Your Thinking Will Remain Positive That Will Give Fruitful Results

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Most of the planets are in Earthy signs, so more and more fixation in

No planet is in Fire signs so entire world is mostly action less around

the world.

Mars and Rahu are having nakshatra exchange till 4th July, hence all
natural calamities you are experience around the world.

Though many people were doing charity last two months but now
Rahu is in Mars navamsha and Mars is with Saturn in Navamsha will
make people insensitive.

Solar eclipse happening in this month where Sagittarius and Gemini

axis, start filtering information and media news.

Solar Eclipse will be on 6Degree of Mrigashira Nakshatra which will

be more harmful for Central India and South east Asian countries.

25th June to 5th July going to be quite prone in all natural unnatural
happenings around the world.

Next 35days going to be packed with many incidents around the

world; whether its cyclone, earthquake, tsunami, fire, violence or
fear of war, you just name it and all you may find in the coming

Aries : With quite a lot of pause condition around the world best part is that,
your thinking will remain positive that will give fruitful results. With your
Aries lord Mars in Air sign, you will be incorporating some new working or
business plan during this time. Annoying part will be the finance matter as
with Mercury in Gemini may give you enjoyment through spending money.

Taurus : Have a control over your temperament, specially over your speech.
As the month will go ahead, your financial condition will improve. Do not get
entangled into something which can harm your reputation in the long run.
All your need to remember that, too much seriousness is also not good for
progression. Avoid any conflict with female in working place or home.

Gemini : Have a control over your charitable habit. You will remain
dedicated towards your professional liabilities. This will give you satisfaction
and mental peace.  Do not opt for any new venture. For the first time you
will start defining your expenses. Your ability to perform will be increased
with Mercury being in Gemini.

Cancer : Zoom overload? Give your eyes and soul a rest. You might finally
be able to work through an old wound or get rid of some stuck emotions.
You will have to curb over confidence else you may suffer loss. In profession
you may introduce new technology to enhance profit margin.

Leo : Except personal crisis or emotional crisis things will start falling on its
place one by one. Do not try to enjoy through your Ego. Health wise things
can be slightly shaky but nothing to worry about. It just requires healthy life
style not medication.

Virgo : Financially this will be better time for many Virgo people. But the
best part is that, you will be giving more importance to your family life. As
the month will progress, you will realize you are getting solution of all your
problems. Your physical health will give full support. Not so good time for
love and romance, so better to stay away from all these for a while. You
might just reinvent your career path before the summer is through.

Libra : Don’t invest in any speculation prospects else you may suffer hefty
financial loss. In profession you may miss some big deal. You will be
desperate to seek success in very lesser span of time. This greed would be
harmful for you. Financial gain is indicated.

Scorpio : Your ex may try to get in touch with you or you may show similar
interest. Not so good time for those who are into business. Good for
commission based work. Due payments could be held up till eleventh hour.
The situation may turn panic and you may fall in economic crunch during
mid of month. Do not go for any sort of partnership work.
Sagittarius : As the eclipse will be happening in your opposite Raashi, you
need to be very much cautious while dealing with every aspect of life. During
the first half period you will be quite energetic and active in performing
domestic and professional duties. But the later part some major issues may
surface. Start with regular meditation from now. You need to have some
backup plan for July.

Capricorn : Keep your data intact as coming time there can be trouble with
your electronic devices. Do not take a deep dive into big plans or
adventures, or you will get a reality check soon. Health can be troubling for
you so you need to take care of that part seriously.

Aquarius : Though it’s not a good phase for almost everyone around the
world still you will be able to manage all quite efficiently, that’s the beauty of
June for you. Those who were suffering from long illness may feel
betterment. In profession you may introduce new techniques to enhance
profit margin. You would hold a strong position among the competitors.

Pisces : Learn to manage domestic matters more proficiently. Make your

family and parents first priority rest everything is quite manageable for you
now. Day by day you will be more careless about yourself. Solar Eclipse will
be happening in your house of mental peace, so start a good routine with
meditation from now on. Financially things will be supportive to you. Drive

This general prediction is as per your Lagna.

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