields of wells (2017)

Discuss the Pumping Test of wells. Explain the step-by-step procedure adopted for conducting pumping
tests of wells. (2017)
Define .water well. Derive an expression for discharge from a well completely penetrating in horizontal
aquifer. (2010)
A 30 cm diameter well completely penetrates a confined aquifer of permeability 50 m/day. The length of
the strainer is 25 m. Under steady state of pumping the drawdown at the well was found to be 3.5 m and
the  radius of influence was 300 m. Calculate the discharge. (2014)
A tube-well is constructed in a confined aquifer. The discharge of the tube-well is 28 lit/sec. The
thickness of the aquifer is 12.0 m and drawdown is 20.0 m. The coefficient of permeability of the aquifer
material is 12 m/day and the radius of influence is 190 m. Calculate diameter of the well. (2011)

12. Pumps-types, selection and installation.

Write in brief about different types of centrifugal pumps based on various criteria (2019)
What is Cavitation ? How does it affect the performance of a pumping system ? How is it prevented in a
centrifugal pump (2017)
What are submersible pumps ? Explain the complete procedure to install a submersible pump in a bore
well including initial preparations, installation and testing. (2017)
Define a centrifugal pump. Discuss the probable reasons when the centrifugal pump may fail to operate.
 Describe   the   reasons for the   following troubles of centrifugal pumps (2015)

1. Pumps fail to prime

2. Pumps fail to develop sufficient pressure on capacity.

What is a pump ? Classify the types of pumps. (2014)

Classify different types of wells. Explain under what condition you will recommend for use of following
(2013 ; 3(10,12)

1. Centrifugal pump
2. Submersible pump

A pump lifts 93,600 litres of water per hours against a total head of 21 m. Compute the water horse power. If
the pump has an efficiency of 7.2%, what size of prime mover is required to operate the pump ?

Describe the reasons for the following troubles of centrifugal pumps and how these can be rectified.

1. Pump fails to prime

2. Pump fails to develop sufficient pressure or capacity.

Describe principal characteristics of a centrifugal pump. (2011)

A pump lifts 95000 litres of water per hour against a total head of 20 m. Calculate the water hp. If the
pump has an efficiency of 75%, what size of prime mover is required to operate the pump? If direct drive
electric motor having an efficiency of 85% is used to operate the pump, compute the cost of electrical
energy in a month of 30 days. The pump is operated for 12 hours per day for 30 days. The cost of
electrical energy is Rs 5 per unit.(2019)
An engine-driven centrifugal pump is to be installed in an open well. The yield of the well is sufficient to
deliver 16000 liters of water per hour. The static water level is 15 m and the pumping water level is 18 m
from ground level. Total losses due to friction in pipe and accessories may be assumed 15% of the total
static head. If the pump efficiency is 55% and drive efficiency is 70%, calculate the BHP of the engine
required to drive the pump. (2016)
Determine the annual consumption of electrical energy by a motor-driven centrifugal pump installed in
a shallow tube well. The pump discharge is 16 litres/ second against a total head of 7 m. The pump
efficiency is 70% and the motor efficiency is 84%. The drive efficiency may be assumed to be 100%. The
pump is operated for 3500 hours per year. (2015)
A pump. directly driven with motor discharges water at the rate of 600 lit per minute. Water horsepower
is 7. Pump efficiency is 60%. Frictional losses in the system are 12% of static head and the velocity head
is 3% of static head. Motor efficiency is 80%. Determine : (2011)

1. Static head
2. Input horsepower to motor
3. Kilowatt input to moto

13. Rehabilitation of sick and failed wells.

14. Drainage causes of water logging and salt problem.

What are the causes of waterlogging and soil salinity in a irrigated agriculture/agricultural field? 2019
Differentiate between ESP and SAR. Derive the relationship between these two indices. What are salt
affected soils ? Explain different reclamation measures to manage salt affected soils (2017)
Why is salt in soil a problem ? What are the causes of salt problem in soil ? (2014)
Discuss in brief the causes and reclamation of Saline and Alkaline soils (2013)
Explain reclamation measures for alkali soils (2012)
How will you determine following properties of saline and alkali soils ? (2012)

1. Ph
2. Soluble salts
3. Gypsum requirement

What are the sources of drainage problems ? What are the ill-effects of drainage ? (2010)

15. Methods of drainage- drainage of irrigated and unirrigated lands, design of surface, sub-surface
and vertical drainage systems.

What is the importance of drainage network in canal command and large irrigation projects ? List all the
information required for design and installation of subsurface drainage systems.(2018)
Discuss the purpose, benefits and types of subsurface drainage systems.Explain the design of pipe
drainage systems used for large irrigation projects. (2017)
Define agricultural drainage.What are the sources and ill effects of drainage ? (2016)
Discuss the following in brief : (2016)
1. Mole drain
2. Interceptor drain
3. Bio-drainage
4. Channel lining

Write short notes with sketches on the following drainage systems : (2015)

1. Herring-bone type
2. Grid-iron type
3. Random type
4. Interceptor type

. What is sub-surface drainage ? What are the factors that cause increase in the ground water level ?
What are the advantages of sub-surface drainage over surface drainage (2014)
Highlight different methods of surface drainage with the help of suitable diagrams (2012)
Define drainage coefficient. Describe different types of land requiring drainage. (2011)

Runoff water from a watershed enters into a drainage area for 8 hours at  the rate of 3 m^3/s . The total
rainfall during 24 hour period is 12 cm and the total infiltration during the period is 4 cm. If the total
drainage area is 200 ha and the crop can tolerate a ponding of 10 cm, calculate the drainage coefficient
of the land (2016)
Design an open Drainage to drain 550 hectares of land having drainage co-efficient of  2.5 cm. The soil is
silt-loam and maximum permissible slope of the channel bed is 0.1 percent and side slopes 1.5 : 1.
Assuming d = 1.2 m, considering the requirements of Free board, decide the suitable section. Take
roughness co-efficient as 0.04. (2013)
Design a most efficient trapezoidal drainage channel for an area of 10 km2 assuming Manning's
roughness coefficient 0.04, maximum permissible velocity 1.4 m/s and side slope 1:1. The rate of water
removal is calculated by Q= 2.5 A^(0.6) (Q in cumec and A in km2) (2010)

16. Improvement and utilization of poor quality water.

17. Reclamation of saline and alkali soils.

Write causes for development of salinity and alkalinity in the soils. (2011)

18. Economics of irrigation and drainage systems.

19. Use of waste water for irrigation - standards of waste water for sustained irrigation, feasibility
and economics

4.. Agricultural Structures 

1. Site selection, design and construction of farmstead - farm house, cattle shed, dairy bam, poultry
shed, hog housing, machinery and implement shed, storage structures for food grains, feed and

Discuss dairy bams, their types and their components. Draw a model layout of a dairy farm for a 20
cow/buffalo unit (2017)
What is a Farmstead ? What factors govern the location of the farmstead on the farm ? (2017)
Classify silos. Describe constructional features and use of pits silos. (2016)
What are the requirements of good storage   structures   on   the   farms? Describe it. (2015)
What is farmstead?What factors govern the location of the farmstead on the farm? Discuss (2015)
 Compare the stall barn and loose housing barn with respect to floor area, cost  of construction, sanitary
quality of milk, labour requirement and display of  herd. (2015)
What is farm silos ? Classify and discuss. (2014)
Explain the advantages of Deep Litter Poultry Houses in comparison to Cage Houses (2013)
Briefly discuss the functional aspects and structural aspects in design of concrete grain bin. (2013)
What is farm stead ? What factors govern the location of the farm stead on the farm ? (2012)
What are the requirements of good storage structures on farms ? Describe (2012)
Discuss different points to be considered for selection of site of farmstead. (2011)
Describe the plan of a cattle shed. (2010)

A cylindrical silo of 2.5 m diameter and 20 m in height is filled with wheat.Calculate the load on the
bottom only. The silo is made of steel with smooth walls. The characteristics of stored wheat are as
follows : (2019)

(i) The maximum bulk density =720 kg/m³

(ii)The maximum bulk density = 830 kg/m³
(iii)The minimum angle of internal fiction =25°
(iv)The minimum angle of internal friction=30°
(v)The minimum angle of friction on smooth sheeting=18°

Design a trench silo for a Small Farm, housing the following herd. The silage is fed 160 days in a year at
the rate of 3.4 kg per 100 kg of animal body weight as detailed below :

Animal Breed Body weight per Rate of feeding per 100

Total number of ‘of animals
animal(kg) kg of body weight (kg)

Murrah Buffaloes 680 40 4.0

Haryana Cows 450 60 3.0

Bullocks 500 20 3.5

Heifers 180 20 3.0

The depth of the silo = 2.5m ; length of silage fed per day = 15cm ; side slope -  50%. Make reasonable
assumptions if necessary with clear statement. (2013)

2. Design and construction of fences and farm roads.

calculate the cost of fencing the square farm of 25 ha fenced by barbed wire using cement concrete
posts. Take the following values : (2019)

(i) Posts : Rs 335 per post of cement

(ii)Corner posts :Rs 500 per post
(iii)Cost of barbed wire is Rs 1,000 per 100 m
(iv)Cost of earthwork @Rs 50 per pit
(v)Cost of cement concrete @ Rs 100 per pit
(vi) Labour charges for fixing wire are Rs 3,000 
(vii)Cost of gate is Rs 15,000
Assume the 1.80 m high angle iron posts spaced 3 m apart with 6 lines of barbed wires are used.

A rectangular farm of 10 Ha (500 X200 m) is to be fenced by barbed wires with concrete poles. Estimate
the cost of fencing with six rows of barbed wires. Assume suitable values for spacing of posts and
appropriate prices for posts and wires. (2016)
Calculate the cost of fencing a rectangular field of 150 Acres of forest land having sides 5 : 3 ratio, using
angle iron posts and barbed wire and no. of stands is 4. Assume other necessary data and state them
clearly (2013)

3. Structures for plant environment – green houses, poly houses and shade houses

Give the details with different greenhouse construction materials and covering materials. (2019)
What are the main components of Polyhouse ? Discuss various factors influencing the design and
installation of Polyhouses in India for surface covered cultivation(2018)
Discuss various types of poly houses (low to high cost) used for cultivation of high value crops. Explain
the working principle of fan and pad evaporative cooling systems (2017)
What is polyhouse ? Describe the working of fan and pad cooling system with a neat sketch. (2016)
Discuss briefly the constructional features of Gable Green HouSés and Quonset Green Houses for
growing Horticultural crops (2013)

4. Common building materials used in construction - timber, brick, stone, tiles, concrete etc and
their properties.

What is slump test on concrete ? What is its significance in building construction ? (2011)

5. Water supply, drainage and sanitation system

Misc : 

What is curve number method?Write the steps involved in the curve number method ; (2019)
Write on the following : (2019)

(i) Vertical drainage

(ii) Hydroponic system fro growing plant
(iii) Layout of the drainage system
(iv) Different types of dairy barn in brief
(v) Well development

What is crop coefficient and how is it estimated using crop evapotranspiration and reference
evapotranspiration ? Explain briefly the factors influencing crop coefficient. (2018)
Irrigation scheduling involves determining "when to irrigate" and "how much to irrigate". Explain the
factors to be considered in developing irrigation schedule, with an example. (2018)
What are the priorities given to environmental issues in irrigated commands ? Considering a holistic view
of irrigated agriculture and socio-economic constraints, explain the issues in brief (2018)
Discuss the procedure to develop soil moisture characteristic curve and its critical points.(2017)
Discuss Darcy’s law of soil water flow with a definition sketch. In what flow conditions is it applicable ?
a. What is leaching requirement? Discuss how it is determined (2015)
Explain in brief the double-cylinder infiltrometer method for measuring infiltration. (2015)
How can you distinguish between sand with or without organic matter? Explain (2015)
Describe single auger hole method for measuring hydraulic conductivity. (2015)
Distinguish between the following : (2013)

1. 'trickle irrigation' and Drip irrigation

2. Phreatic head and Piezometric head
3. Critical period and Evapotranspiration
4. Venturi meters and Elbo meters

Write short notes on : (2013)

1. Bulk storage structures

2. irrigation measurement structures for various flows in earthen channels

What is cavitation ? (2012)

What is leaching requirement of a land? How is it determined ? (2012)
Explain direct methods of evapo-transpiration measurement. (2012)
Explain the Stream flow measurement by area-velocity method. (2011)
What is consumptive use ? Explain different methods of consumptive use measurement (2011)
Differentiate between : (2011)

1. Water requirement and irrigation requirement

2. Crop water use efficiency and field water use efficiency
3. Evaporation and Consumptive use
4. Confined and unconfined aquifer
5. Infiltration and Percolation

How can you distinguish between sands with or without organic matter ? Explain. (2011)
Define irrigation and irrigation channel. With the diagram differentiate irrigation and drainage channel.
Prove that for most economic trapezoidal channel section, half of the top width is equal to  the length of
the side. (2010)

Prove that the critical specific energy, in a rectangular channel. (2010)

What do we mean by lining irrigation channel ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of it ?
Discuss the infiltration opportunity time advance and recession of flow related to border irrigation.

Misc numerical : 

The soil moisture at Field Capacity (FC) is 25% (W/W) and the moisture content at the time of irrigating
is 15% (W/W). The apparent specific gravity is 1.52 and depth of soil to be wetted is 90 cm. How much
water in ha-cm per hectare must be applied? (2018)
A field soil sample prior to being disturbed has a volume of 82 cm^3. The sample weighed 125 grams.
After drying at 105°C for 24 hours, the dry soil sample weighs 100 grams. What is the soil moisture
content on weight basis and volume basis ? What depth of water must be applied to increase the
volumetric water content of the top 1 m of soil to 0-40 ? Assume the density of water as I'OO gm/cm^3.
A 25 cm diameter well is pumped at a uniform rate of 50 Z/s. The drawdown observed at 1 m and 100 m
distances from the centre of the well are 8 m and 40 m respectively. Determine the
hydraulic conductivity of the water bearing strata. Assume the thickness of the saturated part of the
aquifer as 25 m.
Tomato with 60 cm effective root zone depth is grown in a soil with field capacity and permanent wilting
point of 22% and 8% respectively. Irrigation is applied after 40% depletion of the available moisture .
Apparent specific gravity of soil = 1.6. Calculate the depth of irrigation required. If a pupm delivers 10 l/s
discharge, how much time it will take for the irrigation of 2 ha ? Assume no loss of water. (2016)
A well penetrating aquifer which is underlain and overlain by impermeable layers was tested with a
uniform discharge of 1000 litres/ minute. The steady-state drawdowns measured in two observation
wells which were at 1 m and 10 m radial distances from the centre of pumped well were 13.4 m and 4.2
m respectively. Determine the hydraulic properties of the aquifer, if its saturated thickness is 10 m. (2015)
Determine the discharge of a   channel of bed width = 2.0 m, depth of water = 1.5 m, side slope 1.5 : 1
and longitudinal slope = 1 in 1000. Assume Manning’s n = 0.04 and any reasonable data, if necessary

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