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Hancel lora olmo #12 3roA

Describe people in English. Personality

and physical appearance.

List of Adjectives to Describe People

Adjectives for Describing General Appearance
 Beautiful
 Pretty
 Elegant
 Funny
 Cute
 Handsome
 Gorgeous
 Ugly
 Attractive
Describing Someone’s Age
 Young
 Middle-aged
 Old
Describing Someone’s Build
 Well-Built
 Plump
 Thin
 Fat
 Slim
Describing Someone’s Height
 Short
 Medium-height
 Tall
Adjectives for Describing Someone’s Eyes
 Blue
 Brown
 Small
 Big round
 Oval
 Wear glasses
Describing Someone’s Face
 Round
 Oval
 Square
Hancel lora olmo #12 3roA

 Long
Adjectives to Describe a Person’s Nose
 Straight
 Hooked
 Long
 Small
 Turned-up
Describing Someone’s Mouth
 Large
 Small
Adjectives to Describe a Person’s Lips
 Full
 Curved
 Thin
Describing Someone’s Ears
 Large
 Small

 beautiful (My younger sister is very beautiful.)
 handsome (He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever met.)
 cute (That’s a cute little baby.)
 thin (She was looking pale and thin.)
 tall (She’s tall and thin.)
 chubby (She was eleven years old and pretty in a chubby sort
of way.)
 muscular (He was tall, lean and muscular.)
 attractive (The actress is an attractive woman.)
 polite (Please be polite to our guests.)
 friendly (Everyone was very friendly towards me.)
 honest (He was a hard-working honest man.)
 generous (She’s always very generous to the kids.)
 rude (She was very rude about my driving.)
 lazy (He is the laziest boy in the class.)
 angry (I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid
Hancel lora olmo #12 3roA

 terrified (She looked at him with wide, terrified eyes.)

 exhausted (You look absolutely exhausted.)
 scared (People are scared to use the buses late at night.)
 nervous (She was so nervous about her exams that she
couldn’t sleep.)
 embarrassed (She’s embarrassed about her height.)

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