Inu 100 Unit 3 Review Simple Present

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INU 111 REVIEW OF PRESENT SIMPLE Total score: 41 points.

I.- Read the following text and answer the questions: (6 points)

“Hello. My name is Victoria Sánchez but everyone calls me Vicky. I’m from Valdivia, but I
live in Santiago. I’m 24 and I’m single. I work from Monday to Friday in an airline; I’m in
charge of selling tour packages. Also, I study tourism in the evenings. I usually get up very
early on weekdays, around 6:00 a.m. I start work at 8:00 and I finish at 1:30. I eat lunch
and leave for school. Usually by the end of the day I feel very tired, so I eat dinner, brush
my teeth and go straight to bed after the weather report. On weekends, I usually hang out
with my friends and take it easy. ”

1.-Where is she from? 2.- What does she do?

a) she’s from Valdivia a) she lives in Santiago
b) she’s from Santiago b) she studies and works
c) Yes, she is c) yes, she does

3.- What is Vicky? 4.- When does she work?

a) her middle name a) on weekends
b) her nickname b) everyday
c) her first name c) on weekdays

5.-What does she do on weeknights? 6.- Victoria’s weekends are:

a) she watches the forecast a) relaxing
b) she relaxes b) busy
c) she studies c) exhausting

II.- Imagine you’re having a conversation with Victoria. Fill in the gaps with the
missing information: (13 points)

Victoria: Hi, my name’s Victoria, ?

You: : Hi, I’m . Nice to meet you Victoria.
Victoria: too. What do you do?
You: I’m a . I study . What about you?
Victoria: I work for an airline. I’m a salesperson. I
You: How interesting!. Well, how do you like your job?
Victoria: I really like my job, I just love it!. So what kind of music ?
You: I like . I’m a big fan of .
Victoria: Really?.
You: any brothers or sisters?
Victoria: Yes, I have

V.- Complete the following sentences. Choose the correct alternative.(7 points)

1. Sarah gets up before 7:00 and usually milk and cereals

a) have b) haves c) has

2. A: ?
B: I just love my classes. They’re very interesting
a) How do you like your classes? b) do you like it? c) do you study?
3. John Foreign Trade
a) studyes b) studies c) study

4. A: Who’s that girl over there?

B: She’s the new student. Name’s Susan
a) his b) she c) her

5. My dad at a travel agency. He his job

a) is /love b) works /loves c) does / loves

6. dinner with your family?

a) do you have b) you have c) do have

7. Sam live with parents?

a) are/live b) do/lives c) does/live

III.- Use the information about the person in the picture, and write sentences. Don’t
forget to use final –s in the verb construction.(5 points)

William Henry Gates III. “Bill Gates”

57 years old
Chairman of Microsoft
Married to Melinda Gates
3 children
One of the world’s wealthiest person


IV.- Write a person in your family. Mention (10 points)

Example: My father’s name is….. He is a…..He works at…..

I.- Look at these pictures and write what they do and where they work.

1……………………… 2……………………
……………. ……………
…………… .....................................

3…………………… 4…………………
……….…. ………….
…………………… ……………………
…..……….. ……………………
…………………… ……………………
5…………………… 6……………………
………..… ……………………
……………………… ……………………
……..…… ……………………
……………………… ……………….

II. Choose the correct word or words:

7. What you do? 10. Mary T.V.

a) does a) always watches
b) do b) always watch
c) are c) watches always
d) is
8. Do you a coffee? 11. Tim math
a) have a) never study
b) like b) never studies
c) want c) studies never
d) has
9. Where go shopping? 12. A travel agent
a) you do a) usually plans trips
b) you b) never plans trips
c) do c) can’t plan trips
d) do you

III.- Circle the correct word that doesn’t belong

13. a) breakfast b) homework c) lunch d) dinner

14. a) photographer b) tour guide c) study d)
15. a) Monday b) always c) never d) sometimes
16. a) get up b) take a shower c) eat breakfast d) live

IV.- Complete the conversations with do-does-don’t-doesn’t

17. A: What you do? 18. A: Where Lisa live?
B: I’m a receptionist B: She lives in Atacama

19. A: your sister work? 20. A: What you eat for

B: No, she B: I usually have a sandwich

21. A: people in Chile eat fast-food? 22. A: What people

like to drink?
B: Yes, they B: Tea, they drink

23. A: How your mom get to work? 24. A: Where you

B: By bus, she have a car B: I study. I

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