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Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering

International Journal of
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Understanding the short-term aging of warm mix asphalt

using rolling thin film oven
S. Arafat, N. M. Wasiuddin*
Department of Civil Engineering, Louisiana Tech University, 600 Dan Reneau Dr., Bogard Hall M117, Ruston, LA 71272, USA

Received 15 August 2019; received in revised form 15 September 2019; accepted 25 September 2019


Standard Rolling thin film oven (RTFO) test at 163ºC for 85 minutes has been investigated and revised to represent the short -term aging of the warm
mix asphalt (WMA) binder which is mixed and aged at lower temperature. Because of wide mixing temperature and variation in duration of storage and
paving time, field short-term aging differs significantly. To simulate the reduced aging of WMA binders in the laboratory, series of RTFO tests were
conducted on two binders at three different temperatures and for four aging periods. Short-term oven aging (STOA) of mix was performed for the same time
duration at those three RTFO aging temperatures. A RTFO aging model was developed correlating the rheological properties of S TOA mix. Following the
aging model developed in this study aging temperature and duration can be selected for RTFO testing to simulate aging effect that a binder experiences in
STOA of mix. It is observed that the change in aging index of binder follows a linear relationship with aging time, and the rate of change of the aging index
changes linearly with temperature. This study also affirms that STOA of mix exhibits more sensitivity to temperature than tha t of RTFO aging of binder.
Investigation of plant and laboratory mix depicts that very small portion of mix aging occurs during mixing phase however, main portion of short-term aging
occur during the storage of plant mix or oven aging of laboratory mix. Because of wide mixing temperature RTFO aging test pro tocol need to be adjusted.
Keywords: Short-term Aging; RTFO; WMA; Rutting, Mix and binder aging; Time and temperature effect on RTFO aging

1. Introduction whereas, field performance of WMA is not as poor as it is found

by laboratory testing. Number of simulative rutting tests are being
Though Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) possesses several benefits performed in different states: Asphalt Pavement Analyzer,
over Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA): lower fuel consumption, extended Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Device, Laboratory Wheel-Tracking
paving season, increased hauling distance, and the possibility to Device in Purdue University, Dry Wheel-Tracker, Rotary Loaded
incorporate more Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), the use of Wheel Tester and Model Mobile Load Simulator are some of the
WMA is still not indisputable. Rut resistance is one of the most equipment used for testing [9]. Very few of these tests use full
important performance measures for newly compacted asphalt scale loading conditions.
mix. Both the WMA and HMA are used in the field but sometimes Apart from the existing small-scale testing, rutting susceptibility
they do not perform equally, especially when rutting is the main of WMA in the laboratory was verified the by utilizing a full-scale
concern. Inferior rut resistance is one of the potential sources of wheel load tester developed in the Louisiana Tech University [10].
questionable performance of WMA [1,2]. Irrespective to WMA A full-scale wheel load testing will eliminate the need of rigorous
technologies used, and the binder or aggregate types, laboratory field evaluation and is expected to create the similar effect as the
tests provide enough evidence to conclude that WMA is more pavement can experience under vehicular loading. Whole test set
susceptible to rutting than the HMA [3-6]. But the scenario of up and the results are described briefly in Fig. 1. This full-scale
rutting susceptibility in roadways does not completely match with wheel load tester was hand built at Louisiana Tech University by
the laboratory experience. Sometimes the WMA could perform welding together a frame that could support a load of up to 6000
equally or even better in the field [7,8]. Most of the laboratory pounds. The tester primarily used a piston powered by a 23-horse
rutting tests proved that WMA is more susceptible to rutting power hydraulic pump to move a single wheel back and forth
which was supported by the steel frame. To hold the brick shape
* Corresponding author test specimens during the test, a mold was prepared from quarter
E-mail addresses: (S. Arafat); inch thick steel plate. It could hold five specimens for both the dry
(N. M. Wasiuddin). and submerged rutting test. Temperature of the test specimens
Revised version of a paper presented at 15th World Conference on were controlled by two 1500-watts infrared heaters during the dry
Transport Research (WCTR), Bombay, Mumbai, India, 26-31 May test and during the submerged test the water was heated by an
2019. immersion heater.
ISSN: 1996-6814 DOI:
Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering. Production and hosting by Springer Nature
S. Arafat and N. M. Wasiuddin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 638-647 639

3000-pound load

Hydraulic Pump


Infrared heaters

(b) (c) (d)

Immersion heater

(e) (f) (g)

50 12
Rut Depth
Temperature (ºC)

40 Dry HMA 8 WMA (mm)

Submerged HMA HMA
Submerged WMA 4
20 Dry WMA Env
Dry HMA Env 0
10 Dry Test in Submerged Dry Test in
Submerged HMA Env Full Scale Test in APA
0 Submerged WMA Env Wheel Full Scale
0 60 120 180 240 Wheel
Target Temperature
Elapse Time (minutes) Type of Rutting Tests
(h) (i)
Fig. 1. Full-scale wheel load testing. (a) full view of full-scale wheel load tester, (b) sensors and magnets to control the span of wheel, (c)
specimen mold made of steel for testing, (d) testing in dry condition is going on, (e) testing in submerge condition is going on, (f) afterword
the testing rut depth is measured manually for individual specimen, (g) 9 different points on the brick specimen where rut depth was
measured and qualitative representation of rut depth, (h) variation of temperature with time during the test, (i) average rut depth obtained
in different tests [10].

The test was performed at 40ºC though the binder was PG 64. 13 second per cycle and it took four and a half hours for the
Because of slower speed of the wheel, it might cause severe machine to complete the whole test. After 1200 cycle wheel
damage at 64ºC. The specimens were placed at the middle of the passes, the final rut depths were measured manually at 9 different
mold with two supporting specimens at ends, and the side was points on each specimen.
tightened properly. In case of submerged testing, the specimens It was clear that WMA specimens experienced more rut than the
were saturated at testing temperature for 12 hours. The machine HMA specimens in both the dry and submerged conditions. The
was loaded with 3000 pounds of load by means of thick steel plates average increase in rut depth for WMA specimen was 34% than
before the test started. The speed of the wheel pass was selected as the HMA specimens. This increase in rut might not be statistically
640 S. Arafat and N. M. Wasiuddin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 638-647

significant as sample size was small, but this trend was similar for molecular size (LMS) ratio obtained by Gel Permeation
all the specimens. Physical observation of specimens after the Chromatography (GPC) method for HMA [18] but that study did
submerged testing exhibited that moisture caused a significant not deal with WMA. There is a need to develop a RTFO aging
damage to both the HMA and WMA. Increase in rut depth for model which can correlate the STOA for a WMA as well as for a
HMA after submerged testing is 20% whereas, for WMA this wide range of aging time and temperature combination.
change was 57%. This is a clear indication of moisture induced
damage of the asphalt mix and WMA is more susceptible to this 1.1. Objective
damage than that of HMA.
The hardening of the binders in the mix happens over time Primary objective of this study is to develop a RTFO aging
because of volatilization of light asphalt component and oxidation model by correlating the rheological properties of STOA mixes to
during service life. This process is referred to as aging [11]. During predict the STOA effect by testing the binder in RTFO. Some goals
the mixing and compaction process, binders undergo aging at considered while accomplishing these objectives are:
higher temperatures, and consequently a higher oxidation rate 1. Investigate the effect of RTFO aging time and aging
occurs which is known as short term aging. As WMA is produced temperature on the rutting parameter (G*/sinδ) of binder.
at a lower temperature than HMA, there is a probability for WMA 2. Investigate the effect of short-term oven aging (STOA) time
that the binder in the mix does not attain enough stiffness [3,4]. and temperature on the rutting parameter (G*/sinδ) of binder
Full-scale wheel load testing performed by the authors extracted from oven aged mix.
corroborates with the assumption that, lower short-term aging of 3. To clearly explain in detail how plant produced mix is
WMA may lead the compacted mix subjected to more rutting in subjected to the short-term aging in the field.
comparison with traditional HMA. Complex modulus of unaged
binder and recovered binder from WMA and HMA used for rutting
test were determined using a DSR. The result was calculated in 2. Materials and Experimental Plan
terms of aging index (AI), which is the ratio G*/ sinδ value of aged
and unaged binder. AI for unaged, WMA and HMA binders were HMA and WMA used for this study were produced in laboratory
found 1.00, 1.50 and 3.78 respectively. Lower mixing and aging as well as in the plant. Laboratory mix was a ½ inch NMS mix with
temperature of WMA caused the lower AI of recovered WMA 4.6% asphalt content. Advera was used as a WMA additive. Two
binder than the binder recovered from HMA. It was observed that types of binders were used: PG 64 and PG 58, and the aggregate
higher rut depth is associated with the binder having lower G*/sinδ was crushed granite and manufactured sand. These mixes were
value and vice versa. The specimens were made of same mix, subjected to short term aging in the oven at three different
compacted at same air void, and tested under similar conditions. temperatures, and the binder was extracted and recovered from the
Only difference is that one in WMA and the other is HMA. So, the mix for stiffness testing.
difference in rutting depth was solely the result of lower aging and HMA and foamed WMA plant mix were collected from Madden
consequently the lower stiffness of the binder. Contracting Co Inc. The nominal maximum size of the mix was ½
Rolling thin film oven (RTFO) test (AASHTO T 240) was inch and aggregate was limestone. PG 64-22 asphalt binder was
adopted by the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) for used for the mix with 5.0% asphalt content. Loose HMA and
simulating the short-term aging of the binder in the laboratory [12]. WMA specimen were collected immediately after mixing and
Duration of RTFO test was chosen as 85 minutes and it was stored in a cardboard box. After 2, 4 and 8 hours, a small portion
expected that 85 minutes of aging at 163ºC would create the of mix was separated for further extraction. In the case of HMA, a
oxidative aging effect of average field condition irrespective to specimen was collected from construction site which had a 55
binder type or mixing technology. In reality because of wide minutes hauling distance. Another HMA loose mix was collected
mixing temperature range, variation in duration of storage and from the silo after 14 hours of storage at 163ºC. Recovered binder
paving time, field aging differs significantly from that of RTFO from the loose mixes was tested in DSR for determining the
aging for HMA let alone for the WMA as there does not exist any complex modulus.
established method to predict the binder aging in laboratory [13]. A series of RTFO tests were conducted on two binder types at
Standard RTFO test might be an approach to characterize the three different temperatures and for four aging periods. STOA was
binder but it is not capable of representing the short-term aging of performed for same time duration on laboratory mix produced at
the binder in the field as well as in laboratory [14]. Although few same three RTFO aging temperatures. Table 1 describes the
studies were conducted to modify the RTFO aging procedure for detailed experimental plan for this study.
modified binders [15,16], still, no established protocol is available
for RTFO aging to simulate WMA aging.
For asphalt mixture, the recommended laboratory procedure for 3. Methodology
short-term aging is to heat the loose mix in a forced draft oven,
which is known as short term oven aging (STOA). AASHTO R 30 3.1. Development of HMA and WMA mix design in laboratory
recommends conditioning the loose HMA for 2 hours at
compaction temperature for volumetric design, and 4 hours at To conduct this study an HMA mix design was developed in the
135ºC for preparing specimens for performance testing. In a recent laboratory using PG 64-22 binder. Mix was produced at 163ºC and
study conducted by Epps Martin et al., 2 hours of STOA at 135ºC aged 150ºC for 2 hours in an oven. At design gyration of 100, the
for HMA and 116ºC for WMA was recommended to simulate the air void was found 3.89%. Optimum asphalt content was
short-term aging [17]. There should exist a correlation between determined according to the table 502-5 of section 502 of the 2006
STOA and RTFO aging as both are performed at controlled Louisiana Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges [19].
environment. Lee et al. predicted the required RTFO aging time to Same mix design was followed when mix was prepared with PG
get the same effect of STOA based on the increased large 58-22 binder.
S. Arafat and N. M. Wasiuddin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 638-647 641

Table 1
Experimental Plan.
Short Term Aging of Binder in RTFO
Conditioning Binder Temperature Duration Rheology
RTFO Aging of PG 64, 163ºC, 0, 60, 120, 240 minutes Dynamic Shear Modulus at 64ºC (for PG 64
Binder PG 58 148ºC, 135ºC binder) and 58ºC (PG 58 binder) with 25 mm plate,
12 rad/sec angular frequency, 10% strain rate

Short Term Aging of Mix

Conditioning Binder Temperature Duration Extraction Rheology
Oven Aging of PG 64, 150ºC, 0, 60, 120, 240 minutes One batch from Dynamic Shear Modulus at
Laboratory Mix PG 58 135ºC, 120ºC each temperature 64ºC (for PG 64 binder) and
and duration. Total 58ºC (PG 58 binder) with 25
24 extractions mm plate, 12 rad/sec angular
Plant Produced PG 64 171ºC, 141ºC Immediately after mixing, 6 extractions for frequency, 10% strain rate
Mix (without From wrapped box at 2, 4, 8 HMA and 4
reheating) hours duration for HMA and extractions for
WMA. For HMA additional WMA
specimens were collected from
Site and from silo after 14 hours
of mixing.

and asphalt content was not altered. Advera was added to the minutes since the mix was loaded in the truck. The temperature at
binder as a WMA additive. The challenge was to figure out the site was found 130ºC, which can be considered as compaction
optimum amount of Advera that could produce WMA at lower temperature.
mixing and aging temperature with the same density as that of In case of WMA the aggregate was heated at 140ºC, but the
HMA. After numbers of trials, two advera contents at two mixing temperature of binder tank was kept constant at 170ºC. Foaming
temperatures were selected for preparing WMA in the laboratory water is added as 2% by weight of the binder. Duration of mixing
for further testing. 0.3% (by weight of the binder) advera was used time and other process is like that of HMA mixing process. When
for WMA where mixing and aging temperature were 148 and mix is being transferred to silo the temperature was found to be
135ºC respectively, and 0.5% advera was used for WMA where 140ºC. Temperature of the silo where WMA was stored was 153ºC
mixing and aging temperature were 135 and 120ºC respectively. which is higher than the mixing temperature. When WMA sample
For both the cases, mixes were aged for 2 hours in the oven to was collected from the truck the temperature was found between
simulate the short-term aging. In this asphalt mix design, it was 121 and 126ºC. Fig. 2.(a-h) describes the different stages of plan
assumed that oven aging temperature would be 13 to 15ºC lower mix production and observed temperatures are reported in the
than the mixing temperature. figure.

3.2. Investigation of plant produced mix

3.3. Testing of rheological properties of STOA and RTFO aged
An asphalt mixing plant in Natchitoches, LA was visited to binder
observe the whole scenario of mixing, storage and transportation
of the mix. The plant, Madden Contracting Co Inc. could produce To simulate the short-term binder aging in the laboratory, RTFO
both HMA and foamed WMA. At every step of mixing, storage test was done following AASHTO T 240 standard but at three
and transportation the temperature as well as the duration was different temperature: 163, 148 and 135ºC. The temperatures were
monitored. Aggregate at ambient temperature were fed into the selected in such a way that they would match with the mixing
mixing drum where they were heated at 175ºC for 10 to 15 temperature of the HMA and WMA. Duration of short-term aging
minutes. Binder were being heated at 170ºC in a separate tank. in RTFO was selected as 1 hour, 2 hours and 4 hours. Specimen
Aggregate and liquid binder came into contact at 15 ft from the end was collected after specified time duration and tested in DSR to
of the drum. At this place the temperature was maintained at find the stiffness.
170ºC. Mixing process was continued for 2 to 4 minutes and mix Short-term oven aging (STOA) of the mix was performed
was then sent to the silo through the conveyer. At the end of the according to AASHTO R 30 at three different conditioning
drum the temperature was observed 170ºC for HMA. The mix was temperatures: 150, 135 and 120ºC. Duration of the STOA was set
then stored in a silo at 163ºC. The silo was kept heated by the as, 1 hour, 2 hours and 4 hours to match with the duration of RTFO
circulated hot oil by the periphery of the silo wall. Mix could be aging.
stored in a silo for 30 minutes to 16 hours depending on the The binder from short term aged mix was extracted using a
requirement from site. When the truck was ready the mix was centrifuge following the ASTM D 2172 using n-Propyl Bromide
discharged from the silo to the truck. For this study mix was as extraction solvent and then was recovered using rotary
collected in a cardboard box from the truck. At the time of loading evaporator following the ASTM D 5404. Recovered binder was
to the truck the temperature of the mix was observed from 144 to then tested to determine the stiffness using DSR (AASHTO T
155ºC. Specimen was also collected from construction site after 55 315).
642 S. Arafat and N. M. Wasiuddin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 638-647

(b) (c)



(e) (f) (g)


Temperature (C)

150 HMA
Binder Mixing In Silo In Truck In Site 2 hr 4 hr 8 hr
(55 min) (Box) (Box) (Box)
Different Stages of Mixing and Storage

Fig. 2. Collection of mix from the plant. (a) mixing drum in plant, (b) temperature is monitored from the plant control room, (c) foaming
water content regulator, (d) mix is stored in silo at elevated temperature, (e) mix is being delivered in to the truck, (f) loose mix is being
collected in a card board box for later extraction, (g) temperature of the mix in the truck is monitored using thermometers, and (h)
temperature at different stages of mixing and storage for HMA and WMA .

4. Results and discussions stored in the cardboard box and was wrapped thoroughly. Those
boxes were kept under the sun light and were fully wrapped by
4.1. Investigation of aging index of plant produced mix tape so that the mix does not come into direct contact of outside
air. It was expected that the mix would be sufficiently aged inside
Afterward the mixing process, mix is stored in a silo at an the cardboard box, but because of quick heat dissipation the mix
elevated temperature. Shortest time the mix was store in the silo was not aged as expected. Specimen was taken out after 2, 4 and 8
was around 30 minutes. Mix was then delivered to the truck and hours from separate boxes to check the change in aging. Fig. 3.
transported to the construction site. Mix was collected in a shows change in aging index with time. The maximum change in
cardboard box for extraction and recovery in future. The longest aging index is observed as 6.833 in the mix which was stored in
time the mix was kept in the silo was overnight, to be precise it the silo for 14 hours. It is expected that though mixes are stored in
was 14 hours. One box of mix was collected from the hauling elevated temperature in silo it might not get aged because it does
truck. Fig. 3. shows the aging index (AI) of HMA and WMA at not come into contact of air. This assumption is not completely
different duration of time after mixing. The AI is calculated based true. The significant part of the short-term aging is happening in
on the G*/sinδ value of unaged binder: 1.408 kPa. It is observed the silo. WMA mix was also collected from the boxes at 2, 4, and
that aging index of HMA when the first truck is being loaded was 8 hours time intervals and the aging indices are plotted in the Fig.
1.989. The mix collected from the construction site, 55 minutes 3. In case of WMA, specimen was not available to collect from site
after being loaded the truck exhibits the aging index of 2.115. It of from the silo after 14 hours. From two to eight hours of storage
indicates that carrying the mix to the construction site has very time in the cardboard box HMA showed 87% increase in AI while
little influence on increasing the stiffness of the binder. Mix was WMA showed only 20% increase.
S. Arafat and N. M. Wasiuddin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 638-647 643

plant mixing because the mixing process is done in the drum at a

higher ambient temperature of 170ºC. Laboratory mix is produced
at lower ambient temperature than that of plant mix.
Though laboratory WMA is mixed at lower temperatures, it
shows an increase of AI higher than the HMA, but the plant mix
WMA exhibits a lower increase in AI than HMA. In the laboratory,
Advera was used as a WMA additive and the fine particles of the
additive can act as a filler material which results into an increase
in the complex modulus [20]. With aging time, the effect of
granular particles of the additive was superseded by the aging
effect of binder, which is clear from the Fig. 4. In the plant mix,
as water was used as a foaming agent, the percent increase in AI
of WMA was lower than that of HMA. There is also a possibility
that during the storage period, some part of aging occurred at
different temperatures for WMA and HMA which eventually
distinguished the two mixes in terms of AI. So, it can be concluded
Fig. 3. Aging Index of plant produced mix at different stages.
that the laboratory mixing process cannot completely simulate
aging during the mixing process that is happening in the plant.
4.2. Effect of mixing temperature on short-term aging
4.3. Development of an aging model
How mixing temperature affects the aging of the binder in the
mix was investigated in this study. HMA and WMA specimens
4.3.1. Effect of time and temperature on aging index of RTFO
were collected right after the mixing process where mixes were not
aged binder
allowed for further aging in the oven. HMA was mixed at 163ºC
and WMA was mixed at 135ºC. Binder was extracted and The Aging index of RTFO aged binders are plotted in the Fig.
recovered from the mix and the rutting parameter (G*/sinδ) was 5(a) and 5(b) against time. As binders got exposed for longer time
determined in DSR. The result is reported in Fig. 4. as aging index in heat and air flow, they got more aged. It is clearly observed that
(AI), which is the ratio of the G*/sinδ of binder after and before the change in aging index with time follows a linear relationship
aging. From the figure it is observed that AI of the PG 64 binder for both the PG 64 and PG 58 binders irrespective of the aging
changes 5.7% for HMA and 9.7% for WMA. In the case of PG 58 temperature. The coefficient of determination varies from 0.91 to
binder, the values are 16.9% and 33.6%. On the other hand, WMA 0.99 which is an indication of a good linear relationship. If the
and HMA are collected from plant mix as soon as possible after aging temperature is raised, it follows the linear relationship but
the mixing. HMA was collected after 40 minutes of mixing while with a higher rate because a higher RTFO aging temperature
WMA was collected after 30 minutes of mixing from the silo. The expedites the short-term aging mechanism of the binder. The
aging index between them is noticeable. Aging index for HMA change in slope with temperature was used later to develop an
increases 50.6% and for WMA this increase is 25.9%. aging model which is discussed later section 4.3.5. In this study
The results imply that a portion of short-term aging of the binder short-term aging of the binder is investigated where the binder as
occurs during the mixing process. During the heating and mixing well as the mix was aged up to four hours. The linear relationship
process, binder loses its volatile parts and some oxidative reactions observed here is true for short-term aging scenario where binder is
may take place. This aging process is more pronounced in cases of aged at high temperature but for shorter period.

9 PG 58 PG 64 PG 64 Plant
Aging Index

is higher: WMA AI
5 presence is lower:
presence of
of additive no
4 additive
grains additive
3 used

After 2 Hours 4 Hours After 2 Hours 4 Hours After 2 Hours 4 Hours
Mixing Mixing Mixing

Fig. 4. Effect of mixing temperature on binder aging during mixing process.

644 S. Arafat and N. M. Wasiuddin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 638-647

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

Fig. 5. Effect of RTFO aging on binder. Fig. 6. Effect of short-term oven aging of mix.

4.3.2. Effect of time and temperature on aging index of oven temperature have significant effect on the aging index. Binder
aged mix grade does not have any statistically significant effect of aging
index as the p-value is larger than 0.05.
Mix was taken out of the oven after STOA for a stipulated time
at predefined temperature. It was then cooled at room temperature. 4.3.4. Rate of change of aging index with temperature
Binder was extracted and recovered the next day for testing the
From Fig. 5(a), 5(b), 6(a), and 6(b) it is evident that at higher
rheological properties in DSR. The aging index of recovered
aging temperature, for both the RTFO and oven aging, the rate of
binder from the oven aged mix is plotted in the Fig. 6 (a) and (b).
change in aging index is higher. It is expected that there might exist
Aging index is observed to change linearly with duration of oven
a relationship between the rate of change in aging index and the
aging like RTFO aging and the rate of change is higher at high
aging temperature. Fig. 7(a) and 7(b) are the plots of the slope of
aging temperature.
AI-time line obtained from Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. As binder grade does
4.3.3. Effect of binder grade on aging index not have statistically significant effect on AI of the binders, one
linear relationship is considered including two different grade
Aging Index was determined in two different methods using two
binders for each aging method. It is noticeable that oven aging
types of binders, at three aging temperatures and for three different
accelerates the aging process faster than that of RTFO aging as rate
aging duration. A multi-factor ANOVA was performed to
of change in AI is higher for the oven aged mix (Fig. 7(a)) in
determine the factors affecting the aging index. The result is
comparison to RTFO aged binder (Fig. 7(b)). The reason behind
tabulated in Table 2. P-value smaller than 0.05 indicates that the
the higher AI of mix can be attributed to the larger surface area and
factor significantly affects the experiment. From the Table 2 it is
lower film thickness of the binder in the mix in comparison to the
understandable that both aging duration (time) and the aging
binder film when being aged in RTFO.
Table 2
ANOVA to determine the variables that affect the Aging Index.
RTFO Aging OVEN Aging
DF F-Value P-Value Remark DF F-Value P-Value Remark
Time 3 19.26 0.000 Significant 3 12.74 0.000 Significant
Temperature 2 5.32 0.016 Significant 2 5.30 0.016 Significant
Binder Grade 1 0.09 0.767 Not significant 1 0.69 0.419 Not significant
S. Arafat and N. M. Wasiuddin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 638-647 645

(a) the intercept obtained from regression equation shown in Fig. 7.

The Eq. (2) is valid for both the RTFO aging of binder and STOA
of mix.
𝐴𝐼 = 𝑆𝑟 ∗ 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 + 1
= (𝑚 ∗ 𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝 + 𝐶) ∗ 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 + 1
= 𝑚 ∗ 𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝 ∗ 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 + 𝐶 ∗ 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 + 1
= 𝑚𝑥1 ∗ 𝑥2 + 𝐶 ∗ 𝑥2 + 1
Following this approach two aging equations are developed shown
as Eq. (3) and Eq. (4). where x1 is the aging temperature and x2 is
the aging duration for oven aged mix. In case of RTFO aged binder
x1 and x2 are substituted by y1 and y2 respectively.

Oven Aging: 𝐴𝐼 = 0.000587𝑥1 ∗ 𝑥2 − 0.073487 ∗ 𝑥2 + 1 (3)

RTFO Aging: 𝐴𝐼 = 0.000456𝑦1 ∗ 𝑦2 − 0.056122 ∗ 𝑦2 + 1 (4)

(b) Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) were used to predict the AI of oven aged mix
and RTFO aged binder respectively. Aging temperature and
duration used in those equations are the independent variables.
Observed AI values are plotted against Predicted values in Fig.
8(a) for RTFO aging and in Fig. 9(a) for oven aging. The 95%
confidence interval band is also provided in the plot. The residuals
are plotted in Fig. 8(b) and Fig. 9(b) for the corresponding models.
From the Fig. 8(a) and 9(a) is can be noted that observed AI value
changes linearly with predicted value obtained by the proposed
equations Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) respectively. Considering a linear
relationship, between observed and predicted values the regression
equation can be rewritten as:
𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝐼 = 𝛽1 ∗ 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝐼 + 𝛽0 (5)
β1 and β0 are the slope and the intercept of the Observer-Predicted
plot (Fig. 8(a) and Fig. 9(a)).
Fig. 7. Rate of change of AI with temperature. If the proposed model can accurately predict the AI of the tested
specimen, the observed and predicted values will be same, which
4.3.5. Proposed RTFO aging equations indicates that the slope will be equal to 1 and the intercept will be
0. The equation becomes:
Fig. 5(a), 5(b) and 7(b) can be utilized to develop an aging model
for RTFO aged binder and Fig. 6(a),6 (b) and 7(a) can be utilized 𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝐼 = 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝐼 (6)
to develop the model for oven aged mix. Short-term aging of
binder or the mix is dependent of both the aging temperature and Equation of AI for mix oven aging with R2 value of 0.89 is
the aging time as discussed in section 4.3.3. So, the model should obtained as
consider two input parameters: temperature and time. Fig. 5 and 6 𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝐼 = 1.01 ∗ 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝐼 − 0.03 (7)
provide the relationship between aging index and time at three
different temperatures. When slope of the AI-time line for oven Similarly, equation for RTFO aging with R2 value of 0.85 is
aged mix (fig. 6(a) and fig. 6(b)) are plotted against aging obtained as
temperature in fig. 7(a) they show a linear relation with the
regression equation y = 0.000587x – 0.073487, where y is the slope 𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝐼 = 1.00 ∗ 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝐼 − 0.12 (8)
of AI-Time line at given temperature x. This equation can be used
A hypothesis testing was performed on the slope and the
to predict the slope of AI-Time line when the aging temperature is
intercept of the Observed AI-Predicted AI line. Result of
given. Whenever the slope at any temperature is obtained, aging
hypothesis testing is given in Table 3. For both the parameters
index with time can be calculated as they follow a linear
there are strong evidence that the null hypothesis cannot be
rejected. That means, with 95% confidence interval it can be
A linear equation in the form given in Eq. (1) where, Sr is
concluded that the slope of the Observed AI-Predicted AI line is 1
temperature dependent calculated slope of AI-Time plot, can
and the intercept of the line is 0. So, it can be concluded that the
predict the AI of aged binder. As the AI of unaged binder is 1,
proposed model can successfully predict the AI when aging time
when aging duration is zero minute, the equation should return the
and temperature are provided. The residuals plotted in Fig. 8(b)
AI value of 1.
and 9(b) also supports the conclusion as there is no obviously
𝐴𝐼 = 𝑆𝑟 ∗ 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 + 1 (1) visible trend is observed.
In Fig. 8(a) and Fig. 9(a) along with the 95% confidence interval,
Further manipulation of the Eq. (1) reduces it to Eq. (2) where a 95% prediction interval band is also provided. The points
m is the slope of Rate of change of AI-Temperature plot and C is presented in dark solid legends were not used to develop the Eq.
646 S. Arafat and N. M. Wasiuddin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 638-647

(3) and Eq. (4) but were used to validate the model. Except one 𝐴𝐼 (𝑂𝑉𝐸𝑁) = 0.000587(𝑥1 ) ∗ (𝑥2 ) − 0.073487 ∗ (𝑥2 ) + 1 (9)
point in each plot, the predicted AI of both the oven aged mix and = 0.000587(𝑥1 ) ∗ (𝑥2 ) − 0.056122 ∗ (1.31𝑥2 )
RTFO aged binder fall inside the prediction interval which +1
supports the validity of the proposed aging equations. = 0.000456(0.98𝑥1 ) ∗ (1.31𝑥2 ) − 0.056122 ∗
To develop this prediction model, binder was aged in RTFO (1.31𝑥2 ) + 1
from 135 to 163ºC. Mixing temperatures of the mix were between = 0.000456(𝑦1 ) ∗ (𝑦2 ) − 0.056122 ∗ (𝑦2 ) + 1
135 and 163ºC. Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 show that at a higher temperature, = 𝐴𝐼 (𝑅𝑇𝐹𝑂)
the uncertainty of the data point to follow a linear regression is
higher. So, beyond this temperature range, which was used to In the above equation coefficient of x2 is divided into two parts
develop the model, it may not predict the actual aging of the RTFO so that one-part matches with the coefficient of y2. Similar idea is
aged binder as well as the oven aged mix. applied for coefficient of x1 too. AI (OVEN) equation implies that
RTFO aging should be conducted at the temperature of 0.98*x1 and
4.3.6. Application of the model to determine RTFO test the duration should be 1.31*x2 to get the same aging effect on the
temperature and time to simulate oven aging binder when the mixed is aged in the oven for x2 minutes and the
mixing temperature was x1ºC. For example, if a mix is produced at
This model can be utilized to select the suitable RTFO aging
140ºC and it is aged in the oven for 2 hours, to get the same aging
temperature and time so that it can successfully predict the effect
effect in RTFO, the test should be conducted at 0.98*140 or 137
of mix aging. The Eq. (9) for oven aging can be rearranged as
ºC and duration should be selected as 1.31*120 or 157 minutes.
(a) (a)

(b) (b)

Fig. 9. Proposed aging index (AI) model for short-term oven aging
Fig. 8. Proposed aging index (AI) model for RTFO aging of binder. of mix.

Table 3
Hypothesis testing to check the validity of the proposed model.
Hypothesis RTFO Aging OVEN Aging
t stat. P-Value Remark t stat. P-Value Remark
Slope H0: slope = 1 1.770 0.092 Cannot Reject 1.813 0.083 Cannot Reject
H1: slope ≠ 1
Intercept H0: intercept = 0 0.895 0.380 Cannot Reject 0.165 0.870 Cannot Reject
H1: intercept ≠ 0
S. Arafat and N. M. Wasiuddin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 12 (2019) 638-647 647

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