OSCE Checklist - Renal System Examination

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OSCE Checklist - Renal System Examination

1 Washes hands

2 Introduces themselves & confirms patient details

3 Explains examination & gains consent

4 Positions and exposes patient appropriately

5 Performs general inspection

6 Inspects hands (asterixis, pinprick marks, Muehrke’s lines, gouty tophi)

7 Inspects arms (excoriation, bruising, AV fistula)

8 Assesses radial pulse

9 Offers to measure blood pressure (not on the side of an AV fistula)

10 Inspects face (uraemic complexion, skin cancers, Cushingoid facial features, hypertrichosis)

11 Inspects eyes (conjunctival pallor, calcification of cornea, peri-orbital oedema)

12 Inspects mouth (gingival hypertrophy, uraemia fetor)

13 Assesses JVP

14 Inspects neck (dialysis catheter, scars)

15 Inspects chest (skin cancers, warts, excoriation, bruising)

16 Percusses chest wall

17 Palpates apex beat

18 Auscultates heart sounds

19 Auscultates lung bases

20 Inspects abdomen

21 Performs abdominal palpation (light then deep)

22 Ballots kidneys

23 Assesses for shifting dullness

24 Auscultates for renal bruits

25 Palpates sacrum and lower limbs to assess for oedema

26 Thanks patient & washes hands

27 Accurately summarises salient findings

28 Suggests appropriate further investigations

29 Suggests appropriate differential diagnosis

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