How To Know If You Are Beta

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How to know

if you are
The idea of being
has negative connotations.
Being beta does not mean you
must be weak, a loser, or sad.

You are a if everyone,

including you, is happier when
you abstain from sex with
women, and instead make
women happy non-sexually.

Imagine society as a pyramid.



Because betas enjoy giving to women without

receiving anything in return, they belong at
the bottom. This results in what is known as
the beta paradox.

The beta paradox is the fact that,
despite being lowest in the hierarchy
of society, the ideal is
hard working to provide for women
mature to give emotional support
healthy to be pleasant to look at
intelligent to give her advice

No will fulfill these ideals,

but every one should work hard
to fulfill them the best they can.

You might be unsure if you’re
because you are:

not a virgin somewhat masculine

taller than average
totally straight not a porn addict

Even if you are all of these things,

you’re still if everyone would
be happier if you don’t have sex
with women and instead help
them in non-sexual ways.

No looks the same.

One type of
is the cuck.

If you’re a beta, you’re

might be a cuck. You’re
not very feminine; you
just enjoy providing for
women, financially and

One type of
is the femboy.

If you’re a femboy,
you’re like a cuck:
non-sexual and soft.
You also have a
feminine side which
you explore through
clothes and makeup.

One type of
is the sissy.

Sissies are sexual, but

not towards women.
Like femboys, they
have a feminine side,
but this feminine side is
more sexually charged
towards men.

There are many different approaches a
beta can take to their life.

In the end, however, making

yourself and others happy is
the essence of being a

Since a by defintion does
not seek out sexual contact with
women, they must have a way of
expending their sexual energy.

The most popular way for betas to

expend their sexual energy is

If you’re a , then you likely
enjoy seeing women happy.

Thus, porn should satisfy all your

desires by showing you beautiful wom-
en being pleased by men.

If you expend your sexual energy

watching porn, you’ll better attend to
womens’ non-sexual needs.

Good porn for betas are:

It’s wrong to call betas porn addicted,

because the word addiction implies
negative side-effects.

Unless you lose sleep to it,

porn is positive for betas.

As a you have the role
of a supporter. This role takes:

hard work intelligence

maturity health

If you are beta, you might not

possess these traits yet, but you
will be a better beta if you do!

As has been said...
It is essential that a helps
women in non-sexual ways.

you might give them a shoulder to cry on

you might gift them money or favors
you might help them through decisions
you might look pretty for them

Now go, and make the world a

happier place!

Being beta is noble.

Designed by Uena#1227

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