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Question No.1

1. Sales $2,000,000

Cost of goods sold.

Finish goods inventory January 1’st $ 300,000

Cost of goods manufactured $ 1,900,000

Cost of goods available for use $2,200,000

Finished goods inventory, Dec 31 $600,000

Cost of goods sold $1,600,000

Gross profit 20% on sales $400,000

Question No.2
1. Direct Materials;

Material inventory, Dec 31 19A $176,000

Purchases $2,400,000

Transportation in $32,000

Material available for use $2,608,000

Less material inventory, Dec 31 19B $196,000

Direct material consumed $2,412,000

Direct labor $3,204,000

Factory overhead $1,885,600 0323-4708813

Total manufacturing cost $7,501,600

Add work in process $129,800


Less work in process $136,800

Cost of goods manufactured $7,494,600

Add finished goods, Dec 31, 19A $620,000

Cost of good available for sale $8,114,600

Less finished goods $467,400

Cost of goods sold $7,647,200

Question No.3 (1)

Ruthven Company
Cost of goods sold statement
For year ended Dec, 31 19...

Direct material;
Material inventory, Jan, 1, 19… $8,000
Purchase $36,000
Material available for use $44,000
Less material inventory, Dec, 31, 19… $8,500
Material consumed $35,500
Direct labor $15,000
F.O.H $10,000
Total manufacturing cost $60,500
Add work in process $8,000
Less work in process $15,000
Cost of goods manufactured $53,500
Add finish goods inventory $7,000
Cost of goods available for sale $60,500
Less finished goods $10,200
Cost of goods sold $50,300 0323-4708813

Question No.3 (2)

Ruthven Company
Income statement
For year ended Dec, 31 19...

Sales $72,000
Less C.G.S $50,300
Gross profit $21,700
Less expense;
Marketing expense $3,600
Administrative expense $720 $4,320
Income from operation $17,380
Less other expense $360
Income before income taxes $17,020

Question no. 4(1)

Crowley, Inc.
Income statement
For the month ended September 30, 19…

Sales $182,000
Les cost of goods manufactured and sold $111,000
Gross profit $ 71,000
Less expense;
Marketing expense $14,100
General & administrative expense $22,900 $ 37,000
Income before income taxes $ 34,000

Question no. 4(2)

Crowley, Inc.
Cost of goods manufactured & sold
For the month ended September 30, 19…

Direct material;
Material inventory, September.1 $7,000
Purchase $42,500
Material available for use $49,500 0323-4708813

Less material inventory, September, 30 $7,400

Material consumed $41,900
Direct labor $30,000
F.O.H (150% of direct labor cost) $45,000
Total manufacturing cost $116,900
Add work in process $9,600
Less work in process $13,000
Cost of goods manufactured $113,500
Add finished goods inventory, Sept, 1 $15,000
Cost of goods available for sale $128,500
Less finished goods inventory, Sept, 31 $17,500
Cost of goods sold $111,000

Question No. 5(1)

Income Statement
For the year ended December 31, 19…

Sales $314,000
Cost of goods sold;
Inventory, January 1, 19… $3,800
Purchase $140,000
Material available for use $143,800
Less inventory Dec.31 $4,300
Material consumed $139,500
Direct Labor $67,350
F.O.H $33,675
Total Manufacturing Cost $240,525
Add work in process inventory, January 1, 19… $4,600
Less work in process inventory, Dec. 31, 19… $6,200
Cost of goods manufactured $238,925
Add finished goods, January 1, 19… $5,900
Cost of goods available for sale $244,825
Less finished goods, December 31, 19… $9,270
Cost of goods sold $235,555
Gross Profit $78,445
Expenses; 0323-4708813

Marketing expenses $23,115

Administrative expenses $17,650 $40,765
Income before income taxes $37,680

Question No. 5(2)

The percentage of income to sales, before

income tax.
Income before income tax / Sales x 100

= 37,680/314,000 x 100

= 12%

Question No. 6

Cost of Goods Sold Statement

For the year ended December 31, 19…

Materials, January 1, 19… $88,000
Purchase $366,000
Freight on material purchased $6,600 $372,000
Material available for use $460,600
Less material inventory, Dec 31. $64,000
Material consumed $396,600
Direct Labor $523,600
F.O.H $572,800
Total manufacturing coat $ 1,493,000
Add work in process inventory, Jan. 1, 19… $29,800
$ 1,522,800
Less work in process inventory, Dec 31, 19… $38,800
Cost of goods sold manufactured $ 1,484,000
Add finished goods, Jan. 1 19… $44,200
Cost of goods available for sale $ 1,528,200
Less finished goods, Dec. 31 19… $66,000
Cost of goods sold $ 1,462,200

Question No. 7
Cost of Goods Sold Statement

Direct material;
Material Beginning inventory $ 90,000
Purchase $198,000
Material available for use $288,000
Less ending inventory $ 95,000
Direct material used $193,000
Direct Labor $224,000
F.O.H $167,000
Total manufacturing cost $584,000
Add work in process beginning inventory $ 70,000
Less work in process ending inventory $ 80,000
Cost of goods manufactured $574,000
Add finished goods beginning inventory $110,000
Cost of goods available for sale $684,000
Less finished goods ending inventory $ 95,000
Cost of good sol $589,000 0323-4708813

Question No. 8(1)

Cost of Goods Sold Statement
For the year ended March 31, 19…

Material used $440,000

Direct Labor $290,000
Factory overhead;
Indirect labor $46,000
Light & power $ 4,260
Depreciation $ 4,700
Repair to machinery $ 5,800 0323-4708813

Miscellaneous F.O.H $29,000

Total F.O.H $ 89,760
Total manufacturing cost $819,760
Add work in process, April 1, 19A $ 41,200
Less work in process March 31, 19B $ 42,500
Cost of goods manufactured $818,460
Add finished goods, April 1, 19A $ 34,300
Cost of goods available for sale $852,760
Less finish goods, March 31, 19B $ 31,500
Cost of goods sold $821,260

Question No. 8(2)

The units cost of goods manufactured

Cost of goods manufactured / units manufactured

= 818,460 / 18,000
= 45.47%

Question No. 8(3)

Actual F.O.H $89,760
Less Applied F.O.H (30% of direct labor, 290.000) $87,000
Under applied factory overhead $2,760

Question No. 10

Rate of return on capital employed =Net income / capital employed x 100

= 40,000 / 400,000 x 100
= 10%

Question No. 11
Sales (1,200,000 / 10 x 100) $12,000,000
Cost of goods sold $ 7,200,000
Gross profit (40% of 12,000,000) $ 4,800,000
Less expense: 0323-4708813

Marketing expense $1,800,000

General & administrative expense $1,762,500 $ 3,562,500
Income from operation $ 1,237,500
Other expense:
Interest expense (2,000,000 x 37.5% x 5%) $ 37,500
Income before income taxes $ 1,200,000

Question No. 12
Income Statement
For three month ended March 31, 19…
Sale $ 6,634000
Cost of goods sold;
Inventory, January 1.19… $268,000
Purchase $1,946,700
Material available for use $2,214,700
Less inventory, March 31 19… $167,000
Material consumed $2,047,000
Direct labor $2,125,800
Factory overhead $764,000
Cost of goods manufactured $4,937,500
Add finished goods, January 1 19… $43,000
Cost of goods available for sale $4,980,500
Less finished goods, March 31, 19... $79,000
Cost of goods sold $4,901,500
Gross profit $1,732,500
Commercial expense;
Marketing expense $516,000
General & administration expense $461,000 $977,000
Income before income taxes $755,500

Question No. 12(2)

Sales 12,400 units
Finished goods, March 31 200 units
Available for sale 12,600 units
Finished goods 100 units
Manufactured during period 12,5oo units

Question No. 12(3) 0323-4708813

Cost of goods manufactured / units manufactured

= 4,937,500 / 12,500
= 395/unit cost

Question No. 12(4)

Gross profit / units sold
= 1,732,500 / 12,400
= 139.718 gross profit per unit

Question No. 12(5)

Income before income taxes / units sold
= 755,500 / 12,400
= 60.927 income per unit

Question No. 12(6)

Gross profit / sales x 100
= 1,732,500 / 6,634,000 x 100
= 26.11%

Question No. 12(7)

Income before income taxes / sales x 100
= 755,500 / 6,634,000 x 100
= 11.39% 0323-4708813
9 0323-4708813

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