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Oral Evaluation 2

30 points and 5% of the Oral English Score

Due date: April 27th at midnight
Show and Tell: Create your own healthy lunchbox.
Show and tell is the practice of showing something to an audience and telling them
about it. You will show your lunchbox and all the ingredients you will put on it.
Time: 1-2 minutes per student
Materials required: lunch box, healthy food form food pyramid groups.
Instructions: the children create their own healthy lunchbox to be displayed in a video.
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Speaking Evaluation Feedback Checklist

1 point -doesn’t meet expectations.
2 points -meet expectations.
3 points -Exceed expectations. 

__________Speaker speaks clearly and is audible even in the back of the room
__________Speaker sounds natural and not as if s/he’s “reading out”
__________Speaker’s tempo is well-paced (speaks not too fast, not too slow)
__________Speaker looks confident and relaxed
__________The focus of the presentation is explained in the beginning
__________It’s obvious that the speaker is well-prepared
__________Speaker makes few to no mistakes in grammar
__________Speaker uses varied, intelligent, and appropriate language
__________Speaker pronounces all the words clearly.
__________Speaker seems comfortable speaking English.

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