Ida Ayu Putu Indra Yani - 18C10034 - Efn 2 Tugas 2

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NIM : 18C10034

1. Conversations between nurse and patient in taking urine and feces sample.
Nurse : Good morning Sir.
Patient :Good morning Nurse.
Nurse : My name is Dayu the nurse on duty in this morning.
Patient : Okay Nurse.
Nurse : How are you feeling today?
Patient : I’am feeling good today Nurse.
Nurse : We need sample of your urine and feces.
Patient : Okay Nurse.
Nurse : Would you like to take urine and feces samples.
Patient : Yes Nurse.
Nurse : Can you get up and go to the bathroom to get the sample yourself?
Patient : Yes Nurse, but what I use to take samples?
Nurse : Put your urine and feces in this container separately.
Patient : Okay Nurse.
Nurse : After that place the container that contains your urine and feces, so that I can
take a sample.
Patient : Okay Nurse.
Nurse : You should wash your hands with soap in running water after taking a sample.
Patient : Okay Nurse.
Nurse : Okay, I will take this sample immediately to the laboratory .
Patient : Okay Nurse .
Nurse : Have a good rest and I’ll see you again later to check on your condition.
Patient : Okay Nurse, thank you.
Nurse : Your welcome sir.

2. Exercise slide 15
Write sentences using the word below :
1). Spit : You can spit in the bathroom.
2). Sputum : We need your sputum sample to be sent to the laboratory.
3). Phlegm : There seems to be blood on your phlegm.
4). Piss : Your piss will be tested in a laboratory.
5). Toilette : This hospital toilet is very clean.
Exercise slide 16
Arrange each of these jumbled words into a good sentence.
1). Can I have a sip of water during fasting?
2). I can not do well waterworks it is dribbled?
3). I should put where the feces sample
4). Will be what the procedure time done?
5). Can I get my result of the urinal test?

Exercise slide 17
What do you say to your patient?
1). Excuse me, introduce me doctor dayu, because mrs has to experience
diarrhea for 3 day agreed – so I will then carry out the procedure to
examine sputum sample.
2). Excuse me, I want to remind you that before endoscopic examination
you should rub your stomach for 12 hours.
3). I would like to ask for please for you to install the split samples into the
containers that i have provided to be able to do laboratory examination.
4). Can you take more feces samples and give them to me? Because your
previous sample is lacking.
5). I ask for help for you to take urine samples in the toilet which is next to
my laboratory.

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