Environmentally Benign Solvent Design by Global Optimization

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Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381 – 1394


Environmentally benign solvent design by global optimization

Manish Sinha, Luke E.K. Achenie *, Gennadi M. Ostrovsky
Department of Chemical Engineering, Uni6ersity of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, USA

Accepted 20 September 1999


Changes in environmental regulations have often resulted in the need to replace existing solvents with more environmentally
benign substitutes. For example, solvents such as 1,1,1, trichloroethane are being phased out within the next few years. In general,
‘designer’ compounds, which have desired properties, can be obtained with the help of computer-aided molecular design (CAMD)
approaches. In recent years, the above product design problem has often been posed as a mathematical programming problem.
In this framework, the desired attributes of the compound are posed as performance objective and constraint functions. Nonlinear
functions, such as those associated with solubility parameter models seen in solvent design, can lead to multiple local solutions
(i.e. optimization minima). For these cases, the failure to design the globally optimal compound (using a local optimization
approach) can introduce a source of uncertainty. Thus, there is a need for global optimization techniques in product design. To
address this need, we have developed a new global optimization algorithm that exploits the structure of the CAMD formulation.
We have used this algorithm to study the design of environmentally benign solvents for surface cleaning applications in the
printing industry. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mixed-integer; Global optimization; Computer-aided molecular design

1. Introduction sign solvent alternatives that have a desired set of

Solvents are extensively used as processing materials Constantinou, Bagherpour, Gani, Klein and Glen
in the chemical industry and solvent-based industries (1996) have reviewed the CAMD problem formulation
(e.g. resin, coating and paint industry). However, many and its applications in detail. Some solvent applications
organic solvents such as 1,1,1, trichloroethane are being for which the CAMD methodology has been proposed
phased out in response to directives from federal agen- are liquid–liquid extraction (Macchietto, Odele &
cies such as the EPA and OSHA (Krishner, 1995). This Omatsone, 1990; Odele & Machietto, 1993), multicom-
has prompted the search for new environmentally be- ponent gas absorption processes (Pistikopoulos & Ste-
nign solvent substitutes. Traditionally, the search for a fanis, 1998), separation processes (Pretel, Lopez, Bottini
substitute solvent has been done through experience, & Brignole, 1994) and solvent blends for paint formula-
database searches and bench scale synthesis of solvent tion (Klein, Wu & Gani, 1992). Other applications
alternatives. All these approaches have severe limita-
include polymer design (Vaidyanathan & El-Halwagi,
tions and are often unable to effectively find the opti-
1994a; Maranas, 1996; Vaidyanathan, Gowayed & El-
mal solvent substitute. Computer-aided molecular
Halwagi, 1998), and refrigerant design (Joback &
design (CAMD), also referred to as product design, has
Stephanopoulos, 1989; Gani, Nielsen & Fredenslund,
emerged as a powerful tool for identifying product
alternatives. In this approach, mathematical models 1991; Duvedi & Achenie, 1996). A recent issue of
that relate different physico-chemical properties to the Computers & Chemical Engineering focused on com-
molecular structure are systematically ‘inverted’ to de- puter-aided design of chemical compounds (Mavrovou-
niotis, 1998).
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-860-4862756; fax: + 1-860-
Two classes of solution approaches, namely enumer-
4862959. ation techniques and knowledge based strategies have
E-mail address: achenie@engr.uconn.edu (L.E.K. Achenie) been employed for certain CAMD formulations (Gani

0098-1354/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 9 8 - 1 3 5 4 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 2 9 9 - 9
1382 M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394

& Brignole, 1983; Brignole, Bottini & Gani, 1986; even in the presence of other uncertainties (see Fig. 1).
Joback & Stephanopoulos, 1989; Pretel et al., 1994). Thus, there is a need to develop computationally effi-
These methods rely significantly on heuristics and user cient global optimization algorithms for CAMD.
intervention. Another class of solution approaches are Global optimization based on interval analysis
stochastic based approaches such as genetic algorithms (Vaidyanathan & El-Halwagi, 1994b, 1996) has been
(Venkatasubramanium, Chan & Caruthers, 1994) and employed to solve relatively small sized CAMD prob-
simulated annealing (Marcoulaki & Kokosis, 1998). lems. However realistic CAMD problems have several
In recent years, the CAMD problem has often been integer variables describing a molecular structure.
posed as a mixed integer nonlinear mathematical pro- Moreover, most of the variables participate in nonlin-
gramming (MINLP) formulation in which the user ear equations. To address this need, we have developed
specifications are modeled as constraints and the desir- a new global optimization algorithm that exploits the
able property is modeled as an objective function. A structure of the CAMD formulation.
CAMD problem may also be formulated as a con- Now we need to consider the issue of the validity of
straint satisfaction problem (i.e. feasibility problem). a global optimization approach in the presence of
Mathematical programming based solution strategy model uncertainty. Let us suppose that the CAMD
have been successfully employed for solving the CAMD model has integer variables (i.e. structural variables) as
problem (Macchietto et al., 1990; Odele & Machietto, the only design variables. Then exhaustive enumeration
1993; Duvedi & Achenie, 1996; Maranas, 1996; Pistiko- will yield the same global solution as a global optimiza-
poulos & Stefanis, 1998; Vaidyanathan et al., 1998). tion approach. Therefore in this regard enumeration
Many methods for solving mathematical program- and global optimization have the same deficiency with
ming based CAMD problems use outer approximation respect to model uncertainties. That is, unless model
(OA) algorithm (Viswanathan & Grossman, 1990) uncertainties are explicitly accounted for, a global solu-
which consists of a sequence of iterations consisting of tion may not necessarily be the best solution in the
NLP (nonlinear programming) subproblem and MILP presence of model uncertainties. In fact the issue of
(mixed-integer linear programming) ‘master’ problems. model uncertainty is independent of the search strategy
One weakness of such methods is that the NLP sub- employed.
problem may get trapped in a local solution for non- The paper is organized as follows, in Section 2, some
convex mathematical programming formulations important models for the CAMD approach to design
(nonconvexity in objective function and/or constraints) environmentally benign solvents are discussed. Next,
as shown in Fig. 1. the development of a global optimization algorithm for
Another issue in CAMD is the problem of model the CAMD problem is presented in Section 3. In Sec-
uncertainty. The latter is independent of the search tion 4, we develop the relaxation (underestimator) for
strategy employed during the design stage. In addition the nonconvex solubility parameter constraint. Finally,
to model uncertainty, another source of uncertainty is in Section 5, the efficacy of the proposed algorithm is
the fact that a local optimization approach may not demonstrated via a case study in which the design of
reach the global solution (i.e. that one cannot find a solvent alternatives for use in a commercial cleaning
better solution), if this solution happens to be the best application is considered.

Fig. 1. Schematic of a linear objective function surface with nonlinear constraints. A local optimization approach may not find the optimal point
from any of the five initial starting (or initial guess (IG)) points.
M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394 1383

Fig. 2. Correlation between environmental measure for bioconcentration factor (log BCF) with octanol – water partition coefficient (log Kow)
(Nendza & Hermens, 1995). Printed with kind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.

2. Important models for solvent design Solute and solvents are represented as points in the
three-dimensional Hansen solubility space. The dis-
2.1. Solubility parameter tance, Rij, of a solute (i ) from a solvent ( j ) is a
measure of the solute–solvent interaction (see Fig. 3).
The amount of solute that a solvent can dissolve Associated with the solute point is a radius of interac-
(capacity) and the ability of the solvent to selectively tion, R*. If Rij is less than R*, then the solvent is likely
dissolve a solute (selectivity) are two important proper- to dissolve the solute. Rij is given by
ties that determine a solvent’s performance. These R ij = 4(dD − d*D )2 + (dP − d*P )2 + (dH − d*H )2 5 (R*)2
properties can be modeled by the equilibrium relation- (2)
ships that govern the distribution of a solute in a
solvent, which in turn can be modeled by an activity where
coefficient model such as UNIFAC (Fredenslund,
Gmehling & Rasmussen, 1977). In addition, there are % ni FDi
other models for characterizing solvent performance dD = (2a)
that are prevalent in the solvent industry. Some of these Vo + % ni Vi
models are based on the solubility parameter. i

The solubility parameter has been successfully used

in solvent-based industry. Applications in which the
solubility parameter approach have been employed in-
clude finding compatible solvents for coating resins,
finding an effective mass separating agent, predicting
the swelling of cured elastomers by a solvent, and
estimating liquid–liquid equilibrium in polymer systems
(Grulke, 1989; Archer, 1996). In a recent article, Gess-
ner recommends use of solubility parameter for design-
ing solvents for surface cleaning and surface coating
applications (Gessner, 1998). In this work also the
solvent performance is characterized by the Hansen
solubility parameter (dT) (Hansen, 1969). This parame-
ter in turn is made up of hydrogen bonding interaction
(dH), polar interactions (dp), and nonpolar (dispersive)
interaction (dD) as shown in Eq. (1). Fig. 3. Solute interaction sphere of phenolic resin and the swelling
box of polyisoprene rubber. The design space is the shaded region
dT =
d 2D +d 2P +d 2H (1) (outside the swelling box but inside the interaction sphere).
1384 M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394

' % ni (FPi )2
LC50 value has been correlated by the following rela-
tion (Konemann, 1981)
dP = (2b)
log LC50 = − 0.87(log Kow)− 0.11 (5)

Vo +% ni Vi
Although the theoretical basis of these models is lim-
% ni (−UHi ) ited, they provide practical tools for risk assessment. In
dH = i (2c)
this case study, the environmental impact of the solvent
Vo + % ni Vi is considered only by constraining Kow value. This
i implicitly constrains BCF and LC50 for the solvent.
Here Fdi, FPi and UHi are the group contribution
A solvent that can form potentially explosive vapor
parameters associated with the dispersion, polar and
mixtures with air is an occupational hazard and often
hydrogen bonding solubility parameters, respectively
results in higher insurance costs. Safety requirements
for the ith group. ni is the number of times i th group is
can be quantified by the solvent’s flash point. Most of
present in a molecule, Vo is a constant associated with
the predictive techniques relate the flash point to the
the liquid molar volume prediction model and Vi is the
boiling point. For example, Butler, Cooke, Lukk and
group contribution associated with the ith group for
Jameson (1956) proposed a correlation for paraffins,
prediction of liquid molar volume.
aromatics and cyloparaffins
The group contribution parameters are taken from
van Krevlen and Hoftyzer’s work on the dispersion and
polar components (van Krevelen & Hoftyzer, 1976) and Tf = 0.683TB − 119 (6)
from Hansen and Beerbower for the hydrogen bonding
component (Hansen & Beerbower, 1971). For predict- Other equations showing direct relationship between
ing the liquid molar volume the model proposed by the flash point and the boiling point have been pro-
Constantinou and Gani (1994) is used. posed and are reviewed by Lyman et al. (1981). In this
case study we implicitly account for safety by constrain-
2.2. En6ironmental health and safety requirements ing the boiling point. We note that all correlations
including the ones discussed above have a limited re-
Environmental, health and safety concerns are im- gion of validity.
portant issues for solvent selection. Solvent properties
targeted by environmental regulations include biocon-
centration factor (BCF), toxicity and flammability. 2.3. Other considerations
The environmental and health impact of a solvent
have been correlated to the octanol – water partition One important consideration in solvent substitution
coefficient (Kow) by many researchers (Lyman, Reehl & is the desire to use existing equipment and processing
Rosenblatt, 1981; Horvath, 1992; van Leeuwen & Her- technology. This requires that both the old and the
mens, 1995). Kow is a measure of hydrophobicity and substitute solvent should have similar transport and
relates the equilibrium partition of solvent between other properties such as viscosity, diffusivity, density,
water and a water-immiscible liquid phase. For most surface tension, heat capacity (Cp), and vapor pressure
chemicals log Kow ranges from −3 to 7 and may be (P vp). Zhao and Cabezas (1988) have reviewed molecu-
estimated by Hansch and Leo’s approach (Hansch & lar property considerations for design of substitute
Leo, 1979), as follows solvents.
One important property in many solvent design
Log Kow = sum of fragments (x 0) + factors (x 1) (3)
problems is the heat of vaporization (DH6 ) which is a
Here empirically derived atomic or group fragment good measure of the energy efficiency associated with
constants (x 0) and structural factors (x 1) are used. the drying operation. The trivial observation that the
Several environmental and health metrics such as solvent has to be a liquid at the operating condition
(BCF and LC50) depend on the Kow. A solvent with a leads to constraints on the boiling and melting point of
high bioconcetration factor has a greater likelihood of the solvent molecules. Additional constraints are
accumulating in and harming living tissue. One of needed to design structurally feasible molecular struc-
several correlations for BCF shown in Eq. (4) (Veith & tures (see for example Churi & Achenie, 1996). Con-
Konasewich, 1975), also see Fig. 2. (Nendza & Her- straints can also be imposed to eliminate unstable
mens, 1995) molecules. For example, a small molecule made up of
three ether group may not exist. In the next section we
log BCF=0.76 (log Kow) − 0.23 (4)
consider the structure of the CAMD problem for sol-
LC50 measures the lethal concentration of a chemical vent design and develop a global optimization al-
and can be used to quantify the solvent toxicity. The gorithm that exploits this structure.
M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394 1385

3. Solvent design: a reduced space branch and bound We now present the development of a branch and
approach bound global optimization algorithm that exploits this
problem structure. At first we lay out the steps of a
3.1. The CAMD problem formulation branch and bound algorithm, discuss its limitation for
the CAMD problem, and then propose modifications.
A typical molecular design problem may bemodeled
as 3.2. Branch and bound

minimize (maximize) pobj(U, u) (PMD) Consider a general MINLP problem


subject to f= minimize f(x, y, u) (PORG)

subject to
p Lk 5pk (U, u)5p U
k Ö k =1, 2, 3, ... , m1
gi (x, y, u) 50 i= 1,2, ... , n
hj (U, u)= 0.0 Ö j =1, 2, 3, ... , m2
hj (x, y, u) =0 j= 1,2, ... , m
where U is a vector of variables that define the molecu- x B xBx ,
y(0, 1)
lar structure, u is a vector of group contribution
parameters, pobj is the objective function (some undesir- where x is a vector of continuous variables, y is a vector
able property to be minimized during design), pk is the of integer (binary) variables and u is a vector of
specified property requirements constrained between an parameters. There are n inequalities and m equality
upper (p U U constraints.
k ) and a lower value (p k ) and hj are the
equality constraints generally associated with structural We employ a branch and bound method for solving
feasibility requirements. The number of inequality con- the problem. In a conventional branch and bound
straints is 2m1 and the number of equality constraints is method a region is partitioned into subregions Tk,
m2. which has the form

pk = j nju 1j /j nju 2j
Most of the property constraints are of the form
where ‘1’ and ‘2’ correspond to
Tk = {x, y : x L(k) 5 x5x U(k); y L(k) 5 y5y U(k)}
i.e. a subregion (Tk ) is defined by bounds on the design
variables (x, y). We will designate the optimization
group contribution parameters associated with a prop- problem for subregion Tk as P ORG (k)
erty of type ‘1’ and another molecular property of type In order to estimate the lower bound (LBk ) of the
‘2’; a is an exponent (generally equal to 1). For exam- objective function f(x, y, u) in the subregion Tk, we
ple, molar density is the ratio of molar weight (‘1’) and obtain a relaxation of the problem (P (k)
ORG) by replacing
molar volume (‘2’). Other examples of such models the nonlinear constraints and objective function (if
include glass transition temperature and specific heat nonlinear) by their linear underestimators. In effect we
capacity (Maranas, 1996). Transformation of such con- obtain a mixed integer linear programming (MILP)
straints into a linear form is straightforward. However problem which can be solved by any standard MILP
some property constraints are of the form
solver such as lp – solve (Schwab, 1997) or OSL (IBM,
pk = f 1NL % nju aj /f 2NL % nju bj If the solution point (x*, y*) of the lower bound
j j
problem satisfies all constraints in problem P (k)
ORG, then
1 2
where f NLand f are nonlinear functions. Group
NL it is a valid solution for the calculation of the upper
contribution models for solubility parameter are of this bound (UBk = f(x*, y*, u)). In the case of a linear
form (Eqs. (2b) and (2c)). Other examples of these objective function, LBk = UBk and the solution point
models include Reidels method for prediction of heat of (x*, y*) is a global minimum for f(x*, y*, u) in Tk. If
vaporization and vapor pressure by corresponding the solution for the calculation of the lower bound
states correlations (Reid, Prausnitz & Poling, 1987). It problem does not satisfy all constraints of P (k)
ORG then
is not always possible to reformulate these constraints the upper bound (UBk ) for subregion Tk is computed
into linear or convex forms. by replacing the nonlinear constraints and objective (if
The nonlinear mathematical programming model for nonlinear) by their respective linear overestimators. A
the CAMD problem (PMD) has the following features: generic branch and bound algorithm for global opti-
1. It is a mixed integer nonlinear problem (MINLP) mization (Horst & Tuy, 1990) have the following steps.
problem involving a large number of variables. Step 0: Specify a tolerance (o). Compute the lower
2. The number of linear constrains are much greater bound (LBo) and upper bound (UBo) for the original
than the number of nonlinear constraints. region To and insert it in a list L. Set the overall lower
3. Most of the components of the design vector (U) bound LWBD to− and overall upper bound UPBD
participate in the nonlinear terms. to − .
1386 M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394

If there is a large number of search variables partici-

pating in the nonlinear constraints or objective func-
tion, step 2 may generate a large number of subregions
(or nodes). The above is true for the CAMD problem.
To circumvent this dimensionality problem, we have
developed a branch and bound algorithm that performs
branching based on certain splitting functions, which
are linear functions of x and y.

3.3. Using splitting functions in the branch and bound


In our approach, a region is not defined by bounds

on the variables but by bounds (al and bl ) on the
splitting functions (cl ). The problem formulation for
subregion Tk becomes
f= minimize f(x, y, u)
gi (x, y, u) 50 i= 1,2, ... , n
hj (x, y, u) 50 i= 1,2, ... , m (P. K

al 5 cl (x, y, u)5 bl lSF

x L B xBx U, y(0, 1)
where cl (x, y, u) are linear splitting functions and SF is
a set of splitting functions.
In the proposed algorithm, partitioning of a region
into two subregions is performed on one of the splitting
functions as described below.
Fig. 4. Flowchart for global optimization via reduced space branch
and bound.
Modified step 2: If LBk \ LWBD set LWBD=LBk.
If UBk B UPBD set UPBD = UBk. Partition Tk into
two subregions (T Pk and T Q k ) by splitting on one split-
Step 1: Remove a region Tk from the list L that has ting function. For example the rth function, such that
the lowest LBk (lower bound). If the list L is empty T Pk = {x, y: ar 5 cr{x, y)Bcr(x*, y*); al 5 cr(x, y)5bl
then the problem is infeasible and has no solution. Ö(1SF and l" r)}. Similarly T Q k = {x, y: cr(x*, y*)5
Step 2: If LBk \ LWBD set LWBD =LBk and if cr(x, y)5 br ; al 5 cr(x, y)5bl Ö(1 SF and l"r)},
UBk B UPBD set UPBD=UBk. Partition the region Tk where x*y* is the solution point for the calculation of
into s subregions (T 1k, T 2k, … , T sk) by splitting one or the lower bound.
more of the variables (x, y). In many algorithms only The proposed algorithm is also shown as a flowchart
one of the design variables is bisected. in Fig. 4. To construct underestimators and overestima-
Step 3: Compute lower and upper bounds (LBik, UBik tors, we represent a nonlinear function as a tree struc-
ture (see Fig. 6) with the design variables at the lowest
Öi =1, 2, … , s) for each subregion generated in step 2.
level. The underestimators are constructed in a stepwise
A subregion T ik is inserted in the list L if it satisfies (i)
procedure starting from the lowest level going up to the
the problem of calculation of lower bound resulted in a
first level for computation of bounds. This is followed
feasible solution, and (ii) LBik BUPBD.
by a reverse sweep from the first level to the lowest level
Step 4: If UPBD– LWBD \o then go to step 2, else for construction of the underestimators. In our ap-
the algorithm has converged to the global solution. proach, the dimensionality of the lower and upper
Note that in order to estimate the lower and upper bound problem is no larger than the dimensionality of
bound we need to solve an MILP. As a result, the the original problem PORG. It is interesting, and in fact
termination criteria stated in STEP 4 guarantees that fortuitous, that there are instances where the number of
the final solution is the global solution for the original branching variables actually decreases. This translates
problem PORG. We note that the final solution point to to a smaller number of partitions and therefore a
the original problem (PORG) corresponds to the solution smaller number of iterations. The details of the al-
of the upper bound problem for the region j such that gorithm for constructing the underestimators and over-
UBj =UPBD. estimators are presented in Appendix A.
M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394 1387

3.4. Illustrati6e example: MINLP test problem proach for the construction of linear underestimator for
this solvent design constraint. Let us introduce the
The following MINLP problem (Kocis & Grossman, following functions
1988) will help illustrate the steps of the proposed
algorithm. The problem has three binary variables and cD = % nj FDj
two continuous variables. Nonconvexitities are present j

in the two equality constraints. The three inequalities

are linear. cP = % nj (FPj )2

minimize f=2x1 +3x2 +1.5y1 +2y2 −0.5y3

cH = % nj (− UHj )
subject to: j

h1(x, y)=x + y1− 1.25 = 0.0
cV = Vo + % nj Vj (7)
h2(x, y)=x 1.5
2 +1.5y2 −3.00 =0.0

x1 + y1 51.60 The solvent design constraint (Eq. (2)) can then be

expressed as
1.33x2 +y2 5 0.0
− y1 −y2 +y3 50 4
− d*D

− d*P

− d*H

cV cV
x ] 0, y {0, 1}3 Multiply both sides by c 2V to obtain
The equality constraints are broken into two inequali-
f 01 = 4(cD − d*DcV)2 + (
cP − d*c
p V)
ties. Equality hl (x, y) is decomposed to g1(x, y)and
g2(x, y). Similarly h2(x, y) is decomposed to g3(x, y)and + (
cHcV − d*HcV)2 − R 2c 2V 5 0.
g4(x, y). Here
fo is made up of four separable terms. The first and the
g1(x, y)=x 21 + y1− 1.25 5 0.0, fourth terms are squares of linear equations. The sec-
g2(x, y)=x 21 + y1− 1.25 ] 0.0 ond and the third terms are relatively more compli-
cated. Next, we will describe a tree representation of the
g3(x, y)=x 1.25
2 +1.5y2 −3.00 50.0 third term. This representation will then be used to
g4(x, y)=x 1.25 +1.5y2 −3.00 ]0.0. construct its underestimator. The third term is

The nonlinearities are only associated with the two g o1 = (

cHcV − d*HcV)2
terms, x 21 and x 1.5
2 , involving variables x1 and x2. For Let us introduce a function such that g 11 = (
cHcV −
this problem, the linear splitting functions are c1,= x1 d*HcV). Then we obtain g o1 ,= (g 11)2 and
and c2 =x2. The problem is solved with the initial
bounds of {05 c1 5100} and {0 5 c2 5100}. The al- 1
g 11 = [(
cH +
cV)2 − (
cH −
cV)2 − 4d*HcV].
gorithm took 39 iterations to converge. At the global 4
solution f *= 7.667, x* =[1.118, 1.310] and y*=
[0, 1, 1]. The reduction in the number of branching Next, we introduce the second level functions (g 21 and
g 22) such that g 21 =
cH +
cV and g22 =
cH −
dimensions translates to smaller number of nodes vis-
and third level function such that g 31 = cH and g 32 =cV.
ited during the branch and bound operation. To verify
Note that the third level functions are linear with
this claim, the same problem was again solved with all
respect to the design variables nj. Now g 11 =(1/
the five variables as branching variables. This con-
verged to the same global solution, but after 227 itera- 4)[(g 21)2 − (g 22)2 − 4d*HcV] or g 0 = {(1/4)[(g 21)2 −(g 22)2 −
tions. This illustrative example demonstrates the 4d*HcV]}2 or g 01={(1/4)[(
computational advantage of the proposed strategy, es- − 4d*HcV]}2. The functions g 21 and g 21 are themselves
pecially when many variables participate in the nonlin- related to g 31 and g 32 by the square root. The third level
ear terms. functions in turn are linear functions with respect to the
design variables (nj ). The bounds on cH and cV are
used to construct bounds on the second level functions,
4. Construction of linear estimator for the solubility g 21, and g 22. This is further used to construct the bounds
parameter design constraint on the first level function, g 11.
The linear underestimators are constructed in a re-
The solvent performance constraint illustrated in Eq. verse sweep that starts at the first level and goes down.
(2) makes the solvent design problem nonconvex and First, the linear underestimator of g o1 is constructed in
results in multiextremality. We now present an ap- terms of g 11 such that L[g o, S 1]= m1(g 11)+ m2. The sign
1388 M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394

of m1 (which depends on the bounds on g 11, determines the printing industry is called the ‘blanket wash’ which
whether the function m1(g 11) is convex or concave with is specially formulated to clean residue ink from litho-
respect to g 21 and g 22. The underestimator now has the graphic printing presses. There are more than 52 000
following form lithographic printers in the United States (Adrian,
1991). Many solvents used in commercial blanket
L[g o,S 2]=m3(g 21)+m4(g 22) +m5(CV) + m6 washes are to be phased out in near future due to
or environmental regulations. The ‘Printing Industry of
America’ (PIA) and EPA have taken a major initiative
L[g o, S 2]= (m3 −m4)(
cH) + (m3 +m4)(
cV) +m5(cV) to find environmentally benign solvent substitutes for
+ m6. this application (Design for the Environment Program,
The signs of (m3 −m4) and (m3 + m4) are subsequently In this section we present a case study CAMD prob-
used to construct the underestimator with respect to cH lem for to design blanket wash substitute solvents. The
and cV. After rearranging the terms the linear underes- detailed model development has been reported in an
timator is represented as earlier work (Sinha & Achenie, 1998). In short, an ideal
blanket wash solvent should have the following at-
L[g o, S 2]= m8CH +m9(CV) + m10.
tributes: (a) ability to rapidly dissolve dried ink; (b)
Thus, the underestimator will be linear with respect to have minimal drying time; (c) should not swell the
CD, CP, CH and CV; therefore, it will be linear in terms rubber blanket; (d) be nonflammable; and (e) be envi-
of the search variables nj. At any iteration in a branch ronmentally benign.
and bound strategy, the subregion is represented by the Drying time is correlated with the heat of vaporiza-
bounds on the splitting functions. Based on this infor- tion (DHV) of the solvent, which is minimized during
mation the coefficients m1, (m13 −m4) and (m3 + m4) are design stage. Low DHV translates to higher evaporation
calculated and a decision about construction of the rate and hence shorter drying time. It also translates to
underestimator is taken at two levels as shown in Fig. lower utility costs associated with the drying operation.
5. Similarly, the overestimators can be constructed in a Ink residue is assumed to consist of phenolic resin
similar fashion. Further details can be found in Ap- (Super Bakacite® 1001, (Cunningham, 1998)) with dd =
pendix A. 23.3, dp = 6.6 and dh = 8.3 MPa1/2 and R* =19.8
In the next section, we apply the global optimization MPa1/2. Solvents that can effectively dissolve the ink
algorithm and underestimator for the solubility residue have the following solute–solvent interaction
parameter model in a case study to design solvent constraint
molecules in a surface cleaning application.
R ij = (4(idD − 23.3)2 + (idP − 6.6)2 + (idH − 8.3)2)1/2
B 19.8
5. Case study: single component blanket wash design
A lithographic blanket is generally made of polyiso-
In a lithographic printing process, ink is carried to prene rubber. Natural rubber (polyisoprene) has 25%
the impression plate by means of a train of rubber swelling range between polar solubility parameter (dp)
rollers commonly called ‘blankets’. The cleanliness of values 0 − 6.3 MPa1/2 (i.e. a solvent that does not have
the blanket is of primary concern for production of dp in this range will not significantly swell the blanket).
high-quality images. One of the most used solvents in To ensure minimal blanket swelling we add a constraint

Fig. 5. Decision tree for construction of underestimator for the solubility parameter constraint.
M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394 1389

on dp to be greater than 6.3. Thus, the ability to % % Uij (2−6j )= 2 (Octet rule)
i j
dissolve dried ink but at the same time not swell the
rubber blanket is ensured by constraining the solvent
exp((% % Uij tmj )/102.425) 5223
design to a specified region in the solubility parameter i j
space as shown in Fig. 3.
(Melting point constraint)
We note that the correlations for both log BCF and
log LC50 depend linearly on log Kow. Therefore con-
exp((% % Uij tbj )/204.4) ] 323
straining log Kow is sufficient in the sense that we need i j
not explicitly constrain the log BCF and the log LC50.
(Boiling point constraint)
In a nutshell, a solvent’s environmental impact is in-
ferred from its Kow value. Here we constrain the log Kow
% % Uij (x o)j + % % Uij (x o)j 5 4.0
of the solvent to a small value (i.e. less than 4.0). To i j i j
ensure that the solvent is a liquid at ambient tempera-

(Octanol-water partition constraint)
ture, the boiling point (Tb) should be larger than 323 K
and the melting point (Tm) should be less than − 223 Á % % U*F Â Á % % U*(F )2
à ij Dj à à ij Pj
K. The presence or absence of structural group in a i j i j
4Ã − 23.3Ã + Ã
molecule is represented by a binary matrix U (Churi &
ÃV o + % % Uij Vj à à V o + % % Uij Vj
! '
Achenie, 1996) with elements Uij such that i j i j
2 2
1 Â Á % % U*(−U Â
Uij = Ã Ã ij Hj ) Ã

i j
− 6.6Ã + Ã − 8.3Ã 5 (19.8)2
if ith position in a molecule has jth structural gro à à Vo + % % Uij Vj Ã
up i j
0 otherwise

(Solubility parameter constraint)
Note that nj =i Uij. The size of the molecule is limited
to a maximum of five structural groups i j Uij 5 5 % % Uij (FPj )2
i j
] 6.3 (Swelling constraint)
in this case study. The octet rule for acyclic molecules
as proposed by Odele et al. is used (Odele & Machietto, Vo + % % Uij Vj
i j
cD 5 % % U*F
ij Dj 5 cD (Splitting function 1)
% % Uij (2−6j )=2 i j
i j

where 6j is the valency of jth structural group. cP 5 % % U*F

ij Pj 5 cP (Splitting function 2)
i j
The basis set consists of twelve groups: CH3-, CH2-,
Ar-, Ar= , -OH, CH3CO-, -CH2CO-, -COOH, cH 5 % % U*(−U
ij Hj )5 cH (Splitting function 3)
CH3COO-, -CH2COO-, -CH3O, -CH2O-. Ar- refers to i j

benzene ring with one less hydrogen (valency of one)

and Ar = refers to a benzene ring with two less hydro- cV 5 Vo + % % Uij Vj 5 cV (Splitting function 4)
i j
gen atoms (valency of two). Many chlorinated com-
pounds (e.g. 1,1,1, trichloroethane) are being phased where h6j, tbj and tmj are group contribution parameters
out for their ozone depleting potential (ODP). We have associated with DHv, Tb, and Tm. Solubility parameter
addressed this by not including any structural group and swelling constraints are nonlinear and nonconvex.
that has chlorine, in our basis set. This basis set can be The splitting functions are cD, cP, cH and cV. The
used to design straight chain hydrocarbons, aromatics, subregion is thus represented by four pairs of addi-
alcohols, ketones, esters, ethers and acids. Heat of tional linear constraints that confine the search between
vaporization, boiling point and melting point are calcu- the maximum and minimum values of these splitting
lated by the Constantinou and Gani (1994) method. functions.
The resulting CAMD formulation for blanket wash
solvent design is shown below. 5.1. Results and discussion

minimize % % Uij hVj (P3) The problem has 60 binary variables and 15 con-
Uij i j straints. The algorithm took 31 iterations. Since maxi-
subject to: mums of two MILPs are solved per iteration, the total
number of MILPs solved is no more than 62. The
% % Uij 55 (Molecular size constraint) globally optimal solution found is methyl-ethyl ketone
i j (MEK) with molecular structure CH3-CH2-CO-CH3.
1390 M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394

Table 1
Result of solvent design case study, optimal molecules and their properties

Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) Diethyl ketone (DEK) Ethylene glycol mono methyl ether Comments


DH6 (KJ/mol) 35.47 40.12 47.6 Computed

(objective function) 34.5 38.37 – Experimental
TB (°C) 81 112.5 114.2 Computed
79.6 101.0 124.6 Experimental
TM (°C) −80.0 −66.4 −68.9 Computed
−86.0 −39.0 −85.1 Experimental
dD (Mpa1/2) 15.13 15.33 15.25 Computed
16.0 15.8 – Experimental
dP (Mpa1/2) 8.64 7.34 7.76 Computed
90 7.6 – Experimental
dH (Mpa1/2) 4.65 4.28 17.08 Computed
5.1 4.7 – Experimental
R ij 16.86 8.9 11.9 R a =19.2
log Kow 1.59 2.37 −0.65 Computed
0.29 0.91 −0.77 Experimental
log BCF 0.97 1.556 −0.724 Computed
0.0 0.46 −6.152 Computedb
0.0 0.46 −6.8 Experimental
Tf (°C) −16.4 4.9 6.2 Computed
−9.0 13.0 43.0 Experimental
Evaporation ratec 3.8 2.3 0.53 Experimental
Solvent type Ketone Ketone Glycol ether

Computed via correlation from experimental log Kow value.
Computed via correlation from predicted log Kow value.
Experimental value of the evaporation rates relative to evaporation rate of butyl actate. Note that this value has a good correlation with the
objective function (DHv).

The DHv (also the objective function) associated with an inverse relationship between DHv and the evapora-
MEK is predicted as 35.471 KJ/ mol. This molecule tion rate. Hence in effect, minimization of DHv (objec-
was found at the 10th iteration with a overall upper tive function) results in the maximization of the
bound (UPBD) of 35.471 and an overall lower bound evaporation rate. Thus the molecules designed have
(LWBD) of 33.99. The algorithm finally converged with high evaporation rate and consequently will have mini-
MEK as the global solution after 21 more iterations. mal drying time.
To find the second best molecule, additional constraint
was added to eliminate MEK from the design space.
The next best molecule designed is diethyl ketone 6. Conclusions
(DEK). This process was repeated to find the third best
solvent namely ethylene glycol monomethyl ether This paper presents a framework that incorporates
(EGME). The results are presented in Table 1. This environmental and health considerations in solvent de-
table also lists the predicted properties along with the sign. Solvent design models based on solubility parame-
experimental values. The model error associated with ters are nonlinear and often result in a nonconvex
DHv, Tb, Tm and solubility parameters is relatively low. CAMD formulation. We note that many nonlinear
The predicted value of log Kow shows a considerable correlations for CAMD have a structure similar to that
model error and consistently predicts a larger value of solubility parameter models and are a source of
compared to the experimental value. This error also nonconvexity. To solve these CAMD problems, we
results in an error in log BCF. However, it is interesting have developed a global optimization algorithm that
to note that if the experimental value of log Kow is used exploits the problem structure. We have also presented
in Eq. (4), then the model prediction for log BCF is a strategy for the construction of linear underestimators
very accurate for the three molecules designed. Table 1 for nonlinear models often seen in solvent design. The
also lists the evaporation rate of each solvent. There is underestimators are used in the reduced space branch
M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394 1391

and bound strategy to solve the case study solvent In this paper, only pure component product design is
design problem. We have introduced the idea of split- considered. Mixture design problems are often posed as
ting functions that result in a smaller number of branch- MINLP problems. This algorithm can be used for
ing nodes. For example in the solvent design case study, solving nonlinear and nonconvex mixture design prob-
instead of branching on all 60 binary variables (that lem as well. Incorporation of model uncertainties is also
participate in nonlinear terms), we only need to branch being considered.
on four splitting functions.
We are continuing to address other issues. In this
regard, more complete models for molecular structure Appendix A. Multilevel approach to construction of
that account for connectivity information (i.e. how underestimator
different structures are connected to each other, Churi
McCormick (1976) suggested a method for construc-
& Achenie, 1996) are being considered. In addition
tion of convex underestimators and concave overesti-
other property requirements on viscosity, surface ten-
mators for functions that are the product of two
sion, ozone depletion potential, etc. are being
univariate functions, f(x)g(y). Extension for products
considered. of univariate functions was developed by Maranas and
In the proposed global optimization algorithm we Floudas (1995). In this paper, we discuss another ap-
only need to solve a sequence of MILPs. Therefore we proach for construction of underestimator and
are investigating methods for solving MILPs more effi- overestimator.
ciently. It is interesting to note that, in our limited The first step involves representation of a complex
experience with the proposed algorithm, the computa- function in terms of simpler one-dimension functions.
tional effort, measured in terms of the number of The only arithmetic operations relating these functions
iterations, grows linearly as the problem size increases. to the original function are addition, subtraction,
However, as the problem size increases Ip – solve is not square, and square root. Such a representation has a
very robust. As a result, we are currently replacing tree structure as shown in Fig. 6. The original function
Ip – solve by more computationally efficient MILP represented as 8 o1, corresponds to the root node (zeroth
solvers such as OSL. This modification is not expected level). The child nodes emanating from the root node
to reduce the number of iterations. Instead, it is ex- correspond to the first level functions, represented as
pected to reduce the computational effort per iteration. 8 (1)
i (i
function at the first level). The next level corre-
sponds to the functions at the second level (8 (2) i ) and so
on. As shown in Fig. 6, the number of nodes at kth
level is nk. The functions at each level are repeatedly
decomposed till the functions at the lowest level child
nodes are linear function of the search variables. Hence
this multilevel scheme attempts to represent the original
function as a tree function. A mathematical representa-
tion of tree function is shown in Eq. (A1).
nk + 1
8 ki = % mj (8 kj + 1)tj (A1)

where mj is the coefficient for the jth child function

8 (K + 1), and there are m such child functions. We
consider the case when the power tj for the jth function
takes the value 0.5, 1, or 2. For a linear group contribu-
tion model, at the lowest level in the tree structure, mj
corresponds to the group contribution parameter uj and
tj is 1.
We can obtain linear estimators of the kth level
function 8 (k) in terms of the function at the level
(k+ 1), 8 (ki
+ 1)
. There are standard techniques for con-
structing linear underestimators for separable functions
that can be represented as Eq. (A1). Only the functions
for which tj equals 2 (square) or 0.5 (square root) need
to be linearized. Depending on the sign of the coeffi-
Fig. 6. A multilevel representation of a nonlinear function as a tree cient, mj corresponding to the jth function at the (k +
function. 1)th level, the function 8 (k)
i can be concave or convex
1392 M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394

Fig. 7. A multilevel representation of the function f o1 =x0x1x2x3, as a tree function.

with respect to the functions, 8 (k + 1)

. For concave 1 1 1 1
i f 11 = ( f 21)2 + ( f 22)2 + ( f 23)2 + ( f 24)2
functions the linear underestimator for region S ki has 4 4 4 4
the form and
k k
[ f(8 ) − f(8 )] k
i i 1 1 1 1
L[ f(8 ki );S ki ]= f(8 ki )+ (8 i −8 ki ) (A2) f 12 = ( f 21)2 + ( f 22)2 − ( f 23)2 − ( f 24)2.
8 ki −8 ki 4 4 4 4
where S ki = {c ki : c ki 5c ki 5c ki }. c( and c(( correspond Here in three levels (see Fig. 7) we have reduced the
to the minimum and maximum values for ci. original function and represented it as a superposition
For convex functions, the linear underestimator in of univariate functions. The only operations are plus,
region S ki has the form minus and the square. Given the bounds on x0, x1, x2
L[ f(8 ki );S k]= f %(8̂ ki )(8 ki −8̂ ki ) + f(8̂ ki ) (A3) and x3, bounds on the second level functions f 21, f 22, f 23,
and f 24 can be computed via interval arithmetic opera-
where 8 ki is the mid point of 8 ki in the region S k, f %(8 ki ) tors (Moore, 1966). Similarly, the bounds on the first
is the derivative of function f(8 ki ) at the midpoint. level functions f 11 and f 12 can be computed. Thus the
If the bounds on the search variables are known, estimation of bounds in the tree function starts from
then the bounds or range on 8 oi , 8 1i , 8 2i … 8 N
i can be the bottom level and goes up. Care must be taken to
computed. This results in a bound propagation at compute the true range, as the interval operations may
different levels of the functions beginning from the result in overestimation of the bounds.
lowest level. For example, let us consider the following The underestimators are constructed in the reverse
function order. First the original function ( f0) is linearized with
f 01 = x0x1x2x3 respect to the set of first level function (here f 11 end f 12).
Next, the resulting linear expression of f 11 and f 12 is
Let us introduce two functions f 11 =x0x1 +x2x3 and considered. Underestimators are constructed for each
f 12 = x0x1 −x2x3. Now, using the following identity term of this expression with respect to the second level
1 1 functions f 21, f 22, f 23, and f 24. At this stage the expression
ab= (a+b)2 − (a−b)2 for the underestimator is a linear function of f 21, f 22, f 23
4 4
and f 24. In this way we obtain the linear relations which
we can represent the original function as f 01 = 1/ connect linear underestimators of the kth level with the
4( f 11)2 −1/4( f 12)2. At this level let us introduce the linear underestimator for the (k+ 1)th level (k=
functions corresponding to the second level f 21 = x0 + 0, 1, … , N−1). These second level functions are them-
x1,f 22 =x0 − x1, f 23 = x2 +x3 and f 24 =x2 −x3. Using selves linear functions of the original variable x0 x1, x2,
these second level functions, we can represent the first and x3. At the next stage, we can obtain underestimator
level functions f 11 and f 12 as of all the levels as linear functions of x0 x1, x2, and x3.
M. Sinha et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 23 (1999) 1381–1394 1393

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