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Mark K. Morales¹, CE, M.Sc.

Anna G. Bilaro2, MSCE
Emilio M. Morales3, MSCE

¹ PRC Licensed Civil Engineer; (M.Sc. GeoEngineering)

President, PGA-Earth Structure Solutions, Inc;
Technical Director, Philippine GeoAnalytics Inc.;
Technical Director, PGA-Geopier, Inc.;
PICE Accredited Geotechnical Specialist
Member, PICE Geotechnical Specialty Division
Senior Lecturer 1, University of the Philippines – Diliman, Institute of Civil Engineering (ICE);

PRC Licensed Civil Engineer; MSCE (Geotechnical Engineering)
Faculty, Bicol University, College of Engineering, Legazpi City;
Geotechnical Consultant, PGA-Earth Structure Solutions, Inc.

PRC Licensed Civil Engineer; MSCE (MSCE Structural and Geotechnical Engineering)
President, EM2A Partners and Company, Inc.;
President, Philippine GeoAnalytics, Inc.;
President, PGA-Geopier, Inc.;
PRC Licensed Civil Engineer; MSCE (Geotechnical Engineering) Engineer;
PICE Accredited Geotechnical Specialist;

Abstract: Uniaxial extruded HDPE geogrid-reinforced Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls and slopes are gaining
popularity locally as versatile alternatives to rigid gravity walls, and reinforced concrete retaining structures. Advances in
material sciences and technology, field and laboratory performance testing, as well as advanced computational methods have
all contributed to the development and commercial viability of this technology. With the recent push to increase infrastructure
outside of the congested urban centers, more construction works are being constructed in vast, wide open expanses of land.
Inevitably, there will be cases wherein the in-situ soils would not be strong enough to adequately support the additional loads
imposed by MSE structures. Given these, some form of ground improvement on the subsurface soils would be necessary for
such earth structures to have satisfactory short -and- long term performance. This paper contains several case histories of MSE
projects built in such areas where combinations of geotechnical issues exist.

Keywords : MSE Walls, slopes, stabilization, geosynthetic, ground improvement

walls in which the soil is reinforced by thin, artificial
1 INTRODUCTION reinforcing elements (steel, fabric, fibers, etc.) (Budhu,
These structures are normally utilized in retaining walls,
The reinforcement of soil has long been practiced in ancient steep fills, bridge abutments, seawalls, dikes, earth
times. Recent advances in construction technologies and embankments and the like. Although the basic principles
methodologies have brought about the manifestation of this of MSE have been used throughout history, MSE was
ancient soil stabilization technique into its current form, and developed in its current form in the 1960s and has slowly
new techniques continue to emerge and develop. These evolved into becoming one of the technologies of choice for
retaining structures play a vital role in stabilizing slopes retaining structures.
(FHWA, 2001). Geosynthetic-reinforced Mechanically
Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls are currently gaining
popularity as versatile alternatives to rigid gravity walls and
reinforced concrete retaining structures in construction
projects where there are soil retention and grade separation



2.1 History

The concept of soil reinforcement is really not that new

when you think about it. Ancient civilizations used
indigenous materials such as straw, branches, twigs, and Fig. 1 MSE wall with wrap-around facing (Photo courtesy of
plant fibers to reinforce soil. The added reinforcement E’GRID Geosynthetics)
provides tensile resistance to soil that is fairly weak in
tension but relatively strong in compression and shear.
2.3 MSE Reinforced Soil Concepts
Through soil reinforcement interface bonding, the
reinforcing materials restrain the lateral deformation of the MSE systems are defined by the reinforcement configuration,
surrounding soil, increases its confinement, and reduces its material used, extensibility of the reinforcement material,
tendency for dilation and as a result, increases the stiffness and the type of facing and connections (See Figure 2). It is
thereby also strengthening the soil mass (FHWA, 2001). somewhat analogous to reinforced concrete in that the
mechanical properties of the mass are improved by
In recent years, there has been a steady rise in the use of reinforcement placed parallel to the principal strain direction
these ductile earth structures in the Philippines. This can to compensate for the soil’s lack of tensile resistance
be attributed, in large part, to an increase in the comfort (FHWA, 2001).
of both the local construction and design communities in
the use of these robust yet cost-effective earth structures. MSE construction involves raising the slope or wall with
geogrids sandwiched in-between lifts of properly compacted
In the early days, long steel strips 2” to 5” wide were used as granular material and wrapped around the face to the
reinforcement. These strips are sometimes ribbed, to provide required slope angle. Using this technique produces safe
added frictional resistance. Steel meshes may also be used as earth structures which can be built to integrate into the local
reinforcement. Several types of geosynthetics can be used environment.
including geogrids and geotextiles.
The reinforcing geosynthetics can be made of high-density
polyethylene, polyester and other materials. These materials
may be ribbed and are available in various sizes and
strengths. There are several types of reinforcing materials
available for MSEs, with each type of reinforcing material
having its own set of pros and cons.
Advances in materials sciences technology, field and labo
ratory performance monitoring and modern computational
methods have also contributed greatly into the developme
nt and commercial viability of this once niche industry.

2.2 Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls

Typically, these MSE structures are gravity-type retaining Fig. 2 MSE wall main components (Image courtesy of

E’GRID Geosynthetics)

2.4 Design Principles and Considerations

Once it has been determined that an MSE wall is the

appropriate system for an earth retention or slope protection
project, several steps have to be taken to ensure a proper

These are:
a) determination of the wall or slope’s geometry
b) establishment of engineering properties of the in-situ soils
based on site exploration and testing,
c) determination of loads and hydrologic conditions,
d) hazard identification,
e) setting of performance criteria,
f) selection of reinforcement to be used (HDPE, steel, etc.)
g) selection of type facing to be used (vegetated, precast Fig. 3 Circular slip surface with overlying soil mass
concrete, polymer gabions, etc.) subdivided into vertical slices. (From Duncan & Wright,
internal stability analyses, 2005)
h) external stability analyses (bearing capacity, global slope
stability, etc.) The equations for the factor of safety calculations by both
i) detailing (internal and external drainage, connection/s, Ordinary Method of Slices and Simplified Bishop
below ground reinforcement, etc.) procedures are primarily based on the assumptions that the
only driving forces are due to the weight of the soil mass,
It is imperative that the designer have a firm grasp on the and the only resisting forces are those due to the shear
project’s specifics (i.e. loads, design height/s, slope strength of the soil.
geometry, in-situ soil parameters etc.) and required Oftentimes, there are additional known driving forces
performance criteria (i.e. allowable settlement, tolerances for involved such as slopes that have water adjacent to them or
tilt, compaction requirements, etc.) to come up with a robust slopes that support additional surcharge loads due to traffic
yet cost-effective design. and heavy equipment or stockpiled materials.

2.5 Stability Analyses Variations on the magnitudes of loads acting on slopes do

occur, and these, coupled with variations of the shear
There are many methods of finding the factor of safety of strengths of the in-situ soils with time, result in some
slopes under static and dynamic conditions. Typically, changes in the factors of safety of slopes. It is for this reason
design software programs use limit equilibrium-based that it is imperative that stability analyses corresponding to
methods of slices. Oftentimes, the problem involves several different loading conditions, with each iteration
statically indeterminate bodies and thus, iterative reflecting a specific scenario in the life of a slope, be
computation processes are necessary. These are quite tedious performed.
and cumbersome to solve by hand, hence, the use of
computer programs and design software is the preferred When an MSE’s external stability is being assessed, the
design route. The primary output for all of this being the structure is treated as a composite homogeneous soil mass
factor of safety of the structure under evaluation. The safety and the factor of safety is evaluated using slip surfaces
factor is equal to the available resisting moment, Mr, divided outside the stabilized soil mass. This stability evaluates the
by the actual driving moment, Md (See Equation 1). factor of safety against overturning, bearing capacity and
global stability.

(1) The internal stability of such structures should not be taken

for granted. There are methods that can adequately model
Some common methods for slope stability analysis, under the internal stability of these walls and check for potential
static loading condition for MSE structures are Janbu’s slip surfaces within the reinforced soil mass. There are also
method, Ordinary method of slices, and Bishop’s Method of methods that help determine the factor of safety against
slices (see Figure 1). In general, in these procedure of slices, tensile overstress of the geosynthetic, reinforcement pullout
a circular slip surface is assumed considering equilibrium of capacity and internal sliding.
moments about the center of the circle for the entire free
body composed of all slices. 3 GROUND IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES

With the recent push to increase infrastructure spending in geogrids, and a 1.0 m high wrap-around wall using E’Grid
undeveloped areas throughout the Philippine archipelago, 50R HDPE uniaxial geogrids. A geotextile separator was
more and more construction works of considerable size and incorporated in the design to prevent washing out of soils
scale are being constructed in vast expanses of land. It is from the structure.
inevitable that in some of these projects, some portions of
the MSE works would fall in areas with challenging Post Construction Observations
geotechnical and topographical conditions. There will be After Geopier ground improvement measures (Impact Piers
cases wherein the in-situ soils, in their natural state, would and GP3) were installed, the pace of the construction was
not be strong enough to adequately support the additional significantly faster as the base of the MSE was stabilized
loads imposed by these MSE structures. There will also be significantly and heavy machineries were able to enter to
cases wherein the heavy loads imposed by these earth proceed with earth moving works. Due to the alternating
structures would trigger settlement well beyond the construction sequence and the combination of geosynthetic
tolerances of these ductile structures. There have also been systems used, there were barely any signs of excessive
cases where these MSE structures are underlain by settlement or tilting on the wall face even years after its
liquefiable ground. It is in these instances that some form of construction.
ground improvement on the subsurface soils would be
necessary for such earth structures to have satisfactory short- 4.2 Case Study 2 – Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE)
term and long-term performance. Wall for an Industrial Facility

4 CASE STUDIES This sample case is a seaward land reclamation project for
an industrial plant facility with heavily loaded process
This paper contains several case histories of MSE projects structures. The industrial plant facility is located within a
built in such areas where a combination of two or more petrochemical complex in Batangas. The site is sitting in a
engineering issues (slope stability, erosion, bearing capacity, hilly terrain fronting Batangas Bay to the West. Areas are
liquefaction, excessive settlement, topographic constraints, predominantly filled up as the general area was reclaimed
etc.) exist. The design analyses and construction of these from the sea. The resulting maximum average reclaimed fill
composite systems will likewise be discussed. height is approximately 19.0 meters.

4.1 Case Study 1- Design and Build of Slope Protection Issues and Challenges
Works in Metro Manila Owing to the peculiar location of the project site, and the
reclamation activities to be conducted, flooding, scouring,
The first sample case presented herein is a design and build slope instability, settlement and seismic issues were
project for a private development in Metro Manila requiring identified as problems that need to be addressed. The soil
a 1.5km long earth retaining structure and 200+m of two- investigation conducted shows that the subsurface soils
sided creek bank protection. (approximately 1.0 to 11.0-meter depth) were generally
relatively poor to medium in density. The relatively poor
Issues and Challenges underlying soils would have been both highly compressible
The biggest challenge for this project is the difficulty in and subject to large deformations during shaking from a
working in the project site due to space constraints, weak large earthquake event. The deformations would be beyond
and unstable soils, plus the need to accomplish the work tolerable limits. The proposed embankment needs to be
within a tight time frame. During the construction phase, the supported on either piles or improved ground. Also, there
monsoon season was fast approaching, and creek protection was a sand layer near the riverbed that was potentially
works along the creek had to be completed at least up liquefiable.
somewhere slightly above the mean flood level so that
construction works could be undertaken continuously. Design Solution
After evaluating the results of the analyses, a complex slope
Additionally, during the start of the excavation works, it was with an E’Grid Polymer Gabion-faced bottom tier MSE and
found out that the soils along the creek had both liquefiable a Green-Faced E’Grid RSS using 65R, 90R and 130R
and highly compressible layers. E’Grid uniaxial geogrids was designed. The complex slope
has a total height of 19.0 m (6.0 m E’Grid Polymer Gabion
Design Solution Wall + 13.0 m Vegetated Wall). Impact Piers were installed
The perimeter wall was protected by an MSE Wall using as ground improvement measures to increase the shear
E’Grid 50R HDPE uniaxial geogrids and polymer gabions strength of foundation soils, minimize differential settlement
using E’Grid 3030 PP biaxial geogrids. The facing of the and reduce the risk of possible large seismically induced
wall was vegetated to render the wall more aesthetically deformations.
4.3 Case Study 3 – Geogrid-Reinforced Mechanically
The creek bank was protected by a 2.0m high polymer Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall with ESS-Shield Precast
gabion mattress (106m both sides) using 3030 E’Grid biaxial Panel Facing supported by Rammed Aggregate Piers

This sample case project features a geosynthetic- In summary:
reinforced MSE Wall with pre-cast concrete panel • The modern application of soil reinforcement began
facing elements supported by Geopier Impact piers for as early as the 1960s.
a toll road in Metro Manila. • MSE walls and slopes have slowly started to gain
ground locally as the system of choice for earth
Historically, the backfill of pre-cast concrete panel- retention projects due to their relative lower costs
faced MSE walls have been typically reinforced by and inherent ductility.
metal strips. Metal strips have at times been observed • MSE walls come in different shapes and sizes, with
to eventually corrode (even when coated with a thin different reinforcements and facing elements.
rust protection material). This corrosion is especially • Proper compaction of properly selected backfill
worrisome if it happens at the point of connection soils though very important is often overlooked.
between the facing element and the soil reinforcement • Detailing is key for long-term stability.
strip. • MSE walls can be used in a myriad of situations,
under varying geotechnical and topographic
Recent advances in materials and manufacturing conditions. If designed properly (and with the help
technology have made it possible to reinforce MSE of ground improvement measures), these can still
fills with HDPE geogrids. Geogrids are ideal for this be built in areas underlain by soft soils or steep
particular application as these will not corrode nor slopes.
degrade due to the chemical attack of the concrete and • Analyze and evaluate more than one mode of
the backfill material. Geogrids also provide a larger failure when assessing the internal and external
amount of soil coverage within the reinforced zone. stability of reinforced walls and slopes.
• The use of Geopier Rammed Aggregate Piers as
Issues and Challenges ground improvement measures for MSE walls and
During the construction of the MSE wall, it was found out slopes underlain by compressible or liquefiable
that there were pockets of weak, compressible material that ground proved to be effective in several instances.
could cause potential excessive settlement of the structure. If
left untreated, these weak soils could also potentially cause ACKNOWLEDGMENT
slope instability.
The authors wish to acknowledge with gratitude the
After conducting confirmatory borings to verify the initial Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers for this opportunity to
observations from the foundation excavation works, it was contribute to the local geotechnical engineering field and to
deemed that the subsurface soils for that particular part of share knowledge to fellow Filipino civil engineers. Also,
the project was in fact weak as initially suspected. Using the thanks go out to members of the PGATECH Group of
updated soil parameters, the designer’s stability analyses Companies, E’GRID Geogrids, and Geopier Foundation
yielded unsatisfactory factors of safety for both static and Company (USA) for sharing their resources and providing
seismic conditions making ground improvement necessary. key technical information used in this paper.

Design Solution
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