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Final Examination
October 10-11, 2019

Name:_____________________________ Score:_______________
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8

I. Matching type: Match the words in Column B to the description in Column A.

_____1. An advertising objective that aims to create brand A. Persuasive advertising
awareness and knowledge of new products. B. Social Responsibility
_____2. An advertising objective that aims to create liking, C. Advertising
preference, conviction, and purchase of a product / service.
D. Reminder Advertising
_____3. An advertising objective that aims to stimulate
repeat purchase of product/service E. Informative advertising
_____4. An advertising objective that aims to convince
F. Reinforcement Advertising
current purchasers that they made the right choice. G. Sales Promotion
_____5. A key ingredient in marketing campaigns, consists of
a collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed
to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular
products / services by consumers or the trade.
_____6. The company’s mission to be responsive to social
needs by earmarking a part of its resources so that they may
be allocated for achieving social goals and tackling social

II. Classification: Classify the following types of advertising below to its appropriate classification.

º News Paper
º T.V
º Billboard
º Radio
º Showrooms
º Posters
º Electric displays
º Exhibitions
º Magazine
º Sales Letter
º Brochures
º Painted Displays

The ROOTS of education is bitter, but the fruit is SWEET

Outdoor Ad Indoor Ad Direct Ad Promotional Ad

III. Identification: Identify the following statements and indicate whether it represents the responsibility of a company
towards the Consumers, Shareholders, Community, Human Resource, Government, and Global Environment.

_______________1. To pay taxes and duties on time.

_______________2. To adhere to the conditions of such a global environment.
_______________3. To provide quality product at fair price.
_______________4. Provide a reasonable dividend.
_______________5. Transparency and access to required information.
_______________6. Taking appropriate steps to prevent environmental pollution & to preserve the ecological balance.
_______________7. Arrangements for proper training & education and development.
_______________8. Ensure product has no adverse effect.
_______________9. To develop infrastructure of country.
______________10. To cooperate with government in their social policies and programs

IV. Essay

1. What do you think is the social responsibility of a business towards the community?

2. If you were a business owner, what social responsibility will you give to the community?

The ROOTS of education is bitter, but the fruit is SWEET

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