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I believe in God the Father Almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord;
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried;
He descended into hell;
The third day he rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost;
the holy catholic church;
the communion of saints;
the forgiveness of sins;
the resurrection of the body;
and the life everlasting. Amen.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen. Amen.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures
here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host:
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church

Daretown, New Jersey
(856) 358-1104
Rev. Dr. Julia Pizzuto-Pomaco, Pastor
Dominic Mercado, Director of Music
Margaret A. Powers, Organist
Jill Stout, Secretary
January 9, 2011
ORGAN PRELUDE “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” Converse FIRST LESSON I Corinthians 12:5-20 (p. 174)
SECOND LESSON Acts 2:41-47 (p. 120)
SERMON “We are Family”
Leader: Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of *HYMN #236G “As with Gladness”
God has risen upon you.
People: We hear the news of the boundless riches of Christ and PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER
our hearts sing for joy.
Leader: God reveals the mysteries of the ages for those who wait. PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS
All: The light of Christ illumines our way. Come, let us walk
in the light of God! OFFERTORY “Contemplation” Nordman
*HYMN #233G “We Three Kings of Orient Are” (vs. 1-4) *DOXOLOGY
God of majesty and power, even as your voice shakes the *PRAYER OF DEDICATION
wilderness and strips the forest bare, so it shakes us, and strips us of
pretensions and illusion. In your presence we know without doubt *HYMN #229G “The First Noel” (vs. 4-6)
how we have wandered from your way, dishonored your name, and
failed to fulfill our calling. Have mercy on us, Lord. Your word *BENEDICTION
brings order to chaos, life to death. Speak to us again your promise
of newness. Call to us again in righteousness. Take us by the hand *CHORAL RESPONSE
and keep us, so we may live to please and praise you. Amen.
ORGAN POSTLUDE “Chorale Postlude” German Melody
*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed (*) indicates when to stand
(back cover of bulletin) (G) refers to our green hymnal “Worship & Rejoice”
*GLORIA PATRI (back cover of bulletin)

The Missions of the Month for January are Disciples Welcome! Your presence increases our joy as we praise our
Pantry (Woodstown)/Peter’s Pantry (Elmer). Disciples loving Savior together. May every blessing be yours.
Pantry is located at Asbury United Methodist Church in
Woodstown and exists in our community to help feed the The elder for the month is Al Floyd.
hungry. People are able to come and pick up food for The deacon for the month is Colleen Moore.
themselves and their families. It is given freely and with The trustee for the month is Jane String.
Christ’s love. We support them through canned good drives, The greeters are Amanda & Patrick Sheehan.
Crop Walk and Garden for God. The lay leader is Dave Ewart.

Peter’s Pantry is located at Elmer United Methodist Church Mission Statement:

and also exists in our community to help feed the hungry. In the Name of Christ: Sowing, GROWing, and Serving.
“The Pantry is a food bank serving emergency needs, serving
as a stopgap measure for someone awaiting public assistance Vision Statement: We are GROWing,
and serving families that can not make it to the end of the Growing in Faith,
month. Every client receives a standard order of food and a Reaching others for Christ,
voucher for specific food items at the local grocery store.” Offering opportunities for mission,
Please keep these ministries in your prayers. Worshipping the Lord with our whole hearts.

Disciple's Pantry in Woodstown continues to be in need of If you are visiting with us today we warmly welcome you
items such as cereals, pasta, mac-n-cheese, rice and any and hope you have received a welcome packet. Please
canned good. Please leave your contribution in the box feel free to contact Pastor Julia with any questions or
marked in the narthex and we will make sure it gets there. pastoral needs. Pastor Julia can be reached at 358-1104
or You can contact Jill Stout, our
There are assisted listening devices for people to better secretary/treasurer, in the office or at
hear the worship service. Feel free to use one.
PRAISE BAND PRACTICE – Tuesday @ 7:30 pm
CHOIR PRACTICE – Wednesday @ 7:30 pm
Join us for a prayer time every Sunday morning in the
youth lounge before church at 9:20am. DEACON, TRUSTEE & SESSION MEETINGS –
Check out our website for the weekly Bulletin and Insert. Trustees meet Monday at 7 pm, all others @ 7:30 pm
Deacons will meet in the upstairs lounge
Our Facebook page can be found at: Session will meet in the youth lounge
“Pittsgrove Presbyterian”. Join our group page today! Trustees will meet in the social hall
Pastor Julia’s Sunday School class that meets in the Prayer Requests: Mary Radcliffe, Debbie Covey (Oak
youth lounge will resume today. Gandy’s daughter), Judi Walker, Jack Barrett, Billy Cundey
Jr. (friend of Chris Baum), Paul Headley, Juele Pizzuto
We will be “undecorating” the church today following Sunday (Pastor Julia’s mom), Ron Rudenolff and Joanne Riddell
School. If you are willing and able to stay and help it would (friends of Dee & George Leptien), Sharon & Michael Hughes
be much appreciated! Many hands make light work! (friend of Kitty Lamb), Jean Johnston (Patrick Sheehan’s
grandmother), Bruce and Teresa Monell, Carl Whestel
The 2011 Flower Calendar Chart is now available. Please sign (friend of Andrea Wood), Sarah Transue (student of Elaine
up! It is located on the wall outside of the upstairs lounge. Myers), Brian Denny (friend of Jeanine Tindall), Peggy
Kroeplin (Donna Stroud’s mother), Brad Davis, Bill Williams,
The Ladies’ Bible Study on the Book of Philippians is
Loula Dolbow (Dottie Robbins’ mother), Eric Robertson
cancelled for the month of January.
(friend of Andrea Wood), Clarence Robinson, Leroy Williams,
The next Ladies Luncheon will be tomorrow, January 10th and Ron Munyan (Jennett Stanley’s brother-in-law).
12 noon at Point 40 Diner. For more information or to RSVP
The Youth Group is still selling beautiful 2011 calendars.
please contact Helen Sickler (769-2066).
Only $6 will get you a very nice gift for someone and also
Stewardship News: Stewardship and Mission Committees support our youth.
want all congregants to be aware that, starting in 2011, only
The church directory has been updated and copies are
funds actually designated for mission and benevolence will be
now available in the narthex.
used to support our church’s missions. Any non-designated
funds will be applied to the general operating budget only. Members are reminded when turning on the heat, in various
Please be sure to clearly designate any offerings as mission parts of the building, to return the setting to 55 degrees
or benevolence, and please adjust your pledges to reflect before departing. Your cooperation is appreciated.
your wishes in light of this change. We hope this leap of
faith by our church will be answered with continuing (and Thank you for your willingness to pay this year’s per
growing) support from our members over the coming years. capita. The cost is $38 per member and is paid by the
Please plan on attending the Congregational Meeting to learn church during January.
more. If you have any questions please see a member of the
mission team. The rosebud at the front of the church today is in honor of
the birth of Evelyn Rebecca. She was born on Friday,
The 2011 offering envelopes are available in the narthex. December 31 and is the daughter of Erin Hitchner and Jon
Please pick yours up today. Thank you in advance. Walker, granddaughter of Kim Hitchner.
Dinner 6:00 pm (please sign up in the narthex to make one!)
Alpha (adults)/Discovery Club (primary age kids) 6:30-7:30 What do you want to change in the coming year? What
Concluding Worship 7:30 – 8:00 pm would you like to do more often? As we consider changes in
our lives to help us become more healthy, well rounded and
TNT is currently on break. We will begin again in the new loving people why not consider making a change in your
year. We will resume the last Tuesday of this month and spiritual health? Here are some thoughts-
carry on through the end of February. The Alpha topics for
January through February are listed below. Keep reading your Bible! We were challenged to read our
Bible more regularly in 2010 keep that challenge going or
January 25 How can I resist evil?
begin it again if you have slacked off. Why not move your
February 1 Why and How should I tell others?
Bible right next to your bed table so you see it when you go
February 8 Does God heal today?
to sleep and wake up. Use the quarterly devotionals found in
February 15 What about the church?
the narthex to help guide your study, and refresh your walk
February 22 How can I make the most of the rest
with the Lord. Read through the gospels or why not look at
of my life?
the sermon text after we hear it on Sunday?

The Annual Meeting is scheduled for January 30th. Pray through our new directory. We now have our updated
Please turn in your annual meeting reports to the office 2011 directory ready for everyone. Take a copy home with
today. You can leave them in the basket upstairs outside of you and move through the alphabet praying for people in our
the nursery or in the holder on the office door. You can also congregation and lifting them up before the Lord! We can
e-mail them to Jill at all use prayer and while you pray you will be making a huge
As in the past we will have a covered dish luncheon prior to difference in individual lives and in our congregation. You
our meeting. If you can bring a side/main dish and dessert don’t need to know what to pray, just ask the Lord to be at
it would be greatly appreciated. There is a sign-up sheet work in each person’s life and allow the Spirit to guide your
located in the narthex. Thank you in advance and we hope prayers.
you can join us! Let us come together to plan for 2011 and
Take some time to read A God Centered Church:
celebrate what the Lord has done in 2010.
Experiencing God Together, by Henry and Melvin Blackaby.
Sermons in January will be using some of these important
The flowers this morning are presented in loving memory of
principles. Let’s be more God-centered in 2011! Books are in
Betty Gardner by Ralph Gardner and family.
the narthex and are priced at $12 each.

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