Jup Transit To Sagi 2019

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It's always peaceful and easy when you're in ‘yourspace’, surrounded

by your vibes — and that's exactly how it feels when Jupiter re-enters Sagittarius.
Home sweet home!

If you're feeling slightly dead inside as a result of this retrograde-filled astrological

mess of 2018, you're not alone. 

Sagittarius, is one of the planet's home signs, making it an extra-comfy placement

that only amplifies all of Jupiter's gifts and energies.

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Jupiter has undeniably positive, exciting vibes, which will welcome potential for all
sorts of great things for all zodiac signs. Just as the planet itself is totally
ginormous, so is its energy! Jupiter is expansive, abundant, enlightenment-
seeking, and a major bringer of growth and opportunity.

But remember, while thinking big, sometimes you have to start small. So with
Jupiter in Sagittarius, don't get so starry-eyed that you overlook the baby steps
that are required to help you reach your goals.

So, our giant Jupiter is gona turn everything he touches to bright & shiny gold —
but the expansive, jovial vibes will be affecting each sign a little bit differently.

If your Rising Sign, Sun or Moon is in Sagittarius, then you especially can look
forward to a time of great progress and change during this period.

Sagittarius Ascendant - you may feel like you are emerging from an unreal,
surreal time, where you have felt isolated or hidden in some way, as though
you are emerging from a weird dream and now setting off anew, with your
bags packed and ready for your travels to a new life.

Natal Moon in Sagittarius - you are likely to experience great improvements

in your home and family life, perhaps moving to a bigger, better home, to a
situation that much better suits your needs. Or there could be a greater
sense of ‘family’. Your soul will be very inclined towards spiritual growth,
pilgrimage and so on.
Natal Sun in Sagittarius - your sense of success and recognition can make
you feel very proud of who you are. Your creative juices are likely to be
flowing and new projects and adventures make your life filled with joy and

In Scorpio, Jupiter was busy paying tax, clearing debts or taking more loan to
clear some mess, it was all about handling joint finance and funds. If
you’ve been feeling confined in a tight space, get ready for a
new drive to expand your surroundings. Whether it be
getting more space in your home, career, or daily routine—-
a great desire for more wiggle room will begin to grow.
There’s nothing Jupiter loves more than a gutsy risk, so take a leap of
faith and jump!

In 1983, Jupiter in Sagittarius brought us the first-ever mobile phones,
introduced by Motorola. Jupiter’s most recent visit to Sagittarius in
2008 gave us the iPhone 3G.
The first Polaroid Land Camera introduced instant photography to the
world in 1947. It will be fascinating to see what Jupiter’s next spin
through Sagittarius will bring, especially since publishing and media
also fall under this cosmic umbrella.

Publishing and broadcasting:

Sagittarius and Jupiter both rule publishing, and indeed the way
we consume media has changed. Expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius
will bring new developments for consuming and making media.
During a 1936 Jupiter transit, the BBC aired its first televised
broadcast. Since Sagittarius rules morals and values, journalistic
ethics could become a major topic of debate.

Love your neighbor:

Saturn is in Sagittarius from 2017. Orthodox Saturn here brought fear-
mongering and a rise in hate. Open- minded Jupiter makes us curious
about our international neighbors, which can rebuild bridges that were
burnt. Immigration policy could get a much-needed makeover, as
Jupiter in Sagittarius defends freedom of speech and religion.
We could see major political leaders rise and fall. During earlier Jupiter
in Sagittarius transits, Gandhi and Yitzhak Rabin were murdered, Dalai
Lama fled Tibet and Margaret Thatcher and Fidel Castro took power.
The Nixon Watergate scandal also played out while Jupiter was in

Worthy causes: Educational reform

Looking for a worthy cause while Jupiter is in Sagittarius? My
suggestion: educational reform for girls in developing countries. With
Jupiter in truth-teller Sagittarius, people will get fired up to live by their
principles. Let’s make sure those ideologies are rooted in facts, not
false information.

Can you see the pattern? How were your horizons broadened then? What
kind of new expansion and learning became important for your future? The
answers will give you an idea of what is in store for you during the
forthcoming year. Though this time you should have greater wisdom and
confidence to make the most of it!

When Jupiter enters stoic Capricorn — we will definitely feel the effects of any

frivolity. But hey, that's over a year away...
Get ready to grow.

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#zodiac #sagittarius #freedom #aries #scorpio #jupiter #jyotish #decodeyourlife
#yoga #youtuber #space #astronomy #digital #religion #spirituality

Every planet that lives in a sign for a longer period of time

needs to tell a tale. During the first phase of Jupiter’s run
we’ll be all gun ho to get the party started and expand into
all the possibilities. When the retrograde period hits, it’ll
mark a 4 month period of fine tuning the formula of
executing all. Once the final phase comes into play we’ll
truly be able to see the biggest impact of all the expansive
energy in play. Never discount the full period. Some of us
may visibly experience one lucky hit while others will feel it
subtly over the course of the entire year. No matter what,
however, a tale is being told for all of us.

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