Airport Adopts Civility Policy

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WHEREAS, the Greater Rockford Airport Authority operates the Chicago Rockford International

Airport. The Authority is a legal governmental entity formed under the Illinois Airport Authorities

Act (the "Airport") and govemed by a Board of seven (7) Commissioners who areappointed:

Three (3) by the Mayor of Rockford with advice and consent of the Rockford City


Two (2) by the Winnebago County Board Chairman with the advice and consent of the

Winnebago County Board;

One (1) by the Mayor of Loves Park with the advice and consent of the Loves Park City

Counsel; and

One (1) by the President of the Village of Machesney Park with the advice and consent

of the Machesney Park Board.

WHEREAS, it is the intention of the GRAA Board of Commissioners to adopt a formal policy

regarding appointments to the Board, the implementation of this policy and that all Airport Board

Members and Employees conduct themselves in a civil manner at all times when representing the


WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Airport is responsible for setting policies governing

the operations of the Airport.


1. The Airport takes and will continue to take no formal position with regard to any

potential appointment to this Board.

2. Each Airport Board Member and all Airport employees are to refrain from any

lobbying of the various appointing authorities as to any future appointment. The Board recognizes
also discourages any unsolicited private communication about these issues from Airport staff.

3. The Airporl Board will be receptive and responsive to requests for input from the

various appointing bodies or for factual information about Airport policy, procedures or operations

that they may request to assist them in the appointive process.

4. All communications from the Airport Board and Staff, with all our constituents, be

they Federal, State, Local, public or private, shall be civil in tone and manner. It is the Board

policy that the use of social media or other media should not be used to sidestep these resolutions.

5. The GRAA Board is gratified that qualified and diverse past appointments have

been made and has confidence that the appointing authorities will continue this historical pattern of

appointment. We look forward to working with anyone so appointed.

6. As soon as practicable and in any event no more than seven days, the Legal

Counsel for the Greater Rockford Airport shall conduct a meeting or meetings with all Senior Staff

of the Authority to fully advise them and educate them of the existence and meaning of the

directives contained in this resolution.


Paul R. Cicero, Chairman

Thomas Myers
Thomas Dal Santo
Patrick Agnew
Tonya Lamia
Leslie West

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