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EMS Element Management Software

Release 26 Version 8.09.02
Installation and User Guide
TM 1513436 Revision A
ii TM 1513436 Rev. A
EMS Element Management Software
Release 26 Version 8.09.02
Installation and User Guide
TM1513436 Revision A

iv TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS Element Management Software Version 8.09.02 Installation
and User Guide
Document Number: TM 1513436 Revision A


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Revision History

Revision Date Reason for Change ECO

A 08/2019 Initial release supporting EMS software v8.09.02 re- EA-30463

lease of August 2019. 1

This document follows and supersedes TM 1513005, Revision A, for Opti-Trace EMS v8.08.09 software release of
January 2019.

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vi TM 1513436 Rev. A
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................2
1.1 Intended Audience .............................................................................................................. 2
1.2 What’s New in EMS Version 8.09.02 ................................................................................ 2
1.2.1 First-time support for Node Modules ................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Enhancements or Resolved Issues ...................................................................................... 2
1.3 Structure of This Guide....................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Conventions Used in This Guide ........................................................................................ 3
1.5 Related Documentation....................................................................................................... 4

Introducing Opti-Trace Element Management Software ......................5

2.1 What is Opti-Trace EMS?................................................................................................... 5
2.2 EMS High Level Features and Functions ........................................................................... 5
2.3 Comparing EMS, CMS, and OTS....................................................................................... 6

Installing the Element Management Software ........................................7

3.1 EMS Availability ................................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Minimum System Requirements......................................................................................... 7
3.2.1 PCs Equipped with a 10/100Base-T Network Interface Card............................................. 7
3.3 Network Requirements ....................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Software Version Compatibility ......................................................................................... 8
3.5 Determining the Installed Version of EMS......................................................................... 8
3.6 Determining the Installed Version of MIBs ........................................................................ 8
3.7 Preparing for EMS Installation ........................................................................................... 9
3.7.1 Pre-Installation Requirements Checklist ............................................................................. 9
3.7.2 Order of Installation ............................................................................................................ 9
3.7.3 Installing EMS Without Installing OTS ............................................................................. 9
3.8 Downloading EMS ............................................................................................................. 9
3.9 Installing EMS .................................................................................................................. 10
3.9.1 Installing the NI3030x Network Interface Module ........................................................... 10
3.10 Installing Opti-Trace EMS................................................................................................ 11
3.11 Uninstalling EMS ............................................................................................................. 16
3.11.1 Uninstalling EMS Downloaded from the Web ................................................................. 16
3.11.2 What Files are Removed During an Uninstall? ................................................................ 17
3.11.3 What Happens to the .dll Files During an Uninstall?........................................................ 17
3.11.4 Failure to Update MIB Files ............................................................................................. 18
3.12 Upgrading the Firmware on the CX / NI .......................................................................... 18
3.13 Representative Modules .................................................................................................... 20

EMS Graphical User Interface ...............................................................21
4.1 Introduction to the EMS GUI ............................................................................................21
4.1.1 EMS Main Window Panes (without admitted networks) ..................................................22
4.2 EMS Main Window (configured-networks admitted).......................................................23
4.2.1 Additional GUI Features ...................................................................................................23
4.3 Menu Bar: Main Menu and Submenus .............................................................................25
4.3.1 Descriptions of EMS Main Menu and Submenu Items .....................................................31
4.3.2 Standard Editing Toolbar ..................................................................................................41
4.3.3 About Icon ........................................................................................................................41
4.3.4 Refresh Icon ......................................................................................................................41
4.3.5 Abort Icon .........................................................................................................................42
4.3.6 Communication Window Icon ..........................................................................................42
4.3.7 Alarms Summary Bar........................................................................................................42
4.3.8 Network Summary Alarm Icon .........................................................................................44
4.3.9 Start/Stop Polling Button ..................................................................................................45
4.3.10 Topology Tree and Device List Panes ..............................................................................45
4.3.11 Topology Tree Icons .........................................................................................................46
4.3.12 Color-Coded Icon Definitions ...........................................................................................48
4.3.13 Device List Pane ...............................................................................................................48
4.3.14 Device List Table Column Headings ................................................................................49
4.4 Properties Command .........................................................................................................50

Basic EMS Operations.............................................................................53

5.1 Initial Launch of EMS.......................................................................................................53
5.2 Creating Management Zones ............................................................................................53
5.2.1 Topology Tree Zones ........................................................................................................54
5.2.2 Adding a Management Zone .............................................................................................54
5.2.3 Naming/Renaming a Management Zone...........................................................................55
5.2.4 Deleting a Management Zone ...........................................................................................55
5.3 Adding a Device: Establishing Management Zone NI3030x IP Connections ..................56
5.3.1 Deleting a Device ..............................................................................................................57
5.4 Polling NI3030x and Associated Fiber Clusters ...............................................................57
5.5 Managing Digital Transport Streams ................................................................................58
5.6 Provisioning and Managing Fast Ethernet Customer Connections ...................................60
5.6.1 Adding a New Customer Connection................................................................................61
5.6.2 Deleting a Customer Connection ......................................................................................61
5.7 Launching the OTS Application .......................................................................................62
5.7.1 Launching OTS From the NI or CX in the Topology Pane ..............................................62
5.8 Configuring Users to Receive Email for Trap Alarms ......................................................63
5.9 Entering a Recipient’s E-mail Address .............................................................................64

viii TM 1513436 Rev. A

5.10 Deleting a Recipient ......................................................................................................... 64
5.11 Editing an E-Mail Recipient ............................................................................................. 65
5.12 Configuring the Sender ..................................................................................................... 65
5.13 Configuring E-mail Statistics............................................................................................ 65
5.14 Accessing Detailed Network Element Configuration and Alarm Information ................. 66
5.15 Clearing Alarm History for Nodes, NI30xx, and Shelf .................................................... 66
5.16 Setting Up Trap Receiver/Host List .................................................................................. 67
5.16.1 Adding/Deleting Device for Receiving Traps .................................................................. 68
5.17 Viewing/Saving Trap Logs to File .................................................................................... 68
5.18 Updating the Fiber Node Firmware .................................................................................. 69
5.19 Configuring General Options............................................................................................ 70
5.20 Notification: Configuring for Alerts and Sounds .............................................................. 70
5.21 Saving a Configuration (Topology) .................................................................................. 71
5.22 Opening a Saved Configuration ........................................................................................ 73
5.23 Deleting a Network Configuration.................................................................................... 74
5.24 Saving a Network Configuration ...................................................................................... 75

Configuring the NI3030x Network Interface Module ..........................77

6.1 NI3030x Network Interface Module Description ............................................................. 77
6.2 Hardware and Software Installation Requirements........................................................... 77
6.3 Configuring the NI3030x Using the CMS User Setup Tab .............................................. 78
6.3.1 Changing the IP Address on the NI3030x Network Interface Module ............................. 80
6.3.2 NI3030x Network Interface Module--SNMP Agent......................................................... 81
6.3.3 Configuring Optical Port Laser Settings ........................................................................... 81
6.3.4 Configuring Clock Reference and Shelf Monitoring ........................................................ 81
6.3.5 Configuring NIF Topology Resync and Reboot and FPGA Device ................................. 81
6.4 Configuring a Device Password on the NI Module .......................................................... 81
6.5 Configuring the NI3030x Using the Ethernet Tab ............................................................ 84
6.5.1 Viewing Status and Packet Count ..................................................................................... 84
6.5.2 Setting Loop Back Mode .................................................................................................. 84
6.6 Configuring the NI3030x Using the Status Tab................................................................ 84
6.6.1 Resetting Optical Status for Daughter Board and FPGA .................................................. 85
6.6.2 Viewing NI3030x Network Interface Module Status ....................................................... 86
6.7 Configuring the NI3030x Interface Using the Alarms Tab .............................................. 87
6.7.1 Viewing Service Affecting and Non-Service Affecting Alarms ....................................... 87
6.7.2 Configuring RF and Backup Power Alarms, Clearing Alarm History.............................. 88

Navigating to OTS and Modules ............................................................89

7.1 Navigating to the OTS Shelf View from EMS ................................................................. 89

7.2 Opening an OTS Module User Interface...........................................................................90
7.3 Opening a Node Digital Transmitter from OTS ................................................................91

Appendix A Color-coded Module Icons and Definitions ...........................................94

A.1 EMS Icons .........................................................................................................................94
A.2 Device Icons......................................................................................................................95
A.3 Generic System Icons........................................................................................................96

Appendix B EMS Warning and Error Messages .......................................................97

Appendix C Resource MIB Files ................................................................................102

C.1 MIB Files ........................................................................................................................102
C.2 ARRIS MIB Files ...........................................................................................................102

Appendix D Version History ......................................................................................104

D.1 Version History for EMS, OTS, and CMS......................................................................104

Abbreviations, Acronyms and Glossary ......................................................................105

x TM 1513436 Rev. A
List of Figures
Figure 3-1 EMS Version v08.09.02...................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3-2 Add or Remove Programs Window - Uninstall for Web Download ................................ 17
Figure 3-3 Uninstall Alert Message.................................................................................................... 17
Figure 3-4 CX/NI Software Update Tool ........................................................................................... 19
Figure 4-1 Basic EMS Main Window ................................................................................................ 21
Figure 4-2 Expanded EMS Window Showing All Available Panes................................................... 22
Figure 4-3 Example of a Configured EMS Main Window ................................................................. 23
Figure 4-4 EMS GUI Features ........................................................................................................... 24
Figure 4-5 EMS Main Menus and Submenus..................................................................................... 25
Figure 4-6 About Opti-Trace EMS Window ...................................................................................... 41
Figure 4-7 Communication Window .................................................................................................. 42
Figure 4-8 EMS Alarm Summary Icons ............................................................................................. 42
Figure 4-9 Properties Windows .......................................................................................................... 43
Figure 4-10 Device List Pane Showing Clusters .................................................................................. 44
Figure 4-11 Topology Tree and Device List ........................................................................................ 46
Figure 4-12 Device List/Cluster Pane .................................................................................................. 48
Figure 4-13 Zone Devices Display ....................................................................................................... 49
Figure 4-14 Chassis/CX300x Display .................................................................................................. 49
Figure 4-15 NI3030x/Device-Cluster Pane .......................................................................................... 50
Figure 4-16 Digital Transceiver in the Connected Cluster ................................................................... 50
Figure 4-17 NI3030x/DR3xxx Receiver Details .................................................................................. 51
Figure 4-18 NI3030x Properties ........................................................................................................... 51
Figure 4-19 NI Properties Window ...................................................................................................... 52
Figure 5-1 Initial Launch Window for EMS ...................................................................................... 53
Figure 5-2 Geographically Located Zones ......................................................................................... 54
Figure 5-3 Topology Tree Showing Zones......................................................................................... 54
Figure 5-4 Zone Deletion Message .................................................................................................... 56
Figure 5-5 Add Device Window ........................................................................................................ 56
Figure 5-6 Device Deletion Message ................................................................................................. 57
Figure 5-7 Polling Results for NI3030x Module ................................................................................ 58
Figure 5-8 Preset System Legacy Mode Properties ............................................................................ 59
Figure 5-9 Setting System Legacy Mode ........................................................................................... 60

Figure 5-10 Connection Management Window ....................................................................................61
Figure 5-11 Save EMS Connections Message ......................................................................................61
Figure 5-12 Delete Connections Message ............................................................................................62
Figure 5-13 OTS Shelf View ................................................................................................................63
Figure 5-14 Email Configuration Window ...........................................................................................64
Figure 5-15 Delete Recipient Message .................................................................................................65
Figure 5-16 Failed E-mails ...................................................................................................................66
Figure 5-17 Trap Receiver List .............................................................................................................67
Figure 5-18 Trap Log............................................................................................................................68
Figure 5-19 Trap Log Cleared ..............................................................................................................69
Figure 5-20 Fiber Node Software Update Window ..............................................................................69
Figure 5-21 General Options ................................................................................................................70
Figure 5-22 Alerts & Sounds Box ........................................................................................................71
Figure 5-23 File > Save Configuration As ............................................................................................72
Figure 5-24 File > Save Network Configuration ..................................................................................75
Figure 6-1 CMS Serial Connection from PC to PS3xxx Power Supply .............................................78
Figure 6-2 Communications Confirmed via Ping Test .......................................................................80
Figure 6-3 NI3030x User Setup Tab...................................................................................................80
Figure 6-4 Password Login for CX and NI .........................................................................................82
Figure 6-5 Device Password List Window .........................................................................................82
Figure 6-6 New Password and Access ................................................................................................83
Figure 6-7 NI3030x Ethernet Tab.......................................................................................................84
Figure 6-8 Future Loop Back Mode Selections ..................................................................................84
Figure 6-9 Status Tab Interface for NI3030E .....................................................................................85
Figure 6-10 Alarms Tab for NI3000 and NI3030E...............................................................................87
Figure 6-11 Alarm Tab Parameters ......................................................................................................88
Figure 7-1 Navigating to OTS Shelf View From Device Pull-down ..................................................89
Figure 7-2 Navigating to OTS Shelf View from Shelf Summary Alarm Icon....................................89
Figure 7-3 OTS Shelf View Default Opening ....................................................................................90
Figure 7-4 DR3450 Digital Receiver Interface from OTS Shelf View...............................................90
Figure 7-5 Opening a Node-based DTxxxx Interface from OTS Shelf View.....................................91
Figure 7-6 Viewing a Node-based DT4250N Interface from OTS Shelf View ..................................91
Figure 7-7 Viewing Components in a Node Lid .................................................................................92

xii TM 1513436 Rev. A

Figure 7-8 OTS NM4002 Node Monitor Interface for an NC2000, NC4000, or VHub .................... 92
Figure 7-9 Slot 2 PS3004D User Interface Options ........................................................................... 93

Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

List of Tables
Table 2-1 Comparison of EMS, OTS, and CMS .................................................................................6
Table 3-1 Minimum System Requirements .........................................................................................7
Table 3-2 Example Modules .............................................................................................................20
Table 4-1 CX300x Actions Menu .....................................................................................................28
Table 4-2 NI3030x Actions Menu .....................................................................................................29
Table 4-3 Main Menu/Submenu Commands and Descriptions .........................................................31
Table 4-4 Common Topology Tree Icons .........................................................................................46
Table 4-5 Color-Coded Icons and Definitions...................................................................................48
Table 6-1 NI3030x Information Parameters and System Up Time ...................................................86
Table 6-2 Service Affecting and Non-Service Affecting Alarms ......................................................87
Table 7-1 EMS Common Messages ..................................................................................................97
Table 7-2 CX and NI Module Specific Messages .............................................................................99
Table 7-3 Communications Module (CX300x) Messages ..............................................................100
Table 7-4 NI Module (NI3xxx) Messages .......................................................................................101
Table 7-5 Version History for EMS, OTS, and CMS......................................................................104

This Opti-Trace Element Management Software v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide,(document number
TM-1513436), provides information about installing, configuring, and using Opti-Trace Element
Management Software (EMS), and describes new features, functions, and resolved issues included in the
version 8.09.02 release.
EMS is used for remote establishment, viewing, configuration, management, and monitoring of entire
connected cable networks. When used with the ARRIS Opti-Trace Shelf (OTS) software, multiple CH3000
chassis-based modules, connected nodes, VHubs, and node/VHub-based modules can also be viewed,
configured, and managed.

1.1 Intended Audience

This guide is intended for Head-end, Hub, and Node Technicians and Network Monitoring Supervisors or
Administrators who are responsible for installing, configuring, and using Opti-Trace EMS.

1.2 What’s New in EMS Version 8.09.02

This section describes the enhancements and additions to EMS software since the last official release of
EMS version 8.08.09; Opti-Trace Release 25, January 2019.

1.2.1 First-time support for Node Modules

 FA4514-03, FA4517-03, FA4521-03, FA4523-03 single slot EDFAs (future products)
 FA4520E-03, FA4520F-03, FA4520H-03 single slot EDFAs (future products)

1.2.2 Enhancements or Resolved Issues

 Resolved an issue with the trap forwarding feature that caused EMS to lock up after sev-
eral hours of operation [Resolved Issue #11360/CTR1206].

EMS users who wish to use the CH3000 “Shelf View” option (which is available from the EMS
toolbar) must also have Opti-Trace OTS installed. Refer to the latest Opti-Trace Release 26
OTS release version 8.12.03 Software Release Notes to learn about new features and enhance-
ments contained in that release. It is recommended that EMS v8.09.02 only be used in conjunc-
tion with OTS version 8.12.03.

2 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

1.3 Structure of This Guide

The following table summarizes the organization of this guide.
Chapter Summary
Chapter 2: Introducing Opti-Trace Element Introduces users to the EMS application by describing its major
Management Software features and functions.

Chapter 3: Installing the Element Gives the system and PC requirements and the procedures for
Management Software installing and uninstalling EMS.

Chapter 4: EMS Graphical User Interface Provides descriptions of the EMS GUI menus and tools and the
functions associated with the GUI icons.

Chapter 5: Basic EMS Operations Discusses the most common operations that a network administrator
and/or operator uses to configure, monitor, and manage the installed
modules in a shelf or node.

Chapter 6: Configuring NI3030x Network Defines and illustrates the four major interface tabs: Status, Alarms,
Interface Module User Setup and Module Info that are used to access crucial module

Chapter 7: Navigating to OTS and Instructs and illustrates how to open OTS from EMS and navigate to
Modules installed chassis and node module user interfaces.

Appendix A: Color-coded Module Icons Lists and defines in tabular form the EMS color-coded icons.
and Definitions

Appendix B: EMS Warning and Error Lists in tabular form the system error messages and causes, including
Messages CX/NI messages.

Appendix C: Resource MIB Files Presents an overview of the EMS/OTS MIB files.

Appendix D: Version History Gives the Version and Dates for EMS, OTS, CMS and MIBs.

Acronyms and Glossary Defines commonly used terms.

1.4 Conventions Used in This Guide

The following symbols represent the conventions used in this guide.

Symbol Description
WARNING! This symbol is used to identify conditions or
actions that could seriously injure personnel; for example, an
electrical shock hazard.

CAUTION! This symbol is used to identify situations that

present minor hazards that can interfere with or threaten
equipment or system performance.

This symbol identifies important points in the text.

1.5 Related Documentation
The following table lists both the software and hardware guides that are associated with this guide.

Related Documentation TM Number

Opti-Trace CMS – Craft Management Software 1513438
Installation and Configuration Guide, version 8.12.15

Opti-Trace OTS – Shelf Management Software 1513437

Installation and Configuration Guide, version 8.12.03

Any CH3000, NC2000, NC4000, or VHub node or 87-xxxxx

chassis module installation or applications
deployment guide 151xxxx

Refer to for various deployment and applications guides.

4 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Introducing Opti-Trace Element

Management Software
Chapter 2 provides an overview of the ARRIS Opti-Trace Element Management Software (EMS).

This guide is updated to account for version 8.09.02 of Opti-Trace EMS features and resolved issues.
Refer to the Chapter 1, page 2, for a description of the new features.

2.1 What is Opti-Trace EMS?

Opti-Trace Element Management Software (EMS) is a Windows-based software application that allows for
the local or remote monitoring and management of ARRIS modules installed in a CH3000 Universal
Chassis and most connected ARRIS optical nodes and VHubs.
On a larger scale, Opti-Trace EMS also provides a global/enterprise network view of multiple CH3000
chassis, and their respective connections to NC2000, NC4000, VHub, UVHub, OM4120, and OM6000
EMS communicates with the CH3000 chassis via the installed CX3002 series Communications Module or
NI3030x Management Module using SNMPv1 (Simple Network Management Protocol version 1)
commands. EMS can also communicate with connected NC2000, NC4000, VHub, UVHub, OM4120, and
OM6000 nodes components through a DR3xxx Digital Receiver which is installed in the CH3000 chassis
and DT4xxx Digital Transmitter/Transceiver installed in the node or VHub. This feature requires that Opti-
Trace Shelf Management Software (OTS) also be installed in parallel with EMS.
EMS uses a large offering of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to:

• Create and display a hierarchy (topological view) of connected chassis(s) and nodes within the net-
• Drill down to monitor installed modules and events within the chassis and nodes and VHubs
• Configure/manage certain parameters and events within the modules
• Set and monitor alarms
• Troubleshoot the system

ARRIS Opti-Trace EMS is compatible with SNMP-based industry standard Network Management
Software (NMS).

2.2 EMS High Level Features and Functions

EMS simplifies remote configuration and management of ARRIS’ optical transport platforms as follows:

• Supports the active configuration and management of digital transport streams from fiber clusters
(nodes and VHubs) connected to NI3030x Network Interface or DRxxx Digital Receiver modules
installed within a CH3000 chassis.
• Through the NI3030x, EMS supports the configuration and management of 16 Fast Ethernet connec-
tions over the ARRIS Integrated Digital Transport System. (This action requires the activation of for-
ward optical links to all associated NI3030x clusters to establish two-way communications channels.)

• Allows for the direct launch of the OTS (Opti-Trace Shelf) software to monitor and control modules
that reside in the same chassis where the NI3030x is installed (shelf view). This provides a unified
element management and service provisioning solution when both RF and Fast Ethernet services co-
exist in the same optical platform.
• Presents a topology (hierarchical) view of a number of CH3000 chassis (s) and their respective
NI3030x networks (digital, fiber node, digital transceivers, and OE1110 access devices) in associated
• Sends emails to designated users alerting them of trap alarms.
• Configures up to 16 SNMP hosts (managers) as trap destinations.
• Performs firmware upgrades of Digital Transmitters and OE4130s associated with the NI3030x using
the Software Update Tool accessed from the EMS main menu > Tools.
• Selects the resolution for an A-to-D conversion of RF legacy services.

EMS v6.01.29 and later provide additional features not found in earlier releases. These added
capabilities require that embedded software in the NI3030x Network Interface module be upgraded to
version 3.26 or higher. To monitor OM6000 nodes in Opti-Trace Release 23, the NI3030 must be
updated to firmware version 7.55 or later. Please refer to Opti-Trace documentation for procedures to
determine the version of software resident in the NI3030x module, or contact ARRIS Technical Support
if you need help with this procedure. Check the ARRIS software download site for the latest available
firmware versions for all products.

2.3 Comparing EMS, CMS, and OTS

Table 2-1 compares the overall differences between EMS, OTS, and CMS.

Table 2-1 Comparison of EMS, OTS, and CMS

Opti-Trace Element Manage- Opti-Trace Shelf Management Craft Management Software

ment Software (EMS) Software (OTS) (CMS)
Provides a global/enterprise network Provides a shelf view of a single Provides a shelf view of a CH3000
view of multiple CH3000 chassis and CH3000 chassis, including installed chassis and access to installed
NC2000, NC4000, VHub/UVHub, modules and module alarm status modules
and OM4120/OM6000 nodes (i.e.
multiple IP addresses).

CH3000 shelf view: monitor and Monitor and configure shelf modules, Monitor and configure shelf modules,
configure shelf modules, to include to include modules installed in to include modules installed in
modules installed in NC2000, NC2000, NC4000, VHub/UVHub, NC2000, NC4000, VHub/UVHub,
NC4000, VHub/UVHub, and and OM4120/OM6000 nodes. and OM4120/OM6000 nodes.
OM4120/OM6000 nodes. (EMS Monitoring of DT6250 Digital Monitoring of DT6250 Digital
functionality requires that OTS also Transmitters within certain HLN Transmitters within certain HLN
be installed.) nodes is also supported. nodes is also supported.

Local or remote connection via Local or remote connection via Local connection only using an
SNMP Ethernet LAN to connect to SNMP Ethernet LAN to connect to RS232 craft/serial port from PC to
CH3000 CX or NI IP Address CH3000 CX or NI IP Address. shelf power supply
Access through a web browser is
also supported.

6 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Installing the Element Management

Chapter 3 gives information about the Element Management Software (EMS) availability, its system and
network requirements, and a description of each EMS installation process. Information on uninstalling
EMS as well as upgrading the CX and NI firmware is also provided.

3.1 EMS Availability

The EMS management application is available as a download from the ARRIS website.

When downloading EMS from the Web, two passwords are needed: 1) a password to access the private
customer site on the ARRIS download website => software and 2) a separate
password to install EMS onto your system. If you do not have an ARRIS software/firmware download
account, contact

For details concerning the most recent versions of CMS or OTS, refer to the Opti-Trace CMS
Installation and User Guide (TM 1513438) or the Opti-Trace OTS Installation and User Guide (TM

3.2 Minimum System Requirements

Table 3-1 notes the minimum system requirements for installing EMS on your computer.

Table 3-1 Minimum System Requirements

System Requirement
Operating System Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Processor Intel Quad Core or better

Computer Equipment Mouse, keyboard, and monitor

Memory 4 GBytes of RAM (minimum)

Available Disk Space 20 MB of hard disk space

Network Interface 10/100BASE-T with auto-negotiation (for 10Mbps operation


3.2.1 PCs Equipped with a 10/100Base-T Network Interface Card

In PCs that are equipped with a 10/100Base-T Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC), the PC NIC may be
pre-configured for default operation at 100Base-T only. If this is the case, and the computer is going to be
used for direct communications with a CX or NI management module via a CAT5 cable, the PC NIC must
be re-configured for 10Base-T (10 Mbps) operation in order to work.

EMS network connectivity requires 10Base-T (10 Mbps Ethernet) connectivity.

If the PC Network Interface is not reconfigured for 10 Mbps 10Base-T operation, communication with
the CX or NI management module will not be not possible.

3.3 Network Requirements
EMS requires an SNMP network connection. Typically, standard LAN/WAN and internet connections are
sufficient. Before installing EMS on your computer, make sure that the PC is configured for IP (Internet
Protocol) communications. Verify this even though Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or
Windows 10 automatically configure your computer for IP communications.
For using EMS, you need:

• 10Base-T 10 Mbps Ethernet connection

• Management access to the managed IP network on which the CX3001/CX3002 Communications or
NI3030x Network Management modules (within the CH3000 chassis) reside.

3.4 Software Version Compatibility

If you previously upgraded to and were using EMS v8.08.09, the firmware your CX3002 and NI3030
should be upgraded to:
 CX3002: SysRel v1.67 Firmware v5.42
 NI3030: SysRel v1.68 Firmware v7.58
There is no additional CX3002 or NI3030 firmware upgrade needed for Release 26.
If necessary, contact ARRIS Technical Support at to determine if an
upgrade is necessary. The Firmware Upgrade procedure is given in section 3.11 of this manual.

3.5 Determining the Installed Version of EMS

To determine the installed version of EMS, open EMS and from the menu bar, click Help > About Opti-
Trace EMS....
The About Opti-Trace EMS window (Figure 3-1) appears displaying the EMS version.

Figure 3-1 EMS Version v08.09.02

3.6 Determining the Installed Version of MIBs

The version of each MIB file appears directly below the Copyright (see Figure 3-1).
EMS version 8.09.02 includes:

• EMS System3000 MIB Ver.1.65

• EMS NifMgmt MIB Ver. 1.24c

8 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

3.7 Preparing for EMS Installation

The following checklist gives some installation prerequisites.

3.7.1 Pre-Installation Requirements Checklist

Before installing EMS on your computer, make sure that the following checklist items are
complied with:

Item Installation Requirements

Verify that you have administrator privileges to the computer on which the software is to
be installed.

Close all programs including email prior to before performing an install.

In order to enable the Shelf View, install and configure Opti-Trace OTS on the
PC prior to installing EMS. Refer to the OTS Installation and User Guide
(TM# 1513437)

There is no need to uninstall an older installed version of EMS. The existing version will be overwritten
during the installation of a newer version. This is also applicable to the other Opti-Trace products:
CMS and OTS. However, it is not possible to downgrade EMS (installing an older version over an
already installed new version) as the executables/mib files will now be overwritten with the older

3.7.2 Order of Installation

If you are installing more than one Opti-Trace application (CMS/OTS/EMS) at the same time, the order of
installation does not matter. Each Opti-Trace application has individual installers that install all of the
required files for running that particular software.

3.7.3 Installing EMS Without Installing OTS

You may install EMS without installing OTS, however, if you try to perform a Shelf View operation from
EMS without having OTS installed, you will get a pop-up error message saying “Unable to launch the
Opti-Trace Shelf application. OTShelf.exe file not found.”
Other than this error message, EMS operates without having OTS installed and launched, however the
Shelf View will not be available.

3.8 Downloading EMS

The following section describes the procedure for installing Opti-Trace EMS by using a web download
process. Opti-Trace EMS is no longer available on a Compact Disk (CD).
The CMS application is available as an executable file downloadable from
You must have a membership to be able to access and download the file. If you do not have a membership:

1. Go to

2. Scroll down to “MSO and Telco Tech Support” area and click on the “Membership Registration
User Guide” button

3. Download and/or read the “ARRIS Registration User Guide” for complete instructions.

If you do have a membership ID and password, go to, scroll down and select the “Software”
button and log in with your membership ID and password.

3.9 Installing EMS

Installing Opti-Trace CMS, OTS, or EMS requires a password that is separate and different from your account log on password. Please contact for the respective
password for your Opti-Trace software product. When starting the installation process, the Install Password
screen will come up.

If you have any questions regarding the download process for ARRIS software, please contact ARRIS
Technical Support at by scrolling down the page and clicking on the button.

3.9.1 Installing the NI3030x Network Interface Module

To manage the digital transport streams that are part of the ARRIS Integrated Digital Transport System,
you must first install the NI3030x Network Interface Module into the CH3000 Chassis and perform the
following steps:
1. Configure the NI3030x IP network parameters to support communications over a particular IP
2. Configure SNMP parameters to enable management access from any SNMP-based third-party
platform or through either the EMS or OTS applications.

Installing more than one management module (NI3030x and/or CX300x modules) per CH3000 chassis
is not recommended. This type of installation can result in unreliable monitoring of active modules in
that chassis.
However, it is still possible to have multiple NI3030x modules in a chassis if that chassis is dedicated
exclusively to the provisioning and managing of Ethernet services. Each NI3030x module in the
chassis will reliably monitor the status of Fast Ethernet connections and of devices in associated fiber
clusters (digital receivers, fiber nodes, digital transceivers, and OE1110 Ethernet Access Devices).

10 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

For these purposes, do not use individual NI3030x modules to manage other active modules installed
in the same chassis. The RJ-45 management port in the NI3030x supports only 10Base-T
communications. The PC NIC card must be configured to support 10Base-T or 10/100 auto-

The target system must support a 10Base-T Ethernet connection and must be configured for IP
communications. In addition, it must have management access to the managed IP network on which the
NI3030x management modules reside.
In PCs that are equipped with a 10/100Base-T Ethernet Network Interface Card (NIC), the NIC may
already be configured for default operation at 100Base-T only. If this is the case, and if the computer is
being used for direct communications with a management module via a crossover CAT5 cable, the NIC
must be re-configured for 10Base-T operation.

If the NIC is not reconfigured for 10 Mbps 10Base-T operation, communication with the management
module will not be not possible.

3.10 Installing Opti-Trace EMS

The process takes approximately 5 – 10 minutes, depending on your download speed.

There is no need to uninstall an older version of EMS. The existing version will be overwritten.
This is also applicable to the other Opti-Trace products: CMS and OTS.

If you want to install a New version onto an Older version, the install dialog will not prompt for
“Repair” or “Remove.”

If you attempt to install on to the same version (for example, if you try to install EMS 6.00.01 onto
6.00.01), the install dialog will display prompting you to “Repair” or Remove.”

To install EMS, follow these steps:

a) With your browser open, navigate to the folder/file location to where the Opti-Trace EMS
v8.08.09 executable file was downloaded.

b) Double-click on the Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 .

The Install Password screen will come up and on providing the respective password, the Prepar-
ing to Install screen opens, showing the extraction progress.

c) The ARRIS Opti-Trace EMS InstallShield Wizard opens. Click Next to continue.

d) The ARRIS EMS Software License Agreement opens. You must click “I accept the terms of the
license agreement” and Next to continue.

12 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

e) The Setup Type screen opens. Click Complete or Custom to continue. ARRIS recommends
installing using the Complete option, which is default checked. Click Next to continue.

f) The Ready to Install or Modify the Program screen opens. Click Install to go to the next screen.

g) The Installing ARRIS Opti-Trace EMS status/progress bar screen opens. Click Next when the
status (installation) bar is completely green,

14 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

h) When the installation is complete, the InstallShield Wizard Completed screen shows.

Click Finish to close the InstallShield Wizard.

i) After EMS installation has completed, use the Start menu or the EMS desktop short-cut Icon to
launch EMS.

j) The Opti-Trace EMS main user interface opens. To confirm the installation, go to the Help pull-
down menu, and select About Opti-Trace EMS.

k) Confirm installation of Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02.

l) Click the OK button when it is confirmed that Version 8.09.02 is installed.

3.11 Uninstalling EMS

Deleting the EMS shortcut from your desktop does not uninstall the application; it only removes the
icon. If you want to uninstall the program, use method 1 below.

Use the standard Uninstall a Program function from the Windows Control Panel.

This is the only way to uninstall Opti-Trace applications that have been downloaded from the Web.

3.11.1 Uninstalling EMS Downloaded from the Web

This is the only way to uninstall Opti-Trace applications that have been downloaded from the Web.

Use the standard Programs > Uninstall a Program function in the Control Panel of the Windows Start
menu to uninstall EMS (or any other Opti-Trace application) that has been downloaded from the Web.
1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel and select and double-click Programs >.
The Programs and Features/Uninstall/Change a program window opens (Figure 3-2).
2. From the Programs and Features window, scroll to and select ARRIS Opti-Trace EMS (Figure 3-2).
The ARRIS Opti-Trace EMS application is highlighted.

16 TM 1513436 Rev. A
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Figure 3-2 Add or Remove Programs Window - Uninstall for Web Download

3. Select Uninstall.
Before beginning the uninstall process, an alert message (Figure 3-3) appears asking you if you
want to remove EMS from your computer.

Figure 3-3 Uninstall Alert Message

4. Select Yes and the uninstall process begins and removes the application from your system.
The Opti-Trace, Gathering Information window briefly appears, and then closes upon
completion of the uninstall.

3.11.2 What Files are Removed During an Uninstall?

The application (.exe file) and all other files that have not been modified except the MIB and most dll files
are removed during an uninstall.
An OTS or EMS uninstall may leave MIB files because they are shared between these two programs.
Generally, un-installation will remove the MIB files if they have not been modified. In addition, the OTS
uninstaller will remove its associated 3rusnmp.dll file.

3.11.3 What Happens to the .dll Files During an Uninstall?

Most .dll files that were installed (or updated) in the Windows system directory and subdirectories will not
be uninstalled.
The exceptions are two files (dartsnmp2.dll and dartsock.dll, included with OTS for SNMP and Winsock
controls), and they will be removed during an OTS uninstall unless they have also been registered by
Windows for use with another application.
In addition, the 3rusnmp.dll file included with OTS and installed in the same location as its .exe file will be
removed during an uninstall.

3.11.4 Failure to Update MIB Files
There are three possible scenarios in which the MIB files may not be updated during an installation:

• The MIB may be in use by some other application (for example, OTS or another instance/old version
of EMS).
• The file timestamp on the MIB already installed on the system is later than the version included with
the installation program.
• The MIB file already installed on the system might be registered as a shared file (by another applica-
tion), in which case the installer is not permitted to replace it.
Except for the above three scenarios, the EMS installer should be able to update the MIB files.

If the OTS installer is prevented from updating the MIB files:

• Manually delete the existing MIB files from the system and
• Perform a reinstall.
For the web-based version, re-run the downloaded installation program and select the Repair option from
the installation menu.

3.12 Upgrading the Firmware on the CX / NI

You can perform firmware upgrades on any active CX300x or NI3030x module residing in a CH3000
using either EMS or OTS. However, only OTS can update the web files that follow as part of the firmware
upgrade. Use CMS to upgrade all other modules.

Use OTS or EMS to upgrade firmware. Firmware upgrades for the CX or NI cannot be performed using

OTS will service more than one CX300x in a chassis, however there should only be one active CX300x
in a chassis. There can be more than one NI3030x module in a chassis. ARRIS recommends NOT
installing more than one CX300x in one CH3000 chassis. See TM 87-10439 CX3002 Quick Start Guide
for more information.

Always refer to the module’s respective Installation/Activation User Guide (Technical Manual or
Technical Note) to comprehend the CX300x or NI30xx required minimum firmware version supporting
the module.


• PC running Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 operating system.

• PC must have IP network access to the CX300x or NI3030x to be upgraded.
• Opti-Trace EMS (v7.09.11 or higher) must be installed prior to using this tool. Note that OTS
v7.19.17 or higher should be installed also.
To perform a firmware upgrade:
1. Go to => software and download the firmware of interest. You must have an
ARRIS software download account to enter the site and download.

18 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

2. If you do not have an ARRIS software download account, contact

3. If you do not find the required firmware or software, contact and request
the software/firmware be made available on the download site.
4. Follow the download instructions that accompany the firmware download.
5. Unzip the file and copy the supplied the text and binary files into a temporary directory on your PC.
The required files are Firmware Update files specific to the new version; for example, the files
for a CX/NI update could be: CX_4_29.NXE or NI_6_28.nxe and ControllerVersion.txt
6. Start EMS and wait for it to initialize.
7. From the EMS main menu, select Tools > Software Update Tool...
The CX/NI Software Update Tool window will appear (Figure 3-4).

Figure 3-4 CX/NI Software Update Tool

8. Follow the instructions given at the bottom of the CX/NI Software Update Tool window for a
successful software upgrade or continue from step 6.
9. Click on Browse... and browse to the desired Controller File.

Use the NI controller file if you are upgrading both the CX and NI software together because
the NI file has an updated controller version. The CX controller file may contain an older NI
You need to unzip both the NI and CX files in the same directory.

10. Click on the Get File Info button.

11. Enter the SNMP Password and Device IP address, and then click the Get Info button.
Verify that the Device Name, Device Serial Number (SN), and Version are as expected.
The Initiate Update and Reboot Device buttons become available.
The SNMP Password should be the same as the password used to log into the CX or NI modules.

12. Click Initiate Update and wait for the tftp (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) to complete.
If the tftp fails, it is usually due to the firewall on the PC or in the network.
13. When the tftp completes successfully, click the Reboot Device button and wait for the new firmware
to become active.
The progress of the download will appear in the Status Log.
14. Upon completion, verify that the Device Version is as expected.
If you need to upgrade another CX or NI, start from step 7.

3.13 Representative Modules

Table 3-2 lists some of the types of modules along with their models that could be present
in a CH3000 or optical node.
This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all modules supported by OTS and EMS.

Table 3-2 Example Modules

Representative Modules Models

PS3xxx Power Supply PS3005, PS3148

NI3030x Network Interface Module NI3000, NI3030E, NI3030N

AT3xxx Analog Transmitters AT3300 Series

DR 3xxx Digital Receiver DR3000 Series

Optical Node/VHub/UVHub Platforms NC2000, NC4000, NH/NH4000, OM4120,


20 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

EMS Graphical User Interface

Chapter 4 describes the EMS graphical user interface (GUI), and includes detailed information about the
toolbars, the main menu and submenus, and the icons that display when you launch and use the application.

4.1 Introduction to the EMS GUI

Opti-Trace EMS desktop shortcut icon:

Start EMS, either by double-clicking the Opti-Trace EMS shortcut icon or by going to Start > Programs >
ARRIS Opti-Trace > Opti-Trace EMS. The EMS main window will display (Figure 4-1).

The EMS main window is divided into four distinct areas or panes (Figure 4-2):
• Topology Tree Pane
• Device List Pane
• Alarms/Trap List Pane
• Snapshot View Pane

Figure 4-1 Basic EMS Main Window

4.1.1 EMS Main Window Panes (without admitted networks)
A brief description of the main window panes is given below (Figure 4-2).
Topology Tree Pane
The Topology Tree pane is located on the left side of the EMS window. It displays all of the Zones
and expands to show nodes, clusters, and modules associated with each Zone.
A Zone is similar to the main directory of a file system that contains subdirectories. Zones are based on
criteria such as geography/location or customer and on head-end locations. An Unnamed Zone is an
“element” that has not been assigned a name or saved. More than one Zone (multiple zones) can be
supported in EMS. Adding Zones facilitates the grouping of NI303x’s and associated device clusters.
Zones do not have to be connected to each other.
Device List Pane
The Device List pane (or Device Table) lists all of the managed elements in EMS such as the modules
or nodes or VHubs.
A Device is any managed element (a managed element is any device that has been identified by EMS) with
an IP address. Once a device is added, it is identified and appears in the Device List and in the Topology
Alarms List Pane
The Alarms List pane lists all of the recorded alarms or events (the trap system outputs an appropriate error
message) as they are received.
Snapshot View Pane
The Snapshot View pane lists all of the changes that have occurred to an existing topology.

The Topology Tree and the Device List are discussed in greater detail later in this chapter.

Figure 4-2 Expanded EMS Window Showing All Available Panes

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Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

The Device List, the Alarms/Trap List, and the Snapshot View can all be ‘considered’ Tables.

4.2 EMS Main Window (configured-networks admitted)

Figure 4-3 shows a typical view of a configured EMS main window. EMS uses the usual Windows GUI
features such as maximize, minimize and close buttons as well as the usual menu, tool and status bars.

Figure 4-3 Example of a Configured EMS Main Window

4.2.1 Additional GUI Features

Additional EMS GUI features are shown in Figure 4-4.

• Informational icons and buttons

Placing the cursor over an icon or button displays text (tooltip) that identifies or describes the
result of clicking the icon or button.
• Clickable icons such as the NI/CX Summary Alarm or the Network Summary Alarm

Figure 4-4 shows that there is a critical alarm, indicated by red, on the NI3030x network
interface module.
• Customizable foreground and background colors for the EMS window, accessible from the Options
menu (Options > Customize... > Set Color)
• Expandable/collapsible tree format (+/– signs) in the navigation or topology pane

Figure 4-4 EMS GUI Features

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4.3 Menu Bar: Main Menu and Submenus

The Main Menu drop-down items differ depending on the type of node/device selected from the Topology
Tree or from the Device List. Figure 4-5 gives some of the encountered menu variations. Where screens are
not duplicated means that the menus are the same.

Figure 4-5 EMS Main Menus and Submenus

(a) Zone Level

(b) Shelf Level-Actions Menu

(c) Cluster Level

(d) Node Level

Actions Menu
The Actions drop-down menu items vary depending upon the device selected and/or upon the access level
of the user. See page 34 for the Actions Menu for a Super User.
For example, right-clicking a node in the EMS topology tree or device list pane, displays the Actions menu
items shown in (a). However, if you right-click a CX300x Communications Module, the Actions menu
displays a different group of menu items, as shown in (b).

26 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

(a) Node – Operator Access Level (b) CX300x ‒ Operator Access Level

Right-click a node or module to bring up the Actions menu.

As another example, the Actions menu for a DS4004U (Optical Concentrator) shows the following menu

Table 4-1 CX300x Actions Menu

Menu Description
Connect Inactive.

Access Properties... Displays the Access Properties window for the selected CX.
This window allows you to set the poll interval between 1 and 65535 seconds, to set
security (Access Level and Password), name the CX (CX Name). It also shows the
slot number of the CX and displays Management Access information such as IP
Address, Mask, and Gateway for the related node.

Shelf View... (Ctrl+I) Launches Opti-Trace Shelf Management Software, OTS.

Trap Receiver List... Displays the Trap Receiver List window for the selected CX and is divided into three
(Ctrl+Shift+V) sections: CX Info, Trap Receiver Setup, and Generic Trap Setup.
CX Info
Shown are the IP Address, CX Name, and Slot number of the CX module.
Trap Receiver Setup
Allows you to set up the host trap receiver list by either adding/deleting hosts.
Generic Trap Setup
You can enable specific attributes for setting generic traps: Enable SNMP Cold Start
Trap or Enable SNMP Authentication Failure Trap or both.

Trap Log... (Ctrl+Shift+L) Displays the Trap Log window.

This window allows you to poll the specified chassis between 1 and 65535 second
intervals and lists the trap logs in tabular form. You can also clear the trap log history
and save the logs to a file. General Trap information such as Sequence No., Severity,
Date/Time and Description are also given.

Save Network Allows you to save the created configuration.


File Transfer Inactive.

CX/NI Software Update Displays the CX/NI Software Update Tool window.
Allows you to access the latest controller file for the CX/NI for software updating and
includes a Status Log pane. This window also displays general device information such
as SNMP password, IP address, device name, number, and version.

Web files update tool Assists in updating files for web access.

Reboot Allows you to reboot / restart the CX.

Clear Shelf History Clears the entire shelf history for the OTS.

System Time... Displays the System Time window.

Provides a pop-up calendar where you can configure the system time. Also displays
basic CX Info such as system up time, current system time, and PC time. In addition,
allows you to poll the specified chassis between 1 and 65535 second intervals.

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Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Menu Description
General Options... Displays the General Options window.
Allows you to enable the Shelf Alarm Trap Replay (secs), set the Maximum Log
Entries (8 – 200), select the Transceiver Alarm Summarization in the Receiver or the
Shelf Alarm Trap Replay. The following may or may not be active: Enable Shelf
Monitoring, Auto System Mode Provisioning, and Ethernet-Only Support (No RF

Passwords... Active only in SuperUser mode - allows the adding and deleting of SNMP users and
their access levels and passwords.

Properties... (Alt+Enter) Displays the CX Properties window.

This window shows specific information related to the CX such as CX Info, Device Info,
Status, and Alarms (service and non-service affecting alarms).
At this window, you can set the CX Name and Clear Alarm History. In addition, you
may set the polling interval for the chassis (between 1 and 65535 second intervals).

Table 4-2 NI3030x Actions Menu

Menu Description
Connect Inactive.

Access Properties... Displays the Access Properties window for the selected NI.
This window allows you to set the poll interval between 1 and 65535 seconds, to set
security (Access Level and Password), name the CX (NI Name). It also shows the slot
number of the NI and displays Management Access information such as IP Address,
Mask, and Gateway for the related node.

Connection Connection Management window displays showing the provisioning status of those
Management... Ethernet capable devices that the user provisions. Allows the user to reconfigure
Ethernet provisioning and to run diagnostics tests.

Shelf View... (Ctrl+I) Launches Opti-Trace Shelf Management Software, OTS.

Cluster List... Displays the Cluster List window.

This window allows you to poll the specified chassis between 1 and 65535 second
intervals, gives NI Info, and provides a Cluster List in tabular format showing the
Cluster Name, Model No., Serial No., Slot No., System Mode, Attenuation, Cluster
Summary Alarm, Software Ver., Hardware Rev., FPGA Ver., Topology Disc State, and
the Cluster Age.

Trap Receiver List... Displays the Trap Receiver List window for the selected NI and is divided into three
(Ctrl+Shift+V) sections: NI Info, Trap Receiver Setup, and Generic Trap Setup.
NI Info
Shown are the IP Address, NI Name, and Slot number of the NI module.
Trap Receiver Setup
Allows you to set up the host trap receiver list by either adding/deleting hosts.
Generic Trap Setup
You can enable specific attributes for setting generic traps: Enable SNMP Cold Start
Trap or Enable SNMP Authentication Failure Trap or both.

Menu Description
Trap Log... (Ctrl+Shift+L) Displays the Trap Log window.
This window allows you to poll the specified chassis between 1 and 65535 second
intervals and lists the trap logs in tabular form. You can also clear the trap log history
and save the logs to a file. General NI information (Device Info) is also shown such as
IP Address, Name, and Slot Number.

Fiber Node Software Displays the Fiber Node Software Update window. This window is accessed to update
Update firmware and/or the FPGA.
The Fiber Node Software Update window allows you to select the specific nodes to
update from a list of nodes (presented in topological view). This window also displays NI
Info and Node Update Info such as the Node Name, Model No., Serial No., Download
Progress, Download Status, Running S/W Ver. and Running FPGA Ver. This command
may also be accessed by right-clicking a node from the Topology tree pane.

Save Network Allows you to save the created configuration.


File Transfer Inactive.

Reload Name Bindings Restores all user assigned names to those devices connected to the NI.

CX/NI Software Update Displays the CX/NI Software Update Tool window.
Allows you to access the latest controller file for the CX/NI for software updating and
includes a Status Log pane. This window also displays general device information such
as SNMP Password, IP Address, Device Name, Number, and Version.

Reboot Resets the NI. Monitoring information prior to the reset is lost. NI momentarily turns off
its TX output during a reset and may have service impact.

Topology Resync Re-synchronizes (refresh) the network topology.

Save Topology Allows you to save the topology.

Clear Alarm History (All Clears alarm history from all nodes.
Nodes) (Ctrl+H)

Clear NI History (Ctrl+E) Clears alarm history from the NI.

Clear Shelf History Clears the entire shelf history of the OTS.

System Time... Displays the System Time window. Provides a pop-up calendar where you can
configure the system time. Also displays basic NI information such as system up time,
current system time, and PC time. In addition, allows you to poll the specified chassis
between 1 and 65535 second intervals.

General Options... Displays the General Options window. Allows you to enable the Shelf Alarm Trap
Replay (secs), set the Maximum Log Entries (8 – 100), select the Transceiver Alarm
Summarization in the Receiver or the Shelf Alarm Trap Replay. The following may or
may not be active: Enable Shelf Monitoring, Auto System Mode Provisioning, and
Ethernet-Only Support (No RF Support).

Passwords Active only in SuperUser mode - allows the adding and deleting of SNMP users and
their access levels and passwords.

30 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Menu Description
Node Alarm Displays the Node Alarm Config window.
Gives NI Info and allows you to set Alarm Configuration: Mask Node Alarms or Use
Node Alarms.

Properties... (Alt+Enter) Displays the NI Properties window.

This window shows specific information related to the NI such as NI Info, Bit Errors,
Optical Status and Info, and service and non-service affecting alarms.
At this window, you can set the NI name, the RF alarm, or Clear Alarm History.
In addition, you may poll the specified chassis between 1 and 65535 second intervals.

4.3.1 Descriptions of EMS Main Menu and Submenu Items

Table 4-3 describes the EMS main menu and submenu items.

Table 4-3 Main Menu/Submenu Commands and Descriptions

Menu Submenu Shortcut Description

File New Configuration Ctrl+N Gives an option to save the current configuration before
loading the new one.

Open Configuration... Ctrl+O Displays the Open window where you can select and
open an existing configuration.

Save Configuration Ctrl+S Saves the configuration with the current file name, or if
the configuration is not named opens a dialog where you
can name and save the file to the target location.

Save Configuration As Opens a dialog where you can save to a new file name
(and location) of your own choosing (.ems). It is highly
recommended that you use a naming convention that
you will remember for future use/retrieval.

Menu Submenu Shortcut Description
Save Network Configuration Opens the Save Network Configuration window where
you make the appropriate selections and browse to the
location where you want to save the network

Exit Ctrl+Q Closes the EMS application.

Edit Undo Ctrl+Z Not implemented in this release.

Cut Ctrl+X Not implemented in this release.

Copy Ctrl+C Not implemented in this release.

Paste Ctrl+V Not implemented in this release.

Delete Del Deletes the selected/highlighted zone.

Rename F2 Creates a bounding box around a selected zone to

enable renaming of the zone.

Find Ctrl+F Finds a module, IP number, node name, shelf name,

etc. looking within a designated zone or all zones

View Toolbar When selected (checked), displays the standard editing

toolbar and the About, Refresh, Abort, and
Communications Window icons on the front panel.

Status Bar When selected, shows or hides the information bar at

the bottom of the EMS window.

Polling Bar When selected, displays the Start Polling button and
time interval drop-down box. Polling intervals selections
range from 2 sec. to 10 min.

32 TM 1513436 Rev. A
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Menu Submenu Shortcut Description

CAUTION: Do not enable polling when you are in the
process of entering data in screen fields because it will
reset the data input.

Summary Alarms When selected, displays the Shelf Summary Alarm, the
NI/CX Summary Alarm, and the Network Summary
Alarm icons.

Topology Tracking Pane When selected, displays the Topology Tracking Pane.

Refresh F5 Updates the EMS with any new information.

Abort F7 Stops an action. Is inactive unless there is some action

in progress.

Communication Window... F8 When selected, displays the Communication Window,

which displays the current communication messages
being sent.

Start Polling Ctrl+P Starts/Stops the Polling.

Actions: Actions Menu for the SuperUser rights:

Actions Add Device... Ctrl+D The full Actions menu only appears when you right-click
an NI (NI3030x) in the Topology Tree or Device List.
Displays the Add Device popup where you can select
Single Device and enter or select with the pull-down the
IP Address and Password of the device, and then click
Add to add the device to the Zone.
Beginning Version 8.07.07 you can add multiple devices
(IPs) at the same time. All must have the same

Click the Multiple Devices button, and use the pull

downs to select the IP address of the From device and
IP Address of the To device

Menu Submenu Shortcut Description
Add Zone… Displays a new Unnamed Zone icon at the bottom of
the Topology tree pane.

Connect… Connect becomes active after losing connection. Use to

reconnect after a connection is lost such as upon
entering a bad password.

Access Properties... Displays the Access Properties window for the

selected device. This window allows you to:
1. Set the Polling Interval between 1 and 65535
seconds and Start and Stop Polling.
2. Security: view Access Level and set the Password,
3. View CX Info:
Set the CX Name, Contact, and Location of the CX. It
Actions also shows the Slot number for the CX.
4. View Management Access information:
IP Address, Mask, and Gateway for the node.
5. Select Refresh to update with the latest information.
This command can also be accessed by right-clicking a
chassis/node from the Topology tree pane.

Connection Management When selected, displays the Connection Management

window for the selected node.
From this window, you:
1. Set the Polling Interval and Stop/Start Polling.
2. View NI Info: IP Address, IP Name and the Slot
3. View Connections: Network Port, Cluster Name,
Node Name, Node Model #, Node Serial #, Local Port
No. Connection Status, and Bandwidth.
4. Add Connection:
From this window, you can Delete, Save Connections,
Connection Diagnostics, or Reload Connections.
Delete and Connection Diagnostics become active
when connections are made or you select/highlight any
This command can also be accessed by right-clicking a
node from the Topology tree pane.

Actions Shelf View Ctrl+I Launches the OTS. This command is also accessed by
right-clicking a chassis or node from the Topology tree

34 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Menu Submenu Shortcut Description

Cluster List… Displays the Cluster List window. The Cluster List
window shows in tabular form the Cluster Name,
Model, Serial and Slot numbers, System Mode,
Attenuation, Cluster Summary Alarm, and Software
Ver. and FPGA Ver.
Upon selecting a cluster, the Get Node List button
activates. Clicking this button brings up the Node List
window. The Node List window also displays in tabular
form the Transceiver Name, Model No., Serial No.,
and Receiver Slot No., System Mode, Attenuation,
Transceiver Summary, Software Ver., and FPGA Ver.
Upon selecting a Transceiver, the Get Node Info
button activates. Clicking this button brings up the
Transceiver Information window.
This command can also be accessed by right-clicking a
node from the Topology tree pane.


Trap Receiver List Ctrl+Shift+V Displays the Trap Receiver List window. This window
allows you to:
1. Set the Polling Interval between 1 and 65535
seconds and Start and Stop Polling.
2. NI Info: IP Address, NI Name, and Slot number.
3. Set up the host Trap Receiver list by either adding or
deleting hosts, and applying specific attributes for setting
generic traps.

This command can also be accessed by right-clicking a

node from the Topology tree pane.

Menu Submenu Shortcut Description
Actions Trap Log Ctrl+Shift+L Displays the Trap Log window.
The Trap Log allows you to poll a specified chassis for
between 1 and 65535 second intervals and lists the trap
logs in tabular form.
You can also clear the trap log history and save the logs
to a file. General NI information is also displayed: IP
Address, NI Name and Slot number.
This command can also be accessed by right-clicking a
node from the Topology tree pane.

Fiber Node Software Update... Displays the Fiber Node Software Update window.
This window is accessed to update firmware and/or the
The Fiber Node Software Update window allows you to
select the specific nodes to update from a list of nodes
(presented in topological view). This window also
displays NI Info and Node Update Info such as the
Node Name, Model No., Serial No., Download Progress,
Download Status, Running S/W Ver. and Running FPGA
Ver. This command may also be accessed by right-
clicking a node from the Topology tree pane.

Save Network Configuration Allows you to save a created configuration.

File Transfer... This command can also be accessed by right-clicking a

node from the Topology tree pane.

Reload Name Bindings Reloads the original names of the modules to the
previously saved file.
CX/NI Software Update Tool... Displays the CX/NI Software Update Tool window.
(Refer to pages 18 – 20.)
Allows you to access the latest controller file for updating
the CX/NI software. Follow the instructions at the bottom
to update the firmware.
This window also displays general device information,
such as SNMP Password, IP Address, Device Name,
Number and Version.
This window also includes a Status Log sub-window.
The Update Tool window can also be accessed by right-
clicking a node from the Topology tree pane.

36 TM 1513436 Rev. A
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Menu Submenu Shortcut Description

Reboot Allows you to reboot the NI.
This command can also be accessed by right-clicking a
node from the Topology tree pane.

Topology Resync Allows you to resynchronize the entire topology.

This operation takes approximately one minute.
This command can also be accessed by right-clicking a
node from the Topology tree pane.

Save Topology Allows you to overwrite the committed topology. This

operation takes approximately one minute.
This command can also be accessed by right-clicking a
node from the Topology tree pane.

Clear Alarm History (All Nodes) Ctrl+H Clears the alarm history for all nodes.
NOTE: This command occurs immediately without
displaying a confirmation pop-up window.

Clear NI History Ctrl+E Clears history for all NIs.

NOTE: This command occurs immediately without
displaying a confirmation pop-up window.

Clear Shelf History Ctrl+L Clears the entire shelf history of the OTS.
NOTE: This command occurs immediately without
displaying a confirmation pop-up window.

Actions System Time... Displays the System Time window that allows you to set
the Polling Interval for a selected chassis (between 1
and 65535 second intervals and stop and Start Polling.
Also displays, for viewing only, basic NI information,
System Up Time, and Current System and PC Times.
Provides a drop-down calendar where you can configure
the system date and time.

Menu Submenu Shortcut Description
Displays the General Options window.
General Options... Allows you to set the Shelf Alarm Trap Replay (secs)
and Maximum Log Entries (8 -200), and select the Pre-
ferred Trap Format.
You can enable/disable Transceiver Alarm Summari-
zation in the Receiver*, Shelf Alarm Trap Replay,
Shelf Monitoring, Auto System Mode Provisioning,
Ethernet-Only Support (No RF Support), HMS Alarms
and Traps, Enterprise Traps, Configuration Change
Traps, Include Top 5 Alarms details in the Trap and
Enable Ethernet Ports

Actions Node Alarm Configuration... Displays the Node Alarm Config window.
Allows you to configure for either Mask Node Alarms or
Use Node Alarms and view general NI information such
as IP Address, NI Name, and Slot number.

38 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Menu Submenu Shortcut Description

Actions Properties Alt+Enter Displays the CX or the NI Properties window.
NI Properties window shows specific information related
to the NI such as device information, Bit Errors, Optical
port information, and Service and Non-Service
Affecting Alarms.
You can input the NI Name and the Polling Interval
(between 1 and 65535 sec) for a specified chassis,
enable the RF Alarm, and Clear Alarm History.
Alarm information is provided in a dialogue box:

CX Properties window shows specific information

related to the CX such as CX Info, Device Info, Status,
and Alarms.
You can input the CX Name and the Polling Interval
(between 1 and 65535 sec) for a specified chassis, and
Clear Alarm History.

Options Timeouts... Displays the Timeout Options box that is used to set
the length of time, in milliseconds, to receive
a response (Timeout (mSec)) and the number of
Retries before timing out.

Menu Submenu Shortcut Description
General... Displays the Options box which is divided into
five sections under a General tab: Log File,
Communications Window, Trap Files, Monitoring Option,
and Application.
Log File
Where you can enable to Write to Log File and select
the Log Filename.
Communications Window
Where you can set the maximum number of log file
entries for the Communication Window.
Trap Files
Where you can enable to Write System3000 Traps to
File and select the System3000 Traps Filename and
enable Write HMS Traps to File and select the HMS
Traps Filename.
Monitoring Option
Build a Tree at Startup: When Opti-Trace is opened
with this option enabled, it will poll all devices out to and
including the node/VHub, and populate them in the EMS
tree (DR, DT, OE, VT, OR, Etc.) This can take some
time depending on how many devices and nodes are
Where you can enable to display an alert message
before exiting EMS.

Customize... Allows you to Set Foreground and Background Colors

as well as select Enhanced Alarm Coloring.
Clicking on the Set Foreground, Set Background
Color button brings up a color palette where you may
either select a color or define your own color; click OK to
complete. Enhanced Alarm Coloring enables four color
(red, yellow, green, blue) alarms to be shown in node
components. Default is red and green only, which is the
historical offering.

Alerts and Sounds... Allows you to configure the system to receive Alerts &
Sounds notifying you of incoming major traps, minor
traps, clear traps, or information traps.
You can choose between Displaying a Message and/or
Playing a Sound or both.

Tools Software Update Tool... Updates the firmware via the controller file
(ControllerVersion.txt). (See page 18.)

40 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Menu Submenu Shortcut Description

Web Files Update Tool Displays a menu for selecting new web files and
updating web files in the CX3002 module

EMS E-mail Configuration... Displays the EMS E-mail Configuration dialog box used
to setup email recipients for the notification of trap
events. (See Section 5.8)

Help Contents Not implemented in this release.

Search... Not implemented in this release.

Index... Not implemented in this release.

Technical Support Not implemented in this release.

ARRIS on the Web

ARRIS Enterprises Home Page Launches the ARRIS Enterprises Home Page.

About Opti-Trace EMS... Displays EMS and MIB versions and copyright

4.3.2 Standard Editing Toolbar

The standard editing toolbar functionality will be implemented in a future release.

4.3.3 About Icon

When selected, the About icon displays information concerning the application, such as software version
number, copyright, and system and node interface management MIB versions.

Figure 4-6 About Opti-Trace EMS Window

4.3.4 Refresh Icon

Refresh updates the system or node with the new information. To perform a refresh, click either the
Refresh icon or press F5 on your keyboard.

4.3.5 Abort Icon

Stops the current process.

4.3.6 Communication Window Icon

When the Communication icon is selected, the Communication Window displays.

Figure 4-7 Communication Window

This window shows MIB information such as the Object Identifiers (OID), IP Address of the nodes,
Message Type, Community, and Request ID.

4.3.7 Alarms Summary Bar

The color-coded Alarms Summary bar contains three alarm icons, as shown in Figure 4-8. All three icons
change color depending on conditions: red indicates that there is an alarm condition and green indicates a
normal operating condition.

Figure 4-8 EMS Alarm Summary Icons

Shelf Sum mary A larm N etwork Sum mary A larm

CX3001/C X3002 Sum mar y Alarm

Shelf Sum mary Alar m Network Sum mary Alar m

NI3030x Sum mary A larm

42 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Shelf Summary Alarm Icon

The Shelf Summary Alarm icon launches the OTS application, which displays the entire chassis module
shelf (32 slots). This allows visibility and access to all of the slot modules and alarms.
CX/NI Summary Alarm Icon

The CX/NI3030x Summary Alarm icon launches either the CX or NI Properties window. Figure 4-9
shows the both the CX Properties window (a) that displays when the CX Summary Alarm icon is selected
and the NI Properties window (b) when the NI Summary Alarm icon is selected.

Figure 4-9 Properties Windows

(a) CX Properties Window

b) NI Properties Window

4.3.8 Network Summary Alarm Icon

The Network Summary Alarm icon provides a detailed view of any clusters associated with a specified
Highlighting a node displays a detailed listing of all color-coded clusters shown in the Device List pane.

Figure 4-10 Device List Pane Showing Clusters

The Device List pane (Figure 4-13), lists in tabular form the following items:

• Cluster Name
• Model No.
• Serial No.
• Slot No.
• System Mode

44 TM 1513436 Rev. A
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• Attenuation
• Cluster Summary Alarm
• Software Ver.
• Hardware Rev
• FPGA Ver.
• Topology Disc (Discovery) State
• Cluster Age

4.3.9 Start/Stop Polling Button

To start the polling of Active nodes, first select the polling interval from the drop-down list box, and then
click the Start Polling button.

When polling is in progress, a green progress indicator displays and shows “Busy” at the bottom right
corner of the main window (Status Bar). The Start Polling button changes to a Stop Polling button.

To stop polling, click the Stop Polling button to end the polling cycle. When the polling
cycle is terminated, Busy is replaced by a “Ready” indication at the bottom right corner of the main

Because the polling cycle consumes significant application resources while interrogating all active
modules, it can prevent access to other menu commands. Therefore, turn polling off after the first cycle
completes to allow access to other application options and to conserve resources.

4.3.10 Topology Tree and Device List Panes

Figure 4-11 Topology Tree and Device List shows a configured Topology Tree (left pane) and Device List
(also referred to as the Device Table - right pane) view. The color-coded icons listed in the two panes are
described in the following section.
The Topology Tree consists of the following primary color-coded icons that represent the topology tree
devices: Zones (triangles), Nodes (NIs), Chassis (CX300x), and Clusters. A node is considered any device
that is polled.

Figure 4-11 Topology Tree and Device List

A Zone is a grouping of NI3030x management modules and associated device clusters according to
geographical area, customer location, headend location, or any other criteria defined by the network
A Node is considered any device that is polled.
A Cluster is a collection of nodes that terminate into a single receiver in the headend/hub.

If you select a device and click ALT+Enter, the Properties, Information, or Status window for that
device will appear.

4.3.11 Topology Tree Icons

Table 4-4 describes common topology tree icons. Refer to Appendix A for a summary of EMS icons.

Table 4-4 Common Topology Tree Icons

Icon Name Description

Zone Represented by a triangle and is positioned at the
head of the tree topology. This particular zone is
labeled Samantha. The red icon indicates a major
alarm condition is occurring in this zone.

Node Indicates that a NI3030x Network Interface

module named Madonna resides in a chassis with
an IP address of

46 TM 1513436 Rev. A
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Icon Name Description

Clusters Each cluster usually contains several nodes,
typically four and a few OE1110 units (Ethernet
Access Devices, EADs) served by one of the
nodes. There can be as few as one node or as
many as 16 nodes in a cluster. Each OE counts as
one node in a cluster.
Cluster receivers are daisy-chained and terminate
in a NI3030x Network Interface module from
where the Ethernet and messaging channels
originated. Data connectivity among cluster
receivers occur via a 2.5 Gbps high-speed bus.
A cluster of digital receivers extracts the data from
the return path optical signal, performs digital-to-
analog conversion on 100 Mbps channels inside
the digital multiplex that represents an RF carrier,
forwards the messaging channel to the local CPU
in the receiver unit, receives digital data from the
high-speed back plane bus from clusters in the
daisy chain, and then forwards the data to the next
cluster receiver.

A cluster specifically illustrating the Digital

Receiver (DR3450N) with serial number of
0009B38. The DR3450N is a “Quad” device,
having four receivers.
The red line drawn through the center of the icon
indicates that there is no forward fiber connection.
It also indicates a major alarm (red) exists on this

DS4008 Optical Indicates that two transceivers are connected to

Concentrator and the NI.
DS4004U Optical
Ethernet Multiplexer

Hub Two-fer ITU Typically a DT3515.


Virtual Hub Transceiver In 2018 replaced by the VT4250 Monitoring RF

(OE4130S--Ethernet Return Transceiver. (VT4250N is an integrated
Access Device) DT4250N + OE4130S)

NM4002 —

CX300x —

Scalable Node —

Analog to Digital DT3032S is operating in normal condition.


4.3.12 Color-Coded Icon Definitions
Color-coded icons represent alarm levels and are identical to the scheme used in OTS and CMS.
Table 4-5 lists the icon color and its meaning.

Table 4-5 Color-Coded Icons and Definitions

Icon Color Definition

Green Indicates normal operation.

Red Indicates a major alarm: service-affecting.

Yellow Indicates a minor alarm: non-service affecting.

Blue Indicates that there is Alarm History: shows that this device was in an
alarm state sometime in the past.

Gray When all of the alarms are masked - only for I2C (inter-chassis bus)
connected modules.

4.3.13 Device List Pane

The Device List (right) pane displays immediately after launching EMS. Each time you launch EMS, all
devices (nodes) are polled automatically. Every time you add a new NI3030x to an EMS defined
management zone, topology discovery is initiated automatically. Figure 4-12 shows a partial view of a
Device List pane.

It takes several seconds for the EMS software cycle to complete over a 10/100Base-T Ethernet link.

The devices listed in the Devices List pane and the associated device information depend on the device
selected in the Topology Tree pane. For example, the Device List pane in Figure 4-12 shows that the N
(NI3030x Network Interface) was selected in the Topology Tree (left) pane. As a result, all the clusters
associated with the NI populate in the Device List (right) pane.

Figure 4-12 Device List/Cluster Pane

The detailed cluster information includes Cluster Name, Model, Serial and Slot Number, System Mode,
Attenuation, Transceiver Summary Alarm, Software Revision, FPGA Revision. Topology State, and
Cluster Age.

48 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

The following graphic shows the Device Identification pane (partial view) of a RF Return Transceiver that
was selected in the Tree Topology pane.

4.3.14 Device List Table Column Headings

Depending on the type of module selected, the number and type of column headings on the Device List
table can change. If you select a Zone name in the Topology Window (Figure 4-13), the Device Pane will
display all Devices assigned to that Zone (any assigned device that has an IP address, such as a CX3002 or
NI3030x. If you select a Zone, the Device List table will display: Name, Model-Serial, IP Address,
Topology Disc (Discovery) State, Status, Software Version, Loader Version, Hardware Revision, Up
Time, and System Time.

Figure 4-13 Zone Devices Display

If you select a [C] (CX3001 / CX3002) (Figure 4-14) the Device List table displays all active modules
installed in that CH3000 Chassis. There can only be one CX300x Communications Controller per CH3000
Chassis. Each device will show Slot Number, Model-Serial Number, Software Version, FPGA Version,
Revision, and Loader Version.

Figure 4-14 Chassis/CX300x Display

If you select an NI3030x Network Interface module (Figure 4-15), the connected clusters will be shown in
the Device Pane, showing the Cluster Name, Model number, Serial Number, Slot Number, System
Mode, Attenuation, Cluster Summary Alarm, Software Version, Hardware Version, FPGA Version,
Topology Disc (Discovery) State, and Cluster Age. In the example below, the DR3450 Receiver is a
“Quad” receiver, therefore the data for the four clusters is the same. Only the first receiver (row 1) actually
has a node/VHub digital transceiver attached (VT4250N), as also shown in the Hierarchy Topology Pane
on the left.

Figure 4-15 NI3030x/Device-Cluster Pane

If you double-click on the active receiver (with a connected node & transceiver) in the Device/Cluster pane,
the Device Pane will display the details of the transceiver (Figure 4-16) located in the connected
node/VHub, showing Transceiver Name, Model Number, Serial Number, Receiver Slot Number (in
the CH3000 Chassis); System Mode, Attenuation, Transceiver Summary Alarm, Software Version,
Hardware Revision, FPGA Version, and Upgrade Status.

Figure 4-16 Digital Transceiver in the Connected Cluster

4.4 Properties Command

The Properties command, accessible by right-clicking any element (icon) in the Topology tree or
highlighting an icon and then pressing Alt+Enter, is another way (aside from the Device list pane) to
discover additional information concerning a node/device in an active system.
For example, when you select the Properties command for the DR3450N Receiver shown in Figure 4-17,

50 TM 1513436 Rev. A
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Figure 4-17 NI3030x/DR3xxx Receiver Details

Figure 4-18 NI3030x Properties

For the NI3030x module, the NI3030x Properties can be access via the same method of right-click on the
NI3030 in the Hierarchy Pane (or Alt+Enter). This window (Figure 4-18) shows the following:

• Set the NI Name

• Start/Stop Polling
• Set the RF Alarm
• Clear the Alarm History

Figure 4-19 NI Properties Window

At the Properties window you can view the following major areas relating to the NI:

• NI Info
• Device Info
• Status
• Alarms
• Alarm Severity
• Clear Alarm History
The information displayed in the Properties window differs depending upon the type of device selected
from the Topology tree.

52 TM 1513436 Rev. A
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Basic EMS Operations

Chapter 5 describes in detail some basic EMS operations. These are procedures that have not been
described in chapter 4 of this guide.

5.1 Initial Launch of EMS

When launching an EMS application for the first time after installation, an Unnamed Zone icon displays
automatically in the Topology tree (left) pane, as shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1 Initial Launch Window for EMS

5.2 Creating Management Zones

In order to facilitate the grouping of NI3030x Network Interface Management modules and their
associated device clusters, EMS allows for the creation of discrete management zones according to the
following factors:

• geographical area
• customer location, headend/primary hub location
• any other criteria as defined by the network operator
Figure 5-2 shows an example of a group of geographically located zones - this type of geographical
grouping can be applied to creating Zones in EMS.

Figure 5-2 Geographically Located Zones

5.2.1 Topology Tree Zones

EMS displays zones as color-coded triangles. These are shown in Figure 5-3 in the Topology Tree (left)
As a review, a Red zone icon indicates a major alarm condition; a Yellow zone icon indicates a minor
alarm condition; blue indicates that an alarm condition occurred sometime in the past; and green represents
a normal operating condition.

Figure 5-3 Topology Tree Showing Zones


5.2.2 Adding a Management Zone

You may add as many zones as you want, and there are two ways to add a zone.

• Right click the empty space below the Zones in the Topology pane
• Then select “Add Zone” from the pop up window.

54 TM 1513436 Rev. A
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• Select Actions > Zone from the main menu. (you must have a current zone highlighted in the Topol-
ogy Tree to do this)
• A new Unnamed Zone icon appears immediately at the bottom of
the Topology tree.

5.2.3 Naming/Renaming a Management Zone

A zone name may contain no more than 255 alphanumeric characters.

• Highlight/select a zone from the Topology pane.

• Select Edit > Rename (or press F2).

• Enter the new zone name.

Multiple zones are listed in the order they were created.

5.2.4 Deleting a Management Zone

• Highlight the zone, and then from the EMS main menu, select Edit > Delete (Del).
A pop-up window displays asking if you want to delete the zone.

If you delete a zone, all attached devices are deleted as well.

Figure 5-4 Zone Deletion Message

• Click Yes, and the Zone is deleted.

5.3 Adding a Device: Establishing Management Zone NI3030x IP Connections

To initiate IP network communications with individual NI3030x Network Interface Modules and add the
NIs to a particular management zone, perform the following steps.

This procedure assumes that you already have a NI3030x Network Interface Module installed in the

• Right-click any Zone icon that displays in the Topology pane.

• Select Add Device.
The Add Device pop-up window displays (Figure 5-5).

Figure 5-5 Add Device Window

• Enter the IP Address of the NI3030x Network Interface Management Module. Beginning OTS ver-
sion 8.10.10, Multiple IPs can be added at the same time. All must have the same password. Previ-
ously used IP addresses are stored for future reference or access.

Adding multiple passwords at the same time may take several minutes. Adding one device at a time, or
only a few at a time, may be more efficient than adding large groups of devices/IP addresses. Invalid IP
addresses consume time also. It is advised to only input valid IP addresses.

• Enter the Password.

The default passwords provide two levels of access: Read-Only (public) and
Read-Write (private).

You may change passwords using CMS. The CX300x and NI3030x modules have their own device
passwords and access permissions that control the type of SNMP access allowed on the device.

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Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

This password is one of the SNMP communities configured in the NI3030x Network Interface management
module for Read-Only or Read-Write access. This information is contained in the configuration file for
each of the NI3030x Network Interface modules. The entered text string is used as the SNMP community
string in all management packets directed to the management module and remains as the default password
for all subsequent EMS sessions with that particular module.

• Select the Add button after all settings have been verified for the specified NI3030x Network Inter-
face Module.
For example, while the device is being added to the specified zone, the following progress indicator
displays at the bottom of the main window. When the device has been added, the following indicator bar
changes to Ready.

The above procedure must be followed for all NI3030x Network Interface management modules that
are added to EMS management zones.

5.3.1 Deleting a Device

• Highlight the device, and then select from the EMS main menu, Edit > Delete (Del).
A pop-up window displays asking if you want to delete the device (Figure 5-6).

Figure 5-6 Device Deletion Message

• Click Yes, and the Device is deleted.

5.4 Polling NI3030x and Associated Fiber Clusters

When additional NI3030x Network Interface Management modules are added to EMS management zones,
the application initiates polling of all fiber clusters associated with a particular NI3030x module. This
polling process enables the automatic discovery of all fiber clusters associated with a particular NI3030x
and checking of overall system topology.
It takes several seconds for the EMS software polling cycle to complete over a standard 10/100 Base-T
Ethernet link. Figure 5-7 illustrates the topology discovery results for the NI3030x Network Management
module, with an IP address of Note the many digital receiver clusters connected to the
NI3030x (

Figure 5-7 Polling Results for NI3030x Module

After the initial software polling is complete, the EMS program updates the Alarms Summary bar, located
at the top of the main window (directly above the Start Polling button). The Alarms Summary bar
consists of three icons:

• OTS Shelf Summary Alarm (active CH3000 chassis)

• NI3030x Network Interface Module (NI/CX Properties window)
• Node Network Summary Alarm
If the Alarms Summary bar is not seen, select from the main menu > View > Summary Alarms to
display the Alarms Summary bar. Refer to page 43 for information about the Alarms Summary bar.

5.5 Managing Digital Transport Streams

The NI3030x Network Interface modules manage multiple integrated digital transport streams that
terminate into headend digital receivers such as the DR3001 or the DR3021. These digital receivers are
associated with individual fiber clusters. A maximum of 16 fiber clusters can be connected to a one
NI3030x module.
For each of its associated clusters, the NI3030x module allows configuration of individual digital transport
streams to transport digitized RF legacy services, Fast Ethernet services, or a combination of both RF
legacy and Fast Ethernet services.
To configure individual digital transport streams, use the corresponding digital receiver.

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To manage digital transport streams, there are several digital receiver menu items (drop-down menu), as
shown in the following graphic.
1. Right click one of the digital receivers listed in the topology (left) pane to access the following drop-
down menu.

2. To configure individual digital transport stream options for each fiber cluster, select Legacy Mode
The Legacy Mode Properties window (Figure 5-8) displays showing the Mode Reference
The Mode Reference Table identifies the number of Transceiver/Receiver Legacy Lanes and
available data lanes dedicated to each NI3030x System Legacy Mode (1–8). Note that System
Legacy Mode 9 is reserved for 65 MHz RF return models only and that C is reserved for C-
Mode Clusters Only.
As an example, System Legacy Mode 1 has 14 lanes dedicated to transceivers and 12 lanes
dedicated to receivers while just 2 lanes are dedicated to data lanes. Note that the maximum
allowed lanes (16) was not exceeded in this setting (Figure 5-8)

Figure 5-8 Preset System Legacy Mode Properties

When configuring/setting transceiver/receiver legacy lanes (bit lanes), you may not exceed a maximum
of 16 total lanes (when adding the transceiver/receiver lanes to the data lanes).

Selecting a particular system legacy mode (1–8) depends on the desired resolution for the analog-to-digital
conversion of RF legacy services in all fiber node digital transceivers that are part of the same fiber cluster.
In general, analog-to-digital conversion resolution can be set in 1-bit increments from a 10-bit to a 14-bit
resolution. The specified resolution determines the allowable mix of legacy (RF) and Ethernet services that
can be supported over a particular fiber cluster.

3. Select System Legacy Modes 1, 2, or 3 if RF legacy services are to be transported over this particular
fiber cluster and the highest analog-to-digital conversion resolution is desired. This yields the best
system performance for the transport of RF legacy services. However, it will limit the number of Fast
Ethernet customer connections that can be supported over this fiber cluster to a maximum of 2
4. Select System Legacy Mode 8 only if no RF legacy services (bit lanes) are to be transported over this
particular fiber cluster. Selecting this mode ensures that the entire bandwidth available in this digital
transport stream will be dedicated exclusively to the transport of Ethernet services. If this is the case,
this fiber cluster will support a maximum of 16 Fast Ethernet customer connections with no transport
of RF legacy services.
5. Selecting any of the remaining System Legacy Modes allows for the fine tuning of system
performance for the transport of RF legacy services. It places similar limits on the maximum number
of Fast Ethernet customer connections that a fiber cluster can support.

When selecting one of the eight System Legacy Modes, the following window displays indicating that the
legacy mode is processing (Figure 5-9).

Figure 5-9 Setting System Legacy Mode

5.6 Provisioning and Managing Fast Ethernet Customer Connections

Once individual digital transport streams for every cluster associated with an NI3030x module have been
configured, the bandwidth reserved for the transport of Ethernet services over each cluster can be
provisioned and assigned to specific customers. Remember that there are a total of 16 legacy lanes (Figure
5-8) and that some of these legacy lanes are dedicated to RF and some to Ethernet.

To provision and manage Fast Ethernet customer connections, you must use the NI3030x Network
Interface Module. You will also need a DS4004 with a media converter for Fast Ethernet to work.

To provision and manage Fast Ethernet connections for each fiber cluster:
1. Right click a node in the topology pane.
The node drop-down menu displays.
2. Select the Connection Management… command.
The Connection Management window displays (Figure 5-10).

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Figure 5-10 Connection Management Window

5.6.1 Adding a New Customer Connection

1. On the Connection Management window under Add Connection, enter an available
network port number in the NI Port No. drop-down list box.
2. Enter the Cluster Name and Node Name.
This is where the connection will be supported from the corresponding drop-down lists.
Bandwidth selection per new connection is always fixed at 100 Mbps.
Once all selections are made, the Save Changes button becomes highlighted.
3. Click the Save Connections button to save the new configuration and commit to file.
The following pop-up window (Figure 5-11) displays asking you to save changes to
your new configuration.

Figure 5-11 Save EMS Connections Message

4. Click Yes to save the new configuration to a file.

5.6.2 Deleting a Customer Connection

1. Select the desired connection from the active connections list in the Connection Management
2. When the Delete button becomes highlighted, select Delete.
The following pop-up window (Figure 5-12) displays asking if you want to delete the selected

Figure 5-12 Delete Connections Message

3. Click Yes and the selected connection (s) will be deleted.

5.7 Launching the OTS Application

If you have installed the OTS application on your PC system, there are two different ways it can be
launched directly from EMS:

Go to Section 7 of this guide to learn more about OTS Shelf View navigation from EMS.

5.7.1 Launching OTS From the NI or CX in the Topology Pane

From the Topology pane, right-click an NI3030 or CX300x. The following drop-down menu displays.

The OTS application displays (Figure 5-13).

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Figure 5-13 OTS Shelf View

You can also launch OTS by clicking on the Shelf icon that is located in the main tool bar.

Ensure that shelf monitoring is turned ON via the NI3030x User Setup tab to monitor the specified

If monitoring is turned OFF, the following pop-up window displays.

Go to Section 7 of this guide to learn more about OTS Shelf View navigation from EMS

5.8 Configuring Users to Receive Email for Trap Alarms

From the EMS main menu, select Tools > EMS Email Configuration... (Figure 5-14).
The Email Configuration window appears.

Figure 5-14 Email Configuration Window

The EMS Email Configuration window is divided into four areas, namely:

• Recipient Email Addresses and To, Cc, and Bcc drop-down lists
• Sender Email Configuration
• Trap Selection (Major, Minor, Info/Clear, Normal)
• Email Statistics

5.9 Entering a Recipient’s E-mail Address

Under the Recipient E-mail Addresses area:
1. Make your selection at the Recipient Group box.
2. Enter the recipient’s name in the Recipient Name box, and then enter their email address in
the Recipient E-mail Address box.
3. Check the Enable E-mail to this address checkbox.
4. At the Trap Selection area, select the type of traps (all four are selectable: Major, Minor,
Info/Clear, Normal) that you would like to send.
5. Click the Add Recipient button.
The recipient’s name and email address will display in the Sender E-mail Configuration area.

5.10 Deleting a Recipient

Under the Recipient E-mail Addresses area:
1. To delete a recipient, highlight the Recipient’s Name in the Recipient E-mail Address box, and then
select the Delete Recipient button.

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The following Delete Recipient message displays (Figure 5-15).

Figure 5-15 Delete Recipient Message

2. Select Yes to remove the specified recipient from the Recipient E-mail Addresses list.
If the deletion is successful, the selected name will not appear in the Recipient E-mail box.

5.11 Editing an E-Mail Recipient

Under the Recipient E-mail Addresses area:
1. To edit a recipient, highlight the Recipient’s Name in the Recipient E-mail Address box, and then
select the Edit button.
2. Make your changes and then select the Update Recipient button.

You may cancel editing at any time by selecting the Cancel Edit button

5.12 Configuring the Sender

Under the Sender Email Configuration area:
1. Enter your SMTP Address (for example,
2. Enter your email address and name.
3. Enter the Subject Field Test (Re:): for example, OTS Traps.
4. Select Enable E-mail Feature.

5.13 Configuring E-mail Statistics

Under the E-mail Statistics area:
The E-mail Statistics area consists of several text boxes and buttons.

• Sent E-mail Count, Failed E-mail Count, and Last Failed Reason text boxes
• Clear Counters and Send Test E-mail(s) buttons
Select the Send Test E-mail(s) to send a test e-mail.
If sending an email fails, the E-mail Statistics pane displays the following attributes associated with the

• Sent E-mail Count (the number of emails sent)

• Failed E-mail Count (the number of failed emails sent)

• Last Failed Reason (contains a text message, such as “Couldn’t send message!” and response, such
as 421.4.3.2 gray listed - please try again later.
Figure 5-16 shows an example of the number of emails that EMS failed to send and the reason why the
emails failed.

Figure 5-16 Failed E-mails

These emails failed because “the message could not be sent.”

To clear the counters to zero, (reset the Sent E-mail Count and Failed E-mail Count), select the
Clear Counters button.

5.14 Accessing Detailed Network Element Configuration and Alarm Information

In this section you will learn how to specifically use the major features and functions of the EMS
application, such as:

• Configuring Node Alarms (mask node/use node alarms)

• Clearing Alarm History (NI and Shelf)
• Setting up Trap Receiver List
• Viewing and Saving Trap Logs to File
• Updating Fiber Node Software
• Updating CX/NI via Software Update Tool
• Setting System Time

5.15 Clearing Alarm History for Nodes, NI30xx, and Shelf

The EMS software allows you to clear history (alarms that previously existed prior to resolving
or disabling the alarm(s) for the following:

• Alarm History (on All Nodes)

• NI History
• Shelf History
Be careful when using these commands. These commands happen immediately without displaying a
confirmation pop-up window.

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To clear alarm history on all nodes, simply enable the Actions menu (right-click a Node listed in tree
topology pane).
• Select Clear Alarm History (All Nodes) or press Ctrl+H.
• For NI history, select Clear NI History or press Ctrl+E.
• For Shelf history, select Shelf History or press Ctrl+L.

5.16 Setting Up Trap Receiver/Host List

To set up a trap receiver list, first enable the Actions menu by right-clicking a node in the tree topology
pane which enables the Actions menu.

Select Actions > Trap Receiver List...

The Trap Receiver List window immediately displays (Figure 5-17).
Figure 5-17 lists three hosts: ARRIS, Test_ Shelf_170, and Louise that are currently set up to receive
The IP address of represents the Node (Madonna, LA in Slot 8), which is highlighted in the
topology pane above.

Figure 5-17 Trap Receiver List

The Trap Receiver List window is divided into three major panes:
1. NI Info (IP Address of the specified device, Device Name and Slot number)

2. Trap Receiver Setup (add/delete a device)
3. Generic Trap Setup (Enable SNMP Cold Start Trap and Enable SNMP Authentication Failure Trap)

5.16.1 Adding/Deleting Device for Receiving Traps

To add a device to receive traps, enter the Host Name and IP Address, then click the Add Host button.
To perform a generic trap, check the Enable SNMP Cold Start Trap box (begins collecting immediately
as soon as a new module, such as the CX or NI is installed) and the Enable SNMP Authentication
Failure Trap box (for example, an incorrect password used to access OTS).
Click the Set > Refresh button.
To delete a host, click the Delete Host button, and then click the Set > Refresh button.

5.17 Viewing/Saving Trap Logs to File

The trap log is capable of collecting approximately 100 individual logs per session.
Trap Log provides detailed alarm information, for example the sequence number/alarm type (represented as
a graphical symbol), alarm severity, date/time, and description of the alarms.

The log file significantly increases in size. Therefore, creating and using log files is recommended only
for tracking a small number of SNMP transactions to aid in troubleshooting.

At the Trap Log window you can perform the following:

Refresh the log history, Clear the log history, Save the log(s) to a file, Poll the device
Figure 5-18 graphic shows an example of the Trap Log when EMS is connected to the NI. Notice that log
#3061 shows a red-colored STOP alarm icon, representing a MAJOR alarm, representing normal module
operation, and log #3063 shows a blue-colored INFO alarm icon, representing an information-only alarm. A
green-colored CLEAR alarm icon indicates a previous alarm has been cleared. There are no CLEAR alarm
icons in the example.

Figure 5-18 Trap Log

To save the trap logs to a file, select Save to File....

The Save As window displays allowing you to save the file to your specified location.

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If you decide to clear the trap log screen for the particular device, select the Clear History button.
The Trap Log window displays indicating that the trap log was cleared and the specific time
that the log was cleared.

Figure 5-19 Trap Log Cleared

5.18 Updating the Fiber Node Firmware

To update the fiber node software (firmware and/or the FPGA):
1. From the EMS Actions menu, select Fiber Node Software Update. Make sure you are selected at the
node level in the Topology Tree.
The Fiber Node Software Update window appears (Figure 5-20).

Figure 5-20 Fiber Node Software Update Window

2. At Node Update, select the nodes to update - using the directional arrows, move the selected items to
the right pane.
3. Download the Upgrade File (s) and select the appropriate box(es). The Start Update button enables.
4. Click Start Update. The progress of the download will appear in the Status progress bar.

5.19 Configuring General Options
The General Options feature (Figure 5-21), found on the EMS Actions menu, allows you:

• Set the shelf alarm trap replay and the number of replays (in seconds)
• Set the maximum log entries (200 is the maximum)
• Report transceiver alarms via the receiver (note the applicable software versions listed on the screen)

Figure 5-21 General Options

5.20 Notification: Configuring for Alerts and Sounds

EMS allows you to configure your system to generate alerts (pop-up message boxes) and/or sounds (audio
.wav files) upon receiving traps of different severity levels, such as:

To configure for Alerts and Sounds:
1. From the EMS main menu, select Options > Alerts and Sounds....
The Alerts & Sounds box displays (Figure 5-22).

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Figure 5-22 Alerts & Sounds Box

2. To enable a sound alert, select the Enable alert sounds checkbox.

3. Select (highlight) the type of trap to be alerted for: MAJOR / MINOR / INFO / CLEAR.

You must configure each type of trap notification (MAJOR/MINOR/INFO/CLEAR) separately.

Device Disconnects: If this option is selected, then an alert message will popup in the idle time
if the device is disconnected

4. To Alert by a message (pop-up box), select the Display a message box checkbox.
5. To Alert by a sound, select the Playing a sound checkbox, and then click the Browse or file location
button (blank button) to select the directory/folder/sound file of your choice.
a. Upon locating/selecting a sound file, the blank button will display the location of your
selected sound. For example, to change to a different sound, select the Browse or file
location (blank) button, and then choose the new sound file.

Remember that in order to be alerted with a sound alert, you must first select the Enable alerts sounds
checkbox in the upper left corner of the Alerts & Sounds window.

6. Click the OK or Apply button.

5.21 Saving a Configuration (Topology)

The Save Configuration command, accessed from the EMS main File menu (Figure 5-23), saves the
current topology configuration as an .ems file.

Figure 5-23 File > Save Configuration As

To save a topology configuration:

1. From the EMS main menu, select File > Save Configuration (or Ctrl+S).
The Save As window appears from where you can choose the location to save the .ems file.

2. Enter the File Name for the configuration, select the location, and then click Save.

3. The configuration is saved as an .ems in the designated location.

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5.22 Opening a Saved Configuration

To open a saved configuration:
1. To open any of the saved configurations, go to File > Open Configuration.

The Open window appears.

2. Select the desired configuration and click Open.

The selected configuration will be restored, and then you will be returned to the main EMS window.

Depending upon the complexity of the chosen configuration, the polling to restore the configuration
may take a few moments.

If you have not saved a configuration that you may have been working on, a message will appear asking
if you want to save that configuration before it opens the previous one.

5.23 Deleting a Network Configuration

To delete a network configuration, from the EMS main menu, select Edit > Delete.

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5.24 Saving a Network Configuration

The Save Network Configuration command (Figure 5-24), accessed from the EMS main File
menu, saves the current network configuration as an .csv file.

Figure 5-24 File > Save Network Configuration

To save a network configuration:

1. From the EMS main menu, select File > Save Network Configuration.
The Save Network Configuration window appears.

2. Select (or clear) the check boxes alongside the desired features.
3. Under File Specification > File, click the browse (...) button next to the File box.
The Open window displays.
4. Scroll to and select the desired folder.

5. Click Save.

The Save Network Configuration window displays again showing the selected file in the File box.

6. Click Save.
The network configuration is saved in the ARRIS Opti-Trace folder (or to any other location
you have chosen).

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Configuring the NI3030x Network

Interface Module
Chapter 6 describes the steps involved with configuring the NI3030x module.

It is assumed that you have already physically installed the NI3030x Network Interface module into the
CH3000 chassis to include installing the NI3030x’s Flash Card.

6.1 NI3030x Network Interface Module Description

The NI3030x Network Interface module is used in digital systems that require the transport of Ethernet
services. This module also acts as an SNMP proxy agent for the active modules in the CH3000 chassis and
for ARRIS nodes, VHubs, and other active elements, such as digital transceivers and OE1110 Ethernet
Access Devices in any cluster that they interface with via digital receiver modules (DR3002, DR3021,
DR3402, DR3250, DR3421, DR3450). Each NI3030x Network Interface module can interface with a
maximum of 16 fiber clusters and supports a total of 16 full-duplex, Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps) connections.
The NI3030x module also supports remote access using the EMS or the OTS software application or from a
third-party SNMP manager. Communications can occur over any 10Base-T Ethernet link supporting the IP
network protocol.
The NI3030x is a hot swappable, dual-width module that occupies two-full-depth CH3000 chassis slots. It
is shipped with a faceplate that connects to a standard 10-pin connector in the front of the module and a
flash card, which is used to store and load NI3030x firmware and network configuration files. Its faceplate
consists of a group of three STATUS LEDs, an ACCESS LED, and a recessed Reset button (reboots the
NI module).
Installing more than one management module per chassis (multiple NI3030x Network Interface or
CX3001/CX3002 Communications modules) is not recommended due to the possibility of unreliable
monitoring of active modules in the chassis. However, it is still possible to have multiple NI3030x modules
in a chassis but only if that particular chassis is dedicated exclusively to provision and management of
Ethernet services.
Each NI3030x module in the chassis will reliably monitor the status of Fast Ethernet connections and
devices in associated fiber clusters (digital receivers, fiber nodes, digital transceivers, and OE1110 Ethernet
Access Devices). Using this objective, individual NI3030x module should not be used to manage other
active modules installed in the same chassis.

6.2 Hardware and Software Installation Requirements

If you are not familiar with the Craft Management Software (CMS) and performing any of the hardware
installation and software configuration requirements, refer to the CMS Craft Management Software
Installation and User Guide (1513438, for software release version 8.12.15) and the relevant hardware
installation and activation guide.

The NI3030x Network Interface module and the PS3xxx Power Supply must first be installed into a
CH3000 chassis. Then, using CMS, make a serial connection between your PC and the PS3xxx Power
Supply and configure the serial port for communications, using a RS-232 serial cable.

If your PC does not have a serial port, you can obtain a USB/serial adapter from an electronics store.

Figure 6-1 illustrates the CMS serial connection from the PC to the PS3xxx Power Supply in a CH3000

Figure 6-1 CMS Serial Connection from PC to PS3xxx Power Supply

RS232 Serial Cable

To configure a NI3030x Network Interface module installed in a CH3000 chassis, you must use the
CMS application.

CX300x or NI3030 firmware upgrades can only be performed using OTS or EMS. CMS cannot be used
to update firmware on CX300x or NI3030 controllers.

6.3 Configuring the NI3030x Using the CMS User Setup Tab
Several NI3030x settings are configured at the CMS User Setup tab such as:

• IP Address, Gateway and Mask

• Optical Port Laser (ON/OFF)
• Clock Reference (Free run, Lock to Primary, Lock to Secondary, Automatic)
• Shelf Monitoring (ON/OFF)
• NIF Topology Resynchronize
• NIF Reboot
• Device PasswordConfiguring the IP Address for a New NI Module

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In order to establish communications using the Ethernet port on a new NI3xxx module installed in a
CH3000 chassis, the IP address for the module needs to be configured.
The factory shipped IP address of the NI3xxx is
To set up/change an IP Address:

If you don’t already have this information, you must first get your IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default
Gateway from your IT department.

1. Establish the serial communications port between the NI3xxx Network Interface module and the PC
where CMS is installed.
2. From the CMS application click the NI icon on the Modules/Alarms bar.
3. At the User Setup tab in the Input Port IP Configuration area, enter the obtained IP Address,
Mask, and Gateway in their respective text fields, and then click Set. The system is now updated with
the new IP address, Mask, and Gateway.
4. Verify that communication exits between your computer and the NI module by performing a ping test
(Figure 6-2).

The Ping Test assumes that your PC is on the same network as the CH3000 chassis or has a global IP

1. From the Start menu > Run > enter cmd in the Run window Open textbox, and then click OK.
2. The command window, cmd.exe, appears.
3. At the prompt, enter ping and a space and the IP address you have been given, and then press Enter.
4. If you have established a connection, you will receive a reply from the module (see Figure 6-2).
If you do not achieve a connection, you will receive a Request timed out message.

If the ping is not successful, you may have a problem with your IP address settings and may need to
contact your network administrator.

To verify that communication really does exist between your computer and the NI3030x module, run the
cmd.exe command from your Run window at your computer and ping the NI3030x module; for this
example ping
Figure 6-2 shows that communication exists between the computer and the NI3000 module via the ping
command by showing the Status window for the NI3000 and the ping window.

Figure 6-2 Communications Confirmed via Ping Test

6.3.1 Changing the IP Address on the NI3030x Network Interface Module

To view or change the IP address of the NI3030x:
1. Click the User Setup tab in CMS or OTS.

Make sure you do not enter an invalid or duplicate IP address when changing the NI3030x
Network Interface module’s address. An error popup window will display if the IP address can
not be found.

2. Enter a new IP address in the IP address field, then click the Set button.

You only need to enter the IP address only once, after clicking the Set button for the change to
take effect.

3. Select the Refresh button to verify your change.

Figure 6-3 NI3030x User Setup Tab

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6.3.2 NI3030x Network Interface Module--SNMP Agent

The purpose of the SNMP agent is to provide a standardized interface for network management.

6.3.3 Configuring Optical Port Laser Settings

At the Optical Port Laser Settings area, you can either turn this setting ON or OFF.

6.3.4 Configuring Clock Reference and Shelf Monitoring

At the Other Settings area, you can set the Clock Reference to one of four options: Free Run, Lock to
Primary, Lock to Secondary and Automatic.
You may also turn Shelf Monitoring ON or OFF.

6.3.5 Configuring NIF Topology Resync and Reboot and FPGA Device
At the Other Settings area of the NI3030x module, you can resynchronize the NIF topology and reboot the
NIF Topology Resync.: When selected, this process rechecks the network and updates the network
elements regarding the number of clusters in the system, the number of nodes in each cluster, and the status
of each node. This command also lets the nodes determine their position in the cluster with respect to the
cluster receiver.

Use this control only if you see serious degradation in system performance.

NI3030x NIF Reboot: Reboots the NI3030x module. This is a soft reset of the system. There is a service-
impacting message that asks you to confirm this action.
NI3000 only – Reset FPGA Device: Reloads the FPGA device with configuration data. (Inactive –This is
for Factory Use Only.)

6.4 Configuring a Device Password on the NI Module

The NI3030x Network Interface module has its own device password and access permissions that control
the type of SNMP access allowed on the device. The password and access levels (Viewer, Operator, or
SuperUser) for the NI are configured using CMS or OTS.
For additional information about passwords, see Technical Note 09-007, Configuring SNMP and Web
Passwords Using Opti-Trace (TN-87-10485).
You need to connect a separate CAT 5 cable from the NI to the switch because the connection is not run
through the existing CX connection.

SNMP is used by network management systems to monitor network-attached devices.

The Configure Device Passwords... button is at the bottom, center of the NI3xxx User Setup
tab window (see Figure 6-3).

To configure a device Password:
1. From the NI User Setup tab, select the Configure Device Passwords... button.
The Login screen displays (Figure 6-4).
The Login screen requires an administrative password, which is obtained from ARRIS.

Figure 6-4 Password Login for CX and NI

2. Enter the administrative Password that you obtained from ARRIS, and then click OK.
The Device Password List window appears (Figure 6-5).

Figure 6-5 Device Password List Window

3. Enter the desired password in the Enter Password text box.

You may enter a maximum of 8 passwords for either the viewer or operator.
A password can consist of a maximum of 16 characters.

4. From the Select Access Permission drop-down list box, select Viewer, Operator, or Super User.
Viewer gives the user “read only” access.
Operator gives the user “read/write” privileges.
Super User gives the user “read/write” privileges and the ability to add or delete SNMP
passwords for the NI (and CX).

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5. Click Add Password. The new Password and selected Access Permission appear in the Device
Password List table (Figure 6-6).

Figure 6-6 New Password and Access

6. Select Refresh to update the system.

To change the Access Permission level of an existing password, for example from Operator to Viewer
or vice versa, you must first delete the existing password and then re-enter it, selecting the new access

To delete a device Password or Access Permission:

1. From the Device Password List table, select the existing Password or Access Permission you want to
The Delete Password button enables.
2. Click Delete Password(s).
The Password and its associated Access Permission are deleted from the Device Password
List table.
3. Select Refresh to update the module with the new information.

If you delete a Password, you will lose SNMP access via the CX or NI modules.

To change a Password or Access Permission:

1. From the Device Password List table, select the Password and/or Access Permission you want to
The Delete Password button enables.
2. Click Delete Password(s).
The Password and its associated Access Permission are deleted from the Device Password
List table.
3. Enter the new Password and/or new Access Permission, and then click Add Password.
The new Password and selected Access Permission appear in the Device Password List table.

4. Select Refresh to update the module with the new information.

6.5 Configuring the NI3030x Using the Ethernet Tab

Select the Ethernet tab to set the Loop Back mode from the four options shown in Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7 NI3030x Ethernet Tab

6.5.1 Viewing Status and Packet Count

The Ethernet tab allows you to view detailed NI3030x Status and Packet Count information. Click the
Reset button to reset the packet counters to zero.

6.5.2 Setting Loop Back Mode

Important Note: Set Loop Back Mode should only be configured to No loopback.
For future module updates, the Ethernet tab will allow you to choose between the five loopback modes
shown in Figure 6-8.

Figure 6-8 Future Loop Back Mode Selections

6.6 Configuring the NI3030x Using the Status Tab

At the Status tab, you can view and reset some of the following parameters:

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• NIF Info
• System Up Time
• Optical Status
• Error Counts

Figure 6-9 Status Tab Interface for NI3030E

6.6.1 Resetting Optical Status for Daughter Board and FPGA

At the Status tab, you can reset the Optical Status for the daughter board on the NI3030x Network
Interface module and for the Field Programmable Gate-Array (FPGA).
To reset optical status:
1. From the Status tab, under the Optical Status area, click the Reset button for the appropriate fields
associated with the Daughter Board and/or the FPGA.
The counter(s) will reset to 0.

6.6.2 Viewing NI3030x Network Interface Module Status
The following table lists and defines the NI3030x read-only parameters: System Up Time, and
Error Counts.

Table 6-1 NI3030x Information Parameters and System Up Time

NI Information Parameters Definition

12V DC, 5V DC, 2.5V DC, 3.3V
DC, 1.2V DC, 1.8V DC

Temp. [oC] Ambient temperature inside the module.

Fan Speed Fan speed is automatically controlled by the controller based on the ambient
temperature sensed.

NIF Top. State Indicates whether or not the system has completed all checks to determine network
topology. Possible values are: Ready/Discover/Updating Software/Diagnostics.

Prim. Laser ON or OFF. ON indicates that the primary laser is lasing.

IP Address Address of the router where the IP packets should be forwarded if the destination is
not on the management subnet.

Mask IP Mask for the management port on the module.

Gateway Address of the router where the IP packets should be forwarded if the destination is
not on the management subnet.

MAC Addr. [hex] 48-bit globally unique MAC address of the module in hex notation. In hex notation,
every 4 bits are represented by an alphanumeric character.

Daughter Brd. Type of daughter board that resides in the NI30xx. Only type currently is Type 1.

Second Port Indicates whether the secondary optical port is Absent or Present.

FPGA Indicates the status of the internal Field Programmable Gate Array programming
state: Programmed or Not Programmed. (Can only be addressed by ARRIS
Factory firmware and firmware updates).

Clock Source Transmit clock source indicates whether the clock source is being derived from the
received data or it is being locally generated. Values are: Internal or Free Run.

System Up Time
Days, Hours, Minutes Indicates how long the system has been running in days, hours, and minutes.

Error Counts
PLL Slip Count Indicates the total PLL Slip Count prior to reset.

PHY Rx Errors Indicates the total PHY Rx Errors prior to reset.

Link Rx Errors Indicates the total Rx Errors prior to reset.

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6.7 Configuring the NI3030x Interface Using the Alarms Tab

The Alarms tab allows the monitoring and configuring of certain Alarm conditions as well as the clearing
of alarm history. It is divided into three basic areas: Service Affecting Alarms, Non Service Affecting
Alarms, and Alarm Settings.

Figure 6-10 Alarms Tab for NI3000 and NI3030E

6.7.1 Viewing Service Affecting and Non-Service Affecting Alarms

The Service Affecting and Non-Service Affecting Alarms area indicate the normal operating
value for the alarms displayed on the screen.
The following table lists and defines the Service Affecting and Non-Service Alarms.

Table 6-2 Service Affecting and Non-Service Affecting Alarms

Service Affecting Alarms Definition

12V DC, 5V DC, 3.3V DC, 2.5V Indicates normal operating DC range. Triggers when the DC supply rail
DC, 1.2V DC and 1.8V DC is outside the normal operating range.

PLL Slip Phased Locked Loop has sensed a phase slip.

Internal Clock The Clock source for the PLL has developed problems.

NIF Summary One or more alarms related to the NI3030x is active.

LOS Failure to detect significant optical signal at the Primary/Secondary

optical port.

LOF Frame Loss detected at the Primary/Secondary optical port.

Rx Serial to parallel conversion alarm.

Non-Service Affecting

Module Temperature Triggers when the module temperature is outside normal range.
Normal Range is –20o to +65oC.

Fan Triggers when the fan temperature is outside normal range. Example:
43oC. If the fan does needs replacement, the fan cannot be replaced by
the customer. Contact ARRIS customer support.

NIF Summary One or more alarms related to the NI3030x is active.

6.7.2 Configuring RF and Backup Power Alarms, Clearing Alarm History

At the Alarms tab, you can enable/disable the RF Alarm and Backup Power Alarm for the Service
Affecting group of alarms and clear alarm history.

Figure 6-11 Alarm Tab Parameters

When you select the Clear Alarm History button, the Updating Cache window appears indicating that
this process takes approximately 15 seconds.

88 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Navigating to OTS and Modules

Chapter 7 discusses basic navigation from EMS to the OTS “shelf view”, which provides a view and access to all mod-
ules installed in a specific shelf (CH3000 chassis). Having the ability in EMS to set up and manage a high level view of
key components in a large network, OTS provides the ability to “drill down” into individual chassis and nodes in order to
view important status and other information as well as manage individual modules that are installed.
This chapter is not intended to be a guide for use of OTS, however a few high level features and actions are pointed out.
Please refer to TM 1513038 Opti-Trace Shelf Software Guide v8.11.19 for a complete overview of OTS features.

7.1 Navigating to the OTS Shelf View from EMS

There are two ways by which you can go to the OTS shelf view from EMS:

1) By right-clicking on the device of interest in the Topology Window (Figure 7-1) or

Figure 7-1 Navigating to OTS Shelf View From Device Pull-down

2) After high-lighting the device of interest in the Topology Window, click the Shelf Summary Alarm icon on the
EMS toolbar as shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2 Navigating to OTS Shelf View from Shelf Summary Alarm Icon

With either action above, the OTS Shelf View for that specific device (chassis) opens. Polling will instantly
take place and the Shelf Summary Alarm bar will be populated according to installed modules. (Example: Fig-
ure 7-3).

Figure 7-3 OTS Shelf View Default Opening

7.2 Opening an OTS Module User Interface

The fastest way to navigate to an installed module user interface is to click on the module/slot of interest from

the Shelf Summary Alarm bar. As an example, click on Slot number 8 and the user interface for the in-
stalled DR3450N Digital Receiver opens. (Figure 7-4) The Status tab by default is showing, however you can
quickly navigate to the Alarms, User Setup, RF Control, or Module Info tabs.

Figure 7-4 DR3450 Digital Receiver Interface from OTS Shelf View

90 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

7.3 Opening a Node Digital Transmitter from OTS

A Digital Receiver Status Tab provides various status information as shown above to include showing Digital
Transceivers that are installed in an attached NC2000, NC4000, VHub, or OM4/6000 node. In the “Transceiver
Information” section, any block that is showing an Alarm History symbol within it as in windows Rx1, Rx2
above, has at least 1 node Digital Transceiver attached. To “drill down”, simply click on the block of interest as
shown in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5 Opening a Node-based DTxxxx Interface from OTS Shelf View

The user interface for the Digital Receiver’s respective Digital Transceiver (DT4250N in this case) opens show-
ing various read only transceiver information. (Figure 7-6) Alarms can be enabled or disabled from this inter-

Figure 7-6 Viewing a Node-based DT4250N Interface from OTS Shelf View

Note at the top of the MFN Properties user interface there is also a “Node Properties (Lid)” Tab. Clicking this
tab opens a window that displays various information about the NC2000, NC4000, or VHub node and its in-
stalled modules. In the case of this node, there is an AR4214G installed in slot B, another AR4214G installed in
slot E, the DT4250N digital transceiver (discussed above) is installed in slot A (required slot), and an NM4002
installed in the required Node Monitor slot.

Figure 7-7 Viewing Components in a Node Lid

Information for the modules installed in slots B and the Node Monitor can be opened by clicking their respec-
tive “View” buttons. In Figure 7-8, the NM4002 Node Monitor Module User Interface is showing. Alarms can
be configured in this interface, as well as the viewing of Alarms and Alarm History for various signal names.
Alarm History can be cleared as well.

Figure 7-8 OTS NM4002 Node Monitor Interface for an NC2000, NC4000, or VHub

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Any other module installed in the CH3000 chassis can have its OTS user interface opened in the same manner
as the process described above. Simply click on an occupied slot in the Alarm Slot Row, as indicated by a col-
ored icon, which indicates the type of module installed. For example, Figure 7-9 displays the user interface for
the PS3004D which is installed in Slot 2. Click on any other populated slot to view its respective OTS user
interface options i.e. Status tab, Alarms tab, and Module Info tab.

Figure 7-9 Slot 2 PS3004D User Interface Options

Appendix A Color-coded Module Icons and

A.1 EMS Icons

The following table lists the most commonly encountered EMS icons.

EMS Icon Description EMS Icon Description

Zone Loader icon appears when the
device’s firmware is being
upgraded or when there is a
problem in the network.

NI Network Interface Module Aggregator

CX Communications Module Not fragmented AG Port 1

DT Node Not fragmented AG Port 2

OE1110 Node Not fragmented AG Port 3

OE4130 Node Not fragmented AG Port 4

OE1030 Node Fragmented Port 1

DS Node Fragmented Port 2

Closed Cluster Fragmented Port 3

Open Cluster Fragmented Port 4

PM1003 Node OLT

I2C Nodes ONU

Primary C-Mode Direct GT

Secondary C-Mode Remote GT

94 TM 1513436 Rev. A
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A.2 Device Icons

The following table lists the device green color-coded icons, which represent active (not alarming) modules
installed in a chassis.

Icons Definitions

PS3002 Series AC Power Supply

Digital Transceivers

A/B Alternate Routing Switches

Analog Receivers

1550 Nanometer Broadcast Transmitter

1550 Nanometer Narrowcast Analog Transmitter

Broadcast Transmitter

CX300x Communications Module

PS3048 Series DC Power Supply

Digital Receivers

Digital Transponders

Ethernet Switches

Optical Switches

EDFA’s (Optical Amplifiers)

Network Interface Module

BC/NC Optical Combiner Modules

Unknown Device

Unknown Device

Unsupported New card

A.3 Generic System Icons
Table A-3 lists and defines generic system icons for OTS.

Generic System Icons and Definitions

Icons Name Definitions

Warning Non-service affective trap event.

OK/INFO Information trap event.

STOP Service-affecting trap event.

CLEAR Indicates the alarmType is 'clear (5)' in the Trap Log, Trap View,
and Active Alarms.

96 TM 1513436 Rev. A
Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Appendix B EMS Warning and Error Messages

Appendix B lists all of the EMS messages and their probable cause(s) and any action, if needed.

Messages within the tables are in alphabetical order.

Table 7-1 EMS Common Messages

Message Meaning Action

System Error Messages
Are you sure you want to delete This is a Warning message, asking Verify that you truly want to delete
the selected Connection(s)? the user to carefully examine all the selected Connection(s).
selected connections prior to
deleting any of them. Click Yes to delete, or click No to
stop the action.

Are you sure you want to delete The user tried to delete a recipient Verify that you truly want to delete
the selected Recipient? from the email list. the selected Recipient.
Click Yes to delete, or click No to
stop the action.

Are you sure you want to delete This is a Precautionary Alert Verify that you truly want to delete
the selected trap receiver(s)? message. The user tried to select the selected trap receiver(s).
and delete one or more entries
from the Trap Receiver List. Click Yes to delete, or click No to
cancel the action.

Are you sure you want to overwrite This is a Warning message Verify that you truly want to
the committed topology? This will designed to inform the user that the overwrite.
take 1 minute to perform. action is time-consuming. The user
tried to save the NIF topology after Click Yes to continue, or click No to
modifications. This is a non- cancel the action.
service-affecting action.

Are you sure you want to reboot This is a Precautionary Alert Verify that you truly want to Reboot.
xx? message to prevent an accidental
service-affecting action. Click Yes to continue the reboot, or
click No to cancel the action.

Are you sure you want to Reload This is a Warning message.The Verify that you truly want to Reload
user tried to reload all of the the Connections.
Connections? connections from the saved file.This
action could be service-affecting if Click Yes to continue, or click No to
the existing connections are cancel the action.
different from the connections in the
saved file.

Message appears stating that Unable to bring up Shelf View. Right-click on the node and scroll to
“Monitoring the Shelf option on this and bring up the General Options
device is OFF. window. The Enable Shelf
monitoring checkbox should be
selected for Shelf monitoring.

TM 1513436 Rev. A 97
Message Meaning Action
System Error Messages (continued)
Are you sure you want to upgrade This is a Precautionary Alert Click Yes to continue, or click No to
the CX/NI with new firmware? message to prevent an accidental cancel the action.
service-affecting action. The user
has selected an upgrade firmware

Busy performing other tasks. The user has attempted to connect Wait until the device is no longer
Cannot connect to the device. to the CX/NI device while the device busy and then proceed.
is still performing another operation.

Busy performing other tasks. The user has attempted to refresh Wait until the device is no longer
Cannot refresh now. Try again while the device is still performing busy and then proceed.
later? another operation.

Busy performing other tasks. Please The user has attempted to enable Wait until the device is no longer
try again later. another operation on the CX/NI busy and then proceed.
device while the device is still
performing another operation.

Invalid Polling Interval. Please enter The user has tried to enter a polling Click OK and re-enter a polling value
a value between 'x' and 'y'. interval value that is out of range. that is within the specified polling
This message only appears in
modules that allow entry in the
polling area - most modules have a
drop-down menu for polling.

Main Frame
Are you sure you want to cancel The user has tried to stop polling Verify that you truly want to stop
polling? while polling is still in progress. polling.
If you want to stop polling, click Yes
and the polling will stop.
If you don’t want to stop polling, click
No and the polling will continue.

Card type changed. Slot 'X' will The card type in the slot has Click OK. The slot needs to refresh.
refresh. changed.

User Setup Tab

Invalid Value. Please enter a value The user has tried to enter a value Click OK and re-enter a value that is
between 'x' and 'y'. for a specific parameter that is out within the specified range or is valid.
of range or is invalid.

98 TM 1513436 Rev. A
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Table 7-2 CX and NI Module Specific Messages

Message Meaning Action

Device Password List
All the selected password(s) could This message indicates that there Click OK to continue.
not be deleted. Please 'Refresh' to was a failure to delete the selected
view the correct password list. password(s) from the password list –
they are non-existent in the
One possible reason is that these
password(s) were already deleted by
some other application.

Cannot add password. Duplicate The user has tried to enter an Click OK and enter a password that
password found. existing password. is not already being used in the

Cannot add password. The maximum There is a limit of eight passwords Click OK and delete an existing
number of passwords that can be for each system. The user has tried password(s) to bring the number of
added is 8 and has been reached. to add another password but the passwords already in the system to
number of passwords exceeds the less than eight.
specified limit of eight.

Deleting the password(s) will also The user has tried to delete a Reconfirm that you truly want to
remove all trap hosts using these password, from the password list, delete the password(s) from the
password(s). Are you sure you want that has trap hosts associated with it. password list.
to delete the selected password(s)?
If you want to delete the password,
click Yes.
If you don’t want to delete the
password, click No.

Service-affecting alarm and There is no DT or DR in the system The Ethernet Only Support (No RF
message: but the Ethernet Only Support (No Support) checkbox in the EMS (NI)
RF Support) checkbox is unchecked General Options screen needs to be
Ethernet Only support is disabled, in the EMS (NI) General Options selected/checked.
but network is in Ethernet Only screen.

Invalid Password. Password should Spaces are not allowed in a Click OK and re-enter the password
not contain spaces. password. making sure that there are no

TM 1513436 Rev. A 99
Table 7-3 Communications Module (CX300x) Messages

Message Meaning Action

User Setup Tab

Are you sure you want to Reboot the The user has tried to reboot the Verify that you truly want to reboot
CX300x controller? CX module. the CX module.
If you want to reboot, click Yes and
If you don’t want to reboot, click No
and the reboot will stop.

Invalid IP The user has tried to set an Click OK and enter a valid IP
invalid IP address for the CX address for the CX module.

Invalid Mask The user has tried to set an Click OK and enter the correct IP
invalid IP mask for the CX mask for the CX module.

Invalid Gateway The user has tried to set an Click OK and enter the correct IP
invalid IP gateway for the CX gateway for the CX module.

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Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Table 7-4 NI Module (NI3xxx) Messages

Message Meaning Action

User Setup Tab
Are you sure you want to Reboot NI? The user has tried to reboot the Verify that you truly want to reboot
NI module. the NI module.
If you want to reboot, click Yes and
If you don’t want to reboot, click No
and the reboot will stop.

Are you sure you want to Resync the The user has tried to resynch the Verify that you truly want to resync
Topology? network topology. The NI will the network topology.
rediscover the topology.
If you want to resync, click Yes and
If you don’t want to resync, click No
and the resynch will stop.

Modifying this may break the fiber The user has tried to change the Verify that you truly want to change
messaging channel. Please refer to clock reference value. the clock reference value.
reference manual for details. Proceed?
If you want to change the clock
reference value, click Yes and
If you don’t want to change the
clock reference value, click No and
the action will stop.

Are you sure you want to Reset the FPGA The user has tried to reset the Verify that you truly want to reset
Device? FPGA device. the FPGA device.
If you want to reset the FPGA
device, click Yes and continue.
If you don’t want to change the
FPGA device, click No and the
action will stop.

Modifying the management interface will The user has tried to modify the Verify that you truly want to modify
break your current management management interface; i.e., IP the management interface.
connection. Please refer to reference address, IP gateway or IP Mask
manual for details. Proceed? of the NI module. If you want to modify the
management interface, click Yes
and continue.
If you don’t want to modify the
management interface, click No and
the action will stop.

Invalid IP The user has tried to set an Click OK and enter the correct IP
invalid IP address for the NI address for the NI module.

Invalid Mask The user has tried to set an Click OK and enter the correct IP
invalid IP mask for the NI mask for the NI module.

TM 1513436 Rev. A 101

Appendix C Resource MIB Files

C.1 MIB Files

A Management Information Base (MIB) is a collection of information organized like a database.
It allows you to pull out data from SNMP enabled devices in addition to performing the following

• Perform basic alarm (trap) management

• Retrieve and display MIB data in a human-readable form
• Set MIB variables, create, modify or delete conceptual table rows
• View the text file in a graphical manner usually featuring a MIB tree
A MIB is accessed using a network management protocol, usually SNMP. MIBs consist of managed
objects identified by object identifiers. Any MIB browser may be used to view the SNMP traps.
A MIB object represents any number of characteristics of a managed device . Managed objects
consist of one or more object instances (variables).
An object identifier (or object ID) uniquely identifies a managed object in the MIB hierarchy. The MIB
hierarchy can be seen as a tree with a nameless root, with levels uniquely assigned.
The top-level MIB object IDs belong to different standards organizations, while lower-level object IDs are
allocated by associated organizations.
The following screen depicts the About Opti-Trace EMS window which lists the EMS system3000.mib
version. This screen is accessible from the main menu under Help.

About Opti-Trace EMS Window Showing MIB Information


ARRIS defines private branches that include managed objects for Opti-Trace applications in a custom
Listed below are the two MIB files you will have on your system after downloading EMS v8.08.09:

• system3000.mib (ARRIS Enterprise MIB version 1.65)

• NifMgmt MIB version 1.24c
System3000.mib Files

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This module provides definitions for ARRIS's enterprise-specific shelf MIBs. The most important MIB file
is the system3000.mib because the following components rely on the data supplied by
this MIB:

• shelf/chassis
• third party vendors
• latest version number required by customers
When you install EMS, the latest version of the system3000.mib is also installed in the same location as
the application. Detailed descriptions are given in the MIB files.
enterprises, NetworkAddress, IpAddress, Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks
ARRISAlarmType ::=

nifMgmt MIBs
The nifMgmt MIBs are installed when you install EMS and also reside in the same location as the
application. They are specific to ARRIS’ Network Interface modules, and report anomalies that occur
within enterprises, or that deal with Network Address, IP Address, Counter, Gauge, and Time Ticks.
Detailed descriptions are given in the MIB files.

TM 1513436 Rev. A 103

Appendix D Version History
Appendix D gives compatibility information in Table 7-5 about the released versions of EMS, OTS, and

D.1 Version History for EMS, OTS, and CMS

Table 7-5 provides information about all versions of EMS, OTS, and CMS that have been released to date,
and includes the appropriate version of the .mib files in the installation package.

Beginning with the release of EMS version 2.15.11, the associated system mib file included with that
application is named ems_system3000.mib.

Table 7-5 Version History for EMS, OTS, and CMS

EMS Version(s) nifMgmt.mib Build Date

EMS 7.06.18 nifMgmt.mib = 1.18 January 2012
EMS 7.07.13 nifMgmt.mib = 1.22 September 2013
EMS 8.01.04 nifMgmt.mib = 1.22a December 2014
EMS 8.05.03 nifMgmt.mib=1.23b September 2016
EMS 8.06.10 1.23c April 2017
EMS 8.07.07 1.24 December 2017
EMS 8.08.09 1.24c December 2018
EMS 8.09.02 nifMgmt.mib=1.24c August 2019

OTS Version(s) system3000.mib Build Date

OTS 7.09.13 Version 1.52 January 2012
OTS 7.16.14 Version 1.55 September 2013
OTS 8.01.05 Version 1.58 December 2014
OTS 8.06.05 Version 1.61c September 2016
OTS 8.08.08 Version 1.63 April 2017
OTS 8.10.10 Version 1.63d December 2017
OTS 8.11.19 Version 1.65 December 2018
OTS 8.12.03 Version 1.65 August 2019

CMS Version(s) N/A Build Date

CMS 7.09.15 N/A January 2012
CMS 7.17.11 NA September 2013
CMS 8.01.06 NA December 2014
CMS 8.06.06 NA September 2016
CMS 8.08.09 N/A April 2017
CMS 8.10.15 N/A December 2017
CMS 8.11.22 N/A December 2018
CMS 8.12.15 N/A January 2019

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Abbreviations, Acronyms and Glossary

Term Definition
AT Analog Transceiver or Transmitter

Attenuation Attenuation is the reduction of signal strength during transmission. It is the opposite of
amplification and is normal when a signal is sent from one point to another. If a signal
attenuates too much, it becomes unintelligible, which is why most networks require repeaters at
regular intervals. Attenuation is measured in decibels, dB.

BER Bit Error Rate. In a digital transmission, BER is the percentage of bits with errors divided by the
total number of bits that have been transmitted, received or processed over a given time period.
The rate is typically expressed as 10 to the negative power.

Cluster A cluster is a collection of nodes or VHubs that terminate in a single receiver in the

CMS Craft Management Software

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Cycle

CX CX300x Communications Controller for the CH3000 Chassis

DR Digital Receiver

DT Digital Transceiver or Transmitter

DWM Dense Wave Multiplexing

DWDM Dense Wave Division Multiplexing. DWDM is an optical technology used to increase bandwidth
over existing fiber optic backbones. It works by combining and transmitting multiple signals
simultaneously at different wavelengths on the same fiber. In effect, one fiber is transformed
into multiple virtual fibers.

EAD Ethernet Access Device

EMS Element Management Software

Firmware Firmware is a software program that is embedded in a hardware device; it is the programmable
content of the hardware device. The firmware in the flash memory chips used in certain
modules are designed to be updated through a software update.

Full Duplex Transmission of data in two directions at the same time/simultaneously.

GUI Graphical User Interface

Half Duplex Transmission of data is in one direction at a time.

I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit (Bus and Protocol)

LOF Loss of Frame

Loop Back A Loop Back is a communications channel with only one endpoint.

LOS Loss of Signal

MFN Mini Fiber Node

MIB Management Information Base. MIB is a type of database used to manage the devices in a

MUX (MUXING) In communication transmission systems, mux is an abbreviation for multiplexing, a device that
sends multiple signals on a carrier channel at the same time in the form of a single, complex
signal to another device that recovers the separate signals at the receiving end. The receiver is
sometimes called a demux. Muxing is the process.

TM 1513436 Rev. A 105

NI NI3030 Network Interface Module for the CH3000 Chassis
NIC Network Interface Card

Node A node is a group of related devices within the scope of a cluster.

OID Object Identifier. A numeric string that is used to uniquely identify an object

OSI (OSI Layers) Open System Interconnection. OSI is a networking framework for implementing protocols in
seven layers. Layer 1: Physical; Layer 2: Data link; Layer 3: Network; Layer 4: Transport; Layer
5: Application/Session; Layer 6: Presentation; Layer 7: Application.

OTS Opti-Trace Shelf

PC Personal Computer

PLL Phase Locked Loop. PLL a closed-loop feedback control system that generates and outputs a
signal in relation to the frequency and phase of an input (“reference") signal. A phase-locked
loop circuit responds to both the frequency and the phase of the input signals, automatically
raising or lowering the frequency of a controlled oscillator until it is matched to the reference in
both frequency and phase.

PS Power Supply

RF Radio Frequency

RS-232 A standard developed by the Electronic Industries Association that governs the interface
between data processing and data communications equipment, and is widely used to connect
computers via their serial port to peripheral devices.

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. SNMP is used by network management systems to
monitor network-attached devices for conditions that warrant administrative attention. It consists
of a set of standards for network management, including an Application Layer protocol (L7), a
database schema, and a set of data objects

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP is a standard for email transmissions across the internet.
It is a client-server protocol that specifies the recipient(s) of a message. An email client knows
the outgoing mail SMTP server from its configuration.

TDM Time Division Multiplexing. TDM is a method of putting multiple data streams in a single signal
by separating the signal into many segments, each having a very short duration. Each
individual data stream is reassembled at the receiving end based on the timing.

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a very simple file transfer protocol, with the functionality
of a very basic form of FTP; it was first defined in 1980.

Trap A program interrupt, usually an interrupt caused by some exceptional situation/event in the
user’s program. In most cases, the operating system performs some type of an action, and then
returns control to the program.

VCXO Voltage-Controlled Crystal Oscillator

VCXO is used when the frequency of operation needs to be finely adjusted.

Zone A zone is a grouping of NI3030x management modules and associated device clusters
according to geographical area, customer location, headend location, or any other criteria
defined by the network operator.

106 TM 1513436 Rev. A

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TM 1513436 Rev. A 107

Opti-Trace EMS v8.09.02 Installation and User Guide

Co rp orate H eadqu arters

AR RIS · Suwanee · G eo rgia · 30024 · USA
T: 1-678-473-2000 F: 1-678-473-8470
www.arris. co m

108 TM 1513436 Rev. A

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