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Exercises Unit 14 14.1. Look at the pictures. Put the verbs in the correct form, past continuous or past simple, 1 r Lucy _..broke.... (break) her arm last week. e | It (happen) when she (paint) her 4 room. She (eal) off the ladder. The train (arrive) at the station and Paula (get) off. Tivo friends of hers, Jon and Rachel, (wait) to meet her. Yesterday Sue (walk) along the road when she (meet) James. He (0) to the station to catch a train and he (carry) a bag. They (top) to talk for a few minutes. 14.2 Put the verb into the past continuous or past simple. 1a: What were you doing (you/do) when the phone Fang _ (ri B: T W988 wakehing (watch) television, 2a: Was Jane busy when you went to see her? »: Yes, she (rudy). 3 a: What time (the post / arrive) this morning? bi It (come) while I (have) breakfast. 4A: Was Tracey at work today? B: No, she (not/go) to work. She was il 5 A: How fast (you/drive) when the police (top) you? x: F'm not sure, but I (nov/drive) very fast 66 (your team / win) the foothall march yestentay? i: The weather was very bad, so we (not/phay). 7 a: How (you/break) the window? B: We (play) football. I (kick) the ball (hit) the window. 8a: (you/see) Jenny last night? B: Yes, she (wear) a very nice jacket. 9 a: What (you/do) at 2 o'clock this morning? 1: T was asleep. 10 aT (lose) my key last night p: How (you/get) into your room? al (climb) mn through a window. + Additional exercises 14-15 (pages 257-58) 39

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