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Strategii de negociere în afaceri şi managementul conflictelor – Final Paper

Ana Maria Pumnea GR 2

1. Question 1: 5 p
Identify 5 elements of personality and explain them in case of yourself with short examples. Identify correlations
with the job requirements of the most recent working place.
Personality elements:
 Emotional Stability - Intelligence
In terms of my own personality and how I act within the workplace, my attitudes towards the environment
differs drastically from how I feel and my anxiousness and fears of failing are not represented through my
actions thus keeping my composure.
 Consiousness
As I perceive it within the current workplace is understanding the teams’ needs and wants over my bias and what
I wish for and strive to create a better environment through empowering and encouraging my teammates ideas
while expressing my opinion and providing them the leeway to create the environment they want to work in.
 Competitiveness
My level of competitiveness it varies, as within the team and with my subordinates my intention is to always find
ways to learn from each other, show our findings and learn from them, however in regards with other teams my
goal is to create a level of competitiveness that motivates everyone, not only within the team to do better, find
new ways to smooth out the processes, etc.
 Self-monitoring
The finance department within the current company has a high turnover as employees are encouraged to change
positions and learn other new skills, thus the current team is continuously changing. Through self-monitoring I
am helping others to adapt to the teams’ wow, while I adapt to the continuous change.
 Locus of control
As the team’s POC to the external management I do take responsibility for any action that affects our work, and
create an action plan that strive to learn together from the challenges faced.

2. Question 2: 3 p
Identify 3 negotiation powers relevant for a recent negotiation situation at your working place.
Legitimacy, Patience, Persistence
From my personal experience, these are the powers that, even unknowingly I have exerted in a negotiation
situation. To put everything in context, it was related to the year end evaluation at the workplace. Due to the fact
that I had been promoted at the very end of the year, the current manager had decided that the “outstanding”
qualification was no longer applicable to be as I had decided to take up the promotion offered. Through
explaining the impact, it would have on my bonus, motivation and overall experience within the new department,
and putting him in contact with previous managers that I knew would support my savings, I have laid out the
ground for legitimacy. While legitimacy was indeed a powerful tactic, persisting in my current role, showing that
I had what it takes to bring the same value to my new role and having the patience to not put more pressure then
necessary on solving this matter, I have managed to get the outcome I had hoped for.

3. Question 3: 1 p
Describe the most relevant negotiation style for your case (using 3 elements)
Although at first sight this is not normally represented by the collaborative style, I believe that by showcasing
what I had to offer in terms on add on value to the department and knowledge, I have laid the ground work for a
Strategii de negociere în afaceri şi managementul conflictelor – Final Paper

Ana Maria Pumnea GR 2

path of coloration in which, in the long run both parties win. This has also has shown that through friendliness
and reasoning one can achieve much if the other party resonates highlighting a win-win situation.

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