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Case study 02

Golden Agri-Resources – Indonesia

Pursuing deforestation-free palm oil

through landscape partnerships
Agricultural lands occupy almost half
of the world’s land surface and a
further expansion is projected to
feed a global population expected
to reach 9 billion by 2050. The social
and economic contribution that
agriculture makes at both the
macro and micro levels is also well
documented: agriculture contributes
30% of the GDP in many low-income
countries and employs more than
2 billion people globally. Over 75%
of people living in poverty depend
on agriculture for their livelihoods.
Agri-business firms—local, national
and international—play major roles in
agricultural production and services.

As a significant land user, agri-business

also has a critical role to play in
holistic sustainable land management
that protects and maintains essential
ecosystem services and builds rural
community resilience. GAA and
EcoAgriculture Partners are working
together to identify and learn from a Piloting the Participative Conservation Planning (PCP) tool with villagers of the
Kapuas Hula district
selection of innovative regenerative
and restorative landscape partnerships
in which agri-business companies are
actively involved. These case studies Rationale GAR’s roles in landscape
will support us in our shared ambition partnerships
to better understand the agri-business Golden Agri-Resources (GAR) is among
perspective—their business rationale the world’s largest palm oil producers Recognizing the limited effectiveness
for landscape partnerships, with a total planted area of 500,000 of a desktop based top-down
institutional models, business and hectares across 45 plantations in approach to conservation planning
landscape benefits, and how to bring Sumatra and Kalimantan. In Kapuas and management, GAR sought to
success to scale. We welcome your Hulu district in West Kalimantan, a develop a more viable methodology
input and feedback. landscape of approximately 100,000 for implementing the High Carbon
hectares, GAR operates three Stock Approach (HCSA) for the Kapuas
Case studies are available at plantations that cover a total of 20,000 Hulu landscape together with its hectares and overlap with 14 village implementation partner The Forest
boundaries. The rest of the landscape Trust (TFT). To pilot-test a Participative
comprises forest areas, wetlands, Conservation Planning (PCP) tool,
agricultural areas and so-called ‘mixed the partners engaged village and
gardens’. In this landscape, GAR has government agency leaders as well as
pioneered efforts to comply with the local NGOs to ensure its suitability for
no-deforestation voluntary requirement applying with communities. Together,
Independent authors of the High Carbon Stock Approach the expanded group of partners
(HCSA). The commitment includes demonstrated the tool’s effectiveness
halting deforestation in village forests in identifying areas for protection,
inside and outside GARs plantation livelihoods and development by
boundaries. integrating conservation mapping with
participatory village mapping.
Case study 02 Pursuing deforestation-free palm oil Golden Agri-Resources – Indonesia
through landscape partnerships

They used the maps to negotiate with Actions and investments for
local councils to demarcate boundaries landscape sustainability
between use types, and eventually Golden Agri-Resources
create village level spatial plans that GAR also offers livelihood packages
were used to obtain regulatory approval to communities to help ensure the relies on partnerships
by local government. GAR and partners sustainability of the work force in light and has many,
then engaged other concession holders of palm oil mechanization trends that
in the neighbourhood to socialize the will lead to a reduced work force and
preferring to have the
process, securing their support and less employment over time. Families are flexibility to ensure they
agreement not to sabotage the process. offered training and support with inputs
To implement the approach across and market access for rubber plantation
are tailored to their
the 14 villages, GAR supports the local revitalization, organic farming, and needs, and can operate
communities to play leading roles.
The company has worked to
local fish breeding enterprises. In
addition GAR promotes the ‘plasma
strategically to get
ensure that local communities who things done.

palm’ scheme in which smallholder
participate in the plans acquire land cooperatives operate under GAR
tenure security, and can access a management to convert non forested
state infrastructure fund of about community land into productive
100,000,000 rupiah/year (approx. plantations through better agronomic
US$7,000). practices.

Benefits and successes

A vital benefit of employing the PCP
tool to planning for no-deforestation
Families are offered has been compliance with international
training and support Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)
guidelines. GAR’s participatory process,
with inputs and market which led to tenure security for villages,
access for rubber has engendered good relationships
with communities that will help ensure
plantation revitalization, GAR’s social license to operate well into
organic farming, and the future.
local fish breeding Golden Agri-Resources
Lessons learned and future
enterprises. For more details please contact


GAR relies on partnerships and has

The Global Agri-business Alliance
many, preferring to have the flexibility
The only multi-commodity, multi-geography,
to ensure they are tailored to their CEO-led platform for supply-side sector
needs, and can operate strategically to engagement and collective action: growers,
get things done. They have generally processor, traders, providers of finance and
avoided large multi-stakeholder inputs. Member companies have come
together to strengthen their contribution
platforms organized by government
to building sustainable landscapes and
agencies and NGOs. GAR foresees livelihoods. A time-bound initiative, GAA has
that in the future communities may its sights set firmly on 2030 and on making
request financial compensation for an additional contribution to the SDGs.
the maintenance of conservation The GAA does this by providing a platform for
engagement and collaborative action that
areas. In anticipation, GAR is engaging 1) scales best practice through peer learning
its customers to consider paying for 2) contributes to thought-leadership and
carbon offsets, with payments going 3) informs and influences emerging policies.
into village funds.
Global Agri-business Alliance,
World Business Council for Sustainable
Maison de la Paix
Chemin Eugaène-Rigot
1202 Genève
+41 22 839 31 00

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