The True Peace That Colombia Needs

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The true peace that Colombia needs

It is true that Colombia is a country where war has existed for over 50 years, where

people, victims of these conflicts exceed 7,000,000. (Palomino, 2016). Otherwise, it is also

true that the problems of this country can’t simply rely on FARC, but also in education,

health, unemployment and social injustices generated by the politicians of this country, for

this reason is considerable know the importance of this.

The Colombian peace agreement aims to end the conflict by armed with the

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the creation of a stable and lasting

peace. (Saldarriaga, 2016). A peace treaty is a sacrifice to get an agreement that will end

the violence and injustices of Colombia. The last October 2, the country had the possibility

to accept or not the peace agreements started since 5 years, where unfortunately due to

abstention and other factors the "no" won, above a hard blow to democracy. (Saldarriaga,


We must be realistic and accept that the “No” won, but we must also think about

how it will be possible to achieve real and stable peace and that is accepted by a majority of

Colombians, On the other hand, we must begin to be tolerant, respectful, solidarity, love

and forgiveness with each inhabitant of our country to speak of a true peace.

Likewise, you need to stop being so innocent and learn more about what was

negotiated in La Havana, because false campaigns were made, which became viral through

social networks and this resulted in the fatal decision of no to we might call peace with the

FARC, also abstention that there was much left to say about democracy that exists in

Colombia, which is why you should participate more in the polls and exercise our duty and

right to vote. (Palomino, 2016).

Finally, if a new agreement with the FARC is achieved, it is importantto read it ande

be very reasonsible when diciding. The magnitude of reaching an agreement is to créate

stability in the country, as well as to defend the rights of people and live in peace,

tranquility and happiness.


Palomino, S. (2016). El Tiempo. El Gobierno de Colombia y las FARC logran un nuevo acuerdo de paz. El
País. Recuperated of

Saldarriaga, S. (2016). La del plebiscito fue la mayor abstención en 22 años. El Tiempo.

Recuperated of

Palomino, S (2016). El Gobierno de Colombia y las FARC logran un nuevo acuerdo de paz. El País. Recuperated

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