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Course Name University Name Course URL Course Description

This course is all about data and how it is critical to the success of your
applied machine learning model. Completing this course will give learners
the skills to:\nUnderstand the critical elements of data in the learning,
training and operation phases\nUnderstand biases and sources of
data\nImplement techniques to improve the generality of your
model\nExplain the consequences of overfitting and identify mitigation
measures\nImplement appropriate test and validation
measures.\nDemonstrate how the accuracy of your model can be improved
Alberta Machine Intelligence
Data for Machine Learning with thoughtful feature engineering.\nExplore the impact of the algorithm
Institute learning
parameters on model strength\n\nTo be successful in this course, you
should have at least beginner-level background in Python programming
(e.g., be able to read and code trace existing code, be comfortable with
conditionals, loops, variables, lists, dictionaries and arrays). You should
have a basic understanding of linear algebra (vector notation) and statistics
(probability distributions and mean/median/mode).\n\nThis is the third
course of the Applied Machine Learning Specialization brought to you by
Coursera and the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute.
This course is for professionals who have heard the buzz around machine
learning and want to apply machine learning to data analysis and
automation. Whether finance, medicine, engineering, business or other
domains, this course will introduce you to problem definition and data
preparation in a machine learning project.\n\nBy the end of the course, you
Alberta Machine Intelligence will be able to clearly define a machine learning problem using two
Introduction to Applied Machine Learning
Institute applied approaches. You will learn to survey available data resources and identify
potential ML applications. You will learn to take a business need and turn it
into a machine learning application. You will prepare data for effective
machine learning applications.\n\nThis is the first course of the Applied
Machine Learning Specialization brought to you by Coursera and the
Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute.
This course takes you from understanding the fundamentals of a machine
learning project. Learners will understand and implement supervised
learning techniques on real case studies to analyze business case
scenarios where decision trees, k-nearest neighbours and support vector
machines are optimally used. Learners will also gain skills to contrast the
practical consequences of different data preparation steps and describe
Machine Learning Algorithms: Supervised Alberta Machine Intelligence common production issues in applied ML.\n\nTo be successful, you should
Learning Tip to Tail Institute classification-algorithms have at least beginner-level background in Python programming (e.g., be
able to read and code trace existing code, be comfortable with conditionals,
loops, variables, lists, dictionaries and arrays). You should have a basic
understanding of linear algebra (vector notation) and statistics (probability
distributions and mean/median/mode).\n\nThis is the second course of the
Applied Machine Learning Specialization brought to you by Coursera and
the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute.
This course synthesizes everything your have learned in the applied
machine learning specialization. You will now walk through a complete
machine learning project to prepare a machine learning maintenance
roadmap. You will understand and analyze how to deal with changing data.
You will also be able to identify and interpret potential unintended effects in
your project. You will understand and define procedures to operationalize
and maintain your applied machine learning model. By the end of this
course you will have all the tools and understanding you need to confidently
Alberta Machine Intelligence
Optimizing Machine Learning Performance roll out a machine learning project and prepare to optimize it in your
Institute learning-model-performance
business context. \n\nTo be successful, you should have at least beginner-
level background in Python programming (e.g., be able to read and code
trace existing code, be comfortable with conditionals, loops, variables, lists,
dictionaries and arrays). You should have a basic understanding of linear
algebra (vector notation) and statistics (probability distributions and
mean/median/mode).\n\nThis is the final course of the Applied Machine
Learning Specialization brought to you by Coursera and the Alberta
Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii).

This course provides an overview of Computer Vision (CV), Machine

Learning (ML) with Amazon Web Services (AWS), and how to build and
train a CV model using the Apache MXNet and GluonCV toolkit. The course
discusses artificial neural networks and other deep learning concepts, then
walks through how to combine neural network building blocks into complete
computer vision models and train them efficiently. \n \nThis course covers
AWS services and frameworks including Amazon Rekognition, Amazon
SageMaker, Amazon SageMaker GroundTruth, and Amazon SageMaker
Neo, AWS Deep Learning AMIs via Amazon EC2, AWS Deep Learning
Containers, and Apache MXNet on AWS. The course is comprised of video
lectures, hands-on exercise guides, demonstrations, and quizzes.\n \nEach
week will focus on different aspects of computer vision with GluonCV. In
week one, we will present some basic concepts in computer vision, discuss
what tasks can be solved with GluonCV and go over the benefits of Apache
AWS Computer Vision: Getting Started with
Amazon Web Services MXNet.\n \nIn the second week, we will focus on the AWS services most
GluonCV vision-gluoncv
appropriate to your task. We will use services such as Amazon Rekognition
and Amazon SageMaker. We’ll review the differences between AWS Deep
Learning AMIs and Deep Learning containers. Finally, there are
demonstrations on how to set up each of the services covered in this
module. \n \nWeek three will focus on setting up GluonCV and MXNet. We
will look at using pre-trained models for classification, detection and
segmentation. \n \nDuring week four and five, we will go over the
fundamentals of Gluon, the easy-to-use high-level API for MXNet:
understanding when to use different Gluon blocks, how to combine those
blocks into complete models, constructing datasets, and writing a complete
training loop. \n \nIn the final week, there will be a final project where you
will apply everything you’ve learned in the course so far: select the
appropriate pre-trained GluonCV model, apply that model to your dataset
and visualize the output of your GluonCV model.
Through presentations, demonstrations, and readings, this course will
introduce security concepts for use with Amazon Web Services (AWS).
\n\nEach week will focus on different aspects of security on AWS. In week
one we will review some basic concepts such as "least privilege" and the
"shared security model". You will learn about AWS compliance programs,
and look at securing AWS accounts using AWS IAM. \n\nIn the second
week, we will focus on securing your infrastructure. We will look at network
isolation and endpoint security. We will then look at detective controls such as Amazon Cloudtrail and AWS Cloudtrail as well as the AWS Security
AWS Fundamentals: Addressing Security Risk Amazon Web Services
addressing-security-risk Hub, Amazon GuardDuty and AWS Config.\n\nWeek three will focus on
data protection. We will look at encryption of data at rest, in motion, and
best practices for how to store data within and between various AWS
services.\n\nIn the final week of the course, we will look at protecting
compute resources such as Amazon EC2 and AWS Lambda as well as
managing secrets and finish off the course with a look at the AWS Well-
Architected Framework.\n\nClass forums will also allow you to ask
questions and interact with AWS training instructors.\n\nThis course has
been developed by AWS, and is delivered by AWS Solutions Architects.

This course will introduce you to Amazon Web Services (AWS) serverless
architecture. Through demonstrations and hands-on exercises you'll learn
skills in building and deploying serverless solutions. \n\nUsing real-world
examples of a serverless website and chat bot, you'll build upon your
existing knowledge of the AWS cloud to take advantage of the benefits of
modern architectures for greater agility, innovation, and lower total cost of
ownership across a range of AWS services, including AWS Lambda,
Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Lex.\n\nIn this
AWS Fundamentals: Building Serverless
Amazon Web Services course, you'll have the option to complete hands-on exercises. We strongly
Applications building-serverless-applications
suggest you take advantage of the AWS Free Tier to follow the lab
exercises provided by throughout the course. Be aware that any services
used outside of the free tier may result in you incurring charges through
your AWS account. Class forums will also allow you to ask questions and
interact with AWS training instructors. After completing this course, you'll
have the knowledge and skills to build serverless solutions on AWS.
\n\nThis course has been developed by AWS, and is delivered by AWS
technical instructors who teach cloud computing courses around the globe.
This course will introduce you to Amazon Web Services (AWS) core
services and infrastructure. Through demonstrations you'll learn how to use
and configure AWS services to deploy and host a cloud-native application.
\n\nEarly in the course, your AWS instructors will discuss how the AWS
cloud infrastructure is built, walk you through Amazon Elastic Compute
Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Lightsail compute services. They'll also
introduce you to networking on AWS, including how to set up Amazon
Virtual Public Cloud (VPC) and different cloud storage options, including
Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
and Amazon Elastic File Service (EFS). Later in the course you'll learn
about AWS Database services, such as Amazon Relational Database
AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud-Native Amazon Web Services Service (RDS) and Amazon DynomoDB. Your instructors will also walk you
through how to monitor and scale you application on AWS using Amazon
CloudWatch and Amazon EC2 Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) and Auto
Scaling. Lastly, you'll learn about security on AWS, as well as how to
manage costs when using the AWS cloud platform. \n\nIn this course, you
won't be required to complete hands-on exercises, but we strongly suggest
you take advantage of the AWS Free Tier to follow along as the instructors
demonstrate the AWS services. Class forums will also allow you to ask
questions and interact with AWS training instructors. After completing this
course, you'll have the basic fundamentals to get started on AWS. \n\nThis
course has been developed by AWS, and is delivered by AWS technical
instructors who teach cloud computing courses around the globe.

This four week course focuses on migrating workloads to AWS. We will

focus on analyzing your current environment, planning your
migration, AWS services that are commonly used during your
migration, and the actual migration steps. \n\nHands-on labs are available,
though not required for this class. Access to the labs is limited to paid
enrolled students. You can audit this course without taking the labs. As
AWS Fundamentals: Migrating to the Cloud Amazon Web Services we dive into each of the services covered in this class, there will be links to
documentation where you can find example applications and code
samples.\n\nIf you are new to AWS, we strongly suggest that you take
“AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud Native”
course available on Coursera to provide an introduction to AWS concepts
and services.
Machine learning (ML) is one of the fastest growing areas in technology and
a highly sought after skillset in today’s job market. The World Economic
Forum states the growth of artificial intelligence (AI) could create 58 million
net new jobs in the next few years, yet it’s estimated that currently there are
300,000 AI engineers worldwide, but millions are needed. This means there
is a unique and immediate opportunity for you to get started with learning the essential ML concepts that are used to build AI applications – no matter
Getting Started with AWS Machine Learning Amazon Web Services
learning what your skill levels are. Learning the foundations of ML now, will help you
keep pace with this growth, expand your skills and even help advance your
career. \n\nThis course will teach you how to get started with AWS Machine
Learning. Key topics include: Machine Learning on AWS, Computer Vision
on AWS, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) on AWS. Each topic
consists of several modules deep-diving into variety of ML concepts, AWS
services as well as insights from experts to put the concepts into practice.

This course is an introduction to ecology and ecosystem dynamics using a

systems thinking lens. Through a case study on Mozambique's Gorongosa
National Park, learners will explore how scientists study ecosystems, and
American Museum of Natural investigate the complex array of factors that inform management efforts. At
Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation
History conservation the end of the course, learners will be able to grapple with real-world
conservation questions, such as whether an ecosystem can recover from
anthropogenic disruption and what role humans can, and should, play in
that recovery.
How are all of the species living on Earth today related? How does
understanding evolutionary science contribute to our well-being? In this
American Museum of Natural
Evolution: A Course for Educators course, participants will learn about evolutionary relationships, population
genetics, and natural and artificial selection. Participants will explore
evolutionary science and learn how to integrate it into their classrooms.
How have advances in genetics affected society? What do we need to
know to make ethical decisions about genetic technologies? This course
American Museum of Natural includes the study of cloning, genetic enhancement, and ownership of
Genetics and Society: A Course for Educators
History genetic information. Course participants will acquire the tools to explore the
ethics of modern genetics and learn how to integrate these issues into their
Our Earth’s Future is about the science of climate change and how to talk
about it. You will learn from scientists in the fields of climatology,
oceanography, Earth science, and anthropology who study how climate
change is affecting people, populations, and ways of life. Explore the
American Museum of Natural
Our Earth's Future multiple lines of evidence for the human-induced climate change that is
happening today, and consider what that means for the future of our planet.
At the end of this course you will be able to understand key scientific
principles, identify and address misconceptions, and contribute confidently
to conversations about climate change.
The AMNH course The Dynamic Earth: A Course for Educators provides
students with an overview of the origin and evolution of the Earth. Informed
by the recently released Next Generation Science Standards, this course
examines geological time scales, radiometric dating, and how scientists
“read the rocks.” We will explore dramatic changes in the Earth over the last
American Museum of Natural
The Dynamic Earth: A Course for Educators 4 billion years, including how the evolution of life on Earth has affected its
atmosphere. In addition to looking at geology on a global scale, participants
will take to their own backyards to explore and share their local geologic
history. Course participants will bring their understanding of the dynamic
Earth - along with content resources, discussion questions, and
assignments - into their own teaching.
What promise do stem cells hold for the treatment of medical conditions? In
this five-part online course you will explore the history and basic biology of
stem cells, learn about new research techniques, and find out how stem
cells could lead to cures for diseases and to individualized medicine. You
American Museum of Natural
The Science of Stem Cells will hear from Museum scientists, medical researchers at the frontiers of the
field, and a panel of bioethics experts who will address the ethical
implications of stem cell research and therapy. Learn what has already
been accomplished, what challenges remain, and what medical
breakthroughs may lie ahead.
In this course, you will learn how to design assessments around the needs
of your ELL students and their language level. You will learn how to
incorporate language and content requirements for both formative and
summative assessment types. You will learn to assess your ELL students
through the use of project and task-based assignments. You will learn to
use and modify rubrics to align to and measure student achievement of
your language and content learning objectives. The course will also briefly
cover strategies for supporting ELL students during standardized testing.
Assessing Achievement with the ELL in Mind Arizona State University \n\nUpon completing this course, you will be able to:\n * Conceptualize
theories of authentic assessment as they apply to second language
learners\n * Design formative assessment types incorporating language
and content objectives\n * Design summative assessment types
incorporating language and content objectives\n * Incorporate project and
task-based assignments as assessment tools for ELLs\n * Design rubrics
that align to language and content objectives for your ELL(s)\n * Apply the
use of rubrics, both language and content, to the work of your ELL(s). \n *
Support your ELL(s) as they participate in standardized testing

A common necessity among business professionals who are new to an

international work environment is the ability to create a plan of action to
launch a new product. In this task, one has to communicate with many
different departments within a company including finance and marketing. In
this capstone project, you will create a plan of action to launch a new product. This plan will include:\n· A project status report\n· A copy of
Business English: Final Project Arizona State University
project the marketing campaign\n· A basic budget analysis for the project\n·
A short presentation for upper management with details on the project’s
status\n \nThis project will give you the opportunity to apply your English
skills learned in the courses to develop a useful document for your current
job or a document that you could use as an example to demonstrate your
new abilities and skills.
Do you work in finance or interact with finance professionals? Is it
necessary to speak, write or understand English in your career? Follow the
authentic characters in this course as they work through common business
situations in finance and economics. Learn from your successes and failure,
and think critically about your own communication options. After taking this course, you will be able to read and create efficient e-mails, reports, and
Business English: Finance and Economics Arizona State University
english impactful presentations with words and phrases commonly used in finance
and economics. Communicate clearly under pressure utilizing recently
learned strategies, and obtain immediate feedback about the efficiency of
your business communication skills in English from other finance
professionals around the world! Gain the English communication skills that
you desire and that global managers expect.
Are you a business executive or a manager who uses English in your
career? Then you know that good business communication in English
requires focus, vocabulary, and specific linguistic structures. In this course,
you will follow along a recently promoted manager as she builds and leads
her team to success. Together, you will practice the language and styles of communication needed in English for\n•\tRecruiting and training a
Business English: Management and Leadership Arizona State University
leadership-english professional team to work together with integrity and respect\n•\tManaging
and participating in well-organized meetings\n•\tMaking telephone
conferences more efficient\n•\tWriting professional emails that are easy to
read\nThe activities in this course will give you the opportunity to share your
experience and receive immediate feedback from other business
professionals around the world.
If you work in marketing, sales, or advertising, you already know that
effective communication is a requirement. This can be even more difficult
when expressing your ideas in a persuasive manner in English. In this
course, you will learn to use English more efficiently while joining successful
global professionals around the world. Develop your skills along with
authentic characters that work in marketing and also work hard to improve
their communication skills. Learn from your successes and failures, reflect on your own style, strengths, and improvement areas. After taking this
Business English: Marketing and Sales Arizona State University
english course, you will be able to:\n· Express your ideas through efficient
emails, reports and persuasive presentations\n· Learn words and
phrases related to market research, branding, direct marketing, advertising
costs, etc.\n· Get instant feedback about the efficiency of your business
communication skills in English from sales and marketing professionals
from around the world\n· Become part of a global community of
business professionals who are developing their English communication
Este es el primer curso del Programa Especializado Chino básico para
hispanohablantes: lenguaje y cultura empresarial. Este curso sirve como
una introducción al idioma chino. En este curso, los aprendices se
familiarizarán con los conceptos más básicos del idioma, como el alfabeto
Chino básico: Cómo dar una primera impresión Pinyin, los números, los saludos, cómo presentarse, las palabras y frases
Arizona State University
positiva impresion comunes, conversaciones cotidianas sobre la familia y los gustos, e
información cultural acerca de los temas mencionados. No es
recomendable saltar cursos porque los tres cursos de este Programa
Especializado fueron diseñados para tomarse uno tras otro, ya que integran
el conocimiento previo.
El segundo curso del Programa Especializado Chino básico para
hispanohablantes: lenguaje y cultura empresarial tiene un enfoque en el
lenguaje que se puede usar en posibles situaciones profesionales. Antes
de aprender este lenguaje, se repasará la información aprendida el en
Chino básico: La etiqueta social en los negocios Arizona State University curso anterior. Para poder entender bien el contenido de este curso, es
necesario que el aprendiz tome el primer curso antes de entrar en este. En
este segundo curso, se aprende el vocabulario y las frases para hablar de
los títulos universitarios, los trabajos, los títulos profesionales, describir las
responsabilidades en el trabajo, hacer citas por teléfono, y más.
El tercer curso del Programa Especializado Chino básico para
hispanohablantes: lenguaje y cultura empresarial es el último curso del
Programa Especializado, y tiene un enfoque en el lenguaje que se usaría
en un viaje a la China. Como la información aprendida en los dos cursos
Chino básico: Los viajes de negocios Arizona State University anteriores está integrada al contenido de este, es recomendable que el
aprendiz termine los primeros dos cursos antes de tomar este. En este
último curso del Programa Especializado, aprenderán como pedir comida
en un restaurant, darle direcciones a un taxista, registrarse en un hotel y
Big Data analytics tools are increasingly critical for providing meaningful
information for making better business decisions.\nBig data technologies
bring significant cost advantages when it comes to storing and managing
Data in Database Arizona State University large amounts of data. Understanding how to query a database to extract
data will empower better analysis of large, complex datasets. Knowledge of
Indexing mechanisms makes possible high-speed, selective retrieval of
large amounts of information.
As teachers, it is so important to have a plethora of resources to draw upon
for modification for specific students and classroom contexts. In this
capstone project, you are tasked with applying the concepts learned
throughout the specialization, to create your own toolbox designed with the
ELL in Mind. \n\nIn this two-part capstone, you will first create an annotated
lesson plan comprising both formative and summative assessments. The
lesson plan will include any modified materials for ELLs such as graphic
organizers or writing frames pertinent to the lesson's activities. The
annotation will include a rationale for lesson elements based on information
presented in Lesson Planning with the ELL in Mind and Assessing
Achievement with the ELL in Mind. \n\nSecond, you will use your checklist
of resources, personalized to your school and community, to create an
engagement plan of action. This should include specific milestones for
creating a more engaging environment for your students and their families.
You will also include a rationale for elements of engagement based on
ELL Success in the Content Classroom: Capstone
Arizona State University information presented in Engaging the ELL and Their Families in the School
and Community.\n\nIn this capstone, you will create a personalized toolbox
for ELL success in the content classroom. \n\nThis toolbox will include:\n *
Annotated Lesson Plan\n - Modified Materials\n - Formative and
Summative Assessment\n - Lesson Plan and Materials Rationale\n *
Engagement Action Plan and Rationale\n\nThe materials created in this
project should be immediately useful in your classroom. Your capstone
project should be tailored to your teaching context, content area, and
students. \n\nBy the end of this course, you will be able to:\n * Design a
lesson plan with attention to the needs of your ELLs\n * Create
appropriate modified materials to support your ELLs\n * Create formative
and summative assessments to measure both content mastery and
language development as specified by \n your lesson plan's learning
and language objectives\n * Rationalize your application of selected
methodologies\n * Create and implement an engagement action plan
specified for your teaching context
In this course, you will learn how to better and more successfully engage
your ELL(s) and their families in the school and community. You will learn
how to engage your ELL student in the classroom setting as well as in
various aspects of the school including extracurricular activities and the
inner workings of the school and education system. You will also be
introduced to strategies for engaging the families of your ELL students in
the school community and the wider community of your city and state. You
will interact with a variety of case studies that highlight teachers, schools,
and communities in different cities throughout the United States and the
ways in which they successfully engage ELLs and their families. From
Engaging ELLs and Their Families in the School
Arizona State University sharing their experience, you will have the tools necessary to implement
and Community
strategies and procedures for engaging your ELLs and their families.
\n\nUpon completing this course, you will be able to:\n * Define the
culture of ELLs in K-12 classrooms across the U.S.\n * Recognize
cultural impact on learning and formal education \n * Assess your
school’s engagement of ELLs and their families\n * Incorporate
culturally sensitive techniques to engage ELLs in the classroom and school
\n * Implement strategies for engaging ELLs’ families in the school and
larger community \n * Design a plan for engagement of ELLs and their
families in your school \n * Create a checklist for school and community
resources for engaging ELLs and \n their families
¿Qué es el diseño? ¿Qué hacen los diseñadores para practicar su arte y
que crean? ¿Qué importancia tiene el diseño de las corporaciones en la
sociedad y la cultura? ¿Quiénes son algunos de los diseñadores más
importantes de nuestra época y que han hecho? ¿Cómo uno puede
convertirse en diseñador? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que
exploraremos en este cuso introductorio de diseño. Con frecuencia se ha
descrito el diseño como solución de problemas, el proceso de convertir las
ideas en realidad o los medios, mediante los cuales podemos hacer que el
Entender el diseño Arizona State University mundo sea un lugar mejor. En este curso, hablaremos de una variedad de
definiciones de diseño, la naturaleza del proceso de diseño y formas de
práctica de diseño como el diseño de productos, diseño de experiencia de
usuario, diseño gráfico, diseño interior y diseño de modas. Hablaremos de
estos temas mediante los análisis de casos de varias cosas icónicas y
cotidianas que nos rodean. \n\nEste curso le ayudará a entender tales
conceptos como el pensamiento creativo, estrategia de diseño,
investigación de diseño, y el proceso del diseño para que los aplique a su
propio trabajo.
If you work in marketing, sales, or advertising, you already know that
effective communication is a requirement. This can be even more difficult
when expressing your ideas in a persuasive manner in English. In this
course, you will learn to use English more efficiently while joining successful
global professionals around the world. Develop your skills along with
authentic characters that work in marketing and also work hard to improve
their communication skills. Learn from your successes and failures, reflect
on your own style, strengths, and improvement areas. After taking this
course, you will be able to:\n· Express your ideas through efficient
emails, reports and persuasive presentations\n· Learn words and
phrases related to market research, branding, direct marketing, advertising
costs, etc.\n· Get instant feedback about the efficiency of your business
communication skills in English from sales and marketing professionals
from around the world\n· Become part of a global community of
business professionals who are developing their English communication
skills\n\nSi Ud. trabaja en el marketing, las ventas, o la publicidad, ya sabe
Inglés Empresarial: el márketing y ventas Arizona State University que la comunicación efectiva es un requisito del trabajo. Esto se hace aún
más difícil cuando se trata de expresar sus ideas de manera persuasiva en
inglés. En este curso, Ud. aprenderá a utilizar el inglés con mayor eficacia,
uniéndose a los profesionales globales exitosos en todo el mundo. Ud.
también desarrollará sus habilidades, junto con personajes auténticos
quienes trabajan en marketing que también se esfuerzan para mejorar sus
habilidades de comunicación. Finalmente, aprenderá de sus éxitos y
fracasos, y reflexionara sobre su propio estilo, puntos fuertes y áreas de
mejoramiento. Después de tomar este curso usted será capaz de\n·
Expresar sus ideas a través de correos electrónicos eficaces, informes y
presentaciones persuasivas.\n· Aprender palabras y frases
relacionadas con las investigaciones del mercado, la marca, el marketing
directo, las tarifas de publicidad y otros\n· Obtener información
inmediata sobre la eficacia de sus habilidades de comunicación de
negocios en inglés por parte de los profesionales de ventas y marketing de
todo el mundo\n· Unirse hoy con una comunidad de profesionales
globales quienes están desarrollando sus habilidades de comunicación en
Do you work in finance or interact with finance professionals? Is it
necessary to speak, write or understand English in your career? Follow the
authentic characters in this course as they work through common business
situations in finance and economics. Learn from your successes and failure,
and think critically about your own communication options. After taking this
course, you will be able to read and create efficient e-mails, reports, and
impactful presentations with words and phrases commonly used in finance
and economics. Communicate clearly under pressure utilizing recently
learned strategies, and obtain immediate feedback about the efficiency of
your business communication skills in English from other finance
professionals around the world! Gain the English communication skills that
you desire and that global managers expect.\n\n¿Trabaja usted en las finanzas o interactuar con profesionales de las finanzas? ¿Es necesario
Inglés Empresarial: Finanzas y Economía Arizona State University
finanzas-economia hablar, escribir o entender inglés en su profesión? Siga los personajes
auténticos en este curso a medida que trabajan a través de situaciones de
negocios comunes en las finanzas y las económicas economía. Aprenda
de sus éxitos y fracasos, y piense críticamente sobre sus propias opciones
de comunicación de Ud. Después de tomar este curso, usted será capaz
de leer y crear mensajes de correo electrónico eficaces, informes, y
presentaciones impactantes, con las palabras y frases del uso común en
las finanzas y las económicas economía. ¡Comuniquese claramente bajo
presión utilizando estrategias recién aprendidas, y obtenga información
inmediata sobre la eficacia de sus habilidades de comunicación de
negocios en inglés por parte de otros profesionales de las finanzas de todo
el mundo! Obtenga las habilidades de comunicación en inglés que Ud.
desee y que los gerentes globales esperan.
Are you a business executive or a manager who uses English in your
career? Then you know that good business communication in English
requires focus, vocabulary, and specific linguistic structures. In this course,
you will follow along a recently promoted manager as she builds and leads
her team to success. Together, you will practice the language and styles of
communication needed in English for: \n•\tRecruiting and training a
professional team to work together with integrity and respect\n•\tManaging
and participating in well-organized meetings\n•\tMaking telephone
conferences more efficient\n•\tWriting professional emails that are easy to
read\nThe activities in this course will give you the opportunity to share your
experience and receive immediate feedback from other business
professionals around the world.\n\n¿Es usted un ejecutivo de negocios o
Inglés Empresarial: Gestión y Liderazgo Arizona State University gerente que utiliza inglés en su profesión? Entonces Ud. sabe que la buena
comunicación empresarial en inglés exige los enfoques, el vocabulario y las
estructuras lingüísticas específicas. En este curso, Ud. seguirá, a lo largo
con un gerente recién promovido, como ella construye y conduce a su
equipo hacia el éxito. Juntos, ustedes practicarán el lenguaje y los estilos
de comunicación en inglés necesarios para:\n· Reclutar y el entrenar a
un equipo profesional a trabajar juntos con integridad y respeto\n·
Manejar y participar en las reuniones bien organizadas\n· Hacer que las
conferencias telefónicas sean más eficaz\n· Escribir correos
electrónicos profesionales que sean fáciles de leer\nLas actividades en
este curso le dan la oportunidad de compartir su experiencia y recibir
retroalimentación inmediata de otros profesionales empresariales en todo
el mundo.
A common necessity among business professionals who are new to an
international work environment is the ability to create a plan of action to
launch a new product. In this task, one has to communicate with many
different departments within a company including finance and marketing. In
this capstone project, you will create a plan of action to launch a new
product. This plan will include:\n· A project status report\n· A copy of
the marketing campaign\n· A basic budget analysis for the project\n·
A short presentation for upper management with details on the project’s
status\n \nThis project will give you the opportunity to apply your English
skills learned in the courses to develop a useful document for your current
job or a document that you could use as an example to demonstrate your
new abilities and skills.\n\n\nUna necesidad común entre los profesionales
Inglés Empresarial: Proyecto Final Arizona State University de negocios quienes son nuevos a un ambiente de trabajo internacional es
la habilidad de crear un plan de acción para lanzar un producto nuevo. En
esta tarea, uno tiene que comunicarse a través de varios departamentos
diferentes dentro de una compañía incluyendo el área de mercadeo y
finanzas. En este proyecto final usted creará un plan de acción para lanzar
un producto nuevo. Este plan de acción incluirá:\n· un reporte de
avance de/del proyecto\n· una copia de la campaña de marketing\n·
un análisis de presupuesto básico para el proyecto\n· una presentación
corta para la gerencia general con detalles del estado del proyecto\n \nEste
proyecto le dará la oportunidad de aplicar sus habilidades en inglés
aprendidas en los cursos para desarrollar un documento útil en su trabajo
actual o un documento que puede usar de ejemplo para demostrar sus
nuevas habilidades y capacidades.

La innovación ha cobrado una importancia significativa en las

corporaciones de hoy, y con frecuencia es vista como un motor importante
de crecimiento y éxito en una organización. En este curso introductorio,
usted aprenderá sobre el significado, la importancia, el proceso e impacto
de la innovación. Aunque la palabra innovación se describe más
comúnmente como el proceso de convertir las ideas en productos o
servicios que aportan valor al público, la palabra innovación tiene múltiples
definiciones, y hablaremos sobre lo que significa en los mundos de
negocios, diseño e ingeniería. \n\nAprenderemos sobre un nuevo modelo
de innovación llamado Innovación Estratégica Integral, que se puede usar
Innovar Arizona State University
por los individuos y las organizaciones interesadas en generar
pensamientos fuera de lo establecido para transformar la forma de pensar
de tema de costumbre al pensamiento creativo. Cubriremos en detalle
todos los pasos del proceso de innovación. Comenzando con identificar a
los problemas que necesitan soluciones innovadoras, investigar y analizar,
generar conceptos, seleccionar soluciones prometedoras e implementarlas,
hablaremos de una variedad de herramientas que se pueden usar durante
cada paso del proceso. \n\nLos aprendices dejarán el curso con un
entendimiento profundo de lo que es la innovación y cómo pueden utilizar
las herramientas y técnicas de innovación en su propio trabajo.
Based on the most popular open online course in the world, this course
gives you easy access to the learning techniques used by experts in art,
music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. No
matter what your current skill level, using these approaches can help you
master new topics, change your thinking and improve your life. \nThis
course explains:\n\n * Why sometimes letting your mind wander is an
important part of the learning process\n * How to avoid "rut think" in order to think outside the box\n * The value of metaphors in developing
Learning How To Learn for Youth Arizona State University
learn-youth understanding\n * A simple, yet powerful, way to stop procrastinating\n\nIf
you’re already an expert, these strategies will turbocharge your learning,
including test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of
your time on homework and problem sets. \n\nWe all have the tools to learn
what might not seem to come naturally to us at first—the secret is to
understand how the brain works so we can unlock its power. \n\nFilled with
animations, application questions, and exercises, this course makes
learning easy and fun!

In this course you will learn how to design lesson plans around the needs of
your ELL students and their language level through the analysis of content
language and cognitive demands. You will learn how to align language
objectives to the adopted standards of your school and content area. You
will learn how to modify existing course materials as well as develop graphic
organizers and languages frames to support ELLs’ access to content.
Analysis of second language acquisition theories will be applied to lesson
planning.\n\nUpon completing this course, you will be able to:\n *
Conceptualize theories of second language acquisition as they apply to the
planning of lessons through annotation\n * Assess the linguistic needs of
Lesson Planning with the ELL in Mind Arizona State University your students using BICS and CALP\n * Identify content specific
vocabulary, grammatical structures, and language functions necessary for a
student to succeed in your \n classroom \n * Write language
learning outcomes that align to your student’s linguistic and cognitive ability
and your school’s adopted \n standards \n * Adapt a lesson plan that
accomplishes the learning outcomes outlined in the lesson objectives\n *
Modify materials to support ELLs’ access to content\n * Use a wide variety
of graphic organizer templates and language frames to support ELLs’
access to content\n * Develop activity types appropriate to the cognitive
and linguistic abilities of ELLs\n * Incorporate community and culture into
lesson planning
El proyecto final del curso consiste en una serie de videos con diálogos que
demuestran las habilidades de los aprendices, las cuales incluyen su
habilidad de usar las frases conversacionales y el vocabulario que
aprendieron en cada módulo. Cada aprendiz escribirá las dos partes de la
Proyecto Final: Chino básico - Lenguaje y cultura conversación, y las recitará en sus videos, y entregará una transcripción
Arizona State University
empresarial basico fonética de los diálogos usados. Los videos serán evaluados mediante una
revisión por pares, donde cada aprendiz tendrá que evaluar el proyecto
final de otro aprendiz para poder recibir crédito para lo suyo. Esta
evaluación se llevará a cabo con una rúbrica para dar retroalimentación
Whether you have already taught English as a Second Language and want
to start teaching it online, you've already been teaching ESL online and
want to sharpen your skills, or you are new to teaching and interested in
teaching ESL online, ASU and VOXY provide you with the basic ideas and
concepts you need to know in order to successfully teach ESL online. This
course uses a fun and interesting theme of "International Travel" to deliver
content in an entertaining way. There are also plenty of real, recorded
online session videos from VOXY in the course to show you examples of
Teach English Now! Teaching Language Online Arizona State University what it looks like to teach ESL online. In this course, you will learn about the
best practices for teaching English as a Second Language online. This
includes an introduction to online teaching, Second Language Acquisition
theories and how they apply to ESL learners, conducting a needs analysis,
curating content for your courses, designing lesson plans, and effective
teaching strategies that will help you to become an successful online ESL
teacher. The course consists of a variety of videos and readings, followed
by quizzes. In the last module of the course, actual VOXY online ESL
teachers share their experiences in the online classroom.

The Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University Alliance for Health Care has
developed innovative Science of Health Care Delivery training programs
which introduce scientific approaches to quality improvement for patient
care and population health, while also examining ways to reduce health
costs. The full training, which explores key concepts in the Science of
Health Care Delivery and why it is critically important to future patient care,
can be used by health care professionals or as curriculum for aspiring care
providers.\n \nBy the end of this introductory course, learners will recognize
The Science of Health Care Delivery Arizona State University the how education in the Science of Health Care Delivery can improve and
enhance the quality of provider care, health care systems and patient
health. The overview course consists of a multimedia introduction to
Science of Health Care Delivery domains, followed by video segments
where learners meet a patient and caregivers who embody or apply new
knowledge, skills and attitudes learned from the Science of Health Care
Delivery. An expert reflection after each video presentation reinforces the
domain’s concepts. Learners can seek more information into this dynamic
field with the additional resources provided at the end of the course.
馈\n● 成为提升商务英语沟通能力全球商务专业人士社群的㇐份子\n\nIf you
work in marketing, sales, or advertising, you already know that effective
communication is a requirement. This can be even more difficult when
商务英语课程:市场与营销英语 Marketing & Sales Arizona State University expressing your ideas in a persuasive manner in English. In this course,
you will learn to use English more efficiently while joining successful global
professionals around the world. Develop your skills along with authentic
characters that work in marketing and also work hard to improve their
communication skills. Learn from your successes and failures, reflect on
your own style, strengths, and improvement areas. After taking this course,
you will be able to:\n● Express your ideas through efficient emails, reports
and persuasive presentations\n● Learn words and phrases related to
market research, branding, direct marketing, advertising costs, etc.\n● Get
instant feedback about the efficiency of your business communication skills
in English from sales and marketing professionals from around the world\n●
Become part of a global community of business professionals who are
developing their English communication skills

在你的职业生涯中,你是需使用英文的商务执行主管或是经理吗 ?
情况:\n\n● 以诚信和尊重来召聘和训练专业的团队共同合作\n●
管理及参与有条理的会议\n● 召开有效率的电话会议\n●
收来自全世界其他专业商务人士的回馈。\n\nAre you a business executive
or a manager who uses English in your career? Then you know that good
商务英语课程:管理与领导力英语 Management &
Arizona State University business communication in English requires focus, vocabulary, and specific
linguistic structures. In this course, you will follow along a recently promoted
manager as she builds and leads her team to success. Together, you will
practice the language and styles of communication needed in English for:
\n•\tRecruiting and training a professional team to work together with
integrity and respect\n•\tManaging and participating in well-organized
meetings\n•\tMaking telephone conferences more efficient\n•\tWriting
professional emails that are easy to read\n\nThe activities in this course will
give you the opportunity to share your experience and receive immediate
feedback from other business professionals around the world.
你在财务领域工作或是和财务专业人员常互动吗 ?
获得你所想要的和全球的经理所期待的英语沟通能力。\n\nDo you work in
finance or interact with finance professionals? Is it necessary to speak, write
or understand English in your career? Follow the authentic characters in this
商务英语课程:财经英语 Finance & Economics Arizona State University
course as they work through common business situations in finance and
economics. Learn from your successes and failure, and think critically about
your own communication options. After taking this course, you will be able
to read and create efficient e-mails, reports, and impactful presentations
with words and phrases commonly used in finance and economics.
Communicate clearly under pressure utilizing recently learned strategies,
and obtain immediate feedback about the efficiency of your business
communication skills in English from other finance professionals around the
world! Gain the English communication skills that you desire and that global
managers expect.

包含:\n● 项目现况报告\n● 营销活动\n● 项目的基本预算分析报告\n●
nA common necessity among business professionals who are new to an
international work environment is the ability to create a plan of action to
总计划案 Final Project Arizona State University launch a new product. In this task, one has to communicate with many
different departments within a company including finance and marketing. In
this capstone project, you will create a plan of action to launch a new
product. This plan will include:\n· A project status report\n· A copy of
the marketing campaign\n· A basic budget analysis for the project\n·
A short presentation for upper management with details on the project’s
status\n \nThis project will give you the opportunity to apply your English
skills learned in the courses to develop a useful document for your current
job or a document that you could use as an example to demonstrate your
new abilities and skills.
This is Course 3 in the Introduction to Blockchain course
series.\n\nBlockchain technology is in a period of exceptional growth, and
the accounting profession will play a significant role in driving its adoption.
Be part of the blockchain evolution with this course. Starting with a focus on
the history and evolution of blockchain and bitcoin and then on to the
characteristics of bitcoin, you will get a refresher on the fundamentals of
money/currency and learn how bitcoin fits into the global business
Association of International
Introduction to Blockchain: Benefits, Values and landscape. This course also demonstrates the unique characteristics of
Certified Professional
Opportunities values-opportunities blockchain and bitcoin, so accounting and finance professionals will be able
to have meaningful and relevant conversations with internal and external
clients.\n\nIn addition, this course introduces several key concepts within
the realm of blockchain, including core components of blockchain
technology, the custody, responsibility and control continuum, push vs pull
paradigm and private blockchain vs public blockchain, which will
significantly impact the way accountants and auditors perform their job
This is Course 1 in the Introduction to Blockchain course
series.\n\nBlockchain technology is in a period of exceptional growth, and
the accounting profession will play a significant role in driving its adoption.
Be part of the blockchain evolution with this course. Starting with a focus on
the history and evolution of blockchain and bitcoin and then on to the
characteristics of bitcoin, you will get a refresher on the fundamentals of
money/currency and learn how bitcoin fits into the global business
Association of International
Introduction to Blockchain: Evolution and landscape. This course also demonstrates the unique characteristics of
Certified Professional
Technology Concepts technology-concepts blockchain and bitcoin, so accounting and finance professionals will be able
to have meaningful and relevant conversations with internal and external
clients.\n\nIn addition, this course introduces several key concepts within
the realm of blockchain, including core components of blockchain
technology, the custody, responsibility and control continuum, push vs pull
paradigm and private blockchain vs public blockchain, which will
significantly impact the way accountants and auditors perform their job
This is Course 2 in the Introduction to Blockchain course
series.\n\nBlockchain technology is in a period of exceptional growth, and
the accounting profession will play a significant role in driving its adoption.
Be part of the blockchain evolution with this course. Starting with a focus on
the history and evolution of blockchain and bitcoin and then on to the
characteristics of bitcoin, you will get a refresher on the fundamentals of
money/currency and learn how bitcoin fits into the global business
Association of International
Introduction to Blockchain: Using and Securing landscape. This course also demonstrates the unique characteristics of
Certified Professional
Cryptocurrencies securing-cryptocurrencies blockchain and bitcoin, so accounting and finance professionals will be able
to have meaningful and relevant conversations with internal and external
clients.\n\nIn addition, this course introduces several key concepts within
the realm of blockchain, including core components of blockchain
technology, the custody, responsibility and control continuum, push vs pull
paradigm and private blockchain vs public blockchain, which will
significantly impact the way accountants and auditors perform their job
Overview\nRobotic Process Automation (RPA) is reshaping the accounting
and finance profession. 40% of transactional accounting work is expected to
be automated by 2020 and predicted to touch 230 million knowledge
workers, 9% of the global workforce, according to McKinsey
Research.\nDriven by the need to stay competitive, decrease costs and
increase efficiency, RPA is quickly making a significant impact on the
profession. Companies no longer think about "if" but "when" to implement
RPA.\n\nShort Description:\n•\tRobotic Process Automation (RPA) can
transform business processes by eliminating the mundane, time-
Association of International consuming, manual tasks that professionals complete; enabling them more
Making the Case for Robotic Process Automation Certified Professional
automation time to focus on critical thinking. This course for accounting and finance
professionals worldwide will show through use cases how robotic process
automation can be utilized to decrease errors and increase productivity.
\n\nCourse description/ Overarching Learning Goal\nThis course is
intended to provide accounting and financial professionals with practical
literacy on robotic process automation through a real-world, relevant data
preparation use case. It will help identify potential uses and the benefits
and considerations for robotic process automation. This course will help
you make the business case by helping you assess requirements, define
proof of value and measure and validate the ROI for automation.

Agile teams use “just enough” planning and an incremental approach to

accomplishing the work of the team. Every project and every team uses a
custom agile methodology. This course discusses common foundational
principles and practices used by agile methodologies, providing the student
a flexible set of tools to use in any role (e.g. product owner, scrum master,
project manager, team member) on any agile team. This course mainly
discusses agile and lean principles, the kanban and scrum agile
methodologies, and uses Atlassian Jira Software Cloud as the main
software tool to apply hands-on learning of the topics. The course includes
instruction on "classic" Jira projects as well as the new "next-gen" Jira
projects.\n\nStudents are provided with a free Atlassian Jira Software Cloud
account in order to complete the hands-on labs associated with this course.
Agile with Atlassian Jira Atlassian By the time you have completed this course, you will have a strong
foundational understanding of agile principles and practices, and strong
hands-on experience with Atlassian Jira Software Cloud. You will be the site
administrator for your Jira account, so you will be able to perform basic
administration tasks on your site. You should be able to continuously
configure your Jira project(s) to match your team's custom agile
methodology.\n\nYou can watch the videos and take the quizzes from your
phone if you want, but the hands-on labs using Atlassian Jira Software
Cloud require you to have a Windows, Mac or Linux computer.\n\nThis
course tries to be as concise as possible. It will probably take you about 6-
12 hours to go through, but your mileage may vary. It is highly encouraged
that you apply what you learn to managing personal agile projects after the
course is complete.
The Version Control with Git course provides you with a solid, hands-on
foundation for understanding the Git version control system. Git is open
source software originally created by Linus Torvalds. Git manages team
files for large and small projects. This allows the team to continuously
improve its product. It is used by most major technology companies, and is
assumed knowledge for many modern programming and IT jobs. It is a
core component of DevOps, continuous delivery pipelines and cloud-native
computing. You could also use Git to manage the many continuously
improving revisions of that book that you are writing. \n\nIn this course, you
will not learn everything there is to know about Git, but you will build a
strong conceptual understanding of the technology, and afterward will be
able to confidently dig deeper on any topic that interests you. This course
assumes no previous knowledge of Git, but if you do have experience with
it, you may find this course to be both useful and challenging. This is
especially true if you currently "know just enough Git to be dangerous". \n\nThere are two paths in this course. Both rely heavily on hands-on labs.
Version Control with Git Atlassian
git One path assumes that you have experience using a command line
interface, and the other path uses the Sourcetree graphical client. If you are
not experienced with a command line, we highly suggest that you go
through the Sourcetree path. Eventually, you might want to go through both
paths, so that you can decide which tool to use for specific tasks. Besides,
repetition is good for learning :)\n\nYou can watch the videos and take the
quizzes from your phone if you want, but the hands-on labs require you to
have a Windows or Mac computer. If you use the command line path
through the course, you can also use Linux. \n\nThis course uses Bitbucket
( as the hosted provider for remote Git repositories. Bitbucket
is free for teams of up to 5 people, including private repositories. However,
most of the knowledge that you gain in this course applies to Git itself, and
you can apply this knowledge to other hosted Git providers (such as
GitHub). \n\nThis course tries to be as concise as possible. It will probably
take you about 5-10 hours to go through one of the two paths, but your
mileage may vary.

As our machining geometry gets more complicated, Autodesk® Fusion

360™ is up to the task! With a host of standard and adaptive toolpaths we
can rapidly remove material from even the most complicated 3d parts. In
this course, we explore how to rough and finish geometry that requires tool
motion in X, Y, and Z simultaneously, learning how to finish even the finest
of details. We’ll wrap up this course by creating a full CNC program for a
part, simulating it, and exporting it to G-code.\n\nWant to take your learning to the next level? Complete the Autodesk CAD/CAM for Manufacturing
3-Axis Machining with Autodesk Fusion 360 Autodesk
autodesk-fusion-360 Specialization, and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk Credential as
further recognition of your success! The Autodesk Credential comes with a
digital badge and certificate, which you can add to your resume and share
on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Sharing
your Autodesk Credential can signal to hiring managers that you’ve got the
right skills for the job and you’re up on the latest industry trends like
generative design. \n\nEnroll in the Specialization here:
Design is the first phase in the digital manufacturing process. In this course,
through a series of lectures and hands-on lessons, we’ll examine a
designer’s approach to the design and manufacturing process—from
3D Model Creation with Autodesk Fusion 360 Autodesk concept to 3D model. We’ll start by applying design thinking to understand
user needs, and then we’ll explore design criteria as we dive deeper into
Autodesk® Fusion 360™ sketching, modeling, rendering, and
documentation features.
Prove to potential employers that you’re up to the task by becoming an
Autodesk Certified Professional. This online course from Autodesk prepares
you by offering an overview of skills that match what is covered in the
Autodesk Certified Professional: AutoCAD for Design and Drafting exam.
The video lessons are structured to match the exam’s objective domains
and follow the typical workflow and features of the AutoCAD software,
including sections on drawing and organizing objects, drawing with
accuracy, advanced editing functions, layouts, printing, and outputs,
annotation techniques, and reusable content and drawing management. In
the course, you will create drawing objects, manage layers, apply object
snaps, and work with the User Coordinate System. You’ll edit objects and
apply rotation and scale, array techniques, grip editing, offsets, fillet and
chamfer, and trim and extend. You will also gain an understanding of exam
Autodesk Certified Professional: AutoCAD for
Autodesk topics such as layouts and viewports, output formats, and drawing
Design and Drafting Exam Prep design-drafting
management. Brush up on markup tools, hatch and fill, text, tables,
multileaders, dimensioning, and much more.\n\nAbout the Autodesk
Certified Professional: AutoCAD for Design and Drafting Exam:\nThe
Autodesk Certified Professional: AutoCAD for Design and Drafting exam is
the recognized standard for measuring your skills and knowledge in
AutoCAD. Certification at this level demonstrates a comprehensive skill set
that provides an opportunity for individuals to stand out in a competitive
professional environment. This type of experience typically comes from
having worked with the software on a regular basis for at least 2 years,
equivalent to approximately 400 hours (minimum) - 1200 hours
(recommended), of real-world Autodesk software experience. Ready to take
the exam? Schedule to take the exam online or find a testing center near
you on
Prove to potential employers that you’re up to the task by becoming an
Autodesk Certified Professional. This online course from Autodesk prepares
you by offering an overview of skills that match what is covered in the
Autodesk Certified Professional: Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design exam.
The video lessons are structured to match the exam’s objective domains
and follow the typical workflow and features of the Autodesk® AutoCAD®
Civil 3D® software, including sections on points, parcels, and surveying,
surfaces and grading, alignments and profiles, corridors and sections, pipe
networks, and plan production and data management. In the course, you'll
review advanced infrastructure topics. You’ll work with points and point
groups, parcels and parcel styles, and the surveying tools. You'll also gain
an understanding of exam topics such as TIN surfaces and volume
surfaces, profile views, and both pipe and pressure networks. Brush up on
feature lines, sites and grading models, corridors, note label styles, data
Autodesk Certified Professional: Civil 3D for shortcuts, and much more.\n\nThe provided Civil 3D dataset allows you to
Infrastructure Design Exam Prep infrastructure-design follow along with the lessons and try out methods and workflows. Practice
exercises and challenge assignments help you practice and review the
exam topics on your own. Finally, you can test your knowledge by taking
one of the full practice exams that accompany the course.\n\nAbout the
Autodesk Certified Professional: Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design exam:
\nThe Autodesk Certified Professional: Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design
exam is the recognized standard for measuring your knowledge in Civil 3D.
Certification at this level demonstrates a comprehensive skill set that
provides an opportunity for individuals to stand out in a competitive
professional environment. This type of experience typically comes from
having worked with the software on a regular basis for at least 2 years,
equivalent to approximately 400 hours (minimum) - 1200 hours
(recommended), of real-world Autodesk software experience. Ready to take
the exam? Schedule to take the exam online or find a testing center near
you on
Prove to potential employers that you’re up to the task by becoming an
Autodesk Certified Professional. This online course from Autodesk prepares
you by offering an overview of skills that match what is covered in the
Autodesk Certified Professional: Inventor for Mechanical Design
exam.\n\nAdvances in technology are changing the way we work, and the
job skills demanded by industry. It’s essential for professionals to be able to
demonstrate their knowledge and skills in order to be competitive and meet
workforce standards. In this course, we’ll explore the professional skills
defined for the Autodesk Certified Professional: Inventor for Mechanical
Design exam. Through a series of lessons, practice exercises, challenge
assignments, and assessments, we’ll learn and apply the Autodesk Inventor
skills covered in the exam to boost your confidence and technical skills in
preparation for the exam. At the end of the course, you will have the
opportunity to test your knowledge by taking the practice exam that
accompanies the course. It’s all about practice and preparation.\n\nAbout
Autodesk Certified Professional: Inventor for
Autodesk the Autodesk Certified Professional: Inventor for Mechanical Design exam:
Mechanical Design Exam Prep mechanical-design
\nThe Autodesk Certified Professional: Inventor for Mechanical Design
exam is designed for industry professionals who possess advanced skills
and can solve complex challenges in workflow and design. A certification at
this level demonstrates a comprehensive skill set that provides an
opportunity for individuals to stand out in a competitive professional
environment. This type of experience typically comes from having worked
with the software on a regular basis for at least 2 years, equivalent to
approximately 400 hours (minimum) - 1200 hours (recommended), of real-
world Autodesk software experience. \n\nThe Autodesk Certified
Professional (ACP) certifications exams can be taken at a Pearson VUE
Testing Center or through OnVUE, Pearson VUE’s online proctored
environment. Candidates are given 120 minutes to complete a certification
exam and should review the testing center polices and requirements before
scheduling. Ready to take the exam? Schedule to take the exam online or
find a testing center near you on
Prove to potential employers that you’re up to the task by becoming an
Autodesk Certified Professional. This online course from Autodesk prepares
you by offering an overview of skills that match what is covered in the
Autodesk Certified Professional: Revit for Architectural Design exam. The
video lessons are structured to match the exam’s objective domains and
follow the typical workflow and features of the Autodesk® Revit®
Architecture software, including sections on modeling and materials,
families, documentation, views, and Revit project management. In the
course, you'll review advanced modeling architectural topics and work with
walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairs, columns, and rooms. You'll also gain an
understanding of exam topics such as family categories and types, phases
and design options, schedules, and worksharing. Brush up on selection
sets, detail components, color schemes, levels and grids, and much
more.\n\nAbout the Autodesk Certified Professional: Revit for Architectural
Autodesk Certified Professional: Revit for
Autodesk Design exam: \nThe Autodesk Certified Professional: Revit for Architectural
Architectural Design Exam Prep architectural-design
Design exam is the recognized standard for measuring your architectural
design skills and knowledge in Revit. The certification enables you to
showcase your abilities and also signals to potential employers that your
skills have been validated. This type of experience typically comes from
having worked with the software on a regular basis for at least 2 years,
equivalent to approximately 400 hours (minimum) - 1200 hours
(recommended), of real-world Autodesk software experience.\n\nThe
Autodesk Certified Professional (ACP) certifications exams can be taken at
a Pearson VUE Testing Center or through OnVUE, Pearson VUE’s online
proctored environment. Candidates are given 120 minutes to complete a
certification exam and should review the testing center polices and
requirements before scheduling. Ready to take the exam? Schedule to take
the exam online or find a testing center near you on
Prove to potential employers that you’re up to the task by becoming an
Autodesk Certified Professional. This online course from Autodesk®
introduces you to the advanced features of Revit™ for Structure, a tool to
support Building Information Modeling and delivery of 3D digital models and
related documentation. The course prepares you by offering an overview of
skills that match what is covered on the Autodesk Certified Professional:
Revit for Structural Design exam. The lessons are structured to match the
exam’s objective domains and follow the typical workflow and features of
the Revit software. \n\nAbout the Autodesk Certified Professional: Revit for
Structural Design exam:\nA successful candidate for the Autodesk Certified
Professional: Revit for Structural Design certification has a combination of
approximately 400-1200 hours of training and hands-on experience with
Revit in a structural environment; is familiar with product features and
Autodesk Certified Professional: Revit for
Autodesk capabilities; and is knowledgeable in relevant workflows, processes, and
Structural Design Exam Prep structural-design-exam-prep
project objectives. The candidate can perform routine tasks involved in their
job role with limited assistance from peers, product documentation, and
support services. The minimally qualified candidate can efficiently set up
and manage a project and work in collaboration with colleagues.
Additionally, the successful candidate can utilize Revit modeling and
documentation tools and methodologies to produce quality deliverables
working with minimal supervision.\n\nThe Autodesk Certified Professional
(ACP) certifications exams can be taken at a Pearson VUE Testing Center
or through OnVUE, Pearson VUE’s online proctored environment.
Candidates are given 120 minutes to complete a certification exam and
should review the testing center polices and requirements before
scheduling. Ready to take the exam? Schedule to take the exam online or
find a testing center near you on

Design, engineering, and manufacturing are undergoing a digital

transformation, and the need for a collaborative product development
environment is becoming an ever-growing requirement. Autodesk® Fusion
360™ meets this need by connecting CAD, CAM, and CAE in a single
cloud-based platform unlike any other tool of its kind. This course builds
upon digital manufacturing trends and foundational CAD concepts
discussed in Course 1 of this series by introducing Fusion 360 as a problem-
solving tool. In this course, we take the next step in connecting CAD, CAM,
Autodesk Fusion 360 Integrated CAD/CAM/CAE Autodesk and CAE through a series of short exercises on 3D modeling, rendering,
simulation, and computer aided manufacturing.\n\nAfter completing this
course series, you will be able to:\n• Demonstrate knowledge of and apply
job entry level skills in computer aided design, computer aided engineering
(CAE) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM) using Fusion 360
software.\n• Describe and apply design based workflows for design,
engineering and manufacturing using Fusion 360 software.\n• Utilize Fusion
360 cloud based collaboration features for project sharing and design
With design for manufacturing, our design process focused on the design
over its cost, but always keeping in mind how parts needed to be made.
With manufacturing at the core of a design, we're able to fix potential
problems in the design phase rather than after production. In many cases,
the end product is made up of an assembly of different pieces to simplify
manufacturing or to achieve specific design goals. Each piece represents a
certain tolerance and put together, things might not work or fit if they
CAM and Design Manufacturing for Mechanical
Autodesk weren’t accounted for in the design. \n\nWe'll take a closer look at design
Engineers with Autodesk Fusion 360 manufacturing-mechanical-engineers
and detail for manufacture and create toolpaths to cut parts. Even if the end
goal as an engineer isn’t to fabricate your own parts, it’s a valuable skill to
understand how things are made and what design decisions can ultimately
affect how something is created. \n\nAfter taking this course, you'll be able
to: \n\n- Inspect a multicomponent assembly.\n- Identify manufacturing
methods based on part inspection.\n- Create detailed drawings for
manufacturing.\n- Practice creating toolpaths for manufacture.

CNC machines come in an almost endless array of configurations for

various applications. So far, we have only talked about CNC Mills. More
specifically vertical milling centers. In this course we turn our attention to the
CNC Lathe. We identify the difference in a lathe’s coordinate system, tools,
and how to create lathe specific toolpaths.\n\nWant to take your learning to
the next level? Complete the Autodesk CAD/CAM for Manufacturing Specialization, and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk Credential as
Creating Toolpaths for a CNC Lathe Autodesk
lathe further recognition of your success! The Autodesk Credential comes with a
digital badge and certificate, which you can add to your resume and share
on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Sharing
your Autodesk Credential can signal to hiring managers that you’ve got the
right skills for the job and you’re up on the latest industry trends like
generative design. \n\nEnroll in the Specialization here:

This course provides a deeper exploration of mechanical assemblies and

simulation, which are key engineering features of the design and
manufacturing process. The foundation of engineering design is exploration
and iteration. Design is rarely a perfectly linear and straightforward process.
In this course, we'll explore mechanical assembly design and simulation,
focusing on testing and improving design components and performance. As
Engineering Design Process with Autodesk Fusion we move through design assumptions, testing, and refining design ideas,
360 process-fusion-360 we'll come closer to a final design, while developing a deeper knowledge in
Autodesk® Fusion 360™ for simulating and analyzing product
functionality.\n\nAfter completing this course, you will be able to:\n•
Describe the engineering design process and workflow in Fusion 360.\n•
Summarize the trends that are influencing the design industry.\n•
Demonstrate knowledge and skills in more advanced Fusion 360 CAD and
simulation skills
This course introduces you to one of the more common applications of
generative design: Additive Manufacturing or 3D printing as it’s also known.
In this course, we explore the basics of geometry creation and the mindset
shift needed to build a generative design—a deeper understanding of
generative design, its parameters, and how to work with the results
specifically aimed at making a 3D printed metal part. We develop insightful
understanding of the generative workflow by exploring Autodesk® Fusion
360™ tools and combining them with the creative process of taking an idea
to a 3D model. We'll learn how to focus on where a design is and isn’t and
apply the generative design thinking process to define a study as we take a
deeper dive into Fusion 360.\n\nYou’ll need a paid subscription to Fusion 360 to complete the assignments in this course. Be sure to review your
Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing Autodesk
additive-manufacturing access or payment options before enrolling:\n\nWant to take your
learning to the next level? Complete the Autodesk Generative Design for
Manufacturing Specialization, and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk
Credential as further recognition of your success! The Autodesk Credential
comes with a digital badge and certificate, which you can add to your
resume and share on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and
Twitter. Sharing your Autodesk Credential can signal to hiring managers
that you’ve got the right skills for the job and you’re up on the latest industry
trends like generative design. \n\nEnroll in the Specialization here:

The foundation of engineering design is exploration and iteration. Design is

rarely a perfectly linear and straightforward process. In this course, we
explore a design for a traditional manufacturing method and use generative
design to create the perfect iteration of it. From that point, we'll reverse
engineer the generative design and recreate it for a traditional
manufacturing method and explore the option of fabricating the generative
version to weigh the pros and cons of each.\n\nYou’ll need a paid
subscription to Fusion 360 to complete the assignments in this course. Be
sure to review your access or payment options before enrolling:\n\nWant to take your
Generative Design for Industrial Applications Autodesk
industrial-applications learning to the next level? Complete the Autodesk Generative Design for
Manufacturing Specialization, and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk
Credential as further recognition of your success! The Autodesk Credential
comes with a digital badge and certificate, which you can add to your
resume and share on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and
Twitter. Sharing your Autodesk Credential can signal to hiring managers
that you’ve got the right skills for the job and you’re up on the latest industry
trends like generative design. \n\nEnroll in the Specialization here:
Designing a product is only part of the process. Now, can that product be
manufactured? In many cases the end product is made up of an assembly
of different pieces to simplify manufacturing. With generative design and
additive manufacturing, we can now take a different approach to the
process of designing and producing complex products by ultimately
reducing the number of parts and steps in an assembly while optimizing a
design for strength and weight reduction.\n\nYou’ll need a paid subscription
to Fusion 360 to complete the assignments in this course. Be sure to review
your access or payment options before enrolling:\n\nWant to take your
Generative Design for Part Consolidation Autodesk
part-consolidation learning to the next level? Complete the Autodesk Generative Design for
Manufacturing Specialization, and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk
Credential as further recognition of your success! The Autodesk Credential
comes with a digital badge and certificate, which you can add to your
resume and share on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and
Twitter. Sharing your Autodesk Credential can signal to hiring managers
that you’ve got the right skills for the job and you’re up on the latest industry
trends like generative design. \n\nEnroll in the Specialization here:

There are many considerations and factors that play a part in designing a
new product. Cost is usually a big one, but sometimes there are other
factors that are the main contributors to a product's direction. With vehicles,
specifically motorcycles, we see advanced engineering practices performed
on seemingly minor parts. In some instances, making a part as light as
possible can have a big effect on performance. In other cases, the strength
or stiffness of a part, such as a motor mount, is more critical than its mass.
Generative design allows us the ability to solve for both problems at the
same time and make informed design decisions without the sacrifice. In this
course, we’ll explore how generative design can be applied to motorcycle
parts to help reduce mass while also increasing performance.\n\nYou’ll
Generative Design for Performance and Weight need a paid subscription to Fusion 360 to complete the assignments in this
Reduction performance-weight-reduction course. Be sure to review your access or payment options before enrolling:\n\nWant to take your
learning to the next level? Complete the Autodesk Generative Design for
Manufacturing Specialization, and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk
Credential as further recognition of your success! The Autodesk Credential
comes with a digital badge and certificate, which you can add to your
resume and share on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and
Twitter. Sharing your Autodesk Credential can signal to hiring managers
that you’ve got the right skills for the job and you’re up on the latest industry
trends like generative design. \n\nEnroll in the Specialization here:
The manufacturing industry is making a digital transformation, allowing
companies to customize production through advances in machine learning,
sustainable design, generative design, and collaboration, with integrated
design and manufacturing processes. This course introduces innovations in
CAD and digital manufacturing, speaking to the rapid changes taking place
that are forever transforming the future of making.\n\nThis course will also
explore foundational concepts behind Autodesk® Fusion 360™ CAD/CAM.
Fusion 360 is a cloud-based CAD/CAM tool for collaborative product
development that combines industrial design, mechanical engineering, and
machine tool programming into one software solution. Through a series of
Intro to Digital Manufacturing with Autodesk
Autodesk lectures and hands-on exercises, this course provides the core philosophy
Fusion 360 manufacturing-fusion-360
behind the software. By understanding how designs are both made and
assembled, you'll learn to create better designs from the start.\n\nAfter
completing this course, you will be able to:\n• Summarize an understanding
of digital manufacturing, principles of sustainable design, and
manufacturing processes.\n• Explain and discuss how trends such as
generative design and machine learning are influencing innovation, and
how things are made. \n• Demonstrate knowledge and skills in foundational
concepts of Fusion 360 CAD/CAM software.\n• Practice design
collaboration and file management best practices using Fusion 360 cloud-
based features

This course introduces you to the foundational knowledge in computer-

aided design, manufacture, and the practical use of CNC machines. In this
course we begin with the basics in Autodesk® Fusion 360™ CAD by
learning how to properly sketch and model 3D parts. Before we program
any toolpaths, we’ll explore CNC machining basics to ensure we have the
ground level foundational knowledge needed to effectively define toolpaths.
Finally, we explore the basics of setting up a CAM program and defining
toolpaths to cut simple geometry. This is the same basic process that gets
repeated for the design and manufacture of any part and is a critical step in
Introduction to CAD, CAM, and Practical CNC
Autodesk learning and understanding the process.\n\nWant to take your learning to
Machining cam-practical-cnc-machining
the next level? Complete the Autodesk CAD/CAM for Manufacturing
Specialization, and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk Credential as
further recognition of your success! The Autodesk Credential comes with a
digital badge and certificate, which you can add to your resume and share
on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Sharing
your Autodesk Credential can signal to hiring managers that you’ve got the
right skills for the job and you’re up on the latest industry trends like
generative design. \n\nEnroll in the Specialization here:
Design for manufacturing is the process of designing parts, components, or
products with the understanding surrounding design requirements for a
specific manufacturing method. \n\nThis course explores the design for
manufacture workflow and shows how to validate models and create the G
code, the programming language needed to instruct the CNC machine on
how to move. We practice the basics of part and assembly design, and
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design tools such as animation, rendering, and simulations using Autodesk Fusion
and Manufacturing with Fusion 360 engineering-design-manufacturing 360. We learn the basics in each of these areas which are to be fully
developed in later courses that apply these principles and Fusion 360
skills.\n\nAfter taking this course, you'll be able to: \n\n- Explain the design
to manufacturing process used to take a digital model to a physical part
through CNC programming.\n- Summarize the toolset available in Fusion
360.\n- Demonstrate knowledge and skills in Fusion 360 applying design
and manufacturing workflows to take digital parts to physical prototypes.
Designing a product is only part of the process. Now, can that product be
manufactured? A CNC machinist works with computer numeric controlled
(CNC) machines from generating the machine code to machine setup and
run. Understanding both CAD and CAM is essential to this portion of a
design. Even if you are not the end user who programs a machine, it is
invaluable to know how it’s done. This knowledge translates directly to part
design by helping make intelligent design decisions with manufacturing in mind. This course introduces you to the integrated CAD/CAM approach
Manufacturing Process with Autodesk Fusion 360 Autodesk
process-fusion-360 behind Fusion 360 CAD/CAM as well as 3D printed design setup and finally
assembly and testing. All stages of product design in one place!\n\nAfter
completing this course, you will be able to:\n • Explain the Fusion 360
integrated CAD/CAM manufacturing workflow.\n • Summarize the trends
that are influencing the future of manufacturing.\n • Demonstrate knowledge
and skills in foundational concepts of Fusion 360 CAD/CAM software.\n •
Set up a Flight Controller.\n • Assemble a quadcopter.\n • Fly the final
There are many considerations that play a part in engineering a new
product. Regardless of what that product is, there are fundamentals such as
form, fit, and function when it comes to digital modeling. In this course, we
lay the foundation to create any design and dive deep into topics about the
Modeling and Design for Mechanical Engineers control of the design. From assembly joints and joint limits to complex
with Autodesk Fusion 360 mechanical-engineers shapes using forms, rest assured that your design will be rock
solid.\n\nAfter completing this course you'll be able to: \n\n- Create and
drive a mechanical gear assembly.\n- Create and modify a form-based
design.\n- Use design tools for molded parts.\n- Demonstrate proficiency in
the setup and creation of a design.
Computer Numerical Controlled machines, or CNC for short, can have a
nearly endless number of options. Most machines today control tool motion
in 3-axes, X, Y and Z, but can be upgraded to include a 4th or 5th axis as
well, A and B. Additionally, there are many machines on the market that are
already 5-axis capable. The good news is that Autodesk® Fusion 360™ has
you covered if you need to control multi-axis positioning or simultaneous
motion in all 5 axes at once!\n\nWant to take your learning to the next level? Complete the Autodesk CAD/CAM for Manufacturing Specialization,
Multi-Axis CNC Toolpaths Autodesk
toolpaths and you’ll unlock an additional Autodesk Credential as further recognition of
your success! The Autodesk Credential comes with a digital badge and
certificate, which you can add to your resume and share on social media
platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Sharing your Autodesk
Credential can signal to hiring managers that you’ve got the right skills for
the job and you’re up on the latest industry trends like generative design.
\n\nEnroll in the Specialization here:

The foundation of engineering design is often coupled with validation.

Simulation is a great tool that allows engineers to test, validate, and modify
designs before they become a physical prototype. When used early in the
process for simulation driven design and throughout the development
process, simulation can help drive the design, make informed design
decisions, speed up time to production, and most importantly, identify and
eliminate costly design mistakes. \n\nLike any other tool though, it must be
Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers with
Autodesk used properly to yield the best results. In this course, we’ll explore the
Autodesk Fusion 360 mechanical-engineers
usage static stress simulation, shape optimization, thermal and other
mechanical simulation types to better understand how we can apply these
tools to everyday design problems.\n\nAfter taking this course, you'll be able
to:\n\n- Describe the simulation workflow in Fusion 360.\n- Summarize the
use cases for various types of simulation studies.\n- Demonstrate
knowledge and skills in more advanced Fusion 360 CAD and CAE skills.\n-
Explain and identify simulation results
Aprenda sobre o processo de produção musical (inclusive sobre gravação,
edição e mixagem) e conheça as ferramentas disponíveis para criação de
música contemporânea no computador.\n\nDevido à recente
disponibilidade de softwares e hardwares de alta qualidade e baixo custo,
agora as ferramentas de produção musical estão ao alcance de todos. Os
álbuns deixaram de ser criados apenas em estúdios, agora também são
criados em quartos. À primeira vista, isso é libertador. Qualquer pessoa
pode criar um álbum por um custo bem baixo, basta comprar alguns
equipamentos e um pacote de software. Mas, se você for mais a fundo,
verá que não é tão fácil assim. É preciso conhecimento, dedicação e
criatividade para produzir música.\n \nFornecer conhecimento é o
propósito deste curso. Não importa o tipo de música que você está
produzindo, há um grande conjunto de ferramentas que você precisará
usar. Cada lição deste curso demonstrará um conjunto diferente de
ferramentas de produção musical, seguindo vagamente o processo da
produção musical de gravar, editar e mixar. \n\nVamos começar com
A tecnologia da produção musical Berklee College of Music algumas noções sobre a natureza do som e como o percebemos. Em
seguida, vamos analisar os componentes necessários para gravar áudio
em um computador, para que você compreenda os dispositivos pelos quais
o som precisa se deslocar em um processo de produção musical. \n
\nDepois de gravado, o som precisa ser organizado em uma linha de
tempo, um processo conhecido como edição. A edição nos permite dar a
impressão de execuções perfeitas e criar muitos dos sons que ouvimos na
música contemporânea. A ferramenta de edição contemporânea é a
estação de trabalho de áudio digital (DAW, Digital Audio Workstation), um
software que armazena e organiza todos os recursos de um projeto
musical. Vamos focar as ferramentas de edição que são essenciais na
produção de música contemporânea e que são fornecidas por todas as
DAWs. \n\nApós a edição, os sons devem ser combinados ou mixados, por
isso vamos analisar a mesa de mixagem, que pode ser um local muito
criativo se você souber usá-la. Vamos explorar as funcionalidades básicas
das mesas de mixagem em hardware e software, inclusive volume,
panning, mudo, solo, barramentos, inserções, envios e submixagens. O
You've created a song. You wrote the lyrics, decided on the melody, and
maybe even recorded a simple demo. Now what? If you have a basic
knowledge of how to use a digital audio workstation (DAW) and are
passionate about being a songwriter, this course will help you take your
song from a simple recording on your phone to a fully arranged song ready for the recording studio.\n\nYou will be learning from two Berklee College of
Arranging for Songwriters Berklee College of Music
songwriters Music Songwriting professors, Bonnie Hayes and Sarah Brindell. They will
show you how to arrange original songs in a digital audio workstation. You
will learn tools to heighten the emotional response of your listeners and
you'll broaden your understanding of instrumentation and how to add
sounds to your song without distracting the listener from the most important
aspect: the vocalist.
This course shares practical tips and strategies to help you take your first
step into launching your career as a musical artist. We’ll cover everything
from developing your unique identity as an artist and how to lead a band all
the way to planning and recording your first independent record with the
Building Your Career in Music: Developing A
Berklee College of Music help of crowdfunding. \n\nThe course curriculum is modeled from the real-
Brand and Funding Your Music industry-independent-artist
world experience of Leah Waldo (also known as the emerging country
artist, Elisa Smith) and features interviews with industry executives, artists,
producers, and engineers — all designed to help you navigate the music
This course shares practical tips and strategies to help you take your first
step into launching your career as a musical artist. We’ll cover everything
from developing your unique identity as an artist and how to lead a band all
the way to planning and recording your first independent record with the
Building Your Career in Music: Developing A
Berklee College of Music help of crowdfunding. \n\nThe course curriculum is modeled from the real-
Brand and Funding Your Music industry-independent-artist
world experience of Leah Waldo (also known as the emerging country
artist, Elisa Smith) and features interviews with industry executives, artists,
producers, and engineers — all designed to help you navigate the music
This course shares practical tips and strategies to help you take your first
step into launching your career as a musical artist. We’ll cover everything
from developing your unique identity as an artist and how to lead a band all
the way to planning and recording your first independent record with the
Building Your Career in Music: Developing A
Berklee College of Music help of crowdfunding. \n\nThe course curriculum is modeled from the real-
Brand and Funding Your Music industry-independent-artist
world experience of Leah Waldo (also known as the emerging country
artist, Elisa Smith) and features interviews with industry executives, artists,
producers, and engineers — all designed to help you navigate the music
This course shares practical tips and strategies to help you take your first
step into launching your career as a musical artist. We’ll cover everything
from developing your unique identity as an artist and how to lead a band all
the way to planning and recording your first independent record with the
Building Your Career in Music: Developing A
Berklee College of Music help of crowdfunding. \n\nThe course curriculum is modeled from the real-
Brand and Funding Your Music industry-independent-artist
world experience of Leah Waldo (also known as the emerging country
artist, Elisa Smith) and features interviews with industry executives, artists,
producers, and engineers — all designed to help you navigate the music
Existe um compositor dentro de você, rondando, indagando se é o
momento certo de se revelar. Agora é. Este curso é um convite para deixar
que o compositor que existe dentro de você saia ao sol. Tudo que você
precisa é de um "sim" e você estará subindo aquela montanha com
ventania e se maravilhando com a vista.\n\nSe você não escreveu muitas,
ou nenhuma, música, este curso lhe mostrará um processo eficiente e
eficaz para compor músicas para expressas suas ideias e emoções. Se
você já compôs, olhará o processo com outros olhos, tendo o controle de
aspectos do processo que você pode não ter percebido.\n\nEste curso
iniciará examinando as ferramentas que estão disponíveis, tudo girando em
torno do conceito essencial de prosódia. Você aprenderá a usar suas
Composição: Escrevendo a letra Berklee College of Music ferramentas para melhorar sua mensagem - a trabalhar na composição ao
mesmo tempo em que desenvolve suas ideias.\n\nVocê trabalhará tanto na
música como com a letra, ainda que para trabalhar com a música não seja
necessário que você saiba ler partituras ou tocar um instrumento. Se você
toca, ótimo, e você será encorajado a tocar e gravar suas produções
musicais das tarefas. Se você não toca, o curso lhe oferecerá diversas
faixas musicais para utilizar. Tudo que você terá que fazer é cantar suas
melodias sobre as faixas.\n\nAs tarefas solicitarão que você faça postagens
para avaliação dos colegas - às vezes trechos ou seções de letras, às
vezes melodias, às vezes ambos. Nenhum deles precisa de acabamento.
O curso é sobre composição, não sobre interpretação.\n\nE o mais
importante de tudo, você se divertirá muito.

Aprende un proceso eficiente y efectivo para escribir canciones que

expresen tus ideas y emociones, incluyendo una gama de herramientas
que giren alrededor del concepto de prosodia; la adecuación de letra y
música para apoyar tu mensaje subyacente.\n\n\n\nEsta obra fue
financiada con una donación del Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo con
recursos del Fondo Coreano para la Reducción de la Pobreza. \n\nLas
opiniones expresadas en esta obra son exclusivamente de los autores y no
necesariamente reflejan el punto de vista del Banco Interamericano de
Desarrollo, de su Directorio Ejecutivo ni de los países que representa.\n\nEl
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo no garantiza la veracidad de la data
incorporada en esta obra.\n\n\n\nPuedes cambiar el idioma en Coursera de inglés al español utilizando la página de ajustes de tu cuenta. Para cambiar
Composición de canciones Berklee College of Music
canciones los ajustes en tu cuenta de Coursera sigue los siguientes pasos:\n\n1. Ve a\n2. En la esquina derecha superior haz click en el pequeño
triángulo invertido que está a lado de tu nombre y foto.\n3. Haz click en
‘Settings’.\n4. Selecciona el recuadro debajo de ‘Language’ (idioma),
selecciona español y salva los cambios realizados.\n\nCoursera ofrece
ayuda financiera a los estudiantes que no pueden pagar los cursos y
necesiten de una beca. Los estudiantes con ayuda financiera podrán tener
acceso a todo el contenido del curso y completar todo el trabajo requerido
para adquirir el Certificado de Coursera. La ayuda financiera solo aplica al
curso en el que se aprobó la solicitud de ayuda financiera. Para aplicar haz
click en la opción “Learn More and Apply” (aprende mas y aplica) debajo
del menú a la izquierda.
In this course taught by E. Michael Harrington, students will learn the basis
for copyright including what is and is not covered by copyright law. This
course will help clarify what rights artists have as creators as well as what the public is free to take from their work. Students will also learn what to do
Copyright Law in the Music Business Berklee College of Music
business if someone copies their work and what to do if they are accused of copying
someone else. Finally, the course will discuss how technology has changed
copyright for the better (and worse) and how copyright laws may change in
the coming years.
In this course taught by E. Michael Harrington, students will learn the basis
for copyright including what is and is not covered by copyright law. This
course will help clarify what rights artists have as creators as well as what the public is free to take from their work. Students will also learn what to do
Copyright Law in the Music Business Berklee College of Music
business if someone copies their work and what to do if they are accused of copying
someone else. Finally, the course will discuss how technology has changed
copyright for the better (and worse) and how copyright laws may change in
the coming years.
What you’ll achieve:\nIn this project-centered course*, you will create
sounds and use them in your own musical compositions. Whether you're an
aspiring producer, composer, or hobbyist, this course will help you gain
skills in music production and confidence using software synthesizers.
Along with your classmates, you will create a massive database of
designed sounds, or patches, to use in your compositions. As part of the
course, you will work with a free version of FXpansion Strobe 2.\n\nWhat
you’ll need to get started:\nThis course is designed for learners who are
familiar with music production basics, and who have access to some basic
music production equipment. Specifically, you should have experience with
a digital audio workstation that supports VST, AAX, or AU plugins
(Introduction to Music Production or Pro Tools Basics are recommended if
Creating Sounds for Electronic Music Berklee College of Music
you do not have this experience). You will also need a MIDI keyboard or
controller (such as an oxygen 8), a digital audio workstation, such as Pro
Tools, and FXpansion Strobe 2 (a free 90-day demo will be provided for
Coursera learners in this course).\n\n*About Project-Centered Courses:
\nThis is a ‘project-centered course’, which means it is designed specifically
to help you complete a personally meaningful real-world project, with your
instructor and a community of learners with similar goals providing guidance
and suggestions along the way. By actively applying new concepts as you
learn, you’ll master the course content more efficiently; you’ll also get a
head start on using the skills you gain to make positive changes in your life
and career. When you complete the course, you’ll have a finished project
that you’ll be proud to use and share.
Creativity & Entrepreneurship will help you tap into your inner creativity and
learn how to leverage it for career development or business
innovation.\n\nPresented by Berklee Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship
founder Panos Panay, this course features interviews with world renown
entrepreneurs, innovators, songwriters, producers, creative directors,
educators, performers, visual artists and chefs as they discuss parallels
between the creative and entrepreneurial journeys.\n\nThe course
approaches entrepreneurship as a creative process, a fundamental human
instinct that we all possess and can unlock. Creativity & Entrepreneurship
applies concepts from the creative and musical creation process, such as
observing, prototyping, iterating and embracing failure, as a means of guiding you through the concept of thinking like a startup. You will develop
Creativity And Entrepreneurship Berklee College of Music
entrepreneurship the basic mindset, knowledge, and insights required to pursue an
entrepreneurial career, whether as the steward of your own career or as the
founder of a new business in any field.\n\nCreativity & Entrepreneurship is
about the side of entrepreneurship you won’t learn at a business school but,
instead, in the music studio.\n\nWhat you'll learn:\n\nHow to approach your
career or startup as if learning a musical instrument\nWhy
entrepreneurship, like creativity, is something we all possess\nHow to apply
“the musician mindset” as means to collaboration and creative problem
solving\nWhy songwriting is a perfect parallel to career and product
development\nWhy there’s more to entrepreneurship than business plans
and spreadsheets much like there’s more to music than scales and lead

Aprende los conceptos básicos y enfoques necesarios para entender, crear

e interpretar música contemporánea.\n\nEsta obra fue financiada con una
donación del Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo con recursos del Fondo
Coreano para la Reducción de la Pobreza. \n\nLas opiniones expresadas
en esta obra son exclusivamente de los autores y no necesariamente
reflejan el punto de vista del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, de su
Directorio Ejecutivo ni de los países que representa.\n\nEl Banco
Interamericano de Desarrollo no garantiza la veracidad de la data
incorporada en esta obra.\n\n\n\nPuedes cambiar el idioma en Coursera de
inglés al español utilizando la página de ajustes de tu cuenta. Para cambiar los ajustes en tu cuenta de Coursera sigue los siguientes pasos:\n\n1. Ve a
Desarrollando tu musicalidad Berklee College of Music
musicalidad\n2. En la esquina derecha superior haz click en el pequeño
triángulo invertido que está a lado de tu nombre y foto.\n3. Haz click en
‘Settings’.\n4. Selecciona el recuadro debajo de ‘Language’ (idioma),
selecciona español y salva los cambios realizados.\n\nCoursera ofrece
ayuda financiera a los estudiantes que no pueden pagar los cursos y
necesiten de una beca. Los estudiantes con ayuda financiera podrán tener
acceso a todo el contenido del curso y completar todo el trabajo requerido
para adquirir el Certificado de Coursera. La ayuda financiera solo aplica al
curso en el que se aprobó la solicitud de ayuda financiera. Para aplicar haz
click en la opción “Learn More and Apply” (aprende mas y aplica) debajo
del menú a la izquierda.
Aprenda os conceitos e abordagens básicos necessários para
compreender, criar e executar música contemporânea.\n\nSe você é
apaixonado por música e tem curiosidade de como ela funciona, ou se é
um músico que aprendeu a tocar de ouvido, sem um estudo formal, esse
curso lhe oferecerá uma introdução envolvente de conceitos e abordagens
chave para compreender, criar e executar música contemporânea.
Ministrado pelo professor George W. Russell Jr. do Berklee College of
Music, o curso inclui seis lições que exploram harmonia e o treino de
ouvido - duas áreas de foco intensivo para todo aluno iniciante na Berklee.
\n\nO curso lhe ensinará a as escalas pentatônicas maiores e menores e
como elas são construídas. Você aprenderá quais são os intervalos, como
cantá-los e como encontrá-los na música. O curso explora o tom central e
Desenvolvendo sua musicalidade Berklee College of Music como encontrar qual o tom de uma música, além de divisões de compasso
comuns como 4/4 e 3/4. Você aprenderá a construir acordes - tríades
maiores e menores, e acordes maiores e com sétima dominante - e como
construir uma progressão de acordes comum - o I IV V. Você também
aprenderá a reconhecer os formatos de música blues e AABA e a escrever
uma sequência de acordes básica para expressar suas ideias musicais.
\n\nAlém das aulas em vídeo, cada aula envolve apresentações e
entrevistas com alunos da Berklee. Os alunos compartilham suas jornadas
musicais e oferecem orientações para aqueles que querem estudar
música. O ponto alto do curso é uma tarefa que solicita que você
componha e execute um riff de melodia em blues usando a escala
pentatônica menor. Acima de tudo, o curso foi pensado para compartilhar o
prazer de criar música e compartilhá-la com os outros.
Learn the basic concepts and approaches needed to understand, create,
and perform contemporary music.\n\nIf you have a passion for music and
are curious about how it works, or if you are a musician who learned to play
by ear without formal study, this course will provide you with an engaging
introduction to key concepts and approaches needed to understand, create,
and perform contemporary music. Taught by Berklee College of Music
professor George W. Russell, Jr., the course includes six lessons that delve
into harmony and ear training—two areas of intensive focus for every
entering Berklee student. \n\nThe course will teach you the major scale and
minor pentatonic scale, and how they are constructed. You will learn what
intervals are, how to sing them, and how to find them in music. The course
explores tonal centers and how to find the key a song is in, in addition to
Developing Your Musicianship Berklee College of Music common time signatures such as 4/4 and 3/4. You will learn how to build
chords—major and minor triads, and major and dominant seventh
chords—and how to build a common chord progression—the I IV V. You
will also learn how to recognize the blues and AABA song forms, and write
a basic chord sheet to express your song ideas. \n\nIn addition to the video
lectures, each lesson features Berklee student performances and
interviews. The students share their musical journey and offer advice for
those wanting to study music. The course culminates with an assignment
that asks you to compose and perform a riff blues tune using the minor
pentatonic scale. Above all, the course is designed to share the joy of
creating music and sharing it with others.\n\nSamy Elgazzar, a graduate of
Berklee College of Music and a successful composer, will be your Teaching
Assistant (TA) for the course.

This course will guide you through the final project for the Developing Your
Musicianship Specialization. This course will continue to help you apply the
musical concepts you learned throughout the specialization, enabling you to create and perform a 36-measure composition. Taught by Berklee College
Developing Your Musicianship: Final Project Berklee College of Music
project of Music professor George W. Russell, Jr., the course includes four videos
in which George models each stage of the project. Through peer feedback
and discussion, practice, and applying what you’ve learned, this final project
will hone your skills as a musician.
Grasp the essentials needed to begin playing acoustic or electric guitar.
You'll learn an easy approach to get you playing quickly, through a
combination of exploring the instrument, performance technique, and basic
music theory.\n\nFor students who have long thought about picking up the
acoustic or electric guitar, this course will provide an easy-access
foundation that will get you playing. When first learning guitar, it is important
to have the material presented in stages, in an enjoyable way that allows
you to grasp the basics of the instrument and music. The course begins
simply with the parts of the guitar, the names of the strings, tuning, and
Guitar for Beginners Berklee College of Music
technique—whether finger-style or pick. It then explores the basics of music
theory with such topics as scales, triads, power chords, and fingering and
shapes.\n\nAt the end of this course, students will understand the structure,
parts, and accessories of the instrument, in addition to an understanding of
its basic maintenance. Electric guitar players will learn the operation of their
instrument along with basic options for amplification, effect pedals, and
sounds. Students will also learn to develop correct technique and apply
theory concepts to their playing. They will have the foundational knowledge
necessary to pursue most intermediate guitar courses.

You’ve got the guitar basics down: You can strum your guitar and play a
few of your favorite songs, but you’re ready to take the tunes to the next
level. In Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions you’ll expand your
knowledge of scales, chord fingerings, and common chord progressions.
You’ll also learn important skills for soloing, creating melodies, and adding
depth and dimension to your guitar playing. \n\nThis course is not only for
the aspiring guitarist who has taken Berklee’s Guitar for Beginners, but also
for guitarists who have let their six-string gather dust for too long, and want
to brush up on techniques. \n\nEach lesson covers the four basic aspects
you’ll need to sharpen your guitar chops: scales, arpeggios, chord
Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions Berklee College of Music progressions, and rhythm. Amanda’s practical approach to learning these
important elements is fun and helps you to use what you’re learning and
practicing in a real musical setting. You’ll improve your playing and
creativity, whether it be as a singer-songwriter, a guitarist accompanying a
singer, or a player in the band. By the end of this course, you’ll be more
comfortable playing throughout the neck, and you’ll gain a better
understanding of chord structure and how each chord relates to tonal
centers or keys. You’ll also be able to solo and improvise by playing simple
lead guitar lines based on the minor pentatonic scale. Whether your
preference is for acoustic or electric, the curriculum is designed to turn you
into a real guitarist.
Aprenda os conceitos básicos de improvisação com Gary Burton, um dos
improvisadores mais renomados do mundo do jazz, incluindo os processos
mentais, melódicos e harmônicos que contribuem com as habilidades
instintivas que um improvisador põe em prática ao realizar um
solo.\n\nEmbora muitas pessoas sejam fãs de jazz e compreendam que os
músicos estão frequentemente "compondo" as notas que tocam durante
uma apresentação, a maioria das pessoas — o que geralmente inclui os
próprios músicos que estão aprendendo a improvisar — não sabe com clareza quais são os processos exatos que ocorrem e fazem isso tudo
Improvisação no Jazz Berklee College of Music
jazz acontecer. O objetivo deste curso é apresentar os conceitos básicos da
improvisação moderna e mostrar como dominar as diferentes habilidades
musicais e mentais envolvidas. \n\nO autor do curso, Gary Burton, codifica
uma abordagem muito procurada da improvisação, a qual tem sido o
centro do currículo da Berklee College of Music há décadas. Os alunos que
concluírem esse curso saberão o que e como praticar os diversos aspectos
da improvisação, além de compreenderem como o improvisador se
comunica espontaneamente com os ouvintes por meio de suas criações

Aprenda los conceptos básicos de la improvisación con Gary Burton, uno

de los improvisadores más reconocidos en el mundo del jazz, incluidos los
procesos mentales, melódicos y armónicos que contribuyen a las
habilidades instintivas que aplica un improvisador cuando realiza un
solo.\n\nSi bien a muchas personas les gusta el jazz y entienden que los
músicos a veces "inventan" las notas que tocan durante una presentación,
la mayoría -incluidos los mismos músicos que están aprendiendo a
improvisar- no saben con claridad qué procesos específicos se llevan a
Improvisación de jazz Berklee College of Music cabo para que esto suceda. El propósito de este curso es introducir los
conceptos básicos de la improvisación moderna y cómo dominar las
distintas habilidades musicales y mentales que intervienen. \n\nEl autor del
curso Gary Burton codifica un buscado abordaje de la improvisación que
constituye el centro del plan de estudios de Berklee College of Music desde
hace décadas. Los estudiantes que realicen el curso sabrán qué practicar y
cómo practicar los diversos aspectos de la improvisación, además de
entender de qué manera el improvisador se comunica espontáneamente
con los oyentes a través de sus creaciones musicales.
Compreenda os fundamentos necessários para começar a tocar guitarra
elétrica ou acústica (violão). Você aprenderá uma abordagem fácil para
tocar rapidamente, por meio de uma combinação de exploração do
instrumento, técnicas de execução e teoria musical básica.\n\nPara
estudantes que desejam tocar guitarra acústica ou elétrica há muito tempo,
este curso proporcionará acesso fácil aos fundamentos que tornarão isso
possível. Ao começar a aprender a tocar guitarra acústica ou elétrica, é
importante ter o material apresentado em etapas, de um modo agradável
que permita que você compreenda os fundamentos do instrumento e da
música. O curso começa de modo simples, com as partes da guitarra, os
Introdução à Guitarra Berklee College of Music
nomes das cordas, afinação e técnica — seja utilizando os dedos ou a
palheta. Depois, explora os fundamentos da teoria musical, com tópicos
como escalas, tríades, power chords, digitação e formatos.\n\nAo final
deste curso, os estudantes compreenderão a estrutura, as partes e os
acessórios do instrumento, além de aspectos de manutenção básica. Os
guitarristas aprenderão a execução do instrumento juntamente com opções
básicas de amplificação, pedais de efeito e sons. Os estudantes também
aprenderão a desenvolver a técnica correta e a aplicar conceitos teóricos à
sua execução. Eles adquirirão o conhecimento fundamental necessário
para prosseguir em cursos de guitarra mais intermediários.

Aprende los elementos esenciales necesarios para empezar a tocar la

guitarra acústica o eléctrica. Aprenderás un enfoque fácil que te hará tocar
rápidamente a través de una combinación de la exploración del
instrumento, la técnica de ejecución y la teoría básica de la
música.\n\n\n\nEsta obra fue financiada con una donación del Banco Inter-
Americano de Desarrollo con recursos del Fondo Coreano para la
Reducción de la Pobreza. \n\nLas opiniones expresadas en esta obra son
exclusivamente de los autores y no necesariamente reflejan el punto de
vista del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, de su Directorio Ejecutivo ni
de los países que representa.\n\nEl Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo no
garantiza la veracidad de la data incorporada en esta obra.\n\n\n\nPuedes
cambiar el idioma en Coursera de inglés al español utilizando la página de
Introducción a la guitarra Berklee College of Music
ajustes de tu cuenta. Para cambiar los ajustes en tu cuenta de Coursera
sigue los siguientes pasos:\n\n1. Ve a\n2. En la esquina
derecha superior haz click en el pequeño triángulo invertido que está a lado
de tu nombre y foto.\n3. Haz click en ‘Settings’.\n4. Selecciona el recuadro
debajo de ‘Language’ (idioma), selecciona español y salva los cambios
realizados.\n\nCoursera ofrece ayuda financiera a los estudiantes que no
pueden pagar los cursos y necesiten de una beca. Los estudiantes con
ayuda financiera podrán tener acceso a todo el contenido del curso y
completar todo el trabajo requerido para adquirir el Certificado de Coursera.
La ayuda financiera solo aplica al curso en el que se aprobó la solicitud de
ayuda financiera. Para aplicar haz click en la opción “Learn More and
Apply” (aprende mas y aplica) debajo del menú a la izquierda.
Aprende sobre el proceso de producción de música -incluyendo la
grabación, la edición y la mezcla- y sobre las herramientas disponibles para
crear música contemporánea en tu computadora.\n\n\n\nEsta obra fue
financiada con una donación del Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo con
recursos del Fondo Coreano para la Reducción de la Pobreza. \n\nLas
opiniones expresadas en esta obra son exclusivamente de los autores y no
necesariamente reflejan el punto de vista del Banco Interamericano de
Desarrollo, de su Directorio Ejecutivo ni de los países que representa.\n\nEl
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo no garantiza la veracidad de la data
incorporada en esta obra.\n\n\n\nPuedes cambiar el idioma en Coursera de
inglés al español utilizando la página de ajustes de tu cuenta. Para cambiar
Introducción a la producción de música Berklee College of Music los ajustes en tu cuenta de Coursera sigue los siguientes pasos:\n\n1. Ve a\n2. En la esquina derecha superior haz click en el pequeño
triángulo invertido que está a lado de tu nombre y foto.\n3. Haz click en
‘Settings’.\n4. Selecciona el recuadro debajo de ‘Language’ (idioma),
selecciona español y salva los cambios realizados.\n\nCoursera ofrece
ayuda financiera a los estudiantes que no pueden pagar los cursos y
necesiten de una beca. Los estudiantes con ayuda financiera podrán tener
acceso a todo el contenido del curso y completar todo el trabajo requerido
para adquirir el Certificado de Coursera. La ayuda financiera solo aplica al
curso en el que se aprobó la solicitud de ayuda financiera. Para aplicar haz
click en la opción “Learn More and Apply” (aprende mas y aplica) debajo
del menú a la izquierda.

In the past, Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) were programs used only by
audio engineers with a highly specific knowledge base, on machines
inaccessible to most people. But over the past 10-15 years, DAWs and the
act of recording music have evolved from being a luxury of the few to being
available to the masses. Ableton Live is one such application. Used by an
extremely broad range of music creators, Ableton Live not only facilitates
the work of engineers, producers, and writers in professional, home, and
mobile studio settings, but it is also a powerful platform for musicians on
stage, in the DJ booth, and elsewhere.\n\nIn this course, you will explore
some of Live’s most powerful and useful functionality: MIDI programming,
Introduction to Ableton Live Berklee College of Music audio recording, warping and processing, looping editing, mixing,
performing, file management, and troubleshooting. Meant to be a
springboard for those who are new to Ableton Live and/or DAWs in general,
this three-week course will provide you with a strong knowledge base for
using Live to take your musical ideas from conception to final recording.
The course breaks down the many barriers of entry into music technology
and encourages all those who wish, to create fearlessly.\n\nNote: If you do
not own Ableton Live 9, you can download the free, fully featured Ableton
Live Trial. The trial version will allow you to save and export your work for
30 days. If you use the trial version, do not download it until the course is
scheduled to begin.
Learn the basic concepts of improvisation from Gary Burton, one of the
most renowned improvisers in the jazz world, including the mental, melodic,
and harmonic processes that contribute to the instinctive skills that an
improviser puts to use when taking a solo.\n\nWhile many people are fans
of jazz and understand that musicians are often “making up” the notes they
are playing during a performance, most people—often including musicians,
themselves, who are beginning to learn improvising—aren’t clear about
what exact processes take place to enable this to happen. The purpose of
Jazz Improvisation Berklee College of Music
this course is to introduce the basic concepts of modern improvisation and
how to go about mastering the different musical and mental skills involved.
\n\nCourse author Gary Burton codifies a sought-after approach to
improvisation that has been at the core of Berklee College of Music's
curriculum for decades. Students who complete this course will know what
to practice and how to practice the various aspects of improvising, in
addition to understanding how the improviser spontaneously communicates
to the listeners through their musical creations.

This course has been developed to provide students with the latest
instruction on the best way for creators, consumers, and facilitators to
navigate the resurgence of one of the world’s most exciting industries: the
music business. Three things are clear about today’s music industry: The
consumption of music is expanding at the greatest rate in history and from
the most portals ever imagined, the cost of producing music is decreasing,
and the number of artists creating and seeking to expose their work and
develop careers through the Internet has increased dramatically. Whether you’re a music creator, consumer, or facilitator of this process, you’ll want to
Music Business Foundations Berklee College of Music
foundations understand the history, underpinnings, and basics of the music business.
Course author John Kellogg—administrator, educator, entertainment
lawyer, performer, and radio and television personality—offers students the
opportunity to learn the fundamental principles of the developing new music
business, for now and into the future.\n\nWhat you'll learn: \n-- The basic
history of the music industry and today's business trends\n-- How recording
agreements are formulated\n-- The basics of copyright law as it pertains to
the music business\n-- The role of agents, managers, attorneys, and
specific business entities
This course has been developed to provide students with the latest
instruction on the best way for creators, consumers, and facilitators to
navigate the resurgence of one of the world’s most exciting industries: the
music business. Three things are clear about today’s music industry: The
consumption of music is expanding at the greatest rate in history and from
the most portals ever imagined, the cost of producing music is decreasing,
and the number of artists creating and seeking to expose their work and
develop careers through the Internet has increased dramatically. Whether you’re a music creator, consumer, or facilitator of this process, you’ll want to
Music Business Foundations Berklee College of Music
foundations understand the history, underpinnings, and basics of the music business.
Course author John Kellogg—administrator, educator, entertainment
lawyer, performer, and radio and television personality—offers students the
opportunity to learn the fundamental principles of the developing new music
business, for now and into the future.\n\nWhat you'll learn: \n-- The basic
history of the music industry and today's business trends\n-- How recording
agreements are formulated\n-- The basics of copyright law as it pertains to
the music business\n-- The role of agents, managers, attorneys, and
specific business entities
After successfully completing the three prior courses of the Music
Production Specialization, this capstone experience is your chance to use
your talent and accumulated knowledge to create and submit a finished,
fully produced song. As you go through milestones, you will work on your
Music Production Capstone Berklee College of Music own or with other musicians to develop a song and vision for the finished
product. You will then plan and execute its production, including recording,
editing, mixing, and posting the finished product. All along the way, you will
receive feedback from the peer review process, allowing you to tweak and
refine your finished song.

After a tremendous response from learners on Coursera, Berklee Online

has created a Developing Your Musicianship specialization, and this course
is the second course in the series. If you have a basic knowledge of music
theory or if you have completed Developing Your Musicianship I, this course
will continue to help you understand key musical concepts, enabling you to
create and perform contemporary music. Taught by Berklee College of
Music professor George W. Russell, Jr., the course includes four lessons
that delve into the next level of harmony and ear training. \n\nThe course
Musicianship: Chord Charts, Diatonic Chords, and
Berklee College of Music will introduce you to new key signatures, including minor tonalities, and how
Minor Keys
they are constructed. You will train your ear to hear minor intervals and 7th
chords. You will learn how to build 7th chords, and how to build common
chord progressions. You will also learn the major pentatonic scale and how
to construct melodies using this scale. \n\nThe course culminates with an
assignment that asks you to compose and perform an 8-measure
composition using popular chord progressions and the Major pentatonic
scale. Just like Developing Your Musicianship I, the course is designed to
impart the joy of creating music and sharing it with others.
After a tremendous response from learners on Coursera, Berklee Online
has created a Developing Your Musicianship specialization, and this course
is the third course in the series. If you have a general understanding of
music theory or if you have completed Developing Your Musicianship I and
II, this course will continue to help you understand musical concepts,
enabling you to create and perform contemporary music. Taught by Berklee
College of Music professor George W. Russell, Jr., the course includes four
lessons that delve into an intermediate level of harmony and ear training.
Musicianship: Tensions, Harmonic Function, and
Berklee College of Music \n\nThe course will introduce you to new key signatures, and explore how
Modal Interchange harmony
they are constructed. You will continue to train your ear, learning to
differentiate between the various intervals and chords that were explored in
Developing Your Musicianship I and II. You will learn how to borrow chords
from parallel tonalities (modal interchange), and how to write more common
chord progressions. \n\nThe course culminates with an assignment that
asks you to compose and perform a composition using popular chord
progressions. As with Developing Your Musicianship I and II, this course is
designed to share the joy of creating music.
Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of
the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into
the DAW in a creative and uninhibited way. Whether you have used a
Pro Tools Basics Berklee College of Music
computer to create music before, or you have been curious about
production for years, this 4-week course will give you an introductory look
into the world of Avid Pro Tools and Pro Tools First.
Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of
the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into
the DAW in a creative and uninhibited way. Whether you have used a
Pro Tools Basics Berklee College of Music
computer to create music before, or you have been curious about
production for years, this 4-week course will give you an introductory look
into the world of Avid Pro Tools and Pro Tools First.
Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of
the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into
the DAW in a creative and uninhibited way. Whether you have used a
Pro Tools Basics Berklee College of Music
computer to create music before, or you have been curious about
production for years, this 4-week course will give you an introductory look
into the world of Avid Pro Tools and Pro Tools First.
Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of
the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into
the DAW in a creative and uninhibited way. Whether you have used a
Pro Tools Basics Berklee College of Music
computer to create music before, or you have been curious about
production for years, this 4-week course will give you an introductory look
into the world of Avid Pro Tools and Pro Tools First.
Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of
the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into
the DAW in a creative and uninhibited way. Whether you have used a
Pro Tools Basics Berklee College of Music
computer to create music before, or you have been curious about
production for years, this 4-week course will give you an introductory look
into the world of Avid Pro Tools and Pro Tools First.
Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of
the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into
the DAW in a creative and uninhibited way. Whether you have used a
Pro Tools Basics Berklee College of Music
computer to create music before, or you have been curious about
production for years, this 4-week course will give you an introductory look
into the world of Avid Pro Tools and Pro Tools First.
A indústria musical está passando por enormes mudanças e, por causa
disso, os músicos precisam cada vez mais de habilidades em várias e
diferentes áreas para ter sucesso. O objetivo da Especialização do Músico
Moderno é oferecer aos alunos noções básicas sobre teoria e produção
musical e composição e disponibilizar as ferramentas necessárias para
escrever e produzir canções originais.\n\nSeguida da conclusão dos três
cursos anteriores da Especialização do Músico Moderno, a experiência da
Produção final do músico moderno Berklee College of Music produção final é sua chance de usar seu talento e conhecimento
acumulado para criar e enviar uma canção acabada, totalmente produzida.
Conforme você avançar no módulo, você desenvolverá uma canção e uma
ideia para o produto acabado. Depois disso, você planejará e executará a
produção, que inclui a gravação, a edição, a mixagem e a publicação do
produto acabado. Durante todo o trajeto, você terá um retorno do processo
de revisão de pares, permitindo que você faça ajustes e refine sua canção
En este curso, «Producción musical y su efecto en la composición»,
exploraremos cómo el proceso de producir un proyecto musical interactúa
con los elementos de la composición de la música que se está
produciendo. Enrique Gonzalez Müller, profesor de Berklee College of
Music, reconocido productor e ingeniero de sonido y ganador del Latin
Grammy®, facilitará esta exploración, guiándonos a través de la producción
de un tema musical en todas sus etapas, desde el demo hasta la versión
final. Con esta experiencia, se demostrará la importancia de capturar las
emociones que genera la música y plasmarlas en la grabación,
maximizando los elementos originales que brinda una composición.
Estudiantes de Berklee College of Music y la banda ganadora del Latin
Grammy® Los Amigos Invisibles darán vida al proceso y ejemplificarán los
conceptos de esta interesante exploración.\n\nTu profesor asistente será
Sergio Torres-Letelier. Sergio es un compositor de cine, arreglista y
productor musical, nacido en Chile y radicado en Los Angeles, USA. Tras
obtener el título de Intérprete Instrumental (Batería) otorgado por el Instituto
Producción Musical y su Efecto en la Composición Berklee College of Music Profesional Escuela Moderna de Música de Santiago de Chile, Sergio fue
aceptado en Berklee College of Music, en donde obtuvo un Bachelor
Degree en Film Scoring, con un Minor en Conducción para Cine y
Televisión.\n\n\n\nEsta obra fue financiada con una donación del Banco
Inter-Americano de Desarrollo con recursos del Fondo Coreano para la
Reducción de la Pobreza. \n\nLas opiniones expresadas en esta obra son
exclusivamente de los autores y no necesariamente reflejan el punto de
vista del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, de su Directorio Ejecutivo ni
de los países que representa.\n\nEl Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo no
garantiza la veracidad de la data incorporada en esta obra.\n\n\n\nPuedes
cambiar el idioma en Coursera de inglés al español utilizando la página de
ajustes de tu cuenta. Para cambiar los ajustes en tu cuenta de Coursera
sigue los siguientes pasos:\n\n1. Ve a\n2. En la esquina
derecha superior haz click en el pequeño triángulo invertido que está a lado
de tu nombre y foto.\n3. Haz click en ‘Settings’.\n4. Selecciona el recuadro
debajo de ‘Language’ (idioma), selecciona español y salva los cambios
realizados.\n\nCoursera ofrece ayuda financiera a los estudiantes que no
La industria de la música está experimentando enormes cambios, y como
resultado de ello, los músicos necesitan cada vez más habilidades en un
número de áreas diferentes para tener éxito. El programa especializado de
Músico moderno está diseñado para proporcionarle una base de
conocimientos sobre teoría musical, producción de música y composición
de canciones, lo que le proporciona las herramientas que necesita para
escribir y producir su propia música.\n\n\n\nEsta obra fue financiada con
una donación del Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo con recursos del
Fondo Coreano para la Reducción de la Pobreza. \n\nLas opiniones
expresadas en esta obra son exclusivamente de los autores y no
necesariamente reflejan el punto de vista del Banco Interamericano de
Desarrollo, de su Directorio Ejecutivo ni de los países que representa.\n\nEl
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo no garantiza la veracidad de la data
Proyecto final de Músico moderno Berklee College of Music incorporada en esta obra.\n\n\n\nPuedes cambiar el idioma en Coursera de
inglés al español utilizando la página de ajustes de tu cuenta. Para cambiar
los ajustes en tu cuenta de Coursera sigue los siguientes pasos:\n\n1. Ve a\n2. En la esquina derecha superior haz click en el pequeño
triángulo invertido que está a lado de tu nombre y foto.\n3. Haz click en
‘Settings’.\n4. Selecciona el recuadro debajo de ‘Language’ (idioma),
selecciona español y salva los cambios realizados.\n\nCoursera ofrece
ayuda financiera a los estudiantes que no pueden pagar los cursos y
necesiten de una beca. Los estudiantes con ayuda financiera podrán tener
acceso a todo el contenido del curso y completar todo el trabajo requerido
para adquirir el Certificado de Coursera. La ayuda financiera solo aplica al
curso en el que se aprobó la solicitud de ayuda financiera. Para aplicar haz
click en la opción “Learn More and Apply” (aprende mas y aplica) debajo
del menú a la izquierda.

There’s a songwriter lurking somewhere inside you, peeking around

corners, wondering if it’s safe to come out. Now it is. This course is an
invitation to let your inner songwriter step into the sunlight. All it takes is a
simple “yes” and you’ll be climbing that windy hill, marveling at the
view.\n\nIf you haven’t written any or many songs, this course will show you
an efficient, effective process for tailoring songs to express your ideas and
emotions. If you have, you’ll look at your process differently, taking control
of aspects of the process you may have not noticed.\n\nThe course will
start by examining the tools available to you, all revolving around the
essential concept of prosody. You’ll learn to use your tools to enhance your
Songwriting: Writing the Lyrics Berklee College of Music
message—to work compositionally at the same time you’re developing your
ideas.\n\nYou’ll be working both lyrically and musically, though musically it’s
not necessary that you either read music or play an instrument. If you play,
great, and you’ll be encouraged to play and record your musical responses
to the assignments. If you don’t play, the course offers you a number of
musical loops to work with. All you’ll have to do is sing your melodies over
the loops.\n\nAssignments will ask you to post something for peer
review—sometimes lyric lines or sections, sometimes melodies, sometimes
both. None of it has to be polished. The course is about writing, not
performing.\n\nMost important, you’ll have a lot of fun.
Teaching Popular Music in the Classroom explores approaches to teaching
popular music from culturally rich communities in the United States.
Students in the course will learn teaching methods that engage youth with
the basics of improvisation, technology, songwriting, arranging film score,
and writing to the strengths of small bands. The course models how to
integrate principles of authentic cultural relevance and positive youth
Teaching Popular Music in the Classroom Berklee College of Music development with contemporary music instruction, while providing tools for
assessing and documenting learning and program progress. \n \nStudents
in the course will refine their own pedagogical skills, applying principles of
contemporary music instruction. Content and approaches are intended for
secondary music programs, but can be adapted for elementary grade
levels. All lessons are based in core standards for music education with
recommendations for assessments.

Explore os elementos básicos que compoem a música, desenvolva sua

percepção, tire músicas de ouvido, e aprenda a ler e escrever usando
notação musical. \n\nProcuramos criar um curso que unisse a cultura e
música brasileira com técnicas de aprendizado de solfejo e leitura rítmica.
Você fará parte de uma aula de Percepção Musical ("Ear Training") na
Berklee College of Music, cantando e praticando com outros alunos e
interagindo com os vídeos. Além disso, você terá acesso a material para
praticar, como faixas de acompanhamento e partituras. \n\nO material
usado para estudo é derivado de grandes exemplos da música brasileira,
demonstrados por artistas de fama internacional como João Donato e
Alcione, entre outros. O curso, apresentado pelo professor da Berklee
Teoria Musical Berklee College of Music College of Music, Gilson Schachnik, cobre as escalas pentatônica, maior,
menor natural, e o modo mixolídio, além de vários conceitos rítmicos e
progressões harmônicas. Além do material estudado, cada aula apresenta
entrevistas com os artistas envolvidos.\n\nNesse curso, dividido em 6
aulas, você irá usar solfejo para aprender música de ouvido, como
transcrever o ritmo da música e, finalmente, como usar todos esses
elementos para escrever a música com notação musical e transpor para
qualquer tom. Também será dada atenção para a prática de percepção
musical direcionada a harmonia e culminando com a última aula aonde
você irá compor uma música usando todos os elementos aprendidos no
curso. \n\nOs projetos são corrigidos e avaliados pelos alunos, criando uma
comunidade unida pelo amor à música.
Explore the art of record production and how to make recordings that other
people will love listening to. This course will teach you how to make
emotionally moving recordings on almost any recording equipment,
including your phone or laptop. The emphasis is on mastering tangible
artistic concepts; the gear you use is up to you. You will learn to develop the
most important tool in the recording studio: your ears. You will learn to
enhance every aspect of your own productions, both sonically and
musically, by employing deeper listening skills. \n\nAssignments will include
The Art of Music Production Berklee College of Music
posting your own recordings for peer review, and reviewing your
classmates’ work by employing specific tools and strategies. If you use a
digital audio workstation to record and mix, that’s great, but as long as you
can record into your computer and post an MP3, you can complete the
assignments. \n\nAs you learn about the art of record production in this 4-
week course, you will also learn about yourself and who you are as an artist
and producer. It is not necessary that you read music or play an instrument
to take this course.

Explore the art of record production and how to make recordings that other
people will love listening to. This course will teach you how to make
emotionally moving recordings on almost any recording equipment,
including your phone or laptop. The emphasis is on mastering tangible
artistic concepts; the gear you use is up to you. You will learn to develop the
most important tool in the recording studio: your ears. You will learn to
enhance every aspect of your own productions, both sonically and
musically, by employing deeper listening skills. \n\nAssignments will include
The Art of Music Production Berklee College of Music
posting your own recordings for peer review, and reviewing your
classmates’ work by employing specific tools and strategies. If you use a
digital audio workstation to record and mix, that’s great, but as long as you
can record into your computer and post an MP3, you can complete the
assignments. \n\nAs you learn about the art of record production in this 4-
week course, you will also learn about yourself and who you are as an artist
and producer. It is not necessary that you read music or play an instrument
to take this course.

Explore the art of record production and how to make recordings that other
people will love listening to. This course will teach you how to make
emotionally moving recordings on almost any recording equipment,
including your phone or laptop. The emphasis is on mastering tangible
artistic concepts; the gear you use is up to you. You will learn to develop the
most important tool in the recording studio: your ears. You will learn to
enhance every aspect of your own productions, both sonically and
musically, by employing deeper listening skills. \n\nAssignments will include
The Art of Music Production Berklee College of Music
posting your own recordings for peer review, and reviewing your
classmates’ work by employing specific tools and strategies. If you use a
digital audio workstation to record and mix, that’s great, but as long as you
can record into your computer and post an MP3, you can complete the
assignments. \n\nAs you learn about the art of record production in this 4-
week course, you will also learn about yourself and who you are as an artist
and producer. It is not necessary that you read music or play an instrument
to take this course.
Explore the art of record production and how to make recordings that other
people will love listening to. This course will teach you how to make
emotionally moving recordings on almost any recording equipment,
including your phone or laptop. The emphasis is on mastering tangible
artistic concepts; the gear you use is up to you. You will learn to develop the
most important tool in the recording studio: your ears. You will learn to
enhance every aspect of your own productions, both sonically and
musically, by employing deeper listening skills. \n\nAssignments will include
The Art of Music Production Berklee College of Music
posting your own recordings for peer review, and reviewing your
classmates’ work by employing specific tools and strategies. If you use a
digital audio workstation to record and mix, that’s great, but as long as you
can record into your computer and post an MP3, you can complete the
assignments. \n\nAs you learn about the art of record production in this 4-
week course, you will also learn about yourself and who you are as an artist
and producer. It is not necessary that you read music or play an instrument
to take this course.

Explore the art of record production and how to make recordings that other
people will love listening to. This course will teach you how to make
emotionally moving recordings on almost any recording equipment,
including your phone or laptop. The emphasis is on mastering tangible
artistic concepts; the gear you use is up to you. You will learn to develop the
most important tool in the recording studio: your ears. You will learn to
enhance every aspect of your own productions, both sonically and
musically, by employing deeper listening skills. \n\nAssignments will include
The Art of Music Production Berklee College of Music
posting your own recordings for peer review, and reviewing your
classmates’ work by employing specific tools and strategies. If you use a
digital audio workstation to record and mix, that’s great, but as long as you
can record into your computer and post an MP3, you can complete the
assignments. \n\nAs you learn about the art of record production in this 4-
week course, you will also learn about yourself and who you are as an artist
and producer. It is not necessary that you read music or play an instrument
to take this course.

Explore the art of record production and how to make recordings that other
people will love listening to. This course will teach you how to make
emotionally moving recordings on almost any recording equipment,
including your phone or laptop. The emphasis is on mastering tangible
artistic concepts; the gear you use is up to you. You will learn to develop the
most important tool in the recording studio: your ears. You will learn to
enhance every aspect of your own productions, both sonically and
musically, by employing deeper listening skills. \n\nAssignments will include
The Art of Music Production Berklee College of Music
posting your own recordings for peer review, and reviewing your
classmates’ work by employing specific tools and strategies. If you use a
digital audio workstation to record and mix, that’s great, but as long as you
can record into your computer and post an MP3, you can complete the
assignments. \n\nAs you learn about the art of record production in this 4-
week course, you will also learn about yourself and who you are as an artist
and producer. It is not necessary that you read music or play an instrument
to take this course.
This course addresses recorded vocal performances and the technologies
used to highlight and support them in modern record production and mixes.
Most of us know that vocals serve as the focal point of modern recordings
but many do not know the tools used or when the tools are used best in
modern record production.\n\nThe course begins with simple vocal
placement in a mix, where you will also learn the fundamentals of
compression and equalization. You’ll further study delays and reverbs
before moving to advanced concepts in audio editing, synthetic processing,
automatic & graphic pitch correction, time compression, time expansion,
flex and elastic audio. \n\nThrough analysis and/or hands on projects that
the students will post for peer review, the student will gain an understanding
The Art of Vocal Production Berklee College of Music
of the many choices available to modern record producers as they record
and mix with a modern tool set. You’ll see, in action, the Vocoder, Auto-
Tune, Melodyne, Elastic Audio, Flex Time, VocAlign, tempo based editing
and a host of other file modification protocols that are readily available on
most Digital Audio Workstations. This course gives students a thorough
look at the expanded choices that have risen in the art of vocal production
as a result of these modern tools.\n\nThe goal of the course is to help
interested novices understand the recordings they are listening to,
performers find an expanded language for their recorded voices and for
vocal producers to be able to create musically artistic visualizations using
singers as their paintbrushes.
Learn about the music production process—including recording, editing,
and mixing—and the tools available to you to create contemporary music
on your computer.\n\nWith the recent introduction of high-quality-low-cost
software and hardware, the tools of music production are now available to
the masses. Albums are made in bedrooms as well as studios. On the
surface this is liberating. Anyone can make an album for the low cost of a
couple pieces of gear and a software package. But, if you dig deeper, you
will find that it is not so easy. Producing music requires knowledge,
dedication, and creativity.\n \nKnowledge is where this course comes in.
No matter what kind of music you are making, there is a large set of tools
that you will need to use. Each lesson of this course will demonstrate a
different set of music production tools, loosely following along the music
production process of recording, editing, and mixing. \n\nWe will start with
some background on the nature of sound and how we perceive it. We will
then examine the components necessary to record audio into a computer,
so that you understand the devices that sound must travel through in a
The Technology of Music Production Berklee College of Music music production process. \n \nOnce recorded, sound must be organized
along a timeline, a process known as editing. It allows us to give the
impression of perfect performances and create many of the sounds we hear
in contemporary music. The contemporary editing tool is the Digital Audio
Workstation (DAW), a piece of software that stores and organizes all the
assets of a musical project. We will focus on the editing tools that are
essential in contemporary music production and that all DAWs provide.
\n\nAfter editing, sounds must be combined or mixed together, so we look
to the mixing board—a very creative place if you know how to use it. We will
explore the basic functionality of both hardware and software mixing
boards, including volume, pan, mute, solo, busses, inserts, sends, and
submixes. The mixing process, however, includes more tools than the
mixing board provides on its own. Sound must also be processed, modified
from its recorded state to fit the context of the music. We will look at
compression, equalization, and delay, and examine the many audio effects
that are offshoots of these devices and how they are used in a musical
context.\n \nIn the end, the music production process relies on your
Learn about the music production process—including recording, editing,
and mixing—and the tools available to you to create contemporary music
on your computer.\n\nWith the recent introduction of high-quality-low-cost
software and hardware, the tools of music production are now available to
the masses. Albums are made in bedrooms as well as studios. On the
surface this is liberating. Anyone can make an album for the low cost of a
couple pieces of gear and a software package. But, if you dig deeper, you
will find that it is not so easy. Producing music requires knowledge,
dedication, and creativity.\n \nKnowledge is where this course comes in.
No matter what kind of music you are making, there is a large set of tools
that you will need to use. Each lesson of this course will demonstrate a
different set of music production tools, loosely following along the music
production process of recording, editing, and mixing. \n\nWe will start with
some background on the nature of sound and how we perceive it. We will
then examine the components necessary to record audio into a computer,
so that you understand the devices that sound must travel through in a
The Technology of Music Production Berklee College of Music music production process. \n \nOnce recorded, sound must be organized
along a timeline, a process known as editing. It allows us to give the
impression of perfect performances and create many of the sounds we hear
in contemporary music. The contemporary editing tool is the Digital Audio
Workstation (DAW), a piece of software that stores and organizes all the
assets of a musical project. We will focus on the editing tools that are
essential in contemporary music production and that all DAWs provide.
\n\nAfter editing, sounds must be combined or mixed together, so we look
to the mixing board—a very creative place if you know how to use it. We will
explore the basic functionality of both hardware and software mixing
boards, including volume, pan, mute, solo, busses, inserts, sends, and
submixes. The mixing process, however, includes more tools than the
mixing board provides on its own. Sound must also be processed, modified
from its recorded state to fit the context of the music. We will look at
compression, equalization, and delay, and examine the many audio effects
that are offshoots of these devices and how they are used in a musical
context.\n \nIn the end, the music production process relies on your
Learn about the music production process—including recording, editing,
and mixing—and the tools available to you to create contemporary music
on your computer.\n\nWith the recent introduction of high-quality-low-cost
software and hardware, the tools of music production are now available to
the masses. Albums are made in bedrooms as well as studios. On the
surface this is liberating. Anyone can make an album for the low cost of a
couple pieces of gear and a software package. But, if you dig deeper, you
will find that it is not so easy. Producing music requires knowledge,
dedication, and creativity.\n \nKnowledge is where this course comes in.
No matter what kind of music you are making, there is a large set of tools
that you will need to use. Each lesson of this course will demonstrate a
different set of music production tools, loosely following along the music
production process of recording, editing, and mixing. \n\nWe will start with
some background on the nature of sound and how we perceive it. We will
then examine the components necessary to record audio into a computer,
so that you understand the devices that sound must travel through in a
The Technology of Music Production Berklee College of Music music production process. \n \nOnce recorded, sound must be organized
along a timeline, a process known as editing. It allows us to give the
impression of perfect performances and create many of the sounds we hear
in contemporary music. The contemporary editing tool is the Digital Audio
Workstation (DAW), a piece of software that stores and organizes all the
assets of a musical project. We will focus on the editing tools that are
essential in contemporary music production and that all DAWs provide.
\n\nAfter editing, sounds must be combined or mixed together, so we look
to the mixing board—a very creative place if you know how to use it. We will
explore the basic functionality of both hardware and software mixing
boards, including volume, pan, mute, solo, busses, inserts, sends, and
submixes. The mixing process, however, includes more tools than the
mixing board provides on its own. Sound must also be processed, modified
from its recorded state to fit the context of the music. We will look at
compression, equalization, and delay, and examine the many audio effects
that are offshoots of these devices and how they are used in a musical
context.\n \nIn the end, the music production process relies on your
Learn about the music production process—including recording, editing,
and mixing—and the tools available to you to create contemporary music
on your computer.\n\nWith the recent introduction of high-quality-low-cost
software and hardware, the tools of music production are now available to
the masses. Albums are made in bedrooms as well as studios. On the
surface this is liberating. Anyone can make an album for the low cost of a
couple pieces of gear and a software package. But, if you dig deeper, you
will find that it is not so easy. Producing music requires knowledge,
dedication, and creativity.\n \nKnowledge is where this course comes in.
No matter what kind of music you are making, there is a large set of tools
that you will need to use. Each lesson of this course will demonstrate a
different set of music production tools, loosely following along the music
production process of recording, editing, and mixing. \n\nWe will start with
some background on the nature of sound and how we perceive it. We will
then examine the components necessary to record audio into a computer,
so that you understand the devices that sound must travel through in a
The Technology of Music Production Berklee College of Music music production process. \n \nOnce recorded, sound must be organized
along a timeline, a process known as editing. It allows us to give the
impression of perfect performances and create many of the sounds we hear
in contemporary music. The contemporary editing tool is the Digital Audio
Workstation (DAW), a piece of software that stores and organizes all the
assets of a musical project. We will focus on the editing tools that are
essential in contemporary music production and that all DAWs provide.
\n\nAfter editing, sounds must be combined or mixed together, so we look
to the mixing board—a very creative place if you know how to use it. We will
explore the basic functionality of both hardware and software mixing
boards, including volume, pan, mute, solo, busses, inserts, sends, and
submixes. The mixing process, however, includes more tools than the
mixing board provides on its own. Sound must also be processed, modified
from its recorded state to fit the context of the music. We will look at
compression, equalization, and delay, and examine the many audio effects
that are offshoots of these devices and how they are used in a musical
context.\n \nIn the end, the music production process relies on your
Remember to get your voucher before starting the course to earn your
Brightline™ Initiative certificate using this link: \n\nIn today’s competitive
business environment, organizations are facing unprecedented levels of
change and disruption. Only 1 out of 10 executives based on a global
survey admit that their organizations successfully deliver all of their strategic
initiatives. This course will help you as a leader of your organization to
bridge the costly and wasteful gap between strategy design and delivery.
\n\nYou will learn how external and internal factors impact the
Bridging the Gap between Strategy Design and
Brightline Initiative organizations’ capability to implement strategies. You will understand
Delivery design-delivery-gap
Brightline’s 10 Guiding Principles and see how these can help bridge the
strategy-implementation gap based on real-world examples from the profit-,
non-profit- and government sectors. We bring you interviews from global
leaders and experts to share their experiences and examples in strategy
implementation. You will also analyze a fictional case and create a strategic
action plan following the Brightline’s 10 Guiding Principles. \n\nAfter
completing this course, you will comprehend how the 10 Guiding Principles
can address and resolve your organization’s challenges to successfully
achieve its strategic goals.
This course is about how music works. It is about the relationship between
the technical and aesthetic details of music. It is also about how developing
a meaningful theoretical vocabulary can help you think and talk about
musical style, and how learning that vocabulary can expand your
appreciation for music.\n\nIn this course you will learn music theory not by
looking at theory itself, but by listening to, looking at, and—yes!—writing
your own musical examples. By hearing, seeing, and writing yourself, you
will learn about classical, modern, ancient, pop, jazz, and folk
styles.\n\nThrough lectures, relevant examples, and numerous practice
Approaching Music Theory: Melodic Forms and
California Institute of the Arts assignments, we will examine fundamental aspects of melody. We will
Simple Harmony simple-harmony
move into working with two voices and counterpoint, and finally to three
voices and the beginnings of harmonic function.\n\nThis is an intermediate-
level course for musicians and composers who already have some
understanding of music theory through previous study. If you are a musician
or composer looking to build a deeper understanding of music theory for
composing, performing, or improvisation, you have come to the right place.
If you are an amateur lover of music or, perhaps, play a musical instrument
and want to develop a deeper sense of appreciation for music theory,
aesthetics, and history, you are also in the right place!

This course is the culmination of the Graphic Design Specialization and

gives you an opportunity to tie together your knowledge and skills into a
single project: a brand development guide for a company you will
invent.\n\nThis course takes you through the entire design process, from
ideation to creation to presentation. Through the guide, you will be creating
Brand New Brand California Institute of the Arts and giving a visual identity to an imaginary start-up company, and applying
that visual identity to a number of forms. You will also develop a logotype
and accompanying graphic palette to visually represent your company, as
well as apply that design to a number of different applications to see it at
work.\n\nNote: Only learners who have earned a certificate in the four
previous courses in the Specialization are eligible to take the Capstone.

In this course you will explore concepts and approaches involved in creating
successful character designs that can be applied to video games. Following
a first week delving into some foundational concepts for successful
character design, each of the remaining three weeks are structured as a
master class where you will observe three professional character designers
at work in the studio: Andy Ristaino (Adventure Time), Jacky Ke Jiang (Journey), and Robertryan Cory (SpongeBob SquarePants). Each designer
Character Design for Video Games California Institute of the Arts
design will take on two different design challenges on the fly and address the
various issues in designing characters for games, such as movement,
expression, and technical limitations. At the end of each week you will have
an opportunity to try out some of the concepts from that week's lesson on
characters of your own design. \n\nThis is a fun and engaging class
especially useful for students interested in animation in film and TV as well
as games, and is suitable for students of any drawing ability.
Graphic Design is all around us! Words and pictures—the building blocks of
graphic design—are the elements that carry the majority of the content in
both the digital world and the printed world. As graphic design becomes
more visible and prevalent in our lives, graphic design as a practice
becomes more important in our culture.\n\nThrough visual examples, this
course will teach you the fundamental principles of graphic design:
imagemaking, typography, composition, working with color and shape...
foundational skills that are common in all areas of graphic design practice. I
don't just want you to watch a video of someone talking about design, I
want you to MAKE design! If you want to be a designer you have to be a
maker and a communicator, so this course will offer you lots of
opportunities to get your hands dirty with exercises and with more practical
Fundamentals of Graphic Design California Institute of the Arts projects.\n\nAt the end of this course you will have learned how to explore
and investigate visual representation through a range of image-making
techniques; understand basic principles of working with shape, color and
pattern; been exposed to the language and skills of typography; and
understand and have applied the principles of composition and visual
contrast. If you complete the course, along with its optional (but highly
recommended) briefs, you will have a core set of graphic design skills that
you can apply to your own projects, or to more deeply investigate a
specialized area of graphic design.\n\nTo succeed in this course you will
need access to a computer. You can complete this course without one but it
will be tougher. Access to, and a beginner's level knowledge of Adobe
Creative Suite programs, such as Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign will
help you, especially if you want to complete the optional briefs.
The Capstone project is a place for you to develop your game idea into a
fully-fleshed proposal. A game design document is your game bible, the go-
to document that defines the genre of your game, its look and feel, and the
Game Design Document: Define the Art & evolution of gameplay. This four-part capstone project guides you to distill
California Institute of the Arts
Concepts document and improve the foundational aspects of your game so that you may
express your ideas in a clear and productive way.\n\nNote: Only learners
who have earned a certificate in the four previous courses in the
Specialization are eligible to take the Capstone.
This condensed survey course focuses on four key periods or themes from
the history of design. Together we’ll trace the emergence of design as a
recognized practice, why things look the way they do, and how designers
approached specific design problems in their work. \n\nEach week, a short
Ideas from the History of Graphic Design California Institute of the Arts quiz will test your knowledge of concepts, and a short reflective assignment
will give you the opportunity to analyze the questions designers ask
themselves today.\n\nThis is an essential course for emerging designers
entering the field, or for students interested in learning more about visual
culture and analysis. No previous experience is required.
Welcome! This course is an introduction to the primary concepts of gaming,
and an exploration of how these basic concepts affect the way gamers
interact with our games. In this course you will understand what defines a
“game” and the mechanics and rules behind different types of games.
Introduction to Game Design California Institute of the Arts Through four linked assignments you'll learn ways to create and describe a
game concept, and specifically what makes a compelling game. This
course focuses on the conceptual underpinnings of games, and all
assignments can be completed with a pencil and paper – no previous
programming knowledge is required.

This course for serious makers, and for students new to imagemaking.
Imagemaking is a fluid and exciting area of graphic design that comes out
of practice and process: experimenting fearlessly, showing and sharing
ideas, and giving and receiving knowledgeable and constructive
input.\n\nFor the sake of this online platform, we have applied some
structure to our investigations, but for the most part imagemaking is loose
and unstructured. If we must adopt a rule in this course it is only this: you
will not become a graphic designer by watching videos alone. Or, don't just
make stuff just in your head. So here, the focus here is on making, and you
are expected to devote serious time and intellectual energy to that activity in
this course. Specifically, you will:\n\n - experiment with a range of materials
and techniques to make images for graphic design\n - expand your visual
vocabulary both in terms of making and talking about work, in order to
discuss your work and work of others\n - learn how to make, manipulate
and arrange images to create compositions, eventually culminating in the
Introduction to Imagemaking California Institute of the Arts
design and production of an-image-based book.\n\nThe first half of the
course is an opportunity to experiment and explore imagemaking in order to
expand your visual vocabulary. You will create pieces that are expressive,
meditative, or 'design-y' to instigate, evoke, experiment, record, explain, or
try out a media.\n\nIn the second two weeks, we’ll invite the images to
deliberately and intentionally carry meaning and communication through
relational moves like juxtaposition, composition, and context. We’ll look at
developing and expanding the range of approaches for putting things
together by composing page spreads with your images. Since nothing
exists without context, we look at how to intentionally drive the image’s
connotations, meanings, and associations generated through elements of
composition and “visual contrasts.” Ultimately, we will take the images that
you create and make a book from them.\n\nThe results of your assignments
(and experiments) may generate something completely unknowable now or
in the future—and that's the goal.
Typography is the art of manipulating the visual form of language to enrich
and control its meaning. It’s an essential area of skill and knowledge for
graphic designers. Typography predates modern graphic design by around
500 years; it is rich in rules, conventions, and esoteric terminology—but it
remains an exciting space for invention and expression.\n\nIn this rigorous
introductory course, we will study, name, and measure the characteristics of
letterforms. We’ll consider the pragmatic concerns involved in selecting and
combining type. We’ll peek into the 
rich historical, cultural, and aesthetic
histories of familiar typefaces. We’ll discuss time-tested conventions and
Introduction to Typography California Institute of the Arts
best practices in setting type, as governed by principles of hierarchy and
spatial organization. And we’ll explore the expressive, meaning-making
potential of type. \n\nInformative lectures will be complemented by a series
of three peer-assessed assignments, culminating 
in an opportunity to
design a full-scale typographic poster.\n\nPlease note that this is not a
software course; a basic working knowledge of Adobe InDesign or other

page layout software will be assumed. You will need access to a
computer and page layout software, such as InDesign, to complete the
Why just write poems when you can write better ones? This course is built
on the notion that the most exciting writing begins after the first draft. It is
specifically for folks who believe that writing poems just to express oneself
is like using the Internet just for email. After all, poetry can change the way
you and your readers think of the world and its inhabitants; it can break new
ground for language; turn a blank sheet of paper into a teeming concert of
voices and music.\n\nThough any of us may have the potential to make that
happen, having an understanding of how several tools of poetic
Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop California Institute of the Arts
composition can be used (and audaciously “mis-used”) gives you more
ways to try (and if we do this right, we might surprise ourselves most of all).
\n\nWe'll cover key poetic terms and devices by studying poems by a
handful of modern and contemporary poets and then get a chance to try our
own hand at writing new poem drafts from a select number of prompts.
Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to workshop your
poem drafts and get feedback on your work, working towards a more
polished poem.
In this course, you will examine how storytelling acts as a vital mechanism
for driving video gameplay forward. Looking at several historical and
contemporary games, you will be asked to evaluate and interpret different
story styles with the goal of identifying themes and procedures for your own
Story and Narrative Development for Video Games California Institute of the Arts
game ideas. We'll examine traditional narrative story processes, such as
three-act structure, and how they fit into game story flows and the strategic
elements of gameplay. Ultimately, you will learn how to define character,
setting, and structure to create a compelling game concept.
In this course, critique is defined as a detailed, objective analysis of a work
of graphic design and its effectiveness. Critique is an integral part of the
making process for designers: it’s not just how we determine if a work of
design is or is not successful, it’s how we move our work forward. Critique is
also where other voices and opinions can be brought into the design
process. \n\nThis course will introduce a lexicon (or vocabulary) in order for
you to demonstrate clearer and more considered ways of talking about
graphic design in the context of critique. Through this lexicon and a
provided Critique Framework, we will model and then practice objectively
describing how well a work of design functions based on specific, clearly
articulated criteria. By refining this skill, you will enhance your ability to
communicate about design with peers, colleagues, and clients. \n\nThis
course is essential to anyone looking to develop and refine a critical
The Language of Design: Form and Meaning California Institute of the Arts vocabulary around talking about art and design, such as:\n - practicing
graphic designers at all levels\n - future and current students of art or
design programs\n - teachers teaching visual art, design, or related
subjects\n - any stakeholder in a design project that needs to communicate
effectively with designers on their team. \n\nThis course is recommended
to learners enrolled in either the Graphic Design Specialization or UI/UX
Design Specialization on Coursera to further develop their skills in graphic
design. You may take this course before, during, or after completing either
Specialization. \n\nNote this is not an art appreciation course for a general
audience. While no prior experience is required to begin, the knowledge
and skills taught in this course is useful only if you have some relationship
to design in a professional context, i.e., practicing, studying, or teaching
design, or working directly with designers.\n\nNo specific software or tools
are required to complete this course.

This hands-on course examines how content is organized and structured to

create an experience for a user, and what role the designer plays in
creating and shaping user experience. You will be led through a condensed
process that acts as a roadmap for developing robust UI/UX design: from
ideation and sitemapping, to the creation of paper and digital prototypes.
Building on the design skills learned in Visual Elements of User Interface
Design, you will apply this methodology to produce a digital prototype for a
multi-screen app of your own invention.\n\nBy the end of this course, you
will be able to describe and apply current best practices and conventions in
UX design, and employ the fundamental principles of how UX design
UX Design Fundamentals California Institute of the Arts functions to shape an audience's experience of a given body of
content.\nThis is the second course in the UI/UX Design Specialization,
which brings a design-centric approach to user interface (UI) and user
experience (UX) design, and offers practical, skill-based instruction centered
around a visual communications perspective, rather than on one focused
on marketing or programming alone.\n\nThese courses are ideal for anyone
with some experience in graphic or visual design and who would like to
build their skill set in UI or UX for app and web design. It would also be ideal
for anyone with experience in front- or back-end web development or
human-computer interaction and want to sharpen their visual design and
analysis skills for UI or UX.
This design-centric course examines the broad question of what an
interface is and what role a designer plays in creating a user interface.
Learning how to design and articulate meaning using color, type, and
imagery is essential to making interfaces function clearly and seamlessly.
Through a series of lectures and visual exercises, you will focus on the
many individual elements and components that make up the skillset of an
interface designer. By the end of this course, you will be able to describe
the key formal elements of clear, consistent, and intuitive UI design, and
apply your learned skills to the design of a static screen-based
Visual Elements of User Interface Design California Institute of the Arts interface.\n\nThis is the first course in the UI/UX Design Specialization,
which brings a design-centric approach to user interface (UI) and user
experience (UX) design, and offers practical, skill-based instruction centered
around a visual communications perspective, rather than on one focused
on marketing or programming alone.\n\nThese courses are ideal for anyone
with some experience in graphic or visual design and who would like to
build their skill set in UI or UX for app and web design. It would also be ideal
for anyone with experience in front- or back-end web development or
human-computer interaction and want to sharpen their visual design and
analysis skills for UI or UX.
This course is focused on the early user experience (UX) challenges of
research, planning, setting goals, understanding the user, structuring
content, and developing interactive sequences. While the concepts covered
will translate to many kinds of interactive media (apps, digital kiosks,
games), our primary focus will be on designing contemporary, responsive
websites. In this course you will complete the first half of a large scale
project—developing a comprehensive plan for a complex website—by
defining the strategy and scope of the site, as well as developing its
information architecture and overall structure. Along the way we will also
discuss:\n\n - Different job descriptions in the web design industry and
where UX and UI skills fall within this spectrum\n - The difference between
native apps and websites\n - The difference of agile vs. waterfall
approaches\n - User personas and site personas\n - User testing\n\nThe
Web Design: Strategy and Information Architecture California Institute of the Arts
work and knowledge in this course continues in the last course in the UI/UX
Design Specialization, Web Design: Wireframes to Prototypes, where you
will tackle—finally—wireframes, visual mockups, and clickable
prototypes.\nThis is the third course in the UI/UX Design Specialization,
which brings a design-centric approach to user interface (UI) and user
experience (UX) design, and offers practical, skill-based instruction centered
around a visual communications perspective, rather than on one focused
on marketing or programming alone.\n\nThese courses are ideal for anyone
with some experience in graphic or visual design and who would like to
build their skill set in UI or UX for app and web design. It would also be ideal
for anyone with experience in front- or back-end web development or
human-computer interaction and want to sharpen their visual design and
analysis skills for UI or UX.
This course is focused on the application of the early UX research to actual
user interfaces: the creation of wireframes, high-fidelity mockups, and
clickable prototypes. Along the way we will also discuss:\n\n - Responsive
web design and mobile web challenges\n - Mobile-first approach\n - Web
typography\n - The relationship between design and programming and
whether it is important to know how to code\n - The different web
technologies that make the web work, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
server-side coding, and databases.\n\nThis course is the continuation of the
course Web Design: Strategy and Information Architecture, in which
students completed the first half of a large scale project—developing a
comprehensive plan for a complex website. If you are intending to complete the assignments in this course to earn a certificate you must complete the
Web Design: Wireframes to Prototypes California Institute of the Arts
wireframes-prototypes Strategy and Information Architecture course first so you have the materials
and data needed to begin creating wireframes and mockups in this
course.\n\nThis is the fourth and last course in the UI/UX Design
Specialization, which brings a design-centric approach to user interface (UI)
and user experience (UX) design, and offers practical, skill-based instruction
centered around a visual communications perspective, rather than on one
focused on marketing or programming alone.\n\nThese courses are ideal
for anyone with some experience in graphic or visual design and who would
like to build their skill set in UI or UX for app and web design. It would also
be ideal for anyone with experience in front- or back-end web development
or human-computer interaction and want to sharpen their visual design and
analysis skills for UI or UX.
Start creating your world. A game world is not just a backdrop for your
game—be it minimal or detailed, contained or part of a much bigger
universe, it provides the context for your player. Ultimately, a game world
should feel alive and wholly unique to any player who will experience it.
\n\nIn this course, we will explore game worlds in existing games and study
the art and influences that inform their themes and styles. We will also
World Design for Video Games California Institute of the Arts investigate key components of environment and level design as well as
strategies designers use to define gameplay or advance it. We’ll also look
at navigation and the elements that make your world as real (or unreal) as
you want it to be. A weekly challenge will prompt you to explore styles and
inspirations for possible game worlds, and you’ll learn effective ways to
communicate your ideas from concepts to presentation-worthy proofs of
The neuroscience of drugs for therapy, for prevention, and for recreation.
Drug addiction and drug abuse. You’ll learn the prospects for new
Drugs and the Brain Caltech
generations of medications in neurology, psychiatry, aging, and treatment of
substance abuse.
This class covers the fundamental principles underlying cryo-electron
microscopy (cryo-EM) starting with the basic anatomy of electron
microscopes, an introduction to Fourier transforms, and the principles of
image formation. Building upon that foundation, the class then covers the
sample preparation issues, data collection strategies, and basic image
processing workflows for all 3 basic modalities of modern cryo-EM:
tomography, single particle analysis, and 2-D
crystallography.\n\nPhilosophy:\nThe course emphasizes concepts rather
than mathematical details, taught through numerous drawings and example
images. It is meant for anyone interested in the burgeoning fields of cryo-
EM and 3-D EM, including cell biologists or molecular biologists without
extensive training in mathematics or imaging physics and practicing
electron microscopists who want to broaden their understanding of the field.
The class is perfect as a primer for anyone who is about to be trained as a
cryo-electron microscopist, or for anyone who needs an introduction to the
Getting started in cryo-EM Caltech
field to be able to understand the literature or the talks and conversations
they will hear at cryo-EM meetings.\n\nPre-requisites:\nThe recommended
prerequisites are college-freshman-level math, physics, and
biochemistry.\n\nPace: \nThere are 14.5 hours of lecture videos total
separated into 40 individual “modules” lasting on average 20 minutes each.
Each module has at the end a list of “concept check” questions you can use
to test your knowledge of what was presented. As the modules are grouped
into seven major subjects, one reasonable plan would be to go through one
major subject each day. That would mean watching a couple hours of
lecture and spending another hour or so thinking through the concept check
questions each day for a week. Another reasonable plan would be to go
through one module each day for a little over a month, or even three
modules a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) for a 3-month
term.\n\nIt is likely that as you then move on to actually begin using a cryo-
EM or otherwise engage in the field, you will want to repeat certain modules.

This is an introductory astronomy survey class that covers our

understanding of the physical universe and its major constituents, including
The Evolving Universe Caltech
planetary systems, stars, galaxies, black holes, quasars, larger structures,
and the universe as a whole.
Learn about the science behind the current exploration of the solar system
in this free class. Use principles from physics, chemistry, biology, and
geology to understand the latest from Mars, comprehend the outer solar
system, ponder planets outside our solar system, and search for habitability
in our neighborhood and beyond. This course is generally taught at an
The Science of the Solar System Caltech advanced level assuming a prior knowledge of undergraduate math and
physics, but the majority of the concepts and lectures can be understood
without these prerequisites. The quizzes and final exam are designed to
make you think critically about the material you have learned rather than to
simply make you memorize facts. The class is expected to be challenging
but rewarding.
Modern engineering research focuses on designing new materials and
processes at the molecular level. Statistical thermodynamics provides the
formalism for understanding how molecular interactions lead to the
Statistical Thermodynamics: Molecules to
Carnegie Mellon University observed collective behavior at the macroscale. \n\nThis course will
Machines thermodynamics-cm
develop a molecular-level understanding of key thermodynamic quantities
like heat, work, free energy and entropy. These concepts will be applied in
understanding several important engineering and biological applications.
The objectives of this MOOC are to enable you to learn from applying
concepts, exercises and learning from the four other MOOCs in this
specialization. Learners involved in our programs over the decades have
repeatedly told us that going over the material several times helps them
progressively delve into the meaning and application of the ideas and
experiences. As a result, we have designed this capstone so that it would
be the third iteration of working with the ideas and experiences about
effective leadership and inspiring its development in others. The first
Be a Leader, Develop a Leader Case Western Reserve University iteration was during one of the other MOOCs in terms of the videos,
readings, Forum chats and reflective exercises. The second iteration was
doing one of the personal learning or action learning assignments in one of
the MOOCs that involved talking to others and writing an essay about the
experience. If you had not done the Action learning assignment, then one of
the two projects for this MOOC would involve doing it. The third is reviewing
and revising your analysis of the experience as the Capstone project to
show evidence that you can Be a Leader and help another Develop as a
An immersive experience in the world of sports that will take students
through the four stages of a professional athlete's career. Utilizing lectures,
guest speakers, reading assignments and hypothetical walkthroughs,
students will learn how the best sports agents manage clients at each of
these four stages.\n\nThis course will provide each student with the skills
necessary to guide an athlete through the difficult decisions that can make
or lose the athlete millions of dollars, as well as affect their public image
and career. Walking through the four stages of an athlete's career, we will
Becoming a Sports Agent Case Western Reserve University provide a broad scope of the landscape of amateur and professional sports
so that you can avoid the pitfalls and traps that so many have fallen into in
the past; not to mention, bringing you updates throughout the course
regarding the rapidly changing sports world that we live in today. Analyzing
the best practices in the management of the superstar athletes with whom
Professor Carfagna, Professor Volante and their expert guests have
worked, we will show you how to manage the career of any professional
athlete who might seek your guidance at any stage of his or her
professional career.
The path for entrepreneurs to grow their companies outside of well-
developed entrepreneurial ecosystems like Silicon Valley is challenging.
Most markets around the world do not look like Silicon Valley, and they
never will. But there are other models to support new businesses. In
transitioning markets (where entrepreneurs do not have much access to
private sector financing), government officials, donors, and business
leaders are experimenting with creative approaches to support the growth
of entrepreneurs. Northeast Ohio, whose largest city is Cleveland, is one
such community. During our time together in this course, we will be
exploring some of these innovative approaches. \n\nA massive intervention
of government and donor resources in Northeast Ohio has been in place for
over ten years. In that time, Northeast Ohio has experienced success
(including job creation and follow-on funding) with alternative methods of
financing startups, but it has not been easy. Yes, some progress has been
made, but whether or not they've hit on ultimate success has yet to be
determined. A dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem takes many years, even
Beyond Silicon Valley: Growing Entrepreneurship
Case Western Reserve University decades, to develop. Government officials and donors typically are looking
in Transitioning Economies development
for shorter term success with their support programs which makes long-
term support for entrepreneurship challenging. \n\nDuring this course, we
will hear from entrepreneurs who have launched products and services
ranging from medical devices to LED lights to whiskey. You will learn how
these entrepreneurs engaged with resources made available to them
through a variety of programs and intermediary organizations. We have
chosen to talk with many business people that are still in the process of
developing their companies and whose ultimate success or failure is still to
be determined. \n\nIn addition to learning about Cleveland's attempts to
support entrepreneurship, you will also be hearing in the lectures from
leaders in selected markets around the world including Greece, Vietnam,
Tunisia, Argentina, Rwanda and China about how they are working to
support the growth of start-up companies.\n\nOne of our goals is to learn
from you how different communities around the world are approaching
implementing strategies and methods to support businesses. Taking what
we've learned from our examples in class, I will ask you to reflect on how to
Coaching can inspire and motivate people to learn, change, and be
effective leaders, among other roles in life. Although most attempts are
Conversations That Inspire: Coaching Learning, “coaching for compliance” (coaching someone to your wishes or
Case Western Reserve University
Leadership and Change expectations), decades of behavioral and neuroscience research show us
that “coaching with compassion” (coaching someone to their dreams and
desires) is more effective.
This 5 week course will guide learners through the essential steps in
planning an individualized weight loss program. There is no guarantee of
weight loss through completing the course; learners will have the framework
and essential components for an evidence-based weight loss program. This
course is intended for healthy adults who do not have any chronic disease
such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease or any
others. In addition, this course does not provide information for people who
have food allergies or intolerances.\n\nLosing weight and keeping it off
requires planning and goal-setting. Crash diets or fad diets are ineffective
and can be dangerous. This course provides evidence-based information
for planning a weight loss program that is safe and effective in producing a
Designing Your Personal Weight Loss Plan Case Western Reserve University one to two pound loss per week.\n\nThis course will help learners establish
the following: \n\n1. A realistic goal weight with a specific plan for rate of
weight loss and time frame for achieving goal weight.\n2. A realistic goal for
the frequency, duration, and intensity of exercise that will enable the learner
to achieve and maintain the goal weight.\n3. A specific set of strategies for
grocery shopping, eating in restaurants, eating at social occasions, and
dealing with hunger and emotional eating.\n4. A plan for monitoring food
intake, exercise and weight loss.\n5. A plan for continued evaluation of
progress to goals and strategies for adjusting goals for continued weight
loss for the next 6 months or longer.\n6. A thorough understanding of the
difficulty of maintaining weight loss and a plan for maximizing the chances
of keeping off the weight lost.
Emotional intelligence, hope, mindfulness, and compassion help a person
Inspiring Leadership through Emotional reverse the damage of chronic stress and build great leadership
Case Western Reserve University
Intelligence intelligence-leadership relationships. The Positive and Negative Emotional Attractors inspire
sustained, desired change and learning at many levels.
-- About the Course --\n\nFrom the Nuremberg trial to the case against
Saddam Hussein, from the prosecution of Al-Qaeda terrorists to the trial of
Somali pirates – no area of law is as important to world peace and security
as international criminal law. Taught by one of the world’s leading experts
in the field, this course will educate students about the fundamentals of
international criminal law and policy. We will explore the contours of
international crimes such as genocide, war crimes, terrorism, and piracy.
We will examine unique modes of international criminal liability and
specialized defenses. And we will delve into the challenges of obtaining
custody of the accused and maintaining control of the courtroom.\n\n--
Course Syllabus --\n\nThis course comprises eight units (or "modules").
Each will include an assigned reading, typically an article or book chapter,
as well as a simulation designed to bring the readings to life.\n\nI will also
offer video lectures on each of the topics, accompanied by slides. In
addition, there will be online role-play exercises and debates, enabling the
students to share their own insights. \n\nThe order of class sessions will
Introduction to International Criminal Law Case Western Reserve University be:\n\n(1) History: From Nuremberg to The Hague\n\n(2) International
Crimes Part 1: War Crimes, Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, and
Torture\n\n(3) International Crimes Part 2: Terrorism and Piracy\n\n(4)
Special modes of liability: command responsibility, co-perpetration, and
incitement\n\n(5) Special defenses: insanity, obedience to orders,
duress, and head of state immunity\n\n(6) Gaining custody of the
accused: extradition, luring, abduction, and targeted killing\n\n(7) Pre-
Trial Issues: plea bargaining, self-representation, and exclusion of torture
evidence\n\n(8) Maintaining control of the courtroom \n\n--
Recommended Background --\n\nYou don’t have to be a lawyer and there
are no prerequisites for this course. However, the course will be conducted
at the level expected of advanced undergraduate students. Therefore, for
all participants, reading and writing comfortably in English at the
undergraduate college level is desirable. \n\n-- Suggested Readings --
\n\nStudents should read the assigned online materials for each unit in
advance of the class session. \n\nIn addition, students are invited to
subscribe to “War Crimes Prosecution Watch,” a free bi-weekly e-newsletter
Appreciative Inquiry is a collaborative and constructive inquiry process that
searches for everything that gives life to organizations, communities, and
larger human systems when they are most alive, effective, creative and
healthy in their interconnected ecology of relationships. To appreciate, quite
simply, means to value and to recognize that which has value—it is a way
of knowing and valuing the best in life. In the language of Positive
Organizational Scholarship it means a research focus—a positive
bias—seeking fresh understanding of dynamics described by words like
excellence, thriving, abundance, resilience, or exceptional and life-giving.
\n\nIn this context the word appreciate means to value those things of
value—it is a mode of knowing often connected to the idea of esthetic
appreciation in the arts. To appreciate also means to be grateful or thankful
for—it is a way of being and maintaining a positive stance along the path of
Leading Positive Change through Appreciative
Case Western Reserve University life's journey. And not incidentally, to appreciate is to increase in value too.
Combining the three—appreciation as a way of knowing, as a way of being
and as an increase in value– suggests that Appreciative Inquiry is
simultaneously a life-centric form of study and a constructive mode of
practice. As a form of study, Appreciative Inquiry focuses on searching
systematically for those capacities and processes that give life and strength
and possibility to a living system; and as a constructive mode of practice, it
aims at designing and crafting human organizations through a process in
which valuing and creating are viewed as one, and where inquiry and
change are powerfully related and understood as a seamless and integral
whole \n\nLeading Positive Change through Appreciative Inquiry is a course
dedicated to advancing our understanding and skill in leading strength-
based change and on how to create, foster and manage organizations in
which people thrive and perform at their best.

In this course you will learn about the importance of quality in healthcare
and how you can contribute by implementing a quality improvement (QI)
project to improve processes of care and patient outcomes. You will learn
about powerful tools to add to your QI ‘toolbox’ during short lectures and
reflective exercises. You will apply these tools to the implementation of a QI
project in your own practice setting or an area of personal improvement. At the completion of the course, you will have a storyboard that captures your
Take the Lead on Healthcare Quality Improvement Case Western Reserve University
nt QI project success to share with others.\n\nThe QI project will be
considered within the context of interprofessional teams and from a
systems perspective. The objective of this course is to empower you, the
working healthcare professional, to improve your knowledge and skills in
the science of quality improvement so that you can take action in your own
clinical setting to improve the quality of care for your patients and their
This course aims to inspire and empower women and men across the world
to engage in purposeful career development and take on leadership for
important causes---to lead change with more conviction and confidence---
and improve our workplaces and communities for all. By offering more
complex understandings of issues related to professional women and work,
the course will help you increase self-knowledge about your own values and
vision, as well as enhance your capabilities as a leader, manager, and team
contributor. We will examine the opportunities, challenges, trade-offs, and
organizational dynamics experienced by women in work organizations, as
well as reflect on and practice effective individual behaviors.\n\nThe course
aims at answering questions such as: What are the valued attributes and
behaviors of women in the workplace? How does the gendered nature of
organizations impact women? What derails our career advancement and
what propels us upward? What are your leadership goals and aspirations?
How can you best integrate your multiple family and work life
commitments? How do you define career success? What can organizations
Women in Leadership: Inspiring Positive Change Case Western Reserve University do to provide women with opportunities to excel? What opportunities could
our global economy harness by advancing women to leadership? How can
the full talents of the workforce be tapped into and developed?\n\nThe
course is about leadership and inspiring change, but at its core it is meant
to inspire and empower women and men across the world to engage in
purposeful career development and take on leadership for important
causes, to lead change with more conviction and confidence, and improve
our workplaces and communities for all. Your involvement in the course
activities is essential to help you learn these concepts and develop the
necessary skills to implement them. If you watch the videos and read the
required articles you will be introduced to some intriguing ideas. If you do
the personal reflective exercises and complete the final project you will
convert those ideas into relevant experiences to enhance your life and
work. Going beyond your personal relevance, your potential learning will
expand to understanding and working with others more effectively through
either the Discussion Forums in the course or through face-to-face
discussions (some of you are taking the course in groups). Each week, we
What you’ll achieve:\n\nIn this project-centered course*, you’ll design, build,
and distribute your own unique application for the Android mobile platform.
We’ll provide you with a set of customizable building blocks that you can
assemble to create many different types of apps, and that will help you
become familiar with many important specificities of Android development.
When you complete the project, in addition to having a personalized app
that you can use and share, you’ll have the skills and background you need
to move on to more advanced coursework in Android development. \n\n
What you’ll need to get started:\n\nThis project-centered course is designed
for learners who have some prior experience programming in Java, such as
an introductory college course or Coursera’s Java Programming
Specialization (
programming).\n\nYou will need a computer with a stable Internet
Build Your First Android App (Project-Centered
CentraleSupélec connection, but you will not need an Android phone - we’ll use free software
that you can use to emulate a phone on your computer. We'll use Android
Studio as IDE; it is compatible with most computer and operating systems.
You can find detailed system requirements here:\n\n*About
Project-Centered Courses: Project-centered courses are designed to help
you complete a personally meaningful real-world project, with your
instructor and a community of learners with similar goals providing guidance
and suggestions along the way. By actively applying new concepts as you
learn, you’ll master the course content more efficiently; you’ll also get a
head start on using the skills you gain to make positive changes in your life
and career. When you complete the course, you’ll have a finished project
that you’ll be proud to use and share. \n\nTime: 10 hours of study, 10 hours
of active project work
In the expression “creative thinking”, the keyword is not creativity; the
keyword is thinking. With the help of great philosophers, you will rediscover
the art of thinking.\n\nTo help leaders to be rigorous even without figures,
great philosophers have lots of ideas. Managers are invited to rediscover
the art of thinking. They should understand the role of mental models,
On Strategy : What Managers Can Learn from realize the importance of cognitive bias, agree on clear definitions and
Philosophy - PART 1 philosophy efficient criteria etc. \n\nCreativity demands the ability to unshackle
ourselves from conventional ways of thinking, to "think outside the box". But
we need to go a step further. Once outside the box, we need to construct a
new box or boxes (that is, new intellectual frameworks or models) to help us
structure our thinking. Only once we have done so can we generate truly
game-changing ideas.
Transform or disappear, the Darwinism of IT: In order to adapt to a digital
world, a two-speed IT is needed.\nDespite the importance of IT in today’s
digital world, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) often struggle to get their
voices heard by executive committees.\nFaced with this challenge, IT
departments are being forced to reinvent themselves to adapt their
companies to the fast paced evolution of technology. The Boston
Consulting Group has developed a business approach that allows IT to
Two Speed IT: How Companies Can Surf the
CentraleSupélec shed off its appearance of a heavy cost center and to adopt a new, more
Digital Wave, a BCG Perspective
realistic persona as a quality service provider, partnering with users and the
management.\nWould you be a professional, a student in engineering, a
student in a business schools or would you just be interested in digital
transformation and its implications on IT, Learn with three BCG experts why
and how to manage an IT department as a business in order to transform a
company and adapt it to a digital world.\n\nJoin the conversation:
In this course, you'll get an in-depth look at the SQL SELECT statement
and its main clauses. The course focuses on big data SQL engines Apache
Hive and Apache Impala, but most of the information is applicable to SQL
with traditional RDBMs as well; the instructor explicitly addresses
differences for MySQL and PostgreSQL.\n\nBy the end of the course, you
will be able to\n• explore and navigate databases and tables using different
tools;\n• understand the basics of SELECT statements;\n• understand how
and why to filter results;\n• explore grouping and aggregation to answer
analytic questions;\n• work with sorting and limiting results; and \n• combine
multiple tables in different ways.\n\nTo use the hands-on environment for
Analyzing Big Data with SQL Cloudera this course, you need to download and install a virtual machine and the
software on which to run it. Before continuing, be sure that you have access
to a computer that meets the following hardware and software
requirements:\n• Windows, macOS, or Linux operating system (iPads and
Android tablets will not work)\n• 64-bit operating system (32-bit operating
systems will not work)\n• 8 GB RAM or more\n• 25GB free disk space or
more\n• Intel VT-x or AMD-V virtualization support enabled (on Mac
computers with Intel processors, this is always enabled;\non Windows and
Linux computers, you might need to enable it in the BIOS)\n• For Windows
XP computers only: You must have an unzip utility such as 7-Zip or WinZip
installed (Windows XP’s built-in unzip utility will not work)
In this course, you'll get a big-picture view of using SQL for big data, starting
with an overview of data, database systems, and the common querying
language (SQL). Then you'll learn the characteristics of big data and SQL
tools for working on big data platforms. You'll also install an exercise
environment (virtual machine) to be used through the specialization
courses, and you'll have an opportunity to do some initial exploration of
databases and tables in that environment.\n\nBy the end of the course, you
will be able to\n• distinguish operational from analytic databases, and
understand how these are applied in big data;\n• understand how database
and table design provides structures for working with data;\n• appreciate
how differences in volume and variety of data affects your choice of an
appropriate database system;\n• recognize the features and benefits of SQL dialects designed to work with big data systems for storage and
Foundations for Big Data Analysis with SQL Cloudera
data-analysis-sql analysis; and \n• explore databases and tables in a big data platform.\n\nTo
use the hands-on environment for this course, you need to download and
install a virtual machine and the software on which to run it. Before
continuing, be sure that you have access to a computer that meets the
following hardware and software requirements:\n• Windows, macOS, or
Linux operating system (iPads and Android tablets will not work)\n• 64-bit
operating system (32-bit operating systems will not work)\n• 8 GB RAM or
more\n• 25GB free disk space or more\n• Intel VT-x or AMD-V virtualization
support enabled (on Mac computers with Intel processors, this is always
enabled;\non Windows and Linux computers, you might need to enable it in
the BIOS)\n• For Windows XP computers only: You must have an unzip
utility such as 7-Zip or WinZip installed (Windows XP’s built-in unzip utility
will not work)

In this course, you'll learn how to manage big datasets, how to load them
into clusters and cloud storage, and how to apply structure to the data so
that you can run queries on it using distributed SQL engines like Apache
Hive and Apache Impala. You’ll learn how to choose the right data types,
storage systems, and file formats based on which tools you’ll use and what
performance you need.\n\nBy the end of the course, you will be able to\n•
use different tools to browse existing databases and tables in big data
systems;\n• use different tools to explore files in distributed big data
filesystems and cloud storage;\n• create and manage big data databases
and tables using Apache Hive and Apache Impala; and\n• describe and
choose among different data types and file formats for big data
Managing Big Data in Clusters and Cloud Storage Cloudera systems.\n\nTo use the hands-on environment for this course, you need to
download and install a virtual machine and the software on which to run it.
Before continuing, be sure that you have access to a computer that meets
the following hardware and software requirements:\n• Windows, macOS, or
Linux operating system (iPads and Android tablets will not work)\n• 64-bit
operating system (32-bit operating systems will not work)\n• 8 GB RAM or
more\n• 25GB free disk space or more\n• Intel VT-x or AMD-V virtualization
support enabled (on Mac computers with Intel processors, this is always
enabled;\non Windows and Linux computers, you might need to enable it in
the BIOS)\n• For Windows XP computers only: You must have an unzip
utility such as 7-Zip or WinZip installed (Windows XP’s built-in unzip utility
will not work)
This course is open to learners who have completed all eight courses on
the Foundations of Teaching for Learning MOOC. It revisits topics covered
and focuses on what it really means to be a reflective practitioner. One of
the great paradoxes of learning is that the more you know the more you
become aware of what you don’t know... and the more you want to know!
This course offers an opportunity to further deepen and broaden your
professional expertise. It provides an opportunity to participate in practical
tasks and assessments that draw on the knowledge and skills gained in the
previous courses.

\n\nIf you have completed the eight courses, signed
up to the Signature track, met all the assessment requirements of the
programme and would like to continue to build on your interest and
achievements, this course is for you! There is enough challenge and scope
for learners who already have teaching experience, but this course is also
suitable for less experienced learners who may not have a great deal of
Foundations of Teaching for Learning Capstone: teacher education or may not yet hold a teaching
Commonwealth Education Trust
The Reflective Practitioner qualification.\n\nAnnouncement for US based teachers:\n\nCoursera and its
partners are proud to offer eligible teachers in the US free Course
Certificates for this course and other high-quality teacher professional
development courses, through the Connected effort announced by
President Obama.\n\nTo participate in this opportunity, US district leaders
simply need to approve Coursera teacher professional development by
completing a brief form at:\n\nUS Teachers
interested in this opportunity are also encouraged to follow the link to learn
more and\n\nOnce a district’s form has been
verified, the district leader will be notified and teachers in the district will
receive access to free verified certificates for Coursera professional
development.\n\nCoursera and the Commonwealth Education Trust thank
educators for the hard work they do every day and hope this opportunity will
assist US teachers to continue developing their craft in a meaningful and
flexible way.

The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is

teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it
at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by
established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth,
this eight course programme will see you develop and strengthen your skills
in teaching, professionalism, assessment, and more. As you carry on
through the programme, you will find yourself strengthening not only your
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Being a skills, but your connection with colleagues across the globe. A professional
Commonwealth Education Trust
Professional development opportunity not to be missed. \n\nThis course will emphasise
what you can do to act professionally. This includes developing your own
philosophy of teaching and making sure that you continue to improve your
knowledge and skills. It also considers what it means to be part of a
community of professionals, working with others to improve what happens
in your school, community and profession.\n\nEnhance your course by
joining the Commonwealth teaching community on our website, Facebook
and Twitter.
The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is
teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it
at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by
established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth,
this eight course programme will see you develop and strengthen your skills
in teaching, professionalism, assessment, and more. As you carry on
through the programme, you will find yourself strengthening not only your
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Being a
Commonwealth Education Trust skills, but your connection with colleagues across the globe. A professional
development opportunity not to be missed. \n\nHow we teach has its
foundation in how we were taught and how we learned. This course
provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your personal and professional
development as a teacher. Through reflection and portfolio development
you will enhance your knowledge and understanding of how to promote
learning.\n\nEnhance your course by joining the Commonwealth teaching
community on our website, Facebook and Twitter.

The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is

teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it
at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by
established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth,
this eight course programme will see you develop and strengthen your skills
in teaching, professionalism, assessment, and more. As you carry on
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Curriculum Commonwealth Education Trust through the programme, you will find yourself strengthening not only your
skills, but your connection with colleagues across the globe. A professional
development opportunity not to be missed. \n\nCurriculum is a framework
for guiding teaching and learning. This course provides an opportunity for
you to consider the relationship between the teacher, the learner and the
curriculum.\n\nEnhance your course by joining the Commonwealth teaching
community on our website, Facebook and Twitter.

The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is

teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it
at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by
established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth,
this eight course programme will see you develop and strengthen your skills
in teaching, professionalism, assessment, and more. As you carry on
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Developing through the programme, you will find yourself strengthening not only your
Commonwealth Education Trust
Relationships skills, but your connection with colleagues across the globe. A professional
development opportunity not to be missed. \n\nPositive relationships with
students supports children's learning. Positive relationships with colleagues
and school leaders helps school improvement. This course helps teachers
develop strong relationships with families and colleagues.\n\nEnhance your
course by joining the Commonwealth teaching community on our website,
Facebook and Twitter.
The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is
teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it
at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by
established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth,
this eight course programme will see you develop and strengthen your skills
in teaching, professionalism, assessment, and more. As you carry on
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction Commonwealth Education Trust through the programme, you will find yourself strengthening not only your
skills, but your connection with colleagues across the globe. A professional
development opportunity not to be missed. \n\nThis introductory course
considers the three domains of being a teacher: Professional Knowledge
and Understanding; Professional Practice; and Professional Values,
Relationships and Engagement.\n\nEnhance your course by joining the
Commonwealth teaching community on our website, Facebook and Twitter.

The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is

teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it
at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by
established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth,
this eight course programme will see you develop and strengthen your skills
in teaching, professionalism, assessment, and more. As you carry on
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction
Commonwealth Education Trust through the programme, you will find yourself strengthening not only your
to Student Assessment
skills, but your connection with colleagues across the globe. A professional
development opportunity not to be missed. \n\nThere are various
techniques which help to assess student learning. This course helps
teacher to acquire the skills to develop and use appropriate assessment
procedures. \n\nEnhance your course by joining the Commonwealth
teaching community on our website, Facebook and Twitter.

The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is

teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it
at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by
established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth,
this eight course programme will see you develop and strengthen your skills
in teaching, professionalism, assessment, and more. As you carry on
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Learners through the programme, you will find yourself strengthening not only your
Commonwealth Education Trust
and Learning skills, but your connection with colleagues across the globe. A professional
development opportunity not to be missed. \n\nThe teacher’s work
becomes meaningful when it is informed by research and theories of
learning, and their relationship to actual practice. This course provides an
opportunity for you to identify and understand students’ expectations and
prior learning.\n\nEnhance your course by joining the Commonwealth
teaching community on our website, Facebook and Twitter.
The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is
teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it
at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by
established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth,
this eight course programme will see you develop and strengthen your skills
in teaching, professionalism, assessment, and more. As you carry on
Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Planning through the programme, you will find yourself strengthening not only your
Commonwealth Education Trust
for Teaching and Learning skills, but your connection with colleagues across the globe. A professional
development opportunity not to be missed. \n\nThis course will help you
consider how to develop appropriate learning goals for individual and
groups of students. You will learn how to plan learning activities to engage
your students in ways that will achieve these goals.\n\nEnhance your
course by joining the Commonwealth teaching community on our website,
Facebook and Twitter.

This course is for curious students and aspiring authors with a passion for
writing for young readers. Participate in a dynamic online community of
writers as you experiment with your own writing and develop your voice.
This course will guide you with a combination of video lectures, online
readings, peer reviews, and guest appearances from world-renowned
children’s authors. As you work through the writing exercises, you will give
and receive feedback from your peers and gain tools and techniques for
improving your writing.\n\nDuring this course you will identify stories that
matter to you, explore cultural significance and boundaries, and shape your
Writing for Young Readers: Opening the Treasure
Commonwealth Education Trust identity as a writer; become familiar with standard elements of narrative
(character, setting, plot, theme, language, dialogue, point of view); reflect
on your own work and practice essential self-editing skills; see the different
ways in which words and art interact, and the possibilities of longer
narrative forms; come away with practical insights into publishing options;
and create a plan for pursuing your enthusiasm for writing. By the end of the
course, you will have ten to twelve extracts of writing that you can develop
into a portfolio.\n\nJoin a dynamic community of many voices from around
the world. Find inspiration in your own voice, heart, and place so that you
can tell the stories for young readers you’ve always wanted to tell.
This course is the definitive introduction to blockchain for both the
developer and non-developer audience. Beyond the technology, this course
will introduce you to some of the philosophy behind decentralization and
why there is so much excitement around it. \n\nDuring the first three
modules, you'll be introduced to blockchain and the technology behind it. In
module four, we'll go beyond bitcoin and delve deeper into a next-
generation blockchain called Ethereum to introduce you to what modern
blockchains can do. The use cases featured in the final module are drawn
Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases ConsenSys Academy from among the businesses in ConsenSys' startup portfolio. We believe
we're uniquely positioned to present you with a valuable behind-the-scenes
look at the people and companies working in this space to help give you a
better understanding of the business side of blockchain.\n\nTogether, we'll
examine businesses use cases, hear from industry leaders, and give you
the opportunity to develop and analyze a use case yourself. With this
course, not only will you be the one who is able to explain blockchain to
your colleagues, you'll be well on your way to making educated business
decisions with your new, foundational understanding of the technology.

How do we make decisions as consumers? What do we pay attention to,

and how do our initial responses predict our final choices? To what extent
are these processes unconscious and cannot be reflected in overt reports?
This course will provide you with an introduction to some of the most basic
An Introduction to Consumer Neuroscience &
Copenhagen Business School methods in the emerging fields of consumer neuroscience and
neuromarketing. You will learn about the methods employed and what they
mean. You will learn about the basic brain mechanisms in consumer
choice, and how to stay updated on these topics. The course will give an
overview of the current and future uses of neuroscience in business.
Welcome to Digital Transformation Strategy! As you probably know, this is
the first course in a three part specialization focused on the digital
transformation of finance. We'll aim to bring you insights about how
digitalization intersects with finance, culled from one of the world's top
regions for digital innovation. I'm excited to have you in the class and look
forward to helping you learn more about this important topic.\n\nTo begin, I
recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site. A good place
to start is the navigation bar on the left. Click Course Content to see what
material we’ll cover each week, as well preview the assignments you’ll need
to complete to pass the course. Click Discussions to see forums where you
can discuss the course material with fellow students taking the class. Be
Digital Competition in Financial Services Copenhagen Business School sure to introduce yourself to everyone in the Meet and Greet forum!\n\nThis
course should take about four weeks to complete. You can check out the
recommended course schedule below to see a quick overview of the
lessons and assignments you’ll complete each week.\n\nBy the time you
finish this course, you’ll have mastered the transformational forces of
digitalization and the new competitive dynamics it gives rise to, learned
from leading financial companies and seen inspirational examples from the
digital masters. You'll be introduced to the Capstone Project for the
specialization and have a chance to form some preliminary solutions for a
financial company seeking a new strategy for the digital age of
finance.\n\nGood luck as you get started. I look forward to seeing you in

In this capstone project course, we ask YOU to apply everything you have
learned in this specialization to analyze a real world company and to
develop a digital transformation strategy for this company. \n\nYou will have
the possibility to choose between four different case companies, that varies
Digital Transformation of Financial Services - in size (from small start-up to large financial service providers), industry
Copenhagen Business School
Capstone Project transformation-financial-services-project (banking, financial trading, insurance) and geographical location. \n\nFor
one of these -- only one -- you will create a concise recommendation of a
strategy to leverage the digital transformation of financial services. To do
this well, you will need to summon ideas appropriately from the earlier three
courses in the specialization.
The FinTech revolution is rapidly transforming the financial industry. The
use of digital technologies is the norm, and together with regulatory and
market changes it is creating a revolution. After completion of the module,
you'll be able to: describe the changes that influence the financial sector,
understand the complexity of the payment infrastructure, identify and
explain the key payment instruments and how they function, understand the
types of money that exits, and recognize changes in the regulatory
frameworks and how they inhibit or promote innovation.\n\nTo begin, I
recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site. A good place
to start is the navigation bar on the left. Click Course Content to see what
FinTech and the Transformation in Financial material we’ll cover each week, as well preview the assignments you’ll need
Copenhagen Business School
Services transformation-financial-services to complete to pass the course. Click Discussions to see forums where you
can discuss the course material with fellow students taking the class. Be
sure to introduce yourself to everyone in the Meet and Greet forum!\n\nThis
course should take about four weeks to complete. You can check out the
recommended course schedule below to see a quick overview of the
lessons and assignments you’ll complete each week.\n\nBy the time you
finish this course, you’ll have mastered mastered the transformational
forces of digitalization and the new competitive dynamics it gives rise to,
learned from leading financial companies and seen inspirational examples
from the digital masters. \n\nGood luck as you get started. I look forward to
seeing you in class!

This Course will clarify the definition and meaning of Social

Entrepreneurship and will focus on the need to learn about the source and
root of a social problem. You will be introduced to different perspectives
about Social Entrepreneurship and you will learn about complementary and
opportunistic assets which will help you to detect an opportunity and
Identifying Social Entrepreneurship Opportunities Copenhagen Business School develop an idea of how to create a business for social change. \n\nFrom a
practical perspective you will be asked to initiate a team formation process
and start to think about a problem topic that you want to address with your
social venture in the future. You will work in a team to research this topic
and will gradually start to think about a particular opportunity and identify a
purpose for your social venture project.
Welcome to Innovation strategy: Developing your Fintech Strategy! As you
probably know, this is the third course in a three-part specialization focused
on the digital transformation of finance. \n\nIn this course, we'll aim to bring
you insights about how business strategy intersects with innovation in
finance. I'm excited to have you in the class and look forward to helping you
learn more about this important topic.\n\nTo begin, I recommend taking a
few minutes to explore the course site. A good place to start is the
navigation bar on the left. Click Course Content to see what material we’ll
cover each week, as well preview the assignments you’ll need to complete
to pass the course. Click Discussions to see forums where you can discuss
the course material with fellow students taking the class. Be sure to
introduce yourself to everyone in the Meet and Greet forum!\n\nThis course
should take about four weeks to complete. You can check out the
Innovation Strategy: Developing Your Fintech
Copenhagen Business School recommended course schedule below to see a quick overview of the
strategy fintech
lessons and assignments you’ll complete each week.\n\nBy the time you
finish this course, you’ll have understood the job your Fintech innovation
strategy should solve and mastered both internal and external innovation
tools to solve the problem. You will also have been exposed to how some
of the world’s leading financial companies work with innovation and seen
inspirational examples from the digital masters, such as Google, Apple and
Amazon. You'll be introduced to the Capstone Project for the specialization
and have a chance to form some preliminary solutions for a financial
company that needs to re-think its Fintech innovation strategy.\n\nThe
course has a primary focus on the banking sector, with insurance as a
secondary area of concern. Most examples are rooted in the North
American and European financial markets. \n\nGood luck as you get
started. I look forward to seeing you in class!
Meet Jim Barton, the new CEO of Santa Monica Aerospace. Jim's job won't
be easy: the company's hemorrhaging cash, struggling to regain investors'
trust after an accounting scandal, and striving to transform its culture to
become a more global competitor. In this course, you’ll travel with Jim as he
takes on leadership challenges ranging from strategy execution, to inspiring
people, to maintaining an ethical approach. Experts agree that twentieth-
century leadership practices are inadequate for the stormy twenty-first-
century present. This provocative course equips you with the insights you'll
need to rise with the occasion of a rapidly shifting business
landscape.\n\nThe course is based on a book, Harder Than I Thought:
Adventures of a 21st Century Leader, by Robert D. Austin, Richard L.
Nolan, and Shannon O'Donnell, published by Harvard Business Review
Press. Purchase of the book is optional. If you want more information about
Leadership in 21st Century Organizations Copenhagen Business School the book or wish to buy it, see
adventures-of-a-twenty-first/an/10332-HBK-ENG or
First/dp/1422162591 \n\nAfter taking the course, you'll be able to:\no
Enact your own personal leadership approach, derived from your ongoing
evaluation of how Jim Barton has handled his leadership situation, as well
as from established leadership concepts and frameworks;\no Avoid
leadership actions that might have worked in the past, but are not suited to
a newly challenging 21st century world;\no Navigate treacherous new 21st
century leadership challenges, such as greater reliance on specialized
workers or the need to respond to external scrutiny in an increasingly
transparent world (and many more);\no Avoid "slippery slope" ethical
failures, and think more clearly about the separation between public and
private life for a 21st century leader.

In this course we will take the social business opportunity that you have
identified in the first course to a higher level. Specifically, you will develop a
business model using the Business Model Canvas. Gradually you will also
start writing your business plan. Moreover, you will be able to assess
Social Business Model and Planning for Social different organizational forms and select the one that is appropriate for your
Copenhagen Business School
Innovation model developed business model. By the end of the course you will be able to
compare different social impact investment methods and choose the right
funding strategy for your social venture.\n\nNote: It is highly recommended
to have completed Course 1: 'Identifying Social Entrepreneurship
Opportunities' before you start with this Course!
The world of business strategy is in transition. What used to work doesn't
anymore -- not necessarily. \n\nThis course prepares you to think
strategically in an age when companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft
have become more valuable (in market cap terms) than companies like
Exxon. Today, business value and competitive advantage arise more often
from consumer perceptions of what is "cool" than from physical assets or
economies of scale. \n\nIn this course -- the first of a three-course specialization tailored specifically for the age of creativity and innovation --
Strategic Management Copenhagen Business School
management you will gear up for the challenges of strategy formulation and
implementation in a 21st century business. \n\nAfter taking the course,
you'll be able to:\n- Explain why "doing" strategy is considered "the high
point of managerial activity" (Mintzberg);\n- Recognize and avoid the old,
tired ideas about strategy that are still out there, so you can adopt fresher,
better ideas;\n- Point out how doing strategy has changed because of
advancing technology and globalization;\n- Prepare for the Capstone
Project for the Strategic Management and Innovation Specialization
In this capstone project course, we revisit the strategy controversy at e-
Types, introduced in the first course in this specialization, Strategic
Management, and further analysed in each of the subsequent courses,
Strategy Formulation and Strategy Implementation. After revealing,
Strategic Management - Capstone Project Copenhagen Business School examining, and analyzing what happened at e-Types, we turn to a new set
of strategy cases that range in terms of company size, geography, and
focus. For your final project, we ask YOU to apply everything you have
learned in this specialization to analyze your choice of one of these four
The purpose of this course is to present, analyze and discuss the different
facets of business strategy formulation. Emphasizing that strategy can be
seen as a unified theme that provides coherence and direction to the
actions and decisions of a firm, we will cover a variety of business strategy
topics concerned with firm positioning in the context of different markets,
Strategy Formulation Copenhagen Business School industries and locations.\n\nAt the end of the course, you will be able to:\n-
Identify why a strong strategy is essential for the future business success\n-
Formulate a business strategy that suits the needs and visions of your
organization\n- Explain why managers too often formulate sub-optimal
strategies\n- Extrapolate measures to optimize current business
strategies\n\nWorkload: 2-4 hours per week.
Even a thoroughly developed business strategy may fail if you don't pay
enough attention to its implementation. This rings particularly true with
strategies based on innovation or implemented in complex or fast-changing
environments.\n\nIn the 20th century successful implementation leveraged
stability and typically proceeded through hierarchy and control. Today the
key is to stay vibrant and able to quickly respond to trends in competition and technology while not losing sight of the strategic objective. In this
Strategy Implementation Copenhagen Business School
implementation course we'll build a toolbox of techniques to execute today's business
strategies to help them succeed.\n\nAfter completing this course, you'll be
able to:\n- Create objectives and goals to guide strategy implementation\n-
Identify organizational structures that fit particular strategies\n- Understand
how to leverage company culture in implementation\n- Describe how to
communicate the strategy so that the organization "gets" it\n- Detect and
mitigate risks to implementation

Sometimes when we say we work with sustainable fashion people look at

us like... "Mmmm, is it really possible for something like fashion to be
sustainable?" And let's face it, people are right being suspicious. If anything
the fashion industry has become increasingly unsustainable over the last
decades, using more and more natural resources and creating more and
more waste. \n\nIn this course, we provide an overview of business model
theory and discuss business models as essential tools in the transformation
towards more sustainable businesses. Throughout the course, we will use
business model theory as a foundation to look at how real-world fashion
brands are adopting more sustainable ways of doing business. We will
provide you with rich opportunity to examine their efforts and consider
Sustainable Fashion Copenhagen Business School
strategies for your own organisation. Hopefully, you can also enlighten us
with some local examples in your own countries for us to discover together
new ways of dealing with sustainability. \n\nBy the end of the course you
have an understanding of the overall challenges and potential solutions for
businesses to become more sustainable. You will learn about the
challenges and opportunities of implementing circular business models and
we will introduce various tools that companies use to measure and report
about sustainability. You will be able to think about business model theory
in new ways and apply strategies to manage business model innovation
towards sustainable practices. \n\nThis is a very exciting time to be working
in the fashion industry, so let's get started!
This course gives you immediate access to the world leading sustainability
and corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices. Scandinavian firms
dominate the major sustainability and CSR performance indicators including
the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). In this course we explore the
concepts of sustainability and CSR and focus attention on how
Scandinavian firms, like Novo Nordisk, have achieved superior
sustainability and CSR performances. We consider what lessons can be
drawn by managers and firms irrespective of where they may be located in
the world.\n\nThrough this course, participants will:\n• Gain appreciation of
Sustainable Vikings: Sustainability & Corporate the concepts of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) and
Copenhagen Business School
Social Responsibility in Scandinavia scandinavia be able to situate these concepts within the broader debates about the role
of business in society\n• Understand the sustainability and CSR approaches
by leading Scandinavian companies\n• Describe how partnerships between
companies, NGOs, and government are fundamental to the sustainability
and CSR by Scandinavian companies\n• Be able to describe the
characterization of the “Scandinavian management” and the role
Scandinavian management plays in sustainability and CSR approaches by
Scandinavian firms\n• Become familiarized with concept of “Scandinavian
Cooperative Advantage” and understand how it challenges the dominant
view of strategic management.

Doing marketing research by asking people has been a common method

and does still have advantages. On the other hand, if you want insights into
the non-conscious interpretations of a consumer’s decision, then you need
other research tools in your research toolbox. Neuromarketing makes use of such an extended toolbox, containing both technical equipment and ways
The Neuromarketing Toolbox Copenhagen Business School
toolbox of doing experimental research. The goal for this course is to give you an
overview of this fast developing toolbox ranging from simple web-camera,
to eye-tracking, and to complicated brain-scanners. The course guides you
through a contemporary literature review, giving you insights into the last
decades of development within this field of research.

In Course 3 of this Specialization you will first of all learn about Social
Impact Assessment. Hence you will be able to develop a method to
evaluate the social mission that you achieve while implementing your
business plan. Next you will outline an appropriate communication strategy
for your social enterprise and will demonstrate how to market your products
and services to beneficiaries and other customers. Here you will employ an
adaptable communication strategy as you move from early adopters to a
broader market share. \n\nFurthermore you will determine growth strategies
and how you can scale or replicate your business plan internationally in
Unleashing the Impact of your Social Enterprise Copenhagen Business School
order to reach a larger number of beneficiaries. In particular you will discuss
organic growth, social franchising, and an open source approach. Finally,
you will evaluate exit strategies. Thus you will review options social
enterprises have when they need to finance their growth but the original
funders can not or do not want to finance the expansion. \n\nCourse 3 will
be completed by your Capstone project, which will ask you to submit the
final business plan of your social venture.\n\nNote: It is highly
recommended to have completed Course 1 & 2 of the Social
Entrepreneurship Specialization before starting this Course!
Patrick Sandbox Coursera This is a test course.
Este curso te hará pasar de trabajar en una sola computadora a una flota
completa. La administración de sistemas es el campo de TI que es
responsable de mantener sistemas informáticos confiables en un entorno
multiusuario. En este curso, aprenderás sobre los servicios de
infraestructura que mantienen en funcionamiento a todas las
organizaciones, grandes y pequeñas. Nos sumergiremos en la nube para
que puedas comprender todo, desde las configuraciones típicas de
infraestructura de la nube hasta cómo administrar los recursos en ella.
También aprenderás cómo administrar y configurar servidores, y cómo usar
herramientas de la industria para administrar computadoras, información de
usuarios y productividad de usuarios. Finalmente, aprenderás cómo
Administración de sistemas y servicios de recuperar la infraestructura de TI de tu organización en caso de un
Crece con Google
infraestructura de TI sistema-y-servicios-de-infraestructura desastre.\n\nAl final de este curso, podrás:\n● utilizar las mejores prácticas
para elegir hardware, proveedores y servicios para tu organización.\n●
comprender cómo los servicios de infraestructura más comunes mantienen
una organización, el trabajo en ejecución y cómo administrar los servidores
de infraestructura. \n● comprender cómo aprovechar al máximo la nube
para tu organización.\n● administrar las computadoras y los usuarios de
una organización utilizando los servicios de directorio, Active Directory y
OpenLDAP.\n● elegir y administrar las herramientas que usará tu
organización.\n● hacer una copia de seguridad de los datos de tu
organización y saber cómo recuperar su infraestructura de TI en el caso de
un desastre.\n● utilizar el conocimiento de administración de sistemas para
planificar y mejorar los procesos para entornos de TI.

Este curso es el primero de una serie que tiene como objetivo prepararte
para un rol como especialista de soporte de TI de nivel inicial. En este
curso, serás introducido en el mundo de la tecnología de la información, o
TI. Aprenderás sobre las diferentes facetas de la tecnología de la
información como hardware y software informático, Internet, solución de
problemas y servicio al cliente. Revisaremos el aspecto de una entrevista
técnica y brindaremos consejos sobre cómo prepararse mejor para una
entrevista. Este curso abarca una amplia variedad de temas en TI que
Aspectos básicos de la asistencia técnica Crece con Google están diseñados para brindarte una visión general de lo que vendrá en este
programa de certificado.\n\nAl final de este curso, podrás:\n● entender
cómo funciona el sistema binario;\n● ensamblar una computadora desde
cero;\n● elegir e instalar un sistema operativo en una computadora;\n●
comprender qué es Internet, cómo funciona y el impacto que tiene en el
mundo moderno;\n● aprender cómo se crean las aplicaciones y cómo
funcionan en una computadora;\n● utilizar metodologías comunes de
resolución de problemas y habilidades básicas en un entorno de tecnología
de la información.
Este curso está diseñado para brindar una visión general completa de las
redes de computadoras. Abordaremos todo, desde los fundamentos de las
tecnologías y los protocolos de redes modernas hasta una descripción
general de la nube, aplicaciones prácticas y solución de problemas de red.
Cerraremos viendo cómo podría aparecer esta información en una
entrevista laboral y brindándote algunos consejos para que resuelvas
problemas en el momento.\n \nAl final de este curso, podrás:\n● describir
Los bits y bytes de las redes informáticas Crece con Google
redes de computadoras en términos de un modelo de cinco capas,\n●
comprender todos los protocolos estándar relacionados con las
comunicaciones TCP/IP,\n● comprender potentes herramientas y técnicas
de solución de problemas de red,\n● conocer servicios de red como DNS y
DHCP que facilitan el funcionamiento de las redes de computadoras,\n●
comprender la computación en la nube, el concepto de "Todo como
servicio" y el almacenamiento en la nube.

Este curso cubre una amplia variedad de conceptos, herramientas y

mejores prácticas de seguridad de TI. Introduce amenazas y ataques, y las
muchas formas en que pueden aparecer. Te daremos algunos
antecedentes de algoritmos de cifrado y cómo se utilizan para salvaguardar
los datos. Luego, nos sumergiremos en los tres sistemas de seguridad de
la información: autenticación, autorización y contabilidad. También
cubriremos soluciones de seguridad de red, que van desde Firewalls hasta
opciones de encriptación de Wifi. Finalmente, veremos un caso de estudio,
donde examinaremos el modelo de seguridad del sistema operativo
Seguridad informática: defensa contra las artes
Crece con Google Chrome. El curso se completa al reunir todos estos elementos en una
oscuras digitales informatica
arquitectura de seguridad de múltiples capas y en profundidad, seguido de
recomendaciones sobre cómo integrar una cultura de seguridad en tu
organización o equipo.\n\nAl final de este curso, entenderás:\n● cómo
funcionan los diversos algoritmos y técnicas de cifrado, así como sus
ventajas y limitaciones.\n● varios sistemas y tipos de autenticación.\n● la
diferencia entre autenticación y autorización.\n● cómo evaluar los riesgos
potenciales y recomendar formas de reducir el riesgo.\n● mejores prácticas
para asegurar una red.\n● cómo ayudar a otros a comprender los
conceptos de seguridad y protegerse a sí mismos.

En este curso, a través de una combinación de conferencias de video,

demostraciones y prácticas, aprenderás acerca de los componentes
principales de un sistema operativo y cómo realizar tareas críticas tales
como administrar software y usuarios, y configurar hardware. Vamos a
terminar con un ejemplo de cómo puede aparecer este contenido en una
entrevista.\n\nAl final de este curso, podrás:\n● navegar por los sistemas
de archivos de Windows y Linux utilizando una interfaz gráfica de usuario y
Sistemas operativos y tú: Convertirse en un
Crece con Google un intérprete de línea de comandos.\n● configurar usuarios, grupos y
usuario avanzado
permisos para el acceso a la cuenta.\n● instalar, configurar y eliminar
software en los sistemas operativos Windows y Linux.\n● configurar
particiones de disco y sistemas de archivos.\n● comprender cómo
funcionan los procesos del sistema y cómo gestionarlos.\n● trabajar con
registros del sistema y herramientas de conexión remota.\n● utilizar el
conocimiento del sistema operativo para solucionar problemas comunes en
un rol de Especialista de soporte de TI.
Este curso guiará você do manuseio de um único computador para uma
frota inteira. A administração de sistemas é a área da TI responsável pela
manutenção de sistemas de computador confiáveis em um ambiente
multiusuário. Neste curso, você verá os serviços de infraestrutura que
mantém todas as organizações, grandes e pequenas, funcionando. Vamos
nos aprofundar na nuvem para entender tudo, desde as configurações de
infraestrutura em nuvem mais comuns até o gerenciamento de recursos
em nuvem. Você também aprenderá a gerenciar e configurar servidores e
usar ferramentas específicas do mercado para gerenciar computadores e
informações e a produtividade dos usuários. Por fim, você aprenderá a
recuperar a infraestrutura de TI da sua organização no caso de um
Administração de Sistemas e Serviços de
Cresça com o Google desastre.\n\nAté o fim deste curso, você conseguirá:\n● utilizar as práticas
Infraestrutura de TI sistemas-servicos-infraestrutura-ti
recomendadas para escolher hardware, fornecedores e serviços para sua
organização;\n● entender como os serviços de infraestrutura mais comuns
que mantêm a organização\nfuncionando e como gerenciar os servidores
de infraestrutura;\n● entender como aproveitar a nuvem ao máximo na sua
organização;\n● gerenciar os computadores e usuários de uma
organização usando os serviços de diretório, o Active\nDirectory e o
OpenLDAP;\n● escolher e gerenciar as ferramentas que sua organização
usará;\n● fazer backup dos dados da sua organização e aprender a
recuperar sua infraestrutura de TI no caso de\num desastre;\n● utilizar o
conhecimento em administração de sistemas para planejar e melhorar
processos de ambientes de TI.

Este curso foi desenvolvido para apresentar uma visão geral completa das
redes de computadores. Falaremos sobre vários aspectos, desde os
fundamentos das modernas tecnologias e protocolos de rede, passando
por uma visão geral da nuvem, até as aplicações práticas e soluções para
problemas de rede. Encerraremos discutindo como essas informações
podem aparecer em uma entrevista de emprego e apresentando dicas para
Estrutura e Funcionamento das Redes de solução de problemas práticos.\n \nAté o fim deste curso, você
Cresça com o Google
Computadores conseguirá:\n● descrever as redes de computadores de acordo com o
modelo de cinco camadas.\n● compreender todos os protocolos padrão
usados nas comunicações TCP/IP.\n● conhecer poderosas ferramentas e
técnicas de resolução de problemas de rede.\n● aprender sobre serviços
de rede como DNS e DHCP, que ajudam a colocar as redes de
computadores em funcionamento.\n● entender a computação em nuvem, o
tudo como serviço e o armazenamento em nuvem.
Ele é o primeiro de uma série que visa prepará-lo para entrar no mercado
de TI como especialista de suporte técnico. Neste curso, apresentaremos o
mundo da Tecnologia da Informação, ou TI. Você aprenderá sobre
diversas facetas da Tecnologia da Informação, como hardware, software,
internet, resolução de problemas e atendimento ao cliente. Mostraremos
como uma entrevista técnica costuma transcorrer e daremos dicas de
como se preparar melhor para esse tipo de ocasião. Este curso abrange uma vasta gama de tópicos da TI, sendo projetado para mostrar um
Fundamentos do Suporte Técnico Cresça com o Google
suporte-tecnico panorama do que está por vir neste programa de certificado.\n\nAo final
deste curso, você será capaz de:\n● entender o funcionamento do sistema
binário.\n● montar um computador do zero.\n● escolher e instalar um
sistema operacional em um computador.\n● entender o que é a internet,
seu funcionamento e o seu impacto no mundo moderno.\n● aprender como
os aplicativos são criados e como eles funcionam internamente no
computador.\n● empregar métodos comuns de resolução de problemas e
habilidades interpessoais em um ambiente de Tecnologia da Informação.

Este curso aborda uma série de conceitos, ferramentas e práticas

recomendadas de segurança de TI. Nele, temos uma introdução às
ameaças e ataques e suas muitas formas de se manifestar. Daremos a
você uma base de conhecimento sobre algoritmos de criptografia e como
eles são usados para proteger dados. Depois, vamos estudar a fundo os
três tipos de segurança da informação: autenticação, autorização e
registro. Além disso, vamos abordar soluções de segurança de rede, de
firewalls a opções de criptografia Wi-Fi. Por fim, vamos analisar o modelo
Segurança de TI: Defesa Contra as Artes de segurança do Chrome OS em um estudo de caso. O curso é encerrado
Cresça com o Google
Obscuras do Mundo Digital com a junção de todos esses elementos em uma arquitetura de segurança
detalhada e multicamada, seguida de recomendações sobre como integrar
uma cultura de segurança à sua empresa ou equipe.\n\nAo fim deste
curso, você entenderá:\n● como vários algoritmos e técnicas de criptografia
funcionam, além de seus benefícios e limitações.\n● vários sistemas e
tipos de autenticação.\n● a diferença entre autenticação e autorização.\n●
como avaliar os riscos potenciais e recomendar maneiras de atenuá-los.\n●
práticas recomendadas para proteger uma rede.\n● como ajudar as
pessoas a entender os conceitos de segurança e se proteger.
Neste curso – com uma combinação de palestras em vídeo,
demonstrações e atividades práticas – você conhecerá os principais
componentes de um sistema operacional e verá como executar tarefas
críticas, como gerenciamento de software e usuários, e configuração de
hardware. Vamos terminar com um exemplo de como esse conteúdo pode
acabar surgindo em uma entrevista.\n\nAté o fim deste curso, você
conseguirá:\n● navegar pelos sistemas de arquivos do Windows e do Linux
Sistemas Operacionais e Você: Tornando-se um usando uma interface gráfica do usuário e um interpretador de linha de
Cresça com o Google
Usuário Avançado operacionais comando.\n● configurar usuários, grupos e permissões de acesso a
contas.\n● instalar, configurar e remover softwares dos sistemas
operacionais Windows e Linux.\n● configurar partições de disco e sistemas
de arquivos.\n● entender como os processos do sistema funcionam e
aprender a gerenciá-los.\n● trabalhar com registros do sistema e
ferramentas de conexão remota.\n● utilizar o conhecimento do sistema
operacional para solucionar problemas comuns a um especialista em
suporte de TI.
Welcome to Part 3 of Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas!\n\nI'm
delighted to launch another set of new lectures of this course as Part 3. As
before, this class is meant for people of all levels of experience with
Beethoven's music (including no experience at all!). Remember that you are
able to watch the lectures as many times as you like, at whatever pace is
comfortable for you.\nAs I’ve done with the first two sets of Beethoven
Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 3 Curtis Institute of Music lectures, I look forward to meeting with students—online and in person, in
various cities. The dates and locations will be posted in the Announcements
and Events section, as part of the course content. So please remember to
check back there for details. \n\nIn these four new lectures, we will explore
the following sonatas: \n• Sonata Op. 10, No. 1\n• Sonata Op. 22\n• Sonata
Op. 31, No. 2\n• Sonata Opp. 78, 79, 81a\n\n\nThe Dolfinger-McMahon
Foundation supports Curtis’s lifelong learning initiatives.

Please join us for Part 4 of Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas course,

taught by Curtis faculty member and extraordinary concert artist, Jonathan
Biss. This course is new and contains separate sets of lectures and sonatas
that we not previously discussed. Specifically, in Part 4, we will cover
Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Op. 2, No. 2, Op. 10, No. 3, Op. 28 and Op.
110. As with the other three Beethoven courses, it is not necessary to have taken the previous Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas courses. We think
Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 4 Curtis Institute of Music
piano-sonatas-4 you will be perfectly comfortable to start learning with Part 4, if you wish and
go from here. There is always the option to go back to earlier parts at any
time. Between these courses, there exists a large amount of additional
resources and learning that might be helpful as you embark on Part 4. We
certainly encourage you to take Parts 1, 2 and 3, if you have not yet. In the
meantime, enjoy the class and Part 4 of Exploring Beethoven’s Piano
Welcome to Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 5! You’re joining
thousands of learners currently enrolled in the course. I'm excited to have
you in the class and look forward to your contributions to the learning
community.\n\nTo begin, I recommend taking a few minutes to explore the
course site. Review the material we’ll cover each week, and preview the assignments you’ll need to complete to pass the course. Click Discussions
Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 5 Curtis Institute of Music
piano-sonatas-5 to see forums where you can discuss the course material with fellow
students taking the class.\n\nIf you have questions about course content,
please post them in the forums to get help from others in the course
community. For technical problems with the Coursera platform, visit the
Learner Help Center.\n\nGood luck as you get started, and I hope you enjoy
the course!
Welcome to Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 6! You’re joining
thousands of learners currently enrolled in the course. I'm excited to have
you in the class and look forward to your contributions to the learning
community.\n\nTo begin, I recommend taking a few minutes to explore the
course site. Review the material we’ll cover each week, and preview the assignments you’ll need to complete to pass the course. Click Discussions
Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 6 Curtis Institute of Music
piano-sonatas-6 to see forums where you can discuss the course material with fellow
students taking the class.\n\nIf you have questions about course content,
please post them in the forums to get help from others in the course
community. For technical problems with the Coursera platform, visit the
Learner Help Center.\n\nGood luck as you get started, and I hope you enjoy
the course!

Our relationship to Beethoven is a deep and paradoxical one. For many

musicians, he represents a kind of holy grail: His music has an intensity,
rigor, and profundity which keep us in its thrall, and it is perhaps unequalled
in the interpretive, technical, and even spiritual challenges it poses to
performers. At the same time, Beethoven’s music is casually familiar to
millions of people who do not attend concerts or consider themselves
musically inclined. Two hundred years after his death, he is everywhere in
the culture, yet still represents its summit.\n\nThis course takes an inside-
out look at the 32 piano sonatas from the point of view of a performer. Each
lecture will focus on one sonata and an aspect of Beethoven’s music exemplified by it. (These might include: the relationship between Beethoven
Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas Curtis Institute of Music
sonatas the pianist and Beethoven the composer; the critical role improvisation
plays in his highly structured music; his mixing of extremely refined music
with rougher elements; and the often surprising ways in which the events of
his life influenced his compositional process and the character of the music
he was writing.) The course will feature some analysis and historical
background, but its perspective is that of a player, not a musicologist. Its
main aim is to explore and demystify the work of the performer, even while
embracing the eternal mystery of Beethoven’s music itself. \n\nThis
season's Curtis courses are sponsored by Linda Richardson in loving
memory of her husband, Dr. Paul Richardson. \n\nThe Dolfinger-McMahon
Foundation supports Curtis's lifelong learning initiatives.

Welcome to Part 2 of Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas!\n\nI'm

delighted to launch another set of new lectures of this course as Part 2. As
before, this class is meant for people of all levels of experience with
Beethoven's music (including no experience at all!). Remember that you are
able to watch the lectures as many times as you like, at whatever pace is
comfortable for you.\nAs I’ve done with the first set of Beethoven lectures, I
Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas Part 2 Curtis Institute of Music look forward to meeting with students—online and in person, in various
cities. The dates and locations will be posted in the Announcements and
Events section, as part of the course content. So please remember to
check back there for details. \n\nIn these four new lectures, we will explore
the following sonatas: \n• Sonata Op. 2, No. 3\n• Sonata Op. 13
(“Pathetique”) \n• Sonata Op. 53 (“Waldstein”) \n• Sonata Op. 90\n\n\nThe
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation supports Curtis’s lifelong learning initiatives.
Arnold Steinhardt, first violin of the internationally acclaimed Guarneri String
Quartet, invites music listeners to the world of the string quartet repertoire
and ensemble. Journey with him and interpretive analysis instructor Mia
The World of the String Quartet Curtis Institute of Music Chung through the history and features of quartet music, colored by stories
of legendary quartets and insights from the stage.\n\nThis season's Curtis
courses are sponsored by Linda Richardson in loving memory of her
husband, Dr. Paul Richardson.
Bringing a machine learning model into the real world involves a lot more
than just modeling. This Specialization will teach you how to navigate
various deployment scenarios and use data more effectively to train your
model.\n\nIn this final course, you’ll explore four different scenarios you’ll
encounter when deploying models. You’ll be introduced to TensorFlow
Serving, a technology that lets you do inference over the web. You’ll move
on to TensorFlow Hub, a repository of models that you can use for transfer learning. Then you’ll use TensorBoard to evaluate and understand how
Advanced Deployment Scenarios with TensorFlow
deployment-scenarios-tensorflow your models work, as well as share your model metadata with others.
Finally, you’ll explore federated learning and how you can retrain deployed
models with user data while maintaining data privacy.\n\nThis
Specialization builds upon our TensorFlow in Practice Specialization. If you
are new to TensorFlow, we recommend that you take the TensorFlow in
Practice Specialization first. To develop a deeper, foundational
understanding of how neural networks work, we recommend that you take
the Deep Learning Specialization.
AI is not only for engineers. If you want your organization to become better
at using AI, this is the course to tell everyone--especially your non-technical
colleagues--to take. \n\nIn this course, you will learn:\n\n- The meaning
behind common AI terminology, including neural networks, machine
learning, deep learning, and data science\n- What AI realistically can--and
AI For Everyone cannot--do\n- How to spot opportunities to apply AI to problems in your own
organization\n- What it feels like to build machine learning and data science
projects\n- How to work with an AI team and build an AI strategy in your
company\n- How to navigate ethical and societal discussions surrounding
AI\n\nThough this course is largely non-technical, engineers can also take
this course to learn the business aspects of AI.
Bringing a machine learning model into the real world involves a lot more
than just modeling. This Specialization will teach you how to navigate
various deployment scenarios and use data more effectively to train your
model.\n\nIn this first course, you’ll train and run machine learning models
in any browser using TensorFlow.js. You’ll learn techniques for handling data in the browser, and at the end you’ll build a computer vision project
Browser-based Models with TensorFlow.js
models-tensorflow that recognizes and classifies objects from a webcam.\n\nThis
Specialization builds upon our TensorFlow in Practice Specialization. If you
are new to TensorFlow, we recommend that you take the TensorFlow in
Practice Specialization first. To develop a deeper, foundational
understanding of how neural networks work, we recommend that you take
the Deep Learning Specialization.
This course will teach you how to build convolutional neural networks and
apply it to image data. Thanks to deep learning, computer vision is working
far better than just two years ago, and this is enabling numerous exciting
applications ranging from safe autonomous driving, to accurate face
recognition, to automatic reading of radiology images. \n\nYou will:\n-
Convolutional Neural Networks Understand how to build a convolutional neural network, including recent
variations such as residual networks.\n- Know how to apply convolutional
networks to visual detection and recognition tasks.\n- Know to use neural
style transfer to generate art.\n- Be able to apply these algorithms to a
variety of image, video, and other 2D or 3D data.\n\nThis is the fourth
course of the Deep Learning Specialization.

If you are a software developer who wants to build scalable AI-powered

algorithms, you need to understand how to use the tools to build them. This
course is part of the upcoming Machine Learning in Tensorflow
Specialization and will teach you best practices for using TensorFlow, a
popular open-source framework for machine learning.\n\nIn Course 2 of the TensorFlow Specialization, you will learn advanced
techniques to improve the computer vision model you built in Course 1. You
will explore how to work with real-world images in different shapes and
sizes, visualize the journey of an image through convolutions to understand how a computer “sees” information, plot loss and accuracy, and explore
Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow
networks-tensorflow strategies to prevent overfitting, including augmentation and dropout.
Finally, Course 2 will introduce you to transfer learning and how learned
features can be extracted from models. \n\nThe Machine Learning course
and Deep Learning Specialization from Andrew Ng teach the most
important and foundational principles of Machine Learning and Deep
Learning. This new TensorFlow Specialization teaches you
how to use TensorFlow to implement those principles so that you can start
building and applying scalable models to real-world problems. To develop a
deeper understanding of how neural networks work, we recommend that
you take the Deep Learning Specialization.

Bringing a machine learning model into the real world involves a lot more
than just modeling. This Specialization will teach you how to navigate
various deployment scenarios and use data more effectively to train your
model.\n\nIn this third course, you’ll use a suite of tools in TensorFlow to
more effectively leverage data and train your model. You’ll learn how to leverage built-in datasets with just a few lines of code, use APIs to control
Data Pipelines with TensorFlow Data Services
tensorflow how you split your data, and process all types of unstructured data. \n\nThis
Specialization builds upon our TensorFlow in Practice Specialization. If you
are new to TensorFlow, we recommend that you take the TensorFlow in
Practice Specialization first. To develop a deeper, foundational
understanding of how neural networks work, we recommend that you take
the Deep Learning Specialization.
Bringing a machine learning model into the real world involves a lot more
than just modeling. This Specialization will teach you how to navigate
various deployment scenarios and use data more effectively to train your
model.\n\nThis second course teaches you how to run your machine
learning models in mobile applications. You’ll learn how to prepare models
for a lower-powered, battery-operated devices, then execute models on
Device-based Models with TensorFlow Lite both Android and iOS platforms. Finally, you’ll explore how to deploy on
embedded systems using TensorFlow on Raspberry Pi and
microcontrollers.\n\nThis Specialization builds upon our TensorFlow in
Practice Specialization. If you are new to TensorFlow, we recommend that
you take the TensorFlow in Practice Specialization first. To develop a
deeper, foundational understanding of how neural networks work, we
recommend that you take the Deep Learning Specialization.

La IA no es solo para ingenieros. Si desea que su organización esté mejor

preparada en el uso de la IA, este es el curso que todos deberían hacer,
especialmente sus colegas no técnicos.\n\nEn este curso, aprenderá lo
siguiente:\n\n- El significado detrás de la terminología común de IA,
incluidos términos como redes neuronales, aprendizaje automático,
aprendizaje profundo y ciencia de datos\n- Lo que la IA puede realmente
IA para todos hacer, y lo que no\n- Cómo detectar oportunidades para aplicar la IA a los
problemas en su propia organización\n- La experiencia de crear proyectos
de ciencia de datos y aprendizaje automático\n- Cómo trabajar con un
equipo de IA y crear una estrategia de IA en su empresa\n- Cómo guiar
debates sociales y éticos entorno a la IA\n\nSi bien este curso es en gran
parte no técnico, los ingenieros también pueden hacerlo para aprender
sobre los aspectos comerciales de la IA.
This course will teach you the "magic" of getting deep learning to work well.
Rather than the deep learning process being a black box, you will
understand what drives performance, and be able to more systematically
get good results. You will also learn TensorFlow. \n\nAfter 3 weeks, you will:
\n- Understand industry best-practices for building deep learning
applications. \n- Be able to effectively use the common neural network
Improving Deep Neural Networks:
"tricks", including initialization, L2 and dropout regularization, Batch
Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and
normalization, gradient checking, \n- Be able to implement and apply a
variety of optimization algorithms, such as mini-batch gradient descent,
Momentum, RMSprop and Adam, and check for their convergence. \n-
Understand new best-practices for the deep learning era of how to set up
train/dev/test sets and analyze bias/variance\n- Be able to implement a
neural network in TensorFlow. \n\nThis is the second course of the Deep
Learning Specialization.
If you are a software developer who wants to build scalable AI-powered
algorithms, you need to understand how to use the tools to build them. This
course is part of the upcoming Machine Learning in Tensorflow
Specialization and will teach you best practices for using TensorFlow, a
popular open-source framework for machine learning. \n\nThe Machine
Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Learning course and Deep Learning Specialization from Andrew Ng teach
Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning tensorflow the most important and foundational principles of Machine Learning and
Deep Learning. This new TensorFlow Specialization
teaches you how to use TensorFlow to implement those principles so that
you can start building and applying scalable models to real-world problems.
To develop a deeper understanding of how neural networks work, we
recommend that you take the Deep Learning Specialization.

If you are a software developer who wants to build scalable AI-powered

algorithms, you need to understand how to use the tools to build them. This
Specialization will teach you best practices for using TensorFlow, a popular
open-source framework for machine learning.\n\nIn Course 3 of the TensorFlow Specialization, you will build natural language
processing systems using TensorFlow. You will learn to process text,
including tokenizing and representing sentences as vectors, so that they
can be input to a neural network. You’ll also learn to apply RNNs, GRUs,
Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow and LSTMs in TensorFlow. Finally, you’ll get to train an LSTM on existing
text to create original poetry!\n\nThe Machine Learning course and Deep
Learning Specialization from Andrew Ng teach the most important and
foundational principles of Machine Learning and Deep Learning. This new TensorFlow Specialization teaches you how to use
TensorFlow to implement those principles so that you can start building and
applying scalable models to real-world problems. To develop a deeper
understanding of how neural networks work, we recommend that you take
the Deep Learning Specialization.

If you want to break into cutting-edge AI, this course will help you do so.
Deep learning engineers are highly sought after, and mastering deep
learning will give you numerous new career opportunities. Deep learning is
also a new "superpower" that will let you build AI systems that just weren't
possible a few years ago. \n\nIn this course, you will learn the foundations
of deep learning. When you finish this class, you will:\n- Understand the
major technology trends driving Deep Learning\n- Be able to build, train and
Neural Networks and Deep Learning apply fully connected deep neural networks \n- Know how to implement
efficient (vectorized) neural networks \n- Understand the key parameters in
a neural network's architecture \n\nThis course also teaches you how Deep
Learning actually works, rather than presenting only a cursory or surface-
level description. So after completing it, you will be able to apply deep
learning to a your own applications. If you are looking for a job in AI, after
this course you will also be able to answer basic interview questions.
\n\nThis is the first course of the Deep Learning Specialization.
This course will teach you how to build models for natural language, audio,
and other sequence data. Thanks to deep learning, sequence algorithms
are working far better than just two years ago, and this is enabling
numerous exciting applications in speech recognition, music synthesis,
chatbots, machine translation, natural language understanding, and many
others. \n\nYou will:\n- Understand how to build and train Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNNs), and commonly-used variants such as GRUs and LSTMs.\n- Be able to apply sequence models to natural language
Sequence Models
models problems, including text synthesis. \n- Be able to apply sequence models to
audio applications, including speech recognition and music
synthesis.\n\nThis is the fifth and final course of the Deep Learning
Specialization.\n\ is also partnering with the NVIDIA Deep
Learning Institute (DLI) in Course 5, Sequence Models, to provide a
programming assignment on Machine Translation with deep learning. You
will have the opportunity to build a deep learning project with cutting-edge,
industry-relevant content.
If you are a software developer who wants to build scalable AI-powered
algorithms, you need to understand how to use the tools to build them. This
Specialization will teach you best practices for using TensorFlow, a popular
open-source framework for machine learning.\n\nIn this fourth course, you
will learn how to build time series models in TensorFlow. You’ll first
implement best practices to prepare time series data. You’ll also explore
how RNNs and 1D ConvNets can be used for prediction. Finally, you’ll apply everything you’ve learned throughout the Specialization to build a sunspot
Sequences, Time Series and Prediction
sequences-time-series-and-prediction prediction model using real-world data!\n\nThe Machine Learning course
and Deep Learning Specialization from Andrew Ng teach the most
important and foundational principles of Machine Learning and Deep
Learning. This new TensorFlow Specialization teaches you
how to use TensorFlow to implement those principles so that you can start
building and applying scalable models to real-world problems. To develop a
deeper understanding of how neural networks work, we recommend that
you take the Deep Learning Specialization.

You will learn how to build a successful machine learning project. If you
aspire to be a technical leader in AI, and know how to set direction for your
team's work, this course will show you how.\n\nMuch of this content has
never been taught elsewhere, and is drawn from my experience building
and shipping many deep learning products. This course also has two "flight
simulators" that let you practice decision-making as a machine learning
project leader. This provides "industry experience" that you might otherwise
get only after years of ML work experience.\n\nAfter 2 weeks, you will: \n- Understand how to diagnose errors in a machine learning system, and \n-
Structuring Machine Learning Projects
projects Be able to prioritize the most promising directions for reducing error\n-
Understand complex ML settings, such as mismatched training/test sets,
and comparing to and/or surpassing human-level performance\n- Know
how to apply end-to-end learning, transfer learning, and multi-task
learning\n\nI've seen teams waste months or years through not
understanding the principles taught in this course. I hope this two week
course will save you months of time.\n\nThis is a standalone course, and
you can take this so long as you have basic machine learning knowledge.
This is the third course in the Deep Learning Specialization.
‫إن الذكاء اﻻصطناعي ﻻ يقتصر على المهندسين فقط‪ .‬إذا أردت أن تصبح مؤسستك أفضل في مجال استخدام‬
‫الذكاء اﻻصطناعي‪ ،‬فإن هذه هي الدورة التدريبية المناسبة التي يمكنك دعوة الجميع‪ ،‬وبخاصة زمﻼؤك غير‬
‫العاملين بالتكنولوجيا‪ ،‬لﻼنضمام إليها‪n\n\ .‬ستتعلم في هذه الدورة‪ -n\n\:‬المعنى الكامن وراء مصطلح الذكاء‬
‫اﻻصطناعي‪ ،‬بما في ذلك الشبكات العصبية والتعلﱡم اﻵلي والتعلﱡم العميق وعلم البيانات\‪ -n‬ما يمكن أن يفعله‬
‫‪‬الذكاء اﻻصطناعي للجميع‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫الذكاء اﻻصطناعي من الناحية الواقعية وما ﻻ يمكنه فعله\‪ -n‬كيفية اكتشاف فرص تطبيق الذكاء اﻻصطناعي‬
‫على المشكﻼت داخل مؤسستك\‪ -n‬شعور إنشاء مشاريع التعلﱡم اﻵلي وعلم البيانات\‪ -n‬كيفية العمل مع فريق‬
‫الذكاء اﻻصطناعي وبناء إستراتيجية الذكاء اﻻصطناعي داخل شركتك\‪ -n‬كيفية التعامل مع المناقشات‬
‫اﻷخﻼقية والمجتمعية المتعلقة بمجال الذكاء اﻻصطناعي\‪n\n‬على الرغم من كون هذه الدورة التدريبية غير‬
‫تقنية إلى ح ٍّد كبير‪ ،‬فإنه يمكن للمهندسين اﻻنضمام إليها لتعلﱡم جوانب العمل المتعلقة بالذكاء اﻻصطناعي‪.‬‬

‫إذا كنت ترغب في اختراق عالم الذكاء اﻻصطناعي شديد التطور‪ ،‬فسوف تساعدك هذه الدورة التدريبية على‬
‫تحقيق ذلك‪ .‬إن مهندسي التعلم العميق مطلوبون بشدة‪ ،‬كما أن إتقان التعلم العميق يمنحك العديد من فرص‬
‫المستقبل المهني الجديدة‪ .‬إن التعلم العميق يعد بمثابة "قوة عظمى" جديدة كذلك تساعدك على بناء أنظمة‬
‫الذكاء اﻻصطناعي التي لم يكن باﻹمكان الوصول إليها منذ عدة سنوات قليلة مضت‪n\n\ .‬في هذه الدورة‬
‫التدريبية‪ ،‬سوف تتعرف على أسس التعلم العميق‪ .‬عندما تنتهي من هذا الفصل الدراسي‪ ،‬سيكون بإمكانك ما‬
‫يلي‪ -n\:‬فهم اتجاهات التقنيات الرئيسية التي تدفع التفكير العميق قد ًما\‪ -n‬التمكن من بناء شبكات عصبية‬
‫‪‬الشبكات العصبية والتعلم العميق‬ ‫متصلة بشكل كامل وتتسم بالعمق وتدريب تلك الشبكات وتطبيقها \‪ -n‬إدراك كيفية تنفيذ الشبكات العصبية‬
‫الفعالة )الموجهة( \‪ -n‬إدراك المعامﻼت الرئيسية في بنية الشبكة العصبية \‪n\n‬كما تعلمك هذه الدورة‬
‫التدريبية كذلك كيف يعمل التعلم العميق بشكل فعلي كذلك‪ ،‬بدﻻً من تقديم وصف سريع أو سطحي فقط‪ .‬لذا‪،‬‬
‫قادرا على تطبيق التعلم العميق على التطبيقات الخاصة بك‪ .‬إذا‬
‫بعد إكمال هذه الدورة التدريبية‪ ،‬سوف تكون ً‬
‫قادرا كذلك‬
‫كنت تبحث عن وظيفة في مجال الذكاء اﻻصطناعي‪ ،‬بعد إتمام هذه الدورة التدريبية‪ ،‬سوف تكون ً‬
‫على اﻹجابة على أسئلة المقابﻼت الشخصية اﻷساسية‪n\n\ .‬هذه الدورة التدريبية هي اﻷولى في تخصص‬
‫التعلم العميق‪.‬‬
‫】‪すべての人のためのAI【日本語版‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪AIが実際にできること、できないこと\n-‬‬
This course examines the relation of advertising to society, culture, history,
and the economy. Using contemporary theories about visual
communications, we learn to analyze the complex levels of meaning in both
print advertisements and television commercials.\n\nAbout the
Course\n\nThe course covers a wide range of topics, including the origins of
advertising, the creation of ads, the interpretation of ads, the depiction of
race, class, gender, and sexuality in advertising, sex and selling, adverting
and ethics, and the future of advertising. The lectures will discuss
theoretical frameworks and apply them to specific
advertisements.\n\nCourse Syllabus\n\nWeek 1: What is advertising and
where did it come from?\n\nWeek 2: Am I being manipulated by
advertising?\n\nWeek 3: What’s in an ad beyond that which meets the
eye?\n\nWeek 4: How do ads get made?\n\nWeek 5: What do ads teach us
about race, class, gender, and sexuality?\n\nWeek 6: Does sex
Advertising and Society Duke University
sell?\n\nWeek 7: What is the future of advertising?\n\nRecommended
Background\n\nNo background is required; everyone is
welcome!\n\nSuggested Readings\n\nAlthough the lectures are designed to
be self-contained, we recommend that students refer to the free online
textbook Other free resources will be suggested for each
week’s module.\n\nCourse Format\n\nMost videos will be lectures with
instructor talking. Each lecture will be illustrated with PowerPoint slides,
print advertisements, and TV commercials. The videos for each week will
consist of segments that add up to about an hour. Each week will have one
quiz that will appear as stand-alone homework. All resources beyond
lectures will be available online to students at no charge. Most of these will
be from Others will be visits to the sites of ad agencies
in the US and abroad, open access websites that deal with course topics,
and open-access journal articles.

Students of this course may try their hand at their own sound interventions
and musical compositions, or simply focus on learning more about diverse
musical traditions, sonic experimentation, and acoustic phenomena in
everyday life. Designed by artist and Duke professor, Pedro Lasch, and
UdK composer Mathias Hinke, this course is also co-taught by scholar and
musician Jace Clayton (DJ Rupture) and curator Candice Hopkins
(Documenta 14). The lectures link major artistic developments of recent
decades to wider ideas about sound in specific social and spatial
contexts.\n\nAlso included are guest presentations from key thinkers and
Art of the MOOC: Experiments with Sound Duke University practitioners, like: Christopher DeLaurenti, Jen Delos Reyes, Tina Haver
Currin, Quran Karriem, Christina Kubisch, Thomas Kusitzky, Scott Lindroth,
Mark Anthony Neal, Bill Seaman, and John Supko. As the ‘ART of the
MOOC’ title implies, learners and participants are encouraged to treat the
MOOC itself as a public art medium. This happens mostly through the
course’s optional practical components, local project productions, global
exchanges, and critical feedback. While no prior sound production or
musical experience is required, projects also offer challenging options for
advanced learners. \n\nFor other course offerings or language versions in
this series, just search 'ART of the MOOC' in the Coursera catalog.
This course is for activists, artists, and thinkers who wish to better
understand and participate in social change. We will focus on the prolific
and exciting overlap between socially engaged art and cultural practices
generated by recent social movements around the world. Rather than
assess the political efficacy of activities like mourning, listening, organizing,
dancing, or partying, the lectures examine such cultural activities next to,
and within, contemporary art practice. \n\nIncluded in the course are guest
presentations by key artists, activists, and scholars, like: Rebecca
ART of the MOOC: Activism and Social Gomperts, Chido Govera, Gulf Labor, Hans Haacke, Sharon Hayes, Jolene
Duke University
Movements movements Rickard, Gregory Sholette, Joshua Wong, and many more. Designed by
artist and Duke professor, Pedro Lasch and co-taught by Creative Time
artistic director, Nato Thompson, the course challenges learners to treat the
MOOC itself as a social and artistic form. This happens mostly through the
practical components, local project productions, global exchanges, and
critical feedback.\n\nWhile no prior art making or activist experience is
required, projects also offer challenging options for advanced
learners.\n\nFor other course offerings or language versions in this series,
just search 'ART of the MOOC' inside the Coursera course catalogue.

Este curso es para activistas, artistas y pensadores que deseen entender

mejor el cambio social y participar en él. El contenido del curso enfoca en la
coincidencia prolífica y emocionante entre el arte socialmente
comprometido y prácticas culturales generadas por recientes movimientos
sociales en todo el mundo. Más que evaluar la eficacia política de
actividades como el luto, la escucha, la organización, el baile, o la fiesta,
las conferencias examinan tales actividades culturales al lado y dentro de la
práctica artística contemporánea. \n\nEl curso incluye presentaciones de
importantes artistas, activistas y académicos invitados como: Rebecca
ART of the MOOC: Activismo y Movimientos Gomperts, Chido GoVera, Gulf Labor, Hans Haacke, Sharon Hayes, Jolene
Duke University
Sociales movimientos-sociales Rickard, Gregory Sholette, Joshua Wong, y muchos más. Diseñado por el
artista y profesor de Duke, Pedro Lasch, e impartido con el director artístico
de Creative Time, Nato Thompson, este curso invita a todos los que
participan en él a tratar el MOOC en sí mismo como una forma social y
artística. Esto sucede sobre todo a través de los componentes prácticos,
proyectos producidos localmente, intercambios mundiales, y el comentario
crítico.\n\nNo se requiere experiencia previa con el arte o el activismo,
aunque los proyectos también incluyen buenas opciones para alumnos
avanzados.\n\nPara otros cursos en esta serie o versiones en otros idiomas
, solo busca 'ART of the MOOC' en el catálogo de Coursera
Los alumnos de este curso aprenderán a hacer sus propias obras de arte
social y público si así lo desean, o podrán simplemente estudiar la teoría e
historia reciente del medio. Diseñado por el artista y profesor de Duke,
Pedro Lasch, e impartido con el director artístico de Creative Time, Nato
Thompson, este curso presenta el arte y la cultura pública en sus formas
contemporáneas radicalmente re-inventadas. Las conferencias enlazan
acontecimientos claves de las últimas décadas en este campo con temas
más amplios como la política espacial, estructuras sociales cotidianas y la
educación experimental. \n\nTambién se incluyen presentaciones de importantes invitados especiales como: Tania Bruguera, Claire Doherty,
ART of the MOOC: Arte Público y Pedagogía Duke University
pedagogia Tom Finkelpearl, Hans Haacke, Shannon Jackson, Suzanne Lacy, Rick
Lowe, y muchos más. Como implica el título del curso, “Arte del MOOC,” el
proyecto invita a la comunidad entera de alumnos y participantes a tratar el
MOOC en sí mismo como un medio de arte público. Esto sucede sobre
todo a través de los componentes prácticos del curso, proyectos
producidos localmente, intercambios globales, y los comentarios
críticos.\n\nNo se requiere experiencia previa con el arte o el activismo,
aunque los proyectos también incluyen buenas opciones para alumnos
avanzados.\n\nPara otros cursos en esta serie o versiones en otros idiomas
, solo busca 'ART of the MOOC' en el catálogo de Coursera
Students of this course may try their hand at their own public art
interventions, or simply focus on learning from the theory of public practice
and its recent history. Designed by artist and Duke professor, Pedro Lasch,
and co-taught by Creative Time artistic director, Nato Thompson, this
course presents public culture and art in their radically reinenvented
contemporary forms. The lectures link major developments of recent
decades to wider topics like spatial politics, everyday social structures, and
experimental education. \n\nAlso included are guest presentations from key
thinkers and practitioners, like: Tania Bruguera, Claire Doherty, Tom
ART of the MOOC: Public Art and Pedagogy Duke University
Finkelpearl, Hans Haacke, Shannon Jackson, Suzanne Lacy, Rick Lowe,
and many more. As the ‘ART of the MOOC’ title implies, learners and
participants are encouraged to treat the MOOC itself as a public art
medium. This happens mostly through the course’s practical components,
local project productions, global exchanges, and critical feedback.\n\nWhile
no prior art making experience is required, projects also offer challenging
options for advanced learners.\n\nFor other course offerings or language
versions in this series, just search 'ART of the MOOC' in the Coursera
This course describes Bayesian statistics, in which one's inferences about
parameters or hypotheses are updated as evidence accumulates. You will
learn to use Bayes’ rule to transform prior probabilities into posterior
probabilities, and be introduced to the underlying theory and perspective of
the Bayesian paradigm. The course will apply Bayesian methods to several
practical problems, to show end-to-end Bayesian analyses that move from
framing the question to building models to eliciting prior probabilities to
Bayesian Statistics Duke University implementing in R (free statistical software) the final posterior distribution.
Additionally, the course will introduce credible regions, Bayesian
comparisons of means and proportions, Bayesian regression and inference
using multiple models, and discussion of Bayesian prediction.\n\nWe
assume learners in this course have background knowledge equivalent to
what is covered in the earlier three courses in this specialization:
"Introduction to Probability and Data," "Inferential Statistics," and "Linear
Regression and Modeling."

We make thousands of decisions every day. Do I cross the road now, or

wait for the oncoming truck to pass? Should I eat fries or a salad for lunch?
How much should I tip the cab driver? We usually make these decisions
with almost no thought, using what psychologists call “heuristics” – rules of
thumb that enable us to navigate our lives. Without these mental shortcuts,
we would be paralyzed by the multitude of daily choices. But in certain
circumstances, these shortcuts lead to predictable errors – predictable, that
is, if we know what to watch out for. Did you know, for example, that we are
naturally biased towards selling investments that are doing well for us, but holding on to those that are doing poorly? Or that we often select sub-
Behavioral Finance Duke University
finance optimal insurance payment plans, and routinely purchase insurance that we
don’t even need? And why do so many of us fail to enroll in our employer’s
corporate retirement plans, even when the employer offers to match our
contributions?\n\nBehavioral finance is the study of these and dozens of
other financial decision-making errors that can be avoided, if we are familiar
with the biases that cause them. In this course, we examine these
predictable errors, and discover where we are most susceptible to them.
This course is intended to guide participants towards better financial
choices. Learn how to improve your spending, saving, and investing
decisions for the future.
Blockchain is an emerging and highly disruptive technology that is poorly
understood. In this course you will learn what blockchain is and how it can
create value by tokenization in cryptocurrencies and in many other practical
applications. The applications include: stablecoins (like Facebook’s Libra
and JP Morgan’s JPMCoin), machine to machine payments, identity
protection, supply chain management (Walmart, Maersk, IBM), secure
voting, distributed exchanges, decentralized finance, property transfers, central bank fiat crypto (e.g., Fedcoin and China’s digital Renminbi),
Blockchain Business Models Duke University
models dispensing prescription drugs, private records, intellectual property, financial
reporting, and media and advertising, to name a few. The goals of the
course are to: (i) provide an advanced understanding of the various
blockchain technologies; (ii) determine the specific business situations
where blockchain technology can be deployed to solve important problems;
(iii) select the specific blockchain technology that has the best chance of
success for a particular problem; and (iv) detail the risks presented by this
new technology.

In this course, you will learn best practices for how to use data analytics to
make any company more competitive and more profitable. You will be able
to recognize the most critical business metrics and distinguish them from
mere data.\n \nYou’ll get a clear picture of the vital but different roles
business analysts, business data analysts, and data scientists each play in
various types of companies. And you’ll know exactly what skills are required
Business Metrics for Data-Driven Companies Duke University to be hired for, and succeed at, these high-demand jobs.\n \nFinally, you
will be able to use a checklist provided in the course to score any company
on how effectively it is embracing big data culture. Digital companies like
Amazon, Uber and Airbnb are transforming entire industries through their
creative use of big data. You’ll understand why these companies are so
disruptive and how they use data-analytics techniques to out-compete
traditional companies.

Chimpanzees are one of our closest living relatives, yet almost nothing was
known about their behavior in the wild until Jane Goodall started her
groundbreaking study of the chimpanzees of Gombe, Tanzania in 1960.
This study continues today, following the same chimpanzee families that
Jane Goodall first encountered over 55 years ago. Guided by three course
instructors who have lived and worked with the Gombe chimpanzees, you
will learn how Goodall’s early discoveries changed our view of human
uniqueness. By completing the course, you will gain a new appreciation of
the deep similarities between chimpanzees and humans in intelligence, tool
Chimpanzee Behavior and Conservation Duke University use, hunting, personality and social relationships, as well as some key
differences. You will learn how chimpanzees interact with their environment
and how their behavior is influenced by ecology, as well as the severe
conservation challenges they face today. And you will employ your new
knowledge of chimpanzees to construct a persuasive argument for their
protection. This course is open to everyone interested in learning more
about these fascinating and complex beings. Knowledge of high-school
level biology is beneficial but not required. Please keep in mind, however,
that the content of this course will cover all aspects of chimpanzee life,
including scientific discussion of sexual and aggressive behaviors.
So how does the American political system work? Who are some of the key
actors? What are key concepts for a student trying to understand what’s
going on? How can I as a citizen influence politics? \n\nCivic Engagement
in American Democracy takes on these and other key questions. We’re Dr.
Nicholas Carnes and Dr. Bruce Jentleson, the principal course instructors.
Along with our Duke faculty colleagues who also contributed modules,
Civic Engagement in American Democracy Duke University we’ve designed the course to provide a strong foundational introduction to
US politics. \n\nIf you’re new to this material, proceed through the modules
one by one and build up your knowledge of politics and government. If
some of the material is familiar, go ahead and set your own pace. Either
way we hope Civic Engagement in American Democracy helps you be an
effective student in more advanced politics courses and/or an engaged
citizen in 21st century America.
Fear and uncertainty about copyright law often plagues educators and
sometimes prevents creative teaching. This course is a professional development opportunity designed to provide a basic introduction to US
Copyright for Educators & Librarians Duke University
education copyright law and to empower teachers and librarians at all grade levels.
Course participants will discover that the law is designed to help educators
and librarians.
Copyright questions about different formats (data, images, music and video)
can be especially difficult. Sometimes the law specifically distinguishes
between these different formats, and in most cases there are media-specific
considerations that impact a copyright analysis. In this course we will look
at four different media, paying special attention to the unique issues for
each one and the kinds of information that is important when making copyright decisions for each type of material. We will work through fair use
Copyright for Multimedia Duke University
multimedia issues for each multimedia format, look at format-specific exceptions in the
law, and consider unique issues for seeking permission for film, music,
images and data.\n\nAt the end of this course, participants will have a
deeper understanding of how to apply our framework for making copyright
decisions, and will be more comfortable with assessing multimedia issues.
They will have gained more and more diverse experience for considering
fair use.
Data science courses contain math—no avoiding that! This course is
designed to teach learners the basic math you will need in order to be
successful in almost any data science math course and was created for
learners who have basic math skills but may not have taken algebra or pre-
calculus. Data Science Math Skills introduces the core math that data
science is built upon, with no extra complexity, introducing unfamiliar ideas
and math symbols one-at-a-time. \n\nLearners who complete this course
will master the vocabulary, notation, concepts, and algebra rules that all
data scientists must know before moving on to more advanced
material.\n\nTopics include:\n~Set theory, including Venn
diagrams\n~Properties of the real number line\n~Interval notation and
Data Science Math Skills Duke University algebra with inequalities\n~Uses for summation and Sigma notation\n~Math
on the Cartesian (x,y) plane, slope and distance formulas\n~Graphing and
describing functions and their inverses on the x-y plane,\n~The concept of
instantaneous rate of change and tangent lines to a curve\n~Exponents,
logarithms, and the natural log function.\n~Probability theory, including
Bayes’ theorem.\n\nWhile this course is intended as a general introduction
to the math skills needed for data science, it can be considered a
prerequisite for learners interested in the course, "Mastering Data Analysis
in Excel," which is part of the Excel to MySQL Data Science Specialization.
Learners who master Data Science Math Skills will be fully prepared for
success with the more advanced math concepts introduced in "Mastering
Data Analysis in Excel." \n\nGood luck and we hope you enjoy the course!
One of the skills that characterizes great business data analysts is the
ability to communicate practical implications of quantitative analyses to any
kind of audience member. Even the most sophisticated statistical analyses
are not useful to a business if they do not lead to actionable advice, or if the
answers to those business questions are not conveyed in a way that non-
technical people can understand. \n\nIn this course you will learn how to
become a master at communicating business-relevant implications of data
analyses. By the end, you will know how to structure your data analysis
Data Visualization and Communication with projects to ensure the fruits of your hard labor yield results for your
Duke University
Tableau stakeholders. You will also know how to streamline your analyses and
highlight their implications efficiently using visualizations in Tableau, the
most popular visualization program in the business world. Using other
Tableau features, you will be able to make effective visualizations that
harness the human brain’s innate perceptual and cognitive tendencies to
convey conclusions directly and clearly. Finally, you will be practiced in
designing and persuasively presenting business “data stories” that use
these visualizations, capitalizing on business-tested methods and design
Dog Emotion and Cognition will introduce you to the exciting new study of dog psychology, what the latest discoveries tell us about how dogs think
Dog Emotion and Cognition Duke University
cognition and feel about us, and how we can use this new knowledge to further
strengthen our relationship with our best friends.
This is a two week course. In the first week you will learn about the core
activities that the Industry executes to bring electricity to customers. We will
review what electricity is, how it is generated, how it is transmitted, how it
comes into buildings, and how consumption of electricity instantly feeds
back on the transmission and generation of electricity. You will learn
to:\nDefine what electricity is;\nDescribe how electricity is generated,
transmitted and distributed;\nDescribe how electricity is generated,
transmitted and distributed; and\nSummarize how the consumption of
electric energy instantly feeds back on the transmission and generation of
electricity.\n\n\nIn the second week, the course shifts to the markets that
drive Electric Industry operations. You will learn about the various costs of
Electric Industry Operations and Markets Duke University
the electric industry’s core activities, how electricity is priced, the various
ways that electric markets are structured, how these market structures
determine which power plants are dispatched to produce electricity when,
and how recent changes in generator fuel prices, generation technology,
market regulations, and environmental regulations are transforming both
Electric Industry Markets and Operations. You will learn to:\nDescribe the
main cost components to the electric system;\nCompare the costs of
different types of power plants;\nInterpret the retail pricing of electricity;
\nExplain the different types of electric markets and understand how they
operate to dispatch electric supply to meet demand in real time;
and\nExplain why and how the electric industry is regulated.

You will gain a foundation for college-level writing valuable for nearly any
field. Students will learn how to read carefully, write effective arguments,
understand the writing process, engage with others' ideas, cite accurately,
and craft powerful prose. \n\nCourse Learning Objectives\n•\tSummarize,
analyze, question, and evaluate written and visual texts\n•\tArgue and
English Composition I Duke University
support a position\n•\tRecognize audience and disciplinary
expectations\n•\tIdentify and use the stages of the writing
process\n•\tIdentify characteristics of effective prose\n•\tApply proper
citation practices\n•\tDiscuss applying your writing knowledge to other
writing occasions
This course teaches you how to calculate the return of a portfolio of
securities as well as quantify the market risk of that portfolio, an important
skill for financial market analysts in banks, hedge funds, insurance
companies, and other financial services and investment firms. Using the R
Financial Risk Management with R Duke University programming language with Microsoft Open R and RStudio, you will use the
two main tools for calculating the market risk of stock portfolios: Value-at-
Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES). You will need a beginner-level
understanding of R programming to complete the assignments of this
This course will teach you how to manage a startup’s financing strategy,
where you will learn how to build capitalization tables (or “cap tables”) in
Excel. Cap tables will help you explore different financing strategies for your
startup company and determine which financing decisions are best for your
entrepreneurial venture. You will also learn about innovations in the digital
space that allow new ways to finance entrepreneurial ventures. These
include different forms of crowdfunding, and alternative credit scoring
Financing for Startup Businesses Duke University mechanisms based on web-based data.\n\nThis course concludes with a
module featuring cutting edge research from Duke University’s Fuqua
School of Business on the financial technology industry. In this module, you
will learn how financial technology companies are disrupting the
credit\nscoring industry by developing new methods for credit scoring using
consumers’ digital footprints. In addition, you will explore how financial
technology platforms have introduced new, experimental forms of financing,
such as crowdfunding.

Being a successful FinTech firm requires more than just great technology; it
also requires an understanding of the laws and regulations applicable to
your business. This course will provide you with that understanding. You will
learn about the critical legal, regulatory, and policy issues associated with
cryptocurrencies, initial coin offerings, online lending, new payments and
wealth management technologies, and financial account aggregators. In
addition, you will learn how regulatory agencies in the U.S. are continually
adjusting to the emergence of new financial technologies and how one
specific agency has proposed a path for FinTech firms to become regulated
FinTech Law and Policy Duke University banks. You will also learn the basics of how banks are regulated in the
U.S.\n\nIf you are unfamiliar with how these new financial technologies
work, fear not. We will begin each new course section with a high-level
overview of the underlying technology. While the course is principally
focused on the U.S. FinTech industry, we cannot possibly cover every
relevant legal and regulatory issue. Therefore, this course should not be
construed as legal advice. Rather, the goal of the course is to familiarize
you with the key legal and regulatory challenges FinTech firms in various
sectors face, as well as the critical policy debates that are occurring in
Washington D.C. and state capitals across the country.

In this course, you will learn the science behind how digital images and
video are made, altered, stored, and used. We will look at the vast world of
digital imaging, from how computers and digital cameras form images to
how digital special effects are used in Hollywood movies to how the Mars
Rover was able to send photographs across millions of miles of space.\n
\nThe course starts by looking at how the human visual system works and
then teaches you about the engineering, mathematics, and computer
Image and Video Processing: From Mars to
Duke University science that makes digital images work. You will learn the basic algorithms
Hollywood with a Stop at the Hospital
used for adjusting images, explore JPEG and MPEG standards for
encoding and compressing video images, and go on to learn about image
segmentation, noise removal and filtering. Finally, we will end with image
processing techniques used in medicine.\n \nThis course consists of 7 basic
modules and 2 bonus (non-graded) modules. There are optional MATLAB
exercises; learners will have access to MATLAB Online for the course
duration. Each module is independent, so you can follow your interests.
In this final course you will complete a Capstone Project using data analysis
to recommend a method for improving profits for your company, Watershed
Property Management, Inc. Watershed is responsible for managing
thousands of residential rental properties throughout the United States.
Your job is to persuade Watershed’s management team to pursue a new
strategy for managing its properties that will increase their profits. To do
this, you will: (1) Elicit information about important variables relevant to your
analysis; (2) Draw upon your new MySQL database skills to extract relevant
data from a real estate database; (3) Implement data analysis in Excel to
Increasing Real Estate Management Profits: identify the best opportunities for Watershed to increase revenue and
Duke University
Harnessing Data Analytics maximize profits, while managing any new risks; (4) Create a Tableau
dashboard to show Watershed executives the results of a sensitivity
analysis; and (5) Articulate a significant and innovative business process
change for Watershed based on your data analysis, that you will
recommend to company executives. \n\nAirbnb, our Capstone’s official
Sponsor, provided input on the project design. The top 10 Capstone
completers each year will have the opportunity to present their work directly
to senior data scientists at Airbnb live for feedback and
discussion.\n\n"Note: Only learners who have passed the four previous
courses in the specialization are eligible to take the Capstone."
This course covers commonly used statistical inference methods for
numerical and categorical data. You will learn how to set up and perform
hypothesis tests, interpret p-values, and report the results of your analysis
in a way that is interpretable for clients or the public. Using numerous data
examples, you will learn to report estimates of quantities in a way that
Inferential Statistics Duke University expresses the uncertainty of the quantity of interest. You will be guided
through installing and using R and RStudio (free statistical software), and
will use this software for lab exercises and a final project. The course
introduces practical tools for performing data analysis and explores the
fundamental concepts necessary to interpret and report results for both
categorical and numerical data
The final course in the specialization Introduction to Programming in C will
teach you powerful new programming techniques for interacting with the
user and the system and dynamically allocating memory. You will learn
more sophisticated uses for pointers, such as strings and multidimensional
Interacting with the System and Managing Memory Duke University arrays, as well as how to write programs that read and write files and take
input from the user. Learning about dynamic memory allocation will allow
your programs to perform complex tasks that will be applied in the final part
of the specialization project: a Monte Carlo simulation for calculating poker
hand probabilities.
This is an introductory course for students with limited background in
chemistry; basic concepts involved in chemical reactions, stoichiometry, the
Introduction to Chemistry: Reactions and Ratios Duke University periodic table, periodic trends, nomenclature, and chemical problem solving
will be emphasized with the goal of preparing students for further study in
chemistry as needed for many science, health, and policy professions.
This is an introductory course for students with limited background in
chemistry; basic concepts such as atomic and molecular structure,
Introduction to Chemistry: Structures and
Duke University solutions, phases of matter, and quantitative problem solving will be
emphasized with the goal of preparing students for further study in
Introduction to Genetics and Evolution is a college-level class being offered
simultaneously to new students at Duke University. The course gives
interested people a very basic overview of some principles behind these
very fundamental areas of biology. We often hear about new "genome
sequences," commercial kits that can tell you about your ancestry (including
pre-human) from your DNA or disease predispositions, debates about the
Introduction to Genetics and Evolution Duke University
truth of evolution, why animals behave the way they do, and how people
found "genetic evidence for natural selection." This course provides the
basic biology you need to understand all of these issues better, tries to
clarify some misconceptions, and tries to prepare students for future, more
advanced coursework in Biology (and especially evolutionary genetics). No
prior coursework is assumed.

This course will provide you a foundational understanding of machine

learning models (logistic regression, multilayer perceptrons, convolutional
neural networks, natural language processing, etc.) as well as demonstrate
how these models can solve complex problems in a variety of industries,
from medical diagnostics to image recognition to text prediction. In addition,
Introduction to Machine Learning Duke University we have designed practice exercises that will give you hands-on experience
implementing these data science models on data sets. These practice
exercises will teach you how to implement machine learning algorithms with
TensorFlow, open source libraries used by leading tech companies in the
machine learning field (e.g., Google, NVIDIA, CocaCola, eBay, Snapchat,
Uber and many more).

This course introduces you to sampling and exploring data, as well as basic
probability theory and Bayes' rule. You will examine various types of
sampling methods, and discuss how such methods can impact the scope of
inference. A variety of exploratory data analysis techniques will be covered,
Introduction to Probability and Data Duke University including numeric summary statistics and basic data visualization. You will
be guided through installing and using R and RStudio (free statistical
software), and will use this software for lab exercises and a final project.
The concepts and techniques in this course will serve as building blocks for
the inference and modeling courses in the Specialization.
This course is an introductory programming course that combines
programming\nwith animation, using the programming environment Alice.
You will first\nlearn to tell 3D animated stories by programming Aliceʼs 3D
objects. In\nparticular you will learn how to set up a scene, to tell a story
Introduction to Programming and Animation with using\nstoryboarding, to move the camera, and how to move and rotate
Duke University
Alice objects. You\nwill learn programming concepts such as writing your own
instructions,\nrepetition, making decisions, and grouping similar objects
together. In\nthe second half of the course you will learn how to combine
the topics you\nhave learned with event programming to build 3D games
you and your friends\ncan play.
In this course, students learn to recognize and to apply the basic concepts
Introductory Human Physiology Duke University that govern integrated body function (as an intact organism) in the body's
nine organ systems.
Build on the software engineering skills you learned in “Java Programming:
Solving Problems with Software” by learning new data structures. Use these
data structures to build more complex programs that use Java’s object-
oriented features. At the end of the course you will write an encryption
program and a program to break your encryption algorithm.\n\nAfter
Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured
Duke University completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Read and write data from/to
Data arrays-lists-data
files;\n2. Solve problems involving data files;\n3. Perform quantitative
analyses of data (e.g., finding maximums, minimums, averages); \n4. Store
and manipulate data in an array or ArrayList;\n5. Combine multiple classes
to solve larger problems;\n6. Use iterables and collections (including maps)
in Java.
Build on the software engineering skills you learned in “Java Programming:
Solving Problems with Software” by learning new data structures. Use these
data structures to build more complex programs that use Java’s object-
oriented features. At the end of the course you will write an encryption
program and a program to break your encryption algorithm.\n\nAfter
Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured
Duke University completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Read and write data from/to
Data arrays-lists-data
files;\n2. Solve problems involving data files;\n3. Perform quantitative
analyses of data (e.g., finding maximums, minimums, averages); \n4. Store
and manipulate data in an array or ArrayList;\n5. Combine multiple classes
to solve larger problems;\n6. Use iterables and collections (including maps)
in Java.
Build on the software engineering skills you learned in “Java Programming:
Solving Problems with Software” by learning new data structures. Use these
data structures to build more complex programs that use Java’s object-
oriented features. At the end of the course you will write an encryption
program and a program to break your encryption algorithm.\n\nAfter
Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured
Duke University completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Read and write data from/to
Data arrays-lists-data
files;\n2. Solve problems involving data files;\n3. Perform quantitative
analyses of data (e.g., finding maximums, minimums, averages); \n4. Store
and manipulate data in an array or ArrayList;\n5. Combine multiple classes
to solve larger problems;\n6. Use iterables and collections (including maps)
in Java.
Build on the software engineering skills you learned in “Java Programming:
Solving Problems with Software” by learning new data structures. Use these
data structures to build more complex programs that use Java’s object-
oriented features. At the end of the course you will write an encryption
program and a program to break your encryption algorithm.\n\nAfter
Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured
Duke University completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Read and write data from/to
Data arrays-lists-data
files;\n2. Solve problems involving data files;\n3. Perform quantitative
analyses of data (e.g., finding maximums, minimums, averages); \n4. Store
and manipulate data in an array or ArrayList;\n5. Combine multiple classes
to solve larger problems;\n6. Use iterables and collections (including maps)
in Java.
Ever wonder how Netflix decides what movies to recommend for you? Or
how Amazon recommends books? We can get a feel for how it works by
building a simplified recommender of our own!\n\nIn this capstone, you will
show off your problem solving and Java programming skills by creating
recommender systems. You will work with data for movies, including
ratings, but the principles involved can easily be adapted to books,
Java Programming: Build a Recommendation restaurants, and more. You will write a program to answer questions about
Duke University
System recommender the data, including which items should be recommended to a user based on
their ratings of several movies. Given input files on users ratings and movie
titles, you will be able to:\n\n1. Read in and parse data into lists and
maps;\n2. Calculate average ratings;\n3. Calculate how similar a given rater
is to another user based on ratings; and\n4. Recommend movies to a given
user based on ratings. \n5. Display recommended movies for a given user
on a webpage.

Solve real world problems with Java using multiple classes. Learn how to
create programming solutions that scale using Java interfaces. Recognize
that software engineering is more than writing code - it also involves logical
thinking and design. By the end of this course you will have written a
program that analyzes and sorts earthquake data, and developed a
predictive text generator.\n\nAfter completing this course, you will be able
to:\n1. Use sorting appropriately in solving problems;\n2. Develop classes
that implement the Comparable interface;\n3. Use timing data to analyze empirical performance;\n4. Break problems into multiple classes, each with
Java Programming: Principles of Software Design Duke University
design-principles their own methods;\n5. Determine if a class from the Java API can be used
in solving a particular problem;\n6. Implement programming solutions using
multiple approaches and recognize tradeoffs;\n7. Use object-oriented
concepts including interfaces and abstract classes when developing
programs;\n8. Appropriately hide implementation decisions so they are not
visible in public methods; and\n9. Recognize the limitations of algorithms
and Java programs in solving problems.\n10. Recognize standard Java
classes and idioms including exception-handling, static methods,,
and packages.

Learn to code in Java and improve your programming and problem-solving

skills. You will learn to design algorithms as well as develop and debug
programs. Using custom open-source classes, you will write programs that
access and transform images, websites, and other types of data. At the end
of the course you will build a program that determines the popularity of
different baby names in the US over time by analyzing comma separated
Java Programming: Solving Problems with value (CSV) files. \n\nAfter completing this course you will be able to:\n1.
Duke University
Software Edit, compile, and run a Java program;\n2. Use conditionals and loops in a
Java program;\n3. Use Java API documentation in writing programs. \n4.
Debug a Java program using the scientific method;\n5. Write a Java
method to solve a specific problem;\n6. Develop a set of test cases as part
of developing a program;\n7. Create a class with multiple methods that
work together to solve a problem; and\n8. Use divide-and-conquer design
techniques for a program that uses multiple methods.
Learn to code in Java and improve your programming and problem-solving
skills. You will learn to design algorithms as well as develop and debug
programs. Using custom open-source classes, you will write programs that
access and transform images, websites, and other types of data. At the end
of the course you will build a program that determines the popularity of
different baby names in the US over time by analyzing comma separated
Java Programming: Solving Problems with value (CSV) files. \n\nAfter completing this course you will be able to:\n1.
Duke University
Software Edit, compile, and run a Java program;\n2. Use conditionals and loops in a
Java program;\n3. Use Java API documentation in writing programs. \n4.
Debug a Java program using the scientific method;\n5. Write a Java
method to solve a specific problem;\n6. Develop a set of test cases as part
of developing a program;\n7. Create a class with multiple methods that
work together to solve a problem; and\n8. Use divide-and-conquer design
techniques for a program that uses multiple methods.

Learn to code in Java and improve your programming and problem-solving

skills. You will learn to design algorithms as well as develop and debug
programs. Using custom open-source classes, you will write programs that
access and transform images, websites, and other types of data. At the end
of the course you will build a program that determines the popularity of
different baby names in the US over time by analyzing comma separated
Java Programming: Solving Problems with value (CSV) files. \n\nAfter completing this course you will be able to:\n1.
Duke University
Software Edit, compile, and run a Java program;\n2. Use conditionals and loops in a
Java program;\n3. Use Java API documentation in writing programs. \n4.
Debug a Java program using the scientific method;\n5. Write a Java
method to solve a specific problem;\n6. Develop a set of test cases as part
of developing a program;\n7. Create a class with multiple methods that
work together to solve a problem; and\n8. Use divide-and-conquer design
techniques for a program that uses multiple methods.

Learn to code in Java and improve your programming and problem-solving

skills. You will learn to design algorithms as well as develop and debug
programs. Using custom open-source classes, you will write programs that
access and transform images, websites, and other types of data. At the end
of the course you will build a program that determines the popularity of
different baby names in the US over time by analyzing comma separated
Java Programming: Solving Problems with value (CSV) files. \n\nAfter completing this course you will be able to:\n1.
Duke University
Software Edit, compile, and run a Java program;\n2. Use conditionals and loops in a
Java program;\n3. Use Java API documentation in writing programs. \n4.
Debug a Java program using the scientific method;\n5. Write a Java
method to solve a specific problem;\n6. Develop a set of test cases as part
of developing a program;\n7. Create a class with multiple methods that
work together to solve a problem; and\n8. Use divide-and-conquer design
techniques for a program that uses multiple methods.
This course introduces simple and multiple linear regression models. These
models allow you to assess the relationship between variables in a data set
and a continuous response variable. Is there a relationship between the
physical attractiveness of a professor and their student evaluation scores?
Linear Regression and Modeling Duke University Can we predict the test score for a child based on certain characteristics of
his or her mother? In this course, you will learn the fundamental theory
behind linear regression and, through data examples, learn to fit, examine,
and utilize regression models to examine relationships between multiple
variables, using the free statistical software R and RStudio.
This course is an introduction to how to use relational databases in
business analysis. You will learn how relational databases work, and how
to use entity-relationship diagrams to display the structure of the data held
within them. This knowledge will help you understand how data needs to
be collected in business contexts, and help you identify features you want to
consider if you are involved in implementing new data collection efforts.
You will also learn how to execute the most useful query and table
aggregation statements for business analysts, and practice using them with
Managing Big Data with MySQL Duke University real databases. No more waiting 48 hours for someone else in the company
to provide data to you – you will be able to get the data by yourself!\n\nBy
the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of how relational
databases work, and have a portfolio of queries you can show potential
employers. Businesses are collecting increasing amounts of information
with the hope that data will yield novel insights into how to improve
businesses. Analysts that understand how to access this data – this means
you! – will have a strong competitive advantage in this data-smitten
business world.
Important: The focus of this course is on math - specifically, data-analysis
concepts and methods - not on Excel for its own sake. We use Excel to do
our calculations, and all math formulas are given as Excel Spreadsheets,
but we do not attempt to cover Excel Macros, Visual Basic, Pivot Tables, or
other intermediate-to-advanced Excel functionality.\n\nThis course will
prepare you to design and implement realistic predictive models based on
data. In the Final Project (module 6) you will assume the role of a business
data analyst for a bank, and develop two different predictive models to
determine which applicants for credit cards should be accepted and which
rejected. Your first model will focus on minimizing default risk, and your
second on maximizing bank profits. The two models should demonstrate to
you in a practical, hands-on way the idea that your choice of business
metric drives your choice of an optimal model.\n\nThe second big idea this
course seeks to demonstrate is that your data-analysis results cannot and
should not aim to eliminate all uncertainty. Your role as a data-analyst is to
reduce uncertainty for decision-makers by a financially valuable increment,
Mastering Data Analysis in Excel Duke University while quantifying how much uncertainty remains. You will learn to calculate
and apply to real-world examples the most important uncertainty measures
used in business, including classification error rates, entropy of information,
and confidence intervals for linear regression.\n\nAll the data you need is
provided within the course, all assignments are designed to be done in MS
Excel, and you will learn enough Excel to complete all assignments. The
course will give you enough practice with Excel to become fluent in its most
commonly used business functions, and you’ll be ready to learn any other
Excel functionality you might need in the future (module 1).\n\nThe course
does not cover Visual Basic or Pivot Tables and you will not need them to
complete the assignments. All advanced concepts are demonstrated in
individual Excel spreadsheet templates that you can use to answer relevant
questions. You will emerge with substantial vocabulary and practical
knowledge of how to apply business data analysis methods based on
binary classification (module 2), information theory and entropy measures
(module 3), and linear regression (module 4 and 5), all using no software
tools more complex than Excel.
Medical Neuroscience explores the functional organization and
neurophysiology of the human central nervous system, while providing a
neurobiological framework for understanding human behavior. In this
course, you will discover the organization of the neural systems in the brain
and spinal cord that mediate sensation, motivate bodily action, and
integrate sensorimotor signals with memory, emotion and related faculties
of cognition. The overall goal of this course is to provide the foundation for
understanding the impairments of sensation, action and cognition that
accompany injury, disease or dysfunction in the central nervous system.
The course will build upon knowledge acquired through prior studies of cell
and molecular biology, general physiology and human anatomy, as we
focus primarily on the central nervous system.\n\nThis online course is
designed to include all of the core concepts in neurophysiology and clinical
neuroanatomy that would be presented in most first-year neuroscience
courses in schools of medicine. However, there are some topics (e.g.,
biological psychiatry) and several learning experiences (e.g., hands-on
Medical Neuroscience Duke University brain dissection) that we provide in the corresponding course offered in the
Duke University School of Medicine on campus that we are not attempting
to reproduce in Medical Neuroscience online. Nevertheless, our aim is to
faithfully present in scope and rigor a medical school caliber course
experience.\n\nThis course comprises six units of content organized into 12
weeks, with an additional week for a comprehensive final exam:\n- Unit 1
Neuroanatomy (weeks 1-2). This unit covers the surface anatomy of the
human brain, its internal structure, and the overall organization of sensory
and motor systems in the brainstem and spinal cord.\n- Unit 2 Neural
signaling (weeks 3-4). This unit addresses the fundamental mechanisms of
neuronal excitability, signal generation and propagation, synaptic
transmission, post synaptic mechanisms of signal integration, and neural
plasticity.\n- Unit 3 Sensory systems (weeks 5-7). Here, you will learn the
overall organization and function of the sensory systems that contribute to
our sense of self relative to the world around us: somatic sensory systems,
proprioception, vision, audition, and balance senses.\n- Unit 4 Motor
systems (weeks 8-9). In this unit, we will examine the organization and
The course will explore the tone combinations that humans consider
consonant or dissonant, the scales we use, and the emotions music elicits,
all of which provide a rich set of data for exploring music and auditory
aesthetics in a biological framework. Analyses of speech and musical
databases are consistent with the idea that the chromatic scale (the set of
tones used by humans to create music), consonance and dissonance,
worldwide preferences for a few dozen scales from the billions that are
Music as Biology: What We Like to Hear and Why Duke University
possible, and the emotions elicited by music in different cultures all stem
from the relative similarity of musical tonalities and the characteristics of
voiced (tonal) speech. Like the phenomenology of visual perception, these
aspects of auditory perception appear to have arisen from the need to
contend with sensory stimuli that are inherently unable to specify their
physical sources, leading to the evolution of a common strategy to deal with
this fundamental challenge.
How can we create nano-structures that are 10,000 times smaller than the
diameter of a human hair? How can we “see” at the nano-scale? Through
instruction and lab demonstrations, in this course you will obtain a rich
understanding of the capabilities of nanotechnology tools, and how to use
this equipment for nano-scale fabrication and characterization. The
nanoscale is the next frontier of the Maker culture, where designs become
reality. To become a Nanotechnology Maker pioneer, we will introduce you
to the practical knowledge, skills, and tools that can turn your
Nanotechnology: A Maker’s Course Duke University
nanotechnology ideas into physical form and that enable you to image
objects at the nano-scale. \n\nThis course has been developed by faculty
and staff experts in nano-fabrication, electron beam microscopy, and nano-
characterization through the Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network
(RTNN). The RTNN offers training and use of the tools demonstrated in
this course to schools and industry through the United States National
Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure program. The tools
demonstrated in this course are available to the public through the RTNN.

The oil and gas industry has an enormous impact on all aspects of daily life.
Individuals, corporations, and national governments make financial and
policy decisions based on the cost, use, and availability of these two natural
resources. This two-week course looks at the two most fundamental
aspects of the oil and gas industry, its operations and markets, each of
which is addressed as a separate module in the course. In the operations
Oil & Gas Industry Operations and Markets Duke University module, the course provides an overview of the production of oil and gas,
from initial exploration to final transport. The second module focuses on the
forces that drive the industry's operations, the oil and gas markets, including
the cost of wells, seasonal impacts on prices, and the role of oil reserves.
After every lesson, learners will take short quizzes to test their newly
acquired knowledge, participant in crowd-sourced discussions about global
markets, and complete a final project.

The third course in the specialization Introduction to Programming in C

introduces the programming constructs pointers, arrays, and recursion.
Pointers provide control and flexibility when programming in C by giving you
Pointers, Arrays, and Recursion Duke University a way to refer to the location of other data. Arrays provide a way to bundle
data by guaranteeing sequences of data are grouped together. Finally,
recursive functions—functions that call themselves—provide an alternative
to iteration that are very useful for implementing certain algorithms.
Learn foundational programming concepts (e.g., functions, for loops,
conditional statements) and how to solve problems like a programmer. In
addition, learn basic web development as you build web pages using
HTML, CSS, JavaScript. By the end of the course, will create a web page
where others can upload their images and apply image filters that you
create.\n\nAfter completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Think
Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML
Duke University critically about how to solve a problem using programming;\n2. Write
and CSS web
JavaScript programs using functions, for loops, and conditional
statements;\n3. Use HTML to construct a web page with paragraphs, divs,
images, links, and lists;\n4. Add styles to a web page with CSS IDs and
classes; and\n5. Make a web page interactive with JavaScript commands
like alert, onClick, onChange, adding input features like an image canvas,
button, and slider.
Programming is an increasingly important skill, whether you aspire to a
career in software development, or in other fields. This course is the first in
the specialization Introduction to Programming in C, but its lessons extend
to any language you might want to learn. This is because programming is
fundamentally about figuring out how to solve a class of problems and
Programming Fundamentals Duke University writing the algorithm, a clear set of steps to solve any problem in its class.
This course will introduce you to a powerful problem-solving process—the
Seven Steps—which you can use to solve any programming problem. In
this course, you will learn how to develop an algorithm, then progress to
reading code and understanding how programming concepts relate to
Welcome to the course where you learn to launch a new business in the
energy, finance, real estate, design, engineering, or environmental sectors,
while also helping you create positive environmental and human health
impacts around the world.\n\nWe will integrate tools, trends, and tips from
the field of entrepreneurship as a career path for making a difference and
generating wealth in the renewable energy and green building
sectors.\n\nThis is not a course about theory. Instead, we focus on real
world application, step-by-step advice, and case studies.\n\nAfter
Renewable Energy and Green Building
Duke University completing this course, students will be able to:\n\n- Define key business
Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship
opportunities, challenges, and potential solutions in the renewable energy
and green building sectors.\n- Analyze a successful business in renewable
energy or green building.\n- Identify 2 to 3 problems you might solve with
either renewable energy or green building products or services. \n- Plan for
engaging with investors who might finance a new business.\n- Take real
world first steps towards launching a new business or corporate initiative, by
applying the 1-page business idea summary template and the Business
Model Canvas to generating and refining your own new business ideas.
Sports play a giant role in contemporary society worldwide. But few of us
pause to think about the larger questions of money, politics, race, sex,
culture, and commercialization that surround sports everywhere. This
course draws on the tools of anthropology, sociology, history, and other
disciplines to give you new perspectives on the games we watch and play.
Sports and Society Duke University It's the new and improved version of Professor Orin Starn's original "Sports
and Society" for Coursera, which drew more than 40,000 students. We will
focus on both popular sports like soccer (or “football,” as anyone outside
America calls it), basketball, and baseball, and also lesser-known ones like
mountain-climbing and fishing. You will never watch or think about sports in
the same way again.
How do different types of investors think about an investment opportunity?
What kind of securities and contracts do they offer? How should a company
decide what is a "good deal"? This course is designed to introduce you to
the challenges and pitfalls of financing new enterprises. You will learn the
Startup Valuation Methods Duke University basic tools for valuating companies, including using discounted cashflow
analysis in Excel and understanding how to apply this model to your
entrepreneurial venture. You will then learn how valuation works with
different types of securities that investors use to finance startups, from bank
loans to venture capital to angel investing.

The capstone project will be an analysis using R that answers a specific

scientific/business question provided by the course team. A large and
complex dataset will be provided to learners and the analysis will require
the application of a variety of methods and techniques introduced in the
previous courses, including exploratory data analysis through data
visualization and numerical summaries, statistical inference, and modeling
as well as interpretations of these results in the context of the data and the
Statistics with R Capstone Duke University
research question. The analysis will implement both frequentist and
Bayesian techniques and discuss in context of the data how these two
approaches are similar and different, and what these differences mean for
conclusions that can be drawn from the data.\n \nA sampling of the final
projects will be featured on the Duke Statistical Science department
website.\n\nNote: Only learners who have passed the four previous courses
in the specialization are eligible to take the Capstone.
This course is about how the brain creates our sense of spatial location
from a variety of sensory and motor sources, and how this spatial sense in
turn shapes our cognitive abilities.\n\nKnowing where things are is
effortless. But “under the hood,” your brain must figure out even the
simplest of details about the world around you and your position in it.
Recognizing your mother, finding your phone, going to the grocery store,
playing the banjo – these require careful sleuthing and coordination across
different sensory and motor domains. This course traces the brain’s
detective work to create this sense of space and argues that the brain’s
spatial focus permeates our cognitive abilities, affecting the way we think
and remember.\n\nThe material in this course is based on a book I've
written for a general audience. The book is called "Making Space: How the
Brain Knows Where Things Are", and is available from Amazon, Barnes
and Noble, or directly from Harvard University Press. \n\nThe course
material overlaps with classes on perception or systems neuroscience, and
can be taken either before or after such classes.\n\nDr. Jennifer M. Groh,
The Brain and Space Duke University Ph.D.\nProfessor\nPsychology & Neuroscience; Neurobiology\nDuke
University\n\n\nJennifer M. Groh is interested in
how the brain process spatial information in different sensory systems, and
how the brain's spatial codes influence other aspects of cognition. She is
the author of a recent book entitled "Making Space: How the Brain Knows
Where Things Are" (Harvard University Press, fall 2014).\n\nMuch of her
research concerns differences in how the visual and auditory systems
encode location, and how vision influences hearing. Her laboratory has
demonstrated that neurons in auditory brain regions are sometimes
responsive not just to what we hear but also to what direction we are
looking and what visual stimuli we can see. These surprising findings
challenge the prevailing assumption that the brain’s sensory pathways
remain separate and distinct from each other at early stages, and suggest a
mechanism for such multi-sensory interactions as lip-reading and
ventriloquism (the capture of perceived sound location by a plausible
nearby visual stimulus).\n\nDr. Groh has been a professor at Duke
University since 2006. She received her undergraduate degree in biology
What are the world’s major health challenges? What contributes to them?
What can we do to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities?
\n\nWhether you are new to Global Health, want to take a refresher course,
or want to sample Global Health before undertaking undergraduate or
graduate study in the field, The Challenge of Global Health is designed to
The Challenges of Global Health Duke University provide a comprehensive but concise foundation for understanding Global
Health problems and solutions. \n\nTaught by Dr. David Boyd, an award-
winning professor at Duke University’s Global Health Institute
(, the course combines
lectures with videos shot around the world and interviews with some of the
world’s foremost Global Health experts.
How to Understand Arguments\n\nThink Again: How to Reason and
Argue\nReasoning is important. This series of four short courses will teach
you how to do it well. You will learn simple but vital rules to follow in thinking
about any topic at all and common and tempting mistakes to avoid in
reasoning. We will discuss how to identify, analyze, and evaluate
arguments by other people (including politicians, used car salesmen, and
teachers) and how to construct arguments of your own in order to help you
decide what to believe or what to do. These skills will be useful in dealing
with whatever matters most to you.\n\nCourses at a Glance:\nAll four
courses in this series are offered through sessions which run every four
weeks. We suggest sticking to the weekly schedule to the best of your
ability. If for whatever reason you fall behind, feel free to re-enroll in the next
session.We also suggest that you start each course close to the beginning
of a month in order to increase the number of peers in the discussion
forums who are working on the same material as you are. While each
course can be taken independently, we suggest you take the four courses
Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments Duke University in order.\n\nCourse 1 - Think Again I: How to Understand
Arguments\nCourse 2 - Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively\nCourse
3 - Think Again III: How to Reason Inductively\nCourse 4 - Think Again IV:
How to Avoid Fallacies\n\nAbout This Course in the Series:\nWhen is
someone giving an argument instead of just yelling? Which parts of what
they say contribute to the argument? Why are they arguing instead of
fighting? What are arguments made of? What forms do they take? Think
Again: How to Understand Arguments will answer these questions a more.
\n\nIn this course, you will learn what an argument is. The definition of
argument will enable students to identify when speakers are giving
arguments and when they are not. Next, we will learn how to break an
argument into its essential parts, how to put them in order to reveal their
connections, and how to fill in gaps in an argument. By the end of this
course, students will be better able to understand and appreciate
arguments that they and other people present.\n\nSuggested
Readings:\nStudents who want more detailed explanations or additional
exercises or who want to explore these topics in more depth should consult
How to Reason Deductively\n\nThink Again: How to Reason and
Argue\nReasoning is important. This series of four short courses will teach
you how to do it well. You will learn simple but vital rules to follow in thinking
about any topic at all and common and tempting mistakes to avoid in
reasoning. We will discuss how to identify, analyze, and evaluate
arguments by other people (including politicians, used car salesmen, and
teachers) and how to construct arguments of your own in order to help you
decide what to believe or what to do. These skills will be useful in dealing
with whatever matters most to you.\n\nCourses at a Glance:\nAll four
courses in this series are offered through sessions which run every four
weeks. We suggest sticking to the weekly schedule to the best of your
ability. If for whatever reason you fall behind, feel free to re-enroll in the next
session.We also suggest that you start each course close to the beginning
of a month in order to increase the number of peers in the discussion
forums who are working on the same material as you are. While each
course can be taken independently, we suggest you take the four courses
Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively Duke University in order.\n\nCourse 1 - Think Again I: How to Understand
Arguments\nCourse 2 - Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively\nCourse
3 - Think Again III: How to Reason Inductively\nCourse 4 - Think Again IV:
How to Avoid Fallacies\n\nAbout This Course in the Series:\nImagine that a
friend denies that modus ponens is a valid form of argument. Can you
prove that it is valid without using modus ponens itself and thereby
assuming that it is valid? If so, how? If not, what does this show about the
validity of modus ponens?\n\nHow can phrases like "and", "or", "if", and
"not" work as "truth-functional connectives"?\n\nIn this course, you will learn
how to evaluate deductive arguments for validity. In particular, you will learn
new ways of representing the information that is contained in the premises
of a deductive argument. Using these new representational devices
(devices that we call "truth tables" and "Venn diagrams"), we will be able to
apply rules to determine whether or not a particular deductive argument is
valid. \n\nSuggested Readings:\nStudents who want more detailed
explanations or additional exercises or who want to explore these topics in
more depth should consult Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to
How to Reason Inductively\n\nThink Again: How to Reason and
Argue\nReasoning is important. This series of four short courses will teach
you how to do it well. You will learn simple but vital rules to follow in thinking
about any topic at all and common and tempting mistakes to avoid in
reasoning. We will discuss how to identify, analyze, and evaluate
arguments by other people (including politicians, used car salesmen, and
teachers) and how to construct arguments of your own in order to help you
decide what to believe or what to do. These skills will be useful in dealing
with whatever matters most to you.\n\nCourses at a Glance:\nAll four
courses in this series are offered through sessions which run every four
weeks. We suggest sticking to the weekly schedule to the best of your
ability. If for whatever reason you fall behind, feel free to re-enroll in the next
session.We also suggest that you start each course close to the beginning
of a month in order to increase the number of peers in the discussion
forums who are working on the same material as you are. While each
course can be taken independently, we suggest you take the four courses
Think Again III: How to Reason Inductively Duke University in order.\n\nCourse 1 - Think Again I: How to Understand
Arguments\nCourse 2 - Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively\nCourse
3 - Think Again III: How to Reason Inductively\nCourse 4 - Think Again IV:
How to Avoid Fallacies\n\nAbout This Course in the Series:\nThink Again:
How to Reason Inductively \nWant to solve a murder mystery? What
caused your computer to fail? Who can you trust in your everyday life? In
this course, you will learn what distinguishes inductive arguments from
deductive arguments and then how to analyze and assess five common
forms of inductive arguments: generalizations from samples, applications of
generalizations, inference to the best explanation, arguments from analogy,
and causal reasoning. The course closes by showing how probability can
be used to help us make decisions of all sorts.\n\nSuggested
Readings\nStudents who want more detailed explanations or additional
exercises or who want to explore these topics in more depth should consult
Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic, Ninth Edition,
Concise, Chapters 8-12, by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Robert
Fogelin.\n\nCourse Format\nEach week will be divided into multiple video
How to Avoid Fallacies\n\nThink Again: How to Reason and
Argue\nReasoning is important. This series of four short courses will teach
you how to do it well. You will learn simple but vital rules to follow in thinking
about any topic at all and common and tempting mistakes to avoid in
reasoning. We will discuss how to identify, analyze, and evaluate
arguments by other people (including politicians, used car salesmen, and
teachers) and how to construct arguments of your own in order to help you
decide what to believe or what to do. These skills will be useful in dealing
with whatever matters most to you.\n\nCourses at a Glance:\nAll four
courses in this series are offered through sessions which run every four
weeks. We suggest sticking to the weekly schedule to the best of your
ability. If for whatever reason you fall behind, feel free to re-enroll in the next
session.We also suggest that you start each course close to the beginning
of a month in order to increase the number of peers in the discussion
forums who are working on the same material as you are. While each
course can be taken independently, we suggest you take the four courses
Think Again IV: How to Avoid Fallacies Duke University in order.\n\nCourse 1 - Think Again I: How to Understand
Arguments\nCourse 2 - Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively\nCourse
3 - Think Again III: How to Reason Inductively\nCourse 4 - Think Again IV:
How to Avoid Fallacies\n\nAbout This Course in the Series:\nWe encounter
fallacies almost everywhere we look. Politicians, salespeople, and children
commonly use fallacies in order to get us to think what they want us to
think. Think Again: Fallacies will show how to identify and avoid many of the
fallacies that people use to get us to think the way they want us to
think.\n\nIn this course, you will learn about fallacies. Fallacies are
arguments that suffer from one or more common but avoidable defects:
equivocation, circularity, vagueness, etc. It’s important to learn about
fallacies so that you can recognize them when you see them, and not be
fooled by them. It’s also important to learn about fallacies so that you avoid
making fallacious arguments yourself.\n\nSuggested Readings\nStudents
who want more detailed explanations or additional exercises or who want to
explore these topics in more depth should consult Understanding
Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic, Ninth Edition, Concise,
This course provides students an understanding of important human
parasitic diseases, including their life cycles, vectors of transmission,
distribution and epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations,
treatment, and prevention and control. Tropical Parasitology is taught by
Tropical Parasitology: Protozoans, Worms, faculty from an area highly impacted by tropical parasites- the Kilimanjaro
Duke University
Vectors and Human Diseases Christian Medical University College in Moshi, Tanzania. The faculty
include Drs. Frank Mosha and Mramba Nyindo (and two lecturers, Drs.
Johnson Matowo and Jovin Kitau). Dr. John Bartlett, Professor of Medicine,
Global Health and Nursing at Duke University, joins his faculty colleagues in
this effort.
This course will explore the forces that led to the 9/11 attacks and the
Understanding 9/11: Why 9/11 Happened & How policies the United States adopted in response. We will examine the
Duke University
Terrorism Affects Our World Today phenomenon of modern terrorism, the development of the al Qai'da
ideology, and the process by which individuals radicalize towards violence.
Learners will be introduced to the problems that vision faces, using
perception as a guide. The course will consider how what we see is
generated by the visual system, what the central problem for vision is, and
what visual perception indicates about how the brain works. The evidence
Visual Perception and the Brain Duke University will be drawn from neuroscience, psychology, the history of vision science
and what philosophy has contributed. Although the discussions will be
informed by visual system anatomy and physiology, the focus is on
perception. We see the physical world in a strange way, and goal is to
understand why.
Building on the course Programming Fundamentals, this course will teach
you how to write code by first planning what your program should do—an
important approach for novice and professional programmers. You will learn
Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in C Duke University how to compile and run your program, and then how to test and debug it.
This course builds on the Seven Steps you have already learned and
provides a framework for systematically testing for problems and fixing
them, so you can find and fix problems efficiently.
‫ ستتعلم أفضل الممارسات لكيفية استخدام تحليﻼت البيانات لتجعل أي شركة لها‬،‫في هذه الدورة التدريبية‬
n\.‫ سيمكنك التعرف على أهم مقاييس اﻷعمال وتمييزها عن البيانات العادية‬.‫قدرة أكبر على التنافس والربح‬
،‫وستكون لديك صورة واضحة عن اﻷدوار الحيوية المختلفة التي يضطلع بها كل من محللي اﻷعمال‬n\
‫ وستعرف بالضبط أي المهارات‬.‫ وعلماء البيانات في مختلف أنواع الشركات‬،‫ومحللي بيانات اﻷعمال‬
‫ مقاييس اﻷعمال للشركات التي تعتمد على البيانات‬Duke University ‫ سيمكنك‬،‫وفي النهاية‬n \n\.‫مطلوبة للتوظيف في هذه اﻷعمال التي يرتفع الطلب عليها والنجاح فيها‬
‫اﻻستعانة بالقائمة المرجعية التي توفرها الدورة التدريبية؛ لتقييم أي شركة بنا ًء على كيفية تبنّيها لثقافة‬
‫تحو ًﻻ في‬
ّ Airbnb‫ و‬،Uber‫ و‬،Amazon ‫ تُحدث الشركات الرقمية مثل‬.‫البيانات الضخمة بفعاليّة‬
‫ وستدرك ل َِم تكون هذه الشركات معرقلة‬..‫الصناعات بالكامل من خﻼل استخدامها اﻹبداعي للبيانات الضخمة‬
.‫ وكيفية استخدامها لتقنيات تحليل البيانات؛ لكي تتفوق في قدرتها التنافسية على الشركات التقليدية‬،‫للغاية‬
人体生理学导论(中文版) Duke University
The purpose of Electric Vehicles and Mobility is to help you, whatever your
profile, your training or your country, find your own answers to questions
such as:\n- Will electric vehicles be the last to be allowed in megalopolises
in the 21st century?\n- Does the environmental gain from vehicle
electrification justify heavy investment in charging infrastructure?\n- Are
electric vehicles only for wealthy people in developed countries?\n\nThis
course will allow you to acquire elements from engineering science,
sociology, environmental science, political science, economics,
management science, in order to evaluate, analyze and implement the
diffusion of electric vehicles where their use is relevant.\n\nThis MOOC is the English version of Mobilités et véhicules électriques; in the lecture
Electric Vehicles and Mobility École des Ponts ParisTech
mobility videos, the teachers speak in French, nevertheless their presentation is in
English and English subtitles are available.\n\nGroupe Renault and
ParisTech schools have been working together for almost 15 years on
topics related to sustainable mobility. Together, they created two Master
programs (Transport and Sustainable Development in 2004, Mobility and
Electric Vehicles in 2010) and the Sustainable Mobility Institute Renault-
ParisTech in 2009, to support ongoing changes. Electric Vehicles and
Mobility is the result of this shared history and was developed from a course
delivered within the Master Mobility and Electric Vehicles, led by Arts et
Métiers ParisTech in partnership with Ensta ParisTech, Mines ParisTech
and École des Ponts ParisTech.
During the four coming weeks, best experts in bitumen will bring you their
knowledge and experience to build a strong understanding of today’s
realities and new perspectives on the future of bitumen.\n\nTotal is the
European leader on bitumen markets. Innovation has always been the key
to sustainability and durability in the products they develop. Their main
objective here is to share technical knowledge and experience to insure
bitumen are being used in the most effective and efficient ways for their
Mastering bitumen for better roads and innovative different applications in road works.\n\nEcole des Ponts, France oldest
École des Ponts ParisTech
applications engineering school, remains very much in the present, as it has always
been, in training engineers in order to meet the needs of our society and
citizens in key areas such as transport housing and urban services, but also
in fields like energy, environment, climate sciences, land-use planning and
sustainable development.\n\nNineteen world recognized experts on
bitumen are contributing to this MOOC.\n\nThe idea is to provide the
broadest prism on this topic area with speakers coming from research,
industry and end users.

L’objectif de ce MOOC est d’aider ses apprenants, quel que soit leur profil,
leur formation ou leur pays d’origine, à construire une réponse personnelle
à des questions comme celles-ci : \n- Les voitures électriques seront-elles
les dernières à circuler dans les métropoles du XXI° siècle ? \n- Le gain
environnemental associé à l’électrification des véhicules justifie-t-il des
investissements massifs dans les infrastructures de charge ? \n- Le
véhicule électrique est-il réservé aux riches des pays du Nord ?\n\nGrâce à
ce MOOC, les participants pourront acquérir des connaissances issues des
sciences de l’ingénieur, de la sociologie, des sciences de l’environnement,
de l’économie, de la géographie et des sciences politiques pour évaluer,
analyser et mettre en œuvre le déploiement des véhicules électriques là où
il est pertinent.\n\nLe Groupe Renault et les écoles de ParisTech
Mobilités et véhicules électriques École des Ponts ParisTech collaborent depuis bientôt 15 ans sur des sujets liés à la mobilité durable.
Ensemble, ils ont créé deux Masters (Transport et développement durable
en 2004, Mobilité et véhicules électriques en 2010) et l’Institut de la Mobilité
Durable (IMD), en 2009, pour accompagner les mutations en cours. Le
MOOC Mobilités et véhicules électriques est issu de cette histoire
commune et a été élaboré à partir d'un cours délivré au sein du Master
Mobilités et Véhicules Électriques, piloté par Arts et Métiers ParisTech en
partenariat avec Ensta ParisTech, Mines ParisTech et l’École des Ponts
ParisTech.\n\nCe cours est en français, cependant des sous-titres en
anglais sont disponibles pour toutes les vidéos et vous pouvez écrire vos
messages dans le forum en anglais si vous le désirez./ This course is given
in French, nevertheless English subtitles are available for all videos and you
can write your posts in the forum in English if desired.
Lean is a powerful methodology that enables managers and employees to
shift their mindset and helps companies to keep their business sustainable
by creating competitive advantage. Today, in an increasingly complex and
dynamic world, where companies struggle to maintain competitive
advantage, Lean is more important than ever.\n\nThis course combines the
experience of many senior experts and practitioners from the Boston
The hidden value – Lean in manufacturing and Consulting Group and École des Ponts, and brings perspectives on Lean in
École des Ponts ParisTech
services services manufacturing and services. It offers strong topic foundation as well as
deep practical insights into the art of continuous improvement.\n\nIn this
course, you will learn:\n- why Lean is a key driver for sustainable
competitive advantage\n- how different companies can leverage Lean to
create value both in manufacturing and services\n- what it takes to drive a
Lean transformation and build a culture of continuous improvement \n- how
new technologies impact traditional lean practices

Approximation algorithms, Part I\n\nHow efficiently can you pack objects

into a minimum number of boxes? How well can you cluster nodes so as to
cheaply separate a network into components around a few centers? These
are examples of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. It is most
likely impossible to solve such problems efficiently, so our aim is to give an
approximate solution that can be computed in polynomial time and that at
the same time has provable guarantees on its cost relative to the optimum.
\n\nThis course assumes knowledge of a standard undergraduate
Algorithms course, and particularly emphasizes algorithms that can be
Approximation Algorithms Part I École normale supérieure designed using linear programming, a favorite and amazingly successful
technique in this area. By taking this course, you will be exposed to a range
of problems at the foundations of theoretical computer science, and to
powerful design and analysis techniques. Upon completion, you will be able
to recognize, when faced with a new combinatorial optimization problem,
whether it is close to one of a few known basic problems, and will be able to
design linear programming relaxations and use randomized rounding to
attempt to solve your own problem. The course content and in particular the
homework is of a theoretical nature without any programming assignments.
\n\nThis is the first of a two-part course on Approximation Algorithms.

Approximation algorithms, Part 2\n\nThis is the continuation of

Approximation algorithms, Part 1. Here you will learn linear programming
duality applied to the design of some approximation algorithms, and
semidefinite programming applied to Maxcut.\n\nBy taking the two parts of
this course, you will be exposed to a range of problems at the foundations
of theoretical computer science, and to powerful design and analysis
Approximation Algorithms Part II École normale supérieure techniques. Upon completion, you will be able to recognize, when faced
with a new combinatorial optimization problem, whether it is close to one of
a few known basic problems, and will be able to design linear programming
relaxations and use randomized rounding to attempt to solve your own
problem. The course content and in particular the homework is of a
theoretical nature without any programming assignments. \n\nThis is the
second of a two-part course on Approximation Algorithms.
Apprendre à réaliser des cartes ? C’est ce que propose ce cours grâce à
des vidéos, des exercices, un forum. A la fin de la formation, vous
maîtriserez les principes de la sémiologie graphique, et vous saurez les
mettre en œuvre pour construire des cartes thématiques simples et de
qualité. Ces cartes personnelles donneront de la force à vos rapports,
synthèses, articles, mémoires universitaires, sites web... Les participants
seront guidés pas à pas pour dessiner un fond de carte, construire des
Cartographie thématique École normale supérieure
cartes statistiques, avec des figurés proportionnels, des gammes de
couleurs… De multiples exercices seront proposés : quizz, QCM,
entraînements sur les logiciels. Deux logiciels libres seront utilisés :
Inkscape, un logiciel de dessin vectoriel, et Philcarto, un logiciel de
cartographie automatique. \nCe MOOC est aussi une invitation au voyage :
de nombreux exemples à toutes les échelles et de toutes les régions du
monde seront présentés.
Le cours expose la théorie de Galois, du classique critère de non-
résolubilité des équations polynomiales aux méthodes plus avancées de
calcul de groupes de Galois par réduction modulo un nombre
premier.\n\nLe thème général de cette théorie est l'étude des racines d'un
polynôme et concerne en particulier la possibilité de les exprimer à partir
des coefficients de ce polynôme. Evariste Galois considère les symétries de
ces racines et associe ainsi à ce polynôme un groupe de permutations de
ses racines, que l'on appelle maintenant son groupe de Galois. Il dégage à
cette occasion pour la première fois, dans ce cadre, la notion de groupe,
maintenant omniprésente en mathématiques. Son étude lui permet
d'expliquer pourquoi les racines d'une équation prise au hasard ne
s'expriment en général pas par des formules algébriques faisant intervenir
ses coefficients à partir du degré 5, un résultat démontré auparavant par
Abel. Plus généralement, l'étude du groupe de Galois du polynôme permet
de dire exactement quand une telle formule existe. C'est ce que l'on appelle
la correspondance de Galois : elle relie d'une part la théorie des corps,
Introduction à la théorie de Galois École normale supérieure d'autre part la théorie des groupes.Ce cours expliquera cette théorie en
n'utilisant que des résultats de base d'algèbre linéaire. Nous étudierons
d'un côté la théorie des corps, c'est-à-dire la façon dont les corps
s'emboîtent les uns dans les autres, en introduisant la notion de nombre
algébrique (essentiellement les racines de polynômes). D'un autre côté,
nous introduirons les éléments nécessaires à l'étude des groupes de
permutations. Cela nous permettra d'expliquer la théorie de Galois, non
seulement dans son cadre d'origine, c'est-à-dire quand les coefficients du
polynôme sont des nombres entiers, mais aussi dans un cadre plus
général, par exemple lorsqu'on réduit ces coefficients modulo un nombre
premier p.\n\nLe cours culminera avec une comparaison des groupes de
Galois dans ces deux situations (« entière » et après réduction modulo p),
fournissant ainsi un outil de calcul puissant de ces groupes.\n\nCe cours est
l'occasion d'aborder des notions d'algèbre variées, essentielles dans de
nombreux domaines des mathématiques, de manière très simple pour très
rapidement aboutir à des résultats tout à fait remarquables. Nous n'avons
pas cherché la généralité maximale mais au contraire à aller rapidement à
Ce MOOC co-produit par l'Agence Française de Développement et l'ENS
se situe à la confluence du développement des pays du Sud et le
développement durable. Il a :\n- une dimension macroéconomique et
financière portée notamment par Gael Giraud et Alain Grandjean en tant
qu’intervenants, \n- une dimension écologique et climatique portée
notamment par David Claessen et les intervenants de l’ENS, et \n- une
dimension de focus sur les pays du Sud portée notamment par les
intervenants de l’AFD.\n\nVoici les objectifs d'apprentissage de l'ensemble
de la formation\n\nObj 1 : Être en mesure de faire le lien entre la transition
énergétique, la transition écologique, le rôle de l’énergie dans l’économie, le
modèle de développement économique et les questions de
financement\n\nObj 2 : Savoir plaider et argumenter, sur les enjeux, la
nécessité de changer la réalité pour mettre en place des stratégies et des
plans d’actions\n\nObj 3 : Savoir faire le lien entre la Transition énergétique
et les solutions de financement, savoir faire le lien entre compréhension et
actions\n\nJusqu’à présent, le développement des pays du Nord reposait
Les transitions énergétique-écologiques dans les
École normale supérieure sur une exploitation croissante des ressources énergétiques ainsi qu’une
pays du Sud energetiques-pays-du-sud
liberté accrue de commerce et d’échanges à l’échelle de la planète ; or,
nous savons désormais qu’un tel modèle n’est plus soutenable, en raison
du réchauffement climatique et de la surexploitation des ressources
conduisant à des désastres sanitaires, sociaux et environnementaux.\nDès
lors, comment assurer une croissance juste et équitable pour tous ? Quel
rôle les pays des Suds ont-ils à jouer dans ce bouleversement complet des
modèles économiques, commerciaux et politiques actuels, pour mener une
transition énergétique et écologique efficace ?\n\nCe cours en ligne gratuit
propose le point de vue croisé de plusieurs spécialistes des problématiques
liées au changement climatique et au développement des Suds. Sous un
angle résolument pratique, ils livreront leur lecture des crises actuelles et
les réponses pouvant y être apportées.\n\nProgramme :\nSemaine 1 :
Notre mode de développement est insoutenable écologiquement\nSemaine
2 : Les modèles économiques dominants font obstacle à la transition
énergétique et écologique\nSemaine 3 : La trajectoire de la transition
énergétique : décarboner le PIB\nSemaine 4 : Le modèle d'une transition
In this course you will learn a whole lot of modern physics (classical and
quantum) from basic computer programs that you will download, generalize,
Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and
École normale supérieure or write from scratch, discuss, and then hand in. Join in if you are curious
(but not necessarily knowledgeable) about algorithms, and about the deep
insights into science that you can obtain by the algorithmic approach.

Ce cours d'introduction aux probabilités a la même contenu que le cours de

tronc commun de première année de l'École polytechnique donné par
Sylvie Méléard.\n\nLe cours introduit graduellement la notion de variable
aléatoire et culmine avec la loi des grands nombres et le théorème de la
Aléatoire : une introduction aux probabilités - limite centrale. \n\nLes notions mathématiques nécessaires sont introduites
École Polytechnique
Partie 1 au fil du cours et de nombreux exercices corrigés sont proposés.\n\nCe
cours propose aussi une introduction aux méthodes de simulations des
variables aléatoires comme la méthode de Monte Carlo. Des expériences
numériques interactives sont également mises à votre disposition pour
vous permettre de visualiser diverses notions.
Ce cours d'introduction aux probabilités a la même contenu que le cours de
tronc commun de première année de l'École polytechnique donné par
Sylvie Méléard.\n\nLe cours introduit graduellement la notion de variable
aléatoire et culmine avec la loi des grands nombres et le théorème de la
Aléatoire : une introduction aux probabilités - limite centrale. \n\nLes notions mathématiques nécessaires sont introduites
École Polytechnique
Partie 2 au fil du cours et de nombreux exercices corrigés sont proposés.\n\nCe
cours propose aussi une introduction aux méthodes de simulations des
variables aléatoires comme la méthode de Monte Carlo. Des expériences
numériques interactives sont également mises à votre disposition pour
vous permettre de visualiser diverses notions.

A l’issue de ce cours, vous serez capable de :\n- de comprendre le contexte

et les règles de publication scientifique\n- de mettre en oeuvre les
techniques d’écriture d’un article scientifique\n- de faire le choix du journal
pertinent, en fonction de votre domaine, sujet et objectif\n- utiliser une «
checklist » et auto-évaluer votre travail\n\nLes prérequis :\nCe cours
s’adresse à toute personne en doctorat - quel que soit votre niveau
d’avancement - ou ayant déjà achevé un doctorat\nIl s’adresse également
à tout étudiant en fin de master dans le but d'affiner votre projet
Comment rédiger et publier un article scientifique professionnel et académique.\n\nCe cours a été créé par des doctorants
École Polytechnique
(Enseignement par projet) article-scientifique ayant déjà de l'expérience dans la recherche académique.\n\n*About
Project-Centered Courses: \nProject-Centered Courses are designed to
help you complete a personally meaningful real-world project, with your
instructor and a community of learners with similar goals providing guidance
and suggestions along the way. By actively applying new concepts as you
learn, you’ll master the course content more efficiently; you’ll also get a
head start on using the skills you gain to make positive changes in your life
and career. When you complete the course, you’ll have a finished project
that you’ll be proud to use and share.
This course will allow you to identify and evaluate opportunities for creating
a tech business, and to better understand its principal issues on a human,
technical, commercial, environmental and financial level.\n\nAs such, you
will obtain solid foundations either for building your own tech business, or
for joining one.\n\nDeciding to create or to join a tech business in these
early years is an out-of-the-ordinary adventure, and it certainly won’t be
straightforward: you need to be ready to accept that not all "good" ideas will
lead to success, and that only a very small number of projects lead to great
success. You must learn to overhaul your relationship with failure, which is
a valuable source of experience and should be managed according to the
logic of “acceptable loss”: the entrepreneur loves uncertainty, not excessive
risk. The creation of tech businesses gives you a genuine opportunity to
change the world, but requires you to adopt a particular state of mind and to
be able to acquire knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills.\n\nYou
will have the chance to work alongside passionate and exciting people from
Creating and Developing a Tech Startup École Polytechnique
a whole multitude of backgrounds. From a technological point of view,
these women and men have constructed numerous companies of a global
scale.\n\nThe development trajectory of a tech business is full of mishaps
which require you to be both agile and greatly prepared to build on a strong
idea, choose your market, develop your proposal, assemble a team worthy
of the task in hand, and finding financing.\n\nThe course is made up of
methodological sessions as well as first-hand accounts from entrepreneurs
and people who have succeeded in creating tech businesses themselves.
You will thus be able to get to know the essential dilemmas with which high-
tech business creators are confronted with, beginning with the initial
decision to set up your very own structure, which itself represents a
significant life decision.\n\nYou will also see that the creation of a tech
business is much more a collective adventure than an individual one.\n\nIn
the English version, all of the reading content, quizzes and assesments will
be in English, whilst the videos will have French audio and English subtitles.
Ce cours vous permettra d’identifier et d’évaluer des opportunités de
création d’entreprises technologiques et d’en comprendre les principaux
enjeux humains, techniques, commerciaux, environnementaux et
financiers.\n\nVous aurez ainsi des bases solides pour créer votre
entreprise high tech ou décider d'en rejoindre une.\n\nDécider de créer ou
de rejoindre une entreprise technologique dans ses premières années est
la promesse d’une aventure hors du commun mais ce n’est pas un acte
anodin : il faut être capable d’accepter que toutes les « bonnes » idées ne
conduiront pas au succès, que seule une minorité de projets débouchera
sur un immense succès. Il faut aussi renverser votre rapport à l’échec, qui
est une source d’expérience et doit être géré selon la logique de la « perte
acceptable » : l’entrepreneur aime l’incertitude, pas le risque démesuré. La
création d’entreprises technologiques vous offre une réelle occasion de
contribuer à changer le monde mais nécessite que vous adoptiez un certain
état d’esprit et que vous puissiez acquérir des savoirs, des savoir-faire et des savoir être, ainsi qu’une expérience la plus large possible.\n\nVous
Créer et développer une startup technologique École Polytechnique
technologique aurez l'occasion de côtoyer des personnes passionnantes et passionnées
issues d'horizons très différents. A partir d’une vision et d’une technologie
de pointe, ces femmes et ces hommes ont souvent bâti des entreprises
d’envergure mondiale.\n\nLa trajectoire de développement d'une entreprise
technologique est pleine d’imprévus qui vous demanderont à la fois de
l’agilité et une préparation importante pour partir d’une idée forte,
sélectionner votre marché, développer votre offre, réunir une équipe à la
hauteur des enjeux et trouver des financements.\n\nCe cours se compose
de sessions méthodologiques ainsi que de témoignages d'entrepreneurs et
d’acteurs emblématiques de la création d'entreprises technologiques. Vous
pourrez ainsi vous familiariser avec les dilemmes essentiels auxquels sont
confrontés les créateurs d'une entreprise high tech, à commencer par la
décision de créer sa propre structure, qui représente un véritable choix de
vie. \n\nVous verrez également que la création d'une entreprise
technologique est davantage une aventure collective qu’un parcours
Partez à la découverte de l'infiniment petit et de l'infiniment grand, en
compagnie de physiciens et de physiciennes qui vont vous faire découvrir
les liens entre la structure de la matière aux distances les plus petites et
l'organisation de l'Univers aux distances les plus grandes ce jour, et entre
les outils scientifiques utilisés pour les étudier. Vous découvrirez que de
nombreux messagers venus de notre Univers (le photon, les neutrinos, ou
encore les rayons cosmiques) sont aussi des objets d'intérêt pour les
physiciens qui étudient la matière aux échelles les plus petites. Vous verrez
aussi que l'histoire de l'Univers (comme la formation de la matière et la
disparition de l'antimatière) peut être comprise grâce aux progrès de
l'infiniment petit. Notre compréhension des deux infinis peut ainsi
progresser harmonieusement, chaque infini s'appuyant sur les avancées et
les outils de l'autre.\n\nCe cours en français fait partie du MOOC "Voyages
D'un infini à l'autre - Voyages de l'infiniment grand
École Polytechnique de l'infiniment grand à l'infiniment petit", conçus par des physiciens et des
à l'infiniment petit liens
physiciennes du Labex P2IO (Physique des 2 Infinis et des Origines)
regroupant des laboratoires de physique de l'infiniment grand et de
l'infiniment petit situés à Orsay et Saclay. Les différents parcours de ce
MOOC vous montreront les connaissances et les énigmes de l'infiniment
grand et de l'infiniment petit, les relations que ces deux infinis entretiennent,
et les liens de ces découvertes avec la société
MOOC "Voyages de l'infiniment grand à l'infiniment petit" a été conçu avec
le soutien financier du Labex P2IO (Physique des 2 Infinis et des Origines)
présenté sur
Ce cours de français de niveau intermédiaire B1/B2, conforme aux
exigences du Cadre européen de Référence pour les Langues, s’inscrit
dans le double dispositif “former avec le numérique”et “langue et
interculturalité” mis en place par l’Université Paris Saclay. Il s’adresse à
tous les étudiants souhaitant poursuivre leurs études supérieures en
France. Il leur permettra non seulement d’avoir le niveau requis en français
pour suivre des cours dans le système supérieur français en termes de
compétences linguistiques, mais les aidera à s’adapter à leur nouvel
environnement dans les meilleures conditions. \nCe cours propose en effet
une immersion dans l’univers étudiant à travers des vidéos de cours, des
textes de multiples formats, de courts extraits de films et de vidéos
authentiques qui donnent la parole à des étudiants français ou étrangers
vivant en France. Les étudiants pourront ainsi travailler toutes les
compétences (compréhension orale et écrite, expression orale et écrite,
grammaire et vocabulaire), puis tester ensuite leurs acquis grâce aux
nombreux quiz proposés et, chaque semaine, ils auront aussi la possibilité
Étudier en France: French Intermediate course B1-
École Polytechnique de participer aux débats et aux discussions organisés sur le forum.
\nDécouvrir la vie en France et dans le monde francophone à travers ses
cultures, ses littératures, ses films, ses journaux télévisés et sa langue
(standard et plus familière) et comprendre le système d’enseignement
supérieur français (assister à un cours magistral, comprendre le
fonctionnement de l’évaluation …) : voici quelques-uns des enjeux de ce
cours. Ses objectifs sont donc langagiers, mais aussi culturels et pratiques
!\n\nNote importante: ce Mooc ne remplace pas la passation de tests
attestant du niveau B1 ou B2 tels que ceux proposés par le Ciep: TCF, Delf
ou Dalf.\n\nCe cours a été financé grâce au soutien de l’Université Paris-
Saclay et celui de la fondation Patrick et Lina Drahi.\n\n« l’Ecole
polytechnique vous concède une licence personnelle, non exclusive et non
transférable vous permettant d’accéder et d’utiliser les contenus diffusés
sur le site Coursera. En aucun cas, vous ne pouvez exploiter, de quelle que
manière que ce soit les contenus diffusés sur le site Coursera, à d’autres
fins que des fins personnelles. Toute reproduction, diffusion et utilisation
collective à quelque titre que ce soit, tout usage commercial, ou toute mise

What is fluid-solid interactions ? It is what happens when the motions of

a fluid and of a solid are somehow coupled. This happens all the time,
around you when leaves flutter in the wind, inside you when your heart
beats, above you when wings of a plane vibrate, under the sea... The idea
behind this MOOC is to give you the basic tools to be able to predict and
eventually mitigate things called flutter, galloping, sloshing, vortex-induced
vibrations, added mass, to cite a few. \n\nWe are going to consider any
possible domains of applications such as civil engineering, aerospace
Fundamentals of Fluid-Solid Interactions École Polytechnique
engineering, nuclear engineering , ocean engineering, biomechanics and
even food processing !\n\nThis is why we called the course “Fundamentals
of Fluid Solid Interactions ”. There are so many phenomena and so many
models that we need to work together on the basic mechanisms .\n\nIf
you want to see how fluid-solid interactions work, and be able to use that
knowledge, join us !\n\n A first session of the course was run in early 2016,
with learners from over 100 countries. It is now available with subtitles, in
English and now in Chinese.\n\nSee the video at
See our course teaser on\n\nWaves are everywhere.
On water of course, but also in the air as you hear a plane, and under your
feet during an earthquake certainly. Vibrations, too, are everywhere In
your bike as you go over a bump, in you guitar as you play, and of course
in your smartphone. You can guess that there is something in common
behind all this. This is exactly the purpose of this course !\n So if you want
to understand better waves and vibrations, and the relation between them and to use that knowledge in your field, this MOOC is for you. We are going
Fundamentals of waves and vibrations École Polytechnique
waves-vibrations to consider any possible domains of applications such as civil
engineering, aerospace engineering, plant biomechanics, and many
others ! This is why we called the course “fundamentals of waves and
vibrations”. There are so many phenomena and so many models that we
need to work with you on the basic mechanisms . We look forward to see
you in the course, and work together ! \n\nSee also our related course on
the couplings between fluids and solids at
solid-interaction, with the course teaser on

The course aims at providing knowledge and experience to entrepreneurs

and would-be entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs generally start with a mission, a
new idea that they want to bring to the world. If the idea is original, it is
probably not expected by the market, which has to be educated. This is a
very costly experience. Entrepreneurs need to gather capital at the start of
the journey. They need to articulate clear plans, define objectives and
resources and raise money accordingly. They also need to manage cash for
two reasons: i) because the better it is managed, the less you need to raise
with outsiders; ii) because generation of cash flow is the pillar of the
valuation of the company. And we should add that the practical reason why
How to finance your venture ? École Polytechnique
a company gets bankrupted is because it runs out of cash..\nThe course is
based on this belief. We look at the myth of the balance sheet and explain
the dynamics of cash flows and the way they should be managed. We also
investigate the basics of venture capital and provide a practical roadmap to
entrepreneurs.\n\nMany courses are dedicated to the same topic. Our
originality is that we operate in the advisory board of the private equity firm,
Xerys and are board members of their venture companies. In addition,
Michel was the country head for Merrill Lynch in France while Philippe
served in the same function at UBS. The former as head of investment
banking, the latter as head of global markets.
What you will achieve:\nIn this project-based course, you will outline a
complete scientific paper, choose an appropriate journal to which you'll
submit the finished paper for publication, and prepare a checklist that will
allow you to independently judge whether your paper is ready to
submit.\n\nWhat you'll need to get started:\nThis course is designed for
students who have previous experience with academic research - you
should be eager to adapt our writing and publishing advice to an existing
personal project. If you just finished your graduate dissertation, just began
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper your PhD, or are at a different stage of your academic journey or career and
École Polytechnique
(Project-Centered Course) scientific-paper just want to publish your work, this course is for you. \n\n*About Project-
Centered Courses: \nProject-Centered Courses are designed to help you
complete a personally meaningful real-world project, with your instructor
and a community of learners with similar goals providing guidance and
suggestions along the way. By actively applying new concepts as you learn,
you’ll master the course content more efficiently; you’ll also get a head start
on using the skills you gain to make positive changes in your life and
career. When you complete the course, you’ll have a finished project that
you’ll be proud to use and share.
Une fonction discontinue peut-elle être solution d'une équation
différentielle? Comment définir rigoureusement la masse de Dirac (une
Initiation à la théorie des distributions École Polytechnique "fonction" d'intégrale un, nulle partout sauf en un point) et ses dérivées?
Peut-on définir une notion de "dérivée d'ordre fractionnaire"? Cette
initiation aux distributions répond à ces questions - et à bien d'autres.
Ce cours vise principalement à permettre aux étudiants d’identifier les
sources pertinentes dans un domaine donné, leur apprendre à construire
un état de l’art et à évaluer les sources, en particulier celles en accès libre sur Internet. Il cherche également à optimiser la recherche documentaire en
La recherche documentaire École Polytechnique
documentaire incitant les étudiants à tirer le meilleur parti des outils et requêtes
d’interrogation des bases de données. A l'issue de ce cours, ils devront être
capables de construire et alimenter une bibliographie ordonnée, ainsi que
de citer convenablement leurs sources pour éviter le plagiat.
Partez à la découverte de l'infiniment grand et de l'infiniment petit dans
leurs aspects les plus proches de notre quotidien, en compagnie de
physiciens et de physiciennes qui vont vous faire découvrir leur présence
insoupçonnée dans notre vie de tous les jours. Vous vous initierez à la vie
et aux métiers d'une grande collaboration en physique de l'infiniment petit et
de l'infiniment grand, vous découvrirez comment les outils développés dans
ces domaines ont trouvé des applications inattendues, comment la
physique nucléaire a profondément modifié les domaines de l'énergie et de
la santé, et comment les propriétés de certaines particules aident à présent
d'autres disciplines à sonder la matière d'une manière totalement
différente.\n\nCe cours en français fait partie du MOOC "Voyages de
l'infiniment grand à l'infiniment petit", conçus par des physiciens et des
Les deux infinis et nous - Voyages de l'infiniment
École Polytechnique physiciennes du Labex P2IO (Physique des 2 Infinis et des Origines)
grand à l'infiniment petit nous
regroupant des laboratoires de physique de l'infiniment grand et de
l'infiniment petit situés à Orsay et Saclay. Les différents parcours de ce
MOOC vous montreront les connaissances et les énigmes de l'infiniment
grand et de l'infiniment petit, les relations que ces deux infinis entretiennent,
et les liens de ces découvertes avec la société
MOOC "Voyages de l'infiniment grand à l'infiniment petit" a été conçu avec
le soutien financier du Labex P2IO (Physique des 2 Infinis et des Origines)
présenté sur

Comme l'ont montré de plus en plus d'expériences effectuées dès le début

du vingtième siècle, les lois de la mécanique newtonienne cessent d'être
valables dès qu'on tente de les appliquer à très petite échelle, celle des
atomes, des molécules ou des noyaux. On entre alors dans le domaine de
la mécanique quantique, où les lois physiques prennent une tout autre
nature qui a pu être formalisée de manière rigoureuse à la fin des années
1920. Cette véritable révolution intellectuelle est non seulement
indispensable pour comprendre la véritable nature du monde physique, des
particules élémentaires au big bang, mais elle est également à l'origine de la plupart des technologies modernes comme la micro-électronique, les
Mécanique quantique École Polytechnique
quantique lasers ou les télécommunications optiques.\n\nCe cours constitue une
première introduction à la mécanique quantique. En employant une
approche historique et en s'appuyant sur une confrontation entre
expériences et théorie, il vous permettra de comprendre les principes de
base de la mécanique quantique et d'entrevoir quelques-unes de ses
applications. Le cours se composera des huit séances ci-dessous.\n\n1.
Dualité onde-corpuscule\n2. La fonction d'onde\n3. Transformée de
Fourier\n4. De l'impulsion à l'hamiltonien\n5. La particule quantique
confinée\n6. Mesures quantiques individuelles\n7. Puis de potentiel à une
dimension\n8. Effet Tunnel
Introduction à l'optique non-linéaire, qui correspond au régime d'interaction
Optique non-linéaire École Polytechnique laser-matière que l'on peut explorer à l'aide de lasers intenses, comme par
exemple les lasers femtosecondes.
The course is an introduction to the photovoltaic (PV) applications in the
general mix energetic context dominated by climate warming
mitigation.\n\nThe various uses of solar energy are firstly presented before
a short description of the principle of the direct solar photon conversion into
electricity (PV).\n\nThe various PV technologies are reviewed in the current
context dominated by crystalline silicon cells. The perspectives of the
various technologies are then analysed in terms of R&D
investments.\n\nFrom a more scientific point of view the basis of the solar cell operation is presented from the solar spectrum characteristics. The
Photovoltaic solar energy École Polytechnique
energy fundamentals of PV conversion are summarized. In particular the various
sources of the conversion efficiency limitations are reviewed. \n\nThe solar
PV systems, from cells to grids, are also addressed, with a particular
emphasis on the challenges of grid-integration of PV and the development
of storage technologies.\n\nThe environmental and social impacts of PV are
compared to the competing energy sources. Generally PV is at advantage
as referred to other fossil or renewable sources.\n\nFinally the fast evolution
of economics and financing of PV is presented together with the current key
players, mostly Asian companies.

The first MOOC “Photovoltaic solar energy” is a general presentation of the

solar photovoltaics technologies in the global energetic context, without
extensive details. In particular the description of the solar cell operation is
restricted to the ideal case \nIn contrast this second MOOC allows a deep
understanding of the properties of solar cells based on crystalline
semiconductors. It consists in a general presentation of the physics of the
photovoltaics devices with a particular emphasize on the silicon technology
that currently represents more than 90% share of the market. Photovoltaic applications of III-V semiconductors are also mentioned. \nIndeed from a
Physics of silicon solar cells École Polytechnique
cells fundamental point of view, a solar cell can be considered as a
semiconductor device (a diode) exposed to the sunlight. An introduction to
the semiconductor physics is given, followed by the electron transport
phenomena in a diode device. A detailed description of the solar cell
operation is then provided, including the conversion efficiency limitations. A
description of the solar spectrum and the optical properties of the cells are
also presented. Finally the crystalline silicon technology is described from
the bulk crystalline growth up to the preparation of heterojunctions
combining crystalline and amorphous materials.
Plastic electronics is a concept that emerged forty years ago, with the
discovery of electrically conductive polymers. Ten years later, the first
electronic devices using organic solids in place of the ubiquitous inorganic
semiconductors were realised. The best achievement of plastic electronics
is constituted by Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) that equip the
display of many smartphones, and even TV sets.\n\nThe objective of this
course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the physics of plastic
Plastic electronics École Polytechnique
electronic devices. After taking this course, the student should be able to
demonstrate theoretical knowledge on the following subjects:\nConcept of
organic semiconductors;\nCharge carrier transport in polymeric and organic
semiconductors;\nOptical properties of organic semiconductors;\nCharge
injection from metals to organic solids;\nOperating mode of the main plastic
electronic devices: Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic
photovoltaic cells (OPVs) and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs).

This course gives you access to basic tools and concepts to understand
research articles and books on modern quantum optics. You will learn
about quantization of light, formalism to describe quantum states of light
without any classical analogue, and observables allowing one to
demonstrate typical quantum properties of these states. These tools will be
applied to the emblematic case of a one-photon wave packet, which
behaves both as a particle and a wave. Wave-particle duality is a great
quantum mystery in the words of Richard Feynman. You will be able to fully
appreciate real experiments demonstrating wave-particle duality for a single
photon, and applications to quantum technologies based on single photon
Quantum Optics 1 : Single Photons École Polytechnique sources, which are now commercially available. The tools presented in this
course will be widely used in our second quantum optics course, which will
present more advanced topics such as entanglement, interaction of
quantized light with matter, squeezed light, etc...\n\n So if you have a good
knowledge in basic quantum mechanics and classical electromagnetism,
but always wanted to know:\n•\thow to go from classical electromagnetism
to quantized radiation,\n•\thow the concept of photon emerges,\n•\thow a
unified formalism is able to describe apparently contradictory behaviors
observed in quantum optics labs,\n•\thow creative physicists and engineers
have invented totally new technologies based on quantum properties of
light,\nthen this course is for you.
"Quantum Optics 1, Single photons", allowed learners to be introduced to
the basic principles of light quantization, and to the standard formalism of
Quantum Optics. All the examples were taken in single photons
phenomena, including applications to quantum technologies.\nIn the same
spirit, "Quantum Optics 2, Two photons and more", will allow learners to
use the Quantum Optics formalism to describe entangled photon, a unique
feature at the root of the second quantum revolution and its applications to
quantum technologies. Learners will also discover how the Quantum Optics
formalism allows one to describe classical light, either coherent such as
laser light, or incoherent such as thermal radiation. Using a many photons description, it is possible to derive the so-called Standard Quantum Limit
Quantum Optics 2 - Two photons and more École Polytechnique
photons (SQL), which applies to classical light, and to understand how new kinds of
quantum states of light, such as squeezed states of light, allow one to beat
the SQL, one of the achievements of quantum metrology. Several
examples of Quantum Technologies based on entangled photons will be
presented, firstly in quantum communication, in particular Quantum
Teleportation and Quantum Cryptography. Quantum Computing and
Quantum Simulation will also be presented, including some insights into the
recently proposed Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computing,
which raises a serious hope to demonstrate, in a near future, the actively
searched quantum advantage, ie, the possibility to effect calculations
exponentially faster than with classical computers.

This course consists of a general presentation of solar cells based on

silicon thin films. \n\nIt is the third MOOC of the photovoltaic series of Ecole
polytechnique on Coursera. The general aspects of the photovoltaic field
are treated in "Photovoltaic Solar Energy". And the detailed description of
the crystalline silicon solar cells can be found in "Physics of Silicon Solar
Cells".\n\nAfter a brief presentation of solar cells operation, thin film
semiconductors are described here. The general properties of disordered
and crystalline semiconductors are found very different, in particular in
terms of band structure and doping mechanisms. Silicon thin films,
generally less than 1 µm thick, are deposited from silane plasma leading to
hydrogen incorporation. The growth mechanisms are discussed, in
particular the capability to prepare partially crystallized thin films which appear as a mixture of nanocrystallites embedded in an amorphous
Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells École Polytechnique
cells tissue.\n\nThe consequences of the semiconductor properties on solar cells
behavior are reviewed. The optical properties of amorphous and
nanocrystalline silicon are complementary. Thus the plasma process is
particularly well adapted to the preparation of multijunctions, with
conversion efficiencies around 13-15 %. Furthermore plasma processes
allow to prepare solar cells in large area on glass or flexible
substrates.\n\nFinally, it is shown that crystalline and amorphous silicon
materials can be combine into heterojunctions solar cells with high
efficiency conversion (about 25 %).\n\n**This course is part of a series of
3**\nPhotovoltaic solar energy (
solar-energy/)\nPhysics of silicon solar cells
(\nSilicon thin film
solar cells
Partez à la découverte de l'infiniment grand, en compagnie de physiciens et
de physiciennes qui vont vous faire découvrir l'Univers aux distances les
plus grandes connues à ce jour et les outils scientifiques utilisés pour
l'étudier. Vous comprendrez ce que les scientifiques ont pu apprendre sur
l'histoire et la structure de l'Univers, ses composantes, et comment ils ont
pu accumuler ces observations sur les étoiles, les galaxies, les amas de
galaxies, et l'Univers dans son ensemble.\n\nCe cours en français fait partie
du MOOC "Voyages de l'infiniment grand à l'infiniment petit", conçus par
des physiciens et des physiciennes du Labex P2IO (Physique des 2 Infinis
et des Origines) regroupant des laboratoires de physique de l'infiniment
Vers l'infiniment grand - Voyages de l'infiniment
École Polytechnique grand et de l'infiniment petit situés à Orsay et Saclay. Les différents
grand à l'infiniment petit infiniment-grand
parcours de ce MOOC vous montreront les connaissances et les énigmes
de l'infiniment grand et de l'infiniment petit, les relations que ces deux infinis
entretiennent, et les liens de ces découvertes avec la société
MOOC "Voyages de l'infiniment grand à l'infiniment petit" a été conçu avec
le soutien financier du Labex P2IO (Physique des 2 Infinis et des Origines)
présenté sur

Partez à la découverte de l'infiniment petit, en compagnie de physiciens et

de physiciennes qui vont vous faire découvrir les secrets de la matière
quand on l'étudie aux distances les plus courtes, aux énergies les plus
élevées. Vous vous initierez aux progrès les plus récents de la recherche
en physique nucléaire et de la physique des particules, et vous découvrirez
les principes des accélérateurs et des détecteurs avec lesquels on a pu
étudier la matière à ces échelles, pour arriver jusqu'à la découverte du
boson de Higgs en 2012 auprès du collisionneur de particules du CERN, le
LHC.\n\nCe cours en français fait partie du MOOC "Voyages de l'infiniment
grand à l'infiniment petit", conçus par des physiciens et des physiciennes du
Vers l'infiniment petit - Voyages de l'infiniment Labex P2IO (Physique des 2 Infinis et des Origines) regroupant des
École Polytechnique
grand à l'infiniment petit petit laboratoires de physique de l'infiniment grand et de l'infiniment petit situés à
Orsay et Saclay. Les différents parcours de ce MOOC vous montreront les
connaissances et les énigmes de l'infiniment grand et de l'infiniment petit,
les relations que ces deux infinis entretiennent, et les liens de ces
découvertes avec la société :\n\n
MOOC "Voyages de l'infiniment grand à l'infiniment petit" a été conçu avec
le soutien financier du Labex P2IO (Physique des 2 Infinis et des Origines)
présenté sur
The main goal of this course is to get the necessary knowledge on
atmospheric and fluid dynamics in order to quantify the wind resource of a
local or regional area. \n\nWe’ll learn about basic meteorology, the specific
dynamics of turbulent boundary layers and some standard techniques to
estimate wind resources regardless of the type of turbine used or the level of efficiency achieved. Then, we will see what are the turbines
Wind resources for renewable energies École Polytechnique
energies characteristics to consider in order to estimate the electricity production
from an isolated turbine or from a turbine farm. The differences and
similarity between wind or marine resource assessment will also be
discussed.\n\nFinally, you will have the opportunity to get hands-on
experience with real in-situ data sets and apply what you have learned on
wind resource assessment.
This course teached the basics of urban planning in Africa through
technical, environmental, social and economical dimensions.\n\nIt focuses
on African cities only. Although, they exemplify well cities in the Global
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
African cities : An Introduction to Urban Planning South, and potentially all cities, we will make the African context highly
topical.\n\nThe course is provided by the Urban and Regional community at
the Swiss Federal Insitute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). More
information can be found here
Ce cours contient les 7 premiers chapitres d'un cours donné aux étudiants
bachelor de l'EPFL. Il est basé sur le livre "Introduction à l'analyse
numérique", J. Rappaz M. Picasso, Ed. PPUR. Des outils de base sont
décrits dans les 5 premiers chapitres. Les deux derniers chapitres abordent
la question de la résolution numérique d'équations différentielles. Plus
précisement, nous allons étudier les chapitres suivants du livre :\n\n
Chapitre 1 : interpolation, comment approcher une fonction par un
polynôme?\n Chapitre 2 : comment approcher des dérivées par des
formules de différences finies?\n Chapitre 3 : comment approcher des
intégrales par des formules de quadrature?\n Chapitres 4,5,6 : comment
résoudre des (grands) systèmes linéaires?\n Chapitre 8 : comment
résoudre des équations et systèmes d’équations nonlinéaires?\n Chapitre
9 : comment approcher la solution d’une équations différentielle (problème
à valeur initiale)?\n Chapitre 10 : comment approcher la solution d’un
problème aux limites unidimensionnel par une méthode de différences
finies?\n\nUn cours de deux heures est donc remplacé par des "video
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Analyse numérique pour ingénieurs lectures" ainsi que les "quiz" correspondant. L'heure d'exercices est
remplacée par un "exercice" où vous devrez faire des expériences
numériques avec un programme matlab ou octave, et démontrer des
résultats théoriques "peer review". Un questionnaire a choix multiple aura
lieu à la fin du cours (30% de la note).\n\nIl faut obtenir 60% de la note pour
avoir le “Course Certificate”.\n\nPour les étudiants EPFL, les heures de
cours selon l'horaire is-academia sont maintenues. Vous devez visionner
les "video lectures" de la semaine et faire les "quiz" avant l'heure de cours.
Lors de la première heure de cours, je résoudrai l'exercice théorique (cet
exercice theorique sera proposé comme "peer review" pour les étudiants
externes). Une question du même type pourrait être posée lors de l'examen
de juin. Lors de la deuxième heure de cours, je répondrai aux questions et
je vous aiderai à faire l'"exercice" si nécessaire.\n\nLe temps de travail
estimé est le suivant. Il faut compter deux heures pour visualiser les "video
lectures" et répondre aux "quiz". Il faut compter une heure pour faire
l'"exercice", qui demande de compléter un programme matlab (ou octave)
et une heure pour faire l'exercice théorique "peer review" soit cinq heures
Manipulating big data distributed over a cluster using functional concepts is
rampant in industry, and is arguably one of the first widespread industrial
uses of functional ideas. This is evidenced by the popularity of MapReduce
and Hadoop, and most recently Apache Spark, a fast, in-memory
distributed collections framework written in Scala. In this course, we'll see
how the data parallel paradigm can be extended to the distributed case,
using Spark throughout. We'll cover Spark's programming model in detail,
being careful to understand how and when it differs from familiar
programming models, like shared-memory parallel collections or sequential
Scala collections. Through hands-on examples in Spark and Scala, we'll
learn when important issues related to distribution like latency and network
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark communication should be considered and how they can be addressed
effectively for improved performance.\n\nLearning Outcomes. By the end of
this course you will be able to:\n\n- read data from persistent storage and
load it into Apache Spark,\n- manipulate data with Spark and Scala,\n-
express algorithms for data analysis in a functional style, \n- recognize how
to avoid shuffles and recomputation in Spark,\n\nRecommended
background: You should have at least one year programming experience.
Proficiency with Java or C# is ideal, but experience with other languages
such as C/C++, Python, Javascript or Ruby is also sufficient. You should
have some familiarity using the command line. This course is intended to
be taken after Parallel Programming:
Ce cours donne les bases théoriques et pratiques nécessaires à une bonne
École Polytechnique Fédérale de compréhension et utilisation des microcontrôleurs. De nombreux exemples
Comprendre les Microcontroleurs
Lausanne seront abordés. Des exercices seront proposés, compatibles avec les
cartes à microcontrôleurs Arduino ou LaunchPad MSP430G.
Digital Signal Processing is the branch of engineering that, in the space of
just a few decades, has enabled unprecedented levels of interpersonal
communication and of on-demand entertainment. By reworking the
principles of electronics, telecommunication and computer science into a
unifying paradigm, DSP is a the heart of the digital revolution that brought
us CDs, DVDs, MP3 players, mobile phones and countless other devices.
\n\nThe goal, for students of this course, will be to learn the fundamentals of
Digital Signal Processing from the ground up. Starting from the basic
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Digital Signal Processing definition of a discrete-time signal, we will work our way through Fourier
analysis, filter design, sampling, interpolation and quantization to build a
DSP toolset complete enough to analyze a practical communication system
in detail. Hands-on examples and demonstration will be routinely used to
close the gap between theory and practice.\n\nTo make the best of this
class, it is recommended that you are proficient in basic calculus and linear
algebra; several programming examples will be provided in the form of
Python notebooks but you can use your favorite programming language to
test the algorithms described in the course.
Qu'est-ce qui détermine les prix fonciers et les prix immobiliers en général?
Comprenez les liens de ces prix avec les taux d'intérêt, les rentes foncières
et les loyers. Un cours d'économie pour les personnes qui n'ont aucune
connaissance formelle d'économie. Il a été préparé par un économiste
rattaché à un institut d'architecture, qui possède une expérience de plus de
20 ans d'enseignement des bases de l'analyse économique, en particulier
pour l'immobilier, à des étudiant-e-s qui ne sont pas des
économistes.\n\nLe cours vous apportera des connaissances économiques
vous permettant de comprendre de nombreux mécanismes de nos
économies marchandes, comme la concurrence, la formation des prix, les
équilibres et déséquilibres. Il fournit aussi des connaissances de base en
analyse financière. Il est surtout utile pour qui veut se lancer dans
l'investissement immobilier, le montage d'opérations immobilières, l'analyse
de faisabilité économique de projets de construction, etc. Il peut même
vous aider à préparer l'achat d'une maison ou d'un appartement pour votre
propre usage!\n\nLe cours "Economie du sol et de l'immobilier" en deux
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Economie du sol et de l'immobilier I parties vous permettra de comprendre\n(1) les calculs des acteurs des
Lausanne immobilier-1
marchés foncier et immobilier (propriétaires fonciers, investisseurs
immobiliers, etc.)\n(2) comment se forment les prix sur ces marchés, en lien
avec le marché du logement et les politiques publiques\nLa première partie
introduit les principales méthodes de calcul des valeurs foncières et
immobilières. Le cours est illustré d'exemples et de statistiques
principalement suisses.\n\nDans ce premier cours (Economie du sol et de
l'immobilier I), nous aborderons:\n•\tLes calculs d'arbitrage et les
déterminants et composantes du taux de rendement\n•\tLa détermination
du consentement à payer des acheteurs\n•\tLa concurrence entre
acheteurs\n•\tLe point de vue du propriétaire foncier\n•\tLes méthodes de
calcul des valeurs immobilières\n\nIl est vivement recommandé d'effectuer
les deux parties du cours dans l'ordre, puisque la deuxième utilise les
concepts développés dans la première. Les deux parties sont de difficulté
comparable.\n\nChaque partie est structurée en modules hebdomadaires.
Chaque module compte 5 ou 6 vidéos expliquant un thème. Chaque vidéo
est suivie d'un quiz permettant de vérifier les concepts de la vidéo. Ces quiz
Quels sont les liens entre les prix fonciers, les prix immobiliers et les prix
pour l'usage des immeubles? Est-ce que les prix immobiliers permettent de
comprendre les prix fonciers? Ou l'inverse? Quels sont les calculs faits par
les opérateurs sur ces marchés? On a le sentiment que ces marchés sont
liés les uns aux autres. Avec ce cours, vous comprendrez mieux comment.
En passant, vous aurez acquis une meilleure compréhension des
mécanismes économiques qui peut être utile dans d'autres
École Polytechnique Fédérale de domaines.\n\nUn cours d'économie qui ne présuppose aucune
Economie du sol et de l'immobilier II
Lausanne immobilier-2 connaissance économique formelle autre que celle qui a été développée
dans les premiers modules de la première partie de ce cours, le cours
Economie du sol et de l'immobilier I.\n\nDans ce deuxième cours
(Economie du sol et de l'immobilier II), nous aborderons:\n•\tLe compte à
rebours du promoteur et son influence sur le prix foncier\n•\tLe calcul du
promoteur et du développeur foncier en général\n•\tL'offre et la demande
sur les marchés et comment ils déterminent et font varier les prix\n•\tLa
différenciation des sols selon leur situation urbaine
Les nouvelles technologies de l’information ont facilité l’accès à de
nombreuses bases de données offrant au grand public, mais surtout aux
professionnels, une multitude de services. Le domaine de l’information
géographique a également suivi ce mouvement en modernisant l’ensemble
des supports, des plans, des cartes topographiques et de tous les types de
données à référence spatiale. Face au déploiement massif des cartes
numériques et des nombreux services basés sur la localisation, il s’agit de
rester critique et surtout de développer les capacités nécessaires afin de
choisir les outils et jeux de géodonnées adaptés aux besoins
École Polytechnique Fédérale de professionnels. \n\nC’est dans cette optique que ce cours propose de
Éléments de Géomatique
Lausanne développer les éléments fondamentaux de la géomatique en décrivant les
domaines clés que sont: les références géodésiques, les techniques
d’acquisition des géodonnées, la topométrie, la localisation par satellites et
la modélisation et représentation du terrain.\n\nCet enseignement est
proposé aux futurs ingénieurs et architectes qui ont recours aux
géodonnées pour la réalisation de projets d’aménagement, de construction,
de gestion de l’environnement, de transport et de développement territorial.
Dans ces domaines, l’accès aux données à référence spatiale ainsi qu’une
connaissance des sources d’information et de leur qualité sont donc
primordiales pour la conduite de projets.

Comprendre le fonctionnement des enseignes et des afficheurs à LED,

depuis les petites enseignes à motifs fixes jusqu'aux écrans géants à LED.
Apprendre à les fabriquer et à les programmer les microcontrôleurs qui les
pilotent.\n\nCe cours va vous permettre de comprendre comment
fonctionnent les enseignes et les afficheurs à LED, depuis les montages les
École Polytechnique Fédérale de plus simples jusqu’aux des matrices de LED multicolores. Les concepts
Enseignes et afficheurs à LED
Lausanne afficheurs-led électroniques nécessaire vous seront donnés, ainsi qu’une introduction aux
microcontrôleurs, tant du point de vue matériel que pour la programmation
en C.\n\nChaque semaine, il vous sera possible de programmer des
enseignes et afficheurs à distance et voir le résultat par vidéo.\n\nVous
serez encouragés à fabriquer vos propres enseignes et afficheurs. Des
techniques de réalisation de complexitié progressive vous seront proposées.
In this course you will learn how to apply the functional programming style
in the design of larger applications. You'll get to know important new
functional programming concepts, from lazy evaluation to structuring your
libraries using monads. We'll work on larger and more involved examples,
from state space exploration to random testing to discrete circuit simulators.
You’ll also learn some best practices on how to write good Scala code in
the real world.\n\nSeveral parts of this course deal with the question how
functional programming interacts with mutable state. We will explore the
consequences of combining functions and state. We will also look at purely
functional alternatives to mutable state, using infinite data structures or
École Polytechnique Fédérale de functional reactive programming.\n\nLearning Outcomes. By the end of this
Functional Program Design in Scala
Lausanne course you will be able to:\n\n - recognize and apply design principles of
functional programs,\n - design functional libraries and their APIs,\n -
competently combine functions and state in one program,\n - understand
reasoning techniques for programs that combine \n functions and state,\n -
write simple functional reactive applications.\n\nRecommended
background: You should have at least one year programming experience.
Proficiency with Java or C# is ideal, but experience with other languages
such as C/C++, Python, Javascript or Ruby is also sufficient. You should
have some familiarity using the command line. This course is intended to
be taken after Functional Programming Principles in Scala:

In the final capstone project you will apply the skills you learned by building
a large data-intensive application using real-world data.\n\nYou will
implement a complete application processing several gigabytes of data.
This application will show interactive visualizations of the evolution of
École Polytechnique Fédérale de temperatures over time all over the world.\n\nThe development of such an
Functional Programming in Scala Capstone
Lausanne application will involve:\n — transforming data provided by weather stations
into meaningful information like, for instance, the average temperature of
each point of the globe over the last ten years ;\n — then, making images
from this information by using spatial and linear interpolation techniques ;\n
— finally, implementing how the user interface will react to users’ actions.
Functional programming is becoming increasingly widespread in industry.
This trend is driven by the adoption of Scala as the main programming
language for many applications. Scala fuses functional and object-oriented
programming in a practical package. It interoperates seamlessly with both
Java and Javascript. Scala is the implementation language of many
important frameworks, including Apache Spark, Kafka, and Akka. It
provides the core infrastructure for sites such as Twitter, Tumblr and also
Coursera.\n\nIn this course you will discover the elements of the functional
programming style and learn how to apply them usefully in your daily
École Polytechnique Fédérale de programming tasks. You will also develop a solid foundation for reasoning
Functional Programming Principles in Scala
Lausanne about functional programs, by touching upon proofs of invariants and the
tracing of execution symbolically.\n\nThe course is hands on; most units
introduce short programs that serve as illustrations of important concepts
and invite you to play with them, modifying and improving them. The course
is complemented by a series programming projects as homework
assignments.\n\nRecommended background: You should have at least one
year programming experience. Proficiency with Java or C# is ideal, but
experience with other languages such as C/C++, Python, Javascript or
Ruby is also sufficient. You should have some familiarity using the
command line.
This course is organized into two parts presenting the theoretical and
practical foundations of geographic information systems (GIS).\n- Together
theses courses constitute an introduction to GIS and require no prior
knowledge.\n- By following this introduction to GIS you will quickly acquire
the basic knowledge required to create spatial databases and produce high-
quality maps and cartographic representations.\n- This is a practical course
and is based on free, open-source software, including QGIS.\nIf you study
or work in the fields of land management or the analysis of geographically
distributed objects such as land use planning, biology, public health,
ecology, or energy, then this course is for you!\n\nIn this first part of the
course, we will focus on the digitization and the storage of geodata. In
particular, you will learn:\n- To characterize spatial objects and/or
phenomena (territory modeling) with respect to their position in space
(through coordinate systems, projections, and spatial relationships) and
according to their intrinsic nature (object/vector mode vs. Image/raster
mode); \n- About the different means used to acquire spatial data; including
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Geographical Information Systems - Part 1 direct measurement, georeferencing images, digitization, existing data
source, etc.);\n- About the different ways in which geodata can be stored -
notably, files and relational databases;\n- How to use data modeling tools to
describe and create a spatial database;\n- To query and analyze data using
SQL, a common data manipulation language.\n\nThe second part of this
course will focus on methods of spatial analysis and geodata
representation. In this section, you will learn:\n- How to describe and
quantify the spatial properties of discrete variables, for example through
spatial autocorrelation;\n- To work with continuous variables. In particular,
we will look at sampling strategies, how to construct contour lines and
isovalue curves, and we will explore different interpolation methods;\n- To
use digital elevation models and create their derivative products (i.e. slope,
orientation);\n- How to evaluate the interaction between different types of
geodata through overlay and interaction techniques;\n- How to create
effective maps based around the rules of graphic semiology;\n- Finally, we
will also explore other, increasingly common, forms of spatial representation
such as interactive web-mapping and 3D representations.\n\nYou can find
The GlobalArctic MOOC introduces you the dynamics between global
changes and changes in the Arctic. This course aims to highlight the effects
of climate change in the Polar region. In turn, it will underline the impacts of
a warmer Arctic on the planet Earth. For human civilization, the Arctic
stands both as a laboratory and a warning for human kind.\n\nBesides, this
course gives course followers an understanding of the key challenges and
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Global Arctic pathways to sustainable development in the Arctic region. \n\nThis course
is unique as it gathers several world’s experts for the first time to speak
about the Arctic. Their respective inputs from different academic
perspectives and disciplines offer a relevant and complete assessment of
the Arctic region and its connection to the rest of the planet. At the end of
the day, the course intends to offer in full scope the keys to understanding
as the Arctic plays as a mirror of the human and geological dynamics.
Ce cours initie aux bases de la programmation en utilisant le langage C++ :
variables, boucles, fonctions, ...\nIl ne présuppose pas de connaissance
préalable. Les aspects plus avancés (programmation orientée objet) sont
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Initiation à la programmation (en C++) donnés dans un cours suivant, «Introduction à la programmation orientée
Lausanne programmation-cpp
objet (en C++)». \nIl s'appuie sur de nombreux éléments pédagogiques :
vidéos sous-titrées, quizz dans et hors vidéos, exercices, devoirs notés
automatiquement, notes de cours.
Ce cours initie aux bases de la programmation en utilisant le langage Java :
variables, boucles, fonctions, ...\nIl ne présuppose pas de connaissance
préalable. Les aspects plus avancés (programmation orientée objet) sont
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Initiation à la programmation (en Java) donnés dans un cours suivant, «Introduction à la programmation orientée
Lausanne programmation-java
objet (en Java)». \nIl s'appuie sur de nombreux éléments pédagogiques :
vidéos sous-titrées, quizz dans et hors vidéos, exercices, devoirs notés
automatiquement, notes de cours.
Learn about the three phases of the urban value chain: planning,
governance and regeneration. With lecturers from all around the world and
concrete case studies, this course will give you a comprehensive overview
about the “Innovative Governance of Large Urban Systems”. \n\nThis
course has assembled some of the most relevant experiences and
knowledge from our Innovative Governance of Large Urban Systems
(IGLUS) Executive Master’s program, which has been offered by EPFL
during the past 5 years. IGLUS consists of 2-week action-learning
organized in over 10 major cities around the world, during which
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Innovative Governance of Large Urban Systems participants acquire an in-depth understanding of the challenges cities are
facing and the ways they are addressing them. This MOOC will share this
knowledge with you, thanks to some of our lecturers from various
disciplines and from all around the world. \n\nDuring this course, you will
learn about the three phases of the urban value chain, which are: planning,
governance and regeneration. In particular, we will address the unique
challenges of the phases and ask questions such as: how to design cities?
How to govern them, especially when it comes to their institutional,
financial, economic and social dimensions? And how to regenerate urban
This course gives you an easy introduction to interest rates and related
contracts. These include the LIBOR, bonds, forward rate agreements,
swaps, interest rate futures, caps, floors, and swaptions. We will learn how
to apply the basic tools duration and convexity for managing the interest
rate risk of a bond portfolio. We will gain practice in estimating the term
structure from market data. We will learn the basic facts from stochastic
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Interest Rate Models calculus that will enable you to engineer a large variety of stochastic interest
rate models. In this context, we will also review the arbitrage pricing
theorem that provides the foundation for pricing financial derivatives. We
will also cover the industry standard Black and Bachelier formulas for
pricing caps, floors, and swaptions.\n\nAt the end of this course you will
know how to calibrate an interest rate model to market data and how to
price interest rate derivatives.
Ce cours introduit la programmation orientée objet (encapsulation,
abstration, héritage, polymorphisme) en l'illustrant en langage C++. Il
présuppose connues les bases de la programmation (variables, types,
Introduction à la programmation orientée objet (en École Polytechnique Fédérale de
boucles, fonctions, ...). Il est conçu comme la suite du cours « Initiation à la
C++) Lausanne orientee-objet-cpp
programmation (en C++) ».\nComme son prédécesseur, ce cours s'appuie
sur de nombreux éléments pédagogiques : vidéos sous-titrées, quizz dans
et hors vidéos, exercices, devoirs notés automatiquement, notes de cours.

Ce cours introduit la programmation orientée objet (encapsulation,

abstration, héritage, polymorphisme) en l'illustrant en langage Java. Il
présuppose connues les bases de la programmation (variables, types,
Introduction à la programmation orientée objet (en École Polytechnique Fédérale de
boucles, fonctions, ...). Il est conçu comme la suite du cours « Initiation à la
Java) Lausanne orientee-objet-java
programmation (en Java) ».\nComme son prédécesseur, ce cours s'appuie
sur de nombreux éléments pédagogiques : vidéos sous-titrées, quizz dans
et hors vidéos, exercices, devoirs notés automatiquement, notes de cours.

Do you want learn how to apply concepts of sustainable faecal sludge

management (FSM) on a city-wide scale? This course starts with an
overview of what faecal sludge is and an introduces you to the engineering
fundamentals and required information for the design and selection of
technologies. Sanitation solutions are prone to failure if an integrated
planning approach that includes stakeholder involvement and the
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Introduction to Faecal Sludge Management development of appropriate institutional, management and financial
arrangements is not implemented. The course therefore dedicates a
complete week to presenting the full picture, in addition to technology, that
needs to be considered for sustainable solutions. It concludes with a focus
on current research and innovations in technologies, to provide an
understanding of the most up-to-date options.\n\nThis course is one of four
in the series “Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development".

It is well known that water treatment at the household level can lead to
dramatic improvements in drinking water quality. But does Household
Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) also have global relevance?
What are the potential treatment solutions and how do they function? Is
there a standard strategy for successful HWTS implementation, or can we
identify key components which make programs more likely to succeed?
\n\nIn this course you will learn about the most important water treatment
methods at household level, successful implementation strategies and
Introduction to Household Water Treatment and École Polytechnique Fédérale de about assessing the impact of HWTS.\n\nMOOC SERIES “SANITATION,
Safe Storage Lausanne WATER AND SOLID WASTE FOR DEVELOPMENT” : This course is one
of four in the series “Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for
Development".\n\nFRANçAIS: Dans ce MOOC, vous allez apprendre les
plus importantes méthodes de traitement de l'eau au niveau des ménages,
les stratégies pour une mise en œuvre réussie et l’évaluation de l’impact du
traitement et stockage sûr de l'eau à domicile. \n\nESPAñOL: Aprende
acerca de los métodos más importantes de tratamiento de agua a nivel
domiciliario, de estrategias de implementación eficientes y de la evaluación
del impacto del tratamiento doméstico y almacenamiento seguro del agua.
The world is facing unprecedented humanitarian needs. Today’s
humanitarian crisis tend to be greater in number, often in urban settings,
longer in duration and broader in regional impact. They generate human
sufferings on a greater scale, disrupt essential services, such as water
supply or sanitation and put health of large population at risk. Engineers
and technical specialists in water, sanitation, energy, environment, and in
Introduction to Public Health Engineering in École Polytechnique Fédérale de other related fields play a vital role to respond to these challenges and
Humanitarian Contexts Lausanne humanitarian growing needs. In the humanitarian sector, they are called the public health
engineers and today they are increasingly needed! Why public health
engineering matters so much in humanitarian crises? And how its related
activities are carrying out in such complex environment? This is what this
MOOC is all about!\n\nThe EPFL, EAWAG-SANDEC and ICRC have
decided to partner to guide you through this introduction to the fascinating
field of public health engineering in humanitarian contexts.

L'art des structures propose une découverte du fonctionnement des

structures porteuses, telles que les bâtiments, les toitures ou les ponts. Ce
cours présente les principes du dimensionnement et les structures en
câbles et en arcs. Un deuxième cours présente les structures en treillis, en
poutres et en cadres.\n\nAprès avoir suivi ce cours, vous serez capable
d'identifier les structures en câble, en arc et en arc et câble. Vous pourrez
École Polytechnique Fédérale de déterminer les efforts dans les éléments de structure principaux et procéder
L'art des structures 1 : Câbles et arcs
Lausanne au choix de leurs dimensions en fonction du matériau de construction
choisi.\n\nVotre maîtrise des constructions de statique graphique ainsi que
de l'applet de calcul i-Cremona vous permettra de comparer diverses
solutions et de choisir la forme la plus appropriée pour un type de structure
donné. De manière générale, vous pourrez, en observant les structures
autour de vous, reconnaître leur mode de fonctionnement, expliquer le
choix de leurs dimensions et de leurs proportions.

Les structures en treillis, en poutre, en dalles et en cadre sont essentielles

pour une grande partie des constructions modernes : immeubles pour
l'habitation ou de bureaux, halles et usines, ponts, ou passerelles, voies de
transport de l'énergie ou des télécommunications, stades et grandes
toitures. Le cours L'Art des Structures 2 vous propose d'en découvrir le
fonctionnement et les bases de leur dimensionnement.\n\nSur la base de la
statique graphique, une discipline plus que centenaire qui allie rigueur et
L'Art des Structures 2 : treillis, poutres, dalles et École Polytechnique Fédérale de compréhension globale du fonctionnement, tout en limitant au maximum les
cadres Lausanne aspects mathématiques, les efforts dans les structures sont déterminés, ce
qui permet d'en choisir les dimensions.\n\nAprès avoir suivi ce cours, vous
serez en mesure d'identifier les structures en treillis, en poutres, en dalles et
en cadre, ainsi que leurs déclinaisons en trois dimensions. Vous saurez
comment déterminer les efforts qui agissent dans ces structures et de les
prédimensionner.\n\nVous serez à même de faire des propositions pour la
réalisation d'une structure utilisant ces diverses formes et de comparer
l'efficacité des diverses solutions possibles.
Sustainability, Resilience and Efficiency are fundamental considerations for
city managers in managing urban infrastructures. Today, more than 3.9
billion people, making up more than 54% of the global population, live in
cities. Urbanization is expected to continue in the coming years, raising the
urban population to 6.0 billion by 2045. This dramatic increase in urban
populations will inevitably increase the demand for energy, mobility
(transportation), water, and other urban services in every city around the
world. Without functional governance and management structures that
ensure efficient, resilient and sustainable performance in cities, the current
urbanization growth might become a catastrophic risk threatening the
quality of life of the humanity.\n\nSustainable development in 21st century
can only be realized by introducing innovations in both management and
operations of urban infrastructures systems. Developing management
practices that effectively integrates the processes of urban planning with
École Polytechnique Fédérale de urban infrastructures planning and management is a challenging goal that
Management of Urban Infrastructures – part 1
Lausanne infrastructures-1 many cities are struggling with nowadays, but is a must for transforming
cities to sustainable and resilient engines of growth in both developing and
developed economies. \nThis course will provide you with the basic
principles of urban infrastructure management that are fundamental for
building prosperous cities that are sustainable, resilient and efficient. \n\nIn
order to obtain a certificate for this course, the participants have to pass
four graded quizzes and complete four mandatory assignments, plus a final
exam. In addition to the graded assignments students have the option to
write a 7-10 page peer-reviewed case study about management of energy
OR transportation system in their city (on your own choice). \nThe best case
studies will be also evaluated by our jury at IGLUS and the authors of the 3
best case studies will win a full tuition fee waiver scholarship to enroll in the
IGLUS professional training program in Spring 2017. \n\nYou can also pre-
enroll in our upcoming MOOC on Smart Cities now. Find our more

Ces quelques leçons de mécanique du solide indéformable font partie d'un

cours de formation de base en mécanique Newtonienne présenté sous la
forme d'un MOOC en quatre parties : \n\n1. Lois de
Mécanique du point matériel\n
point-materiel\n\n3. Mécanique du Solide Indéformable\n\nCette partie
traite la mécanique du solide indéformable. Dans certains établissements,
cette matière est vue avec une application des torseurs. Aussi, nous avons
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Mécanique : Solide Indéformable inclus dans cette partie un supplément de formation sur ce sujet. Deux
leçons introduisent les torseurs. Le cours de mécanique se poursuit alors
avec l'option de voir comment la matière présentée par le prof. Ansermet
peut aussi être appréhendée avec l'usage des torseurs. Ces compléments
ont été préparés par le Prof. Paul Salmon Ngohé Ekam de l'Ecole Nationale
Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé, Cameroun. Les exercices peuvent
être résolus sans ou avec les torseurs, suivant l'option choisie.\n\n4.
Mécanique Lagrangienne\n
Ces quelques leçons de mécanique de Newton font partie d'un cours de
formation de base en mécanique Newtonienne présenté sous la forme d'un
MOOC en quatre parties : \n\n1. Lois de Newton\n\nÀ l’École Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne, un cours de mécanique fait partie de la formation
de tous les futurs ingénieurs et scientifiques. Il a pour but de leur apprendre
à transcrire sous forme mathématique un phénomène physique, afin de
École Polytechnique Fédérale de pouvoir en formuler une analyse raisonnée. Cette partie couvrira
Mécanique de Newton
Lausanne notamment la cinématique du point matériel, la balistique dans le champ de
la pesanteur et l’oscillateur harmonique. \n\n2. Mécanique du point
Mécanique du Solide
Mécanique Lagrangienne\n
Ces quelques leçons de mécanique du point matériel font partie d'un cours
de formation de base en mécanique Newtonienne présenté sous la forme
d'un MOOC en quatre parties : \n\n1. Lois de
Mécanique du point matériel\n\nPour illustrer les concepts introduits dans la
première partie, on traite ici des problèmes pour lesquels le système
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Mécanique du point matériel mécanique peut être considéré comme un point matériel. Cette partie
Lausanne materiel
couvre notamment les problèmes à traiter en coordonnées cylindriques ou
sphériques, le problème des orbites des planètes et les référentiels
accélérés.\n\n3. Mécanique du Solide
Mécanique Lagrangienne\n
Ces quelques leçons de mécanique lagrangienne font partie d'un cours de
formation de base en mécanique Newtonienne présenté sous la forme d'un
MOOC en quatre parties : \n\n1. Lois de
Mécanique du point matériel\n
point-materiel\n\n3. Mécanique du Solide
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Mécanique Lagrangienne\n\nLe formalisme de Lagrange permet une
Mécanique Lagrangienne
Lausanne lagrangienne résolution efficace de problèmes complexes de mécanique. Il permet aussi
d'apporter un éclairage plus fondamental sur les lois de conservation
(théorème de Noether). A titre d'illustration de la méthode de Lagrange, on
traitera le problème très important des oscillateurs harmoniques couplés,
exprimé comme un problème de valeurs propres et de vecteurs propres.
On termine avec un formalisme permettant d'analyser les résonances
paramétriques, notion illustrée par l'expérience montrant la stabilité d'un
pendule inversé forcé.
Le cours présente un tour d’horizon introductif des interactions entre la
mobilité et les dynamiques urbaines. Il propose des outils méthodologiques
et opérationnels permettant d’appréhender et de réguler la mobilité.
\n\nCes vingt dernières années, la mobilité urbaine a beaucoup changé. Le
nombre de déplacements de loisirs a augmenté tandis que la part des
déplacements pour motif travail a diminué. Dans le même temps, de
nouvelles formes de mobilités se sont développées, comme la
multirésidentialité, la pendularité de longue distance, le tourisme urbain et
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Mobilité et urbanisme l’excursionnisme. Ces changements ont été concommittants de
transformations urbaines comme l’étalement urbain ou la
fragmentation.\n\nDans ce contexte, la mobilité est un enjeu pour
l’ingénierie des transports urbains et le développement territorial, en
particulier urbain: sa régulation nécessite une appréhension nouvelle de la
demande de transport.\n\nLe cours montre ainsi aux étudiants les
interrelations entre la ville et la mobilité, l’espace urbain et les flux de
déplacements, tout en leur offrant une vision renouvelée du transport et de
son impact sur le territoire et les modes de vie.
Have you come across large piles of garbage in neighbourhoods and
streets and smelly waste disposal sites polluting the environment of low-
and middle-income countries? Do you want to know what kind of
sustainable solutions are appropriate to better manage waste and enhance
recycling and recovery? If yes, this course is for you! \n\nThis course
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing École Polytechnique Fédérale de
provides you with an overview of the municipal solid waste management
Countries Lausanne management
situation in low- and middle-income countries. It covers key elements of the
waste management system, such as its technical, environmental, social,
financial and institutional aspects. Besides understanding the challenges,
you will be introduced to appropriate and already applied solutions through
selected case studies.

With every smartphone and computer now boasting multiple processors,

the use of functional ideas to facilitate parallel programming is becoming
increasingly widespread. In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of
parallel programming, from task parallelism to data parallelism. In particular,
you'll see how many familiar ideas from functional programming map
perfectly to to the data parallel paradigm. We'll start the nuts and bolts how
to effectively parallelize familiar collections operations, and we'll build up to
parallel collections, a production-ready data parallel collections library
available in the Scala standard library. Throughout, we'll apply these
concepts through several hands-on examples that analyze real-world data,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Parallel programming such as popular algorithms like k-means clustering.\n\nLearning Outcomes.
By the end of this course you will be able to:\n\n- reason about task and
data parallel programs,\n- express common algorithms in a functional style
and solve them in parallel,\n- competently microbenchmark parallel code,\n-
write programs that effectively use parallel collections to achieve
performance\n\nRecommended background: You should have at least one
year programming experience. Proficiency with Java or C# is ideal, but
experience with other languages such as C/C++, Python, Javascript or
Ruby is also sufficient. You should have some familiarity using the
command line. This course is intended to be taken after Functional
Program Design in Scala:
"Planification des mobilités" est un cours conçu autour des enjeux
environnementaux, économiques, territoriaux et sociaux qui sont liés à la
mobilité. Au-delà du transport, la mobilité englobe une multitude de
phénomènes et de réalités qui changent \n et interagissent en permanence.
Cela implique des choix politiques qui s’inscrivent dans le temps et qui sont
au cœur de l'exercice de la planification. Ainsi, au cours de 5 semaines et
École Polytechnique Fédérale de avec la participation de nombreux intervenants, le cours met à votre
Planification des mobilités
Lausanne mobilites disposition des éléments théoriques, des outils, des techniques et des
exemples pratiques qui vous aideront pour entreprendre une démarche de
planification de mobilité.\n\nCe MOOC est le produit d’une collaboration
entre deux laboratoires de recherche : le Laboratoire de Sociologie Urbaine
de l’EPFL et le Laboratoire Aménagement Economie Transport de
L’ENTPE à l’Université de Lyon.\n\n(Photographie de la vignette: Stéphane
Thérond, 2017)
Désirez-vous apprendre à mettre en œuvre des solutions d’assainissement
abordables et adaptées à différents contextes ? Voulez-vous connaître les
derniers développement dans le domaine de la planification de
l’assainissement urbain ? Êtes-vous intéressés par des exemples de
systèmes d’assainissement urbain qui fonctionnent dans les pays à faible et
moyen revenu ? Si oui, alors ce cours est pour vous !\n\nLe cours débute
par une introduction à la planification intégrée de l’assainissement et
adresse aussi bien la planification à l’échelle de la ville que la planification
dans des contextes spécifiques tels que les quartiers informels. Après un
survol des différentes approches de planification de l’assainissement, vous
aurez l’occasion de passer en revue les différents systèmes et technologies
possibles, la terminologie et concepts clé, et comprendre pourquoi il est
crucial de réfléchir en termes de « système intégré » pour la planification de
Planification et Design de Systèmes et École Polytechnique Fédérale de l’assainissement urbain. Le cours couvre toute la chaîne de
Technologies d’Assainissement Lausanne
l’assainissement et fournit de l’information détaillée sur les systèmes
d’assainissement adaptés aux contextes à faibles et moyen revenus (par
exemple, des systèmes basés sur les fosses sèches, des systèmes
décentralisés avec différents réseaux d’égout, le transport des eaux
noires).\n\nEawag-Sandec et EPFL offrent ce cours conjointement avec
des experts en assainissement de la Banque Mondiale et de l’OMS.
quatre cours de la série « Eau, Assainissement et Déchets Solides dans les
Contextes du Développement ».\n\nVERSION ANGLAISE DE CE
COURS\nCe cours est offert simultanément en français et en anglais. Le
nom du cours en anglais est « Planning & Design of Sanitation Systems
and Technologies ».
Do you want to learn how to plan affordable and context-specific sanitation
solutions? Be up-to-date on the newest developments in urban sanitation
planning and programming? Get to know best practice examples of urban
sanitation systems in low- and middle-income countries? If yes, this course
is for you! \n\nThis course provides you with an introduction to integrated
sanitation planning, both on a citywide scale and for specific contexts such
as informal settlements. You will become familiar with different sanitation
planning frameworks as well as different systems and technologies relevant
Planning & Design of Sanitation Systems and École Polytechnique Fédérale de along the sanitation value chain. You will learn why systems’ thinking is
Technologies Lausanne
crucial for urban environmental sanitation, and how to apply key
terminology and important concepts. \n\nINSTRUCTION Eawag-Sandec
and EPFL jointly offer this course with support from sanitation experts of the
World Bank and WHO. \n\nLANGUAGES We simultaneously offer this
course in English and French. The name of the French course is «
Planification & Design des Systèmes et Technologies d’Assainissement ».
\n\nMOOC SERIES This course is one of four in the series “Sanitation,
Water and Solid Waste for Development".

Ce « cours » n'est pas un cours au sens strict du terme mais un

projet.\n\nLa pratique étant essentielle dans l'apprentissage de
programmation,\nnous avons conçu de cours-projet pour vous permettre de
consolider vos\nacquis en programmation Java. Il est décomposé en 14
étapes (sur 7\nsemaines) dont le but est de vous permettre de mettre en
pratique, à\ngrande échelle, les concepts et techniques appris dans nos
deux\nprécédents MOOCs (
programmation-java/ et
orientee-objet-java/) \n\nLes principaux objectifs visés :\n\n+ d'exposer
d'avantage certaines problématiques typiques de conception OO,\n
École Polytechnique Fédérale de difficiles à illustrer sur des exercices simples ;\n\n+ d'introduire par la
Projet de programmation (en Java)
Lausanne programmation-java pratique certaines méthodologies de\n conception (ce que l'on appelle des
patrons de conception) ;\n\n+ de vous apprendre à mettre en oeuvre une
approche incrémentale\n et des tests progressifs lors de l'élaboration de
programmes de\n plus grande envergure.\n\nCe que vous aurez à faire
c'est, étape par étape, de\n\n+ lire et comprendre la donnée,\n\n+
comprendre les problématiques de conception sous-jacentes et\n
comment nous vous proposons de les résoudre,\n\n+ coder votre
solution,\n\n+ et enfin, bien sûr, la soumettre au correcteur automatique.\n
\nAinsi progressivement vous développerez tout un projet, en
l’occurrence\nla simulation d'une colonie de fourmis, tout en
approfondissant vos\nconnaissances OO.
Learn about Smart Cities within the context of management of urban
infrastructures. The introduction of Smart urban technologies into legacy
infrastructures has resulted in numerous challenges and opportunities for
contemporary cities and will continue to do so. This course will help you to
understand how to make the best of these smart technologies in your cities’
legacy infrastructures. \nOver the past few years, advances in the
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have significantly
challenged the traditionally stable land scape of urban infrastructure service
provision. This has resulted in increasing interest from both technology
vendors and public authorities in the transition of cities towards so-called
“Smart Cities”. Although such “Smart technologies” can provide immense
opportunities for citizens and service providers alike, the ICTs often act as
disruptive innovators of urban infrastructure service provision.\nIn this
MOOC, you will gain a thorough understanding of the challenges and
opportunities associated with the Smart urban infrastructures, namely
Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban École Polytechnique Fédérale de Smart urban transportation and Smart urban energy systems. Over the
Infrastructures Lausanne
journey of this 5-week online course you will learn about the most important
principles for the management of Smart urban infrastructures as well as the
applications of these principles in the transportation and energy sectors.
\nThis course does not have any prerequisites. However, to take the most
away from of this MOOC, we strongly encourage you to enroll in our other
MOOC on the Management of Urban Infrastructures, which has been widely
praised by learners. \nThrough this course, you will:\n- Gain a deep
understanding of the nature of disruptive innovations (smart technologies)
in urban infrastructure systems;\n- Learn about state-of-the-art strategies for
effectively managing the transition from legacy infrastructures to smart
urban systems;\n- Study the management of the transition phase from
legacy infrastructure systems to smart cities by supporting innovations while
avoiding early lock-in; and\n- Understand potential applications of the
materials learned in this course within the context of the management of
smart urban transportation systems as well as smart urban energy systems.
Organisé en deux parties, ce cours présente les bases théoriques et
pratiques des systèmes d’information géographique.\n- Il propose une
introduction aux systèmes d’information géographique qui ne requiert pas
de connaissances préalables en informatique\n- Il donne la possibilité
d’acquérir rapidement les notions de base qui vous permettent de créer des
bases de données spatiales et de fabriquer des cartes géographiques\n- Il
s’agit d’un cours pratique qui repose sur l’utilisation de logiciels libres,
notamment QGIS\nEn somme, si vos études ou votre profession
comprennent des activités liées à la gestion de territoires, à l’analyse
d’objets distribués dans l’espace géographique (aménagement du territoire,
biologie, santé publique, écologie, énergie, etc.), ce cours est fait pour
vous!\n\nEn suivant cette première partie du cours, vous explorerez les
principes de base de la numérisation du territoire et du stockage des
géodonnées. Vous apprendrez notamment à :\n- Caractériser des objets
et/ou phénomènes spatiaux (modélisation du territoire) du point de vue de
leur positionnement dans l’espace (systèmes de coordonnées et
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Systèmes d’Information Géographique - Partie 1 projections, relations spatiales) et en fonction de leur nature intrinsèque
(mode objet ou vecteur vs. mode image ou raster), \n- Utiliser les diverses
méthodes d’acquisition de données (mesure directe, géoréférencement
d’images, digitalisation, source de données existantes, etc.)\n- Utiliser les
divers modes de stockage des géodonnées – Fichiers simples et/ou bases
de données relationnelles\n- Utiliser des outils de modélisation des
données pour décrire et implémenter une base de données \n- Créer des
requêtes dans le langage d’interrogation et de manipulation des
données\n\nLa seconde partie du cours portera sur les méthodes d'analyse
spatiale et les techniques de représentation des géo-données. Vous
apprendrez notamment à:\n- Analyser les propriétés spatiales de variables
discrètes, par exemple en quantifiant l’autocorrélation spatiale\n- Travailler
avec les variables continues (échantillonnage, construction de courbes
d’isovaleurs, méthodes d’interpolation)\n- Utiliser les modèles numériques
d'altitude et leurs dérivées (pente, orientation, etc.)\n- Utiliser les techniques
de superposition de géodonnées et d'interaction entre elles\n- Produire des
documents cartographiques selon les règles de la sémiologie graphique\n-
Ce cours constitue la seconde partie d'un enseignement consacré aux
bases théoriques et pratiques des systèmes d’information géographique.\n-
Il propose une introduction aux systèmes d’information géographique qui ne
requiert pas de connaissances préalables en informatique.\n- Il donne la
possibilité d’acquérir rapidement les notions de base qui vous permettent
de créer des bases de données spatiales et de fabriquer des cartes
géographiques.\n- Il s’agit d’un cours pratique qui repose sur l’utilisation de
logiciels libres, notamment QGIS.\n\nLors de la première partie du cours,
vous avez exploré les principes de base de la numérisation du territoire et
du stockage des géodonnées. Vous avez notamment appris à :\n-
Caractériser des objets et des phénomènes spatiaux (modélisation du
territoire) du point de vue de leur positionnement dans l’espace (systèmes
de coordonnées et projections, relations spatiales) et en fonction de leur
nature intrinsèque (mode objet ou vecteur vs. mode image ou raster);\n-
Utiliser diverses méthodes d’acquisition de données (mesure directe,
géoréférencement d’images, digitalisation, source de données existantes,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Systèmes d’Information Géographique - Partie 2 etc.);\n- Utiliser divers modes de stockage des géodonnées (fichiers
simples et bases de données relationnelles);\n- Utiliser des outils de
modélisation des données pour décrire et implémenter une base de
données; \n- Créer des requêtes dans un langage d’interrogation et de
manipulation des données.\n\nLa seconde partie du cours porte sur les
méthodes d'analyse spatiale et les techniques de représentation de
l'information géoréférencée. Vous apprendrez notamment à:\n- Analyser les
propriétés spatiales de variables discrètes, par exemple en quantifiant
l’autocorrélation spatiale;\n- Travailler avec des variables continues
(échantillonnage, interpolation et construction de courbes d’isovaleurs)\n-
Utiliser les modèles numériques d'altitude et leurs dérivées (pente,
orientation, etc.);\n- Utiliser des techniques de superposition des
géodonnées;\n- Produire des documents cartographiques selon les règles
de la sémiologie graphique;\n- Explorer d’autres formes de représentation
spatiale (cartographie interactive sur internet, représentations 3D, et réalité
augmentée).\n\nLa page fournit un
forum interactif pour les participants à ce cours.
Ce cours complète le MOOC « Thermodynamique : fondements » qui vous
permettra de mettre en application les concepts fondamentaux de la
thermodynamique. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le Professeur J.-Ph.
Ansermet de l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne s’est entouré
d’experts et de spécialistes des différents domaines d’application provenant
de diverses institutions partenaires du réseau RESCIF. Vous pourrez ainsi
voir l’usage de la thermodynamique en chimie, en ingénierie et en
physique.\n\nL’objectif du cours est la compréhension et la capacité de
mise en application des concepts fondamentaux de la thermodynamique.
Après la présentation du premier et deuxième principe de la
thermodynamique, l’exposé abordera les questions d’irréversibilité ainsi que
les potentiels thermodynamiques. \n\nAprès l’établissement de ces bases
conceptuelles qui font l’objet de la première partie, leurs applications à
École Polytechnique Fédérale de l’ingénierie tels que les transferts thermiques, la calorimétrie et les
Thermodynamique : applications
Lausanne transitions de phases, seront traitées. Ensuite le point de vue de la chimie
sera présenté pour aborder la conversion de l’énergie chimique en
électricité. \n\nFinalement, des sujets plus avancés sont abordés, à savoir
les cycles thermodynamiques, les machines thermiques, les concepts de
thermodynamique adaptés au milieu continu et finalement les processus
irréversibles.\n\nLe professeur J.-Ph. Ansermet qui est l’instigateur de ce
cours est entouré d’experts et de spécialistes des différents domaines
d’application, enseignant la thermodynamique dans diverses institutions
partenaires du réseau RESCIF. Ce sont : le Professeur Michael Grätzel et
le docteur Sylvain Brechet de l’EPFL, les Professeurs Paul Ekam,
Théophile Mband, Marthe Boyomo et André Talla de l’ENSP de Yaoundé,
le professeur Miltiadis Papalexandris de UCL à Louvain, le Professeur
Etienne Robert du Polytechnique de Montréal et le Professeur Marwan
Brouche de l’Université St-Joseph de Beyrouth.
Ce cours vous apportera une compréhension des concepts fondamentaux
de la thermodynamique du point de vue de la physique, de la chimie et de
l’ingénierie. Il est scindé un deux MOOCs. Dans la première partie, le
Professeur J.-Ph. Ansermet de l’EPFL et son collaborateur le Dr. Sylvain
Bréchet ont rassemblé en quatre leçons tous les principes fondamentaux
de la thermodynamique. La deuxième partie du MOOC illustre l’approche
thermodynamique par une série d’applications présentées par des
spécialistes provenant de diverses institutions partenaires du réseau
RESCIF. \n\nL’objectif du cours est la compréhension et la capacité de
mise en application des concepts fondamentaux de la thermodynamique.
Après la présentation du premier et deuxième principe de la
thermodynamique, l’exposé abordera les questions d’irréversibilité ainsi que
les potentiels thermodynamiques. \n\nAprès l’établissement de ces bases
conceptuelles, leurs applications à l’ingénierie tels que les transferts
École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Thermodynamique : fondements thermiques, la calorimétrie et les transitions de phases, seront traitées.
Ensuite le point de vue de la chimie sera présenté pour aborder la
conversion de l’énergie chimique en électricité. Finalement, des sujets plus
avancés seront abordés, à savoir les cycles thermodynamiques, les
machines thermiques, les concepts de thermodynamique adaptés au milieu
continu et finalement les processus de transports.\n\nLe professeur J.-Ph.
Ansermet qui est l’instigateur de ce cours s’est entouré d’experts et de
spécialistes des différents domaines d’application enseignant la
thermodynamique dans diverses institutions partenaires du réseau
RESCIF, c’est à dire le Professeur Michael Grätzel et le docteur Sylvain
Brechet de l’EPFL, les Professeurs Paul Ekam, Théophile Mband, Marthe
Boyomo et André Talla de l’ENSP de Yaoundé, le professeur Miltiadis
Papalexandris de UCL à Louvain, le Professeur Etienne Robert du
Polytechnique de Montréal, les Professeurs Marwan Brouche et Chantal
Maatouk de l’Université St-Joseph de Beyrouth.
Learn about the fundamentals of transmission electron microscopy in
materials sciences: you will be able to understand papers where TEM has
been used and have the necessary theoretical basis for taking a practical
training on the TEM.\n\nThis course provides a comprehensive introduction
to transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in the field of materials science.
For an instrument operated by a single user, modern TEM provides an
analytical platform with unsurpassed versatility, giving access to structural
and chemical information from the micrometer to the sub-angstrom scale. In
a thin, electron-transparent sample one can measure the crystallinity, grain
structure, size, and defects, and the chemical composition. The crystal
lattice can be imaged with atomic resolution, allowing observation of grain
boundaries and interfaces. It is the only direct structural analysis method for
studying nanoparticles.\n \nWith this course you will gain a deep
Transmission electron microscopy for materials École Polytechnique Fédérale de understanding of modern TEM and the connection between: \n-\tthe optics
science Lausanne and operation of the instrument; \n-\tthe physics of electron-matter
interactions; \n-\tinsights into the materials properties of the sample.
\n\nThis gives the background to: \n-\tidentify TEM techniques suitable to
solving specific scientific problems; \n-\tinterpret TEM data presented in
articles; appreciate the impact of technological advances that have, for
instance, led to sub-angstrom resolution by aberration correction. \nIt can
also be the basis for subsequent practical training on this remarkable
instrument, and a stepping stone towards learning very advanced
techniques with magical names like “dark field holography” or “angular
resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy”. \n\nRecommended
background: \n\nBasics of crystallography and diffraction, college optics
(construction of ray diagrams) are absolutely mandatory prerequisites;
Fourier optics, more advanced crystallography and solid state physics are of
great advantage.
L’objet de ce cours est l’étude de la restructuration des quartiers précaires
des villes africaines. Il s’agit, en partant de la compréhension de leur
formation, de leur organisation et de leur fonctionnement, d’examiner les
modes d’intervention qui visent leur revalorisation et intégration dans les
structures formelles des villes qui les accueillent.\n\nLa croissance rapide
des villes s’est accompagnée, sur l’ensemble des continents, de
mécanismes parfois déroutants de production urbaine qui ont mis à mal les
équilibres territoriaux et sociaux des agglomérations. \n\nA l’heure actuelle,
près d’un milliard de personnes dans le monde, vivent dans des quartiers
précaires, en raison des mauvaises conditions d’accueil et de la pénurie de
logements. Cela est particulièrement vrai des villes africaines, où la
croissance s’opère principalement en périphérie, par la création de
Villes africaines : Restructuration des quartiers École Polytechnique Fédérale de quartiers précaires où se concentre la pauvreté urbaine.\n\nL’existence et
précaires Lausanne
l’extension de ce type de quartiers interrogent sur la capacité de ces villes à
intégrer les populations pauvres, en même temps qu’elles révèlent les
limites des politiques urbaines à planifier et réguler le développement des
grandes agglomérations. La question est devenue si préoccupante que la
question de la restructuration des quartiers précaires dépasse aujourd’hui le
cadre strict d’une intervention physique pour se poser comme une question
de développement à part entière.\n\nQuelle lecture peut-on faire de
l’existence et de la prolifération des quartiers précaires en Afrique? Quelles
ont été, jusqu’ici, les approches et réponses apportées par les gouvernants
et les bailleurs? Quels modes et quels outils ont été expérimentés pour leur
restructuration? Et quelles leçons peut-on tirer de la mise oeuvre des
diverses opérations initiées au cours des années passes?

Le cours permet d'apprendre les bases de la planification urbaine à travers

ses dimensions techniques, environnementales, sociales, économiques et
Villes africaines I: Introduction à la planification École Polytechnique Fédérale de symboliques.\n\nLe cours parle uniquement des villes africaines et même si
urbaine Lausanne celles-ci ont valeurs d'exemple pour les ville du Sud, voire toutes les villes,
nous nous efforçons à remettre les problématiques dans un contexte
Le cours propose une lecture de l’environnement urbain en Afrique à
travers les thématiques les plus pertinentes pour mesurer le niveau de
développement d’un pays : eau et vie urbaine, assainissement (eaux usées
et pluviales), gestion des déchets solides, agriculture urbaine. Après avoir
Villes africaines: Environnement et enjeux de École Polytechnique Fédérale de analysé les différents enjeux de celles-ci, nous aborderons les liens entre
développement durable Lausanne urbain-afrique environnement urbain et santé.\n\nPour chacune des thématiques
énoncées, nous présenterons une étude de cas. \n\nL’entrée du cours n’est
pas disciplinaire, mais thématique. Le cours articule différents échelles de
lecture de la ville (régional, inter urbain et intra urbain) pour dégager les
caractéristiques et les disparités.
Les villes africaines, en particulier les grandes agglomérations, sont
marquées depuis la 2ème moitié du XXème siècle par une croissance
démographique et spatiale sans précédent, ce qui accroit les besoins de
mobilité pour relier des lieux de plus en plus éloignés. Il s’agira durant le
cours, dans un premier temps, de documenter le contexte de mobilité dans
les villes africaines. Celui-ci est marqué depuis les indépendances par des
crises climatiques et économiques qui entrainent des mouvements de
migration des campagnes vers les villes, l’entrée de l’informel dans
École Polytechnique Fédérale de l’économie urbaine et une réduction des ressources budgétaires des Etats
Villes africaines: Mobilités et transports urbains
Lausanne qui impacte l'investissement dans les services sociaux de base y compris le
transport. Dans un second temps, le cours va explorer la théorie de la
mobilité comme stratégie d’accès à la ville. Pour ce faire il analysera les
stratégies de mobilité dans les villes africaines aussi bien résidentielles que
quotidiennes et selon les catégories socioéconomiques. La troisième partie
du cours est axée sur les politiques de gestion de la mobilité urbaine. Il
s’agira de mettre en rapport les éléments du contexte identifiés avec les
stratégies de mobilité analysées pour apprécier l’efficience des politiques
de gestion urbaine et ressortir les forces et faiblesses en vue de l’action.

The practice of investment management has been transformed in recent

years by computational methods. Instead of merely explaining the science,
we help you build on that foundation in a practical manner, with an
emphasis on the hands-on implementation of those ideas in the Python
programming language. In this course, we cover the estimation, of risk and
return parameters for meaningful portfolio decisions, and also introduce a
variety of state-of-the-art portfolio construction techniques that have proven
popular in investment management and portfolio construction due to their
enhanced robustness.\n\nAs we cover the theory and math in lecture
Advanced Portfolio Construction and Analysis with
EDHEC Business School videos, we'll also implement the concepts in Python, and you'll be able to
Python construction-python
code along with us so that you have a deep and practical understanding of
how those methods work. By the time you are done, not only will you have
a foundational understanding of modern computational methods in
investment management, you'll have practical mastery in the
implementation of those methods. If you follow along and implement all the
lab exercises, you will complete the course with a powerful toolkit that you
will be able to use to perform your own analysis and build your own
implementations and perhaps even use your newly acquired knowledge to
improve on current methods.
The MOOC Global Financing Solutions is your online gateway to better
understanding of the dynamics of Finance, and its role at the very heart of
promoting the “real economy” and global growth. Concretely, you will learn
how companies finance themselves using banks and capital markets.
\n\nWe will look at the role of syndication, and how it links issuers looking to
raise capital to grow their businesses with investors looking to manage their
assets and possibly liabilities. The role of banks in wider society will also be
explored, from helping airlines to lease aircraft to transport people, to
financing roads and bridges that help promote transport and trade, to
funding renewable sources energy such as wind or solar farms, right
through to explaining the role of export finance, and the pivotal role
exporting countries governments’ play, in promoting the movement of
goods worldwide. \n\nWe will showcase the lifecycle of commodities, from
exploration, to processing and refining, to how banks facilitate the global
Global Financing Solutions (by EDHEC and
EDHEC Business School trade of products ranging from oil and gas, to agriculture products, to
Société Générale) solutions
everyday items such as fruits or beans. We will also look at the exciting
world of acquisition finance and leverage buy-outs, enabling strategic
moves for our key clients, as well as securitization, the repackaging of debt,
and hedging, especially important as a mean to protect corporate
companies against rate or price fluctuations. \n\nThe collaboration between
Societe Generale and EDHEC Business School builds on a long-standing
partnership based on one common objective: to provide future talents with
access to information and expertise that enables them to grow. \n\nThrough
this MOOC, we are taking an innovative approach to learning by providing
you with the theoretical basics of finance, thanks to the expertise of EDHEC
as one of the world’s foremost business schools in Finance, and combining
it with practical insights of business experts from Societe Generale, widely
regarded as a global leader in Structured Finance, to show how the theory
is put into practice.

The practice of investment management has been transformed in recent

years by computational methods. This course provides an introduction to
the underlying science, with the aim of giving you a thorough understanding
of that scientific basis. However, instead of merely explaining the science,
we help you build on that foundation in a practical manner, with an
emphasis on the hands-on implementation of those ideas in the Python
programming language. \n\nThis course is the first in a four course
specialization in Data Science and Machine Learning in Asset Management
but can be taken independently. In this course, we cover the basics of
Investment Science, and we'll build practical implementations of each of the
Introduction to Portfolio Construction and Analysis
EDHEC Business School concepts along the way. We'll start with the very basics of risk and return
with Python construction-python
and quickly progress to cover a range of topics including several Nobel
Prize winning concepts. We'll cover some of the most popular practical
techniques in modern, state of the art investment management and
portfolio construction. \n\nAs we cover the theory and math in lecture
videos, we'll also implement the concepts in Python, and you'll be able to
code along with us so that you have a deep and practical understanding of
how those methods work. By the time you are done, not only will you have
a foundational understanding of modern computational methods in
investment management, you'll have practical mastery in the
implementation of those methods.
This course will enable you mastering machine-learning approaches in the
area of investment management. It has been designed by two thought
leaders in their field, Lionel Martellini from EDHEC-Risk Institute and John
Mulvey from Princeton University. Starting from the basics, they will help
you build practical skills to understand data science so you can make the
best portfolio decisions.\n\nThe course will start with an introduction to the
fundamentals of machine learning, followed by an in-depth discussion of the
application of these techniques to portfolio management decisions,
including the design of more robust factor models, the construction of
Python and Machine Learning for Asset
EDHEC Business School portfolios with improved diversification benefits, and the implementation of
Management learning-for-investment-management
more efficient risk management models. \n\nWe have designed a 3-step
learning process: first, we will introduce a meaningful investment problem
and see how this problem can be addressed using statistical techniques.
Then, we will see how this new insight from Machine learning can complete
and improve the relevance of the analysis.\n\nYou will have the opportunity
to capitalize on videos and recommended readings to level up your financial
expertise, and to use the quizzes and Jupiter notebooks to ensure grasp of
concept.\n\nAt the end of this course, you will master the various machine
learning techniques in investment management.

Over-utilization of market and accounting data over the last few decades
has led to portfolio crowding, mediocre performance and systemic risks,
incentivizing financial institutions which are looking for an edge to quickly
adopt alternative data as a substitute to traditional data. This course
introduces the core concepts around alternative data, the most recent
research in this area, as well as practical portfolio examples and actual
applications. The approach of this course is somewhat unique because
Python and Machine-Learning for Asset while the theory covered is still a main component, practical lab sessions
EDHEC Business School
Management with Alternative Data Sets asset-management-alternative-data and examples of working with alternative datasets are also key. This course
is fo you if you are aiming at carreers prospects as a data scientist in
financial markets, are looking to enhance your analytics skillsets to the
financial markets, or if you are interested in cutting-edge technology and
research as they apply to big data. The required background is: Python
programming, Investment theory , and Statistics. This course will enable
you to learn new data and research techniques applied to the financial
markets while strengthening data science and python skills.
There is an increasing attention to ethics in engineering practice. Engineers
are supposed not only to carry out their work competently and skilfully, but
also to be aware of the broader ethical and social implications of
engineering and to be able to reflect on these. According to the
Engineering Criteria 2000 of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology (ABET) in the US, engineers must have “an understanding of
professional and ethical responsibility” and should "understand the impact
of engineering solutions in a global and societal context.” \n\nThis course
provides an introduction to ethics in engineering and technology. It helps
engineers and students in engineering to acquire the competences
mentioned in the ABET criteria or comparable criteria formulated in other
countries. More specifically, this course helps engineers to acquire the
following moral competencies:\n\n- Moral sensibility: the ability to recognize
social and ethical issues in engineering;\n- Moral analysis skills: the ability
to analyse moral problems in terms of facts, values, stakeholders and their
interests;\n- Moral creativity: the ability to think out different options for
Eindhoven University of
Ethics, Technology and Engineering action in the light of (conflicting) moral values and the relevant facts;\n-
Technology engineering
Moral judgement skills: the ability to give a moral judgement on the basis of
different ethical theories or frameworks including professional ethics and
common sense morality;\n- Moral decision-making skills: the ability to reflect
on different ethical theories and frameworks and to make a decision based
on that reflection.\n\nWith respect to these competencies, our focus is on
the concrete moral problems that engineers encounter in their professional
practice. With the help of concrete cases is shown how the decision to
develop a technology, as well as the process of design and production, is
inherently moral. The attention of the learners is drawn towards the specific
moral choices that engineers face. In relation to these concrete choices
learners will encounter different reasons for and against certain actions, and
they will discover that these reasons can be discussed. In this way, learners
become aware of the moral dimensions of technology and acquire the
argumentative capacities that are needed in moral debates with
stakeholders (e.g. governments, users, and commercial business
This course aims to help you to draw better statistical inferences from
empirical research. First, we will discuss how to correctly interpret p-values,
effect sizes, confidence intervals, Bayes Factors, and likelihood ratios, and
how these statistics answer different questions you might be interested in.
Then, you will learn how to design experiments where the false positive rate
is controlled, and how to decide upon the sample size for your study, for
example in order to achieve high statistical power. Subsequently, you will
learn how to interpret evidence in the scientific literature given widespread
publication bias, for example by learning about p-curve analysis. Finally, we
will talk about how to do philosophy of science, theory construction, and
cumulative science, including how to perform replication studies, why and
how to pre-register your experiment, and how to share your results following
Open Science principles. \n\nIn practical, hands on assignments, you will
Eindhoven University of
Improving your statistical inferences learn how to simulate t-tests to learn which p-values you can expect,
calculate likelihood ratio's and get an introduction the binomial Bayesian
statistics, and learn about the positive predictive value which expresses the
probability published research findings are true. We will experience the
problems with optional stopping and learn how to prevent these problems
by using sequential analyses. You will calculate effect sizes, see how
confidence intervals work through simulations, and practice doing a-priori
power analyses. Finally, you will learn how to examine whether the null
hypothesis is true using equivalence testing and Bayesian statistics, and
how to pre-register a study, and share your data on the Open Science
Framework.\n\nAll videos now have Chinese subtitles. More than 30.000
learners have enrolled so far! \n\nIf you enjoyed this course, I can
recommend following it up with me new course "Improving Your Statistical

This course aims to help you to ask better statistical questions when
performing empirical research. We will discuss how to design informative
studies, both when your predictions are correct, as when your predictions
are wrong. We will question norms, and reflect on how we can improve
research practices to ask more interesting questions. In practical hands on
assignments you will learn techniques and tools that can be immediately
Eindhoven University of
Improving Your Statistical Questions implemented in your own research, such as thinking about the smallest
Technology questions
effect size you are interested in, justifying your sample size, evaluate
findings in the literature while keeping publication bias into account,
performing a meta-analysis, and making your analyses computationally
reproducible.\n\nIf you have the time, it is recommended that you complete
my course 'Improving Your Statistical Inferences' before enrolling in this
course, although this course is completely self-contained.
Process mining is the missing link between model-based process analysis
and data-oriented analysis techniques. Through concrete data sets and
easy to use software the course provides data science knowledge that can
be applied directly to analyze and improve processes in a variety of
domains.\n\nData science is the profession of the future, because
organizations that are unable to use (big) data in a smart way will not
survive. It is not sufficient to focus on data storage and data analysis. The
data scientist also needs to relate data to process analysis. Process mining
bridges the gap between traditional model-based process analysis (e.g.,
simulation and other business process management techniques) and data-
centric analysis techniques such as machine learning and data mining.
Process mining seeks the confrontation between event data (i.e., observed
behavior) and process models (hand-made or discovered automatically).
This technology has become available only recently, but it can be applied to
any type of operational processes (organizations and systems). Example
applications include: analyzing treatment processes in hospitals, improving
Eindhoven University of
Process Mining: Data science in Action customer service processes in a multinational, understanding the browsing
behavior of customers using booking site, analyzing failures of a baggage
handling system, and improving the user interface of an X-ray machine. All
of these applications have in common that dynamic behavior needs to be
related to process models. Hence, we refer to this as "data science in
action".\n\nThe course explains the key analysis techniques in process
mining. Participants will learn various process discovery algorithms. These
can be used to automatically learn process models from raw event data.
Various other process analysis techniques that use event data will be
presented. Moreover, the course will provide easy-to-use software, real-life
data sets, and practical skills to directly apply the theory in a variety of
application domains.\n\nThis course starts with an overview of approaches
and technologies that use event data to support decision making and
business process (re)design. Then the course focuses on process mining
as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. The
course is at an introductory level with various practical assignments.\n\nThe
course covers the three main types of process mining.\n\n1. The first type
COURSE ABSTRACT: \nHave we reached the boundaries of what can be
achieved in sports and building design? The answer is definitely “NO”. This
course explains basic aspects of bluff body aerodynamics, wind tunnel
testing and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations with
application to sports and building aerodynamics. It is intended for anyone
with a strong interest in these topics. Key fields addressed are urban
physics, wind engineering and sports aerodynamics.\n\nCOURSE
CONTENTS:\nThe course consists of 6 weeks. The first 3 weeks are on
fundamentals, the second 3 weeks on applications.\n- Week 1: Basic
aspects of fluid flow\n- Week 2: Wind-tunnel testing\n- Week 3:
Computational Fluid Dynamics\n- Week 4: Building aerodynamics\n- Week
5: 100 m sprint aerodynamics\n- Week 6: Cycling
aerodynamics\n\nCOURSE UPGRADES:\nIn January-February 2017, the
course will be upgraded/extended with:\n- New modules on cycling
aerodynamics\n- Week 7: Climate adaptation of buildings and cities\n-
Week 8: Air pollution\nIf you want to take the upgraded/extended course,
Eindhoven University of
Sports and Building Aerodynamics please wait with enrollment until mid February.\n\nLECTURER:\nThe
Technology aerodynamics
lecturer is Bert Blocken, professor at Eindhoven University of Technology in
the Netherlands and KU Leuven in Belgium. He is a Civil Engineer holding
a PhD in Building Physics. His main areas of expertise are urban physics,
wind engineering and sports aerodynamics. He has published 126 papers in
international peer-reviewed journals. He has received the 2013 Junior
Award from the International Association of Wind Engineering and six best
paper awards from the Elsevier ISI journal Building & Environment (2009,
2011, 2012) and at international conferences. According to the 2016
Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking) & Elsevier, he
is among the 150 most cited researchers world-wide both in the field of Civil
Engineering and in the field of Energy Science & Engineering. Since Dec
2016, he is editor of the ISI journal Building & Environment and starting
2017, he is also associate editor of the ISI Journal of Wind Engineering &
Industrial Aerodynamics. He is member of the editorial board of the ISI
journals Building Simulation and Sports Engineering. He has acted as a
reviewer for more than 70 different ISI journals. He is currently supervising
Many real-world algorithmic problems cannot be solved efficiently using
traditional algorithmic tools, for example because the problems are NP-
hard. The goal of this course is to become familiar with important
algorithmic concepts and techniques needed to effectively deal with such
problems. These techniques apply when we don't require the optimal
solution to certain problems, but an approximation that is close to the
optimal solution. We will see how to efficiently find such approximations.
\n\nPrerequisites:\nIn order to successfully take this course, you should
already have a basic knowledge of algorithms and mathematics. Here's a
short list of what you are supposed to know:\n- O-notation, Ω-notation, Θ-
notation; how to analyze algorithms\n- Basic calculus: manipulating
summations, solving recurrences, working with logarithms, etc.\n- Basic
probability theory: events, probability distributions, random variables,
Approximation Algorithms EIT Digital expected values etc.\n- Basic data structures: linked lists, stacks, queues,
heaps\n- (Balanced) binary search trees\n- Basic sorting algorithms, for
example MergeSort, InsertionSort, QuickSort\n- Graph terminology,
representations of graphs (adjacency lists and adjacency matrix), basic
graph algorithms (BFS, DFS, topological sort, shortest paths)\n\nThe
material for this course is based on the course notes that can be found
under the resources tab. We will not cover everything from the course
notes. The course notes are there both for students who did not fully
understand the lectures as well as for students who would like to dive
deeper into the topics.\n\nThe video lectures contain a few very minor
mistakes. A list of these mistakes can be found under resources (in the
document called "Errata"). If you think you found an error, report a problem
by clicking the square flag at the bottom of the lecture or quiz where you
found the error.
This course will teach you how to develop an embedded systems device. In
order to reduce the time to market, many pre-made hardware and software
components are available today. You'll discover all the available hardware
and software components, such as processor families, operating systems,
Architecting Smart IoT Devices EIT Digital boards and networks. You'll also learn how to actually use and integrate
these components.\n\nAt the end of the course you will be ready to start
architecting and implementing your own embedded device! You'll learn how
to debug and finetune your device and how to make it run on a low power
In this course you will learn how to apply satisfiability (SAT/SMT) tools to
solve a wide range of problems.\nSeveral basic examples are given to get
the flavor of the applications: fitting rectangles to be applied for printing
posters, scheduling problems, solving puzzles, and program correctness.
Also underlying theory is presented: resolution as a basic approach for propositional satisfiability, the CDCL framework to scale up for big formulas,
Automated Reasoning: satisfiability EIT Digital
reasoning-sat and the simplex method to deal with linear inequallities.\n\nThe light weight
approach to following this course is just watching the lectures and do the
corresponding quizzes. To get a flavor of the topic this may work out fine.
However, the much more interesting approach is to use this as a basis to
apply SAT/SMT yourself on several problems, for instance on the problems
presented in the honor's assignment.
This course presents how properties of acting systems and programs can
be verified automatically. The basic notion is a transition system: any
system that can be described by states and steps. We present how in CTL
(computation tree logic) properties like reachability can be described.\n\nTypically, a state space may be very large. One way to deal
Automated Reasoning: Symbolic Model Checking EIT Digital
reasoning-symbolic-model-checking with this is symbolic model checking: a way in which sets of states are
represented symbolically. A fruitful way to do so is by representing sets of
states by BDDs (binary decision diagrams).\nDefinitions and basic
properties of BDDs are presented in this course, and also algorithms to
compute them, as they are needed for doing CTL model checking.
If you want to know more about blockchain, then this course is for you.
Business is currently dealing intensively with digitisation. Blockchain has a
major impact on the design and implementation of digital business
processes in many application areas such as Internet of Things, the Smart
Blockchain 360: A State of the Art for Professionals EIT Digital Grid, supply chain and many more. In this MOOC you will learn the basics
of blockchain technology as well as many examples of best practice
business applications. This MOOC is part of a blended learning programme,
developed by Fraunhofer and EIT Digital, with a two day course in Germany
to get more in-depth knowledge.
This nanoMOOC is an introduction to the upcoming full course "Blockchain
for the decision maker", offered by EIT Digital and the Budapest University
of Technology and Economics.\n\nYou will learn:\n- the concept of
Distributed Ledgers and how "blockchains" can provide them\n- the
difference between public networks (as Bitcoin) and consortial ones bespoke for specific business consortia and needs\n- the key value
Blockchain for the decision maker EIT Digital
maker propositions of blockchains for business and a birds-eye view of use case
patterns\n- the fact that conscious, stepwise "blockchainification" can help
you avoid unnecessary disruption and manage risk\n- turnkey solutions on
the leading clouds enable enterprise integration and rapid
introduction\n\nAfter completion stay tuned for the full course, complete with
"problem - opportunity - application" analyses and much more!

In this course you will learn what Artificial Intelligence is, from a leaders
point of view. How shall we, as leaders, understand it from a corporate
strategy point of view? What is it and how can it be used? What are the crucial strategic decisions we have to make, and how to make them? What
Business Implications of AI: A Nano-course EIT Digital
implications-ai-nano-course consequences can we expect if we decide on doing AI-projects and what
kind of competences do we need? Where shall we start, and what could be
a good second as well as third step? What implications for the organization
can we expect? These are the questions answered in this course.

In this course you will learn what Artificial Intelligence is, from a leaders
point of view. How shall we, as leaders, understand it from a corporate
strategy point of view? What is it and how can it be used? What are the crucial strategic decisions we have to make, and how to make them? What
Business Implications of AI: Full course EIT Digital
implications-ai consequences can we expect if we decide on doing AI-projects and what
kind of competences do we need? Where shall we start, and what could be
a good second as well as third step? What implications for the organization
can we expect? These are the questions answered in this course.
This capstone course is the final course of the Value Creation Through
Innovation Specialization. The specialization covers technology bases
innovation and transformation and how to spot and to capitalize on
emerging opportunities. UC Berkeley Haas School of Business and KTH
Royal Institute of Technology are the academic partners in the Value
Creation Through Innovation Specialization. \n\nIn this capstone project you
Capstone Value Creation through Innovation EIT Digital will utilized the methods introduced in the courses The Impact of
Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and Marketing Strategy for
Entrepreneurs, and show that you master them. You should be able to
show knowledge and judgment regarding when and how to utilize what
method and approach. You will throughout the capstone project work on
one project that you select yourself. Each week you will be given one major
assignment to complete, and later to review.

This capstone project course ties together the knowledge from three
previous courses in IoT though embedded systems: Development of Real-
Time Systems, Web Connectivity & Security and Embedded Hardware and
Operating Systems. The students will develop a larger system using the
learning outcomes from these courses, and the students will evaluate the
developed system in a real-world programming environment. This course is
Capstone: Autonomous Runway Detection for IoT EIT Digital a true engineering task in which the student must, not only implement the
algorithm code, but also handle the interfaces between many different
actors and hardware platforms. The students will learn how to motivate
engineering decisions and how to choose implementations to make a
system actually running. The students will also learn to evaluate the
efficiency and the correctness of their system as well as real-world
parameters such as energy consumption and cost.

It’s not you, it’s me! What’s going on? \n\nThis course empowers students,
professionals and wider community to deal with cybersecurity attacks and
risks focused on identity management and it is an introduction to the
upcoming full course focused on cybersecurity awareness.\nIt is provided a
practical overview of challenging issues like identity credentials
management and security, e-mail threats and web impersonation, or web
hacking. In addition to this, you will have a practical appreciation to
innovation applied to these concepts through an interview with a renowned
expert in fraud and cybercrime. Teaching staff consists of Iván Pau, UPM
researcher and expert in usable security, and Román Ramírez, hacker and
Cybersecurity for Identity Protection EIT Digital cybersecurity expert. \nLearning will be carried out by introducing use
cases related with cybersecurity incidents, in a way which ensures that
participants get really involved in the course. You will easily acquire
practical skills and be ready to face real threats in a digital world.\n\nThis
course is part of an online programme developed by Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid (world class tech university renowned for the quality
of its education programmes and the research undertaken at its centres),
Ferrovial (world's leading private investor in cities and infrastructures, with a
workforce of more than 74.000 employees and operations in more than 16
countries) and EIT Digital.\n\nStay tuned for the full course! COMING
The course is a compendium of the must-have expertise in data science for
executive and middle-management to foster data-driven innovation. It
consists of introductory lectures spanning big data, machine learning, data
valorization and communication. Topics cover the essential concepts and
intuitions on data needs, data analysis, machine learning methods,
respective pros and cons, and practical applicability issues.\t\n\nThe course
covers terminology and concepts, tools and methods, use cases and
success stories of data science applications. \nThe course explains what is
Data Science and why it is so hyped. It discusses the value that Data
Data Science for Business Innovation EIT Digital Science can create, the main classes of problems that Data Science can
solve, the difference is between descriptive, predictive and prescriptive
analytics, and the roles of machine learning and artificial
intelligence.\n\nFrom a more technical perspective, the course covers
supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised methods, and explains what
can be obtained with classification, clustering, and regression techniques. It
discusses the role of NoSQL data models and technologies, and the role
and impact of scalable cloud-based computation platforms.\nAll topics are
covered with example-based lectures, discussing use cases, success
stories and realistic examples.
This course is intended for the Master's student and computer engineer
who likes practical programming and problem solving!\nAfter completing
this course, you will have the knowledge to plan and set-up a real-time
system both on paper and in practice.\n\nThe course centers around the
problem of achieving timing correctness in embedded systems, which
means to guarantee that the system reacts within the real-time
requirements.\nExamples of such systems include airbags, emergency
breaks, avionics, and also multi-media systems like video playback and
QoS in web servers.\n\nThe course teaches how to plan real-time systems
in theory using established mathematical proofs and how to implement
them in practice by using the most common scheduling methods.\nWe also
Development of Real-Time Systems EIT Digital
learn and how to program the system in the C language using the
FreeRTOS real-time kernel.\nFinally we have a look at the future of real-
time systems namely multi-core real-time systems!\n\nThis course focus on
the learn-by-doing approach with many examples and real-world
programming assignments.\nWe have 5 modules, each with a gentle
graded quiz in the end and one peer reviewed programming
assignment.\nIn case you have no experience with C programming, please
check you a practical course like:\n
platform\n\nThe course is actually quite fun!\n-Simon Holmbacka / Åbo
Akademi University\n\nCheck out our whole curriculum:
This course is intended for the Bachelor and Master's students, who like
practical programming and making IoTs applications!\n\nIn this course we
will talk about two components of a cyber physical system, namely
hardware and operating systems. \n\n\nAfter completing this course, you
will have the knowledge of both hardware components and operating
systems. You are able to plan and use embedded operating systems in
resource-constraint devices for Internet-of-Things (cyber physical system)
applications. In addition, you can use Cooja simulation for designing and
simulating wireless sensor network applications.\n\nWe have 4 modules,
each with a graded quiz in the end and finally we have one peer reviewed programming assignment\nIn case you have no experience with C
Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems EIT Digital
operating-system programming, please check you a practical course
like:\n \n\nThe course is
actually quite fun at the end when you are playing around with Cooja
simulation for IoTs applications. So you can create and simulate your own
design for sensor network applications. A lot of features and examples of
Contiki and Cooja can be explored via assignments. There are some
optional assignments of wireless sensor network applications for students
who want to explore more about embedded OS in IoTs applications.\n \n-
Marco Ramirez /University of Turku\n- Igor Tcarenko/ University of Turku\n-
Nguyen Gia Tuan /University of Turku\n\nCheck out our whole curriculum:

The goal of this course is to understand the foundations of Big Data and the
data that is being generated in the health domain and how the use of
technology would help to integrate and exploit all those data to extract
meaningful information that can be later used in different sectors of the
health domain from physicians to management, from patients to care
Foundations of mining non-structured medical data EIT Digital givers, etc. The course will offer to the student a high-level perspective of
the importance of the medical context within the European context, the
types of data that are managed in the health (clinical) context, the
challenges to be addressed in the mining of unstructured medical data (text
and image) as well as the opportunities from the analytical point of view
with an introduction to the basics of data analytics field.
Course Information: In many areas of computer science such as robotics,
computer graphics, virtual reality, and geographic information systems, it is
necessary to store, analyze, and create or manipulate spatial data. This
course deals with the algorithmic aspects of these tasks: we study
techniques and concepts needed for the design and analysis of geometric
algorithms and data structures. Each technique and concept will be
illustrated on the basis of a problem arising in one of the application areas
mentioned above.\n\nGoals:\nAt the end of this course participants should
be able\n- to decide which algorithm or data structure to use in order to
solve a given basic geometric problem,\n- to analyze new problems and
come up with their own efficient solutions using concepts and techniques
from the course.\n\nPrerequisites:\nIn order to successfully take this course,
you should already have a basic knowledge of algorithms and mathematics.
Here's a short list of what you are supposed to know:\n- O-notation, Ω-
Geometric Algorithms EIT Digital notation, Θ-notation; how to analyze algorithms\n- Basic calculus:
manipulating summations, solving recurrences, working with logarithms,
etc.\n- Basic probability theory: events, probability distributions, random
variables, expected values etc.\n- Basic data structures: linked lists, binary
search trees, etc.\n- Graph terminology\n- Programming skills for practical
assignments\n\nMost of the material in this course is based on the following
book:\nM. de Berg, O. Cheong, M. van Kreveld, and M. Overmars.
Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications (3rd edition).
Springer-Verlag, 2008.\nIt is not mandatory to buy this book. However if
participants want to know more than is offered in this course or want to
have another look at the material discussed in the lectures, we recommend
buying this book.\n\nThe video lectures contain a few very minor mistakes.
A list of these mistakes can be found under resources. If you think you
found an error, report a problem by clicking the square flag at the bottom of
the lecture or quiz where you found the error.
Operations on data become more expensive when the data item is located
higher in the memory hierarchy. An operation on data in CPU registers is
roughly a million times faster than an operation on a data item that is
located in external memory that needs to be fetched first. These data
fetches are also called I/O operations and need to be taken into account
during the design of an algorithm. The goal of this course is to become
familiar with important algorithmic concepts and techniques needed to
effectively deal with such problems. We will work with a simplified memory
hierarchy, but the notions extend naturally to more realistic models.
\n\nPrerequisites:\nIn order to successfully take this course, you should
already have a basic knowledge of algorithms and mathematics. Here's a
short list of what you are supposed to know:\n- O-notation, Ω-notation, Θ-
notation; how to analyze algorithms\n- Basic calculus: manipulating summations, solving recurrences, working with logarithms, etc.\n- Basic
I/O-efficient algorithms EIT Digital
algorithms probability theory: events, probability distributions, random variables,
expected values etc.\n- Basic data structures: linked lists, stacks, queues,
heaps\n- (Balanced) binary search trees\n- Basic sorting algorithms, for
example MergeSort, InsertionSort, QuickSort\n- Graph terminology,
representations of graphs (adjacency lists and adjacency matrix), basic
graph algorithms (BFS, DFS, topological sort, shortest paths)\n\nThe
material for this course is based on the course notes that can be found
under the resources tab. We will not cover everything from the course
notes. The course notes are there both for students who did not fully
understand the lectures as well as for students who would like to dive
deeper into the topics.\n\nThe video lectures contain a few very minor
mistakes. A list of these mistakes can be found under resources. If you
think you found an error, report a problem by clicking the square flag at the
bottom of the lecture or quiz where you found the error.
You believe that a lot of industries will fundamentally change due to digital
power the upcoming 5 to 10 years? \nYou believe that what often today
have been called "disruption" might happen to an industry of your specific
interest? \nYou believe in the value of becoming able to predict how that kind of change will evolve in order to do digital transformation and thereby
Impact from digital transformation: A Nano course EIT Digital
transformation-impact-nano-course avoid ending up with big problems in the future? \n\nThen this course is for
you.\n\nIn this "Nano-course" you will get an overview on how to do digital
transformation. \nIf you find this overview of interest, then this "Full-course"
on this topic is also available:\n
This course is about what you can do when everything around you seems
to be moving due to digital change. It is about how to handle the disruptive
process that tends to unfold in industry nowadays due to digitalisation. The
Impact from Digital Transformation: Full course EIT Digital way to handle this is what is here referred to as "Digital Transformation" and
at the core of it, it is about understanding how the new business landscape
is evolving and heading for a new position in that landscape. It is about
corporate strategy.
This Innovation and Entrepreneurship course focuses on the
interconnection between entrepreneurial thinking and innovation.
Specifically, we look at models used in Silicon Valley to grow both start-up
companies as well as innovation inside large organizations. Bringing
together top Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley faculty, this course
addresses critical areas for successful growth, including design thinking,
Innovation & Entrepreneurship - From Basics to open innovation, business models, product-market fit, and financing. This
EIT Digital
Open Innovation entrepreneurship course will teach you how to think like an entrepreneur and provides the
models, tools and frameworks to further develop your business or idea. An
emphasis will be placed on the IT space.\n\nIn this first part, From Basics to
Open Innovation, the following areas are included: innovation and
entrepreneurship basics; the Silicon Valley entrepreneurship model; the
importance of failure; market analysis: how to engage with customers; and
open innovation.
This Innovation and Entrepreneurship course focuses on the
interconnection between entrepreneurial thinking and innovation.
Specifically, we look at models used in Silicon Valley to grow both start-up
companies as well as innovation inside large organizations. Bringing
together top Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley faculty, this course
Innovation & Entrepreneurship - From Design addresses critical areas for successful growth, including design thinking,
EIT Digital
Thinking to Funding entrepreneurship open innovation, business models, product-market fit, and financing. This
course will teach you how to think like an entrepreneur and provides the
models, tools and frameworks to further develop your business or idea. An
emphasis will be placed on the IT space.\n\nIn this second part, From
Design Thinking to Funding, the following areas are included: design
thinking; innovation cycle process; business modeling; and funding.

What will you learn?\n\nEmbedded Systems are so ubiquitous that some of

us take them for granted: we find them in smartphones, GPS systems,
airplanes and so on. But have you ever wondered how these devices
actually work? If so, you're in the right place! \n\nIn this course, you'll learn
about the characteristics of embedded systems: the possibilities, dangers,
complications and recipes for success. We'll discuss all of this in the
framework of a flourishing embedded systems field: the Internet of Things,
where billions of intercommunicating devices could enable unprecedented,
Introduction to Architecting Smart IoT Devices EIT Digital innovative products and services. If you'd like to learn how to create
similarly innovative products, then this is the course for you!\n\nAt the end
of the course, you'll be able to:\n- make the right choice for your own project
when it comes to the target market, parallel executions, time and the
lifecycle of your system\n- hack, avoid failure and promote success \n-
decide whether to buy or to build components\n- how to assemble a good
team\n- install case tools\n- learn how to work with SysML\n\nThis is an
introductory course. Check out our more advanced course Architecting
Smart IoT Devices soon if you want to go beyond the basics!
You live a hands-on-life, and you intend continuing doing so! That is why I
guess you already have checked where the QR-code (the logo) for this
course lead to, right?\n\nAnd it is in such kind of setting you prefer hands-
on-learning. Things you can do, already today, is something you value.
\n\nYou actually did not start this course when enrolling it. You started it
long ago, Either as a customer somewhere, or just maybe thinking about
marketing for some time. Or maybe you are already working on marketing,
of you yourself or maybe your own company. Or as employed somewhere
of course. In all these situations what matter is action. Action that contribute
to your marketing-journey.\n\nThis is the reason why we will start of with a
situation “as if” you were starting up the sales process in a company where
no previous customers existed (and maybe you are, if so...use it during the
course). Gradually your sales efforts give result, you get customers and
handling the market expansion becomes important. If somewhat lucky, in practice that is the way it goes.\n\nThe course begins with the art of cold
Marketing Strategy for Entrepreneurs EIT Digital
entrepreneurs calling (attacking the ones that did not know you did exist. The most tricky
ones) and analyzing the potential customers, then gradually moves over to
segmentation, positioning, closing the deal, competition, marketing strategy
and market expansion. It is normally in that order it develops in practice.
\n\nThe curriculum includes general basic marketing theories as well
modern digital marketing issues like onboarding, conversion, and retention,
experimental marketing and pivoting. The course includes a number of
assignments to facilitate your learning – some of them compulsory. All of
them hopefully practically useful for you already today.\n\nOn one hand this
is a basics course. There is far more in this than we are able to cover here.
But I still think this course will prepare you for some of the most common
marketing and sales efforts needed for technology based companies. Later
on I guess you will learn more. Maybe here or somewhere else.\n\nHope
you enjoy it. Good learning have to be fun. So if the course is not fun
enough for you: Please let me know!

In this course we will learn about Digital twins fundamentals, how they
represent a concept of integration for product related data. The concept of
Digital twins is a response to the increasing digitization of product development, production and products themselves. \n\nToday, products are
Mastering Digital Twins EIT Digital
twins complex systems that not only fulfill their intended functions and quality, but
also communicate via communication networks with other components,
products, clouds and services as well. We are talking about smart products
that integrate services into the products and are continuously supported.
After having followed Privacy in the Western world you have become
acquainted with the overall global legal system and the origins of privacy as
a concept as well as privacy as a (human) right. This course deals with the
European legal system to protect privacy. European privacy protection is
based upon human rights treaties, both on a European level as well global
level such as, e.g. the UN Declaration on Human Rights. This course
outlines and deals with these human rights treaties as well as with the
specific rules and regulations that govern day to day privacy protection in
Europe. \n\nThe course deals with how the European cooperation came
into being after the devastating effects of World War II. Economic
cooperation was deemed necessary to prevent another war. From
economic cooperation other issues became part of the negotiations, and to
this day more and more policy fields have become part of the European
Privacy in Europe EIT Digital
cooperation. Dealing with and having respect for different human rights is
paramount in this cooperation. And privacy protection and regulation has
become an increasingly important subject that has attracted a lot of global
attention. \n\nThe course deals with the different legal elements that have
played an important role into grabbing in legal terms the notion of privacy
and how the legally protect it. The rules that enable the exchange of
personal data between the USA and Europe is being dealt with. It also
deals with the constituting legal elements that have become part of the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). \n\nAfter successful
completion of the course you will have sufficient baggage to know about the
important legal elements and historical background on the coming into
being of European privacy protection. I wish you a lot of success with
following the course.
Welcome to this course about privacy in the United States, \n\nWe are
thrilled to see that you are interested in this follow-up course on 'privacy in
the western world'. This course will drill down more in the privacy subject in
Privacy in the USA EIT Digital US context. \n\nThrough video lectures and quizzes we endeavor to build a
solid foundation for you to construct a well-founded opinion on privacy. Last
but not least we sincerely hope you enjoy the course! \n\ Jan

Welcome to this course about privacy. \n\nWe are thrilled to see that you
are interested and will provide you with a comprehensive study of this
intriguiging subject. We hope this course will enthuse you to look further
into privacy and personal data regulation. Especially in the light of recent
events it becomes more important to know about your (alleged!?) rights and
freedoms. \n\nAfter showing you a number of interesting examples of
privacy in recent events, this course continues to provide you with an
Privacy in the Western World EIT Digital historic introduction, and varying cases and court decisions. It will guide you
through the cultural and legal changes in perception of privacy over time.
Sometimes with a more technological perspective. Notably, in the Western
world differences have accumulated over time and the differences between
the USA and Europe will be explained extensively in the follow-up courses.
\n\nThrough video lectures and quizzes we endeavor to build a solid
foundation for you to construct a well-founded opinion on privacy. Last but
not least we sincerely hope you enjoy the course! \n\ Jan Smits
Welcome to Quantitative Formal Modeling and Worst-Case Performance
Analysis. In this course, you will learn about modeling and solving
performance problems in a fashion popular in theoretical computer science,
and generally train your abstract thinking skills. \n\nAfter finishing this
course, you have learned to think about the behavior of systems in terms of
token production and consumption, and you are able to formalize this
thinking mathematically in terms of prefix orders and counting functions.
You have learned about Petri-nets, about timing, and about scheduling of
token consumption/production systems, and for the special class of Petri-
nets known as single-rate dataflow graphs, you will know how to perform a
worst-case analysis of basic performance metrics, like throughput, latency
and buffering.\n\nDisclaimer: As you will notice, there is an abundance of
small examples in this course, but at first sight there are not many industrial
size systems being discussed. The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly, it is
not my intention to teach you performance analysis skills up to the level of
what you will need in industry. Rather, I would like to teach you to think
Quantitative Formal Modeling and Worst-Case
EIT Digital about modeling and performance analysis in general and abstract terms,
Performance Analysis modeling-1
because that is what you will need to do whenever you encounter any
performance analysis problem in the future. After all, abstract thinking is the
most revered skill required for any academic-level job in any engineering
discipline, and if you are able to phrase your problems mathematically, it will
become easier for you to spot mistakes, to communicate your ideas with
others, and you have already made a big step towards actually solving the
problem. Secondly, although dataflow techniques are applicable and being
used in industry, the subclass of single-rate dataflow is too restrictive to be
of practical use in large modeling examples. The analysis principles of other
dataflow techniques, however, are all based on single-rate dataflow. So this
course is a good primer for any more advanced course on the topic.\n\nThis
course is part of the university course on Quantitative Evaluation of
Embedded Systems (QEES) as given in the Embedded Systems master
curriculum of the EIT-Digital university, and of the Dutch 3TU consortium
consisting of TU/e (Eindhoven), TUD (Delft) and UT (Twente). The course
material is exactly the same as the first three weeks of QEES, but the
The integration of ICT (information and communications technology) in
different applications is rapidly increasing in e.g. Embedded and Cyber
physical systems, Communication protocols and Transportation systems.
Hence, their reliability and dependability increasingly depends on software.
Defects can be fatal and extremely costly (with regards to mass-production
of products and safety-critical systems).\n\nFirst, a model of the real system
has to be built. In the simplest case, the model reflects all possible states
that the system can reach and all possible transitions between states in a
(labelled) State Transition System. When adding probabilities and discrete
time to the model, we are dealing with so-called Discrete-time Markov
chains which in turn can be extended with continuous timing to Continuous-
time Markov chains. Both formalisms have been used widely for modeling
and performance and dependability evaluation of computer and
Quantitative Model Checking EIT Digital communication systems in a wide variety of domains. These formalisms are
well understood, mathematically attractive while at the same time flexible
enough to model complex systems. \n\nModel checking focuses on the
qualitative evaluation of the model. As formal verification method, model
checking analyzes\nthe functionality of the system model. A property that
needs to be analyzed has to be specified in a logic with consistent syntax
and semantics. For every state of the model, it is then checked whether the
property is valid or not.\nThe main focus of this course is on quantitative
model checking for Markov chains, for which we will discuss efficient
computational algorithms. The learning objectives of this course are as
follows:\n\n- Express dependability properties for different kinds of transition
systems .\n- Compute the evolution over time for Markov chains.\n- Check
whether single states satisfy a certain formula and compute the satisfaction
set for properties.

This course sensitizes regarding security in Big Data environments. You will
discover cryptographic principles, mechanisms to manage access controls
in your Big Data system. By the end of the course, you will be ready to plan
your next Big Data project successfully, ensuring that all security related
issues are under control. You will look at decent-sized big data projects with
Security and Privacy for Big Data - Part 1 EIT Digital security-skilled eyes, being able to recognize dangers. This will allow you to
improve your systems to a grown and sustainable level. \n\nIf you are an
ICT professional or someone who designs and manages systems in big
data environments, this course is for you! Knowledge about Big Data and IT
is advantageous, but if you are e.g. a product manager just touching the
surface of Big Data and security, this course will suit you as well.
This course sensitizes regarding privacy and data protection in Big Data
environments. You will discover privacy preserving methodologies, as well
as data protection regulations and concepts in your Big Data system. By the
end of the course, you will be ready to plan your next Big Data project
successfully, ensuring that all privacy and data protection related issues are under control. You will look at decent-sized big data projects with privacy-
Security and Privacy for Big Data - Part 2 EIT Digital
data-protection skilled eyes, being able to recognize dangers. This will allow you to improve
your systems to a grown and sustainable level. \n\nIf you are an ICT
professional or someone who designs and manages systems in big data
environments, this course is for you! Knowledge about Big Data and IT is
advantageous, but if you are e.g. a product manager just touching the
surface of Big Data and privacy, this course will suit you as well.

This course will teach you how to design futureproof systems that meet the
requirements of IoT systems: systems that are secure, interoperable,
modifiable and scalable. Moreover, you'll learn to apply best-in-class
software architecture methods to help you design complex IoT and other
applications. Lastly, you'll come to understand the business impact of the
technical decisions that you make as an IoT system architect.\n\nYou'll learn all about software architecture in the next 5 weeks! In the first week,
Software Architecture for the Internet of Things EIT Digital
architecture you'll discover why having a well-designed architecture is important and
which challenges you might come across while developing your
architecture. By the end of the second week, you'll already be able to write
your own requirements! In the third and fourth week, you will learn how to
correctly write quality attributes and quality attribute scenarios for a specific
case. In the last week, you'll learn to describe your own patterns and tactics
and see how they're used in an Android framework.

Have you ever experienced that your printer got stuck at a piece of paper?
What if that happened every time you print? This course explains the
importance of technical norms to which engineers abide to, so your printer
works smoothly. Imagine that there were no standards. That is not easy,
even if you try. The reason is that a lot of standards are very common to us
and are with us for ages. But there are also new standards, new technical
Standardisation & Technology EIT Digital
agreements, that are created rapidly every day. Did you ever ask yourself
how under the hood of your mobile phone, messages are sent to other
phones? Society would not be like it is today, if there were no technical
agreements and or protocols on how things are working. This course
explains how these technical specifications come into being and thus help
you and but also society at large.
System Validation is the field that studies the fundamentals of system
communication and information processing. It is the next logical step in
computer science and improving software development in general. It allows
automated analysis based on behavioural models of a system to see if a
system works correctly. We want to guarantee that the systems does
exactly what it is supposed to do. The techniques put forward in system
validation allow to prove the absence of errors. It allows to design
embedded system behaviour that is structurally sound and as a side effect
enforces you to make the behaviour simple and insightful. This means that
System Validation (2): Model process behaviour EIT Digital the systems are not only behaving correctly, but are also much easier to
maintain and adapt. ’Model process behaviour' is the follow up MOOC to
'Automata and behavioural equivalences'. This MOOC shows you how to
model process behaviour, in particular protocols and distributed algorithms,
dive deeper in the properties of system behaviour, and keep things simple
to avoid a state space explosion. Reading material. J.F. Groote and M.R.
Mousavi. Modeling and analysis of communicating systems. The MIT Press,
2014.\n\nThis course is part 2 of the set of courses for System Validation.
System Validation, as a set of courses, is part of a larger EIT Digital online
programme called 'Internet of Things through Embedded Systems'.

System Validation is the field that studies the fundamentals of system

communication and information processing. It allows automated analysis
based on behavioural models of a system to see if a system works
correctly. We want to guarantee that the systems does exactly what it is
supposed to do. The techniques put forward in system validation allow to
prove the absence of errors. It allows to design embedded system
System Validation (3): Requirements by modal behaviour that is structurally sound and as a side effect enforces you to
EIT Digital
formulas modal-formulas make the behaviour simple and insightful. This means that the systems are
not only behaving correctly, but are also much easier to maintain and adapt.
’Requirements by modal formulas' is the third course that shows you how to
specify requirements for the automata in order to establish the correct
relation between the requirements and the behaviour of the system.
Reading material. J.F. Groote and M.R. Mousavi. Modeling and analysis of
communicating systems. The MIT Press, 2014.

System Validation is the field that studies the fundamentals of system

communication and information processing. It allows automated analysis
based on behavioural models of a system to see if a system works
correctly. We want to guarantee that the systems does exactly what it is
supposed to do. The techniques put forward in system validation allow to
prove the absence of errors. It allows to design embedded system
System Validation (4): Modelling Software,
EIT Digital behaviour that is structurally sound and as a side effect enforces you to
Protocols, and other behaviour software-protocols
make the behaviour simple and insightful. This means that the systems are
not only behaving correctly, but are also much easier to maintain and adapt.
’Modeling Software Protocols, and other behaviour' demonstrates the power
of formal methods in software modelling, communication protocols, and
other examples. Reading material. J.F. Groote and M.R. Mousavi. Modeling
and analysis of communicating systems. The MIT Press, 2014.
Have you ever experienced software systems failing? Websites crash,
calendar not synchronising, or even a power blackout. Of course you have!
But did you know that many of these errors are the result of communication
errors either within a system or between systems? Depending on the
system, the impact of software failures can be huge, even resulting in
massive economic damage or loss of lives. Software, and in particular the
communication between software-intensive systems, is very complex and
very difficult to get right. However, we _need_ dependability in the systems
we use, directly or indirectly, to support us in our everyday lives.\n\nSystem
Validation helps you to design embedded system behaviour that is
structurally sound. It also enforces you to make the behaviour simple and
insightful; systems that are designed for sound behaviour are also much
easier to maintain and adapt. System Validation is the field that studies the
fundamentals of system communication and information processing. The
techniques put forward in system validaton allow to prove the absence of
errors. \n\nThis first course ’Automata and behavioural equivalences', builds
System Validation: Automata and behavioural
EIT Digital the foundation of the subsequent courses, showing you how to look at
equivalences validation
system behaviour as state machines. It discusses behavioural equivalences
and illustrate these in a number of examples and quizzes. This course
explains labelled transition systems or automata to model behaviour for
especially software controlled systems. An important question is when two
behaviours represented by such automata are equal. The answer to this
question is not at all straightforward, but the resulting equivalences are
used as powerful tools to simplify complex behaviour. This allows us to
exactly investigate and understand the behavioural properties of such
systems precisely. Especially, in the combination with hiding of behaviour,
equivalence reduction is a unique technique to obtain insight in the
behaviour of systems, far more effective than simulation or testing. Using
this insight we can make the models correct. Such models form an
excellent basis for the production of concise, reliable and maintainable
software.\n\nThis course is part I of the set of courses for System
Validation. System Validation, as a set of courses, is part of a larger EIT
Digital online programme called 'Internet of Things through Embedded
In this course you will learn how to use theories and methods to make
predictions of the potential impact of new technology – in general, as well
as for a specific application. This will prepare you for the changes that we
are facing in society, and also help you take advantage of transformations
which are driven by technology. \n\nThe course takes a broad approach,
including social and economic factors. You will study historical examples
and learn to recognize recurring patterns and cycles. The curriculum
includes general innovation theories, foresight methodology, value chain
disruption and strategy.\n\nThe general process is as follows. First you to
learn how to draw a map of the potential future business landscape. After
that, you get to identify interesting future business roles in emerging value
The Impact of Technology EIT Digital networks. Finally, we find a path from where we are today to a desired end
state. You will analyze how an industry or market may change if the
technology which is available today is fully implemented in a 10 to 20 year
perspective. In addition, you will identify barriers to such a development and
make estimates regarding the timing. \n\nThe course includes a number of
assignments to facilitate your learning – some of them compulsory. The
largest assignment is about the introduction of self-driving cars (hence the
course icon; source and credit to Google). \n\nWe all know that the future
can’t be fully predicted in detail. However, the methods presented in this
course will help you identify potential consequences. In this way, you will
get a toolbox for decision making in the areas of technology, investments,
career path, research & development or portfolio management.

Welcome to Web Connectivity and Security in Cyber Physical

Systems!\n\nIn this course, we will explore several technologies that bring
modern devices together, facilitating a network of connected things and
making devices internet enabled. We will discuss rules, protocols, and
standards for these devices to communicate with each other in the network.
We will also go through security and privacy issues and challenges in cyber
physical systems (CPS). We will explore measures and techniques for
securing systems from different perspectives. Possible attack models are
introduced and solutions to tackle such attacks are discussed. Moreover,
some basic concepts related to privacy in cyber physical systems are
presented.\n\nThe course comprises altogether five modules and is split up
Web Connectivity and Security in Embedded
EIT Digital into two main sections. The first section contains three modules and centers
Systems security
on the problem of web connectivity in cyber physical systems. The second
section consist of two modules focusing on security measures in such
systems. Each module ends with a graded quiz, and there is a final peer
reviewed exam at the end of the course covering the two main sections of
the course. \n\nAfter completing this course, you will have the basic
knowledge and capacity for designing the network architecture of your
cyber physical system. This includes putting together different components,
selecting suitable communication protocols, and utilizing these protocols in
your system. You will also be able to define security requirements for your
system and choose and implement a proper security and privacy technique
to protect it.
This MOOC – a joint initiative between EIT Digital, Université de Nice
Sophia-Antipolis / Université Côte d'Azur and INRIA - introduces the Linked
Data standards and principles that provide the foundation of the Semantic
web. You will learn how to publish, obtain and use structured data directly
from the Web. Learning the principles, languages and standards to
exchange Data on the Web will enable you to design and produce new
applications, products and services that leverage the volume and variety of
data the Web holds.\n\nWe divided this course into four parts that cover the
core technical skills and competencies you need to master to be able to use
the Web as a space for giant structure data exchange:\n• in the first part,
“Principals of a Web of Linked Data”: you will learn and practice the
principles to publish and obtain data directly on the Web instead of Web
pages; \n• in the second part, “The RDF Data Model”: you will learn the
standard data model for the Web and its syntaxes to publish and link data
Web of Data EIT Digital
on the Web in your applications and services;\n• in the third part,
“SPARQL Query Language”: you will learn how to directly query and access
data sources on the Web and obtain structured data relevant to your activity
and domain;\n• in the fourth and final part, “Integration of other Data
Formats and Sources”: you will learn how the Web standards interact and
interoperate with other data formats to allow the integration of a variety of
data sources.\n\nEach week alternates short videos and quizzes, as well as
supplementary resources and forums to gradually progress through the
different principles and standards.\n\nAfter following this course
successfully, you will have the skills to obtain focused and structured
datasets from the Web that you can then use to augment you own
datasets, enrich their dimensions, feed your applications, perform data
mining, machine learning and training, data analysis, AI processing and
reasoning and other data management.

Данные — золото цифрового мира. Невозможно управлять

современной цифровой компанией без знаний основ машинного
обучения. Если вы создаете новые продукты и сервисы, ищете
профессионалов в команду, выбираете подрядчиков и контролируете
ход цифровых проектов — вам необходимо знать об умных алгоритмах
и искусственном интеллекте.\n\nКурс по машинному обучению для
руководителей — это выжимка знаний и практического опыта. Вы узнаете: когда следует применять машинное обучение, какие виды
Машинное обучение для руководителей E-Learning Development Fund
obucheniye-dlya-rukovoditeley машинного обучения бывают, как организовать проект, о каких нюансах
принятия решения при внедрении искусственного интеллекта в
практическую деятельность важно помнить.\n\nВ результате обучения
вы:\n• Научитесь управлять проектами с применениям машинного
обучения и искусственного интеллекта\n• Узнаете о методологии Cross-
Industry Standard Process for Data Mining — межотраслевого
стандартного процесса для исследования данных\n• Научитесь строить
и проверять гипотезы
Курс "Основы управления личными финансами" — это базовый курс,
который поможет системно посмотреть на финансовую жизнь и
научиться cоставлять план своего финансового развития. Курс интересен тем, кто хочет навести порядок в своих финансах, найти
Основы управления личными финансами E-Learning Development Fund
lichnymi-finansami траекторию финансового развития, начать прививать здоровые
финансовые привычки, улучшить качество своей жизни, разобраться со
своими целями, потребностями и задачами, запланировать
дальнейшие шаги.
L’objectif du cours est de faire découvrir l’effectuation, qui est la logique
d’action utilisée par les entrepreneurs experts, révélée par les travaux
pionniers de la chercheuse américano-indienne Saras Sarasvathy. Le cours
Effectuation : l'entrepreneuriat pour tous emlyon business school vous montrera que l’entrepreneuriat n’est pas réservé à des super-héros,
mais au contraire accessible à tous. Il vous présentera les cinq principes
d’action utilisés par les entrepreneurs experts vous permettant, vous aussi,
de vous lancer.
What is “progress”? How do we decide when we’re moving forward and not
taking steps backward? And how do we explore the idea of progress
around public sites of memory? This Teach-Out is an invitation to think
about what progress means, and how you can look for it wherever you
are—in your city, community, or neighborhood—and reflect upon your own
ideas about the place you live in.\n\nChanges in the built environment of
our communities are themselves the result of human actions and intentions,
such as municipal planning, commercial enterprises, or communities
transforming their own space. In other words, in our cities we can see the
results of our plans—our attempts to create and shape the future.
Neighbors, political groups, corporations, governments, schools, and other
organizations, they all shape the community, leaving traces that allow us to
see in what directions they transformed our lives. \n\nThis Teach-Out will
ask the following questions:\n•\tWhat are the forces that shape and change
the places we inhabit? \n•\tHow do people connect with places in our
modern cities? \n•\tDo places progress? \n•\tHow can we measure in them
"Making" Progress Teach-Out Emory University whether there is any “progress”? \n\nWe will interview a number of people
who work in Atlanta, Georgia, but the questions and places we will see here
are comparable to many of other places in the world on what it means to
progress. In this Teach-Out you will learn how to find the history of public
spaces in any community and how to reflect upon the idea of progress.
Finally, you can join a conversation to discuss what has been explored,
uncovered, and possibly transformed both within ourselves and our
communities.\n\nA Teach-Out is: \n– an event – it takes place over a fixed,
short period of time \n– an opportunity – it is open for free participation to
everyone around the world \n– a community – it will be joined by a large
number of diverse individuals \n– a conversation – an opportunity to give
and take ideas and information from people \n\nThis community learning
event invites participants from around the world to come together in
conversation with the Emory campus community, including faculty experts.
This Teach-Out is part of Emory’s commitment to engage the local and
global community in exploring and understanding problems, events, and
phenomena most important to our society. \n\nOriginating from University of
With deteriorating health, particularly brain health, occurring at a global
level, this course introduces you to methods for maximizing your brain's
fitness through nutrition, exercise, meditation, and sleep. We'll debunk popular myths about prescribed practices for overall health and then
Biohacking Your Brain's Health Emory University
brains-health uncover studies from the last few decades revealing practical routines and
interventions that are proven to help improve the brain. You'll also get a
glimpse at the brain's structure and common brain functions, as well as a
"prescription" each week of tips for improving your brain's health.

This course will review challenges for maternal and newborn health in the
developing world, where a great many women and babies are suffering
from complications during pregnancy, childbirth, and the days following
birth. Themes covered include the epidemiology of maternal and newborn
mortality and morbidity, relevant issues for the global health workforce,
community-based interventions to improve maternal and newborn health
and survival, and sociocultural dynamics surrounding birth.\n\nThis course
provides a broad overview of maternal and newborn health issues facing
low-income and transitional countries, where more than 2.6 million babies
Childbirth: A Global Perspective Emory University
are stillborn and nearly 500,000 women die during childbirth or from
pregnancy-related complications each year. In the developing world, many
women deliver at home without a skilled care provider, drugs, or
technological supports. Maternal and newborn survival can be improved by
mobilizing communities and improving access to skilled care.\n\nThrough
lectures, case studies and readings, course participants will learn about
delivery challenges for maternal and newborn health services and how to
utilize community-based strategies to improve the health and survival of
mothers and babies.
In collaboration with the Rollins School of Public Health and the CDC's
Division of Global Health Protection, Emergency Response, and Recovery
Branch, this course introduces basic concepts and principles of
communicating during a global crisis or emergency. It explores why communication during an emergency is different and the importance of
Communicating During Global Emergencies Emory University
during-global-emergencies adapting emergency messages to the needs of affected populations.
Through sample scenarios, you will get the opportunity to identify
information needs and develop useful messages using six guiding
principles to help you communicate effectively and promote behaviors that
reduce health risks during an emergency.
This course introduces you to the concept of conflict transformation and
how it differs from conflict resolution, management, and prevention. We’ll
see how conflict offers opportunities for constructive change, and we'll
explore different tools and methods for engaging conflict constructively.\n\nRegardless of your familiarity with the topic, you'll get
Conflict Transformation Emory University
transformation insightful tips, portable handouts, lively demonstrations, and personalized
assignments to bridge and enhance your own knowledge and history within
the conflict narrative. In any area of your life, you'll benefit from the practical
techniques and transferable information offered throughout this five-week
Learn about the evolving Ebola epidemic and its various aspects including
Ebola Virus Disease: An Evolving Epidemic Emory University disease prevention, management and treatment, response to the epidemic,
ethical considerations, and the post-Ebola global health landscape.
Finance is for “Non-financial Managers” who want to understand key
financial principles and apply them in a real-world context. Over the course
of the program window, you will work your way through a series of nine
modules that move from understanding basic financial principles to applying
financial analysis and ratios to drive decisions. In addition, each module is capped with an ending self-evaluation to ensure that you have absorbed the
Finance for Non-Financial Managers Emory University
financial-managers following key learning objectives:\n\n+ Understand the language associated
with finance\n+ Know how and when to use financial terms and analysis
techniques\n+ Read and assess company performance using financial
statements\n+ Recognize the link between organizational strategy and
financial objectives\n+ Use "the numbers" to your best advantage to make
more informed decisions
How will customers act in the future? What will demand for our products
and services be? How much inventory should we order for the next
season? Beyond simply forecasting what customers will do, marketers need
to understand how their actions can shape future behavior. In Developing
Forecasting Models for Marketing Decisions Emory University Forecasting Tools with Excel, learners will develop an understanding of the
basic components of a forecasting model, how to build their own forecasting
models, and how to evaluate the performance of forecasting models. All of
this is done using Microsoft Excel, ensuring that learners can take their
skills and apply them to their own business problems.

The Modern Civil Rights Movement is a significant landmark in United

States history. This movement was a struggle for human rights directly
challenging the nation to extend its democratic principles to African
Americans and all peoples. This course sheds light on the often overlooked
strategic planning that supported the direction of the events and is told by a
voice intimately involved in the organization of movement—Dr. Bernard
LaFayette, Jr. Topics include the history of the campaigns, the different
coalitions and groups, philosophy and methods of nonviolent direct action,
and the contemporary application of nonviolent conflict transformation. The
course hosts several guest speakers, including Andrew Young, Reverend
From Freedom Rides to Ferguson: Narratives of C.T. Vivian, Henry "Hank" Thomas, and Constance Curry.\n\nUpon
Nonviolence in the American Civil Rights Emory University completion of this course, learners will be able to:\n\n● Discuss the
Movement contributions and involvement of civil rights activists and leaders in the Civil
Rights Movement (CRM) campaigns in the United States. \n● Examine the
chronology and phases of the Movement and CRM campaigns.\n●
Recognize and characterize the diverse activist groups involved in the
CRM. \n● Discuss Martin Luther King Jr.’s philosophy of nonviolence from
a historical perspective. \n● List and define the principles and strategies of
nonviolence. \n● Examine organizational and social change applications
related to nonviolence. \n● Identify the role of nonviolence in modern
activism along with additional resources to broaden knowledge of principles
of nonviolence. \n● Recognize the application of nonviolence theories to
activism, current issues, and everyday life.
The Center for Humanitarian Emergencies is a partnership between CDC's
Emergency Response and Recovery Branch and the Rollins School of
Public Health that drives global collaboration, research and evidence based
training to improve the lives and well-being of populations impacted by
humanitarian emergencies.\n- Center for Humanitarian Emergencies:\n- CDC's Emergency Response and Recovery
course covers the technical and management principles that are the basis
of planning, implementing, and evaluating health programs for acutely
displaced populations in developing countries. The emphasis is on refugees
Health in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies Emory University in camp situations. The course includes modules on assessment, nutrition,
epidemiology of major health problems, surveillance, and program
management in the context of an international relief operation.\n\nCourse
Objectives\nUpon completion of this course, learners will be able to:\n1.
Describe a complex humanitarian crisis in terms of magnitude, person, time
and place.\n2. Calculate basic epidemiology measures.\n3. Evaluate the
strengths and limitations of epidemiological data within the context of
CHE.\n4. Develop public health programs and strategies responsive to the
diverse cultural values and traditions of the community being served.\n5.
Identify internal and external problems that may affect the delivery of
essential public health services in a CHE.\n6. Identify the different technical
areas in a public health response in CHEs.

Social media not only provides marketers with a means of communicating

with their customers, but also a way to better understand their customers.
Viewing consumers’ social media activity as the “voice of the consumer,”
this session exposes learners to the analytic methods that can be used to
convert social media data to marketing insights. In Introduction to Social
Media Analytics, learners will be exposed to both the benefits and
limitations of relying on social media data compared to traditional methods of marketing research. Partnering with a leading social media listening
Introduction to Social Media Analytics Emory University
analytics-introduction platform, this course provides learners with the foundational skills of social
media listening including the creation of monitors and common social media
metrics. Moving beyond social media listening, this course shows learners
how social media data can be used to provide insights into market structure
and consumers’ perceptions of the brand. Learners will have the
opportunity to assess data and discern how to "listen" to the data by
watching video lectures and completing activities, practice quizzes,
discussion boards, and peer assessments.
What does it mean to be educated? What are ways we become educated
through different stages of our lives? Each individual takes a unique journey
to and through education. Join us in exploring these questions and others,
as learning happens in more places than a classroom. \n\nA Teach-Out is
an online public educational event that sparks discussion and action around
a topic of societal importance. This Teach-Out contains no quizzes and no
certificate of completion, as it is not a course. You will be presented with
videos, discussion questions, resources for further inquiry, and a call-to-
action. The purpose of this Teach-Out event is to engage in a dialogue
Journeys to Education Teach-Out Emory University about education by exploring different perspectives, listening to the voices
of others, and respectfully sharing your own experiences and
thoughts.\n\nEmory would like to give a special thanks to Tara Westover,
author of “Educated.” Emory selected Westover’s memoir as the 2019-2020
Common Read. The Common Reading program is an opportunity for all
incoming first-year students and first year PhD students to engage in
meaningful conversation through a community narrative. Developing a
Teach-Out on topics related to Westover’s memoir, opens the conversation
beyond Emory’s campus community and invites you to engage with one
another no matter where you live.

Marketers must make the best decisions based on the information

presented to them. Rarely will they have all the information necessary to
predict what consumers will do with complete certainty. By incorporating
uncertainty into the decisions that they make, they can anticipate a wide
range of possible outcomes and recognize the extent of uncertainty on the
decisions that they make. In Incorporating Uncertainty into Marketing
Managing Uncertainty in Marketing Analytics Emory University Decisions, learners will become familiar with different methods to recognize
sources of uncertainty that may affect the marketing decisions they
ultimately make. We eschew specialized software and provide learners with
the foundational knowledge they need to develop sophisticated marketing
models in a basic spreadsheet environment. Topics include the
development and application of Monte Carlo simulations, and the use of
probability distributions to characterize uncertainty.
This capstone project will give you an opportunity to apply what we have
covered in the Foundations of Marketing Analytics specialization. By the
end of this capstone project, you will have conducted exploratory data analysis, examined pairwise relationships among different variables, and
Marketing Analytics Capstone Project Emory University
project developed and tested a predictive model to solve a marketing analytics
problem. It is highly recommended that you complete all courses within the
Foundations of Marketing Analytics specialization before starting the
capstone course.
With marketers are poised to be the largest users of data within the
organization, there is a need to make sense of the variety of consumer data
that the organization collects. Surveys, transaction histories and billing
records can all provide insight into consumers’ future behavior, provided
that they are interpreted correctly. In Introduction to Marketing Analytics, we
introduce the tools that learners will need to convert raw data into marketing
insights. The included exercises are conducted using Microsoft Excel,
Meaningful Marketing Insights Emory University ensuring that learners will have the tools they need to extract information
from the data available to them. The course provides learners with
exposure to essential tools including exploratory data analysis, as well as
regression methods that can be used to investigate the impact of marketing
activity on aggregate data (e.g., sales) and on individual-level choice data
(e.g., brand choices). \n\nTo successfully complete the assignments in this
course, you will require Microsoft Excel. If you do not have Excel, you can
download a free 30-day trial here:

This course will assist you with recreating work that a previous coworker
completed, revisiting a project you abandoned some time ago, or simply
reproducing a document with a consistent format and workflow. Incomplete
information about how the work was done, where the files are, and which is
Reproducible Templates for Analysis and the most recent version can give rise to many complications. This course
Emory University
Dissemination templates-analysis focuses on the proper documentation creation process, allowing you and
your colleagues to easily reproduce the components of your workflow.
Throughout this course, you'll receive helpful demonstrations of RStudio
and the R Markdown language and engage in active learning opportunities
to help you build a professional online portfolio.

How well do you think you know tango? This two-week mini-course is
designed for music lovers, musicians, and dancers who are interested in
learning more about the Argentine Tango. It will explore the many
dimensions of the Argentine Tango music, including its origins,
popularization during the Golden Age, dissemination abroad, evolution into
So You Think You Know Tango? Emory University an artistic music-dance form, and adoption by Argentine and international
art-music composers to date. The goal is to provide learners with an
authentic and holistic tango experience by intersecting scholarly studies of
the history, theory, and culture of tango with knowledge of instrumental
performance practices. Learners can also learn more about basic tango
gestures and steps that embody the music, as well as the poetry of tango.
How do consumers see your brand relative to your competitors? How
should a new product be positioned when it’s launched? Which customer
segments are most interested in our current offerings? For these questions
and many others, surveys remain the tried and true method for gaining
marketing insights. From one-off customer satisfaction surveys to brand
tracking surveys that are administered on a continuous basis, they provide
the information that marketers need to understand how their products,
services and brands are seen by consumers. In Analytic Methods for
Survey Data, learners will become familiar with established statistical
Survey analysis to Gain Marketing Insights Emory University methods for converting survey responses to insights that can support
marketing decisions. Techniques discussed include factor analytics, cluster
analysis, discriminant analysis and multi-dimensional scaling. These
techniques are presented within the STP (Segmentation, Positioning,
Targeting) Framework, enabling learners to apply the analytic techniques to
develop a marketing strategy. It is recommended that you complete the
Meaningful Marketing Insights course offered by Coursera before taking this
course. \n\nNote: This course would require using XL Stat, an Excel Add-on
that students would need to purchase. XL Stat offers a 30-day free trial, so
students could complete this course without incurring additional expense.

This is a course about addiction to drugs and other behaviors. It will describe what happens in the brain and how this information helps us deal
The Addicted Brain Emory University
brain with and overcome addiction. It will also discuss other topics such as
government policy and our vulnerability to take drugs.
With its walls razed to ground by Babylon’s armies, Jerusalem joined a long
line of ancient vanquished cities—from Ur and Nineveh and Persepolis to
Babylon itself. While some recovered from the destruction, others did not.
But none responded to political catastrophe by fashioning the kind of
elaborate and enduring monument to their own downfall that we find in the
Bible. Most conquered populations viewed their subjugation as a source of
shame. They consigned it to oblivion, opting instead to extol the golden
ages of the past. The biblical authors in contrast reacted to loss by
composing extensive writings that acknowledge collective failure, reflect
deeply upon its causes, and discover thereby a ground for collective hope.
\n \nWorking through colorful biblical and ancient Near Eastern texts, and
drawing on an array of comparative examples, the course illustrates the
The Bible's Prehistory, Purpose, and Political thoroughgoing manner with which biblical authors responded to defeat by
Emory University
Future advancing a demotic agenda that places the community at the center. The
aim of the biblical authors was to create a nation, and they sought to realize
this goal via a shared text, which includes stories and songs, wisdom and
laws. This corpus of writings belongs, without a doubt, to humanity’s
greatest achievements. Whereas the great civilizations of the Near East
invested their energies and resources into monuments of stone that could
be destroyed by invading armies, the biblical authors left a literary legacy
that has been intensively studied until the present day. More important,
these authors’ visionary response to defeat brought to light a radical new
wisdom: the notion that a people is greater than the state which governs it,
and that a community can survive collapse when all of its members can
claim a piece of the pie and therefore have a reason to take an active part
in its collective life.
Sensation seeking is a trait we all have and includes the search for complex
and new experiences. Thrill Seekers, people with high-sensation seeking personalities, crave exotic and intense experiences even when physical or
The Psychology of Thrill Seekers Emory University
seekers social risks are involved. This course helps learners examine the
remarkable world of the high-sensation seeking personality and explores
the lifestyle, psychology, and neuroscience behind thrill seekers.

We are so pleased to have you join us as we investigate this crucial topic.

\n\nViolence is a leading cause of death, disability and health care use
worldwide. Violence is a complex problem and can only be understood and
reduced though a multidisciplinary approach. \n\nThis course introduces
you to experts who study different forms of violence and we will discuss the
various causes of violence. You will also learn about efforts to reduce
violence and engage in a day of compassion.\n\nWe are very fortunate that
Understanding Violence Emory University PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER is participating in our course. He delivers a
lecture on the efforts of the Carter Center to end violence around the world,
and he engages in a discussion with us about his life and work in human
rights.\n\nDo join us for short videos, readings and discussions. And also
see our coffee chats, where we (Pamela and Deb) summarize and reflect
on each module. \n\nAnd we want to hear from you! Feel free to reach out
via Twitter or through the course, or through our Facebook Page:

Across the globe, more people are suffering from obesity than at any other
time in our history. Why has obesity become so common and so
challenging? In this course, we will look at the root cause of obesity, as
explained by the latest science. We will see how our food environment has
evolved over the last half-century, and how it is altering our biology to over- consume calories and resist sustained weight loss. We will also see how
Weight Management: Beyond Balancing Calories Emory University
management-beyond-balancing-calories stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and inadequate sleep disrupt our appetite
control system to promote gaining weight. By developing a better
understanding of the physiology behind obesity, you will learn how to work
with your body to prevent and manage weight gain. This course will also
provide practical tools and strategies for creating a long-term, sustainable
weight management plan to leverage your habits and your surroundings.
Integrated landscape management and large-scale landscape restoration
should be in every company’s business strategy because in order to reach
the Sustainable Development Goal on Land Degradation Neutrality (SDG
Number 15.3) scaling up and acceleration of business-driven landscape
restoration is urgently needed.\n\nThis requires business professionals with
a vision, the right knowledge and skills. This MOOC aims to train the next
generation of business professionals and developers to acknowledge
business’ interdependency with healthy landscapes and understand the
value of ecosystem resources.\n\n“Historically, we have found countless
ways to justify our continued exploitation of the environment: discovery,
tradition, Manifest Destiny, even Chinese hoax. But we’re all out of excuses
now. Each passing day swells the data on greenhouse gases and extreme
weather, shrinking reservoirs and rising sea levels, and diminishing
biodiversity. Our resources are finite, the window for change if not firmly
shut, is certainly closing, and all life must adapt or be doomed.”\n\nTéa
Obreht, \nThe New Yorker, Dec. 19&26, 2016, p. 106.\n\nIt is a frightening
A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape
Erasmus University Rotterdam prospect indeed – that all life on Earth must either adapt or be doomed.
Restoration restoration-sustainable-development
This course is about landscape degradation – a global and wicked problem
that is contributing to the dooming prospect of depletion of Earth’s finite
resources. But this course is also about the solutions to this problem –
business driven landscape restoration.\nSo rather than leaving you
powerless with the prospect Obreht puts fowards above, it is our hope that
you learn how you can be part of the solution to making sure that Planet
Earth still provides a safe and habitable home for future generations. \nWe
must act big and we must act now.\nWith this course we want to pass on
valuable knowledge and teach you useful skills that you can apply in your
professional life that will enable you to tackle the issue of landscape
degradation and restoration. \nThe issue is urgent, so let’s dive right into
it.\n\nThis MOOC is developed by the ENABLE partnership, which is co-
funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission and
involves a diverse, international group of organizations including Rotterdam
School of Management, Erasmus University, Commonland, United Nations
University Land Restoration Training Programme, the Spanish National
Hi and welcome to this course! \n\nWould you like to learn about the latest
valuation methods that may help you to make better business decisions?
Then 'Advanced Valuation and Strategy – M&A, Private Equity, and Venture
Capital' by Erasmus University Rotterdam is the right course for you! This
course is helpful for executives that need to value complete strategies and
for all students interested in corporate finance and strategy. We present the
latest tools and show you how to apply them!\n\nWe will revolutionize your
way of decision making, by extending static techniques from corporate
finance with dynamic methods to quantify strategic thinking. Traditionally,
we assess the attractiveness of an investment as a mature business, where
future cash flows mainly result from past decisions. But, in an ever-
changing world, strategic decisions determine the firm’s long-term success
and market value. Yet managers often have to consider these long-term
implications using intuition and experience alone, with little guidance from
structured, quantitative analysis.\n\nOur treatment goes far beyond the use
of standard valuation analysis. We introduce the expanded NPV, which
Advanced Valuation and Strategy - M&A, Private
Erasmus University Rotterdam brings together DCF, real options, and game theory. Thinking in terms of
Equity, and Venture Capital and-strategy
options, games, and adaptive strategies may help managers address
strategic questions such as: How do you value a leveraged buyout? How
can you value a high-tech venture with negative cash flows? When should
you invest in new ventures in stages? How can you incorporate rival bidders
in the analysis?\n\nThe tools we provide can improve your decisions in
business and in daily life.\n\n* Who is this class for?\nWe hope that our
course appeals to (graduate) students in finance, economics, and business,
as well as to high-ranking professionals and a general audience. This
course is particularly interesting for venture capitalists, private equity
investors, investment bankers, CEOs, CFOs, and those who aspire these
affiliations. We offer this MOOC at 3 levels:\n\n1.Executive Summary:
\nThis 1-week module provides critical insights into the principles of
corporate valuation and strategy. This is accessible for time-constrained
executives and the general audience without any prior knowledge.\n\n2.
Student Level:\nThis level involves an understanding of the technical
details. This level requires basic knowledge of concepts in corporate
Are you a teacher in higher education wanting to get the best out of your
students and assessments? Then on behalf of Risbo, Erasmus University
Rotterdam, we would like to welcome you to this MOOC on Assessment in
Higher Education. In this MOOC we will guide you through the different
phases of preparing, creating and evaluating the assessments in your
course. \n\nAfter participating in this MOOC, you will be able to:\n1.\tDesign
an assessment that is constructively aligned (content, level, methods) with
the course objectives and activities\n2.\tApply the quality criteria with
respect to validity, reliability and transparency for construction of
assessments and assessment items\n3.\tAnalyze the assessment output
and results, assess the quality of the assessment and make decisions
about students’ grades accordingly \n4.\tFormulate future improvements for
an assessment\n\nFor the assignments, you will be working with your own
teaching materials. For example you will create your own assessment plan
for your course. Next to that you will become part of a learning community
Assessment in Higher Education: Professional with teachers from all over the world.\n\nWe are offering you instructional
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Development for Teachers education videos, interviews, animations and checklists. In addition to these, there will
be course activities, such as assessments, and discussion prompts. By
participating in this MOOC, you will find answers to the following
questions:\n\n•\tWhat is the role of assessment? \n•\tHow can you select
the right methods of assessment for your course? \n•\tWhat is constructive
alignment? \n•\tHow can an assessment plan and matrix help you in the
construction of assessments? \n•\tIs it possible to make an absolute reliable
and valid assessment? \n•\tHow can the formulation of good assessment
questions have an impact on that? \n•\tWhat is the role of feedback?
\n•\tHow can rubrics help with providing feedback? \n•\tWhat are the things
to consider when performing an exam or item analysis? What aspects
should you look out for? \n•\tHow do you draw conclusions from an exam
analysis and make plans for future improvements? \n•\tIf good students fail
on certain questions, what does this say about the question… or about your
teaching?\n\nAre you ready for enhancing your teaching skills? Then take
this journey with us.
The 8-week course is designed in 3 phases that move the participants from
ideation towards the successful implementation of a new sustainable
business model for landscape restoration with 4 returns: return of natural
capital, return of social capital, return of inspiration and return of financial
capital. This course was created by the ENABLE consortium: Commonland,
United Nations University Land Restoration Training Programme, Spanish
National Research Council CSIC, Nova School of Business & Economics,
Rotterdam School of Management, and Erasmus University.\n\nBuilding on
our ENABLE’s first MOOC "A Business Approach to Sustainable Landscape
Restoration" (
sustainable-development/home/welcome), this second MOOC focuses on
the potential for a positive role of business model innovation for landscape
restoration, highlighting the following elements: \n- Vision Formulation\n-
Systems Analysis\n- Stakeholder Analysis\n- Opportunity Analysis\n-
Business Model Design\n- Solution Validation\n- Assessment &
Monitoring\n- Reflection & Iteration\n\nThis new course furthermore takes a
Business Model Innovation for Sustainable
Erasmus University Rotterdam partnership approach to take on the challenge of large-scale landscape
Landscape Restoration landscape-restoration
restoration, reflecting the interconnectedness of ecology, society and
economy in landscape management. \n\nInterdisciplinary teams are needed
to find and implement solutions to the wicked problem of landscape
degradation, which is why this MOOC is designed to work preferably with a
team. If it suits your circumstances best, you can certainly also work
individually.\n\nWe have included three real-life cases of existing landscape
restoration projects. For each step of the innovation process, we zoom in on
those landscapes to show you how the theory looks in practice. \nA case
about the Hekluskógar woodlands restoration project, an ambitious large-
scale restoration project in Iceland to restore the provision of valuable
ecosystem services and increase resilience to natural disasters like tephra
deposition from volcanic eruptions; a case about diversification of land use
and cropping systems in Spain to prevent land degradation and help
restoring already degraded land; and a case about the disastrous effects of
forest fires in Portugal.\n\nAdditionally, MOOC participants are provided
with other examples around the globe and numerous resources, such as
Have you ever wondered which legal rules are applicable to cross-border
EU road transport? Are you interested in the issues revolving around EU
employment law in the international road transport sector? Then, on behalf
of the University of Antwerp, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of
Gdańsk, University of Luxembourg and Tilburg University, we would like to
welcome you to this MOOC on Cross-border Road Transport in EU law
context. This MOOC is a part of the Erasmus + Project funded by the
European Commission. In this MOOC, you will not only learn what the
current legal framework is, but also, how it is applied in the road transport
sector.\n\nAfter participating in this MOOC, you will be able to: \n\n1.
Describe the basics of the process of European integration, in the light of
the affirmation of the four fundamental freedoms \nof the EU, European
framework on private international law, the posting of workers, social
security coordination and social dialogue.\n2. Understand the interplay
between Treaty provisions and secondary sources in the relevant fields.\n3.
Understand the frictions between the rationales underneath the legal
Cross-border road transport in EU law context Erasmus University Rotterdam provisions that govern EU social policy and labour law.\n4. Analyse the
most relevant case law of the European Court of Justice with an impact on
the rights of international road transport workers.\n5. Familiarise with official
documents of the EU institutions and with academic and other relevant
literature in this field.\n6. Use, where relevant, the implementation of EU
rules by Member States.\n7. Solve cases dealing with the implementation of
the applicable legal provisions.\n\nWe are offering you knowledge clips,
memoranda that contain in-depth legal information on the different key
topics, recommended readings and case law. Next to that after each
module, you could test your acquired knowledge by taking a multiple choice
test. In the end of this course, you will be able to apply everything you have
learned in a practical manner by solving our sample guide case that
resembles a real life scenario which challenges you to deal with everyday's
problems faced in the cross-border road transport by practitioners in the
field. \n\nBy participating in this MOOC, you will find answers to the
following questions:\n\n1. Which of the four fundamental freedoms is
applicable?\n2. Which court has jurisdiction over a labour dispute and which
Extreme weather events, wars, famine and environmental destruction are
just a few of the wicked problems faced by humanity. \nThat’s why in 2015
the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
This agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that
target the big challenges such as how to eliminate poverty, how to protect
the environment and how to bring about peace. Every member state
committed to achieving these goals by 2030. \n\nWhat can businesses do
to counter climate change and create a sustainable business culture? Why
is this relevant for business anyway? Explore how business can contribute
to a better future for people AND the planet without giving up profits.
\n\nThis course has been developed by Rotterdam School of Management
at Erasmus University (RSM). It focuses on the role of businesses in
achieving the SDGs. You will gain insights from leaders of international
companies and academics in business and management who will guide
you through the issue of how businesses can contribute to the SDGs.
\n\nThe course received a 'MOOC Award of Excellence' by the Sustainable
Driving business towards the Sustainable
Erasmus University Rotterdam Development Solutions Network and the SDG Academy in September 2019
Development Goals
announced)\n\nAfter completing this course you will: \n•\tknow what the
SDGs are, why they are important and how each individual can be an agent
for positive change in the world; \n•\tunderstand the role of business in the
transition to sustainable development to create a prosperous future for all;
\n•\tbe able to identify interconnectedness of the SDGs and the challenges
behind solving them; \n•\tknow how management insights can contribute to
the SDGs; \n•\tbe able to evaluate the effectiveness of current business
strategies in contributing to the SDGs; \n•\tdevelop a positive, critical, aware
and courageous attitude towards the SDGs. \n\nThe course consists of
seven units, each focusing on several aspects of sustainable development
and taking one week to complete. \n\nYou will study by watching videos,
reading literature and by engaging in other activities such as weekly
challenges. \nAssignments will consist of quizzes, discussions with your
fellow students, and challenges to implement in your daily life.\n\nAre you
ready to find out how you can be an agent for positive change? Register
Welcome!\nDo you wish to know how to analyze and solve business and
economic questions with data analysis tools? Then Econometrics by
Erasmus University Rotterdam is the right course for you, as you learn how
to translate data into models to make forecasts and to support decision
making.\n\n* What do I learn?\nWhen you know econometrics, you are able
to translate data into models to make forecasts and to support decision
making in a wide variety of fields, ranging from macroeconomics to finance
and marketing. Our course starts with introductory lectures on simple and
multiple regression, followed by topics of special interest to deal with model
specification, endogenous variables, binary choice data, and time series
data. You learn these key topics in econometrics by watching the videos
with in-video quizzes and by making post-video training exercises. \n\n* Do
I need prior knowledge?\nThe course is suitable for (advanced
undergraduate) students in economics, finance, business, engineering, and
data analysis, as well as for those who work in these fields. The course
requires some basics of matrices, probability, and statistics, which are
Econometrics: Methods and Applications Erasmus University Rotterdam reviewed in the Building Blocks module. If you are searching for a MOOC
on econometrics of a more introductory nature that needs less background
in mathematics, you may be interested in the Coursera course “Enjoyable
Econometrics” that is also from Erasmus University Rotterdam.\n\n* What
literature can I consult to support my studies?\nYou can follow the MOOC
without studying additional sources. Further reading of the discussed topics
(including the Building Blocks) is provided in the textbook that we wrote and
on which the MOOC is based: Econometric Methods with Applications in
Business and Economics, Oxford University Press. The connection
between the MOOC modules and the book chapters is shown in the Course
Guide – Further Information – How can I continue my studies.\n\n* Will
there be teaching assistants active to guide me through the course?\nStaff
and PhD students of our Econometric Institute will provide guidance in
January and February of each year. In other periods, we provide only
elementary guidance. We always advise you to connect with fellow learners
of this course to discuss topics and exercises.\n\n* How will I get a
certificate?\nTo gain the certificate of this course, you are asked to make six
The goal of this MOOC is to show that econometric methods are often
needed to answer questions. A question comes first, then data are to be
collected, and then finally the model or method comes in. Depending on the
data, however, it can happen that methods need to be adapted. For
example, where we first look at two variables, later we may need to look at
three or more. Or, when data are missing, what then do we do? And, if the
data are counts, like the number of newspaper articles citing someone, then
matters may change too. But these modifications always come last, and are
considered only when relevant. \n\nAn important motivation for me to make this MOOC is to emphasize that econometric models and methods can also
Enjoyable Econometrics Erasmus University Rotterdam
econometrics be applied to more unconventional settings, which are typically settings
where the practitioner has to collect his or her own data first. Such
collection can be done by carefully combining existing databases, but also
by holding surveys or running experiments. A byproduct of having to collect
your own data is that this helps to choose amongst the potential methods
and techniques that are around.\n\nIf you are searching for a MOOC on
econometrics that treats (mathematical and statistical) methods of
econometrics and their applications, you may be interested in the Coursera
course “Econometrics: Methods and Applications” that is also from Erasmus
University Rotterdam.

The world is urbanizing fast. In less than a century more than 1 billion
people have been urbanized. That translates into the fact that more than
half of the world’s population is already living in cities. Experts forecast that
very soon Africa will become one of the most urbanized continents.
However, almost 70% of world’s urban population is living in the cities
where governments are struggling to provide basic services like sanitation,
schools, hospitals, and adequate clean water. \n\nThe reason is that, their
governments do not have enough money. This may also be true also for the
city where you live or work. Poor infrastructure affects your daily life. Local
governments struggle with mobilizing finances so that they can improve
your quality of life but many times they are not aware of the right
mechanisms. \n\nImagine that your government wants to know how can
Financing Infrastructure in African Cities Erasmus University Rotterdam they finance cities and they want you to advise – where will you begin with?
Our finance experts are bringing their experience right at your Desk through
this MOOC. This MOOC has five modules and in five weeks you will
learn:\n•\tFinancial decision making environment in urban
systems\n•\tMechanisms for mobilizing local revenues\n•\tInnovative
mechanisms for financing infrastructure projects through partnerships, and
\n•\tFinancial decision making under uncertainties and risks\n\nWe will
provide you a carefully selected set of literature, quizzes and interactive
discussion forums. So join our MOOC and find out the ways to make your
city a better place to live in for yourself and for your next
generations.\n\n(This MOOC was developed in collaboration with the United
Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG-Africa), African Local
Governments Academy (ALGA), and Erasmus University Rotterdam)
What is innovation management? How do firms bring in new business
models and get new products and services to the market? Go on a nine-
week journey through innovation management concepts, theories of idea
generation, selection, strategy formulation and implementation in this
MOOC in Innovation Management. In it, you will also learn the tools for
implementing innovation projects yourself. \n\nGuided by world-class
academics, you will develop an innovative mindset and expertise in how
firms successfully create new ideas for marketing new products. The
syllabus also includes sessions about innovation strategy, idea
management and social networks.\n\nDuring this course, you will learn how
to:\n•\tuse the main innovation management terminology and
concepts\n•\texplain the adoption life cycle and innovation adoption at the
Innovation Management Erasmus University Rotterdam individual level\n•\tdefine creativity and explain how creativity can be
stimulated\n•\trecognise and describe three types of idea management
systems\n•\texplain what an innovation strategy is and why it is
important\n•\tdescribe what a product portfolio is \n•\texplain how innovation
projects should be selected and managed\n•\texplain the importance of
teams, team structures and networks for innovation.\n\nRotterdam School
of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) is one of Europe’s leading
business schools, and ranked among the top three for research. RSM’s
primary focus is on developing business leaders with international careers
who carry their innovative mindset into a sustainable future. Go to for more information.\n\nThis nine-week MOOC in Innovation
Management is taught in English. There is no fee to participate in the
In this MOOC you will learn about the colorful and diverse international
security landscape, and gain insights into challenging topics including Open
Source Intelligence, serious organised crime and illicit trade. You will also
meet stakeholders from different sectors and backgrounds. We recorded
International Security Management Erasmus University Rotterdam our videos at different locations in Europe to also give you an insight into
the original environment of our contributing experts. You will realize that the
style and focus of the various presentations will differ from one week to the
other. We feel that this is a big asset! And yes, we also have men in suits
and uniforms...
Wondering why economists have not predicted serious financial crises?
Shocked by economic assumptions of human behavior as self-centered
and focusing only on what can be measured? Asking yourself if there are
no sensible economic alternatives to free markets? Then you are at the
right place to learn economics! \n\nThis is the first online course that
teaches economics from a pluralist perspective. Economic pluralism means
that a plurality of theoretical and methodological viewpoints is regarded as
valuable in itself and is simply the best way in which economics can make
progress in understanding the world. This MOOC will illustrate economic
pluralism not only in substance but also in form. You will see not only me, a
Professor of Economics, but also a pop-up Prof of our business school, who
illustrates the actor perspective of firms, government and civil society. And
you will meet an online student, based in Greece, who will help you through
the tutorial videos in which I will explain key concepts, tools and techniques.
\n\nI will not limit myself to the dominant theory, as almost every other
course does. Instead, I will introduce you to four very different economic
Introduction to Economic Theories Erasmus University Rotterdam theories for the whole set of standard topics in microeconomics and
macroeconomics. The theories are presented every time from broad and
more interdisciplinary to narrow and more mathematical. The four theories
that I like to introduce you to are Social Economics, Institutional Economics,
Post Keynesian economics and, at the very end of each topic, Neoclassical
Economics, for the special case of ideally functioning markets. But not
everything is different in this course. Like every economics course, it
includes numbers, diagrams, tables, equations, and some calculations.
\n\nWhy would you go through the effort of learning the basics of four
theories instead of one? Because it will help you to see why many
economists cannot predict crises, whereas others can see signals but are
often not being listened to because they do not belong to the dominant
school of thought. It will also enable you to see that it is just one theory
claiming economic agents to be self-centered and focusing on the
measurable only. Other economic theories go well beyond these limitations.
And, finally, the pluralist approach will provide you with policy alternatives to
neoliberalist policies promoting free markets. \n\nThe objective of this
Welcome to this MOOC on Local Economic Development (LED). Local
economic development refers to the processes by which local governments,
businesses, and civil society groups get together to raise income
sustainably and improve their lives in a well-defined area. It’s about creating
jobs, securing livelihoods, improving infrastructure and managing local
resources.\n\nWhat do I learn?\n\nWe will be dealing with questions such
as the following. Why does economic development take place in some
areas of the world and not in others? Why doesn’t it happen in your place?
What prevents people from having the lives they want to live right there?
Could your region make more of the opportunities of globalization and new
technologies? Did the promises of decentralization in your country fail to
deliver better public services and more responsive governments? If these
are the questions you are asking yourself, this is the right course for you. It
explores the where, who and how of economic development.\n\nPlease
have a look at our list of contents for the coming 8 weeks:\n1.\tWhat is
LED? What drives it?\n2.\tHow does globalization shape LED?\n3.\tHow
Local Economic Development Erasmus University Rotterdam does decentralisation affect LED?\n4.\tHow does competitiveness affect
innovation?\n5.\tWhat are entrepreneurship and its dimensions?\n6.\tWhy
are value chains and clusters so important?\n7.\tWhat are some LED
strategies?\n8.\tYour project\n\nHow will I learn?\n\nIn each week you will
be able to access the content of the videos, suggested readings and
additional videos for selective deepening. You will also find assignments
that you have to complete if you want to earn a certificate for this MOOC.
We will first introduce our “toolkit”, a series of theories and concepts that will
help you read the situation in your locality. We will explore the main factors
affecting local economic development, such as globalization,
decentralisation, and competitiveness. We will discuss key components,
like entrepreneurship and innovation and look into the organization of local
economies into clusters, value chains and learning regions. We will
conclude by deepening on some specific constructs that make local
economies grow to benefit their communities. You will also contribute your
ideas in the discussion forums, where you will learn from other participants
around the world. \n\nWhat makes this course special? \nThere is plenty of
From William Harvey discovering the circulation of blood to Albert Einstein
developing the theory of relativity: almost all scientific research starts from
something odd and unexpected that hasn't been explained yet, and,
subsequently, the scientist creatively imagining possible explanations for it,
formulating hypotheses.\n\nHowever, the problem with formulating
hypotheses is the "theory-ladenness of observation": ones expectations and
background theories curtail and determine what one observes. The best
way to reduce the negative consequences of theory-ladenness of
observation as much as possible, is not by adopting the highest
methodological standards, but by continuing to think outside the box
throughout the problem solving process, by tirelessly, creatively imagining
alternative explanations and hypotheses.\n\nIn this learning experience you will be turned upside down by philosopher Tim de Mey, who will challenge
Mind of the Universe: Science in Progress Erasmus University Rotterdam
universe-science-in-progress you to think outside of your comfort zone. You will be challenged to reflect
critically and creatively on what triggers your research, i.e., what is driving
the scientist in you. Tim will show you how openness to and interaction with
other disciplines generates new ideas, and how important it is that
scientists, besides the possibilities of their own discipline, are also aware of
its (and there) limitations. Take this challenge and you will construct the
perfect out-of-the-box research question that will tease the Mind of the
Universe scientists to explore even better answers in their research.\n\nThis
online learning experience is a spin-off of The Mind of the Universe
documentary series created by the Dutch broadcasting company VPRO and
professor Robbert Dijkgraaf, Princeton University. A number of universities
in the Netherlands have used the open source material of the documentary
series as a starting point to create similar experiences.
Climate change poses a threat to economic growth and long-term
prosperity of many countries around the world. Africa is not an exception,
considering the actual and potential impacts of climate change and climate
variability that will threaten its vulnerable sectors and human populations.
African countries are projected to experience changing rainfall patterns,
rising sea levels, and higher temperatures that will affect food security,
agricultural production, water availability, and public health, among others.
These climate change impacts and climate variability can further produce
social and political problems, such as rural-urban migration and water
resource disputes. \n\nFurthermore, the low levels of development in
many African countries, as well as limited institutional, infrastructural, and
technical capacities to respond successfully to climate change impacts and
climate variability, can exacerbate the situation. In terms of contribution to
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, although African countries are the
lightest polluters, it has also become apparent that alternative energy
sources can offset the increasing energy demand and dependence on
Planning for Climate Change in African Cities Erasmus University Rotterdam biomass. Addressing climate change offers possibilities for low-carbon
development. Moreover, there are promising mechanisms that can address
both climate change actions and development goals simultaneously. \n\nAt
the city level, strengthening resilience, or the ability to respond to and
absorb the effects of a hazardous event in a timely and efficient manner
and to sustain this ability in the future, and adaptation; the process of
adjusting to actual or expected climate change stimuli or their effects,
should be at the forefront of planning. Local governments have an
important role to play through the provision of adequate infrastructure,
regulation of land use, and other public services that are crucial for urban
resilience. Mobilizing local governments, in collaboration with national
governments, non-governmental organizations, and international
organizations, among others, is also critical for an integrated multi-sectoral
approach to climate change. \n\nThe Course on Planning for Climate
Change in African Cities provides the foundation for understanding cities’
exposure and sensitivity to climate change, and how cities can manage
these impacts in the face of growing uncertainty. It does so by introducing
Welcome to this massive open online course (MOOC) about Qualitative
Comparative Analysis (QCA). Please read the points below before you start
the course. This will help you prepare well for the course and attend it
properly. It will also help you determine if the course offers the knowledge
and skills you are looking for.\n\nWhat can you do with QCA?\n•\tQCA is a
comparative method that is mainly used in the social sciences for the
assessment of cause-effect relations (i.e. causation). \n•\tQCA is relevant
for researchers who normally work with qualitative methods and are looking
for a more systematic way of comparing and assessing cases. \n•\tQCA is
also useful for quantitative researchers who like to assess alternative (more
complex) aspects of causation, such as how factors work together in
producing an effect.\n•\tQCA can be used for the analysis of cases on all
levels: macro (e.g. countries), meso (e.g. organizations) and micro (e.g.
individuals).\n•\tQCA is mostly used for research of small- and medium-
sized samples and populations (10-100 cases), but it can also be used for
larger groups. Ideally, the number of cases is at least 10. QCA cannot be
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) Erasmus University Rotterdam used if you are doing an in-depth study of one case.\n\nWhat will you learn
in this course?\n•\tThe course is designed for people who have no or little
experience with QCA.\n•\tAfter the course you will understand the
methodological foundations of QCA. \n•\tAfter the course you will know how
to conduct a basic QCA study by yourself. \n\nHow is this course
organized?\n•\tThe MOOC takes five weeks. The specific learning
objectives and activities per week are mentioned in appendix A of the
course guide. Please find the course guide under Resources in the main
menu. \n•\tThe learning objectives with regard to understanding the
foundations of QCA and practically conducting a QCA study are pursued
throughout the course. However, week 1 focuses more on the general
analytic foundations, and weeks 2 to 5 are more about the practical aspects
of a QCA study.\n•\tThe activities of the course include watching the videos,
consulting supplementary material where necessary, and doing
assignments. The activities should be done in that order: first watch the
videos; then consult supplementary material (if desired) for more details
and examples; then do the assignments.\n•\tThere are 10 assignments.
In this MOOC you will learn about the theory and practice of 'regulated
competition' (also known as 'managed competition') in healthcare systems.
Many countries have implemented or consider implementation of regulated
competition in healthcare. Examples include Australia, Belgium, Chile,
Colombia, Germany, Ireland, Israel, The Netherlands, Switzerland and the
United States. After completing this MOOC, you will be able to explain how
regulated competition (in theory) promotes affordability, accessibility and
Regulated Competition in Healthcare Systems: efficiency of healthcare. Moreover, you will be able to explain why (in
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Theory & Practice competition-healthcare-systems practice) successful implementation of regulated competition is very
complex and often requires difficult trade-offs between policy objectives.
We think this MOOC is highly valuable to any student, researcher or
professional interested in healthcare system reform and design. Specific
topics in this MOOC include a typology of healthcare systems, the
economics of healthcare markets, theory and preconditions of regulated
competition, risk adjustment and risk selection in health insurance,
competition policy and provider payment.
Have you ever wondered how playing games can help us to train people,
deal with societal challenges or raise awareness of contemporary social
issues? \n\nIn this MOOC you will learn the ins and outs of games that are
designed with exactly those purposes in mind: serious games. We will
define serious games and discuss the different types that have been
developed. We will explain why people like to play them and what impact
they may have. State of the art theories from game studies, philosophy and
media psychology will be used to help you understand how serious games
work and how they appeal to players. The potential impact of gaming is
addressed in detail by discussing persuasive games, which aim at changing
Serious Gaming Erasmus University Rotterdam
the player's attitude. Throughout the MOOC, theoretical insights will be
illustrated with playful animations and case studies of serious games that
are developed by world-class companies in the city of Rotterdam. \n\nThis
MOOC is particularly interesting for you when you are a student considering
to study digital media such as serious games, a professional interested in
the opportunities these games may create for your organization, or a game
developer who wants to know more about the impact serious games can
have.\n\nWatch the teaser for this MOOC here: \n\nAre you ready to
broaden your vision on serious games? Join this course and be inspired!

Welcome!\n\nAre you looking to learn more about how to conduct scientific

research, specifically in an urban or local context? Then you have found the
right course: Studying Cities: Social Science Methods for Urban Research
by the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS),
Erasmus University Rotterdam. During the course you will gain more insight
in the different steps of the research cycle, and build a firm foundation for
your own future research endeavors.\n\nBefore any (urban) researcher may
start conducting research, it is crucial to understand the different aspects
and elements of doing research. The course will guide you through the
Studying Cities: Social Science Methods for Urban various steps of the research cycle to provide you with the basic knowledge
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Research social-science-methods-for-urban-research necessary for any Master-level program, but with a special focus on urban
and local development. The course starts with introductory lectures on the
problem statement, research objective, empirical cycle and the research
question. Over the following weeks you will also learn the components and
criteria of the theoretical framework and operationalization, research
strategies, and the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative
data. You will be provided with the necessary tools to understand and
evaluate these key steps in scientific research by watching video lectures
with in-video questions and by completing the final peer review, which will
use all the elements you have learnt throughout the course.
This is a course about the history of Skepticism from the ancient Greeks to
today, with special attention to the political ramifications of questioning
man's ability to know the world and himself with any certainty. We will
discuss the debates raging between Plato and the Sophists, the rise of
Christianity in the Roman world, and the so-called 'Skeptical Crisis' of the Renaissance as well as Pierre Bayle's Skepticism and David Hume's. In
The Politics of Skepticism Erasmus University Rotterdam
skepticism addition the Natural Law tradition will be explored and the relationship
between Skepticism and Conservatism.\n\nIn the second part, we will
explore the systematic relations between Skepticism and politics. What is
skeptical doubt? When is doubt relevant? How does Skepticism relate to
tolerance and to freedom of expression? And can it help us to solve political
problems not only in a critical, but also in a creative way?
Disaster Risk Reduction and humanitarian aid in conflict settings\n\nThis
MOOC teaches you to develop accountable, high-quality and ethical
responses to disaster in conflict-affected areas. The E-course is meant
primarily for practitioners, but also open to students or otherwise interested
people. It stimulates participants to think about humanitarian aid, DRR and
disaster response in contexts where conflict is ongoing, lingering, or has
When Disaster Meets Conflict Erasmus University Rotterdam characterized the setting in recent times, as well as about the hard choices
and dilemmas faced by humanitarian actors in conflict settings. Moreover,
you will learn to distinguish the different challenges and effective, positive
examples of aid in three types of conflict settings. Through videos,
interviews, guest lectures and realistic case-studio, learning becomes both
relevant and fun; everything you learn will be applicable for practice in the
El mundo es global. Sus retos colectivos. Y su futuro incierto. Este curso
sobre Geopolítica y gobernanza global de ESADEgeo te ayudará a
entender las dinámicas sociales, económicas, energéticas y tecnológicas
que definirán el mundo por venir. \n\nDesde la perspectiva de la
geopolítica, queremos ayudar a los estudiantes, empresas e instituciones
públicas a que diseñen estrategias de futuro en el mundo globalizado.
\n\nPara ello, estudiaremos las grandes tendencias que vivimos, como el
auge de las clases medias o la revolución energética; desglosaremos los
riesgos económicos, políticos y de seguridad que nos acechan; y
dibujaremos un escenario de futuro en el que un modelo de gobernanza
global sea capaz de responder a los retos colectivos que nos acechan.
\n\nEste curso tiene vocación transversal, está dirigido a todo el que quiera
Geopolítica y gobernanza global: riesgos y ESADE Business and Law entender y actuar en el escenario global – ya sea desde la empresa, las
oportunidades School nzaglobal instituciones públicas o las organizaciones internacionales. \n\nSi eres uno
de ellos, eres bienvenido.\n\nMira aquí el teaser del curso:\n\nAl finalizar este curso, serás capaz de:\n• entender
la arquitectura actual de la gobernanza global y realizar un análisis
profundo de sus fallos y de los retos más importantes a los que se
enfrenta;\n• discutir el impacto de la globalización y de los cambios en la
economía global en la gobernanza global y sus instituciones;\n• identificar
grandes tendencias económicas, demográficas y sociales actuales,
además de algunos de los riesgos globales y geopolíticos más importantes,
y analizar su posible impacto;\n• aplicar un marco de referencia básico para
entender los conflictos internacionales más relevantes de hoy en día; y\n•
analizar las complejidades de la toma de decisiones y liderazgo a nivel
internacional para algunos casos concretos.

En el tercer y último curso de la especialización, empezaremos

profundizando en el análisis de la familia empresaria, veremos los modelos
conservador y emprendedor así como la cultura individualista o comunitaria
La familia empresaria: individuo, dinámica y ESADE Business and Law de esta. Luego pondremos el foco en el individuo como parte del conjunto,
tiempo School cuáles son sus motivaciones y su sentido de vida. \n\nSeguiremos tratando
el concepto del tiempo en la empresa familiar, relacionándolo con el
cambio de valores y los procesos de transformación, hasta terminar
abordando la dinámica de la empresa familiar.
Responsable de más del 50% de la riqueza global, la empresa familiar
tiene un rol prominente en la generación de puestos de trabajo, innovación
y progreso en todas las sociedades. Pero ¿qué diferencia a una empresa
familiar?, ¿En qué medida tiene implicaciones para los profesionales que la
componen? A través de este curso, aprenderemos a leer la globalidad de
una organización familiar así como a evaluarla.\n\n\nEste curso está
diseñado para ayudarte a entender lo complejo de gestionar empresas
familiares debido a las dinámicas que se generan por el solape entre
empresa y familia y por tanto introduciendo desorden entre sí. También
pretende proveer de herramientas para generar orden en la empresa
familiar dadas esas dinámicas particulares. Este primer curso provee de las
herramientas necesarias para gestionar la creciente complejidad de la
ESADE Business and Law empresa familiar de generando sistemas de orden que permitan absorber
La gestión en la empresa familiar
School familiar esa complejidad. \n\n\nEste curso representa la base para entender la
empresa familiar desde una mirada sistémica y por tanto holística. A partir
de esta mirada se puede profundizar más en aspectos relacionados a
modelos de empresa familiar y al rol que jugamos individualmente dentro
de este sistema complejo de interacciones y relaciones.\n\n\nSi estás
interesado en profundizar más en el tema, te recomendamos realizar el
segundo curso "Modelos de empresa familiar: del capitán al grupo inversor", en el que se
requieren los conocimientos ofrecidos en este primer curso y que nos
permite hilar más fino aplicando la teoría del modelo de riesgo estructural,
abordado en este curso, de forma más precisa, es decir, dependiendo del
modelo de empresa familiar que veremos está condicionado por el modelo
mental de la familia empresaria.

Gracias a este curso iremos más allá en el análisis de la empresa familiar.

En base a la teoría de 'Modelos de Empresa Familiar' creada por el
Profesor Alberto Gimeno Sandig, aprenderemos a identificar cuáles son los
distintos modelos de empresa familiar, qué los distingue y cómo un
profesional encajará en cada uno de ellos. \n\nHablaremos de la
importancia de la familia empresaria y de cómo los equipos gestores
Modelos de empresa familiar: del capitán al grupo ESADE Business and Law pueden desarrollar habilidades y potenciar competencias para crear valor
inversor School empresa-familiar en sistemas complejos como son los de la empresa familiar.\n\nEste curso
es la continuación del curso "La gestión en la empresa familiar" ya que profundiza
en los temas aprendidos aplicados a los modelos de empresa familiar. Y es
la base para empezar una discusión más profunda sobre el rol de tres
grandes elementos que forman parte de la empresa familiar: la familia
empresaria, el individuo y el entorno.
Conçu conjointement par le think-tank Ecolo-Ethik et ESCP Europe, ce
MOOC se propose de vous aider à dépasser les idées reçues sur
l’écologie, dans le souci d’une démarche ouverte et multiple.\n\nA ce titre,
de grands experts reconnus interviendront pour illustrer, approfondir et
enrichir les différentes thématiques.\n\nNotre ambition est triple : \n-
Éclairer l’écologie, vous montrer en quoi et pourquoi elle est le fondement
de notre monde, de notre existence même, et de celle de nos descendants.
\n- Vous montrer que l'écologie ouvre à une nouvelle culture, de nouveaux
Comprendre l'écologie, pour une économie modèles de développement et de nouvelles organisations de la société. \n-
ESCP Business School
innovante Vous montrer qu'elle est le socle indispensable à une économie innovante,
durable, dans une société ouverte et créative. \n\nCe MOOC s’adresse à
toutes et à tous, quels que soient votre situation, votre lieu de vie, vos
projets. \n\nCe cours est organisé en 5 modules traitant du climat, de
l'énergie, de la biodiversité, de l'économie et des enjeux de société.
Chaque module donnera lieu à une évaluation des connaissances
acquises.\n\nVoir la présentation vidéo du cours :\nPremier lancement le
1er février 2016, ensuite une session débute chaque mois.

Welcome to the MOOC “Doing Business in Europe”!\n\nEurope is a major

world trade partner as well as a place where to acquire significant business
experience. This is the reason why this MOOC has been designed with the
view to explaining and guiding you in doing business in Europe. Do you
really know Europe? How should you consider and approach the European
continent? What business lessons can be drawn in a European
perspective?\n\nWith a dozen contributions from academics in the various
domains of management (marketing, supply chain, finance, human resources management or strategy) and as many testimonials from
Doing Business in Europe ESCP Business School
europe business leaders operating in Europe, this course will help you enrich your
knowledge and business competences within the European context.
\n\nThe MOOC is divided into 5 topics corresponding to 5 major issues
when doing business in Europe:\n\n1. Approaching the European
market(s)\n2. Innovating in Europe\n3. Investing in Europe\n4. Building the
value chain\n5. Integrating the diversity\n\nThere are no prerequisite for this
course. At the end of the coursework, participants will be able to understand
how to design a European-scale development strategy.\n\nPlease enroll
and thank you in advance for choosing this course!
This MOOC explores different aspects of intercultural management,
including teams, leadership, Human Resource Management, marketing and
negotiations. When you complete this MOOC, you will have a richer
understanding of the concept of culture, and how culture influences the way
that individuals behave. \n\nYou will also get a deeper knowledge about
how culture shapes management practices in international organizations.
We will introduce you to a number of experts in the field of intercultural
Intercultural Management ESCP Business School management who will discuss the challenges and the benefits of dealing
with employees on a global level. \n\nMoreover, we will share with you
insights from our own research to illustrate recent developments in the field
of intercultural management. During the MOOC we will provide you with a
variety of concepts and tools that empower you to successfully interact with
people from other cultures to achieve your desired personal and business-
related goals.\n\nPlease have a look at the teaser available at :
La complexité du monde et la volonté sociétale de participation à la
décision, nous conduisent à nous interroger sur les modalités d’un
management plus collaboratif. \n\nLe mode commande/contrôle trouve ses
limites et il est important de créer les pratiques d’un fonctionnement
innovant et collaboratif. \n\nTravailler en mode collaboratif, c’est faire le
choix de l’intelligence collective, d’impliquer les parties prenantes et de co-
construire. Tout ce que ne permet pas un fonctionnement hiérarchique et
Animer une séance collaborative ESSEC Business School descendant. A la fin de ce Mooc, vous saurez : \n- Organiser une séance
de travail en mode collaboratif\n- Animer une séance de travail de manière
collaborative\n- Gérer les situations difficiles lors d'une séance
collaborative\n\nNous avons fait le choix d’un MOOC court, dans une
logique de sensibilisation et de transfert rapide de bonnes pratiques.
L’objectif est de vous donner envie de fonctionner en mode collaboratif et
de vous proposer quelques outils pour pratiquer et vous faire votre propre
The Capstone project is an individual assignment.\nParticipants decide the
theme they want to explore and define the issue they want to solve. Their
“playing field” should provide data from various sectors (such as farming
and nutrition, culture, economy and employment, Education & Research,
International & Europe, Housing, Sustainable, Development & Energies,
Health & Social, Society, Territories & Transport). Participants are
encouraged to mix the different fields and leverage the existing information
with other (properly sourced) open data sets.\n\nDeliverable 1 is the
preliminary preparation and problem qualification step. The objectives is to
define the what, why & how. What issue do we want to solve? Why does it
Capstone: Create Value from Open Data ESSEC Business School promise value for public authorities, companies, citizens? How do we want
to explore the provided data? \n\nFor Deliverable 2, the participant needs to
present the intermediary outputs and adjustments to the analysis
framework. The objectives is to confirm the how and the relevancy of the
first results. \n\nFinally, with Deliverable 3, the participant needs to present
the final outputs and the value case. The objective is to confirm the why.
Why will it create value for public authorities, companies, and
citizens.\n\nAssessment and grading: the participants will present their
results to their peers on a regular basis. An evaluation framework will be
provided for the participants to assess the quality of each other’s
Who is this course for ?\nThis course is RESTRICTED TO LEARNERS
ENROLLED IN Strategic Business Analytics SPECIALIZATION as a
preparation to the capstone project. During the first two MOOCs, we
focused on specific techniques for specific applications. Instead, with this
third MOOC, we provide you with different examples to open your mind to
different applications from different industries and sectors.\nThe objective is
to give you an helicopter overview on what's happening in this field. You will
see how the tools presented in the two previous courses of the
Specialization are used in real life projects. \nWe want to ignite your
reflection process. Hence, you will best make use of the Accenture cases
by watching first the MOOC and then investigate by yourself on the different
concepts, industries, or challenges that are introduced during the
videos.\n\nAt the end of this course learners will be able to: \n- identify the
possible applications of business analytics,\n- hence, reflect on the possible
Case studies in business analytics with
ESSEC Business School solutions and added-value applications that could be proposed for their
ACCENTURE business-analytics-accenture
capstone project.\n\nThe cases will be presented by senior practitioners
from Accenture with different backgrounds in term of industry, function, and
country. Special attention will be paid to the "value case" of the issue
raised to prepare you for the capstone project of the
specialization.\n\nAbout Accenture\nAccenture is a leading global
professional services company, providing a broad range of services and
solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations.
Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than
40 industries and all business functions—underpinned by the world’s largest
delivery network—Accenture works at the intersection of business and
technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable
value for their stakeholders. With more than 358,000 people serving clients
in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way
the world works and lives. Visit us at

Ce MOOC a pour vocation de vous aider à créer votre entreprise à but

social ou environnemental.\nQue vous envisagiez de créer une entreprise
Changer le monde : passons a l'action (creer son
ESSEC Business School sociale ou de lancer un nouveau projet à visée sociale dans votre
entreprise sociale)
entreprise actuelle, que vous souhaitiez entreprendre à Paris, Casablanca
ou à Abidjan, ce MOOC est pour vous !
The biggest challenge facing the hospitality industry over the next 5 years is
the lack of integration between the key commercial disciplines of sales,
revenue, distribution and finance and the negative impact this will continue
to have on delivering asset value and maximum profitability.\n \nThis
course, spread over 4 key modules:\n\nAsset Management\nDemand
Generation\nDigital Marketing\nDemand Optimisation\n \naims to break
down these commercial silos and reveal the journey from long-term asset
Demand management: Breaking down today’s development through to short-term profit tactics and how commercial teams
ESSEC Business School
commercial silos t can align themselves throughout the organisation.\n \nCreated by
SnapShot, this course is hosted by a group of experienced Industry guest
lecturers in their fields of expertise and includes an ideal mix of accessible
theory and practical exercises and simulations.\n \nSnapShot is a Hotel
Demand Management company that specializes in helping hotels
aggregate and use their data. We provide useful tools as well as innovative
education and coaching services to empower hotels to take informed
decisions in managing their demand to increase profits.
Diversity is a fact. It is also paradoxical. We need to be capable of seeing
and hearing differences in order to reap the benefits of diversity. But seeing
and hearing differences hone our discriminating reflexes and can also lead
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace ESSEC Business School to discrimination. If you take this MOOC, you will: 1. understand this
paradox, 2. understand its dynamics, and 3. identify ways to manage it, so
that you can better channel the diversity potential in the workplace for
greater performance and innovation.
Pourquoi et comment mesurer son impact social ? Quels outils choisir,
comment les mettre en oeuvre, comment en exploiter les résultats ? Ces
questions sont désormais cruciales pour toutes les structures oeuvrant pour
l’intérêt général, associations comme entreprises sociales.\n\nPour vous
aider à y répondre nous avons donné la parole à des entrepreneurs sociaux
Évaluation & Mesure d'Impact Social ESSEC Business School comme Main Forte, Recyclivre, les Talents d’Alphonse, mais aussi à des
financeurs comme Véolia, la BNP, Investir et +, PHI Trust, à des experts
praticiens et à des experts académiques de l’ESSEC.\n\nCes témoignages
vous permettront de vous immerger dans des exemples pratiques de
mesure d’impact social et de bénéficier d’expériences et de conseils
concrets tout en acquérant un socle méthodologique.
Félicitations pour votre implication dans ce parcours sur l'impact investing
!\n\nVous voilà arrivé à la dernière phase de ce parcours, celle du
"capstone project", et prêts à changer le monde grâce au levier que
constitue l'impact investing !\n\nNous avons choisi de vous faire travailler
sur le financement d'un projet de développement d'une entreprise sociale,
en 5 étapes :\n- choisir une entreprise sociale et imaginer son projet de
développement\n- identifier le besoin de financement du projet\n- identifier
le ou les financeurs adaptés au besoin de financement\n- élaborer un pitch
à l'attention d'un comité d'investissement\n- analyser l'opportunité d'utiliser
Financer un projet à impact social ESSEC Business School le mécansime du contrat à impact social\n\nN'hésitez pas à visionner de
nouveau les vidéos de cours des épisodes 1 et 2 du MOOC "Impact
investing : être acteur" et de l'épisode 2 du MOOC "Impact investing :
innover" qui sont au cœur de ces sujets, nous les avons mises à votre
disposition, ainsi que les scripts, dans les étapes concernées.\nNous avons
mis également à votre disposition certaines vidéos du MOOC Changer le
monde : passons à l'action, qui donne la méthodologie d'élaboration d'un
business plan social.\n\nBon travail,\nThierry Sibieude\n\nN'hésitez pas à
utiliser le forum pour nous solliciter !\n\nBon courage,\nBien à
vous,\nL'équipe pédagogique

Who is this course for? \nThis course is designed for students, business
analysts, and data scientists who want to apply statistical knowledge and
techniques to business contexts. For example, it may be suited to
experienced statisticians, analysts, engineers who want to move more into
a business role, in particular in marketing.\n\nYou will find this course
exciting and rewarding if you already have a background in statistics, can
use R or another programming language and are familiar with databases
and data analysis techniques such as regression, classification, and
clustering.\nHowever, it contains a number of recitals and R Studio tutorials
which will consolidate your competences, enable you to play more freely
with data and explore new features and statistical functions in
R.\n\nBusiness Analytics, Big Data and Data Science are very hot topics
today, and for good reasons. Companies are sitting on a treasure trove of
data, but usually lack the skills and people to analyze and exploit that data efficiently. Those companies who develop the skills and hire the right
Foundations of marketing analytics ESSEC Business School
marketing-analytics people to analyze and exploit that data will have a clear competitive
advantage.\n\nIt's especially true in one domain: marketing. About 90% of
the data collected by companies today are related to customer actions and
marketing activities.The domain of Marketing Analytics is absolutely huge,
and may cover fancy topics such as text mining, social network analysis,
sentiment analysis, real-time bidding, online campaign optimization, and so
on.\n\nBut at the heart of marketing lie a few basic questions that often
remain unanswered: (1) who are my customers, (2) which customers
should I target and spend most of my marketing budget on, and (3) what's
the future value of my customers so I can concentrate on those who will be
worth the most to the company in the future.\n\nThat's exactly what this
course will cover: segmentation is all about understanding your customers,
scorings models are about targeting the right ones, and customer lifetime
value is about anticipating their future value. These are the foundations of
Marketing Analytics. And that's what you'll learn to do in this course.
Who is this course for? \nThis course is designed for students, business
analysts, and data scientists who want to apply statistical knowledge and
techniques to business contexts. For example, it may be suited to
experienced statisticians, analysts, engineers who want to move more into
a business role. \n\nYou will find this course exciting and rewarding if you
already have a background in statistics, can use R or another programming
language and are familiar with databases and data analysis techniques
such as regression, classification, and clustering.\nHowever, it contains a
number of recitals and R Studio tutorials which will consolidate your
competences, enable you to play more freely with data and explore new
features and statistical functions in R.\n\nWith this course, you’ll have a first
overview on Strategic Business Analytics topics. We’ll discuss a wide
variety of applications of Business Analytics. From Marketing to Supply
Chain or Credit Scoring and HR Analytics, etc. We’ll cover many different
Foundations of strategic business analytics ESSEC Business School data analytics techniques, each time explaining how to be relevant for your
business.\n\nWe’ll pay special attention to how you can produce
convincing, actionable, and efficient insights. We'll also present you with
different data analytics tools to be applied to different types of issues.\nBy
doing so, we’ll help you develop four sets of skills needed to leverage value
from data: Analytics, IT, Business and Communication. \n\nBy the end of
this MOOC, you should be able to approach a business issue using
Analytics by (1) qualifying the issue at hand in quantitative terms, (2)
conducting relevant data analyses, and (3) presenting your conclusions and
recommendations in a business-oriented, actionable and efficient
way.\n\nPrerequisites : 1/ Be able to use R or to program 2/ To know the
fundamentals of databases, data analysis (regression, classification,
clustering)\n\nWe give credit to Pauline Glikman, Albane Gaubert, Elias
Abou Khalil-Lanvin (Students at ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL) for their
contribution to this course design.

In this case study based exercise, you will apply the knowledge you have
gained about distribution, revenue and demand management to a ‘real’
world case – Hotel “De l'étoile” - a prestigious upmarket internationally
branded property in Paris that to the outside world seems to be doing well
but is in fact unprofitable for its owner.\n\nActual data of the distribution
performance, revenue management tactics, financial situation will be provided by the hotel partner. In addition detailed information about the
Hôtel “De l'étoile” - a hotel in crisis? ESSEC Business School
project hotel’s competitive environment will be provided by several industry
partners. Video interviews with senior managers from the property will be
used to supplement written material to create a more real world
experience.\n\nAs the new Director of Business Development hired to help
the hotel decide how to proceed, you will evaluate the hotel’s current
policies and performance, making recommendations for improvements and
and plan how best to implement them.
Les collectivités territoriales et les services de l'Etat sont confrontés à de
multiples enjeux : crise des finances publiques, augmentation des
dépenses sociales, défiance croissante des administrés, concurrence des
solutions proposées par des communautés numériques très agiles.\nLa
bonne nouvelle, c'est que des solutions existent pour faire mieux avec
moins ! L'innovation publique, c'est possible grâce aux apports de ce que
l'on appelle la pensée design, qui permet de repenser le service offert à
l'usager.\n\nCe MOOC a été réalisé en partenariat avec le Conseil
Innovation publique et pensée design, l'innovation départemental du Val d'Oise, pionnier dans la mise en oeuvre de ces
ESSEC Business School
sociale au service des territoires pensee-design approches. Son originalité ? Nous vous proposons une expérience
d’apprentissage très riche basée à la fois sur l'expertise de spécialistes du
sujet et sur l'expérience de nombreux acteurs publics de terrain, qui mettent
en œuvre cette approche et apportent leur témoignage dans les différents
modules.\n\nNotre objectif ? Vous donner les compétences pour
coordonner un projet d'innovation publique s’appuyant sur une approche
design de service, quels que soient le domaine et le contexte dans lesquels
vous travaillez.\n\nBienvenue dans ce MOOC !\nThierry Sibieude et
l'équipe pédagogique

All of us are aware that cultural differences are significant and that they
affect how we interact with others in business and in leisure activities. But
what is culture exactly, and how does it impact on negotiation, in particular?
\n\nThis course will help you to be more precise about different dimensions
of culture, from one region or country to another, while helping you to avoid
simplifications, clichés and stereotypes. It will also lead you to a better
overall awareness of your own culture.\n\nIn addition the course modules
will guide you to a better understanding of when and how cultural
differences are likely to influence the different dimensions of a negotiation - the people, problems and processes. Armed with that understanding, your
International and Cross-Cultural Negotiation ESSEC Business School
negotiation awareness, preparation and strategy will be enhanced when you are faced
with negotiators from cultures and regions different from your own. Your
ability to anticipate and react, your negotiation flexibility, will be improved
and refined.\n\nThe course also gives you a concrete look at quite different
national and regional negotiation styles (we look at the French, Chinese,
North American and Middle Eastern). In addition, an examination of
negotiation in two multicultural settings (European Union institutions, on the
one hand, and the recent COP 21 climate conference in Paris, on the other)
highlights the importance of well-designed negotiation processes for getting
both efficiency and fairness.
Ce MOOC a l’intention d’affronter et traiter des problèmes que rencontrent
chaque personne, chaque groupe, chaque entreprise, chaque société, de
L'avenir de la décision : connaître et agir en
ESSEC Business School façon de plus en plus aiguë et pressante ; dans notre temps d’évolution
complexité decision
accélérée, de transformations ininterrompues, de mondialisation
incontrôlée, d’incertitudes.
Nous souhaitons grâce à ce Mooc susciter des vocations d’entrepreneur
social en :\n-\tVous permettant de comprendre ce qu’est l’entrepreneuriat
social\n-\tVous faisant réfléchir aux besoins sociaux et environnementaux
non satisfaits sur les territoires\n-\tVous présentant les propositions de
valeur et les modèles économiques des entreprises sociales\n-\tVous
montrant que c’est possible de se lancer, via des témoignages
d’entrepreneurs sociaux qui l'ont fait. \nDurant 4 semaines, nous vous
proposons de bénéficier de 15 années d’expérience en innovation sociale
et en accompagnement d’entrepreneurs. \nLors du premier module, vous
découvrirez des parcours inspirants et des tranches de vie d’une richesse et d’une intensité incroyables et comprendrez ce qu’est une entreprise
L'entrepreneuriat social : de l'envie au projet ESSEC Business School
angelemonde sociale. Dans le deuxième module, nous travaillerons sur les besoins
sociaux et environnementaux dont il s'agit de définir la nature, l’ampleur,
l’urgence et l’intensité ; ils constituent autant de challenges à relever pour
celles ou ceux qui veulent entreprendre pour changer le monde. En
troisième semaine, vous réfléchirez aux propositions de valeur que l’on peut
imaginer pour répondre aux besoins ; il convient de définir les
caractéristiques techniques, sociales mais aussi économiques de la
solution imaginée. Enfin, dans le dernier module, nous vous donnerons des
clés pour aller jusqu’au bout d'une idée, pour savoir comment et avec qui
passer aux actes pour transformer une envie en un vrai projet

Lean, Six Sigma, PDCA, Kaizen, Juste à temps, Kanban sont des termes
gestionnaires que nous entendons très souvent dans le vocable des
entreprises d’aujourd’hui. Ils ont en commun leur finalité, celle de
l’excellence opérationnelle.\n\nD’origine japonaise et diffusées depuis dans
le monde entier, les techniques d’Excellence Opérationnelle servent la
qualité et l’amélioration continue. Mais l’Excellence Opérationnelle ne se
résume pas à une boîte à outils, c’est avant tout une culture et une posture
managériale qui vise l’excellence en permanence.\n\nEn partenariat avec la chaire Innovation Managériale et Excellence Opérationnelle (IMEO) de
L'excellence opérationnelle en pratique ESSEC Business School
operationnelle l’ESSEC, des professionnels de l’Excellence Opérationnelle issus de deux
groupes industriels internationaux, Orano et Renault-Nissan Consulting,
nous présentent les principaux outils de l’Excellence opérationnelle avec
toute leur expérience.\n\nA la fin de ce Mooc, vous saurez : \n- Expliquer ce
que recouvre la notion d’Excellence Opérationnelle\n- Mobiliser les
démarches et outils de l’Excellence Opérationnelle\n- Intégrer l’Excellence
Opérationnelle dans les démarches managériales et les projets de
l’entreprise \n\nBon MOOC et profitez bien de l’expérience des
professionnels des entreprises Orano et Renault-Nissan Consulting.
Qu’est-ce que l’impact investing ? Quelles entreprises l’impact investing a-t-
il vocation à financer ? Qui sont les financeurs « à impact » ? Peut-on en
dresser une typologie ? Quelles solutions de financement proposent-ils ?
Quel sont les ingrédients d’un écosystème favorable à l’impact investing, au
nord comme au sud ? \nVoici les questions auxquelles ce 1er MOOC de
notre série « L’impact investing, la finance qui change le monde » cherche
à apporter des réponses. \n\nCe 1er MOOC, Comprendre les
fondamentaux, est incontournable pour ceux d’entre vous qui découvrent
ces notions, mais il sera aussi très utile à tous ceux qui n’ont pas de
connaissances structurées sur le sujet. \n\nDans le 1er module, nous
nous intéresserons aux entreprises cibles de l’impact investing, les
entreprises sociales, dont nous chercherons à appréhender les contours,
puis nous poserons une définition de l’impact investing. Dans le 2ème
module, nous nous pencherons sur les acteurs de l’impact investing côté investisseurs et en dresserons un panorama, en intégrant la question des
L'impact investing : comprendre les fondamentaux ESSEC Business School
fondamentaux outils de financement disponibles. Puis, dans le 3ème module, nous nous
poserons la question du rôle des politiques publiques et du cadre
réglementaire dans le développement de l’impact investing, en faisant un
zoom sur la Grande-Bretagne, pays le plus avancé en la matière, et sur la
France. Enfin, le 4ème module nous permettra de nous intéresser à
l’écosystème de l’impact investing dans les pays du Sud, en cherchant à en
cerner les spécificités, tant au plan de l’entrepreneuriat que du rôle joué par
les acteurs traditionnels de l’aide au développement.\n\nA la fin de ce
MOOC, vous pourrez :\n•\tDécrire ce qu’est l’impact investing, ses acteurs
et son écosystème, au Nord comme au Sud\n•\tFaire une veille active sur
les évolutions du secteur\n•\tDialoguer avec les acteurs de l’impact
investing en comprenant les enjeux des différents acteurs \n•\tParticiper à
la promotion de l’impact investing\n\nAvant de commencer, rendez-vous
dans le "Coin Networking" du Forum pour vous présenter à la communauté
d'apprenants et à l'équipe du MOOC! Lien vers le Forum ici :
Comment fonctionne un fonds d’impact investing ? Qu’est-ce qu’une thèse
d’investissement ? Comment préparer sa levée de fonds ? Quels
investisseurs cibler, pour financer quoi, avec quels instruments financiers ?
Quels sont les principaux éléments de l’analyse financière et sociale de
l’entreprise ? Comment construire une relation partenariale financeur /
financé satisfaisante ?\nVoici les questions auxquelles ce 2ème MOOC de
notre série « L’impact investing, la finance qui change le monde » cherche
à apporter des réponses. \n\nCe 2ème MOOC est incontournable pour ceux
d’entre vous qui veulent être des acteurs de l’impact investing, que ce soit
en étant du côté des financeurs, du côté des entrepreneurs sociaux, ou
bien encore de ceux, incubateurs par exemple, qui sont en position
d’intermédiaires entre ces deux piliers de l’impact investing. \n\nDans le
1er module, nous nous nous placerons du côté des investisseurs : qui sont- ils, quelles sont leurs attentes vis-à-vis des entrepreneurs qui les sollicitent
L'impact investing : être acteur ESSEC Business School
etre-acteur ? Puis dans le module 2 nous passerons du côté des entrepreneurs sociaux
: comment préparer une levée de fonds ? Quelles questions faut-il se poser
? Dans le module 3, nous nous pencherons sur les 4 principaux documents
financiers et les indicateurs d’impact social dont doit disposer l’entrepreneur
social. Enfin, nous évoquerons dans le module 4 la relation partenariale
financeur / financé. \n\nA la fin de ce MOOC, vous pourrez :\n•\tSi vous êtes
financeur, développer des fonds d’impact investing \n•\tSi vous êtes
entrepreneur social, lever des fonds dans l’impact investing\n•\tSi vous êtes
consultant, accompagner les levées de fonds des entrepreneurs
sociaux\n•\tQuelle que soit votre fonction dans l’écosystème, contribuer à
mettre en place de réels partenariats entre financeurs et financés\n\nAvant
de commencer, rendez-vous dans le "Coin Networking" du Forum pour
vous présenter à la communauté d'apprenants et à l'équipe du MOOC! Lien
vers le Forum ici :
Quelles sont les grandes innovations récentes et à venir en matière de
financement des entreprises sociales, des entreprises qui veulent changer
le monde ? Comment stimuler et accélérer l’innovation sociale, comment
permettre et favoriser le changement d’échelle de l’impact investing qui
reste encore très, trop marginal ? Il est en hausse de 20% par an mais il ne
représente encore que 2,2% du montant total des investissements
financiers dans le monde dont le total est de 45 trillions de $, 45 000
milliards de dollars, selon le rapport de JP Morgan et du Global Impact
Investment Network de mai 2014.\n\nDans le 1er module, nous nous
intéresserons au développement et au perfectionnement des outils
existants et à l'un des nouveaux outils de financement, le financement
participatif ou crowdfunding. Dans le 2ème module, nous traiterons du
Collective Impact et des Social Impact Bonds et dans le 3ème nous nous intéresserons aux pistes pour développer l’épargne et l’investissement
L'impact investing : innover ESSEC Business School
er solidaire dans les pays développés et tout particulièrement en France et en
Europe. Enfin, nous verrons dans le 4ème module quels sont les leviers
d’innovation les plus pertinents, les projets et les dynamiques les plus
remarquables de l’impact investing dans le contexte des pays du Sud avec
un focus sur l’Afrique. \n \nA la fin de ce MOOC, vous pourrez :\n•\tFaire
une veille active sur les innovations du secteur\n•\tSi vous êtes
entrepreneur social ou accompagnant, mobiliser à bon escient les
instruments financiers innovants\n•\tSi vous êtes financeur, contribuer à la
mise en place d’innovations financières et à leur déploiement\n•\tSi vous
êtes acteur public, développer l’innovation sociale sur votre périmètre en
favorisant l’impact investing\n\nAvant de commencer, rendez-vous dans le
"Coin Networking" du Forum pour vous présenter à la communauté
d'apprenants et à l'équipe du MOOC! Lien vers le Forum ici :

Hackathon, design thinking, codev, open innovation, co design, sociocratie,

adhocratie, intelligence collective, shadow cabinet, atelier participatifs,
entreprise libérante sont autant de dispositifs et pratiques qui illustrent les
nouvelles manières de manager et de penser les fonctionnements
collaboratifs des organisations.\n\nCe MOOC définit la notion d’innovation
managériale, non pas comme une mode, mais comme un processus qui
L'innovation managériale en pratique ESSEC Business School vise à faire évoluer les pratiques managériales en liens avec les enjeux des
entreprises et les attentes sociétales.\n\nLes objectifs de ce MOOC sont :
\n\n- d’avoir une définition de l’innovation managériale\n- de dissocier
innovation managériale et modes\n- d’avoir de nombreux exemples
d’innovations managériales en entreprises\n- de connaître les dispositifs
d’innovation managériale les plus diffusés\n- de pouvoir déployer un
processus d’innovation managériale dans les organisations
Littéralement « amour de l’humanité », la philanthropie désigne aujourd’hui
l'ensemble des dons librement consentis par des acteurs privés en faveur
de l'intérêt général. Dans les médias, la philanthropie est incarnée
aujourd’hui par les milliardaires américains Bill Gates et Warren Buffet qui
ont donné une grande part de leur fortune à une fondation en faveur de la
santé et de l’éducation. Mais cette vision est partielle : la philanthropie est
très active dans la plupart des régions du monde, pas seulement aux Etats-
Unis, et ce ne sont pas seulement les très riches qui donnent, puisque de
nombreux particuliers et entreprises s’impliquent. \n\nEn ce début de XXIe
siècle marqué par les crises économiques et politiques, la philanthropie
joue un rôle croissant pour répondre aux grands défis de notre temps.
Alternative au modèle marchand et à la redistribution publique via l’impôt, le
don privé est activement recherché pour financer la lutte contre la pauvreté,
l’éducation, la recherche médicale ou la culture… Partout dans le monde,
les fondations se multiplient, les dons se développent et influencent la vie
de très nombreuses personnes. Les besoins sont immenses et la
La Philanthropie : Comprendre et Agir ESSEC Business School concurrence pour trouver des fonds n’a jamais été aussi vive. \n\nMalgré
son importance, la philanthropie reste mal connue notamment en France et
en Europe. Plusieurs questions clés restent en suspens : De quoi parle-t-on
exactement ? Qu’est-ce qui motive les philanthropes et favorise leur action
? Quelles sont les différentes façons d’agir en philanthropie ? Quel est son
impact et comment l’évaluer? L’objectif de ce MOOC est de répondre à ces
quatre grandes questions, en mobilisant les dernières avancées en matière
de recherche et le point de vue d’experts reconnus dans leur domaine.
\n\nQue vous soyez simplement curieux de découvrir le sujet, déjà
donateur ou engagé dans une démarche philanthropique, ou un
professionnel qui accompagne ou sollicite des philanthropes, ce MOOC est
fait pour vous ! Chaque semaine, vous progresserez grâce à des vidéos
alliant théorie et pratique, des lectures pour aller plus loin, des quiz pour
renforcer vos acquis et des forums où vous pourrez échanger entre
participants et avec l’équipe pédagogique. A l’issue de ce MOOC, vous
aurez toutes les clés en main pour comprendre et agir en faveur d’un
monde meilleur !\n\nCe MOOC est réalisé par la chaire Philanthropie de
Ce Mooc est un autre regard sur le leadership. Il définit la notion de
leadership au travers des témoignages de sportifs de haut niveau (Michaël
Jeremiasz, Florence Masnada, Sarah Ourahmoune, Florian Rousseau,
Lilian Thuram) avec des analyses de Guy Ontanon (entraîneur national
pour les relais et le sprint). \n\nIl ressort de l’expérience de ces grands
Leadership d'excellence par le sport de haut
ESSEC Business School sportifs cinq composantes du leadership (Trouver les mots et savoir
niveau excellence-sport
traduire – Organiser le court terme pour le long terme – Rechercher
l’explosivité – Combiner et prendre des risques – Développer la confiance)
que les directeurs des chaires ESSEC Changement et IMEO, David
Autissier et Jean-Marie Peretti rapprochent de théories et outils du
Ce MOOC, créé en partenariat avec Le RAMEAU, a pour vocation de
présenter les différentes modalités selon lesquelles entreprises,
associations, et acteurs publics peuvent agir ensemble au service d'un
territoire. \n\nEn suivant ce MOOC, vous saurez : \n\n•\tComprendre quels
sont les enjeux et les principaux acteurs des territoires\n•\tIdentifier les
Les alliances qui changent les territoires : alliances pouvant se développer par et pour le territoire\n•\tDéterminer les
partenariats entre acteurs publics, acteurs privés ESSEC Business School
changent-les-territoires étapes nécessaires à la construction d’une alliance territoriale\n•\tEt enfin,
et structures d'intérêt général pour le bien commun
distinguer les facteurs et dispositifs permettant l’essaimage de ces
initiatives\n\nQue vous soyez une entreprise responsable, une association
dynamique, un acteur public innovant ou un citoyen engagé, ce MOOC est
fait pour vous !\n\nCliquez ici pour visionner le teaser du MOOC :

Ce cours vous donne accès aux outils pratiques de négociation et aux

bonnes pratiques rassemblés par le Professeur Aurélien Colson et son
équipe dans près de 80 pays et dans un large éventail de secteurs,
services, industries, hautes technologies ou organisations publiques.\n\nDe
manière interactive, ce cours vous aidera, entre autres choses : se préparer
à toute négociation; éviter les pièges; savoir comment susciter des
partenariats créateurs de valeur; structurer une séquence de négociation
efficace; négocier d'une manière efficace et respectueuse; surmonter les
Les Fondamentaux de la Négociation ESSEC Business School blocages; et bien plus!\n\nEn effet, la négociation ne consiste pas
simplement à décider qui obtient quoi maintenant - il s'agit avant tout de
créer des partenariats productifs, équitables et donc à long terme. Ce cours
vous guide à travers des approches innovantes et éprouvées - "gagnant-
gagnant ... mais pas à n'importe quel prix".\n\nCe cours vous mènera vers
des négociations à fort impact et durables à tous les niveaux, qu'il s'agisse
de trouver des solutions aux problèmes de gestion des personnes, de
conclure un accord de vente ou de conclure des négociations stratégiques
de haut niveau impliquant les parties prenantes.

Ce MOOC, crée en partenariat avec Le RAMEAU, a pour vocation de vous

aider à mieux appréhender la dynamique des partenariats entre entreprises
et associations. \n\nEn suivant ce MOOC : \n\n-Vous comprendrez quels
sont les différents types de partenariats existants, et vous saurez
différencier mécénat, pratiques responsables, coopération économique et
innovation sociétale. \n-Vous pourrez vous inspirer des témoignages de
nombreuses associations et entreprises, qui partageront avec vous les
facteurs clés de succès de leur partenariat, mais aussi les moments plus
Les partenariats qui changent le monde : alliances
ESSEC Business School difficiles.\n-Vous identifierez le type de partenariat qui vous correspond, et
innovantes entre entreprises et associations changent-le-monde
les étapes pour le construire.\n-Vous saurez évaluer l’impact d’un tel
partenariat sur ses parties prenantes.\n\nQue vous soyez une entreprise
responsable, soucieuse d’avoir un impact positif sur votre communauté,
une association désireuse d’augmenter votre impact, ou si vous êtes tout
simplement curieux de comprendre pourquoi est-ce que secteur privé
lucratif et structures d’intérêt général travaillent ensemble, ce MOOC est fait
pour vous !\n\nPour voir le teaser du MOOC :
L’objectif de ce Mooc est de montrer aux managers le rôle clé qu’ils jouent
dans les projets de changement. Ce Mooc donne des éléments de
réponses concrets à la question « Comment manager le changement au
quotidien avec son équipe ? ». Pour cela ce Mooc propose 6 séquences
avec des analyses, des outils et de nombreux témoignages. Le contenu de
Managers du changement ESSEC Business School ce Mooc est illustré par des témoignages de managers de l’entreprise
COVEA.\n\nCe Mooc met en avant cinq compétences clé pour déployer un
changement au niveau local auprès d’une équipe : \n- Prioriser et gérer les
marges de manœuvre du changement \n- Traduire les changements\n- Co-
construire en mode collaboratif \n- Gérer les différents types de
comportements \n- Piloter et ancrer durablement le changement

Mediation is a crucial means to reaching peaceful and agreed solutions in

today’s world – on an international, political, industrial, peace-keeping or
social level. \n\nWith the course you will be able to choose and lead a
mediation process. You will gain a deeper understanding of workplace and
international conflict resolution. Fundamentals of Negotiation are required to
complete this MOOC. You can acquire them through our MOOC
"Negotiation Fundamentals".\n\nAfter this course, you will be able to:
\n\nDefine what a mediation is and choose when to use it;\nList different
types of mediation;\nIdentify typical challenges and difficulties that most
Mediation and Conflict Resolution ESSEC Business School mediators face;\nChoose the adequate strategies within a repertoire of
options;\nIdentify the do’s and don’ts in mediation.\n\nThis MOOC offers
video lectures from leading experts, interactive questions, case studies,
practice and graded quizzes.\n\nDesigned as a logical follow on from the
suite of ESSEC IRENE online courses in negotiation, this course about
mediation and conflict resolution teaches a whole set of additional skills and
approaches. Developed by one of Europe’s leading institutes of research
and education in negotiation and mediation, ESSEC IRENE, this course
provides you with a meaningful and effective bouquet of practical cases,
tools, approaches and skills to put your mediation into high-impact practice.

This course gives you access to negotiation practical tools and best
practices gathered by Professor Aurélien Colson & his team from
assignments in more than seventy countries and in a wide set of sectors, be
they services, industry, high tech, or public organizations.\n\nIn an
interactive manner, this course will help you, among other topics: get
prepared for any negotiation; avoid traps; know how to prompt value-
creating partnerships; structure an effective negotiation sequence; bargain in an efficient and respectful manner; overcome deadlocks; and much
Negotiation Fundamentals ESSEC Business School
fundamentals more!\n\nIndeed, negotiation is not simply about deciding who gets what
now – it is first and foremost about creating productive, fair, and therefore
long-term partnerships. This course guides you through innovative and
proven approaches – “win-win…but not at any price”.\n\nTogether with its
specialization, this course will lead you towards high impact and sustainable
negotiations at all levels, whether finding solutions to people management
issues, sealing a deal on a sales package, or entering into high-level
strategic or political negotiations involving multi-party stakeholders.
This course has been designed to help you apply knowledge, skills, and
know-how you have developed in negotiation and in mediation, both as a
result of your own practice and the follow up of the previous Courses of the
ESSEC “Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution”
specialization.\n\nBefore you enroll this course, we strongly recommend
that you acquire the necessary pre-requisites. A number of tools, concepts,
and methods are outlined in 3 MOOCS: Negotiation Fundamentals, Cross-
cultural Negotiations, and Mediation & Conflict Resolution. \n\nTo be more
specific, the following subjects must be mastered:\n- Get prepared for any
negotiation; \n- Avoid traps;\n- Know how to prompt value-creating
partnerships;\n- Structure an effective negotiation sequence; \n- Bargain in
an efficient and respectful manner; \n- Overcome deadlocks;\n- Manager
cultural differences in a negotiation;\n- Define what a mediation is and
choose when to use it;\n- List different types of mediation;\n- Identify typical
challenges and difficulties that most mediators face;\n- Choose the
adequate strategies within a repertoire of options;\n- Identify the do’s and
Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution -
ESSEC Business School don’ts in mediation.\n\nThe purpose of this course is to help you to put
Capstone Project
everything together, sharpen your skills and enhance your command of
negotiation techniques and behaviors.\n\nWe’ve designed this MOOC in a
highly interactive way. You will be engaged in a negotiation with peers. You
will demonstrate your improved capacity to analyze, and therefore conduct,
negotiations and mediation.\n\nThis capstone project will comprise three
exercises. Here is an overview.\n\nIn the first exercise, you will analyse a
real-life negotiation of your own choice. As an expert of negotiation
dynamics, you will provide your reader with a detailed analysis of this real
negotiation. Indeed as a professional, your task might not always be to
conduct a negotiation - but to analyse what is going on in a given
negotiation, or to help others (your boss, for instance) get ready for a high-
stake negotiation. Guidelines will be provided in a separate document, to
help you structure your assignment. \n\nFor the second exercise, you will
negotiate directly with a peer. We’ve prepared a business case inspired
from a true story. \n\nThe third exercise is linked to the previous one.
Imagine that this negotiation is not successful, and that the relationship
Diversité des sources de financement, des ressources humaines et des
partenariats sont au coeur de l’originalité du modèle économique associatif.
\n\nDans un contexte de besoins sociaux et environnementaux croissants
en quantité et en complexité sur les territoires et de raréfaction des
subventions publiques, comment hybrider toujours davantage votre modèle
économique pour rendre votre action pérenne et donc maximiser votre
impact social dans le temps ?\n\nC’est la question à laquelle ce MOOC
cherche à répondre, avec le témoignage de plus de 20 dirigeants de
structures associatives oeuvrant au service de l’intérêt général, l’apport
académique de l’ESSEC et les nombreux travaux du Rameau, avec lequel nous avons créé ce MOOC.\n\nA l'issue de ce MOOC :\n- Vous
Nouveaux modèles économiques des associations ESSEC Business School
economiques-associations comprendrez la place et l’importance du modèle économique pour le
développement et la pérennité d’une association\n- Vous saurez quels
leviers sont au cœur des modèles économiques associatifs et quelles
opportunités chacun d’eux représente \n- Vous vous familiariserez avec la
démarche d’hybridation du modèle économique d’une association\n- Vous
identifierez les questionnements et étapes clés pour repenser votre
modèle\n- Vous connaîtrez les acteurs qui peuvent vous accompagner et
les dispositifs que vous pouvez mobiliser en tant que dirigeant d’association
pour pleinement réussir la transformation de votre modèle économique
!\n\nBelles découvertes et très bon parcours de formation !\nL'équipe
Bienvenue dans ce MOOC qui a été conçu pour vous accompagner dans
l’exploration de l’originalité et de la\nmodernité des mutuelles !\n\nQue vous
soyez salarié ou élu d’une mutuelle, que vous envisagiez de travailler dans
ce secteur ou que vous soyez un\nsociétaire impliqué soucieux de
comprendre ce qui se cache derrière la différence mutualiste, ce qui
caractérise les\nmutuelles, en quoi elles sont originales et pourquoi les
mutuelles sont plus que jamais des vecteurs privilégiés\nd’innovation
sociale, ce MOOC est fait pour vous !\n\nLe parcours de formation que
vous allez suivre s’articule autour de 4 épisodes :\nEpisode 1/ L’assurance,
fonctions économiques et sociales\nEpisode 2/ La mutuelle, une façon
différente d’assurer les biens et les personnes\nEpisode 3/ La mutuelle, un
acteur engagé dans la société\nEpisode 4/ La mutuelle face aux défis du
XXIème siècle\n\nCe que nous vous proposons avec ce MOOC, conçu en
partenariat avec la MACIF, c'est de découvrir l’ensemble de ces sujets au travers du témoignage de nombreux dirigeants de mutuelles et d'experts.
Originalité et modernité du mutualisme ESSEC Business School
modernite-du-mutualisme En fonction de vos objectifs et de vos centres d’intérêt prioritaires, vous
pourrez adapter votre parcours en choisissant les interventions qui y
répondent le mieux.\n\nA l'issue de ce MOOC, vous serez capable de :\n-
Expliquer les fondamentaux de l’assurance : comment elle a émergé,
comment elle fonctionne, les grands jalons\nqui ont marqué son histoire, le
panorama de ses principaux acteurs aujourd’hui\n- Identifier les spécificités
de la gouvernance du modèle mutualiste et l’environnement réglementaire
mouvant\ndans lequel il évolue\n- Expliquer en quoi les mutuelles sont des
assureurs « pas comme les autres », comment ils s’engagent au\nbénéfice
de la société\n- Décrire comment les mutuelles se positionnent face aux
grands défis du XIXème siècle, vieillissement et\ndépendance, changement
climatique, gestion des données personnelles et digitalisation, nouvelles
formes de\nmobilité et d’habitat\n\nBonne découverte à tous !\nThierry
Sibieude, professeur ESSEC, titulaire de la Chaire Innovation et
Entrepreneuriat Social
Une démarche de reporting extra-financier ne se limite pas à la production
contraignante et fastidieuse d’un rapport de 300 pages. Même s’il est vrai
que ce rapport est devenu obligatoire pour beaucoup d’entreprises, le
reporting extra-financier est avant tout une occasion d’aller à la rencontre
de ses parties prenantes pour comprendre les effets de ses activités dans
leur globalité et pour mieux les gérer, d’une façon plus responsable aux
plans social et environnemental mais aussi plus durable économiquement.
Voir plus loin que la loi et faire de cette démarche un levier de performance,
est bénéfique pour toute l'entreprise !\n\nL’originalité de ce MOOC ? Nous
vous proposons une expérience d’apprentissage très riche basée à la fois
Reporting extra-financier et stratégie RSE ESSEC Business School sur l'expertise de spécialistes du sujet et sur l'expérience d'une quinzaine
d'entreprises qui partageront avec vous leur expérience du sujet. Vous
retrouverez notamment à chaque épisode les directrices RSE de L'Oréal,
Eurazéo et Atos et un expert de l'équipe Développement durable de
Deloitte, le partenaire de ce MOOC.\n\nQue vous soyez un étudiant
soucieux d’acquérir un socle solide de connaissances sur le sujet, un
salarié d’entreprise désireux de mieux dialoguer avec l’équipe RSE, ou tout
simplement un citoyen convaincu que les enjeux RSE sont au cœur des
modèles de développement à venir, ce MOOC est pour vous
!\n\nBienvenue à tous et bon parcours !\nThierry Sibieude et l'équipe
L'accélération de l'environnement socio-économique conduit les entreprises
à multiplier les projets de changement (nouveaux produits, applications
digitales, optimisation des coûts, nouvelles organisationnelles, etc.). Le
changement n'est plus un phénomène conjoncturel mais permanent. Le
changement est devenu un objet gestionnaire avec des méthodologies, des
outils et des compétences. La compétence en conduite du changement se
développe dans les cabinets de conseil et en interne dans les entreprises.
Consultants, chefs de projet, experts du changement, acteurs de la fonction
RH et tous les managers doivent se doter d'une compétence en conduite
du changement pour réaliser les nombreuses transformations que les
entreprises et les administrations ont à mener.\nCe MOOC est une réponse
à la généralisation de la compétence en conduite du changement. Il
propose un dispositif pédagogique pour acculturer un grand nombre de
personnes dans les entreprises et leur donner les fondamentaux en termes de méthodologies et d'outils. \n\nObjectif pédagogique : \nPrésentation des
Réussir le Changement ESSEC Business School
changement principaux outils, méthodes et théories en gestion du changement.
Description des fondamentaux de la conduite du changement. \n\nA l’issue
du cours, les apprenants peuvent : \n- comprendre la notion de conduite du
changement et son évolution dans le temps \n- appréhender les grands
mécanismes psychosociologiques du changement \n- diagnostiquer un
changement (stratégique, culturel, organisationnel, informatique) en
entreprise \n- construire les plans de formation, de communication et
d'accompagnement \n- mettre en place les dispositifs de pilotage d'un
changement \n- déployer des démarches agiles du changement à base
d'ateliers participatifs\n\nA qui s’adresse ce MOOC ? \nAux consultants
internes et externes en conduite du changement, aux populations RH, aux
chefs de projet et aux managers qui veulent comprendre ce qu'est la
conduite du changement et appréhender les principaux outils et méthodes
déployés.\n\nEn cas de problèmes ou question sur la plateforme
coursera\nContact :

In today’s hotel sector an increasingly complex network of traditional and

web based channels have to be managed to insure hotel success. Key
questions include: how should you distribute over the web? What should
you include on your website so people book through it? How
can you maximise the potential of online travel agents (OTAs)? With the
The fundamentals of hotel distribution ESSEC Business School distribution environment both highly complex and constantly evolving, this
course will give you comprehensive foundation of current industry practices
to help jump start your career in this fascinating
domain.\n\nAcknowledgements: Claire Bertrand, Vincent Chatain, Jessica
Moses, Benjamin Six (ESSEC Business School), Emilie Dupré (Image-In),
Gregory Halidy (Triplay)
With a fixed capacity, a highly disposable product and high fixed costs,
hotels are a natural candidate for the application of revenue management.
Originally developed by the airlines in the 1970s, these analytics-based
techniques help predict consumer behavior at the hotel’s market level so
that the hotel can sell each room each night at the optimum price. \n\nWith
modern-day rising acquisition costs and distribution complexities, revenue
management techniques have increasingly been adopted by both small and
large hotel companies, making a comprehensive understanding of
segmentation, forecasting and pricing an essential requirement for today’s
hospitality professionals. The purpose of this course is to provide a core
understanding of the fundamentals of revenue management, which ties into
the larger picture of revenue strategy. The course is structured to provide
an insightful look into Revenue Management.\n\nCreated in conjunction
with Duetto, this course is hosted by a group of revenue management
leaders in both theory and with hands-on experience at properties around
the world. Upon completion of the course students should be empowered
The Fundamentals of Revenue Management: The
ESSEC Business School with industry best practices, which can be applied across the vast
Cornerstone of Revenue Strategy revenue-management
diversification the hotel industry to empower those to optimize profits.
Duetto delivers powerful revenue strategy solutions to the world’s leading
hotels and casinos, combining unparalleled expertise with world-class cloud-
based technology.\n\nAcknowledgement: Bela Nagy, Agnes Roquefort ,
Jonathon Liu, Frederic Toitot, Pierrick La Masne, Markus Keller - ACCOR
Simone Truscello - ACE HOTELS. Richard Valtr - MEWS SYSTEM. Jean-
Luc Chrétien - FAST BOOKING. Jeannette Ho - FAIRMONT RAFFLES
Estis Green - KALIBRI LABS. Jason Thielbar - RED LION. Christopher
Cooper - ROCCO FORTE. Rom Hendler - SANDS. Rafi Rejerano - AB
Hotels. Riko Van Santen - KEMPINKI HOTELS & RESORTS. Vinod Sukhija
COMPANY. Cidalia Pinto Coehlo - LOUVRE HOTELS. Trevor Stuart-Hill -
REVENUE MATTERS. Vincent Cusma, Marco Benvenuti, Eric Stoessel,
Gayle Ehrean, Nevin Reed - DUETTO. Claire Bertrand, Vincent Chatain,
Jessica Moses, Benjamin Six (ESSEC Business School), Emilie Dupré
‫ندرك جميعًا أنّ اﻻختﻼفات الثقافية مهمة وأنها تؤثر على كيفية تفاعلنا مع اﻵخرين في العمل وأثناء ممارستنا‬
‫ ولكن ما المقصود بالثقافة تحديدًا وكيف تؤثر على التفاوض بشك ٍل خاص؟‬.‫لﻸنشطة الترفيهية‬
‫ستساعدك هذه الدورة التدريبية على تو ّخي الدقة بشك ٍل أكبر فيما يتعلﱠق باﻷبعاد المختلفة للثقافة من‬n\n\
،‫منطقة أو دولة إلى غيرها مع مساعدتك على تجنﱡب تسطيح اﻷفكار واستخدام الكليشيهات والصور النمطية‬
‫ سترشدك وحدات الدورة‬،‫باﻹضافة إلى ذلك‬n\n\.‫كما أنها ستساعدك على إدراك ثقافتك بشك ٍل أفضل‬
:‫ وهي‬،‫التدريبية إلى فهم أفضل لﻸوقات التي تؤثر فيها اﻻختﻼفات الثقافية على اﻷبعاد المختلفة للتفاوض‬ ‫ سيتحسﱠن مستوى وعيك‬،‫ وبفضل هذا الفهم‬.‫الناس والمشكﻼت والعمليات وكيفية حدوث هذا التأثير‬
‫ التفاوض الدولي وبين الثقافات‬ESSEC Business School
negotiation-ar ‫واستعدادك وإستراتيجيتك عند مواجهة مفاوضين من ثقافات ومناطق مختلفة عن ثقافتك والمنطقة التي تنتمي‬
‫كما‬n\n\.‫سنًا في قدرتك على التوقﱡع وفي ردة فعلك ومستوى مرونتك في التفاوض‬ ‫ وستلمس أيضًا تح ﱡ‬.‫إليها‬
‫ستتناول هذه الدورة التدريبية أساليب تفاوض محلية ودولية مميﱠزة بشك ٍل عملي )سنُلقي نظرة على اﻷساليب‬
‫ تبرز دراسة التفاوض في‬،‫ باﻹضافة إلى ذلك‬.(‫المتبعة في فرنسا والصين وأمريكا الشمالية والشرق اﻷوسط‬
‫بيئتين تحويان ثقافات متعددة )وهما مؤسسات اﻻتحاد اﻷوروبي من جهة ومؤتمر اﻷطراف المعني بالمناخ‬
‫في دورته الواحدة والعشرين المنعقد في باريس من جهة أخرى( أهمية عمليات التفاوض الفعّال لتحقيق نتائج‬
.‫قِوامها الكفاءة والعدل على حد سواء‬
This is an Exploratorium teacher professional development course taught
by Teacher Institute staff, open to any science teacher (particularly middle
or high school level) and science enthusiast. This is a hands-on workshop
that explores topics and strategies teachers can use to help their students
become active investigators of light.\n\nWatch a preview video (copy and
paste this link into your browser):\n\nThere
are four weeks of course content, which require 2-4 hours per week. Each
module builds upon the previous one, so we strongly suggest you follow the
sequence we've outlined rather than skip ahead or do the course in less
time. The course is designed to give you an opportunity to learn and share
with others, not test what you know. There are weekly activity and reflection
assignments, but these will not be graded. To receive credit for this course,
you will need to complete the peer-reviewed final assignment.\n\nAs a
participant, you will:\n- Watch videos that demonstrate natural phenomena
Exploring Light: Hands-on Activities and Strategies and the Exploratorium's approach to teaching and learning \n- Conduct
for Teachers personal investigations by engaging in hands-on activities based in those
phenomena\n- Reflect and share your experience doing activities\n-
Discuss and identify challenges and opportunities for teaching\n- Devise a
lesson of your own based on one or more of the activities\n\nEach week,
we'll look at a different light-related topic: We will start by examining human
visual perception, then take a brief historical tour of our evolving scientific
understanding. We’ll also look at optics and optical instruments and finish
by looking at the wave nature of light. \n\nTo get the most out of this
experience, you'll have to try out some activities! In return, you'll get lots of
valuable teaching resources, an in-depth understanding of the subject
matter, and useful tips and techniques for the classroom.\n\nNOTE: This is
a hands-on workshop, so you will need to buy or find materials. All of the
materials required are inexpensive and should be easy to obtain, and we
welcome substitutions! A separate list of materials is available for each
The Tinkering Fundamentals course will offer educators and enthusiasts an
opportunity to develop a practice of tinkering and making. We see tinkering
as a serious endeavor—one that is generalizable across content and
especially good at interweaving disciplines in a way that leads to complex
projects and individualized learning opportunities. Tinkering has recently
been introduced into the educational field as a potential driver of creativity,
excitement, and innovation in science learning. It is seen by many as an
effective means to engage in exploring STEM concepts, practices and
phenomena. Tinkering typically blends the high and low tech tools of
science along with a strong aesthetic dimension that supports children’s
(and adults) self expression.\n\nFor over a decade, the Exploratorium has
been developing science-rich tinkering activities for both children and
adults. We see tinkering as a fun yet serious endeavor—spanning many
disciplines and content areas and fostering connections between art,
science, and technology. Learners follow their own path to understanding
by investigating tools and materials and exploring questions that interest
Tinkering Fundamentals: Circuits Exploratorium them. This opens up a wide range of possible answers rather than any
“right” one, particularly for teaching STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Math) subjects in the classroom. This course centers on circuit-
related activities, which offer a wealth of opportunities for thinking through
making.\n\nIn this course, we won’t just show you how we develop tinkering
activities; we’ll also delve into why. We’ll focus on three important aspects:
activity design around specific materials, facilitation strategies, and
environmental organization. We’ll also share some guiding principles and
learning indicators we’ve developed that can help you integrate tinkering
into your elementary and middle-school science program. Whether you’re
new to making or a seasoned tinkerer, we hope this course will help you
take the next step!\n\nOUR APPROACH TO TEACHING\n\nThis is a hands-
on workshop, not a lecture-based class. Participation is essential! We want
everyone to be making and tinkering together: trying things out, asking
questions, sharing ideas, and reflecting together as a community. This is a
wonderful chance to tinker and learn alongside people from all over the
world and from all walks of life, so don’t be shy!\n\nPLEASE NOTE:
The Tinkering Fundamentals course will offer educators and enthusiasts an
opportunity to develop a practice of tinkering and making. We see tinkering
as a serious endeavor—one that is generalizable across content and
especially good at interweaving disciplines in a way that leads to complex
projects and individualized learning opportunities. Tinkering has recently
been introduced into the educational field as a potential driver of creativity,
excitement, and innovation in science learning. It is seen by many as an
effective means to engage in exploring STEM concepts, practices and
phenomena. Tinkering typically blends the high and low tech tools of
science along with a strong aesthetic dimension that supports children’s
(and adults’) self expression.\n\nNB: This is a hands-on course, so you will
need several tools and materials to do weekly activities. You are welcome
to purchase only what you don't already have—or even better try to
scrounge them from surplus stores! We have put together a list of
recommended materials, which you can find here:
materials\n\nFor over a decade, the Exploratorium has been developing
Tinkering Fundamentals: Motion and Mechanisms Exploratorium science-rich tinkering activities for both children and adults. We see
tinkering as a fun yet serious endeavor—spanning many disciplines and
content areas and fostering connections between art, science, and
technology. Learners follow their own path to understanding by investigating
tools and materials and exploring questions that interest them. This opens
up a wide range of possible answers rather than any specific “right” one,
particularly for teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
subjects in the classroom. This course centers on activities related to
Motion and Mechanisms, which offer a wealth of opportunities for thinking
through making.\n\nIn this course, we won’t just show you how we develop
tinkering activities; we’ll also delve into why. We’ll focus on three important
aspects: activity design around specific materials, facilitation strategies, and
environmental organization. We’ll also share some guiding principles and
learning indicators we’ve developed that can help you integrate tinkering
into your elementary and middle-school science program. Whether you’re
new to making or a seasoned tinkerer, we hope this course will help you
take the next step!\n\nOUR APPROACH TO TEACHING\n\nThis is a hands-
《新教伦理与资本主义精神》导读 Fudan University
全球卫生导论 Fudan University

一个立志成为创作人的学习者来说,只有真正亲历创作过程,并和其他志同道 合的创作者交流切磋,才是通往自我表达之路的最佳途径。\n\n企业合作\n1、
创作吧!微影人! Fudan University
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Oy公司开发的《Clash of Clans》(部落冲突)与Blizzard
基于Unity引擎的游戏开发基础 Fudan University 。与课程内容同步,我们设计基于移动平台的第㇐人称3D射击游戏《慕课英

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导演思维:微影人的自我修养 Fudan University 通技术与叙事,简明扼要地还原微电影创作的全历程,以期传达这样的理念:

验和授课心得,将课程分为“亲临微电影创作现场” 、 “
微影人的自我修养 Fudan University 题表达、叙事方式、风格形成等方面真正的要点与难点,让你真切领会到微电

个人的严酷现实,是坐以待毙还是奋力反击?相信你心中已有答案。\n本课程 将以独特、新颖的视角,为你展现抗菌药和超级细菌间博弈的历程;以深入浅
抗菌药与超级细菌 --天使与魔鬼的博弈 Fudan University
chaojixijun 出、生动形象的课件,教你抗菌药与超级细菌的知识;以浅显易懂、亦庄亦谐

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游戏产业概论 Fudan University

游戏策划与设计 Fudan University
编剧:像导演㇐样编剧 Fudan University 个世界中的每一个人物命运,每一个起承转合,都表达着创作者对于人性的判
网络游戏设计与开发毕业项目 Fudan University 学习者完成手机网游教学项目:慕课英雄3的设计与开发。毕业项目参考当前
O aluno irá aprender conceitos da gestão de clubes e federações
esportivas, conceitos de marketing voltados ao esporte e conceitos de
A prática da gestão de clubes e federações Fundação Instituto de
patrocínio esportivo. Iremos abordar a relação das federações esportivas
esportivas Administração federacoes-esportivas
com a imprensa e serão dados conceitos de finanças voltados a
instituições esportivas.
The Budgeting Essentials and Development course focus on an integrative
and practical view of concepts, methods, and techniques to develop a
budget.\n\nAfter finishing this course, learners will be able to:\n- Develop
the budget with a broad view of the corporate functions;\n- Integrate the
strategic guidelines into the discussions of budgeting process;\n- Structure
the budget planning and development in a logical sequence\n- Coordinate
the project of budget planning with the different areas of the company\n-
Actively promote assumptions discussions to improve the process of
developing the budget\n- Apply financial concepts to support the budget
Fundação Instituto de
Budgeting essentials and development planning process\n- Design a budget monitoring and control model to
Administração essentials-development
support the performance management\n- Evaluate the performance of the
company by managing the results and the budget\n\nIn this course,
learners will have a deeper understanding of the budgeting process, its
challenges, common issues, and approaches to mitigate the problems and
improve the learning curve of budget planning.\nIt is integrative by
emphasizing the transition between the corporate strategy and the budget.
It is practical by following a structured process of going through a
framework that illustrates and demonstrates how to analyze, develop and
control the budget.
Welcome to Strategic Sales Management specialization.\nThis
specialization course focus on providing conceptual and practical guidance
on sales planning and management.\nThe development of the
specialization goes through the different phases of the sales planning
process, keeping attention on the connection to the strategy of the
company.\nConcepts discussed in this specialization aim to support the
analyses on how to plan sales in alignment with the strategic guidelines of
the company. The sales functions are discussed with models and
frameworks that support the planning process, which includes assumptions
regarding the strategic guidelines, such as aggregate revenue targets,
company’s earnings, and expected cash flow from the company’s
operations. These variables are all related to the strategy of the
company.\nThe target audience of this specialization include professionals
with some experience in sales, they might have been promoted to a
managing position recently, or they have plans to improve their expertise in
the sales area to apply to more challenging positions in the
Fundação Instituto de
Effective Sales – An Overview future.\nPrerequisite for this specialization is general knowledge of business
Administração overview
concepts, models, and tools. Professionals who have concluded
undergraduate courses of business administration, and also of different
areas of knowledge, such as engineering, economics, accounting, and
social sciences.\nIt’s also important to emphasize that sales involve a broad
range of areas, there are products and services related to agriculture,
petrochemical, automobile, aeronautics, chemical, pharmaceutical, medical,
insurance, education, retail, and consulting industries, just to mention some
examples. That means sales professionals are from all sectors.\nTherefore,
learners of different academic backgrounds may benefit from doing this
specialization, which is structured to support sales planning and
management from a methodological standpoint. And this approach applies
to a diverse range of sectors.\nThe primary learning outcome of this
specialization is the improvement of the sales planning and management
competencies and skills, by providing a set of concepts, models, tools, and
techniques to support the development of the sales plan structure, which
will support the sale plan development.
No mundo contemporâneo, "marca" é um dos ativos mais valorizados
pelos mercados. Contudo, com o empoderamento da sociedade, as
marcas ficaram mais frágeis e mais expostas. \nNesse cenário, estar
preparado para a gestão de crise de marca pode fazer a diferença entre a
Fundação Instituto de sobrevivência e a morte do negócio. Ao final deste curso, você será capaz
Gestão de Marca & Crise de Imagem
Administração crise-imagem de entender e relacionar os principais conceitos de marca, de sistema de
informação de marketing e de gestão de crise de marketing. Será capaz de
julgar processos atuais e localizar as fragilidades do processo. Será capaz
de organizar um processo básico de gestão de crise, envolvendo as
atividades de prevenção, gestão e recuperação.

Este curso é indicado para profissionais que desejam entender de forma

fácil o que é Big Data, conhecer algumas tecnologias de Big Data, ter
Fundação Instituto de acesso a algumas aplicações de Analytics, Internet das Coisas - IOT e de
Introdução ao Big Data
Administração Big Data. Ao final do curso você será capaz de participar de um projeto de
Big Data contribuindo com estratégias e direcionando o projeto para a
escolha da adequada técnica de análise de dados.

Welcome to Course 3 - Models & Frameworks to Support Sales Planning –

In this course, you’ll go through a conceptual approach to selling models
and frameworks.\nAs a primary learning outcome of this course, we
emphasize the improvement in the analytical competencies and skills to
develop sales planning and management. And the learning process goes
through the application of the models and frameworks that contribute to
supporting these processes.\nThis course is aimed at professionals who
seek improvement in conceptual support to the sales planning process,
especially with an emphasis on applying selling models and frameworks
methodology.\nAt this point of the Strategic Sales Management
specialization, you have an excellent understanding of the integration of
sales planning to the strategy of the company. You also have a vision of
Fundação Instituto de major prescriptions and recommendations to support this integration, and
Models & Frameworks to Support Sales Planning
Administração support-sales-planning proceed to strategic sales planning by applying intelligence analysis.\nNow,
in this course, selling models and frameworks will be discussed, from a
conceptual standpoint to add methodological structure into the sales
planning process. Therefore, throughout the modules of this course, the
subjects discussed will include topics of sales management (module 1), the
selling models and frameworks (module 2) that support sales planning,
which relates to the hard skills that may be applied. \nIn the third module of
this course, soft skills are brought to the discussion, since they comprise an
essential component because sales functions include many aspects of the
human interactions.\nPlease follow the steps of the course, and for
academic objectives, we would recommend you to do it in the sequence of
modules proposed, though you may take them in a different order.\nWe
look forward to having you during the course modules and lessons.
Welcome to Course 4 – Sales & Marketing Alignment.\nThis course focus
on what is considered by most academics and practitioners as the biggest
challenge that sales professionals have to face.\nAs we discussed in
Course 1 – Effective Sales, strategy, and sales must be integrated to
support a high potential for value creation through the sales functions. We
also mentioned that strategy and sales integration can be supported by
marketing functions.\nThe discussions then went through sales strategy
supported by intelligence analysis (Course 2), sales models and
frameworks to support sales planning (Course 3).\nBy the consequence, at
Fundação Instituto de
Sales & Marketing Alignment this point of this specialization, you are in a good position to go further in the
Administração alignment
sales planning and management functions. And this is the moment to tackle
one of the biggest challenges that most sales professionals must address
with diligence – Sales & Marketing Alignment.\nThe primary learning
outcome of this course is to prepare you to apply concepts to support this
alignment, with prescriptions and recommendations that contribute to
improving the alignment. The improvement in the knowledge,
competencies, and skills regarding sales & marketing alignment will
contribute to increasing the potential for value creation from a strategic
sales planning approach.

Welcome to Course 2 - Sales Strategy - This course is designed to discuss

the application of intelligence analysis in the sales planning process. And
this approach contributes to integrating the sales planning process into the
corporate strategy of the company because, in the strategy analysis and
formulation process, we apply models, frameworks, tools, and techniques
that also apply to the sales planning and management process.
\nTherefore, the expected outcomes of this course focus on the transition
from traditional to strategic sales planning, by discussing and applying the
concepts recommended to support the development of the strategic
guidelines. \nThe concepts, models, tools, and techniques discussed and
practiced during the course focus on the improvement of value creation
Fundação Instituto de from the sales function empowered by intelligence analysis, a process
Sales Strategy
Administração which typically applies in the strategy analysis front. \nThe discussions go
through how intelligence analysis can support the sales function, by
providing methods to connect strategy to marketing and sales planning
processes. \nIn this course, the primary learning outcome is the ability to
apply intelligence analysis to support sales planning process, and by being
able to do this, you’ll improve your competencies and skills to support sales
planning with a strategic approach. \nYou’ll develop a final assignment at
the end of the course, and it is designed from an adapted real-life business
case. The challenges of the case comprise the business context, through
which you’ll apply the conceptual framework discussed during Course 2.
\nThe outcomes of your analysis on the assignment case will be evaluated
through a peer-review process.
Welcome to Course 5 – Strategic Sales Management Final Project.\nIn this
course, you’ll develop the final project of the specialization, which is an
application of the whole set of concepts, models, frameworks, tools, and
techniques discussed and practiced through the four previous courses.\nA
business case provides the business context to serve as the reference to
support your analyses regarding strategy, marketing, and sales integration.
The case is adapted from a real-life experience. Having developed these
analyses, you will follow the project instructions that lead you to the
application of the concepts you have learned so far, and proceed to the
Fundação Instituto de sales planning processes to support the development of a sales guidelines,
Strategic Sales Management Final Project
Administração which will support the sales planning process in a later moment.\nThe
primary learning outcome of this course is to master concepts application to
create sales guidelines, based on a structured analysis of a business case.
The sales guidelines serve as the background of a sales plan structure, and
they also connect the sales planning process to the strategy, at the same
time that supports the development of a sales plan at a later moment.
\nWhereas the sales plan structure may not be a detailed sales plan, it will
provide all the aspects necessary to develop the sales plan later. \nThe
project will be peer-reviewed, and the instructions to develop it also bring
the rubrics to develop the review.

O Curso Teoria Geral da Administração reúne a maioria dos

conhecimentos de administração geral.\n\nO curso consiste de 5 módulos:
\nI - Bases do Conhecimento;\nII - Escola Clássica;\nIII - Modernidade; \nIV
Fundação Instituto de
Teoria Geral da Administração para Executivos - Desempenho das Organizações; \n\nO curso é ministrado por meio de
aulas gravadas, acompanhadas de projeções de slides com detalhes sobre
cada tópico que o estudante está ouvindo. Ao final de todos os módulos o
estudante conta com uma bateria de testes.
O curso "Aprenda a ensinar programação com o Programaê!" tem como
objetivo apoiar professores no desenvolvimento de suas aulas com o
‘Programaê!’, um movimento que quer aproximar a programação do
cotidiano de jovens de todo o Brasil por meio de um portal prático,
agregador de ideias, soluções, dicas e planos de aula estruturados para
professores.\n\nVocê não precisa ser programador ou entender de
programação para fazer este curso! Nosso público-alvo são profissionais
da educação (formal e não formal) que desejam desenvolver o
pensamento lógico computacional de crianças, jovens e adultos utilizando
os planos de aula do Programaê!\n\nAo concluir este curso, os alunos
Aprenda a ensinar programação com o serão capazes de: \n\n•\tApresentar o Programaê! e os objetivos do
Fundação Lemann
Programaê! movimento;\n•\tDefinir qual é o papel da programação no desenvolvimento
de habilidades e competências;\n•\tApresentar e explorar o como
aluno e como professor, criando turmas, gerenciando e acompanhando o
progresso dos alunos;\n•\tEntender como os planos de aula foram
organizados e a importância do desenvolvimento de atividades
desplugadas para o aprendizado dos conceitos da lógica de
programação;\n\nPara ser certificado, o cursista deve obter 100% de
aproveitamento nas avaliações, que são apresentadas em formato de
teste, com possibilidade de mais de uma tentativa. \n\nParticipe de outros
cursos da Fundação Lemann no Coursera -
Neste curso, oferecido pela Fundação Lemann em parceria com o Instituto
Península, você terá a oportunidade de aprender, a partir de experiências
reais, como integrar as tecnologias digitais no seu contexto escolar. As
vivências compartilhadas pelos diferentes professores envolvidos neste
curso lhe proporcionará reflexões sobre os modelos de Ensino Híbrido e
sua relação com a personalização do ensino.\n\nA expectativa é apresentar
Ensino Híbrido: Personalização e Tecnologia na a você possibilidades de integração das tecnologias digitais ao currículo
Fundação Lemann
Educação escolar, de forma a alcançar uma série de benefícios no dia a dia da sala
de aula, entre elas:\n\nAproximação da realidade escolar com o cotidiano
do aluno;\nMaior engajamento dos alunos no aprendizado;\nMelhor
aproveitamento do tempo do professor;\nAmpliação do potencial do
professor para intervenções efetivas;\nPlanejamento personalizado.\n\nA
carga horária prevista para a conclusão do curso é de 40h.\n\nVamos lá?
Comece agora mesmo!
O curso "Explorando os recursos educacionais da Khan Academy" tem
como objetivo ajudar todos aqueles que desejam utilizar a plataforma como
um recurso pedagógico. No decorrer do curso, você terá a oportunidade de
conhecer a plataforma do ponto de vista do estudante e do ponto de vista
do tutor, sabendo exatamente como utilizá-la em favor da aprendizagem.
Ao longo do curso, você terá todas as orientações de que precisa para
utilizar a plataforma com seus alunos.\n\nA plataforma Khan Academy foi
concebida para oferecer aprendizado personalizado para todas as idades,
com exercícios, vídeos e um painel de acompanhamento que habilita os
estudantes a aprender no seu próprio ritmo. Para o professor, a Khan
Academy é uma poderosa ferramenta pedagógica que possibilita
personalizar o percurso de aprendizagem dos alunos, dinamizar a
experiência educacional com recursos de gamificação e monitorar o
progresso de todos e de cada um, com relatórios simples e
objetivos.\n\nEste curso é autoinstrucional, ou seja, a aprendizagem
acontece na interação com o conteúdo, com outros participantes e por
Explorando os recursos educacionais da Khan
Fundação Lemann meio da realização das atividades propostas. Assim, o cursista tem mais
flexibilidade para estudar no seu próprio ritmo, de acordo com a sua
disponibilidade de tempo.\n\nComo material didático, disponibilizamos
textos, links, vídeo tutoriais, quizzes e uma proposta de atividade final, que
envolve a sistematização da experiência de uso da plataforma como
recurso pedagógico.\n\nPara ser certificado, o cursista deve obter 100% de
aproveitamento nas avaliações ofertadas ao longo do curso, que são
apresentadas em formato de teste, com possibilidade de mais de uma
tentativa. \n\n\nInstituições envolvidas no projeto Khan Academy no
Brasil:\n\nA Fundação Lemann é parceira internacional da Khan Academy
no Brasil e tem experiência na implementação da plataforma em diferentes
contextos educacionais, incluindo ONGs, instituições de ensino públicas e
privadas.\n\nComo instituições parceiras do projeto no Brasil, temos o
Instituto Península, o Instituto Natura e o Ismart. Ainda, agradecemos o
apoio do Instituto Singularidades no desenvolvimento deste programa de
formação.\n\nParticipe de outros cursos da Fundação Lemann no Coursera
Este curso é oferecido pelo Google em parceria com a Fundação Lemann
e a Foreducation, e tem como objetivo apresentar a educadores
possibilidades de uso das tecnologias do Google para aumentar a
eficiência, a inovação e a personalização do ensino. O conteúdo está
dividido em cinco módulos:\n\n1. Visão geral: entenda a estrutura do curso
e confira dicas para obter sucesso na sua estratégia de estudo.\n2.
Pesquisa e comunicação: busque recursos online e divulgue informações
para a comunidade escolar.\n3. Criação e compartilhamento: crie
documentos online e incentive a colaboração usando ferramentas de
edição de texto, planilhas, apresentações e formulários de pesquisa.\n4.
Melhorar a experiência em sala de aula: utilize ferramentas online para
Fundamentos do Google para o Ensino Fundação Lemann
melhorar a comunicação e aspectos visuais nas aulas.\n5. Saiba mais:
encontre links e conteúdos interessantes de assuntos relacionados ao uso
de tecnologia em sala de aula.\n\nCada módulo contém um vídeo de
introdução seguido de tópicos que exploram casos práticos de como
educadores podem fazer o melhor uso das tecnologias do Google em sala
de aula. Em seguida, os módulos apresentam um passo a passo sobre
como realizar tarefas básicas com a ferramenta indicada e links para
aprofundamento. Como conclusão de cada etapa, teremos atividades para
praticar as habilidades adquiridas e discussões em fóruns para
compartilhar experiências e obter feedback de outros cursistas. \n\nPronto
para começar? Desejamos um excelente curso!

O curso Gestão para a Aprendizagem: Módulo Gestão Estratégica aborda

uma nova concepção de gestão escolar focada na aprendizagem dos
Gestão para a Aprendizagem: Módulo Gestão alunos e nas dimensões de trabalho do gestor visando o sucesso escolar,
Fundação Lemann
Estratégica com foco na rede pública. O cerne do curso é o planejamento estratégico e
os instrumentos práticos, tais como a caracterização da comunidade
escolar, a avaliação de eficácia, a análise SWOT e o plano de ação.
This course is an advanced study of bodies in motion as applied to
engineering systems and structures. We will study the dynamics of rigid
bodies in 3D motion. This will consist of both the kinematics and kinetics of
motion. Kinematics deals with the geometrical aspects of motion describing
position, velocity, and acceleration, all as a function of time. Kinetics is the
study of forces acting on these bodies and how it affects their motion.\n-------
--------------------\nRecommended Background:\n\nTo be successful in the
course you will need to have mastered basic engineering mechanics
concepts and to have successfully completed my course entitled
Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Particles and Bodies in 2D
Motion.” We will apply many of the engineering fundamentals learned in
those classes and you will need those skills before attempting this
course.\n\n---------------------------\nSuggested Readings:\n\nWhile no specific
Advanced Engineering Systems in Motion: textbook is required, this course is designed to be compatible with any
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dynamics of Three Dimensional (3D) Motion standard engineering dynamics textbook. You will find a book like this
useful as a reference and for completing additional practice problems to
enhance your learning of the material.\n\n---------------------------\nThe
copyright of all content and materials in this course are owned by either the
Georgia Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By
participating in the course or using the content or materials, whether in
whole or in part, you agree that you may download and use any content
and/or material in this course for your own personal, non-commercial use
only in a manner consistent with a student of any academic course. Any
other use of the content and materials, including use by other academic
universities or entities, is prohibited without express written permission of
the Georgia Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr.
Wayne Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain
a non-exclusive license.

This course applies principles learned in my course “Introduction to

Engineering Mechanics” to analyze real world engineering structures. You
will need to have mastered the engineering fundamentals from that class in
order to be successful in this course offering. This course addresses the
modeling and analysis of static equilibrium problems with an emphasis on
real world engineering systems and problem solving. \n\n-------------------------
--\nRecommended Background:\n\nYou will need to have successfully
completed my earlier course “Introduction to Engineering Mechanics” in
order to be successful in this course.\n\n---------------------------\nThe copyright of all content and materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia
Applications in Engineering Mechanics Georgia Institute of Technology
mechanics-statics-2 Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the
course or using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you
agree that you may download and use any content and/or material in this
course for your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner
consistent with a student of any academic course. Any other use of the
content and materials, including use by other academic universities or
entities, is prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia
Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne
Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-
exclusive license.
Do you need to write more easily and effectively in English? This course will
provide the tools to help you do just that. You will develop your personal
voice in your writing. You will develop strategies to plan and produce clear,
understandable text. You will learn and practice specific writing skills to use
in different types of business communications including cover letters,
mission and vision statements, proposals , instructions and reports. You will
organize, design and write clear text for Power Point Productions. Writing
Better Business Writing in English Georgia Institute of Technology skills include how to choose correct noun and noun modifiers; how to
choose correct verb forms and tenses; how to write a variety of clauses and
sentences.\n\nAs you work through the course, you will complete self- and
peer-evaluations. Many of the peer assignments will have 2 or more options
so that you can choose the best path depending on your current situation.
Through a combination of lectures, quizzes, supplementary resources,
practice and performance, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to write well
in English for your business and professional purposes.

Roughly half of the world’s population is already online and so setting

yourself apart from the crowd is more important than ever before. One of
the best ways to do that is by creating your own ePortfolio. An ePortfolio is
a site that showcases or shows your background, your resume, and
samples of your work. In this course, you will learn step by step how to
build the site and you’ll learn the grammar, vocabulary and writing skills
needed to create it. You will learn how to apply information from your
ePortfolio to other online tools like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and
YouTube in order to network with others so that you get a job or connect
with other professionals. For each step in that process, you will listen to
lectures, take comprehension quizzes, and learn how to use English
Build Your Professional ePortfolio in English Georgia Institute of Technology
appropriately to each part of your site. You will also complete self and peer
assessments and gain the needed skills to make your ePortfolio a reality
and establish yourself online.\n\nBy the end of this course, you will be able
to \n•\tWrite a proper headline or title for your ePortfolio\n•\tDescribe your
work in 1 sentence and in longer forms\n•\tIdentify how to use hashtags
effectively\n•\tWrite an effective summary about yourself and your
work\n•\tApply appropriate vocabulary to write your education and
professional experience for your resume \n•\tUnderstand how to write a
tweet to get a job \n•\tDiscover how to write specific comments and network
work with others \n•\tApply what you have on your portfolio to other tools
like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube.
Control of Mobile Robots is a course that focuses on the application of
modern control theory to the problem of making robots move around in safe
and effective ways. The structure of this class is somewhat unusual since it
Control of Mobile Robots Georgia Institute of Technology involves many moving parts - to do robotics right, one has to go from basic
theory all the way to an actual robot moving around in the real world, which
is the challenge we have set out to address through the different pieces in
the course.
This course is an introduction to the study of bodies in motion as applied to
engineering systems and structures. We will study the dynamics of particle
motion and bodies in rigid planar (2D) motion. This will consist of both the
kinematics and kinetics of motion. Kinematics deals with the geometrical
aspects of motion describing position, velocity, and acceleration, all as a
function of time. Kinetics is the study of forces acting on these bodies and
how it affects their motion.\n---------------------------\nRecommended
Background:\n\nTo be successful in the course you will need to have
mastered basic engineering mechanics concepts and to have successfully
completed my courses en titled an “Introduction to Engineering Mechanics”
and “Applications in Engineering Mechanics.” We will apply many of the
engineering fundamentals learned in those classes and you will need those
skills before attempting this course.\n\n---------------------------\nSuggested
Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of Readings:\n\nWhile no specific textbook is required, this course is designed
Georgia Institute of Technology
Particles and Bodies in 2D Motion to be compatible with any standard engineering dynamics textbook. You
will find a book like this useful as a reference and for completing additional
practice problems to enhance your learning of the material.\n\n------------------
---------\nThe copyright of all content and materials in this course are owned
by either the Georgia Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman.
By participating in the course or using the content or materials, whether in
whole or in part, you agree that you may download and use any content
and/or material in this course for your own personal, non-commercial use
only in a manner consistent with a student of any academic course. Any
other use of the content and materials, including use by other academic
universities or entities, is prohibited without express written permission of
the Georgia Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr.
Wayne Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain
a non-exclusive license.

The purpose of this course is to review the material covered in the

Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam to enable the student to pass it. It
will be presented in modules corresponding to the FE topics, particularly
Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review Georgia Institute of Technology
those in Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Each module will review main
concepts, illustrate them with examples, and provide extensive practice
Games without Chance: Combinatorial Game This course will cover the mathematical theory and analysis of simple
Georgia Institute of Technology
Theory theory games without chance moves.
This course introduces students to the basic components of electronics:
Introduction to Electronics Georgia Institute of Technology diodes, transistors, and op amps. It covers the basic operation and some
common applications.
This course is an introduction to learning and applying the principles
required to solve engineering mechanics problems. Concepts will be
applied in this course from previous courses you have taken in basic math
and physics. The course addresses the modeling and analysis of static
equilibrium problems with an emphasis on real world engineering
applications and problem solving.\n\nThe copyright of all content and
materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the course or
Introduction to Engineering Mechanics Georgia Institute of Technology
mechanics-statics using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you agree that
you may download and use any content and/or material in this course for
your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner consistent with a
student of any academic course. Any other use of the content and
materials, including use by other academic universities or entities, is
prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia Tech Research
Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne Whiteman directly
for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-exclusive license.
This course is an introduction to high-throughput experimental methods that
accelerate the discovery and development of new materials.\n\nIt is well
recognized that the discovery of new materials is the key to solving many
technological problems faced by industry and society. These problems
include energy production and utilization, carbon capture, tissue
engineering, and sustainable materials production, among many others.
This course will introduce the learner to a remarkable new approach to
materials discovery and characterization: high-throughput materials
development (HTMD). \n\nEngineers and scientists working in industry,
academic or government will benefit from this course by developing an
understanding of how to apply one element of HTMD, high-throughput
experimental methods, to real-world materials discovery and
characterization problems. Internationally leading faculty experts will
provide a historical perspective on HTMD, describe preparation of ‘library’
samples that cover hundreds or thousands of compositions, explain
techniques for characterizing the library to determine the structure and
Introduction to High-Throughput Materials
Georgia Institute of Technology various properties including optical, electronic, mechanical, chemical,
thermal, and others. Case studies in energy, transportation, and
biotechnology are provided to illustrate methodologies for metals, ceramics,
polymers and composites.\n\nThe Georgia Tech Institute for Materials
(IMat) developed this course in order to introduce a broad audience to the
essential elements of the Materials Genome Initiative. Other courses will
be offered by Georgia Tech through Coursera to concentrate on integrating
(i) high-throughput experimentation with (ii) modeling and simulation and (iii)
materials data sciences and informatics.\n\n\nAfter completing this course,
learners will be able to \n•\tIdentify key events in the development of High-
Throughput Materials Development (HTMD)\n•\tCommunicate the benefits
of HTMDwithin your organization.\n•\tExplain what is meant by high
throughput methods (both computational and experimental), and their
merits for materials discovery/development. \n•\tSummarize the principles
and methods of high throughput creation/processing of material libraries
(samples that contain 100s to 1000s of smaller samples).\n•\tState the
principles and methods for high-throughput characterization of
The focus of this course is to introduce the learner to User Experience (UX)
Design\n\nUser Experience design is design that is user centered. The goal
is to design artifacts that allow the users to meet their needs in the most
effective efficient and satisfying manner. The course introduces the novice
to a cycle of discovery and evaluation and a set of techniques that meet the
user's needs.\n\nThis course is geared toward the novice. It is for learners
that have heard about "user experience" or "user interface" design but don't
really know much about these disciplines.\n\nThe course mantra is that
“Design is a systematic and data driven process.” Design is systematic
Introduction to User Experience Design Georgia Institute of Technology because it is based on a set of techniques and also on a cycle of
discovery.\n\nIn this course the learner is introduced to the four step user
interface design cycle. Along the way learners are exposed to a set of
techniques to gather information about a) what the user needs b)how to
design and model interfaces based on these and then how to evaluate the
design to ascertain that the user's goals are met. These techniques are
tools that are used in a standardized manner and give us the data we use in
our design.\n\nThis means that anyone (regardless of their current training)
that is willing to learn these techniques and follow the proposed cycle can
be a UX designer!
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person,
Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the
Lesson | Express Yourself: Pronunciation Georgia Institute of Technology learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full
course.\n\nBy the end of this lesson, you will be able to produce proper
word stress and intonation in your speaking.
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person,
Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full
Lesson | Get Ready for the Interview Georgia Institute of Technology
the-interview course. \n\nBy the end of this lesson, you will be able to:\n- Practice and
prepare yourself for an interview\n- Examine appropriate body language for
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person,
Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the
Lesson | Organize Your Pitch Georgia Institute of Technology learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full
course. \n\nBy the end of this lesson, you will be able to produce a well
organized outline for a pitch/presentation.
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person,
Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the
Lesson | Small Talk & Conversational Vocabulary Georgia Institute of Technology learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full
course. \n\nIn this lesson, you will review professional conversational
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person,
Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the
Lesson | Telephone Language Georgia Institute of Technology learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full
course. \n\nBy the end of this lesson, you will be able to identify telephone
language through phone dialogues.
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person,
Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the
Lesson | Understand and Be Understood on the learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full
Georgia Institute of Technology
Phone and-be-understood-on-the-phone course. \n\nBy the end of this lesson, you will be able to:\n- Compare
pronunciation differences between "can"and "can't" \n- Produce accurate
pronunciation for numbers in English
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person,
Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the
Lesson | Video Conferencing: Face to Face but
Georgia Institute of Technology learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full
Online conferencing-face-to-face-but-online
course. \n\nBy the end of this lesson, you will be able to review video
conferencing scenarios.
This course explains how to analyze circuits that have direct current (DC) current or voltage sources. A DC source is one that is constant. Circuits
Linear Circuits 1: DC Analysis Georgia Institute of Technology
dcanalysis with resistors, capacitors, and inductors are covered, both analytically and
experimentally. Some practical applications in sensors are demonstrated.

This course explains how to analyze circuits that have alternating current (AC) voltage or current sources. Circuits with resistors, capacitors, and
Linear Circuits 2: AC Analysis Georgia Institute of Technology
analysis inductors are covered, both analytically and experimentally. Some practical
applications in sensors are demonstrated.

“Machine Design Part I” is the first course in an in-depth three course series
of “Machine Design.” The “Machine Design” Coursera series covers
fundamental mechanical design topics, such as static and fatigue failure
theories, the analysis of shafts, fasteners, and gears, and the design of
mechanical systems such as gearboxes. Throughout this series of courses
we will examine a number of exciting design case studies, including the
material selection of a total hip implant, the design and testing of the wing
on the 777 aircraft, and the impact of dynamic loads on the design of an
Machine Design Part I Georgia Institute of Technology
bolted pressure vessel. \n\nIn this first course, you will learn robust analysis
techniques to predict and validate design performance and life. We will start
by reviewing critical material properties in design, such as stress, strength,
and the coefficient of thermal expansion. We then transition into static
failure theories such as von Mises theory, which can be utilized to prevent
failure in static loading applications such as the beams in bridges. Finally,
we will learn fatigue failure criteria for designs with dynamic loads, such as
the input shaft in the transmission of a car.

Have you ever wondered why ceramics are hard and brittle while metals
tend to be ductile? Why some materials conduct heat or electricity while
others are insulators? Why adding just a small amount of carbon to iron
results in an alloy that is so much stronger than the base metal? In this
course, you will learn how a material’s properties are determined by the
microstructure of the material, which is in turn determined by composition
and the processing that the material has undergone.\n\nThis is the first of
Material Behavior Georgia Institute of Technology
three Coursera courses that mirror the Introduction to Materials Science
class that is taken by most engineering undergrads at Georgia Tech. The
aim of the course is to help students better understand the engineering
materials that are used in the world around them. This first section covers
the fundamentals of materials science including atomic structure and
bonding, crystal structure, atomic and microscopic defects, and
noncrystalline materials such as glasses, rubbers, and polymers.
Have you ever wondered why ceramics are hard and brittle while metals
tend to be ductile? Why some materials conduct heat or electricity while
others are insulators? Why adding just a small amount of carbon to iron
results in an alloy that is so much stronger than the base metal? In this
course, you will learn how a material’s properties are determined by the
microstructure of the material, which is in turn determined by composition and the processing that the material has undergone.\n\nThis is the second
Material Processing Georgia Institute of Technology
engineering of three Coursera courses that mirror the Introduction to Materials Science
class that is taken by most engineering undergrads at Georgia Tech. The
aim of the course is to help students better understand the engineering
materials that are used in the world around them. This first section covers
the fundamentals of materials science including atomic structure and
bonding, crystal structure, atomic and microscopic defects, and
noncrystalline materials such as glasses, rubbers, and polymers.

This course aims to provide a succinct overview of the emerging discipline

of Materials Informatics at the intersection of materials science,
computational science, and information science. Attention is drawn to
specific opportunities afforded by this new field in accelerating materials
development and deployment efforts. A particular emphasis is placed on
materials exhibiting hierarchical internal structures spanning multiple
length/structure scales and the impediments involved in establishing
Materials Data Sciences and Informatics Georgia Institute of Technology
invertible process-structure-property (PSP) linkages for these materials.
More specifically, it is argued that modern data sciences (including
advanced statistics, dimensionality reduction, and formulation of
metamodels) and innovative cyberinfrastructure tools (including integration
platforms, databases, and customized tools for enhancement of
collaborations among cross-disciplinary team members) are likely to play a
critical and pivotal role in addressing the above challenges.
This course explores the topic of solid objects subjected to stress and
strain. The methods taught in the course are used to predict the response
of engineering structures to various types of loading, and to analyze the
vulnerability of these structures to various failure modes. Axial loading with
be the focus in this course.\n\n------------------------------\nThe copyright of all
content and materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia Tech
Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the
Mechanics of Materials I: Fundamentals of Stress course or using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you
Georgia Institute of Technology
& Strain and Axial Loading agree that you may download and use any content and/or material in this
course for your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner
consistent with a student of any academic course. Any other use of the
content and materials, including use by other academic universities or
entities, is prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia
Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne
Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-
exclusive license.
This course explores the analysis and design of thin-walled pressure
vessels and engineering structures subjected to torsion.\n\n-----------------------
-------------------------\nThe copyright of all content and materials in this course
are owned by either the Georgia Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne
Whiteman. By participating in the course or using the content or materials,
whether in whole or in part, you agree that you may download and use any
Mechanics of Materials II: Thin-Walled Pressure
Georgia Institute of Technology content and/or material in this course for your own personal, non-
Vessels and Torsion
commercial use only in a manner consistent with a student of any academic
course. Any other use of the content and materials, including use by other
academic universities or entities, is prohibited without express written
permission of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties
may contact Dr. Wayne Whiteman directly for information regarding the
procedure to obtain a non-exclusive license.
This course explores the analysis and design of beam bending
problems.\nPrerequisite Knowledge: You will need to have successfully
completed my earlier course “Mechanics of Materials I: Fundamentals of
Stress and Strain and Axial Loading” in order to be successful in this
course\n\n-------------------------------------------------\nThe copyright of all content
and materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia Tech
Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the
course or using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you
Mechanics of Materials III: Beam Bending Georgia Institute of Technology
agree that you may download and use any content and/or material in this
course for your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner
consistent with a student of any academic course. Any other use of the
content and materials, including use by other academic universities or
entities, is prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia
Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne
Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-
exclusive license.
This course explores the analysis and design of engineering structures
considering factors of deflection, buckling, combined loading, & failure
theories\n\n-------------------------------------------------\nThe copyright of all
content and materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia Tech
Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the
course or using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you
Mechanics of Materials IV: Deflections, Buckling, agree that you may download and use any content and/or material in this
Georgia Institute of Technology
Combined Loading & Failure Theories course for your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner
consistent with a student of any academic course. Any other use of the
content and materials, including use by other academic universities or
entities, is prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia
Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne
Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-
exclusive license.
Do you want to speak better English? This course will help you reach that
goal. Speak English Professionally: In person, Online and On the Phone will
boost your English speaking skills. In this 5 week course, you will learn how
to identify and make a strong personal introduction. You will develop and
demonstrate the speaking skills for group discussions: how to agree or
disagree, how to clarify, restate and summarize. You will review and
practice how to give information and respond to requests on the phone. You
will study and role play effective interviewing. You will prepare and give a
sales “pitch”, introducing a product or service. Throughout the course, you
will adjust how you speak English and you will become more fluent and
Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online &
Georgia Institute of Technology accurate when you speak. You will demonstrate culturally appropriate body
On the Phone professionally
language and tone. As you work through the course, you will complete self-
and peer-evaluations. Through a combination of lectures, comprehension
and vocabulary quizzes, practice and performance, you’ll gain the skills and
confidence to communicate well in English, anywhere in the world.\t\n\nBy
the end of this course you will:\n• Change how you speak
English\n•\tImprove your pronunciation and fluency \n• Increase your
English vocabulary \n•\tIdentify how culture influences your speech\n•\tUse
culture to help you speak correctly \n•\tDemonstrate the best body language
for different cultural settings\n•\tKnow statements, questions and responses
for different settings and situations

This course will provide a solid understanding of what a supply chain is all
about. The course:\n- Provides an introduction to Supply Chain \n-
Leverages graphics to promote the Integrated Supply Chain model\n-
Emphasizes understanding the Extended Supply Chain\n- Presents a
holistic approach – Incorporating People, Process, and Technology \n-
Calls-out industry-specific supply chain\n- Leverages discussions, videos,
quizzes, and questions for consideration\n- Provides awareness of career
Supply Chain Principles Georgia Institute of Technology path opportunities\n- Presents emerging and futuristic trends in supply
chain\nand given that at GT we are focused on developing what’s next in
the world, we include Discussion of emerging and futuristic trends in supply
chain. There is very little math involved in this course – so don’t worry at all
about your math skills.\n\nThe course incorporates reading materials that
were developed as part of a $24.5M TAACCCT grant awarded by the U.S.
Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration to the
LINCS in Supply Chain Management consortium.
This Capstone builds on the communication and content skills you’ve
acquired throughout the Specialization and develops them further. During
course lessons and Peer Assessments you will practice and expand the
language skills necessary for success in the professional world. Throughout
the course, you will have the opportunity to complete assessments relevant
to the working world.\n\nIn this course, you will:\n\n* Study cultural
influences on communication more thoroughly, identify key cultural
influences in your own experience and compare your culture with a different
one to identify ways to improve communication and decrease
Take Your English Communication Skills to the misunderstanding.\n\n* Develop your email accuracy and style and engage
Georgia Institute of Technology
Next Level communication-capstone in email correspondence with potential employers, clients or investors to set
up interviews and/or meetings.\n\n* Practice and Demonstrate fluent and
accurate spoken English as you prepare and present a short talk about a
personal accomplishment or “Sales Pitch” for a product or service.\n\n*
Polish your pronunciation through more connected speech including use of
through groups, contractions/reductions, and linking.\n\nWeek by week, as
you practice your language skills, make connections with people important
to you and develop your network, you will increase your opportunities for
success. Completing this Capstone Project will help you reach your English
language and professional goals now and in the future.

This is a course to help you write effective business emails in English. This
course is unique because each module will provide tips on writing more
professional emails as well as lessons to improve your overall English
writing skills. Therefore, you will improve your grammar and vocabulary
skills for email writing and also improve your cross cultural knowledge to
make you more powerful and successful in your business communication.
You will look at different email formats to analyze tone, formality levels, and
various organizational styles. You will be able to improve your emails of introduction, announcements, requests and emails that apologize or revise
Write Professional Emails in English Georgia Institute of Technology
english a request. In this course you will write and revise 4–5 emails, complete
several comprehension quizzes and review the emails of other participants.
\n\nBy the end of this course, you will be able to \n•\tImprove your overall
written English skills\n•\tSee differences and similarities among the different
email formats \n•\tWrite more effective subject lines and email text\n•\tApply
various key language to different types of emails\n•\tCorrect common errors
such as punctuation and capitalization\n•\tStudy tone and level of formality
in emails \n•\tUnderstand how culture affects what is appropriate in a
business emails \n•\tWrite powerful business emails for professional needs
Welcome to Grow Your Business with Goldman Sachs 10,000
Women.\n\nGoldman Sachs 10,000 Women is a global initiative that
fosters economic growth by providing women business owners around the
world with business and management education, mentoring and
networking, and access to capital.\n\nThis introductory business course has
been developed from the face-to-face program which has enabled over
10,000 women to see immediate and sustained business growth. It is
designed for women business owners, running established businesses
operating for more than one year, to provide the practical tools and skills
required to help you grow your business. The course will enable you to
develop your understanding of the three key ingredients of growth potential:
you, your business, and your opportunity. \n\nThrough focused and tailored
exercises, you will assess the strengths and weaknesses of your business
and yourself as a business leader. You will also identify and refine your key
opportunities for business growth. As you complete the course, you will be
Grow Your Business with Goldman Sachs 10,000
Goldman Sachs connecting with like-minded business owners from around the world. The
course will provide you with a unique forum to share your experiences, and
provide support and advice to others. \n\nWhat can you do after this
introductory course?\n\nOnce you finish this introductory course, you will
have the opportunity to continue your learning journey with 10,000 Women
through a further 10 weeks of online learning.\n\nThe innovative 10-week
course covers a full range of business topics from your leadership style and
management structure to resource allocation and operational efficiency.
You will build on what you learn in the introductory course and analyze the
growth of your business further through the creation of a Business Growth
Plan (BGP). The BGP is a strategic and tactical implementation tool
designed to guide your business’s growth and help you to communicate
your opportunity, vision, and ideas to your team, stakeholders, and
customers.\n\nUpon successfully completing the two courses, you will be
able to join the 10,000 Women alumni community and connect with a global
network of past participants.

In the final course, we'll tie together the concepts that you’ve learned up
until now. You'll tackle real-world scenarios in Qwiklabs that will challenge
you to use multiple skills at once.\n\nFirst, we'll take a closer look at how to
use external Python modules to extend your code's capabilities, and spend
some time learning how to use documentation to learn a new module. For
example, we'll use the Python Image Library (PIL) to create and modify
images. We'll show you some simple examples of how to perform common
tasks in the course material, but it will be up to you to explore the module
documentation to figure out how to solve specific problems.\n\nNext, we'll
Automating Real-World Tasks with Python Google show you how to communicate with the world outside of your code! You'll
use data serialization to turn in-memory objects into messages that can be
sent to other programs. Your program will send messages across the
network to Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) offered by other
programs. For those times when your code needs to talk to a person
instead of a program, you'll also learn to send email messages.\n\nAt the
end of this course, you’ll be able to take a description of a problem and use
your skills to create a solution -- just like you would on the job. In your final
capstone project, you'll be given a description of what your customer needs,
and it will be up to you to create a program to do it!
In this course, you’ll learn how to apply automation to manage fleets of
computers. You’ll understand how to automate the process for deploying
new computers, keeping those machines updated, managing large-scale
changes, and a lot more. We'll discuss managing both physical machines
running in our offices and virtual machines running in the Cloud.\n\nWe'll
start by looking into an automation technique called configuration
management, which lets you manage the configuration of our computers at
Configuration Management and the Cloud Google scale. Specifically, you'll learn how to use Puppet, the current industry
standard for configuration management. We'll look at some simple
examples, and then see how we can apply the same concepts to more
complex cases. You’ll be a Puppet-master in no time!\n\nLater on, you'll
expand your automation skills by understanding how to use the Cloud to
help scale your infrastructure. You'll check out some best practices for
handling hundreds of virtual machines running in the Cloud and
troubleshooting them when things don't go according to plan.

This course is designed to teach you the foundations in order to write

simple programs in Python using the most common structures. No previous
exposure to programming is needed. By the end of this course, you'll
understand the benefits of programming in IT roles; be able to write simple
programs using Python; figure out how the building blocks of programming
Crash Course on Python Google fit together; and combine all of this knowledge to solve a complex
programming problem. \n\nWe'll start off by diving into the basics of writing
a computer program. Along the way, you’ll get hands-on experience with
programming concepts through interactive exercises and real-world
examples. You’ll quickly start to see how computers can perform a
multitude of tasks — you just have to write code that tells them what to do.
In this course, you’ll learn how to keep track of the different versions of your
code and configuration files using a popular version control system (VCS)
called Git. We'll also go through how to setup an account with a service
called GitHub so that you can create your very own remote repositories to
store your code and configuration. \n\nThroughout this course, you'll learn
about Git's core functionality so you can understand how and why it’s used
in organizations. We’ll look into both basic and more advanced features, like branches and merging. We'll demonstrate how having a working
Introduction to Git and GitHub Google
github knowledge of a VCS like Git can be a lifesaver in emergency situations or
when debugging. And then we'll explore how to use a VCS to work with
others through remote repositories, like the ones provided by GitHub.\n\nBy
the end of this course, you'll be able to store your code's history in Git and
collaborate with others in GitHub, where you’ll also start creating your own
portfolio! \n\nIn order to follow along and complete the assessments, you’ll
need a computer where you can install Git or ask your administrator to
install it for you.
This course covers a wide variety of IT security concepts, tools, and best
practices. It introduces threats and attacks and the many ways they can
show up. We’ll give you some background of encryption algorithms and
how they’re used to safeguard data. Then, we’ll dive into the three As of
information security: authentication, authorization, and accounting. We’ll
also cover network security solutions, ranging from firewalls to Wifi
encryption options. Finally, we’ll go through a case study, where we
examine the security model of Chrome OS. The course is rounded out by
IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts Google putting all these elements together into a multi-layered, in-depth security
architecture, followed by recommendations on how to integrate a culture of
security into your organization or team.\n\nAt the end of this course, you’ll
understand:\n● how various encryption algorithms and techniques work as
well as their benefits and limitations.\n● various authentication systems and
types.\n● the difference between authentication and authorization.\n● how
to evaluate potential risks and recommend ways to reduce risk.\n● best
practices for securing a network.\n● how to help others to grasp security
concepts and protect themselves.

In this course -- through a combination of video lectures, demonstrations,

and hands-on practice -- you’ll learn about the main components of an
operating system and how to perform critical tasks like managing software
and users, and configuring hardware. \n\nBy the end of this course you’ll be
able to:\n● navigate the Windows and Linux filesystems using a graphical
Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power user interface and command line interpreter\n● set up users, groups, and
User permissions for account access\n● install, configure, and remove software
on the Windows and Linux operating systems\n● configure disk partitions
and filesystems\n● understand how system processes work and how to
manage them\n● work with system logs and remote connection tools\n●
utilize operating system knowledge to troubleshoot common issues in an IT
Support Specialist role

This course will transition you from working on a single computer to an

entire fleet. Systems administration is the field of IT that’s responsible for
maintaining reliable computers systems in a multi-user environment. In this
course, you’ll learn about the infrastructure services that keep all
organizations, big and small, up and running. We’ll deep dive on cloud so
that you’ll understand everything from typical cloud infrastructure setups to
how to manage cloud resources. You'll also learn how to manage and
configure servers and how to use industry tools to manage computers, user
information, and user productivity. Finally, you’ll learn how to recover your
System Administration and IT Infrastructure organization’s IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster.\n\nBy the end of
Services administration-it-infrastructure-services this course you’ll be able to:\n● utilize best practices for choosing hardware,
vendors, and services for your organization\n● understand how the most
common infrastructure services that keep an organization\nrunning work,
and how to manage infrastructure servers\n● understand how to make the
most of the cloud for your organization\n● manage an organization’s
computers and users using the directory services, Active\nDirectory, and
OpenLDAP\n● choose and manage the tools that your organization will
use\n● backup your organization’s data and know how to recover your IT
infrastructure in the case of\na disaster\n● utilize systems administration
knowledge to plan and improve processes for IT environments
This course is the first of a series that aims to prepare you for a role as an
entry-level IT Support Specialist. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the
world of Information Technology, or IT. You’ll learn about the different
facets of Information Technology, like computer hardware, the Internet,
computer software, troubleshooting, and customer service. This course
covers a wide variety of topics in IT that are designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in this certificate program.\n\nBy the end of this
Technical Support Fundamentals Google
fundamentals course, you’ll be able to:\n● understand how the binary system works\n●
assemble a computer from scratch\n● choose and install an operating
system on a computer\n● understand what the Internet is, how it works,
and the impact it has in the modern world\n● learn how applications are
created and how they work under the hood of a computer\n● utilize
common problem-solving methodologies and soft skills in an Information
Technology setting
This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking.
We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of modern networking
technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical
applications and network troubleshooting. \n\nBy the end of this course,
you’ll be able to:\n● describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer
The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking Google
model\n● understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP
communications\n● grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and
techniques\n● learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make
computer networks run\n● understand cloud computing, everything as a
service, and cloud storage
In this course, we'll give you the tools to quickly identify and solve real-world
problems that you might come across in your IT role. We'll look at a bunch
of different strategies and approaches for tackling the most common pitfalls
of your code and IT infrastructure. You'll learn strategies for approaching
almost any technical problem and then see how those apply to solving
different real-world scenarios. \n\nWe picked examples that include general
Troubleshooting and Debugging Techniques Google system issues, issues with software that someone else wrote, and issues
with programs that we wrote. We'll talk about problems that can affect any
operating system, and we'll also look at challenges specific to certain
platforms and scripting languages.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you’ve
taken the prior courses in this program, or already have knowledge of
Python and Linux so that you can follow along with our troubleshooting
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to manipulate files and processes
on your computer’s operating system. You’ll also have learned about
regular expressions -- a very powerful tool for processing text files -- and
you’ll get practice using the Linux command line on a virtual machine. And,
this might feel like a stretch right now, but you’ll also write a program that
processes a bunch of errors in an actual log file and then generates a
summary file. That’s a super useful skill for IT Specialists to know.\n\nWe’ll
kick off by exploring how to execute Python locally, and organize and use
Using Python to Interact with the Operating System Google code across different Python files. We'll then learn how to read and write
different types of files, and use subprocesses and input streams. We'll also
dive into Bash scripting and regular expressions -- both very powerful tools
for anyone working with systems. We'll even touch on automatic testing,
which allow us to automate how we check if our code is correct. To finish,
we’ll put all this together by using the tools that we’ve acquired to process
data and generate automatic reports.\n\nWe’ll also explain how to set up
your own developer environment in your machine. This is a key step in
being able to write and deploy powerful automation tools.

This class will teach you the fundamentals of augmented reality (AR), and
how to build an AR experience using ARCore. Through the four week
course, you'll learn:\n\n- How to identify different types of AR experiences \n-
Tools and platforms used in the AR landscape \n- What makes AR feel
"real" \n- Popular use cases for AR\n- How to create an AR use flow \n-
Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore Google AR & VR How AR experiences work\n- Tools like Google Poly and Unity to build AR
experiences \n- Next steps to start building an AR experience using ARCore
and other tools \n\nThis course will break down complex AR concepts to
make them easy to understand, while also sharing expert tips and
knowledge from Daydream's ARCore team. The course is great for
beginners who are just getting started with AR or ARCore.

Welcome to the Google AR & VR Virtual Reality and 360 video production
course! Our mission is to give you the skills you need to get started with
your first VR project.\n\nThis course will introduce you to Virtual Reality and
VR and 360 Video Production Google AR & VR 360 video production, guiding you through a step-by-step process to create
VR content. To begin, we recommend taking a few minutes to explore the
course site and review the material. \n\nBest of luck as you get started - we
hope you enjoy the course, and can't wait to see what you'll create!

The third course in this specialization is Achieving Advanced Insights with

BigQuery. Here we will build on your growing knowledge of SQL as we dive
into advanced functions and how to break apart a complex query into
manageable steps. \n\nWe will cover the internal architecture of BigQuery (column-based sharded storage) and advanced SQL topics like nested and
Achieving Advanced Insights with BigQuery Google Cloud
insights-bigquery repeated fields through the use of Arrays and Structs. Lastly we will dive
into optimizing your queries for performance and how you can secure your
data through authorized views.\n\n>>> By enrolling in this specialization you
agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located
at: <<<
この専門講座の 3 番目のコースは、「Achieving Advanced Insights with
に関する知識を深めます。\n \n BigQuery
ストレージ)についてや、ARRAY と STRUCT
Achieving Advanced Insights with BigQuery
Google Cloud SQL
日本語版 insights-bigquery-jp
ます。\n \n >>>
om/terms_of_service をご覧ください。<<<

This course gives you an introductory look at the Apigee API Platform and
API Design in general. We'll cover topics such as how to properly navigate
through the Apigee Edge UI as well as how to approach API design and
ensure industry best practices are followed. We'll also go over the Apigee
API Design and Fundamentals of Google Cloud's Technology Stack to ensure a full understanding of all the platform
Google Cloud
Apigee API Platform gcp components.\n\nBy taking this course, you'll come to have a high level
understanding of APIs and will lay the foundation for the more detailed deep
dive courses later in the specialization. All supplemental materials will be be
provided for offline review. If you ever wanted to learn about Apigee and
APIs in general, this is the course for you!

This course gives you an in depth overview of API development on the

Apigee API Platform. We'll learn abut how to properly approach your API
development and ensure you're aware of the various tools and out of the
box policies available within Apigee Edge that can assist you with
implementation. As part of the lab exercises, we'll provide a set of
API Development on Google Cloud's Apigee API instructions to spin up your own Apigee free environment and start
Google Cloud
Platform apigee-gcp developing a basic API from scratch.\n\nBy taking this course, you'll come
to have a high level understanding of API development. All supplemental
materials will be provided to you for offline review / reference. If you ever
wanted to learn about API development, this is the course for you!\n\nNote:
Those taking this course should first complete the "API Design and
Fundamentals of Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform" course.
Now that your APIs are developed, it's time to talk about how to secure
them. This course covers API security using the Apigee API platform. We'll
learn about how to properly secure your APIs by covering topics such as the
types of OAuth, TLS, and SAML to name a few. We'll apply these concepts
with hands on labs to implement proper authentication and validation in
your APIs.\n\nBy taking this course, you'll come to have a high level
API Security on Google Cloud's Apigee API understanding of API security and why it's important. All supplemental
Google Cloud
Platform gcp materials will be provided to you for offline review / reference. Since this is
the final course in the Specialization, you'll come out of this course with a
fully working and secure API to be used as reference for all your future
builds!\n\nNote: Before starting this course, please ensure that you have
completed the "API Design and Fundamentals of Google Cloud's Apigee
API Platform" and "API Development on Google Cloud's Apigee API
Platform" courses.
In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop
cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from
the Google Cloud Platform. Through a combination of presentations,
demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to create repeatable
deployments by treating infrastructure as code, choose the appropriate application execution environment for an application, and debug/monitor
App Deployment, Debugging, and Performance Google Cloud
debugging-performance application performance. Learners can choose to complete labs in their
favorite language: Node.js, Java, or Python.\n\nPrerequisites and
prework:\n\n• Completed Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals or have
equivalent experience\n• Working knowledge of Node.js, Java, or Python\n•
Basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system
environments\n• Previous course(s) in the specialization

このコースでアプリケーション デベロッパーは Google Cloud

Application Deployment, Debug, Performance アプリケーション実行環境を選択する方法、アプリケーションのパフォーマ
Google Cloud
日本語版 debugging-performance-jp ンスをモニタリングする方法を学習します。\n\n\n前提条件と事前作業\n\n•
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals
を修了しているか、同等の経験がある\n• Node.js の実践的な知識がある\n•
コマンドライン ツールと Linux オペレーティング
このスペシャライゼーションのコースを 1 つ以上受講済みである
In this module, we define what Machine Learning is and how it can benefit
your business. You'll see a few demos of ML in action and learn key ML
terms like instances, features, and labels. In the interactive labs, you will
practice invoking the pretrained ML APIs available as well as build your own
Machine Learning models using just SQL with BigQuery
Applying Machine Learning to your Data with GCP Google Cloud ML.\n\nPREREQUISITES\nTo get the most out of this course, participants
must complete the prior courses in this specialization:\n• Exploring and
Preparing your Data\n• Storing and Visualizing your Data\n• Architecture
and Performance\n\n>>> By enrolling in this specialization you agree to the
Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<

る場合は、ぜひ Data Insights コースを受講してください。\n\n この 1
週間のオンライン速習コースに参加すると、Google Cloud Platform
おり、参加者は Google BigQuery
Applying Machine Learning to your Data with GCP 込み、可視化、抽出を行うことができます。本コースでは、データの読み込
Google Cloud
日本語版 apply-ml-jp み、クエリの実行、スキーマのモデル化、パフォーマンスの最適化、クエリ
の料金、データの可視化を扱います。\n\n 前提条件\n\n
了する必要があります。\n\n• Exploring and Preparing your Data\n• Storing
and Visualizing your Data\n• Architecture and Performance\n\n >>>
ms_of_service をご覧ください。 <<<

In this course, "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations,"

you get a review of the layout and principles of Google Cloud Platform,
followed by an introduction to creating and managing software containers
and an introduction to the architecture of Kubernetes.\n\nThis course is part
of a specialization focused on building efficient computing infrastructures
using Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). The specialization
introduces participants to deploying and managing containerized
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: applications on GKE and the other services provided by Google Cloud
Google Cloud
Foundations kubernetes-engine-gke Platform. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on
labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements, including
infrastructure components such as pods, containers, deployments, and
services; as well as networks and application services. The specialization
also covers deploying practical solutions including security and access
management, resource management, and resource monitoring.\n\n>>> By
enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set
out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
Este curso faz parte de uma especialização com foco em criar
infraestruturas de computação eficientes usando o Kubernetes e o Google
Kubernetes Engine (GKE). A especialização mostra aos participantes como
implantar e gerenciar aplicativos em contêineres no GKE e em outros
serviços fornecidos pelo Google Cloud Platform. Por meio de uma série de
apresentações, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, os participantes
podem analisar e implantar elementos da solução, inclusive componentes
de infraestrutura, como pods, contêineres, implantações, serviços, redes e
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine:
Google Cloud serviços de aplicativos. A especialização também abrange a implantação
Foundations em Português Brasileiro kubernetes-engine-gke-br
de soluções práticas, como gerenciamento de segurança e acesso,
gerenciamento de recursos e monitoramento de recursos.\n \n Neste curso,
"Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations", você reverá o
layout e os princípios do Google Cloud Platform e depois aprenderá o
básico para criar e gerenciar contêineres de software e a arquitetura do
Kubernetes.\n \n >>> Ao se inscrever neste curso, você concorda com os
Termos de Serviço do Qwiklabs conforme estabelecido na seção de
perguntas frequentes, no site: <<<

Este curso forma parte de una especialización enfocada en la compilación

de infraestructuras de procesamiento eficientes mediante Kubernetes y
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). En esta especialización, los
participantes aprenderán cómo implementar y administrar aplicaciones en
contenedores en GKE y otros servicios que proporciona Google Cloud
Platform. Mediante una serie de presentaciones, demostraciones y labs
prácticos, los participantes pueden explorar y también implementar
elementos de soluciones, incluidos los componentes de infraestructura,
como pods, contenedores y servicios, además de servicios de red y
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine:
Google Cloud aplicación. Además, en esta especialización, se analiza la implementación
Foundations en Español kubernetes-engine-gke-es
de soluciones prácticas, como la administración de seguridad y accesos,
así como la administración y supervisión de recursos.\n \n En el curso
“Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations”, obtendrá
información sobre el diseño y los principios de Google Cloud Platform,
además de una introducción a la creación y administración de
contenedores de software y a la arquitectura de Kubernetes.\n \n >>> Si se
inscribe en este curso, acepta las Condiciones del Servicio de Qwiklabs,
que se indican en las Preguntas frecuentes. Puede consultarlas en <<<
このコースは、Kubernetes と Google Kubernetes
ンの一部です。このスペシャライゼーションでは、GKE などの Google
Cloud Platform
ャ コンポーネントや、ネットワーク、アプリケーション
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine:
Google Cloud サービスなどがあります。さらに、セキュリティとアクセス管理、リソース
Foundations 日本語版 kubernetes-engine-gke-jp
モニタリングなどの実践的なソリューションの演習も行います。\n \n
このコース「Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine:
Foundations」では、Google Cloud Platform
コンテナを作成して管理する方法と Kubernetes
のアーキテクチャについて説明します。\n \n >>>
このコースに登録すると、よくある質問に記載されているとおり Qwiklabs
om/terms_of_service をご覧ください。<<<

In this course, "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Production,"

you'll learn about Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
security; logging and monitoring; and using GCP managed storage and
database services from within GKE.\n\nThis course is part of a
specialization focused on building efficient computing infrastructures using
Kubernetes and GKE. The specialization introduces participants to
deploying and managing containerized applications on GKE and the other
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: services provided by Google Cloud Platform. Through a combination of
Google Cloud
Production kubernetes-containers-in-production presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy
solution elements, including infrastructure components such as pods,
containers, deployments, and services; as well as networks and application
services. The specialization also covers deploying practical solutions
including security and access management, resource management, and
resource monitoring.\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the
Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
Este curso faz parte de uma especialização que tem como foco criar
infraestruturas de computação eficientes usando o Kubernetes e o Google
Kubernetes Engine (GKE). A especialização mostra como implantar e
gerenciar aplicativos em contêineres no GKE e em outros serviços
fornecidos pelo Google Cloud Platform. Com o auxílio de apresentações,
demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, você poderá analisar e implantar
elementos da solução, inclusive componentes de infraestrutura, como
pods, contêineres, implantações, serviços, redes e serviços de aplicativos.
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine:
Google Cloud A especialização também abrange a implantação de soluções práticas,
Production em Português Brasileiro kubernetes-containers-in-production-br
como gerenciamento de segurança e acesso, além de gerenciamento e
monitoramento de recursos.\n\nNeste curso "Architecting with Google
Kubernetes Engine: Production", você aprenderá sobre segurança no
Kubernetes e no GKE; geração de registros e monitoramento; e uso dos
serviços de armazenamento e banco de dados gerenciados do GCP no
GKE.\n\n>>> Ao se inscrever neste curso, você concorda com os Termos
de Serviço do Qwiklabs, conforme estabelecido na seção de perguntas
frequentes do site: (em inglês) <<<

Este curso es parte de una especialización enfocada en compilar

infraestructuras de procesamiento eficientes mediante Kubernetes y
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). En esta especialización, los
participantes aprenderán cómo implementar y administrar aplicaciones en
contenedores en GKE y conocerán otros servicios que proporciona Google
Cloud Platform. Mediante una serie de presentaciones, demostraciones y
labs prácticos, los participantes pueden explorar e implementar elementos
de soluciones, que incluyen componentes de infraestructura como pods,
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: contenedores y servicios, así como también redes y servicios de aplicación.
Google Cloud
Production en Español kubernetes-containers-in-production-es Además, esta especialización abarca la implementación de soluciones
prácticas, como la administración de seguridad y acceso, y la
administración y supervisión de recursos.\n\nEn este curso, “Architecting
with Google Kubernetes Engine: Production”, obtendrá información sobre la
seguridad en Kubernetes y GKE; el registro y la supervisión, y el uso de
servicios de bases de datos y de almacenamiento administrados por GCP
desde GKE.\n\n>>> Al inscribirse en este curso, acepta las Condiciones del
Servicio de Qwiklabs, que se especifican en las Preguntas frecuentes.
Puede consultarlas en <<<
このコースは、Kubernetes と Google Kubernetes
ンの一部です。このスペシャライゼーションでは、GKE などの Google
Cloud Platform
、ポッド、コンテナ、Deployment、Service などのインフラストラクチャ
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine:
Google Cloud サービスなどがあります。さらに、セキュリティとアクセス管理、リソース
Production 日本語版 kubernetes-containers-in-production-jp
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine:
Production」コースでは、Kubernetes と GKE
GCP マネージド サービスを GKE
このコースに登録すると、よくある質問に記載されているとおり Qwiklabs
om/terms_of_service をご覧ください。<<<

In this course, "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads,"

you learn about performing Kubernetes operations; creating and managing
deployments; the tools of GKE networking; and how to give your
Kubernetes workloads persistent storage.\n\nThis course is part of a
specialization focused on building efficient computing infrastructures using
Kubernetes and GKE. The specialization introduces participants to
deploying and managing containerized applications on GKE and the other
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: services provided by Google Cloud Platform. Through a combination of
Google Cloud
Workloads workloads-google-kubernetes-engine-gke presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy
solution elements, including infrastructure components such as pods,
containers, deployments, and services; as well as networks and application
services. The specialization also covers deploying practical solutions
including security and access management, resource management, and
resource monitoring.\n\n\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the
Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
Este curso faz parte de uma especialização com foco em criar
infraestruturas de computação eficientes usando o Kubernetes e o Google
Kubernetes Engine (GKE). A especialização mostra aos participantes como
implantar e gerenciar aplicativos em contêineres no GKE e em outros
serviços fornecidos pelo Google Cloud Platform. Por meio de uma série de
apresentações, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, os participantes
podem analisar e implantar elementos da solução, inclusive componentes
de infraestrutura, como pods, contêineres, implantações, serviços, redes e
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: serviços de aplicativos. A especialização também abrange a implantação
Google Cloud
Workloads em Português Brasileiro workloads-google-kubernetes-engine-gke-br de soluções práticas, como gerenciamento de segurança e acesso,
gerenciamento de recursos e monitoramento de recursos.\n\n Neste curso,
"Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads", você aprenderá
a fazer operações no Kubernetes, como criar e gerenciar implantações,
usar as ferramentas de rede do GKE e configurar um armazenamento
persistente para cargas de trabalho do Kubernetes.\n\n >>> Ao se inscrever
neste curso, você concorda com os Termos de Serviço do Qwiklabs
conforme estabelecido na seção de perguntas frequentes, no site: <<<

Este curso forma parte de una especialización enfocada en la compilación

de infraestructuras de procesamiento eficientes mediante Kubernetes y
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). En esta especialización, los
participantes aprenderán a implementar y administrar aplicaciones en
contenedores, tanto en GKE como en otros servicios que proporciona
Google Cloud Platform. Mediante una serie de presentaciones,
demostraciones y labs prácticos, los participantes pueden explorar y
también implementar elementos de soluciones, incluidos componentes de
infraestructura, como pods, contenedores y servicios, además de servicios
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine:
Google Cloud de red y aplicación. Además, en esta especialización, se analiza la
Workloads en Español workloads-google-kubernetes-engine-gke-es
implementación de soluciones prácticas, como la administración de
seguridad y accesos, así como la administración y supervisión de
recursos.\n \n En este curso, "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine:
Workloads", aprenderá a realizar operaciones de Kubernetes, a crear y
administrar implementaciones, a usar las herramientas de redes de GKE y
a proporcionar almacenamiento persistente a sus cargas de trabajo de
Kubernetes.\n \n >>> Al inscribirse en este curso, acepta las Condiciones
del Servicio de Qwiklabs, que se indican en las Preguntas frecuentes.
Puede consultarlas en <<<
このコースは、Kubernetes と Google Kubernetes
ンの一部です。このスペシャライゼーションでは、GKE などの Google
Cloud Platform
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: コンポーネントや、ネットワーク、アプリケーション
Google Cloud
Workloads 日本語版 workloads-google-kubernetes-engine-gke-jp サービスなどがあります。さらに、セキュリティとアクセス管理、リソース
モニタリングなどの実践的なソリューションの演習も行います。\n \n
この「Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine:
Workloads」コースでは、Kubernetes オペレーションの実行、Deployment
の作成と管理、GKE ネットワーキングのツール、Kubernetes
ワークロードに永続ストレージを割り当てる方法について学びます。\n \n
>>> このコースに登録すると、よくある質問に記載されているとおり
om/terms_of_service をご覧ください。<<<

Welcome to the art and science of machine learning. In this data science
course you will learn the essential skills of ML intuition, good judgment and
experimentation to finely tune and optimize your ML models for the best
performance. \n\nIn this course you will learn the many knobs and levers
Art and Science of Machine Learning Google Cloud involved in training a model. You will first manually adjust them to see their
effects on model performance. Once familiar with the knobs and levers,
otherwise known as hyperparameters, you will learn how to tune them in an
automatic way using Cloud Machine Learning Engine on Google Cloud
Willkommen im Kurs zur Kunst und Wissenschaft des maschinellen
Lernens. In diesem Kurs eignen Sie sich die grundlegenden Kompetenzen
rund um ML, gutes Urteilsvermögen und Experimentierfreudigkeit an, die
für die Feinabstimmung und Optimierung Ihres ML-Modells für
bestmögliche Leistung erforderlich sind. \n\n\nAußerdem informieren wir
Art and Science of Machine Learning auf Deutsch Google Cloud Sie über die zahlreichen Optimierungsmittel, die beim Trainieren eines
Modells ins Spiel kommen. Sie werden diese zuerst manuell anpassen, um
ihre Auswirkung auf die Leistung zu beobachten. Sobald Sie mit den
Optimierungsmitteln – auch bekannt als Hyperparameter – vertraut sind,
lernen Sie, wie Sie diese automatisch mithilfe der Cloud Machine Learning
Engine auf der Google Cloud Platform anpassen können.
Seja bem-vindo à arte e à ciência do aprendizado de máquina. Neste
curso, você aprenderá as habilidades básicas de intuição, bom senso e
experimentação em aprendizado de máquina para ajustar e otimizar seus
modelos com o objetivo de conseguir o melhor desempenho. \n\nAlém
Art and Science of Machine Learning em disso, você conhecerá as ferramentas envolvidas no processo de
Google Cloud
Português Brasileiro treinamento. Primeiro, você fará ajustes manuais para observar os efeitos
no desempenho do modelo. Depois de se familiarizar com essas
ferramentas, também conhecidas como hiperparâmetros, você aprenderá a
ajustá-las automaticamente usando o Cloud Machine Learning Engine no
Google Cloud Platform.
Bienvenido al curso The Art and Science of Machine Learning. En este
curso, adquirirá las competencias básicas de intuición de AA, evaluación de
modelos de AA y experimentación con ellos para realizar los ajustes y
optimizaciones correspondientes a fin de obtener el mejor rendimiento
posible. \n\nTambién aprenderá los mecanismos necesarios para entrenar
Art and Science of Machine Learning en Español Google Cloud
modelos. Primero, los ajustará manualmente para observar los efectos en
el rendimiento. Una vez que se familiarice con los valores que puede
cambiar, denominados hiperparámetros, aprenderá a ajustarlos
automáticamente con Cloud Machine Learning Engine en Google Cloud
Bienvenue dans cette formation sur l'art et la science du machine learning.
Dans ce cours, vous allez acquérir les compétences essentielles que
requiert le ML : intuition, discernement et capacités d'expérimentation. De
cette façon, vous pourrez ajuster précisément vos modèles de ML et les
améliorer pour obtenir des performances optimales. \n\nCe cours vous
Art and Science of Machine Learning en Français Google Cloud présente les nombreux mécanismes intervenant dans l'entraînement d'un
modèle. Vous commencerez par les ajuster manuellement pour observer
leurs effets sur les performances du modèle. Une fois que vous serez
familiarisé avec ces mécanismes, également appelés "hyperparamètres",
vous apprendrez à les régler automatiquement avec Cloud Machine
Learning Engine sur Google Cloud Platform.
「Art and Science of Machine
Art and Science of Machine Learning 日本語版 Google Cloud
る影響を観察し、使い方に慣れてきたら、Google Cloud Platform で Cloud
Machine Learning Engine
Data pipelines typically fall under one of the Extra-Load, Extract-Load-
Transform or Extract-Transform-Load paradigms. This course describes
which paradigm should be used and when for batch data. Furthermore, this course covers several technologies on Google Cloud Platform for data
Building Batch Data Pipelines on GCP Google Cloud
gcp transformation including BigQuery, executing Spark on Cloud Dataproc,
pipeline graphs in Cloud Data Fusion and serverless data processing with
Cloud Dataflow. Learners will get hands-on experience building data
pipeline components on Google Cloud Platform using QwikLabs.
Data pipelines typically fall under one of the Extra-Load, Extract-Load-
Transform or Extract-Transform-Load paradigms. This course describes
which paradigm should be used and when for batch data. Furthermore, this course covers several technologies on Google Cloud Platform for data
Building Batch Data Pipelines on GCP Google Cloud
gcp transformation including BigQuery, executing Spark on Cloud Dataproc,
pipeline graphs in Cloud Data Fusion and serverless data processing with
Cloud Dataflow. Learners will get hands-on experience building data
pipeline components on Google Cloud Platform using QwikLabs.
This course provides a deep dive into how to create a chatbot using
Dialogflow, augment it with Cloud Natural Language API, and
Building Conversational Experiences with
Google Cloud operationalize it using Google Cloud tools.\n\n>>> By enrolling in this
Dialogflow experiences-dialogflow
course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ
and located at: <<<
*Note: this is a new course with updated content from what you may have
seen in the previous version of this Specialization.\n\nProcessing streaming
data is becoming increasingly popular as streaming enables businesses to
get real-time metrics on business operations. This course covers how to
build streaming data pipelines on Google Cloud Platform. Cloud Pub/Sub is
Building Resilient Streaming Analytics Systems on
Google Cloud described for handling incoming streaming data. The course also covers
GCP systems-gcp
how to apply aggregations and transformations to streaming data using
Cloud Dataflow, and how to store processed records to BigQuery or Cloud
Bigtable for analysis. Learners will get hands-on experience building
streaming data pipeline components on Google Cloud Platform using
*Note: this is a new course with updated content from what you may have
seen in the previous version of this Specialization.\n\nProcessing streaming
data is becoming increasingly popular as streaming enables businesses to
get real-time metrics on business operations. This course covers how to
build streaming data pipelines on Google Cloud Platform. Cloud Pub/Sub is
Building Resilient Streaming Analytics Systems on
Google Cloud described for handling incoming streaming data. The course also covers
GCP systems-gcp
how to apply aggregations and transformations to streaming data using
Cloud Dataflow, and how to store processed records to BigQuery or Cloud
Bigtable for analysis. Learners will get hands-on experience building
streaming data pipeline components on Google Cloud Platform using
Este curso rápido sob demanda tem uma semana de duração e é baseado
no Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals.
Por meio de videoaulas, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, os
participantes aprenderão a criar pipelines de dados de streaming usando o
Google Cloud Pub/Sub e o Dataflow para a tomada de decisões em tempo
real. Você também aprenderá a criar painéis para renderizar respostas
personalizadas para vários tipos de público das partes interessadas.\n \n
Building Resilient Streaming Systems on GCP em
Google Cloud Pré-requisitos:\n • Noções básicas de Big Data e Machine Learning do
Português Brasileiro streaming-systems-gcp-br
Google Cloud Platform (ou experiência equivalente)\n • Conhecimento de
Java\n \n Objetivos:\n • Entender os casos de uso para análise de
streaming em tempo real\n • Usar o serviço de mensagens assíncronas do
Google Cloud Pub/Sub para gerenciar eventos de dados\n • Criar pipelines
de streaming e executar transformações\n • Conhecer os dois lados de um
pipeline de streaming: produção e consumo\n • Interoperar o Dataflow, o
BigQuery e o Cloud Pub/Sub para streaming e análise em tempo real
In diesem einwöchigen On-Demand-Intensivkurs wird auf dem Kurs Google
Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals aufgebaut.
In Videovorträgen, Vorführungen und Labs zur praktischen Anwendung
lernen Sie, wie Sie Streamingdaten-Pipelines erstellen und dabei mit
Google Cloud Pub/Sub und Dataflow Entscheidungen in Echtzeit treffen
können. Außerdem erfahren Sie, wie Sie Dashboards erstellen, um die
Ausgabe für unterschiedliche beteiligte Zielgruppen anzupassen.\n \n
Building Resilient Streaming Systems on Google Voraussetzungen:\n • Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine
Google Cloud
Cloud Platform auf Deutsch streaming-systems-gcp-de Learning Fundamentals (oder Ähnliches)\n • Grundkenntnisse in Java\n \n
Lernziele:\n • Anwendungsfälle für Streaminganalysen in Echtzeit
durchgehen\n • Datenereignisse mit dem asynchronen Messagingdienst
Google Cloud Pub/Sub verwalten\n • Streamingpipelines erstellen und bei
Bedarf Transformationen ausführen\n • Beide Enden einer
Streamingpipeline (Produktion und Nutzung) kennenlernen\n • Dataflow,
BigQuery und Cloud Pub/Sub für Streaming und Analysen in Echtzeit
Este curso acelerado a pedido de una semana está basado en Google
Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals. Mediante
una serie de clases por video, demostraciones y labs prácticos, aprenderá
a compilar canalizaciones de datos de transmisión con Google Cloud
Pub/Sub y Dataflow para poder tomar decisiones en tiempo real. Además,
aprenderá a compilar paneles a fin de procesar resultados personalizados
para distintos públicos interesados.\n \n Requisitos previos:\n • Haber
completado el curso Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine
Building Resilient Streaming Systems on Google
Google Cloud Learning Fundamentals (o contar con experiencia equivalente)\n •
Cloud Platform en Español streaming-systems-gcp-es
Conocimientos de Java\n \n Objetivos:\n • Comprender casos prácticos de
estadísticas de transmisiones en tiempo real\n • Usar el servicio de
mensajería asíncrona de Google Cloud Pub/Sub para administrar eventos
de datos\n • Escribir canalizaciones de transmisión y ejecutar
transformaciones cuando sea necesario\n • Familiarizarse con ambos lados
de una canalización de transmisión: la producción y el consumo\n •
Interoperar Dataflow, BigQuery y Cloud Pub/Sub para realizar
transmisiones y análisis en tiempo real

Ce cours intensif à la demande, d'une durée d'une semaine, complète le

cours Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning
Fundamentals. À travers un ensemble de vidéos, de démonstrations et
d'ateliers pratiques, vous allez apprendre à créer des pipelines de flux de
données à l'aide de Google Cloud Pub/Sub et de Dataflow pour permettre
la prise de décision en temps réel. Vous apprendrez également à créer des
tableaux de bord en vue d'obtenir des résultats sur mesure pour les
différents types d'intervenants.\n \n Prérequis :\n • Google Cloud Platform
Building Resilient Streaming Systems on Google
Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals (ou expérience
Cloud Platform en Français streaming-systems-gcp-fr
équivalente)\n • Quelques notions de Java\n \n Objectifs :\n • Comprendre
les cas d'utilisation pour l'analyse de flux en temps réel\n • Gérer les
événements de données à l'aide du service de messagerie asynchrone de
Google Cloud Pub/Sub\n • Coder des pipelines de flux de données et
effectuer des transformations si nécessaire\n • Découvrir les deux facettes
d'un pipeline de flux de données : production et consommation\n •
Interopérer Dataflow, BigQuery et Cloud Pub/Sub pour l'analyse des flux de
données en temps réel
この 1 週間の速習オンデマンド コースは、Google Cloud Platform Big Data
and Machine Learning Fundamentals
、Google Cloud の Pub/Sub と Dataflow を使いストリーミング データ
するためのダッシュボードの構築方法も学びます。\n \n 要件:\n • Google
Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals
Building Resilient Streaming Systems on Google
Google Cloud を終了していること(または同等の経験を有していること)\n • Java
Cloud Platform 日本語版 streaming-systems-gcp-jp
に関する知識があること\n \n 目標:\n • リアルタイム
ストリーミング分析のユースケースを理解する\n • Google Cloud PubSub
非同期メッセージ サービスを使用して、データイベントを管理する\n •
ストリーミング パイプラインを作成し、必要に応じて変換を行う\n •
パイプラインの両側面である生産と消費について知識を深める\n •
Dataflow、BigQuery、Cloud Pub/Sub

"Microservices" describes a software design pattern in which an application

is a collection of loosely coupled services. These services are fine-grained,
and can be individually maintained and scaled. The microservices
architecture is ideal for the public cloud, with its focus on elastic scaling with
on-demand resources. In this course, you will learn how to build Java
applications using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud on Google Cloud Platform.
\n\nYou'll use Cloud Runtime Configuration and Spring Cloud Config to
manage your application's configuration. You'll send and receive messages
Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring with Cloud Pub/Sub and Spring Integration. You'll also use Cloud SQL as a
Google Cloud
Boot and Spring Cloud spring managed relational database for your Java applications, and learn how to
migrate to Cloud Spanner, which is Google Cloud's globally-distributed
strongly consistent database service. You'll also learn about tracing and
debugging your Spring applications with Stackdriver.\n\nTo succeed in this
course, you should be familiar with the Java programming language and
building Java applications with tools such as Maven or Gradle. You should
also have general knowledge of Google Cloud Platform\n\n>>> By enrolling
in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the
FAQ and located at: <<<
What is cloud technology or data science and what’s all the hype about?
More importantly, what can it do for you, your team, and your business?
\n\nIf you want to learn about cloud technology so you can excel in your
role, help build the future of your business and thrive in the cloud era, then
the Business Transformation with Google Cloud course is for you. Through
this interactive training, you’ll learn about core cloud business
drivers—specifically Google’s cloud—and gain the knowledge/skills to
determine if business transformation is right for you and your team, and build short and long-term projects using the “superpowers” of cloud
Business Transformation with Google Cloud Google Cloud
transformation-google-cloud accordingly. You’ll also find several templates, guides, and resource links
through the supplementary student workbook to help you build a custom
briefing document to share with your leadership, technical teams or
partners.\n\nPrimary Audience:\nBusiness decision-makers: directors
(managers of managers), managers of individual contributors (ICs) or ICs
working in non-IT functions/divisions (such as finance, marketing, sales,
HR, product design) interested in understanding the applications of
Google’s cloud technology for business improvement opportunities and
transformational project(s).

This is the second course in the Data to Insights specialization. Here we will
cover how to ingest new external datasets into BigQuery and visualize
them with Google Data Studio. We will also cover intermediate SQL
concepts like multi-table JOINs and UNIONs which will allow you to analyze
Creating New BigQuery Datasets and Visualizing
Google Cloud data across multiple data sources.\n\nNote: Even if you have a background
Insights bigquery-datasets-visualizing-insights
in SQL, there are BigQuery specifics (like handling query cache and table
wildcards) that may be new to you.\n\n>>> By enrolling in this specialization
you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and
located at: <<<

これは、Data to Insights 専門講座の 2

番目のコースです。ここでは、新しい外部データセットを BigQuery
の JOIN と UNION など、中級者向けの SQL
の概念についても説明します。JOIN や UNION
Creating New BigQuery Datasets and Visualizing を使用すると、複数のデータソースのデータを分析できます。\n \n 注:
Google Cloud
Insights 日本語版 bigquery-datasets-visualizing-insights-jp すでに SQL に関する知識をお持ちの方も、BigQuery
に固有の要素(クエリ キャッシュやテーブル
ワイルドカードの処理など)について学ぶことができます。\n \n >>>
om/terms_of_service をご覧ください。<<<
Learn to deploy and run Microsoft Windows® applications on Google Cloud
Platform (GCP). Through lectures and hands-on labs, learn how to
configure and run Microsoft Windows and Microsoft SQL Server in Google
Compute Engine. You will also learn how to develop and deploy ASP.NET
applications and deploy them to Google Compute Engine, Google App
Engine, and Google Container Engine.\n\nCourse objectives\nThis course
Develop and Deploy Windows Applications on
Google Cloud teaches participants the following skills:\n• Configuring Microsoft Windows
Google Cloud Platform apps-gcp
and Microsoft SQL Server in Google Compute Engine\n• Deploying
ASP.NET MVC applications to Google Compute Engine\n• Deploying .NET
Core applications to Google Compute Engine, Google Compute Engine,
and Google Container Engine\n\nPre-requisites\n• System-administration or
application-development experience with Microsoft Windows\n• A general
familiarity with cloud computing

>>> Wenn Sie sich für diesen Kurs registrieren, stimmen Sie den
Nutzungsbedingungen von Qwiklabs zu. Diese sind in den FAQs erläutert
und unter folgendem Link zu finden:
<<<\n\nIn diesem Kurs lernen die Teilnehmer Dienste kennen, mit denen
sich auf der GCP erstellte Anwendungen leichter skalieren und verwalten
lassen. Außerdem erfahren sie, wie sie Anwendungen mit Google Cloud
Pub/Sub und Google Cloud Functions effizienter machen können und wie
Container in der GCP verwendet werden. Dieser Kurs endet mit einer
Zusammenfassung der Spezialisierung.\n\nVoraussetzungen \nFür
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Containers and maximale Lernerfolge sollten die Teilnehmer folgende Voraussetzungen
Google Cloud
Services auf Deutsch containers-services-de erfüllen:\n• Kurs "Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals:" ("Core
Infrastructure" oder "AWS Professionals") absolviert oder entsprechende
Erfahrungen haben\n• Kurs "Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation"
absolviert oder entsprechende Erfahrung haben\n• Kurs "Essential Cloud
Infrastructure: Core Services" absolviert oder entsprechende Erfahrung
haben\n• Kurs "Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation"
absolviert oder entsprechende Erfahrung haben\n• Mit Befehlszeilentools
und Linux-Betriebssystemumgebungen vertraut sein\n• Erfahrungen mit
Systemabläufen haben, auch mit der Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von
Anwendungen, entweder lokal oder in öffentlichen Cloud-Umgebungen
Dalam kursus ini, peserta akan mempelajari berbagai layanan yang
tersedia bagi aplikasi bawaan GCP yang dapat meningkatkan skalabilitas
dan kemudahan pemeliharaan. Mereka akan menggunakan layanan
seperti Google Cloud Pub/Sub dan Google Cloud Functions untuk
menjadikan aplikasi lebih efisien. Mereka akan mempelajari penggunaan
container di GCP. Kursus ini diakhiri dengan ulasan tentang spesialisasi.\n
\n Prasyarat: \n Untuk mendapatkan manfaat optimal dari kursus ini,
peserta diharapkan telah:\n • Menyelesaikan kursus Konsep Dasar Google
Cloud Platform (Infrastruktur Inti atau Profesional AWS) atau yang setara\n
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Containers and
Google Cloud • Menyelesaikan kursus Infrastruktur Cloud Esensial: Dasar, atau yang
Services dalam bahasa Indonesia containers-services-id
setara\n • Menyelesaikan kursus Infrastruktur Cloud Esensial: Layanan Inti,
atau yang setara\n • Menyelesaikan kursus Infrastruktur Cloud Elastis:
Penskalaan dan Otomatisasi, atau yang setara\n • Menguasai kemahiran
dasar dalam fitur command-line dan lingkungan sistem operasi Linux\n •
Memiliki pengetahuan tentang Operasi Sistem termasuk menerapkan dan
mengelola aplikasi, baik pada lingkungan lokal maupun cloud publik\n \n
>>> Dengan mendaftar untuk mengikuti kursus ini, Anda menyetujui
Persyaratan Layanan Qwiklabs sebagaimana diuraikan dalam FAQ dan
terletak di: <<<

>>> Ao se inscrever neste curso, você concorda com os Termos de Serviço

do Qwiklabs conforme estabelecido na seção de perguntas frequentes,
localizada em: <<<\n \n Neste curso,
os participantes conhecerão os serviços disponibilizados para aplicativos
desenvolvidos no GCP e que melhoram a escalabilidade e a capacidade
de manutenção deles. Eles trabalharão com serviços como o Google Cloud
Pub/Sub e o Google Cloud Functions para tornar os aplicativos mais
eficientes. O uso de contêineres no GCP também será abordado. Ao final
do curso, haverá uma revisão da especialização.\n \n Pré-requisitos: \n
Para aproveitar este curso ao máximo, os participantes devem atender aos
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Containers and
Google Cloud seguintes requisitos:\n • Ter concluído o curso Google Cloud Platform
Services em Português Brasileiro containers-services-br
Fundamentals (Core Infrastructure ou AWS Professionals) ou ter
experiência equivalente\n • Ter concluído o curso Essential Cloud
Infrastructure: Foundation ou ter experiência equivalente\n • Ter concluído
o curso Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services ou ter experiência
equivalente\n • Ter concluído o curso Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling
and Automation ou ter experiência equivalente\n • Proficiência básica em
ferramentas de linha de comando e ambientes do sistema operacional
Linux\n • Experiência em operações de sistemas, incluindo implantação e
gerenciamento de aplicativos, localmente ou em um ambiente de nuvem
>>> Al inscribirse en este curso, acepta las Condiciones del Servicio de
Qwiklabs según están establecidas en las Preguntas frecuentes y en: <<<\n\nEn este curso, explorará
servicios que se proporcionan a aplicaciones compiladas en GCP que
mejoran su escalabilidad y capacidad de mantenimiento. Trabajará con
servicios como Google Cloud Pub/Sub y Google Cloud Functions para
mejorar la eficacia de las aplicaciones. Explorará el uso de contenedores
en GCP. El curso finaliza con una revisión de la
especialización.\n\nRequisitos previos: \nPara aprovechar al máximo este
curso, los participantes deberían reunir los siguientes requisitos:\n• Haber
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Containers and
Google Cloud completado el curso Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals (Core
Services en Español containers-services-es
Infrastructure o AWS Professionals) o tener experiencia equivalente\n•
Haber completado el curso Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation, o
tener experiencia equivalente\n• Haber completado el curso Essential
Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services, o tener experiencia equivalente\n•
Haber completado Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation, o
tener experiencia equivalente\n• Tener conocimientos básicos sobre las
herramientas de línea de comandos y los entornos del sistema operativo
Linux\n• Tener experiencia en operaciones de sistemas, como la
implementación y la administración de aplicaciones, tanto a nivel local
como en un entorno de nube pública
>>> En vous inscrivant à ce cours, vous vous engagez à respecter les
Conditions d'utilisation de Qwiklabs, telles que définies dans les questions
fréquentes et disponibles à l'adresse : <<<\n\nCe cours vous propose de
découvrir des services qui améliorent l'évolutivité et la gestion des
applications basées sur GCP. Vous y utiliserez des services tels que
Google Cloud Pub/Sub et Google Cloud Functions, qui permettent de
booster l'efficacité des applications. Vous y apprendrez aussi à utiliser des
conteneurs sur GCP. Le cours se termine par un tour d'horizon de la
spécialisation.\n\nPrérequis : \nPour tirer pleinement parti de ce cours, les
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Containers and participants doivent remplir les conditions suivantes :\n• Avoir suivi le cours
Google Cloud
Services en Français containers-services-fr Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals (Core Infrastructure ou AWS
Professionals) ou disposer d'une expérience équivalente\n• Avoir suivi le
cours Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation ou disposer d'une
expérience équivalente\n• Avoir suivi le cours Essential Cloud
Infrastructure: Core Services ou disposer d'une expérience équivalente\n•
Avoir suivi le cours Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation ou
disposer d'une expérience équivalente\n• Maîtriser les principes de base
des outils de ligne de commande et du système d'exploitation Linux\n•
Disposer d'une expérience dans le domaine de l'exploitation de systèmes, y
compris en déploiement et en gestion d'applications, sur site ou dans un
environnement de cloud public
>>> このコースに登録すると、よくある質問に記載されているとおり
上させるためのサービスについて学習します。こうしたサービスは Google
Cloud Pub/Sub や Google Cloud Functions
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Containers and ます。\n\n受講条件:\n\nこのコースを最大限に活用するためには、次の条件
Google Cloud
Services 日本語版 containers-services-jp を満たしている必要があります。\n\n• Google Cloud Platform
Fundamentals(Core Infrastructure または AWS
Professionals)を修了しているか、同等の経験がある\n• Essential Cloud
Infrastructure:Foundation を修了しているか、同等の経験がある\n•
Essential Cloud Infrastructure:Core Services
を修了しているか、同等の経験がある\n• Elastic Cloud
Infrastructure:Scaling and Automation
を修了しているか、同等の経験がある\n• コマンドライン ツールと Linux
オペレーティング システム環境の基礎を習熟している\n•

This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the

comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by
Google Cloud Platform. Through a combination of video lectures, demos,
and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements,
including securely interconnecting networks, load balancing, autoscaling,
infrastructure automation and managed services.\n\nPrerequisites: \nTo get
the most out of this course, participants should have:\n• Completed Google
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or have equivalent
Google Cloud
Automation scaling-automation experience\n• Completed Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation or
have equivalent experience\n• Completed Essential Cloud Infrastructure:
Core Services or have equivalent experience\n• Basic proficiency with
command-line tools and Linux operating system environments\n• Systems
Operations experience including deploying and managing applications,
either on-premises or in a public cloud environment\n\n>>> By enrolling in
this course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the
FAQ and located at: <<<
This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the
comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by
Google Cloud Platform. Through a combination of video lectures, demos,
and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements,
including securely interconnecting networks, load balancing, autoscaling,
infrastructure automation and managed services.\n\nPrerequisites: \nTo get
the most out of this course, participants should have:\n• Completed Google
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or have equivalent
Google Cloud
Automation scaling-automation experience\n• Completed Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation or
have equivalent experience\n• Completed Essential Cloud Infrastructure:
Core Services or have equivalent experience\n• Basic proficiency with
command-line tools and Linux operating system environments\n• Systems
Operations experience including deploying and managing applications,
either on-premises or in a public cloud environment\n\n>>> By enrolling in
this course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the
FAQ and located at: <<<

This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the

comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by
Google Cloud Platform. Through a combination of video lectures, demos,
and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy solution elements,
including securely interconnecting networks, load balancing, autoscaling,
infrastructure automation and managed services.\n\nPrerequisites: \nTo get
the most out of this course, participants should have:\n• Completed Google
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or have equivalent
Google Cloud
Automation scaling-automation experience\n• Completed Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation or
have equivalent experience\n• Completed Essential Cloud Infrastructure:
Core Services or have equivalent experience\n• Basic proficiency with
command-line tools and Linux operating system environments\n• Systems
Operations experience including deploying and managing applications,
either on-premises or in a public cloud environment\n\n>>> By enrolling in
this course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the
FAQ and located at: <<<
Dieser On-Demand-Schnellkurs bietet eine Einführung in die umfassenden
und flexiblen Infrastruktur- und Plattformdienste der Google Cloud Platform.
Die Teilnehmer machen sich anhand von Lernvideos, Demos und
praxisorientierten Labs mit den einzelnen Komponenten der Lösung
vertraut. Dazu zählen Netzwerke, Systeme und Anwendungsdienste.
Außerdem gehen wir auf praktische Lösungen ein, beispielsweise für
sichere Interconnect-Verbindungen zwischen Netzwerken, Lastenausgleich,
Autoscaling, Automatisierung der Infrastruktur und verwaltete
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Dienste.\n\nVoraussetzungen: \nFür maximale Lernerfolge sollten die
Google Cloud
Automation auf Deutsch scaling-automation-de Teilnehmer:\n• den Kurs "Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core
Infrastructure" oder "Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals for AWS
Professionals" absolviert oder entsprechende Erfahrungen haben;\n• den
Kurs "Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation" absolviert oder
entsprechende Erfahrung haben; \n• den Kurs "Essential Cloud
Infrastructure: Core Services" absolviert oder entsprechende Erfahrung
haben;\n• mit Befehlszeilentools und Linux-Betriebssystemumgebungen
vertraut sein;\n• mit Befehlszeilentools und Linux-
Betriebssystemumgebungen vertraut sein;

Kursus akselerasi on demand ini memperkenalkan peserta pada

infrastruktur dan layanan platform yang komprehensif dan fleksibel yang
disediakan oleh Google Cloud Platform. Melalui kombinasi presentasi
video, demo, dan lab praktis, peserta akan mengeksplorasi dan
menerapkan berbagai elemen solusi, termasuk komponen infrastruktur
seperti jaringan, sistem, dan layanan aplikasi. Kursus ini juga membahas
tentang penerapan solusi praktis, termasuk pembuatan interkoneksi
jaringan yang aman, load balancing, penskalaan otomatis, otomatisasi
infrastruktur, dan layanan terkelola.\n \n Prasyarat: \n Untuk mendapatkan
manfaat optimal dari kursus ini, peserta diharapkan telah:\n •
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and
Google Cloud Menyelesaikan kursus Konsep Dasar Google Cloud Platform (Infrastruktur
Automation dalam bahasa Indonesia infrastructure-scaling-automation-id
Inti atau Profesional AWS.) atau yang setara\n • Menyelesaikan kursus
Infrastruktur Cloud Esensial: Dasar, atau yang setara\n • Menyelesaikan
kursus Infrastruktur Cloud Esensial: Layanan Inti, atau yang setara\n •
Menguasai kemahiran dasar dalam fitur command-line dan lingkungan
sistem operasi Linux\n • Memiliki pengetahuan tentang Operasi Sistem,
termasuk menerapkan dan mengelola aplikasi, baik pada lingkungan lokal
maupun cloud publik.\n \n >>> Dengan mendaftar untuk mengikuti kursus
ini, Anda menyetujui Persyaratan Layanan Qwiklabs sebagaimana
diuraikan dalam FAQ dan tercantum di: <<<
>>> Ao se inscrever neste curso, você concorda com os Termos de Serviço
do Qwiklabs, conforme descrito na seção de perguntas frequentes e
disponíveis em: <<<
\n\nEste curso sob
demanda apresentará os serviços abrangentes e flexíveis de infraestrutura
e plataforma fornecidos pelo Google Cloud Platform. Com aulas em vídeo,
demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, os participantes poderão examinar
e implantar elementos da solução, entre eles: componentes de
infraestrutura como redes, sistemas e serviços de aplicativos. Este curso
também aborda a implantação de soluções práticas, como interconexão
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and segura de redes, balanceamento de carga, escalonamento automático,
Google Cloud
Automation em Português Brasileiro scaling-automation-br automação de infraestrutura e serviços gerenciados.\n\n Pré-requisitos:
\nPara aproveitar este curso ao máximo, os participantes devem ter:\n•
concluído o curso Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals (Core
Infrastructure ou AWS Professionals) ou ter experiência equivalente;\n•
concluído o curso Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation ou ter
experiência equivalente;\n• concluído o curso Essential Cloud
Infrastructure: Core Services ou ter experiência equivalente;\n• proficiência
básica em ferramentas de linha de comando e ambientes do sistema
operacional Linux;\n• experiência em operações de sistemas, como
implantação e gerenciamento de aplicativos, no local ou em um ambiente
de nuvem pública.

Este curso acelerado bajo demanda presenta a los participantes los

servicios integrales y flexibles de infraestructura y plataforma que ofrece
Google Cloud Platform. Mediante una combinación de clases por video,
demostraciones y labs prácticos, los participantes exploran e implementan
elementos de soluciones, incluidos componentes de infraestructura como
redes, sistemas y servicios de aplicaciones. Este curso también abarca la
implementación de soluciones prácticas, como interconexión de redes de
manera segura, balanceo de cargas, ajuste de escala automático,
automatización de la infraestructura y servicios
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and administrados.\n\nRequisitos previos:\nPara aprovechar al máximo este
Google Cloud
Automation en Español scaling-automation-es curso, los participantes deberían reunir los siguientes requisitos:\n• Haber
completado el curso Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals (infraestructura
central o para profesionales de AWS) o tener experiencia equivalente\n•
Haber completado el curso Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation o
tener experiencia equivalente\n• Haber completado el curso Essential
Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services o tener experiencia equivalente\n•
Tener conocimientos básicos sobre las herramientas de línea de comandos
y los entornos del sistema operativo Linux\n• Tener experiencia en
operaciones de sistemas, que incluye la implementación y la administración
de aplicaciones, tanto a nivel local como en un entorno de nube pública
Cette formation accélérée à la demande présente l'infrastructure et les
services de plate-forme complets et flexibles de Google Cloud Platform.
Grâce à une série de présentations vidéo, de démonstrations et d'ateliers,
vous découvrirez et déploierez des éléments de solution, y compris des
composants d'infrastructure tels que des réseaux, des systèmes et des
services applicatifs. Cette spécialisation aborde aussi le déploiement de
solutions pratiques, telles que l'interconnexion des réseaux de manière
sécurisée, l'équilibrage de charge, l'autoscaling, l'automatisation de
l'infrastructure et les services gérés.\n\n\nPrérequis : \nPour tirer pleinement
Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and parti de ce cours, les participants doivent remplir les conditions suivantes
Google Cloud
Automation en Français scaling-automation-fr :\n• Avoir suivi la formation Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals (Core
Infrastructure ou AWS Professionals) ou disposer d'une expérience
équivalente\n• Avoir suivi la formation Essential Cloud Infrastructure:
Foundation ou disposer d'une expérience équivalente\n• Avoir suivi la
formation Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services ou disposer d'une
expérience équivalente\n• Maîtriser les principes de base des outils de ligne
de commande et du système d'exploitation Linux\n• Disposer d'une
expérience dans le domaine de l'exploitation de systèmes, notamment en
ce qui concerne le déploiement et la gestion d'applications, sur site ou dans
un environnement de cloud public

この集中オンデマンド コースでは、Google Cloud Platform


Elastic Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and 、自動スケーリング、インフラストラクチャの自動化、マネージド
Google Cloud
Automation 日本語版 scaling-automation-jp サービスなどについて学習します。\n\n\n前提条件:\n\nこのコースを最大限
に活用するには、次の条件を満たしている必要があります。\n\n• Google
Cloud Platform Fundamentals(Core Infrastructure または AWS
Professionals)を修了しているか、同等の経験がある\n• Essential Cloud
Infrastructure:Foundation を修了しているか、同等の経験がある\n•
Essential Cloud Infrastructure:Core Services
を修了しているか、同等の経験がある\n• コマンドライン ツールと Linux
オペレーティング システム環境の基礎を習熟している\n•
In the first course of this specialization, we will recap what was covered in
the Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform
Specialization (
tensorflow-gcp).\n\nOne of the best ways to review something is to work
with the concepts and technologies that you have learned.\n\nSo, this
End-to-End Machine Learning with TensorFlow on
Google Cloud course is set up as a workshop and in this workshop, you will do End-to-
GCP tensorflow-gcp
End Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud
Platform\n\nPrerequisites:\nBasic SQL, familiarity with Python and
TensorFlow\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs
Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the
comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by
Google Cloud Platform with a focus on Compute Engine. Through a
combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, participants
explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components
such as networks, systems and applications services. This course also
covers deploying practical solutions including customer-supplied encryption
keys, security and access management, quotas and billing, and resource monitoring.\n\nPrerequisites:\nTo get the most out of this course,
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services Google Cloud
core-services participants should have:\n• Completed Google Cloud Platform
Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or have equivalent experience\n•
Completed Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation or have equivalent
experience\n• Basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux
operating system environments\n• Systems Operations experience
including deploying and managing applications, either on-premises or in a
public cloud environment\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the
Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<

This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the

comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by
Google Cloud Platform with a focus on Compute Engine. Through a
combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, participants
explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components
such as networks, systems and applications services. This course also
covers deploying practical solutions including customer-supplied encryption
keys, security and access management, quotas and billing, and resource monitoring.\n\nPrerequisites:\nTo get the most out of this course,
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services Google Cloud
core-services participants should have:\n• Completed Google Cloud Platform
Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or have equivalent experience\n•
Completed Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation or have equivalent
experience\n• Basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux
operating system environments\n• Systems Operations experience
including deploying and managing applications, either on-premises or in a
public cloud environment\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the
Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the
comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by
Google Cloud Platform with a focus on Compute Engine. Through a
combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, participants
explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components
such as networks, systems and applications services. This course also
covers deploying practical solutions including customer-supplied encryption
keys, security and access management, quotas and billing, and resource monitoring.\n\nPrerequisites:\nTo get the most out of this course,
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services Google Cloud
core-services participants should have:\n• Completed Google Cloud Platform
Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or have equivalent experience\n•
Completed Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation or have equivalent
experience\n• Basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux
operating system environments\n• Systems Operations experience
including deploying and managing applications, either on-premises or in a
public cloud environment\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the
Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<

In diesem On-Demand-Intensivkurs erhalten die Teilnehmer eine

Einführung in die umfassenden und flexiblen Infrastruktur- und
Plattformdienste der Google Cloud Platform. In Videovorträgen, Demos und
praxisorientierten Labs lernen die Teilnehmer Lösungselemente kennen
und stellen sie dann bereit. Dazu gehören Infrastrukturkomponenten wie
Netzwerke, Systeme und Anwendungsdienste. Außerdem werden
praktische Lösungen vorgestellt, beispielsweise für sichere Verbindungen
zwischen Netzwerken, von Kunden bereitgestellte
Verschlüsselungsschlüssel, die Sicherheits- und Zugriffsverwaltung,
Kontingente und Abrechnung sowie das Ressourcenmonitoring.\n \n
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services auf
Google Cloud Voraussetzungen:\n Für maximalen Lernerfolg sollten die Teilnehmer
Deutsch core-services-de
folgende Vorkenntnisse mitbringen:\n • Abgeschlossener Kurs "Google
Cloud Platform Fundamentals" (Core Infrastructure oder AWS-Experten)
oder Ähnliches\n • Abgeschlossener Kurs "Essential Cloud Infrastructure:
Foundation" oder Ähnliches\n • Grundkenntnisse in Befehlszeilentools und
Linux-Betriebssystem-Umgebungen\n • Erfahrung mit Systems Operations,
darunter im Bereitstellen und Verwalten von Anwendungen – lokal oder in
einer öffentlichen Cloudumgebung\n \n >>> Durch die Registrierung für
diesen Kurs stimmen Sie den Nutzungsbedingungen von Qwiklabs zu, die
Sie in den FAQ und unter folgendem Link finden: <<<
Kursus akselerasi on demand ini memperkenalkan peserta pada
infrastruktur dan layanan platform yang komprehensif dan fleksibel yang
disediakan oleh Google Cloud Platform. Melalui kombinasi presentasi
video, demo, dan lab praktis, peserta akan mengeksplorasi dan
menerapkan berbagai elemen solusi, termasuk komponen infrastruktur
seperti jaringan, sistem, dan layanan aplikasi. Kursus ini juga mencakup
penerapan solusi praktis termasuk melakukan interkoneksi jaringan dengan
aman, kunci enkripsi yang disediakan pelanggan, manajemen keamanan
dan akses, kuota dan tagihan, serta pemantauan resource.\n \n Prasyarat:
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services \n Untuk mendapatkan manfaat optimal dari kursus ini, peserta diharapkan
Google Cloud
dalam bahasa Indonesia infrastructure-core-services-id telah:\n • Menyelesaikan kursus Konsep Dasar Google Cloud Platform
(Infrastruktur Inti atau Profesional AWS) atau yang setara\n •
Menyelesaikan kursus Infrastruktur Cloud Esensial: Dasar, atau yang
setara\n • Menguasai kemahiran dasar dalam fitur command-line dan
lingkungan sistem operasi Linux\n • Memiliki pengetahuan tentang Operasi
Sistem termasuk menerapkan dan mengelola aplikasi, baik pada
lingkungan lokal maupun cloud publik\n \n >>> Dengan mendaftar untuk
mengikuti kursus ini, Anda menyetujui Persyaratan Layanan Qwiklabs
sebagaimana diuraikan dalam FAQ dan terletak di: <<<

Este curso intensivo sob demanda apresenta os serviços abrangentes e

flexíveis de infraestrutura e plataforma fornecidos pelo Google Cloud
Platform. Por meio de videoaulas, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos,
os participantes poderão analisar e implantar elementos da solução,
inclusive componentes de infraestrutura, como redes, sistemas e serviços
de aplicativos. Este curso também engloba a implantação de soluções
práticas, como a interconexão segura de redes, chaves de criptografia
fornecidas pelo cliente, gerenciamento de segurança e acesso, cotas e
faturamento, além do monitoramento de recursos.\n\nPré-requisitos:\nPara
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services em aproveitar ao máximo este curso, os participantes devem cumprir os
Google Cloud
Português Brasileiro core-services-br seguintes requisitos:\n • Conclusão do Google Cloud Platform
Fundamentals (Core Infrastructure ou AWS Professionals) ou ter
experiência equivalente\n • Conclusão do Essential Cloud Infrastructure:
Foundation ou ter experiência equivalente\n • Proficiência básica em
ferramentas de linha de comando e ambientes de sistema operacional
Linux\n • Experiência em operações de sistemas, incluindo implantação e
gerenciamento de aplicativos, no local ou em um ambiente de nuvem
pública\n\n >>> Ao se inscrever neste curso, você concorda com os
Termos de Serviço do Qwiklabs conforme estabelecido na seção de
perguntas frequentes, no site: <<<
En este curso acelerado a pedido, se brinda a los participantes una
introducción a los servicios de infraestructura y plataforma flexibles y
completos que proporciona Google Cloud Platform. Mediante una serie de
clases por video, demostraciones y labs prácticos, los participantes pueden
explorar y, también, implementar elementos de soluciones, incluidos
componentes de infraestructura, como redes, sistemas y servicios de
aplicaciones. Además, en este curso se estudia la implementación de
soluciones prácticas como la interconexión segura de redes, las claves de
encriptación proporcionadas por el cliente, la administración de seguridad y
accesos, las cuotas, la facturación y la supervisión de
recursos.\n\nRequisitos previos: \nPara aprovechar al máximo este curso,
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services en
Google Cloud los participantes deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:\n • Haber
Español core-services-es
completado el curso Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals (Core
Infrastructure o AWS Professionals) o tener experiencia equivalente\n •
Haber completado el curso Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation o
tener experiencia equivalente\n • Tener conocimientos básicos sobre
herramientas de línea de comandos y entornos del sistema operativo
Linux\n • Tener experiencia en operaciones de sistemas, incluidas la
implementación y la administración de aplicaciones, tanto a nivel local
como en un entorno de nube pública\n\n>>>Al inscribirse en este curso,
acepta las Condiciones del Servicio de Qwiklabs, que se indican en las
Preguntas frecuentes y se pueden consultar en <<<

Ce cours à la demande accéléré présente aux participants l'infrastructure et

les services de plate-forme complets et flexibles de Google Cloud Platform.
À travers un ensemble de vidéos de présentation, de démonstrations et
d'ateliers pratiques, les participants découvrent et déploient des éléments
de solution, y compris des composants d'infrastructure tels que les réseaux,
les systèmes et les services applicatifs. Ce cours aborde également le
déploiement de solutions pratiques, telles que l'interconnexion sécurisée
des réseaux, les clés de chiffrement fournies par le client, la sécurité et la
gestion des accès, les quotas et la facturation, ainsi que la surveillance des
ressources.\n\n Prérequis : \nPour tirer pleinement parti de ce cours, les
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services en participants doivent remplir les prérequis suivants :\n • Avoir suivi la
Google Cloud
Français core-services-fr formation Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals (Core Infrastructure ou
AWS Professionals) ou disposer d'une expérience équivalente.\n • Avoir
suivi la formation Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation ou disposer
d'une expérience équivalente.\n • Maîtriser les principes de base des outils
de ligne de commande et des environnements du système d'exploitation
Linux.\n • Disposer d'une expérience dans l'exploitation de systèmes, y
compris le déploiement et la gestion d'applications sur site ou dans un
environnement de cloud public.\n\n>>> En vous inscrivant à ce cours, vous
acceptez les conditions d'utilisation de Qwiklabs (disponibles à l'adresse
suivante : comme indiqué dans les
questions fréquentes. <<<
このオンデマンド速習コースでは、Google Cloud Platform
\n \n 受講条件: \n
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services
Google Cloud このコースで効果的に学習するには、次の条件を満たしている必要がありま
日本語版 core-services-jp
す。\n • Completed Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals(Core
Infrastructure または AWS
Professionals)を修了しているか、同等の経験がある\n • Essential Cloud
Infrastructure: Foundation を修了しているか、同等の経験がある\n •
コマンドライン ツールと Linux オペレーティング
システム環境についての基本的なスキルがある\n •
クラウド環境でのアプリケーションのデプロイと管理を含む)\n \n >>>
よくある質問に記載のとおり、このコースに登録すると Qwiklabs

This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the

comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by
Google Cloud Platform with a focus on Compute Engine. Through a
combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, participants
explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components
such as networks, virtual machines and applications services. You will learn
how to use the Google Cloud Platform through the console and Cloud Shell.
You'll also learn about the role of a cloud architect, approaches to
infrastructure design, and virtual networking configuration with Virtual
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation Google Cloud Private Cloud (VPC), Projects, Networks, Subnetworks, IP addresses,
Routes, and Firewall rules.\n\nPrerequisites:\nTo get the most out of this
course, participants should have:\n• Completed Google Cloud Platform
Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or have equivalent experience\n• Basic
proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system
environments\n• Systems Operations experience including deploying and
managing applications, either on-premises or in a public cloud
environment\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs
Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the
comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by
Google Cloud Platform with a focus on Compute Engine. Through a
combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, participants
explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components
such as networks, virtual machines and applications services. You will learn
how to use the Google Cloud Platform through the console and Cloud Shell.
You'll also learn about the role of a cloud architect, approaches to
infrastructure design, and virtual networking configuration with Virtual
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation Google Cloud Private Cloud (VPC), Projects, Networks, Subnetworks, IP addresses,
Routes, and Firewall rules.\n\nPrerequisites:\nTo get the most out of this
course, participants should have:\n• Completed Google Cloud Platform
Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or have equivalent experience\n• Basic
proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system
environments\n• Systems Operations experience including deploying and
managing applications, either on-premises or in a public cloud
environment\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs
Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<

This accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the

comprehensive and flexible infrastructure and platform services provided by
Google Cloud Platform with a focus on Compute Engine. Through a
combination of video lectures, demos, and hands-on labs, participants
explore and deploy solution elements, including infrastructure components
such as networks, virtual machines and applications services. You will learn
how to use the Google Cloud Platform through the console and Cloud Shell.
You'll also learn about the role of a cloud architect, approaches to
infrastructure design, and virtual networking configuration with Virtual
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation Google Cloud Private Cloud (VPC), Projects, Networks, Subnetworks, IP addresses,
Routes, and Firewall rules.\n\nPrerequisites:\nTo get the most out of this
course, participants should have:\n• Completed Google Cloud Platform
Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or have equivalent experience\n• Basic
proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system
environments\n• Systems Operations experience including deploying and
managing applications, either on-premises or in a public cloud
environment\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs
Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
In diesem einwöchigen On-Demand-Intensivkurs erhalten Sie eine
Einführung in die umfassenden und flexiblen Infrastruktur- und
Plattformdienste der Google Cloud Platform (GCP). In Videovorträgen,
Demos und praxisorientierten Labs lernen Sie Lösungselemente kennen
und stellen sie bereit. Dazu gehören Infrastrukturkomponenten wie
Netzwerke, virtuelle Maschinen (VMs) und Anwendungsdienste. Darüber
hinaus erfahren Sie, wie Sie über die Console und Cloud Shell mit der
Google Cloud Platform arbeiten. Außerdem lernen Sie mehr über die
Aufgaben eines Cloud-Architekten, über verschiedene Arten von
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation auf Infrastrukturdesign und über die Konfiguration virtueller Netzwerke mithilfe
Google Cloud
Deutsch foundation-de von Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Projekten, Netzwerken, Subnetzwerken, IP-
Adressen, Routes und Firewallregeln.\n \n Vorkenntnisse\n Für den
maximalen Lernerfolg sollten folgende Bedingungen erfüllt sein:\n • Sie
haben einen der Kurse von Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals (Core
Infrastructure oder AWS Professionals) abgeschlossen oder haben
gleichwertige Erfahrung.\n • Sie haben Anfängerkenntnisse in Bezug auf
Befehlszeilentools und Linux-Betriebssysteme.\n • Sie haben bereits
Erfahrung im Bereich Systems Operations und unter anderem lokal oder in
einer öffentlichen Cloud-Umgebung Anwendungen bereitgestellt und
Kursus akselerasi sesuai permintaan selama 1 minggu ini memperkenalkan
peserta pada infrastruktur dan layanan platform yang komprehensif dan
fleksibel yang disediakan oleh Google Cloud Platform. Melalui kombinasi
presentasi video, demo, dan uji coba lab langsung, peserta akan
mempelajari dan men-deploy berbagai elemen solusi, termasuk komponen
infrastruktur seperti jaringan, mesin virtual, dan layanan aplikasi. Anda akan
mempelajari cara menggunakan Google Cloud Platform melalui Console
dan Cloud Shell. Anda juga akan mempelajari peran arsitek cloud,
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation dalam
Google Cloud pendekatan desain infrastruktur, dan konfigurasi networking virtual dengan
bahasa Indonesia infrastructure-foundation-id
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Project, Jaringan, Subnetwork, alamat IP,
Rute, dan Aturan firewall.\n \n Prasyarat\n Untuk mendapatkan manfaat
optimal dari kursus ini, peserta diharapkan telah:\n • Menyelesaikan kursus
Konsep Dasar Google Cloud Platform (Infrastruktur Inti atau AWS
Professionals) atau yang setara\n • Menguasai kemahiran dasar dalam fitur
command-line dan lingkungan sistem operasi Linux\n • Memiliki
pengetahuan tentang Operasi Sistem termasuk men-deploy dan mengelola
aplikasi, baik pada lingkungan lokal maupun cloud publik
Este curso intensivo sob demanda de uma semana apresenta os serviços
abrangentes e flexíveis de infraestrutura e plataforma fornecidos pelo
Google Cloud Platform. Com o auxílio de vídeos, demonstrações e
laboratórios práticos, os participantes poderão examinar e implantar
elementos da solução, incluindo componentes de infraestrutura, como
redes, máquinas virtuais e serviços de aplicativos. Você aprenderá a usar o
Google Cloud Platform no Console e no Cloud Shell. Além disso, você verá
o papel de um arquiteto de nuvem, abordagens de design de infraestrutura
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation em
Google Cloud e a configuração de rede virtual com nuvem privada virtual (VPC), projetos,
Português Brasileiro foundation-br
redes, sub-redes, endereços IP, rotas e regras de firewall.\n \n Pré-
requisitos\nPara aproveitar ao máximo este curso, os participantes devem
cumprir os seguintes requisitos:\n • Concluído o curso Google Cloud
Platform Fundamentals (Core Infrastructure ou AWS Professionals) ou ter
experiência equivalente\n • Proficiência básica em ferramentas de linha de
comando e ambientes do sistema operacional Linux\n • Experiência em
operações de sistemas, como implantação e gerenciamento de aplicativos,
no local ou em um ambiente de nuvem pública

En este curso acelerado a pedido de 1 semana, se brinda a los

participantes una introducción a los servicios de infraestructura y
plataforma flexibles y completos que proporciona Google Cloud Platform.
Mediante una serie de clases por video, demostraciones y labs prácticos,
los participantes pueden explorar y, también, implementar elementos de
soluciones, incluidos componentes de infraestructura, como redes,
máquinas virtuales y servicios de aplicaciones. Aprenderá a usar Google
Cloud Platform mediante Console y Cloud Shell. También se familiarizará
con la función de un arquitecto de nube, enfoques para el diseño de la
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation en
Google Cloud infraestructura y la configuración de redes virtuales con una nube privada
Español foundation-es
virtual (VPC), proyectos, redes, subredes, direcciones IP, rutas y reglas de
firewall.\n \n Requisitos previos\n Para aprovechar al máximo este curso,
los participantes deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:\n • Haber
completado el curso Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals (Core
Infrastructure o AWS Professionals) o contar con experiencia equivalente\n
• Tener conocimientos básicos sobre herramientas de línea de comandos y
entornos del sistema operativo Linux\n • Tener experiencia en operaciones
de sistemas, incluidas la implementación y la administración de
aplicaciones, tanto a nivel local como en un entorno de nube pública
Ce cours à la demande accéléré d'une semaine présente aux participants
l'infrastructure et les services de plate-forme complets et flexibles de
Google Cloud Platform. À travers un ensemble de cours vidéo, de
démonstrations et d'ateliers pratiques, les participants découvrent et
déploient des éléments de solution, y compris des composants
d'infrastructure tels que les réseaux, les machines virtuelles et les services
d'application. Vous découvrirez comment utiliser Google Cloud Platform via
la console et Cloud Shell. Vous en apprendrez également plus sur le rôle
d'un architecte cloud, sur les approches de la conception d'infrastructure et
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation en sur la configuration de réseaux virtuels avec Virtual Private Cloud (VPC),
Google Cloud
Français foundation-fr les projets, les réseaux, les sous-réseaux, les adresses IP, les routes et les
règles de pare-feu.\n \n Prérequis\n Pour tirer pleinement parti de ce cours,
les participants doivent remplir les prérequis suivants :\n • Avoir suivi la
formation Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals (Core Infrastructure ou
utilisateurs professionnels d'AWS) ou disposer d'une expérience
équivalente.\n • Maîtriser les principes de base des outils de ligne de
commande et des environnements du système d'exploitation Linux.\n •
Disposer d'une expérience dans le domaine de l'exploitation de systèmes, y
compris le déploiement et la gestion d'applications sur site ou dans un
environnement de cloud public.

この 1 週間のオンデマンド速習コースでは、Google Cloud Platform

コンポーネントも含まれます。Console と Cloud Shell を使用して Google
Cloud Platform を操作する方法についても学習します。また、クラウド
アーキテクトの役割、インフラストラクチャ設計の方法、Virtual Private
Essential Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation
Google Cloud Cloud(VPC)を使用した仮想ネットワークの構成、プロジェクト、ネット
日本語版 foundation-jp
ワーク、サブネットワーク、IP アドレス、ルート、ファイアウォール
ルールについて学習します。\n \n 要件\n
す。\n • Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals(Core Infrastructure または
AWS Professionals)を修了しているか、同等の経験がある\n •
コマンドライン ツールと Linux オペレーティング
システム環境についての基本的なスキルがある\n •
Welcome to the Coursera specialization, From Data to Insights with Google
Cloud Platform brought to you by the Google Cloud team. I’m Evan Jones
(a data enthusiast) and I’m going to be your guide.\n\nThis first course in
this specialization is Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery. Here
we will see what the common challenges faced by data analysts are and
how to solve them with the big data tools on Google Cloud Platform. You’ll
pick up some SQL along the way and become very familiar with using
BigQuery and Cloud Dataprep to analyze and transform your
Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery Google Cloud datasets.\n\nThis course should take about one week to complete, 5-7 total
hours of work. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to query and draw
insight from millions of records in our BigQuery public datasets. You’ll learn
how to assess the quality of your datasets and develop an automated data
cleansing pipeline that will output to BigQuery. Lastly, you’ll get to practice
writing and troubleshooting SQL on a real Google Analytics e-commerce
dataset to drive marketing insights.\n\n>>> By enrolling in this specialization
you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and
located at: <<<

Google Cloud チームが提供する Coursera 専門講座、「From Data to

Insights with Google Cloud Platform」へようこそ。データ
エンスージアストの Evan Jones です。このコースのガイドを務めます。\n
\n 本専門講座のこの最初のコースは、「Exploring and Preparing your Data
with BigQuery」です。ここでは、データ
アナリストが共通して直面する課題と、その課題を Google Cloud Platform
ツールを使用して解決する方法を取り上げます。その過程で SQL
を学習しながら、BigQuery と Cloud Dataprep
\n \n このコースは完了までに約 1 週間、合計 5~7
Exploring and Preparing your Data with BigQuery
Google Cloud 時間の作業時間を必要とします。修了すると、BigQuery
日本語版 preparing-data-bigquery-jp
に出力される自動データ クレンジング
パイプラインを開発する方法を学習します。さらに、実際の Google
アナリティクスの e コマース
データセットで、マーケティング分析情報を得るための SQL
の作成とトラブルシューティングの演習を行います。\n \n >>>
om/terms_of_service をご覧ください。<<<
Want to know how you can improve the accuracy of your machine learning
models? What about how to find which data columns make the most useful
features? Welcome to Feature Engineering on Google Cloud Platform
where we will discuss the elements of good vs bad features and how you
can preprocess and transform them for optimal use in your machine
learning models.\n\nIn this course you will get hands-on practice choosing
Feature Engineering Google Cloud
features and preprocessing them inside of Google Cloud Platform with
interactive labs. Our instructors will walk you through the code solutions
which will also be made public for your reference as you work on your own
future data science projects.\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to
the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
Sie möchten erfahren, wie Sie die Genauigkeit Ihrer maschinellen
Lernmodelle verbessern oder wie Sie herausfinden, welche Datenspalten
die nützlichsten Funktionen ergeben? Willkommen zum Feature
Engineering mit der Google Cloud Platform. Wir erörtern in diesem Kurs
nützliche und nutzlose Funktionen und wie Sie diese für die optimale
Feature Engineering auf Deutsch Google Cloud Nutzung in Ihren maschinellen Lernmodellen vorverarbeiten und
umwandeln.\n\nIn praktischen, interaktiven Labs lernen Sie, Funktionen
auszuwählen und mit der Google Cloud Platform vorzuverarbeiten. Unsere
Kursleiter präsentieren Ihnen die Code-Lösungen, die zu Referenzzwecken
auch öffentlich gemacht werden, während Sie an Ihren eigenen zukünftigen
ML-Projekten arbeiten.
Quer aprender a melhorar a precisão dos seus modelos de aprendizado de
máquina? Que tal descobrir quais colunas de dados criam os atributos
mais úteis? Damos as boas-vindas ao curso Feature Engineering no
Google Cloud Platform. Falaremos sobre a diferença entre atributos bons e
ruins, além de como pré-processar e transformar essas variáveis para o
Feature Engineering em Português Brasileiro Google Cloud uso ideal nos seus modelos de aprendizado de máquina.\n\nNesse curso,
você fará laboratórios interativos para ver na prática como escolher
atributos e fazer o pré-processamento no Google Cloud Platform. Nossos
instrutores apresentarão as soluções de código em detalhes, que também
serão disponibilizadas para usar como referência nos seus próprios
projetos de aprendizado de máquina.
¿Desea saber cómo mejorar la precisión de sus modelos de aprendizaje
automático? ¿Cuál es la forma de saber qué columnas de datos se prestan
para las funciones más útiles? Bienvenido a Feature Engineering en
Google Cloud Platform, el curso en el que hablaremos de cómo reconocer buenas funciones, y cómo puede preprocesarlas y transformarlas para
Feature Engineering en Español Google Cloud
es usarlas de forma óptima en sus modelos de aprendizaje automático.\n\nEn
este curso, practicará cómo elegir funciones y preprocesarlas en Google
Cloud Platform mediante labs interactivos. Nuestros instructores lo guiarán
por las soluciones de código, que también se harán públicas para que las
consulte mientras trabaja en sus propios proyectos de AA en el futuro.
Vous souhaitez découvrir comment améliorer la précision de vos modèles
de machine learning (ML) ? Vous voulez identifier les colonnes de données
offrant les caractéristiques les plus utiles ? Bienvenue dans le cours
Feature Engineering on Google Cloud Platform (Extraction de
caractéristiques sur Google Cloud Platform). Nous vous expliquerons ce qui
distingue les bonnes caractéristiques des mauvaises, puis nous vous montrerons comment prétraiter et transformer vos caractéristiques afin
Feature Engineering en Français Google Cloud
fr d'optimiser leur efficacité dans vos modèles.\n\nDes ateliers interactifs vous
permettront de mettre en pratique ce que vous avez appris. Vous
sélectionnerez vous-même des caractéristiques, puis les prétraiterez dans
Google Cloud Platform. Nos formateurs vous aideront à comprendre les
solutions de code. Ces solutions seront accessibles à tous, et pourront vous
servir de référence en cas de besoin lorsque vous travaillerez sur vos
propres projets de ML.

Engineering on Google Cloud Platform
では、良い特徴と悪い特徴の要素について、また、機械学習モデルで最適に 使用できるように、特徴を前処理して変換する方法についても取り上げます
Feature Engineering 日本語版 Google Cloud
jp 。\n\nこのコースでは実践演習として、インタラクティブなラボを使用し、
Google Cloud Platform
ついて説明します。解答のコードは、今後、皆さんが自身の ML

G Suite Mail Management is the final course in the G Suite Administration

Specialization.\n\nIn this course you will learn how to protect your
organization against spam, spoofing, phishing and malware attacks. You
will configure email compliance and learn how to implement data loss
prevention (DLP) for your organization. You will gain an understanding of
the mail routing options available and learn how to whitelist and block
senders. You will also become familiar with other mail options such as
inbound and outbound gateways, 3rd party email archiving, and journaling
to Vault.\n\nLearning Objectives\n\nBy the end of this course participants
will be able to:\n\n - Gain a basic understanding of the Domain Name
System (DNS) used on the internet and be able to identify the record types used by G Suite.\n- Be able to implement common email security measures
G Suite Mail Management Google Cloud
management in your DNS records such as SPF, DKIM and DMARC and be able to
explain the purpose of each measure.\n- Learn how to protect your users
from inbound phishing and harmful software (malware).\n- Learn how to
control which end user access features are available to your users.\n- Learn
how to configure email whitelists, blacklists and approved sender lists to
better manage mail delivery and protect against spam, phishing and
malware.\n- Gain an understanding of the various compliance features
provided in G Suite.\n- Gain a basic understanding of the mail routing
options available to you as the G Suite
administrator.\n\nPrerequisites\n\nYou should have completed the other
courses in the series: Introduction to G Suite, Managing G Suite, and G
Suite Security.
「G Suite Mail Management」は、G Suite Administration
専門講座の最後のコースです。\n \nこのコースでは、迷惑メール、なりすま
オプションについての理解も深めます。\n \n学習目標\n \nこのコースを修了
した受講者は、次のことができるようになります。\n \n-
インターネットで使われているドメイン ネーム
システム(DNS)の概要を理解し、G Suite
G Suite Mail Management 日本語版 Google Cloud で使用されているレコードタイプを理解する。\n- DNS
レコードに一般的なメール セキュリティ対策(SPF、DKIM、DMARC
など)を実装し、それぞれの目的を理解する。\n- インバウンド
方法を理解する。\n- ユーザーが利用できるエンドユーザー
ソフトウェアからの保護をより効果的に行う。\n- G Suite
で提供されているさまざまなコンプライアンス機能を理解する。\n- G Suite
管理者が使用できるメールのルーティング方法の概要を理解する。\n \n前提
条件\n \nこのシリーズの他のコース(「Introduction to G
Suite」、「Managing G Suite」、「G Suite
G Suite Security is is the third course in the G Suite Administration
Specialization.\n\nIn this course you will focus on the various aspects of G
Suite Security including user password policies and how to enable and
enforce two step verification (2SV) for your users. You will learn about
application security and understand how to whitelist and block API access
to your account. You will see how G Suite can easily be integrated with a
number of predefined 3rd party applications. You will also become familiar
with the SSO options in G Suite. Finally you will understand how to spot
potential security risks within your organization and learn how to address
them using the tools available in the admin console.\n\nLearning
Objectives\n\nBy the end of this course participants will be able to:\n\n-
Configure Google's default user protection settings such as password
policies and recovery options.\n- Understand best practices for
G Suite Security Google Cloud implementing and enforcing 2-step verification in your organization.\n-
Understand the SSO options available and be able to identify the
differences between using Google as an Identity Provider versus a 3rd party
provider.\n- Be able to integrate cloud based enterprise SAML applications
into your G Suite account using Google as the Identity Provider.\n-
Understand how to integrate your own LDAP compliant applications into G
Suite using the Secure LDAP service.\n- Restrict access to a Google
service to trusted applications only to prevent malicious attacks on that
service.\n- Manage the G Suite Marketplace for your organization to ensure
only trusted applications can be installed on your devices.\n- Use the
security and alert centers to identify, triage, and take action on security and
privacy issues in your organization.\n\nPrerequisites\n\nYou should have
completed the first two courses in the series: Introduction to G Suite, and
Managing G Suite.
G Suite のセキュリティは、G Suite Administration 専門講座の 3
番目のコースです。\n\nこのコースでは、ユーザー パスワード
ポリシーや、ユーザーに対して 2
段階認証プロセス(2SV)を有効にして適用する方法など、G Suite
キュリティについて学び、アカウントへの API
す。さらに、多数の事前定義済みサードパーティ製アプリケーションを G
Suite に簡単に統合する方法も学びます。G Suite の SSO
ります。\n\n- パスワード
のユーザー保護のデフォルト設定を行う。\n- 組織で 2
G Suite Security 日本語版 Google Cloud 段階認証プロセスを実装して適用するためのベスト
プラクティスを理解する。\n- 利用可能な SSO オプションを把握し、ID
プロバイダに Google を使用する場合とサードパーティ
プロバイダを使用する場合の違いを理解する。\n- Google を ID
プロバイダにして、クラウドベースのエンタープライズ SAML
アプリケーションを G Suite アカウントに統合する。\n- セキュア LDAP
サービスを使用して、独自の LDAP 準拠アプリケーションを G Suite
に統合する方法を理解する。\n- 信頼されたアプリケーション以外は
組織で G Suite Marketplace
きないようにする。\n- セキュリティ センターとアラート
、対処に役立てる。\n\n前提条件\n\nこのシリーズの最初の 2
つのコース(Introduction to G Suite と Managing G
In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop
cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from
the Google Cloud Platform. Through a combination of presentations,
demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to apply best practices
for application development and use the appropriate GCP storage services
Getting Started With Application Development Google Cloud for object storage, relational data, caching, and analytics. Learners can
choose to complete labs in their favorite language: Node.js, Java, or
Python.\n\nPrerequisites and prework:\n\n• Completed Google Cloud
Platform Fundamentals or have equivalent experience\n• Working
knowledge of Node.js, Java, or Python\n• Basic proficiency with command-
line tools and Linux operating system environments
アプリケーション デベロッパーは、このコースを通して、Google Cloud
Getting Started with Application Development
Google Cloud モ、ハンズオンラボを通して、アプリケーション開発のベスト
日本語版 development-jp
ストレージやリレーショナル データ、キャッシュ保存、分析に適切な GCP
ストレージ サービスを使用する方法を学習します。

This one-week, accelerated online class equips students to containerize

workloads in Docker containers, deploy them to Kubernetes clusters
provided by Google Kubernetes Engine, and scale those workloads to
handle increased traffic. Students also learn how to continuously deploy
new code in a Kubernetes cluster to provide application updates.\n\nAt the
end of the course, you will be able to:\n• Understand container basics\n•
Containerize an existing application\n• Understand Kubernetes concepts
and principles\n• Deploy applications to Kubernetes using the CLI\n• Set up
Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine Google Cloud a continuous delivery pipeline using Jenkins\n• Locate more documentation
and training.\n\nTo get the most of out of this course, learners should have
basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system
environments, as well as Web server technologies such as Nginx. We also
recommend systems operations experience, including deploying and
managing applications, either on-premises or in a public cloud
environment.\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs
Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<

Esta clase acelerada en línea de una semana prepara a los estudiantes

para crear contenedores de Docker para cargas de trabajo, implementarlos
en clústeres de Kubernetes proporcionados por Google Kubernetes Engine
y escalar esas cargas de trabajo para hacer frente al aumento de tráfico.
Los estudiantes también aprenderán a implementar de forma continua
códigos nuevos en un clúster de Kubernetes para proporcionar
actualizaciones de aplicaciones.\n\nAl finalizar el curso, podrá realizar lo
siguiente:\n• Comprender los conceptos básicos sobre contenedores\n•
Crear contenedores para una aplicación existente\n• Comprender los
aspectos básicos y principios de Kubernetes\n• Implementar aplicaciones
Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine
Google Cloud en Kubernetes mediante la CLI\n• Configurar una canalización de entrega
en Español engine-es
continua mediante Jenkins\n• Buscar más documentación y
capacitaciones\n\n Para aprovechar al máximo este curso, los estudiantes
deberían tener conocimientos básicos sobre herramientas de línea de
comandos y los entornos del sistema operativo Linux, además de
tecnologías de servidores web, como Nginx. También recomendamos tener
experiencia en operaciones de sistemas, incluida la implementación y
administración de aplicaciones, tanto a nivel local como en un entorno de
nube pública.\n\n >>> Al inscribirse en este curso, acepta las Condiciones
del Servicio de Qwiklabs, que se indican en las Preguntas frecuentes.
Puede consultarlas en <<<
この 1 週間の上級オンライン クラスでは、Docker
を使用してワークロードをコンテナ化する方法と、Google Kubernetes
Engine が提供する Kubernetes クラスタに Docker
る方法も学びます。\n \n
このコースを修了すると、次の知識を身に付けることができます。\n •
コンテナの基礎知識\n • 既存のアプリケーションをコンテナ化する方法\n •
Kubernetes のコンセプトと原則に関する知識\n • CLI
Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine を使用してアプリケーションを Kubernetes にデプロイする方法\n • Jenkins
Google Cloud
日本語版 engine-jp を使用して継続的デリバリー パイプラインを設定する方法\n •
他のドキュメントとトレーニングを探す方法\n \n
このコースを最大限活用するには、コマンドライン ツールと Linux
オペレーティング システム環境、Nginx などのウェブサーバー
ちます。\n \n >>>
このコースに登録すると、よくある質問に記載されているとおり Qwiklabs
om/terms_of_service をご覧ください。<<<

Google Sheets is a robust, cloud-based application that empowers you to

create sophisticated spreadsheets. Whether you are working at your
desk—or from your smartphone or tablet on-the-go—Google Sheets helps
you organize, analyze, and share your most important data. In this course
for Sheets users, you’ll learn how to make your own supercharged spreadsheets. First, you’ll learn how to input and format your data. Next,
Getting Started with Google Sheets Google Cloud
google-sheets you’ll learn how formulas, functions and a few exclusive Google Sheets
features can accelerate your data analysis. Finally, you’ll get tips for sharing
your spreadsheets and collaborating on them with your team.\n\nAbout the
Instructor\nMalia is a tech professional based in Los Angeles who uses G
Suite and Google Sheets everyday to manage projects, collaborate with
remote teams, and make data-driven decisions.
This 2-week accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the
Big Data and Machine Learning capabilities of Google Cloud Platform
(GCP). It provides a quick overview of the Google Cloud Platform and a
deeper dive of the data processing capabilities.\n\nAt the end of this course,
participants will be able to:\n• Identify the purpose and value of the key Big
Data and Machine Learning products in the Google Cloud Platform\n• Use
CloudSQL and Cloud Dataproc to migrate existing MySQL and
Hadoop/Pig/Spark/Hive workloads to Google Cloud Platform\n• Employ
Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine
Google Cloud BigQuery and Cloud Datalab to carry out interactive data analysis\n•
Learning Fundamentals fundamentals
Choose between Cloud SQL, BigTable and Datastore\n• Train and use a
neural network using TensorFlow\n• Choose between different data
processing products on the Google Cloud Platform\n\nBefore enrolling in
this course, participants should have roughly one (1) year of experience
with one or more of the following:\n• A common query language such as
SQL\n• Extract, transform, load activities\n• Data modeling\n• Machine
learning and/or statistics\n• Programming in Python\n\nGoogle Account
Notes:\n• Google services are currently unavailable in China.

This 2-week accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the

Big Data and Machine Learning capabilities of Google Cloud Platform
(GCP). It provides a quick overview of the Google Cloud Platform and a
deeper dive of the data processing capabilities.\n\nAt the end of this course,
participants will be able to:\n• Identify the purpose and value of the key Big
Data and Machine Learning products in the Google Cloud Platform\n• Use
CloudSQL and Cloud Dataproc to migrate existing MySQL and
Hadoop/Pig/Spark/Hive workloads to Google Cloud Platform\n• Employ
Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine
Google Cloud BigQuery and Cloud Datalab to carry out interactive data analysis\n•
Learning Fundamentals fundamentals
Choose between Cloud SQL, BigTable and Datastore\n• Train and use a
neural network using TensorFlow\n• Choose between different data
processing products on the Google Cloud Platform\n\nBefore enrolling in
this course, participants should have roughly one (1) year of experience
with one or more of the following:\n• A common query language such as
SQL\n• Extract, transform, load activities\n• Data modeling\n• Machine
learning and/or statistics\n• Programming in Python\n\nGoogle Account
Notes:\n• Google services are currently unavailable in China.
In diesem einwöchigen On-Demand-Intensivkurs erhalten die Teilnehmer
eine Einführung in die Funktionen der Google Cloud Platform (GCP) für Big
Data und maschinelles Lernen. Dabei wird ein kurzer Überblick über die
Google Cloud Platform geboten, während die Funktionen für die
Datenverarbeitung eingehender behandelt werden.\n\nNach Abschluss
dieses Kurses sind die Teilnehmer in der Lage:\n• den Zweck und den
Nutzen der wichtigsten Produkte für Big Data und maschinelles Lernen in
der Google Cloud Platform zu beschreiben\n• vorhandene MySQL- und
Hadoop-/Pig-/Spark-/Hive-Arbeitslasten mit Cloud SQL und Cloud Dataproc
zur Google Cloud Platform zu migrieren\n• mit BigQuery und Cloud Datalab
Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine
Google Cloud interaktive Datenanalysen vorzunehmen\n• zwischen Cloud SQL, Bigtable
Learning Fundamentals auf Deutsch fundamentals-de
und Datastore zu wählen\n• mit TensorFlow ein neuronales Netzwerk zu
trainieren und zu verwenden\n• eine Auswahl zwischen verschiedenen
Datenverarbeitungsprodukten in der Google Cloud Platform zu
treffen\n\nWenn Sie sich zu diesem Kurs anmelden möchten, sollten Sie
ungefähr ein (1) Jahr Erfahrung in einem oder mehreren der folgenden
Bereiche haben:\n• Gängige Abfragesprachen, z. B. SQL\n• Extraktions-,
Transformations-, Ladeaktivitäten\n• Datenmodellierung\n• Maschinelles
Lernen und/oder Statistik\n• Programmierung in Python\n\nHinweise zum
Google-Konto:\n• In China stehen die Dienste von Google derzeit nicht zur
Este curso intensivo sob demanda tem duração de uma semana e
apresentará as funcionalidades de Big Data e Machine Learning do Google
Cloud Platform (GCP). Ele fornecerá uma visão geral rápida do Google
Cloud Platform e mostrará em detalhes os recursos do processamento de
dados.\n\nAo final deste curso, você poderá:\n• Identificar o objetivo e o
valor dos principais produtos de Big Data e Machine Learning no Google
Cloud Platform\n• Usar o Cloud SQL e o Cloud Dataproc para migrar as
cargas de trabalho MySQL e Hadoop/Pig/Spark/Hive para o Google Cloud
Platform\n• Usar o BigQuery e o Cloud Datalab para fazer análises de
Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine
Google Cloud dados interativas\n• Escolher entre o Cloud SQL, o Bigtable e o
Learning Fundamentals em Português Brasileiro fundamentals-br
Datastore\n• Treinar e usar uma rede neural com o TensorFlow\n• Escolher
entre diferentes produtos de processamento de dados no Google Cloud
Platform\n\nPara se inscrever neste curso, você deve ter aproximadamente
um (1) ano de experiência em um ou mais destes itens:\n• Uma linguagem
de consulta de uso comum, como SQL\n• Atividades de extração,
transformação e carregamento\n• Modelagem de dados\n• Machine
Learning e/ou estatísticas\n• Programação em Python\n\nObservações
sobre a Conta do Google:\n• Os serviços do Google estão temporariamente
indisponíveis na China.
En este curso a pedido y acelerado de 1 semana, los participantes
descubrirán las capacidades de los macrodatos y del aprendizaje
automático de Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Además, se proporciona una
descripción general rápida de Google Cloud Platform y más detalles sobre
las capacidades de procesamiento de datos.\n\nAl finalizar este curso, los
participantes podrán hacer lo siguiente:\n• Identificar el propósito y el valor
de los productos clave de macrodatos y aprendizaje automático disponibles
en Google Cloud Platform\n• Usar Cloud SQL y Cloud Dataproc para migrar
las cargas de trabajo existentes de MySQL y Hadoop/Pig/Spark/Hive a
Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Google Cloud Platform\n• Usar BigQuery y Cloud Datalab para llevar a
Google Cloud
Learning Fundamentals en Español fundamentals-es cabo un análisis de datos interactivo\n• Elegir entre Cloud SQL, Bigtable y
Datastore\n• Entrenar y usar una red neuronal mediante TensorFlow\n•
Elegir entre los diferentes productos de procesamiento de datos disponibles
en Google Cloud Platform\n\nAntes de inscribirse en este curso, los
participantes deben tener aproximadamente un (1) año de experiencia en
uno o más de los siguientes:\n• Un lenguaje de consulta común, como
SQL\n• Actividades de extracción, transformación y carga\n• Modelado de
datos\n• Aprendizaje automático o estadísticas\n• Programación en
Python\n\nNotas de la Cuenta de Google:\n• Actualmente, los servicios de
Google no están disponibles en China.

Ce cours intensif à la demande, d'une durée d'une semaine, présente aux

participants les fonctionnalités de big data et de machine learning de
Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Il présente rapidement Google Cloud
Platform et explique plus en détail les fonctionnalités de traitement des
données.\n\nÀ l'issue de ce cours, les participants sauront :\n• identifier
l'objectif et la valeur des principaux produits de big data et de machine
learning de Google Cloud Platform ;\n• utiliser CloudSQL et Cloud Dataproc
pour transférer les charges de travail MySQL et Hadoop/Pig/Spark/Hive
vers Google Cloud Platform ;\n• utiliser BigQuery et Cloud Datalab pour
Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine réaliser des analyses de données interactives ;\n• choisir entre Cloud SQL,
Google Cloud
Learning Fundamentals en Français fundamentals-fr BigTable et Datastore ;\n• entraîner et exploiter un réseau de neurones
avec TensorFlow ;\n• choisir entre différentes solutions de traitement des
données de Google Cloud Platform.\n\nPour s'inscrire à ce cours, les
participants doivent pouvoir témoigner d'une expérience d'environ un (1) an
dans au moins l'une des disciplines suivantes :\n• Un langage de requête
courant tel que SQL\n• L'extraction, la transformation, le chargement de
données\n• La modélisation de données\n• Le machine learning et/ou les
statistiques\n• La programmation Python\n\nRemarque concernant les
comptes Google :\n• Pour le moment, les services Google ne sont pas
disponibles en Chine.
この 2 週間の速習オンデマンド コースでは、Google Cloud
e Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Platform
る\n• Cloud SQL と Cloud Dataproc を使用して既存の MySQL と
Hadoop、Pig、Spark、Hive のワークロードを Google Cloud Platform
に移行する\n• BigQuery と Cloud Datalab
Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine
Google Cloud を使用してインタラクティブなデータ解析を実行する\n• Cloud
Learning Fundamentals 日本語版 fundamentals-jp
SQL、Bigtable、Datastore のいずれかを選択する\n• TensorFlow
を使用してニューラル ネットワークをトレーニングし、利用する\n•
Google Cloud Platform
スは、次の 1 つ以上の分野で 1
年程度の経験がある方を対象としています。\n• SQL
などの一般的なクエリ言語\n• 抽出、変換、読み込みの操作\n• データ
モデリング\n• 機械学習または統計\n• Python
でのプログラミング\n\nGoogle アカウントに関する注意点:\n• 現在 Google

This accelerated 6-hour course with labs introduces AWS professionals to

the core capabilities of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in the four technology
pillars: networking, compute, storage, and database. It is designed for AWS
Solution Architects and SysOps Administrators familiar with AWS features
and setup and want to gain experience configuring GCP products
immediately. With presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants
get details of similarities, differences, and initial how-tos quickly. If you
prefer to learn fast by doing, this course is for you.\n\nLearning
Objectives\n\nThis course teaches participants the following skills:\n●
Identify GCP counterparts for Amazon VPC, subnets, routes, NACLs, IGW,
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals for AWS
Google Cloud Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS, auto-scaling, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon
Professionals aws
S3, Amazon Glacier, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, AWS IAM, and
more\n● Configure accounts, billing, projects, networks, subnets, firewalls,
VMs, disks, auto scaling, load balancing, storage, databases, IAM, and
more\n● Manage and monitor applications\n● Explain feature and pricing
model differences\n● Locate documentation and
training.\n\nPrerequisites\n\nTo get the most of out of this course,
participants should have basic proficiency with networking technologies like
subnets and routing. Students are also expected to have experience with
Amazon VPC, Amazon EC2 instances, and disks. Familiarity with Amazon
S3 and AWS database technologies is recommended.
This course introduces you to important concepts and terminology for
working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You learn about, and compare,
many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud
Platform, including Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, and
Google Cloud
Infrastructure BigQuery. You learn about important resource and policy management
tools, such as the Google Cloud Resource Manager hierarchy and Google
Cloud Identity and Access Management. Hands-on labs give you
foundational skills for working with GCP.\n\nNote:\n•Google services are
currently unavailable in China.
This course introduces you to important concepts and terminology for
working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You learn about, and compare,
many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud
Platform, including Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, and
Google Cloud
Infrastructure BigQuery. You learn about important resource and policy management
tools, such as the Google Cloud Resource Manager hierarchy and Google
Cloud Identity and Access Management. Hands-on labs give you
foundational skills for working with GCP.\n\nNote:\n•Google services are
currently unavailable in China.
This course introduces you to important concepts and terminology for
working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You learn about, and compare,
many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud
Platform, including Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, and
Google Cloud
Infrastructure BigQuery. You learn about important resource and policy management
tools, such as the Google Cloud Resource Manager hierarchy and Google
Cloud Identity and Access Management. Hands-on labs give you
foundational skills for working with GCP.\n\nNote:\n•Google services are
currently unavailable in China.
This course introduces you to important concepts and terminology for
working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You learn about, and compare,
many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud
Platform, including Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, and
Google Cloud
Infrastructure BigQuery. You learn about important resource and policy management
tools, such as the Google Cloud Resource Manager hierarchy and Google
Cloud Identity and Access Management. Hands-on labs give you
foundational skills for working with GCP.\n\nNote:\n•Google services are
currently unavailable in China.
This course introduces you to important concepts and terminology for
working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You learn about, and compare,
many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud
Platform, including Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, and
Google Cloud
Infrastructure BigQuery. You learn about important resource and policy management
tools, such as the Google Cloud Resource Manager hierarchy and Google
Cloud Identity and Access Management. Hands-on labs give you
foundational skills for working with GCP.\n\nNote:\n•Google services are
currently unavailable in China.
This course introduces you to important concepts and terminology for
working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You learn about, and compare,
many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud
Platform, including Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, and
Google Cloud
Infrastructure BigQuery. You learn about important resource and policy management
tools, such as the Google Cloud Resource Manager hierarchy and Google
Cloud Identity and Access Management. Hands-on labs give you
foundational skills for working with GCP.\n\nNote:\n•Google services are
currently unavailable in China.
This course introduces you to important concepts and terminology for
working with Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You learn about, and compare,
many of the computing and storage services available in Google Cloud
Platform, including Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, and
Google Cloud
Infrastructure BigQuery. You learn about important resource and policy management
tools, such as the Google Cloud Resource Manager hierarchy and Google
Cloud Identity and Access Management. Hands-on labs give you
foundational skills for working with GCP.\n\nNote:\n•Google services are
currently unavailable in China.
Dieser Kurs führt Sie in wichtige Konzepte und Begriffe für die Arbeit mit der
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) ein. Sie lernen viele der Computing- und
Speicherdienste der GCP kennen und vergleichen sie miteinander, wie
etwa App Engine, Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Storage,
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Cloud SQL und BigQuery. Dazu kommen wichtige Tools zur Ressourcen-
Google Cloud
Infrastructure auf Deutsch de und Richtlinienverwaltung, z. B. Cloud Identity and Access Management
oder die Hierarchie von Cloud Resource Manager. In praxisorientierten
Labs werden dabei grundlegende Kompetenzen für die Arbeit in der GCP
vermittelt.\n\n Hinweis:\n • In China sind Google-Dienste derzeit nicht
Kursus ini memperkenalkan Anda pada konsep dan terminologi penting
untuk bekerja dengan Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Anda akan
mempelajari dan membandingkan berbagai layanan komputasi dan
penyimpanan yang tersedia di Google Cloud Platform, termasuk Google
App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core
Google Cloud Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, dan BigQuery. Anda akan mempelajari
Infrastructure dalam bahasa Indonesia core-infrastructure-id
referensi dan fitur pengelolaan kebijakan penting, seperti hierarki Google
Cloud Resource Manager dan Google Cloud Identity and Access
Management. Lab praktis memberi Anda keterampilan dasar untuk bekerja
dengan GCP.\n\n\n Catatan:\n•Layanan Google saat ini belum tersedia di
Este curso é uma apresentação da terminologia e dos conceitos
importantes para trabalhar com o Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Você
aprenderá sobre vários serviços de computação e armazenamento
disponíveis no Google Cloud Platform, incluindo o Google App Engine, o
Google Compute Engine, o Google Kubernetes Engine, o Google Cloud
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core
Google Cloud Storage, o Google Cloud SQL e o BigQuery, e também fará uma
Infrastructure em Português Brasileiro
comparação dessas soluções. Você conhecerá importantes ferramentas de
gerenciamento de recursos e políticas, como a hierarquia do Google Cloud
Resource Manager e o Google Cloud Identity and Access Management. Os
laboratórios práticos oferecem habilidades básicas para trabalhar com o
Este curso é uma apresentação da terminologia e dos conceitos
importantes para trabalhar com o Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Você
aprenderá sobre vários serviços de computação e armazenamento
disponíveis no Google Cloud Platform, incluindo o Google App Engine, o
Google Compute Engine, o Google Kubernetes Engine, o Google Cloud
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core
Google Cloud Storage, o Google Cloud SQL e o BigQuery, e também fará uma
Infrastructure em Português Brasileiro
comparação dessas soluções. Você conhecerá importantes ferramentas de
gerenciamento de recursos e políticas, como a hierarquia do Google Cloud
Resource Manager e o Google Cloud Identity and Access Management. Os
laboratórios práticos oferecem habilidades básicas para trabalhar com o
En este curso, se presentan conceptos y terminología importantes para
trabajar con Google Cloud Platform (GCP). No solo aprenderá sobre
muchos de los servicios de procesamiento y almacenamiento disponibles
en Google Cloud Platform (como Google App Engine, Google Compute
Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core
Google Cloud SQL y BigQuery), sino que también los comparará. Aprenderá sobre
Infrastructure en Español
herramientas de administración de recursos y políticas, como la jerarquía
de Google Cloud Resource y Google Cloud Identity and Access
Management. Los labs prácticos le proporcionan habilidades básicas para
trabajar con GCP.\n\nNota:\n• Por el momento, los servicios de Google no
están disponibles en China.
En este curso, se presentan conceptos y terminología importantes para
trabajar con Google Cloud Platform (GCP). No solo aprenderá sobre
muchos de los servicios de procesamiento y almacenamiento disponibles
en Google Cloud Platform (como Google App Engine, Google Compute
Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core
Google Cloud SQL y BigQuery), sino que también los comparará. Aprenderá sobre
Infrastructure en Español
herramientas de administración de recursos y políticas, como la jerarquía
de Google Cloud Resource y Google Cloud Identity and Access
Management. Los labs prácticos le proporcionan habilidades básicas para
trabajar con GCP.\n\nNota:\n• Por el momento, los servicios de Google no
están disponibles en China.
Ce cours présente des concepts et des termes à connaître pour exploiter
Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Vous y découvrirez et y comparerez de
nombreux services informatiques et services de stockage disponibles sur
Google Cloud Platform, tels que Google App Engine, Google Compute
Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core
Google Cloud SQL et BigQuery. Vous y découvrirez aussi d'importants outils de gestion
Infrastructure en Français
des ressources et des règles, comme la hiérarchie de Google Cloud
Resource Manager et Google Cloud Identity and Access Management. Des
ateliers pratiques vous permettront d'acquérir les compétences
fondamentales dont vous aurez besoin pour exploiter GCP.\n\nRemarque
:\n• Les services Google ne sont pas disponibles en Chine pour le moment.
このコースでは、Google Cloud
す。Google Cloud Platform で使用できる Google App Engine、Google
Compute Engine、Google Kubernetes Engine、Google Cloud
Storage、Google Cloud SQL、BigQuery
などのさまざまなコンピューティング サービスとストレージ
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core
Google Cloud サービスについて説明し、それぞれを比較します。さらに、Google Cloud
Infrastructure 日本語版
Resource Manager のリソース階層や Google Cloud Identity and Access
を操作するための基本的なスキルを習得します。\n\n注:\n• 現在、Google
このコースでは、Google Cloud
す。Google Cloud Platform で使用できる Google App Engine、Google
Compute Engine、Google Kubernetes Engine、Google Cloud
Storage、Google Cloud SQL、BigQuery
などのさまざまなコンピューティング サービスとストレージ
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core
Google Cloud サービスについて説明し、それぞれを比較します。さらに、Google Cloud
Infrastructure 日本語版
Resource Manager のリソース階層や Google Cloud Identity and Access
を操作するための基本的なスキルを習得します。\n\n注:\n• 現在、Google
このコースでは、Google Cloud
す。Google Cloud Platform で使用できる Google App Engine、Google
Compute Engine、Google Kubernetes Engine、Google Cloud
Storage、Google Cloud SQL、BigQuery
などのさまざまなコンピューティング サービスとストレージ
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core
Google Cloud サービスについて説明し、それぞれを比較します。さらに、Google Cloud
Infrastructure 日本語版
Resource Manager のリソース階層や Google Cloud Identity and Access
を操作するための基本的なスキルを習得します。\n\n注:\n• 現在、Google
This course builds on the Business Transformation with Google Cloud
course by taking you on a journey into the technology lens of an
organization's transformation. Specifically, we'll explain how an organization
can achieve digital transformation using Google Cloud's technology through
the following categories: modernizing its IT infrastructure, upgrading the
way in which its teams develop applications that run a business, how it can
leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence to build new value, how
using cloud-based productivity tools like GSuite are essential to the way
Google Cloud Product Fundamentals Google Cloud work gets done, and understand the cost management opportunities and
challenges that come with a changing cloud-based IT infrastructure.
\n\nThroughout the course, we'll explain core concepts such as compute,
applications, security, APIs, databases, and their roles in digital
transformation. You'll also learn about specific examples where different
cloud technology has been used and the benefits they've created for
individuals and companies globally. More importantly, we'll equip you with
the knowledge you'll need to either lead or influence digital transformation
projects, collaborating with the right stakeholders.
What is machine learning, and what kinds of problems can it solve? Google
thinks about machine learning slightly differently -- of being about logic,
rather than just data. We talk about why such a framing is useful for data
scientists when thinking about building a pipeline of machine learning
models. \n\nThen, we discuss the five phases of converting a candidate use
How Google does Machine Learning Google Cloud case to be driven by machine learning, and consider why it is important the
phases not be skipped. We end with a recognition of the biases that
machine learning can amplify and how to recognize this.\n\n>>> By
enrolling in this specialization you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service
as set out in the FAQ and located at:
Was ist maschinelles Lernen und welche Probleme lassen sich damit
lösen? Für Google geht es beim maschinellen Lernen (ML) mehr um Logik
als nur um Daten. In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, warum dieser Ansatz beim Erstellen einer Pipeline aus ML-Modellen nützlich ist. Außerdem erläutern
How Google does Machine Learning auf Deutsch Google Cloud
learning-de wir die fünf Phasen zur Umsetzung eines für ML geeigneten
Anwendungsfalls und warum keine dieser Phasen übersprungen werden
darf. Zum Abschluss besprechen wir die Verzerrung, die durch ML
entstehen kann, und erklären, wie man sie erkennt.
O que é aprendizado de máquina e que tipos de problema ele pode
resolver? O Google pensa no aprendizado de máquina de uma maneira um
pouco diferente. Ele se concentra mais na lógica, em vez de apenas em
dados. Discutimos por que esse modelo é útil quando pensamos na criação
How Google does Machine Learning em de canais de modelos de aprendizado de máquina. Em seguida, falamos
Google Cloud
Português Brasileiro learning-br sobre as cinco fases da conversão de um possível caso de uso a ser
realizado por aprendizado de máquina e vemos a importância de não
ignorar essas fases. Finalizamos com a identificação das tendências que
podem ser ampliadas pelo aprendizado de máquina e como reconhecer
¿Qué es el aprendizaje automático? ¿Qué tipos de problemas puede
solucionar? En Google, tenemos una perspectiva ligeramente distinta sobre
el aprendizaje automático: no se trata solo de los datos, sino también de la
lógica. Hablamos de por qué un marco de este tipo es útil cuando pensamos en la creación de una canalización de modelos de aprendizaje
How Google does Machine Learning en Español Google Cloud
learning-es automático. Luego, analizamos cinco fases para convertir un posible caso
práctico en un recurso que pueda aprovechar la tecnología de aprendizaje
automático y por qué es importante no saltarse fases. Finalizamos con un
reconocimiento de los sesgos que puede amplificar el aprendizaje
automático y cómo reconocerlos.
Qu'est-ce que le machine learning et quels types de problèmes permet-il de
résoudre ? Google adopte une approche particulière du machine learning
qui s'appuie non seulement sur les données, mais également sur la
logique. Nous expliquerons l'intérêt que présente cette conception pour la
How Google does Machine Learning en Français Google Cloud création d'un pipeline de modèles de ML. Ensuite, nous examinerons les
cinq phases permettant de convertir un cas d'utilisation devant être traité à
l'aide du machine learning et étudierons pourquoi chaque étape est
importante. Enfin, nous identifierons les biais que le machine learning est
susceptible d'amplifier et apprendrons à les repérer.

How Google does Machine Learning 日本語版 Google Cloud えるうえでなぜ有効なのか説明します。次に、候補となるユースケースを機
械学習で学習できる形に変換する 5

This on-demand course equips students to build reliable and manageable

multi-cluster Kubernetes infrastructures using Anthos GKE, whether
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Foundations with
Google Cloud deployed with Anthos on Google Cloud or with Anthos deployed on
Anthos infrastructure-foundations-anthos
VMware. It is a continuation of Architecting with GKE and assumes hands-
on experience with the technologies covered in that course.
This on-demand course equips students to understand, configure, and maintain multi-cluster Kubernetes infrastructures using Anthos GKE and
Hybrid Cloud Multi-Cluster with Anthos Google Cloud
cluster-anthos Istio-based service mesh, whether deployed with Anthos on Google Cloud
or with Anthos deployed on VMware.
This on-demand course equips students to understand and adopt Istio-
Hybrid Cloud Service Mesh with Anthos Google Cloud based service-mesh with Anthos for centralized observability, traffic
management, and service-level security.
This is the third course of the Advanced Machine Learning on GCP
specialization. In this course,\nWe will take a look at different strategies for
building an image classifier using convolutional neural networks. We'll
improve the model's accuracy with augmentation, feature extraction, and
fine-tuning hyperparameters while trying to avoid overfitting our data. We
Image Understanding with TensorFlow on GCP Google Cloud will also look at practical issues that arise, for example, when you don’t
have enough data and how to incorporate the latest research findings into
our models.\n\nYou will get hands-on practice building and optimizing your
own image classification models on a variety of public datasets in the labs
we’ll work on together. \n\nPrerequisites: Basic SQL, familiarity with Python
and TensorFlow
By enrolling in this specialization you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of
Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<\n\nWelcome to the Coursera
course, Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
brought to you by the Google Cloud team. I’m Catherine Gamboa and I’m
going to be your guide.\n\nThis course covers the entire Industrial IoT
network architecture from sensors and devices to analysis. The course
discusses sensors and devices but the focus is on the cloud side. You'll
learn about the importance of scaling, device communication, and
processing streaming data. The course uses simulated devices in the labs
Industrial IoT on Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud to allow you to concentrate on learning the cloud side of IIoT. The course is
a little different than most Coursera courses because there is very little
video. Most of the learning is done with short readings, quizzes, and labs.
\n\nThis course takes about two weeks to complete, 11-12 hours of work
with 6 of those hours spent in labs. By the end of this course, you’ll be able
to: create a streaming data pipeline, to create registries with Cloud IoT
Core, topics and subscriptions with Cloud Pub/Sub, store data on Google
Cloud Storage, query the data in BigQuery, and gain data insights with
Dataprep. You'll learn and practice these skills in 7 labs. Then you'll have
an opportunity to test yourself in an optional capstone lab using simulated
devices or Cloud IoT Core Inspector.

We introduce low-level TensorFlow and work our way through the

necessary concepts and APIs so as to be able to write distributed machine
learning models. Given a TensorFlow model, we explain how to scale out
the training of that model and offer high-performance predictions using
Intro to TensorFlow Google Cloud Cloud Machine Learning Engine.\n\nCourse Objectives:\nCreate machine
learning models in TensorFlow\nUse the TensorFlow libraries to solve
numerical problems\nTroubleshoot and debug common TensorFlow code
pitfalls\nUse tf.estimator to create, train, and evaluate an ML model\nTrain,
deploy, and productionalize ML models at scale with Cloud ML Engine
Dies ist eine Einführung in die Grundlagen von TensorFlow. Darin werden
die Konzepte und APIs erläutert, die Sie zum Schreiben verteilter Modelle
für maschinelles Lernen benötigen. Außerdem wird anhand eines
TensorFlow-Modells erklärt, wie Sie Modelle in großem Umfang trainieren
und mit Cloud Machine Learning Engine effektive Vorhersagen treffen
Intro to TensorFlow auf Deutsch Google Cloud können.\n\nLernziele:\nModelle für maschinelles Lernen in TensorFlow
erstellen\nDiverse Herausforderungen mit TensorFlow-Bibliotheken
lösen\nGängige Codefehler in TensorFlow beheben\nMit tf.estimator ein ML-
Modell erstellen, trainieren und bewerten\nML-Modelle im großen Umfang
mit Cloud ML Engine trainieren, bereitstellen und in der Produktion
Apresentaremos o TensorFlow de baixo nível e trabalharemos com os
conceitos e APIs necessários para gravar modelos de aprendizado de
máquina distribuídos. Levando em consideração os modelos do
TensorFlow, explicaremos como fazer o escalonamento horizontal do
treinamento desse modelo e oferecer previsões de alto desempenho com o
Cloud Machine Learning Engine.\n\nObjetivos do curso:\nCriar modelos de
Intro to TensorFlow em Português Brasileiro Google Cloud
aprendizado de máquina no TensorFlow\nUsar as bibliotecas do
TensorFlow para solucionar problemas numéricos\nResolver problemas e
lidar com dificuldades comuns do código do TensorFlow\nUsar o
tf_estimator para criar, treinar e avaliar modelos de aprendizado de
máquina\nTreinar, implantar e produzir modelos de aprendizado de
máquina em escala com o Cloud ML Engine

Presentaremos TensorFlow de bajo nivel y abordaremos las API y los

conceptos necesarios para poder escribir modelos de aprendizaje
automático distribuido. Con un modelo de TensorFlow, explicaremos cómo
escalar de manera horizontal el entrenamiento de ese modelo y
ofreceremos predicciones de alto rendimiento mediante Cloud Machine
Intro to TensorFlow en Español Google Cloud Learning Engine.\n\nObjetivos del curso:\nCrear modelos de aprendizaje
automático en TensorFlow\nUsar las bibliotecas de TensorFlow para
resolver problemas numéricos\nSolucionar problemas y depurar errores de
código comunes de TensorFlow\nUsar tf_estimator para crear, entrenar y
evaluar un modelo de AA\nEntrenar, implementar y llevar a producción
modelos de AA a gran escala con Cloud ML Engine
Ce cours présente l'approche TensorFlow de bas niveau et dresse la liste
des concepts et API nécessaires pour la rédaction de modèles de machine
learning distribués. Nous verrons comment appliquer une évolutivité
horizontale à l'entraînement d'un modèle TensorFlow afin d'offrir des
prédictions très pertinentes avec Cloud Machine Learning
Engine.\n\nObjectifs du cours :\nCréer des modèles de machine learning
Intro to TensorFlow en Français Google Cloud
dans TensorFlow\nUtiliser les bibliothèques TensorFlow pour résoudre des
problèmes numériques\nRésoudre les problèmes et déboguer les erreurs
de code courantes sur TensorFlow\nUtiliser tf.estimator pour créer,
entraîner et évaluer un modèle de ML\nEntraîner et déployer les modèles
de ML avant de les envoyer en production à grande échelle avec Cloud ML
低レベルの TensorFlow
API を開発します。TensorFlow
モデルのトレーニングをスケールアウトし、Cloud Machine Learning
Intro to TensorFlow 日本語版 Google Cloud
的:\nTensorFlow で機械学習モデルを作成する\nTensorFlow
ator を使用して ML モデルを作成、トレーニング、評価する\nCloud ML
Engine を使用して ML

Introduction to Cloud Identity serves as the starting place for any new Cloud
Identity, Identity/Access Management/Mobile Device Management admins
as they begin their journey of managing and establishing security and
access management best practices for their organization. This 15-30 hour
accelerated, one-week course will leave you feeling confident to utilize the
basic functions of the Admin Console to manage users, control access to
services, configure common security settings, and much more.\n\nThrough
a series of introductory lessons, step-by-step hands-on exercises, Google
knowledge resources, and knowledge checks, learners can expect to leave
this training with all of the skills they need to get started as new Cloud
Identity Administrators.\n\nLearning Objectives\n\nBy the end of this course
participants will be able to:\n• Establish a Cloud Identity domain for their
organization or personal domain. \n• Add users in order to practice user
Introduction to Cloud Identity Google Cloud
lifecycle management.\n• Modify user permissions to gain an understanding
of core Cloud Identity features.\n• Add mobile devices within the Google
Mobile Management module.\n• Modify mobile management policy sets to
gain familiarity with product options.\n• Navigate the Reports module, and
practice running reports.\n• Explore and apply different security protocols to
the domain.\n\n\nPrerequisites\n\nTo get the most out of this training
course, learners should be prepared to: \n• Sign up for a free 14 day trial of
Cloud Identity. You will need to enter payment method information. We will
show you step-by-step how to cancel your account if you wish to end your
Cloud Identity instance at the end of training and avoid being charged.\n•
Use an existing domain or purchase a new domain through (if you do not
have an existing domain, we will walk you through purchasing a domain
through Google).
Introduction to G Suite is the first course in the G Suite Administration
Specialization.\n\nThe series will serve as the starting place for any new G
Suite admin as they begin their journey of managing and establishing G
Suite best practices for their organization. These courses together will leave
you feeling confident to utilize the basic functions of the admin console to
manage users, control access to services, configure security settings, and
much more.\n\nThrough a series of readings and step-by-step hands-on
exercises, and knowledge checks, learners can expect to leave this training
with all of the skills they need to get started as G Suite administrators.\n\nIn
this course you will sign up for a G Suite account and configure your DNS
records for G Suite. You will learn how to provision and manage your users,
and will create groups and calendar resources for your organization. You
will be introduced to your Cloud Directory and will learn how to split your
organization into organizational units to simplify user and service
management. Finally you will learn how to delegate admin privileges to
other users in your organization.\n\nLearning Objectives\n\nBy the end of
Introduction to G Suite Google Cloud this course participants will be able to:\n\n- Setup a G Suite account and
access and navigate the admin console.\n- Describe the key properties of
the G Suite directory.\n- Provision users, groups and calendar resources in
G Suite.\n- Undertake common user management tasks.\n- Explain how an
organizational structure can be used in G Suite to simplify user and service
management.\n- Describe the types of admin roles available in G Suite.\n-
Use the G Suite Help Center as an aid to managing G
Suite.\n\nPrerequisites - IMPORTANT PLEASE READ.\n\nTo get the most
out of this training course, learners should be prepared to: \n- Install and be
ready to use the latest version of Chrome web browser available at\n- Purchase a new domain through a
registrar such as enom, GoDaddy. Note: If you already have a domain that
you would like to use for the trial you can do this but this course does not
provide detailed steps on how to associate an existing domain with a G
Suite trial account. For detailed instructions on how to do that, please refer
to this Help Center article:\n-
Provide credit card details as part of the G Suite account setup. You will be
「Introduction to G Suite」は、G Suite Administration
専門講座の最初のコースです。\n \nこのシリーズは、新たに G Suite
管理者となった方を対象としたコースです。これから組織で G Suite
ようになります。\n \n一連の学習用教材、手順を追った実践演習、理解度チ
ェックを通じて、G Suite
できます。\n \nこのコースでは、G Suite アカウントの登録と G Suite 用
ループおよびカレンダー リソースの作成も行います。また、Cloud
Introduction to G Suite 日本語版 Google Cloud の管理を簡素化する方法を学びます。さらに、組織の他のユーザーに管理者
権限を委任する方法も学びます。\n \n学習目標\n \nこのコースを修了した受
講者は、次のことができるようになります。\n \n- G Suite
アカウントを設定し、管理コンソールにアクセスして操作する。\n- G Suite
ディレクトリの主なプロパティを理解する。\n- G Suite
一般的なユーザー管理タスクを実行する。\n- G Suite
る。\n- G Suite で使用できる管理者の役割のタイプを理解する。\n- G
Suite ヘルプセンターを G Suite
の管理に役立てる。\n \n前提条件(重要ですのでお読みください)\n \n受講
コースを最大限に活用するには、次の準備をしておく必要があります。\n- から Chrome
おきます。\n- enom、GoDaddy
Starting from a history of machine learning, we discuss why neural networks
today perform so well in a variety of data science problems. We then
discuss how to set up a supervised learning problem and find a good
solution using gradient descent. This involves creating datasets that permit generalization; we talk about methods of doing so in a repeatable way that
Launching into Machine Learning Google Cloud
learning supports experimentation.\n\nCourse Objectives:\nIdentify why deep
learning is currently popular\nOptimize and evaluate models using loss
functions and performance metrics\nMitigate common problems that arise
in machine learning\nCreate repeatable and scalable training, evaluation,
and test datasets
Nach einem ersten Überblick über die Geschichte von ML erfahren Sie in
diesem Kurs, weshalb heute mithilfe neuronaler Netzwerke viele Probleme
so erfolgreich gelöst werden können. Wir erklären anschließend, wie Sie
überwachtes Lernen zur Problemlösung einrichten und mithilfe des
Gradientenverfahrens gute Ergebnisse erzielen. Dazu sind Datasets erforderlich, mit denen die Generalisierung möglich ist. In diesem Kurs
Launching into Machine Learning auf Deutsch Google Cloud
learning-de zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie Datasets auf wiederholbare Weise erstellen, um
Experimente zu ermöglichen.\n\nKursziele:\nErkennen, warum Deep
Learning derzeit beliebt ist\nModelle anhand von Verlustfunktionen und
Leistungsmesswerten optimieren und auswerten\nHäufige Probleme rund
um maschinelles Lernen minimieren\nWiederholbare und skalierbare
Datasets zum Trainieren, Auswerten und Testen erstellen
Discutiremos por que hoje as redes neurais funcionam tão bem para lidar
com vários problemas, começando pela história do aprendizado de
máquina. Em seguida, falaremos sobre como configurar um problema de
aprendizado supervisionado e encontrar uma boa solução com gradiente
descendente. Isso envolve a criação de conjuntos de dados que permitem
Launching into Machine Learning em Português a generalização. Esses métodos serão abordados de maneira didática para
Google Cloud
Brasileiro learning-br auxiliar na realização dos testes.\n\nObjetivos do curso:\nIdentificar por que
o aprendizado profundo é mais usado hoje em dia\nOtimizar e avaliar
modelos usando funções de perda e métricas de desempenho\nReduzir
problemas comuns que surgem no aprendizado de máquina\nCriar
conjuntos de dados de treinamento, avaliação e testes que podem ser
repetidos e escalonáveis
A partir de una historia del aprendizaje automático, analizamos por qué las
redes neuronales, en la actualidad, ofrecen un alto rendimiento ante una
variedad de problemas. Luego, analizaremos cómo configurar un problema
de aprendizaje supervisado y encontrar una solución adecuada mediante el
descenso de gradientes. Esto incluye crear conjuntos de datos que permitan la generalización; hablaremos sobre los métodos para hacerlo de
Launching into Machine Learning en Español Google Cloud
learning-es una manera repetible que admita la experimentación.\n\nObjetivos del
curso:\nIdentificar por qué el aprendizaje profundo es popular en la
actualidad\nOptimizar y evaluar los modelos mediante las funciones de
pérdida y las métricas de rendimiento\nMitigar los problemas comunes que
surgen en el aprendizaje automático\nCrear conjuntos de datos de
entrenamiento, evaluación y prueba, repetibles y escalables

Après avoir présenté un historique du machine learning, nous étudierons

pourquoi les réseaux de neurones sont aujourd'hui parfaitement adaptés à
diverses problématiques. Nous apprendrons ensuite à définir un problème
d'apprentissage supervisé et à trouver une solution adaptée à l'aide d'une
descente de gradient. Ce processus implique la création d'ensembles de
données permettant la généralisation. Nous examinerons comment
Launching into Machine Learning en Français Google Cloud procéder à cette opération de façon reproductible de sorte que
l'expérimentation soit possible.\n\nObjectifs du cours :\nDéterminer
pourquoi le deep learning est désormais si courant\nOptimiser et évaluer
des modèles en utilisant des fonctions de perte et des statistiques de
performances\nCorriger les problèmes courants liés au machine
learning\nCréer des ensembles de données de formation, d'évaluation et
de test reproductibles et évolutifs
見つける方法について説明します。これには、一般化が可能になるデータセ ットの作成も含まれます。実験に対応するため、データセットを繰り返し作
Launching into Machine Learning 日本語版 Google Cloud
learning-jp 成できる方法について解説します。\n\nコースの目標:\nディープ

Dieser einwöchige Intensivkurs baut auf bisherigen Kursen der

Spezialisierung Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform auf. Mit
Videovorträgen, Vorführungen und Labs zur praktischen Anwendung lernen
Sie, wie Sie Computecluster erstellen und verwalten, um Hadoop-, Spark-,
Pig- und/oder Hive-Jobs auf der Google Cloud Platform
auszuführen.Außerdem wird erläutert, wie Sie auf verschiedene
Cloudspeicherlösungen über deren Computecluster zugreifen und die
Leveraging Unstructured Data with Cloud Google-Funktionen für maschinelles Lernen in deren Analyseprogramme
Google Cloud
Dataproc on Google Cloud Platform auf Deutsch unstructured-data-dataproc-gcp-de einbinden.\n \n In den Labs zur praktischen Anwendung erstellen und
verwalten Sie Dataproc-Cluster mit der Webkonsole und der Befehlszeile
und führen über die Cluster Spark- und Pig-Jobs aus. Dann erstellen Sie
iPython-Notebooks, die in BigQuery und Speicherplatz eingebunden
werden können und nutzen Spark. Zuletzt binden Sie die APIs für
maschinelles Lernen in die Datenanalyse ein.\n \n Voraussetzungen\n •
Google Cloud Platform Big Data & Machine Learning Fundamentals (oder
Ähnliches)\n • Grundkenntnisse in Python

Este curso intensivo de uma semana baseia-se nos cursos anteriores da

especialização Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform. Por meio de
videoaulas, demonstrações e laboratórios práticos, você aprenderá a criar
e gerenciar clusters de computação para executar jobs do Hadoop, Spark,
Pig e/ou Hive no Google Cloud Platform.Você também aprenderá a
acessar várias opções de armazenamento em nuvem dos clusters de
Leveraging Unstructured Data with Cloud computação e integrar os recursos de machine learning do Google aos
Dataproc on Google Cloud Platform em Português Google Cloud respectivos programas de análise.\n \n Nos laboratórios práticos, você
Brasileiro criará e gerenciará os clusters do Dataproc usando o console da Web e a
CLI e usará o cluster para executar jobs do Spark e Pig. Depois você criará
notebooks iPython que são integrados ao BigQuery e ao armazenamento e
utilizará o Spark. Por fim, você integrará as APIs de machine learning à
análise de dados.\n \n Pré-requisitos\n • Noções básicas de Big Data e
Machine Learning do Google Cloud Platform (ou experiência equivalente)\n
• Algum conhecimento de Python
Este curso acelerado de una semana está basado en cursos anteriores de
la especialización "Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform". Mediante
una serie de clases por video, demostraciones y labs prácticos, aprenderá
a crear y administrar clústeres de procesamiento para ejecutar trabajos de
Hadoop, Spark, Pig o Hive en Google Cloud Platform.Además, aprenderá a
acceder a varias opciones de almacenamiento en la nube desde sus
clústeres de procesamiento y a integrar las capacidades del aprendizaje
Leveraging Unstructured Data with Cloud automático de Google en sus programas de estadísticas.\n \n En los labs
Google Cloud
Dataproc on Google Cloud Platform en Español unstructured-data-dataproc-gcp-es prácticos, creará y administrará clústeres de Dataproc con la consola web y
la CLI. Luego, usará los clústeres para ejecutar trabajos de Spark y Pig. A
continuación, creará notebooks de IPython que se integran con BigQuery y
el almacenamiento, y utilizará Spark. Por último, integrará las API de
aprendizaje automático en el análisis de sus datos.\n \n Requisitos
previos\n • Google Cloud Platform Big Data & Machine Learning
Fundamentals (o contar con experiencia equivalente)\n • Conocimientos de

Ce cours intensif, d'une durée d'une semaine, se base sur de précédents

cours de la spécialisation Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform. À
travers un ensemble de conférences vidéo, de démonstrations et d'ateliers
pratiques, vous allez apprendre à créer et à gérer des clusters
informatiques pour exécuter des tâches Hadoop, Spark, Pig et Hive sur
Google Cloud Platform.Vous apprendrez également à accéder à diverses
options de stockage dans le cloud à partir de leurs clusters de calcul et à
intégrer les fonctionnalités de machine learning de Google à leurs
Leveraging Unstructured Data with Cloud
Google Cloud programmes d'analyse.\n \n Lors des ateliers pratiques, vous allez créer et
Dataproc on Google Cloud Platform en Français unstructured-data-dataproc-gcp-fr
gérer des clusters Dataproc via la console Web et la CLI, et vous utiliserez
les clusters pour exécuter des tâches Spark et Pig. Vous créerez ensuite
des notebooks iPython qui s'intègrent à BigQuery et à l'espace de
stockage, et vous utiliserez Spark. Enfin, vous intégrerez les API de
machine learning à votre analyse de données.\n \n Prérequis\n • Avoir suivi
la formation Google Cloud Platform Big Data & Machine Learning
Fundamentals (ou disposer d'une expérience équivalente)\n • Disposer de
quelques notions de Python
この 1 週間の速習コースは、Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform
ンズオンラボを通して、Google Cloud Platform で
Leveraging Unstructured Data with Cloud
Google Cloud の機械学習機能を分析プログラムに統合する方法についても学習します。\n
Dataproc on Google Cloud Platform 日本語版 unstructured-data-dataproc-gcp-jp
\n ハンズオンラボでは、ウェブ コンソールと CLI を使って Dataproc
クラスタを作成、管理し、クラスタを使用して Spark と Pig
のジョブを実行します。次に、BigQuery およびストレージと統合する
iPython ノートブックを作成し、Spark を活用します。最後に、機械学習
API をデータ分析に統合します。\n \n 要件\n • Google Cloud Platform Big
Data & Machine Learning Fundamentals
を修了していること(または同等の経験があること)\n • Python

This course is intended to be an introduction to machine learning for non-

technical business professionals. There is a lot of hype around machine
learning and many people are concerned that in order to use machine
learning in business, you need to have a technical background. For reasons
that are covered in this course, that's not the case. In actuality, your
knowledge of your business is far more important than your ability to build
an ML model from scratch.\n\nBy the end of this course, you will have learned how to:\n• Formulate machine learning solutions to real-world
Machine Learning for Business Professionals Google Cloud
business-professionals problems\n• Identify whether the data you have is sufficient for ML\n• Carry
a project through various ML phases including training, evaluation, and
deployment\n• Perform AI responsibly and avoid reinforcing existing bias\n•
Discover ML use cases\n• Be successful at ML\n\nYou'll need a desktop
web browser to run this course's interactive labs via Qwiklabs and Google
Cloud Platform.\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the
Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
Managing G Suite is the second course in the G Suite Administration
Specialization.\n\nThis course focuses on the G Suite core services such as
Gmail, Calendar, and Drive & Docs. You will become familiar with the
various service settings, and learn how to enable them for all or just a
subset of your users. You will gain an understanding of Google Vault,
Google’s ediscovery service. You will understand the various admin console
reports that are available and be able to search and filter the information in
these reports. Finally you will see how multiple domains can be used with G
Suite and learn how to add a new domain to your account.\n\nLearning
Managing G Suite Google Cloud Objectives\n\nBy the end of this course participants will be able to:\n\n-
Enable and disable G Suite services for different parts of the organization.\n-
Configure common settings for G Suite core services such as Gmail,
Calendar, and Drive and Docs.\n- Understand the mobile device
management options available in G Suite.\n- Describe Google Vault and
learn how to use it to retain, search and export your organization's data.\n-
Navigate and interpret G Suite admin reports and setup administrator
alerts.\n- Explain the basics of multi domain management within G
Suite.\n\nPrerequisites\n\nYou should have completed the first course in
the series: Introduction to G Suite.

Managing G Suite は、G Suite Administration 専門講座の 2

番目のコースです。\n \n
このコースでは、Gmail、カレンダー、ドライブとドキュメントといった G
た、Google の電子情報開示サービスである Google Vault
レポートとこれらのレポートで情報を検索・フィルタする方法、G Suite
方法についても学習します。\n \n 学習目標\n \n
Managing G Suite 日本語版 Google Cloud このコースを修了すると、受講者は次のことができるようになります。\n
\n - G Suite サービスを組織部門ごとに有効または無効にする\n - G Suite
通設定を行う\n - G Suite で利用できるモバイル
デバイス管理オプションについて理解する\n - Google Vault
\n - G Suite
管理レポートを使って情報を解釈し、管理者向けアラートを設定する\n - G
Suite で複数のドメインを管理する方法の基礎を理解する\n \n 前提条件\n \n
本シリーズの最初のコース(Introduction to G
This self-paced training course gives participants broad study of security
controls and techniques on Google Cloud Platform.\n\nThrough recorded
lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs, participants explore and
deploy the components of a secure GCP solution, including Cloud Identity,
the GCP Resource Manager, Cloud IAM, Google Virtual Private Cloud
firewalls, Google Cloud Load balancing, Cloud CDN, Cloud Storage access
control technologies, Stackdriver, Security Keys, Customer-Supplied
Encryption Keys, the Google Data Loss Prevention API, and Cloud Armor.
Participants learn mitigations for attacks at many points in a GCP-based
infrastructure, including Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks, phishing
attacks, and threats involving content classification and use.\n\nTo get the
most out of this course, participants should have:\n * Prior completion of
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or equivalent experience\n * Prior completion of GCP and Hybrid Networking Deep Dive
Managing Security in Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud
in-google-cloud-platform or equivalent experience\n * Knowledge of foundational concepts in
information security, such as\n * vulnerability, threat, attack surface \n
* confidentiality, integrity, availability\n * common threat types and
their mitigation strategies\n * public-key cryptography\n * public
and private key pairs\n * certificates\n * cipher types\n *
certificate authorities\n * Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets
Layer encrypted communication\n * public key infrastructures\n *
security policy\n * Basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux
operating system environments\n * Systems Operations experience,
deploying and managing applications, on-premises or in a public cloud
environment\n * Reading comprehension of code in Python or
Javascript\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs
Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
This self-paced training course gives participants broad study of security
controls and techniques on Google Cloud Platform.\n\nThrough recorded
lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs, participants explore and
deploy the components of a secure GCP solution, including Cloud Identity,
the GCP Resource Manager, Cloud IAM, Google Virtual Private Cloud
firewalls, Google Cloud Load balancing, Cloud CDN, Cloud Storage access
control technologies, Stackdriver, Security Keys, Customer-Supplied
Encryption Keys, the Google Data Loss Prevention API, and Cloud Armor.
Participants learn mitigations for attacks at many points in a GCP-based
infrastructure, including Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks, phishing
attacks, and threats involving content classification and use.\n\nTo get the
most out of this course, participants should have:\n * Prior completion of
Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or equivalent
Mitigating Security Vulnerabilities on Google Cloud experience\n * Prior completion of GCP and Hybrid Networking Deep Dive
Google Cloud
Platform vulnerabilites-gcp or equivalent experience\n * Knowledge of foundational concepts in
information security, such as\n * vulnerability, threat, attack surface \n
* confidentiality, integrity, availability\n * common threat types and
their mitigation strategies\n * public-key cryptography\n * public
and private key pairs\n * certificates\n * cipher types\n *
certificate authorities\n * Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets
Layer encrypted communication\n * public key infrastructures\n *
security policy\n * Basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux
operating system environments\n * Systems Operations experience,
deploying and managing applications, on-premises or in a public cloud
environment\n * Reading comprehension of code in Python or
Javascript\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs
Terms of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
The two key components of any data pipeline are data lakes and
warehouses. This course highlights use-cases for each type of storage and
dives into the available data lake and warehouse solutions on Google Cloud
Modernizing Data Lakes and Data Warehouses Platform in technical detail. Also, this course describes the role of a data
Google Cloud
with GCP warehouses-gcp engineer, the benefits of a successful data pipeline to business operations,
and examines why data engineering should be done in a cloud
environment. Learners will get hands-on experience with data lakes and
warehouses on Google Cloud Platform using QwikLabs.
The two key components of any data pipeline are data lakes and
warehouses. This course highlights use-cases for each type of storage and
dives into the available data lake and warehouse solutions on Google Cloud
Modernizing Data Lakes and Data Warehouses Platform in technical detail. Also, this course describes the role of a data
Google Cloud
with GCP warehouses-gcp engineer, the benefits of a successful data pipeline to business operations,
and examines why data engineering should be done in a cloud
environment. Learners will get hands-on experience with data lakes and
warehouses on Google Cloud Platform using QwikLabs.
This self-paced training course gives participants broad study of networking
options on Google Cloud Platform. Through recorded lectures,
demonstrations, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy GCP
networking technologies, such as Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
networks, subnets and firewalls. The course also covers access control to
Networking in GCP: Defining and Implementing networks, sharing networks and load balancing.\n\nTo get the most out of
Google Cloud
Networks defining-implementing-networks this course, participants should have:\n*Completed Google Cloud Platform
Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or have equivalent experience\n*Prior
understanding of the OSI 7-layer model\n*Prior understanding of IPv4
addressing\n*Prior experience with managing IPv4 routes\n\n>>> By
enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set
out in the FAQ and located at: <<<

This self-paced training course builds on the Networking in GCP: Defining

and Implementing Networks course and enhances participants study of
networking options on Google Cloud Platform. Through recorded lectures,
demonstrations, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy GCP
networking technologies, such as the interconnection among networks,
common network design patterns and the automated deployment of
networks using Deployment Manager or Terraform. The course also covers
Networking in GCP: Hybrid Connectivity and
Google Cloud networking pricing and billing to help you optimize your network spend and
Network Management hybrid-connectivity-network-management
monitoring and logging features that can help you troubleshoot your GCP
network infrastructure.\n\nTo get the most out of this course, participants
should have:\n*Completed Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core
Infrastructure or have equivalent experience\n*Completed Networking in
GCP: Defining and Implementing Networks \n*Prior understanding of the
OSI 7-layer model\n*Prior understanding of IPv4 addressing\n*Prior
experience with managing IPv4 routes

This course helps you build understanding on key considerations for

capacity planning and how to add and remove logical and physical capacity
to the platform. Here you will learn how to add and remove logical elements
On Premises Capacity Upgrade and Monitoring such as Organizations, Environments and Virtual Hosts. It will also cover
Google Cloud
with Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform apigee-gcp how to add new and remove components as well as how to add entire
regions.\n\nThe course will also cover the Apigee API Platform's monitoring
capabilities, how to organize ideas for quickly detect and address failure
scenarios as well as how to reach out to Apigee support for help.
This course provides an introduction to Apigee API Platform On-Premises.
The material walks you over Apigee product capabilities overview,
architecture characteristics, technology stack and the fundamentals of
topology design.\n\nAs part of the course key terminology, software
On Premises Installation and Fundamentals with organizational structure and architecture are covered. \nThe course
Google Cloud
Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform fundamentals-apigee-gcp represents the foundation for your understanding of Apigee API Platform
On-Premises. The knowledge built on this course is a must for your
understanding of the rest of the material on this specialization.\n\nThe
second half of the course will focus on the installation of the Apigee API
Platform on your on premise instance.
This course helps you build hands-on experience with Apigee API Platform
On-Premises installation, management and upgrade processes.\n\nThe
On Premises Management, Security, and Upgrade
Google Cloud material focuses on building understanding about the management
with Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform security-apigee-gcp
capabilities of Apigee API Platform, how to secure the platform as well as
how to maintained up to date by performing upgrades.

Optimizing Your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Costs is the second course
in a two-part series on GCP billing and cost management essentials.
\n\nThis course is most suitable for those in a Finance and/or IT related role
responsible for optimizing their organization’s cloud infrastructure. \n\nYou'll
Optimizing Your Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Google Cloud learn several ways to control and optimize your GCP costs, including setting
Costs optimization
up budgets and alerts, managing quota limits, and taking advantage of
committed use discounts. \n\nIn the hands-on labs, you’ll practice using
various tools to control and optimize your GCP costs or to influence your
technology teams to apply the cost optimization best practices.

This one-week on-demand course helps prospective candidates structure

their preparation for the Associate Cloud Engineer exam. The session will
cover the structure and format of the examination, as well as its relationship
to other Google Cloud certifications. Through lectures, demos and hands-
on labs, candidates will familiarize themselves with the domains covered by
the examination.\n\nThis course by itself will not prepare a candidate to
Preparing for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud
Google Cloud pass the Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam. It will, however, help
Engineer Exam associate-cloud-engineer-exam
the candidate better understand the areas covered by the exam and
navigate the recommended resources provided by Google and Qwiklabs for
preparing to take the exam, so they can formulate their own personal study
plan.\n\n\n>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms
of Service as set out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
From the course: "The best way to prepare for the exam is to be competent
in the skills required of the job."\n\nThis course uses a top-down approach
to recognize knowledge and skills already known, and to surface
information and skill areas for additional preparation. You can use this
course to help create your own custom preparation plan. It helps you
distinguish what you know from what you don't know. And it helps you
develop and practice skills required of practitioners who perform this
job.\n\nThe course follows the organization of the Exam Guide outline,
presenting highest-level concepts, "touchstones", for you to determine
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional
Google Cloud whether you feel confident about your knowledge of that area and its
Cloud Architect Exam professional-cloud-architect-exam
dependent concepts, or if you want more study. You also will learn about
and have the opportunity to practice key job skills, including cognitive skills
such as case analysis, identifying technical watchpoints, and developing
proposed solutions. These are job skills that are also exam skills. You will
also test your basic abilities with Activity Tracking Challenge Labs. And you
will have many sample questions similar to those on the exam, including
solutions. The end of the course contains an ungraded practice exam quiz,
followed by a graded practice exam quiz that simulates the exam-taking
Trecho extraído do curso: "A melhor maneira de se preparar para o exame
é ter competência nas habilidades que o trabalho exige."\n\nEste curso usa
uma abordagem de cima para baixo com o objetivo de revelar as
habilidades e o conhecimento que você já tem e apontar as áreas que
precisam melhorar. Use este curso para criar seu próprio plano de estudo
personalizado. Ele ajudará você a se preparar melhor e a desenvolver e
praticar as habilidades necessárias para realizar este trabalho.\n\nO curso
segue a organização do resumo do Guia do exame e apresenta conceitos
mais abrangentes, "referenciais", para você avaliar seu conhecimento da
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional
Google Cloud área, dos conceitos relacionados e se precisa estudar mais. Você também
Cloud Architect Exam em Português Brasileiro professional-cloud-architect-exam-br
aprenderá as principais habilidades exigidas para o trabalho e terá a
oportunidade de praticá-las, inclusive as cognitivas, como análise de casos,
identificação de pontos de controle técnicos e desenvolvimento de
soluções propostas. O exame exige essas mesmas habilidades. Você
testará suas habilidades básicas nos Laboratórios com desafio que têm
rastreamento de atividades. Muitas perguntas de exemplo serão parecidas
com as do exame e incluirão as respectivas soluções. Ao final do curso
haverá um simulado sem nota, seguido por um simulado com nota para
você saber o que esperar do exame.

Del curso: "La mejor manera de prepararse para el examen es ser

competente en las habilidades necesarias para el trabajo".\n \n Este curso
usa un enfoque descendente para reconocer el conocimiento y las
habilidades que ya se adquirieron, así como para resaltar la información y
las habilidades necesarias para seguir preparándose. Puede usar este
curso a fin de crear su propio plan de preparación personalizado. Lo
ayudará a diferenciar lo que ya sabe de lo que no, y a desarrollar y a
practicar las habilidades que se requieren de los profesionales que realizan
este trabajo.\n \n Este curso tiene la misma organización que el esquema
de la guía del examen: presenta los conceptos más difíciles (es decir, los
conceptos clave) para que usted determine si se siente seguro del
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional conocimiento que tiene acerca de esa área y los conceptos que dependen
Google Cloud
Cloud Architect Exam en Español professional-cloud-architect-exam-es de ella, o bien si desea seguir estudiando. Además, aprenderá sobre las
habilidades clave de trabajo y tendrá la oportunidad de ponerlas en
práctica. Entre ellas, se incluyen las habilidades cognitivas, como el análisis
de casos, la identificación de puntos de análisis técnicos y el desarrollo de
las soluciones propuestas. Estas habilidades de trabajo también son
habilidades necesarias para el examen. Por otra parte, pondrá a prueba
sus capacidades básicas con los Labs de desafío de seguimiento de
actividades, y tendrá muchas preguntas de muestra similares a las del
examen, con las soluciones incluidas. Al final del curso, se incluye un
cuestionario del examen de práctica sin calificación, seguido de un
cuestionario del examen de práctica calificado que simula la experiencia de
realizar el examen.
「最善の試験対策は職務に必要なスキルを身に付けることである」\n \n
務の担当者に必要なスキルの習得と向上にお役立てください。\n \n
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional
Google Cloud 念を十分に理解しているか、またはさらなる学習が必要かを判断できるよう
Cloud Architect Exam 日本語版 professional-cloud-architect-exam-jp
ティ トラッキング

From the course: "The best way to prepare for the exam is to be competent
in the skills required of the job."\n\nThis course uses a top-down approach
to recognize knowledge and skills already known, and to surface
information and skill areas for additional preparation. You can use this
course to help create your own custom preparation plan. It helps you
distinguish what you know from what you don't know. And it helps you
develop and practice skills required of practitioners who perform this
job.\n\nThe course follows the organization of the Exam Guide outline,
presenting highest-level concepts, "touchstones", for you to determine
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data
Google Cloud whether you feel confident about your knowledge of that area and its
Engineer Exam professional-data-engineer-exam
dependent concepts, or if you want more study. You also will learn about
and have the opportunity to practice key job skills, including cognitive skills
such as case analysis, identifying technical watchpoints, and developing
proposed solutions. These are job skills that are also exam skills. You will
also test your basic abilities with Activity Tracking Challenge Labs. And you
will have many sample questions similar to those on the exam, including
solutions. The end of the course contains an ungraded practice exam quiz,
followed by a graded practice exam quiz that simulates the exam-taking
Trecho do curso: "A melhor maneira de se preparar para o exame é ter
competência nas habilidades que o trabalho exige".\n\n Este curso usa
uma abordagem descendente para validar os conhecimentos e as
habilidades já estabelecidas e para determinar as informações e as áreas
de habilidades que precisam de mais preparo. Use este curso para criar
seu próprio plano de preparo personalizado. Isso ajudará a diferenciar o
conhecimento que você tem do que você ainda não tem e a desenvolver e
praticar as habilidades necessárias para realizar este trabalho.\n\n O curso
segue a organização do resumo do Guia do exame, apresentando
"referenciais", que são conceitos de alto nível, para você determinar se tem
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data
Google Cloud confiança no seu conhecimento da área e dos conceitos dependentes, ou
Engineer Exam em Português Brasileiro professional-data-engineer-exam-br
se precisa estudar mais. Você também aprenderá as principais habilidades
exigidas pelo trabalho e terá a oportunidade de praticá-las, incluindo
habilidades cognitivas como análise de casos, identificação de pontos de
controle técnicos e desenvolvimento de soluções propostas. Essas são
habilidades exigidas para o trabalho e também para o exame. Você
também testará suas habilidades básicas com os Laboratórios com desafio
para o rastreamento de atividades. Muitas perguntas de exemplo serão
semelhantes às do exame e incluem as soluções. No final do curso há um
teste do exame simulado sem nota, seguido por um teste do exame
simulado com nota, que reproduz a experiência do exame.

Del curso: "La mejor manera de prepararse para el examen es tener las
habilidades necesarias para el trabajo".\n\n Este curso usa un enfoque
descendente para reconocer el conocimiento y las habilidades que ya se
adquirieron, así como para resaltar la información y las habilidades
necesarias para seguir preparándose. Puede usar este curso a fin de crear
su propio plan de preparación personalizado. Lo ayudará a diferenciar lo
que ya sabe de lo que no y a desarrollar y practicar las habilidades que se
requieren de los profesionales que realizan este trabajo.\n\n Este curso
tiene la misma organización que el esquema de la guía del examen:
presenta los conceptos más difíciles (es decir, los conceptos clave) para
que usted determine si se siente seguro del conocimiento que tiene acerca
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data
Google Cloud de esa área y los conceptos que dependen de ella, o bien si desea seguir
Engineer Exam en Español professional-data-engineer-exam-es
estudiando. También aprenderá sobre las habilidades clave de trabajo y
tendrá la oportunidad de practicarlas. Entre ellas, se incluyen las
habilidades cognitivas, como el análisis de casos, la identificación de
puntos de análisis técnicos y el desarrollo de propuestas de soluciones.
Estas habilidades de trabajo también son habilidades del examen.
Además, pondrá a prueba sus capacidades básicas con los Labs de
desafío de seguimiento de actividades. Y tendrá muchas preguntas de
muestra similares a las del examen, incluidas las soluciones. Al final del
curso, se incluye un test del examen de práctica sin calificación, seguido de
un test del examen de práctica con calificación que simula la experiencia de
realizar el examen.
Preparing for the Google Cloud Professional Data
Google Cloud 念の理解について自信を持てるか、またはさらなる学習が必要かを判断でき
Engineer Exam 日本語版 professional-data-engineer-exam-jp
ティビティ トラッキング

In the second course of this specialization, we will dive into the components and best practices of a high-performing ML system in production
Production Machine Learning Systems Google Cloud
systems environments. \n\nPrerequisites: Basic SQL, familiarity with Python and
In this course, you'll apply your knowledge of classification models and
embeddings to build a ML pipeline that functions as a recommendation
engine.\n\n• Devise a content-based recommendation engine\n• Implement
Recommendation Systems with TensorFlow on
Google Cloud a collaborative filtering recommendation engine\n• Build a hybrid
GCP models-gcp
recommendation engine with user and content embeddings\n\n>>> By
enrolling in this course you agree to the Qwiklabs Terms of Service as set
out in the FAQ and located at: <<<
This online course equips students to build highly reliable and efficient
solutions on Google Cloud Platform, using proven design patterns and
principles derived from Google Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). It is a
continuation of the Architecting with Google Compute Engine Specialization
and assumes hands-on experience with the technologies covered in the
other courses in the specialization.\nThrough a combination of
presentations, challenges, and hands-on labs, participants learn to design
GCP deployments that are highly reliable and secure; and how to operate
GCP deployments in a highly available and cost-effective manner.\n\nThis
course teaches participants the following skills:\n● Design for high
availability, scalability, and maintainability.\n● Assess tradeoffs and make sound choices among Google Cloud Platform products..\n● Integrate on-
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process Google Cloud
design-process premises and cloud resources.\n● Identify ways to optimize resources and
minimize cost.\n● Implement processes that minimize downtime, such as
monitoring and alarming, unit and integration testing, production resilience
testing, and incident post-mortem analysis.\n● Implement policies that
minimize security risks, such as auditing, separation of duties and least
privilege.\n● Implement technologies and processes that assure business
continuity in the event of a disaster.\n\nPrerequisites\n● Completion of prior
courses in the Architecting with Google Cloud Platform Specialization or
equivalent experience\n● Basic proficiency with command-line tools and
Linux operating system environments\n● Systems Operations experience
including deploying and managing applications, either on-premises or in a
public cloud\nenvironment

This online course equips students to build highly reliable and efficient
solutions on Google Cloud Platform, using proven design patterns and
principles derived from Google Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). It is a
continuation of the Architecting with Google Compute Engine Specialization
and assumes hands-on experience with the technologies covered in the
other courses in the specialization.\nThrough a combination of
presentations, challenges, and hands-on labs, participants learn to design
GCP deployments that are highly reliable and secure; and how to operate
GCP deployments in a highly available and cost-effective manner.\n\nThis
course teaches participants the following skills:\n● Design for high
availability, scalability, and maintainability.\n● Assess tradeoffs and make sound choices among Google Cloud Platform products..\n● Integrate on-
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process Google Cloud
design-process premises and cloud resources.\n● Identify ways to optimize resources and
minimize cost.\n● Implement processes that minimize downtime, such as
monitoring and alarming, unit and integration testing, production resilience
testing, and incident post-mortem analysis.\n● Implement policies that
minimize security risks, such as auditing, separation of duties and least
privilege.\n● Implement technologies and processes that assure business
continuity in the event of a disaster.\n\nPrerequisites\n● Completion of prior
courses in the Architecting with Google Cloud Platform Specialization or
equivalent experience\n● Basic proficiency with command-line tools and
Linux operating system environments\n● Systems Operations experience
including deploying and managing applications, either on-premises or in a
public cloud\nenvironment
In diesem Onlinekurs lernen die Teilnehmer, wie sie zuverlässige und
effiziente Lösungen in der Google Cloud Platform erstellen. Dazu nutzen sie
bewährte Designmuster und -prinzipien, die an Google Site Reliability
Engineering (SRE) angelehnt sind. Der Kurs ist eine Weiterführung der
Spezialisierung "Architecting with Google Cloud Platform" und setzt
Praxiserfahrung mit den Technologien voraus, die in anderen Kursen in
dieser Spezialisierung besprochen werden.\nMithilfe von Präsentationen,
Aufgaben und Praxis-Labs lernen die Teilnehmer, zuverlässige, sichere
und hochverfügbare GCP-Bereitstellungen zu entwerfen und sie auf
kosteneffiziente Weise zu betreiben.\n\nDieser Kurs vermittelt den
Teilnehmern die folgenden Kompetenzen:\n● Hochverfügbare, skalierbare
und gut verwaltbare Anwendungen entwerfen\n● Zielkonflikte abwägen und
geeignete Google Cloud Platform-Produkte auswählen\n ● Lokale
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process
Google Cloud Ressourcen und Cloudressourcen integrieren\n● Erkennen, wie
auf Deutsch design-process-de
Ressourcen optimiert und Kosten reduziert werden können\n● Ausfallzeiten
verringern, z. B. durch Monitoring und Alarmsysteme, Einheiten- und
Integrationstests, Belastbarkeitstests in der Produktion sowie genaue
Analysen nach Vorfällen\n● Sicherheitsrisiken durch Richtlinien verringern,
z. B. zu Prüfungen, zur Aufgabentrennung und zur geringsten
Berechtigung\n● Technologien und Prozesse implementieren, die im Notfall
Geschäftskontinuität garantieren\n\nVoraussetzungen\n● Abschluss
vorheriger Kurse der Spezialisierung "Architecting with Google Cloud
Platform" oder gleichwertige Erfahrungen\n● Grundlegende Kenntnisse im
Umgang mit Befehlszeilentools und Umgebungen unter Linux-
Betriebssystemen\n● Erfahrungen mit Systemabläufen, einschließlich der
Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von Anwendungen, entweder lokal oder in
öffentlichen Cloud-Umgebungen
Kursus online ini akan membekali peserta dengan keterampilan untuk
membuat solusi yang sangat andal dan efisien di Google Cloud Platform,
menggunakan pola desain yang telah terbukti dan prinsip dari Google Site
Reliability Engineering (SRE). Kursus ini merupakan kelanjutan dari kursus
Membangun dengan Google Cloud Platform Specialization dan
memberikan pengalaman interaktif dengan teknologi yang dibahas dalam
kursus lain di spesialisasi tersebut.\nMelalui kombinasi presentasi,
tantangan, dan praktik langsung, peserta belajar mendesain penerapan
GCP yang sangat andal dan aman, serta mengoperasikan penerapan GCP
dengan cara yang sangat tersedia dan hemat biaya.\n\nKursus ini
mengajarkan keterampilan berikut kepada peserta:\n● Mendesain untuk
ketersediaan tinggi, skalabilitas, dan kemudahan pemeliharaan.\n●
Mengevaluasi kelebihan dan kekurangan, serta membuat pilihan tepat
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process
Google Cloud antara berbagai produk Google Cloud Platform.\n● Mengintegrasikan
dalam bahasa Indonesia design-process-id
resource lokal dan cloud.\n● Mengidentifikasi cara mengoptimalkan
resource dan menghemat biaya.\n● Menerapkan proses yang dapat
mengurangi periode nonaktif, seperti pemantauan dan pemberitahuan,
pengujian integrasi dan unit, pengujian ketahanan produksi, serta analisis
post-mortem insiden.\n● Menerapkan kebijakan yang dapat mengurangi
risiko keamanan, seperti pengauditan, pemisahan tugas, dan hak istimewa
terendah.\n● Menerapkan teknologi dan proses yang dapat menjamin
kelangsungan bisnis jika terjadi bencana.\n\n Prasyarat\n● Telah
menyelesaikan kursus Membangun dengan Google Cloud Platform
Specialization yang sebelumnya atau yang setara\n● Menguasai kemahiran
dasar dalam fitur command-line dan lingkungan sistem operasi Linux\n●
Memiliki pengetahuan tentang Operasi Sistem termasuk menerapkan dan
mengelola aplikasi, baik pada lingkungan lokal maupun cloud publik
*** Quer ganhar até US$ 180 em créditos para o Qwiklabs? Participe do
os detalhes abaixo). ***\n \n Este curso on-line prepara os alunos para criar
soluções altamente confiáveis e eficientes no Google Cloud Platform
usando padrões de design e princípios consagrados e derivados do Google
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). O curso é uma continuação da
especialização Architecting with Google Cloud Platform e presume que os
participantes já têm experiência prática com as tecnologias abordadas nos
outros cursos da especialização.\n Com apresentações, desafios e
laboratórios práticos, os participantes aprendem a criar implantações do
GCP altamente confiáveis e seguras, além de operá-las com
disponibilidade alta e muita economia.\n \n Neste curso, os participantes
aprenderão a:\n ● criar um design voltado para alta disponibilidade,
escalabilidade e capacidade de manutenção;\n ● avaliar as vantagens e
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process desvantagens dos produtos do Google Cloud Platform para fazer escolhas
Google Cloud
em Português Brasileiro design-process-br bem fundamentadas;\n ● integrar recursos no local e na nuvem;\n ●
identificar maneiras de otimizar recursos e minimizar custos;\n ●
implementar processos que minimizam o tempo de inatividade, como
monitoramento e alarmes, testes de integração e unidade, testes de
resiliência de produção e análise post-mortem de incidentes;\n ●
implementar políticas que minimizam riscos à segurança, como auditoria,
separação de responsabilidades e privilégio mínimo;\n ● implementar
tecnologias e processos que garantam a continuidade dos negócios no
caso de um desastre.\n \n Pré-requisitos\n ● Conclusão dos cursos
anteriores que integram a especialização Architecting with Google Cloud
Platform ou experiência equivalente\n ● Proficiência básica em ferramentas
de linha de comando e ambientes de sistema operacional Linux\n ●
Experiência em operações de sistemas, como implantação e
gerenciamento de aplicativos, seja no local ou em ambiente de nuvem
Este curso en línea prepara a los estudiantes para que creen soluciones
altamente confiables y eficientes en Google Cloud Platform, mediante
patrones de diseño comprobados y principios derivados de ingeniería de
confiabilidad de sitios (SRE) de Google. Es una continuación de la
especialización Architecting with Google Cloud Platform y asume una
experiencia práctica con las tecnologías que se abarcaron en los otros
cursos de la especialización.\nMediante una combinación de
presentaciones, desafíos y labs prácticos, los participantes aprenden a
diseñar implementaciones de GCP que son altamente confiables y
seguras, y a operar estas implementaciones de una manera altamente
confiable y rentable.\n\nEste curso enseña las siguientes habilidades a los
participantes:\n● Diseñar con un alto grado de disponibilidad, escalabilidad
y mantenimiento\n● Evaluar las compensaciones y elegir correctamente
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process entre los productos de Google Cloud Platform\n● Integrar recursos locales
Google Cloud
en Español design-process-es y en la nube\n● Identificar las formas de optimizar recursos y de minimizar
costos\n● Implementar procesos que minimicen el tiempo de inactividad,
como los de supervisión y alarma, las pruebas de integración y de
unidades, la prueba de resistencia de producción y el análisis a posteriori
de incidentes\n● Implementar políticas que minimicen los riesgos de
seguridad, como auditorías, separación de obligaciones y mínimo
privilegio\n● Implementar tecnologías y procesos que garanticen la
continuidad del negocio en el caso de un desastre\n\nRequisitos previos\n●
Haber completado cursos previos en la especialización Architecting with
Google Cloud Platform o una experiencia equivalente\n● Tener
conocimientos básicos sobre las herramientas de línea de comandos y los
entornos del sistema operativo Linux\n● Tener experiencia en operaciones
de sistemas, incluida la implementación y la administración de
aplicaciones, tanto a nivel local como en un entorno de nube pública
Ce cours vous apprend à créer des solutions hautement fiables et
efficientes sur Google Cloud Platform – le tout, grâce à des principes et des
schémas éprouvés qui s'appuient sur Google SRE (Site Reliability
Engineering). Il vient compléter la spécialisation Architecting with Google
Cloud Platform et requiert une expérience pratique des technologies
abordées dans les cours précédents.\nGrâce à une série de présentations,
de défis et d'ateliers pratiques, vous apprendrez à concevoir des
déploiements GCP hautement fiables et sécurisés et à les exécuter tout en
assurant une disponibilité et une rentabilité exemplaires.\n\nAu terme de
cette formation, vous saurez :\n● Axer la conception sur la disponibilité,
l'évolutivité et la facilité de gestion\n● Évaluer l'intérêt qu'il peut y avoir à
utiliser un produit Google Cloud Platform plutôt qu'un autre et opérer les
bons choix\n● Intégrer des ressources cloud et locales\n● Identifier les
solutions permettant d'optimiser les ressources et de réduire les coûts\n●
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process
Google Cloud Implémenter des processus qui réduisent les temps d'arrêt : mécanismes
en Français design-process-fr
de surveillance et d'alarme, tests unitaires et d'intégration, tests de
résilience de l'infrastructure de production, analyses d'incidents post-
mortem\n● Implémenter des règles qui réduisent les risques de sécurité :
audits, séparation des tâches et principe du moindre privilège\n●
Implémenter des technologies et processus qui garantissent la continuité
de l'activité en cas de sinistre\n\nPrérequis\n● Avoir suivi les cours
précédents de la spécialisation Architecting with Google Cloud Platform ou
justifier d'une expérience équivalente\n● Maîtriser les principes de base des
outils de ligne de commande et des environnements du système
d'exploitation Linux\n● Justifier d'une expérience en exploitation des
systèmes, y compris en déploiement et en gestion d'applications,
localement ou dans environnement de cloud public.\n\n\n*** Nous vous
offrons180 $ en crédits Qwiklabs. Participez dès aujourd'hui au DÉFI
SPÉCIALISATION (informations détaillées ci-dessous). ***
このオンライン コースでは、Google
ンと原則を使用して、Google Cloud Platform
のコースは、Architecting with Google Cloud Platform
レンジ、ハンズオンラボを通じて、信頼性と安全性の高い GCP
デプロイの設計方法と、可用性とコスト効率に優れた方法で GCP
Google Cloud Platform
Reliable Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process
Google Cloud オンプレミスとクラウドのリソースを統合する。\n●リソースを最適化して
日本語版 design-process-jp
ム、単体 /
件\n● Architecting with Google Cloud Platform
コマンドライン ツールと Linux オペレーティング

In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop

cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from
the Google Cloud Platform. Through a combination of presentations,
demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to develop more secure
applications, implement federated identity management, and integrate
Securing and Integrating Components of your application components by using messaging, event-driven processing, and
Google Cloud
Application components-app API gateways. Learners can choose to complete labs in their favorite
language: Node.js, Java, or Python.\n\nPrerequisites and prework:\n\n•
Completed Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals or have equivalent
experience\n• Working knowledge of Node.js, Java, or Python\n• Basic
proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system
environments\n• Previous course(s) in the specialization

このコースでアプリケーション デベロッパーは、Google Cloud

Securing and Integrating Components of your
Google Cloud モ、ハンズオンラボを通して、メッセージング、イベント駆動型処理、API
Application 日本語版 components-app-jp
デレーション ID 管理の実装、アプリケーション
This course is an introduction to sequence models and their applications,
including an overview of sequence model architectures and how to handle
inputs of variable length.\n\n• Predict future values of a time-series\n•
Classify free form text\n• Address time-series and text problems with
Sequence Models for Time Series and Natural recurrent neural networks\n• Choose between RNNs/LSTMs and simpler
Google Cloud
Language Processing tensorflow-gcp models\n• Train and reuse word embeddings in text problems\n\nYou will
get hands-on practice building and optimizing your own text classification
and sequence models on a variety of public datasets in the labs we’ll work
on together. \n\nPrerequisites: Basic SQL, familiarity with Python and
In diesem einwöchigen On-Demand-Intensivkurs wird auf den Kurs "Google
Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals" aufgebaut.
Anhand von Präsentationen durch den Kursleiter, Demos und
praxisorientierten Labs lernen die Teilnehmer, wie sich Data-Warehouse-
Serverless Data Analysis with Google BigQuery Prozesse, Analysen und die Pipelineverarbeitung managementfrei
Google Cloud
and Cloud Dataflow auf Deutsch analysis-bigquery-cloud-dataflow-gcp-de ausführen lassen.\n\n Voraussetzungen:\n• Kurs "Google Cloud Platform
Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals"\n• Erfahrung im Umgang
mit einer SQL-ähnlichen Abfragesprache, um Daten zu analysieren\n•
Kenntnisse in Python oder Java\n\nHinweis zum Google-Konto:\nIn China
sind Google-Dienste derzeit nicht verfügbar.

Este curso rápido sob demanda tem uma semana de duração e é baseado
no Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals.
Por meio de apresentações com instrutores, demonstrações e laboratórios
práticos, os alunos aprenderão a executar armazenamento de dados,
Serverless Data Analysis with Google BigQuery análise e processamento de pipeline em um ambiente autônomo.\n \n Pré-
Google Cloud
and Cloud Dataflow em Português Brasileiro analysis-bigquery-cloud-dataflow-gcp-br requisitos:\n • Noções básicas de Big Data e Machine Learning do Google
Cloud Platform\n • Experiência no uso de uma linguagem de consulta
semelhante a SQL para análise de dados\n • Conhecimento de Python ou
Java\n \n Notas da Conta do Google:\n • No momento, os serviços do
Google não estão disponíveis na China.
Este curso acelerado a pedido de una semana está basado en Google
Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals. Mediante
una serie de presentaciones, demostraciones y labs prácticos dictados por
un instructor, los participantes aprenderán a realizar procesamiento de
Serverless Data Analysis with Google BigQuery canalizaciones, análisis y almacenamiento de datos no-ops.\n\n Requisitos
Google Cloud
and Cloud Dataflow en Español analysis-bigquery-cloud-dataflow-gcp-es previos:\n• Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning
Fundamentals\n• Experiencia en el lenguaje de consulta de tipo SQL para
analizar datos\n• Conocimientos de Python o Java\n\n Notas sobre la
Cuenta de Google:\n• Los servicios de Google no están disponibles en
Ce cours intensif à la demande, d'une durée d'une semaine, complète le
cours Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals de Google Cloud
Platform (GCP). À travers un ensemble de présentations, de
démonstrations et d'ateliers pratiques conduits par un formateur, les élèves
apprendront à gérer l'entreposage, l'analyse et le traitement des pipelines
Serverless Data Analysis with Google BigQuery
Google Cloud de données no-ops.\n \n Conditions préalables :\n \n • Cours Google Cloud
and Cloud Dataflow en Français analysis-bigquery-cloud-dataflow-gcp-fr
Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals\n • Expérience de
l'utilisation d'un langage de requête de type SQL pour l'analyse de
données\n • Connaissance de Python ou de Java\n \n Remarque
concernant les comptes Google :\n • Pour le moment, les services Google
ne sont pas disponibles en Chine.
この 1 週間の速習オンデマンド コースは、Google Cloud Platform Big Data
and Machine Learning Fundamentals
トレーニングでの講義、デモ、ハンズオンラボを通して、NoOps でデータ
Serverless Data Analysis with Google BigQuery
Google Cloud \n \n 受講要件:\n • Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning
and Cloud Dataflow 日本語版 analysis-bigquery-cloud-dataflow-gcp-jp
Fundamentals を修了していること\n • SQL
に類似したクエリ言語を使ったデータ分析の経験があること\n • Python
または Java に関する知識があること\n \n Google
アカウントについての注意:\n • Google

En este curso acelerado a pedido de una semana, los participantes

recibirán una introducción práctica sobre cómo diseñar y compilar modelos
de aprendizaje automático en Google Cloud Platform. Mediante una serie
de presentaciones, demostraciones y labs prácticos, los participantes
conocerán conceptos de aprendizaje automático (AA) y TensorFlow, y
adquirirán habilidades prácticas para desarrollar, evaluar y producir
modelos de AA.\n \n OBJETIVOS\n \n En este curso, los participantes
adquirirán las siguientes habilidades:\n \n ● Identificar casos prácticos de
aprendizaje automático\n \n ● Compilar un modelo de AA con TensorFlow\n
\n ● Compilar modelos de AA implementables y escalables con Cloud ML\n
\n ● Conocer la importancia del procesamiento previo y la combinación de
Serverless Machine Learning con TensorFlow en atributos\n \n ● Incorporar conceptos avanzados de AA a sus modelos\n \n
Google Cloud
GCP learning-gcp-es ● Llevar modelos entrenados de AA a producción\n \n \n REQUISITOS
PREVIOS\n \n Para aprovechar al máximo este curso, los participantes
deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos previos:\n \n ● Haber
completado el curso "Google Cloud Fundamentals - Big Data and Machine
Learning" O contar con experiencia equivalente\n \n ● Tener un
conocimiento básico del lenguaje de consulta común, como SQL\n \n ●
Tener experiencia con las actividades de extracción, transformación, carga
y modelado de datos\n \n ● Haber desarrollado aplicaciones mediante un
lenguaje de programación común, como Python\n \n ● Estar familiarizados
con el aprendizaje automático o las estadísticas\n \n Notas sobre la Cuenta
de Google:\n • Por el momento, los servicios de Google no están
disponibles en China.
In diesem einwöchigen On-Demand-Intensivkurs erhalten Teilnehmer eine
praxisorientierte Einführung in das Entwerfen und Erstellen von Modellen
für das maschinelle Lernen (ML) mithilfe der Google Cloud Platform. In
Präsentationen, Demos und praxisorientierten Labs lernen die Teilnehmer
ML- und TensorFlow-Konzepte kennen und entwickeln ML-Modelle, die sie
anschließend auswerten und produktionsreif machen.\n \n ZIELE\n \n In
diesem Kurs werden die folgenden Fähigkeiten vermittelt:\n \n ●
Anwendungsfälle für maschinelles Lernen erkennen\n \n ● ML-Modelle mit
TensorFlow erstellen\n \n ● Skalier- und bereitstellbare ML-Modelle mit
Cloud ML erstellen\n \n ● Bedeutung der Datenvorverarbeitung und der
Serverless Machine Learning with Tensorflow on Kombination von Features verstehen\n \n ● Fortgeschrittene ML-Konzepte
Google Cloud
Google Cloud Platform auf Deutsch learning-gcp-de in Modelle einbinden\n \n ● Trainierte ML-Modelle produktionsreif machen\n
\n \n VORAUSSETZUNGEN\n \n Für maximale Lernerfolge sollten die
Teilnehmer folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen:\n \n ● Abschluss des
Kurses "Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Big Data & Machine
Learning" ODER entsprechende Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet\n \n ●
Grundkenntnisse in gängigen Abfragesprachen wie SQL\n \n ● Kenntnisse
in Datenmodellierung, Extraktion, Transformation und Ladeaktivitäten\n \n ●
Entwicklung von Anwendungen mit einer gängigen Programmiersprache
wie Python\n \n ● Vertrautheit mit maschinellem Lernen und/oder Statistik\n
\n Hinweis zum Google-Konto:\n • In China sind Google-Dienste derzeit
nicht verfügbar.

Este curso intensivo sob demanda de quatro dias oferece aos participantes
uma introdução sobre como projetar e criar sistemas de machine learning
no Google Cloud Platform. Por meio de apresentações, demonstrações e
laboratórios práticos, os participantes aprenderão os conceitos de machine
learning (ML) e do TensorFlow, além de habilidades de desenvolvimento,
avaliação e produção de modelos de ML.\n \n OBJETIVOS\n \n Neste
curso, os participantes aprenderão as seguintes habilidades:\n \n ●
Identificar casos de uso de machine learning\n \n ● Criar um modelo de ML
usando o TensorFlow\n \n ● Criar modelos de ML escalonáveis e
implantáveis usando o Cloud ML\n \n ● Saber a importância do pré-
Serverless Machine Learning with Tensorflow on processamento e da combinação de atributos\n \n ● Incorporar conceitos
Google Cloud
Google Cloud Platform em Português Brasileiro learning-gcp-br avançados de ML aos modelos\n \n ● Produzir modelos de ML treinados\n
\n \n PRÉ-REQUISITOS\n \n Para aproveitar ao máximo este curso, os
participantes precisam cumprir os seguintes requisitos:\n \n ● Ter concluído
o curso Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning
Fundamentals OU experiência equivalente\n \n ● Proficiência básica em
linguagem de consulta comum, como SQL\n \n ● Experiência com
atividades de modelagem, extração, transformação e carregamento de
dados\n \n ● Desenvolvimento de aplicativos usando uma linguagem de
programação comum, como Python\n \n ● Conhecimento de machine
learning e/ou estatísticas\n \n Notas da Conta do Google:\n • No momento,
os serviços do Google não estão disponíveis na China.
Ce cours à la demande accéléré réparti sur une semaine propose aux
participants une introduction pratique à la conception et à la création de
modèles de machine learning sur la plateforme Google Cloud. Grâce à une
combinaison de présentations, de démonstrations et d'ateliers pratiques,
les participants découvriront les concepts du machine learning, aussi
appelé apprentissage automatique, et de TensorFlow, et acquerront des
compétences pratiques pour développer, évaluer et produire des modèles
de machine learning.\n \n OBJECTIFS\n \n Ce cours enseigne aux
participants les compétences suivantes :\n \n ● Identifier les cas d'utilisation
de machine learning\n \n ● Élaborer un modèle de ML à l'aide de
TensorFlow\n \n ● Élaborer des modèles de ML évolutifs et déployables
avec Cloud ML\n \n ● Comprendre l'importance des fonctionnalités de
Serverless Machine Learning with Tensorflow on
Google Cloud prétraitement et de combinaison\n \n ● Incorporer des concepts de ML
Google Cloud Platform en Français learning-gcp-fr
évolués à leurs modèles\n \n ● Faire passer des modèles de ML entraînés
en production\n \n \n CONDITIONS PRÉALABLES\n \n Pour tirer le meilleur
parti de ce cours, les participants doivent :\n \n ● avoir achevé le cours
"Google Cloud Fundamentals: Big Data & Machine Learning" OU posséder
une expérience équivalente ;\n \n ● posséder des compétences de base
dans un langage de requête courant tel que SQL ;\n \n ● posséder une
expérience des activités de modélisation, d'extraction, de transformation et
de chargement de données ;\n \n ● développer des applications à l'aide
d'un langage de programmation commun tel que Python ;\n \n ● connaître
le machine learning et/ou les statistiques.\n \n Remarque concernant les
comptes Google :\n • Les services Google sont actuellement indisponibles
en Chine.
この 1 週間の速習オンデマンド コースでは、Google Cloud Platform
ンズオンラボを通して、機械学習(ML)と TensorFlow
モデルの開発、評価、製品化の実践的なスキルを習得します。\n \n 目標\n
\n このコースでは、次のスキルについて学習します。\n \n ●
機械学習のユースケースを理解する\n \n ● TensorFlow を使用して ML
モデルを構築する\n \n ● Cloud ML
を使用してスケーラブルでデプロイ可能な ML モデルを構築する\n \n ●
前処理と、複数の特徴を組み合わせることの重要性を理解する\n \n ● ML
Serverless Machine Learning with Tensorflow on の高度な概念を ML モデルに組み込む\n \n ● トレーニング済みの ML
Google Cloud
Google Cloud Platform 日本語版 learning-gcp-jp モデルを製品化する\n \n \n 受講要件\n \n
す。\n \n ● Google Cloud Fundamentals - Big Data and Machine Learning
コースを修了していること、または同等の経験があること\n \n ● SQL
などの一般的なクエリ言語の基本的なスキルがあること\n \n ● データ
\n ● Python
があること\n \n ● 機械学習と統計に精通していること\n \n Google
アカウントについての注意:\n • Google

This course teaches the theory of Service Level Objectives (SLOs), a

principled way of describing and measuring the desired reliability of a
service. Upon completion, learners should be able to apply these principles
to develop the first SLOs for services they are familiar with in their own
Site Reliability Engineering: Measuring and
Google Cloud organizations.\n\nLearners will also learn how to use Service Level
Managing Reliability engineering-slos
Indicators (SLIs) to quantify reliability and Error Budgets to drive business
decisions around engineering for greater reliability. The learner will
understand the components of a meaningful SLI and walk through the
process of developing SLIs and SLOs for an example service.
Incorporating machine learning into data pipelines increases the ability of
businesses to extract insights from their data. This course covers several
ways machine learning can be included in data pipelines on Google Cloud
Platform depending on the level of customization required. For little to no
Smart Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI on customization, this course covers AutoML. For more tailored machine
Google Cloud
GCP machine-learning-ai-gcp learning capabilities, this course introduces AI Platform Notebooks and
BigQuery Machine Learning. Also, this course covers how to
productionalize machine learning solutions using Kubeflow. Learners will
get hands-on experience building machine learning models on Google
Cloud Platform using QwikLabs.
Incorporating machine learning into data pipelines increases the ability of
businesses to extract insights from their data. This course covers several
ways machine learning can be included in data pipelines on Google Cloud
Platform depending on the level of customization required. For little to no
Smart Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI on customization, this course covers AutoML. For more tailored machine
Google Cloud
GCP machine-learning-ai-gcp learning capabilities, this course introduces AI Platform Notebooks and
BigQuery Machine Learning. Also, this course covers how to
productionalize machine learning solutions using Kubeflow. Learners will
get hands-on experience building machine learning models on Google
Cloud Platform using QwikLabs.
Understanding Your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Costs is most suitable
for those working in a technology or finance role who are responsible for
managing GCP costs. \n\nYou’ll learn how to set up a billing account,
organize resources, and manage billing access permissions. \n\nIn the
Understanding Your Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Google Cloud hands-on labs, you'll learn how to view your invoice, track your GCP costs
Costs management
with Billing reports, analyze your billing data with BigQuery or Google
Sheets, and create custom billing dashboards with Data
Studio.\t\t\n\nStudents enrolling in this course do not need any prior Google
Cloud technical experience.
In this course, we will learn all the core techniques needed to make
effective use of H2O. Even if you have no prior experience of machine
learning, even if your math is weak, by the end of this course you will be able to make machine learning models using a variety of algorithms. We
Practical Machine Learning on H2O H2O
h2o will be using linear models, random forest, GBMs and of course deep
learning, as well as some unsupervised learning algorithms. You will also
be able to evaluate your models and choose the best model to suit not just
your data but the other business restraints you may be under.
What you’ll achieve:\nIn this project-centered course* you will build a
modern computer system, from the ground up. We’ll divide this fascinating
journey into six hands-on projects that will take you from constructing
elementary logic gates all the way through creating a fully functioning
general purpose computer. In the process, you will learn - in the most direct
and constructive way - how computers work, and how they are
designed.\n\nWhat you’ll need:\nThis is a self-contained course: all the
knowledge necessary to succeed in the course and build the computer
system will be given as part of the learning experience. Therefore, we
assume no previous computer science or engineering knowledge, and all
learners are welcome aboard. You will need no physical materials, since
you will build the computer on your own PC, using a software-based
hardware simulator, just like real computers are designed by computer
engineers in the field. The hardware simulator, as well as other software
Build a Modern Computer from First Principles:
Hebrew University of Jerusalem tools, will be supplied freely after you enroll in the course.\n\nCourse
From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course)
format:\nThe course consists of six modules, each comprising a series of
video lectures, and a project. You will need about 2-3 hours to watch each
module's lectures, and about 5-10 hours to complete each one of the six
projects. The course can be completed in six weeks, but you are welcome
to take it at your own pace. You can watch a TED talk about this course by
Googling "nand2tetris TED talk".\n\n*About Project-Centered Courses:
Project-centered courses are designed to help you complete a personally
meaningful real-world project, with your instructor and a community of
learners with similar goals providing guidance and suggestions along the
way. By actively applying new concepts as you learn, you’ll master the
course content more efficiently; you’ll also get a head start on using the
skills you gain to make positive changes in your life and career. When you
complete the course, you’ll have a finished project that you’ll be proud to
use and share.
In this project-centered course you will build a modern software hierarchy,
designed to enable the translation and execution of object-based, high-level
languages on a bare-bone computer hardware platform. In particular, you
will implement a virtual machine and a compiler for a simple, Java-like
programming language, and you will develop a basic operating system that
closes gaps between the high-level language and the underlying hardware
platform. In the process, you will gain a deep, hands-on understanding of
numerous topics in applied computer science, e.g. stack processing,
parsing, code generation, and classical algorithms and data structures for
memory management, vector graphics, input-output handling, and various
other topics that lie at the very core of every modern computer
system.\n\nThis is a self-contained course: all the knowledge necessary to
succeed in the course and build the various systems will be given as part of
the learning experience. The only prerequisite is knowledge of
programming at the level acquired in introduction to computer science
courses. All the software tools and materials that are necessary to complete
Build a Modern Computer from First Principles:
Hebrew University of Jerusalem the course will be supplied freely after you enrol in the course.\n\nThis
Nand to Tetris Part II (project-centered course)
course is accompanied by the textbook "The Elements of Computing
Systems" (Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press). While not required for taking
the course, the book provides a convenient coverage of all the course
topics. The book is available in either hardcopy or ebook form, and MIT
Press is offering a 30% discount off the cover price by using the discount
code MNTT30 at
systems. \n\nThe course consists of six modules, each comprising a series
of video lectures, and a project. You will need about 2-3 hours to watch
each module's lectures, and about 15 hours to complete each one of the six
projects. The course can be completed in six weeks, but you are welcome
to take it at your own pace. You can watch a TED talk about this course by
Googling "nand2tetris TED talk". \n\n*About Project-Centered Courses:
Project-centered courses are designed to help you complete a personally
meaningful real-world project, with your instructor and a community of
learners with similar goals providing guidance and suggestions along the
way. By actively applying new concepts as you learn, you’ll master the
‫ מטרתו העיקרית‬.‫קורס זה עוסק במתמטיקה של בית ספר תיכון מנקודת מבט מתקדמת‬
Invitation to Mathematics ‫הזמנה למתמטיקה‬ Hebrew University of Jerusalem ‫ ובכך להכין אותם‬,‫היא לחשוף סטודנטים לעתיד לאופן שבו מתמטיקאים רואים מקצוע זה‬
.‫ללימודי מתמטיקה ברמת אוניברסיטה‬
Israel is a country that draws a lot of public attention around the globe.
Nevertheless, both those who support Israel and those who are critical of its
geopolitical standing and policies, usually have a very limited knowledge
about the Israeli society and its political system. This course presents Israel
from multiple perspectives - political, social, economic and cultural - in an
attempt to expose the learners to a cutting edge academic research on the
country. \n\nEach of the 13 sessions is focused on one aspect of the Israeli
society. Every session starts with a general introduction of the issue at
hand, hosting one expert or more, who share their most recent studies and
Israel State and Society Hebrew University of Jerusalem
insights on that specific field. Every 15 minutes, or so, the students are
asked to answer an informative quiz of comprised of a single question.
Upon the completion of each class, an online chat will be opened. Students
studying for credit are expected to participate in it, ask relevant questions
and answer questions about the required readings for this class.
\n\nStudents will graduate from this course with a better understanding of
the Israeli society, better knowledge of the Israeli history, politics and
economy, and better acquaintance with the varying groups of which the
Israeli society is comprised.
‫הקורס מציע מיפוי של השירה העברית החדשה למן תנועת ההשכלה דרך תקופת‬
‫ הקורס מציג באופן חי ונושם את‬.‫ ועד לימינו‬,‫"התחייה" והמודרניזם שבא בעקבותיה‬
,‫המפנים הפואטיים ואת ההתפתחויות הסגנוניות והתמטיות בתחום השירה העברית‬
Modern Hebrew Poetry ‫שירה עברית מודרנית‬ Hebrew University of Jerusalem
‫ ומעמיד מאגר‬,‫ באמצעות קריאות קרובות של טקסטים מן התקופות השונות‬,‫מראשיתה‬
‫ מאתגרות‬,‫ לצד פרשנויות עמוקות‬,‫ ספרותי והיסטורי‬,‫גדול ושופע של ידע תיאורטי‬
One was Moses but many are his faces. Starting with the Hebrew Bible,
continuing with Jewish literatures throughout history (Second Temple
literature, rabbinic literature, medieval commentaries, modern literature,
thought and art.) the character of Moses keeps changing and developing
through the eyes of the beholder, it's time, tendency and the nature of the
Moses' Face: Moses' images as reflected in genre. The course will follow the different phases of Moses' character and
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jewish literature try to understand what motives are behind them.\n\n‫אחד היה משה אך רבים‬
‫ החל בגופו של המקרא והמשך בספרות עם ישראל לדורותיו )ספרות הבית השני‬.‫פניו‬,
‫ באמנות ובהגות של העת החדשה‬,‫ פרשני ימי הביניים ועוד( וכלה בספרות‬,‫ ספרות חז"ל‬-
‫ מגמתו‬,‫ זמנו‬,‫ על פי המתבונן‬,‫לובשת ופושטת דמות של משה צורות חדשות ומגוונות‬
‫ הקורס יעקב אחר גלגולי דמויותיו של משה ]ביצירה שעד ראשית תקופת‬.‫ואופי יצירתו‬
‫הגאונים[ ויבקש להבין מה עומד מאחורי יצירתן‬.

These are very unique times for brain research. The aperitif for the course
will thus highlight the present “brain-excitements” worldwide. You will then
become intimately acquainted with the operational principles of neuronal
“life-ware” (synapses, neurons and the networks that they form) and
consequently, on how neurons behave as computational microchips and
how they plastically and constantly change - a process that underlies
Synapses, Neurons and Brains Hebrew University of Jerusalem learning and memory. Recent heroic attempts to realistically simulate large
cortical networks in the computer will be highlighted (e.g., “the Blue Brain
Project”) and processes related to perception, cognition and emotions in the
brain will be discussed. For dessert we will deliberate on the future of brain
research, including the questions of “brain and art”, consciousness and free
will. For more information see the course promo below and read “About the
Biblical figures play a central role in understanding the richness of the text
and provide extraordinary educational opportunities for engaging students
in meaningful discourse about its relevance for their lives. This course will
focus on examining and analyzing Biblical characters, and give you access
to different pedagogical techniques of teaching Bible in the classroom. We
will learn about the challenges facing the Bible teacher today, as well as
different philosophical, developmental, social, and psychological
approaches to addressing those challenges. We will also learn different
approaches to examining Biblical stories, including: exegetical,
hermeneutic, historical, literary, and gender theory. We will examine and
analyze the pedagogic skills to implement these different approaches inside
the classroom. We’ll also cover analysis of different Biblical characters and
stories, and hear from some experts in the field of Bible studies and Bible
education. \nUsing this knowledge, you will gain skills to use inside the
The Wonders and Challenges of Bible Education Hebrew University of Jerusalem classroom, and be able to examine and analyze different educational
programs that teach Bible in order to see which best suit your approach and
educational setting. If you want to teach Bible, this course is a helpful guide
and overview to different approaches and techniques for doing
so.\n\nLearning Outcomes: On successful completion of this module,
students should be able to:\n1. Students will appreciate challenges in
teaching classical Jewish texts to school students\n2. Students will acquire
certain exegetical and literary skills to analyze selected Biblical
passages.\n3. Students will be exposed to a range of different approaches
to presenting Biblical characters.\n4. Students will examine a range of
relevant developmental, social, and psychological theories that impact the
teaching of the Bible.\n5. Students will examine a range of educational
programs that teach the Bible and will acquire tools to critically analyze
these programs.\n6. Students will produce a course project that will reflect
their understanding of the various issues raised.

In this MOOC, you will learn how to better anticipate the future, and reinvent
yourself and your activity accordingly. \n\nBy the end of the course, you’ll be
able to account for the broader context and the possible convergence of
long-term trends, and thus be able to develop a long-term, consistent
strategy and vision, beyond mere day-to-day tactics. Thanks to this
approach and mindset, you will become more agile and more resilient in a
highly complex and uncertain landscape.\n\nIn this class, you will not only
learn the academic and theoretical aspects of strategic foresight,
uncertainty and planning. We will also discuss very practical examples,
ranging from a discussion on choosing the best outfit for a walk in the
Anticipating Your Next Battle, in Business and
HEC Paris countryside to building a vision and strategy for a corporation as a CEO. In
practical assessments, you will apply this broad approach to sample
examples as well as to your personal and professional challenges.\n\nSo if
you are an entrepreneur, this course will help you identify the new ideas,
the new business model and/or the new products that will help you remain
relevant in the future. If you are a manager or an executive, by taking this
course, you will be able to test whether your current approach and
allocation of resources are appropriate given tomorrow's possible
challenges. More generally, all kinds of decision-makers who look to think
more strategically about their position and seek to improve it will find this
course useful to think about the future constructively.
Successful contemporary business relies on the ability of all its employees
to be creative. Creativity can be developed and refined, albeit with effort
and practice. The first goal of this course is to provide a variety of
experiences and activities with the aim of developing the creative abilities of
each participant. A second goal is to understand the importance of creativity
from a consumer perspective. Consumers are being offered more and more
opportunities to customize their products and services, and are increasingly
seeking to express their creativity through their purchasing choices. As
entrepreneurs, we have the ability to shape the consumer environment in
ways that help consumers enhance their own creative abilities, and develop
Boosting Creativity for Innovation HEC Paris a unique relationship with them as a result.\n\nThis course is aimed at
anyone who wants to understand what we actually know (as opposed to
what we think we know) about human creativity, and how to use this
knowledge to think differently and productively about business challenges.
As the focus is on creativity as a cognitive function, it does not matter what
your background is, what industry you come from or want to enter.
\n\nAfter completing this course, past students report having acquired a set
of strategies that enable them to tackle business problems with a fresh
perspective.\n\nThis course is part of the HEC Paris MSc in Innovation and
Entrepreneurship. If you are admitted to the full program, your coursework
will count towards your degree program

When taking this course, you will raise your own self-awareness and gain
self-confidence for a better leadership. \nYou will discover a new approach
to leadership based on trust and sense. \nThe “Savoir-Relier” leadership, a
new approach of leadership, taught to HEC MBA’s student and top
executives, enables better team leadership and encourages relationships
between people in spite of their differences of opinion. \n\nYou will develop
relational skills, self-knowledge and self-awareness on the way to unfold
your own leadership style. You’ll learn the skills of The Savoir-Relier (SR)
methodology for better connecting with yourself or others by going through
the following 4 steps for successful leadership: Introspection, Conversation,
Resilience and Responsibility toward Value Creation. \nIn this first MOOC of
the "Inspirational Leadership" specialization, you will practice the first two
steps of the method for successful leadership: Introspection and
Conversation. You will get to know yourself better during the Introspection
Building Your Leadership Skills HEC Paris
part and get a chance to improve your communication skills in order to
better interact with others. You will meet people like you who will share their
stories and their experience with Savoir-Relier and why it is so inspiring for
them in their life. Together, you’ll develop greater self-awareness by
developing a leadership self-portrait and going through fun activities to
increase your empathy and communication.\n\nLeaders from different
organizations and participants of the HEC Paris Leadership Certificate, the
program from which this course and specialization are inspired, will share
with you their insights about what it takes to become a great leader and
what they are able to achieve now that they apply The Savoir-Relier
methodology. \n\nThis course is part of the specialization “Inspirational
Leadership: Leading with Sense”. In the next courses, you'll go through the
second two steps of leadership: Resilience and Responsibility toward Value
Innovation goes beyond technology, products and processes. The new
competitive landscape requires another, more holistic and strategic
perspective, based on the concept of business models.\n\nThis course
gives you access to the Odyssey 3.14 approach, a pioneering framework
that will help you invent or reinvent business models.\n\nThis highly
innovative approach has been developed by Laurence Lehmann-Ortega
and Hélène Musikas and has proven to be a very valuable methodology for
start-up entrepreneurs, business unit managers and intrapreneurs alike. It
offers a practical and highly effective framework and toolbox to create,
invent or reinvent business models in a very disciplined way.\n\nThe
approach starts with a deep dive into the 3 pillars of the business model:\n-
The value proposition (who are our customers and what are we offering
them?)\n- The value architecture (how are we organized in order to deliver
this value proposition to our customers in due time)\n- The profit equation
Business Model Innovation HEC Paris (how the alignment between the first 2 pillars generates a profit)\n\n14
directions are then explored in order to invent or reinvent a business model.
Examples of the directions include “reducing clients overall costs”,
“modifying the revenue stream”, “introducing a third party”, “eliminating a
step in the value chain”, and “exploring new resources”. Illustrated by
numerous examples, both iconic (Ikea, Tetra Pack, Grameen Bank…) and
more recent (Airbnb, Zopa, Drive Now…), these directions stimulate your
creativity to rigorously explore all possible innovation paths. Innovation
becomes an adventure, an odyssey… hence the name of the
approach!\n\nOdyssey 3.14 is the result of over 15 years of research,
consulting and teaching. Over 150 companies that have successfully
invented or reinvented their business model have been thoroughly analyzed
and will inspire you to develop your own new, innovative business
model.\n\nThis course is a part of the MSIE program at HEC. If you liked it,
do not hesitate to consult the other courses of the program.
Welcome to the capstone project course in the Coursera Inspirational
Leadership Specialization! \nIn the next 6 weeks you'll apply the skills you
learned in the Specialization to tackle a real world leadership challenge.
\n\nTo better meet your own goals of taking this Specialization, we will
provide one capstone project: \n\n-Personal leadership challenge; \n\nYou'll
select one project to implement and will receive assessments from your
Capstone peers. No matter which option you choose, the capstone project
will examine your skills, including self-awareness, developing quality
relationships and trust, resilience, and how making decisions entails a
strong sense of responsibility.\n\nFor the personal challenge, you will work
on your own question addressing your capacity to grow as a leader. A
challenge can be a target objective (starting a company, running a project,
designing a product, winning a competition, running a marathon…) you
have for yourself which puts into question what you want to achieve and
how. The Capstone will help you measure the challenge, establish a
process and build the steps to meet your goals.\n\nWhatever personal
CAPSTONE: Your Leadership Challenge HEC Paris challenge you choose, specific questions will attest to your capacity to
analyze and criticize the the problem which is faced by by yourself.\n\nThe
process that will drive the Business plan will follow step by step the
relational circuit model developed in MOOC2 “Giving Sense to your
Leadership Experience” and MOOC3 “Leading Organizations” with its two
phases of Exploration and Projection.\n\nIn the EXPLORATION, you will
engage in a first step of holistic perception of the problem using your
sensible skills to give a sense of perspective and give voice to you
subjective apprehension of the situation as a whole. The second stage of
exploration will involve your analytical skills to understand each and every
component (elements of data relevant to the challenge) that plays a role in
defining the situation. And the third stage of exploration will apply your
relational skills where you will make sense and connect your subjective
perception with your analysis. You will share the exploration results with
peers to receive feedback before your can move on.\n\nThe second phase,
the PROJECTION part of your business plan leading to recommendations
for the personal challenge at stake. In the projection phase you will first look
You want to identify an opportunity or to uncover creative insights and
innovative solutions. \n\nYou are curious about design thinking – a creative
approach that is being used more and by entrepreneurs and in new
ventures as well as in established firms.\n\nYou do not understand why so
many innovations, apparently developed with care, are not adopted by the
users. \n\nYou enjoy using services that provide a user-friendly experience
and are curious to know how these innovations are developed. \n\nYou are
concerned by the growing complexity of innovations that require more focus
on the usage and the user. \n\nIf one of the situations above applies to you, then this course is for you! In “Design thinking for Innovation,” you will have
Design Thinking HEC Paris
innovation the opportunity to discover and experiment with a systematic approach to
uncover creative insights and innovative solutions. You will learn to
recognize the specific type of situations where analytical approaches are
not efficient and where design thinking is more effective.\nThe course will
follow a clear and structured process and you will work through several
phases to understand what design thinking is, its foundations, principles
and main phases. You will also understand the diffusion of design thinking
in established firms.\n\nThis course is part of the HEC Paris MSc in
Innovation and Entrepreneurship. If you are admitted to the full program,
your coursework will count towards your degree program

Ce cours est conçu pour accompagner toutes les personnes qui veulent
avoir un impact positif dans la société, mais qui ne savent pas comment
Devenir entrepreneur du changement HEC Paris agir. Quel que soit votre âge ou votre formation académique, ce cours vous
aidera à trouver la voie qui vous correspond pour faire bouger les lignes !
Vous apprendrez comment passer de l’envie à l’idée, et de l’idée à l’action.

This course covers in the chronological order each defining step of an

entrepreneurial project. It begins with very personal considerations related
to getting to better know yourself better so as to decide if you are ready for
the multiple challenges of entrepreneurship. It then deals with creativity in
order to provide the right set of tools to find an idea with the right potential
to disrupt an existing business. We then discuss how to gather a founding team, how to raise money to initiate the project, and how to deal with day to
Entrepreneurship Strategy: From Ideation to Exit HEC Paris
strategy day cash management. Later in the course, we discuss the art of selling,
focusing on business to business sales, and how to measure the product
launch phase using cohort analysis. Later on, we discuss the challenges of
HR in an entrepreneurial environment, and of recruiting at a point where
nobody knows your company. We then describe very practical techniques
to initiate the international development of a small company. Last, we cover
the exit strategy topic.
With this course you will position your own leadership style and grow your
resilience\n\nIn this course, second course of the "Inspirational Leadership"
Specialization, you will discover the characteristics of charismatic
leadership. \nYou’ll personally learn how to embody these traits through the
“Savoir-Relier” (art of connecting and leading with sense) methodology,
which covers 3Gs: being Genuine, Generous, and Generative. \nYou will
then choose which style of leadership best fits you, why and when so you
can adapt to more complex and difficult situations with resilience. \nIn a
“Self-Portrait” and “Conversation” with your classmates, you will be able to
adjust your own ideas about your leadership styles and strengths, allowing
you to increase your self-awareness, improve your relational intelligence,
and prepare you to confront crises and resolve conflicts. \nYou will also be
better prepared to face difficult situations and make better decisions by
Giving Sense to Your Leadership Experience HEC Paris relying on both your perception and analytical skills. All these skills will help
you create sense in your team so you can lead it better.\n\nThis course is
part of a Specialization on Leadership called “Inspirational Leadership:
Leading with Sense”, so you may want to take the course “Building Your
Leadership Skills” prior of taking this course.\nAs where in course 1
“Building Your Leadership Skills” you have mostly worked on your inner-self
and on the relation between you and the other, in this course you’ll work on
the relationship between you and the group, improving your leadership skills
when interacting in a team. \n\nLeaders from different organizations and
participants of the HEC Paris Leadership Certificate, the program from
which this course and specialization is inspired, will share with you their
insights about what it takes to become a great leader in a group or team
and what they are able to achieve now that they apply The Savoir-Relier
Have you ever wanted to invest in financial markets, but were always afraid
that you didn’t have the proper tools or knowledge to make informed
decisions? Have you ever wondered how investment management
companies operate and what fund managers do? AXA Investment
Managers, in partnership with HEC Paris, will introduce you to the most
important ideas and concepts in investment management, to help you
better understand your financial future.\n\nThis course will enable you
to:\n•\tDefine what type of investor you are, your investment objectives, and
potential constraints. \n•\tIdentify the main investable assets and important
players in financial markets. \n•\tUnderstand basic portfolio management
techniques. \n•\tApply these techniques in real case studies from the outset,
through practical assessments. \n\nFinally, we will provide a comprehensive
overview of today's asset management industry: the product cycles,
professionals, and regulations. For those who want to identify a talented
fund manager to invest for you, we offer important criteria for selecting one.
Investment Management in an Evolving and For those who are interested in learning more about this fascinating
Volatile World by HEC Paris and AXA Investment HEC Paris industry, we lay the foundation for your ongoing financial journey. Join us
Managers now to explore the world of investment management! \n\nCourse
Specialists\nThe course has been developed in collaboration between HEC
Paris, with Hugues Langlois managing the academic aspect, and AXA
Investment Managers specialists, sharing their experiences and expertise
and coordinated by Marion Le Morhedec. AXA Investment Managers
participants include Maxime Alimi, Stephanie Condra, Nicholas Jeans,
Elodie Laugel, Pierre-François de Mont-Serrat, Jean-Gabriel Pierre (AXA
Group), Dorothée Sauloup, Irina Topa-Serry, Fiona Southall, Patrice Viot
Coster, Susanna Warner, and Joachim Weitgasser.\n\nRecommended
Background\nWe expect most participants to have a basic level of
knowledge in mathematics and economics. However this is not essential,
and we believe that people from any background can succeed with
commitment and a strong interest.\nBe aware that in the case study, you
will have to use Excel.\n\nCourse Format \nThis course will run for 4 weeks
and consists of 4 modules, each with a series of lecture videos between 5
to 8 minutes long. Each module contains a set of practice and graded quiz
This course is the last course of the a Specialization on Leadership called
“Inspirational Leadership: Leading with Sense”, so you may want to take the
courses “Building Your Leadership Skills” and “Giving Sense to your
Leadership Experience” prior of taking this course.\n\nIn this course you’ll
get the opportunity to apply the skills learned in the first two courses of the
“Inspirational Leadership: Leading with Sense” as an individual to a group
setting. The group could not only be an organization such as a company or
a team in a company, but also a private group such as your family or an
association. \n\nSpecifically, you’ll apply the 4 steps of The Savoir-Relier
protocol to your group: \n1. defining the group identity by working on the
group self-awareness, \n2. creating quality relationships within the group,
\n3. working on resilience for the group to then be able to overcome difficult
situation and \n4. Making the organization grow by creating sense and
meaning.\n\nSo if you want your group to grow as a successful leader in its
Leading Organizations HEC Paris fields, if you want to find your identity as a group and create shared values
for it, or if you want your group to become more resilient in face of change
and crisis, this course is made for you! Finally, at the end of the course, you
would have build sense for your group in order to be more
efficient.\n\nUsing real-life cases you will see how the genuine, generous
and generative characteristics apply to the development of successful
organizations. For example, you will apply the Relational Circuit to recruit
effectively, or the Self-Portrait and Conversation exercises to create team
cohesion and resilience to overcome crises and interpersonal conflicts. You
will be able to form trustworthy relationships in spite of diverging or different
views, and you will grow respect in your environment where sense will be a
driver for you and your surrounding.\n\nLeaders from different
organizations, will share with you their insights about how they have applied
the Savoir-Relier approach to their company and how it has made the
company more resilience and competitive.
This course is aimed at everyone with an interest in entrepreneurship and
innovation. This includes graduate and undergraduate students, current,
past, and future entrepreneurs, managers of innovative firms, or managers
in charge of leading innovation in their company. There is no formal
prerequisite for this course. \n\nThroughout the course you’ll be exposed to
an in-depth analysis of four applied case studies of successful ventures, as
well as both theoretical and applied frameworks that will help you to better
design and manage your organization. To begin, we recommend you take a
few minutes to explore our website. Click on Course Content on the left to
see what material we’ll cover in each of the four modules. You can also
preview the assignments you’ll need to complete to pass the course. Click
Discussions to see the forums where you can discuss the course material
with fellow students taking the class. Be sure to introduce yourself to everyone in the Meet and Greet forum!\n\nThis course should take you
Organizational Design and Management HEC Paris
design-management about 4 weeks to complete. By the time you finish it, you’ll have learned
to:\n\n•Evaluate the value-creating potential of your business idea and
design the business model that is best suited to capture this value\n•
Manage talent and creativity by structuring the right incentives for existing
employees as well as design strategies to retain and attract the very best
talent\n• Design formal organization structures that fit with the strategy of
your business and the culture of your organization\n• Understand and
manage norms guiding behavior in organizations\n• Recognize and manage
bottlenecks hampering organizational growth\n\nWe really hope that you’ll
enjoy the learning journey ahead. Good luck as you get started and we look
forward to seeing you in class!\n\nProfs. Giada Di Stefano and Tomasz
Obloj and HEC Paris Digital Learning\n\nThis course is part of the HEC
Paris MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. If you are admitted to the full
program, your coursework will count towards your degree program.

This course will prepare you for making strategic decisions specifically
about innovation. It will give you an understanding of why firms innovate,
why and how they compete on innovation, and what role innovation plays in
shaping the strategic decisions of companies. You will learn how to source innovation, the types and patterns of innovation, how to compete in
Strategic Management of Innovation HEC Paris
management-of-innovation dynamic standards battles and how to gain dominance, how to protect
innovation from imitation, and the crucial question of timing - a new
product launch and market entry.\n\nThis course is part of the HEC Paris
MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. If you are admitted to the full
program, your coursework will count towards your degree program.
We are in constant relationship with many organizations. Our world is
submitted to regular changes as organizations evolve, come and go.
Understanding your memberships and attachments to organizations will
help you act on your world. You'll learn how to evaluate the influence of
organizations around you and how to transform your relationships to reach
a stronger coherence.\n\nDo you feel sometime that the world around you
is disorganized? Can you make sense of all the information at your reach
and have an impact on this situation? Have you ever thought that this
conundrum may be due to all the organizations that emerge, strive or wane,
and disappear every day? \n\nOrganizations are ubiquitous, from clubs and
associations to firms and public agencies. Organizations confer meaning to
all of us, and our attachment and membership to organizations have a
profound effect on all areas of our lives. But in our increasingly turbulent
world, these organizations run the risk of disappearing or losing their
legitimacy, steering a sense of pointlessness and absurdity.\n\nThis course
Time to Reorganize! Understand Organizations, develops an integrative approach to understanding organizations and their
HEC Paris
Act, and Build a Meaningful World. behaviors, termed ‘orgology’. It explains that organizations can act
strategically to protect and renew the sense of membership and attachment
of individuals. So doing, organizations that survive and thrive impose their
logics of action onto society, thereby influencing what is legitimate or not.
\n\nIn turn, individuals, you, all of us, must reinterpret our multiple
associations with organizations and contribute to reinforce or inhibit social
evolutions. This new way of understanding organizations’ relationships with
society results in reconsidering management and the role of individuals in
building their future.\n\nThere is no prerequisite to this course, you are all
welcome ! Students and people interested in the fields of management,
sociology, strategy, economics leadership etc… will benefit a lot from this
course.\n\nFor the session of this course starting on January 11th,
Professor Rodolphe Durand will actively be participating and interacting with
learners. He will be offering "office hours" sessions through google
hangouts and answering learner questions from the forums. We hope this
direct interaction will add to your learner experience! Please enroll today!
Regardless of where you live, the European Union not only affects your life,
but may also transform it. By learning how Europe works, a new world will
open up to you and \ndiscover new jobs you never heard of.\n\nThe
European Union has a large, yet often unnoticed, impact on many aspects
of everybody’s life. We will analyze what the EU is doing for YOU
regardless of where you live. We will also look at what YOU can do for and
in Europe.\n\nWhether you are traveling, eating, working, doing business,
shopping, surfing the Internet or breathing, all these activities are largely
shaped by the EU. As a result no global citizen, business leader, lawmaker,
lobbyist or student can effectively operate in Europe or in the world without
a solid understanding of this unique laboratory of integration. \n\nWhile the
Understanding Europe: Why It Matters and What
HEC Paris EU is often depicted as a monstrous bureaucratic creature, condemned to
It Can Offer You
irrelevance by the emerging economies, in 50 years it accomplished what
other countries took centuries to realize. The EU remains the most
accomplished experiment of economic, social and political integration in
human history.\n\nGiven its inherent complexities, this Course aims at
empowering you on what Europe can offer and will enable you to discover
jobs and opportunities you were not aware of. Indeed, throughout the whole
course, participants will be confronted with real-life examples of EU action.
EU affairs professionals will share their personal EU experiences and tell us
about their EU jobs. You will also be able to interact with the instructor and
other participants, share your opinions, question the instructor’s
assumptions and hence shape the course’s content.

What you’ll achieve: \nIn this project-centered course*, you will create an
original four page minicomic designed around a short story of your
choosing.\n\nWhat you’ll need to get started:\nThis project-centered course
is designed for all-age learners (high school age and above, at least 13
years of age) who are interested in learning how to make a comic book, but
have never completed one before.\n\nWhile comic books can be created
with any kinds of materials, we recommend that learners have the following
materials available to complete the project: at least one ream of 8.5x11
copy paper, #2 pencils and eraser, Sharpie-type fine point pens, ruler with
How to Make a Comic Book (Project-Centered High Tech High Graduate School inch measurements, and adjustable binding stapler. Learners should also
Course) of Education have access to a printer and scanner (to facilitate digitizing work to be
shared with peers on Coursera).\n\n*About Project-Centered Courses:
\nProject-Centered Courses are designed to help you complete a personally
meaningful real-world project, with your instructor and a community of
learners with similar goals providing guidance and suggestions along the
way. By actively applying new concepts as you learn, you’ll master the
course content more efficiently; you’ll also get a head start on using the
skills you gain to make positive changes in your life and career. When you
complete the course, you’ll have a finished project that you’ll be proud to
use and share.
Join High Tech High in this groundbreaking new course that follows the
High Tech High Graduate School
How To Teach Us educational experiences of various students in our schools. We will will
of Education
listen to them as they tell us How To Teach Us.
The Learning Mindsets & Skills MOOC is designed to explore underlying
concepts behind Learning Mindsets & Skills as well as the the practical
High Tech High Graduate School applications of those concepts in various educational environments. Course
Learning Mindsets & Skills
of Education Participants will hypothesize a learning mindset-related change to be
implemented within their educational environment, test their theory, and
present their findings to a wider audience.
Whether you're thinking about a career in sales, just getting started at your
new sales job, or managing entry level sales people, this course will provide
you a valuable perspective on your sales career. You'll start out the course
with an overview of what it takes to be successful in sales. It might surprise
you. You'll learn why most people have it all wrong about sales! \n\nThe
following five lessons will cover the inbound sales methodology, a
Sales Training: Building Your Sales Career HubSpot Academy framework used by thousands of sales professionals to get started in sales.
You'll learn the difference between active and passive buyers, and how to
build relationships and earn their attention. You'll learn why understanding
the buyer's context is imperative providing them solutions. \n\nIn this
course, you'll gain the fundamental knowledge required to be successful in
sales. By investing your time in sales training, you're already ahead of the
Welcome to the Inbound Certification course!\n\nThis course will introduce
you to inbound and provide you with a big picture view of everything you
need for a successful inbound strategy.\n\nSo, why inbound?\n\nInbound is
a fundamental shift in the way you do business. Instead of an interruption-
based message where the marketer or salesperson had all the control,
inbound is about empowering potential customers. Consumer’s buying
behaviors have changed and will continue to change. That's the driving
force behind inbound. What your customers want today is different than
what they wanted 10 years ago. That means you need to change the way
you market, sell, and service to match the way people actually want to shop
and buy.\n\nSo, wondering what to expect in this course?\n\nAfter an initial
Sales Training: Inbound Business Strategy HubSpot Academy lesson on an introduction to the inbound fundamentals, the course consists
of a set of lessons that follows the inbound methodology. The inbound
methodology illustrates the four stages that make an inbound business. It
reflects the entire inbound marketing, sales, services, and relationship
process. The stages are Attract, Convert, Close, and Delight.\n\nEach
lesson includes different tactics that you can apply to help you and your
business grow better. You’ll also hear from HubSpot executives and
leadership including: HubSpot’s Co-founders Brian Halligan & Dharmesh
Shah. Chief People Officer, Katie Burke. VP of HubSpot Academy, Mark
Kilens. VP of Marketing, Meghan Anderson. SVP of Product, Christopher
O’Donnell. VP of Sales, Michelle Benfer. And VP of Customer Success,
Alison Elworthy

In this course, you will learn how to define your target market, create a
scalable sales process, and build training, coaching, hiring, and onboarding
programs to help your sales team grow better.\n\nWhether you're already
Sales Training: Sales Team Management HubSpot Academy managing a sales team, or aspire to manage one at some point in your
career, this course will explain what's involved when it comes to setting up a
sales process, coaching your team, hiring new team members, and getting
those team members up to speed as fast as possible.
This course will teach you an inbound approach to sales that focuses on
being helpful, not salesy. By the end of this course, you'll be able to
prospect for new business, qualify for high-quality prospects, book meetings
with decision makers, handle buyer's objections, and negotiate and close a
Sales Training: Techniques for a Human-Centric deal. By following this process, you'll be able to jumpstart your career in
HubSpot Academy
Sales Process techniques-training sales with tactical tips and advice to run an effective sales
playbook.\n\nFree accounts you'll need to go through this course:\n-
HubSpot Academy:\n- LinkedIn:\n- Gmail:\n-
This project completer has proven a deep understanding on massive
parallel data processing, data exploration and visualization, advanced
machine learning and deep learning and how to apply his knowledge in a
real-world practical use case where he justifies architectural decisions,
Advanced Data Science Capstone IBM proves understanding the characteristics of different algorithms, frameworks
and technologies and how they impact model performance and
scalability. \n\nPlease note: You are requested to create a short video
presentation at the end of the course. This is mandatory to pass. You don't
need to share the video in public.
>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the End User License
Agreement as set out in the FAQ. Once enrolled you can access the
license in the Resources area <<<\n\nThis course, Advanced Machine
Learning and Signal Processing, is part of the IBM Advanced Data Science
Specialization which IBM is currently creating and gives you easy access to
the invaluable insights into Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning
Models used by experts in many field relevant disciplines. We’ll learn about
the fundamentals of Linear Algebra to understand how machine learning
modes work. Then we introduce the most popular Machine Learning
Frameworks for python Scikit-Learn and SparkML. SparkML is making up
Advanced Machine Learning and Signal
IBM the greatest portion of this course since scalability is key to address
Processing learning-signal-processing
performance bottlenecks. We learn how to tune the models in parallel by
evaluating hundreds of different parameter-combinations in parallel. We’ll
continuously use a real-life example from IoT (Internet of Things), for
exemplifying the different algorithms. For passing the course you are even
required to create your own vibration sensor data using the accelerometer
sensors in your smartphone. So you are actually working on a self-created,
real dataset throughout the course.\n\nIf you choose to take this course and
earn the Coursera course certificate, you will also earn an IBM digital
badge. To find out more about IBM digital badges follow the link
>>> By enrolling in this course you agree to the End User License
Agreement as set out in the FAQ. Once enrolled you can access the
license in the Resources area <<<\n\nThis course, Applied Artificial
Intelligence with DeepLearning, is part of the IBM Advanced Data Science
Certificate which IBM is currently creating and gives you easy access to the
invaluable insights into Deep Learning models used by experts in Natural
Language Processing, Computer Vision, Time Series Analysis, and many
other disciplines. We’ll learn about the fundamentals of Linear Algebra and
Neural Networks. Then we introduce the most popular DeepLearning
Frameworks like Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, DeepLearning4J and
Apache SystemML. Keras and TensorFlow are making up the greatest
portion of this course. We learn about Anomaly Detection, Time Series
Forecasting, Image Recognition and Natural Language Processing by
building up models using Keras on real-life examples from IoT (Internet of
Things), Financial Marked Data, Literature or Image Databases. Finally, we
learn how to scale those artificial brains using Kubernetes, Apache Spark
TO OBTAIN THE "IBM Watson IoT Certified Data Scientist certificate". You
need to take three other courses where two of them are currently built. The
Specialization will be ready late spring, early summer 2018\n\nUsing these
approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to
master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already
an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give your ideas for
turbocharging successful creation and deployment of DeepLearning
models. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of
practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on
track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will
help serve as your guide.\n\nPrerequisites: Some coding skills are
necessary. Preferably python, but any other programming language will do
fine. Also some basic understanding of math (linear algebra) is a plus, but
we will cover that part in the first week as well.\n\nIf you choose to take this
course and earn the Coursera course certificate, you will also earn an IBM
digital badge. To find out more about IBM digital badges follow the link
The foundational knowledge for the position of an IBM z/OS System
Programmer and System Administrator begins with this third and final
course in the three course professional certificate track. This course
provides hands-on labs to everyday z/OS tasks with JCL, JES, ISHELL and
HFS, and z/OSMF. Topics covered include VSAM, z/OS System Libraries,
Basic System Programming on IBM Z IBM the Language Environment, Generation Data Groups, RAIM, DB2, UNIX
System Services, and USS File System.\n\nOn successful completion of
this course, the learners are eligible to claim the Basic System
Programming on IBM Z badge. More information can be found here :
This course will teach you how to create useful chatbots without the need to
write any code.\n\nLeveraging IBM Watson's Natural Language Processing
capabilities, you'll learn how to plan, implement, test, and deploy chatbots
that delight your users, rather than frustrate them.\n\nTrue to our promise of
not requiring any code, you'll learn how to visually create chatbots with
Watson Assistant (formerly Watson Conversation) and how to deploy them
on your own website through a handy WordPress plugin. Don't have a
Building AI Powered Chatbots Without
IBM website? No worries, one will be provided to you.\n\nChatbots are a hot
Programming chatbots
topic in our industry and are about to go big. New jobs requiring this specific
skill are being added every day, consultants demand premium rates, and
the interest in chatbots is quickly exploding.\n\nGartner predicts that by
2020, 85% of customer interactions with the enterprise will be through
automated means (that's chatbots and related technologies).\n\nHere is
your chance to learn this highly in demand set of skills with a gentle
introduction to the topic that leaves no stone unturned.

This course gives you the background needed to understand the key
cybersecurity compliance and industry standards. This knowledge will be
important for you to learn no matter what cybersecurity role you would like
to acquire or have within an organization.\n\n You will learn the basic
commands for user and server administration as it relates to security. You
will need this skill to be able to understand vulnerabilities within your
organizations operating systems.\n\nYou will learn the concepts of endpoint
Cybersecurity Compliance Framework & System
IBM security and patch management. Both of these topics are important to
Administration compliance-framework-system-administration
keep systems current to avoid cybersecurity incidents against an
organization.\n\nFinally you will learn in depth skills around cryptography
and encryption to understand how these concepts affect software within a
company. \n\nThis course is intended for anyone who wants to gain a basic
understanding of Security Frameworks, Compliance, endpoint
management, encryption or cryptography or as the third course in a series
of courses to gain the skill as a Jr Cybersecurity analyst.

This course gives you the background needed to understand basic

Cybersecurity around people. process and technology. You will
learn:\n\n●\t Understand the key cybersecurity roles within an Organization.
\n●\t List key cybersecurity processes and an example of each process.\n●\t
Describe the architecture, file systems, and basic commands for multiple
operating systems including Windows, Mac/OS, Linux and Mobile.\n●\t
Understand the concept of Virtualization as it relates to cybersecurity
\n\nFinally, you will begin to learn about organizations and resources to
Cybersecurity Roles, Processes & Operating
IBM further research cybersecurity issues in the Modern era.\n\nThis course is
System Security processes-operating-system-security
intended for anyone who wants to gain a basic understanding of
Cybersecurity or as the second course in a series of courses to acquire the
skills to work in the Cybersecurity field as a Jr Cybersecurity
Analyst.\n\nThe completion of this course also makes you eligible to earn
the Cybersecurity Roles, Processes & Operating System Security IBM
digital badge. More information about the badge can be found here:
Apache Spark is the de-facto standard for large scale data processing. This
is the first course of a series of courses towards the IBM Advanced Data
Science Specialization. We strongly believe that is is crucial for success to
start learning a scalable data science platform since memory and CPU
constraints are to most limiting factors when it comes to building advanced
machine learning models.\n\nIn this course we teach you the fundamentals
of Apache Spark using python and pyspark. We'll introduce Apache Spark
in the first two weeks and learn how to apply it to compute basic exploratory
and data pre-processing tasks in the last two weeks. Through this exercise
you'll also be introduced to the most fundamental statistical measures and
data visualization technologies.\n\nThis gives you enough knowledge to
take over the role of a data engineer in any modern environment. But it
gives you also the basis for advancing your career towards data science.
\n\nPlease have a look at the full specialization
science-ibm\n\nIf you choose to take this course and earn the Coursera
Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science IBM course certificate, you will also earn an IBM digital badge. To find out more
about IBM digital badges follow the link\n\n\nAfter
completing this course, you will be able to:\n•\tDescribe how basic statistical
measures, are used to reveal patterns within the data \n•\tRecognize data
characteristics, patterns, trends, deviations or inconsistencies, and potential
outliers.\n•\tIdentify useful techniques for working with big data such as
dimension reduction and feature selection methods \n•\tUse advanced tools
and charting libraries to:\n o\timprove efficiency of analysis of big-data
with partitioning and parallel analysis \n o\tVisualize the data in an
number of 2D and 3D formats (Box Plot, Run Chart, Scatter Plot, Pareto
Chart, and Multidimensional Scaling)\n\nFor successful completion of the
course, the following prerequisites are recommended: \n•\tBasic
programming skills in python\n•\tBasic math\n•\tBasic SQL (you can get it
easily from if needed)\n\nIn
order to complete this course, the following technologies will be
used:\n(These technologies are introduced in the course as necessary so
no previous knowledge is required.)\n•\tJupyter notebooks (brought to you
Getting Started with the IBM Mainframe with z/OS Commands and Panels
is a mostly hands-on in an IBM Mainframe z/OS Environment. A total of
seven labs will provide live access to an IBM Z server. The labs are
designed to teach you the fundamental practical skills to navigate and work
Getting Started on Mainframe with z/OS in a z/OS environment. This includes the use of ISPF/PDF dialogs, and
Commands and Panels panels TSO/E commands. \n\nOn successful completion of this course, the
learners are eligible to claim the Getting Started on Mainframe with z/OS
Commands and Panels badge. More information can be found

In this course you will learn how to quickly and easily get started with
Artificial Intelligence using IBM Watson. You will understand how Watson
works, become familiar with its use cases and real life client examples, and
be introduced to several of Watson AI services from IBM that enable
Getting Started with AI using IBM Watson IBM
anyone to easily apply AI and build smart apps. You will also work with
several Watson services to demonstrate AI in action.\n \nThis course does
not require any programming or computer science expertise and is
designed for anyone whether you have a technical background or not.
In this course you will learn what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, explore use
cases and applications of AI, understand AI concepts and terms like
machine learning, deep learning and neural networks. You will be exposed
to various issues and concerns surrounding AI such as ethics and bias, &
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) IBM jobs, and get advice from experts about learning and starting a career in AI.
You will also demonstrate AI in action with a mini project.\n \nThis course
does not require any programming or computer science expertise and is
designed to introduce the basics of AI to anyone whether you have a
technical background or not.

This course gives you the background needed to understand basic

Cybersecurity. You will learn the history of Cybersecurity, types and
motives of cyber attacks to further your knowledge of current threats to
organizations and individuals. Key terminology, basic system concepts and
tools will be examined as an introduction to the Cybersecurity field.\n\nYou
will learn about critical thinking and its importance to anyone looking to
pursue a career in Cybersecurity.\n\nFinally, you will begin to learn about
organizations and resources to further research cybersecurity issues in the
Modern era.\n\nThis course is intended for anyone who wants to gain a
basic understanding of Cybersecurity or as the first course in a series of
courses to acquire the skills to work in the Cybersecurity field as a Jr
Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Cybersecurity Analyst.\n\nThe completion of this course also makes you
Attacks cybersecurity-cyber-attacks eligible to earn the Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks IBM
digital badge. More information about the badge can be found
tools-cyber-attacks\n\nWant to see if this is a good career fit for you? IBM
is collaborating with MyInnerGenius, one of the world's leading assessment
companies, to help you find out which careers in IT you will love -- careers
that are a great match for you -- regardless of your education or experience -
- even if you’ve never considered a role in IT. \n \nIn less than an hour, you
will receive targeted recommendations for hot roles where you will excel
and everything you need to get started. You can even earn IBM Digital
Badges to show the world your skills!\n\nFind out more

Large Scale Enterprise Computing powers all major transactions, and the
Mainframe is responsible for 87% of all credit card transactions and enables
71% of all Fortune 500 companies. Mainframes are fundamental on how we
do business, and IBM Z is the only production mainframe sold today. Virtually everyone depends on it. This is your introduction to the hardware,
Introduction to Enterprise Computing IBM
enterprise-computing operating systems, security, and features that make this possible.\n\nOn
successful completion of this course, learners are eligible to earn their
Introduction to Enterprise Computing badge. More information can be found
This course gives you the background needed to understand basic network
security. You will learn the about Local Area Networks, TCP/IP, the OSI
Framework and routing basics. You will learn how networking affects
security systems within an organization. You will learn the network
components that guard an organization from cybersecurity attacks.\n\nIn
addition to networking, you will learn about database vulnerabilities and the tools/knowledge needed to research a database vulnerability for a variety of
Network Security & Database Vulnerabilities IBM
database-vulnerabilities databases including SQL Injection, Oracle, Mongo and Couch. \n\nYou will
learn about various security breach types associated with databases and
organizations that define standards and provide tools for cybersecurity
professionals.\n\nThis course is intended for anyone who wants to gain a
basic understanding of Network Security/Database Vulnerabilities or as the
fourth course in a series of courses to acquire the skills to work in the
Cybersecurity field as a Jr Cybersecurity Analyst.
Welcome to Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Comprehensive
Review\n\nThis course, offered by the Department of Otolaryngology –
Head and Neck Surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, is
designed to inform primary care physicians and general otolaryngologists,
as well as nurses, physician assistants and medical assistants, about the
differences between acute and chronic rhinosinusitis and how to distinguish
and treat them. It is also applicable to individuals who wish to broaden their
knowledge and vernacular about this disease process, especially those who
may suffer from this condition. The course has been divided into four
modules, each of which is followed by multiple choice questions to help
attendees further understand this condition: \n\nWeek 1 - CME Information,
Accreditation and Introduction\nWeek 2 - Module 1: Normal Sinus Anatomy
and Function (15 min. + quiz)\nWeek 3 - Module 2: Acute Rhinosinusitis:
Diagnosis and Treatment (17 min. + quiz)\nWeek 4 - Module 3: Chronic
Rhinoinusitis: Diagnosis and Treatment (18 min. + quiz)\nWeek 5 - Module 4: The Role of Surgery for Sinusitis and Activity Evaluation (36 min. + 2
Acute and Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Icahn School of Medicine at
medicine-at-mount-sinai-acute-and-chronic- quizzes)\n\nThe primary objective of this course is to provide physicians
Comprehensive Review Mount Sinai
rhinosinusitis with a thorough understanding of how to better diagnose and treat patients
who suffer from acute and chronic rhinosinusitis.\n\nThose participating in
this course have the option to receive CME credit.\nPlease review the CME
Information and Accreditation prior to proceeding with the course
modules.\n\nRelease Date: January 16, 2018\nExpiration Date: January 16,
2020\nEstimated Time to Complete: One Hour and Forty Five
Minutes\nCME Fee: $30.00\nCME Credits Offered: 1.75\n\nCME Reviewer:
Marita S. Teng, MD\n\nFor physicians who are interested in earning CME
credits and other allied health professions who wish to receive a Verification
of Attendance certificate, you must:\n\na.\tComplete Signature Track
(details to follow after enrolling in this course)\nb.\tComplete registration
process through the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, CME Office
using the following link: \n\n(You will be required
to pay an additional non-refundable fee of $30.00 in addition to the $49.00
fee for signature track.)\n\nTo obtain your CME/CE certificate: Email an
attached copy of your Verified Certificate from Coursera to the CME office
The Library of Integrative Network-based Cellular Signatures (LINCS) is an
NIH Common Fund program. The idea is to perturb different types of
human cells with many different types of perturbations such as: drugs and
other small molecules; genetic manipulations such as knockdown or
overexpression of single genes; manipulation of the extracellular
microenvironment conditions, for example, growing cells on different
surfaces, and more. These perturbations are applied to various types of
human cells including induced pluripotent stem cells from patients,
differentiated into various lineages such as neurons or cardiomyocytes.
Then, to better understand the molecular networks that are affected by
these perturbations, changes in level of many different variables are
measured including: mRNAs, proteins, and metabolites, as well as cellular
phenotypic changes such as changes in cell morphology. The BD2K-LINCS
Big Data Science with the BD2K-LINCS Data Icahn School of Medicine at Data Coordination and Integration Center (DCIC) is commissioned to
Coordination and Integration Center Mount Sinai
organize, analyze, visualize and integrate this data with other publicly
available relevant resources. In this course we briefly introduce the DCIC
and the various Centers that collect data for LINCS. We then cover
metadata and how metadata is linked to ontologies. We then present data
processing and normalization methods to clean and harmonize LINCS data.
This follow discussions about how data is served as RESTful APIs. Most
importantly, the course covers computational methods including: data
clustering, gene-set enrichment analysis, interactive data visualization, and
supervised learning. Finally, we introduce crowdsourcing/citizen-science
projects where students can work together in teams to extract expression
signatures from public databases and then query such collections of
signatures against LINCS data for predicting small molecules as potential
An introduction to dynamical modeling techniques used in contemporary
Systems Biology research.\n\nWe take a case-based approach to teach
contemporary mathematical modeling\ntechniques. The course is
appropriate for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students.
Lectures provide biological background and describe the development of
both classical mathematical models and more recent representations of
biological processes. The course will be useful for students who plan to use
experimental techniques as their approach in the laboratory and employ
computational modeling as a tool to draw deeper understanding of
Icahn School of Medicine at
Dynamical Modeling Methods for Systems Biology experiments. The course should also be valuable as an introductory
Mount Sinai
overview for students planning to conduct original research in modeling
biological systems.\n\nThis course focuses on dynamical modeling
techniques used in Systems Biology research. These techniques are based
on biological mechanisms, and simulations with these models generate
predictions that can subsequently be tested experimentally. These testable
predictions frequently provide novel insight into biological processes. The
approaches taught here can be grouped into the following categories: 1)
ordinary differential equation-based models, 2) partial differential equation-
based models, and 3) stochastic models.
Learn about the technologies underlying experimentation used in systems
biology, with particular focus on RNA sequencing, mass spec-based
proteomics, flow/mass cytometry and live-cell imaging.\n\nA key driver of
the systems biology field is the technology allowing us to delve deeper and
wider into how cells respond to experimental perturbations. This in turns
allows us to build more detailed quantitative models of cellular function,
which can give important insight into applications ranging from
biotechnology to human disease. This course gives a broad overview of a
variety of current experimental techniques used in modern systems biology,
Icahn School of Medicine at with focus on obtaining the quantitative data needed for computational
Experimental Methods in Systems Biology
Mount Sinai methods modeling purposes in downstream analyses. We dive deeply into four
technologies in particular, mRNA sequencing, mass spectrometry-based
proteomics, flow/mass cytometry, and live-cell imaging. These techniques
are often used in systems biology and range from genome-wide coverage
to single molecule coverage, millions of cells to single cells, and single time
points to frequently sampled time courses. We present not only the
theoretical background upon which these technologies work, but also enter
real wet lab environments to provide instruction on how these techniques
are performed in practice, and how resultant data are analyzed for quality
and content.
A strong argument can be made that the health care field is one of the most
information-intensive sectors in the U.S. economy and avoidance of the
rapid advances in information technology is no longer an option.
Consequently, the study of health care information technology and systems
has become central to health care delivery effectiveness. This course
covers the modern application of information technology that is critical to
supporting the vision and operational knowledge of the health care leaders
Icahn School of Medicine at
Health Care IT: Challenges and Opportunities in managing the health care organization. Heath care decision-makers have
Mount Sinai
to meet head-on the dynamic challenges of health care delivery quality,
cost, access, and regulatory control. Additionally, this course integrates the
Healthcare Information System as integral to the Quality Assurance
Tracking Programs including measurement of systems inputs, processes,
and outputs with special emphasis on systems outcomes research and
organizational accountability to its various stakeholders, not the least of
which are government regulators.
Welcome to HPV-Associated Oral and Throat Cancers: What You Need to
Know \n\nThis course, offered by the Department of Otolaryngology – Head
and Neck Surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, is
designed to inform primary care physicians and otolaryngologists (general
and head and neck surgeons), as well as medical students, residents,
nurses, physician assistants, medical assistants, about HPV-associated oral
and throat cancers. It is also applicable to individuals who wish to broaden
their knowledge and vernacular about this disease process, especially
those who may have been diagnosed with HPV and/or HPV-associated
oropharyngeal cancers. The course has been divided into four modules,
each of which is followed by multiple choice questions to help attendees
further understand this condition: \n\nWeek 1 - CME Information,
Accreditation and Introduction (2 min)\nWeek 2 - Module 1: HPV-associated
Throat Cancer: An Epidemic (11 min. + quiz) \nWeek 3 - Module 2: HPV
Risk Factors and Clinical Presentation (10 min. + quiz) \nWeek 4 - Module
3: Management of HPV-associated Oropharyngeal Cancer (13 min. + quiz)
HPV-Associated Oral and Throat Cancer: What Icahn School of Medicine at
\nWeek 5 - Module 4: Prevention, Vaccination, and the Horizon (10 min. +
You Need to Know Mount Sinai cancer
quiz) \n\nThe primary objective of this course is to provide physicians with a
thorough understanding of how to better diagnose and treat patients who
have HPV-related oral and throat cancers. \n\nThose participating in this
course have the option to receive CME credit. Please review the CME
Information and Accreditation prior to proceeding with the course modules.
\n\nRelease Date: February 4, 2019\nExpiration Date: February 4,
2021\nEstimated Time to Complete: 1 hour \nCME Fee: $30 \nCME Credits
Offered: 1.0 \n\nCME Reviewer: Marita S. Teng, MD \n\nHow to Receive
CME Credit:\nFor physicians who are interested in earning CME credits and
other allied health professions who wish to receive a Verification of
Attendance certificate, you must: \n\na. Complete Signature Track (details
to follow after enrolling in this course) \n\nb. Complete registration process
through the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, CME Office using the
following link: (You will be
required to pay an additional non-refundable fee of $30.00 in addition to the
This course will focus on developing integrative skills through directed
Icahn School of Medicine at reading and analysis of the current primary literature to enable the student
Integrated Analysis in Systems Biology
Mount Sinai to develop the capstone project as the overall final exam for the
specialization in systems biology.
Welcome to Introduction to Hearing Loss\n\nDisorders of the ear range
from simple, easily treated entities (such as wax or cerumen impaction) to
the highly complex (such as permanent hearing loss). Many of these
disorders manifest with similar symptoms and may be difficult to
differentiate without a basic understanding of the anatomy of the ear and
auditory pathway. \n\nThis course, offered by the Department of
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine
at Mount Sinai and New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai,
presents the basic anatomy of the ear from the auricle or outer ear to the
brain. The pathophysiology of each type of hearing loss is presented and
common pathology in each of the three areas of the ear (outer, middle and
inner) are reviewed. Participants will become familiar with the structural and
cellular anatomy in each area, as well as the underlying pathophysiology for
various disorders. They will also gain an understanding of available
treatments for various ear conditions.\n\nWeek 1: Introduction\nWeek 2:
Icahn School of Medicine at
Introduction to Hearing Loss Anatomy and pathophysiology of the auditory pathway (15 min. +
Mount Sinai
quiz)\nWeek 3: Disorders and treatments of the outer ear (15 min. + quiz)
\nWeek 4: Disorders and treatments of the middle ear (15 min. +
quiz)\nWeek 5: Disorders and treatments of the inner ear (15 min. +
quiz)\n\nThe primary objectives of this course are to:\n\n•\tRecognize the
functional and cellular anatomy of the auditory pathway\n•\tUnderstand the
types of hearing loss and common causes of each type\n•\tDemonstrate
familiarity with disorders of the outer, middle and inner ear\n\nThose
participating in this course have the option to complete the course at no
cost or receive the Coursera Signature Track Certificate for $49.95.
\n\nCourse Planners:\nLisa Chase\nNi-ka Ford\nJill Gregory\nGale Justin
\nPaul Lawrence \nErik Popil\nKelly Zerella\nAmy Zhong\n\nTaught By:
\n\nMaura Cosetti, MD\n\nAssistant Professor\nOtolaryngology - Head and
Neck Surgery \nIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai \nDirector,
Cochlear Implant Program \nEar Institute at New York Eye and Ear
Infirmary of Mount Sinai\nMount Sinai Health System
This course will introduce the student to contemporary Systems Biology
focused on mammalian cells, their constituents and their functions. Biology
is moving from molecular to modular. As our knowledge of our genome and
gene expression deepens and we develop lists of molecules (proteins,
lipids, ions) involved in cellular processes, we need to understand how
these molecules interact with each other to form modules that act as
discrete functional systems. These systems underlie core subcellular
processes such as signal transduction, transcription, motility and electrical
excitability. In turn these processes come together to exhibit cellular
behaviors such as secretion, proliferation and action potentials. What are
Icahn School of Medicine at
Introduction to Systems Biology the properties of such subcellular and cellular systems? What are the
Mount Sinai
mechanisms by which emergent behaviors of systems arise? What types of
experiments inform systems-level thinking? Why do we need computation
and simulations to understand these systems?\n\nThe course will develop
multiple lines of reasoning to answer the questions listed above. Two major
reasoning threads are: the design, execution and interpretation of
multivariable experiments that produce large data sets; quantitative
reasoning, models and simulations. Examples will be discussed to
demonstrate “how” cell- level functions arise and “why” mechanistic
knowledge allows us to predict cellular behaviors leading to disease states
and drug responses.

An introduction to data integration and statistical methods used in

contemporary Systems Biology, Bioinformatics and Systems Pharmacology
research. The course covers methods to process raw data from genome-
wide mRNA expression studies (microarrays and RNA-seq) including data
normalization, differential expression, clustering, enrichment analysis and
network construction. The course contains practical tutorials for using tools
and setting up pipelines, but it also covers the mathematics behind the
methods applied within the tools. The course is mostly appropriate for
beginning graduate students and advanced undergraduates majoring in
Icahn School of Medicine at fields such as biology, math, physics, chemistry, computer science,
Network Analysis in Systems Biology
Mount Sinai biomedical and electrical engineering. The course should be useful for
researchers who encounter large datasets in their own research. The
course presents software tools developed by the Ma’ayan Laboratory
( from the Icahn School of Medicine
at Mount Sinai, but also other freely available data analysis and
visualization tools. The ultimate aim of the course is to enable participants
to utilize the methods presented in this course for analyzing their own data
for their own projects. For those participants that do not work in the field,
the course introduces the current research challenges faced in the field of
computational systems biology.
NOTE: In order to take this course you should have taken and complete the
following courses in the Signature Track: Introduction to Systems Biology,
Icahn School of Medicine at
Systems Biology and Biotechnology Capstone Network Analysis in Systems Biology, Dynamical Modeling Methods for
Mount Sinai capstone
Systems Biology, Experimental Methods in SB and Integrated Analysis In
Systems Biology
The course is a comprehensive set of didactic lectures surveying
fundamentals of transgender medical and surgical treatment. The material
is meant to provide the student with core knowledge that is essential for
current primary care providers caring for transgender patients.\n\nThere are
10 modules led by the expert clinical faculty from the pioneering Center for
Transgender Medicine and Surgery, located within the Mount Sinai Health
System and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York
City.\n\nThe course begins with an introduction to frame the sea change
that has taken place in the current medical practice of transgender health
care. Subsequent modules allow individuals to learn key elements
necessary to provide quality transgender medical care. As a whole, the
Transgender Medicine for General Medical Icahn School of Medicine at modules provide an opportunity to develop a knowledgeable approach to
Providers Mount Sinai medicine behavioral health, primary care, hormone therapy, and the surgical
options.\n\nModule 1: Introduction - Joshua D Safer\nModule 2: Making the
Determination - Hansel Arroyo\nModule 3: Primary Care for Transgender
Women - Zil Goldstein\nModule 4: Primary Care for Transgender Men - Zil
Goldstein\nModule 5: What are the Essential Strategies to Transgender
Hormone Therapy? - Joshua D Safer\nModule 6: Initiation and
Maintenance of Hormones for the Trans Masculine Patient - Joshua D
Safer\nModule 7: Initiation and Maintenance of Hormones for the Trans
Feminine Patient -Joshua D Safer\nModule 8: Transgender Surgery: Chest
& Face - Bella K Avanessian\nModule 9: Transmasculine Genital Surgery -
Bella K Avanessian\nModule 10: Transfeminine Genital Surgery - Bella K
Welcome to Voice Disorders: What Patients and Professionals Need to
Know\n\nKnowledge regarding vocal production physiology and
management options for voice disorders have experienced rapid growth
over the past 40 years. This growth has resulted in a knowledge gap
amongst patients and practitioners. Entirely new subspecialties of
laryngology under otolaryngology and vocology under speech-language
pathology have developed in response to this gap.\n\nThis MOOC (Massive
Open Online Course) is designed to educated patients, allied healthcare
providers, vocal trainers/coaches, general medical practitioners and
otolaryngologists. Participants will be exposed to current concepts on the
physiology of voice production. These physiologic principles will be applied
to speaking and performance voice production styles. Building on the
knowledge of efficient voice production methods, participants will learn how
vocal inefficiencies can lead to the development of voice disorders. Finally,
behavioral, medical and surgical management options and indications will
be presented.\n\nThe course has been divided into five modules, each of
Voice Disorders: What Patients and Professionals Icahn School of Medicine at which is followed by multiple choice questions: \n\nWeek 1 - CME
Need to Know Mount Sinai
Information, Accreditation and Introduction (2 min)\nWeek 2 - Module 1:
Basic Anatomy and Physiology of the Speaking and Singing Voice (29 min.
+ quiz) \nWeek 3 - Module 2: Applied Physiology (Function) (20 min. + quiz)
\nWeek 4 - Module 3: Changes in Vocal Effort and Quality (20 min. + quiz)
\nWeek 5 - Module 4: Principles of Voice Evaluation and Examination (17
min. + quiz)\nWeek 6 - Module 5: Medical or Surgical Intervention (33 min.
+ quiz) \n\nThose participating in this course have the option to receive
CME credit. Please review the CME Information and Accreditation prior to
proceeding with the course modules. \n\nRelease Date: November 29,
2017\nExpiration Date: November 29, 2019\nEstimated Time to Complete:
3 hours \nCME Fee: $30 \nCME Credits Offered: 3.0 \n\nCME Reviewer:
Marita S. Teng, MD \n\nHow to Receive CME Credit:\nFor physicians who
are interested in earning CME credits and other allied health professions
who wish to receive a Verification of Attendance certificate, you must: \n\na.
Complete Signature Track (details to follow after enrolling in this course)
\n\nb. Complete registration process through the Icahn School of Medicine
Este curso utiliza un enfoque no técnico para analizar la forma en la que los
gobiernos utilizan políticas económicas para influenciar la economía de sus
países. Al finalizar el curso el participante hablará con propiedad sobre
temas tan importantes como la deuda y el déficit de los países, podrá
examinar las políticas fiscales y monetarias así como las reformas
Analizando las Políticas Económicas IE Business School estructurales de los países. Estos conceptos le ofrecerán los conocimientos
necesarios para estar informados y poder crear su propio criterio respecto a
los debates económicos de la actualidad: estímulos fiscales vs. austeridad,
las virtudes de las innovaciones de los bancos centrales en política
monetaria, cuándo se necesitan altas tasas de interés y el camino hacia el
crecimiento para muchas de las economías más avanzadas.
Con el propósito de desarrollar habilidades y herramientas mentales que
favorecen el aprendizaje, Aprendiendo a Aprender busca ayudar a los
participantes a dominar temas complejos y difíciles; además de motivarlos
a continuar aprendiendo a lo largo de la vida. \nAprendiendo a Aprender se
encuentra divido en cuatro grandes módulos: en el primero, se explica en
qué consiste realmente aprender, qué pasa en el cerebro cuando
aprendemos, el rol de la memoria, la práctica regular, y el hecho de que,
durmiendo, también se puede aprender. En el segundo módulo, se presenta la fragmentación como una técnica muy sencilla, que trata de
Aprendiendo a Aprender IE Business School
aprender-ie fragmentar ideas y conceptos, a modo de poder retenerlos y utilizar el
pensamiento de manera más eficaz. En el tercer módulo, se aborda los
problemas de procrastinación, ese gran reto que hace difícil reconciliar
nuestra vida diaria con el aprendizaje. Por último, en el cuarto módulo, se
expone cómo liberar todo tu potencial y utilizar el aprendizaje realmente
para todo aquello que el participante se plantee: aquí se busca convencer a
la persona, la edad o el envejecimiento no son limitantes, tampoco se
necesita envidiar a los genios; pues una vez que se aprende, se descubrirá
todo lo que realmente una persona es capaz de aprender.

Brand & Content Marketing is a IE University course for professionals who

want to learn how to produce memorable content through quality
storytelling.\n \nStudents will go through a learning process that will start
with a deep understanding of the term Branded Content and its main
differences with traditional advertising, simultaneously creating an effective
Brand & Content Marketing IE Business School story-line through powerful values. The course analyses the production of
quality journalism and explores how to create memorable and long lasting
connections with a given target audience in a world of constant content
surplus. It concludes with a deeper insight into the term of Brand
Entertainment, giving them the opportunity to amplify their knowledge about
how to produce a good call to action and retain the audience's attention.

Identify the critical information needed to develop a product and brand

strategy that generates both quick-wins and long-term value. By completing
this course, you will be in position to create an activity plan to bring your
brand strategy to life - both externally towards consumers and internally to
employees. You will be able to define the right metrics for determining
success in the implementation of your product and brand strategy,
considering any adjustments that may need to be made under a test and
learn methodology.\n\nLuis Rodriguez Baptista - a professor at IE University
Brand and Product Management IE Business School and Marekting Consultant - will guide you through six modules that look at
first understanding the challenge of managing products through their 'life-
cycle' and culminates with learning how to equip your employees with
knowledge of how to deliver on your brand promise. The course features
interviews with consumer and industry professionals, which help illustrate
the importance of brand strategy. \n\nBrand and product management is a
unique course which enables you to first understand the importance of
brand and product management and then use brand development,
architecture and portfolios, in order to achieve success.
Brand identity and Strategy is a IE Business School course for those
professionals who are ready to adopt a creative approach to empowering
brands.\n\nStudents will go through a journey that starts with understanding
what a brand is and how they can build successful ones, whilst
simultaneously segmenting their consumers appropriately. The course explores positioning and its importance to successful brands looking at
Brand Identity and Strategy IE Business School
strategy perceptual maps and the well-known iceberg model. It culminates in
development of real brand houses, which can be applied to the working
world, and how picking the right name, colors and logo can be instrumental
to a brand’s success.\n\nThe course is delivered by Rhodes Scholar
winning Professor, Dr Maria Eizaguirre, a member of IE Business School’s
Whether students come from a Branding or a Customer Experience
background or perspective, this course will explore the synergies between
and the intersection of the two sets of activities. While there are different
approaches to defining a branding strategy, a branding project’s
implementation impacts many departments and their customer-facing
activities. In this sense, it’s essential to understand branding efforts in the
Branding and Customer Experience IE Business School
context of Customer Experience. In this course, we will use a framework -
adapted from Customer Journey Mapping - for focusing and organizing
students' thinking about the operational implications of their branding
projects. Through the framework, we will derive an operational language for
aligning activities and measuring impacts across multiple departments and
the customer touch points they manage.

This is the last of the three courses part of the Globalization, Economic
Growth and Stability Specialization.¨Business Opportunities and Risks in a
Globalized World¨ is the the 3rd and final course of the ¨Globalization,
Economic Growth and Stability¨ Specialization taught by IE Business
School's Professor Gayle Allard. This course is designed to help an
investor, businessperson or economist approach macroeconomic,
institutional and international data and derive information from the indicators
that point to the types of opportunities and risks that they present. Students
will gain practice by handling the data of some of the largest economies in
the world –the United States, Japan, the European Union, China and
India—and “reading the story” of their economies from their data, yielding
Business Opportunities and Risks in a Globalized
IE Business School surprisingly profound conclusions about their present and future. The
Economy opportunities-and-risks-in-a-globalized-economy
course is the third in a series for the specialization but it is also a stand-
alone course for anyone who wants practice in practical
macroeconomics.\n\nThis course includes 4 modules, each one deep-
diving into the macroeconomic circumstances that have been brought up in
the recent history of four key regions: the USA, Japan, Europe, and China
and India. Students will analyze the ways in which international economies
relate with one another, the benefits of trade and migration and economic
development and how it occurs, among other themes. \n\nProfessor Allard
takes overarching macroeconomic theory and turns it into a practical tool for
those interested in the opportunities and risks of investment and doing
business in each of the four regions covered.
Understand how channel management and retailing can improve
performance in your business. Nowadays, a distribution strategy is part of
the DNA of many companies and a correct channel management is key for
the success of your product. Distribution plans need to be prepared for the
long run, combining the following main areas: company profile, portfolio
structure and price positioning, go-to-market policy, trade and retail
marketing, e-commerce and global retail management. \n\nIn the last
decade, there have been two main revolutions that have affected industries, increasing the importance of Distribution Channel Management Profesor
Channel Management and Retailing IE Business School
management Maria Teresa Aranzabal guides you through: The IT revolution: considering
developments in CRM, supply chain, planning tools, merchandise and
reallocation systems, amongst others; and the retail focus: how a clear retail
strategy can be a differentiator for companies and a strong weapon of
competitiveness. \n\nIn this course you will learn how to stay up-to-date on
how companies are adding these aspects to their main strategic guidelines
and making them key points in their managerial decision-making process.
We use interviews with industry experts and give real-life examples of how
to ensure your business makes the most of this vital area of marketing.

Este es el segundo de los tres cursos que forman parte de la

Especialización en Globalización, Crecimiento Económico y Estabilidad.
Este curso se enfocará en las facetas de la globalización que afectan las
perspectivas y decisiones económicas de un país. La globalización ha sido
recientemente el tema predominante en muchos debates políticos, y este
curso abordará los determinantes de la globalización. Será separado en
cuatro módulos; el primer módulo explicará las tasas de cambio. Cubrirá lo
que determina el tipo de cambio y cómo los diferentes tipos de cambio
afectan la economía y la realidad de las monedas. El segundo módulo
Comercio, Inmigración y Tipos de Cambio en un
IE Business School explorará el comercio, la realidad del libre comercio y lo que le ocurre a la
Mundo Globalizado inmigracion-tipos-de-cambio
economía de un país con proteccionismo. El tercer módulo se incluirá en la
balanza de pagos, te ayudará a comprender cómo funcionan las
transacciones económicas entre un país y el resto del mundo. El cuarto
módulo se centrará en Inmigración, que es probablemente uno de los
temas más controvertidos de la actualidad. Explicará cómo la migración
afecta a los países de acogida y cubrirá las tendencias de migración
actuales. El quinto módulo pondrás todos tus conocimientos en práctica y
tendrás que analizar cinco variables sobre la economía española en dos
periodos 2004-2012 y 2013-2018.
¿Qué tanto conoce las campañas de comunicación de marketing? Obtenga
más información acerca de este pilar clave del marketing mix y aprovéchelo
para dar un impulso a su producto o servicio. \n\nA través de este curso
aprenderá a enfrentar los mayores retos a la hora de planificar y evaluar las
estrategias y ejecuciones de comunicaciones de marketing. Tendrá las
habilidades para combinar las teorías y modelos con información práctica y
así tomar mejores decisiones de comunicaciones de marketing. Al
Comunicaciones integradas de marketing: completar este curso será capaz de aprovechar las comunicaciones
Publicidad, Relaciones Públicas, Marketing Digital IE Business School integradas de marketing (IMC por sus siglas en inglés) en el proceso de
y más crear marcas valiosas y ganar el corazón de sus consumidores.\n\nLa
profesora Eda Sayin del IE Business School le guiará en este proceso. Con
la ayuda de expertos que van desde empresas internacionales de
marketing hasta directivos de marketing de empresas multinacionales,
ofrecerá interesantes ejemplos de la vida real. Tras este curso, estará
equipado con los conocimientos para asegurarse que toma las decisiones
correctas respecto a las comunicaciones de marketing, así como respecto
a la ubicación de publicidad y marketing digital.

This course is designed for students of all backgrounds who have an

interest in how firms are governed, the forces that have helped define
modern management practice, and the outcomes of that practice not only
for the firm itself, but also for the societies in which they operate. For
students who are thinking of a career in management, it may also prove
useful as a basic introduction to some of the conceptual vocabulary and
ideas behind modern theories of management. \n\nUsing a wide disciplinary
approach - from economics and history to social theory and even a
smattering of biblical criticism - the course will invite students to consider
Critical Perspectives on Management IE Business School
several core management strategies and priorities from often unexpected
perspectives in order to judge their success or failure. The key objective of
the course is to bring into critical focus how we think about the function and
culture of management, how managers understand their role within a firm,
how they take decisions, set priorities and benchmark success and failure.
\n\nTopics include: the function of the firm; the role of incentive; the ways in
which narrative forces shape decision making, and how market
relationships define the managerial culture in ways that can lead to sub-
optimal outcomes.
¿De qué sirve una estrategia de marketing perfecta sin saber cómo actuar
e implementarla en el mercado? Definiremos la estrategia y el marketing
mix que tu producto / servicio o marca deben seguir. El plan de marketing
incluye la estrategia de marketing y el plan para implementarla. En el
desarrollo del plan de marketing, tendrás que responder a preguntas tales
El plan de marketing IE Business School como: ¿Qué mix de marketing se ofrecerá y para quién? ¿Qué recursos de
la empresa se necesitarán? ¿Qué resultados se esperan? Después de
aprender los fundamentos de la gestión de marketing y los componentes
clave del diseño de la estrategia de marketing, este curso sobre plan de
marketing combina todos los conceptos para aplicarlos en una forma
La fijación de precios es una de las decisiones de marketing más
importantes, pero menos entendidas. Aprenda y practique conceptos y
técnicas, y conozca las últimas reflexiones en materia de evaluación y
formulación de estrategias de fijación de precios. Analice el modo en que
las empresas tratan de captar valor, además de beneficios, en los ingresos
que obtienen. \n\nTras este curso, podrá participar activamente en el
proceso de formulación de estrategias de fijación de precios de sus propios
productos y servicios, o de los de su empresa. Este curso también pone el
foco en la dinámica de la fijación de precios y la reacción de los
competidores. Como tal, se utiliza un enfoque muy pragmático y
directamente aplicable al día a día de su vida profesional. \n\nEste curso se
compone de los cuatro módulos siguientes:\n\n1 - En este módulo,
empezaremos por la importancia de la fijación de precios, en especial, para
el resultado neto. Teniendo esto en mente, y tras demostrar cómo la
fijación de precios es el factor conductor más importante de la rentabilidad,
cuando termine este módulo podrá llevar a cabo fijaciones de precios
Estrategia de precios IE Business School basadas en clientes, en la competencia y en costes. Asimismo, podrá
utilizar los conceptos de elasticidad del precio y el precio óptimo al fijar los
precios de sus productos y servicios. \n\n2 - Tras finalizar este módulo,
podrá aprovechar los cuatro métodos distintos para determinar la
disposición a pagar de los clientes. Ya se utilicen opciones como datos de
mercado o experimentos (basados en observación) o encuestas a expertos
o clientes (basadas en encuestas), podrá utilizar esta información para
identificar el precio óptimo.\n\n3 - Lo que vemos en el mundo real es que
las empresas no cobran un mismo precio por todos sus productos, sino
más bien que fijan precios distintos para productos diferentes con respecto
a los diversos segmentos de clientes. Tras estudiar las ventajas de la
discriminación de precios (y el significativo potencial en cuanto a ingresos y
beneficios que conlleva), podrá entender el tipo de discriminación de
precios y la forma de implantarlo en sus productos y servicios.\n\n4 - En
este módulo final, hablaremos de la psicología que hay detrás de la fijación
de precios. De esta forma, podrá «manipular» a los clientes de modo que
perciban un valor superior en los productos y servicios que produce, o les
There are many different ways to approach clients to assess their needs
and develop creative campaigns which fulfill your creative desires. Many
agencies have established methodology, terminology and processes, and
oftentimes, have spent decades or even years developing these processes.
However, whether you are a freelancer, designer, illustrator, photographer
or marketing director, or perhaps a small business owner, you will be
From Brand to Image: Creating High Impact looking to develop a simple process to create campaigns for yourself or
IE Business School
Campaigns That Tell Brand Stories impact-campaign your client. \n\nIn this course I am offering you a methodology which you
can easily put into practice. Then, as your needs change and grow, you
might decide that you want to incorporate other techniques as well. I hope
this course serves as a launchpad for you to go out and win new creative
projects as well as make the ones that you are currently working on even
better. And most of all, I hope you have FUN! Because remember, if you're
not having fun, it's not worth it!
En este curso haremos una introducción a las cuatro Ps del marketing
(producto, precio, promoción y plaza), y te hará analizar estratégicamente
tu producto o servicio. \n\nLa primera sesión es sobre gestión de
productos. Está diseñada para proporcionar los conocimientos necesarios
para comprender y gestionar el papel estratégico de marcas y productos en
la generación de los resultados del negocio. Posteriormente trabajaremos
sobre la definición de las estrategias de precios en donde cubriremos los
Fundamentos del marketing mix IE Business School principales conceptos y técnicas para formular precios. A través de las
sesiones sobre actividades promocionales (comunicación y publicidad)
explorarás los diferentes canales de comunicación disponibles y
comprenderás la importancia del plan de medios. Todo estos se
complementa con lo que aprenderás en la sesión final sobre la última " P “
– Place - donde se tienen en cuenta los canales y estrategias de venta, con
el objetivo primordial de la definición de una estrategia de distribución para
su producto o servicio.

Luego de tomar este curso será capaz de identificar la información crítica

que se necesita para desarrollar estrategias de marca y de producto que
logren resultados inmediatos y también generen valor en el largo plazo.
Estará en capacidad de crear un plan de actividades para hacer que su
estrategia de marca se haga realidad (tanto externamente para los
consumidores como internamente para los empleados). Podrá definir las
métricas correctas que ayuden a determinar si la implementación de la
estrategia ha sido un éxito, tomando en cuenta cualquier ajuste necesario
al utilizar una metodología de probar y aprender.\n\nEste curso está
compuesto de seis módulos:\n1 - Lanzamiento de nuevos productos y el
reto de gestionarlos en su ciclo vital. Al final de este módulo, será capaz de
demostrar su comprensión de los conceptos de estrategia de producto y de
reunir los datos que le apoyen para definir su estrategia de producto.\n2 - Desarrollar marcas convincentes que inspiren a sus stakeholders críticos y
Gestión de marca y producto IE Business School
producto tengan un impacto en sus resultados. Este módulo le permitirá sentirse
seguro al describir los distintos elementos de una estrategia de marca y
formulando una estrategia de marca ganadora.\n3 - Conocer cómo
comunicar su oferta: Arquitectura de marca y nomenclatura. Al terminar
este módulo, será capaz de definir cómo llamar a su marca y explicar cómo
desarrollar un sistema para incorporar futuros productos y marcas.\n4 -
Construir su portfolio de marca. Tras concluir este módulo, será capaz de
trazar el mapa de su portfolio de marca para maximizar su valor y apoyar
su crecimiento.\n5 - Traducir su marca en una experiencia convincente
para el cliente. Al concluir este módulo, se sentirá confiado para definir y
describir la experiencia del cliente con su marca.\n6 - Preparar y enganchar
a sus empleados para ofrecer la promesa de la marca. Tras concluir este
módulo, será capaz de explicar y aplicar el proceso para “incrustar” la
marca a lo interno de la organización.
Hoy en día la estrategia de distribución es parte del ADN de muchas
empresas y la gestión correcta de la misma es fundamental para el éxito de
tu producto o servicio. Los canales necesitan ser planificados a largo plazo
combinando las siguientes áreas principalmente: perfil de compañía,
estructura de portafolio y posicionamiento de precio, política de go-to-
market, trade y retail marketing, comercio electrónico y manejo de ventas
global. \n\nEn la última década, ha habido dos revoluciones que han
afectado las industrias, incrementando la importancia del manejo de los
Gestión del canal de distribución y retailing IE Business School
canales de distribución: \n\n•\tLa revolución digital: considerando los
desarrollos en el área de CRM, la cadena de abastecimiento, herramientas
de planificación, sistemas de mercancía y reasignación, entre otros. \n•\tEl
enfoque de ventas: una estrategia clara de ventas puede ser un
diferenciador para las empresas y un arma poderosa de competitividad.
\n\nMantente al día respecto a cómo muchas compañías están agregando
ambos aspectos a sus estrategias principales convirtiéndolos en puntos
clave en su proceso de toma de decisiones.

El proyecto capstone te ofrece la oportunidad de poner en práctica lo que

has aprendido a lo largo de la especialización a través de una de estas
opciones:\n\nI – Ayuda a una gran empresa a encontrar solución a
problemas reales que está enfrentando en las áreas de las 4P. Tras
realizar un análisis exhaustivo de la situación actual, recomienda planes de
Implementación del Marketing Mix Proyecto acción específicos para resolver dilemas de la empresa. Un caso de
IE Business School
Capstone estudio de la vida real. \n\nII – ¿Tienes tu propio producto o servicio? Dale
una nueva perspectiva a través del marketing mix. \nSi planeas lanzar tu
propio producto o servicio al Mercado, decide qué acciones ejecutar para
cada una de las 4P a través de esta opción de proyecto final personalizado,
y dale a tu idea ese empuje final.\n\nAmbas opciones tienen distintas fases
con proyectos evaluados por tus compañeros.
Just how familiar are you with a marketing communication campaign?
Learn more about this key pillar in the marketing mix and use it to give the
push your product or service needs. \n\nThrough this course you will
understand the most important issues when planning and evaluating
marketing communications strategies and executions. You'll be able to
combine the appropriate theories and models with practical information to
Integrated Marketing Communications: make better marketing communications decisions. After completing this
Advertising, Public Relations, Digital Marketing IE Business School course you'll be able to use integrated marketing communications (IMC) in
and more the process of creating valuable brands and winning your consumers.
\n\nIE Business School professor Eda Sayin will guide you through the
process with the help of expert interviews from international marketing firms
and will provide interesting real-life examples. After this course you will be
equipped with the knowledge to ensure that you make the correct decision
when it comes to communications and the placement of advertising and
digital marketing.
Digital technologies are changing business, government and society
worldwide. Clearly, they’re opening up new risks and opportunities for
every sector of the world economy. Such “futurology” may offer you the big
picture, but what does a digital world mean for you, personally? Will you be
ready for an automated, AI-assisted, big-data-driven employment future?
\n\nThis course provides you an answer to these questions, and it does so
from a unique perspective: by introducing you to the world of intelligence
analysis. First, this course explains some of the skills that will command a
premium in the digital age, and why. Then, it offers you mental models and practical frameworks developed by the US intelligence community to give
Intelligence Tools for the Digital Age IE Business School
digital-age you a cognitive edge understanding the digital world. This edge is not
about spying or secrets. It’s about better thinking. This analytic toolkit has
nothing to do with tired, static MBA-style strategy frameworks. Instead,
these tools to help you come to grips with the volatility, uncertainty,
ambiguity and deception of the digital age. Ultimately, this course makes
the case that as the world becomes more digital, your future success
depends most of all on asking better questions of both yourself and others.
Therefore, it teaches you how to adopt an intelligence analyst’s question-
asking mindset. In short, take this course to acquire a sustainable business
advantage through clearer, more structured thinking.

El primer curso de este especialización consta de dos bloques que te

proveerán de los conocimientos necesarios para comenzar tu trayectoria en
Marketing.\n\nAprende las herramientas y técnicas para convertir una
decisión en una investigación real, esto lo verás en el primer módulo:
Investigación de Mercado. Cómo plantear la investigación, analizar los
datos recogidos, interpretarlos correctamente y comunicarlos a través de
Investigación de mercados y comportamiento del recomendaciones precisas serán algunas de las cuestiones tratadas en
IE Business School
consumidor mercados este curso. \n\nEl segundo módulo se enfoca en el proceso de toma de
decisiones por parte del consumidor, resaltando los momentos clave en el
proceso de compra y consumo de un producto. Adapta tu enfoque “cliente-
céntrico” en decisiones de marketing mediante el análisis de cómo tus
clientes toman sus decisiones, reflexionando en qué sucede en sus
corazones y mentes al momento de tomar decisiones y analizando las
variables que son influyentes para tomarlas.
LegalTech is the reaction to the disruption that technology is having across
all sectors of the economy. Considering that the legal sector is one of the
most resistant to change, due to its conservative nature, we can see just
how different the future will be. In this course, IE professor Marti Manent will
guide you through the essential stages of this disruption in technology,
giving you the key tools and ideas to consider when starting your online
Legal Tech & Startups IE Business School business. \n\nIn the course, Marti explains the key market trends that you
will encounter and will provide you with a handy practical toolbox. The
course features interviews with industry professionals as well as very
motivating and interesting lectures that will help you open your mind and
better understand everything in the course. Be part of this disruption that
technology is having in the legal sector and join Professor Marti during this
exciting new course.
Making architecture offers a unique insight into the mind and work of an
Architect, starting with the basics of the profession and culminating with the
production of a scaled site model. The course should act as ideal
preparation for those interested in undertaking an undergraduate degree in
Architecture, although its flexible, intriguing and enjoyable content makes it
accessible for all those looking to increase their knowledge in the
field.\n\nDelivered primarily by Professors from the IE School of Architecture
and design in Segovia (Spain), the course begins by examining the mind-
set of an Architect - asking how they think and what they do to train their
creative minds, moving on to using inspiration from the environment to
Making Architecture IE Business School
stimulate design ideas. Finally, the course concludes by looking at some of
the more technical aspects of Architecture - such as composition, form,
space and hierarchy - and stressing the importance of creating a story that
helps define your design.\n\nThis fascinating content is delivered principally
from the stunning design studio at the IE school of Architecture and
features external videos from a few beautiful locations in the city of
Segovia. Finally, it includes interviews from Pritzker Prize executive director
- and Dean of the school of Architecture and design at IE - Martha Thorne,
with a number of award winning practising architects such as Sarah
Wigglesworth and Cristoph Ingenhoven.

Your marketing quest begins here! The first course in this specialization
lays the neccessary groundwork for an overall successful marketing
strategy. It is separated into two sections: Market Research and Consumer
Behavior.\nGain the tools and techniques to translate a decision problem
into a research question in the Market Research module. Learn how to
design a research plan, analyze the data gathered and accurately interpret
and communicate survey reports, translating the results into practical
recommendations.\n\nYou will then focus in on the consumer decision-
Market Research and Consumer Behavior IE Business School
making process, highlighting the key moments from identifying a need to
buying and consuming a product. Adopt a true “consumer focus” in your
managerial decisions by analyzing how consumers make decisions, what
happens (in their hearts and minds) at different stages of the decision
making process, and the variables that influence those decisions.\n\nThis
course will equip you with the knowledge required to understand the state
of your product before approaching the market strategy. There’s no better
place to build the foundations of your marketing journey!
Marketing Mix Fundamentals prepares you for arguably the most important
stage of bring your product to market - how and where are you going to
market it? It sets out a detailed introduction to the four P’s of Marketing
(Product, Pricing, Place and Promotion), this course forces you to
strategically analyze your product and/or service.\n\nThe Product session is
designed to provide you with the knowledge to understand and manage the
strategic role of brands and products in generating business results, whilst
the focus on Pricing will cover the main concepts and techniques to
formulate prices. Compliment this with skills from the “P” session Place,
Marketing Mix Fundamentals IE Business School where you consider channels and retail strategies with the overriding
objective of defining a distribution strategy for your product or service.
Finally, through the Promotional activities (Communication) session, explore
the different communication channels available and understand the
importance of the media plan, dealing specifically with social media and
omni-channel strategy.\n\nIE Professors Maria Teresa Aranzabal and
Fernando Cortiñas will guide you through this incredibly important stage of
marketing strategy using expert interviews with industry professionals. After
this course you will be ready to decide where and how you want to market
your product.
After completing the four courses, you will be able to take part in the
Capstone Project where you will have the opportunity to put into practice
what you have learned in this specialization by running a real product
Marketing Mix Implementation Capstone IE Business School through the marketing mix.\n\nYour analysis will focus on Tesla Motor's and
the launch of their Model X automobile. After making decisions regarding
each of the four P's in peer graded exercises, you will prepare a final
presentation for the launch of the car.
The Capstone Project will require you to take the knowledge you’ve
acquired throughout this specialization and put it into practice. Each week is
divided into the different components of the Marketing Strategy: Market
Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix Implementation and Expected
Results. Review each week’s theory and concrete the takeaways with
quizzes aimed at reinforcement of the concepts.\n\nAfter reviewing the
material learned you will be asked to analyse the case study: ¨Hotel Ipsum:
A Marketing and Commercial Strategy to Survive.¨ Now it’s time to put what
you’ve learned to the test! Hotel Ipsum’s General Manager, Rafael
Marketing Strategy Capstone Project IE Business School Escobedo, is faced with a dilemma: Despite his hotel doing fairly well in
terms of sales and profitability, Rafael’s Board of Directors are not satisfied
and are demanding an improvement in results. Now it’s up to you to create
Rafael’s Marketing Strategy. The outcome could mean one of two things:
praise from his Board of Directors…or unemployment!\n\nAlong with the
Capstone are discussion forums, quizzes and peer reviews to aid you in
your understanding of the theory given throughout this Specialization. Share
your thoughts, ideas and debate with other like-minded learners from all
over the globe with the same interest in expanding their marketing
Pensar en el posicionamiento del producto o servicio es una tarea
fundamental para desarrollar una estrategia de marketing exitosa. \nEl
posicionamiento es el corazón de cualquier estrategia de marketing, el
núcleo que debes hacer bien. No importa si comienzas con una audiencia
claramente definida o con una propuesta de valor diferencial, debes
terminar con un posicionamiento claro sobre el que construiremos nuestro
plan de marketing. El posicionamiento es el resultado de empezar con una
propuesta de valor relevante para el segmento de mercado por el que
hemos optado. Por lo tanto, durante el curso vamos a: \n\n• Analizar el
Posicionamiento: La base del éxito en la
IE Business School proceso de marketing y el papel que juega el posicionamiento en ésta. \n•
estrategia de marketing
Cubrir los elementos básicos que necesitas trabajar para llegar a definir el
posicionamiento (decidir la segmentación del mercado y la audiencia
mediante la diferenciación y la propuesta de valor relevante). \n• Explicar
en detalle cuál es el posicionamiento y cómo debes presentarlo. \n•
Proporcionarte las herramientas prácticas para poder conseguir tu
posicionamiento. \n• Hablar sobre las estrategias de posicionamiento a
seguir y las tendencias clave del mercado. \n\nDespués del curso,
obtendrás una comprensión clara acerca de este importante concepto,
cómo funciona en el mundo real y la forma de conseguirlo.

Positioning is the heart of any Marketing Strategy, the core that you must
get right. It does not matter whether you start with a clearly defined target
group or with a differential value proposition: you will need end up with a
clear segment or segments upon which we build our Marketing Plan.\n\nIn
this course - the second in our Marketing Strategy Specialization - IE
professor Ignacio Gafo will guide you through the essential stages of this
Positioning: What you need for a successful key marketing process, starting with the basic elements that you will require
IE Business School
Marketing Strategy and deciding on the market segmentation and marketing. The course
progresses to examine the key market trends that you will encounter and
will provide you with a handy practical toolbox of skills.\n\nThe course
features interviews with industry professionals as well as on location videos
where we quiz members of the public on their attitude towards this key
concept. After this course you will be in no doubt of where to position your
product and which segment you are going to attempt to attract.
Pricing is one of the most important but least understood marketing
decisions. Learn and practice concepts, techniques, and get to grips with
the latest thinking on assessing and formulating pricing strategies. Analyze
how firms attempt to capture value, as well as profits, in the revenues they
earn. \n\nAfter this course, you will be able to contribute to the process of
formulating pricing strategies for your own products and services, or those
of your firm. This course has an additional focus on pricing dynamics and
the reaction to and by competitors, taking a highly pragmatic approach and
one that is directly applicable to your day-to-day professional life.\n\nMartin
Pricing Strategy IE Business School
Boehm - IE Professor and Dean of the Business School with over 10 years
experience - will guide you through four modules. We begin with the
importance of pricing and how it ultimately can affect the bottom line. Then,
we move on to methods to help you decide what is the optimal price for
your product; and then price discrimination - should all your products follow
the same pricing strategy or should you differentiate depending on the
customer segment? Finally, we look at pricing psychology and how you can
manipulate customers in order to drive the highest possible price for your
En el proyecto final será necesario que utilices todos los conocimientos
Proyecto capstone estrategia de marketing IE Business School adquiridos a lo largo de esta especialización, para desarrollar un plan de
marketing coherente para un producto o servicio.
Oportunidades y riesgos empresariales en un mundo globalizado» es el
tercer y último curso de la especialización «Globalización, crecimiento
económico y estabilidad» impartido por la profesora de IE Business School
Gayle Allard. En este curso, los alumnos aprovecharán los conocimientos y
la teoría de sus dos cursos anteriores y los aplicarán a los eventos que
actualmente suceden en el mundo. Además, puede funcionar como curso
independiente para quienes quieran saber cómo afectan los factores
macroeconómicos a las economías, los gobiernos y los ciudadanos en
diversos países.\nEste curso incluye cuatro módulos, y cada uno
Riesgos y oportunidades empresariales en una
IE Business School profundiza en las circunstancias macroeconómicas que se han desarrollado
economía globalizada oportunidades-empresariales
en la reciente historia de cuatro regiones clave: EE. UU., Japón, Europa y
China/India. Los alumnos analizarán cómo se relacionan las economías
internacionales entre sí, las ventajas del comercio y la migración, el
desarrollo económico y cómo se produce, entre otros temas.\nLa profesora
Allard toma la teoría macroeconómica dominante y la convierte en una
herramienta práctica para quienes quieran conocer las oportunidades y los
riesgos de invertir y hacer negocios en cada una de las cuatro regiones
indicadas.\n\n***Tenga en cuenta que los videos es este curso estan
grabado en inglés, con subtítulos en español.
Create your own Marketing Plan for your own product or service idea. In
this course you will learn how to produce arguably the most important
marketing tool for any business. Rather than simply learning the stages of
The Marketing Plan, you will be asked each week to complete a peer
graded assignment which will help you complete a simplified version of the
plan. You will be required either to map the four crucial stages for your own
product or service idea or use the Nissan Leaf case study (attached in the
additional readings) in order to produce a professional example.\n\nRamon
The Marketing Plan IE Business School Diaz Bernardo - a professor with over 20 years experience - will guide you
through the four most important stages of The Marketing Plan: analysis,
marketing strategy; the marketing mix and expected results. On this
journey, he will conduct interviews with leading experts from international
companies in marketing as well as invite students to join him for
explanations and discussions.\n\nThis excellent and unique course allows
you not only to learn the essential parts of The Marketing Plan but also map
out the future of your own business and take the first steps on the path to
launching your own product.

This is the second of the three courses part of the Globalization, Economic
Growth and Stability Specialization. This course will focus on facets of
globalization that affect a country´s economic perspectives and decisions.
Globalization has recently been the predominant subject in many political
debates, and this course will go into the determinants of globalization. It will
be separated into four modules; the first module will explain exchange
rates. It will cover what determines exchange rate and how different
Trade, Immigration and Exchange Rates in a
IE Business School exchange rates affect the economy and the reality of currencies. The
Globalized World exchange-rates-globalized-world
second module will explore trade, the reality of free trade, and what occurs
to a country´s economy with protectionism. The third module will go into the
balance of payments, it will help you understand how economic
transactions between a country and the rest of the world work. The fourth
module will focus on Immigration, which is probably one of the most
controversial subjects today. It will explain how migration affects host
countries and it will cover current migration trends.

This is the first of the three courses part of the Globalization, Economic
Growth and Stability Specialization. This course will employ a non-technical
approach to analyze how governments use policy to influence a country's
economy. Upon completing the course you should be able to discuss
national debts and deficits, examine fiscal and monetary policy and their
Understanding economic policymaking IE Business School appropriateness to the situation of an economy, and anticipate the results of
fiscal and monetary policies and structural reform on a country. These
concepts will give you the tools to develop your own position in many
current economic debates, such as fiscal stimulus vs. austerity, the merits
of quantitative easing, the need for higher interest rates or the future growth
path of many modern economies.
‫وسوف تستخدم هذه الدورة منهجية غير فنية لتحليل الكيفية التي تستخدم بها الحكومات السياسة من أجل‬
‫قادرا على مناقشة الديون‬
ً ‫ يجب أن تكون‬،‫ عند إكمال هذه الدورة التدريبية‬.‫التأثير على اﻻقتصاد في الدولة‬
،‫ وفحص السياسة المالية والنقدية ومدى مﻼئمتها للموقف الخاص باﻻقتصاد‬،‫والوطنية والعجز الوطني‬
‫ فهم صنع السياسات اﻻقتصادية‬IE Business School ‫ وسوف توفر لك هذه‬.‫باﻹضافة إلى توقع نتائج السياسات المالية والنقدية واﻹصﻼح الهيكلي على الدولة‬
‫ مثل الحوافز اﻻقتصادية‬،‫المفاهيم اﻷدوات الﻼزمة لتطوير موقفك في العديد من النقاشات اﻻقتصادية الحالية‬
‫ أو مسار النمو المستقبلي‬،‫ أو الحاجة إلى أسعار فائدة أعلى‬،‫ أو امتيازات التسهيل الكمي‬،‫في مقابل التقشف‬
.‫للعديد من اﻻقتصادات المعاصرة‬
Este curso persigue adentrarse en la realidad del trabajo de un alto
ejecutivo: lo qué hace y cómo lo hace. Es un hecho conocido que la
mayoría de altos directivos dedican hasta el 90% de su tiempo al día a día
y menos del 10% a las tareas asociadas al pensamiento estratégico en la
organización. Por eso es importante ir más allá y entender las prioridades
que configuran esta actuación diaria. Al final, la mejor estrategia es aquella
que se practica; la mejor organización, aquella que funciona; y el quehacer
cotidiano coherente con las prioridades establecidas, la base de la
continuidad con éxito de las empresas. \n\nEl objetivo del curso es aportar
una visión estructurada de cómo logran este objetivo los “buenos
directivos”, con la voluntad de que sirva a futuros altos ejecutivos a orientar
mejor su carrera, a enfocar sus actividades y a desarrollar su propio estilo
de dirección.\n\nEl curso profundiza en las prioridades de la Alta Dirección
¿Qué hacen los buenos directivos? Prioridades de
IESE Business School a partir de la actuación diaria de directivos de probada valía y con éxito
la Alta Dirección
profesional en empresas diversas. \n\nEl contenido está basado en los
resultados de las entrevistas personales que hemos realizado a más de
200 directores generales de compañías muy diversas. Gran parte de este
material ha quedado recogido en los libros publicados “Qué hacen los
buenos directivos. El reto del siglo XXI” y “Yo Dirijo”, cuya lectura
recomendamos a todo aquel que desee ampliar su perspectiva sobre esta
materia.\n\nEl modelo que se propugna en curso es el resultado de una
amplia investigación empírica; no es una doctrina, sino un instrumento
mental para ayudar a construir una configuración empresarial que potencie
el hacer de la gente para que, sin dejación de su derecho a ser felices y a
la autonomía, logren su plenitud como personas y como profesionales, a la
vez que la compañía alcanza cotas altas en los indicadores de salud
Financial Accounting is often called the language of business; it is the
language that managers use to communicate the firm's financial and
economic information to external parties such as shareholders and
creditors. Nobody working in business can afford financial illiteracy.
Whether you run your own business, work as a manager or are just starting
your career, you want to understand financial information and be able to
interact with accountants, controllers, and financial managers. You want to
Accounting: Principles of Financial Accounting IESE Business School
talk business! \n\nThis course will provide you with the accounting
language's essentials. Upon completion, you should be able to read and
interpret financial statements for business diagnosis and decision-making.
More importantly, you will possess the conceptual base to keep learning
more sophisticated accounting and finance on your own. Do not forget that,
as with any other language, becoming proficient with accounting requires
constant practice.
¿En qué momento una oportunidad para aumentar la cuenta de resultados
puede llegar a poner en riesgo la supervivencia de la marca y las
ganancias a largo plazo? Esta situación es exactamente la que debe
resolver la compañía Gas-Gas, fabricante de motos off-road, en el caso
que te presentamos. En este último curso, titulado Análisis de situaciones
Análisis de situaciones de negocio IESE Business School de negocio, pondrás en práctica todos los conocimientos adquiridos a lo
largo de la especialización, para entender el impacto que tiene una decisión
de negocio en las áreas de contabilidad, finanzas, marketing y gestión de
personas. En este curso aprenderás una metodología de toma de
decisiones de seis pasos y la aplicarás para llegar a una conclusión que
ayude a Gas-Gas a tomar el mejor camino posible para su futuro.
When does an opportunity to increase the bottom line become a liability for
long-term brand sustainability and profitability? That is the question that
GAS GAS, an off-road motorcycle manufacturer, is confronting. \n\nIn this
culminating course, it’s time to use the business tools you have learned
throughout the specialization to solve this real business problem. To help
Analysis of Business Problems IESE Business School you as you develop a solution to the GAS GAS dilemma, in the Capstone
you will also learn a six-step analysis of business problems methodology.
By the end of the course, you will understand how to weave together
considerations from accounting, finance, marketing and organizational
behavior in order to arrive at a sound decision that will positively impact the
firm’s future.
¿Te has preguntado alguna vez qué criterios utilizan las empresas para
contratar o retribuir a las personas? ¿Por qué no siempre entendemos los
Claves para Gestionar Personas IESE Business School planes de promoción?. El objetivo de este curso es conocer algunas
herramientas prácticas en materia de Recursos Humanos y aprender a
gestionar personas y liderar el talento con la mayor eficacia posible.

Corporate Finance Essentials will enable you to understand key financial

issues related to companies, investors, and the interaction between them in
Corporate Finance Essentials IESE Business School the capital markets. By the end of this course you should be able to
understand most of what you read in the financial press and use the
essential financial vocabulary of companies and finance professionals.

When it comes to numbers, there is always more than meets the eye. In
operational finance, you will learn how to read the “story” that the balance
sheet and income statement tells about the company’s operations. The
insights you gain from this “financial story” will then become a tool for short-
Finance for Managers IESE Business School
term decision-making at the top management level relating to current
assets, current liabilities and the management of working capital. Finally, by
the end of the course you will understand the financial consequences of
managerial decisions on operations, marketing, etc.
La clave para comprender las finanzas de una empresa está en conocer la
historia que se esconde detrás de los números. Este curso te ofrecerá
precisamente esta perspectiva de las finanzas, para que puedas aplicar un
conocimiento más holístico de las cifras a la hora de tomar
decisiones—tanto a largo como a corto plazo—sobre la dirección que la
Finanzas para directivos IESE Business School
empresa debe tomar respecto a activos y pasivos corrientes, gestión del
capital circulante y muchos otros conceptos contables. Cuando termines el
curso, comprenderás las consecuencias que tienen sobre las finanzas las
decisiones tomadas a nivel directivo en operaciones, marketing y otras
A menudo, nos referimos a la contabilidad financiera como «el lenguaje de
los negocios», es decir, el lenguaje que los directivos utilizan para transmitir
información financiera y económica sobre su empresa a aquellas partes
externas a ella, como los accionistas y los acreedores. Ninguna persona
que trabaje en el mundo de los negocios puede permitirse desconocer el
mundo de las finanzas. Tanto si diriges tu propio negocio como si te estás
formando para ocupar un puesto de directivo, necesitarás entender la información financiera y ser capaz de interactuar con los contables o los
Introducción a la Contabilidad Financiera IESE Business School
financiera directores financieros… En definitiva, ¡necesitarás hablar el lenguaje de los
negocios!\n\nGracias a este curso, podrás aprender los fundamentos del
lenguaje de los negocios. Una vez que lo hayas finalizado, podrás leer e
interpretar los estados financieros para realizar diagnósticos empresariales
y tomar decisiones y, lo que es más importante, contarás con una base
teórica que te permitirá seguir profundizando en la contabilidad y en las
finanzas por ti mismo. No olvides que, al igual que al aprender cualquier
otra lengua, dominar la contabilidad requiere una práctica constante.
En una ocurrente frase, Peter Drucker, pionero en el campo de la gestión
empresarial, afirmó en una ocasión que las personas tienen una tendencia
perversa a comportarse como seres humanos. Con ello quería señalar algo
que es evidente: que las personas no somos máquinas y, por ello, no
somos programables. Sin embargo, sí que tenemos unas necesidades que
satisfacer, y unas características comunes. Y conocerlas - qué motiva a las
personas en el ámbito laboral, qué necesidades buscan satisfacer, y por
qué - ayuda a entender mejor el comportamiento en las organizaciones.
Por ejemplo, nos sirve para dar respuesta a las siguientes cuestiones:
¿cómo es posible que aún ganando mucho dinero una persona no esté
motivada para trabajar? O lo contrario, ¿cómo es posible que a pesar de
ganar muy poco dinero una persona esté dispuesta a trabajar con ahínco?
¿Qué comportamientos y cualidades debe mostrar un buen líder? ¿Es
factible desarrollar dichas capacidades? ¿Por qué hay equipos que tienen
un alto rendimiento mientras otros no? Y a la vez, ¿cómo medir el
La gestión de personas y equipos IESE Business School rendimiento de un equipo? ¿Qué es la cultura de la organización y qué
importancia tiene?\n\nDurante estas cuatro semanas de curso sobre
gestión de personas y equipos, abordaremos distintos enfoques y marcos
teóricos que nos permitan dar respuesta a todas estas preguntas. Al final
de la segunda sesión entrevistaremos a Esther Jiménez, directiva e
investigadora en el área de las competencias de liderazgo. Al final de la
tercera sesión entrevistaremos a Federic Sabriá, profesor de Operaciones y
jugador Olímpico de Waterpolo, que nos hablará sobre el trabajo en
equipo. Y al final de la cuarta a Miquel Lladó, Profesor y antiguo CEO y
Directivo de grandes corporaciones (como Bimbo o Sara Lee). \n\nCon
todo ello, el alumno tendrá la posibilidad de asimilar los principales
conceptos relacionados con la dirección de personas en las
organizaciones, así como de entender desde un punto de vista práctico lo
que supone la compleja tarea de gestionar personas: potenciando que
estén motivados; liderando individuos y equipos; facilitando un trabajo en
equipo eficaz; y fomentando una cultura de respeto y rendimiento.

El papel del marketing difiere entre empresas y sectores. Además, la visión

que los profesionales tienen del mismo depende del nivel jerárquico dentro
de la organización, así como del bagaje profesional de cada uno. Quizá por
ello, a menudo es mal entendido y reducido a un nivel táctico
exclusivamente de comunicación.\n\nEl marketing trata de identificar y
satisfacer de manera rentable necesidades humanas y de la sociedad en
general. Por ello, como disciplina, tiene permanentemente puesto el foco
en el cliente. A nivel corporativo, el marketing debe ayudar a diseñar la
Marketing estratégico: claves para competir con
IESE Business School estrategia; pero también es parte fundamental en la ejecución de
éxito estrategico-competir-con-exito
esta.\n\nEn un mundo tan competitivo como el actual, las empresas que
sean capaces de crear más valor para el cliente y de hacer rentable esa
relación son las que generarán más riqueza, empleo y también las capaces
de competir con éxito en sus mercados. \n\nEl objetivo de este curso es
aportar una introducción al marketing estratégico. Estudiaremos las
distintas fases del proceso de planificación de marketing, con especial
énfasis en el llamado marketing mix y en la importancia de sostener el valor
en el tiempo.
Understanding who your customers are and what they need and want is at
the heart of successful marketing strategies. In this course you will explore
how to identify and classify customers and the different methods that
Marketing: Customer Needs and Wants IESE Business School marketing professionals use to shed light on how they make purchase
decisions.\n\nThe course will cover the following:\n1. Marketing
Fundamentals\n2. Product, Pricing and Channel Decisions \n3. Building
Strong Brands \n4. Communication Strategy

Peter Drucker, a pioneer in the field of management, once said that people
have a perverse tendency to behave like human beings. Of course, we are
not machines, and certainly not programmable. But through the study of
organizational behavior, we can gain insights into what makes people tick
within a work context. Increasing your understanding of your own behavior
and that of your colleagues, teams and leaders, is an important first step to
bringing positive change to how you and your organization work.\n\nThe
objective of this course is therefore to provide insight into four key areas:\n
•\tMotivation. In this course segment we will understand the concept of
motivation and review various perspectives that will help you understand
Organizational Behavior: How to Manage People IESE Business School how we can motivate others. \n•\tLeadership. In this part of the course, we
will analyze the concept of leadership and consider various perspectives
and approaches to help shed light on leadership emergence and
effectiveness.\n•\tTeamwork. Here we look at team functioning and
effectiveness. Using the widely used input – process – output model of
team effectiveness, we consider such topics as team diversity, team
processes, and team outcomes.\n•\tCulture. Finally, we'll move to the level
of the organization and consider the concept of organizational culture, also
touching upon the concept of national culture. We look at the various ways
in which culture is expressed, and discuss the implications of culture for
people within organizations and cross-cultural collaborations.
Business and environmental sustainability are not natural bedfellows.
Business is about making money. Sustainability is about protecting the
planet. Business is measured in months and quarters. Sustainability often
requires significant short term costs to secure a sometimes uncertain long-
term benefit. To some activists, all executives are exploitative, selfish one
percenters. To some executives, all activists are irresponsible, unyielding
extremists. \n\nAnd yet engaging with the issue isn’t optional – all
businesses must have a strategy to deal with sustainability and, like any
strategy, this involves making choices. \n\nThis Strategy and Sustainability
course based on Rosenberg's recently published book by Palgrave
( that encourages
Strategy and Sustainability IESE Business School learners to filter out the noise and make those choices in a hard-nosed and
clear-eyed way. Prof. Rosenberg’s nuanced and fact-based point of view
recognizes the complexity of the issues at hand and the strategic choices
businesses must make. He blends the work of some of the leading
academic thinkers in the field with practical examples from a variety of
business sectors and geographies and offers a framework with which senior
management might engage with the topic, not (just) to save the planet but
to fulfill their short, medium and long-term responsibilities to shareholders
and other stakeholders.\n\nThis course promises to be both engaging and
thought-provoking, aimed at anyone who wishes to gain a deeper
understanding of a subject that is no longer perceived as a choice but a
necessity for future managers and business leaders alike.

This course is an ideal introduction into creating virtual environments in

Android. This course is unique as it covers a range of tools and techniques
to create immersive 3D environments, giving you a rounded skill set in this
growing field. By the end of this course, you will really be able to bring your
VR ideas to life! \n\nThe first part of the course covers animation, lighting and reflection. We then move onto textures and handling multiple 3D
3D Graphics in Android: Sensors and VR Imperial College London
sensors-vr objects. Finally, we'll look at housing all of this within a binocular view to
create a VR experience. \n\nThere are practical exercises throughout the
course to apply your understanding, and there is a summative project which
can form part of your professional portfolio.\n\nThis course assumes a
knowledge of Android programming and OpenGL. I recommend completing
my two Coursera courses on these topics, as these are the perfect primer.
This capstone project has been designed as an opportunity to practice what
you have learned in the first 3 courses of this specialisation. This capstone
project consists of 4 assignments. You will have to develop an immersive
Android app with the use 3D graphics, sensor control and VR. For the first
assignment, you will have to develop a virtual art gallery using the Android
Canvas drawing functions introduced in Course 1 "Introduction to Android
graphics". The second assignment entails the design and development of a
virtual 3D art gallery based on OpenGL ES applying the knowledge and
skills acquired in Course 2 "Android Graphics with OpenGL ES". For the
third assignment you will create a virtual reality app with your 3D art gallery,
using advanced techniques like introducing sensor control, animations,
Advanced App Development in Android Capstone Imperial College London
binocular view for VR, lighting effects and texture mapping, based on the
knowledge and skills you learned in Course 3 "3D Graphics in Android:
Sensors and VR". For the final submission of the capstone project we give
you the avenue to combine your creativity with all the knowledge and skills
you gained in Android graphics programming from the three first courses.
This capstone is intended for learners with basic knowledge in Android app
development seeking to develop knowledge in computer graphics and
virtual reality in Android. The learners should have completed the 3 courses
in this specialisation (i.e. Course 1 "Introduction to Android graphics",
Course 2 "Android Graphics with OpenGL ES", and Course 3 "3D Graphics
in Android: Sensors and VR") before starting this capstone project.

This course will cover the fundamentals of OpenGL and OpenGL ES in

Android. This course is unique because it covers the mechanics of how
OpenGL works and also more practical applications to draw 2D and 3D
objects. This is an ideal primer for more complex courses on VR and AR within Android. \n\nWe'll begin by covering the OpenGL Pipeline and
Android Graphics with OpenGL ES Imperial College London
opengl-es Shading Language. Then we'll look at drawing simple 2D objects and
increasingly complicated 3D objects in OpenGL and OpenGL ES.
\n\nThere are practical exercises throughout the course to apply your
understanding, and there is a summative project which can form part of
your professional portfolio.
In today’s ever-growing and changing world, being able to think creatively
and innovatively are essential skills. It can sometimes be challenging to
step back and reflect in an environment which is fast paced or when you
are required to assimilate large amounts of information. Making sense of or
communicating new ideas in an innovative and engaging way, approaching
problems from fresh angles, and producing novel solutions are all traits
which are highly sought after by employers.\n\nThis course will equip you
with a ‘tool-box’, introducing you to a selection of behaviours and
techniques that will augment your innate creativity. Some of the tools are
suited to use on your own and others work well for a group, enabling you to
leverage the power of several minds. You can pick and choose which of
these tools or techniques suit your needs and interests, focusing on some
or all of the selected approaches and in the order that fits best for
you.\n\nThe practical approach of this course enables you to acquire an
Creative Thinking: Techniques and Tools for
Imperial College London essential skill-set for generating ideas, with plenty of:\n- Fun e-tivities and
Success techniques-and-tools-for-success
exercises;\n- Practical lectures and tips;\n- Video representations of the
techniques in action.\n\nBy the end of this course you should be able to:\n-
Pick a type of brainstorming you think will be useful to apply to a
challenge\n- Use alphabet brainstorming in tackling a challenge\n- Use grid
brainstorming in tackling a challenge\n- Use a morphological chart to
synthesise a solution to a challenge\n- Use the TRIZ contradiction matrix to
identify recommended inventive principles\n- Apply SCAMPER to a range of
challenges\n\nThe greatest innovators aren’t necessarily the people who
have the most original idea. Often, they are people- or teams- that have
harnessed their creativity to develop a new perspective or more effective
way of communicating an idea. You can train your imagination to seize
opportunities, break away from routine and habit, and tap into your natural
creativity.\n\nJoin this course and our community of practitioners in
The Health Protection course is the third instalment of the wider
Foundations of Public Health Practice specialisation from Imperial College
London's Global Master of Public Health (MPH). The scope and content of
this course has been developed from the ground up by a combined team of
academics and practitioners drawing on decades of real-world public health
experience as well as deep academic knowledge. Through short video
lectures, practitioner interviews and a wide range of interactive activities,
learners will be immersed in the world of public health
practice.\n\nDesigned for those new to the discipline, over three modules
(intended for three weeks of learning), learners will become familiar with the
scope, theory and implementation of behaviour change in the context of
public health practice. The course begins by challenging learners about
Foundations of Public Health Practice: Behaviour their preconceptions about healthy and unhealthy behaviour - seeking to
Imperial College London
& Behaviour Change in-public-health contextualise these ideas within the broader public health approach (the
first course of this specialisation). The course thereafter swiftly covers the
origins of risk communication and behaviour change through the lens of
health psychology and classical economics, before introducing ideas of
bounded rationality and the genesis of behavioural insights and so-called
Nudges. By the end of the course, learners will be fluent with their use of
the Behaviour Change Wheel methodology of intervention development
and the application of the COM-B framework to a range of target
behaviours and behavioural barriers.\n\nThe subsequent courses of this
specialisation will cover health protection before moving into the final
(degree learner) course which where learners will focus on developing the
core professional skillset that defines public health practitioners - whether in
service or academia.

The Health Protection course is the fourth instalment of the wider

Foundations of Public Health Practice specialisation from Imperial College
London's Global Master of Public Health (MPH). The scope and content of
this course has been developed from the ground up by a combined team of
academics and practitioners drawing on decades of real-world public health
experience as well as deep academic knowledge. Through short video
lectures, practitioner interviews and a wide range of interactive activities,
learners will be immersed in the world of public health
practice.\n\nDesigned for those new to the discipline, over three modules
Foundations of Public Health Practice: Health
Imperial College London (intended for three weeks of learning), learners will become familiar with the
scope, principles and nuances of health protection in the context of public
health practice. Beginning with the basics of Water, Sanitation and Health
(WASH) based interventions, the course will introduce learners to the
science and principles of practical microbiology, before examining vaccines,
incident management and the threat posed by a wide range of manmade
and natural environmental threats. By the end of this course, learners will
be familiar and conversant with core health protection principles and
approaches, and confident in discussing health protection issues when they
move into practice.
The Public Health Approach course is the first instalment of the wider
Foundations of Public Health Practice specialisation from Imperial College
London's Global Master of Public Health (MPH). The scope and content of
this course has been developed from the ground up by a combined team of
academics and practitioners drawing on decades of real-world public health
experience as well as deep academic knowledge. Through short video
lectures, practitioner interviews and a wide range of interactive activities,
learners will be immersed in the world of public health
practice.\n\nDesigned for those new to the discipline, over four modules
(intended for four weeks of learning), learners will become familiar with the
Foundations of Public Health Practice: The Public
Imperial College London scope, origins, ethics, principles and paradigms of public health practice.
Health Approach health-approach
But there is also important foundational content for those coming from more
experienced practitioner backgrounds. The 'Public Health Approach' is a
phrase that is used widely to describe an up-stream, preventive, values-
driven and evidence-based approach to improving population health. By the
end of this course, learners will be confident with identifying and describing
a wide range of public health challenges using the language and reference
points of the public health profession.\n\nThe subsequent courses require
the knowledge from this course, as learners will be introduced to the public
health toolkit of health needs assessment and evaluation, before taking
deeper dives into behaviour change and health protection.
The Foundations of Public Health Practice: The Public Health Toolkit builds
on public health thinking (introduced in the previous course) and introduces
Foundations of Public Health Practice: The Public a variety of core public health approaches (the toolkit) to conceptualising
Imperial College London
Health Toolkit toolkit problems, conducting analysis and bringing forward recommendations. In
this course we cover health needs assessment, evaluation and public
health intelligence-approaches.
This course is all about infectious diseases. We’ve selected four disease
areas — HIV, Malaria, Emerging Infectious Diseases (Ebola and Zika), and
TB — and we will go through each in turn. We’ve selected these diseases
because they span a range of different types of disease and allow us to
look at important issues that relevance of other diseases too. We will look
Global Disease Masterclass: Communicable at each disease in the same way: we begin by looking at the aetiology and
Diseases Epidemiology, Intervention and Imperial College London
masterclass-communicable epidemiology of the diseases. We then show how data on this disease can
be used to understand important trends and patterns. We then focus on the
interventions that can be used to address that disease - typically spanning
both prevention and treatment - and consider how policies have been
developed to address the disease. We finish by reflecting on the whole
topic area of the disease with an external expert.
The Global Diseases Masterclass is part of the full-degree Masters of Public
Health that the School of Public Health. By the end of this specialisation,
our aim is that students will be able to critically apply epidemiological
concepts to major global diseases and be able to appraise and recommend
policy options to combat them.\n\nGlobal Diseases Masterclass: Global
Disease Distribution\nIn this course, we will introduce students to the most
important trends and pattern in health and disease on a global scale. We
Global Disease Masterclass: Global Disease will look at how health has improved over time, examine the trends for the
Imperial College London
Distribution distribution future and look at between and within-country inequality in health. We will
look at the methods that lie behind those statistics and think about different
ways in which health can be conceptualised and measured. The course
ends by considering the reason that might lie behind the patterns that we’ve
pointed out and introducing the distinction between direct and structural
interventions.The course ends by considering the reasons that might lie
behind the patterns that we’ve described and introducing the concept of
structural interventions.

Welcome to this course on the aetiology, epidemiology and interventions for

non-communicable diseases of the Global Diseases Masterclass. We’ve
selected four disease areas and will go through each in turn. The diseases
we’ve chosen are: Colorectal Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease (CVD),
Dementia, and Diabetes. We have selected these non-communicable
diseases because they span a range of different types of disease process
and because of the expertise and experience that our School of Public
Global Disease Masterclass: Non-communicable Health has in these areas. This will provide an introduction to a few of the of
Imperial College London
Diseases communicable most important global non-communicable disease challenges while also
providing variation in aetiology, epidemiology and interventions to learn
from. We hope that by the end of this course you will be able to describe
the basics of the disease aetiology, global epidemic trends and the
available interventions. We also hope you’ll be able to use this information
to critique public health approaches and policy positions for the four non-
communicable diseases we’ve covered as well helping you extend to
further disease areas.
This course will bring you up to speed with the fundamentals of 2D graphics
and 3D graphics in Android. This course provides the ideal primer for more
advanced courses and applications, for example, OpenGL, as well as
Virtual Reality in Android. \n\nThis course is unique because it covers the key concepts and theory of 2D and 3D graphics while also showing you
Introduction to Android graphics Imperial College London
graphics how to implement these in Android practically. This provides a solid
understanding and grasp of the subject matter which will be applicable in a
variety of settings. \n\nThe final assignment will provide you with an
artefact which you can use for your professional portfolio to evidence your
Welcome to Introduction to Statistics & Data Analysis in Public
Health!\n\nThis course will teach you the core building blocks of statistical
analysis - types of variables, common distributions, hypothesis testing - but,
more than that, it will enable you to take a data set you've never seen
before, describe its keys features, get to know its strengths and quirks, run
some vital basic analyses and then formulate and test hypotheses based on
means and proportions. You'll then have a solid grounding to move on to
more sophisticated analysis and take the other courses in the series. You'll
learn the popular, flexible and completely free software R, used by statistics
and machine learning practitioners everywhere. It's hands-on, so you'll first
Introduction to Statistics & Data Analysis in Public learn about how to phrase a testable hypothesis via examples of medical
Imperial College London
Health statistics-data-analysis-public-health research as reported by the media. Then you'll work through a data set on
fruit and vegetable eating habits: data that are realistically messy, because
that's what public health data sets are like in reality. There will be mini-
quizzes with feedback along the way to check your understanding. The
course will sharpen your ability to think critically and not take things for
granted: in this age of uncontrolled algorithms and fake news, these skills
are more important than ever.\n\nPrerequisites\n\nSome formulae are given
to aid understanding, but this is not one of those courses where you need a
mathematics degree to follow it. You will need only basic numeracy (for
example, we will not use calculus) and familiarity with graphical and tabular
ways of presenting results. No knowledge of R or programming is assumed.

Welcome to Linear Regression in R for Public Health!\n\nPublic Health has

been defined as “the art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life
and promoting health through the organized efforts of society”. Knowing
what causes disease and what makes it worse are clearly vital parts of this.
This requires the development of statistical models that describe how
patient and environmental factors affect our chances of getting ill. This
course will show you how to create such models from scratch, beginning
with introducing you to the concept of correlation and linear regression
before walking you through importing and examining your data, and then
Linear Regression in R for Public Health Imperial College London showing you how to fit models. Using the example of respiratory disease,
these models will describe how patient and other factors affect outcomes
such as lung function. \n\nLinear regression is one of a family of regression
models, and the other courses in this series will cover two further members.
Regression models have many things in common with each other, though
the mathematical details differ. \nThis course will show you how to prepare
the data, assess how well the model fits the data, and test its underlying
assumptions – vital tasks with any type of regression. \nYou will use the
free and versatile software package R, used by statisticians and data
scientists in academia, governments and industry worldwide.
Welcome to Logistic Regression in R for Public Health! \n\nWhy logistic
regression for public health rather than just logistic regression? Well, there
are some particular considerations for every data set, and public health data
sets have particular features that need special attention. In a word, they're
messy. Like the others in the series, this is a hands-on course, giving you
plenty of practice with R on real-life, messy data, with predicting who has
diabetes from a set of patient characteristics as the worked example for this
course. Additionally, the interpretation of the outputs from the regression
model can differ depending on the perspective that you take, and public
health doesn’t just take the perspective of an individual patient but must
also consider the population angle. That said, much of what is covered in
this course is true for logistic regression when applied to any data set, so
you will be able to apply the principles of this course to logistic regression
Logistic Regression in R for Public Health Imperial College London more broadly too. \n\nBy the end of this course, you will be able to:
\nExplain when it is valid to use logistic regression \nDefine odds and odds
ratios \nRun simple and multiple logistic regression analysis in R and
interpret the output \nEvaluate the model assumptions for multiple logistic
regression in R \nDescribe and compare some common ways to choose a
multiple regression model \n\nThis course builds on skills such as
hypothesis testing, p values, and how to use R, which are covered in the
first two courses of the Statistics for Public Health specialisation. If you are
unfamiliar with these skills, we suggest you review Statistical Thinking for
Public Health and Linear Regression for Public Health before beginning this
course. If you are already familiar with these skills, we are confident that
you will enjoy furthering your knowledge and skills in Statistics for Public
Health: Logistic Regression for Public Health. \n\nWe hope you enjoy the
In this course on Linear Algebra we look at what linear algebra is and how it
relates to vectors and matrices. Then we look through what vectors and
matrices are and how to work with them, including the knotty problem of
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and how to use these to solve problems.
Finally we look at how to use these to do fun things with datasets - like how
to rotate images of faces and how to extract eigenvectors to look at how the
Pagerank algorithm works.\nSince we're aiming at data-driven applications,
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra Imperial College London we'll be implementing some of these ideas in code, not just on pencil and
paper. Towards the end of the course, you'll write code blocks and
encounter Jupyter notebooks in Python, but don't worry, these will be quite
short, focussed on the concepts, and will guide you through if you’ve not
coded before.\n\nAt the end of this course you will have an intuitive
understanding of vectors and matrices that will help you bridge the gap into
linear algebra problems, and how to apply these concepts to machine
This course offers a brief introduction to the multivariate calculus required to
build many common machine learning techniques. We start at the very
beginning with a refresher on the “rise over run” formulation of a slope,
before converting this to the formal definition of the gradient of a function.
We then start to build up a set of tools for making calculus easier and
faster. Next, we learn how to calculate vectors that point up hill on
multidimensional surfaces and even put this into action using an interactive
game. We take a look at how we can use calculus to build approximations
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate
Imperial College London to functions, as well as helping us to quantify how accurate we should
Calculus machine-learning
expect those approximations to be. We also spend some time talking about
where calculus comes up in the training of neural networks, before finally
showing you how it is applied in linear regression models. This course is
intended to offer an intuitive understanding of calculus, as well as the
language necessary to look concepts up yourselves when you get stuck.
Hopefully, without going into too much detail, you’ll still come away with the
confidence to dive into some more focused machine learning courses in

This intermediate-level course introduces the mathematical foundations to

derive Principal Component Analysis (PCA), a fundamental dimensionality
reduction technique. We'll cover some basic statistics of data sets, such as
mean values and variances, we'll compute distances and angles between
vectors using inner products and derive orthogonal projections of data onto
lower-dimensional subspaces. Using all these tools, we'll then derive PCA
as a method that minimizes the average squared reconstruction error
between data points and their reconstruction.\n\nAt the end of this course,
you'll be familiar with important mathematical concepts and you can
implement PCA all by yourself. If you’re struggling, you'll find a set of jupyter notebooks that will allow you to explore properties of the techniques and
Mathematics for Machine Learning: PCA Imperial College London
learning walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you are already an
expert, this course may refresh some of your knowledge.\n\nThe lectures,
examples and exercises require:\n1. Some ability of abstract thinking\n2.
Good background in linear algebra (e.g., matrix and vector algebra, linear
independence, basis)\n3. Basic background in multivariate calculus (e.g.,
partial derivatives, basic optimization)\n4. Basic knowledge in python
programming and numpy\n\nDisclaimer: This course is substantially more
abstract and requires more programming than the other two courses of the
specialization. However, this type of abstract thinking, algebraic
manipulation and programming is necessary if you want to understand and
develop machine learning algorithms.
Epidemiological research is ubiquitous. Even if you don’t realise it, you
come across epidemiological studies and the impact of their findings every
single day. You have probably heard that obesity is increasing in high
income countries or that malaria is killing millions of people in low income
countries. It is common knowledge that smoking causes cancer and that
physical activity is protective against heart disease. These facts may seem
obvious today, but it took decades of epidemiological research to produce
Measuring Disease in Epidemiology Imperial College London the necessary evidence. In this course, you will learn the fundamental tools
of epidemiology which are essential to conduct such studies, starting with
the measures used to describe the frequency of a disease or health-related
condition. You will also learn how to quantify the strength of an association
and discuss the distinction between association and causation. In the
second half of the course, you will use this knowledge to describe different
strategies for prevention, identify strengths and weaknesses of diagnostic
tests and consider when a screening programme is appropriate.
Welcome to the Imperial College London Science Matters, Let's Talk series
exploring the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic.\n\nOn January
30th, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the outbreak of
COVID-19 (previously termed 'novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV'), a public
health emergency of international concern. COVID-19 is caused by the
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is
sometimes also referred to as the COVID-19 virus. \n\nAs the epidemic
seems to spread to more and more countries, people around the world are
wondering about the trajectory of the epidemic and whether they should be
concerned. Media reports of the epidemic often focus on the more eye-
catching events: governments evacuating their citizens from Hubei
province, passengers on cruise ships being stopped from disembarking
following a detection of a case, or images of supermarket supplies running
out in areas perceived to be at high risk. On social media, other reports
about the epidemic range from unsupported rumours to deliberate
disinformation are increasing a sense of panic many individuals are
Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19 Imperial College London experiencing. Robust, reliable analysis is vital at this stage not only as a
way to give concerned members of the public a sense of perspective, but
also to support governments and other stakeholders in planning their
responses. \n\nResearchers at the MRC Centre of Global Infectious
Diseases Analysis (GIDA) and the Jameel Institute for Disease Emergency
Analytics (J-IDEA) have been working hard on coming up with reliable
estimates of the spread of the epidemic and its prospects, and are doing
this in close collaboration with a number of global stakeholders, including
the World Health Organisation (WHO). \n\nYou will hear directly from the
experts conducting the analyses. You will be able learn about the current
state of the epidemic, while also learn about the epidemiological and public-
health principles and challenges that underpin these analyses. This will
include understanding how the spread of the epidemic is modelled, how
transmissibility of infections is estimated, what the challenges are in
estimating the case fatality ratio, and also learning about the importance of
community involvement in responding to the epidemic. \n\nIf you want to
learn more about infectious disease modelling, epidemiology, participatory
Choosing an appropriate study design is a critical decision that can largely
determine whether your study will successfully answer your research
question. A quick look at the contents page of a biomedical journal or even
at the health news section of a news website is enough to tell you that there
are many different ways to conduct epidemiological research. \nIn this
course, you will learn about the main epidemiological study designs, including cross-sectional and ecological studies, case-control and cohort
Study Designs in Epidemiology Imperial College London
epidemiology studies, as well as the more complex nested case-control and case-cohort
designs. The final module is dedicated to randomised controlled trials,
which is often considered the optimal study design, especially in clinical
research. You will also develop the skills to identify strengths and limitations
of the various study designs. By the end of this course, you will be able to
choose the most suitable study design considering the research question,
the available time, and resources.

Welcome to Survival Analysis in R for Public Health!\n\nThe three earlier

courses in this series covered statistical thinking, correlation, linear
regression and logistic regression. This one will show you how to run
survival – or “time to event” – analysis, explaining what’s meant by familiar-
sounding but deceptive terms like hazard and censoring, which have
specific meanings in this context. Using the popular and completely free
software R, you’ll learn how to take a data set from scratch, import it into R,
run essential descriptive analyses to get to know the data’s features and
quirks, and progress from Kaplan-Meier plots through to multiple Cox
regression. You’ll use data simulated from real, messy patient-level data for
patients admitted to hospital with heart failure and learn how to explore
which factors predict their subsequent mortality. You’ll learn how to test model assumptions and fit to the data and some simple tricks to get round
Survival Analysis in R for Public Health Imperial College London
public-health common problems that real public health data have. There will be mini-
quizzes on the videos and the R exercises with feedback along the way to
check your understanding.\n\nPrerequisites\n\nSome formulae are given to
aid understanding, but this is not one of those courses where you need a
mathematics degree to follow it. You will need basic numeracy (for
example, we will not use calculus) and familiarity with graphical and tabular
ways of presenting results. The three previous courses in the series
explained concepts such as hypothesis testing, p values, confidence
intervals, correlation and regression and showed how to install R and run
basic commands. In this course, we will recap all these core ideas in brief,
but if you are unfamiliar with them, then you may prefer to take the first
course in particular, Statistical Thinking in Public Health, and perhaps also
the second, on linear regression, before embarking on this one.
Epidemiological studies can provide valuable insights about the frequency
of a disease, its potential causes and the effectiveness of available
treatments. Selecting an appropriate study design can take you a long way
when trying to answer such a question. However, this is by no means
enough. A study can yield biased results for many different reasons. This
course offers an introduction to some of these factors and provides
guidance on how to deal with bias in epidemiological research. In this course you will learn about the main types of bias and what effect they
Validity and Bias in Epidemiology Imperial College London
epidemiology might have on your study findings. You will then focus on the concept of
confounding and you will explore various methods to identify and control for
confounding in different study designs. In the last module of this course we
will discuss the phenomenon of effect modification, which is key to
understanding and interpreting study results. We will finish the course with
a broader discussion of causality in epidemiology and we will highlight how
you can utilise all the tools that you have learnt to decide whether your
findings indicate a true association and if this can be considered causal.
What are the determinants of a happy and fulfilling life?\n\nThis is surely
one of life’s biggest questions, and a question that has interested many of
our ancestors. Buddha famously gave up his kingdom in search of
happiness. Several Greek philosophers (from Aristotle to Epicurus and
Plato to Socrates) had their own views on what it takes to be happy. And of
course, we all have our own theories about happiness too.\n\nHow valid are
our theories?\n\nUntil recently, if you wished for an answer to this question,
you would've been forced to base it on discussions with spiritual leaders.
Or, if you were lucky, you could've based it on late-night (and perhaps
intoxicant-fueled) conversations with friends and family. Happily, all that has
changed now. Over the past decade-and-a-half, scientists have gotten into
the act big time. We now have a pretty good idea of what it takes to lead a
happy and fulfilling life.\n\nThis course, based on the award-winning class
offered both at the Indian School of Business and at the McCombs School
of Business at The University of Texas at Austin, developed by Prof. Raj
Raghunathan (aka "Dr. Happy-smarts") draws content from a variety of
A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment Indian School of Business fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral decision theory
to offer a tested and practical recipe for leading a life of happiness and
fulfillment. \n\nAlthough not mandatory, reading Prof. Raj's forthcoming
book, titled If you're so smart, why aren't you happy? can help you review
and assimilate the material covered in this book at your leisure. \n\nFor
Coursera learners alone, the hardcover version of the book is available for
a deep discount of 50%, plus shipping and handling. You can order the
hardcover for 50% off by writing to Aaron at:
Please mention that you are a student of the "coursera happiness course"
in your email. \n\nThe course will feature guest appearances by several well-
known thought leaders, including:\n - Dan Ariely (author of Predictably
Irrational and, soon to be released, Irrationally Yours),\n - Ed Diener (“Dr.
Happiness”),\n - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (author of Flow),\n\nBy taking
this course, you will discover the answers to questions such as:\n - Why
aren’t the smart-and-the-successful as happy as they could—or
should—be\n - What are the “7 Deadly Happiness Sins” that even the
smart and the successful commit?, and\n - What are the “7 Habits of the
This course presents an introduction to the basics of financial accounting
and finance for IT professionals. The first part of the course will focus on
understanding the most important financial statements, namely, the balance
sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows. We will then
focus on how we can understand the financial health and performance of
the company by examining a number of important financial ratios that are
Accounting and Finance for IT professionals Indian School of Business
derived from the financial statements of the company. The second part of
the course will focus on the basics of finance. This includes the concept of
time value of money, discounting cash flows, and capital budgeting. The
course will also introduce the idea of real options, how they affect a
project’s NPV, and their impact of the decision to accept/reject a project.
Lectures on concepts will be supplemented with numerical examples.

This course will provide back test results for all the strategies in developed
and emerging markets. The learner will also be taught scientific ways of
back testing without succumbing to either look ahead (or) survival
bias.\n\nYou will learn various methods of building a robust back testing
system for the strategies discussed in the previous course. You will be
taught how to differentiate between mere data mining and results based on
solid empirical or theoretical foundation. Next, you will learn the ways and
Advanced Trading Algorithms Indian School of Business means of back testing the results and subjecting the back test results to
stress tests. After which, you will learn the various ways in which transaction
costs and other frictions could be incorporated in the back testing algorithm.
Finally, you will learn techniques for measuring a strategies' performance
and the concept of risk adjusted return. You will use some of the famous
measures for risk adjusted returns such as Sharpe ratio, Treynor's Ratio
and Jenson's Alpha. You will see how to pick an appropriate benchmark for
a proposed fund.
Through this course, you will learn how individuals and firms make financial
decisions, and how those decisions might deviate from those predicted by
traditional financial or economic theory. \n\nWe will explore the nature of
these biases and their origins, using insights from psychology,
neurosciences and experimental economics on how the human mind
Behavioral Investing Indian School of Business
works. From these biases, you will be able to examine how the insights of
behavioral finance complement the traditional finance paradigm. We also
look at the micro and macro biases. Finally, we will explore how these
insights describe more complicated topics such as fat tail events and
financial crises.
The explosion in digital media - web, social and now mobile - represents a
departure from how things were like in the last century. This proliferation of
digital media is both a threat and an opportunity for many businesses.
Business Analytics can be leveraged to process data, sentiment, buzz,
Business Analytics and Digital Media Indian School of Business contacts, context and other aspects of business interest in real time, for
business performance and impact. The course picks and uses use-cases
from a variety of industries and geographies, to showcase the potential and
impact that business analytics done properly (or not) can have on business
The Capstone Project places you in the shoes of a CIO of a hypothetical
FMCG firm, Indus Consumer Products Limited, who is required to select a
portfolio of IT investments for the decision year that is aligned with the
business strategy and objectives of the firm. Different business units in the
company have proposed different applications to implement. Your job as
CIO will be to analyze the business case for each of the projects and
identify those that best serve the long-term business strategy and
objectives of the firm. Your choice of IT investments is constrained by the IT
budget for the given financial year.\n\nThe case consists of the following
artifacts:\n- Letter from the CEO\n- Company Report\n- IT
Assessment Report \n- Proposal for the SCM Initiative \n-
Capstone Project: Business Technology
Indian School of Business Proposal for Rural Connect\n- Proposal for the new ERP System\n
Management project
\nThe case is designed to provide a Capstone experience on many of the
concepts and frameworks learned in the specialization. Learners need
to:\n(a) Identify a broad business focus of the company using the
competitor data. Provide a couple of lines on the strategic pain points for
the firm.\n(b) Which one of the five applications must the company invest
in? Why? Provide strategic and financial reasons in support.\n(c)
Thoroughly analyse past projects to remove redundant or unviable
investments.\n(d) Identify and propose strategies for managing risk
associated with large scale IT investments. \n(e) Create an organizational
structure and communication plan that will engage various stakeholders of
the organization.

This course integrates all the learning from the first three courses and
guides the learner about ways of building a portfolio of strategies and
integrating the same into a hedge fund. \n\nIn the first part of the course,
you will be taught ways of measuring the contribution of a strategy to a
portfolio in terms of risk and return. You will be able to appreciate the
consequences of including a strategy to a new as well an existing
Creating a Portfolio Indian School of Business
portfolio.\nNext, you are taught various ways of conducting the tilting
analysis in order to determine the optimal weight to be placed on each
strategy. After this you will learn to develop techniques for minimizing
overall portfolio risk.\n \nYou will also get a basic overview of the regulatory
framework that is applicable to hedge funds. You will know about different
types of investors and the expectations of each type of investors.
In the culminating project, you will develop new trading strategies, evaluate
Design your own trading strategy – Culminating
Indian School of Business them using the tools learned in the course, integrate them with the existing
Project strategy-culminating-project
portfolio and also develop a plan to start a hedge fund.
Information Technology (IT) is fast changing the world around us. This
course will provide you an understanding of IT-enabled changes in the
business environment, and how insightful executives leverage IT to create
value and win competitive battles. The course is divided into three parts –
the first part of the course focuses on the industry impacts of technological
innovation. Here, we will explore competition and business models in the
high-tech industry, using examples of companies like Google, Apple and
Digital Transformations Indian School of Business Facebook. We will also explore competitive dynamics of industries that
consume significant technology with emphasis on how technology has
disrupted industries such as music, media and education. The second part
of the course focuses on how IT transforms cost structures of firms by
helping them build information capabilities that significantly increase value
chain efficiency. The final part of the course will focus on the impact of IT on
innovation and decision-making within firms that, ultimately impacts
revenue growth.
In the Capstone project, you have to design an investment plan for an
individual at three different stages of his life. Depending on the stage of his
life the individuals biases, risk preferences and wealth requirements
change. You have to keep in mind all of these and design an appropriate
Financial Markets and Investment Strategy
Indian School of Business investment plan for each stage of his life. You will use the concepts learned
Capstone capstone
in the 4 courses to achieve this target. You should consider different assets
and different markets to achieve the investors goals by building an optimal
portfolio which matches his profile. In the end you should also evaluate the
performance of his portfolio.
Learn the general concepts of financial markets and economy. You will see
the difference between primary and secondary markets and learn about
markets for different products. You will also look at various economic Indicators and their influence on the markets. After completing this course,
Introduction to Financial Markets Indian School of Business
intro you will have a much stronger background of financial markets and ready to
go to the next stage in the Specialization. This course is designed to help
students with very little or no finance background to learn the basics of
Discover the basic concepts of needs analysis, investment policy, asset
allocation, product selection, portfolio monitoring and re-balancing. We will
look at the types of institutional investors - pension funds and insurance
Investment Strategy Indian School of Business companies. You will learn the client management life cycle and dive into
portfolio management as a process. You will learn the basic concepts,
principles, and the major styles of investing in alternative assets. Finally, we
study the impact of digitization on investment strategies.
The concepts and use of project management tools, techniques and
methodologies are becoming all pervasive. This course addresses project
management in the context of IT projects, including software projects. Using
the framework of project life cycle, the course covers various aspects
pertaining to (i) project initiation, (ii) project planning and scheduling, (iii)
project monitoring and control, and (iv) project termination. For planning and scheduling of projects, the use of project network and estimation of
IT Project Management Indian School of Business
management time and cost are covered in detail. Scheduling of projects with resource
limitations is covered next.\n\nRisk assessment methods including
simulation and risk reduction approaches are also be covered. The students
will be required to use the software @risk to simulate project completion
times. The use of Earned Value Analysis for Project Monitoring and Control
is emphasized. For Software Project Management, the Waterfall Model and
Agile Project Management are covered in detail.

The digital age is dramatically reshaping the rules for organizational

success. The new context demands renewal of your capabilities and
development of different mindsets. In this course, you’ll learn the different
components of emotional intelligence at work. For example, you’ll learn how
you can work effectively in teams, build cooperative relationships with your key stakeholders, exercise effective influence, handle difficult
Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Indian School of Business
intelligence-in-leadership conversations, and create energy and enthusiasm to foster meaningful
change. Our modules will begin with powerful stories that are illustrative of
typical challenges faced by front-line leaders. We’ll analyze the case
illustration using the ideas from emotional intelligence theory, and highlight
the key lessons that you should take away in terms of mindsets and skills
that you should master to distinguish yourself as a leader.

This course teaches you the concepts of risk and expected return. This
course presents an overview of the basic concepts and techniques used to
construct financial portfolios. You will learn about the investment process
and get a very good understanding of economic, industry, and company
analyses. We will also look at understanding and interpreting major portfolio management and risk concepts. Through this course, you will discover the
Portfolio and Risk Management Indian School of Business
management basic concepts of Modern Portfolio Theory. \n\nIn the second half of the
course we explore the frameworks to measure investment performance, as
well as the various measures of investment performance. Finally, you will
learn how to measure performance of equity, bonds and hedge funds. After
completing this course, you will be able to appreciate the details that go into
the creation of investment portfolios.
This course covers two of the seven trading strategies that work in
emerging markets. The seven include strategies based on momentum,
momentum crashes, price reversal, persistence of earnings, quality of
earnings, underlying business growth, behavioral biases and textual
analysis of business reports about the company.\n\nIn the first part of the
course, you will learn how to read an academic paper. What parts to pay
Trading Algorithms Indian School of Business
attention to and what parts to skim through will be discussed here. For
every strategy, first you will be introduced to the original research and then
how to implement the strategy.\n\nThe first strategy, Piotroski F -score will
be discussed in detail. You will be taught how to calculate the F - Score and
how to use this score in a strategy. This is followed by the next strategy,
Post earnings announcement drift (PEAD).

The purpose of this course is to equip you with the knowledge required to
comprehend the financial statements of a company and understand the
various transactions that take place in the stock market so that you can
replicate the strategies discovered by the extant academic literature.\n\nThe
first part of the course provides a brief introduction to financial statements
and various common filings of firms. You will learn how to obtain
information regarding a company's performance from them and use the
Trading Basics Indian School of Business
information to build trading strategies. Next, you are taught basic asset
pricing theories so that you will be able to calculate the expected returns of
a stock or a portfolio. Finally, you will be introduced to the actual functioning
of asset markets, type of players in the market, different types of orders and
the efficient ways and opportune time to execute them, trading costs and
ways of minimizing them, the concept of liquidity .etc. This knowledge is
required to develop efficient algorithm to execute various trading strategies.
‫ ويتطلب السياق الجديد منك تجديد‬.‫كبيرا في إعادة تشكيل قواعد النجاح التنظيمي‬ ً ‫تأثيرا‬
ً ‫يؤثر العصر الرقمي‬
.‫ وستتعلم في هذه الدورة المكونات المختلفة للذكاء العاطفي في العمل‬.‫ وتطوير رؤى فكرية مغايرة‬،‫قدراتك‬
‫ وتكوين عﻼقات تعاونية مع اﻷطراف المعنية‬،‫ ستتعلم كيفية العمل بفعالية ضمن فريق‬،‫فعلى سبيل المثال‬ ‫ وتوفير الطاقة والحماسة لتعزيز‬،‫ والتعامل مع النقاشات الصعبة‬،‫ والتدرب على التأثير الفعال‬،‫الرئيسية‬
‫ القيادة والذكاء العاطفي‬Indian School of Business
intelligence-in-leadership-ar ‫ ستبدأ الوحدات بسرد قصص مؤثرة توضح التحديات النموذجية التي يواجهها قادة الخط‬.‫التغيير الهادف‬
‫ وسنتولى تحليل الصورة التوضيحية من خﻼل اﻻستعانة باﻷفكار المستقاة من نظرية الذكاء‬.‫اﻷمامي‬
‫ كما سنسلط الضوء على الدروس الرئيسية الواجب عليك وضعها في اﻻعتبار من حيث العقليات‬،‫العاطفي‬
.‫والمهارات التي ينبغي عليك إتقانها لتمييز نفسك كقائد‬
Neste quarto e último curso da especialização, você sintetizará seu
aprendizado em uma entrega do projeto chamada Análise de Oportunidade
Blockchain. Os objetivos deste curso são duplos: primeiro, é para você
identificar uma necessidade ou problema específico no setor escolhido que
pode ser potencialmente resolvido usando a tecnologia blockchain.
Segundo, cabe a você investigar possíveis soluções para esse problema,
incluindo como essas soluções podem ser executadas. Você alcançará
marcos de projeto diferentes a cada semana e será apresentado a várias
Análise de oportunidade de Blockchain INSEAD ferramentas que os empreendedores usam para organizar suas
descobertas. Durante todo esse processo, você ouvirá profissionais do
mundo real que têm experiência prática no ecossistema blockchain. Além
disso, ao participar deste curso, você terá acesso ao nosso Blockchain
Case Commons - uma coleção de aplicativos e casos de uso de blockchain
em vários setores. Como resultado deste curso, você terá uma Análise de
Oportunidade Blockchain consolidada e revisada por pares, que poderá
usar para apresentar sua ideia à sua organização ou mesmo a potenciais

Blockchain will bring about profound changes to business, and even to the
nature of business itself. This technology will disrupt how enterprises are
funded and managed, how they create value, and even how they perform
basic functions like marketing and accounting. In this course you will learn
how blockchain technology will penetrate into the structures of
Blockchain and Business: Applications and organizations. You will explore how blockchain will transform the roles of
Implications the C-Suite, and how a blockchain can be used to manage and protect
intellectual property. You will be able to identify the different layers of the
blockchain technology stack, and explain how these affect the governance
of blockchain systems. As well, you will be able to identify seven qualities
that a region in the world needs in order to attract technology startups and
to build a vibrant blockchain ecosystem.

A Blockchain trará mudanças profundas nos negócios e em sua própria

natureza. Essa tecnologia revolucionará o modo como as empresas são
financiadas e gerenciadas, como criam valor e até como desempenham
funções básicas, como marketing e contabilidade. Neste curso, você
aprenderá como a tecnologia blockchain penetrará nas estruturas das
organizações. Você explorará como a blockchain transformará os papéis
Blockchain e Negócios: Aplicativos e Implicações INSEAD
do C-Suite e como a blockchain pode ser usada para gerenciar e proteger
a propriedade intelectual. Você será capaz de identificar as diferentes
camadas da pilha da tecnologia blockchain e explicar como isso afeta a
governança dos sistemas blockchain. Além disso, você será capaz de
identificar sete qualidades que uma região do mundo precisa para atrair
startups de tecnologia e construir um ecossistema vibrante de blockchain.
In this fourth and final course of the specialization, you will synthesize your
learning into a Strategic Action Plan. The goals of this course are twofold:
One, it’s for you to identify a specific need or problem within the financial
services industry that can potentially be solved using blockchain
technology. Two, it’s for you to investigate possible solutions to this
problem, and to develop a strategic plan for how these solutions might be
executed. You will accomplish different project milestones each week, and
Blockchain in Financial Services: Strategic Action
INSEAD will be introduced to several tools to organize your findings. Throughout this
Plan action-plan
process, you will hear from real-world practitioners who have hands-on
experience in the blockchain ecosystem. Additionally, by participating in this
course you will gain access to our Blockchain Case Commons—a
crowdsourced collection of blockchain applications and use-cases spanning
multiple industries. As an outcome of this course, you will walk away with a
consolidated, peer-reviewed Strategic Action Plan, which you can use to
pitch your idea to your organization and/or potential investors.

In this fourth and final course of the specialization, you will synthesize your
learning into a project deliverable called a Blockchain Opportunity Analysis.
The goals of this course are twofold: One, it’s for you to identify a specific
need or problem in your chosen industry that can potentially be solved
using blockchain technology. Two, it’s for you to investigate possible
solutions to this problem, including how these solutions might be executed.
You will accomplish different project milestones each week, and will be introduced to several tools that entrepreneurs use to organize their findings.
Blockchain Opportunity Analysis INSEAD
opportunity-analysis Throughout this process, you will hear from real-world practitioners who
have hands-on experience in the blockchain ecosystem. Additionally, by
participating in this course you will gain access to our Blockchain Case
Commons—a crowdsourced collection of blockchain applications and use-
cases spanning multiple industries. As an outcome of this course, you’ll
walk away with a consolidated, peer-reviewed Blockchain Opportunity
Analysis, which you can use to pitch your idea to your organization or even
to potential investors.
The current global financial system is riddled with inefficiencies, uneven
developments, and bizarre contradictions. Blockchain technology has the potential to bring about profound changes to financial services. In this
Blockchain Transformations of Financial Services INSEAD
transformations-financial-services course, you will learn how blockchain technology will disrupt the core
functions of the financial services industry, offering individuals and
organizations alike real choices in how they create and manage value.
Today, large intermediaries establish trust in our economy and control the
movement, storage, and allocation of money and assets. The status quo,
however, is rife with inefficiencies. In this course, we’ll address the many
challenges of the status quo and discuss how cryptoassets, smart
contracts, new identity systems, and new financial business models can
Blockchain, Cryptoassets, and Decentralized
INSEAD help overcome them. You’ll learn how blockchain technology empowers
Finance decentralized-finance
individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses with the tools they need to help
level the playing field and to participate in the value they create. By the end
of this course, you’ll learn how and why transacting on the blockchain can
help us bring about a future that is faster, fairer, and more distributed than
the world we inhabit today.
Nesse primeiro curso de especialização, discutiremos as limitações da
internet para os negócios e atividades econômicas, e explicaremos como a
tecnologia blockchain representa o caminho ara evoluir. Depois de
completar esse curso, você será capaz de explicar como a blockchain é,
como funciona, e porque é revolucionária. Você irá aprender os conceitos
Introdução às Tecnologias Blockchain INSEAD chave tais como mineração, hashing, proof-of-work, chave criptográfica
pública e o problema de duplo gasto. Você será capaz de descrever os 7
princípios para a tecnologia blockchain e os desafios enfrentados para que
as pessoas desenvolvam essa tecnologia. Você também conhecerá os
principais personagens no ecossistema blockchain, e considerará por si
próprio a função que desempenhará na revolução blockchain.
In this first course of the specialization, we will discuss the limitations of the
Internet for business and economic activity, and explain how blockchain
technology represents the way forward. After completing this course, you
will be able to explain what blockchain is, how it works, and why it is revolutionary. You will learn key concepts such as mining, hashing, proof-of-
Introduction to Blockchain for Financial Services INSEAD
financial-services work, public key cryptography, and the double-spend problem. You’ll be
able to describe seven design principles for blockchain technology, and the
challenges facing the people developing it. You’ll also meet the players in
the blockchain ecosystem, and consider your own role in stewarding the
blockchain revolution.
In this first course of the specialization, we will discuss the limitations of the
Internet for business and economic activity, and explain how blockchain
technology represents the way forward. After completing this course, you
will be able to explain what blockchain is, how it works, and why it is revolutionary. You will learn key concepts such as mining, hashing, proof-of-
Introduction to Blockchain Technologies INSEAD
blockchain-technologies work, public key cryptography, and the double-spend problem. You’ll be
able to describe seven design principles for blockchain technology, and the
challenges facing the people developing it. You’ll also meet the players in
the blockchain ecosystem, and consider your own role in stewarding the
blockchain revolution.
Atualmente, grandes intermediários estabelecem confiança em nossa
economia e controlam a movimentação, armazenamento e alocação de
dinheiro e ativos. O status quo, entretanto, é repleto de ineficiências. Neste
curso, endereçaremos diversos desafios no status quo e discutiremos
como critptoativos, smart contracts, novos sistemas de identidade e novos modelos de negócios financeiros podem ajudar a superá-los. Você
Transacionando na Blockchain INSEAD
blockchain aprenderá como a tecnologia blockchain empondera indivíduos,
empreendedores e negócios com as ferramentas que precisam para
nivelar sua capacidade e participar do valor que eles geram. No final deste
curso, você aprenderá como e por que a transação na blockchain pode nos
ajudar a criar um futuro mais rápido, mais justo e mais distribuído do que o
mundo em que vivemos hoje.
Today, large intermediaries establish trust in our economy and control the
movement, storage, and allocation of money and assets. The status quo,
however, is rife with inefficiencies. In this course, we’ll address the many
challenges of the status quo and discuss how cryptoassets, smart
contracts, new identity systems, and new financial business models can
Transacting on the Blockchain INSEAD help overcome them. You’ll learn how blockchain technology empowers
individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses with the tools they need to help
level the playing field and to participate in the value they create. By the end
of this course, you’ll learn how and why transacting on the blockchain can
help us bring about a future that is faster, fairer, and more distributed than
the world we inhabit today.
Público-Alvo:\nO curso de Administração Financeira foi desenvolvido para
que você adquira a proficiência básica da linguagem de negócios no que
tange às Finanças, e possa iniciar uma transição de carreira, iniciar seu
próprio negócio ou mesmo preparar-se para cursos de Pós-Graduação na
área de Administração.\n\nPensamos em um público abrangente, com as
seguintes características:\n- Tem familiaridade com matemática básica
(maioria das operações algébricas)\n- Pode ou não ter conceitos básicos
de Estatística, embora sejam desejáveis\n- Em geral não possui
Graduação em Administração, podendo inclusive não ter iniciado um curso
superior\n\nObjetivos do Curso:\nAo final do curso você consiguirá
interpretar o que ocorre do ponto de vista financeiro de uma organização a partir da análise de seus demonstrativos e indicadores, além de entender o
Administração Financeira Insper
financeira impacto que suas decisões financeiras têm no negócio.\n\nObjetivos de
Aprendizagem:\n- Descrever, explicar e analisar os principais
demonstrativos contábeis (Balanço, DRE e DFC) relacionando-os com as
principais transações comerciais de uma empresa \n- Analisar como
variações no nível de atividade afetam os custos e resultados de uma
empresa\n- Calcular o valor do dinheiro no tempo em função de fluxos de
caixa, prazos e taxas\n- Comparar investimentos (ou financiamentos) a
partir do valor presente líquido, taxa interna de retorno e pay back de seus
fluxos de caixa\n\nDedicação e Carga Horária:\nO curso é composto por
cinco módulos temáticos que totalizam aproximadamente 15h de estudos.
Cada módulo tem duração estimada de uma semana.\n\nAssista ao vídeo
de divulgação do curso:

Público-Alvo\nInteressados em geral.\n \nObjetivo do Curso\nO curso visa

introduzir os quatro pilares do Capitalismo Consciente, uma proposta de
aperfeiçoamento do principal sistema econômico vigente que orienta
cidadãos e organizações para uma dinâmica mais responsável,
considerando o desenvolvimento econômico e o bem estar social de longo
prazo.\n\nObjetivos de Aprendizagem\nAo final do curso o aluno será
Capitalismo Consciente Insper capaz de:\n•\tExplicar o que é Capitalismo Consciente e como ele visa
atender às demandas atuais da sociedade.\n•\tExplicar com exemplos
brasileiros e internacionais cada um dos pilares que norteiam o Capitalismo
Consciente.\n\nDedicação e Carga-Horária\nUm módulo por semana, com
cerca de 2h por módulo, totalizando seis semanas de duração e
aproximadamente 12h de carga-horária.\n\nAssista ao vídeo de divulgação
do curso:
Público-Alvo:\nO curso de Gestão de Operações foi desenvolvido para que
você adquira a proficiência básica da linguagem de negócios no que tange
às Operações, e possa iniciar uma transição de carreira, iniciar seu próprio
negócio ou mesmo preparar-se para cursos de Pós-Graduação na área de
Administração.\n\nPensamos em um público abrangente, com as seguintes
características:\n- Tem familiaridade com matemática básica (maioria das
operações algébricas)\n- Pode ou não ter conceitos básicos de Estatística,
embora sejam desejáveis\n- Em geral não possui Graduação em
Administração, podendo inclusive não ter iniciado um curso
superior\n\nObjetivos do Curso:\nAo final do curso você compreenderá, no
escopo das Operações, como as organizações geram valor aos seus
clientes, sendo capaz de interpretar indicadores básicos de desempenho.
Gestão de Operações Insper \n\nObjetivos de Aprendizagem:\n- Descrever as decisões operacionais e
caracterizar as operações de uma empresa de manufatura ou serviço\n-
Avaliar uma estratégia operacional e identificar prioridades de melhorias no
desempenho operacional\n- Diferenciar as principais abordagens da
qualidade e apontar fontes de desperdício de uma operação\n- Determinar
problema e meta, estruturar a análise de um problema e preparar um plano
de ação coerente\n- Classificar e analisar os diferentes tipos de processos
produtivos\n- Identificar os principais objetivos dos estoques e calcular o
momento e a quantidade de ressuprimentos de materiais em
estoque\n\nDedicação e Carga Horária:\nO curso é composto por cinco
módulos temáticos que totalizam aproximadamente 15h de estudos. Cada
módulo tem duração estimada de uma semana.\n\nAssista ao vídeo de
divulgação do curso:

Público-Alvo\nProfissionais, estudantes e interessados da área de

Marketing que desejam conhecer os fundamentos básicos de Marketing
Analítico e sua aplicação prática.\n \nObjetivo do Curso\nO curso tem como
objetivo central introduzir o conceito de Marketing Analítico e apresentar de
forma simplificada e prática algumas técnicas, de modo que o participante
possa avaliar e recomendar decisões e ações em Marketing baseadas em
análise de dados.\n\nObjetivos de Aprendizagem\nAo final do curso o
aluno será capaz de:\n•\tExplicar a importância de definir e utilizar métricas
Introdução ao Marketing Analítico Insper em Marketing.\n•\tDesenvolver métodos de levantamento de dados
primários e secundários.\n•\tDesenvolver hipóteses testáveis inferindo
causalidades. \n•\tSegmentar o mercado com base no comportamento do
consumidor. \n•\tGerar insights para o posicionamento de marca.
\n•\tSuportar a tomada de decisões em Marketing com base em fatos e
dados.\n\nDedicação e Carga-Horária\nCinco módulos temáticos de
aproximadamente 3h cada, totalizando 15h. Cada módulo tem duração
estimada de uma semana.\n\nAssista ao vídeo de divulgação do curso:
This course will teach you the basics of developing mobile applications
using Mixed and Augmented Reality (MAR) technologies.\n \nThrough
hands-on projects, you’ll learn practical techniques to rapidly and easily
prototype three different applications for Android smartphones and tablets –
even with no previous coding experience.\n\nIf you’re a creative
entrepreneur, this is your ideal introduction to today’s trends in the products
and technologies of the emerging augmented reality market.\n\nIf you’re a
journalist, media/content producer or teacher, you’ll discover how to
augment print-based media with sounds, images and videos, and see how
to create an augmented city map and geo-located augmented reality game
for your audience.\n\nIf you’re a web designer or app developer, you’ll gain
a range of technological building blocks that you can integrate into your
service portfolio.\n\nWhatever your background, you’ll learn how to design
cutting-edge visual experiences that will enhance your job
Getting started with Augmented Reality Institut Mines-Télécom
prospects.\n\nWhat you’ll learn\n\n•\tAll about the main MAR products and
technologies on the market today\n•\tHow to build three different
augmented reality applications using an augmented reality browser and
authoring tools\n•\tHow to include image recognition and object tracking
\n•\tHow to use geolocation functionality for outdoor augmented
reality\n•\tDetails of the ISO-ARAF standard, an innovative language for
representing augmented reality content\n\nPrerequisites\n\n•\tYou don’t
need any prior technical knowledge to take this course. \n\n•\tIf you’re
familiar with markup languages (HTML, XML, etc) and content management
systems, you may be more at ease with the key concepts and
techniques.\n\nThis MOOC is supported by the Patrick and Lina Drahi
Foundation.\n\nFollow us!\nTwitter :\nFacebook :

Facebook, AirBnB, Tesla, Amazon, Uber. In just a few years, companies

like these have changed the face of the global economy. Meanwhile,
hundreds of thousands of start-ups are disrupting old business models,
taking on centennial industrial groups – and winning. It’s clear that the rules
of business have changed forever.\n\nThis MOOC provides a knowledge
toolkit for the ongoing digital revolution. You’ll discover 15 concepts that are
essential for understanding the new mechanisms of digital business and
innovation. \n\nEach concept is explained in its own beautifully designed, content-rich instructional video, along with additional resources for you to
Innovating in a Digital World Institut Mines-Télécom
world explore. The ideas are illustrated with up-to-the-minute case studies and
examples from a wide range of industries.\n\nWeek 1 : Why Digital
Changes Everything\nWeek 2 : Creating Value in a Digital World \nWeek 3
: Thinking and Acting Differently\nWeek 4 : Entrepreneurship in a Digital
World\n\nThis MOOC is ideal for learners from a wide range of
backgrounds. It is brought to you by four expert professors and researchers
from Telecom ParisTech, a leading European graduate school in the field of
digital technology and social science.\n\nThis MOOC is supported by the
Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation.
How is a satellite built? How do they fly? How do they communicate and
how does the network operate? You will get all the answers in this course
from teachers and researchers from three schools associated with Institut
Mines-Télécom.\n\nThe course is made of : teaching videos, equipment
demonstrations and simulation programs. They will guide you through the
discovery of satellite communications. Professionals in the space field will
Introduction to Satellite Communications Institut Mines-Télécom share there vocation for this scientific and technical sector. \n\nHave you
ever wanted to know more about transponders, the geostationary orbit,
QPSK modulation, channel coding, link budget, TCP over large bandwdith x
delay product links ? \n\nThis course is for you! This course is available in
English: French-speaking lecturers with English subtitles and fully translated
contents (slides, practices).\n\nThis MOOC is supported by the Patrick and
Lina Drahi Foundation.

You’ll never have a complete picture of what's possible in the future if you
look at it from just one point of view. The best way to expand your vision?
Engage as many people as you can, and “game out” the possibilities
together. \n\nIn this course, you’ll learn how to use collaborative gaming
techniques to go beyond your own thinking and see many, many different
sides of the same future. Over the past decade, the Institute for the Future
has pioneered new methods in “massively-multiplayer foresight.” You’ll
learn how to adapt these methods to get diverse, surprising views of what’s
possible, build your empathy for other people’s futures, and reduce your risk
of being “blindsided” by the future.\n \nThis course features content from
Collaborative Foresight: How to Game the Future Institute for the Future the Ethical Operating System, a tool created by the Institute in collaboration
with Omidyar Networks’ Tech and Society Lab. It’s designed to help
technology companies anticipate risks and prevent unwanted
consequences of the things they build. Whether or not you work in tech, the
Ethical Operating System will give you the chance to participate right now in
an urgent future forecasting game. The stakes of the game are the future of
truth, privacy, democracy, security, and our collective well-being. It’s a
unique opportunity to join creative and strategic forces with people who are
making the tech that’s inventing the future, and with fellow futures thinkers
like you.\n\nMany thanks to the Enlight Foundation and the Enlight
Collaborative, which provided a grant to support the creation of this course.
For many people, the future comes as a surprise – or even a shock. But
with strong forecasting skills, YOU can avoid future shock. You can adapt
faster, and become better prepared to benefit from change.\n\nIn this
course, you’ll build your future forecasting skills. You'll learn how to turn
groups of "signals" (clues about the future) and "drivers" (global forces that
influence the direction of change) into compelling future forecasts.
Forecasts help you discover new possibilities and opportunities for yourself,
your company, or any community you want to inspire to make a better
future. \n\nYou'll also learn how to write future scenarios. Scenarios take
forecasts one step further. They spark imagination and tell a story about
what might happen if a forecast comes true. Scenarios help you evaluate: Is
Forecasting Skills: See the Future Before it this a future I'm ready for? Is this a future I want?\n\nLeading futurists from
Institute for the Future
Happens the Institute for the Future will show you exactly how it's done. They'll share
with you the forecasts and scenarios they’re most excited about right now,
and walk you through the key steps they took to create them. Then, it's your
turn! You'll create a forecast and a scenario on any future topic you
choose.\n\nHow will you benefit from taking this course? With strong
forecasting skills, you'll get better at seeing the future before it happens.
You'll be ready to consider possibilities that others never see coming or
refuse to accept. You'll be able to help others prepare for and adapt to the
future. You can decide which futures you want to make more likely, and
which futures you want to prevent.\n\nMany thanks to the Enlight
Foundation and the Enlight Collaborative, which provided a grant to support
the creation of this course.

Do you want to think about the future with more creativity and optimism? Do
you want to see what’s coming faster, so you can be better prepared for
disruptions and more in control of your future? Do you want to get better at
changing what’s possible today – in your company, your industry, your
community, and in your own life?\n\nThis course will introduce you to the
practice of futures thinking, as developed and applied for the past 50 years
by the Institute for the Future, a Silicon-Valley-based research and learning
group founded in 1968. In this course, you’ll build your understanding of
Ready, Set, Future! Introduction to Futures
Institute for the Future what futures thinking is and what you can do with it. You’ll master essential
Thinking futures-thinking
foresight techniques. You’ll meet some professional futurists. And you’ll
choose one or more future topics you want to investigate with your new
foresight skills.\n\nThis course is for anyone who wants to spot
opportunities for innovation and invention faster. You can gain the skills and
confidence to help YOU become someone who makes the future, instead of
letting the future happen to you.\n\nMany thanks to the Enlight Foundation
and the Enlight Collaborative, which provided a grant to support the
creation of this course.
Do you want to learn how to simulate the future more creatively and more
effectively? This course is for you.\n\nHumans are the only living creatures
with the ability to think about and make plans for the long- term future. Even
so, our brains don’t always make it easy. Over the past decade, scientists
have discovered a number of neurological “road blocks” to effective futures
thinking. These glitches in the brain make it harder for us to accurately
predict how we’ll feel and what we’re likely to do, when a particular future
arrives. They lead us to make faulty assumptions about which futures are
likely or unlikely to happen. And they convince us we have less power to
shape and influence the future than we actually do – leaving us stuck in the
present. \n\nIn this course, you’ll learn how to overcome these obstacles so
you can think about the future more strategically and creatively. You’ll
Simulation Skills: This is Your Brain on the Future Institute for the Future
practice simulation techniques for “unsticking” the mind when it comes to
seeing what’s possible in the future and accepting how things could be
different. You’ll also learn how to lead others through “first-person future”
simulations, which have been shown in scientific studies to improve
strategy and increase motivation and hope for the future. Along the way,
leading futurists from the Institute from the Future will share some of their
most challenging forecasts to help you stretch your imagination and
improve your simulation skills. \n\nThis course will ensure that you can put
all of your new forecasting skills to the best possible use, by helping you
nudge your brain toward more effective ways of simulating and preparing
for the future.\n\nMany thanks to the Enlight Foundation and the Enlight
Collaborative, which provided a grant to support the creation of this course.

When you get better at thinking about the future, you get better at changing
the future.\n\nThis course will help you take all of the foresight skills you’ve
developed so far and apply them to making real positive change in your life,
in your work, and in the world around you.\n\nYou’ll learn how to create and
share “preferred futures”, which are highly persuasive, compelling visions of
the changes you want to make real. You’ll use your preferred future to
identify obstacles, recruit allies, collect resources, and plan action to make
your vision real.\n\nYou’ll also practice making “artifacts” from the future,
Urgent Optimism: How to Turn Foresight into which are creative representations of how everyday life might be different in
Institute for the Future
Action the future. Artifacts can inspire others to join you in your quest to make a
preferred future real. Leading futurists from the Institute for the Future will
share with you their favorite future artifacts – and walk you through the
entire creative process it took to make them.\n\nEvery action we take today
changes the future. This course will help you identify and take the actions
that make the BIGGEST, most strategic impacts on the most urgent
challenges you and society face.\n\nMany thanks to the Enlight Foundation
and the Enlight Collaborative, which provided a grant to support the
creation of this course.
O objetivo deste curso é apresentar o assunto de Controle a Tempo
Discreto para sistemas lineares e invariantes no tempo. São apresentadas
técnicas para lidar com implementação de controladores por computador,
requerendo a consideração da discretização do tempo inerente aos seu
uso. A importância dos conhecimentos apresentados nesse curso se
justifica pela onipresença de controladores digitais em aplicações
atualmente.\nO curso é dividido em 4 módulos, resumidamente:\n1)
Apresentação de modelos para sistemas operando a tempo discreto e
critérios para avaliar sua estabilidade.\n2) Formas de discretizar
aproximadamente uma função de transferência a tempo contínuo e
estimação do efeito da discretização na resposta do sistema.\n3) Projeto
do controlador diretamente em tempo discreto, usando duas abordagens:
Instituto Tecnológico de
Controle a Tempo Discreto resposta em frequência e Lugar Geométrico das Raízes (LGR).\n4) Projeto
Aeronáutica discreto
do controlador diretamente em tempo discreto, usando o espaço de
estados.\nAo longo do curso, ferramentas computacionais de projeto de
controladores auxiliado por computador são usadas para ilustrar a
aplicação das técnicas através de exemplos. Apesar de ser possível
concluir o curso prescindindo dessas ferramentas, seu uso é recomendado
por dois motivos: facilidade de realizar as operações mais tediosas,
liberando mais tempo para focar no conteúdo, e aproximação com o que é
feito na prática de projetos no âmbito de atuação do(a) profissional.\nAo
final desse curso, o(a) aluno(a) deve ser capaz de adaptar criteriosamente
um projeto de controlador feito a tempo contínuo para aplicação em
sistemas controlador por computador digital e projetar diretamente um
controlador a tempo discreto para o mesmo uso.

Após esse curso você será capaz de esboçar o Lugar Geométrico das
Raízes (LGR - Root Locus) do denominador da Função de Transferência
em Malha Fechada a partir dos polos e zeros da Função de Transferência
em Malha aberta.\nVocê também será capaz de projetar controladores de
avanço de fase para atender simultaneamente requisitos de desempenho
de amortecimento e de velocidade da resposta. Você também será capaz
de projetar controladores de atraso de fase para atender requisitos de erro
em regime permanente sem alterar as características de estabilidade e da
resposta transitória do sistema. Você verá que os controladores PD e PI
podem ser considerados como casos especiais dos controladores de
Instituto Tecnológico de avanço e de atraso de fase e verá também que você pode combinar os
Controle de Sistemas no Plano-s
Aeronáutica dois tipos de controladores em controladores de avanço e atraso de fase
ou em controladores PID.\nPor fim você será capaz de modelar o efeito do
atraso de transporte em um sistema com realimentação e de contrapor
esse efeito projetando um controlador ou fazendo ajustes em um
controlador já projetado.\nDesso modo dado um sistema linear e invariante
no tempo e requisitos de amortecimento, velocidade e erro em regime
permanente você será capaz de projetar um controlador que fará com que
o sistema em malha fechada atenda simultaneamente a esses três tipos de
requisitos.\nE você aprenderá tudo isso usando o MATLAB, uma
ferramenta computacional extremamente útil para a análise, projeto e
simulação de sistemas.
Neste curso você aprenderá a obter a resposta em frequência de um
sistema Linear e Invariante no Tempo (LIT) e a usá-la para projetar
controladores que atinjam requisitos de reposta transitória e em regime
estacionário. Você aprenderá a obter o diagrama de Bode a partir de dados
de amplitude e fase de entradas e saídas senoidais. Também será capaz
de esboçar o diagrama de Bode de um sistema dada a sua função de
transferência. Outrossim, será capaz de representar a resposta em
frequência na carta de Nichols-Black.\nA fim de se determinar a
estabilidade do sistema, você aprenderá a aplicar o critério de Nyquist, que
faz uso da resposta em frequência em malha aberta e permite determinar
Instituto Tecnológico de
Controle Usando a Resposta em Frequência se um sistema será estável em malha fechada.\nAo fim do curso, você
será capaz de projetar controladores com dinâmica, isto é, com polos e
zeros, portanto mais complexos do que um simples ganho de
realimentação. Essa flexibilidade permitirá que você projete controladores
para satisfazer simultaneamente requisitos de sobressinal e tempo de
resposta que seriam impossíveis de atender com um simples ganho.
Também poderá com isso alterar as características da resposta em regime
estacionário, aumentando as constantes de erro sem alterar (muito) a
resposta transitória.\nPor fim, você aprenderá a projetar controladores do
tipo PD, PI e PID, que estão entre os mais disseminados em aplicações de
engenharia de controle.
Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver
programas mais complexos em Java, graças às boas práticas e princípios
orientados a objetos e TDD exercitados nos cursos anteriores; mas você
talvez não se sinta ainda confortável em projetar programas para Web e
com dados armazenados em banco de dados, bem como em aplicar
conceitos mais avançados de Java.\n\nO objetivo deste curso é enriquecer
sua experiência com conceitos avançados de Java, programação de
aplicações Web e acesso a banco de dados no contexto de modelagem
ágil.\n\nOs conceitos apresentados neste curso no contexto da
Instituto Tecnológico de
Desenvolvimento Ágil com Java Avançado programação Java incluem o seguinte: APIs fundamentais do Java: tipos
Aeronáutica agil-com-java-avancado
genéricos, reflexão e anotações; expressões lambda do Java 8; aplicação
Web com Java: Java Servlets, páginas JSP, padrão MVC e teste de
aplicação Web com Selenium; e acesso a banco de dados em Java: JDBC,
desenvolvimento de aplicação empresarial e testes com DBUnit.\n\nAo final
deste curso, você terá amadurecido de tal modo suas habilidades de
programação que será capaz de implementar de modo ágil uma versão
inicial da aplicação Web em associação com o componente de gamificação
constantes do Trabalho de Conclusão da Especialização, com base nas
boas práticas exercitadas neste curso.
Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver
programas mais complexos em Java, graças às boas práticas e princípios
exercitados nos cursos anteriores; mas você talvez não se sinta ainda
confortável em lidar com cenários mais complexos, onde é difícil
desenvolver software com código de qualidade com flexibilidade suficiente
para facilitar a implementação de mudanças repentinas de requisitos. \n\nO
objetivo deste curso é oferecer a você um aprofundamento em técnicas de
programação orientadas a objetos pelo uso de padrões de projeto no
contexto de desenvolvimento ágil.\n\nOs seguintes conceitos são
apresentados neste curso:\n\t•\tRevisão de conceitos de orientação a
objetos: abstração de dados, encapsulamento, herança e
Instituto Tecnológico de polimorfismo\n\t•\tReúso por meio de herança: padrões Null Object,
Desenvolvimento Ágil com Padrões de Projeto
Aeronáutica agil-com-padroes-de-projeto Template Method e Factory Method\n\t•\tDelegando comportamento com
composição: padrões Strategy, Bridge, State e Observer\n\t•\tComposição
recursiva: padrões Composite e Chain of Responsibility\n\t•\tEnvolvendo
objetos: padrões Proxy, Decorator e Adapter\n\t•\tEstratégias para criar
objetos: padrões Static Fabric Methods, Singleton e
Builder\n\t•\tModularidade: padrão Dependency Injection\n\nAo final deste
curso, você terá amadurecido de tal modo suas habilidades de
programação que será capaz de implementar partes da aplicação Web
final com o componente de gamificação enriquecido constantes do
Trabalho de Conclusão da Especialização, aplicando onde apropriado
alguns dos padrões apresentados neste curso durante a refatoração na
prática TDD.
Este curso apresenta os principais conceitos do controle de sistemas e
mostra suas vantagens e importância para a sociedade moderna. Você vai
entender o que é o controle de sistemas e como o controle com
realimentação funciona, e passará a perceber a sua presença em diversas
situações em seu dia-a-dia, na natureza, no corpo humano e em diversos
dispositivos, desde os mais simples até os mais complexos.\n\nVocê vai
Instituto Tecnológico de perceber a necessidade de modelos teóricos para a análise e o projeto do
Introdução ao Controle de Sistemas
Aeronáutica controle de sistemas e aprenderá como verificar se um sistema atende a
determinados requisitos de desempenho. Você também aprenderá como
projetar um controle simples de modo a obter o melhor desempenho
possível de um sistema de controle. Este é apenas o primeiro passo em
direção a um vasto campo do conhecimento e lhe dará a base e a
segurança necessárias para avançar em seus estudos no maravilhoso
mundo do controle de sistemas.

Este curso lhe dará a base necessária para entender técnicas mais
avançadas de controle moderno.\nVocê aprenderá como representar a
dinâmica de um sistema no espaço de estados, como analisar um sistema
Instituto Tecnológico de
Introdução ao Controle Moderno no espaço de estados, como projetar uma realimentação de estado e como
projetar um observador de estado.\n\nA partir desde conhecimento básico
você já será capaz de realizar a análise e o projeto no espaço de estados e
poderá avançar em seus estudos no controle moderno.
Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe desenvolver programas
pequenos em Java, mas você talvez não se sinta ainda confortável em
projetar programas mais complexos com método e organização. \n\nO
objetivo deste curso é fazer você compreender os princípios de orientação
a objetos por meio da linguagem Java e saber como eficientemente aplicar
esses princípios na prática quando projetando e desenvolvendo software
de maneira ágil. Os conceitos discutidos e experimentados por você neste
curso serão a base para você poder compreender os novos conceitos
apresentados nos cursos seguintes desta especialização.\n\nOs conceitos
Java apresentados neste curso incluem o seguinte: revisão de conceitos
básicos de orientação a objetos, tais como classes, objetos, métodos e
atributos, variáveis de instância e de classe; responsabilidades,
colaborações e cartões CRC; testes de unidade, uso de plataforma IDE
Instituto Tecnológico de
Orientação a Objetos com Java como o Eclipse; herança, classes concretas e abstratas, interfaces,
Aeronáutica objetos-com-java
modificadores de acesso, encapsulamento, métodos de acesso;
aprofundamento nos conceitos de polimorfismo, sobrecarga e
sobreposição; associação de classes, agregação e composição; exceções,
delegação e acoplamento abstrato. Em seguida, vocês serão apresentados
aos principais princípios usados para organizar o desenvolvimento de
programas orientados a objetos com qualidade, dentre os quais, os
princípios "Tell, Don't Ask!" e "Law of Demeter". Sempre que conveniente,
cada conceito será representado por meio de diagramas UML. Você será
exposto a propriedades e anotações em Java.\n\nAo final deste curso,
você terá amadurecido de tal modo suas habilidades de programação que
você será capaz de implementar versões iniciais do componente de
gamificação constante do Trabalho de Conclusão da Especialização, com
base nas boas práticas exercitadas neste curso.
Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver
programas mais complexos em Java, graças às boas práticas e princípios
orientados a objetos, TDD e conceitos avançados de Java aplicados à Web
e banco de dados exercitados nos cursos anteriores; mas você talvez não
se sinta ainda confortável em planejar e gerenciar o desenvolvimento das
aplicações com base em modernas práticas de modelagem ágil.\n\nO
objetivo deste curso é expor você às principais técnicas e princípios de
desenvolvimento ágil, em especial aos que se popularizaram pela sua
utilização no framework Scrum e na metodologia XP (Extreme
Programming). Apresentamos o Scrum&XP, uma combinação apropriada
do framework Scrum com a metodologia XP – Extreme Programming, sem
no entanto afirmar que você estará aprendendo tudo sobre Scrum ou sobre
XP.\n\nOs conceitos apresentados neste curso incluem o seguinte:\n\n*
Manifesto ágil e princípios de desenvolvimento ágil\n\n* Requisitos de
software na forma de user stories e backlog de produto\n\n* Eventos e
reuniões do Scrum&XP: Sprint, Sprint Planning, Planning Poker, Daily
Instituto Tecnológico de
Princípios de Desenvolvimento Ágil de Software Scrum, Sprint Review e Sprint Retrospective, TDD e Programação em
Aeronáutica desenvolvimento-agil-de-software
Pares\n\n* Papéis do Scrum: Product Owner, Time de Desenvolvedores e
Scrum Master\n\n* Tarefas, Sprint Backlog, Quadro de Tarefas e Diagrama
Burndown\n\nAo final deste curso, você terá amadurecido de tal modo
suas habilidades de programação que será capaz de implementar de modo
ágil um sistema que incorpora um componente de gamificação constante
do Trabalho de Conclusão do Programa de Cursos Integrados, com base
nas boas práticas ágeis exercitadas neste curso com o Scrum&XP
apresentado.\n\nObs.: Embora o Programa de Cursos Integrados (descrito
abaixo) seja sobre a linguagem Java no contexto de desenvolvimento ágil,
neste curso em especial você poderá empregar a linguagem que desejar,
embora incentivemos que os alunos dos cursos anteriores do programa
faça uso do Java, pois será uma oportunidade muito enriquecedora de
praticar TDD com Java da maneira que se faz na indústria de software.\n-- -
-- ----\n\ ITA\nPrograma de Cursos Integrados: Programação
Java e Modelagem Ágil\nCurso 1: Orientação a Objetos com Java\nCurso
2: TDD – Desenvolvimento de Software Guiado por Testes\nCurso 3:
Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver
programas mais complexos em Java, com método e organização graças às
boas práticas e princípios exercitados no curso anterior; mas você talvez
não se sinta ainda confortável em projetar programas usando técnicas
ágeis, como o desenvolvimento guiado por testes (TDD). \n\nO objetivo
deste curso é expor você aos princípios e práticas de desenvolvimento
guiado por testes, tanto para modelar quanto para desenvolver aplicações
e componentes de software, sem abandonar os conceitos e princípios de
orientação a objetos aprendidos no curso anterior. De fato, pregamos que
tais conceitos e princípios fortalecem o emprego do TDD no
desenvolvimento ágil de software com mais qualidade. Este curso terá um
TDD – Desenvolvimento de Software Guiado por Instituto Tecnológico de grande foco em atividades hands-on, permitindo a você captar todos os
Testes Aeronáutica desenvolvimento-de-software-guiado-por-testes aspectos práticos da técnica e facilitar a sua aplicação quando estiver
projetando e desenvolvendo software de maneira ágil nos próximos
cursos.\n\nOs conceitos de desenvolvimento de software com Java
apresentados neste curso incluem o seguinte: revisão de testes de
unidade; automação de testes; desenvolvimento guiado por testes; ciclo do
TDD; refatoração de código de produção; ciclo de refatoração; uso de
objetos stubs e mocks; boas práticas no TDD; modelagem de software por
meio do TDD.\n\nAo final deste curso, você terá amadurecido de tal modo
suas habilidades de programação que será capaz de implementar, agora
usando o TDD, versões modificadas e estendidas do componente de
gamificação constante do Trabalho de Conclusão da Especialização, com
base nas boas práticas exercitadas neste curso.

This course provides an introduction to Deep Learning, a field that aims to

harness the enormous amounts of data that we are surrounded by with
artificial neural networks, allowing for the development of self-driving cars,
An Introduction to Practical Deep Learning Intel speech interfaces, genomic sequence analysis and algorithmic trading.
\n\nYou will explore important concepts in Deep Learning, train deep
networks using Intel Nervana Neon, apply Deep Learning to various
applications and explore new and emerging Deep Learning topics.

This course will introduce you to the multiple forms of parallelism found in
modern Intel architecture processors and teach you the programming
frameworks for handling this parallelism in applications. You will get access
to a cluster of modern manycore processors (Intel Xeon Phi architecture) for
experiments with graded programming exercises.\n\nThis course can apply
to various HPC and datacenter workloads and framework including artificial
intelligence (AI). You will learn how to handle data parallelism with vector
Fundamentals of Parallelism on Intel Architecture Intel
instructions, task parallelism in shared memory with threads, parallelism in
distributed memory with message passing, and memory architecture
parallelism with optimized data containers. This knowledge will help you to
accelerate computational applications by orders of magnitude, all the while
keeping your code portable and future-proof.\n\nPrerequisite: programming
in C/C++ or Fortran in the Linux environment and Linux shell proficiency
(navigation, file copying, editing files in text-based editors, compilation).
Welcome to the Intel® Network Academy – a comprehensive training
program on network transformation. In this program, we will be covering
the topic areas of software defined infrastructure (SDI) network functions
Intel® Network Academy - Network virtualization (NFV), software-defined networking (SDN) and beyond. The
Transformation 101 transformation-101 Network Academy includes a broad collection of online content and
technical training aimed to assist technical professionals in the network
industry to improve their knowledge of key Intel® technologies, industry
trends, and technical aspects of NFV deployments.
Welcome to the Intel® Network Academy – a comprehensive training
program on network transformation. In this program, we will be covering
the topic areas of software defined infrastructure (SDI) network functions
Intel® Network Academy - Network virtualization (NFV), software-defined networking (SDN) and beyond. The
Transformation 102 transformation-102 Network Academy includes a broad collection of online content and
technical training aimed to assist technical professionals in the network
industry to improve their knowledge of key Intel® technologies, industry
trends, and technical aspects of NFV deployments.
Welcome to the Introduction to Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit for
Computer Vision Applications course!\n\nThis course provides easy access
to the fundamental concepts of the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit.
Throughout this course, you will be introduced to demos, showcasing the
capabilities of this toolkit. \n\nWith the skills you acquire from this course,
you will be able to describe the value of tools and utilities provided in the
Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit, such as the model downloader,
Introduction to Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™
Intel model optimizer and inference engine.\n\nWho this class is for:\nThis
toolkit for Computer Vision Applications
course is intended for learners with no prior experience with computer
vision, although previous knowledge is helpful. This course is ideal for
anyone interested in learning more about core concepts of computer vision
applications and the Intel Distribution of OpenVINO toolkit.\n\nEstimated
Workload: \nYou should expect to allocate about 3 hours to complete this
course. \n\nLearner pre-requisites: \nNo prior knowledge of computer vision
is necessary, although previous experience is helpful.
OpenCL™ is a standard for writing parallel programs for heterogeneous
systems, much like the NVidia* CUDA* programming language. In the
FPGA environment, OpenCL constructs are synthesized into custom logic.
An overview of the OpenCL standards will be discussed. You will learn
about the platform, execution, memory, and programming models that define the OpenCL specification. Syntax of the OpenCL language will be
Introduction to OpenCL on FPGAs Intel
introduction discussed, and you will see examples of OpenCL usage. The similarities
and differences between OpenCL and CUDA will be highlighted throughout.
The advantages of using the Intel® FPGA OpenCL solution will be
presented.*OpenCL and the OpenCL logo are trademarks of Apple Inc.
used by permission of Khronos*Other names and brands may be claimed
as the property of others
The Kotlin programming language is a modern language that gives you
more power for your everyday tasks. Kotlin is concise, safe, pragmatic, and
focused on interoperability with Java code. It can be used almost
everywhere Java is used today: for server-side development, Android apps,
and much more. Kotlin is 100% compatible with all existing Java
frameworks, and has good tooling support. It’s a pragmatic language with a
very low learning curve, and can be quickly grasped by Java developers.
Kotlin code might be compiled not only to JVM bytecode but to JavaScript and Native code as well, but this course is focused on Kotlin/JVM.\n\nThis
Kotlin for Java Developers JetBrains
developers course aims to share with you the power and the beauty of Kotlin. We'll
have a basic overview of the language, as well as a discussion of many
corner cases, especially concerning Java interoperability. The course is
based on your Java experience; it shows the similarities between the two
languages and focuses on what's going to be different. \nNote that this
course won't cover the programming fundamentals. We'll discuss: basic
syntax, nullability, functional programming with Kotlin, object-oriented
programming with Kotlin, the power of the Kotlin standard library, and Java
By now you have definitely heard about data science and big data. In this
one-week class, we will provide a crash course in what these terms mean
and how they play a role in successful organizations. This class is for
anyone who wants to learn what all the data science action is about,
including those who will eventually need to manage data scientists. The
goal is to get you up to speed as quickly as possible on data science
without all the fluff. We've designed this course to be as convenient as
possible without sacrificing any of the essentials.\n\nThis is a focused
course designed to rapidly get you up to speed on the field of data science.
Our goal was to make this as convenient as possible for you without
A Crash Course in Data Science Johns Hopkins University
sacrificing any essential content. We've left the technical information aside
so that you can focus on managing your team and moving it
forward.\n\nAfter completing this course you will know. \n\n1. How to
describe the role data science plays in various contexts\n2. How statistics,
machine learning, and software engineering play a role in data science\n3.
How to describe the structure of a data science project\n4. Know the key
terms and tools used by data scientists\n5. How to identify a successful and
an unsuccessful data science project\n3. The role of a data science
manager\n\n\nCourse cover image by r2hox. Creative Commons BY-SA:

Welcome to the Advanced Linear Models for Data Science Class 1: Least
Squares. This class is an introduction to least squares from a linear
algebraic and mathematical perspective. Before beginning the class make
sure that you have the following:\n\n- A basic understanding of linear
Advanced Linear Models for Data Science 1: algebra and multivariate calculus.\n- A basic understanding of statistics and
Johns Hopkins University
Least Squares regression models.\n- At least a little familiarity with proof based
mathematics.\n- Basic knowledge of the R programming language.\n\nAfter
taking this course, students will have a firm foundation in a linear algebraic
treatment of regression modeling. This will greatly augment applied data
scientists' general understanding of regression models.
Welcome to the Advanced Linear Models for Data Science Class 2:
Statistical Linear Models. This class is an introduction to least squares from
a linear algebraic and mathematical perspective. Before beginning the class
make sure that you have the following:\n\n- A basic understanding of linear
Advanced Linear Models for Data Science 2: algebra and multivariate calculus.\n- A basic understanding of statistics and
Johns Hopkins University
Statistical Linear Models regression models.\n- At least a little familiarity with proof based
mathematics.\n- Basic knowledge of the R programming language.\n\nAfter
taking this course, students will have a firm foundation in a linear algebraic
treatment of regression modeling. This will greatly augment applied data
scientists' general understanding of regression models.

This course covers advanced topics in R programming that are necessary

for developing powerful, robust, and reusable data science tools. Topics
covered include functional programming in R, robust error handling, object
oriented programming, profiling and benchmarking, debugging, and proper
design of functions. Upon completing this course you will be able to identify
and abstract common data analysis tasks and to encapsulate them in user-
Advanced R Programming Johns Hopkins University
facing functions. Because every data science environment encounters
unique data challenges, there is always a need to develop custom software
specific to your organization’s mission. You will also be able to define new
data types in R and to develop a universe of functionality specific to those
data types to enable cleaner execution of data science tasks and stronger
reusability within a team.
We will learn computational methods -- algorithms and data structures -- for
analyzing DNA sequencing data. We will learn a little about DNA, genomics,
Algorithms for DNA Sequencing Johns Hopkins University and how DNA sequencing is used. We will use Python to implement key
algorithms and data structures and to analyze real genomes and DNA
sequencing datasets.
A food system encompasses the activities, people and resources involved
in getting food from field to plate. Along the way, it intersects with aspects of
public health, equity and the environment. In this course, we will provide a
brief introduction to the U.S. food system and how food production practices
An Introduction to the U.S. Food System: and what we choose to eat impacts the world in which we live. We will
Johns Hopkins University
Perspectives from Public Health discuss some key historical and political factors that have helped shape the
current food system and consider alternative approaches from farm to fork.
The course will be led by a team of faculty and staff from the Johns Hopkins
Center for a Livable Future. Guest lecturers will include experts from a
variety of disciplines, including public health, policy and agriculture.
Learn to use tools from the Bioconductor project to perform analysis of
Bioconductor for Genomic Data Science Johns Hopkins University genomic data. This is the fifth course in the Genomic Big Data
Specialization from Johns Hopkins University.
Data science is a team sport. As a data science executive it is your job to
recruit, organize, and manage the team to success. In this one-week
course, we will cover how you can find the right people to fill out your data
science team, how to organize them to give them the best chance to feel
empowered and successful, and how to manage your team as it grows.
\n\nThis is a focused course designed to rapidly get you up to speed on the
process of building and managing a data science team. Our goal was to
make this as convenient as possible for you without sacrificing any essential
content. We've left the technical information aside so that you can focus on
Building a Data Science Team Johns Hopkins University managing your team and moving it forward.\n\nAfter completing this course
you will know.\n\n1. The different roles in the data science team including
data scientist and data engineer\n2. How the data science team relates to
other teams in an organization\n3. What are the expected qualifications of
different data science team members\n4. Relevant questions for
interviewing data scientists\n5. How to manage the onboarding process for
the team\n6. How to guide data science teams to success\n7. How to
encourage and empower data science teams\n\nCommitment: 1 week of
study, 4-6 hours\n\nCourse cover image by JaredZammit. Creative
Commons BY-SA.
The data science revolution has produced reams of new data from a wide
variety of new sources. These new datasets are being used to answer new
questions in way never before conceived. Visualization remains one of the
most powerful ways draw conclusions from data, but the influx of new data
types requires the development of new visualization techniques and
building blocks. This course provides you with the skills for creating those
Building Data Visualization Tools Johns Hopkins University
new visualization building blocks. We focus on the ggplot2 framework and
describe how to use and extend the system to suit the specific needs of
your organization or team. Upon completing this course, learners will be
able to build the tools needed to visualize a wide variety of data types and
will have the fundamentals needed to address new data types as they
come about.
Writing good code for data science is only part of the job. In order to
maximizing the usefulness and reusability of data science software, code
must be organized and distributed in a manner that adheres to community-
based standards and provides a good user experience. This course covers
Building R Packages Johns Hopkins University the primary means by which R software is organized and distributed to
others. We cover R package development, writing good documentation and
vignettes, writing robust software, cross-platform development, continuous
integration tools, and distributing packages via CRAN and GitHub. Learners
will produce R packages that satisfy the criteria for submission to CRAN.
In this Capstone project for the Photo Tourist you will implement a Ruby on
Rails web application that makes use of both a relational and NoSQL
database for the backend and expose the data through services to the
Internet using Web services and a responsive user interface operating in a
browser from a desktop and mobile device. You will have a chance to
revisit and apply what you have learned in our previous courses to build and
deploy a fully functional web application to the cloud accessible to your co-
workers, future employers, friends, and family.\n\nIn developing the Photo
Tourist web application, you will get to work with different data types and
Capstone: Photo Tourist Web Application Johns Hopkins University data access scenarios (e.g., fielded data display and update, image
upload/download, text search, access controlled information) to provide
your users the ability to show off their photos and information from trips they
have taken and to seek out photos and information from trips taken by
others. Using the application you develop, your users will be able
to\n•\tCreate an account\n•\tUpload and download photos to the site and
make them accessible to others\n•\tProvide descriptions of trips and photos
that others can read\n•\tOrganize photos by location and trip, \n•\tFind
photos based on location\n•\tFind photos based on text searches of
descriptions \n•\tLocate the place where the photo was taken on a map
This course covers chemicals in our environment and in our bodies and
how they impact our health. It addresses policies and practices related to
chemicals, particularly related to how they get into our bodies (exposures),
Chemicals and Health Johns Hopkins University
what they do when they get there (toxicology), how we measure them
(biomonitoring) and their impact on our health. Most examples are drawn
from the US.
Introduces to the commands that you need to manage and analyze
directories, files, and large sets of genomic data. This is the fourth course in
Command Line Tools for Genomic Data Science Johns Hopkins University
the Genomic Big Data Science Specialization from Johns Hopkins
In bringing about behavior change in public health, we often focus on the
individual mother, student, or farmer. We should not forget the community
structure and norms constrain for encouraging individual health behaviors.
This course examines the community context of the changes needed to
promote the public’s health. We begin by examining the various definitions
of ‘community’ and the processes by which we ‘diagnose’ or seek to
understand the structure and characteristics of different types of
communities.\n\nAn appreciation of community similarities and differences
is necessary lest we fall into the trap of designing one-size-fits-all
interventions. We need to recognize that no matter that outsiders may view
a community as poor or neglected, we can find strengths and capacities for
improvement in each community. Identifying community capacities and
Community Change in Public Health Johns Hopkins University resources is the first step in facilitating community change. Different
practical and philosophical approaches to change and therefore, examined.
Specific to the change process is our recognition of the need for
communities to participate in the design, implementation and evaluation of
any intervention.\n\nWe examine the concept of participation in an effort to
see how different levels of involvement may affect sustainability of
community change efforts. Finally a case study of a community participatory
approach to onchocerciasis control in Africa is presented. Community
Directed Intervention has subsequently been successfully applied to
providing other essential primary health care services by and in the
community, such as insecticide treated bednets, malaria treatment, vitamin
A distribution, deworming medicines, and pneumonia and diarrhea case
This course introduces participants from the healthcare sector to gender
based violence (GBV), including global epidemiology of GBV; health
outcomes; seminal research; and clinical best practices for GBV prevention,
support, and management. A core curriculum is supplemented by lectures
that contextualize the content with specific examples and programs from
around the world. The core curriculum introduces learners to a global
perspective on gender based violence (GBV), and includes a review with
Dr. Claudia Garcia-Moreno of the new WHO guidelines on responding to
violence. Students who wish to receive Honors Recognition will complete
the honors module, which expands on the core material and highlights
special circumstances and programs. \n\nThis is an in-depth course with 2
components: \n1) Core curriculum introduces GBV from a global
perspective, with an emphasis on ensuring a strong health sector response
to GBV and teaching key competencies for social workers, physicians,
nurses, midwives, community health workers, counselors, and other
healthcare workers. Completion of the core content is required for students
Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global
Johns Hopkins University to pass the course. \n2) Honors curriculum offered by experts from around
Lessons for Healthcare Workers violence
the world helps students dive deeper into certain issues, and touches on
unique populations and specialized topics. Completion of Honors curriculum
is required for those students who wish to receive a Certificate of
Accomplishment with Honors.\n\nAfter taking the course, students will be
able to:\n●\tDescribe the global epidemiology of leading forms of GBV and
the evidence linking GBV to poor health.\n●\tArticulate the challenges,
strategies, and WHO guidelines for integrating GBV response within the
health sector. \n●\tDescribe the components of a comprehensive clinical
assessment, treatment, and management of a GBV survivor.\n●\tDescribe
the appropriate psychosocial support and management of a GBV
survivor.\n\nModule 1 – Introduction to GBV- Epidemiology and Health
Impact\nGBV comes in a variety of forms, each with health consequences
for the survivor. An understanding of these issues helps inform a
comprehensive and multi-sectorial response for preventing and responding
to GBV. \n\nModule 2 – Health Care Response, Screening, and
Psychosocial Support\nRecognition of health impacts of GBV has led to
This capstone course in the Health Informatics Specialization will allow
learners to create a comprehensive plan for an informatics intervention of
Culminating Project in Health Informatics Johns Hopkins University their choosing, and that will demonstrate to current or future employers the
new skills obtained through the completion of this series of five courses in
Health Informatics.
Epidemiology is often described as the cornerstone science in public health.
Epidemiology in public health practice uses study design and analyses to
identify causes in an outbreak situation, guides interventions to improve
population health, and evaluates programs and policies.\n\nIn this course,
we'll define the role of the professional epidemiologist as it relates to public
health services, functions, and competencies. With that foundation in mind,
Data and Health Indicators in Public Health
Johns Hopkins University we'll introduce you to the problem solving methodology and demonstrate
how it can be used in a wide variety of settings to identify problems,
propose solutions, and evaluate interventions. This methodology depends
on the use of reliable data, so we'll take a deep dive into the routine and
public health data systems that lie at the heart of epidemiology and then
conclude with how you can use that data to calculate measures of disease
burden in populations.
The capstone project class will allow students to create a usable/public data
product that can be used to show your skills to potential employers. Projects
Data Science Capstone Johns Hopkins University
will be drawn from real-world problems and will be conducted with industry,
government, and academic partners.
The capstone project class will allow students to create a usable/public data
product that can be used to show your skills to potential employers. Projects
Data Science Capstone Johns Hopkins University
will be drawn from real-world problems and will be conducted with industry,
government, and academic partners.
The capstone project class will allow students to create a usable/public data
product that can be used to show your skills to potential employers. Projects
Data Science Capstone Johns Hopkins University
will be drawn from real-world problems and will be conducted with industry,
government, and academic partners.
The capstone project class will allow students to create a usable/public data
product that can be used to show your skills to potential employers. Projects
Data Science Capstone Johns Hopkins University
will be drawn from real-world problems and will be conducted with industry,
government, and academic partners.
Have you ever had the perfect data science experience? The data pull went
perfectly. There were no merging errors or missing data. Hypotheses were
clearly defined prior to analyses. Randomization was performed for the
treatment of interest. The analytic plan was outlined prior to analysis and
followed exactly. The conclusions were clear and actionable decisions were
obvious. Has that every happened to you? Of course not. Data analysis in
real life is messy. How does one manage a team facing real data analyses?
In this one-week course, we contrast the ideal with what happens in real
life. By contrasting the ideal, you will learn key concepts that will help you
manage real life analyses. \n\nThis is a focused course designed to rapidly
get you up to speed on doing data science in real life. Our goal was to
make this as convenient as possible for you without sacrificing any essential
content. We've left the technical information aside so that you can focus on
managing your team and moving it forward.\n\nAfter completing this course
you will know how to:\n\n1, Describe the “perfect” data science
Data Science in Real Life Johns Hopkins University
experience\n2. Identify strengths and weaknesses in experimental
designs\n3. Describe possible pitfalls when pulling / assembling data and
learn solutions for managing data pulls.\n4. Challenge statistical modeling
assumptions and drive feedback to data analysts\n5. Describe common
pitfalls in communicating data analyses\n6. Get a glimpse into a day in the
life of a data analysis manager.\n\nThe course will be taught at a
conceptual level for active managers of data scientists and statisticians.
Some key concepts being discussed include:\n1. Experimental design,
randomization, A/B testing\n2. Causal inference, counterfactuals, \n3.
Strategies for managing data quality.\n4. Bias and confounding\n5.
Contrasting machine learning versus classical statistical
cover image by Jonathan Gross. Creative Commons BY-ND
Clinical trials are experiments designed to evaluate new interventions to
prevent or treat disease in humans. The interventions evaluated can be
drugs, devices (e.g., hearing aid), surgeries, behavioral interventions (e.g.,
smoking cessation program), community health programs (e.g. cancer
screening programs) or health delivery systems (e.g., special care units for
hospital admissions). We consider clinical trials experiments because the
investigators rather than the patients or their doctors select the treatment
the patients receive. Results from randomized clinical trials are usually
considered the highest level of evidence for determining whether a
treatment is effective because trials incorporates features to ensure that
evaluation of the benefits and risks of treatments are objective and
Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials Johns Hopkins University
unbiased. The FDA requires that drugs or biologics (e.g., vaccines) are
shown to be effective in clinical trials before they can be sold in the
US.\nThe course will explain the basic principles for design of randomized
clinical trials and how they should be reported. In the first part of the course,
students will be introduced to terminology used in clinical trials and the
several common designs used for clinical trials, such as parallel and cross-
over designs. We will also explain some of the mechanics of clinical trials,
like randomization and blinding of treatment. In the second half of the
course, we will explain how clinical trials are analyzed and interpreted.
Finally, we will review the essential ethical consideration involved in
conducting experiments on people.

Keeping patient safety and quality improvement projects on track, on time,

and on budget is critical to ensuring their success. In this course, students
will be introduced and given the opportunity to apply a series of tools to
Designing for Sustainment: Keeping Improvement guide and manage patient safety and quality initiatives. These include tools
Johns Hopkins University
Work on Track (Patient Safety IV) sustainment for defining what success looks like, developing a change management
plan, and conducting a pre-mortem to identify risks for project failure. This
course will also provide tools for engaging stakeholders to ensure key
players are invested in your project’s success.
A data product is the production output from a statistical analysis. Data
products automate complex analysis tasks or use technology to expand the
utility of a data informed model, algorithm or inference. This course covers
Developing Data Products Johns Hopkins University the basics of creating data products using Shiny, R packages, and
interactive graphics. The course will focus on the statistical fundamentals of
creating a data product that can be used to tell a story about data to a mass
A data product is the production output from a statistical analysis. Data
products automate complex analysis tasks or use technology to expand the
utility of a data informed model, algorithm or inference. This course covers
Developing Data Products Johns Hopkins University the basics of creating data products using Shiny, R packages, and
interactive graphics. The course will focus on the statistical fundamentals of
creating a data product that can be used to tell a story about data to a mass
A data product is the production output from a statistical analysis. Data
products automate complex analysis tasks or use technology to expand the
utility of a data informed model, algorithm or inference. This course covers
Developing Data Products Johns Hopkins University the basics of creating data products using Shiny, R packages, and
interactive graphics. The course will focus on the statistical fundamentals of
creating a data product that can be used to tell a story about data to a mass
A data product is the production output from a statistical analysis. Data
products automate complex analysis tasks or use technology to expand the
utility of a data informed model, algorithm or inference. This course covers
Developing Data Products Johns Hopkins University the basics of creating data products using Shiny, R packages, and
interactive graphics. The course will focus on the statistical fundamentals of
creating a data product that can be used to tell a story about data to a mass
Health behavior lies at the core of any successful public health intervention.
While we will examine the behavior of individual in depth in this course, we
also recognize by way of the Ecological Model that individual behavior is
encouraged or constrained by the behavior of families, social groups,
communities, organizations and policy makers. We recognize that behavior
change is not a simplistic process but requires an understanding of
dimensions like frequency, complexity and cultural congruity. Such
behavioral analysis is strengthened through the use of a toolkit of
Diagnosing Health Behaviors for Global Health
Johns Hopkins University theoretical models and practical frameworks. While many of such models
Programs global
and frameworks exist, in this course we will review the Health Belief Model,
Social Learning Theory, Theory of Reasoned Action, the Trans-Theoretical
Model and the PRECEDE Framework. After building your behavioral
analysis toolkit with these examples, you will see that actual behavior
change program planning uses a combination of ideas and variables from
different models, theories and frameworks. Ultimately we aim to encourage
course participants to apply the idea that successful programs are theory
based as they go about involving people in improving their health.
Do a lot of people in your neighborhood all seem to have the same
sickness? Are people concerned about high rates of cancer? Your
community may want to explore the possibility of a disease cluster, which
happens when there is a higher number of cases of disease than
expected.\n \nWhen communities hear about cases of disease in their
Disease Clusters Johns Hopkins University neighborhood, they are rightfully concerned. However, the results of
investigations by the health department often find no evidence of a
cluster.\n \nThis course will help you understand what a disease cluster is
and how it is studied. The goal is to empower community (or citizen)
scientists, and to help build better relationships between communities and
health officials.
Synbio is a diverse field with diverse applications, and the different contexts
(e.g., gain-of-function research, biofuels) raise different ethical and
governance challenges. The objective of this course is to increase learners’
awareness and understanding of ethical and policy/governance issues that
arise in the design, conduct and application of synthetic biology. The course
will begin with a short history of recombinant DNA technology and how
governance of that science developed and evolved, and progress through a
Engineering Life: Synbio, Bioethics & Public Policy Johns Hopkins University
series of areas of application of synbio. \n\nContent will be presented in
many forms, including not only reading and lectures, but also recorded and
live interviews and discussions with scientists, ethicists and policy makers.
Learners will have the opportunity to think, write and talk about the issues
and challenges in their own work and in real-life case examples. A final
project will engage students in the development of governance models for
In order to make a difference in the health and well-being of a population,
we must understand the burden of all problems and conditions that affect
the population, as well as how well our efforts to mitigate these problems
are actually working. This course provides you with some essential skills
and tools that will enhance your ability to describe and understand the
Essential Epidemiologic Tools for Public Health health of your community. The tools that epidemiologists use are in fact
Johns Hopkins University
Practice useful for all public health practitioners, including data scientists, program
officials, agency leaders, and policymakers. Whether you are deeply
enmeshed in your career and looking to augment your skills, or are looking
to change career paths into the field of public health, this course will give
you some of the practical knowledge and skills that we hope you can apply
in your professional endeavors.

Welcome to the Evidence-based Toxicology (EBT) course. In medicine and

healthcare, evidence-based medicine has revolutionized the way that
information is evaluated transparently and objectively. Over the past ten
years, a movement in North America and Europe has attempted to translate
this revolution to the field of toxicology.\nThe Center for Alternatives to
Animal Testing (CAAT) within the department of Environmental Health and
Engineering at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health hosts
the first chair for EBT and the secretariat for the EBT Collaboration on both
sides of the Atlantic. Based on the Cochrane Collaboration in Evidence-
based Medicine, the EBT Collaboration was established at the CAAT to foster the development of a process for quality assurance of new toxicity
Evidence-based Toxicology Johns Hopkins University
toxicology tests for the assessment of safety in humans and the
environment.\nRegulatory safety sciences have undergone remarkably little
change in the past fifty years. At the same time, our knowledge in the life
sciences is doubling about every seven years. Systematic review and
related evidence-based approaches are beginning to be adapted by
regulatory agencies like the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), the
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and the US National Toxicology
Program. They provide transparent, objective, and consistent tools to
identify, select, appraise, and extract evidence across studies. \nThis
course will showcase these emerging efforts and address opportunities and
challenges to the expanded use of these tools within toxicology.
The Executive Data Science Capstone, the specialization’s culminating
project, is an opportunity for people who have completed all four EDS
courses to apply what they've learned to a real-world scenario developed in
collaboration with Zillow, a data-driven online real estate and rental
marketplace, and DataCamp, a web-based platform for data science programming. Your task will be to lead a virtual data science team and
Executive Data Science Capstone Johns Hopkins University
science-capstone make key decisions along the way to demonstrate that you have what it
takes to shepherd a complex analysis project from start to finish. For the
final project, you will prepare and submit a presentation, which will be
evaluated and graded by your fellow capstone participants.\n\nCourse
cover image by Luckey_sun. Creative Commons BY-SA
This course covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing
data. These techniques are typically applied before formal modeling
commences and can help inform the development of more complex
statistical models. Exploratory techniques are also important for eliminating
Exploratory Data Analysis Johns Hopkins University or sharpening potential hypotheses about the world that can be addressed
by the data. We will cover in detail the plotting systems in R as well as
some of the basic principles of constructing data graphics. We will also
cover some of the common multivariate statistical techniques used to
visualize high-dimensional data.
This course covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing
data. These techniques are typically applied before formal modeling
commences and can help inform the development of more complex
statistical models. Exploratory techniques are also important for eliminating
Exploratory Data Analysis Johns Hopkins University or sharpening potential hypotheses about the world that can be addressed
by the data. We will cover in detail the plotting systems in R as well as
some of the basic principles of constructing data graphics. We will also
cover some of the common multivariate statistical techniques used to
visualize high-dimensional data.
The best available evidence shows that comprehensive background checks
by themselves are insufficient at reducing gun violence, but strong bodies of
research demonstrate that states with comprehensive background checks
coupled with firearm purchaser licensing, or permit-to-purchase laws, have
significantly fewer firearm-involved homicides, fatal mass shootings, and
suicides. Additionally, public opinion polling research consistently finds that
75% or more of U.S. adults support firearm purchaser licensing laws and
60% or more of gun owners support these policies.\n\nThis Teach-Out
Firearm Purchaser Licensing Teach-Out: The
event includes a general overview of firearm licensing policies and evidence
Background Check Policy Not Enough People Are Johns Hopkins University
of their effectiveness, as well as materials on the social context of licensing,
Talking About
including public opinion polling and differences across geographic areas
and groups. \n\nOver the next four weeks, you are invited to join us as we
explore this topic together through brief lessons, weekly discussions, and
call-to-action activities for you to undertake in your own community.\n\nWe
would also like to acknowledge our funders, the Johns Hopkins Center for
Teaching and Learning and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
Without their generous contributions, this Teach-Out would not be possible
and we are so very grateful for their support.
Introduces students to the core principles of health equity research. Covers
topics such as defining health equity, engaging community and policy
Foundations of Health Equity Research Johns Hopkins University stakeholders, patient-centeredness, cultural competence, and
dissemination of research findings. Content will recognize different
geographic, cultural, and social contexts where health inequities occur.
Neuroimaging methods are used with increasing frequency in clinical
practice and basic research. Designed for students and professionals, this
course will introduce the basic principles of neuroimaging methods as
applied to human subjects research and introduce the neuroscience
concepts and terminology necessary for a basic understanding of
neuroimaging applications. Topics include the history of neuroimaging, an
introduction to neuroimaging physics and image formation, as well as an
Fundamental Neuroscience for Neuroimaging Johns Hopkins University overview of different neuroimaging applications, including functional MRI,
diffusion tensor imaging, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, perfusion
imaging, and positron emission tomography imaging. Each will be reviewed
in the context of their specific methods, source of signal, goals, and
limitations. The course will also introduce basic neuroscience concepts
necessary to understand the implementation of neuroimaging methods,
including structural and functional human neuroanatomy, cognitive
domains, and experimental design.
In this culminating project, you will deploy the tools and techniques that
Genomic Data Science Capstone Johns Hopkins University you've mastered over the course of the specialization. You'll work with a
real data set to perform analyses and prepare a report of your findings.
Learn to use the tools that are available from the Galaxy Project. This is the
Genomic Data Science with Galaxy Johns Hopkins University
second course in the Genomic Big Data Science Specialization.
Before you can work with data you have to get some. This course will cover
the basic ways that data can be obtained. The course will cover obtaining
data from the web, from APIs, from databases and from colleagues in
various formats. It will also cover the basics of data cleaning and how to
Getting and Cleaning Data Johns Hopkins University make data “tidy”. Tidy data dramatically speed downstream data analysis
tasks. The course will also cover the components of a complete data set
including raw data, processing instructions, codebooks, and processed
data. The course will cover the basics needed for collecting, cleaning, and
sharing data.
Before you can work with data you have to get some. This course will cover
the basic ways that data can be obtained. The course will cover obtaining
data from the web, from APIs, from databases and from colleagues in
various formats. It will also cover the basics of data cleaning and how to
Getting and Cleaning Data Johns Hopkins University make data “tidy”. Tidy data dramatically speed downstream data analysis
tasks. The course will also cover the components of a complete data set
including raw data, processing instructions, codebooks, and processed
data. The course will cover the basics needed for collecting, cleaning, and
sharing data.
This course explores why primary health care is central for achieving Health
for All. It provides examples of how primary health care has been
instrumental in approaching this goal in selected populations and how the
principles of primary health care can guide future policies and
actions.\n\nTwo of the most inspiring, least understood, and most often
derided terms in global health discourse are “Health for All” and “Primary
Health Care.” In this course, we will explore these terms in the context of
global health, their origins and meanings, the principles upon which they
rest, and examples of how these principles have been implemented at both
Health for All Through Primary Health Care Johns Hopkins University
small and large scale. We will also explore some ultra-low-cost approaches
to Health for All through primary health care, and the promise that primary
health care holds for eventually achieving Health for All.\n\nEach module of
this course consists of approximately one hour or lecture, approximately
one hour of additional readings or video presentations, and two additional
hours devoted to studying for each of the quizzes, writing and evaluating
two short peer-review assignments, and participating in the discussion
forums.\n\nDeveloped in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Open Education
Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user
directly interacts with is through the web page? Implement it poorly and, to
the user, the server-side becomes irrelevant! Today’s user expects a lot out
of the web page: it has to load fast, expose the desired service, and be
comfortable to view on all devices: from a desktop computers to tablets and
mobile phones.\n\nIn this course, we will learn the basic tools that every
web page coder needs to know. We will start from the ground up by
learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS. We
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers Johns Hopkins University will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that its
components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the
size of the user’s screen. You’ll be able to code up a web page that will be
just as useful on a mobile phone as on a desktop computer. No “pinch and
zoom” required! Last but certainly not least, we will get a thorough
introduction to the most ubiquitous, popular, and incredibly powerful
language of the web: Javascript. Using Javascript, you will be able to build
a fully functional web application that utilizes Ajax to expose server-side
functionality and data to the end user.
Biostatistics is an essential skill for every public health researcher because
it provides a set of precise methods for extracting meaningful conclusions
from data. In this second course of the Biostatistics in Public Health Specialization, you'll learn to evaluate sample variability and apply statistical
Hypothesis Testing in Public Health Johns Hopkins University
public-health hypothesis testing methods. Along the way, you'll perform calculations and
interpret real-world data from the published scientific literature. Topics
include sample statistics, the central limit theorem, confidence intervals,
hypothesis testing, and p values.
Now that you’ve carefully planned your patient safety and quality
improvement project, the real work can begin. This course will introduce
students to the unique challenges encountered when implementing,
maintaining, and expanding a patient safety and quality initiative. Students
Implementing a Patient Safety or Quality will learn to apply lessons learned from the 4 E model and TRiP into
Johns Hopkins University
Improvement Project (Patient Safety V) implementation developing specific aims for their QI project. Additionally, students will
develop a plan to address the adaptive and technical challenges in their
projects including whether their initiative needs to be submitted to an
Institutional Review Board (IRB). Finally, students will develop plans to grow
their local QI project into a system-wide project.
Whether you've traveled before or not, living and working overseas can be
challenging. Learn how best to prepare and make the most of your time
internationally.\n\nThis course will prepare you to work and live overseas. It
explores the epidemiology of common morbidity and mortality among
travelers and examines key prevention, safety, and travel medicine
International Travel Preparation, Safety, & principles and services to contextualize risks and maintain wellness. The
Johns Hopkins University
Wellness course reviews applicable interventions, appropriate vaccines, and personal
protection methods to prepare you to respond to expected and unexpected
situations and will challenge you to examine travel health and safety
priorities through case studies and discussions.\n\nThe Honors Lesson will
assist you with personal preparations for travel through the creation of a
country-specific profile.
This course introduces you to the basic biology of modern genomics and
the experimental tools that we use to measure it. We'll introduce the Central
Dogma of Molecular Biology and cover how next-generation sequencing can be used to measure DNA, RNA, and epigenetic patterns. You'll also get
Introduction to Genomic Technologies Johns Hopkins University
genomics an introduction to the key concepts in computing and data science that
you'll need to understand how data from next-generation sequencing
experiments are generated and analyzed. \n\nThis is the first course in the
Genomic Data Science Specialization.
Neurohacking describes how to use the R programming language
( and its associated package to perform
manipulation, processing, and analysis of neuroimaging data. We focus on
publicly-available structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We discuss
concepts such as inhomogeneity correction, image registration, and image
Introduction to Neurohacking In R Johns Hopkins University
visualization.\n\nBy the end of this course, you will be able to:\n\nRead/write
images of the brain in the NIfTI (Neuroimaging Informatics Technology
Initiative) format\nVisualize and explore these images\nPerform
inhomogeneity correction, brain extraction, and image registration (within a
subject and to a template).
We will introduce methods to perform systematic reviews and meta-
analysis of clinical trials. We will cover how to formulate an answerable
research question, define inclusion and exclusion criteria, search for the
evidence, extract data, assess the risk of bias in clinical trials, and perform
a meta-analysis. \n\nUpon successfully completing this course, participants
Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-
Johns Hopkins University will be able to:\n\n- Describe the steps in conducting a systematic review\n-
Develop an answerable question using the “Participants Interventions
Comparisons Outcomes” (PICO) framework\n- Describe the process used
to collect and extract data from reports of clinical trials\n- Describe methods
to critically assess the risk of bias of clinical trials\n- Describe and interpret
the results of meta-analyses
Over 500,000 people in the United States and over 8 million people
worldwide are dying every year from cancer. As people live longer, the
incidence of cancer is rising worldwide and the disease is expected to strike
over 20 million people annually by 2030. This open course is designed for
people who would like to develop an understanding of cancer and how it is
prevented, diagnosed, and treated.\n\nThe course introduces the molecular
biology of cancer (oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes) as well as the
biologic hallmarks of cancer. The course also describes the risk factors for
the major cancers worldwide, including lung cancer, breast cancer, colon
cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, and stomach cancer. We explain how
cancer is staged, the major ways cancer is found by imaging, and how the
major cancers are treated.\n\nIn addition to the core materials, this course
Introduction to the Biology of Cancer Johns Hopkins University includes two Honors lessons devoted to cancers of the liver and
prostate.\n\nUpon successful completion of this course, you will be able
to:\n\n- Identify the major types of cancer worldwide. (Lecture 1)\n- Describe
how genes contribute to the risk and growth of cancer. (Lecture 2)\n- List
and describe the ten cellular hallmarks of cancer. (Lecture 3)\n- Define
metastasis, and identify the major steps in the metastatic process. (Lecture
4)\n- Describe the role of imaging in the screening, diagnosis, staging, and
treatments of cancer. (Lecture 5)\n- Explain how cancer is treated. (Lecture
6)\n\nWe hope that this course gives you a basic understanding of cancer
biology and treatment. The course is not designed for patients seeking
treatment guidance – but it can help you understand how cancer develops
and provides a framework for understanding cancer diagnosis and
Do you dream of being a CMIO or a Senior Director of Clinical Informatics?
If you are aiming to rise up in the ranks in your health system or looking to
pivot your career in the direction of big data and health IT, this course is
made for you. You'll hear from experts at Johns Hopkins about their
experiences harnessing the power of big data in healthcare, improving EHR
adoption, and separating out the hope vs hype when it comes to digital
medicine. \n\nWhether you're a nurse, pharmacist, physician, other allied
health professional or come from a non-clinical background--you know that
Health Informatics skills are in demand. This newly launched 5-course
specialization by JohnsHopkins faculty members provides a solid
foundation for anyone wanting to become a leader in one of the hottest
fields in healthcare. \n\nAs health informaticians, we need to be very clear in our understanding of the current state (as-is), the future state (to-be) and
Leading Change in Health Informatics Johns Hopkins University
health-informatics any unintended consequences that can result from our interventions. Prior
to introducing large scale change, we need to assess whether a
healthcare organization is truly ready for change. This involves taking into
account an organization's current culture and values. Successfully leading
change through health informatics also requires strategic planning and
careful financial considerations. Proper workflow redesign and a clear
change management strategy are of utmost importance when introducing
new technologies and in ensuring their successful adoption and proper
use. \n\nBy the end of this course, students will become familiar with
examples of successful and failed attempts at change in health informatics,
and the reasons for each. Students will be armed with tools to help optimize
their chances for successfully leading change in their respective
Health professionals and students, family caregivers, friends of and affected
individuals, and others interested in learning about dementia and quality
Living with Dementia: Impact on Individuals, care will benefit from completing the course. Led by Drs. Nancy Hodgson
Johns Hopkins University
Caregivers, Communities and Societies and Laura Gitlin, participants will acquire foundational knowledge in the
care of persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurocognitive
Public Mental Health is the application of the principles of medicine and
social science to prevent the occurrence of mental and behavioral disorders
and to promote mental health of the population. This course illustrates the
principles of public health applied to depressive disorder, including
principles of epidemiology, transcultural psychiatry, health services
research, and prevention. It is predicted that by 2020 depressive disorder
Major Depression in the Population: A Public
Johns Hopkins University will be the most important cause of disease burden in the entire world!
Health Approach depression
Every human being suffers from feeling depressed at some point or other,
but only about one fifth of the population will experience an episode of
depressive disorder over the course of their lives. This course illuminates
the public health approach to disease, and the particular complexities of
applying this approach to mental disorders, using depression as the
This one-week course describes the process of analyzing data and how to
manage that process. We describe the iterative nature of data analysis and
the role of stating a sharp question, exploratory data analysis, inference,
formal statistical modeling, interpretation, and communication. In addition,
we will describe how to direct analytic activities within a team and to drive
the data analysis process towards coherent and useful results. \n\nThis is a
focused course designed to rapidly get you up to speed on the process of
data analysis and how it can be managed. Our goal was to make this as
convenient as possible for you without sacrificing any essential content. We've left the technical information aside so that you can focus on
Managing Data Analysis Johns Hopkins University
analysis managing your team and moving it forward.\n\nAfter completing this course
you will know how to….\n\n1. Describe the basic data analysis iteration\n2.
Identify different types of questions and translate them to specific
datasets\n3. Describe different types of data pulls\n4. Explore datasets to
determine if data are appropriate for a given question\n5. Direct model
building efforts in common data analyses\n6. Interpret the results from
common data analyses\n7. Integrate statistical findings to form coherent
data analysis presentations\n\nCommitment: 1 week of study, 4-6
hours\n\nCourse cover image by fdecomite. Creative Commons BY
Mastering Software Development in R Capstone Johns Hopkins University R Programming Capstone
This class presents the fundamental probability and statistical concepts
used in elementary data analysis. It will be taught at an introductory level for
Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 1 Johns Hopkins University students with junior or senior college-level mathematical training including a
working knowledge of calculus. A small amount of linear algebra and
programming are useful for the class, but not required.
Learn fundamental concepts in data analysis and statistical inference,
Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 2 Johns Hopkins University
focusing on one and two independent samples.
How will you know if your patient safety and quality project is meeting its
objectives? Peter Drucker once said “What gets measured, gets managed.”
In this course, students will learn why measurement is critical to quality
improvement work. Equally important, they will learn which data sources
Measuring the Success of a Patient Safety or
Johns Hopkins University provide the most meaningful information and tools for how and where to
Quality Improvement Project (Patient Safety VI) measurement
locate them. Finally, students will learn how to interpret data from their
patient safety and quality projects to guide and modify them during
implementation to maximize their chances of making a difference for
Biostatistics is the application of statistical reasoning to the life sciences,
and it's the key to unlocking the data gathered by researchers and the
evidence presented in the scientific public health literature. In this course,
you'll extend simple regression to the prediction of a single outcome of
Multiple Regression Analysis in Public Health Johns Hopkins University interest on the basis of multiple variables. Along the way, you'll be
introduced to a variety of methods, and you'll practice interpreting data and
performing calculations on real data from published studies. Topics include
multiple logistic regression, the Spline approach, confidence intervals, p-
values, multiple Cox regression, adjustment, and effect modification.
While prescription opioids serve an invaluable role for the treatment of
cancer pain and pain at the end of life, their overuse for acute and chronic
non-cancer pain as well as the increasing availability of heroin and illicit
fentanyl, have contributed to the highest rates of overdose and opioid
addiction in U.S. history. Evidence-informed solutions are urgently needed
Opioid Epidemic: From Evidence to Impact Johns Hopkins University
to address these issues and to promote high-quality care for those with
pain. This course and the report it is based on are a response to that need.
They offer timely information and a path forward for all who are committed
to addressing injuries and deaths associated with opioids in the United
Professional epidemiologists are often called on to investigate outbreaks
and epidemics. This course serves as an introduction to the essentials of
investigation, identifying pathogens, figuring out what's going on, reporting,
and responding. You'll learn how to ask precise epidemiologic questions
Outbreaks and Epidemics Johns Hopkins University and apply epidemiologic tools to uncover the answers. You'll also learn
about basic epidemic dynamics and the terrible law that cause them to
grow, as well as the reasons why they recede and eventually go away. The
course concludes with deep dives into some real outbreaks from Ebola, in
West Africa, to the opioid epidemic in the United States.

In this course, you will be able develop a systems view for patient safety
and quality improvement in healthcare. By then end of this course, you will
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: be able to: 1) Describe a minimum of four key events in the history of
Johns Hopkins University
Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I) systems-view patient safety and quality improvement, 2) define the key characteristics of
high reliability organizations, and 3) explain the benefits of having strategies
for both proactive and reactive systems thinking.
This course provides students with a set of tools and methodologies to plan
and initiate a Problem Solving or Quality Improvement project. The first
module presents methods for selecting, scoping and structuring a project
before it is even initiated. It also introduces the project classifications of
implementation and discovery. The second module describes the A3
problem solving methodology and the tool itself. Further in that same
Planning a Patient Safety or Quality Improvement module, the student is shown tools to identify problems in flow, defects, and
Johns Hopkins University
Project (Patient Safety III) project-planning waste and to discover causes, brainstorm, and prioritize interventions.
Module 3 shows a methodology within the implementation class. These
methods are designed to overcome emotional and organizational barriers to
translating evidence-based interventions into practice. The fourth and last
module looks at one more way to approach improvement projects in the
discovery class. These tools are specifically for new, out-of-the-box design
One of the most common tasks performed by data scientists and data
analysts are prediction and machine learning. This course will cover the
basic components of building and applying prediction functions with an
emphasis on practical applications. The course will provide basic grounding in concepts such as training and tests sets, overfitting, and error rates. The
Practical Machine Learning Johns Hopkins University
learning course will also introduce a range of model based and algorithmic machine
learning methods including regression, classification trees, Naive Bayes,
and random forests. The course will cover the complete process of building
prediction functions including data collection, feature creation, algorithms,
and evaluation.
One of the most common tasks performed by data scientists and data
analysts are prediction and machine learning. This course will cover the
basic components of building and applying prediction functions with an
emphasis on practical applications. The course will provide basic grounding in concepts such as training and tests sets, overfitting, and error rates. The
Practical Machine Learning Johns Hopkins University
learning course will also introduce a range of model based and algorithmic machine
learning methods including regression, classification trees, Naive Bayes,
and random forests. The course will cover the complete process of building
prediction functions including data collection, feature creation, algorithms,
and evaluation.
One of the most common tasks performed by data scientists and data
analysts are prediction and machine learning. This course will cover the
basic components of building and applying prediction functions with an
emphasis on practical applications. The course will provide basic grounding in concepts such as training and tests sets, overfitting, and error rates. The
Practical Machine Learning Johns Hopkins University
learning course will also introduce a range of model based and algorithmic machine
learning methods including regression, classification trees, Naive Bayes,
and random forests. The course will cover the complete process of building
prediction functions including data collection, feature creation, algorithms,
and evaluation.
One of the most common tasks performed by data scientists and data
analysts are prediction and machine learning. This course will cover the
basic components of building and applying prediction functions with an
emphasis on practical applications. The course will provide basic grounding in concepts such as training and tests sets, overfitting, and error rates. The
Practical Machine Learning Johns Hopkins University
learning course will also introduce a range of model based and algorithmic machine
learning methods including regression, classification trees, Naive Bayes,
and random forests. The course will cover the complete process of building
prediction functions including data collection, feature creation, algorithms,
and evaluation.
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) using the antiretroviral medication
emtricitibine/tenofovir approved in countries around the world is a highly
effective means of reducing transmission of HIV through sexual encounters
and needle sharing. \n\nThis Johns Hopkins University course PrEPares
you with essential information, concepts and practical advice regarding
PrEP from leaders in the field. A first of its kind learning opportunity, both
providers and patients learn from the same experts through content that
meets the needs of both audiences, while facilitating the opportunity for a
shared community space. \n\nLessons for healthcare workers provide
background on foundational and cutting-edge research and PrEP
guidelines, how to initiate a PrEP program, clinical management and
providing culturally sensitive sexual health and primary care to diverse
communities. \n\nLessons for PrEP enthusiasts, PrEP users or the PrEP
curious provide information regarding who can benefit from PrEP, how to
access services, what to expect and how to stick with your PrEP program
long-term.\n\nOBJECTIVES:\n\nAt the conclusion of the session, the
PrEParing: PrEP for Providers and Patients Johns Hopkins University participant will be able to:\n\n1.\tDescribe the differences between
foundational PrEP studies and demonstration projects\n2.\tDescribe the
basic pharmacodynamics of tenofovir/emtricitibine including mechanism of
infection prevention and time \n to protective concentration in mucosal
tissues\n3.\tList recommendations from PrEP for Prevention of HIV
Infection in the United States clinical practice guidelines, USPHS \n
and CDC, including initial and ongoing screening and testing\n4.\tDescribe
the need for PrEP as an HIV prevention tool for priority in often stigmatized
populations\n5.\tIndicate the components for integrating PrEP services into
clinical practice\n6.\tOutline guidelines for screening and treatment of
sexually transmitted infections \n7.\tDescribe how to take a thorough sexual
history and to engage with clients around sex in an affirming and non- \n
judgmental manner\n8.\tList the baseline and follow-up laboratory
monitoring required \n9.\tExplain key aspects of patient education for HIV
prevention and sexual health\n10.\tDescribe protocols for ongoing PrEP
services and when to discontinue\n\nFACULTY/ CREDENTIALS:\n\nJason
E. Farley, PhD, MPH, ANP-BC, FAAN, Associate Professor \nJohns
This course covers the design, acquisition, and analysis of Functional
Principles of fMRI 1 Johns Hopkins University Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data.\n\nA book related to the class
can be found here:
This course covers the analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Principles of fMRI 2 Johns Hopkins University
(fMRI) data. It is a continuation of the course “Principles of fMRI, Part 1”
This course is an introduction to the multiple ways our changing climate
affects global population health, and to promising policy and practice
responses. More intense storms, heatwaves, and rising seas mean many,
particularly the most vulnerable, now face growing risks of weather-related
injury, illness, mental stress and even death. Because people care deeply
about health outcomes, public health has great potential to convey the
urgency of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to a warmer,
more unpredictable climate. The main message of the course is that public
health must therefore “lean in” and become a more central player in climate
Protecting Public Health in a Changing Climate: A
Johns Hopkins University change mitigation and adaptation. Because climate-related health risks
Primer for City, Local, and Regional Action
happen mainly at the local level, the course focuses on cities – increasingly
key players in climate change policy. Starting with an overview of the
science consensus suggesting we have 10-20 years to prevent risks
associated with exceeding 1.5°C of global warming and put in place
adaptive policies, the course provides interactive lectures, expert interviews
and case studies that build practical knowledge. In the final assignment,
participants apply course tools and strategies to a city of their choice,
preparing them to contribute to climate mitigation and building health
resiliency in their own local context.

Learn to provide psychological first aid to people in an emergency by

employing the RAPID model: Reflective listening, Assessment of needs,
Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition.\n\nUtilizing the RAPID model
(Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and
Disposition), this specialized course provides perspectives on injuries and
trauma that are beyond those physical in nature. The RAPID model is
readily applicable to public health settings, the workplace, the military, faith-
based organizations, mass disaster venues, and even the demands of
more commonplace critical events, e.g., dealing with the psychological
Psychological First Aid Johns Hopkins University aftermath of accidents, robberies, suicide, homicide, or community violence.
In addition, the RAPID model has been found effective in promoting
personal and community resilience.\n\nParticipants will increase their
abilities to: \n - Discuss key concepts related to PFA\n - Listen reflectively\n -
Differentiate benign, non-incapacitating psychological/ behavioral crisis
reactions from more severe, potentially incapacitating, crisis reactions\n -
Prioritize (triage) psychological/ behavioral crisis reactions \n - Mitigate
acute distress and dysfunction, as appropriate \n - Recognize when to
facilitate access to further mental health support \n - Practice self-care
\n\nDeveloped in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Open Education Lab.
This course, Public Health in Humanitarian Crises 1, introduces discussions
about the public health approach to problems experienced by people
affected by disasters, both natural and related to conflict. The course
discusses the many changes which occur in people’s lives when they are
uprooted by a disaster, ranging from changes in disease patterns, access to
health care, livelihoods, shelter, sanitary conditions, nutritional status,
etceteras. We will explore what humanitarian interventions could look like if
we want to mitigate the effects of disasters. The course content is a mix of
theoretical knowledge and many practical examples from recent disasters.
We think this course is unique because it contains so many practical ‘real-
life’ examples and is taught by instructors and guest lecturers who together
have over 200 years of experience in this field. \n\nThe course consists of
10 modules totaling approximately 9-10 hours of delivered content with an
additional 2-3 hours of self-work (quizzes and writing and evaluating a short
peer-review assignment) as well as lively discussions forums. The course
has been designed in a way that each module builds on the lessons of
Public Health in Humanitarian Crises 1 Johns Hopkins University previous modules. However, you may do the modules in any order and
some can be done separately. \n\nYou do not have to pay for this course if
you choose to enroll without a certificate. Sometimes referred to as
auditing, enrolling without a certificate means that you will have access to
all of the videos, quizzes, assignments, and discussions. The only
difference is that you will not receive a certificate upon completion. Click the
Enroll Without a Certificate link to sign up and begin the course. Even if you
enroll in a session that has yet to begin, you may access most of the course
materials right away by clicking the Preview Course Materials link.
However, you will have to wait for the session to begin before posting your
comments on the discussion forum or accessing the final peer-reviewed
assessment. Visit the Learner Help Center for details about session
schedules.\n\nIf you want to learn more, there is a second course which
follows this one entitled, Public Health in Humanitarian Crises 2. We
welcome you to take this. The course has a similar set-up and discusses
additional topics, such as infectious disease outbreaks, disease
epidemiology, maternal and newborn health, mental health, humanitarian
This course, Public Health in Humanitarian Crises 2, addresses public
health issues of people affected by disasters, both natural or conflict-
related. It discusses the many changes that occur in people’s lives when
they are uprooted by a disaster, including many important topics related to
humanitarian crises, such as when there is an epidemic a public health
emergency; what do we mean with the humanitarian development nexus;
what are the basics of disaster epidemiology and surveillance; humanitarian
principles; and other very relevant topics. We will explore what
humanitarian interventions could look like if we want to mitigate the effects
of disasters. \n\nThis course is a follow-up to Public Health in Humanitarian
Crises 1, which dealt with changes in disease patterns, access to health
care, livelihoods, shelter, sanitary conditions, nutritional status, and other
issues. \n\nThe course content is a mix of theoretical knowledge and many
practical examples from recent disasters. We think this course is unique
because it contains so many practical ‘real-life’ examples and is taught be
instructors and guest lecturers who together have over 200 years of
Public Health in Humanitarian Crises 2 Johns Hopkins University experience in this field. The course consists of 10 modules totaling
approximately 14-16 hours of delivered content with an additional 2-3 hours
of self-work (quizzes and writing and evaluating a short peer-review
assignment) as well as lively discussions forums. The first course, Public
Health in Humanitarian Crises 1 (PHHC1), has been designed in a way that
each module builds on the lessons of previous modules. However, the
modules from this second course, Public Health in Humanitarian Crises 2
(PHHC2) can be accessed in any order and some can stand alone. You do
not necessarily need to do PHHC1 before PHHC2, but it might be helpful to
take some or all of PHHC1, as some of the basic or fundamental issues are
covered in this course. PHHC2 contains a somewhat more diverse set of
topics than the previous course as it deals with more complicated
issues.\n\nYou do not have to pay for this course if you choose to enroll
without a certificate. Sometimes referred to as auditing, enrolling without a
certificate means that you will have access to all of the videos and
discussions. The only difference is that you will not be able to take the
quizzes to earn a certificate upon completion. Click the Audit or Enroll
This class provides an introduction to the Python programming language
Python for Genomic Data Science Johns Hopkins University and the iPython notebook. This is the third course in the Genomic Big Data
Science Specialization from Johns Hopkins University.
In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for
effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software
necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic
programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level
R Programming Johns Hopkins University statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical
computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R,
accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code,
and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis
will provide working examples.
In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for
effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software
necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic
programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level
R Programming Johns Hopkins University statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical
computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R,
accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code,
and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis
will provide working examples.
You already know how to build a basic web application with the Ruby on
Rails framework. Perhaps, you have even taken Course 1, "Ruby on Rails:
An Introduction" (we highly recommend it) where you relied on external web
services to be your “data layer”. But in the back of your mind, you always
knew that there would come a time when you would need to roll up your
sleeves and learn SQL to be able to interact with your own relational
database (RDBMS). But there is an easier way to get started with SQL
using the Active Record Object/Relational (ORM) framework. In this course,
we will be able to use the Ruby language and the Active Record ORM
framework to automate interactions with the database to quickly build the
Rails with Active Record and Action Pack Johns Hopkins University application we want.\n \nIn Rails with Active Record and Action Pack, we
will explore how to interact with relational databases by using Active
Record, a Ruby gem, which Rails uses by default for database access. We
will then take a look at what role Active Record plays in the overall request-
response cycle, when a client (the browser) requests data from the server,
as well as how to submit the data to the server. Of course, when accessing
data, security is of paramount importance! We will talk about vulnerabilities
such as SQL injection, as well as how to secure access to data by
authenticating and authorizing users accessing the data. Take this course
to build a Ruby on Rails application with Active Record to automate the
detailed SQL interactions with our database.
Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for Change is designed to
provide learners with the best available science and insights from top
scholars across the country as well as the skills to understand which
interventions are the most effective to offer a path forward for reducing gun
violence in our homes, schools, and communities.\n\nThrough this course,
you will learn how to:\n1.\tAppreciate the scope of gun violence and the
importance of considering the issue across a variety of
contexts.\n2.\tDescribe the role of law and policy in addressing gun violence
at the federal, state, and local levels.\n3.\tCompare the effectiveness of gun
violence policies and highlight the importance of changing the way we talk
about gun \n violence.\n4.\tDescribe state standards for
civilian gun carrying and use and how those standards affect crime and
violence.\n5.\tDescribe how firearm design is regulated, the effective and
just enforcement of firearm laws, and strategies for reducing \n police-
involved shootings.\n6.\tIdentify and explain evidence-based programs to
reduce gun violence and understand public opinion on gun policy.\n\nAs a
Reducing Gun Violence in America: Evidence for
Johns Hopkins University student of this course, it’s important to recognize that you are part of an
international learning community. We understand that gun violence can be
a difficult issue to discuss and we all have our own set of opinions and
beliefs. However, we ask you to please remember that gun violence is
something that affects every person differently. It’s important to understand
that this course is intended to generate productive and meaningful
conversation. \n\nWe ask students of this course to abide by the rules
outlined and expected of you by Coursera’s Code of Conduct Policy. Please
help us promote a healthy, productive, and sustainable learning
environment for all and practice the following principles:\n\nBe
polite.\n\tTreat your fellow learners with respect.\n\tInsulting,
condescending, or abusive words will not be tolerated.\n\tDo not harass
other learners.\n\tPolite debate is welcome as long as you are discussing
the ideas or the evidence, not attacking the person.\n\nBe
sensitive.\n\tRemember that Coursera is a global forum with learners from
many different cultures and backgrounds.\n\tBe kind, thoughtful, and open-
minded when discussing race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or
Linear models, as their name implies, relates an outcome to a set of
predictors of interest using linear assumptions. Regression models, a
subset of linear models, are the most important statistical analysis tool in a
data scientist’s toolkit. This course covers regression analysis, least
Regression Models Johns Hopkins University squares and inference using regression models. Special cases of the
regression model, ANOVA and ANCOVA will be covered as well. Analysis
of residuals and variability will be investigated. The course will cover
modern thinking on model selection and novel uses of regression models
including scatterplot smoothing.
Linear models, as their name implies, relates an outcome to a set of
predictors of interest using linear assumptions. Regression models, a
subset of linear models, are the most important statistical analysis tool in a
data scientist’s toolkit. This course covers regression analysis, least
Regression Models Johns Hopkins University squares and inference using regression models. Special cases of the
regression model, ANOVA and ANCOVA will be covered as well. Analysis
of residuals and variability will be investigated. The course will cover
modern thinking on model selection and novel uses of regression models
including scatterplot smoothing.
Linear models, as their name implies, relates an outcome to a set of
predictors of interest using linear assumptions. Regression models, a
subset of linear models, are the most important statistical analysis tool in a
data scientist’s toolkit. This course covers regression analysis, least
Regression Models Johns Hopkins University squares and inference using regression models. Special cases of the
regression model, ANOVA and ANCOVA will be covered as well. Analysis
of residuals and variability will be investigated. The course will cover
modern thinking on model selection and novel uses of regression models
including scatterplot smoothing.
Linear models, as their name implies, relates an outcome to a set of
predictors of interest using linear assumptions. Regression models, a
subset of linear models, are the most important statistical analysis tool in a
data scientist’s toolkit. This course covers regression analysis, least
Regression Models Johns Hopkins University squares and inference using regression models. Special cases of the
regression model, ANOVA and ANCOVA will be covered as well. Analysis
of residuals and variability will be investigated. The course will cover
modern thinking on model selection and novel uses of regression models
including scatterplot smoothing.
This course focuses on the concepts and tools behind reporting modern
data analyses in a reproducible manner. Reproducible research is the idea
that data analyses, and more generally, scientific claims, are published with
their data and software code so that others may verify the findings and build
upon them. The need for reproducibility is increasing dramatically as data
analyses become more complex, involving larger datasets and more sophisticated computations. Reproducibility allows for people to focus on
Reproducible Research Johns Hopkins University
research the actual content of a data analysis, rather than on superficial details
reported in a written summary. In addition, reproducibility makes an analysis
more useful to others because the data and code that actually conducted
the analysis are available. This course will focus on literate statistical
analysis tools which allow one to publish data analyses in a single
document that allows others to easily execute the same analysis to obtain
the same results.

This course focuses on the concepts and tools behind reporting modern
data analyses in a reproducible manner. Reproducible research is the idea
that data analyses, and more generally, scientific claims, are published with
their data and software code so that others may verify the findings and build
upon them. The need for reproducibility is increasing dramatically as data
analyses become more complex, involving larger datasets and more sophisticated computations. Reproducibility allows for people to focus on
Reproducible Research Johns Hopkins University
research the actual content of a data analysis, rather than on superficial details
reported in a written summary. In addition, reproducibility makes an analysis
more useful to others because the data and code that actually conducted
the analysis are available. This course will focus on literate statistical
analysis tools which allow one to publish data analyses in a single
document that allows others to easily execute the same analysis to obtain
the same results.
In this course, we will explore MongoDB, a very popular NoSQL database
and Web Services concepts and integrate them both with Ruby on Rails.
MongoDB is a used to handle documents with a pre-defined schema which
will give the developers an ability to store, process and use data using it’s
rich API. The modules will go in-depth from installation to CRUD operations,
aggregation, indexing, GridFS and various other topics where we
continuously integrate MongoDB with RailsRuby. We will be covering the
Ruby on Rails Web Services and Integration with interface to MongoDB using the Mongo Ruby API and the Mongoid ORM
Johns Hopkins University
MongoDB services-mongodb framework (the MongoDB access counterpart to RDBMS/ActiveRecord
within Rails). The last portion of the course will focus on Web Services with
emphasis on REST, its architectural style and integration of Web Services
with Rails. Core concepts of Web Services like request/response, filters,
data representation (XML/JSON), web linking and best practices will
covered in depth.\n\nThis course is ideal for students and professionals
who have some programming experience and a working knowledge of

Did you ever want to build a web application? Perhaps you even started
down that path in a language like Java or C#, when you realized that there
was so much “climbing the mountain” that you had to do? Maybe you have
heard about web services being all the rage, but thought they were too
complicated to integrate into your web application. Or maybe you wondered
how deploying web applications to the cloud works, but there was too much
to set up just to get going.\n \nIn this course, we will explore how to build
web applications with the Ruby on Rails web application framework, which
is geared towards rapid prototyping. Yes, that means building quickly! At
Ruby on Rails: An Introduction Johns Hopkins University the conclusion of this course, you will be able to build a meaningful web
application and deploy it to the “cloud” using a Heroku PaaS (Platform as a
Service). Best of all, it will almost feel effortless… Really!\n \n“But wait”, you
will say, “there is no way that we can build a useful application if there is no
database involved. You need the data for an application to be useful.” Great
point! But what if… instead of getting the data from the database, we get it
from the internet by tapping into one of the web services out there that
readily provides data needed by our application? “Ok, but that’s probably
very complicated”, you will say. Take this course and you will be pleasantly
surprised at just how easy it is!
Safety culture is a facet of organizational culture that captures attitudes,
beliefs, perceptions, and values about safety. A culture of safety is
essential in high reliability organizations and is a critical mechanism for the
Setting the Stage for Success: An Eye on Safety delivery of safe and high-quality care. It requires a strong commitment from
Johns Hopkins University
Culture and Teamwork (Patient Safety II) leadership and staff. In this course, a safe culture is promoted through the
use of identifying and reporting patient safety hazards, accountability and
transparency, involvement with patients and families, and effective
Biostatistics is the application of statistical reasoning to the life sciences,
and it's the key to unlocking the data gathered by researchers and the
evidence presented in the scientific public health literature. In this course,
we'll focus on the use of simple regression methods to determine the relationship between an outcome of interest and a single predictor via a
Simple Regression Analysis in Public Health Johns Hopkins University
analysis-public-health linear equation. Along the way, you'll be introduced to a variety of methods,
and you'll practice interpreting data and performing calculations on real data
from published studies. Topics include logistic regression, confidence
intervals, p-values, Cox regression, confounding, adjustment, and effect
Do you want to write powerful, maintainable, and testable front end
applications faster and with less code? Then consider joining this course to
gain skills in one of the most popular Single Page Application (SPA)
frameworks today, AngularJS. Developed and backed by Google,
AngularJS is a very marketable skill to acquire.\n\nIn this course, we will
explore the core design of AngularJS 1.x (latest version of AngularJS 1), its
components and code organization techniques. We will enhance the
Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS Johns Hopkins University functionality of our web app by utilizing dependency injection to reuse
existing services as well as write our own. We will create reusable HTML
components that take advantage of AngularJS data binding as well as
extend HTML syntax with a very powerful feature of AngularJS called
directives. We’ll set up routing so our SPA can have multiple views. We will
also learn how to unit test our functionality. At the end of this course, you
will build a fully functional, well organized and tested web application using
AngularJS and deploy it to the cloud.

Statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions about

populations or scientific truths from data. There are many modes of
performing inference including statistical modeling, data oriented strategies
and explicit use of designs and randomization in analyses. Furthermore,
there are broad theories (frequentists, Bayesian, likelihood, design based,
…) and numerous complexities (missing data, observed and unobserved
Statistical Inference Johns Hopkins University
confounding, biases) for performing inference. A practitioner can often be
left in a debilitating maze of techniques, philosophies and nuance. This
course presents the fundamentals of inference in a practical approach for
getting things done. After taking this course, students will understand the
broad directions of statistical inference and use this information for making
informed choices in analyzing data.

Statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions about

populations or scientific truths from data. There are many modes of
performing inference including statistical modeling, data oriented strategies
and explicit use of designs and randomization in analyses. Furthermore,
there are broad theories (frequentists, Bayesian, likelihood, design based,
…) and numerous complexities (missing data, observed and unobserved
Statistical Inference Johns Hopkins University
confounding, biases) for performing inference. A practitioner can often be
left in a debilitating maze of techniques, philosophies and nuance. This
course presents the fundamentals of inference in a practical approach for
getting things done. After taking this course, students will understand the
broad directions of statistical inference and use this information for making
informed choices in analyzing data.
Statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions about
populations or scientific truths from data. There are many modes of
performing inference including statistical modeling, data oriented strategies
and explicit use of designs and randomization in analyses. Furthermore,
there are broad theories (frequentists, Bayesian, likelihood, design based,
…) and numerous complexities (missing data, observed and unobserved
Statistical Inference Johns Hopkins University
confounding, biases) for performing inference. A practitioner can often be
left in a debilitating maze of techniques, philosophies and nuance. This
course presents the fundamentals of inference in a practical approach for
getting things done. After taking this course, students will understand the
broad directions of statistical inference and use this information for making
informed choices in analyzing data.

Statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions about

populations or scientific truths from data. There are many modes of
performing inference including statistical modeling, data oriented strategies
and explicit use of designs and randomization in analyses. Furthermore,
there are broad theories (frequentists, Bayesian, likelihood, design based,
…) and numerous complexities (missing data, observed and unobserved
Statistical Inference Johns Hopkins University
confounding, biases) for performing inference. A practitioner can often be
left in a debilitating maze of techniques, philosophies and nuance. This
course presents the fundamentals of inference in a practical approach for
getting things done. After taking this course, students will understand the
broad directions of statistical inference and use this information for making
informed choices in analyzing data.
An introduction to the statistics behind the most popular genomic data
Statistics for Genomic Data Science Johns Hopkins University science projects. This is the sixth course in the Genomic Big Data Science
Specialization from Johns Hopkins University.
Biostatistics is the application of statistical reasoning to the life sciences,
and it is the key to unlocking the data gathered by researchers and the
evidence presented in the scientific literature. In this course, we'll focus on
the use of statistical measurement methods within the world of public health
Summary Statistics in Public Health Johns Hopkins University research. Along the way, you'll be introduced to a variety of methods and
measures, and you'll practice interpreting data and performing calculations
on real data from published studies. Topics include summary measures,
visual displays, continuous data, sample size, the normal distribution, binary
data, the element of time, and the Kaplan-Meir curve.
In this course, we'll build on the previous lessons in this specialization to
focus on some very specific skills related to public health surveillance. We'll
learn how to get the most out of surveillance data analysis, focusing
specifically on interpreting time trend data to detect temporal aberrations as
well as person, place, and time in the context of surveillance data. We'll
also explore strategies for the presentation of surveillance data and some of
the complex legal elements that affect its use. We'll then turn our attention
Surveillance Systems: Analysis, Dissemination, to surveillance of non-communicable chronic diseases and how the data
Johns Hopkins University
and Special Systems surveillance-systems-analysis can be used to support prevention efforts. Finally, we'll explore special
surveillance systems, such as syndromic surveillance, antimicrobial
resistance, and event-related surveillance. This course is designed for
public health practitioners with a focus on those working on health
surveillance in municipal, regional, state, provincial, or even national public
health agencies. We really think that this course will help those with an
interest in health surveillance to see which approaches are used in actual
practice of public health.

Epidemiology is often described as the cornerstone science and public

health and public health surveillance is a cornerstone of epidemiology. This
course will help you build your technical awareness and skills for working
with a variety of surveillance systems. Along the way, we'll focus on system
objectives, data reporting, the core surveillance attributes, and performance
Surveillance Systems: The Building Blocks Johns Hopkins University assessment. This course is designed for public health practitioners and
anyone who wants to learn more about the basics of public health
surveillance. If you develop or implement surveillance systems or aspire to
do so or use the data resulting from surveillance, then this course is for you.
It's s also for people who are interested in understanding more about this
fundamental epidemiologic tool and public health practice.

Systems science has been instrumental in breaking new scientific ground in

diverse fields such as meteorology, engineering and decision analysis.
However, it is just beginning to impact public health. This seminar is
designed to introduce students to basic tools of theory building and data
analysis in systems science and to apply those tools to better understand
the obesity epidemic in human populations. There will also be a lab in which
students will use a simple demonstration model of food acquisition behavior
using agent-based modeling on standard (free) software (netlogo). The
central organizing idea of the course is to examine the obesity epidemic at a population level as an emergent properties of complex, nested systems,
Systems Science and Obesity Johns Hopkins University
obesity with attention to feedback processes, multilevel interactions, and the
phenomenon of emergence. While the emphasis will be on obesity, the
goal will be to explore ways in which the systems approach can be applied
to other non-communicable diseases both nationally and internationally. \n
\nTopics will include:\na) the epidemiology of obesity across time and
place,\nb) theories to explain population obesity,\nc) the role of
environments and economic resources in obesity\nc) basic concepts and
tools of systems science,\nd) modeling energy-balance related behaviors in
context,\ne) agent-based models, systems dynamic models, and social
network models
This course provides an introduction to systems thinking and systems
models in public health. Problems in public health and health policy tend to
be complex with many actors, institutions and risk factors involved. If an
outcome depends on many interacting and adaptive parts and actors the
outcome cannot be analyzed or predicted with traditional statistical
methods. Systems thinking is a core skill in public health and helps health
policymakers build programs and policies that are aware of and prepared
for unintended consequences.\n\nAn important part of systems thinking is
the practice to integrate multiple perspectives and synthesize them into a
framework or model that can describe and predict the various ways in which
a system might react to policy change. Systems thinking and systems
models devise strategies to account for real world complexities.\n\n\nThis
work was coordinated by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems
Research, the World Health Organization, with the aid of a grant from the
International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada. Additional
support was provided by the Department for International Development
Systems Thinking In Public Health Johns Hopkins University (DFID) through a grant (PO5467) to Future Health Systems research
consortium.\n\n© World Health Organization 2014\nAll rights reserved. The
designations employed and the presentation of the material in this
publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the
part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any
country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the
delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps
represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full
agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’
products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the
World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that
are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of
proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable
precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the
information contained in this publication. However, the published material is
being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the
In this culminating course in the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Specialization, you will apply the skills you have acquired across the
previous six courses to address a realistic patient safety issue confronting
Mercy Grace, a 500-bed urban hospital that is part of a larger hospital
system. Based on the scenario provided, you will assess the situation and
work through the problem using a variety of tools and strategies. You will
Taking Safety and Quality Improvement Work to
Johns Hopkins University have the opportunity to identify defects, root causes, and potential
the Next Level (Patient Safety VII) capstone
mitigation strategies; you will create a project implementation plan for
addressing the issue in the form of an A3; you will identify risks of project
failure and design a change management plan; you will identify means of
converting the project from local to system-wide; and you will identify quality
and safety measurements that will be used in evaluating the success of the
project’s implementation.
Health data are notable for how many types there are, how complex they
are, and how serious it is to get them straight. These data are used for
treatment of the patient from whom they derive, but also for other uses.
Examples of such secondary use of health data include population health
(e.g., who requires more attention), research (e.g., which drug is more
The Data Science of Health Informatics Johns Hopkins University effective in practice), quality (e.g., is the institution meeting benchmarks),
and translational research (e.g., are new technologies being applied
appropriately). By the end of this course, students will recognize the
different types of health and healthcare data, will articulate a coherent and
complete question, will interpret queries designed for secondary use of EHR
data, and will interpret the results of those queries.
In this course you will get an introduction to the main tools and ideas in the
data scientist's toolbox. The course gives an overview of the data,
questions, and tools that data analysts and data scientists work with. There
The Data Scientist’s Toolbox Johns Hopkins University are two components to this course. The first is a conceptual introduction to
the ideas behind turning data into actionable knowledge. The second is a
practical introduction to the tools that will be used in the program like
version control, markdown, git, GitHub, R, and RStudio.
In this course you will get an introduction to the main tools and ideas in the
data scientist's toolbox. The course gives an overview of the data,
questions, and tools that data analysts and data scientists work with. There
The Data Scientist’s Toolbox Johns Hopkins University are two components to this course. The first is a conceptual introduction to
the ideas behind turning data into actionable knowledge. The second is a
practical introduction to the tools that will be used in the program like
version control, markdown, git, GitHub, R, and RStudio.
For clinical data science to be effective in healthcare—to achieve the
outcomes desired—it must translate into decision support of some sort,
The Outcomes and Interventions of Health either at the patient, clinician, or manager level. By the end of this course,
Johns Hopkins University
Informatics interventions-of-health-informatics students will be able to articulate the need for an intervention, to right size it,
to choose the appropriate technology, to describe how knowledge should
be obtained, and to design a monitoring plan.
The People, Power, and Pride of Public Health provides an engaging
overview of the incredible accomplishments and promise of the public
health field. The first module includes interviews with legendary public
health figures whose work led to millions of lives saved with vaccines, air
bags and car seats, and the federal Women Infants and Children (WIC)
nutrition program. The second module brings key public health tools to life -
- including use of data, communications, and policy - through discussions
The People, Power, and Pride of Public Health Johns Hopkins University
with experienced professionals who have used these tools to save lives.
The third module includes a "Carpool Karaoke"-style trip through Baltimore
County, Maryland with NACCHO President Dr. Umair Shah to see and hear
real public health workers talking about how they serve their communities.
\nLearners will come away from this course with a deeper understanding of
the public health field and a greater enthusiasm for their own work in public
health. \nPreview the course on YouTube:
This course provides a rigorous introduction to the R programming
language, with a particular focus on using R for software development in a
data science setting. Whether you are part of a data science team or
working individually within a community of developers, this course will give
you the knowledge of R needed to make useful contributions in those settings. As the first course in the Specialization, the course provides the
The R Programming Environment Johns Hopkins University
environment essential foundation of R needed for the following courses. We cover basic
R concepts and language fundamentals, key concepts like tidy data and
related "tidyverse" tools, processing and manipulation of complex and large
datasets, handling textual data, and basic data science tasks. Upon
completing this course, learners will have fluency at the R console and will
be able to create tidy datasets from a wide range of possible data sources.

Improving health and healthcare institutions requires understanding of data

and creation of interventions at the many levels at which health IT interact
and affect the institution. These levels range from the external “world” in
which the institution operates down to the specific technologies. Data
scientists find that, when they aim at implementing their models in practice,
it is the “socio” components that are both novel to them and mission critical
to success. At the end of this course, students will be able to make a quick
The Social and Technical Context of Health assessment of a health informatics problem—or a proposed solution—and
Johns Hopkins University
Informatics health-informatics-context to determine what is missing and what more needs to be learned.\n\nWho
Is This Class For? \nPhysicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and
other allied health professionals interested in expanding their understanding
of digital health, big data, health information systems, and the unintended
consequences of disruptive innovation in the healthcare system. The
course is also aimed at those with technical, engineering, or analytics
backgrounds who want to understand the nuances of those topics when it
comes to healthcare.
Unix forms a foundation that is often very helpful for accomplishing other
goals you might have for you and your computer, whether that goal is
running a business, writing a book, curing disease, or creating the next
great app. The means to these goals are sometimes carried out by writing
software. Software can’t be mined out of the ground, nor can software
seeds be planted in spring to harvest by autumn. Software isn’t produced in
factories on an assembly line. Software is a hand-made, often bespoke
good. If a software developer is an artisan, then Unix is their workbench.
Unix provides an essential and simple set of tools in a distraction-free
environment. Even if you’re not a software developer learning Unix can
open you up to new methods of thinking and novel ways to scale your
The Unix Workbench Johns Hopkins University
ideas. \n\nThis course is intended for folks who are new to programming
and new to Unix-like operating systems like macOS and Linux distributions
like Ubuntu. Most of the technologies discussed in this course will be
accessed via a command line interface. Command line interfaces can seem
alien at first, so this course attempts to draw parallels between using the
command line and actions that you would normally take while using your
mouse and keyboard. You’ll also learn how to write little pieces of software
in a programming language called Bash, which allows you to connect
together the tools we’ll discuss. My hope is that by the end of this course
you be able to use different Unix tools as if they’re interconnecting Lego
This course familiarizes students with the novel concepts being used to
revamp regulatory toxicology in response to a breakthrough National
Research Council Report “Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A Vision and
a Strategy.” We present the latest developments in the field of
Toxicology 21: Scientific Applications Johns Hopkins University
toxicology—the shift from animal testing toward human relevant, high
content, high-throughput integrative testing strategies. Active programs
from EPA, NIH, and the global scientific community illustrate the dynamics
of safety sciences.
Volunteer community health workers (CHWs) are a major strategy for
increasing access to and coverage of basic health interventions. Our village
health worker training course reviews the process of training and continuing
education of CHWs as an important component of involving communities in
Training and Learning Programs for Volunteer their own health service delivery. Participants will be guided through the
Johns Hopkins University
Community Health Workers steps of planning training and continuing education activities for village
volunteers. The course draws on real-life examples from community-
directed onchocerciasis control, village health worker programs, community
case management efforts, peer educators programs and patent medicine
vendor training programs, to name a few.
Welcome to our course on Understanding and Strengthening Health
Systems for Global Health. During the course we will provide you with an
overview of the main elements or building blocks of a health system based
on the World Health Organization’s guidance. You will have the opportunity
to explore four main areas of health systems in global health with particular
reference to low and middle income countries. The first area focuses on
understanding health service organizations, the challenges. Our second
module looks at WHO’s six major building blocks or health systems
components with particular reference to primary health care and the need
for community participation in planning, delivery and assessment of these
systems components. in our third module we examine the specific systems
Understanding and Strengthening Health Systems Johns Hopkins University
component of human resource development and capacity building. The
fourth area consists of health policy making and advocacy with
stakeholders. This course is geared toward learners who are already
involved in managing health and development programs on the ground in
low and middle income countries or who are preparing for such a
management role. The main lectures will span a four-week period with
approximately 2-4 hours of viewing learning materials per week. We have
one peer graded essay wherein you will use skills in ‘organizational’
diagnosis to better understand a challenge in an organization where you are
or have worked. There are also quizzes. We hope you will engage with your
fellow learners in discussion forums to learn from each other.

Over 500,000 people in the United States and over 8 million people
worldwide are dying from cancer every year. As people live longer, the
incidence of cancer is rising worldwide, and the disease is expected to
strike over 20 million people annually by 2030. \nEveryone has been, or will
be touched by cancer in some way during their lifetime. Thanks to years of
dedication and commitment to research we’ve made enormous advances in
Understanding Cancer Metastasis Johns Hopkins University
the prevention and treatment of cancer, But there is still a lot of work to be
done. \nIn this course, physicians and scientists at the Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine explain how cancer spreads or metastasizes. We’ll
describe the major theories of metastasis and then describe the biology
behind the steps in metastasis. The course also describes the major organs
targeted by metastasis and describes how metastases harm the patient.
Welcome to Understanding Prostate Cancer. My name is Ken Pienta,
Professor of Urology and Oncology at the Johns Hopkins School of
Medicine. I have been studying prostate cancer and treating patients with
prostate cancer for over 25 years.\nOver 1,000,000 men worldwide and
230,000 men in the United States are diagnosed with prostate cancer every
year. Three hundred thousand men worldwide and 30,000 men in the US
are dying from prostate cancer every year. As people live longer, the
incidence of prostate cancer is rising worldwide and prostate cancer
continues to be a major health problem. Thanks to years of dedication and
commitment to research we’ve made enormous advances in the treatment
of prostate cancer, But there is still a lot of work to be done. In this
Understanding Prostate Cancer course, I will provide an introduction to the
biology of prostate cancer as well as how it is identified and treated at
various stages of the disease. \n\nI've put together this course in order to
introduce you to the essentials of prostate cancer.\n\nBy the time you finish
this course you'll be able to\n\tDefine risk factors for prostate
Understanding Prostate Cancer Johns Hopkins University cancer\n\tUnderstand current prostate cancer screening
guidelines\n\tUnderstand prostate cancer staging\n\tUnderstand
treatments for localized prostate cancer\n\tUnderstand treatments for
advanced prostate cancer\n\tUnderstand treatments to alleviate the
symptoms caused by prostate cancer\n\nThis Understanding Prostate
Cancer Course should be helpful to anyone who wants to develop a deeper
understanding of prostate cancer biology and treatment. It should be useful
to students who are interested in a deeper understanding of the science of
cancer. It should also be helpful to health care providers, data managers,
and educators who wish to develop a better understanding of prostate
cancer and how it affects individuals. The course is not designed for
patients seeking treatment guidance. For those of you who might be
thinking about a career in cancer research or patient care, I hope this
course will inspire you to pursue that path! The course is divided into five
modules organized to facilitate learning.\n\nI'm glad that you decided to join
this course. I hope that you will develop a basic understanding of prostate
cancer. I hope that it will help you in whatever field you work. If you are a
‫ستتلقى في هذه الدورة التدريبية مقدمة عن اﻷدوات الرئيسية واﻷفكار الخاصة بمجموعة أدوات عالم‬
‫ تقدم الدورة التدريبية نظرة عامة عن البيانات واﻻستفسارات واﻷدوات التي يعمل عليها علماء‬.‫البيانات‬
‫ مجموعة أدوات عالم البيانات‬Johns Hopkins University ‫ اﻷول هو مقدمة نظرية عن اﻷفكار الكامنة‬.‫ هناك عنصران لهذه الدورة التدريبية‬.‫البيانات ومحللو البيانات‬
‫ والثاني هو مقدمة عملية عن اﻷدوات التي سيتم استخدامها‬.‫وراء تحويل البيانات إلى معلومات قابلة للتطبيق‬
.RStudio‫ و‬R‫ و‬GitHub‫ و‬Git‫ و‬Markdown ‫سخ ولغة‬ َ ُ‫في البرنامج مثل التحكم في الن‬
Ders çok değişkenli fonksiyonlardaki ikili dizinin birincisidir. Burada çok
değişkenli fonksiyonlardaki temel türev ve entegral kavramlarını geliştirmek
ve bu konulardaki problemleri çözmekteki temel yöntemleri sunmaktadır.
Ders gerçek yaşamdan gelen uygulamaları da tanıtmaya önem veren
“içerikli yaklaşımla” tasarlanmıştır.\n\nBölümler\nBölüm 1: Genel Konular ve
Düzlemdeki Vektörler\nBölüm 2: Uzayda Vektörler, Doğrular ve Düzlemler;
Vektör Fonksiyonları\nBölüm 3: Düzlem Eğrilerinden Hatırlatmalar ve Uzay
Eğrileri, İki Değişkenli ve İkinci Derece Fonksiyonlar ve Karşıt Gelen
Yüzeyler\nBölüm 4: Özel Yapıdaki İki Değişkenli Olarak Karmaşık
Fonksiyonlar, İki Değişkenli Fonksiyonlarda Kısmi Türev ve İki Katlı
Entegralin Temel Tanımları; Limit Kavramının Gerekliliği ve
Anlatımı\nBölüm 5: Türev Hesaplama Yöntemleri\nBölüm 6: Türev
Uygulamaları\nBölüm 7: İki Katlı Entegraller ve Uygulamaları\n-----------
\nThe course is the first of the sequence of calculus of multivariable
functions. It develops the fundamental concepts of derivatives and integrals
of functions of several variables, and the basic tools for doing the relevant
Çok değişkenli Fonksiyon I: Kavramlar /
Koç University calculations. The course is designed with a “content-based” approach, i. e.
Multivariable Calculus I: Concepts
by solving examples, as many as possible from real life situations.
\n\nChapters\nChapters 1: General Topics and Vectors in the
Plane\nChapters 2: Vectors in Space, Lines and Planes; Vector
Functions\nChapters 3: Reminders of Plane Curves and Space Curves,
Quadratic Functions and Variables, Surfaces\nChapters 4: Special Two
Variables Complex Functions, the Basic Definition of Partial Derivatives and
Two Storey Integrals in Two Unknown Functions ; Necessity and Details of
Limits\nChapters 5: Methods of Derivative Calculations\nChapters 6:
Application of Derivatives\nChapters 7: Two Storey Integrals and
Applications\n-----------\nKaynak: Attila Aşkar, “Çok değişkenli
fonksiyonlarda türev ve entegral”. Bu kitap dört ciltlik dizinin ikinci cildidir.
Dizinin diğer kitapları Cilt 1 “Tek değişkenli fonksiyonlarda türev ve
entegral”, Cilt 3: “Doğrusal cebir” ve Cilt 4: “Diferansiyel denklemler”
dir.\n\nSource: Attila Aşkar, Calculus of Multivariable Functions, Volume 2
of the set of Vol1: Calculus of Single Variable Functions, Volume 3: Linear
Algebra and Volume 4: Differential Equations. All available online starting
Ders çok değişkenli fonksiyonlardaki iki derslik dizinin ikincisidir. Birinci ders
türev ve entegral kavramlarını geliştirmekte ve bu konulardaki problemleri
temel çözme yöntemlerini sunmaktadır. Bu ders, birinci derste geliştirilen
temeller üzerine daha ileri konuları işlemekte ve daha kapsamlı
uygulamalar ve çözümlü örnekler sunmaktadır. Ders gerçek yaşamdan
gelen uygulamaları da tanıtmaya önem veren “içerikli yaklaşımla”
tasarlanmıştır. \n\nBölümler\nBölüm 1: Multivar 1'in Özeti, Dairesel
Koordinatlarda Entegraller\nBölüm 2: Türev Uygulamalarından Seçme
Konular\nBölüm 3: Çok Değişkenle Zincirleme Türev ve Jakobiyan\nBölüm
4: Uzayda Yüzey ve Hacım Entegralleri\nBölüm 5: Düzlemde Akı
Entegralleri\nBölüm 6: Düzlemde Green, Uzayda Stokes ve Green-Gauss
Teoremleri\nBölüm 7: Stokes ve Green-Gauss Teoremleri ve Doğanın
Korunum Yasaları\n-----------\nThe course is the second of the two course
sequence of calculus of multivariable functions. The first course develops
the concepts of derivatives and integrals of functions of several variables,
and the basic tools for doing the relevant calculations. This course builds on
Çok değişkenli Fonksiyon II: Uygulamalar /
Koç University the foundations of the first course and introduces more advanced topics
Multivariable Calculus II: Applications hesap
along with more advanced applications and solved problems. The course is
designed with a “content-based” approach, i. e. by solving examples, as
many as possible from real life situations.\n\nBölümler\nBölüm 1: Summary
of Multivar I, Integral in Circular Coordinates\nBölüm 2: Topics of Derivative
Applications\nBölüm 3: Chain Derivatives with Multi Variables and
Jacobian\nBölüm 4: Surface and Volume Integrals in Space\nBölüm 5: Flux
Integrals in the Plane\nBölüm 6: Green in Plane, Stokes in Space and
Green-Gauss Theorems\nBölüm 7: Stokes and Green-Gauss Theorem
and Nature Conservation Laws\n-----------\nKaynak: Attila Aşkar, “Çok
değişkenli fonksiyonlarda türev ve entegral”. Bu kitap dört ciltlik dizinin ikinci
cildidir. Dizinin diğer kitapları Cilt 1 “Tek değişkenli fonksiyonlarda türev ve
entegral”, Cilt 3: “Doğrusal cebir” ve Cilt 4: “Diferansiyel denklemler”
dir.\n\nSource: Attila Aşkar, Calculus of Multivariable Functions, Volume 2
of the set of Vol1: Calculus of Single Variable Functions, Volume 3: Linear
Algebra and Volume 4: Differential Equations. All available online starting
on January 6, 2014
Bu ders doğrusal cebir ikili dizinin birincisidir. Doğrusal uzaylar kavramı,
doğrusal işlemciler, matris gösterimleri ve denklem sistemlerinin
hesaplanabilmesi için temel araçlar vb. konuları içermektedir. Ders gerçek
yaşamdan gelen uygulamaları da tanıtmaya önem veren “içerikli
yaklaşımla” tasarlanmıştır.\n\nBölümler:\nBölüm 1: Doğrusal Cebirin
Matematikdeki Yeri ve Kapsamı\nBölüm 2: Düzlemdeki Vektörlerin
Öğrettikleri\nBölüm 3: İki Bilinmeyenli Denklemlerin Öğrettikleri\nBölüm 4:
Doğrusal Uzaylar\nBölüm 5: Fonksiyon Uzayları ve Fourier Serileri\nBölüm
6: Doğrusal İşlemciler ve Dönüşümler\nBölüm 7: Doğrusal İşlemcilerden
Matrislere Geçiş\nBölüm 8: Matris İşlemleri\n-----------\nThis is the first of the
sequence of two courses. It develops the fundamental concepts in linear
spaces, linear operators, matrix representations and basic tools for
calculations with systems of equations. The course is designed with a
Doğrusal Cebir I: Uzaylar ve İşlemciler / Linear
Koç University “content based” emphasis, answering the “why” and “where“ of the topics,
Algebra I: Spaces and Operators
as much as the traditional “what” and “how” leading to “definitions” and
“proofs”.\n\nChapters:\nChapter 1: Place and Contents of Linear Algebra
Cebirin\nChapter 2: Learning From Vectors in the Plane\nChapter 3:
Learning From Equations For Two Unknowns\nChapter 4: Linear
Spaces\nChapter 5: Function Spaces and Fourier Series\nChapter 6: Linear
Operators and Transformations\nChapter 7: From Linear Operators to
Matrices\nChapter 8: Matrix Operations\n-----------\nKaynak: Attila Aşkar,
“Doğrusal cebir”. Bu kitap dört ciltlik dizinin üçüncü cildidir. Dizinin diğer
kitapları Cilt 1 “Tek değişkenli fonksiyonlarda türev ve entegral”, Cilt 2: "Çok
değişkenli fonksiyonlarda türev ve entegral" ve Cilt 4: “Diferansiyel
denklemler” dir.\n\nSource: Attila Aşkar, Linear Algebra, Volume 3 of the set
of Vol1: Calculus of Single Variable Functions, Volume 2: Calculus of
Multivariable Functions and Volume 4: Differential Equations.
Doğrusal cebir ikili dizinin ikincisi olan bu ders birinci derste verilen temel
bilgilerin üzerine eklemeler yapılarak tamamen matris işlemleri ve
uygulamalarını kapsamaktadır. Cebirsel denklem sistemleri, sonuçların
tekilliği ve var olup olmadığı, determinantlar ve onların doğal olarak nasıl
oluştuğu, öz değer problemleri ve onların matris fonksiyonlarına uygulanışı
vb. konulara derste değinilmektedir. Ders gerçek yaşamdan gelen
uygulamaları da tanıtmaya önem veren “içerikli yaklaşımla”
tasarlanmıştır.\n\nBölümler:\nBölüm 1: Doğrusal Cebir I'in Özeti\nBölüm 2:
Kare Matrislerde Determinant\nBölüm 3: Kare Matrislerin Tersi\nBölüm 4:
Kare Matrislerde Özdeğer Sorunu\nBölüm 5: Matrislerin
Köşegenleştirilmesi\nBölüm 6: Matris Fonksiyonları\nBölüm 7: Matrislerle
Diferansiyel Denklem Takımları\n-----------\nThis second of the sequence of
two courses builds on the fundamentals of the first course, is entirely on
matrix algebra and applications. Specifically, the studies include systems of
Doğrusal Cebir II: Kare Matrisler, Hesaplama
algebraic equations including the existence and uniqueness of solutions,
Yöntemleri ve Uygulamalar / Linear Algebra II:
Koç University determinants and how they arise naturally, eigenvalue problems with their
Square Matrices, Calculation Methods and
applications to diagonalization and matrix functions. The course is designed
in the same spirit as the first one with a “content based” emphasis,
answering the “why” and “where“ of the topics, as much as the traditional
“what” and “how” leading to “definitions” and
“proofs”.\n\nChapters:\nChapter 1: Summary of Linear Algebra I\nChapter
2: Determinant\nChapter 3: Inverse of Square Matrices\nChapter 4:
Eigenvalue Problem in Square Matrices\nChapter 5: Diagonalization of
Matrices\nChapter 6: Matrix Functions\nChapter 7: Matrices and Systems
of Differential Equations\n-----------\nKaynak: Attila Aşkar, “Doğrusal cebir”.
Bu kitap dört ciltlik dizinin üçüncü cildidir. Dizinin diğer kitapları Cilt 1 “Tek
değişkenli fonksiyonlarda türev ve entegral”, Cilt 2: "Çok değişkenli
fonksiyonlarda türev ve entegral" ve Cilt 4: “Diferansiyel denklemler”
dir.\n\nSource: Attila Aşkar, Linear Algebra, Volume 3 of the set of Vol1:
Calculus of Single Variable Functions, Volume 2: Calculus of Multivariable
Functions and Volume 4: Differential Equations.
Bu ders konuşmayı daha etkili hale getirecek temel özellikleri geliştirmeyi
amaçlar. Doğru nefes, sesin iyi ve etkili kullanılması, doğru vurgu ve
Etkili Konuşma (Effective Speaking) Koç University
tonlamanın inceliklerinin fark edilmesi için gerekli bilgiler verilir, uygulamalar
önerilir ve yapılır.
Dört hafta sürecek bu ders etkili konuşmanın temel prensiplerini düşünceyle
Etkili Konuşmada Retorik (Rhetoric in Effective ve yöntemle desteklemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Metafor ve doğaçlamalardan
Koç University
Speaking) faydalanılacaktır. Ünite bitimlerinde katılımcılardan doğaçlama uygulamaları
İnfertilite tanı ve tedavi aşamasında bireylere verilecek hemşirelik bakım
sürecinin uygulaması aşamasında ihtiyaç duyulan temel bilgiyi sağlar.
İnfertilite Hemşireliği (Infertility Nursing) Koç University İnfertilitenin nedenleri, tanı ve tedavi yöntemleri, bu süreçlerde çiftlerin
yaşadıkları fiziksel ve psikososyal sorunları ve önlemeye yönelik hemşirelik
girişimlerini içerir.
Everyone knows that energy is essential for sustaining life. How can you
define energy in life? Have ever thought about ways of how carbohydrates
like glucose from your diet can be used for extracting energy? A scientific
field that focuses on energy production and flow though living cells and
organisms is called bioenergetics. Energy metabolism covers various
biochemical ways of energy transformation and regulatory mechanisms of
over thousands chemical reactions. Without fine control of those metabolic
processes, cells and organisms cannot maintain activities linked to life.
\n\nThis 7 week-course will give you a clear introduction to the basic
fundamentals of energy metabolism. We will first establish the concept of
energy metabolism and subsequently examine biochemical steps involved
in energy production from glucose oxdiation as well as glucose synthesis
via photosynthesis. We will also learn about metabolic reactions related to
fat as well as regulatory actions among different organs. Finally,
dysregulated energy metabolism in pathological conditions such as
Korea Advanced Institute of
Biochemical Principles of Energy Metabolism diabetes and cancer will be discussed. \n\nEveryone knows that energy is
Science and Technology(KAIST)
essential for sustaining life. How can you define energy in life? Have ever
thought about ways of how carbohydrates like glucose from your diet can
be used for extracting energy? A scientific field that focuses on energy
production and flow though living cells and organisms is called
bioenergetics. Energy metabolism covers various biochemical ways of
energy transformation and regulation of thousands of chemical reactions.
Without fine regulation of those metabolic processes, cells and organisms
cannot maintain activities linked to life. \n\nThis 7 week-course will give you
a clear introduction to the basic fundamentals of energy metabolism. We
will first establish the concept of energy metabolism and subsequently
examine biochemical processes involved in energy production as well as
photosynthesis. We will also learn about metabolic reactions related to fa as
well as regulatory actions among different organs. Finally, dysregulated
energy metabolism in pathological conditions such as diabetes and cancer
will be discussed.

The depth and breadth of electromagnetism, the foundation for many fields
including materials science, electrical engineering, and physical chemistry,
requires a long, steep, and steady learning curve. This course aims to
bridge the gap between the fundamental principles taught in
electromagnetism and its practical application to specific fields such as
materials, physics, and chemistry related to energy storage and harvesting.
\n\nThe goal of Electrodynamics: An Introduction is to not only teach
electromagnetism but also introduce some mathematical tools which can be
Korea Advanced Institute of
Electrodynamics: An Introduction used to solve problems in the subject. Within these lecture notes, we
Science and Technology(KAIST) introduction
review vector calculus and explain how to use fields to visualize the topics
we cover. This course is dynamic, as the lectures continuously build on
previous notes and a variety of explanations are presented for each
solution. Since this is a lower level course, we will focus on the simple
concept of electrostatics. This has applications in exploring intermolecular
forces, and qualities of capacitors. Through this, we relate
electromagnetism to more conventionally studied topics and its application
to specific research topics related to energy storage and harvesting.
This course is a continuation of Electrodynamics: An Introduction. Here, we
will cover different methods of calculating an electric field. In addition, we
will introduce polarization, dielectrics, and how electric fields create dipoles.
\n\nLearners will \n•\tBe able to apply symmetry and other tools to calculate
the electric field.\n•\tUnderstand what susceptibility, polarization, and
dipoles are.\n\nAdditionally, students will learn to visualize Maxwell
equations in order to apply the derived mathematics to other fields, such as
heat/mass diffusion and meso-scale electromechanical properties, and to
Korea Advanced Institute of
Electrodynamics: Analysis of Electric Fields create patents that could lead to potential innovations in energy storage and
Science and Technology(KAIST) analysis-of-electric-fields
harvesting. The approach taken in this course complements traditional
approaches, covering a fairly complete treatment of the physics of electricity
and magnetism, and adds Feynman’s unique and vital approach to
grasping a picture of the physical universe. Furthermore, this course
uniquely provides the link between the knowledge of electrodynamics and
its practical applications to research in materials science, information
technology, electrical engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, energy
storage, energy harvesting, and other materials related fields.
This course is a continuation of Electrodynamics: An Introduction and
Electrodynamics: Analysis of Electric Fields. Here, we will introduce
magnetostatics and relate it to the material we learned previously. In
addition, we will cover the basics of the electromotive force and how it can
be used to build different devices. \n\nLearners will \n•\tBe able to use
solutions from electric fields and relate them to other subjects (heat
transfer, diffusion, membrane modeling)\n•\tUnderstand Maxwell's
equations in the context of magnetostatics\n•\tBe introduced to energy and
quantum mechanics relating to magnetic forces\n\nBy relating the concepts
in this lecture to other fields, such as heat/mass diffusion, and describing
Korea Advanced Institute of their potential applications, we hope to make this course applicable to our
Electrodynamics: Electric and Magnetic Fields
Science and Technology(KAIST) electric-magnetic-fields students careers. Because this course covers both basic concepts and
device construction, we have designed it to be useful for researchers and
industry professionals alike. The approach taken in this course
complements traditional approaches, covering a fairly complete treatment of
the physics of electricity and magnetism, and adds Feynman’s unique and
vital approach to grasping a picture of the physical universe. Furthermore,
this course uniquely provides the link between the knowledge of
electrodynamics and its practical applications to research in materials
science, information technology, electrical engineering, chemistry, chemical
engineering, energy storage, energy harvesting, and other materials related
This course is the fourth course in the Electrodynamics series, and is
directly proceeded by Electrodynamics: Electric and Magnetic Fields.
Previously, we have learned about visualization of fields and solutions
which were not time dependent. Here, we will return to Maxwell's
Equations and use them to produce wave equations which can be used to
analyze complex systems, such as oscillating dipoles. We will also
introduce AC circuits, and how they can be simplified, solved, and
applied.\n\nLearners will:\n•\tHave a complete understanding of Maxwell's
Equations and how they relate to the magnetic and electric
Electrodynamics: In-depth Solutions for Maxwell’s Korea Advanced Institute of potentials.\n•\tBe able to solve problems related to moving charges, and
Equations Science and Technology(KAIST) solutions-maxwells-equations add relativistic corrections to the equations\n•\tUnderstand the different
components in AC circuits, and how their presence can change the function
of the circuit.\n\nThe approach taken in this course complements traditional
approaches, covering a fairly complete treatment of the physics of electricity
and magnetism, and adds Feynman’s unique and vital approach to
grasping a picture of the physical universe. Furthermore, this course
uniquely provides the link between the knowledge of electrodynamics and
its practical applications to research in materials science, information
technology, electrical engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, energy
storage, energy harvesting, and other materials related fields.

Finance is one of the key ingredients for successful startups. Many

entrepreneurs, however, lack knowledge of finance. This course teaches
basic financial knowledge needed in starting and operating startups to
entrepreneurs or would-be entrepreneurs who did not major in finance.
Students of this course will learn to read and understand financial
Korea Advanced Institute of statements such as balance sheets, income statements and cash flow
Finance for Startups
Science and Technology(KAIST) statements. They will also practice simple financial planning of a startup.
This course also covers the concept company valuation as well as how
startups get funding. This is a practical course aimed at direct application of
the knowledge gained into running real startups. It also aims to enable
entrepreneurs and would-be-entrepreneurs to understand the "language of
finance" so that they can talk to professionals with confidence.
This course introduces acoustics by using the concept of impedance. The
course starts with vibrations and waves, demonstrating how vibration can
be envisaged as a kind of wave, mathematically and physically. They are
Korea Advanced Institute of realized by one-dimensional examples, which provide mathematically
Intro to Acoustics (Part 1)
Science and Technology(KAIST) simplest but clear enough physical insights. Then the part 1 ends with
explaining waves on a flat surface of discontinuity, demonstrating how
propagation characteristics of waves change in space where there is a
distributed impedance mismatch.
Learners might have learned the basic concepts of the acoustics from the
‘Introduction to Acoustics (Part 1).’ Now it is time to apply to the real
Korea Advanced Institute of situation and develop their own acoustical application. Learners will analyze
Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)
Science and Technology(KAIST) the radiation, scattering, and diffraction phenomenon with the Kirchhoff
–Helmholtz Equation. Then learners will design their own reverberation
room or ducts that fulfill the condition they have set up.
Introduction to Advanced Vibrations starts with a review of single and
Korea Advanced Institute of double degree of freedom systems. After that, multiple degrees of freedom
Introduction to Advanced Vibrations
Science and Technology(KAIST) advanced-vibrations systems are introduced to explain the vibrations of string and beam. These
vibration systems provide to apply or use them into practical problems
Introduction to Basic Vibrations starts with the fundamental principle of
vibrations with a single and double degree of freedom systems. These
Korea Advanced Institute of
Introduction to Basic Vibrations fundamental vibration systems provide a solid platform not only to
Science and Technology(KAIST) vibrations
understand general vibrations but also to apply or use them into simple
mechanical problems.
In this introductory course on Ordinary Differential Equations, we first
provide basic terminologies on the theory of differential equations and then
proceed to methods of solving various types of ordinary differential
equations. We handle first order differential equations and then second
order linear differential equations. We also discuss some related concrete
mathematical modeling problems, which can be handled by the methods
Korea Advanced Institute of introduced in this course.\n\nThe lecture is self contained. However, if
Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
Science and Technology(KAIST) equations necessary, you may consult any introductory level text\non ordinary
differential equations. For example, "Elementary Differential Equations and
Boundary Value Problems\nby W. E. Boyce and R. C. DiPrima from John
Wiley & Sons" is a good source for further study on the subject.\n\nThe
course is mainly delivered through video lectures. At the end of each
module, there will be a quiz consisting of several problems related to the
lecture of the week.
Do we truly think that we have lived for ourselves? Perhaps we have lived
for money, love, fame, family and pride etc.? Therefore, we don’t seem to
be satisfied even though we are full of those things. It is because that we
don’t know ourselves.\n\nEric Fromm talked about human nature as two
modes of being: “To Have” and “To Be”. If we are “Having” the nature of
possessions, we are not satisfied, and feel empty and futile. Then, how can
we be “Being” the nature of our inner-selves?\n\nSometimes, we happened
to be aware of this “Being” nature and try to change ourselves, but fail. But,
because of our daily routines, it’s easily forgotten. And more it is hard to
escape from our unwanted minds controlling us.\n\nFrom now on, let us
reflect on ourselves and look at our minds leading up to today! Don’t we
achieve our goals after knowing ourselves? And let us find the “Being”
nature of our original selves after escaping from the minds restraining and
controlling us.\n\nIn this lecture, the definition and principle of the mind are
explained in simple and clear ways. You can make sure and practice the
Korea Advanced Institute of methodology of finding the true original mind of inner-self by escaping from
Meditation: A way to achieve your goals in your life
Science and Technology(KAIST) meditation the false mind of possession. \n\nSelf-reflection is the first step to meditate.
You can know yourselves most objectively through meditation and you will
realize that all the thoughts and actions are due to your minds which are
nonexistent and false. If you throw away the false mind, you will find the
true mind.\n\nMeditation is now world-wide sensation. There are many
research reports that show people can be leaders if you have a habit of self-
reflection through meditation. Now meditation at school and the workplace
are popular.\n\nHappiness is having no worries. You can really relax
yourself if there is no bundle of thoughts and you can be successful when
you know yourself truly. Worries come from the memorized thoughts of the
false mind. Your inner potential of positive power are revealed, your
peaceful and happiest mind will be in your mind, and you can live the life
you wanted through meditation.\n\nThis method of meditation is very
practical and everybody can follow the methodology. As an engineer, I will
guide you step by step to practice this meditation. I am sure that this lecture
becomes a turning point in your life.

Welcome! In this course learners will develop expertise in basic magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) physics and principles and gain knowledge of
many different data acquisition strategies in MRI. In particular, learners will
Korea Advanced Institute of get to know what is magnetic resonance phenomenon, how magnetic
MRI Fundamentals
Science and Technology(KAIST) resonance signals are generated, how an image can be formulated using
MRI, how soft tissue contrast can change with imaging parameters. Also
introduced will be MR imaging sequences of spin echo, gradient echo, fast
spin echo, echo planar imaging, inversion recovery, etc.
As a human being, we all consume products and/or services all the time.
This morning you got up and ate your breakfast, e.g., eggs, milk, bread,
fresh fruits, and the like. After the breakfast, you drove your car to work or
school. At your office, you used your computer, perhaps equipped with 27”
LCD monitor. During your break, you drank a cup of coffee and played with
your iPhone. So on and so forth. You probably take it for granted that you
can enjoy all of these products. But if you take a closer look at how each of
these products can be made and eventually delivered to you, you will
realize that each one of these is no short of miracle. For example, which
fruit do you like? Consider fresh strawberries. In order for the strawberries
to be on your breakfast table, there must be numerous functions, activities,
transactions, and people involved in planting, cultivating, delivering, and
consuming strawberries. Moreover, all of these functions, activities,
transactions, and people are connected as an integral chain, through which
physical products like strawberries themselves and virtual elements such as
information and communication flow back and forth constantly. By grouping
Supply Chain Management: A Learning Korea Advanced Institute of
related functions or activities, we have a supply chain, comprised of four
Perspective Science and Technology(KAIST) management
primary functions such as supplier, manufacturer, distributor, and finally
consumer. A supply chain is essentially a value chain. \n\nFor the society or
economy as a whole, the goal is to maximize value, i.e., to create
satisfactory value without spending too much. In order to create the
maximum value for the strawberry supply chain, every participant in the
chain must carry out its function efficiently. In addition, all of the members
must coordinate with each other effectively in order to ensure value
maximization. We have to face the same issues for almost all the products
and services we take for granted in our everyday life, e.g., cars,
hamburgers, haircuts, surgeries, movies, banks, restaurants, and you name
it! \n\nIn this course, we want to understand fundamental principles of value
creation for the consumers or the market. We try to answer questions like
how the product or service is made, how the value-creating activities or
functions are coordinated, who should play what leadership roles in
realizing all these, and so on. As our course title hints, we approach all of
these issues from a learning perspective, which is dynamic in nature and
En momentos de turbulencia política, desconcierto medioambiental y
permanente desigualdad social, los jóvenes creadores de cambio están
liderando el camino para resolver los desafíos de la actualidad. ¿Qué está
haciendo usted para crear un cambio positivo y sostenible? \n\nVoces de
Cambio Social es un curso corto en línea gratuito, diseñado e impartido por
ocho jóvenes emprendedores sociales. Siga los pasos de estos jóvenes creadores de cambio de cambio que combinaron una idea y su deseo de
Voces de cambio social Laureate Education
l ayudar a los demás para crear impacto en el mundo real. Hoy, marcan una
diferencia en la vida de millones de personas alrededor del mundo. \n\nSin
importar que nuestros sueños sean grandes o pequeños, locales o
internacionales, en ejecución o en desarrollo, todos necesitamos
orientación para crear impacto. Haga clic aquí para inscribirse en Voces de
Cambio Social y desarrollar sus habilidades y prepararse para crear un
cambio sistémico y duradero. Su viaje comienza ahora.
At a time of political unrest, environmental uncertainty, and lingering
inequalities, young social change-makers are leading the way to counter the
today’s challenges. What are you doing to create sustainable, positive
change?\n\nVoices of Social Change is a free online short course co-
designed and delivered by eight young social entrepreneurs. Follow in the
footsteps of these young change-makers who had an idea, a desire to
make an impact, and converted that into real-world change. Today, they’re
Voices of Social Change Laureate Education enhancing the lives of millions of people around the world.\n\nPowered by
Laureate International Universities in partnership with the International
Youth Foundation (IYF) and B Lab, Voices of Social Change will provide the
scaffolding and network to support your next move – whether it be helping
your local community, starting a new venture, or elevating your existing
initiative.\n\nLearn from those who have experienced the wins and losses of
social enterprise, connect with other like-minded change-makers asking the
same questions you are, and walk away with your own action plan.

Em tempos de instabilidade política, desequilíbrio ambiental e

desigualdade social, jovens agentes de mudanças sociais estão liderando
o caminho para solucionar os desafios da atualidade. O que você está
fazendo para gerar mudanças positivas e sustentáveis? \n\nO programa
Vozes da Mudança Social é um curso on-line, gratuito e de curta duração,
elaborado e ministrado por oito jovens empreendedores. Siga os passos
desses agentes de mudanças sociais que combinaram uma ideia ao
desejo de ajudar outras pessoas a gerar impactos positivos na sociedade.
Hoje, eles fazem a diferença na vida de muitos ao redor do mundo.
\n\nDesenvolvido pela rede Laureate International Universities em parceria
com a International Youth Foundation (IYF) e o B Lab, o programa Vozes
Vozes da Mudança Social Laureate Education da Mudança Social fornecerá a estrutura e uma rede de suporte para você
dá o próximo passo. Seja apoiar sua comunidade local, iniciar um
empreendimento social ou promover uma iniciativa já
existente.\n\nAprenda com aqueles que tiveram vitórias e derrotas no
empreendedorismo social, conecte-se com outros agentes de mudanças
sociais que estão fazendo as mesmas perguntas que você e elabore o seu
próprio plano de ação.\n\nO curso é composto por cinco (5) módulos, que
podem ser realizados ao longo de cinco (5) semanas. Cada módulo possui
lições que contêm vídeos, leituras e atividades para o seu
aprendizado.\n\nInscreva-se no programa Vozes da Mudança Social,
desenvolva suas habilidades e prepare-se para criar mudanças sociais
sistêmicas e duradouras. Sua jornada começa agora!

Welcome to Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101). \n\nOver the next few
weeks, we will discuss the basics of Cloud computing: what it is, what it
supports, and how it is delivered. We will delve into storage services, Cloud
Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101) LearnQuest economics, levels of managed infrastructure, and Azure services. We will
also explore different deployment models of Cloud computing, as well as
several hosting scenarios. Last but not least, we will compare some of the
cloud platforms and discuss the future of cloud computing.
This course introduces the concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Machine
learning. We'll discuss machine learning types and tasks, and machine
learning algorithms. You'll explore Python as a popular programming
language for machine learning solutions, including using some scientific
ecosystem packages which will help you implement machine learning.
\n\nNext, this course introduces the machine learning tools available in
Microsoft Azure. We'll review standardized approaches to data analytics
and you'll receive specific guidance on Microsoft's Team Data Science Approach. As you go through the course, we'll introduce you to Microsoft's
Developing AI Applications on Azure LearnQuest
applications-azure pre-trained and managed machine learning offered as REST API's in their
suite of cognitive services. We'll implement solutions using the computer
vision API and the facial recognition API, and we'll do sentiment analysis by
calling the natural language service. \n\nUsing the Azure Machine
Learning Service you'll create and use an Azure Machine Learning
Worksace.Then you'll train your own model, and you'll deploy and test your
model in the cloud. Throughout the course you will perform hands-on
exercises to practice your new AI skills. By the end of this course, you will
be able to create, implement and deploy machine learning models.

Welcome to Introduction to iOS Application Development with Swift 5.\n\nIn

this course you'll use your Swift skills to create iOS applications.\n\nSome
of the things you will learn in this course are:\n\n•\tWrite the code to build
your very first iOS application\n•\tManage screen display with multiple views\n•\tUse auto layout and the interface builder\n•\tCreate applications
Introduction to iOS App Development with Swift 5 LearnQuest
development-swift-5 with user interaction\n•\tDesign a user interface allowing for multiple screen
size and direction\n•\tWrite and execute unit tests to keep your code error-
free\n•\tPerform various calculations using Swift\n\nBy the end of this
course you will know how to build simple iOS applications and you'll be
ready to move on and learn about using tables and data in iOS.
Welcome to Introduction to Programming in Swift 5.\n\nIn this course we
will introduce you to the absolute basics of the Swift programming
language. Whether you are a brand new programmer or have experience
with other programming languages this course is for you.\n\nSome of the
things you will learn in this course are:\n\n•\tAn Introduction to Swift 5 programming concepts\n•\tInstalling the necessary tools\n•\tWorking with
Introduction to Programming in Swift 5 LearnQuest
programming-introduction data such as Integers and Strings\n•\tCreating reusable code with
functions\n•\tWorking with data constructs such as arrays and
dictionaries\n•\tObject-oriented programming\n•\tModel View
Controller\n\nBy the end of this course you will know how to build simple
programs with the Swift programming language and you will be ready to
learn iOS mobile development.
This course teaches basics of monetization on iOS, starting with in-app ads
and then moving to in-app purchases. You will learn more advanced in-app purchase integrations, and you'll make both consumable and non-
iOS App Store & In-App Purchases LearnQuest
in-app-purchase consumable purchases while building a realistic iOS app. Finally, you will
learn how to take your apps even further with in-app subscriptions, and how
to start and cancel subscriptions and create a delightful user experience.
This course unravels the post-production world for editors. Students will
dive into the key features of Apple’s Final Cut Pro software for Video and
Audio Editing and learn elements for creating professional videos with the
use of transitions and effects, titles and motion graphics, color correction,
360 Video and Media Management.\n\nThis self-paced course prepares students to pass the Final Cut Pro X certification exam. Learn at your own
Mastering Final Cut Pro LearnQuest
pro pace, retake the lessons as needed, and practice alongside the Apple
Certified Trainer.\n\nWe recommend that you have a basic understanding
of macOS, video terminology and while not required, experience with video
production and workflow is helpful.\n\nThis course was developed by
LearnQuest in association with two highly experienced Apple Certified
Trainers and editors.
In this course you will learn how to work with data in iOS. Data is the key
ingredient for any functional app and one must learn how to properly display
it to the user. You will learn how to use tables and collection views to
display data to users, and how to use Core Data to build more robust, data-
Tables, Data & Networking in iOS LearnQuest driven applications.\n\nEvery app must have data. Making web requests is
by far the most common thing you will do as an iOS developer. You will
learn how to get your apps working with servers and external data.
Throughout the course, you will create a ToDo app, including learning how
to decode data from a web server as well as how to make POST requests.
Advanced Competitive Strategy will introduce new topics and modules with
even more real world examples and opportunities for student interaction
than in the previous course Competitive Strategy
(\n \nIn Advanced
Competitive Strategy, we will look at how companies can build up and
maintain their customer base by increasing switching costs and facilitating
strategic customer lock-ins. We will find out how firms can increase their
profits by pursuing suitable price discrimination and product differentiation
Advanced Competitive Strategy strategies.\n \nWe will look at examples of what is acceptable behavior
München (LMU) competitive-strategy
under the premises of EU competition and US antitrust policies and
discover exciting ways of how companies can increase their returns by
strategically making use of network effects and economies of size. We will
further intensify our newly acquired knowledge about network effects and
discuss strategies that are explicitly tailored to network markets.\n \nWe will
analyze the workings of mergers and acquisitions and, moreover, support
you in considering alternative strategies that can help companies grow
This course is geared towards starting undergraduate students. A solid
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität background in biology will be helpful but not absolutely essential. The
Circadian clocks: how rhythms structure life
München (LMU) material will be of interest to those who are pursuing a career in any of the
life sciences as well as anyone who has run up against their biological clock.
In this six-module course, you will learn how businesses and organizations
behave in situations in which strategic decisions are interdependent, i.e.
where my actions affect my competitors' profits and vice versa. Using the
Competitive Strategy basic tools of game theory, we will analyse how businesses choose
München (LMU)
strategies to attain competitive advantage.\n\nThis course is also available
in Chinese. Please go to our course catalog to access the Chinese version
of Competitive Strategy.
This industry project is designed to allow you to apply the knowledge you
have gained throughout the specialization for advising a real company. Our
partner company will approach you with two specific questions the company
is currently facing and that relate to the content of the specialization. You
Competitive Strategy and Organization Design Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität are asked to choose one of these questions and conduct an in-depth
Project München (LMU) strategy-project research on the topic. You need to collect relevant information, analyze it
and relate it to the content you have learned throughout the Specialization.
Based on your findings you will write a final report summarizing your
research and consult the company how to deal with the issues they are
Interested in learning how to solve partial differential equations with
numerical methods and how to turn them into python codes? This course
provides you with a basic introduction how to apply methods like the finite-
difference method, the pseudospectral method, the linear and spectral
element method to the 1D (or 2D) scalar wave equation. The mathematical
derivation of the computational algorithm is accompanied by python codes
embedded in Jupyter notebooks. In a unique setup you can see how the
mathematical equations are transformed to a computer code and the
results visualized. The emphasis is on illustrating the fundamental
Computers, Waves, Simulations: A Practical Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität mathematical ingredients of the various numerical methods (e.g., Taylor
Introduction to Numerical Methods using Python München (LMU) simulations series, Fourier series, differentiation, function interpolation, numerical
integration) and how they compare. You will be provided with strategies
how to ensure your solutions are correct, for example benchmarking with
analytical solutions or convergence tests. The mathematical aspects are
complemented by a basic introduction to wave physics, discretization,
meshes, parallel programming, computing models. \n\nThe course targets
anyone who aims at developing or using numerical methods applied to
partial differential equations and is seeking a practical introduction at a
basic level. The methodologies discussed are widely used in natural
sciences, engineering, as well as economics and other fields.

Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy offers an overview of the latest

research findings and international recommendations on a variety of
nutrition-related aspects and outcomes of pregnancy. Ensuring a healthy
nutritional status and lifestyle prior to and during pregnancy is one of the
best ways to help support the healthy growth and development of the
unborn child. We will look at how a healthy diet and lifestyle should ideally
be achieved prior to conception and provide recommendations for pre-
conception counselling of women.\n\nWe will also look at the nutritient
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität recommendations for a healthy pregnancy to ensure optimal maternal and
Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy
München (LMU) fetal outcomes as well as focus on the most common nutrition-related
pregnancy complications; obesity and gestational diabetes. \n\nThe learner
will have the opportunity to delve into the cutting-edge world of epigenetic
and metabolomic research and appreciate the enormous role that these
programming effects have in long-term health and disease
outcomes.\n\nFinally, we offer real life, everyday situations and questions
from pregnant women to aid healthcare professionals in the nutrition-based
counselling of pregnant women and their families.\n\nIn addition to the
English original, subtitles in Portugese language are available now!
Discover the mighty kingdom of Assyria, which came to be the world’s first
great empire three thousand years ago. From the 9th to the 7th centuries
BC, during the imperial phase of Assyria’s long history, modern day
northern Iraq was the central region of a state reaching from the
Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf, and incorporating what is now Iraq,
Syria, and Lebanon, as well as half of Israel, and wide parts of south-
eastern Turkey, and Western Iran.\n\nIn its geographical extent, this state
was unprecedentedly large, and the distinct geography of the Middle East,
with deserts and high mountain ranges, posed challenges to
communication and cohesion. What were the mechanisms that kept the
Empire running? This course explores the methods the Assyrian
government employed to ensure unity and maintain loyalty across vast
distances, using traditional as well as innovative strategies. Some of these
imperial techniques have marked parallels in the ways modern multi-
national corporations are operating, others will strike you as profoundly
alien.\n\nThis course focusses on how the Assyrians organised their empire
Organising an Empire: The Assyrian Way by analysing key aspects, namely:\n\n· The CEO – the king, a religious,
München (LMU) assyrian-way
political and military leader, who is charged to govern by his master, the god
Assur;\n\n· Home Office – the royal palace in the central region and the
royal court that form the administrative centre of the state;\n\n· The
Regional Managers – the governors and client-rulers to whom local power
is delegated;\n\n· Human Resources – the Empire’s people are its most
precious assets, its consumers and its key product, as the goal of the
imperial project was to create “Assyrians”; an approach with lasting
repercussions that still reverberate in the Middle East today; and finally\n\n·
The Fruits of Empire – it takes a lot of effort, so what are the
rewards?\n\nWhen we explore these topics we will contextualise them with
information about the lives led by ordinary Assyrian families.\n\nTaking this
course will provide you with an overview of the political, social, religious,
and military history of the world’s first superpower. It will give you insight
into the geography and climatic conditions of the Middle East and contribute
to your understanding of the opportunities and challenges of that region. It
will present you with a vision of the Middle East at a time when its political
The research kitchen is a unique format that we have developed extra for
you: curious learners interested in competitive strategy and organization
design yearning for a first glimpse into the world of research. It is voluntary
and "just for fun" - so please, go on and have a look! \n\nDifferent to other
courses of our specialization Competitive Strategy and Organization Design
it is comprised of brief paper sessions rather than modules. For a change,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität you will experience the instructor Tobias Kretschmer at the whiteboard of
Research kitchen
München (LMU) his very own institute at LMU Munich. Here he will summarize key findings
of recent research papers on topics relating to the three courses
Competitive Strategy, Advanced Competitive Strategy and Strategic
Organization Design. Topics that researchers today are working on to
enhance the knowledge of tomorrow. We hope you enjoy this innovative
format and possibly even find some inspiration and motivation for your own
future research.
Strategic Organization Design will introduce new topics and modules with
even more real world examples and opportunities for student interaction
than its predecessors Competitive Strategy
( and Advanced
Competitive Strategy (
Strategic Organization Design strategy).\n\nThe final course in the Competitive Strategy and Organization
München (LMU)
Design specialization covers the internal workings of an organization and its
interactions with the outside world. Where the first two courses mainly
covered the way firms interact with the outside world, in particular
competitors and complementors, the third course looks at the way a firm’s
organization should be designed to compete effectively.

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Learn how theatre and globalization have affected each other over the past
Theatre and Globalization
München (LMU) century, and how to conduct your own research on global theatre histories.
This is a Chinese version of Competitive Strategy. You can find the original
course in English from our course catalog.
竞争策略(中文版) 字幕,课程页面和测验已译成中文,帮助中心提供中文支持。\n\n在本课程(
München (LMU) h
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität 业通过战略性利用网络效应和规模经济来增加回报的方法。我们会进㇐步强化
München (LMU) competitive-strategy-zh 新学的有关网络效应的知识,并讨论专门为网络市场定制的策略。\n\n我们还
策略。\n\nThis is a Chinese version of Advanced Competitive Strategy. You
can find the original course in English from our course catalog.\n【
Hur lär jag mig skriva fungerande texter? Det är en fråga som många
studenter söker svar på. I denna kurs tar vi upp vad som är viktigt i det
akademiska skrivandet. Du får konkreta tips på vad du kan tänka på för att
utveckla både dina texter och ditt skrivande. Du får också träning genom
olika övningar och kortare skrivuppgifter.\n\nMålet med kursen är att du ska
kunna skriva akademiska texter i ditt ämne och också förstå hur du kan
utvecklas som skribent.\n\nDet här är de mer specifika målen för varje
kursmodul.\n\nEfter modul ett ska du steg för steg kunna planera ditt
skrivande och kunna använda respons som ett medel för att göra texterna
bättre och utvecklas som skribent.\n\nEfter modul två ska du kunna
anpassa en akademisk text till genre och ämnessammanhang samt utifrån
genre och ämnessammanhang kunna välja innehåll, struktur och språkstil i
din text.\n\nEfter modul tre ska du kunna framställa dig själv som skribent
Akademiskt skrivande Lund University och dina argument på ett trovärdigt sätt samt kunna skriva en text med flyt
och korrekt språk.\n\nEfter modul fyra ska du kunna referera och citera
litteratur på ett akademiskt hederligt och korrekt sätt.\n\nI den femte
modulen, som mer specifikt riktar sig till lärare, får du tips om hur du kan
integrera och formulera mål för skrivande i din egen ämnesundervisning,
hur du kan motivera studenter samt hur du kan effektivisera skrivträning
och textrespons.\n\nObservera att alla uppgifter på den här kursen är
frivilliga och du får inget intyg för att du har gjort dem. Men vi tror att de
kommer att hjälpa dig att bli en bättre skribent så vi rekommenderar starkt
att du gör så många uppgifter som möjligt. I så kallade “assignments” får du
tillfälle att skriva en egen text utifrån instruktioner och kan därefter få den
granskad av en annan kursdeltagare och du får också öva på att själv ge
respons. Detta är nyttiga erfarenheter som kommer att hjälpa dig i ditt
This course looks at where important materials in products we use every
day come from and how these materials can be used more efficiently,
longer, and in closed loops. This is the aim of the Circular Economy, but it
doesn’t happen on its own. It is the result of choices and strategies by
suppliers, designers, businesses, policymakers and all of us as consumers.
\n\nIn addition to providing many cases of managing materials for
sustainability, the course also teaches skills and tools for analyzing circular
business models and promotes development of your own ideas to become
more involved in the transition to a Circular Economy.\n\nYou will learn from
expert researchers and practitioners from around Europe as they explain
core elements and challenges in the transition to a circular economy over
the course of 5 modules:\n\nModule 1: Materials. This module explores
where materials come from, and builds a rationale for why society needs
more circularity. \n\nModule 2: Circular Business Models. In this module
Circular Economy - Sustainable Materials circular business models are explored in-depth and a range of ways for
Lund University
Management business to create economic and social value are discussed.\n\nModule 3:
Circular Design, Innovation and Assessment. This module presents topics
like functional materials and eco-design as well as methods to assess
environmental impacts.\n\nModule 4: Policies and Networks. This module
explores the role of governments and networks and how policies and
sharing best practices can enable the circular economy.\n\nModule 5:
Circular Societies. This module examines new norms, forms of
engagement, social systems, and institutions, needed by the circular
economy and how we, as individuals, can help society become more
circular.\n\nThis course is brought to you by: \nLUND

Digital business models are disrupting 50-year old companies in

telecommunications, transportation, advertising, e-commerce, automotive,
insurance and many other industries. This course will explore the business
models of software disruptors of the west such as Apple, Google, Facebook
and Amazon, and the east such as Xiaomi and weChat. The class uses a structured framework for analysing business models with numerous
Digital Business Models Lund University
models examples so that students can apply it to their own business or case
study.\n \nWe will explore how software developers are not just the
innovators but also the decision makers in modern competitive battles from
mobile to cloud, and from consumer goods to enterprise software. And we
will also explain how developers are the engine of digital business models,
using examples from diverse industries – from healthcare to aviation.
About this Course\n\nThis six-week course titled Competing in Europe is
the third in a series of three exploring some of the main business aspects of
European Union law. Besides providing learners with a sound knowledge
base of European laws and regulations, the series explores business
considerations within a broader perspective by including inputs from leading
law practitioners in the field. More specifically, the third course discusses
how to compete on the internal market and protect your brand, product or
invention. It includes legal disciplines such as Intellectual Property law (IP
law), Competition law and specific branches within Public law, such as
public procurement and state aid. \n\nAt the end of this course, you will
have a basic understanding of how to:\n\n•\tFind and understand relevant
laws and regulations governing the internal European Union
market\n\n•\tProtect and defend a company’s products, brands and
inventions by obtaining and licensing trademarks and patents\n\n•\tCreate a
competitive edge for a company and apply the basic principles of EU
competition law\n\n•\tConstruct and present a persuasive legal
European Business Law: Competing in Europe Lund University argument\n\n\nAbout the Series\n\nThe Lund series in European Business
Law ranges from considering the basic structures and principles of the
European Union to focusing on specialized areas of European Union law.
The first course, Understanding the Fundamentals, examines the core
structures and principles of the European Union. The second course, Doing
Business in Europe, examines legal areas such as Company law, Labour
law, Tax law, Environmental law and Private International law, and how
they tie in to doing business in Europe. All three courses can be taken
independently or in sequence depending on your needs and
preferences.\n\nTo keep up to speed on the course series, visit our
Facebook page at:\n\n\n\n\nSyllabus
and Format\n\nEach course consists of a number of modules where one
module represents about one week of work. A module includes a number of
lectures and readings, and finishes with an assessment – a quiz or a peer
graded assignment. The assessments are intended to encourage learning
and ensure that you understand the material of the course. Participating in
forum discussions is voluntary. \n\nCourse I - Understanding the
This six-week course titled Doing Business in Europe is the second in a
series of three exploring some of the main business aspects of European
Union law. Besides providing learners with a sound knowledge base of
European laws and regulations relevant to establishing and managing a
company within the European Union, the course also explores business
considerations within a broader perspective by including inputs from leading
law practitioners in the field. More specifically, the course discusses
strategic and financial considerations within Company law, as well as
Labour law issues such as restructuring enterprises, working conditions and
handling crises situations. The course also examines other legal areas such
as Tax law, Environmental law and Private International law, and how they
tie in to doing business in Europe.\n\nAt the end of this course, you will
have a basic understanding of how to:\n\n· Understand the relevant
regulations governing the internal European Union market\n\n· Establish
and run a company within the European Union\n\n· Employ staff and
recognize workers’ rights and obligations\n\n· Comply with tax regulations
European Business Law: Doing Business in
Lund University and environmental standards\n\n· Set up agreements and resolve cross-
Europe business
border disputes\n\n· Successfully analyse EU case law and draft case
reports\n\n\nAbout the Series\n\nThe Lund series in European Business
Law ranges from considering the basic structures and principles of the
European Union to focusing on specialized areas of European Union law.
The first course, Understanding the Fundamentals, examines the core
structures and principles of the European Union. The third and final course,
Competing in Europe, goes into depth concerning how to compete on the
internal market and protect your brand, product or invention. All three
courses can be taken independently or in sequence depending on your
needs and preferences.\n\nTo keep up to speed on the course series, visit
our Facebook page
at:\n\n\n\n\nSyllabus and
Format\n\nEach course consists of a number of modules where one
module represents about one week of work. A module includes a number of
lectures and readings, and finishes with an assessment – a quiz or a peer
graded assignment. The assessments are intended to encourage learning
The European Union is one of the world’s largest and most important
economies. This five week course is the first in a series of three that will
provide students with an insight into European Business Law. The series
ranges from considering the basic structures and principles of the European
Union to focusing on various specialized areas of law. Each course will give
the students an understanding of the laws and policies that regulate the
internal market of European Union, as well as relevant case law and useful
inputs from leading practitioners in the field. \n\nAt the end of this course
series, you will have a basic understanding of how to:\n\n•\tNavigate EU
legal sources\n\n•\tUnderstand relevant laws and regulations governing the
internal European Union market\n\n•\tApply the fundamental principles of
EU law within the EU legal framework\n\n•\tUtilize the rules of freedom of
movement and their impacts on trade in the EU\n\n•\tRelate EU law with
national laws\n\n•\tUnderstand EU policies and their influence on foreign
trade and investment\n\n\nAbout the Series\n\nIn the first course,
Understanding the Fundamentals, we will examine the core structures and
European Business Law: Understanding the
Lund University principles of the European Union as well as the main sources of law. In the
Fundamentals fundamentals
second course, Doing business in Europe, we will focus on the main laws
that regulate various aspects of establishing and running a business within
the European Union. In the final course, Competing in Europe, we will go
into more depth about how to compete on the internal market and protect
your brand, product or invention. \n\nTo keep up to speed on the course
series, visit our Facebook page
at:\n\n\n\n\nSyllabus and
Format\n\nEach course consists of a number of modules where one
module represents about one week of work. A module includes a number of
lectures and readings, and finishes with a voluntary assessment – a quiz, a
small peer graded assignment or a case law review. The assessments are
intended to encourage learning and ensure that you understand the
material of the course. Participating in forum discussions is voluntary.
\n\nCourse I - Understanding the Fundamentals\n\nModule 1.\tIntroduction
to EU law\nModule 2.\tLegal Method and Sources \nModule
3.\tConstitutional Freedoms and Fundamental principles \nModule
Did you know that particle accelerators play an important role in many
functions of todays society and that there are over 30 000 accelerators in
operation worldwide? A few examples are accelerators for radiotherapy
which are the largest application of accelerators, altogether with more than
11000 accelerators worldwide. These accelerators range from very
compact electron linear accelerators with a length of only about 1 m to large
carbon ion synchrotrons with a circumference of more than 50 m and a
huge rotating carbon ion gantry with a weight of 600 tons! \n\nThere are
also a growing number of synchrotron light sources in the world. The light in
these sources are created by electrons that are accelerated to almost the
speed of light. This light can reveal the molecular structures of materials
and also take x-ray pictures of the inner structure of objects. Synchrotron
light sources are very important in life sciences, material sciences and
chemistry. Another type of accelerators are used in spallation sources, like
the European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden. Here protons are
accelerated to very large energies. They produce neutrons when they are
Fundamentals of particle accelerator technology
Lund University smashed into a disc of tungsten. These neutrons are used for finding the
(NPAP MOOC) particle-accelerator-technology
inner structure of objects and atomic structures of materials. Finally there
are many accelerators for basic physics, like the large hadron collider in
Cern.\n\nThis course takes you on a journey through the technologies used
in particle accelerators: The microwave system which produce the
electromagnetic waves that accelerate particles; The magnet technology for
the magnets that guide and focus the beam of particles; The monitoring
systems that determine the quality of the beam of particles; Finally the
vacuum systems that create ultra high vacuum so that the accelerated
particles do not collide with molecules and atoms. Exciting right!\n\nThe
course is graded through quizzes, one for each of the four modules.
Throughout the course there are also a number of training quizzes to offer
you support. The four modules in the course are: RF-systems, Magnet
technology, Beam diagnostics, and Vacuum techniques. In total there are
48 lectures, where each lecture is a 2-4 minutes long video presentation.
Some of the lectures are followed by short texts with complementary
information and all will hopefully be an exciting collection for you to engage

How can we live a good life on one planet with over seven billion people?
\n\nThis course will explore greening the economy on four levels –
individual, business, city, and nation. We will look at the relationships
between these levels and give many practical examples of the complexities
and solutions across the levels. Scandinavia, a pioneering place advancing
sustainability and combating climate change, is a unique starting point for
learning about greening the economy. We will learn from many initiatives
attempted in Scandinavia since the 1970s, which are all potentially helpful
Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia Lund University and useful for other countries and contexts.\n\nThe International Institute for
Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University is an
international centre of excellence on strategies for sustainable solutions.
The IIIEE is ideally suited to understand and explain the interdisciplinary
issues in green economies utilising the diverse disciplinary backgrounds of
its international staff. The IIIEE has been researching and teaching on
sustainability and greener economies since the 1990s and it has extensive
international networks connecting with a variety of organizations.\n\n5-8
hours/week\n5 weeks duration\n40 films\n20 teachers
How can we shape urban development towards sustainable and
prosperous futures?\n\nThis course will explore sustainable cities as
engines for greening the economy. We place cities in the context of
sustainable urban transformation and climate change. Sustainable urban
transformation refers to structural transformation processes – multi-
dimensional and radical change – that can effectively direct urban
development towards ambitious sustainability and climate goals.\n\nWe will
connect the key trends of urbanization, decarbonisation and sustainability.
We will examine visions, experiments and innovations in urban areas. We
will look at practices (what is happening in cities at present) and
opportunities (what are the possibilities for cities going forwards into the
future). We bring together a collection of diverse short films and key short
readings on sustainable cities as well as interactive forums and a practical
assignment to create an online learning community.\n\nThis course
Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities Lund University provides key examples of activities to promote sustainable cities in
Scandinavia, Europe and around the world. We utilize films and reports by
WWF, the Economist Intelligence Unit, ICLEI – Local Governments for
Sustainability, UN-Habitat, C40 Climate Leadership Group, Arup, Sustainia,
the Rockefeller Foundation, and ongoing research projects. This course is
produced by Lund University in cooperation with WWF and ICLEI. It is
available for free to everyone, everywhere!\n\nThe International Institute for
Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University is an
international centre of excellence on sustainable solutions. The IIIEE is
ideally suited to understand and explain the interdisciplinary issues in
sustainable cities and greening the economy utilising the diverse
disciplinary backgrounds of its international staff. The IIIEE has been
researching and teaching on sustainable solutions since the 1990s and it
has extensive international networks connecting with a variety of
organizations. \n\n5 hours/week\n5 weeks duration\n30 films\n10 teachers
Welcome to the Nordic Particle Accelerator Program's (NPAP) Massive
Open Online Courses and to the fascinating world of particle
accelerators!\n\nDid you know that in the year of 2000 there were more
than 15 000 particle accelerators in the world? Yet, today it has grown to
more than 30 000 of them! A third of the particle accelerators are dedicated
to medical applications, such as radio therapy, and a half are used for ion
implantation in semiconductor devices. Also numerous particle accelerators
are used for sterilizing food. Despite these everyday life examples of small
particle accelerators, it is the large accelerators, like the Large Hadron
Collider at CERN, that most people associate with particle accelerators.
There will be many new applications for particle accelerators in the future
and by that there is a need for MOOCs that describe the techniques and
applications of these machines..\n\nThe NPAP series of MOOCs consists of
three MOOCs designed to disseminate knowledge about particle
accelerator technology to impacted fields. The courses have been made
possible thanks to the support of the Erasmus Plus, Strategic Partnership
Introduction to Particle Accelerators (NPAP
Lund University funding of the European Commission and thanks to the dedicated lecturers
MOOC) accelerators
from the universities of Lund, Uppsala, Arhus, Oslo and Jyväskylä, and by
experts from the MAX IV Laboratory and European Spallation Source
(ESS), both in Lund, Sweden. \n\nIn many of the lectures we detail the MAX
IV Laboratory and ESS - currently hosting the most powerful synchrotron
light source and neutron source in the world. In the MAX IV Laboratory
intense X-ray beams are produced by electrons that are first accelerated to
almost the speed of light, and at ESS protons will be accelerated and, by a
process called spallation, generate intense beams of neutron. The X-ray
and neutron beams are used for looking into matter, down to the atomic
level. The MAX IV Laboratory and ESS form a unique European center of
excellence for thousands of scientists that together build the world of
tomorrow. We also take a closer look at the Large Hadron Collider, at
CERN, in Geneva. This powerful machine has already had an immense
impact on theoretical physics and will continue to contribute to our
knowledge of nature for quite some time. \n\nThe first course in our NPAP
series is the Introduction to Particle Accelerators. It explains how a particle
Hello and welcome to this course!\n \nThe NPAP - Medical Applications of
Accelerators is one out of three courses in the Nordic Particle Accelerator
Program (NPAP). Here you will be taken on a tour focusing on the medical
applications of particle accelerators. You will see that there are two very
important, but different, applications of accelerators in hospitals. The first
application concerns radiotherapy of tumours and the other concerns the
production of medical nuclides for diagnosis and treatment. Both will be
included in this course and described through four modules.\n \nThe first
module offers the basic principles of radiotherapy from a medical and
physics point of view. You there learn about the main components of the
machines used for radiotherapy and get to know why radiotherapy is
important for cancer treatments.\n \nThe second module guides you
through the different types of linear accelerators used in the machines for
Medical Applications of Particle Accelerators radiotherapy. It also describes the design of the treatment head. The design
Lund University
(NPAP MOOC) particle-accelerators is important because it is the settings of the treatment head that determines
the dose and the radiated region. It is also in the treatment head where the
dose given to the patient is measured.\n \nIn the third module you are
introduced to proton therapy. In this type of therapy protons are first
accelerated and then guided down to the tumour by magnets. The
machines are considerably larger and more expensive than machines used
for radio therapy. The module also offers a description and comparison
between different types of accelerators, and explains how the protons
interact with tissue. \n \nAlso ions that are heavier than protons can be used
in cancer therapy. This is described in the fourth module, where we also
introduce you to the production of medical nuclides. You learn how the
nuclides are produces in proton and ion accelerators and how the nuclides
come into play at different places in hospitals. Medical nuclides are for
instance used in Positron Electron Tomography, PET.\n\nEnjoy!
The sharing economy is booming! But what are the impacts on cities and
sustainability? This course connects the sharing economy, cities,
governance and urban sustainability to provide unique knowledge and
insights into sharing cities. We utilize a diversity of leading examples of the
emerging sharing economy in cities to bring this course to life.\n\nThe
sharing economy can contribute to social, environmental and economic
sustainability, and sharing cities can unlock new opportunities and solve
urban challenges by facilitating and applying the sharing economy in urban
contexts. But it is imperative that the sharing economy is shaped and
designed to advance urban sustainability. \n\nThis course is created by
Sharing Cities Sweden, which is a national program for the sharing
economy in cities in Sweden. It aims to put Sweden on the map as a
Sharing Cities: Governance and Urban
Lund University country that actively and critically works with sharing cities. It brings
together leading thinkers and practitioners from government, business,
academic and civil society. \n\nSharing Cities Sweden is developing world-
leading test-beds for the sharing economy in Stockholm, Gothenburg,
Malmö and Umeå, and coordinating a national node to significantly improve
national and international cooperation on sharing cities. The underlying aim
is to create sustainable, resilient and prosperous cities and urban
areas.\n\nThis course covers a diversity of knowledge and experiences to
present and explore sharing cities in a holistic perspective with examples
from Sweden, Europe and around the world. In this course, we combine
diverse films and concise readings on sharing cities with interactive forums
and practical assignments to create an online learning community!\n\n4
hours/week \n5 weeks duration \n25 films and podcasts\n20 teachers

How can nature help us design and build our cities? Nature-based solutions
have the potential to provide multiple benefits across a range of
sustainability challenges facing cities. They can help to limit the impacts of
climate change, enhance biodiversity and improve environmental quality
while contributing to economic activities and social well-being.\n\nBut what
are nature-based solutions? Examples include green roofs and city parks
that reduce heat, city lagoons that can store water as well as vegetation
and rain gardens to intercept storm water.\n\nThis course will explore
nature-based solutions in cities in Europe and around the world. It will
connect together the key themes of nature, cities and innovation. We will
Urban Nature: Connecting Cities, Nature and discuss how to assess what nature-based solutions can achieve in cities.
Lund University
Innovation We will examine how innovation is taking place in cities. And we will
analyse the potential of nature-based solutions to help respond to climate
change and sustainability challenges.\n\nThis course combines both
technical knowledge and the social sciences to better understand nature-
based solutions in a holistic perspective. New governance arrangements,
business models and financing, forms of citizen engagement and
innovation pathways will be needed to make the promise of nature-based
solutions a reality.\n\nIn this course, we bring together a collection of
diverse films and key short readings on nature-based solutions as well as
interactive forums and practical assignments to create an online learning
community for nature-based solution in an urban world.
Acquiring good academic research and writing skills early on is essential for
your success both at university and in your professional life. \n\nThis course
aims:\n- to give you an understanding of the conventions of academic
writing in English and to teach you the components and benefits of what is
called process writing. \n- to help you to put together your own “toolbox” of
academic writing skills, as well as to give you a chance to test out these
tools and to reflect on your own development as a writer. \n- to encourage
reflection on discipline specific conventions; although the course deals with
Writing in English at University Lund University generic skills, you will be able to apply these generic skills to meet the
particular needs of your own discipline.\n\nThe course consists of four
modules:\n1.\tWriting in English at university: An
introduction\n2.\tStructuring your text and conveying your
argument\n3.\tUsing sources in academic writing\n4.\tThe writer’s toolbox:
Editing and proofreading\n\nIn each module you will find video lectures and
reading assignments and assignments, such as quizzes, reflective self-
assessment questions, as well as some peer review exercises in which you
will have an opportunity to interact with other students taking the course.

Why are organisational misbehaviours such as cynicism, apathy, bullying

and disengagement increasingly prevalent in the workplace? This course
examines these tensions and how transformational, authentic and inclusive
leadership styles offer an alternative to the more autocratic, job-centred and
controlling leadership styles of the past. You’ll learn how the digital
revolution, along with an increased focus on projects and teamwork, has
Adapt your leadership style Macquarie University dramatically altered the perception of leadership in a way that now
demands all organisational members take on some form of self-leadership.
And you’ll learn how this change is causing tensions between traditional
leaders and the contemporary practices vital to maintain agility in today’s
ultra-competitive marketplace. This learning will be complemented by
structured activities such as video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts
and written assessments.

The first course of the specialization ANALYZING COMPLEXITY will teach

you what unifying patterns lie at the core of all complex problems. It
advances your knowledge of your own field by teaching you to look at it in
new ways. \n\nANALYZING COMPLEXITY is constructed in the following
way: Week I. "What is Complexity?" - What is at the core of all complex
problems Week II. "Complex Physical Systems" - What complex problems
Analysing Complexity Macquarie University
all have in common in the inanimate world Week III. "Complex Adaptive
Systems" - What complex problems all have in common in nature Week IV.
"Complex Cultural Systems" - What complex problems all have in common
in human society Week V. "Complexity, Fragility, and Breakdown" - Why
complex problems arise Week VI. "Complexity in the Anthropocene" - What
complex problems face us today
We currently face unprecedented challenges on a global scale. These
problems do not neatly fall into disciplines. They are complicated, complex,
and connected. Join us on this epic journey of 13.8 billion years starting at
the Big Bang and travelling through time all the way to the future. Discover
the connections in our world, the power of collective learning, how our
universe and our world has evolved from incredible simplicity to ever-
Big History: Connecting Knowledge Macquarie University increasing complexity. Experience our modern scientific origin story through
Big History and discover the important links between past, current, and
future events. You will find two different types of lectures. ‘Zooming In’
lectures from multiple specialists enable you to understand key concepts
through the lens of different disciplines, whilst David Christian's ‘Big History
Framework’ lectures provide the connective overview for a journey through
eight thresholds of Big History.

Globalisation and advances in information and communication technology

have resulted in a 24/7 work environment characterised by rapid change, a
greater sense of competition, and an explosion in access to communication
and information. These pressures compound stress related to workload and
information processing – this not only reduces performance but can lead to
a reduced sense of meaning and purpose as well as physical and mental health issues. Understanding stress and how to boost your resilience to it
Build personal resilience Macquarie University
resilience are essential skills for contemporary leaders and play a vital role in
managing the demands you face at work. This course will focus on the
nature of stressors facing leaders in today’s work environments and how to
deal with them. You’ll explore personal resilience – your capacity to
withstand and cope with stress – and strategies for self-management,
motivation and organisation. You’ll also learn how resilience is impacted by
health and social relationships.

‘Megatrends’ heavily influence today’s organisations, industries and

societies, and your ability to generate insights in this area is crucial to your
organisation’s success into the future. This course will introduce you to
analytical tools and skills you can use to understand, analyse and evaluate
the challenges and opportunities ‘megatrends’ will inevitably bring to your
organisation. Via structured learning activities you will explore how these
Business intelligence and data analytics: Generate
Macquarie University trends can be addressed through sustainability-oriented innovation. You will
insights intelligence-data-analytics
be introduced to key data analytics concepts such as systems thinking,
multi-level perspectives and multidisciplinary methods for envisioning
futures, and apply them to specific real-world challenges you and your
organisation may face. And there’ll be a focus on future-proofing skills such
as teamwork, collaboration with diverse stakeholders and accounting for
judgements made within ethical decision-making frameworks.
Are you satisfied with your career? Where do you see yourself in the future?
No matter where you are on your professional journey, careful planning will
help you reach your goals. This course will help you adapt to rapidly
evolving job markets by enhancing your self-knowledge and confidence to
explore wider career opportunities. You will create a career development
plan, encompassing your career goals, skills and knowledge development
Career planning: Your career, your life Macquarie University for your current and future jobs, and learn how to make the most of your
strengths, talents, and experience. You’ll receive valuable guidance based
on practical suggestions, theoretical models and current empirical evidence.
Via structured learning activities you will gain an appreciation that career
planning and management is an ongoing, rewarding process of assessing
career identity, setting new learning goals and career visions, and
celebrating accomplishments as you develop.

Every manager must have a foundational understanding of financial

management. This course will prepare you for responsible and sustainable
leadership from a financial management perspective. Via structured
learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written assessments) you’ll learn the key aspects of effective financial
Corporate finance: Know your numbers 2 Macquarie University
know-your-numbers-2 management by focusing on: the assessment of an organisation’s financial
health; planning future financial performance; financing of operations; and
evaluating business and investment opportunities for the organisation. This
course will emphasise how crucial sound financial management is for you
and your organisation to be successful in the real-world.

The third course of the specialization CREATING INNOVATION will teach

you what is at the core of all innovations that solve complex problems and
how to foster methods to make big breakthroughs possible. It advances
your knowledge of your own field by teaching you to look at it in new
ways.\n\nCREATING INNOVATION is constructed in the following way:
Week I. “What is Innovation?” – What lies at the core of all innovations.
Week II. “The Evolution of Human Creativity” – How humans developed the
Creating Innovation Macquarie University
ability to innovate and think creatively. Week III. “Innovation in a Complex
Global Network” – How innovations emerge from human networks. Week
IV. “Planning Innovation” – How organisations seek out and create the right
conditions for new breakthroughs. Week V. “Market Innovation” – What
makes innovations more likely to emerge in a market setting. Week VI.
“Innovation in the Anthropocene” – How innovations are crucial to meet the
problems of the 21st century.

We now live in a truly global, interconnected world in which every manager

requires a high level of cultural intelligence. In a diverse work environment,
a successful leader must understand the cultural backgrounds, beliefs and
attitudes of the people around them – or run the risk of failing to achieve the
organisation’s goals. This course, via structured learning activities (video
Cultural intelligence: Become a global citizen Macquarie University
lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts, industry interviews and written
assessments), will teach you that those with high ‘cultural intelligence’ – are
good at spotting cultural differences and adapt their behaviour accordingly.
You’ll develop cultural intelligence and sensitivity – key future-focused
capabilities required of every leader.
The second course of the specialization EVALUATING PROBLEMS will
show you how humans think and how to utilize different disciplinary
approaches to tackle problems more effectively. It advances your
knowledge of your own field by teaching you to look at it in new ways.
\n\nEVALUATING PROBLEMS is constructed in the following way: Week I.
“Thinking about Thinking” – How problem solving evolved in nature, how
the mechanics of our brains work, and the psychological biases that can
emerge when we think. Week II. “Philosophy, Science, and Problem
Evaluating Problems Macquarie University
Solving” – How humans have historically approached problem solving, from
ancient times to the present. Week III. “Approaching Problems in the
Natural Sciences” – How people in the natural sciences deconstruct
problems. Week IV. “Statistics and Problem Solving” – How statistics can
be used to evaluate problems and think critically. Week V. “Approaching
Problems in the Humanities” – How people in the social sciences and
humanities deconstruct problems. Week VI. “Evaluating the Anthropocene”
– How to evaluate the problems of the Anthropocene.

Spreadsheet software remains one of the most ubiquitous pieces of

software used in workplaces around the world. Learning to confidently
operate this software means adding a highly valuable asset to your
employability portfolio. Across the globe, millions of job advertisements
requiring Excel skills are posted every day. At a time when digital skills jobs
are growing much faster than non-digital jobs, completing this course will
position you ahead of others, so keep reading.\n\nIn this last course of our
Specialization Excel Skills for Business you will build on the strong
Excel Skills for Business: Advanced Macquarie University foundations of the first three courses: Essentials, Intermediate I + II. In the
Advanced course, we will prepare you to become a power user of Excel -
this is your last step before specializing at a professional level. The topics
we have prepared will challenge you as you learn how to use advanced
formula techniques and sophisticated lookups. You will clean and prepare
data for analysis, and learn how to work with dates and financial functions.
An in-depth look at spreadsheet design and documentation will prepare you
for our big finale, where you will learn how to build professional dashboards
in Excel.
In this first course of the specialization Excel Skills for Business you will
learn the Essentials of Microsoft Excel. Within six weeks, you will learn to
expertly navigate the Excel user interface, perform basic calculations with
formulas and functions, professionally format spreadsheets, and create
visualizations of data through charts and graphs.\n\nWhether you are self-
taught and want to fill in the gaps for better efficiency and productivity, or
whether you have never used Excel before, this course will set you up with
a solid foundation to become a confident user and develop more advanced
skills in later courses. \n\nWe have brought together a great teaching team
Excel Skills for Business: Essentials Macquarie University that will be with you every step of the way. A broad range of practice
quizzes and challenges will provide great opportunities to build up your
skillset. Work through each new challenge with our team and in no time you
will surprise yourself with how far you have come. \n\nSpreadsheet software
is one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software used in workplaces across
the world. Learning to confidently operate this software means adding a
highly valuable asset to your employability portfolio. At a time when digital
skills jobs are growing much faster than non-digital jobs, make sure to
position yourself ahead of the rest by adding Excel skills to your
employment portfolio.

Spreadsheet software remains one of the most ubiquitous pieces of

software used in workplaces across the world. Learning to confidently
operate this software means adding a highly valuable asset to your
employability portfolio. In the United States alone, millions of job
advertisements requiring Excel skills are posted every day. Research by
Burning Glass Technologies and Capital One shows that digitals skills lead
to higher income and better employment opportunities at a time when
digital skills job are growing much faster than non-digital jobs.\n\nIn this
second course of our Excel specialization Excel Skills for Business you will
build on the strong foundations of the Essentials course. Intermediate Skills
I will expand your Excel knowledge to new horizons. You are going to
discover a whole range of skills and techniques that will become a standard
component of your everyday use of Excel. In this course, you will build a
solid layer of more advanced skills so you can manage large datasets and
Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate I Macquarie University create meaningful reports. These key techniques and tools will allow you to
add a sophisticated layer of automation and efficiency to your everyday
tasks in Excel.\n\nOnce again, we have brought together a great teaching
team that will be with you every step of the way. Prashan and Nicky will
guide you through each week (and I am even going to make a guest
appearance in Week 5 to help you learn about my favourite tool in Excel -
shh, no spoilers!). Work through each new challenge step-by-step and in no
time you will surprise yourself by how far you have come. This time around,
we are going to follow Uma's trials and tribulations as she is trying to find
her feet in a new position in the fictitious company PushPin. For those of
you who have done the Essentials course, you will already be familiar with
the company. Working through her challenges which are all too common
ones that we encounter everyday, will help you to more easily relate to the
skills and techniques learned in each week and apply them to familiar and
new contexts.
Spreadsheet software remains one of the most ubiquitous pieces of
software used in workplaces across the world. Learning to confidently
operate this software means adding a highly valuable asset to your
employability portfolio. In this third course of our Excel specialization Excel
Skills for Business you will delve deeper into some of the most powerful
features Excel has to offer. When you have successfully completed the
course you will be able to\n\nCheck for and prevent errors in spreadsheets;
Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II Macquarie University \nCreate powerful automation in spreadsheets; \nApply advanced formulas
and conditional logic to help make informed business decisions;
and\nCreate spreadsheets that help forecast and model data. \n\nOnce
again, we have brought together a great teaching team that will be with you
every step of the way. Nicky, Prashan and myself will guide you through
each week. As we are exploring these more advanced topics, we are
following Alex who is an Excel consultant called in by businesses that
experience issues with their spreadsheets.

It is no longer acceptable for organisations to focus entirely on financial

success if they are to be competitive on the global stage. As corporate
scandals continue to make headlines, you will expand your strategic
thinking beyond your organisation’s competitive financial environment to
Global sustainability and corporate social consider its broader impact on society. You will grapple with the conflicting
Macquarie University
responsibility: Be sustainable be-sustainable outcomes of maximising financial return and societal impact as you develop
the skills to create a balance that is sustainable. Through structured
learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written
assessments) you will gain an appreciation of how important sustainability
will be for every organisation in the future – and how to achieve it.

‘Disruption’ has become a buzz word in the business world. But what is a
disruptive change-maker? In this course you will learn how to deploy
disruptive strategic thinking to develop or protect your organisation’s
competitive advantage. The most innovative and successful companies have all fundamentally disrupted and reshaped existing industries, or
Innovation and emerging technology: Be disruptive Macquarie University
technology-be-disruptive created completely new ones. But which strategies and technologies can
you use to be disruptive and take the next step for your organisation? Via
structured learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts
and written assessments) you will enhance your ability to think strategically
and become your organisation’s disruptive change-maker.

We live in a globalised world of continuous change. Your ability to

successfully manage change will allow you to have a positive impact on
your work and your life. Via structured learning activities (video lectures,
quizzes, discussion prompts and written assessment) this course will teach
Leading transformations: Manage change Macquarie University you how to effectively influence change by developing a ‘change mindset’,
creating a productive change cycle, and leading yourself and others on the
change journey. You will learn how to re-imagine change by redefining the
change problem and developing a balanced and reflective change mindset.
Change is inevitable but you can influence how it affects your organisation.
Financial literacy is a fundamental capability for any business leader,
whether you are running your own small business/start-up or working at a
large organisation. This course will provide you with a sound foundational
understanding of financial and management accounting, and how to use
accounting to facilitate and align decisions made by owners, managers and
Management and financial accounting: Know your
Macquarie University employees. Via structured learning activities (video lectures, quizzes,
numbers 1 accounting
discussion prompts and written assessments) you will develop the ability to
seek out financial opportunities and avoid financial misadventure. You’ll
learn how to organise, create, interpret and communicate important
financial information effectively, which will help you improve your
organisation’s internal procedures and processes.
Are your customers at the centre of your organisation’s strategy? An
understanding of marketing analytics, the core component of this course, is
crucial to serving your customers well. Through structured learning activities
(video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts, industry interviews and written
assessments) this course will teach you what to measure – and how – in
order to maximise customer value. Rapid advancements in technology mean more powerful data and analytics can inform marketing decisions.
Marketing analytics: Know your customers Macquarie University
customers However, multiple touchpoints across the customer journey make it
increasingly difficult to measure effectiveness. You will develop an
understanding of traditional and digital marketing metrics and what
questions they answer, as well as how to achieve a single integrated view
of the customer. You’ll experiment with behaviour and predictive analytics to
develop marketing that delivers customers the right product via the right
channel at the right time.
Modern organisations are characterised by increasingly higher levels of
uncertainty, complexity and diversity. In our current globalised work
environment, how can you manage the power and politics that persistently
influence organisational decision-making? Being savvy about organisational
politics and having the nous to negotiate and resolve conflict is a critical capability for managers at all levels. This course will develop your
Negotiation skills: Negotiate and resolve conflict Macquarie University
conflict negotiation and conflict resolution skills – crucial to becoming a positive
influence in your organisation. Via structured learning activities (video
lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written assessments) you will
conceptualise and measure power and politics; analyse and develop
strategies for influencing stakeholders; and learn how to act with integrity
and purpose when ‘playing politics’.
Organisations have changed and now, more than ever, personnel
management is crucial to organisational success. In this course you’ll
explore a range of concepts, theories and methodologies that will help you
navigate and optimise your work environment. Via structured learning
activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written
assessments) you will be exposed to the latest best-practice leadership strategies to enable your employees to achieve more at work. You’ll
Organisational behaviour: Know your people Macquarie University
behaviour-know-your-people examine case studies on advanced leadership strategies and be challenged
to consider how these might apply to your own workplace. And you’ll
discover that your ability to manage and lead people in a flatter, more team-
driven context is now the key to organisational success. As the world
continues to undergo dynamic change, this course will prepare you to be
the one to lead your team and your organisation into the dynamic work
environments of tomorrow.
How do you lead your organisation when today’s work environment is so
competitive and complex? When you become responsible for leading an
organisation, your most important leadership challenge will be enabling your
organisation to deliver on its strategy while ensuring it remains sufficiently
agile. This course will prepare you to tackle this challenge. You will examine what organisational culture is, the primary organisational structures, and
Organisational design: Know your organisation Macquarie University
design-know-your-organisation what we mean by ‘systems’, before building on your foundational
knowledge and taking a more strategic perspective. The structured learning
activities that complement this course (video lectures, quizzes, discussion
prompts and written assessments) will not only prepare you to take your
organisation forward in a more strategic direction, but to make better
decisions along the way.

The world of work is characterised by rapid ongoing change. In this dynamic

environment, one of the most critical skills for leaders is their capacity to
learn and to adapt; to engage in the continuous development of their skills
in managing and leading others. This course will assist you in the ongoing
Professional development: Improve yourself, development of your skills and abilities by focusing on the nature of the self-
Macquarie University
always development-improve-yourself development process. You will reflect on and develop self-awareness of
your current leadership style to understand the strengths you need to
develop and which challenges you will face as a leader. The course also
examines the change process, and explores the processes of self-
regulation that underpin personal skill development.
All organisations must grapple with fundamental issues at the heart of
governance: who are our stakeholders? What are their objectives? How
can we ensure these objectives are met as effectively as possible? How
can we ensure all legitimate stakeholders are treated fairly? Via structured
learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written
assessments) this course will teach you how to address these questions
Risk governance: Engage the board Macquarie University and how a sound governance structure and comprehensive risk
management framework can support you and your organisation in
achieving its objectives. You will consider contemporary ethical issues and
devise practical responses to them, and finally, you’ll discover that your
future ‘influencing’ challenge will be to encourage all members of your
organisation to understand their role in serving your organisation’s
From the very start of the specialization, your assignments will be geared
toward tackling a complex issue of your choice that you face in your career
path, industry, or field. Each phase of the course builds up to a briefing
paper that analyzes, evaluates, and attempts to solve a highly complex problem. Not only does this course teach you a skill set, but it puts you
Solving Complex Problems Capstone Macquarie University
problems further down the road in understanding the problems of your chosen field. It
advances your knowledge of your own field by teaching you to look at it in
new ways. This is the CAPSTONE where the scaffolding of our problem
solving and innovation skills will bear fruit in a series of preparatory
assignments to make your briefing paper as effective as possible.
An ambitious vision for the future of your organisation isn’t enough – how
do you communicate this vision to get your colleagues on board? The ability
to effectively communicate and persuade others is a key leadership skill.
Traditional and common-sense models of communication and persuasion
Storytelling and influencing: Communicate with
Macquarie University often fail to capture the complex nature of ‘influencing’. Via structured
impact impact
learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written
assessments) this course will develop your capacity to communicate
appropriately in different situational and cultural contexts, making you a
highly influential leader.
The ability to think strategically in today’s global, high-tech business
environment is critical to ensuring your organisation survives – and grows –
into the future. By breaking down business strategy and value creation to its
essential elements, you’ll develop your strategic thinking skills. And through
structured learning activities including video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written assessments you’ll discover how to improve your
Strategic management: Be competitive Macquarie University
management-be-competitive organisation’s competitiveness. This course focuses on the key principles
behind the latest thinking in value co-creation, strategy and marketing, and
teaches you how to apply them. By learning how to continuously plan,
monitor, analyse and assess all that is necessary for an organisation to
meet its goals and objectives, you will be better prepared to take your
organisation forward in a viable strategic direction.

Businesses and their supply chains are facing increasing competition and
uncertainty in what is now a truly globalised trade environment. To remain
competitive, organisations need to think globally – ensuring supply chains
meet customer demands while minimising costs and maximising responsiveness. From a strategic perspective, this involves making
Supply chain management: Be global Macquarie University
management-global important trade-off decisions between cost, quality and flexibility of supply
chains. Via structured learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion
prompts and written assessments) this course will equip you with the future-
focused capabilities needed to design and manage effective, sustainable
and efficient global supply chains of tomorrow.

When faced with a complex and ambiguous work environment, how do you,
as a potential leader, envision the future? How can you deliver on your
vision in a way that conveys meaning and drives positive change within
your organisation? In this course you will explore how leaders can create a
compelling vision and communicate it, and how they create meaning and
make work more meaningful. You will look at the role the brain and the
Visionary leadership, identity & motivation: body play in processing meaning, and how this can inspire your employees
Macquarie University
Become a meaning maker meaning-maker to follow you and your vision. This course will also teach you how to
develop meaningful brand identity and the role it can play in clarifying and
reinforcing your leadership vision within your organisation, for your partners
and for your customers. You will discover that meaning crosses into almost
every aspect of management. Finally, you will better understand how social
and cultural factors can influence what you can achieve and your limitations
when seeking to create meaning.
‫ ستتعلم المبادئ اﻷساسية‬،‫ للعمل‬Excel ‫في هذه الدورة التدريبية اﻷولى في تخصص مهارات برنامج‬
‫ ستتعلم التنقل بشكل محترف في واجهة مستخدم‬،‫ في غضون ستة أسابيع‬.Microsoft Excel ‫لبرنامج‬
‫ وتنسيق جداول البيانات بشكل‬،‫ وإجراء الحسابات اﻷساسية باستخدام الصيغ والداﻻت‬،Excel ‫برنامج‬
‫وسواء أكنت قد تعلمت ذاتيًا‬n\n\.‫ وإنشاء تصورات للبيانات من خﻼل المخططات والرسوم البيانية‬،‫باحترافي‬
‫ فإن هذه‬،‫ من قبل‬Excel ‫ أو إذا لم تكن قد استخدمت برنامج‬،‫وتريد أن تسد الفجوات لفعالية وإنتاجية أفضل‬
‫الدورة التدريبية ستزودك بأساس متين لكي تصبح مستخد ًما واثقًا وتطور مهارات أكثر تقد ًما في الدورات‬
‫ وستمنحك‬.‫لقد ش ّكلنا فريقًا رائ ًعا للتدريس سيكون معك في كل خطوة على الطريق‬n\n\.‫التدريبية الﻼحقة‬
‫ المبادئ اﻷساسية‬:‫ للعمل‬Excel ‫ مهارات برنامج‬Macquarie University
‫ تعاون في‬.‫صا رائعة لبناء مجموعة المهارات لديك‬ ً ‫مجموعة كبيرة من اﻻختبارات والتحديات التدريبية فر‬
‫يعد‬n\nُ\.‫ وسوف تفاجئ نفسك بمدى التقدم الذي أحرزته في وقت قصير‬،‫العمل على كل تح ٍد جديد مع فريقنا‬
.‫انتشارا في مختلف أماكن العمل في جميع أنحاء العالم‬
ً ‫برنامج جداول البيانات أحد أكثر البرامج المستخدمة‬
‫وتعلﱡم العمل على مثل هذا البرنامج بثقة واحترافية يمثل إضافةً ثمينة وعالية القيمة إلى مسيرتك العملية‬
‫ وفي الوقت الذي تنمو فيه الوظائف التي تعتمد على المهارات الرقمية بشكل أسرع بكثير‬.‫وفرص توظيفك‬
Excel ‫ احرص على أن تكون متميزً ا عن اﻵخرين عن طريق إضافة مهارات‬،‫من الوظائف غير الرقمية‬
.‫لمحفظتك العملية‬
Дізнавайтеся та практикуйте стратегії вчительського коучингу, щоб
сприяти значущим і сталим змінам у викладанні шкільних педагогів.
Учительський коучинг: сприяння розвитку
Match Teacher Residency \n\nУкраїнською курс було перекладано та адаптовано командою
сталих змін kouchynh
громадської організації "ЕдКемп Україна". Дякуємо також за допомогу
компанії "Лінгвіст".
In this course, you will build on the skills learned in Exploratory Data
Analysis with MATLAB to lay the foundation required for predictive
modeling. This intermediate-level course is useful to anyone who needs to
combine data from multiple sources or times and has an interest in
modeling. \n\nThese skills are valuable for those who have domain
knowledge and some exposure to computational tools, but no programming
background. To be successful in this course, you should have some
background in basic statistics (histograms, averages, standard deviation,
Data Processing and Feature Engineering with curve fitting, interpolation) and have completed Exploratory Data Analysis
MATLAB matlab with MATLAB. \n\nThroughout the course, you will merge data from
different data sets and handle common scenarios, such as missing data. In
the last module of the course, you will explore special techniques for
handling textual, audio, and image data, which are common in data science
and more advanced modeling. By the end of this course, you will learn
how to visualize your data, clean it up and arrange it for analysis, and
identify the qualities necessary to answer your questions. You will be able
to visualize the distribution of your data and use visual inspection to
address artifacts that affect accurate modeling.
Like most subjects, practice makes perfect in Data Science. In the
capstone project, you will apply the skills learned across courses in the
Practical Data Science with MATLAB specialization to explore, process,
analyze, and model data. You will choose your own pathway to answer
Data Science Project: MATLAB for the Real World MathWorks key questions with the provided data.\n\nTo complete the project, you must
have mastery of the skills covered in other courses in the specialization.
The project will test your ability to import and explore your data, prepare the
data for analysis, train a predictive model, evaluate and improve your
model, and communicate your results.
In this course, you will learn to think like a data scientist and ask questions
of your data. You will use interactive features in MATLAB to extract subsets
of data and to compute statistics on groups of related data. You will learn to
use MATLAB to automatically generate code so you can learn syntax as
you explore. You will also use interactive documents, called live scripts, to
capture the steps of your analysis, communicate the results, and provide
interactive controls allowing others to experiment by selecting groups of
data.\n\nThese skills are valuable for those who have domain knowledge
and some exposure to computational tools, but no programming background is required. To be successful in this course, you should have
Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB MathWorks
analysis-matlab some knowledge of basic statistics (e.g., histograms, averages, standard
deviation, curve fitting, interpolation). \n\nBy the end of this course, you will
be able to load data into MATLAB, prepare it for analysis, visualize it,
perform basic computations, and communicate your results to others. In
your last assignment, you will combine these skills to assess damages
following a severe weather event and communicate a polished
recommendation based on your analysis of the data. You will be able to
visualize the location of these events on a geographic map and create
sliding controls allowing you to quickly visualize how a phenomenon
changes over time.
In this course, you will build on the skills learned in Exploratory Data
Analysis with MATLAB and Data Processing and Feature Engineering with
MATLAB to increase your ability to harness the power of MATLAB to
analyze data relevant to the work you do.\n\nThese skills are valuable for
those who have domain knowledge and some exposure to computational
tools, but no programming background. To be successful in this course, you
Predictive Modeling and Machine Learning with
MathWorks should have some background in basic statistics (histograms, averages,
MATLAB machine-learning
standard deviation, curve fitting, interpolation) and have completed courses
1 through 2 of this specialization. \n\nBy the end of this course, you will use
MATLAB to identify the best machine learning model for obtaining answers
from your data. You will prepare your data, train a predictive model,
evaluate and improve your model, and understand how to get the most out
of your models.
Are you a living creature? Then, congratulations! You’ve got DNA. But how
much do you really know about the microscopic molecules that make you
unique? \n\nWhy is DNA called the “blueprint of life”? \nWhat is a “DNA
fingerprint”?\nHow do scientists clone DNA? \nWhat can DNA teach you
about your family history?\nAre Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
safe?\nIs it possible to revive dinosaurs by cloning their DNA? \n\nDNA
Decoded answers these questions and more. If you’re curious about DNA,
DNA Decoded McMaster University join Felicia Vulcu and Caitlin Mullarkey, two biochemists from McMaster
University, as they explore the structure of DNA, how scientists cracked the
genetic code, and what our DNA can tell us about ourselves. Along the
way, you’ll learn about the practical techniques that scientists use to
analyze our genetic risks, to manipulate DNA, and to develop new
treatments for a range of different diseases. Then, step into our virtual lab
to perform your own forensic DNA analysis of samples from a crime scene
and solve a murder.
We are always using experiments to improve our lives, our community, and
our work. Are you doing it efficiently? Or are you (incorrectly) changing one
thing at a time and hoping for the best? \n\nIn this course, you will learn
how to plan efficient experiments - testing with many variables. Our goal is
to find the best results using only a few experiments. A key part of the
course is how to optimize a system.\n\nWe use simple tools: starting with
fast calculations by hand, then we show how to use FREE software.
\n\nThe course comes with slides, transcripts of all lectures, subtitles
(English, Spanish and Portuguese; some Chinese and French), videos,
audio files, source code, and a free textbook. You get to keep all of it, all
freely downloadable.\n\nThis course is for anyone working in a company, or
wanting to make changes to their life, their community, their
neighbourhood. You don't need to be a statistician or scientist! There's
something for everyone in here. \n⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯\nOver 1000 people
Experimentation for Improvement McMaster University have completed this online course. What have prior students said about this
course?\n\n"This definitely is one of the most fruitful courses I have
participated at Coursera, considering the takeaways and implementations!
And so far I finished 12 [courses]."\n\n"Excelente curso, flexible y con
suficiente material didáctico fácilmente digerible y cómodo. No importa si se
tiene pocas bases matemáticas o estadísticas, el curso proporciona casi
toda explicación necesaria para un entendimiento alto."\n\n"I wish I had
enrolled in your course years ago -- it would have saved us a lot of time in
optimizing experimental conditions." Jason Eriksen, 3 Jan
2017\n\n"Interesting and developing both analytical and creative thinking.
The lecturer took care to bring lots of real live examples which are fun to
analyze." 20 February 2016.\n\n"... love your style of presentation, and the
examples you took from everyday life to explain things. It is very difficult to
make such a mathematical course accessible and comprehensible to this
wide a variety of people!"\n⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

Each course in F4E offers key insights and knowledge you will be able to
apply in real-life situations. You’ll test drive those insights through activities
and assessments that will influence your key money Decisions, your
participation in financial Markets, your experience in preserving or creating
Value, and in managing Debt. These activities are designed to immerse you
in financial thinking by giving you a safe environment for buying and selling
and for making, creating, simulating, writing, and teaching. Each activity is a
Finance for Everyone Capstone Project McMaster University
milestone in your learning process and each milestone has a product that
will be part of your learning portfolio. The Capstone Project is the
culmination of your F4E experience. It will engage you in a series of
scaffolded and reflective exercises focused on a single aspect of the
specialization selected by you to match your learning goals, and will help
you create a piece of work that reflects your new knowledge and
showcases your new skills for your employer, colleagues, friends and family.
In Debt, we take on one of the most challenging financial questions that
remains unresolved: How much to borrow? We start by demonstrating why
using debt has always been and continues to be a great temptation,
particularly when borrowing costs are historically low. We identify conditions
for selecting the optimal amount of debt for a corporation looking to
maximize its value. You’ll become fluent in related concepts like norms and
benchmarks. You will explore these and other factors that influence debt for
individuals and for public sector organizations -including governments, who
Finance for Everyone: Debt McMaster University
are the largest consumers of debt. Like pollution, debt creates systemic
risks even for the people and organizations that don’t create it. This course
discusses the imperative of limiting and reducing debt and the costs to all of
us if we don’t. We build on case based learning giving you opportunities to
interpret, uncover and acquire financial information that is often hidden or
missing. We also summarize important threads from previous courses to
give you a deep and cohesive understanding of when debt works for you
and when it becomes your worst enemy.
Finance for Everyone: Decisions will introduce you to the workings of the
free markets and the foundations of finance. You will learn how free
markets and their “creative destruction” provide the architecture for the
global economy and how those same markets move money in ways that
create and destroy wealth. Your financial toolkit will include timeless
concepts like compounding, discounting, annuities, effective interest rates,
Finance for Everyone: Decisions McMaster University and more. You will also learn how to simplify important financial
calculations and apply that knowledge to real-life decisions that can
influence everything from how you pay for your car to where you live.
Through peer review you will publish your view on an issue important to
you. You will also discover how your applied decisions connect to bigger
questions relating to changing market conditions as you prepare for the
second course in F4E: Markets.
Markets begins with one of the most common and important elements of
the financial system – interest rates. You will learn why interest rates have
always been a key barometer in determining the value of everything. You
will explore the changing influence of interest rates; the impact of interest
rates on consumption, investment and economic growth; and the bizarre
realities of negative interest rates. Markets explains how interest rates
change the value of all financial instruments, highlighting the role of the
bond and stock markets that have toppled empires. We take a closer look
Finance for Everyone: Markets McMaster University
at the equity pricing models and equity markets that reverberate across the
globe, and explore everything from the first stock ever issued – by the
Dutch East India Company – to the little-understood but powerful derivative
securities market. By the end of the course, you will have developed insight
into the intersections of the financial markets with worlds of policy, politics,
and power. You will have demonstrated that insight by teaching an
important financial concept and translating a financial product or transaction
to someone who will clearly benefit from your advice.
In Value, you will explore the most powerful generator of value in the world
– ideas. Ideas are the engines of productivity, both in the private and public
sectors. You will learn about the universal frameworks that determine how
ideas and money interact, leading to the allocation of financial resources.
We will identify components of cash flow for any project, business or
venture as the most essential ingredients of value. We also assess the
investment techniques used to give life to some ideas while killing others.
Finance For Everyone: Value McMaster University This course will help you understand pricing, diversification, uncertainty and
even behavioural approaches to dealing with risk. Using Nobel Prize-
winning insights, you will learn how to measure the size of the risk premium
and build valuation models. We’ll even connect evidence-based science
with common-sense analysis to give you better tools for understanding why
values are what they are, and for positioning yourself more effectively to
participate in financial markets. You will be immersed in case based
learning to integrate some of the powerful frameworks introduced in Value.

Renowned exercise physiologists Martin Gibala and Stuart Phillips of

McMaster University teach the surprising new science of cardio fitness and
strength-building—and then provide you with hacks to get fit and strong
(and healthy!) in less time than you ever thought possible. What’s the right
mix of exercise between cardio and strength? How do you know if you’re
working out hard enough? What’s better, heavy or light weights? These
questions and more are addressed through a course designed to provide
even the most inexperienced of exercisers the tools you need to design
time-efficient workouts that can be done virtually anywhere, from your own
home to a city park or even at your workplace. \n\nMarty and Stu are good
friends and colleagues who just happen to be two of the world’s most
passionate scholars in the science of fitness. They aim to entertain you
Hacking Exercise For Health. The surprising new while they’re describing the relationship between exercise and health. Marty
McMaster University
science of fitness. health is a pioneer in the field of interval training, the technique of varying your
workout intensity to get fit faster than anyone ever thought possible. Stu’s
studies proved that lifting lighter weights can be a highly effective strength-
building technique—plus he’s a leading expert in dietary protein and
muscle. \n\nIn Hacking Exercise for Health, you’ll follow Marty and Stu as
they teach you the basics about the way your body boosts its fitness and
strength. Next, they’ll apply that theory, providing you with a series of do-
anywhere workouts and, most importantly, teaching you what you need to
know to design your own sessions. Filled with inspirational practical tips, fun
quizzes, interactive community participation and assignments designed to
help you remember your lessons, Hacking Exercise for Health will give you
the tools and techniques to incorporate exercise into your life, no matter
how busy you are.
Mindshift is designed to help boost your career and life in today’s fast-paced
learning environment. Whatever your age or stage, Mindshift teaches you
essentials such as how to get the most out of online learning and MOOCs,
how to seek out and work with mentors, the secrets to avoiding career ruts
(and catastrophes) and general ruts in life, and insights such as the value of
selective ignorance over general competence. We’ll provide practical
insights from science about how to learn and change effectively even in
maturity, and we’ll build on what you already know to take your life’s
Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning
McMaster University learning in fantastic new directions. This course is designed to show you
and Discover Your Hidden Potential
how to look at what you’re learning, and your place in what’s unfolding in
the society around you, so you can be what you want to be, given the real
world constraints that life puts on us all. You’ll see that by using certain
mental tools and insights, you can learn and do more—far more—than you
might have ever dreamed!\n\nThis course can be taken independent of,
concurrent with, or subsequent to, its companion course, Learning How to
Learn. (Mindshift is more career focused, and Learning How to Learn is
more learning focused.)

Mindshift es un curso diseñado para ayudarte a impulsar tu carrera

profesional y tu vida personal en el mundo de cambios acelerados que
vivimos hoy en día. Cualquiera que sea tu edad o etapa de formación,
Mindshift te enseñará técnicas para aprovechar al máximo tu experiencia
de aprendizaje en línea, estrategias para conseguir y trabajar con
mentores, secretos para evitar estancamientos (y catástrofes) en tu carrera
profesional, y reflexiones sobre el valor de la ignorancia selectiva y la
competencia general. Te proporcionaremos prácticas enseñanzas basadas
en la ciencia sobre cómo aprender y transformar tu mente de manera
Mindshift: Transforma tu mente para superar efectiva, incluso durante la madurez, utilizando como base lo que ya
obstáculos en el aprendizaje y descubrir tu McMaster University conoces para guiar tu evolución en fantásticas nuevas direcciones. Este
potencial oculto. curso está diseñado para enseñarte cómo reflexionar sobre lo que estás
aprendiendo, y sobre tu lugar en los acontecimientos que se desarrollan en
la sociedad a tu alrededor, para que logres convertirte en lo que quieras ser
y cumplas tus metas, teniendo presente las limitaciones que el mundo real
pone sobre todos nosotros. ¡Verás que al usar estas técnicas y estrategias
mentales, podrás aprender y hacer más -mucho más- de lo que podrías
haber soñado!\n\nEste curso puede ser tomado de manera independiente,
en conjunto o subsecuente a su curso asociado, Aprendiendo a Aprender.
(Mindshift está más orientado a carreras profesionales, y Aprendiendo a
Aprender está más orientado al aprendizaje).
This course covers the latest and greatest psychological research on
avatars and is relevant to current and future designers of any medium that
includes user self-representations (e.g., video games, virtual worlds, robots,
automobiles, social media, etc.). By taking this course, you will be able to
define digital and non-digital avatars and identify how they are applicable in
everyday life. You will be able to differentiate between the types of
relationships people have with their avatars and motivations for using
avatars that are more or less similar to the self. The course will help you discern the importance different avatar attributes (e.g., gender,
Avatar Psychology for Designers Michigan State University
for-designers race/ethnicity, attractiveness, personality, humanity, body type, hair,
controllability) and avoid common harmful stereotypes in your designs.
Finally, you will gain the ability to design avatars that harness their
psychological power to influence users toward specific (hopefully non-evil)
outcomes, even beyond avatar use.\n\nDr. Ratan, the instructor of this one-
of-a-kind course, is an internationally recognized scholar who actively
publishes research on avatar psychology. He is also known for his jovial
and engaging lecture style and believes that you learn and produce more
when you are having fun. Hope you enjoy the course.
As well as a form of art and entertainment, games are about business.
Whether you want to work at a game studio, start your own business or
make games as a hobby, recognizing the dynamic landscape of the
videogame industry is critical to finding your place. This course will
Business of Games and Entrepreneurship Michigan State University introduce you to game production, project management, teamwork skills,
and how to position your game ideas and yourself in the broader
marketplace. By the end of the course, you will be able to develop an
impactful portfolio of game work to get noticed and/or develop an effective
business plan to bring your game to market.
Welcome to Course Two of Photography Basics and Beyond: From
Smartphone to DSLR! Now that you have a broad understanding of the
various types of cameras, the importance of setting up Menus and
Functions to gain control in your photography, and the difference between
Auto and Program exposure modes, you are ready to move into even
greater Camera Control! \n\nIn these 4 Modules we will concentrate on
gaining the knowledge necessary to make use of Exposure Modes, Light
Camera Control Michigan State University Metering, Effects of various ISO settings, Lens options, using Shutter
Speeds to convey aspects of Time in both documentary and creative ways,
and exploring the controlled focus effects that Depth of Field Principles
make possible. You will also continue to make new photographs and, if
you are a subscriber to the specialization, continue interacting with your
fellow learners as you share photographs for Peer Review. You will also
confirm your knowledge through completion of quizzes and written
responses. Let's get started with Module One!
Welcome to Course One of Photography Basics and Beyond: From
Smartphone to DSLR! In these first 4 Modules you will gain the knowledge
and the confidence that will help you make good choices as you consider
qualities of the camera you own, and the qualities of the other types of
digital cameras you might be considering. You will learn about the basic
functions that most digital cameras have in common. You will also go beyond the "technical" matters and learn about how you can make exciting
Cameras, Exposure, and Photography Michigan State University
photography pictures by emphasizing the aspects of Frame and Vantage Point to
interpret old subjects in new ways. Discovering accessories that
photographers find useful, and the types of camera bags from mini to carry-
on sized, is also in store for you. You will also make your first photographs
and, if you are a subscriber to the specialization, upload pictures to the web
gallery and start interacting with your fellow learners in our "Gallery." Let's
get started with Module One!

It is a cliché, but nevertheless very true. Experience is the best teacher. It is

also the best confidence builder. It is time for you to take action! The
concepts and skills presented throughout the courses in the specialization
are applied in this capstone course where you will launch an actual
business.\n\nIt will not be a business concept described on paper, but a
functional business with legal status in your particular governmental
jurisdiction, developed within your available resources whatever they are,
and challenged to generate revenue.\n\nOne of the greatest benefits of this specialization is the business development environment provided by the
Capstone - Launch Your Own Business! Michigan State University
business-project population of learners. At the point of the capstone course your thousands
of fellow learners become consultants capable of refining and adding value
to your business concept, they may also be potential customers or at the
very least allow you to observe the likely reactions from potential
customers.\n\nWith the experience of launching this startup, and the
execution capabilities and confidence gain from that experience it is our
desire that you repeat the process and launch another startup or a bigger
version of this startup. Hopefully going on to launch another, and another,
and another, evoking another cliché, 'practice will make perfect'.

This is it! It is time for YOU to be the journalist, and practice and display the
skills you have learned through this Specialization journey. You will create
your own professional journalistic portfolio, culminating in the creation of
your own news report from start to finish. You will go through all the steps
and skills used by professional journalists: conceptualizing a news report
Capstone: Create your own professional idea, reporting, interviewing, researching, and then compiling the
Michigan State University
journalistic portfolio capstone information for an audience. Your learner community, along with the
Michigan State Journalism team, will be with you every step of the way.
Having a professional portfolio will help you market yourself as a journalist,
showing off your work product, as well as practice and hone your
journalistic skill set. You will receive an exclusive premium "Journalism"
badge for social media, to display your Capstone completion.

In this course we will talk about Concept Art. As a final project we will create a fully finished environment concept, ready for presentation. Throughout the
Concept Art for Video Games Michigan State University
games 4 week modules will dive deeply into composition and digital painting
techniques to bring your art skills to the next level! So, let's get started!
In this course you will learn to create a photo-real game prop using modern
game art production techniques. You will gather reference, generate a base
model, create a high polygon model, bake details onto a low poly model,
and then texture and present a final portfolio piece. This course is aimed at students who have some knowledge in 3d and game art and would like to
Current Gen 3D Game Prop Production Michigan State University
production learn more advanced techniques employed in the creation of modern game
assets. We will be using Maya, Zbrush, Marmoset, and Substance Painter
extensively throughout the course. When you are finished you will have
your own model based of of a real-world prop suitable for use in modern
game engines.
In this project-centered course*, you will create a content-rich infographic on
a topic of your choice using Adobe Illustrator (which you can download for a
free, 30-day trial). You might choose to create a visual representation of
data from the world of sports, entertainment, politics, or science, to explain
a business trend or environmental issue, or even to present a theme or
development from your personal life. Your finished infographic will engage
your target audience and convey information clearly through effective use of
design elements such as typography, color, and structure.\n\nWhether
you’re a graphic designer, a writer or the intern in the department, you’ll
learn: \n• what an infographic is and what makes a good one\n• how to
work within your limits\n• how to work with a team (if you have one) \n• why
infographics are effective \n• techniques for spotting data in stories\n• six
valuable steps for planning an effective infographic \n• how to use and
make some of the building blocks of infographics: maps, charts and flow
charts \n• ways data can be visualized to clarify it and give it meaning \n•
how to effectively design a good infographic by effectively using elements
Design and Make Infographics (Project-Centered
Michigan State University like type, color and an underlying grid structure\n• some free or cheap,
online tools for making various kinds of infographics\n\nAs you work on
your project, you’ll learn more about why infographics are effective, what
makes a good infographic, and how to plan and design an infographic for
maximum impact. You’ll explore various approaches to data visualization,
and you’ll practice creating visualizations like maps, charts, flow charts, and
simple drawings in your free version of Adobe Illustrator. Please note that if
you are new to learning graphics software, making these graphics could
take much longer than estimated as you learn and grow.\n\nWhat you’ll
need to get started:\nThis project-based course is aimed at anyone
interested in understanding, designing, and using infographics - from
students and hobbyists to professional graphic designers. \n\nWe’ll use
Adobe Illustrator for some components of the project. If you don’t have
access to the full version of Illustrator,you can download a free version at If the free 30-day trial runs out, you can
"purchase" it for a month for about $20. \n\n*About Project-Centered
Courses: Project centered courses are designed specifically to help you
This course is the first in a series on starting a business. Though new
venture creation is the focus of the specialization, this course is important
for everyone.To create a successful business it is not only about what you
do (technical execution), it is also about how you think. This course
provides learners with insights to re-frame their thinking in order to
maximize their chances for success. \n\nSo what can a learner expect to
gain from this course? At the end of this course a learner:\n 1.) will be
able to argue effectively against all of the reasons for not starting their
business (or reaching some goal);\n 2.) will be able to operate effectively
within the new framework or model for starting a business (or any new
endeavor),\n thus increasing their chances for success; and\n 3.)
will be able to make the initial business startup decisions of what type of
business to start, and what type of business \n owner to be.\n\nHaving
Developing An Entrepreneurial Mindset: First Step
Michigan State University an entrepreneurial mindset is critical to being successful as an
Towards Success mindset
entrepreneur. An entrepreneurial mindset stands alone in terms of its
importance. No other attribute, personality, inherent entrepreneurial
proclivities, training, or demographic profile is common to all successful
entrepreneurs whether Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, or the neighborhood
florist or grocer.\n\nThe course provides learners with an understanding of
the attributes and perspectives of an entrepreneurial mindset, and the
process to acquire one. We suggest that learners bring an open mind and
be willing to thoroughly explore the nascent business ventures they have
been carrying with them.The course introduces concepts that enables a
person to start a trans-formative process in the way they think generally,
and in the way they think about business specifically. This new way of
thinking has the potential to positively impact not only them, but their family,
and community.
Being a successful journalist is more than hunting down information. How
journalists process the information, then put it together, are key steps for
news reports. You will learn the process, planning, requirements of how
journalists develop their news reports. There are many ways to report news
Effectively delivering the news to your audience Michigan State University
reports, and you will learn different forms of how to perform reporting and
writing to serve different audiences. This course also explains the different
formats within journalism, beyond the written word and how they are best
In the game design and development capstone, you will create an original
game from initial concept through implementation and then launch it to the
world! Along the way, you will have the opportunity to put your game ideas
in front of your peers and for the best-of-the-best you will have the chance
to get feedback from game industry professionals. The capstone
Game Design and Development Capstone Michigan State University
experience gives you the opportunity to push your skills further and
demonstrate your newfound skills as a game developer. The capstone also
contains guest talks from game industry professionals at Riot Games, Deep
Silver Volition, Iron Galaxy, Radiant Entertainment, Goodgame Studios,
Stardock, GREE, Heart Shaped Games, Kongregate, and more.
The device or "platform" that a game is developed for and played on has a
massive impact on the game development process. In this hands-on course
you will explore how to develop a game for a variety of modern platforms,
including Web, Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, and Android. While building a
complete game, you will learn intermediate and advanced game
development techniques in the Unity game engine. By the end of the
Game Development for Modern Platforms Michigan State University
course, you will understand how to develop, refine, package, and prepare
your game for distribution on a variety of game platforms. Particular
attention will be given to developing a 2D platformer game that supports
multiple forms of input (keyboard/mouse, controller, and touch), works
across multiple forms of output (screen size, screen resolution, sound), and
performs well on a variety of computing devices.
Journalists develop information through interviews and sources. The most
successful journalists quickly master these important skill sets. The
production of journalism relies on several elements: newsgathering,
Gathering and Developing the News Michigan State University interviewing sources, researching and trying to find as much information as
possible. The course will also teach you how to where to find information,
interviewing skills and how to process information from various sources for
This course is a brief introduction to the elements of music theory for those
with little or no music theory experience. We will explore pitch, rhythm,
meter, notation, scales, keys, key signatures, meter signatures, triads,
seventh chords, and basic harmony. If you listen to music or play music by
ear, and you want to know more about how music is organized and notated,
this course is for you.\n\nBy the end of the course, you should know all
major and minor keys, how to read and write in treble and bass clef using
Getting Started With Music Theory Michigan State University
standard meters and rhythmic values, and how to notate and harmonize a
simple melody. This course can serve as a stand-alone basic music theory
course, or it can be a springboard to more advanced theory and
composition courses.\n\nYour instructor is Bruce Taggart, Associate
Professor of Music Theory at Michigan State University, in the College of
Music, where he has taught undergraduate and graduate music theory
since 1996.

This course is an introduction to many of the possibilities that exist to fund

your film, market it, and create an audience for it. It will give you a sense of
possible options and avenues to explore and it will start you on the process
of making your film dreams a reality. The course covers the grant
Getting Your Film off the Ground Michigan State University researching and writing process for fiction films and documentaries,
strategies for developing impactful film websites, best social media
practices for filmmakers, and how to approach crowdfunding and seeking
investors. Through these experiences you will be prepared to seek funding
for your film and to build your own audience through digital spaces.
If you love games and want to learn how to make them, then this course will
start you down that path. Making games is a creative and technical art form.
In this course you will familiarize yourself with the tools and practices of
game development. You will get started developing your own videogames
using the industry standard game development tools, including the Unity3D
Introduction to Game Development Michigan State University
game engine and C#. At the end of the course you will have completed
three hands-on projects and will be able to leverage an array of game
development techniques to create your own basic games. This course is for
individuals interested in becoming a game designer, game artist, or game
You will learn about the career paths that are available in journalism, and
what opportunities the skill sets of a journalist can offer in other fields. You
will explore areas such as being an international correspondent, self-
publishing in journalism, as well as how to freelance in the field. You will be
empowered to develop your own path in journalism, from being an active
and informed consumer, to being a journalist.\n\nThe worlds of business,
Journalism, the future, and you! Michigan State University communications, politics, education and marketing all utilize elements of
journalism. This course also examines how to keep the trust of audiences
through ethical, and responsible, journalistic practices. Sometimes,
journalists need to be aware of their own safety. We will intelligently discuss
how journalists around the world handle pressure, threats and other
dangers while doing their jobs.\n\nJournalism - and journalists - are agents
of change. Are you ready to become one too?
This course is the last course in this specialization before its capstone
experience where you, the learner will launch your business. Consider all
the activities associated with the final preparation for a NASA launch before
the final countdown takes place. Those are the type of activities with
respect to launching a business that will be covered in this course. The goal
of the course is for you to have a document that details all the actions you
need to take, and all the things that you need to think about before
launching your business, with instructions on how to do those actions and
how to thing about those things. \n\nSpecifically the course will provide you
with five benefits or outcomes. First your attitude will be finely focused and
tuned to the mindset concepts covered in course one that are likely to have
the greatest impact on your business launch. Second in a similar fashion
you will become keenly aware of those aspects of your business that
directly impact its ability to create and deliver value on day one; and have
Launch Strategy: 5 Steps to Capstone Experience Michigan State University
actions plans to address each aspect. With your 'mind right' and your
'business right' the third and fourth outcomes of the course are actions
plans to get your 'market connections' right. The course will allow you to
explore strategies and tactics to engage the market, communication your
message, and generate sales; and select those which give you the best
opportunity to learn and establish a foundation for growth. Finally the course
will walk you through a final checklist of operational issues that will allow
you to enter the capstone course and your business launch ready to go on
day one.\n\nThroughout the course we have emphasized the importance of
market engagement, allowing the market to provide feedback that sharpens
your business and maximizes its chances for success. As with the entire
specialization the feedback you will get through the peer review
assignments for this course and the capstone course are an invaluable
opportunity for for such engagement.
This course is aimed to give you the tools and knowledge you need to start
creating simple 3D art for video games made in the Unity game engine.
Through the aesthetic of pixel art we will explore artistic principals like
shape language, color theory, and composition as well as show you a step
by step workflow for creating assets that you can use to make your own
games. The course is broken into 4 main modules, props, environments,
characters, and animation. Each of these courses will have a series of
video lessons alternating between artistic and technical skills culminating in
a peer-reviewed project based assignment. The last module will challenge
you to take the knowledge learned in the previous 4 and use it to create
your own pixel art asset pack.\n\nThis course is aimed at art novices who
Low Poly Art For Video Games Michigan State University are interested in creating art for their own games or contributing to game
projects. If you are a game designer or programmer, you will find this
course helps give you a glimpse into the world of game art. You will be able
to better work with artists, or create your own prototype or final artwork. If
you are an artist or visual designer who is interested in bringing your style to
the world of video game development, this course will give you the workflow
to properly interface with a game engine and help contextualize how your
artistic sensibilities can enable gameplay.\n\nIf you have ever wanted to
start making art for video games but have no idea how to start, this course
is the perfect for giving you a solid foundation while teaching you usable
practical skills. Our goal is to give you a sense of the whole pipeline from
creation to setting up in a game engine.
The Capstone Project is your opportunity to take advantage of the
knowledge you have gained through our journey in learning about
photography, to develop a meaningful project of 10 well formed
photographs based in your passion for artistic expression, or a subject for
documentary exploration, insightful portraiture, imaging for work-related
subjects, or some other aspect of photography. We are confident that it will
be a project that you will be excited to share with fellow Learners, and with
Professors Peter Glendinning and Mark Sullivan too! A unique feature of
this Course is the individual review and responsive input you will receive
directly from Peter or Mark, who will be viewing your pictures and making
evaluations of all projects at the end of the Capstone. You should plan on
spending more time on this Course per week than any other in this
Specialization, and much of it will be in making photographs.\n\nDuring the
entire period of development, you and your fellow learners will be
supporting each other as you work independently, by sharing your work-in-
progress from the initial Project Plan to the final Portfolio. At each stage, all
Photography Capstone Project Michigan State University Learners will share comments and suggestions with each other, helping
each other to gauge progress and to learn about different approaches to
photography and content. By expressing your own ideas and expectations
about quality in response to the work of others, you will be forming your own
criteria of excellence as well. \n\nAlong the way there will be multiple
opportunities for sharing pictures and ideas through carefully designed Peer
Review. This sharing of photographs and comments with peers, and
reflecting on their comments about your photos, will be an exciting learning
experience that will help you grow in understanding your own photography
and that of others. Your contribution of comments to fellow Learners will
not only help them understand their photographs better, but it will give you
an opportunity to use the vocabulary of terms that are related to techniques,
design principles, and content approaches that you have learned through
your success in each of the previous Modules. \n\nA unique aspect of this
Specialization is that everyone who completes the requirements will
receive, in addition to their Certificate of Specialization from Michigan State
University, access to substantial discounts on equipment, accessories, and
Welcome to Course FOUR! In Modules 1-4 you will cover the final
elements of the Specialization necessary to round out this introduction to
the fundamentals of Photography, and prepare you for creating your own
exciting project in the Capstone! You have come a long way since the
beginning of this journey from Smartphone Basics to DSLR and Beyond.
Just think of all the information you have absorbed and put to use in your
assignments and quizzes, and the confidence you have gained that you
CAN control the camera to make pictures you are proud to share. \n\nHere
in Course Four you will start by gaining knowledge related to content in
photography, from fact to fiction, documentary to purely expressive. Next
you will learn principles, tips, and techniques for using the essential element
of Light in Ambient/Natural settings. \n\nThe flash/strobe unit, whether it is
built-in to your camera or an add-on "hotshoe" model, will finally be
something you, not the camera, controls! You will prove to yourself that
those former mysteries of Controlled Continuous and Strobe lighting will no
longer be mysterious, as you apply your knowledge to creation of
Photography Techniques: Light, Content, and
Michigan State University assignment photographs in various situations. Sharing those pictures in
Sharing techniques
Peer Review will give you the opportunity to learn from your fellow
photographers' solutions to lighting challenges, and to gain insight into your
own work and creative approaches too. \n\nThere is an important word to
share about Peer Review assignments for this course. As photographers
who have accomplished the quiz and photography requirements of Courses
One through Three, you have the knowledge and capability to create quality
photographs at a much higher rate of success, and in a much shorter time,
than when you began. You have also proven that you are a dedicated
Learner, someone who has a passion for photography and is willing to put
forth the extra effort necessary to accomplish your goals. This Course is
the last before the Capstone Course, in which you will be tasked with
creating a project over a 2-month period of dedicated photography. The
Peer Review photography assignments have been structured with both your
advanced capabilities and dedication in other words, they will
require both! Be prepared to allocate more time than you have in previous
Courses for the assignments, because they will take more time and
This course is aimed to give you the tools and knowledge you need to start
creating simple art for video games made in the Unity game engine.
Through the aesthetic of pixel art we will explore artistic principals like
shape language, color theory, and composition as well as show you a step
by step workflow for creating assets that you can use to make your own
games. The course is broken into 4 main modules, props, environments,
characters, and animation. Each of these courses will have a series of
video lessons alternating between artistic and technical skills culminating in
a peer-reviewed project based assignment. The last module will challenge
you to take the knowledge learned in the previous 4 and use it to create
your own pixel art asset pack.\n\nThis course is aimed at art novices who
Pixel Art for Video Games Michigan State University are interested in creating art for their own games or contributing to game
projects. If you are a game designer or programmer, you will find this
course helps give you a glimpse into the world of game art. You will be able
to better work with artists, or create your own prototype or final artwork. If
you are an artist or visual designer who is interested in bringing your style to
the world of video game development, this course will give you the workflow
to properly interface with a game engine and help contextualize how your
artistic sensibilities can enable gameplay.\n\nIf you have ever wanted to
start making art for video games but have no idea how to start, this course
is the perfect for giving you a solid foundation while teaching you usable
practical skills. Our goal is to give you a sense of the whole pipeline from
creation to setting up in a game engine.
According to Steven Blank a business startup, or any new venture startup is
essentially a proto-type. Thus the startup process essentially becomes a
learning process to refine that business proto-type into a scalable, replicable
finished 'product'.\n\nAt the end of this course learners will be able to:\n -
complete a business model summarizing assumptions about what value
they will offer to whom, and how they will make \n money.\n -
systematically test and validate these assumptions within the constraints of
their available resources, and\n - use these validated assumptions to
generate financial projections that are based on actual resources and
efforts expended.\n\nThe days of the 40 page business plan have certainly
passed, but the role of planning in the business creation process is one of
extreme importance. In this course we will explore the important
components that you need to explore in detail prior to business creation.
Planning: Principled, Proposing, Proofing, and
Michigan State University Action without planning is a recipe for disaster and we will make sure you
Practicing to a Success Plan
have a rock solid foundation for future actions.\n\nThe planning here is
focused on learning. It is unrealistic for anyone to document in detail all of
the actions they should take to make a new venture or activity successful
when they (and often no one else) has any experience with the new venture
and the conditions which it is likely to face. Thus the business plan based
largely on assumptions and aggregate, non-applicable data is replaced with
the business model which organizes the key assumptions determining what
value the business will offer to whom, and how it will make money. The
course will guide learners through the process of systematically testing and
validating these assumptions, and obtaining specific, applicable data. It will
then show learners how to use these validated assumptions to generate pro-
forma financial statements directly tied to actions and resources based on
this business model.

You have a great idea for a game. Turning that idea into a reality isn't just
about knowing the tools. In this course you will practice moving from game
concept through design documentation, prototyping and testing. Numerous
elements go into the overall process of game design. These range from
topics such as idea generation, story, character, and game world
Principles of Game Design Michigan State University development, game mechanics and level design, and user experience
design. You will explore the process for designing meaningful experiences
for your players. At the end of the course learners will have produced a
game's high concept document, one page blueprint, a physical prototype,
pitch and supporting design documentation to move from an idea in your
head to a fleshed out design, ready for implementation.
Welcome to Course THREE! In the first two Modules you will gain a more
professional-level understanding of the Design Elements that artists have
used throughout history to create successful compositions. Arranging the
Elements in ways that lead viewers through their compositions is an
essential craft for photographers no matter whether their subject matter is
pure documentary or vividly exotic personal expression. In Modules 3 & 4
Principles of Photo Composition and Digital Image we survey the essential elements of post-photography image management,
Michigan State University
Post-Production using Adobe(tm) LIGHTROOM(tm). Image adjustment software designed
for Smartphone photographers rounds out the Course. Since even
photographers whose mainstay is a high-end DSLR also must admit to
Smartphone use occasionally, and photographers who only use a
Smartphone will usually admit that they want to step over to a "regular"
camera at some point, there is something for everyone here! Let's get
started with Module One!
What you’ll achieve: \n\nIn this project-centered course*, you will design a
series bible and write a complete pilot episode for your own unique
television or web series, be it drama or comedy or something in between.
You’ll learn to break down the creative process into components, and you’ll
discover a structured process that allows you to produce a polished and
pitch-ready script in just a few weeks. Completing this project will increase
your confidence in your ideas and abilities, and you’ll feel prepared to pitch
your first script and get started on your next. \n\nThis is a course designed
to tap into your creativity and is based in "Active Learning". Most of the
actual learning takes place within your own activities - that is, writing! You
will learn by doing.\n\n"Thank you so much for your direct way of teaching
this course. It was encouraging for us all to creatively flow and find our own
voice in writing and developing our scripts. This aspect was very important
to me." Ingrid\n\nThe course curriculum is simple: you’ll write, revise your
work, and share feedback with your peers. \n\nI am a proponent of
Experiential Learning (active learning). My lectures are short (sometimes
Script Writing: Write a Pilot Episode for a TV or
Michigan State University just two minutes long) and to the point, designed in a step-by-step process
Web Series (Project-Centered Course)
essential to your success as a script writer. I will guide you but I won’t
"show" you how to write. I firmly believe that the only way to become a
writer is to write, write, write.\n\n“David's lecture style for this course is
inspired. The videos are succinct and engaging. When I watch the lectures I
feel David’s sincere desire for me to create something truly amazing. He is
teaching us how to write a script, and he is providing wisdom and tools that
will help us do so in a compelling way - by writing; not by watching him talk
at us.” - A R Adamson\n\nWhat you’ll need to get started:\n\nTo begin with,
any basic word processor will do. During week two, you can choose to
download some free scriptwriting software such as Celtx or Trelby or you
may choose to purchase Final Draft, or you can continue to use your word
processor and do your own script formatting.\n\nLearner Review: "I am in
love with this course. Having never written a script before, or any
substantive fiction since college (15 years ago) I had a small idea in my
head that has now exploded into something I really believe in. David's
guidance is spot on, he's his own compelling story teller, he gives you
Just like when building a house the foundation for your business provides
the framework for success. A business built on weak structure will struggle
to succeed. We'll address some of the most pressing issues that you as a
business owner must face while constructing the proper framework for your
Structure: Building the Frame for Business Growth Michigan State University
business. \n\nSpecifically at the end of this course you will be able to:\n -
create and evaluate your company's financial documents;\n -complete the
documents and regulatory procedures to create a legal business entity;\n -
protect your intellectual property;\n -develop a management team;

Where do great business ideas come from? We all have compelling

business concepts that we've been thinking about for years. In this course
we will explore how to use observational tools and other techniques for idea
generation and we will talk about how to evaluate the good ideas from the
bad. The goal is to settle on a business idea that you are not only
The Search for Great Ideas: Harnessing creativity
Michigan State University passionate about but also has real market application.\n\nAt the end of this
to empower innovation. business-2-ideation
course learners will be able to:\n -build a resource inventory from which
they can assess and create market opportunities;\n -pursue market
opportunities consistent with personal passions and capabilities; and\n -
triage potential ideas in terms of which have the greatest potential for
commercial and personal success.

Do you have a desire to write a novel, write a screenplay, design a video

game? In this project-centered course you will develop your own, original,
intellectual property (IP) into a transmedia project containing written
versions of your IP on various platforms. You will begin your novel, adapt
the first chapters of your novel into the opening scenes of a film or TV show
and create a game design concept of your IP.\n\nThis is a course is based
in "Active Learning" so that most of the actual learning takes place within
your own activities - that is, writing! You will learn by doing.\n\nI am a
proponent of experiential learning (also known as active learning). My
lectures are short and succinct, designed in a step-by-step process
essential to your success as a writer. I will guide you, I will show you how to
get there, hopefully I will inspire you, but I won’t show you how to write or
what to write. That is up to you, you are the only one who can illustrate your
Transmedia Writing Michigan State University creative thoughts, by writing them! I firmly believe that the only way to
become a writer is to write, write, write. You need to unleash your creativity
and my plan is to help you to do exactly that!\n\nAll of the assignments on
this course are peer review. At each stage of the process, whether creating
your novel, your screenplay or your video game, you will post your written
work and review the works of your peers. Peer review is an extremely
important element of this course. Giving feedback and getting feedback is
essential to the development of your critical thinking and your growth as a
writer. It is as important as the writing itself.\n\nThis course is designed to
tap into your creativity and help you to develop your skills in expressing that
creativity through written words.\n\nWriting is a truly beautiful, amazing,
satisfying thing. Imagine, putting your own words on a page to tell a story
which enters your readers minds and allows them to share the thoughts,
emotions and lives of your characters. It is a very rewarding experience.
This course will guide you through the basic elements of professional
journalism and the news values and ethics of covering real-world issues
and events. The overview and examples of the types of news coverage
What is news? Michigan State University
helps introduce the different types of journalism, such as social media,
multimedia, print, visual and broadcast, and how professional journalists
effectively use each format.
Write a Full Length Feature Film Script\n\nIn this course, you will write a
complete, feature-length screenplay for film or television, be it a serious
drama or romantic comedy or anything in between. You’ll learn to break
down the creative process into components, and you’ll discover a structured
process that allows you to produce a polished and pitch-ready script by the
end of the course. Completing this project will increase your confidence in
your ideas and abilities, and you’ll feel prepared to pitch your first script and
get started on your next. This is a course designed to tap into your creativity
and is based in "Active Learning". Most of the actual learning takes place
within your own activities - that is, writing! You will learn by doing.\n\nHere
is a link to a TRAILER for the course. To view the trailer, please copy and
paste the link into your
browser.\n\n\nLearner Review
from Script Writing: Write a Pilot Script for a TV or Web Series: "Thank you
so much for your direct way of teaching this course. It was encouraging for
us all to creatively flow and find our own voice in writing and developing our
Write A Feature Length Screenplay For Film Or
Michigan State University scripts. This aspect was very important to me." Ingrid \n\nThe course
Television length-screenplay-for-film-or-television
curriculum is simple: We will adopt a professional writers room process in
which you’ll write, post your work for peer review, share feedback with your
peers and revise your work with the feedback you receive from your peers.
That's how we do it in the real world. You will feel as if you were in a
professional writers room yet no prior experience as a writer is required. I'm
a proponent of Experiential Learning (Active Learning). My lectures are
short (sometimes just two minutes long) and to the point, designed in a step-
by-step process essential to your success as a script writer. I will guide you
but I won’t "show" you how to write. I firmly believe that the only way to
become a writer is to write, write, write.\n\n Learner Review from Script
Writing: Write a Pilot Script for a TV or Web Series: “David's lecture style for
this course is inspired. The videos are succinct and engaging. When I
watch the lectures I feel David’s sincere desire for me to create something
truly amazing. He is teaching us how to write a script, and he is providing
wisdom and tools that will help us do so in a compelling way - by writing;
not by watching him talk at us.” - A R Adamson \n\nWhat you’ll need to get
WRITE YOUR FIRST NOVEL\n\nIf you’ve ever had the dream, the desire
or even just a vague notion that you would like to write a novel, this course
is for you. Whether you are a full-time student, have a full-time job, a family
to take care of or all of the above, you can do it. Really! And I will help you
get there.\n\nIn this Course, you will write your first novel. Many people say
they have often thought about writing a novel and are planning to do it
someday, but very few ever actually do. However, in this course, you will do
it. You will learn how to form a basic idea, any idea, into a structure and
discipline that will allow you to create, write and complete a fully-realized
novel ready to submit for publication.\n\nHere is a link to a trailer for the
course. To view the trailer, please copy and paste the link into your
browser.\n\n\nAs part of my
Transmedia Writing course, learners write the first two chapters of a novel.
Learner Review from Transmedia Writing: \n“I was toying with this idea of
writing a book then I found this course Transmedia Writing through
Coursera. This course really pushed me to my limits and it is an eye opener
Write Your First Novel Michigan State University for me that there are goals that I can still achieve and accomplish through
the world of writing. It was a challenging, very thorough and very detailed
course but completing it was a very rewarding experience. This course
really exceeded my expectations.”\n\nIn Write Your First Novel, you’ll learn
to break down your creative endeavor into components and you’ll discover
a process that will allow you to do what few have done: produce and
complete a full-length work of fiction in the form of a 50,000-word novel.
\n\nI am a proponent of experiential learning (also known as active
learning). My lectures are short and to the point, designed in a step-by-step
process essential to your success as a writer. I will guide you, I will show
you how to get there, hopefully I will inspire you. You will learn through your
own activity - which is writing! I firmly believe that the only way to become a
writer is to write, write, write! \n \nLearner Review from Transmedia
Writing:\n “I completed your Transmedia Writing course and I wanted to
thank you for your encouragement throughout the course… you told us to
keep writing diligently and finish our novel. Well… I finally finished writing all
20 chapters of my book!”\n\nWriting fiction is a truly beautiful thing. Putting
This course will get you up and running with MongoDB quickly, and teach
you how to leverage its power for data analytics.\n\nWe'll start by mastering
the fundamentals of MongoDB, including MongoDB’s Document data
model, importing data into a cluster, working with our CRUD API and
Aggregation Framework. These topics will be taught through a demo
Introduction to MongoDB MongoDB Inc. application which will give you a great first encounter of how simple and
practical it can be to build applications with MongoDB.\n\nIn addition to
these essential topics, you will also learn and work with useful MongoDB
tools and services. You will work with Atlas, MongoDB's database as a
service, MongoDB Compass, a schema visualization tool, as well as many
other useful command-line utilities.
This course will teach you how to perform data analysis using MongoDB's
powerful Aggregation Framework.\n\nYou'll begin this course by building a
foundation of essential aggregation knowledge. By understanding these
features of the Aggregation Framework you will learn how to ask complex
MongoDB Aggregation Framework MongoDB Inc. questions of your data. This will lay the groundwork for the remainder of the
course where you'll dive deep and learn about schema design, relational
data migrations, and machine learning with \nMongoDB.\n\nBy the end of
this course you'll understand how to best use MongoDB and its Aggregation
Framework in your own data science workflow.

This is the first course of the English for Research Publication Purposes
Specialization. The course is an introduction to what you need to know
Moscow Institute of Physics and about academic discourse. You’ll gain important critical reading skills to
Academic Literacy
Technology help you develop as a self-critical scientific writer. You will learn practical
tools and effective strategies for increasing your academic vocabulary and
grammar so that you will write well-structured coherent academic texts.

For many years now, people have been improving their tools, studying the
forces of nature and bringing them under control, using the energy of the
nature to operate their machines. Last century is noted for the creation of
machines which can operate other machines. Nowadays the creation of
devices that interact with the physical world is available to anyone. \nOur
course consists of a series of practical problems on making things that work
independently: they make their own decisions, act, move, communicate
with each other and people around, and control other devices. We will
demonstrate how to assemble such devices and programme them using
the Arduino platform as a basis.\nAfter this course, you will be able to
create devices that read the data about the external world with a variety of
sensors, receive and forward this data to a PC, the Internet and mobile
devices, and control indexing and the movement. The creation of such
devices will involve design, the study of their components, the assemblage
of circuit boards, coding and diagnostics. Along with the creation of the
Moscow Institute of Physics and devices themselves, you will perform visualization on a PC, create a web
Building Arduino robots and devices
Technology page that will demonstrate one of your devices, and figure out how an FDM
3D-printer is configured and how it functions. \nBesides those keen on
robotics or looking to broaden their horizons and develop their skills, the
course will also be useful to anyone facing the task of home and industrial
automation, as well as to anyone engaged in industrial design, advertising
and art. \nThe course does not require any special knowledge from the
participants and is open even to students of upper secondary school.
Programming skills and the level of English allowing to read technical
documentation would be an advantage, but this is not obligatory.\nThe
entire course is dedicated to practice, so the best way for you would be to
get hold of some electronics, follow the illustrated examples and experiment
on your own.\n\nThe kits can be purchased here:\n\nTaught by: Alexey Perepelkin, head of Robotics
department in the Laboratory of innovative educational technologies at
MIPT\nTaught by: Dmitry Savitsky, researcher in the Laboratory of
innovative educational technologies at MIPT
Capital markets and financial institutions are all around us. This is an
enormous industry in which powerful players oftentimes challenge investors
and the public at large and expose them to significant risks.\nThis Course
provides for the deep understanding of the core ideas, concepts, and
mechanisms of the modern capital market in a learner-friendly way. We will
analyze the market’s most fundamental problems, realize the intrinsic
interests of the market participants, reveal the true meaning of certain
Capital Markets and Financial Institutions – How Moscow Institute of Physics and
financial terms, and uncover credible signals of the likely behavior of
to Survive Them Technology financial-institutions
economic agents – all that with little math and a lot of fun.\nThe learners will
be much better positioned with respect to the financial environment. They
will see through the financial news, reveal the risks of the financiers’ wishful
thinking promises, and protect themselves against dangerous adventures.
The learners will get the opportunity to use the obtained knowledge, skills,
and understanding for the successful professional career in the financial
and other business areas, as well as in their day-to-day life.

The Capstone Project is the final part of the “Understanding Modern

Finance” Specialization. The learners will be able to apply all the
knowledge, skills, and understanding accumulated throughout the
Specialization to study a real financial transaction that they will choose. The
learners will gain insight into the reality of value creation. \nIn a set of video
instructions for the Project, some examples of similar work performed by
the instructors’ students over the last 15 years will be provided as
Moscow Institute of Physics and guidelines for the learners.\nThe best way to proceed with the Project is to
Capstone Project – Analyzing a Real Transaction
Technology analyzing-a-real-transaction analyze an M&A transaction as it encompasses most topics studied in the
Specialization. In addition, such transactions draw a lot of public attention
that facilitates the search of the necessary information. However, learners
are welcome to choose a transaction of a different kind.\nThe key idea in
any real transaction on capital markets is to create value for the
stakeholders. To this end, learners will have to identify the motive and the
implementation plan for the transaction and then to focus on valuation,
proper financing, and actual deal completion and results.
Whenever the word “accounting” is pronounced, it is immediately
associated with the need to memorize endless boring numbers. However, it
is the common financial statements that contain important information that
provides inputs for valuation of investment projects. The only challenge is
how to properly extract them.\n\nAccounting and finance are indeed
intertwined. Sometimes people that are not experienced in the area even
mix them up. But most often emphasis in accounting is on numbers. Still,
the deep understanding of key accounting concepts helps reveal the
interests and actions of people behind these numbers. And the human
Core Concepts of Accounting – Numbers and Moscow Institute of Physics and dimension of accounting adds invaluable insight in the potential of
People Technology accounting successful project implementation.\n\nThis Course discusses core ideas
and concepts of both financial and managerial accounting. It by no means
pretends to be comprehensive to any extent. But, being rather an
accounting overview, it focuses on the issues that are most relevant and
important for effective valuation of investment projects.\n\nThe learners will
gain insight into the essence of accounting. They will be able to use the
obtained knowledge and skills to successfully advance in their career at a
financial institution, as well as in the area of financial management at non-
financial businesses. To pursue a career in accounting, a more detailed
study is strongly recommended.
The English for Research Publication Purposes Capstone, the
specialization’s culminating project, is an opportunity for those who have
English for Research Publication Purposes: Moscow Institute of Physics and completed all four courses of the specialization to apply what they have
Capstone Project Technology publication-purposes-capstone-project learned to write an original research paper for publication. For the final
project, you will prepare a research poster, which will be evaluated and
graded by your fellow capstone participants.
The course provides guidance on developing a strong application that will
allow reviewers to better evaluate the science and merit of your proposal.
You will learn how to put your ideas into proper words, arrange a clear and
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Grant Proposal concise paper and search grant market for potential funder. You will also
learn how to react to negative feedback from reviewers and resubmit your
proposal. The course focuses on useful project management tools and
possible budget pitfalls.
This course is designed to provide you with an understanding of the role of
data and technology in human capital management. Every topic in the
course will be covered in the most practical way so that learners get hands-
on experience. In the course we use the 4Ts principle: Task, Theory,
Technique and Technology so that there is always a connection to
organizational performance objectives, an overview of underlying theories
and principles, and specific tools which help achieve business
objectives.\n\nYou will learn \n●\twhat combination of data, technologies,
and tools can be used in people management processes to improve
Moscow Institute of Physics and organization’s performance\n●\thow to use some of these tools and how to
Introduction to People Analytics
Technology select the ones that suit your objectives and budget\n●\tto design individual
and team development plans and measure its ROI for the
organization\n●\thow to figure out the qualities that lead employees to their
best performance so you know what to encourage in current and look for in
new employees\n●\thow to identify the right channels to recruit your
employees or team members\n●\twhat combination of monetary and non-
monetary motivation tools work best for your organization \n●\thow to
predict what people will leave in the near future and how to make sure
some of them stay\n●\thow to measure engagement and make a strong
organizational culture improve performance
JavaScript — единственный язык программирования, который
поддерживается всеми браузерами. Его знает любой веб-разработчик.
Moscow Institute of Physics and Если вы собираетесь изучать JavaScript, этот курс — отличное
JavaScript, часть 1: основы и функции
Technology funktsii начало.\n\nВы освоите основы и научитесь писать простые
программы.\n\nАвторы курса — разработчики из Яндекса. \n\nУ курса
есть продолжение.
Этот курс продолжает обучение тех, кто уже изучил основы JavaScript.
На очереди не самые простые вещи: прототипы, конструкторы,
Moscow Institute of Physics and
JavaScript, часть 2: прототипы и асинхронность асинхронный код, Node.js и DOM. По окончании обучения вы будете
уметь программировать на JavaScript.\n\nАвторы курса — разработчики
из Яндекса.
The area of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is special in finance.
Incredible amounts of money are employed in such transactions. Deals
draw a lot of public attention and dispute. Oftentimes, stories look more like
fairy tales rather than financial reality.\nThe key idea in any M&A transaction
is to create value through a potentially synergetic activity. To this end, it is
important to have a clear motive and implementation plan. Of special
importance are the correct valuation, proper financing, and actual deal
Mergers and Acquisitions – The Relentless Pursuit Moscow Institute of Physics and completion. But this is not the end – value mostly accrues from the post-
of Synergy Technology acquisitions merger integration. \nThe understanding of the motives of various
stakeholders is instrumental in the analysis of the potential creation of
value. \nThe learners will gain insight into the core value creating M&A
strategies. They will be able to use the obtained knowledge and skills to
successfully advance in their career at a financial institution, as well as in
the area of financial management at non-financial businesses. Finally, the
Course is very helpful in successful completion of the Specialization’s Final
The study of Corporate Finance seems to be a very generic part of
business education. Still, it either falls in the trap of intimidating formulas or
is superficially journalistic. Both extremes preclude the understanding of the
core finance ideas, concepts, and models.\nThis Course is an attempt to
avoid the above extremes. We discuss the core basis and mechanisms of
modern corporate finance in a learner-friendly way. We will analyze the
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Principles of Corporate Finance – A Tale of Value market’s most fundamental problems, realize the intrinsic interests and
Technology corporate-finance
preferences of investors, reveal the true meaning of specific financial terms,
and uncover important issues that are so often ignored in choosing and
valuing investment projects.\nThe learners will gain insight into the essence
of corporate finance. They will be able to use the obtained knowledge and
skills to successfully advance in their career at a financial institution, as well
as in the area of financial management at non-financial businesses.
Data science — одна из самых горячих областей на сегодняшний день,
а Python — один из самых популярных инструментов для анализа
данных. В этом курсе вы узнаете, как применять свои навыки
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Python для анализа данных программирования для построения предиктивных моделей,
Technology science
визуализации данных и работы с нейросетями.\nКурс ориентирован на
практику и позволит вам сразу приступить к работе с данными и
построению моделей.
Scholarly Communication is a concise but comprehensive course on how to
write research papers in English. The course will help the candidates gain a
better understanding of the rhetorical conventions of English and the
common challenges the candidates may face as an academic writer. The
course provides instruction, exercises, structure, and deadlines needed to
create a publishable paper.\n\nThe aim of the course is to improve
competence in scholarly communications by deepening knowledge of the
core features of the scientific writing style. It presents and analyzes the
unwritten rules of scientific writing, the ones candidates most likely never
learned in academic writing.\n\nThe course will enable the candidates to
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Scholarly Communication write clear, detailed and well-structured scientific texts appropriate to a
Technology communication
suitable academic journal. In particular, they will develop an awareness of
fundamental concepts of academic writing, such as contrastive rhetoric,
logical organization, and argumentation. In addition, they will develop skills
for self-editing and revision techniques, including editing\nfor precision and
clarity. They will also gain a deeper understanding of how to prepare a
scientific paper using the IMRAD format. Finally, the candidates will develop
an enhanced understanding of the concept of academic integrity and the
ethics of scientific writing.\n\nThe candidates will be able to overcome
anxiety about academic publishing and get their research papers published
in international journals.

The course develops technical writing skills necessary to communicate

information gained through a process of technical or experimental work.
The course highlights the factors that determine the degree of technicality
Moscow Institute of Physics and of the language and concepts involved. You will learn how to write different
Technical Writing
Technology technical reports, e.g., laboratory reports, research reports, design and
feasibility reports, progress reports, consulting reports, etc. The course also
approaches several language, structure, style, and content issues that you
can encounter while reporting the results of your research.
Финальный проект даст вам возможность применить полученные в
рамках специализации знания к задаче из реального мира. Под
руководством успешных специалистов в науке о данных вы сможете
поработать над актуальным проектом в одной из областей:
электронная коммерция, социальные медиа, информационный поиск,
бизнес-аналитика и др.\n\nВ отличие от задач, основанных на
модельных данных, работа над проектом из реальной жизни даст вам
Moscow Institute of Physics and возможность самостоятельно пройти все этапы анализа данных — от
Анализ данных: финальный проект
Technology подготовки данных до построения финальной модели и оценки её
качества. В результате в вашем арсенале появится проект, который вы
сможете использовать на практике и самостоятельно развивать в
дальнейшем.\n\nНаличие такого проекта станет вашим конкурентным
преимуществом, ведь вы всегда сможете продемонстрировать
успешный проект потенциальному работодателю.\n\nВидео курса
разработаны на Python 2. Задания и ноутбуки к ним адаптированы к
Python 3.
В этом блоке мы и займемся изучением распространенных
архитектурных подходов.\nМы изучим MVP и MVVM, сначала свои
реализации, а потом с помощью специальных библиотек , Moxy и
архитектурных компонентов. Изучим внедрение зависимостей, что это
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Архитектура Android-приложений такое и зачем оно нужно. \nРазберем библиотеки, помогающие с DI ,
Technology architecture
это Dagger2 и Toothpick.\nВ конце концов разберем парадигму Clean
Architecture, она же Чистая архитектура, которая задает жесткие рамки
для разработчика, но в то же время награждает его абсолютным
контролем над проектом.
В конце ХХ-го века – на фоне расцвета классического научного
менеджмента, стали появляться и эпатажные пророчества известных
специалистов: «Конец менеджменту. Менеджмент мёртв. Следующий
маркетинг. Менеджеры ведут себя совсем не так, как это описывается
в умных книгах. Представления систем менеджмента методом кейсов
множатся и стали трудно обозримыми. В высокотехнологичных
отраслях стало важным управлять не внутри границ предприятия, а по
жизненным циклам продукции. В цифровой экономике стремительно
появляются всё новые инструменты». И так далее.

\nКурс дополняет изучение методов системного

Бизнес-процессы, организационное инжиниринга продуктов современными «инженерными подходами» к
Moscow Institute of Physics and
проектирование, механизмы и системы построению и применению компактных конструкторов систем
Technology engineering-4
управления менеджмента. Обучение ведётся по принципу «не изучать шаблоны, а
через обучение действием учиться локализовать, собирать и
применять системные лекала менеджмента». За основу взят формат,
который можно охарактеризовать как «Мини МВА для специалистов
технических направлений». Рассматриваются базовые компоненты
конструктора систем менеджмента – требования и цели, бизнес-
процессы, организация участников деятельности, механизмы и
системы управления исполнением деятельности. Изучаются
представления функциональных областей, иерархий и композиций
систем менеджмента. Курс включен в программу Системы
инжиниринга, менеджмента и управления 2.0 (лэндинг Программы 2.0:
Практический курс для тех, кто хочет разобраться, что такое брендинг,
и научиться успешно выстраивать стратегию продвижения брендов
высокотехнологичных проектов. \n\nНа основе полученных из курса
знаний вы сможете:\n- определять стратегию брендинга для
конкретного высокотехнологичного бизнеса;\n- соотносить брендинг и
маркетинг как две непересекающиеся составляющие бизнеса;\n-
строить алгоритмы проектирования и управления брендом в
инновационных проектах;\n- разрабатывать техническое задание и
осмысленно выбирать подрядчиков на выполнение работ на
протяжение всей жизни бренда, то есть в процессе его создания, роста
и управления;\n- оценивать всё разнообразие и потенциальную
востребованность брендинга как специальности (в курсе - надежный
гайдлайн с проработкой базовых понятий и терминов);\n- раскрыть
Брендинг в инновациях - новая Moscow Institute of Physics and потенциал нового продукта инструментами брендинга;\n- планировать
коммуникационная реальность Technology innovaciyah стратегическое управление бизнес-процессами с помощью
эффективных инструментов коммуникаций;\n- исследовать и создавать
ценностные предложения;\n- конструировать модели бизнес-
процессов;\n- проектировать торговые марки и бренды;\n- управлять
коммуникациями бизнеса;\n- понимать психологию
потребителя.\n\nКурс продемонстрирует, как правильно
организованный брендинг не только повышает эффективность
коммуникаций, но и увеличивает стоимость продукта и бизнеса в
целом, влияет на продажи, общение с партнерами и сотрудниками
внутри компании. В нем рассматривается большое количество
инструментов брендинга, готовых к применению, и приводятся
конкретные примеры построения успешных брендов.\n\nКурс
разработан кафедрой технологического предпринимательства МФТИ-
РОСНАО совместно с АНО "еНано" и Высшей школой брендинга.

Мобильная разработка - одна из самых динамично развивающихся

отраслей IT индустрии. Тенденция к этому, несомненно, сохранится. В
этих реалиях умение писать мобильные приложения это лишь малая
часть профессиональной разработки. Нужно уметь писать красивый
отказоустойчивый код с понятной чистой архитектурой и полным
разделением логики. Код, который будет понятен как книга любому
читателю. Так же, необходимо знать все современные подходы
разработки Android приложений, разбираться в хороших и плохих
"новинках" Android разработки. Обо всем этом вы узнаете при
Быстрый старт в разработке Android- Moscow Institute of Physics and прохождении нашего курса. Если вы хотите быть модным,
приложений Technology android современным и профессиональным Android-разработчиком, то вы
обязаны пройти этот курс!\nКурс создан для тех, кто хочет начать
разрабатывать Android - приложения. Соответственно, задачи
курса:\n1) Познакомить с платформой Android.\n2) Познакомить с
интегрированной средой разработки - Android Studio.\n3) Разобраться в
структуре проекта.\n4) В общем изучить компоненты Android
приложения.\n5) Изучить UI составляющую приложений - Activity,
Fragment, их жизненный цикл.\n6) Изучить элементы интерфейса,
предоставляемые Android SDK.\n7) Разобраться с хранением простых
строковых данных в файлах Preferences.
Курс посвящён изучению языка программирования Swift. Swift является
основным языком разработки приложений под такие операционные
системы, как iOS, macOS, watchOS и tvOS.\n\nВо время обучения вы
познакомитесь как с азами разработки — переменными, классами,
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Введение в iOS-разработку циклами, протоколами, так и с более сложными темами —
Technology swift
дженериками, замыканиями и ассоциированными типами. Мы
сконцентрируемся на особенностях Swift и тех парадигмах, которые он
предлагает для написания производительного, красивого и понятного
Данный курс был создан сотрудниками "Mail.Ru Group". При разработке
заданий упор делался на знания и опыт, которые используются
сотрудниками на практике ежедневно при проектировании продуктов,
которыми пользуются миллионы людей.\nВ современном мире
невозможно представить человека, который, заходя в интернет, не
пользуется поисковыми системами. Google, Yandex, и другие
интернет-гиганты решают задачи нахождения информации в интернете
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Введение в информационный поиск и удовлетворения информационных потребностей пользователя. В
Technology informatsionnyy-poisk
этом курсе мы расскажем вам, как устроена поисковая система
изнутри, покажем, какие приемы обработки естественного языка и
машинного обучения используются при построении поискового индекса
и ответе на запросы. Также мы обсудим тему объективной оценки
качества поисковой системы. В результате слушатели курса смогут
опробовать все вышеперечисленные техники на практике и построить
работающую модель поисковой системы.

Развитие современных индустриальных технологий упрощает для

человека исполнение производственных процессов. Входные барьеры
в новейшее производство понижаются и становятся доступными для
всё более широкого круга игроков. Наоборот, придумывание,
проектирование и быстрое прототипирование новых вещей и
технических систем, других рукотворных объектов, организация и
управление подобными процессами и проектами требует все более
развитых компетенций. И именно сюда сегодня смещаются центры
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Введение в системное проектирование получения прибыли и инкубаторы деловых карьер мировой экономики.
Technology engineering-2
Сами процессы придумывания инновационных идей и создания новых
продуктов тоже претерпевают развитие и становятся объектом
применения системных метаконструкторов. Основы современного
системного проектирования представлены в этом курсе. Курс
реализует функцию навигатора для тех, кто ориентирован на деловую
карьеру в умных высокотехнологичных сферах экономики, включен в
программу Системы инжиниринга, менеджмента и управления 2.0
(лэндинг Программы 2.0:
Уже долгое время со всех сторон звучат слова "блокчейн" и
"криптовалюта". \nГоворят, что блокчейн — прорыв и за ним будущее.
Но что стоит за этим понятием, какую пользу приносит блокчейн
обществу, бизнесу и человеку? В этом мы и поможем вам
разобраться.\n\n\nВ курсе «Введение в технологию блокчейн» вы
узнаете: \n1. Что такое блокчейн, сферы применения, механизм и
принципы работы.\n2. Как создаются криптовалюты при помощи
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Введение в технологию блокчейн блокчейна.\n3. Что такое централизованные и децентрализованные
Technology blockchain
системы, их преимущества и недостатки.\n4. Как и где можно
использовать блокчейн и криптовалюты, и почему это безопасно.\n5. В
чём сходства и отличия наиболее популярных блокчейн-платформ:
Bitcoin и Ethereum.\n6. Сферы применения блокчейна Ethereum в
жизни.\n\nВ конце курса вам предстоит спроектировать сценарий
использования блокчейна в бизнесе. Это будет ваш курсовой проект, в
котором вы сможете применить все полученные в курсе знания.

Как правило, школьные и университетские программы по математике

сильно смещают акцент в сторону формально-алгебраических
выкладок и аналитических навыков. С нашей точки зрения, не менее
важным является (ровно столь же важным!) является понимание сути
математики - то есть её геометрического воплощения. И в первую
очередь это изучение свойств фигур, инвариантных относительно
действия некоторой группы преобразований.\n\nВ нашем курсе вы
узнаете всё про движения прямой, плоскости, окружности, сферы,
будем проецировать, отражать, растягивать/сжимать, и вращать,
разберемся с геометрическим описанием комплексных чисел и
Moscow Institute of Physics and кватернионов, а также пройдём начала топологии. Мы поймём, чем
Геометрия и группы
Technology отличается отрезок от окружности и сфера от бублика.\n\nКурс создан
при поддержке Университета Дмитрия Пожарского, который готовит
высококвалифицированных исследователей в ключевых областях
знания и сферах человеческой деятельности. Приоритетом
деятельности университета является восстановление ценности
классического фундаментального образования, науки и практики в
России. \n\nПреподаватель курса — Алексей Владимирович
Савватеев, ректор Университета Дмитрия Пожарского, доктор физико-
математических наук, профессор Московского физико-технического
института, ведущий научный сотрудник Центрального экономико-
математического института РАН.\n\
Курс «Гибкие методологии разработки высокотехнологичных
продуктов» посвящён всестороннему обзору методов управления
проектами по гибким методологиям с углубленным рассмотрением
одной из самых популярных из них - Скрам. В нем рассматривается
практика применения методов управления к реалистичным сценариям,
с которыми вы столкнетесь в качестве участника agile-команды. \n\nВы
узнаете, как гибкие методологии реализуются в современных
Гибкие методологии разработки Moscow Institute of Physics and
компаниях и научитесь применять ключевые практики в своих проектах,
высокотехнологичных продуктов Technology razrabotki-produktov
а также сможете сравнить такие подходы с основами традиционного
проектного управления.\n \nВы получите не только практики и
инструменты для работы по гибким методологиям, но и понимание
менталитета людей, практикующих agile.\n\nДля прохождения курса не
требуются особые знания или навыки.\n\nКурс разработан кафедрой
технологического предпринимательства МФТИ-РОСНАНО при
поддержке АНО "еНано".

В курсе рассматриваются: кинематика точки и твёрдого тела (причём с

разных точек зрения предлагается рассмотреть проблему ориентации
твердого тела), классические задачи динамики механических систем и
динамики твердого тела, элементы небесной механики, движение
систем переменного состава, теория удара, дифференциальные
Moscow Institute of Physics and уравнения аналитической динамики.\n\nВ курсе представлены все
Technology традиционные разделы теоретической механики, однако особое
внимание уделено рассмотрению наиболее содержательных и ценных
для теории и приложений разделов динамики и методов аналитической
механики; статика изучается как раздел динамики, а в разделе
кинематики подробно вводятся необходимые для раздела динамики
понятия и математический аппарат.

На курсе изучаются юридические аспекты работы стартапов - растущих

компаний в технологической сфере. \nКакими законами и как
регулируется технологический бизнес? \n\nВ какой форме создаются
компании и как они работают: заключают сделки, нанимают
сотрудников, платят налоги? \nКак оформляются венчурные сделки со
стартапами? \n\nКурс отвечает, с одной стороны, на стандартные
Закон стартапа: юридические основы Moscow Institute of Physics and юридические вопросы предпринимателей, с другой стороны, в нем
технологического бизнеса Technology tekhnologicheskogo-biznesa \nпредусмотрены разделы, посвященные именно инноваторам
(венчурные сделки, интеллектуальная собственность). \nБлагодаря
изучению курса, вы получите ответы на на все потенциальные вопросы
технологического предпринимателя по законодательному
регулированию деятельности и сможете свести знания по ним в
единую систему.\nКурс разработан МФТИ по заказу АНО "еНано"
(Группа РОСНАНО).
Практико-ориентированный курс по тематике Программы 2.0 "Системы
инжиниринга, менеджмента и управления" (лэндинг Программы: Представлен в виде сквозного проекта
системной разработки. \n\nТиповые объекты разработок Программы
2.0: системное проектирование, умная высокотехнологичная
деятельность, малые предприятия, холдинги и предприятия частичного
или полного жизненного продукта, системная и цифровая
трансформация существующих предприятий, технологически-
ориентированные бизнес-проекты, цифровые предприятия и бизнес-
процессы.\n\nКурс гармонизирован с материалами предыдущих курсов
Программы 2.0, интегрирует, но не повторяют их один к одному.
Приводится "смещённое" представление той же самой проблематики в
Инженер - менеджер настоящего, системный Moscow Institute of Physics and
целях создания и закрепления у слушателя объемного видения 2.0.
архитектор будущего Technology engineering-5
Напомним - на принципе совмещения представлений объекта с двух
точек наблюдения работает и зрительная система человека.
\n\nМногие решения Программе 2.0 созданы ещё в прошлом веке и
сегодня применяются как типовые шаблоны учитывающие лучшие
практики и эффективные методики. Одновременно – это расширение и
интеграция, на единой открытой методологической платформе,
системных методов и инструментов применяемых создателями
объектов рукотворного мира для моделирования, анализа, разработки
и применения продуктов, услуг, сервисов, организационно-технических
систем, бизнес-систем, систем деятельности предприятий, а также
способов проведения системных и цифровых трансформаций таких
Курс разработан совместно c Фондом развития интернет-инициатив
(ФРИИ) — самым активным российским фондом венчурных
инвестиций. Фонд предоставляет инвестиции технологическим
компаниям на ранних этапах развития, проводит акселерационные
программы и участвует в разработке методов правового регулирования
венчурной отрасли.\n\nПрограмма состоит из 5 недель. В течение
первой недели вы выработаете ряд гипотез о проблемах и
потребностях людей, которых вы рассматриваете в качестве своих
клиентов. На второй неделе вы подробно расскажете о своих клиентах
и их потребностях с помощью карт эмпатии и выполните
сегментирование рынка на основе профилей клиентов. В третьей и
четвертой неделях узнаете методы валидации клиентов, строящиеся
на проблемных интервью с ними – вам придется подготовить сценарии
и провести собеседования. После того как вы выявите определенный
набор проблем, с которыми сталкиваются ваши потенциальные
клиенты, вы оцените объем этого сегмента рынка и жизнеспособность
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Интернет-предпринимательство бизнеса, построенного вокруг него.\n\n\nКроме видеолекций вы
Technology predprinimatelstvo
получите готовые полезные материалы:\n\n– Список проверенных
рыночных гипотез,\n– Набор сценариев для проблемных интервью,\n–
Записи/расшифровки нескольких интервью с клиентами,\n– Наброски
для ценностного предложения и\n– Таблица с оценкой рыночных
сегментов.\n \n\nПо завершении курса вы сможете:\n\n– Понимать
основные концепции предпринимательства (что такое: стартап, бизнес-
модель, гипотеза, потребительский сегмент, потребности и проблемы,
hadi-циклы и их применение, а также как модель жизненного цикла
рынка технологий управляет бизнесом)\n– Определять
потребительские сегменты и потребности клиентов\n– Выполнять
сегментирование рынка на основе потребностей клиентов и
произвольных параметров\n– Разрабатывать и проверять профили
клиентов с использованием карт эмпатии\n– Строить гипотезы
относительно потребностей клиентов\n– Проверять гипотезы с
помощью проблемных интервью с клиентами\n– Подготавливать и
проводить собеседования с клиентами\n– Анализировать результаты
Удивительным открытием последнего времени явилось понимание
того, жизненные циклы разных технических объектов и систем
деятельности предприятия строятся хотя и по уникальным, но по
подобным лекалам. Это позволило объединить и гармонизировать
разнообразные науки – теорию систем и операций, системный
инжиниринг, процессы проектирования и производства, кибернетику и
теорию управления, научный менеджмент, информационные
технологии предприятий в единую программу – Системы инжиниринга,
Искусство системного инжиниринга и Moscow Institute of Physics and менеджмента и управления 2.0 (лэндинг Программы 2.0:
менеджмента 2.0 Technology engineering-1\n\nИзучение Программы 2.0 формирует
понимание сквозных закономерностей построения технологических и
производственных компонент современной и перспективной
экономической цивилизации, упрощает изучение большого поля
методов и расширяет кругозор, позволяет выпускникам строить
ускоренные, разнообразные и конкурентоспособные деловые карьеры
на основе синергии разнообразных компетенций. Можно говорить о
том, что этот курс для амбициозных и любознательных инженеров-
менеджеров настоящего, архитекторов будущего.
В курсе рассматриваются: кинематика точки и твёрдого тела (причём с
разных точек зрения предлагается рассмотреть проблему ориентации
твердого тела), классические задачи динамики механических систем и
динамики твердого тела, элементы небесной механики, движение
систем переменного состава, теория удара, дифференциальные
Moscow Institute of Physics and уравнения аналитической динамики.\n\nВ курсе представлены все
Technology традиционные разделы теоретической механики, однако особое
внимание уделено рассмотрению наиболее содержательных и ценных
для теории и приложений разделов динамики и методов аналитической
механики; статика изучается как раздел динамики, а в разделе
кинематики подробно вводятся необходимые для раздела динамики
понятия и математический аппарат.

Комбинаторика для начинающих - это базовый курс, закладывающий

самые основы комбинаторного знания.\n\nНа этом курсе слушатели,
которые почти не знают комбинаторику или прочно ее забыли, откроют
ее для себя впервые или заново. Курс очень полезен всем, кому трудно
с ходу включиться в продвинутый курс современной комбинаторики.
Однако фактические бонусы те же: в итоге человек, прослушавший
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Комбинаторика для начинающих курс, получит путевку в увлекательный мир комбинаторных задач и их
Technology nachinayushchikh
далеко идущих приложений. Более того, даже в нем самом мы уже
расскажем об инструментах, позволяющих решать некоторые задачи
такой важной прикладной области знаний, как
биоинформатика.\n\nДанный курс является упрощённой версией курса
"Современная комбинаторика" и рекомендуется к прохождению перед
курсом "Теория вероятностей для начинающих".

Курс дает самую полную на сегодняшний день картину процесса

коммерциализации результатов научных исследований и разработок.
Знания, которые вы получите по итогам обучения, позволят выбрать
наиболее перспективный и наименее рисковый сценарий продвижения
своего результата на рынок, осознанно выбирать необходимых
партнеров на каждом этапе продвижения. \nВы узнаете:\n-\tКак оценить
коммерческий потенциал результатов научных исследований и
разработок, выбрать стратегию и разработать проект
коммерциализации\n-\tКаковы наиболее значимые аспекты процесса
коммерциализации и трансфера технологий\n-\tКто участвует в данном
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Коммерциализация результатов НИОКР процессе, и как согласовать интересы всех участников\n-\tКак выявить
Technology niokr
риски процесса коммерциализации и управлять ими\n-\tКакова
структура инновационного цикла, значение и особенности каждого из
его этапов\n-\tКак идентифицировать результаты интеллектуальной
деятельности\n-\tКак управлять интеллектуальной собственностью при
ведении научных исследований и разработок и выполнении проектов
по созданию новых технологий\n-\tВ чем особенности взаимодействия
инноваторов с инновационными посредниками, а также потребителями
и производителями наукоемкой продукции\n-\tВ чем особенности
управления инновационным проектом\nКурс разработан компанией
еНано (группа РОСНАНО) - образовательным партнером МФТИ.
Опыт стартапов Кремениевой долины показывает, что именно
маркетинг является ключевым элементом стратегии инновационного
бизнеса. В США каждый месяц возникает около 500 000 новых
стартапов, и только 1 из 2000 (0,5 % от общего количества) получает
венчурное финансирование. Но получить инвестиции не значит
сделать успешный продукт.\n\nИз курса вы узнаете, как увеличить
шансы на успех и создать продукт, который станет лидером рынка,
получите пошаговое руководство по созданию и продвижению
продукта, и научитесь выводить на рынок продукты, не
существовавшие ранее. Курс объединяет теорию и практику, и
основывается на лучших методах продуктового маркетинга и дизайна,
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Маркетинг инновационных продуктов используемых быстрорастущими стартапами Долины и крупными
Technology produktov
компаниями. Данные методы легко применимы как в российской, так и
в международной практике продвижения высокотехнологичных
продуктов. \n\nПо итогам обучения вы будете знать: \n\n1) Как найти и
разработать идею успешного продукта.\n2) Как выявить потребности
клиентов.\n3) Как правильно планировать разработку продукта в
сжатых сроках и бюджетах.\n4) Как построить систему маркетинга и
продаж.\n5) Как вывести продукт в прибыль. \n\nАвтор курса имеет 8-
летний опыт успешной работы на высококонкурентном IT-рынке
Кремниевой Долины, которым он делится со слушателями курса.
\n\nКурс разработан компанией еНано (входит в группу РОСНАНО) в
партнерстве с МФТИ.

Курс состоит из нескольких жизненных сюжетов, каждый из которых

разбирается "по косточкам" и, как выясняется, содержит внутри себя
нетривиальное математическое ядро. Это ядро далее также бьётся на
"элементарные частицы" - так, что у слушателей возникает понимание
всех глубинных механизмов рассматриваемой ситуации.\n\nСюжеты
сгруппированы по смыслу: каждая группа сюжетов вращается вокруг
одной и той же основополагающей математической идеи. Таких идей
всего пять: инвариант, шаг через бесконечность, непрерывность
физических процессов, самоподобие природы и нашего её восприятия,
и, наконец, алгебраическая природа различных чисел.\n\nКурс
предназначен для всех, кто хочет лучше представлять себе тот мир, в
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Математика для всех котором мы живём. Не имея никаких предварительных знаний,
Technology vseh
слушатели будут введены в курс дела: какая техника используется в
математике ("абсолютное доказательство" как главное отличие
математического знания от любого иного) и как строить
рассуждения.\n\nВскоре выйдет вторая часть, "Математика для
энтузиастов", которую нужно будет уже изучать "с листочком бумаги и
ручкой в руках". В ней встретится более нетривиальный материал, в
том числе "приводные ремни" современной математики - "группы" и
"поля". Кроме того, будут вскрыты весьма нетривиальные подоплёки
многих школьных задач.\n\nКурс состоит из 6 недель и 6 контрольных
работ по окончании каждой недели. Для успешного прохождения курса
необходимо успешно преодолеть все 6 испытаний.
Анализ данных и машинное обучение существенно опираются на
результаты из математического анализа, линейной алгебры, методов
оптимизации, теории вероятностей. Без фундаментальных знаний по
этим наукам невозможно понимать, как устроены методы анализа
данных. Задача этого курса — сформировать такой фундамент. Мы
обойдёмся без сложных формул и доказательств и сделаем упор на
Moscow Institute of Physics and интерпретации и понимании смысла математических понятий и
Математика и Python для анализа данных
Technology python объектов. \n\nДля успешного применения методов анализа данных
нужно уметь программировать. Фактическим стандартом для этого в
наши дни является язык Python. В данном курсе мы предлагаем
познакомиться с его синтаксисом, а также научиться работать с его
основными библиотеками, полезными для анализа данных, например,
NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib и Pandas.\n\nВидео курса разработаны на
Python 2. Задания и ноутбуки к ним адаптированы к Python 3.

Сегодня стратегии будущего ориентируются опираются на новые

технологии. А также - на развитие и цифровизацию методов и
инструментов системного проектирования сложных объектов. То есть, -
на новые технологии системного инжиниринга и проектирования,
менеджмента и управления. \nКурс
фокусируется на изучение новейших методов и инструментов
системного проектирования и моделирования в целях:\n1) понимания
единых методов инжиниринга самых разнообразных сложных
систем;\n2) формирование навыков быстрого концептуального
Методы и инструменты системного Moscow Institute of Physics and
проектирования;\n3) подбора и освоения слушателем персонального
проектирования Technology engineering-3
портфеля инструментов системного проектирования для применений в
практической работе.\n\nРассматриваются:\n- методы системного
моделирования и их применение в системном инжиниринге;\n- методы
концептуального проектирования;\n- функциональный анализ
технической системы;\n- архитектурное моделирование технической
системы;\n- построение иерархии технической системы;\n- синтез
технической системы.\n\nКурс включен в программу "Системы
инжиниринга, менеджмента и управления 2.0" (лэндинг Программы 2.0:
Данный курс посвящен изучению многопоточности. В начале курса вы
узнаете, что такое многопоточность, плюсы и минусы ее
использования, а также разберетесь как решать возникающие
проблемы такие как Deadlock, Livelock и другие. \nДалее в курсе вы
Moscow Institute of Physics and познакомитесь как с низкоуровневыми API для работы с
Technology многопоточностью - POSIX и NSThread, так и с высокоуровневыми API -
Grand Central Dispatch и OpetationQueue.\nВ завершении курса вы
научитесь работать с instruments, a также со встроенными в Xcode
средствами для обнаружения утечек памяти и проблем
производительности в приложении.
Вы уже умеете работать с такими базовыми и простыми сущностями,
как:\nContext, xml, Activity, Fragment, SharedPreferences, различные
View и так далее. Но этого не достаточно, чтобы написать хоть какое-то
приложение, которое будет востребовано на рынке. В этом курсе
мы:\n\n* Рассмотрим как можно грамотно выстроить взаимодействие с
многопоточностью в приложении\n* Вспомним про инструменты и
классы для работы с многопоточности из Java : Thread, Runnable,
Многопоточность и сетевое взаимодействие в Moscow Institute of Physics and
Callable, Future, Executors\n* Рассмотрим работу инструментов для
Android Technology multithreading-and-network
обеспечения многопоточности в Android AsynсTask, паттерн HaMeR, он
же Handler-* * * Message-Runnable, Loader, ContentProvider\n* Научимся
правильно работать со списками\n* Познакомимся с Room, чтобы вы
имели представление о том, как должна происходить работа с БД.\n*
Научимся работать с сетью, расскажем и покажем стандарты в нашей
области - okhttp3 и retrofit2\n* Познакомим вас с миром реактивного

Обучение на размеченных данных или обучение с учителем – это

наиболее распространенный класс задач машинного обучения. К нему
относятся те задачи, где нужно научиться предсказывать некоторую
величину для любого объекта, имея конечное число примеров. Это
может быть предсказание уровня пробок на участке дороги,
определение возраста пользователя по его действиям в интернете,
предсказание цены, по которой будет куплена подержанная
машина.\n\nВ этом курсе вы научитесь формулировать и, конечно,
решать такие задачи. В центре нашего внимания будут успешно
применяемые на практике алгоритмы классификации и регрессии:
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Обучение на размеченных данных линейные модели, нейронные сети, решающие деревья и так далее.
Особый акцент мы сделаем на такой мощной технике как построение
композиций, которая позволяет существенно повысить качество
отдельных алгоритмов и широко используется при решении
прикладных задач. В частности, мы узнаем про случайные леса и про
метод градиентного бустинга.\n\nПостроение предсказывающих
алгоритмов — это лишь часть работы при решении задачи анализа
данных. Мы разберемся и с другими этапами: оценивание
обобщающей способности алгоритмов, подбор параметров модели,
выбор и подсчет метрик качества.\n\nВидео курса разработаны на
Python 2. Задания и ноутбуки к ним адаптированы к Python 3.
Курс возводит слушателя от написания простых конкретных классов к
профессиональному конструированию приложения в объектно-
ориентированной парадигме. Паттерны проектирования позволяют
шагнуть за пределы простого использования синтаксических
конструкций языка. Вы научитесь писать красиво и элегантно, будете
Moscow Institute of Physics and использовать проверенные временем концепции и создавать
ООП и паттерны проектирования в Python
Technology масштабируемые программы. Использование паттернов
проектирования является признаком профессионализма
программиста.\t\nКлассические книги по паттернам проектирования
описывают их реализацию на C++, C#, Java. У языка Python есть своя
специфика из-за которой он отлично подходит для использования
паттернов проектирования.
HTML и CSS — языки, с помощью которых верстают страницы в
интернете. Овладеть основами этих языков совсем нетрудно — это
Moscow Institute of Physics and первый шаг к профессии веб-разработчика.\n\nВначале вы узнаете, как
Основы HTML и CSS
Technology работать со шрифтами и текстом, а в конце концов научитесь верстать
несложные страницы с анимацией и без.\n\nАвторы курса —
разработчики из Яндекса.\n\nУ курса есть продолжение.
Интернет вещей - это не про устройства, подключенные к интернету.
Интернет вещей - это глобальная инфраструктура, позволяющая
физическим и виртуальным устройствам общаться между собой и
взаимодействовать, решая общие задачи, точно также, как люди
взаимодействуют и решают общие задачи в интернете людей.
\n\nЧтобы общаться и взаимодействовать друг с другом, устройства
должны быть достаточно умны. Тому, как создавать проекты с умными
вещами, взаимодействующими через интернет, и посвящен данный
Основы проектирования приложений интернета Moscow Institute of Physics and
курс. Он дает общий обзор всей технологической цепочки разработки
вещей Technology prilozhenij-interneta-veshchej
приложений интернета вещей, организации процесса разработки и
распределения ролей в команде проекта. Вы получите практическое
представление о том, как эффективно решить свою проблему или
проблему заказчика, используя возможности технологий интернета
вещей, а также о том, как может быть устроена система, использующая
эти технологии, и как ее сделать на практике.\n\nКурс разработан
кафедрой технологического предпринимательства МФТИ-РОСНАНО
совместно с АНО "еНано".
Этот курс посвящён знакомству с языком программирования С++. Вы
научитесь использовать его основные конструкции, создавать свои
типы данных, разбивать программу на классы и функции.\nВ конце
курса вас ждёт финальный проект: вы сможете самостоятельно
Moscow Institute of Physics and реализовать простое хранилище данных с возможностью добавления,
Основы разработки на C++: белый пояс
Technology удаления и поиска.\n\nКурс разработан ведущими специалистами
Яндекса и преподавателями Школы анализа данных. За их плечами –
годы разработки сервисов поиска, рекламы и инфраструктуры.\n\nКурс
является частью специализации «Искусство разработки на
современном C++».
Этот курс является продолжением курса "Основы разработки на C++:
белый пояс". В нём преподаватели продолжают знакомить вас с
возможностями языка C++. В курсе рассмотрены:\n- целочисленные
типы языка C++\n- пары и кортежи\n- шаблоны функций\n-
наследование и полиморфизм\n- итераторы и стандартные
алгоритмы\n- распределение кода по нескольким файлам\n\nКроме
того, в курсе рассмотрено использование юнит-тестов для отладки
программ и обеспечения надёжности кода, а также
продемонстрировано, как, пользуясь знаниями только "Белого" и
"Жёлтого" поясов, разработать свой собственный unit test
framework.\n\nТак же, как и в "Белом поясе", в конце курса вас ждёт
Moscow Institute of Physics and финальный проект. В "Белом поясе" надо было самостоятельно
Основы разработки на C++: жёлтый пояс
Technology реализовать простое хранилище данных с возможностью добавления,
удаления и поиска. В "Жёлтом поясе" это хранилище надо будет
усовершенствовать, добавив поддержку более сложных запросов.
\n\nКурс разработан ведущими специалистами Яндекса и
преподавателями Школы анализа данных. За их плечами – годы
разработки сервисов поиска, рекламы и инфраструктуры. Кроме того в
подготовке заданий участвовали сотрудники Яндекса и студенты
Школы анализа данных:\n- Александр Гришин\n- Алексей Аверченко\n-
Максим Филипов\n- Даниил Петров\n- Евгений Шавлюгин\n- Владислав
Виноградов\n- Алексей Боголюбский\n- Дмитрий Кузьмичёв\n- Иван
Качалкин\n- Андрей Полушин\n- Андрей Корнеев\n- Константин

Этот курс является продолжением курса "Основы разработки на C++:

жёлтый пояс". Основная цель курса — научить писать на С++
эффективный код. Кроме того рассмотрены некоторые возможности
С++, которые не попали в предыдущие курсы. \n\nВ курсе
рассмотрены:\n- макросы\n- шаблоны классов\n- принципы
оптимизации кода\n- эффективное использование потоков
ввода/вывода\n- оценки сложности алгоритмов\n- модель памяти в
С++\n- эффективное использование линейных контейнеров (vector,
deque, list, string)\n- move-семантика\n- введение в многопоточное
программирование\n\nКроме того, в курсе продемонстрировано, как,
пользуясь знаниями только "Белого", "Жёлтого" и "Красного" поясов,
разработать свой собственный профайлер.\n\nТак же, как и в
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Основы разработки на C++: красный пояс предыдущих курсах, в конце вас ждёт финальный проект. Было бы
странно в курсе от Яндекса не попросить вас создать свою поисковую
систему! Именно этим вам и предстоит заняться в финальной
задаче.\n\nКурс разработан ведущими специалистами Яндекса и
преподавателями Школы анализа данных. За их плечами – годы
разработки сервисов поиска, рекламы и инфраструктуры. Кроме того в
подготовке заданий участвовали \n1. Сотрудники Яндекса:\n -
Алексей Аверченко\n - Даниил Петров\n - Константин Меренков\n -
Алексей Зобнин\n2. Выпускники «Жёлтого пояса по С++»:\n - Борис
Егоров\n - Ольга Марчевская\n3. Сотрудник Института проблем
информатики РАН Олег Яковлев\n\nВ создании урока «Шаблоны
классов» принимал участие преподаватель Белого и Жёлтого «поясов»
Евгений Парамонов.
Основная цель этого курса — научить идиомам языка C++, то есть
показать, как с помощью различных возможностей языка создавать
элегантные, эффективные и надёжные блоки кода. В совокупности со
Moscow Institute of Physics and знаниями, полученными на «Красном поясе», это позволит вам
Основы разработки на С++: коричневый пояс
Technology создавать не только быстрые и легко поддерживаемые программы.
\n\nКроме того, будут освещены темы, которые не поместились в
объём предыдущих курсов: пространства имён и эффективное
использование ассоциативных контейнеров.
Во-первых, в «Чёрном поясе» будут изложены темы, без которых ваше
представление о C++ будет неполным, — это таблицы виртуальных
методов, виртуальные деструкторы, неопределённое поведение,
шаблоны с произвольным числом аргументов и forwarding-ссылки. Во-
вторых, мы предоставим вам возможность поработать с библиотеками
и инструментами, без которых трудно представить современную
разработку на С++, — это санитайзеры и protobuf. Наконец, «Чёрный
пояс» будет содержать большой проект, который на этот раз будет
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Основы разработки на С++: черный пояс длиться не одну неделю как обычно, а целых три. После прохождения
нашей специализации слушатели должны:\n* уметь самостоятельно
решать практические задачи на языке С++;\n* применять естественные
для С++ идиомы и конструкции (STL, RAII, const-correctness, type-
safety);\n* уметь самостоятельно находить ответы на свои вопросы и
изучать язык глубже;\n* уметь писать на С++ эффективный код без
ущерба для readibility и maintainability кода.\n\nФинальный проект
«Чёрного пояса» призван проверить, достигли ли слушатели этих
В курсе рассматриваются применения закона электромагнитной
индукции и базовые закономерности колебаний в электрических
цепях.\n\nСтуденты познакомятся с описанием свободных и
вынужденных колебаний, квазистационарных процессов, получат
представление о спектральном разложении и принципах работы
параметрических и автоколебательных систем.\n\nУчебный материал
основан на лекциях и семинарах по общей физике, читаемых
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Переходные процессы в электрических цепях студентам МФТИ в третьем семестре. Лекционный материал
сопровождается наглядными демонстрациями.\n\nДля закрепления
знаний и получения навыков решения задач в конце каждой недели
студентам предлагается решить проверочные задания в виде теста и
четырех задач. Итоговая контрольная работа помимо основного блока
заданий содержит задачи повышенной сложности, которые в разное
время предлагались студентам МФТИ на семестровых контрольных
Python – простой, гибкий и невероятно популярный язык, который
используется практически во всех областях современной разработки. С
его помощью можно создавать веб-приложения, писать игры,
заниматься анализом данных, автоматизировать задачи системного
администрирования и многое другое. “Погружение в Python” читают
разработчики, применяющие Python в проектах, которыми ежедневно
пользуются миллионы людей. Курс покрывает все необходимые для
ежедневной работы программиста темы, а также рассказывает про
Moscow Institute of Physics and многие особенности языка, которые часто опускают при его
Погружение в Python
Technology изучении.\n\nВ ходе курса вы изучите конструкции языка, типы и
структуры данных, функции, научитесь применять объектно-
ориентированное и функциональное программирование, узнаете про
особенности реализации Python, научитесь писать асинхронный и
многопоточный код. Помимо теории вас ждут практические задания,
которые помогут проверить полученные знания и отточить навыки
программирования на Python. После успешного окончания курса вы
сможете использовать полученный опыт для разработки проектов
различной сложности.

В машинном обучении встречаются задачи, где нужно изучить

структуру данных, найти в них скрытые взаимосвязи и закономерности.
Например, нам может понадобиться описать каждого клиента банка с
помощью меньшего количества переменных — для этого можно
использовать методы понижения размерности, основанные на
матричных разложениях. Такие методы пытаются сформировать новые
признаки на основе старых, сохранив как можно больше информации в
данных. Другим примером может служить задача тематического
моделирования, в которой для набора текстов нужно построить
Moscow Institute of Physics and модель, объясняющую процесс формирования этих текстов из
Поиск структуры в данных
Technology learning небольшого количества тем.\n\nТакие задачи назвают обучением без
учителя. В отличие от обучения с учителем, в них не предполагают
восстановление зависимости между объектами и целевой переменной.
\n\nИз этого курса вы узнаете об алгоритмах кластеризации данных, с
помощью которых, например, можно искать группы схожих клиентов
мобильного оператора. Вы научитесь строить матричные разложения и
решать задачу тематического моделирования, понижать размерность
данных, искать аномалии и визуализировать многомерные
данные.\n\nВидео курса разработаны на Python 2. Задания и ноутбуки к
ним адаптированы к Python 3.

Данный курс посвящен созданию пользовательского интерфейса. В

начале курса вы узнаете об основных компонентах интерфейса и их
создании. Научитесь правильно строить адаптивный интерфейс,
подстраивающийся под разный контент и размеры экранов как в
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Пользовательский интерфейс Interface Builder так и в коде.\nДалее в курсе вы научитесь работать с
контроллерами и переходами, и сможете самостоятельно создать
пользовательский интерфейс из нескольких экранов.\nВ завершении
курса вы научитесь работать с таблицами и коллекциями - UITableView
и UICollectionView.
Влияет ли знание методов анализа данных на уровень заработной
платы? Работает ли система оценки кредитоспособности клиентов
банка? Действительно ли новый баннер лучше старого? Чтобы
ответить на такие вопросы, нужно собрать данные. Данные почти
всегда содержат шум, поэтому утверждения, которые можно сделать
на их основе, верны не всегда, а только с определённой вероятностью.
Строить наиболее корректные выводы и численно оценивать степень
уверенности в них помогают методы статистики. \n\nКак можно
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Построение выводов по данным оценивать неизвестные параметры системы по небольшому
Technology analysis
количеству наблюдений? Как измерить точность таких оценок? Какие
данные нужны, чтобы ответить на ваш вопрос, и на какие вопросы
можно ответить с помощью уже имеющихся данных? Вы узнаете все,
что нужно для успешного превращения данных в выводы —
организация экспериментов, A/B-тестирование, универсальные методы
оценки параметров и проверки гипотез, корреляции и причинно-
следственные связи.\n\nВидео курса разработаны на Python 2. Задания
и ноутбуки к ним адаптированы к Python 3.
Наверняка, ты уже читал книги о выдающихся бизнесменах и
предпринимателях. \n\nКто твой любимый “бизнес герой”? Кто
ориентир? \n\nЭто провокационный Брэнсон, авантюрный Илон Маск,
решительный Билл Гейтс или феноменально ускоряющий развитие
бизнеса Рыбаков?\n\nКто-то находит отклик у тебя в сердце, потому
что это невероятная, фантастическая, увеличенная в масштабе версия
тебя самого. \n\nМожет ты даже размышлял - каково это быть
слепленным из такого теста, уметь так действовать, думать, иметь
такой успех.\n\nКаково это, когда твоя жизнь такая яркая и наполнена
такими событиями?\n\nВремя ответить на этот вопрос. Внутри тебя
есть все, чтобы жить яркую, успешную жизнь. Жизнь по полной
программе. \n\nНо...\n\n- Ты почему-то не просыпаешься каждый день с
горящими глазами\n\n- Ты ставишь цели, бьешься, но вершина
остается покоренной на 98%\n\n- Ты ошибаешься, исправляешь
ошибки… А они множатся, и ты чувствуешь как стресс постепенно
захватывает жизнь\n\n- Окружение тебя не вдохновляет, но остаешься
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Предприми себя! с ними?\n\nЕсли это так, то что ты делаешь, чтобы все это изменить?
\n\nИли ты планируешь еще потерпеть?\n\nЕсли тебе надоело бегать
по кругу забот, получать меньше, чем хочется, экономить на своих
желаниях, ты много перепробовал и готов ощутимо сдвинуть себя к
успеху, то добро пожаловать на курс. \n\nЗнай, волшебной таблетки не
будет. Они краткосрочного действия. \n\nАвтор курса, Игорь Рыбаков,
построив с партнером успешную в своей отрасли компанию —
"Технониколь", решил предоставить доступ к практикам и смыслам,
которые сделали его успешным. И, проделав большую работу,
разработчики проекта “ПРЕДПРИМИ СЕБЯ” создали для тебя игру,
чтобы ты 4 недели действовал в режиме “Рыбакова”. Смог "примерить"
на себя мышление миллиардера. И, главное, активировал в себе 6
качеств феноменального предпринимателя: \n\n- Авантюризм \n-
Оптимизм \n- Креативность\n- Импровизацию\n- Энергетику \n-
Партнерство\n\nНастроить режим миллиардера несложно: \n\n1. Ты не
отстраняешься от своих состояний, а настраиваешь их на каждом
уровне игры.\n\n2. Ты не слушаешь урок, а проживаешь его вместе с
Методы машинного обучения — будь то алгоритмы классификации или
регрессии, методы кластеризации или алгоритмы понижения
размерности — применяются к подготовленным данным с
вычисленными признаками для решения уже сформулированной
задачи. Однако специалисты по анализу данных редко оказываются в
такой идеальной ситуации. Обычно перед ними ставят задачи, которые
нуждаются в уточнении формулировки, выборе метрики качества и
протокола тестирования итоговой модели. Данные, с которыми нужно
работать, часто представлены в непригодном виде: они зашумлены,
содержат ошибки и выбросы, хранятся в неудобном формате и т.
д.\n\nВ этом курсе мы разберем прикладные задачи из различных
Moscow Institute of Physics and областей анализа данных: анализ текста и информационный поиск,
Прикладные задачи анализа данных
Technology applications коллаборативная фильтрация и рекомендательные системы, бизнес-
аналитика, прогнозирование временных рядов. На их примере вы
узнаете, как извлекать признаки из разнородных данных, какие при
этом возникают проблемы и как их решать. Вы научитесь сводить
задачу заказчика к формальной постановке задачи машинного
обучения и поймёте, как проверять качество построенной модели на
исторических данных и в онлайн-эксперименте. На каждой задаче мы
изучим плюсы и минусы пройденных алгоритмов машинного
обучения.\n\nПрослушав этот курс, вы познакомитесь с
распространенными типами прикладных задач и будете понимать
схемы их решения.\n\nВидео курса разработаны на Python 2. Задания и
ноутбуки к ним адаптированы к Python 3.

Курс является одной из первых попыток дать системный анализ

развития промышленности, научного и инженерного образования,
прикладных исследований с использованием одновременно историко-
научного материала, современных сравнительно-экономических
данных, системного анализа истории технологий. Системный
исторический анализ проводится с целью найти решения для
сегодняшнего дня. Автор является одновременно специалистом в
истории науки и технологий и действующим руководителем
современного научно-производственного предприятия в области
новейших производственных технологий. \nПрограмма курса состоит из
Промышленность, инженерное образование и Moscow Institute of Physics and 5 недель. В течение первой недели речь пойдет об инженерном
наука: история и перспективы Technology
образовании в России, истории его появления и перспективах. На
второй неделе мы поговорим о так называемых "Технологических
эпохах" в мировой и Российской истории, и увидим, в каком
пространстве создаются и развиваются новые технологии. В третьей и
четвертой неделях вы узнаете о важной связи гуманитарного и
технического образования, о "Великих эпохах" русской науки, а также о
том, как взаимодействуют наука и технологии.После краткого экскурса
в историю, вам предстоит подумать и понять,что же нас ожидает в
будущем, и каким образом действовать сейчас, чтобы в новом научно-
технологическом укладе Россия оказалась в числе лидеров.
Go (golang) - современный язык программирования, предназначенный
для разработки высококонкурентных приложений, работающих на
многопроцессорных системах.\nКурс даст основы программирования
на языке Go, а так же опыт применения языка в основных задачах,
которые встречаются сегодня в серверной веб-разработке. \nВ данной
части курса будут рассмотрены основы языка и разработки веб-
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Разработка веб-сервисов на Go - основы языка сервисов с использованием стандартной библиотеки.\n\nЭто курс
Technology 1
предназначен для людей с опытом в веб-программировании. Если вы
пишете на PHP/Python/Ruby/JS (Node.js) и хотите освоить Go - этот
курс для вас.\nНачинающим программистам может быть немного
сложно, т.к. в лекциях используется профессиональных жаргон (сленг),
без детальных пояснений.\nКурс не рассчитан на людей без опыта

Go (golang) - современный язык программирования, предназначенный

для разработки высококонкурентных приложений, работающих на
многопроцессорных системах.\nВ данной части курса будут обзорно
рассмотрены типовые задачи, возникающие перед разработчиком
любого веб-сервиса и способы их решения на Go.\n\nЭто курс
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Разработка веб-сервисов на Golang, часть 2 предназначен для людей с опытом в веб-программировании. Если вы
Technology 2
пишете на PHP/Python/Ruby/JS (Node.js) и хотите освоить Go - этот
курс для вас.\nНачинающим программистам может быть немного
сложно, т.к. в лекциях используется профессиональный жаргон (сленг),
без детальных пояснений.\nКурс не рассчитан на людей без опыта

Курс дает системные и практические знания о поэтапном процессе

разработки и вывода на рынок инновационного продукта. В каждом
модуле - примеры из опыта действующих высокотехнологичных
компаний (Amazon и электронная книга Kindle, Boston Dynamics и др.) и
практические инструменты для использования в вашей работе.\n\nВы
получите ответы на вопросы:\n\n•\tЧто лежит в основе технологических
наукоёмких бизнесов?\n•\tКак создается новый технологический
Moscow Institute of Physics and продукт?\n•\tЕсть ли рынок для вашего будущего продукта?\n•\tБудет
Разработка инновационного продукта
Technology new-market ли ваш продукт удобен и понятен для пользователя?\n\nВы
узнаете:\n•\tо ранних этапах создания новых продуктов \n•\tо том, что
происходит на переднем крае инноваций, \n•\tо рисках, связанных с
разработкой продукта для формирующегося рынка. \n\nРекомендуем
всем, кто:\n•\tЗаинтересован в новых технологиях и хочет на их базе
создавать продукты будущего - продукты, которые улучшают нашу
жизнь.\n•\tВовлечен в действующие бизнесы и стартапы и нуждается в
практических инструментах для развития действующих проектов.

Это дипломный проект специализации «Разработка интерфейсов:

вёрстка и JavaScript». Вам предстоит реализовать известную игру
«Memory». Для игры нужен набор карточек с картинками. Карточки
Moscow Institute of Physics and парные — то есть по две с каждой картинкой. Все карточки лежат
Разработка интерфейсов: финальный проект
Technology interfeysov-proyekt перед игроком рубашкой вверх, и он их переворачивает по одной. Если
он открыл подряд две одинаковых — они остаются открытыми. Если
разные — переворачиваются обратно. Игрок должен открыть все
карточки за ограниченное время.
Рынки капитала и финансовые институты – вокруг нас. Это огромная
отрасль, в которой действуют могущественные игроки, часто
бросающие вызовы инвесторам и широкой публике и подвергающие их
серьезным рискам. \nКурс позволяет в нескучной форме познакомиться
с основами современного рынка капитала, проанализировать его
фундаментальные проблемы, осознать глубинные интересы
Рынки капитала и финансовые институты или Moscow Institute of Physics and
участников рынка, понять истинное значение финансовых терминов и
"О чужих деньгах" Technology finansovyye-instituty
сигналов.\n\nСлушатели будут лучше понимать финансовые новости,
не будут поддаваться на радужные обещания финансистов и опасные
авантюры, станут более защищенными от рыночных угроз, получат
возможность использовать приобретенные знания и навыки для
успешного профессионального и карьерного роста как в области
финансов, так и в других видах деятельности и в обычной жизни.
Системное мышление является общим навыком, необходимым всем
специалистам, которые участвуют в коллективной работе по
выполнению сложных проектов, оно лежит в основе деятельности
системных инженеров, менеджеров и технологических
предпринимателей. Знания и навыки системного мышления
незаменимы для выстраивания междисциплинарной работы, и
позволяют проектной команде эффективно общаться на общем для
всех системном языке.\n\nПредыдущие поколения системного подхода
в инженерии не учитывали важность стейкхолдеров, представления
жизненного цикла не как последовательности стадий, а как набора
практик. В данном курсе предлагается вариант, основанный на
стандартах и публичных документах последних пяти лет, изложение
строится на схемах и поддержано задачами по практическому
использованию понятий системного подхода.\n\nКурс научит проводить
системные размышления, определять целевую систему проекта (в том
числе, для сложных случаев сервиса и программного обеспечения),
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Системное мышление различать проверочные и приёмочные тесты и испытания, осознанно
подходить к организации междисциплинарных предпринимательских,
инженерных и менеджерских работ для сложных проектов.\n\nВы
узнаете:\n−\tО различиях потребностей, требований и
ограничений\n−\tО представлении деятельности в виде набора
практик\n−\tОб архитектуре системы \n−\tКак пользоваться системной
схемой проекта (возможности, стейкхолдеры, определение и
воплощение системы, работы, технологии, команда) для уменьшения
проектных рисков\n−\tКак отличать важные решения от менее важных
\n−\tКак бороться со сложностью в самых разных проектах\n−\tКак
определить свою систему среди чужих\n−\tКак объединять в мышлении
продукт и деятельность по его созданию \n−\tКакие бывают виды
жизненного цикла\n−\tКак объединить деятельности
техпредпринимателя, инженера, менеджера\n\nКурс разработан
компанией «еНано» (входит в группу РОСНАНО и является
разработчиком дистанционных образовательных курсов и программ по
нанотехнологиям и технологическому предпринимательству) -
Издавна среди жителей Кёнигсберга была распространена такая
загадка: как пройти по всем мостам через реку Преголя, не проходя ни
по одному из них дважды. Многие кёнигсбержцы пытались решить эту
задачу как теоретически, так и практически во время прогулок.
Доказать или опровергнуть возможность существования такого
маршрута никто не мог до 1736 года, когда выдающийся математик
Леонард Эйлер не написал письмо своему другу с решением. Ответ
был «нельзя». Так и родилась теория графов. Но что будет, если
процесс, который описывает граф – случаен?\n\nТеория случайных
графов находится на стыке теории графов и теории вероятностей.
Наука появилась в середине ХХ века, и она сразу же привлекла
Moscow Institute of Physics and огромное внимание как со стороны чистых математиков, так и со
Случайные графы
Technology стороны прикладников. В курсе мы изучим как основы теории
случайных графов, так и настоящие ее жемчужины.\n\nМы научимся
воспринимать многие сложные системы как "случайные графы". Среди
них – интернет, социальные сети (Фейсбука, Вконтакте),
биологические, межбанковские сети.\n\nПрослушав этот курс, вы
проникнетесь чрезвычайно красивой математической теорией и
научитесь решать комбинаторные и алгоритмические задачи на
случайных графах. Все эти знания позволят нам затем перейти к курсу
веб-графов, в котором мы расскажем о самых современных
приложениях вероятностно-графовых моделей и конструкций.\n\nДля
освоения материала будет достаточно математики школьного уровня,
базовых знаний комбинаторики и теории вероятностей.
Комбинаторика - это наука, которая, с одной стороны, богата
исключительно красивыми постановками задач, зачастую доступными
школьнику, а с другой стороны, это очень глубокая современная
область знаний, без овладения инструментами которой невозможно
серьезное понимание как большинства других фундаментальных
дисциплин - анализа, алгебры, теории графов, теории вероятностей и
др., - так и многих прикладных проблем.\n\nСовременная
комбинаторика, таким образом, это своего рода основа основ: это и
красивейшая теория с массой нетривиальных задач и методов, но это
и прекрасная база для приложений в computer science, в анализе
сложных сетей, в теории кодирования и криптографии, в
биоинформатике и др. В курсе мы познакомим слушателей с наиболее
важными областями и инструментами современной комбинаторики,
причем многие темы курса по сути уникальны: здесь не только
Современная комбинаторика (Modern Moscow Institute of Physics and
классические комбинаторные величины и тождества, но также и общая
combinatorics) Technology combinatorics
теория обращения Мебиуса, и диаграммы Юнга, и рекурсия, и
производящие функции. Это позволит нам в дальнейших курсах выйти
на реальные приложения в анализе таких сложных сетей, как
Интернет, социальные, биологические сети, сети межбанковских
взаимодействий и др.\n\nДля участия в курсе слушателю необходимо
иметь базовые представления о теории множеств и началах анализа.
Все остальные понятия будут введены в ходе курса.\n\nКурс состоит из
7 недель лекций и 1 недели экзамена. Каждую неделю слушатель
выполняет задания, составляющие 10% от всего курса (5% тест и 5%
задачи с ответом). Экзамен также состоит из теста и задач с ответом,
каждая часть оценивается в 15% от общей суммы. Для успешного
прохождения курса необходимо в каждом задании набрать не менее
50% от общего числа баллов.\n\nДанный курс рекомендуется к
прохождению перед курсом Теория вероятностей.

Современная жизнь немыслима без web-сервисов, ежедневно

приносящих дивиденды в самых разных областях человеческой
деятельности. А значит, профессия web-разработчика еще долго будет
оставаться высокооплачиваемой и востребованной на рынке IT-
специалистов. Существует множество решений и инструментов на
Moscow Institute of Physics and разных языках программирования, упрощающих и ускоряющих web-
Создание Web-сервисов на Python
Technology разработку. В рамках данного курса освещается построение web-
приложений на языке Python.\nКурс читают разработчики,
применяющие Python в проектах, которыми ежедневно используют
миллионы людей. В данном курсе вы сможете приобрести как базовые
знания о функционировании современного интернета в целом, так и
практические навыки создания интернет-приложений на языке Python.
На протяжении тысячелетий люди усовершенствовали орудия труда,
изучали силы природы и подчиняли их себе, использовали их энергию
для работы машин, а в прошлом веке создали машины, которые могут
управлять другими машинами. Теперь создание устройств, которые
взаимодействуют с физическим миром, доступно даже школьнику.
\n\nНаш курс состоит из серии практических задач про создание вещей,
которые работают сами: изучают мир, принимают решения и действуют
– двигаются, обмениваются данными друг с другом и с человеком,
управляют другими устройствами. Мы покажем, как собирать эти
устройства и программировать их, используя в качестве основы
платформу Arduino.\n\nПройдя этот курс, вы сможете создавать
устройства, которые считывают данные о внешнем мире с
разнообразных датчиков, обрабатывают информацию, получают и
отправляют данные на ПК, в Интернет, на мобильные устройства,
управляют индикацией и движением. Создание устройств будет
Строим роботов и другие устройства на Moscow Institute of Physics and включать проектирование, изучение компонентов, сборку схем,
Arduino. От светофора до 3D-принтера Technology написание программ, диагностику. Попутно с созданием самих
устройств вы сделаете визуализацию на ПК, создадите веб-страницу,
которую будет демонстрировать одно из ваших устройств, а также
разберетесь с устройством и работой FDM 3D-принтера. \n\nПомимо
тех, кто увлекается робототехникой или стремится расширить кругозор
и свои навыки, курс будет полезен всем, кто сталкивается с задачами
бытовой и производственной автоматизации, а также занимается
промышленным дизайном, рекламой и искусством.\n\nКурс не требует
специальных знаний у слушателей, доступен даже ученикам старших
классов средней школы. Плюсом будут навыки программирования и
владение английским языком на уровне чтения технической
документации, однако обязательным это не является.\n\nВесь курс
посвящен практике и самым лучшим решением для вас будет
раздобыть электронику, повторять показанные примеры и
экспериментировать самостоятельно.\n\nПриобрести комплекты можно
здесь –
Как презентовать технологические и инвестиционные проекты, чтобы
они запоминались надолго? \n\nУзнайте структуру инвестиционного
питча, освойте главную технологию избавления от "воды" и азы
сторителлинга, проработайте механизмы тестирования презентаций в
Структура презентации технологических и Moscow Institute of Physics and соответствии с правилами дизайн-мышления, а также получите ответ
инвестиционных проектов Technology tekhnologicheskih-i-investicionnyh-proektov на ключевой вопрос: как создавать слайды, проникающие в
мозг.\n\nКурс входит в серию "Как презентовать технологический
проект инвестору, клиенту, партнерам", разработан компанией еНано в
партнерстве с кафедрой технологического предпринимательства
Теория вероятностей - это, вне всякого сомнения, один из самых
важных и богатых приложениями разделов современной
математики.\n\nС помощью методов этой замечательной науки можно
как оценивать классические вероятности выигрышных стратегий в
азартных играх, так и решать весьма серьезные прикладные задачи,
возникающие буквально в каждой области науки. В нашем курсе мы
познакомим слушателей прежде всего с самыми основами предмета. И
сделаем мы это в уникальном формате - иллюстрируя вероятностные
объекты и методы на примерах решения с их помощью комбинаторных
задач. Суть в том, что, конечно, в базовой вероятности много
комбинаторики, и это все знают; мы же расскажем не только об этом,
но и о том, как, наоборот, вероятностные методы позволяют работать с
Moscow Institute of Physics and комбинаторными задачами. Это позволит нам впоследствии выйти на
Теория вероятностей для начинающих
Technology basics приложения вероятности в теории графов, случайных графов и,
наконец, веб-графов и прочих сложных сетей. Также в рамках курса мы
оторвемся от чисто комбинаторных интерпретаций и обсудим более
общие вероятностные модели. Но интуиция все равно сохранится, и в
этой комбинаторной подоплеке уникальность курса.\n\nКурс построен
так, что будет по плечу даже тем, кто изучал математику последний раз
только в школе. Тем не менее, так как для понимания курса
необходимы знания основ комбинаторики, мы рекомендуем пройти наш
курс по комбинаторике прежде чем прослушивать данный
курс.\n\nВнутри курса также все просто – каждую неделю вас ждут
видеолекции и проверочные задания, которые нужно выполнять в срок.
В конце – итоговая проверочная работа. Студенты, которые набрали
достаточное количество баллов, смогут получить сертификат.
Среди жителей Кёнигсберга была распространена такая практическая
головоломка: можно ли пройти по всем мостам через реку Преголя, не
проходя ни по одному из них дважды? В 1736 году выдающийся
математик Леонард Эйлер заинтересовался задачей и в письме другу
привел строгое доказательство того, что сделать это невозможно. В
том же году он доказал замечательную формулу, которая связывает
число вершин, граней и ребер многогранника в трехмерном
пространстве. Формула таинственным образом верна и для графов,
которые называются "планарными". Эти два результата заложили
основу теории графов и неплохо иллюстрируют направление ее
развития по сей день. \n\nГраф как математический объект оказался
полезным во многих теоретических и практических задачах. Наверное,
дело в том, что сложность его структуры хорошо отвечает
возможностям нашего мозга: это структура наглядная и понятно
устроенная, но, с другой стороны, достаточно богатая, чтобы
улавливать многие нетривиальные явления. Если говорить о
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Теория графов приложениях, то, конечно, сразу же на ум приходят большие сети:
Интернет, карта дорог, покрытие мобильной связи и т.п. В основах
поисковых машин, таких, как Yandex и Google, лежат алгоритмы на
графах. Помимо computer science, графы активно используются в
биоинформатике, химии, социологии.\n\nЭтот курс служит введением в
современную теорию графов. Мы, конечно, обсудим классические
задачи, но и поговорим про более недавние результаты и тенденции,
например, про экстремальную теорию графов. \n\nМатериал изложен с
самых основ и на доступном языке. Целью этого курса является не
только познакомить вас с вопросами и методами теории графов, но и
развить у неподготовленных слушателей культуру математического
мышления. Поэтому курс доступен широкому кругу слушателей. Для
освоения материала будет достаточно знания математики на хорошем
школьном уровне и базовых знаний комбинаторики.\n\nКурс состоит из
7 учебных недель и экзамена. Для успешного решения большинства
задач из тестов достаточно освоить материал, рассказанный на
лекциях. На семинарах разбираются и более сложные задачи, которые
Массовые открытые онлайн-курсы (МООК) – это новый учебный
формат, который все сильнее проникает в нашу жизнь. О нем говорят
не только ваши друзья, рекомендующие пройти тот или иной курс, но и
эксперты, ректоры вузов, HR-директоры крупных компаний.
“Непрерывное обучение” (lifelong learning) становится не просто
красивым термином, а образом жизни – мы все чаще встречаем тех,
кто смотрит онлайн-курсы вместо сериалов или повышает свою
Moscow Institute of Physics and квалификацию онлайн. Мы слышим о росте образовательного рынка,
Теория и практика создания онлайн-курсов
Technology новых стартапах, поддержке государства и хотим понять, МООК – это
очередное модное слово, или это всерьез и надолго?\n\nДавайте
разбираться вместе! Мы разработали этот курс, чтобы: \n- развеять
мифы вокруг онлайн-обучения и массовых онлайн-курсов; \n-
рассказать про особенности и нюансы формата МООК; \n- поделиться
своим многолетним опытом разработки онлайн-курсов и рассказать
много веселых историй; \n- показать, что разработка массовых онлайн-
курсов – это несложно и очень интересно.
Разработанный МФТИ курс отличается тем, что все основные
конструкции и принципы теории вводятся непосредственно на основе
разбираемых "с нуля" конкретных этюдов.\n\nКаждый этюд начинается
с понятной непрофессионалу проблемы. В одних случаях это просто
"детская игра", в других - формализованное жизненное наблюдение, в
третьих - обобщённая социальная закономерность. Сюжет затем
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Теория игр разворачивается, исходя из логики содержащегося в нём конфликта, и
сам порождает тот или иной принцип разрешения конфликта, который
окончательно строго формализуется в виде решения игры.\n\nЭтюдов
всего рассмотрено чуть более десяти, и они в совокупности покрывают
основные формальные конструкции базовой теории игр.\n\nВ
нескольких отступлениях приведены формулировки теорем
существования игровых решений с набросками доказательств.

Онлайн-курс о технологическом предпринимательстве с разбором

реальных кейсов наших стартапов. Курс сосредоточен больше на
практике нежели на теории. После каждого урока вам предстоит "выйти
на улицу" и применить полученные знания на практике. Курс составлен
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Технологическое предпринимательство командой акселератора, через которую каждый год проходят сотни
Technology predprinimatelstvo
проектов. Вы на реальных примерах ошибок и успехов сможете
рассмотреть путь, который нужно пройти, и какими навыками нужно
обладать для успешного старта проекта. В уроках мы покажем
ключевые особенности мышления технологического предпринимателя.
Этот курс продолжает обучение тех, кто уже познакомился с основами
HTML и CSS. На очереди всякие изыски: отображение сложных
Moscow Institute of Physics and
Тонкости верстки элементов, изучение различий между браузерами и графика.\n\nВ
конечном итоге вы сможете сами сверстать страницу любой
сложности.\n\nАвторы курса — разработчики из Яндекса.
В деятельности любой современной компании возникают проекты:
коммерческие (связанные с разработкой продуктов и услуг по заказу
клиента); проекты развития (связанные с модернизацией
оборудования, внедрением новой техники, информационных
технологий или организационными изменениями); инновационные
проекты. Чтобы эффективно управлять инновационными проектами,
необходимо сочетание инженерных, менеджерских и бизнес
подходов.\n \nКурс «Управление инновационными проектами»
посвящен управлению инновациями и рассматривает ценностный
подход, который был впервые внедрен в начале 21 века в работах
японских специалистов. Данный подход лег в основу стандарта
«Руководство по управлению инновационными проектами и
программами предприятий» (P2M). В курсе подробно изложен
ценностный подход к управлению проектами, когда проект
рассматривается как способ максимизации ценности его продукта для
Moscow Institute of Physics and потребителя. Управление ценностью требует ее постоянного контроля
Управление инновационными проектами
Technology proekty с использованием специальных индикаторов – все эти процессы также
рассматриваются в данном курсе. В том числе, даются полезные
инструменты стандарта P2М, легко реализуемые в российской бизнес-
практике.\n\nВы узнаете про:\n· модель открытых инноваций,\n·
руководство Осло,\n· управление знаниями,\n· модель конкурирующих
ценностей,\n· сбалансированную систему показателей,\n· stage-gate
модель,\n· сценарное планирование,\n· технологические дорожные
карты,\n· бюджетирование, ориентированное на результат,\n· бенефит-
менеджмент,\n· модели оценки компетентности.\n\nКурс разработан
компанией eNANO (входит в РОСНАНО) совместно с МФТИ при
экспертной поддержке компании IBS. eNANO - разработчик
дистанционных образовательных курсов и программ по
нанотехнологиям и технологическому предпринимательству, является
оператором Межвузовской программы подготовки инженеров в сфере
высоких технологий (базовая кафедра – кафедра
технопредпринимательства МФТИ-РОСНАНО).
Что такое физика и зачем она нужна? Некоторые люди никогда не
задаются таким вопросом. Некоторые считают, что физика нужна
исключительно для создания различных «девайсов», например
холодильников или мобильных телефонов. И они в чем-то правы, ведь
сказал же Оскар Уайльд, что «Комфорт – это единственное, что может
нам дать цивилизация».\n\nДля нас физика – это умение видеть и
понимать окружающий мир, возможность творить то, о чем раньше
даже и мечтать было сложно. Мы считаем, что для дальнейшего
прогресса человечества необходимы ученые-физики, инженеры-
физики и просто образованные люди. Мы готовы делиться нашими
знаниями. \n\nПредлагаемый курс «Электростатика и магнитостатика»
посвящен рассмотрению ключевых понятий этой области: уравнений
Максвелла, записанных в статическом случае как внутри вещества, так
Moscow Institute of Physics and и вне его, энергетических подходов для вычисления сил, действующих
Электростатика и магнитостатика
Technology на объекты, находящиеся электростатическом или магнитном поле, а
также рассмотрение свойств для постоянных токов.\n\nСразу заметим
– курс не очень простой, для его освоения слушателям необходимо
владеть знаниями по физике в объеме школьной программы, основами
дифференциального и интегрального исчисления и основами
векторного исчисления.\n\nВ течение 10 недель вам будут
предлагаться для изучения видеолекции, физические демонстрации и
семинары с разбором задач. Основные формулы и тезисы лекций
представлены в виде кратких конспектов. Каждая учебная неделя
содержит тест и 4 задачи для самостоятельного решения.
Экзаменационные недели включают тест и 5 задач.\n\nВ конце курса у
слушателя есть возможность решить дополнительную контрольную
работу из трёх задач повышенной сложности с ограничением по

The present course gives an overview of Bases of the Law of Obligations.

\nThe course is directed to students of general educational institutions,
Russian and foreign lawyers, heads of legal entities, financial directors,
chief accountants, auditors, practicing in English, and to any person,
interested in the Law of Obligations.\nThe course goals and objectives:
\nThe main goal of the course is to provide students with fundamental
Moscow State Institute of knowledge of the basis of the Russian Law of Obligations\nCourse
International Relations (MGIMO) objectives are:\n1. To introduce students to analyzing and evaluating
Bases of the law of obligations (The Russian / МГИМО (Московский situations from a legal perspective, identifying the essential elements of the
Federation) Part 1 государственный институт obligations Russian contractual system.\n 2. To orient students towards distinguishing
международных отношений between different types of forms of obligations and the ability of the main
МИД России) subjects of law (individuals and legal entities) to incur and fulfill legal
obligations.\nLearning outcomes: \nBy the end of this course students shall
be able to:\n1.\tAnalyze and evaluate situations from a legal
perspective.\n2.\tIdentify the essential elements of a
contract.\n3.\tUnderstand situations when contract shall have a particular
form\n4.\tIdentify moment of conclusion of contract\n5.\tDistinguish between
offer and public offer\n6.\tExplain due execution of obligations
The present course gives an overview of Bases of the Law of Obligations
(Part II).\nThe course is directed to students of general educational
institutions, Russian and foreign lawyers, heads of legal entities, financial
directors, chief accountants,auditors, practicing in English, and to any
person, interested in the Law of\nObligations.\n\nThe course goals and
objectives:\nThe main goal of the course is to provide students with
fundamental knowledge of the basis of the Russian Law of
Obligations\n\nCourse objectives are:\n1. To introduce students to
analyzing and evaluating situations from a legal perspective, identifying the
essential elements of the Russian contractual system.\n2. To orient
students towards distinguishing between different types of forms of
obligations and the ability of the main subjects of law (individuals and legal
entities) to incur and fulfill legal obligations.\n3. To distinguish obligations
and torts.\n\nLearning outcomes:\nBy the end of this course students shall
Moscow State Institute of
be able to:\n1. Analyze and evaluate situations from a legal perspective\n2.
International Relations (MGIMO)
Identify the essential elements of a contract\n3. Explain the six means of
Bases of the law of obligations (The Russian / МГИМО (Московский
securing obligations – forfeit, pledge, retention, bank guarantee, surety and
Federation) Part 2 государственный институт obligations-2
earnest money\n4. Explain the consequences of a breach of contract\n5.
международных отношений
Identify main cases of termination of a contract\n6. Explain how obligations
МИД России)
in tort arise\n7. Discuss the consequences of damage or loss in relation to
non-contractual obligations\n\nCourse requirements:\nStudents shall get
acknowledged with the following legal acts & literature:\n1. Shashkova.
Study Manual on the Bases of Russian Law. Cambridge Scholars
Publishing. – 2015.\n2. Shashkova. Comparative Civil Law, textbook. М:
Nauka, 2019. — 219 p.ISBN 978-5-6042455-6-9\n3. Shashkova. Practical
Material оn Comparative Civil Law, practical material.М: Nauka, 2019. ISBN
978-5-6042455-7-6\n4. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, dated
12 December 1993.\n5. The
Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part I No.51-FZ, dated 30 November
1994, Part II No.14-FZ, dated 26 January 1996\n6. The Federal Law No.82-
FZ “On Minimum Amount of Wages and Salaries”, dated 19 June 2000
\n\nContents\n1. Means of securing obligations\na) Explain how the Civil
Code enables obligations to be secured.\nb) Explain the six means of
Целью курса является формирование представления у аудитории об
Moscow State Institute of основах государственно-частного партнёрства в экономической науке и
International Relations (MGIMO) практики их реализации в России. \nЗадачами курса представляются:\n-
Государственно-частное партнерство в / МГИМО (Московский \tформулирование представления места ГЧП в науке; \n-\tактуализация
инфраструктурном развитии России государственный институт chastnoye-partnerstvo знаний аудиторий о текущих трендах в сфере ГЧП; \n-\tнаглядный
международных отношений анализ крупнейших проектов ГЧП и их значение для национального
МИД России) благосостояния; \n-\tобъяснение значения и места инфраструктуры в
жизни людей.
В рамках данного курса слушатели познакомятся с историей и
теоретическими основами государственного регулирования
финансового рынка. Финансы все больше проникают в сферы
Moscow State Institute of
общественной жизни, выходя за пределы узкоспециализированной
International Relations (MGIMO)
отрасли. Курс позволит глубже понять причины развития
Государственное регулирование финансовых / МГИМО (Московский
государственного регулирования финансового сектора и предсказать
рынков на современном этапе государственный институт regulirovaniye-finansovykh-rynkov
направления регуляторной политики в различных странах.\nКурс
международных отношений
рассчитан на студентов экономического и финансового направлений,
МИД России)
специалистов в области финансового сектора экономики, а также всех
интересующихся вопросами государственного регулирования
финансового рынка.
Курс «Комплекс маркетинга: 5Р» предполагает изучение основных
маркетинговых концепций, принципов, подходов и стратегий,
применяемых ведущими компаниями мира в современных условиях.
\n«Комплекс маркетинга: 5Р» является базовымкурсом при изучении
таких дисциплин как «Маркетинг», «Основы маркетинга» и раскрывает
Moscow State Institute of
особенности использования традиционных маркетинговые
International Relations (MGIMO)
инструментов и механизмов, используемых фирмами в условиях
/ МГИМО (Московский
Комплекс маркетинга: 5Р рынка. \nМетодологическая часть курса представлена лекционными
государственный институт marketinga-5p
материалами, призванными заложить основы теоретических знаний
международных отношений
слушателей, познакомить их с современными направлениями
МИД России)
маркетинговой деятельности, сопровождающей расширение деловой
активности или организацию бизнеса. \nКурс «Комплекс маркетинга:
5Р» предполагает самостоятельную работу слушателей с учебными
обязательными и дополнительными материалами, а также подготовку
к тематическим тестам и работу с кейсами.
В качестве базовой экономической дисциплины макроэкономика
Moscow State Institute of создает фундамент для изучения других дисциплин, поэтому курс
International Relations (MGIMO) ставит целью дать знания в области общего понимания идеи
/ МГИМО (Московский экономического равновесия, основных экономических категорий и
Макроэкономика (вводный курс)
государственный институт терминов. Изучение дисциплины должно обеспечить понимание того,
международных отношений как функционирует национальное хозяйство, какое место занимает
МИД России) фирма в общем макроэкономическом окружении, каковы основные
методы регулирования со стороны государства.
Данный курс познакомит слушателей с основными понятиями и
предпосылками формирования международных финансов, также будет
рассмотрена темы государственного, корпоративного и персонального
уровня финансов. Тема международных финансов на протяжении
десятилетий остается актуальной, особенно с возникновением
Moscow State Institute of мировых финансовых кризисов и проявления взаимозависимости всех
International Relations (MGIMO) экономик мира. Принципиальное значение имеет изучение институтов,
/ МГИМО (Московский инструментов и отношений, которые образуют систему международных
Международные финансы
государственный институт finansy финансов. Изучение финансов на государственном, корпоративном и
международных отношений личном уровнях в рамках курса «Международные финансы» позволит
МИД России) создать для слушателей комплексное понимание данной сферы,
ознакомит с основными трендами развития. \nКурс рассчитан на всех
людей, заинтересованных в вопросах международных финансов.
Структура курса призвана помочь студентам-экономистам и
управленцам получить всестороннее представление о структуре и
основных понятиях международных финансов.
Цель курса:\nФормирование целостного представления о
Moscow State Institute of микроэкономических основах бизнеса, создание базы для дальнейшего
International Relations (MGIMO) освоения практических дисциплин\n \nЗадачи дисциплины: \n
/ МГИМО (Московский •\tОзнакомить слушателей с основными принципами анализа
Микроэкономика (вводный курс)
государственный институт vvodnyy-kurs микроэкономического равновесия. \n•\tСформировать понятийный
международных отношений аппарат в области экономических дисциплин, дать его графическую
МИД России) интерпретацию. \n•\tСоздать у слушателей понимание принципов
функционирования рынка и фирмы.
Moscow State Institute of
В курсе раскрываются существующие на сегодняшний день
International Relations (MGIMO)
специальные налоговые режимы, позволяющие оптимизировать и
Налоги и налогообложение: специальные / МГИМО (Московский
снизить налоговые отчисления в бюджет для отдельных категорий
налоговые режимы государственный институт nalogovye-rezhimy
налогоплательщиков, в основном представителей малого и среднего
международных отношений
МИД России)

Политическая география – это наука о пространственной организации

политической сферы жизнедеятельности общества. Дисциплина
является вводной при изучении политологии, международных
отношений и зарубежного регионоведения, поскольку дает системное
представление о пространственной структуре всех уровней
политических процессов и их базовых элементов: государствах,
Moscow State Institute of
интеграционных объединениях, геополитических системах, регионах,
International Relations (MGIMO)
границах, столицах, зависимых и международных территориях.
/ МГИМО (Московский
Политическая география Политико-географические знания лежат в основе теорий, объясняющих
государственный институт geografiya
специфику внешне- и внутриполитической деятельности государств
международных отношений
мира. Владение методами пространственного анализа позволяет
МИД России)
выявлять закономерности политических явлений как на глобальном,
так и на региональном и локальном уровнях.\n\nКурс разработан в
МГИМО МИД России и рассчитан на широкую аудиторию, в первую
очередь, слушателей. интересующихся международными
отношениями, страноведением и регионоведением, историей,
политологией, экономикой и правом.
Добро пожаловать на курс «Правовые формы ведения бизнеса в
России»! \nДанный курс будет полезен всем, кто интересуется правом,
а, в частности, правовыми формами, которые существуют в
России.\nЭтот курс поможет Вам получить базовые знания о формах
юридических лиц в России, об их отличительных особенностях, том, как
открыть свой бизнес в России, о процедурах реорганизации и
ликвидации юридического лица.\nСлушателями данного курса могут
стать все желающие, специальных базовых знаний по предмету для
прохождения данного курса не требуется.\nПосле изучения данного
курса Вы сможете анализировать и оценивать различные ситуации с
позиции юридической перспективы. Вы будете уметь проводить
различия между видами юридических лиц, а также будете разбираться
с принципами, которые касаются создания, функционирования,
финансирования и управления юридическими лицами (в частности,
Moscow State Institute of
обществами с ограниченной ответственностью и акционерными
International Relations (MGIMO)
обществами).\nДанный курс поможет Вам определять особенности
/ МГИМО (Московский
Правовые формы ведения бизнеса в России статуса иностранных юридических лиц на территории Российской
государственный институт vedeniya-biznesa-rossii
Федерации. Более того, Вы сможете объяснять необходимость
международных отношений
применения правил корпоративной этики в бизнесе.\nВы сможете
МИД России)
понимать оптимальную для себя форму ведения бизнеса в России;
анализировать договорные формы ведения бизнеса; знать
учредительные документы юридических лиц; сравнивать общую и
специальную правоспособность юридических лиц.\n\nА теперь давайте
познакомимся поближе.\nАнна Владиславовна Шашкова. Выпускница
МГИМО МИД России. Адвокат с 1999 года. Успешное ведение более 80
арбитражных, 150 гражданских и 10 уголовных дел различной степени
сложности, полное юридическое сопровождение деятельности
корпоративных клиентов: составила более 1000 договоров различной
правовой природы, локальных нормативных актов и приказов, провожу
переговоры с контрагентами юридических лиц в качестве их
представителя (Международный Аэропорт Шереметьево,
Специализированный Выставочный Комплекс ВВЦ, металлургическая
компания Металлиндустрия), сотрудничаю с зарубежными партнерами
Курс знакомит с основами инвестиционной деятельности частного
инвестора массового сегмента на фондовом рынке. Слушатели
научаться выбирать тип посредников для работы на рынке; правильно
подавать заявки, представляющие их стратегию; самостоятельно
рассчитывать основные показатели маржинальной торговли и продаж
без покрытия; разбираться на базовом уровне в инвестиционных
компаниях и показателях их эффективности. При успешном
завершении курса обучающиеся смогут определить путь выхода на
рынок исходя из ключевых характеристик инвестора и осуществить его
с помощью определенного посредника.\nКурс будет состоять из
четырех недель, каждая из которых будет включать видео (в том числе
разборы кейсов), литературу для самостоятельного изучения, а также
проверочный материал.В рамках курса подразумеваются следующие
виды проверочного материала:\n- промежуточные вопросы в формате
Moscow State Institute of
multiple choice (тестирование по итогам каждой учебной недели);\n-
International Relations (MGIMO)
финальный тест по итогам всего пройденного материала.\nПосле
Пути выхода на фондовый рынок для частных / МГИМО (Московский
изучения курса слушатели будут\nЗнать:\n1.\tПути выхода на фондовый
инвесторов сегмента Mass Retail государственный институт rynok-mass-retail
рынок, доступные инвесторам массового сегмента и факторы,
международных отношений
определяющие их выбор;\n2.\tОсновные правила работы с брокером,
МИД России)
подачи заявок разных видов; \n3.\tОсновные правила
самостоятельного инвестирования с плечом и продажи без покрытия;
\n4.\tВиды, типы инвестиционных компаний, правила работы с ними.
\nУметь:\n1.\tОпределять наиболее целесообразный путь выхода на
фондовый рынок для конкретного инвестора массового
сегмента;\n2.\tФормулировать инвестиционную стратегию при
самостоятельном инвестировании с помощью языка
заявок;\n3.\tСамостоятельно рассчитывать коэффициенты при
маржинальной торговле, определять пределы
риска;\n4.\tСамостоятельно выбирать инвестиционные компании
исходя из своего инвестиционного мировоззрения, рисково-доходного
профиля. \nВладеть:\n1.\tПонятийным-категориальным аппаратом в
области частных инвестиций;\n2.\tНавыками анализа инвестиционных
компаний и алгоритмом выбора; \n3.\tМетодами финансовой
Основной целью курса является формирование теоретических
представлений и отработка практических навыков ведения
международных переговоров.\nКурс состоит из двух частей –
теоретической и практической. Теоретическая часть включает в себя
знакомство с подходами к анализу переговоров, разработанные в
Moscow State Institute of России (исследования В.Л. Исраэляна, А.В. Загорского, В.А.
International Relations (MGIMO) Кременюка, М.М. Лебедевой, В.И. Попова, В.М. Сергеева и др.) и за
Технология ведения международных / МГИМО (Московский рубежом (работы М. Бермана, У. Зартмана, В. Мастенбрука, Р.
переговоров государственный институт vedeniya-mezhdunarodnykh-peregovorov Фишера, У. Юри, Д. Фирона и др.), а также выявление структурных
международных отношений элементов переговорной деятельности (стадии ведения переговоров –
МИД России) подготовка, проведение и анализ результатов переговоров, этапы
ведения переговоров и тактические приемы). Вторая – практическая
часть – направлена на отработку практических навыков ведения
переговоров, что предполагает правильно находить и использовать в
реальной переговорной ситуации структурные элементы переговорного
Курс «Цифровые технологии в международных финансах» разработан
для изучения, рассмотрения и анализа трансформации
Moscow State Institute of
международных финансов и их ключевых элементов (мирового
International Relations (MGIMO)
финансового рынка, международных платежных систем,
Цифровые технологии в международных / МГИМО (Московский
инвестиционных операций, банковской деятельности и пр.) под
финансах государственный институт v-mezhdunarodnyh-finansah
влиянием цифровых технологий. Представленный курс является
международных отношений
чрезвычайно актуальным, поскольку особое внимание уделяется
МИД России)
анализу новейших глобальных тенденций в сфере развития
международной финансовой системы в условиях цифровизации.

This course of Chinese Culture and Contemporary China will explore the
foundations of Chinese civilization and the dimensions of Chinese culture. It
will pay particular attention to the relationship between Chinese culture and
the present-day life of the Chinese people and to the different elements of
the culture which are under the present social structures, belief systems,
literature, arts, customs, etc. The course aims at providing students with a
deeper knowledge of Chinese culture, thus enabling them to better
understand China. \nThe course will cover the following main areas of
topics: (1) the foundations of Chinese civilization: its geography, language,
and history; (2) the core concepts in Chinese philosophies and religions:
Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism; (3), literature and arts, including Chinese calligraphy, painting, Tang poetry, and classical fiction; (4) society
Chinese Culture and Contemporary China Nanjing University
contemporary and life, including education, the role of women, Chinese food, and
traditional holidays; (5) travel and landscapes, including well-known
Chinese cities, mountains, ethnic regions and customs; (6) Chinese media,
culture and sports, including TV and movies, fashion, Chinese gongfu and
taiji. \nIn addition, students will be expected to participate in a buddy
program beyond curriculum if they have a chance to come to Nanjing.
Ideally they will be paired up: an international student with a Nanjing
University student to allow students to learn firsthand about Chinese
customs, culture, and language. Students will be required to complete
various projects and homework assignments as well, which will encourage
them to use Nanjing University and the city of Nanjing as a laboratory to
apply what they learn during their stay at Nanjing University.
This course (The English copy of "用Python玩转数据"
<>) is mainly for
non-computer majors. It starts with the basic syntax of Python, to how to
acquire data in Python locally and from network, to how to present data,
then to how to conduct basic and advanced statistic analysis and
visualization of data, and finally to how to design a simple GUI to present
and process data, advancing level by level. \n\nThis course, as a whole,
based on Finance data and through the establishment of popular cases one
after another, enables learners to more vividly feel the simplicity, elegance, and robustness of Python. Also, it discusses the fast, convenient and
Data Processing Using Python Nanjing University
processing efficient data processing capacity of Python in humanities and social
sciences fields like literature, sociology and journalism and science and
engineering fields like mathematics and biology, in addition to business
fields. Similarly, it may also be flexibly applied into other fields.\n\nThe
course has been updated. Updates in the new version are : \n\n1) the whole
course has moved from Python 2.x to Python 3.x \n2) Added manual
webpage fetching and parsing. Web API is also added. \n3) Improve the
content order and enrich details of some content especially for some
practice projects.\n\nNote: videos are in Chinese (Simplified) with English
subtitles. All other materials are in English.
Jewish Diaspora in China is a unique experience for world Jewry, as China
is the only country in Far East that has had Jews living in its society for over
1,000 years. Documentary evidence shows that Jews started to live in
China no later than the Tang Dynasty (618–907). The famous Kaifeng
Jewish community, which was established in Kaifeng, the Chinese capital of
the Song Dynasty (960-1279), is but a best-known example. However, the
largest Jewish Diaspora in China appeared in modern times. In over 100
years, from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century, about 40,000
Jews came to China and lived in newly-established major port cities such
Jewish Diaspora in Modern China Nanjing University
as Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Harbin. Jewish communities
composed of these Jews became an essential part of the economic and
social life of those modern Chinese cities. What brought such a large
number of Jews to China? Where did these people come from? How did
they arrive? Were they all in China at the same time, and were there any
differences among them? What happened to them after they arrived?
Where are they now? The story of Jews in modern China is certainly a
fascinating and up-lifting one. This course will examine these questions and
This course offers you basic but valuable techniques used by a good
translator in the translation between English and Chinese. We’ll discuss
what is translation, what is good translation, and learn about how to
produce good translations.\n\nAll the examples used in this course are
taken from the course instructor's own translations of various genres and
topics of writing. These examples are elaborated on to show you how to
Translation in Practice Nanjing University understand the idea, style and tone of the writer, the historical and cultural
context of the writing, as well as the explicit and implied meanings of words,
the grammatical structures of sentences, and the logic of sentences and
paragraphs in order to achieve faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance
in the translation.\n\nAfter completing this course, you will know what
makes a qualified professional translator and acquire the abilities and skills
that such a translator needs
天文探秘 Nanjing University
心理学与生活 Nanjing University

手把手教你心理咨询:谈话的艺术 Nanjing University 加和谐、更加精彩!\n“谈话的艺术”是“手把手教你心理咨询”系列课程中的第㇐
不管是赞同还是反对,卡尔 • 马克思(1818-
克 • 德里达(1930-
理解马克思 Nanjing University
以及测试的形式进行自学。\n\nWhether approving or not, Karl·Marx(1818-
1883) has become the common spiritual wealth of human in our time.
Therefore, as Jacques Derrida said: ‘Whether they wish it or know it or not,
all men and women, all over the earth, are today to a certain extent the
heirs of Marx and Marxism.’\nThe course will briefly delineate Marx’s
thought process in a contemporary view, and center on these three core
works of Marx :‘Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844’ , ‘the
communist manifesto’ and ‘Capital’, to interpret and understand Marx’s
method in a comparative perspective, showing Marx’s thoughts and its
contemporary influence.

本课程 (Please click

for English version)
用Python玩转数据 Data Processing Using Python Nanjing University
)\n\n第一章 蛋白质的结构与功能(Chapter 1 Structure and Function of
Proteins)\n1. 氨基酸(Amino
acids)\n2. 蛋白质氨基酸与非蛋白质氨基酸(Proteinogenic AA & non-
结构生物化学(Structural Biochemistry) Nanjing University protenogenic AA)\n3. 疏水氨基酸与亲水氨基酸(Hydrophobic &
Hydrophilic AAs)\n4. 必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸(Essential & Non-
essential AAs)\n5. 氨基酸的英文缩写(Abbreviations for 22 amino
acids)\n6. 氨基酸的缩合反应(AA Condensation
reaction)\n7. 氨基酸的手性(Chirality of Amino
Acids)\n8. 氨基酸的两性解离与等电点(Acid & base dissociation of amino
acids and pI)\n9. 茚三酮反应(Reaction with
Ninhydrin)\n10. Sanger反应(Reaction with
DNFB)\n11. Edman反应(Reaction with
PITC)\n12. 蛋白质(Proteins)\n13. 蛋白质的㇐级结构(Primary Structure
of Proteins)\n14. 肽键(Peptide
bonds)\n15. 蛋白质的二级结构(Secondary Structure of
Proteins)\n16. α螺旋(The Alpha Helix)\n17. β折叠(The Beta-Pleated
Sheet)\n18. β转角(The Beta Turn)\n19. β突起(The Beta
Bulge)\n20. 蛋白质的三级结构(Tertiary structure of
Proteins)\n21. 疏水键(Hydrophobic
interactions)\n22. 模体(Motif)\n23. 结构域(Domain)\n24. 蛋白质的四
太极学堂”!\n\nThe Internet is changing every aspect of our lives, and it has finally started to work on an obstinate fortress of industrial civilization:
网络课程与学习评价 Nanjing University
xuexi-pingjia school education and evaluation! An important change has been taking
place in school curriculum, a cornerstone of school education. The
breakthrough of the change has been made by MOOCs (Massive Open
Online Courses). Education makes a difference in life, learning creates the
future, and the future of education is inevitably related to MOOCs…What is
MOOC? What changes will it bring to universities or schooling? How can
we take advantage of this opportunity and create new learning and testing
models?… Please join us in our “Tai ji school” and explore Online Courses
and Learning Evaluation! You can find learning pals with common goals;
you can find the key to promoting creative learning; you can find the inner
motivator to transcend yourself and to become a life-long learner… Let’s
seek masters, approach the truth, innovate education, and create the future!

营养与健康 Nanjing University
计算机操作系统 Nanjing University 、电子商务、计算与信息科学等信息技术相关专业的学生,可以系统地学习本

计算机系统基础(㇐) :程序的表示、转换与链接 Nanjing University 链接器等之间的相互关联,对指令在硬件上的执行过程和指令的底层硬件执行
程序中各类控制语句对应的机器级代码结构是怎样的? \n----

走进天文学 Nanjing University
软件测试 (Software Testing) Nanjing University
Is Confucianism synonymous with Chinese culture? While it may be an
overstatement to equate the two, there is little doubt that Confucianism
pervades every level of Chinese culture and society. To be sure, other
traditions such as Daoism and Buddhism have also left an indelible mark;
nevertheless, Confucianism remains central to the shaping of the Chinese
imagination. The influence of Confucianism extends beyond China to East
Asia and through migration and cultural diffusion, other parts of the world.
Confucianism traces its origins to the teachings of Confucius. What makes
Confucius so special and what did he teach? This course will explore some
Nanyang Technological
Explorations in Confucian Philosophy of the key concepts in Confucian philosophy. Much of the discussion will
University, Singapore
centre on the Analects of Confucius, the foundational text of Confucian
wisdom, although attention will also be given to the subsequent unfolding of
the Confucian tradition. We will attempt to situate Confucian philosophy in
its own context and to bring out its contemporary significance. Confucianism
is a living tradition. Its vitality hinges on not only its continuing relevance in
Chinese society but also its contribution to meeting the global challenges
confronting the world today. There are no prerequisites for this course,
other than a keen interest in Chinese tradition and culture, and the
willingness to engage the Analects of Confucius.

We have all seen forensic scientists in TV shows, but how do they really
work? What is the science behind their work?\n\nThe course aims to
explain the scientific principles and techniques behind the work of forensic
scientists and will be illustrated with numerous case studies from Singapore
and around the world.\n\nSome questions which we will attempt to address
include:\n\nHow did forensics come about? What is the role of forensics in
police work? Can these methods be used in non-criminal areas?\nBlood.
Nanyang Technological What is it? How can traces of blood be found and used in evidence?\nIs
Introduction to Forensic Science
University, Singapore DNA chemistry really so powerful?\nWhat happens (biologically and
chemically) if someone tries to poison me? What happens if I try to poison
myself?\nHow can we tell how long someone has been dead? What if they
have been dead for a really long time?\nCan a little piece of a carpet fluff, or
a single hair, convict someone?\nWas Emperor Napoleon murdered by the
perfidious British, or killed by his wallpaper?\n\n*For Nanyang Technological
University (NTU) students, please be noted that this course will no longer
be eligible for credit transfer.

There is a vast variety of contemporary surface analysis methods that you

can use for your research. If you are not sure which one is right for you, or if
you want to obtain the right information about different surface analysis
techniques, then this course is for you!\n\nThis course describes the most
widely used analysis methods in contemporary surface science. It presents
the strengths and weaknesses of each method so that you can choose the
National Research Nuclear
Methods of Surface Analysis one that provides you with the information you need. It also reviews what
University MEPhI analysis
each method cannot give to you, as well as how to interpret the results
obtained from each method.\n\nThis course is filled with examples to help
you become familiar with the graphs and figures obtained from common
surface analysis methods.\n\nEach method is described in a similar way:
basic principle, apparatus scheme, example results, special features, and
actual device examples.
This engineering course is designed to introduce students to a range of
concepts, ideas and models used in nuclear reactor physics. This course
will focus on the physical theory of reactors and methods of experimental
studies of the neutron field. \nThis course is based on the course “Neutron
transport theory” which has been taught at the National Research Nuclear
University “MEPhI” for the past 20 years. \nWhat you'll learn:\n•\tDefine
National Research Nuclear basic processes that may occur in the reactor core, laws, equations, and
Nuclear Reactor Physics Basics
University MEPhI physics-basics the limits of applicability of models describing the neutron field in the
reactor;\n•\tDemonstrate practical experience of calculating the distribution
of neutrons in media;\n•\tDemonstrate the ability to analyze the process of
slowing down neutrons in various media (typical for nuclear fission reactors)
from the standpoint of understanding the physics of the
process;\n•\tEvaluate important reactor parameters including performance
and safety.
Лазерные технологии с момента своего открытия широко применяются
в самых разных отраслях науки и техники, а также в быту. Все мы
пользуемся лазерными принтерами, лазерными указками, в магазинах
используются считыватели штрих-кодов на основе лазерного луча. В
медицине с помощью лазеров проводятся сложнейшие операции и
многое другое.\n\nНаш курс посвящен физическим основам лазерных
технологий. Цель курса — дать глубокое понимание физических
процессов, происходящих при взаимодействии мощного лазерного
излучения с веществом и рассмотреть физические проблемы этого
взаимодействия. \nПрименение знаний, полученных при изучении
курса, будет способствовать повышению эффективности как
существующих производств, так и внедрению лазерных
технологических процессов в еще не охваченные области
промышленности.\n\nКурс включает два основных раздела:\n1.
Физические процессы, происходящие при взаимодействии мощного
лазерного излучения с металлами, полупроводниками и
National Research Nuclear
Введение в лазерные технологии диэлектриками;\n2. Лазерные технологические установки и лазерные
University MEPhI lasernie-tehnologii
технологические процессы.\n\nВ этом курсе Вы:\n• узнаете, что
статистика Ферми-Дирака, которой подчиняются свободные электроны
в металле, накладывает значительные ограничения на процесс
поглощения лазерного излучения, \n• откроете для себя многообразие
физических процессов поглощения лазерного излучения
полупроводниками, \n• получат возможность оценить возможность
реализации того или иного технологического процесса, \n• научитесь
правильно выбирать и составлять схему установки. \n\nВ рамках курса
Вы познакомитесь не только с принципами работы различных
технологических лазеров, но и с недостатками и преимуществами всех
используемых активных элементов технологических лазеров, включая
самые современные волоконные лазеры. \nВ качестве примера
использования лазеров в технологии будет подробно рассмотрена
современная лазерная технология в области электроники и создания
интегральных схем. Весьма интересным представляется раздел
лазерной химии, основанный на резонансном возбуждении атомов и
Курс состоит из серии рассказов, объединенных в четыре цикла:
«Инфраструктура человечества», «Инженеры человечества»,
«Измерения человечества» и «Изобретения человечества». Общая
National Research Nuclear
Изобретения, изменившие мир идея курса – дать представление слушателю об истории современной
University MEPhI izmenivshiye-mir
инженерии. \nПо завершении этого курса Вы узнаете многое о том,
какие изобретения и открытия стали инженерной основой нашей
Умение грамотно использовать основные механизмы операционных
систем при разработке программного обеспечения — одно из основных
условий успешного развития современного технического специалиста в
области компьютерных наук.\nКурс «Использование механизмов
операционных систем в разработке программного обеспечения»
Использование механизмов операционных National Research Nuclear поможет:\n•\tрасширить знание в области компьютерных наук и в
систем в разработке программного обеспечения University MEPhI
области ОС;\n•\tнаучится грамотно и обоснованно выбирать верные
механизмы ОС при разработке программных средств;\n•\tовладеть
навыками использования функций ОС в программном коде;\n•\tразвить
индивидуальные профессиональные способности по разработке
современных программ.

Наш курс — это рассказ о выдающихся изобретениях и открытиях –

сифоне, тепловом двигателе, математическом анализе, квантовой
механике. Изобретения и открытия эти будут очень разными. Но все их
объединяет то, что они оказали огромное влияние на развитие
человечества. \nС одной стороны, история человечества — это
История изобретений и открытий — Вторая National Research Nuclear история войн, революций и переворотов. Но с другой стороны, — это
история человечества University MEPhI otkritii совсем другая история, история развития науки, инженерии и вообще
интеллектуальное развитие человечества (которое включает в себя,
кстати, и культурное развитие – религия, литература, живопись,
музыка, театр). И представляется, что эта — «Вторая история» —
оказала и большее, и более позитивное влияние на человечество. Вот
этой второй истории человечества и посвящен наш курс.

Технологическое предпринимательство невозможно без

коммерциализации технологий и опыт управления знаниями в
высокотехнологичной сфере позволит избежать рисков и сделать
будущий бизнес наиболее экономически эффективным.\nУзнайте, как
другие добились коммерциализации технологий и следуйте за
ними.\n\nЦели курса «Коммерциализация технологий в промышленном
Коммерциализация технологий в National Research Nuclear
комплексе»:\n• Расширить знания о технологическом
промышленном комплексе University MEPhI of-technology
предпринимательстве;\n• Сформировать навык экономического
анализа рыночных перспектив новых технологий;\n• Овладеть
методикой построения технологических дорожных карт будущих
производств;\n• Развить индивидуальные способности сравнения
новых проектов с лучшим опытом реализации технологий;\n•
Осуществить карьерный рост в технологических компаниях.
Предметом курса являются кризисно устойчивые методологии
разработки корпоративных систем, процессно-ориентированные
подходы к организации, планированию и управлению их разработкой.
Исследуется влияние кризисных явлений на процессы разработки
программных систем, определяющие эксплуатационные
характеристики и экономические показатели программного продукта. В
курсе рассматриваются основы использования методологий для
антикризисной разработки корпоративных систем, а также
систематизируются практические приемы — "лучшие практики" их
применения. Основное внимание при этом уделяется исследованию
особенностей коррекции жизненного цикла в кризисных условиях с
учетом наиболее распространенных адаптивных методологий.
Методологии антикризисного жизненного цикла National Research Nuclear Систематизация методологий проводится также и в аспекте их
корпоративных систем University MEPhI antikrizisnye-methodology практической пригодности для антикризисной разработки
корпоративных систем, с учетом технологических и антропогенных
факторов.\n\nБудут рассмотрены следующие основные вопросы:
\n•\tКак сказываются кризисные явления на методологиях разработки
программного обеспечения? \n•\tКакие процессы разработки
корпоративных приложений затрагивает кризис? \n•\tКакие факторы
наиболее существенны для антикризисного управления процессами
разработки корпоративных систем? \n•\tВ чем состоят «лучшие
практики» управления жизненным циклом в кризис? \n•\tПочему важно
систематически адаптировать методологии разработки к кризисным
явлениям?\n•\tКакие методологии разработки программного
обеспечения лучше использовать в кризис? \n•\tВ чем состоят
особенности применения каждой из этих методологий?

Предметом курса являются адаптивные модели корпоративных систем,

гибкие подходы к организации, планированию и управлению всем их
жизненным циклом - от концепции до вывода из эксплуатации.
Исследуется влияние кризисных явлений на жизненный цикл, качество
реализации и экономику разработки программного продукта. В курсе
рассматриваются методологические основы антикризисной разработки
корпоративных систем, а также систематизируются практические
приемы - "лучшие практики" их применения. Основное внимание при
этом уделяется исследованию особенностей коррекции жизненного
цикла в кризисных условиях с учетом наиболее распространенных
моделей его организации. Систематизация моделей проводится также
Модели антикризисного жизненного цикла National Research Nuclear
и в аспекте их практической пригодности для антикризисной
корпоративных систем University MEPhI antikrizisnogo-jiznennogo-cikla-korporativnyh-sistem
разработки корпоративных систем, включая как технологические, так и
антропогенные (человеческие) факторы. \n\nБудут рассмотрены
следующие основные вопросы: \n•\tЧто такое кризис в разработке
программного обеспечения? \n•\tКак кризис влияет на разработку
корпоративных приложений? \n•\tКакие факторы наиболее
существенны для антикризисного управления разработкой
корпоративных систем? \n•\tВ чем особенности жизненного цикла в
кризис? \n•\tПочему важно систематически адаптировать жизненный
цикл к кризисным явлениям? \n•\tКакие модели жизненного цикла
лучше использовать в кризис?\n•\tВ чем состоят особенности
применения каждой из этих моделей?
В современном научном мире письменная коммуникация является
одним из мощнейших инструментов выстраивания успешной
академической и исследовательской карьеры ученого.\nКурс «Научные
тексты — учимся писать на русском и английском» поможет магистрам,
Научные тексты — учимся писать на русском и National Research Nuclear аспирантам и молодым начинающим ученым\n•\tсформировать навык
английском University MEPhI правильного и уместного использования грамматических конструкций
научного стиля речи на русском и английском языках;\n•\tовладеть
методикой написания аннотации, тезисов, научной статьи на русском и
английском языках;\n•\tразвить индивидуальные письменные
коммуникативные способности.
Конфуций говорил «Найди себе дело по душе, и тебе не придется
работать ни дня в своей жизни».\n\nАНЕКДОТ:\n— Доктор, я буду
жить?\n— А смысл?!\n\nМы искренне верим, что Вас этот анекдот не
касается.\n\n– Вы обожаете свою работу и просыпаетесь рано утром с
горящими глазами? \n– Вы готовы до конца своих дней заниматься
выбранным сейчас делом?\n– Встретив неудачу на выбранном пути,
Вы засучиваете рукава и она подстегивает Вас к более эффективной
работе?\n– Жизнь Ваша наполнена смыслом, и Вы несете пользу
людям?\n\nЕсли это не совсем так, делаете ли Вы что-то, чтобы это
изменить? Или планируете еще потерпеть?\nЕсли Вам надоело стоять
на месте и хочется изменить свою жизнь к лучшему, то, возможно Вам
стоит посетить психотерапевта или отправиться в Тибет. А еще можно
пройти наш курс, в котором мы не обещаем волшебной таблетки, но
обещаем отобранные инструменты для решения топ-3 популярных
проблем, которые останавливают людей на пути самореализации.
\n\nКАК БЫЛ ОСНОВАН ЭТОТ КУРС?\nАвтор курса — Павел Кочкин —
Основы поиска дела жизни. Часть 1. Как National Research Nuclear
за Вас отучился в Гарварде, съездил в Тибет, изучил основы
перестать откладывать дела на потом? University MEPhI delo-jizni
мотивации и позитивной психологии на факультете МГУ и помог найти
предназначение тысячам людей по всему миру. Проделав большую
работу, основатели образовательного проекта «Предназначение»
сильно продвинулись в методологии поиска дела жизни. \n\nМЕТОД
ПРОСТ КАК РАЗ, ДВА, ТРИ:\n1. Пройти техосмотр и отжать тормоза
(фундамент для развития)\n2. Выбрать, куда ехать (получить
гипотезы)\n3. Удержаться на пути (выбрать и воплотить в жизнь
главную гипотезу)\nВы находитесь на курсе №1 серии курсов «Основы
поиска дела жизни». \nПервый курс «Как перестать откладывать дела
на потом?» научит Вас бороться с прокрастинацией. Мы давно
работаем над процессом самоопределения и обнаружили, что есть три
«тормоза», которые не позволяют нам двигаться в направлении дела
нашей жизни. Мы дадим понимание этих «ям» и научим их
прорабатывать. По итогам прохождения этого курса вы получите
базовые основы развития.\n\nНА СЛЕДУЮЩИХ КУРСАХ ВЫ:\n–
Получите хорошо выверенные гипотезы вашего будущего развития\n–
Как гласит восточная мудрость: «Только вы властны изменить свою
жизнь к лучшему, просто вознамерившись сделать это». Мы
продолжаем серию курсов «Основы поиска дела жизни» и надеемся,
что Вы с успехом освоили базовые понятия развития личности,
рассмотренные в первой части «Как перестать откладывать дела на
потом?»\nВторой курс раскрывает следующие сложные для многих
вопросы «Как найти себя?» и «Как же понять, что я нашел себя?» На
конкретных примерах из жизни и на примерах реализующих себя
людей Вы сможете ответить себе «Кто я и чем я занят?»\n\nВ рамках
этого курса вы получите ответы на следующие вопросы:\n– Что
Основы поиска дела жизни. Часть 2. Что National Research Nuclear скрывается за вопросом «Как найти себя?» \n– Что такое система
скрывается за вопросом "Как найти себя?" University MEPhI
ценностей?\n– Как отличить свои желания от навязанных?\n– Как
определить свои сильные и слабые стороны и таланты?\n– Как найти
себя, опираясь на ежедневную деятельность?\n\nПо итогам
прохождения курса вы получите:\n– Техники для поиска своих
талантов\n– Инструменты для дальнейшего изучения и качественного
понимания себя\n\nНа следующих курсах вы:\n– научитесь включать в
вашу ежедневную деятельность желаемые и интересные гипотезы
самореализации;\n– научитесь тренировать волю, чтобы удерживать
внимание на своих настоящих желаниях и глубинных амбициях для
реализации своей мечты.
Данный курс поможет обучающимся преодолеть трудности, вызванные
недостаточным знанием математики и использовать свои знания для
решения физических задач. Он поможет создать базу для успешного
освоения дисциплин, в которых необходимы знания основ
дифференциального и интегрального исчисления. Без этих навыков
невозможна успешная деятельность инженеров и специалистов любого
профиля.\nФизические явления и законы так или иначе описываются
математическими формулами. Важнейшие открытия и изобретения в
мире не обходятся без математики. Для решения широкого круга задач
необходимо использовать математический аппарат, связанный с
дифференциальным и интегральным исчислением функций одной
вещественной переменной. \nОсвоив этот курс, вы сможете применять
свои знания не только в физике для расчета, например, траекторий
движения космических ракет и спутников, для прогнозирования работы
Применение производной и интеграла в курсе National Research Nuclear ядерных реакторов, но и в геологии, биологии, экономике и др. для
общей физики University MEPhI integral-v-fizike прогнозирования различных динамических процессов.\nКурс включает
в себя тесты и набор заданий, формирующий основные навыки,
которыми несколько облегчат изучение общей физики, так как позволят
сконцентрироваться на физической сути явлений.\nОсвоившие курс
учащиеся смогут решать следующие физические задачи: \n•\tнаходить
кинематические характеристики движения тел; \n•\tисследовать
характер движения тел при заданном законе движения; \n•\tопределять
качественное поведение рассматриваемых физических величин в
предельных случаях; \n•\tопределять действующие на тело силы при
заданном законе движения и т. п. \nТакже прошедшие обучение
смогут:\n•\tстроить уравнение касательной к графику функции в
заданной точке;\n•\tнаходить среднее значение функции на заданном
отрезке; \n•\tнаходить площади фигур, ограниченных заданными
кривыми.\nДля успешного освоения курса слушателю желательно
знать основы математики и физики в объеме школьной программы.
Предметом курса являются модели создания корпоративных систем,
подходы к организации, планированию и управлению всем их
жизненным циклом — от концепции до вывода из эксплуатации.
Исследуется влияние последовательности организации жизненного
цикла на характер и масштаб программной системы, качество
реализации и экономику разработки программного продукта. В курсе
рассматриваются методологические основы разработки корпоративных
систем, а также систематизируются практические приемы — «лучшие
практики» их применения. Основное внимание при этом уделяется
исследованию особенностей жизненного цикла при использовании
Разработка корпоративных систем. Часть 1. National Research Nuclear
наиболее распространенных моделей его организации.
Модели жизненного цикла University MEPhI korporativnih-sistem-modeli-jiznennogo-cikla
Систематизация моделей проводится также и в аспекте их
практической пригодности для разработки корпоративных
систем.\n\nБудут рассмотрены следующие основные вопросы: \n– Что
такое корпорация? \n– Зачем необходим особый класс программных
систем – корпоративные приложения, какие задачи они решают? \n– Из
каких этапов состоит жизненный цикл программных систем? \n– В чем
особенности каждого из этих этапов? \n– Почему важно
систематически изучать жизненный цикл? \n– Что такое модель
жизненного цикла? \n– Какие модели лучше подходят для различных
видов программных продуктов?

Предметом курса являются методологии создания корпоративных

систем — подходы к организации, планированию и управлению
процессами их разработки. В разделе рассматриваются
методологические основы разработки корпоративных систем, а также
систематизируются практические приемы – «лучшие практики» их
применения. Исследуется влияние методологий разработки на
характер и масштаб программных систем. Основное внимание при
этом уделяется сравнительному анализу наиболее значимых
методологий разработки программных систем, которые объединяют
Разработка корпоративных систем. Часть 2. National Research Nuclear практические приемы построения систем в рамках различных моделей
Строгие методологии разработки University MEPhI razrabotki жизненного цикла. Систематизация методологий проводится также и в
аспекте их практической пригодности для разработки корпоративных
систем.\nБудут рассмотрены следующие основные вопросы: Что такое
методология? Чем отличаются строгие методологии от гибких? В чем
особенности применения методологий разработки к корпоративным
приложениям? Какие этапы включает в себя каждая из методологий
разработки программных систем? В чем особенности каждого из этих
этапов? Почему важно систематически изучать жизненный цикл
разработки? Какие методологии лучше подходят для различных видов
программных продуктов?
Предметом курса являются методологии создания корпоративных
систем — подходы к организации, планированию и управлению
процессами их разработки. В разделе рассматриваются
методологические основы «гибкой» разработки программных систем, а
также систематизируются практические приемы — «лучшие практики»
их применения. Исследуется влияние методологий разработки на
характер и масштаб программных систем. Основное внимание при
этом уделяется сравнительному анализу наиболее значимых «гибких»
методологий разработки программных систем, которые нацелены на
максимальную адаптивность к быстро изменяющимся условиям
Разработка корпоративных систем. Часть 3. National Research Nuclear
бизнеса. Систематизация «гибких» методологий проводится также и в
Гибкие методологии разработки University MEPhI razrabotki
аспекте их практической пригодности для разработки корпоративных
систем.\nБудут рассмотрены следующие основные вопросы: Что такое
методология? Чем отличаются строгие методологии от гибких? Почему
необходимы методологии? При каких условиях применимы такие
методологии? В чем особенности применения гибких методологий
разработки к корпоративным приложениям? Какие этапы включает в
себя каждая из гибких методологий? Как организуются процессы
разработки? В чем особенности команды разработки? Почему важно
непрерывное взаимодействие с заказчиком? Какие методологии лучше
подходят для различных видов программных продуктов?

В настоящее время умение понимать и создавать научно-технические

тексты на русском языке, навыки общения по-русски на научно-
технические темы необходимы как студентам, собирающимся получать
образование в российских университетах, так и специалистам,
работающим вместе с профессионалами из России в области атомной
энергетики, IT и современных технологий.\n\nКурс формирует навыки
правильного использования грамматических конструкций при
составлении научно-технических текстов, расширяет знания базовой
National Research Nuclear
Создание научно-технического текста грамматики русского языка, развивает профессиональные
University MEPhI texnicheski-text
коммуникативные способности. Прохождение курса будет интересно
всем, чья деятельность связана с наукой и образованием.\n\nПо
результатам успешного прохождения курса слушатели, набравшие
больше 70% от максимально возможного количества баллов, получают
сертификат. При этом итоговый результат, представленный как 100 %,
складывается из следующих составляющих: тесты к модулям 1, 2, 3, 4,
5 и 6 дают по 13 %, тест к модулю 7 дает 22 %.\n\nДайте возможность
вашему знанию русского языка работать на Вас.
Наглядно – интересно – просто – понятно!\nДанный курс представляет
собой серию физических опытов, наглядно демонстрирующих работу
основных законов механики. Демонстрацию физических явлений
проводит незаурядный преподаватель, доцент кафедры общей физики
НИЯУ «МИФИ» — Валериан Иванович Гервидс, который доступно и
наглядно объясняет основные принципы и законы движения
материальных тел и их взаимодействие. \n\nЗачем учить этот курс?\n•
Физика – наука экспериментальная. Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто
раз услышать или прочитать! \n• Именно эксперименты позволяют
продемонстрировать и легко понять и простые, и сложные аспекты,
которые традиционно преподаются в виде теоретического материала и
математических моделей\n• Курс поможет Вам научиться
использовать: \n o эксперимент как способ постановки вопроса, \n o
эксперимент как инструмент изучения физического явления\n o
эксперимент как форму ответа на вопрос\n• Очень часто достаточно
«простые» физические вопросы имеют неожиданные ответы, которые
National Research Nuclear
Физика в опытах. Часть 1. Механика зависят от конкретных условий проведения эксперимента.
University MEPhI mehanika
Демонстрация таких опытов и объяснение полученных в них
результатов могут оказаться чрезвычайно интересными\n• Вы сможете
увидеть применение изучаемых физических явлений в жизни, в технике
и в быту\n• Изучая этот курс, вы восполните нехватку времени на
экспериментальную, «живую» физику, которая ощущается в обычном
учебном процесс\n\nЧему учит этот курс?\n• Пониманию широкого круга
как простых, так и сложных физических явлений и процессов по
тематике соответствующих разделов\n• Применению физических
закономерностей для анализа различных физических явлений и
процессов \n• Навыкам использования эксперимента\n• Базовым
знаниям по физике будущих инженеров и специалистов в различных
областях деятельности.\n\nДля кого этот курс?\n• Для тех, кто изучает
физику, и хочет прояснить для себя различные вопросы (в школе, в
вузе)\n• Для тех, кто преподает физику (в школе, в вузе)\n• Для тех, кто
использует физику в своем рабочем процессе (инженеры,
программисты и т.д.)\n• Для тех, кому это просто интересно
Наглядно – интересно – просто – понятно!\nДанный курс представляет
собой серию физических опытов и экспериментов. Демонстрацию
физических явлений проводит незаурядный преподаватель, доцент
кафедры общей физики НИЯУ «МИФИ» — Валериан Иванович
Гервидс, глубокие знания и огромный преподавательский опыт
которого делает курс «Физика в опытах. Электричество и магнетизм»
уникальным.\nКурс состоит из девяти модулей по основным разделам:
Электрическое поле, Проводники в электрическом поле, Энергия
электрического поля, Постоянный электрический ток, Магнитное поле,
Магнитное поле в веществе, Электромагнитная индукция,
Квазистационарные токи, Электрический ток в газах. В его основе этого
курса лежат 64 опыта, в которых объясняются различные физические
явления.\n\nЗачем изучать этот курс?\n• Физика – наука
экспериментальная. Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать
или прочитать! \n• Именно эксперименты позволяют
продемонстрировать и легко понять и простые, и сложные аспекты,
Физика в опытах. Часть 2. Электричество и National Research Nuclear
которые традиционно преподаются в виде теоретического материала и
магнетизм University MEPhI elektrichestvo-i-magnetizm
математических моделей\n• Курс поможет Вам научиться
использовать: \n o эксперимент как способ постановки вопроса, \n o
эксперимент как инструмент изучения физического явления\n o
эксперимент как форму ответа на вопрос\n• Очень часто достаточно
«простые» физические вопросы имеют неожиданные ответы, которые
зависят от конкретных условий проведения эксперимента.
Демонстрация таких опытов и объяснение полученных в них
результатов могут оказаться чрезвычайно интересными\n• Вы сможете
увидеть применение изучаемых физических явлений в жизни, в технике
и в быту\n• Изучая этот курс, вы восполните нехватку времени на
экспериментальную, «живую» физику, которая ощущается в обычном
учебном процесс\n\nЧему учит этот курс?\n• Пониманию широкого круга
как простых, так и сложных физических явлений и процессов по
тематике соответствующих разделов\n• Применению физических
закономерностей для анализа различных физических явлений и
процессов \n• Навыкам использования эксперимента\n• Базовым
Наглядно – интересно – просто – понятно!\nДанный курс представляет
собой серию физических опытов и экспериментов по теории колебаний
и основам молекулярной физики. Демонстрацию физических явлений
проводит легендарная личность, незаурядный преподаватель, доцент
кафедры общей физики НИЯУ МИФИ — Валериан Иванович Гервидс,
который доступно и наглядно объясняет основные принципы и законы
общей физики. \n\nЗачем учить этот курс?\n• Физика – наука
экспериментальная. Лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать
или прочитать! \n• Именно эксперименты позволяют
продемонстрировать и легко понять и простые, и сложные аспекты,
которые традиционно преподаются в виде теоретического материала и
математических моделей\n• Курс поможет Вам научиться
использовать: \n o эксперимент как способ постановки вопроса, \n o
эксперимент как инструмент изучения физического явления\n o
эксперимент как форму ответа на вопрос\n• Очень часто достаточно
«простые» физические вопросы имеют неожиданные ответы, которые
Физика в опытах. Часть 3. Колебания и National Research Nuclear
зависят от конкретных условий проведения эксперимента.
молекулярная физика University MEPhI fizika
Демонстрация таких опытов и объяснение полученных в них
результатов могут оказаться чрезвычайно интересными\n• Вы сможете
увидеть применение изучаемых физических явлений в жизни, в технике
и в быту\n• Изучая этот курс, вы восполните нехватку времени на
экспериментальную, «живую» физику, которая ощущается в обычном
учебном процесс\n\nЧему учит этот курс?\n• Пониманию широкого круга
как простых, так и сложных физических явлений и процессов по
тематике соответствующих разделов\n• Применению физических
закономерностей для анализа различных физических явлений и
процессов \n• Навыкам использования эксперимента\n• Базовым
знаниям по физике будущих инженеров и специалистов в различных
областях деятельности.\n\nДля кого этот курс?\n• Для тех, кто изучает
физику, и хочет прояснить для себя различные вопросы (в школе, в
вузе)\n• Для тех, кто преподает физику (в школе, в вузе)\n• Для тех, кто
использует физику в своем рабочем процессе (инженеры,
программисты и т.д.)\n• Для тех, кому это просто интересно
Наглядно – интересно – просто – понятно!\nДанный курс представляет
собой серию физических опытов, в которых наглядно объясняются
основные законы волновой оптики. Демонстрацию физических явлений
проводит незаурядный человек, преподаватель, доцент кафедры
общей физики НИЯУ МИФИ — Валериан Иванович Гервидс, глубокие
знания и огромный преподавательский опыт которого делает курс
«Физика в опытах. Часть 4. Волны и оптика» уникальным.\n\nЗачем
учить этот курс?\n• Физика – наука экспериментальная. Лучше один раз
увидеть, чем сто раз услышать или прочитать! \n• Именно
эксперименты позволяют продемонстрировать и легко понять и
простые, и сложные аспекты, которые традиционно преподаются в
виде теоретического материала и математических моделей\n• Курс
поможет Вам научиться использовать: \n o эксперимент как способ
постановки вопроса, \n o эксперимент как инструмент изучения
физического явления\n o эксперимент как форму ответа на вопрос\n•
Очень часто достаточно «простые» физические вопросы имеют
National Research Nuclear
Физика в опытах. Часть 4. Волны и оптика неожиданные ответы, которые зависят от конкретных условий
University MEPhI
проведения эксперимента. Демонстрация таких опытов и объяснение
полученных в них результатов могут оказаться чрезвычайно
интересными\n• Вы сможете увидеть применение изучаемых
физических явлений в жизни, в технике и в быту\n• Изучая этот курс, вы
восполните нехватку времени на экспериментальную, «живую» физику,
которая ощущается в обычном учебном процесс\n\nЧему учит этот
курс?\n• Пониманию широкого круга как простых, так и сложных
физических явлений и процессов по тематике соответствующих
разделов\n• Применению физических закономерностей для анализа
различных физических явлений и процессов \n• Навыкам
использования эксперимента\n• Базовым знаниям по физике будущих
инженеров и специалистов в различных областях деятельности.\n\nДля
кого этот курс?\n• Для тех, кто изучает физику, и хочет прояснить для
себя различные вопросы (в школе, в вузе)\n• Для тех, кто преподает
физику (в школе, в вузе)\n• Для тех, кто использует физику в своем
рабочем процессе (инженеры, программисты и т.д.)\n• Для тех, кому
Этот курс для тех, кто изучал физику в школе или в университете, пусть
даже почти ничего при этом не понял, но желал бы все-таки понять;
для тех, кто любознателен, кому интересно, как устроен и по каким
правилам существует Вселенная, в которой мы живем, и природа,
которая нас окружает; для тех, кто собирается в будущем заняться
любой творческой работой, требующей кроме прочего хорошего
логического анализа. \n\nВ результате прохождения курса вы узнаете
многое о том, как устроен и по каким объективным законам существует
наш Мир, и какими способами мы можем проникать в тайны его
законов и использовать их на практике. Вы узнаете, как отличить
действительные знания от мнимых, научитесь отличать псевдознания
от “уфологов”, “экстрасенсов” и прочих от подлинного знания,
основанного на логике и общих представлениях о принципах
National Research Nuclear
Физика как глобальный проект организации нашего Мира, заложенных Природой и/или Создателем.
University MEPhI project
Вы сможете продолжить изучение проекта «Физика» на действительно
глубоком уровне в последующих модулях нашего курса.\n\nЧто надо
знать и уметь, чтобы приступить к изучению этого курса?\n•\tНачальные
знания по физике в рамках школьного курса, пусть даже и не слишком
твердо усвоенные\n•\tУмение логически мыслить, складывать “два и
два”, делать выводы из предпосылок.\n•\tИметь достаточные знания по
математике в рамках школьного курса.\n\nПри успешном прохождении
курса вы получите сертификат, который будет позитивно оценен и
учтен при поступлении, например, в магистратуру технического
профиля. Кроме этого сертификат подтвердит наличие у Вас не только
физико-математической подготовки, но и наличие развитых
способностей к логическому анализу, что высоко ценится умными
работодателями, независимо от профиля работы.
Реакции с тяжелыми ионами предоставляют уникальную возможность
получить ядра вблизи границ стабильности и проникнуть в область
химических элементов второй сотни. В курсе рассматриваются основы
физики тяжелых ионов, а также современные тенденции в
исследовании ядерных реакций.\nПредметом курса является одно из
новых направлений ядерной физики — физика тяжелых ионов,
занимающаяся исследованием ядерных реакций, переходом одних
ядер в другие, синтезом новых ядер. Физика тяжелых ионов позволяет
изучать коллективные ядерные процессы, характеризуемые предельно
большими изменениями ядерной формы, сильным
National Research Nuclear перераспределением энергии между различными степенями свободы
Физика тяжелых ионов
University MEPhI ions систем.\nДана классификация ядерных реакций с тяжелыми ионами и
их анализ с точки зрения новых изотопов у границ ядерной
стабильности. Рассматриваются возможности современных
ускорителей для синтеза ядер с использованием ядерных реакций с
тяжелыми ионами. На примерах показана связь исследований в
области физики тяжелых ионов с прикладными исследованиями:
ядерная медицина, радиационная физика твердого тела. \nОтдельный
модуль курса посвящен вопросам истории образования Вселенной с
точки зрения физики элементарных частиц, ядерной физики.
Обсуждается проблема нуклеосинтеза и непосредственная связь
ядерно-физических экспериментов, с астрофизическими явлениями.

Даже в XXI веке, когда компьютеры и современная техника казалось бы

захватили мир, человеческий фактор по-прежнему играет ключевую
роль в нашей жизни.\nТак и при разработке корпоративных систем,
которым посвящены несколько моих предыдущих курсов, весьма
значительную роль играют аспекты менеджериально-управленческие.
А кризисы в разработке КС, о которых мы говорили, во многом
Человеческий фактор в разработке National Research Nuclear
обусловлены человеческим фактором.\nПредметом курса является
корпоративных систем University MEPhI faktor-razrabotke-korporativnykh-sistem
человеческий фактор в корпоративных системах, включающий
особенности взаимодействия разработчика и заказчика, а также
команд разработки программных продуктов. \nКомандообразование,
управление конфликтами, конструктивное общение, проведение и
анализ результатов собеседований,- вот далеко не полный перечень
знаний, умений и навыков, которые призван дать настоящий курс.
Сегодня в эпоху высоких технологий знание основ атомной и ядерной
физики необходимо любому человеку, считающему себя
образованным. Эти знания помогут в успешном обучении в любом
техническом вузе, при выстраивании карьеры в области не только
физики, но и в сфере информационных технологий, в области химии,
экологии, биологии, медицины и т.д. Изучение этих разделов физики
поможет лучше понять проблематику современной атомной
энергетики, проблемы, связанные с влиянием атомной энергетики на
National Research Nuclear
Элементы атомной и ядерной физики окружающую среду и здоровье человека.\n\nКурс от лучших
University MEPhI yadernoj-fiziki
преподавателей НИЯУ МИФИ расскажет об основных понятиях
ядерной физики, о ядерных реакциях, происходящих на Земле и в
космосе, о практическом применении достижений в области ядерной
физики. Вы узнаете, что радиация может приносить пользу, а
профессиональная деятельность в сфере атомной энергетики очень
перспективна.\n\nВ результате успешного прохождения курса вы
получите сертификат, который может быть полезен при выборе
дальнейшего направления вашего обучения.

Мир сильно изменился с тех времен, когда люди общались между

собою с помощью писем на бумаге и с помощью голоса, теперь все мы,
расставляем кому-то сети отношений и попадаем в них сами, все мы
отныне живем в Сети Глобальной паутины.\nВ этом новом мире сетей
старые приемы налаживания отношений не работают: журналистов
печатных изданий не читают в бумажном варианте, маркетологи,
делающие ставку только на офлайн-работу, разоряют компании,
пиарщики и рекламисты лишаются офлайн-аудитории, HR-специалист,
не умеющий работать в сетях, не получает достоверной информации о
своих кандидатах.\nЕдинственный выход для профессионала: идти в
«Ловцы человеков» или социальные сети в National Research Tomsk State Сеть, «ищите и обрящете»!\n\nНаш курс поможет вам
медиа, бизнесе, рекрутинге и образовании University узнать:\n1.\tКакие сети существуют и как меняется психология
«человека виртуально-сетевого».\n2.\tПочему блоггеры испытывают от
своей деятельности блОженство и что такое гражданская
журналистика.\n3.\tКак работает френд-бизнес и как компании делают
из потребителей союзников, советчиков и сотрудников.\n4.\tКак найти
работу или работника в Сети.\n5.\tКак организовать виртуальную
вечеринку или виртуальный конкурс.\n\nСертификат о прохождении
данного курса дает дополнительные баллы при поступлении в
магистратуру Национального исследовательского Томского
государственного университета. Перечень магистерских программ
находится по ссылке:
Наверняка многие из вас слышали о трёхмерной печати, и при этом
большинство полагает, что это что-то из области высоких технологий, а
потому очень сложное, дорогое и недоступное простым смертным. На
самом деле всё гораздо проще, интереснее и доступнее. Каждый, кто
пройдёт обучение на этом курсе, сможет собрать свой собственный
бытовой 3D-принтер, открывая практически безграничные горизонты
моделирования, прототипирования и создания эксклюзивных
вещей.\nВ курсе будет продемонстрирован весь технологический
процесс печати трёхмерных объектов. Вы узнаете, что такое 3D-
модели и как их создают в редакторах трёхмерной графики, наглядно
увидите, какими способами формируют объёмные фигуры 3D-
National Research Tomsk State принтеры, узнаете, из каких функциональных элементов состоят 3D-
3D-печать для всех и каждого
University принтеры, поймёте, как работает управляющая электроника. Будет
показано устройство, а также способы сборки и настройки
персонального 3D-принтера, печатающего ABS
пластиком.\nСертификат могут получить слушатели, набравшие
больше 80% от максимально возможного количества баллов. При этом
итоговый результат, представленный как 100 %, складывается из
следующих составляющих: тесты к модулям 1, 2, 3, 4 и 7 дают 15 %,
тесты к модулям 5 и 6 дают 20 %. Сертификат о прохождении данного
курса дает дополнительные баллы при поступлении в магистратуру
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного
университета. Перечень магистерских программ находится по ссылке:

Этот вводный курс объясняет, как работать по Scrum, и дает полное

понимание системы ценностей Agile. Agile-подходы бурно развиваются
в России не только в разработке программного обеспечения, но также
в банках, промышленности и других сферах. Вы сможете понять и
применить приведенные в курсе примеры независимо от того,
разрабатываете ли вы софт или совсем не связаны с ИТ-индустрией.
\n\nОба преподавателя курса имеют уникальный практический опыт.
Они были разработчиками, менеджерами проектов, руководителями
разработки и т.п. А за последние годы — в роли консультантов и
тренеров — они помогли десяткам организаций повысить свою
эффективность за счет Agile. Подобный опыт на русском языке до сих
пор можно было узнать только на дорогостоящих очных тренингах и
Agile и Scrum в работе над проектами и National Research Tomsk State
конференциях.\n\nКурс включает не только видео и тесты. Наибольшую
продуктами University proektami-agile-scrum
пользу вы получите, выполняя разнообразные задания: например,
создавая свою скрам-доску или анализируя ситуации из вашей работы
с точки зрения Agile-принципов.\n\nБольшое внимание в курсе
уделяется практическим вопросам типа «Как “продать” Agile
руководству и команде?», а также путям вашего профессионального и
карьерного роста в гибких организациях.\n\nКурс полезен всем, кто
хочет применять Agile и Scrum в своей работе, – от программиста до
технического директора. Но максимальный объем знаний и навыков от
курса получат тимлиды, менеджеры проектов и другие руководители:
для них в курсе предусмотрены дополнительные задания, например,
«Устранение пороков вашей команды», «Чек-лист правильного
The course presents an overview of the theory behind biological diversity
evolution and dynamics and of methods for diversity calculation and
estimation. We will become familiar with the major alpha, beta, and gamma
diversity estimation techniques.\n\nUnderstanding how biodiversity evolved
and is evolving on Earth and how to correctly use and interpret biodiversity
data is important for all students interested in conservation biology and
ecology, whether they pursue careers in academia or as policy makers and
other professionals (students graduating from our programs do both).
Biological Diversity (Theories, Measures and Data National Research Tomsk State Academics need to be able to use the theories and indices correctly,
sampling techniques) University
whereas policy makers must be able to understand and interpret the
conclusions offered by the academics.\n\nThe course has the following
expectations and results:\n\n- covering the theoretical and practical issues
involved in biodiversity theory,\n- conducting surveys and inventories of
biodiversity,\n- analyzing the information gathered,\n- and applying their
analysis to ecological and conservation problems.\n\nNeeded Learner
Background:\n\n- basics of Ecology and Calculus\n- good understanding of
In contemporary societies healthcare is a key social institute that addresses
the issues of maintenance and improvement of citizens’ health. While
population health is largely produced outside of healthcare settings
themselves, the functioning of healthcare, including diagnosis, treatment,
and prevention of illness, injury, and other impairments, is essential for
people’s wellbeing. Yet, healthcare can be and often is insufficiently
accessible, responsive, and efficient for different members of society. How
can healthcare provision and society be bridged?\nThrough the exploration
of a combination of theoretical and practical perspectives, this online course
highlights the necessity of a dialogue and collaboration between healthcare
professionals, patients, and the public at large. Course participants will
critically explore challenges posed by disjunctures between healthcare and
society, analyze both benefits and unintended consequences of bridging the
two, and propose ways to accomplish the bridging in practice of healthcare
provision.\n\nAfter completion of this course you will be able
to:\n\n1.\tRecognize disjunctures between healthcare provision and
National Research Tomsk State
Bridging healthcare and society society\n2.\tBe aware of consequences of disjunctures between healthcare
University society
provision and society\n3.\tIdentify opportunities for bridging healthcare
provision and society, using a biosocial approach to health\n4.\tAnalyze
cases of disjunctures between healthcare provision and society, and
propose opportunities for bridging\n5.\tRecognize the historical trends of
scientification, professionalization, and medicalization, in the relations
between medicine, health care, and society.\n\nThis course was developed
by a consortium of five universities: Maastricht University, National
Research Tomsk State University, National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla
Academy", National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, and
Siberian State Medical University within the framework of BIHSENA project.
BIHSENA stands for “Bridging Innovations, Health and Societies:
Educational capacity building in the Eastern European Neighbouring
Areas”. BIHSENA project has been funded with support from the European
Commission. This course reflects the views only of the authors, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of
the information contained therein.
This course presents the principles of evolution and ecology for citizens and
students interested in studying biology and environmental sciences. It
discusses major ideas and results. Recent advances have energised these
fields with evidence that has implications beyond their boundaries: ideas,
mechanisms, and processes that should form part of the toolkit of all
biologists and educated citizens.\n\nMajor topics covered by the course
include fundamental principles of ecology, how organisms interact with
each other and their environment, evolutionary processes, population
dynamics, communities, energy flow and ecosystems, human influences on
ecosystems, and the integration and scaling of ecological processes
through systems ecology.\n \nThis course will also review major ecological
National Research Tomsk State concepts, identify the techniques used by ecologists, provide an overview of
Ecology: from cells to Gaia
University local and global environmental issues, and examine individual, group and
governmental activities important for protecting natural ecosystems. The
course has been designed to provide information, to direct the student
toward pertinent literature, to identify problems and issues, to utilise
research methodology for the study of ecology and evolution, and to
consider appropriate solutions and analytical techniques. \n\nNeeded
Learner Background: general biology and a good understanding of
English.\n\nThis course has the following expectations and results:\n1)
covers the theoretical and practical issues involved in ecology and
evolution,\n2) conducting surveys and inventories in ecology, \n3) analyzing
the information gathered, \n4) and applying their analysis to ecological and
conservation problems.

Курс посвящён изучению принципов графической подачи и техник

выполнения fashion-иллюстраций и представляет собой серию лекций
и увлекательных мастер-классов ‒ от построения фигуры человека
(мужской и женской) простым карандашом, прорисовки одежды и
обуви, до создания полноценных стилизованных модных иллюстраций.
Последовательное прохождение всех этапов эскизирования позволит в
полной мере овладеть техникой модельерского рисунка. \nВ
теоретической части курса приводится большое количество примеров
модной иллюстрации, выполненных признанными мастерами. в
котором представлен процесс развития техники фэшн-эскизирования
на примере рассмотрения работ старых и современных мастеров. \nВ
National Research Tomsk State
Fashion-иллюстрация: Скетчинг программе курса используется проверенная методика, позволяющая в
University sketching
короткие сроки освоить алгоритм построения и стилизации фигуры
человека в статике и движении, приёмы графического изображения
различных элементов одежды и обуви, передачи фактур текстильных
материалов.\nВ четвёртом модуле рассматриваются общие законы
композиции ,обязательные к изучению для всех начинающих
художников и дизайнеров.\nПоследний модуль посвящён особенностям
работы с различными графическими материалами ¬ акварелью,
гуашью, маркерами. Рассмотрены изобразительные возможности
коллажа.\nБлагодаря выполнению большого количества практических
работ, по окончанию курса у каждого студента сформируется личное
Курс посвящён изучению правил и приёмов профессионального
изображения моделей одежды различного назначения. Технический
рисунок является универсальным средством коммуникации между
специалистами в области разработки и производства моделей одежды,
поэтому умение правильно и выразительно изобразить придуманную
модель на бумаге в виде эскиза для дизайнера не менее важно, чем
создание одежды в реальном материале.\n\nОчный курс основ
проектной графики, который лёг в основу данного курса,
отрабатывался мною на протяжении 10 лет со студентами первого
курса профиля подготовки «Дизайн костюма». В результате
многократной правки курс получился достаточно компактный и
National Research Tomsk State эффективный, он позволяет в короткие сроки освоить начальную
Fashion-иллюстрация: технический рисунок
University illyustratsiya ступень модной иллюстрации на хорошем уровне. \n\nВыведенный в
онлайн-формат курс технического рисунка позволит освободить
некоторое время для преподавателя, чтобы сосредоточиться на более
творческих моментах проектирования одежды.\n\nИзобразительные
навыки достаточно сложно оценить в формате онлайн-курса. Поэтому
мы рассчитываем на личную заинтересованность слушателей в
процессе обучения. \n\nПосле каждой лекции слушателей ждёт
домашнее задание. Помимо практики по рисованию в курс включены
тесты, задания на взаимное оценивание, задания на самопроверку,
задания на коллективное составление каталога моделей и итоговое
задание.\n\nОбщайся профессионально, объясняй красиво, рисуй
This course is of an applied nature and is oriented to studies in the field of
creative life intensification psychology, help with the experience of crises,
human potential realization and care. It may be useful for professional
psychologists, for specialists whose activity involves empathy, inspiration,
understanding and creating of daily life, and for all who are interested in the
topic. \n\nThe main idea of the course\nGenius, talent and golden
mediocrity are different (perpendicularly oriented) dimensions of human
existence. They should be studied coherently with their manifestations. All
together they construct a space for creative life, but each taken separately
provokes traumatic, devastating and exhausting forms of anxieties. Our
course shows how these three dimensions manifest themselves in life and
how you can fulfill your genius, abilities, talents more fully and
National Research Tomsk State completely.\n\nOur Method\nWe critically examine the manifestations of the
Genius. Talent. Golden Mediocrity
University studied "dimensions" (phenomena), in order that by putting off all "the
supposed" we could find specific and inherent meaning. The
phenomenological method is to understand and express in simple terms the
fundamental structure of creative activity, to express everything that was,
that is and that will be important in the psychology of creative
life.\n\nCourse objective\nOur main objective is a phenomenological
description of genius, talent and golden mediocrity as specific dimensions of
human life, correction of errors and misapprehensions of common sense
regarding these phenomena.\n\nWhat you gain\nAfter taking this course
you will know what it is to be genius. You will see the phenomena of
mediocrity and talent in a new light. You will understand these phenomena
better based on our various examples. You will also be able to practice
various aspects of these dimensions of creativity in your daily life.
Our societies are changing. On one hand, unprecedented socio-
demographic changes are underway: albeit unevenly across various
settings, life expectancy continues to rise globally, facilitating the rise of
numbers of people living with one or more chronic diseases. On the other
hand, societies are undergoing major political transformations as well.
Examples include the massive transition away from communism resulting
from the dissolution of USSR and rise of participation societies in the EU, to
name just a few.\n\nIn this shifting environment, the issue of health
becomes particularly difficult to deal with. Current approaches to governing
processes and structures that define people’s health often fall short in
responding to the changing health needs of the populations and in being
adequate to shifting societal conditions. How to ensure and improve the
health of citizens in times of societal transitions? This course invites
learners to explore this question using examples from multiple
settings.\n\nAim\nThis course aims to equip learners with the knowledge
and skills needed to assess, develop, and implement options for health
Health and healthcare in transition: dilemmas of National Research Tomsk State
policies, programs and services in ways that are responsive to changing
governance University governance
population health needs and to societal contexts; and to provide learners
with analytical insights into the interconnections between societal
transformations, health, and governance to facilitate the development of
more responsive and contextually adequate health and health governance
approaches.\n\nAfter completion of this course you will be able
to:\n1.\tRecognize dilemmas in the governance of health and healthcare
and the origins of these dilemmas\n2.\tTo be aware of different approaches
in governance of health and healthcare; identify the trade-offs in these
approaches for particular cases \n3.\tRecognize actors and structures
pertaining to the governance of health and healthcare on different levels
\n4.\tIdentify problems in policies, programs, structures, and practices
pertaining to the governance of health and healthcare in specific
settings\n5.\tFormulate and justify combinations in approaches to health
and health governance suitable to various applications in specific settings
\n\nThis course was developed by a consortium of five universities:
Maastricht University, National Research Tomsk State University, National
Mumbling, stumbling, worrying, trembling, sweating and fearing are the
outcomes of the low delivery skills.\n\nIn this course, we are not going to
teach you how to replicate the best bits and traits of the acknowledged
speakers. Dumb replication of someone’s successful behavior may help
you only to an extent. That extent is the situation. When you are facing a
different context, a different situation such “skills” might not work at
National Research Tomsk State
Presentation skills: Effective Presentation Delivery all.\n\nInstead, we try to get to the core issues that stand behind the
troubles with delivery and start honing your skills from there. Topics we are
going to cover:\n\n1) Preparation — how to deal with fear and anxiety\n2)
Voice, pace and gesture — how to speak, stand and move.\n3) Getting live
feedback — how to interact with the audience.\n4) Taking Q&A and
Improvisation\n\nSo don’t meddle, start the course and make your delivery
“Powerpoint slides are like children: no matter how ugly they are, you’ll think
they’re beautiful if they’re yours” — Scott Adams, author of the comic strip
“Dilbert”. Due to this cause or another, it’s a huge stress to look at most
Powerpoint slides. Depending on the “design” skills of the speaker and
audience’s taste slides create different emotions from a slight annoyance to
physical sickness.\n\nBut that is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that
instead of improving the presentation such slides confuse the audience,
distract it and finally oblige the speaker to explain them rather than being
National Research Tomsk State
Presentation skills: Designing Presentation Slides quite self-explanatory.\n\nThe goal of this course is to change that by
equipping learners with a set of tools to create simple, clear and aesthetic
slides which improve the presentation of the speaker. The course covers
universal design principles, templates, colors, typefaces, slides’ typography,
use of photos and pictograms, composition rules and ways to create clear
and meaningful charts and diagrams.\n\nThis course is not a PowerPoint
fundamentals course. You should have a basic knowledge of either
Microsoft PowerPoint or Apple Keynote software.\n\nDon’t meddle, make
your slides matter.

Everything comes together in the Capstone: story, slides and delivery. You
will draft a complete script of your presentation. With the advice of your
peer readers, you will revise, rewrite, and complete it. Then the same thing
will happen with your slides. And finally you will deliver it to a real audience
recording it on camera and get valuable feedback from your peers.\n\nWe
National Research Tomsk State
Presentation skills: Public Speaking Project highly suggest not to do a «fake project», but choose a topic that matters to
University project
you, so in the end you will have a polished presentation of something that is
important to you. Whether it is an idea, a business project, a product or
some other complicated matter.\n\nIf you are to revise some other work,
please, write with an intention to help. Say what a peer should stop or start
doing, add or remove from their script or slides.

“99% presentations suck!”, — said Apple former evangelist Guy Kawasaki

in 2005. Up to now the situation hasn’t improved yet. Why?\nMost public
speaking courses focus on “how” instead of “what & why”. How to stand,
walk and talk during delivery with little attention paid to “what” — the quality
of storytelling itself. Thereby a usual result is a looking slightly confident
speaker with mesmerizing voice delivering an obscure mess of facts,
National Research Tomsk State
Presentation skills: Speechwriting and Storytelling figures and claims.\n\nIn this course we take a more systematic approach,
focusing on the content. How to structure your ideas, facts and data into a
logical convincing story using a narrative structure. This course covers
fundamentals of scriptwriting, packing, argumentation and language.
\n\nThis course is not about how to fabricate a catching tale, but rather how
to structure your ideas, facts and data into an interesting story you are going
to tell during your presentation.
The course focuses on:\n• the formation of an adequate representation
about the diversity of contemporary Psychodiagnostics and Assessment
methods;\n• deep learning of the current world ethical standards of
psychological diagnostics and assessment activity;\n• technology of test
reliability determination that obtained by different Psychodiagnostics
methods;\n• studying of classical and contemporary intellect diagnostic
approaches, Psychodiagnostics of personality characteristics, talent
potential and achievements potential of the person.\n\nThe course will
National Research Tomsk State make it easy:\n1. To master the technology of getting “informed consent”
Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment
University with a client about Psychodiagnostics and assessment procedure.\n2. To
assess the compliance of the proposed Psychodiagnostics programs with
the final testing objectives.\n3. To understand the variety of ways to assess
different characteristics of a person.\n4. To understand the possibilities of
Psychodiagnostics of this or that characteristic of a person with use of
various diagnostic techniques.\n5. To be able to determine the level of
reliability of the received diagnostic data.\n\nThe course consists of 5
modules. Every module’s broken into 4-6 topics with some tasks and
additional literature.

Передвигаться на лошадях прекрасно и романтично, у локомотива и

автомобиля масса недостатков, но современный человек все-таки
предпочитает использовать их для своей мобильности. Эпистолярный
жанр является высоким искусством, но мало кому сегодня придет в
голову отправлять письмо по почте, вместо того, чтобы
воспользоваться e-mail или теми же социальными сетями. С прежними
платформами бизнеса та же проблема – отставания от времени:
скорость коммуникаций в современном мире растет по экспоненте и
старые платформы уже не удовлетворяют требованиям ускоряющихся
бизнес-коммуникаций. Социальные медиа – это дорога с
«двусторонним движением», где миллиарды людей проводят массу
времени, и они просто обязаны перевернуть бизнес и существующие
бизнес-модели. Наш курс о том, как используя различные SMM-
SMM-кампания: цели, стратегия, алгоритмы и National Research Tomsk State активности, аналитику и комплексную стратегию присутствия в
маркетинговый потенциал University
социальных сетях - грамотно продвигать Ваш бизнес через социальные
сети.\n\nКурс является составной частью общей специализации «SMM-
проект: от выбора платформы до встраивания в стратегию бизнес-
коммуникаций». Его основная цель – сформировать целостное
представление об организации SMM-кампании, поэтому он будет
полезен тем слушателям, кто стремится встроить SMM в свою бизнес-
коммуникацию.\n\nКурс включает в себя 4 модуля, в рамках которых Вы
узнаете о построении стратегии присутствия в социальных сетях, в том
числе - с разбором пошаговой инструкции; о возможностях,
инструментах и параметрах мониторинга социальных сетей; о
различных форматах реализации SMM-кампаний, а также рассмотрите
реальные практические кейсы по применению инструментов SMM в
разных сегментах рынка.
What will I learn?\nAfter taking this course you will have an understanding
of Arctic landscapes, how they were formed and how they are changing.
You will also learn how scientists from countries around the North are
working together to understand how these changes will affect the People of
the North and the global community. You will experience a range of
scientific topics, up-to-date-methods for understanding our environment,
National Research Tomsk State
The Changing Arctic and the current consensus views on the future of the Arctic
environment.\n\nDo I need prior knowledge?\nNo prior knowledge is
needed for this course; participants should only come equipped with natural
curiosity and a willingness to invest time in understanding an environmental
issue of global concern. The terms and concepts are targeted at an
educated public, not specialists, but resources will be provided so those
who are motivated can explore some issues in more depth.

Professional translation is a complex process that usually involves

collaboration of multiple people. The course will show you how to build this
process correctly: analyze content, determine requirements and risks, select
appropriate jobs and vendors, evaluate translation quality. \n\nYou will
know why user manuals should not be translated in the same way as you
would translate promotional or legal documents. You will see why every
content type requires a special translation approach and learn to prioritize
quality blocks during project planning. This course will also teach you to
select translators and editors based on the content analysis, so your
National Research Tomsk State projects could always stay within budget and deadlines.\n\nThis course is
Translation quality management
University translation-quality based on the Palex’s corporate educational program. Since 2014, it has
already helped us train dozens of localization and translation quality
managers for our company. Now we want to share these knowledge and
experience with the entire community of the translation industry. \n\nAlong
with the theoretical knowledge, you will also get skills that can be applied to
your work right away. All the lectures are accompanied with tests that will
help you understand the topics, and every module comes with a practical
exercise that is based on the real-world situation.\n\nThe aim of the course
is to present the expertise of Palex in the field of localization and translation,
packaging the corporate training program into an online format.
Динамические процессы в политике, экономике, общественной жизни,
развитие науки и техники, распространение интернета – основные
катализаторы языковых изменений. Появление большого числа
заимствованных слов в русском языке, распространение жаргонизмов,
размывание языковых норм, ошибки в устной и письменной речи
привлекают внимание большинства носителей русского языка, в том
числе и специалистов.\n\nОнлайн-курс «От совета до лайфхака:
Активные процессы в современном русском языке» посвящен
отражению современного состояния русского языка, изменений и
тенденций в области произношения, правописания, словообразования,
лексики, грамматики и пунктуации. В лекциях рассматриваются
вопросы нормирования, особенности языка электронной коммуникации
и современных СМИ.\n\nЦели курса:\n1) сформировать у слушателей
способность к пониманию языка как стабильного, но постоянно
изменяющегося объекта для осуществления эффективной
коммуникации;\n2) дать представление о том, что сегодня происходит с
Активные процессы в современном русском National Research Tomsk State
русским языком, каково его современное состояние;\n3) осветить
языке University sovremennom-russkom-yazyke
основные тенденции и процессы, которые наблюдаются в
современном русском языке; \n4) познакомить обучающихся со
справочными и информационными ресурсами в области норм
современного русского языка и научить ориентироваться в
них.\n\nРассматриваемые в курсе примеры помогут понять, какие
средства языка используются для конструирования ярких заголовков и
привлекающих внимание текстов, увидеть некоторые ошибки при
создании электронных писем, рекламного контента и типичные ошибки
в нашей речи. Слушатели получат некоторые рекомендации по
запоминанию ударений в словах, использованию заимствований,
быстрому поиску правильного написания слов. \n\nВ результате
обучения слушатели смогут распознавать действие активных
процессов в современном русском языке, сопоставлять языковые
изменения и нормативные рекомендации, отличать новые явления в
русском языке от ошибок, ориентироваться в справочных и
информационных ресурсах в области норм современного русского
Задача курса - помочь вам овладеть всеми инструментами и
функциями, необходимыми для уверенной работы с данными в Google
Таблицах. \n\nКурс ориентирован на практику, все функции
рассматриваются на примерах, а большинство примеров основано на
реальных кейсах. \n\nПосле прохождения этого курса вы сможете:\n\n-
Отслеживать показатели работы вашего отдела или бизнеса
Анализ данных в Google Таблицах (Google National Research Tomsk State (продажи/отгрузки, сделки/звонки/контакты, заявки/посещения сайта,
Spreadsheets) University google-tablicah статусы заказов и любые другие натуральные и финансовые
показатели) в режиме реального времени, не копаясь в формулах;\n-
Быстро формировать выборки из данных или строить любую аналитику
по ним, владея всем арсеналом формул Таблиц\n- Автоматизировать
рутину и быстро готовить отчеты;\n- Обрабатывать и анализировать
данные, строить понятные и красивые диаграммы, использовать
дополнения и функции, которых нет в Excel.
Бизнес – это система.\n\nПолучите знания о построении бизнеса «на
свои» от основателя «Мосигры» Дмитрия Кибкало и его партнера
Сергея Абдульманова. За несколько лет «Мосигра» стала самой
большой сетью по продаже настольных игр в Европе. Накопленные
опыт и знания теперь доступны бесплатно всем желающим. Курс
создан при поддержке Фонда развития онлайн-образования.\n\nНа
National Research Tomsk State
Бизнес на свои курсе вы узнаете:\n\n1. Как начать свой бизнес, если вы давно
University mosigra
мечтаете об этом. \n2. Как просчитать идею и проверить ее
применимость в реалиях бизнеса, чтобы начать работать или сразу от
нее отказаться. \n3. Как работают различные элементы внутри бизнес-
системы.\n\nКурс прикладной, все знания можно применить на
практике. Получите опыт бизнесменов, который сформировался спустя
тысячи ошибок, и создавайте бизнес на “свои”.

Что же такое этот пресловутый искусственный интеллект? Сегодня

вокруг этого термина столько мифов и неправильного понимания, что
зачастую отделить правду от вымысла очень сложно. Особенно масла
в огонь невежества подливают журналисты и деятели массовой
культуры, которые занимаются созданием мифов. В итоге у нас с одной
стороны есть мифы про терминаторов, скайнет и матрицу, а с другой
стороны считается, что искусственный интеллект создать в принципе
невозможно. Но правда в том, что искусственные интеллектуальные
National Research Tomsk State системы уже существуют и успешно замещают людей во многих
Введение в искусственный интеллект
University iskusstvennyi-intellekt профессиях. И дальше всё будет только серьёзнее. Так что знать, что
это такое, куда развиваются систем искусственного интеллекта и что
нас ожидает сейчас и в ближайшем будущем — всё это насущная
необходимость любого современного человека.\n\nСтудент, успешно
прошедший курс, будет полноценно ориентироваться в современных
технологиях искусственного интеллекта. Он сможет выступать
экспертом для СМИ, консультантом для предпринимателей и
компаний, которые планируют внедрять в свою деятельности методы
искусственного интеллекта.
Потребность решения сложных прикладных задач с большим объемом
вычислений и принципиальная ограниченность максимального
быстродействия «классических» – по схеме фон Неймана – ЭВМ
привели к появлению многопроцессорных вычислительных систем
(МВС) или суперкомпьютеров. \nШирокое распространение
параллельные вычисления приобрели с переходом компьютерной
индустрии на массовый выпуск многоядерных процессоров с
векторными расширениями. В настоящие время практически все
устройства – от карманных гаджетов и до самых мощных
суперкомпьютеров – оснащены многоядерными процессорами. И если
вы пишите последовательную программу, не применив распределение
работы между разными ядрами центрального процессора и не проведя
векторизацию, то вы используете только часть вычислительных
возможностей центрального процессора. \n\nПройдя этот курс, вы
познакомитесь с основными архитектурами МВС, с двумя стандартами
(OpenMP и MPI), позволяющими писать параллельные программы для
Введение в параллельное программирование с National Research Tomsk State
систем с общей и распределенной памятью. На простых примерах
использованием OpenMP и MPI University programmirovaniye
будут разобраны основные конструкции и способы распределения
работы. Выполнение практических заданий позволит вам приобрести
практические навыки создания параллельных программ. Курс будет
интересен всем, кто занимается программированием.\n\nДля участия в
курсе слушателю необходимо иметь базовые знания по
программированию с использованием С/С++. \n\nКурс состоит из 9
недель. Каждая неделя курса содержит видеолекции, а также
проверочные задания. Сертификат получают слушатели, набравшие
более 80 % от максимально возможного количества баллов. При этом
итоговый результат, представленный как 100 %, складывается из
следующих составляющих: тесты 1–5 недели дают 4 %, тесты 6–9
недели дают 5 %, все практические задания дают 10 %, кроме
итогового практического задания по OpenMP, которое дает 20
%.\nСертификат о прохождении данного курса дает дополнительные
баллы при поступлении в магистратуру Национального
исследовательского Томского государственного университета.
Онлайн-курс занял 3 место на конкурсе EdCrunch Award -2018 OOC в
спецноминации "Культура, история, философия"\n\nВ данном курсе
изучение татарского языка основано на усвоении важных
составляющих культурного и языкового взаимодействия этого языка с
русским, что способствует посредством изучения языка погружению в
историю ареала его функционирования и предоставляет возможность
прочувствовать общее наследие наших русских и татарских предков.
\nСлушатели также осваивают коммуникативные методические приемы
Взаимодействие языков и культур: сохраняем и организации работы при изучении татарского языка как в качестве
расширяем свою идентичность (на примере National Research Tomsk State родного, так и иностранного в разных условиях социального
изучения татарского языка как родного и University culture взаимодействия.\nЕсли у вас татарские корни, изучение татарского
иностранного) языка и культуры в естественной среде и с использованием
современных методических наработок позволит вам сблизиться со
своими родными, больше общаться c родителями, бабушками и
дедушками, внести вклад в сохранение татарского языка как
национального наследия. \nЕсли вы относитесь к другой этнической
принадлежности, приобщение к татарскому языку раскроет вам мир
культуры ваших соседей, закономерности изменений вашего родного
языка; вы укрепите свое «когнитивное здоровье», потренировав
нейронные связи, отвечающие за переключение языковых кодов.
Вот и пришло время дипломных испытаний, пора отпускать Ваш digital-
корабль в неспокойные водовороты виртуального бизнеса! В рамках
Вашего дипломного проекта у Вас появляется возможность соединить
отдельные пазлы SMM-компетенций, о которых мы рассказывали на
протяжении всей специализации (мониторинг и конкурентную разведку,
графическое брендирование, комьюнити- и контент-менеджмент,
продвижение и измерение эффективности и другие) в единую
стратегию и тактику SMM-кампании по продвижению Вашего digital-
проекта.\nВ свою очередь наша задача в рамках данного финального
курса – оказать Вам информационную и методическую поддержку и
пошаговое, что называется step-by-step, сопровождение реализации
Вашего дипломного digital-проекта. \nКурс включает в себя в себя
прохождение слушателями 7 учебных модулей в течение 7 недель
обучения. Каждый тематический модуль (за исключением первого
Дипломный digital-проект: руководство к National Research Tomsk State вводного и 2-х заключительных модулей) содержит формулировку
действию University конкретных целей обучения, описание самостоятельного задания-
этапа проекта, поддерживающие тематические и методические
материалы. В конце каждой недели слушателям финального курса
необходимо будет выполнить задание, оцениваемое сокурсниками из
когорты в формате peer-to-peer. Это задание представляет собой
определенный этап проекта и является элементом реализации
продукта проекта. В заключение курса должен быть представлен
продукт проекта в формате презентации рекламной SMM-кампании по
продвижению и соответствующей бренд-платформы digital-
проекта.\nПродукт проекта как результат всего Вашего обучения
должен быть представлен в двух проекциях: как презентация
результатов деятельности по проведению рекламной SMM-кампании
digital-проекта и как объект, в данном случае соответствующая бренд-
платформа digital-проекта.\nИтак, у Вас есть все необходимое, чтобы
реализовать Ваш дипломный digital-проект. В Добрый путь!

Курс посвящен обзору биологических процессов, протекающих в почве

и роли живых организмов в формировании почвенного горизонта. В
этом курсе слушатели узнают, какую роль играют почвенные организмы
в глобальном круговороте вещества и энергии, научатся распознавать
различные систематические и трофические группы почвенных
животных, смогут оценить их возможности как индикаторов состояния
наземных экосистем. Также слушатели курса получат возможность
National Research Tomsk State ознакомиться со спецификой животного населения почв городских
Жизнь в почве
University экосистем и сельскохозяйственных угодий; использовать сведения по
экологии почвенных организмов для переработки органических
отходов, создания почвозамещающих смесей и улучшения почвенного
плодородия.\nДля успешного освоения курса и получения сертификата
слушателям необходимо набрать не менее 80% от максимально
возможного количества баллов. При этом итоговый результат
складывается из следующих составляющих: промежуточные тесты
дают 80 %, итоговый тест дает 20 %.
Курс «Зарисовки о Сибири. Город Томск: курс русского языка для
иностранцев» ответит на вопросы, которые часто задают иностранцы о
Сибири: Чем она богата? Каковы ее природные и климатические
условия? Что за люди здесь живут, чем они занимаются? Как устроен
сибирский город, сибирская деревня? Какие народности проживают на
территории Томска и Томской области? Как поддерживаются
национальные традиции? Как сохраняется деревянная архитектура?
Кто из томских студентов принимал участие в Олимпийских играх?
\n\nКурс может быть интересен \n- иностранным гражданам, которые
хотят совершенствовать русский язык;\n- бывшим россиянам,
проживающим сейчас за рубежом и интересующимся тем, как живет
Сибирь сегодня; \n- преподавателям русского языка как иностранного;
\n- иностранным студентам, выбирающим город, в котором хотели бы
обучаться на русском языке;\n- российским школьным учителям и
выпускникам российских школ.\n\nВ этом курсе слушатели смогут
практиковаться в разных видах речевой деятельности на русском
Зарисовки о Сибири. Город Томск: курс National Research Tomsk State языке (аудирование, чтение, письмо); расширить словарный запас, в
русского языка для иностранцев University
том числе за счет лексики, которая, как правило, не встречается в
распространенных учебных пособиях по русскому языку как
иностранному; улучшить грамматические навыки.\n\nПосле завершения
курса слушатели смогут применить свои страноведческие знания о
Сибири при изучении истории России, лингвострановедения России,
русской культуры. Приобретенные знания и навыки будут полезны
иностранным гражданам во время путешествий по России. \n\nThe
course will give answers to the questions about Siberia that are frequently
asked by foreigners: What is it rich in? What its nature and climate
conditions? What people live here and what do they do? How is a Siberian
town or a village organized? What nationalities live on the territory of Tomsk
and Tomsk region? How national traditions are maintained? How the
wooden architecture is being preserved? What Tomsk students took part at
the Olympic games?\nThis course will provide learners with an opportunity
to practice different types of speech activity in Russian (listening, reading,
and writing); to enrich their vocabulary with lexical units that are not typical
Курс разработан Московским государственным медицинским
университетом имени И.М. Сеченова при поддержке Национального
исследовательского Томского государственного университета.
\n\nСердечно-сосудистые заболевания – ведущая причина смерти и
инвалидизации населения развитых стран, однако до 50% инфарктов и
инсультов можно предотвратить, если своевременно заниматься их
профилактикой. Наш курс «Здоровье сердца и сосудов» адресован
тем, кто хочет, чтобы сердечно-сосудистые заболевания обошли их
стороной. \n\nВ рамках курса мы поговорим о наиболее частых
устранимых причинах и факторах риска сосудистых катастроф –
артериальной гипертензии, холестерине, курении, ожирении,
National Research Tomsk State повышении уровня сахара. \nМы обсудим, как правильно питаться,
Здоровое сердце, здоровые сосуды
University какая физическая нагрузка оптимальна для сердца. Вы узнаете, как
правильно контролировать артериальное давление, как
интерпретировать основные лабораторные данные. \nОтдельный
раздел нашего курса посвящен тем, у кого уже есть признаки болезней
сердца – аритмия, боли в сердце, одышка. Впрочем, может оказаться,
что «боли в сердце» к самому сердцу отношения не имеют, а аритмия
совсем не так страшна, как кажется. \nНаконец, для настоящих
любителей медицины мы подготовили исторический раздел,
посвященный открытию и изучению сердечно-сосудистых болезней.
Как известно, знание истории иногда позволяет избежать серьезных
ошибок.\n\nИтак, если вы планируете перенести очную встречу с
кардиологом в неопределенное будущее, тогда этот курс для вас.
В курсе освещается многовариантный подход к оценке семейного
здоровья человека. Такой курс может быть интересен как студентам
(биологам, медикам, психологам), так и не специалистам и широкой
аудитории разного возраста. Понимание генетического подхода и
составление родословной позволит слушателям молодого возраста
более осознанно подойти к планированию семьи и рождению детей, а
взрослым – к состоянию здоровья, и соматического (физического) и
психологического (психического), всех членов своей семьи.
Психологические подходы и представленные в данном курсе тесты
обратят внимание аудитории на эмоционально окрашенное состояние
функционирования семьи и взаимодействия внутри и вне семейной
системы. Курс «Здоровье семьи: загадки родословной» состоит из
четырех модулей. В первом модуле определим основные понятия:
генетика человека, наследственность и изменчивость, генотип и
фенотип, здоровье, генеалогия и родословная. Во втором модуле вы
узнаете кто такой пробанд, предки и потомки, научитесь составлять
National Research Tomsk State
Здоровье семьи: загадки родословной родословную, познакомитесь с гено- и фотогенограммой семьи. В
University zagadki-rodoslovnoy
третьем модуле нашего курса мы познакомимся с большой темой
«Родственные связи и передача наследственных признаков. Семья как
система». Слушателям предстоит узнать «жизненный и
онтогенетический цикл семьи», почему семья является системой и
какие признаки здоровья существуют в семье. Четвертый модуль курса
даст возможность узнать новое понятие «семейно-генетический
кризис», объяснить некоторые особенности своего здоровья, в том
числе психического, в связи со своей семейной историей,
познакомиться с клинической практикой работы с семьей. Также
слушатели смогут сформировать положительную мотивацию на
овладение современными понятиями и категориями различных наук –
генетики, медицины и психологии для возможности целостного видения
ситуации в области здоровья и семейных проблем; получить
представление об опыте и работе с различными методами
профессиональной деятельности специалиста, работающего в области
генетики, семейных отношений и здоровья семьи.
Зоопсихология изучает животных, находящихся на разных стадиях и
ступенях эволюции именно для того, чтобы лучше понять животное
внутри нас, зверя внутри человека. На данном курсе мы будем изучать
такие сложные и неоднозначные вопросы, как: что это за явление
природы – психика? Как, зачем и почему она возникла? Почему и как
развивалась? В каких направлениях развивалась? И, наверное, самое
интересное: как и почему возникло человеческое сознание?
Человеческое сознание как раз и отличает нас от других животных и
отличает не столь уж сильно, поскольку при малейших
неблагоприятных условиях, внешних или внутренних, обнажается та
самая сущность - природная сущность человека. В курсе вы узнаете о
различных методах исследования на животных и человеке, научитесь
анализировать и интерпретировать полученные в ходе исследований
результаты. Познакомитесь с основными концепциями, на которых
базируются современные теории. Этот курс даст вам возможность
смотреть на мир глазами зоопсихолога.\n\nЦели курса: \n-
National Research Tomsk State
Зоопсихология популяризация в общественном сознании зоопсихологии и
эволюционной психологии как современных научных отраслей,
имеющих ключевое значение для решения ряда фундаментальных и
прикладных психологических задач. -знакомство с основными
концепциями и их авторами. \n-изучение методов исследования и
механизмов познания. \n-формирование общего понимания
зоопсихологии как науки. \n\nРезультаты обучения слушателей:\n-
познакомятся с такими основными понятиями и их особенностями как:
эволюционная психология, сравнительная психология и зоопсихология.
Смогут рассказать о связи этих трех дисциплин;\n- смогут
классифицировать и привести примеры лабораторного, естественного
и формирующего экспериментов в зоопсихологии;\n-изучат
характеристики, достоинства и недостатки подходов к вопросу о
происхождении психики;\n-изучат развитие психики животных в
онтогенезе и филогенезе;\n-смогут перечислить основные критерии
сознания у животных и людей;\n-составят этограмму животного;\n-
проведут квантификацию поведения животного;\n-проведут
Для инновационного развития всех сфер робототехники необходимы
молодые специалисты, способные креативно мыслить, разрабатывать,
проектировать, внедрять и эксплуатировать сложные системы
интеллектуального управления и роботизированные комплексы.\nКурс
"Инновации в промышленности: мехатроника и робототехника"
рассчитан на студентов технических специальностей, а также тех, кто
интересуется робототехникой.\nМехатроника и робототехника
охватывает очень широкий круг вопросов, и одному человеку трудно
охватить и глубоко изучить все области исследования роботов. Данный
курс поможет слушателям сориентироваться и выбрать для
дальнейшей своей работы конкретное направление:\nизучение
структуры и кинематики роботов, приводы роботов, управление и
программирование, организация современного высокоэффективного
роботизированного производства, применение систем
автоматизированного проектирования изготовления деталей на
станках с ЧПУ и технологической подготовки производства и
Инновации в промышленности: мехатроника и National Research Tomsk State
др.\n\nСлушатели должны иметь знания по физике и математике в
робототехника University industry-robotics
объеме школьной программы.\nУмение ориентироваться в
математических и физических терминах, умение читать формулы,
знание базовых физических единиц и их обозначений, понимание
основ механики поможет слушателям успешно пройти данный
курс.\n\nКурс состоит из 6 модулей. Каждая модуль курса содержит
видеолекции, в конце каждой лекции – тестовые вопросы для
самопроверки своих знаний.\nКаждый модуль заканчивается
выполнением тестового задания из 10 вопросов. Это задание является
важным для прохождения курса. Слушателю необходимо правильно
ответить не менее чем на 7 из 10 вопросов. Сертификат получают
слушатели, набравшие от 70 % и выше от максимально возможного
количества баллов (100 %) за весь курс. При этом итоговый результат
складывается из результатов тестовых заданий по всем
модулям.\n\nСертификат о прохождении данного курса дает
дополнительные баллы при поступлении в магистратуру
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного
Курс разработан Самарским национальным исследовательским
университетом имени академика С.П. Королева при поддержке
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного
университета. \n\nФотографии способны рассказывать истории
наравне с текстами, созданными на естественном языке, быть
инструментом и объектом социального исследования. Курс «Как читать
фотографию» позволит овладеть специфическим языком фотографии,
необходимым для анализа уже существующих снимков или создания
новых.\nСлушатели попробуют формулировать собственные
исследовательские задачи для анализа социальных процессов сквозь
призму их визуальных проявлений. Освоят подходы к интерпретации
изображений и в творческих заданиях смогут применить их к
конкретным фотографиям. Научатся строить и оценивать композицию
снимков так, чтобы она передавала задуманное социальное значение,
разовьют на практике собственное визуальное воображение.
Проанализируют своё место в качестве агентов фотографического
National Research Tomsk State
Как читать фотографию процесса и совершенствуют опыт критической оценки условий
восприятия фотографии.\nКурс предполагает последовательное
освоение девяти тематически взаимосвязанных модулей. Каждый
модуль включает в среднем по пять видеолекций, словарь ключевых
терминов и список рекомендуемой литературы. После лекции
слушателям предлагается тест для самоконтроля из 3-5 вопросов.
Каждый модуль завершается проверочным тестом из 8-10 вопросов и
одним творческим заданием. Ряд модулей предполагает также
решение творческой задачи и подготовку аналитического
эссе.\n\nЦелями курса является:\n1.\tПоказать важность визуальной
грамотности и визуального воображения\n2.\tПродемонстрировать
познавательные возможности фотографии\n3.\tПопуляризировать
визуальную социологию\n4.\tПривлечь к курсу профессионалов из
числа слушателей Центров знаний (которые будут созданы в 2018 году
в пяти городах России)\n\nПосле завершения данного курса слушатели
смогут: оперировать основными понятиями визуалистики и теории
зрительного восприятия плоского изображения; выделять и оценивать
Целями освоения дисциплины «Менеджмент профессиональной
траектории (Career path management)» являются обучение
современным способам управления карьерой специалиста, освоение
базовых техник раскрытия потенциала сотрудника организации,
активизации и формирования профессиональной
перспективы.\nДанные компетенции необходимы руководителям
организаций и подразделений, HR-менеджерам, студентам как
бакалавриата, так и магистратуры по специальностям
психологического, менеджерского и инжинирингового
профиля.\nРазработка данного онлайн-курса является актуальной, т.к.
в настоящее время профессия «Менеджер профессиональной и
образовательной траекторий» является новой и одной из наиболее
перспективных. В настоящее время обучение в рамках данного
направления осуществляют Лондонский университет (курс «Будущее
образования»); Khan Academy и канал на русском языке на YouTube;
Массачусетский технологический институт; Udacity (курсы,
National Research Tomsk State
Менеджмент профессиональной траектории посвященные IT и профессиям будущего). В России проводится
University proftraektorii
большое количество исследований по данной проблематике,
появляются как отдельные статьи, так и монографии. Однако учебные
курсы по данной тематике ещё получили достаточно широкого
распространения.\nПоэтому данный онлайн-курс будет востребован как
среди HR-специалистов и руководителей подразделений, так и в вузах,
обучающих студентов по магистерским программам. \nПредполагается
реализация курса как на русском языке, так и на английском.
Разработчики курса профессионально владеют английским языком,
имеют опыт разработки онлайн-курсов, имеют 2 учебных пособия по
близкой тематике. \nРеализация данного курса в онлайн-режиме
позволит ввести в программу обучения магистрантов по направлениям
подготовки «Психология достижений», «Организация работы с
молодёжью», «Управление персоналом» элементы проблемно-
ориентированного и исследовательско-ориентированного обучения,
сконцентрировавшись в контактной работе преподавателя на
рассмотрении наиболее сложных элементов профессиональной
Курс “Методология научных исследований и котики” знакомит с
основами исследовательской деятельности. В нем описан полный цикл
проведения научных исследований - от постановки научной проблемы
до публикации статьи. \n\nВы узнаете, чем отличаются научные
исследования от ненаучных и познакомитесь с базовыми типами
исследований и основами статистической обработки данных. \n\nКурс
позволит вам научиться:\na. Ставить научную проблему и гипотезу, \nб.
Искать и анализировать статьи в научных базах данных, \nв.
Проектировать дизайн исследования, \nг. Обрабатывать и грамотно
интерпретировать полученные данные, \nд. Описывать результаты
National Research Tomsk State
Методология научных исследований и котики исследования в статьях и научных докладах. \n\nПомимо этого, в курсе
University nauchnyh-issledovanij-kotiki
показаны некоторые тонкости и практические приемы, значительно
облегчающие работу исследователю. Каждая глава курса
подкрепляется забавными и полезными практическими заданиями, а
итоговым заданием курса будет написание почти настоящей научной
статьи. \n\nГлавная фишка курса - все основные идеи объясняются на
котиках. Поэтому курс получился доступным для понимания
максимально широкой аудитории.\n\nКурс будет полезен студентам
естественно-научных и социо-гуманитарных специальностей
(биологам, социологам, психологам, медикам), начинающим
исследователям и аналитикам .
Роботы, которые будут жить и работать с нами бок о бок, они будут
готовить нам еду и обсуждать с нами любимый сериал, присматривать
за нашими детьми и родителями ... Не об этом ли пишут все писатели-
фантасты? В обществе уже давно живет идея «совместного будущего»
людей и роботов. Будущее уже наступило: социальные роботы совсем
скоро станут частью нашей повседневности. Готовы ли мы к этому?
Какие вопросы, помимо технических, нам важно решить уже сегодня?
Какие изменения общества, частью которого станут роботы, можно
прогнозировать? В чем специфика взаимодействия человека и
робота?\n\nRobots will live and work with us side by side, they cook us a
meal and discuss with us our favorite TV series, they'll look after our
children and our parents ... All science fiction writers wrote about it, isn't it?
The idea of "common future" of humans and robots is in the air. The future
is now: social robots will soon become part of our everyday life. Are we
ready for this? What matters, in addition to technical, it's important to decide
Мой друг - робот: введение в социальную today? What matters, in addition to technical, it is important to decide
National Research Tomsk State
робототехнику / My Friend is a Robot: today? What are the changes of society can be predicted? What is the
Introduction to Social Robotics specificity of the social human-robot interaction?\n\nВ рамках данного
курса мы познакомимся с новым междисциплинарным направлением –
социальная робототехника. Мы будем обсуждать именно
социокультурные аспекты, не затрагивая технические особенности
разработки роботов:\n• роль культуры в формировании представлений
о социальном роботе;\n• проблемы выбора внешнего интерфейса для
социального робота;\n• этические аспекты социального
взаимодействия человека и робота.\n\nIn this course we will look at a
new interdisciplinary direction - social robotics. We'll discuss the socio-
cultural aspects, without affecting the technical features of the development
of robots:\n• the role of culture in shaping perceptions of the social robot;\n•
the importance of the social robot interface;\n• ethical aspects of social
interaction between human and robot.\n\nПосле прохождения этого курса
вы:\n• узнаете об особенностях социального робота и о том, чем он
отличается от традиционного представления о роботах;\n• сможете
перечислить основные вопросы и направления социальной
Нам ежедневно напоминают: “Мы – это то, что мы едим”. Пища была и
остается фундаментальным фактором жизни человека и его
здоровья.\nКурс знакомит с возможностями использования пищи в
сохранении и управлении здоровьем на основе современных данных о
генетических особенностях человека и молекулярном составе пищи.
\nКурс охватывает широкий диапазон знаний от наук о питании до
генетики, геномики и антропологии. \nНа примере конкретных
клинических ситуаций разрабатываются индивидуальные схемы
питания, учитывающие генетические факторы, образ жизни, текущее
состояние организма и привычки, что позволяет достигать цели – будь
National Research Tomsk State то снижение веса, набор мышечной массы или просто здоровый образ
Молекулярная диетология: гены, еда и здоровье
University dietologiya жизни.\nЦель курса: предоставление информации и/или
совершенствование имеющихся знаний по вопросам разработки
индивидуальных схем питания для сохранения здоровья и управления
здоровьем.\n\nРезультаты обучения:\n1.\tПолучение и освоение новых
знаний в области молекулярной диетологии (составления
индивидуальных схем питания): \t\nКакие риски заложены в нашей
ДНК?\nМеханизмы взаимодействия генов и пищи.\nКак состав и
качество пищи влияет на наше здоровье.\n2.\tВозможность получения
знаний в управлении здоровьем: через индивидуальные схемы
питания, молекулярную диетологию.\n3.\tФормирование мотивации к
самообучению и целенаправленной познавательной деятельности
Одна из самых острых проблем современной России - низкая
конкурентоспособность предприятий и организаций. Основная причина
кроется в плохом управлении их деятельностью. Для успешного
управления организацией необходимо принимать правильные,
эффективные решения и продуктивно претворять их в жизнь.
Неправильные решения, особенно в сфере управления персоналом,
опасны снижением производительности труда и качества продукта,
росту его себестоимости, а значит и цены. Некоммерческая
организация так же может быть неконкурентоспособной и оказывать
некачественные услуги, а в неконкурентоспособных регионах и
государствах не хотят жить люди.\nУправленческие решения должны
решать проблемы, постоянно появляющиеся как внутри организации,
так и извне. Чтобы решать проблемы, надо их вовремя обнаруживать.
Именно поэтому и необходима организационная диагностика,
выявляющая существующие в организациях проблемы, их иерархию и
взаимосвязь.\n\nВ этом курсе слушатели:\n-узнают о существующих
National Research Tomsk State
Организационная диагностика подходах, методах и инструментах организационной диагностики,
University diagnostika
применяемых менеджерами организаций, консультантами и
исследователями для выявления «узких мест» и «точек роста» в
организации;\n-самостоятельно проанализируют свои управленческие
ошибки, организационные патологии, определят стадию жизненного
цикла, выявят основные организационные проблемы, построят
структуру проблемного поля своих организаций, чтобы точно
определить приоритетные проблемы;\n-разработают собственный план
необходимых изменений для достижения целей своей организации,
повышения её эффективности и конкурентоспособности;\n-узнают о
типичных ошибках, организационных проблемах и других особенностях
национального менеджмента в российских организациях малого и
среднего бизнеса, а также основных способах их
преодоления.\n\nСтруктура курса:\nМодуль 1. Оргдиагностика: кому,
зачем и российский опыт. Школа А.И.Пригожина\nМодуль 2.
Инструменты организационной диагностики школы И.К. Адизеса
(США): основные концепции и опыт применения.\nМодуль 3.
Социальные платформы можно уподобить волшебной сцене, где
каждый желающий, используя готовый реквизит и подмостки, может
поставить свою постановку почти бесплатно и пригласить зрителей-
юзеров с неплохими шансами превратить их в друзей бренда. Вы
можете разыграть целое представление по вовлечению пользователя
в Ваш бизнес. \nТеперь каждый желающий, используя инструменты
инфографики, цифрового дизайна, контент- и комьюнити-менеджмента,
может стать одновременно драматургом-сценаристом, режиссёром,
художником-декоратором и актёром шоу, разыгрываемого перед
цифровой публикой.\nНаш курс как раз об этом – как сделать так,
чтобы Ваша цифровая бизнес-постановка снискала успех у зрителя,
голосующего за неё звонкой монетой. В каком-то смысле это курс
драматургии и режиссёрского мастерства, но не обычного, а в
социальных медиа. \nВ наших лекциях мы расскажем Вам о новом
герое этой сцены и новом зрителе – аудитории социальных платформ,
новых подмостках – многообразии социальных платформ, о том, что
National Research Tomsk State
Основы SMM: тренды, аудитории, платформы происходит за кулисами – какие бывают аудитории и социальные сети
и как проводить сегментирование и таргетирование аудитории.\nКурс
является составной частью общей специализации «SMM-проект: от
выбора платформы до встраивания в стратегию бизнес-
коммуникаций», посвящен основам SMM-маркетинга и предназначен
для слушателей, нацеленных на использование социальных медиа в
своей профессиональной или образовательной деятельности. \nЦель
данного курса – продемонстрировать возможности SMM для бизнес-
коммуникаций; сформировать представление об SMM как части
маркетинга; обучить слушателей основам оценки и использования
ведущих трендов в области сетевого продвижения, сегментирования и
таргетирования аудитории. \nКурс включает в себя 4 модуля, в рамках
которых Вы узнаете об SMM как части интернет маркетинга и бизнес-
коммуникаций; о возможностях, достоинствах и недостатках SMM как
инструмента брендинга и PR; об особенностях аудитории социальных
сетей, сегментировании и таргетировании аудитории в SMM; о базовых
маркетинговых характеристиках популярных социальных сетей.\nПо
Почему возникают разногласия?\nМожно ли прожить без
конфликтов?\nКак действовать в ситуации конфликта?\nДать ответы на
эти вопросы - сущностное требование современности.\nОтветы
интересны как домохозяйке, так и руководителю крупного
предприятия. Трудные ситуации взаимодействия могут возникнуть
дома, на улице, в офисе, в студенческой среде, при большом
скоплении народа. Мы не застрахованы от стрессоров, обстоятельств и
людей, ввергающих нас в конфликтные отношения. Наш курс
подскажет, как превращать нежелательные явления жизни в полезный
опыт и получать удовольствие от общения и как помогать другим
предотвращать и разрешать конфликты.\n\nВ результате обучения
слушатели смогут:\n- сформировать позитивное отношение к
конфликтам;\n- использовать структуру конфликта при диагностике
ситуации;\n- овладеть тремя техниками, позволяющими быть готовым к
Практика разрешения конфликтов. Я - семья - National Research Tomsk State трудным ситуациям;\n- выявлять причины внутриличностных
работа - общество University
конфликтов через представление гуманистической, поведенческой и
психоаналитической психологии;\n- делать выбор осознанно;\n-
применять диагностические методы конфликта на практике;\n-
научиться анализировать семейные конфликты и выбирать адекватные
стратегии поведения;\n- выявлять и корректировать факторы,
влияющие на развитие организационных конфликтов.\n- развить
способность управлять своими конфликтами, благодаря
сформированной конфликтологической компетентности;\n- повысить
качество личной и профессиональной жизни.\n\nСертификат о
прохождении данного курса дает дополнительные баллы при
поступлении в магистратуру Национального исследовательского
Томского государственного университета. Перечень магистерских
программ находится по ссылке: https://pro-
Наш курс основан на практическом опыте консультантов систем
менеджмента по идентификации и управлению рисками предприятий
различных индустрий, в котором на примере производства мороженого
раскрывается одна из методик управления рисками.\n\nВ этом курсы
вы узнаете, что такое риски и возможности, как они могут поменять
точку зрения на бизнес-процессы любой организации, а также сделать
эти процессы более эффективными, уменьшить затраты, увеличить
прибыль.\n\nКурс поможет вам ответить на вопросы:\n-Как
идентифицировать риски?\n-Как применить риски к процессу и что это
дает?\n-Как эффективно управлять организацией, организовать
процесс, используя методику оценки рисков и выбора -необходимых
мероприятий?\n-Как сделать изменения управляемыми?\n\nПо
завершении этого курса вы научитесь:\n1)\tидентифицировать риски,
выявлять риски и возможности по отношению к
процессу;\n2)\tприменять методику анализа и оценки рисков к своему
проекту/процессу/предприятию;\n3)\tопределять процессы, разбивать
National Research Tomsk State
Прикладное управление рисками их на этапы и применять методику управления рисками для улучшения
University management
процессов, повышения эффективности;\n4)\tуправлять изменениями
системы менеджмента организации;\n5)\tпланировать и проводить
внутренние аудиты системы менеджмента, учитывая риски и
возможности;\n6)\tанализировать сбои и несоответствия системы,
процессов, продукции, изменять процессы и предотвращать появление
подобных несоответствий в будущем;\n7)\tпредотвращать или находить
решения производственных проблем путем оценки риска.\n\nЦели
курса \n1.\tПоказать возможности и преимущества практического
применения риск-ориентированного мышления для улучшения
деятельности компании и проектирования ее процессов.
\n2.\tОбъединив знание некоторых существующих методик и свой опыт
работы с предприятиями и организациями, «просто» рассказать о
сложном вопросе идентификации рисков. \n3.\tОбъяснить слушателям
связь риски – знания – изменения.\n4.\tНаучить интересно и
профессионально проводить внутренний аудит. \n5.\tНаучить достигать
целей внутреннего аудита: вовлечение персонала, поиск возможностей
Курс направлен на:\n• формирование адекватного представления о
разнообразии методов современной психодиагностики;\n• глубокое
изучение современных мировых этических стандартов работы
психолога – психодиагноста;\n• освоение технологий определения
достоверности результатов, полученных с помощью различных
методов диагностики;\n• изучение классических и современных
подходов к диагностике интеллекта, личностных особенностей,
потенциала одаренности и потенциала достижений личности;\n•
формирование базовых навыков применения классических методов
психодиагностики.\n\nПрограмма данного курса предполагает обучение
современным способам распознавания, измерения и описания
индивидуально-психологических особенностей человека; изучение
закономерностей вынесения валидных и надежных диагностических
суждений, правил “диагностических умозаключений”, с помощью
которых осуществляется переход от признаков или индикаторов
определенных психических состояний, структуры, процесса к
National Research Tomsk State
Психодиагностика констатации наличия и выраженности этих психологических
переменных; выполнение большинства базовых методик
психодиагностики и формирование навыка интерпретации полученных
результатов.\n\nДанный курс ориентирован на три категории
слушателей: \n• менеджеров по персоналу, специалистов клиент-
ориентированного профиля, сталкивающиеся с необходимостью
применения психодиагностических методов и/или принятия
управленческих решений на основе результатов психодиагностики;\n•
студентов программ очного и заочного бакалавриата гуманитарных и
менеджерских направлений образования \n• магистров и аспирантов с
различным уровнем подготовки, прошедших обучение по программам
бакалавриата в различных вузах и по различным
специальностям.\n\nСертификат о прохождении данного курса дает
дополнительные баллы при поступлении в магистратуру
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного
университета. Перечень магистерских программ находится по ссылке:
Об этом курсе\n\nЭто курс по психологии, но не для специалистов по
психологии, а для людей, стремящихся сделать свою жизнь, жизнь
своих близких или даже жизнь своих предприятий наполненной
призванием, контролем, подлинностью и точностью. Феномен
призвания неизменно интересен всем, кто изучал и изучает проблемы
мотивации, счастья, лидерства.\nВ основе курса лежит идея о
первичности целого, хорошего, настоящего, о том, что плохое – это
испорченное хорошее, и мы можем возвращаться к хорошему, то есть к
целому, воспитывая в себе и в других чувствительность к призванию.
\n\nПрактический смысл курса\n\nВ современном мире, ставшем в
некоторых социальных направлениях очень тесным, жестким жить по
призванию становится не только желательно, но и
необходимо.\nПрагматический смысл изучения психологии можно
свести к проблеме мотивации. Мотивация бывает разного качества.
Если вы понимаете, как возникает и сохраняется мотивация, вы
владеете ситуацией. Если мотивация для вас – неизвестность,
National Research Tomsk State
Психология призвания случайность, сомнение и пр., то ситуация владеет вами. Данный курс
University prizvaniya
способствует опыту осознания решающих точек вашего возможного
«возвышения до человека» и «падения до человека» \n\nЦели
курса\n\nДанный курс построен на диалектике призвания и
принуждения. Нечувствительность к призванию ведет к принуждению,
длящемуся до тех пор, пока чувствительность к призванию не будет
восстановлена. Эта закономерность справедлива для самых разных
уровней человеческого диалога с миром. Кем бы вы ни были:
родителями, воспитателями, преподавателями, руководителями,
тренерами, командирами, супругами, для вас будет полезным точно
понимать: что такое призвание и принуждение, как они появляются и
проявляются в вашей жизни. \nПроявления жизни по призванию - это
обновление, жизнестойкость, инициатива, талант, эффективность. Но
мы не всегда в достаточной степени чутки, открыты к призванию. Этот
курс направлен на то, чтобы развить Вашу чувствительность к
интонациям призвания и принуждения в жизни вообще и в конкретных
делах в частности.\n\nСертификат о прохождении данного курса дает
Эпиграфом к курсу может стать африканская пословица: «Хочешь идти
быстро, иди один. Хочешь идти далеко, идите вместе». Более точно и с
юмором этот курс можно назвать аукционом репутаций. Приходите и
попробуйте приобрести право на интересную вам область общения,
труда, развития. \nКурс посвящен психологии признания (репутации,
уважения, авторитета, первенства, компетентности). В понятной и
доступной форме он интегрирует современные достижения в области
психологии человеческого потенциала. Разумеется, не все достижения
этой популярной и обширной области исследований. Некоторые
результаты обобщались в предыдущих курсах этих же авторов:
«Genius. Talent. Golden Mediocrity», «Психология призвания». \nНикому
не хочется быть забытым, игнорируемым, низкооплачиваемым,
ненужным. Всем хочется заслуженного признания и уверенности в
обеспеченности своей жизни. Но не заблуждаемся ли мы в путях к
своим мечтам? Целями нашего курса являются, во-первых, понимание
феномена признания и горизонтов его воплощения: в сферах
National Research Tomsk State
Психология признания и самозанятости самоактуализации, самореализации, самовыражения и самозанятости;
University priznaniya-i-samozanyatosti
и, во-вторых, практика достижения признания  вашим
индивидуальным решением, вашим личным результатом. \n\nКурс
поможет сформировать коммуникативные компетенции (способность
взаимодействовать в определенной области знаний и деятельностей).
Вам буду предложены практики самоопределения в контексте
достижения социального признания и формирования социального
капитала.\nВ курсе рассматриваются следующие проблемные
вопросы:\n- какова действительная и возможная область ваших
персональных инициатив,\n- какие формы публичности (мероприятия,
события, пространства) вам выгодны, а какие не желательны, \n- каким
образом вы можете монетизировать ваш социальный капитал.
\nРезультаты прохождения курса структурированы в итоговых
заданиях: \n- регистрация в сообществах (авторитетных организациях);
\n- принятие на себя инициативной ответственности, поддерживающей
развитие почетного для вас сообщества. \n\nРезультаты
обучения\nСлушатели смогут утвердиться или пересмотреть в сторону
Курс направлен на:\n• понимание междисциплинарности и
гуманитарности проблемы изучения особенностей трудовой
деятельности;\n• глубокое изучение наиболее важных законов в
различных отраслях научного знания о труде;\n• освоение технологий
эффективной организации деятельности и регулирования
работоспособности и утомления;\n• изучение методов диагностики
профессиональной направленности человека;\n• изучение основных
теоретических подходов к пониманию мотивации трудовой
деятельности;\n• изучение концепций профессионализма и
профессиональных кризисов;\n• освоение технологий эффективного
построения карьеры.\n\nПрограмма данного курса предполагает
активный анализ собственного профессионального опыта, а также
сопоставление результатов собственного систематического
наблюдения за базовыми элементами трудовой деятельности и данных
Психология труда, инженерная психология и National Research Tomsk State литературных источников.\n\nРезультаты обучения:\n1.Формирование
эргономика University навыка распознавания различных функциональных состояний
работника в процессе трудовой деятельности.\n2. Освоение
технологии определения типа профессиональной направленности
человека.\n3. Освоение технологии выявления базовых мотиваторов
трудовой деятельности.\n4. Формирование навыка определения уровня
профессионализма и индикаторов наличия профессиональных
деструкций у работника.\n5. Формирование навыка применения
базовых процедур сопровождения и поддержки процесса
профессионализации работника.\n\nНеобходимые уровень подготовки
– базовые общекультурные компетенции, сформированные на
младших курсах бакалавриата.\n\nСертификат о прохождении данного
курса дает дополнительные баллы при поступлении в магистратуру
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного
университета. Перечень магистерских программ находится по ссылке:

Курс знакомит с ключевыми концепциями профилактики нарушения

репродуктивного здоровья женщины, а также включает четкие
алгоритмы действий при конкретных клинических ситуациях по
вопросам женского здоровья. На курсе рассмотрен ряд задач, которые
определяют перспективу рождения здорового ребенка,
предупреждение различных осложнений для матери и рассмотрены
оптимальные клинические решения при условии наличия рисков,
приводящих к возможным нарушениям репродуктивной функции
женщин.\nЦель курса - предоставление информации и/или
Репродуктивное здоровье женщины и National Research Tomsk State совершенствование имеющихся знаний по вопросам охраны
безопасная беременность University zdorove-zhenshchiny репродуктивного здоровья женщин для обеспечения снижения
гинекологической заболеваемости, физиологического течения
беременности и рождения здорового ребенка.\nРезультаты
обучения:\n1.\tПолучение и усвоение базисных знаний по различным
аспектам женского здоровья, влияющим на детородную
функцию\n2.\tВозможность получения информированного
консультирования по вопросам сохранения женского
здоровья\n3.\tФормирование мотивации к самообучению и
целенаправленной познавательной деятельности\n4.\tВладение
основами самоконтроля
Русский язык изменяется постоянно; это совершенно естественный
процесс, ведь не меняются только мёртвые языки. Сегодня на
изменение языковой системы влияют различные факторы: интернет-
коммуникация, средства массовой информации, воздействие других
языков – в первую очередь английского. \n\nКак мы можем оценить эти
изменения: они улучшают язык или «портят» его? \n\nАвтор
представленного курса вместе со слушателями ищет ответ на этот
вопрос. Специфика курса, который в университетской программе
традиционно называется «Русский язык и культура речи», состоит в
том, что он является общеобразовательным и повсеместно читается
студентам самых разных факультетов. В российских вузах его
ежегодно слушают экономисты, юристы, психологи, биологи,
информатики, историки, спортсмены… В онлайн-курсе
предпринимается попытка дать базовые знания, необходимые для
эффективного освоения дисциплины студентами различных
направлений и специальностей как российских, так и зарубежных
Русский язык как инструмент успешной National Research Tomsk State вузов. Курс будет интересен студентам (бакалаврам и магистрантам)
коммуникации University
нефилологических факультетов, слушающим курс «Русский язык»
(«Русский язык и культура речи») в качестве общеобразовательного, а
также всем интересующимся русским языком и изменениями,
происходящими в нём сегодня.\n\nСлушатели, познакомившиеся с
курсом, смогут получить или обновить теоретические знания в области
устройства языковой системы и тенденций развития языка, а также
усовершенствовать практические навыки анализа текста на примере
публицистического стиля, востребованного в настоящее
время.\n\nДанный курс включает уроки для отличников, которые
содержат важные дополнительные материалы на базе основного
курса, позволяющие получить более глубокие и обширные знания по
теме. Слушатели, которые, помимо основного курса, успешно
выполнили все задания для отличников, имеют возможность получить
сертификаты с отличием.\n\nСертификат о прохождении данного курса
дает дополнительные баллы при поступлении в магистратуру
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного
В настоящее время без сети не может обойтись ни кондитер, ни
водитель. И даже дети, которые еще не ходят в школу, а то и в детский
сад, уже пользуются сетями. Поэтому сейчас специалистов в этой
области требуется всё больше. Наш курс поможет желающим
разобраться во всех премудростях этого интереснейшей области.\n\nВ
этом курсе слушатели:\n- составят целостную картину о работе
локальных и глобальных компьютерных сетей;\n- увидят, как
передаётся информация,\n- поймут логику и принципы работы сетевых
протоколов и базовых служб,\n- научатся диагностировать
работоспособность сетевых соединений, выявлять и устранять
Сетевое администрирование: от теории к National Research Tomsk State неполадки, работать с сетевым\nанализатором,\n- освоят технологию
практике University administration виртуализации аппаратного обеспечения\n- и смогут создавать и
размещать собственные сетевые серверы и веб-ресурсы на
них.\n\nСлушатель получит представление и о самых низкоуровневых
процессах в сети, и о высокоуровневых.\n\nПосле освоения курса
слушатель сможет:\n- проектировать и разворачивать сети
самостоятельно,\n- настраивать сетевое оборудование,\n- настраивать
серверы и создавать веб-ресурсы, размещая их как удалённо на
стороннем, так и локально на своём оборудовании.\n\nКурс включает в
себя практическую часть, выполняемую при помощи средств
виртуализации аппаратного\nобеспечения непосредственно на
компьютере слушателя.

Мир сильно изменился с тех времен, когда люди общались между

собою с помощью писем на бумаге и с помощью голоса, теперь все мы
расставляем кому-то сети отношений и попадаем в них сами, все мы
отныне живем в Сети Глобальной паутины.\n\nВ этом новом мире
сетей старые приемы налаживания отношений не работают:
журналистов печатных изданий не читают в бумажном варианте,
маркетологи, делающие ставку только на оффлайн-работу, разоряют
компании, пиарщики и рекламисты лишаются оффлайн-аудитории, HR-
специалист, не умеющий работать в сетях, не получает достоверной
информации о своих кандидатах.\n\nЕдинственный выход для
профессионала: идти в Сеть, «ищите и обрящете»!\n\nНаш курс
поможет вам узнать:\n\n1.\tКакие сети и платформы существуют и как с
ними работать.\n2.\tПочему блоггеры испытывают от своей
Социальные медиа: маркетинговые National Research Tomsk State деятельности блОженство и какими бывают блоги с точки зрения
инструменты, сервисы и SMM-активности University SMM.\n3.\tКак работает френд-бизнес и как компании делают из
потребителей союзников, советчиков и сотрудников.\n4.\tКакие
существуют маркетинговые инструменты и возможности для работы в
социальных сетях.\n\nКурс является составной частью общей
специализации «SMM-проект: от выбора платформы до встраивания в
стратегию бизнес-коммуникаций» и рассчитан на то, чтобы дать
расширенные знания и навыки использования социальных сетей и
социальных медиа в сфере бизнес-коммуникаций, в широком смысле
этого слова.\n\nВ процессе изучения курса Вы узнаете о маркетинговых
особенностях использования фото-, видеохостингов, блогов и
микроблогов; о маркетинговых инструментах и возможностях для
работы в социальных сетях; о видах профессиональных SMM-
активностей в создании и раскрутке паблика на платформе социальных
Курс разработан Самарским национальным исследовательским
университетом имени академика С.П. Королева при поддержке
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного
университета.\n\nКурс посвящен методам решения олимпиадных задач
по программированию. В настоящее время соревнования по
информатике и программированию очень популярны среди школьников
и студентов. Дипломы олимпиад и умение решать алгоритмические
задачи помогают абитуриентам поступить в престижные вузы, а
студентам - устроиться на работу в ведущие российские и зарубежные
IT-компании.\n\nПо своему уровню курс ориентирован на начинающих
участников олимпиад. Он подойдет школьникам, студентам, учителям
информатики и программистам - любителям нестандартных задач. В
курсе разбираются методы, которым редко уделяется внимание в
школе или в вузе, но которые очень важны для успешных выступлений
на олимпиадах по\nпрограммированию. При прохождении курса вы
научитесь:\n-реализовывать перебор,\n-применять жадные алгоритмы
National Research Tomsk State
Спортивное программирование и динамическое программирование,\n-использовать битовые
University programmirovanie
маски.\n\nВсе методы объясняются на примерах конкретных задач и
отрабатываются на практике.\n\nДля освоения курса необходимо
владеть каким-либо языком программирования на базовом уровне
(ветвление, циклы, массивы, процедуры и функции). \n\nВ лекциях
даются примеры на C++, но для выполнения заданий можно
использовать любые язык программирования и среду разработки: вы
будете запускать решения на своем компьютере и отправлять
ответы.\n\nПо завершении этого курса учащиеся смогут решать
олимпиадные задачи по основным разделам курса:\nреализовывать
перебор, применять жадные алгоритмы и динамическое
программирование, использовать битовые маски.\n\nФедеральное
государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего
образования «Самарский национальный исследовательский
университет имени академика С.П. Королева» - один из ведущих
российских университетов. Статус Самарского университета закреплен
в нормативных документах Правительства РФ и признан
Курс включает рассмотрение всех основных этапов статистического
анализа, начиная от изучения предметной области и правильного
сбора данных, заканчивая оценкой адекватности построенной модели
и ее интерпретации на языке исходной проблемы. Программа курса
построена таким образом, что, начинаясь с основ, будет понятна и
доступна слушателям, не имеющим специальной подготовки в области
статистического анализа. Однако, по мере продвижения и углубления,
в рамках программы рассматриваются более серьезные и глубокие
методы исследования. В рамках курса слушатели приобретут базовые
навыки работы в программах статистической обработки данных SPSS,
Statistica; особый акцент делается на пакет R.\nВозможна разработка
заданий различной сложности для слушателей различного уровня
подготовки. \nЦель: ознакомить слушателей с основными
статистическими методами, применяемыми при анализе данных в
Статистические методы в гуманитарных National Research Tomsk State различных областях гуманитарных наук, психологии, социологии,
исследованиях University humanities лингвистики и пр., научить решать задачи статистического анализа
данных, начиная от формулирования исходных задач соответствующей
предметной области на языке прикладной статистики, выбора методов
решения и критериев качества полученных решений и заканчивая
формулировкой полученных выводов на языке предметной
области.\n\n\nПо итогам курса слушатели смогут:\n1. Проводить
предварительную обработку данных для статистических
исследований\n2. Применять статистические методы для анализа
данных\n3. Применять пакеты прикладных программ для реализации
статистических методов\n4. Интерпретировать полученные
результаты\n\nСертификат о прохождении данного курса дает
дополнительные баллы при поступлении в магистратуру
Национального исследовательского Томского государственного
университета. Перечень магистерских программ находится по ссылке:

Информации на тему детекции лжи и профайлинга много, но

структурировать самостоятельно и изучить весь массив информации
занимает у энтузиастов не один год. В курсе мы простым и понятным
языком даём научные знания и практики как верифицировать ложь с
помощью вербальных и невербальных каналов и учим разбираться в
людях.\n\nВ данном курсе вы научитесь считывать признаки лжи по
National Research Tomsk State разным каналам, составлять психологический профиль любого
Теория Лжи. Профайлинг
University человека, выявлять сильные и слабые стороны оппонента, правильно
интерпретировать невербальное поведение. \n\nДля кого это курс?\n—
Собственники бизнеса, руководители, ТОП-менеджеры, сотрудники СБ.
\n— Кадровики, собственник бизнеса и руководители отделов\n— Все,
кто ведёт активные переговоры (собственники, менеджеры по
продажам услуг или сложных товаров и т.п.)\n— Интересующиеся
тематикой верификации лжи и профайлинга.
Знаете, с влиянием – как со здоровьем: мы не замечаем его, когда все
в порядке, но остро чувствуем, когда его не хватает. \nХорошая
новость в том, что влияние – это навык, и его можно натренировать.
Поэтому мы собрали в нашем курсе самые разумные подходы к
вопросу влияния, самые интересные и действенные практики!
Отрабатывать их вы сможете как самостоятельно, так и в компании (в
компании даже лучше!).\nВы определите ваш персональный стиль
влияния, поймете, в чем ваша «сила влияния» и как ее оптимально
использовать. Вы обязательно разберетесь с ситуациями, где влияния
вам недостает, и найдете решение, как это исправить или
скомпенсировать. \nВлияние – это универсальный навык, нужный в
National Research Tomsk State самых разных ситуациях общения людей, и мы с вами будем разбирать
Универсальные практики влияния
University его не сам по себе, а в трех требующих наибольшей влиятельности
жизненных и рабочих контекстах: \n\tпубличных выступлениях,
\n\tпереговорах,\n\tуправлении людьми. \nМы верим, что при
определенной вашей настойчивости, терпении и азарте за четыре
недели работы в курсе «Универсальные практики влияния» рост ваших
способностей влиять будет заметен и вам, и окружающим вас
людям!\nМООК «Универсальные практики влияния» нацелен на то,
чтобы:\n\tсформировать понимание того, как устроено влияние и как
оно работает;\n\tопределить персональный стиль влияния, его
сильные и слабые стороны с тем, чтобы поставить и решить
персональные задачи развития влияния;\n\tотработать практики
влияния в публичных выступлениях, переговорах и управлении.
Курс “Целевой капитал - территория финансовой стабильности в
некоммерческом секторе” даст слушателям полное представление о
том, как создавать целевые капиталы, развивать их и управлять ими.
Целевой капитал - это один из эффективных инструментов финансовой
стабильности для некоммерческой организации в сфере науки и
образования, искусства и культуры, здоровья и спорта, социального
сектора. В рамках курса слушатели подготовят и обсудят с экспертами
проекты создания целевых капиталов своих организаций. В курсе
Целевые капиталы - территория финансовой National Research Tomsk State слушатели научатся: создавать целевые капиталы, выбирать
стабильности в некоммерческом секторе University управляющую компанию, разрабатывать программу развития целевого
капитала, использовать технологии привлечения средств, работать со
стейкхолдерами, анализировать проблемные ситуации и
ориентироваться в вариантах решения этих задач. \nПо завершении
этого курса учащиеся смогут: создать целевой капитал для своей
организации, разработать концепцию развития фонда целевого
капитала, выбрать управляющую компанию, применить эффективные
фандрайзинговые технологии, выстраивать отношения с меценатами и
друзьями организации.
Курс «Читаем русскую классику вместе. М. Булгаков "Мастер и
Маргарита"» нацелен на овладение в совместной деятельности
(преподаватель-студент) универсальной поэтапной моделью работы с
художественным текстом, которая может быть использована как основа
для формирования навыков смыслового чтения художественного
произведения. Подобные навыки значимы как в реальной
коммуникации, так и в учебной деятельности (на родном и иностранном
языке). Произведение М. Булгакова "Мастер и Маргарита", выбранное
для формирования навыков смыслового чтения, составляет золотой
фонд мировой художественной культуры.\n\nВ этом курсе слушатели
научатся:\n1. анализировать художественное произведение с точки
зрения коммуникативного замысла автора; \n2. комментировать текст с
точки зрения полученного коммуникативного задания; \n3.
интерпретировать художественный текст, выделяя содержательные и
языковые единицы, являющиеся основой развития писательской
мысли; \n4. прогнозировать содержание текста на основе смыслового
Читаем русскую классику вместе. М. Булгаков National Research Tomsk State
анализа; \n5. конструировать собственное высказывание; \n6.
«Мастер и Маргарита» University margarita
рефлексировать по поводу образов, образных средств,
коммуникативного замысла писателя; \n7. оценивать собственное
речевое произведение, созданное как результат рефлексии по поводу
текста.\n\nТребования к уровню подготовки слушателей: \n- знание
базового курса русской литературы в объеме средней школы (для
российских участников); \n- владение русским языком на уровне B2 –
C2 (для иностранных обучающихся), \n- прочитанный роман М.А.
Булгакова "Мастер и Маргарита" (для иностранных обучающихся
возможно прочтение на родном языке). \n\nThe ideal outcome from the
course is to master by means of teacher-student cooperation a universal
model of work with literary text that may be used as a basis of purposeful
reading skills formation. These skills are significant in real communication
and in training activities (both in native and foreign languages). The writing
that has been selected for purposeful reading skills formation is popular in
Russia as well as abroad. Moreover it is a part of the world literature gold
reserves. \n\nBy the end of the course learners will be able \n1) to analyze
Курс представляет собой последовательное описание базовых основ и
технологии создания экспозиций.\nКурс состоит из введения,
теоретической части и практикума, где слушатели будут применять
полученные знания, разработают и представят проект экспозиции
(выставки) на заданную тему.\n\nВ нашем курсе слушатели узнают
секреты профессионального мастерства по проектированию и
созданию выставок, смогут их применить в случае необходимости.
Если слушатели будут просматривать все рекомендуемые материалы
и выполнять все задания, они смогут раскрыть в себе потенциал
проектировщика и в итоге самостоятельно разработать концепцию
своей персональной выставки, смогут представить любую проблему,
тему прикладными средствами, т.е. без слов, с помощью вещей,
передавать информацию невербально.\n\nУникальность курса
заключается в том, что, опираясь на собственный уникальный опыт, мы
приведем свои предложения по теории создания пространственных
композиций и выставочных пространств, предложим методики
Эксподизайн: проектирование музейной National Research Tomsk State управления творческим процессом, поговорим о лучших экспозициях в
экспозиции в диалогах дизайнера и музеолога University
мировой практике, о собственных наработках, о современных экспо-
технологиях и новейших материалах.\nНа нашем счету чуть менее 30
(тридцати!) разработанных проектов и построенных музейных
экспозиций, участие в оформлении около 15 коммерческих пространств
– магазинов, выставок, витрин, ресторанов и кафе, расположенных в
Алтайском крае, Кемеровской области, Москве, Санкт-Петербурге,
Ямало-Ненецком национальном округе, но все же преимущественно
мы работаем в г. Томске и Томской области. Спектр приложения наших
знаний и умений дополнен также опытом проектирования около 80
жилых интерьеров.\nЭкспо-дизайн – увлекательный творческий
процесс, специалисты в этой области становятся очень
востребованными с развитием современного экономического
пространства, а также в туристической и культурной областях.\n\nДля
изучения данного курса слушатели должны иметь образование не ниже
уровня средней школы, быть разносторонне эрудированными,
обладать образным мышлением, готовностью идти на эксперимент.
«Этикет на все случаи жизни» - базовый курс этикета, который
знакомит с его основными правилами. Это фундамент, который мы
закладываем в строительство успешной коммуникации и
профессиональной реализации.\n\n Курс затрагивает важные вопросы
культуры взаимодействия в повседневной и профессиональной жизни.
Он поможет чувствовать себя адекватно ситуации, верно
National Research Tomsk State интерпретировать поведение других людей, совершенствовать свое
Этикет на все случаи жизни
University поведение. В результате освоения курса слушатели смогут обогатить
свой опыт межличностного общения с людьми разного возраста и
статуса, во время работы и досуга. Научатся оказывать знаки уважения
посредством одежды, взгляда, жеста, слова. \n\nОсвоение искусства
столового этикета поможет чувствовать себя уверенно на любом
приеме, в официальной и неофициальной обстановке, оказать теплый
прием и быть гостеприимным хозяином.
Есть мнение, что русский язык – не просто один из самых
распространенных языков в мире, но и один из самых сложных для
изучения. В нашем курсе мы покажем, что знакомство с русским языком
может быть увлекательным и даже забавным. Пройдя обучение, вы
сможете поддержать простую беседу на русском языке, найти выход из
обыденной ситуации, рассказать что-то о себе. \n\nНебольшие
видеозарисовки иллюстрируют и объясняют грамматический материал,
позволяют легко и быстро освоиться в новой языковой среде.
Лексические блоки подобраны таким образом, что к концу курса
слушатель сможет самостоятельно решать элементарные
National Research Tomsk State коммуникативные задачи на русском языке (на уровне владения
Я говорю по-русски/ I speak Russian
University языком А1). \n\nНаш курс подойдет вам идеально, если недавно вы
начали изучать русский язык или только решили его освоить. В каждом
из четырех модулей курса «Я говорю по-русски» вы найдете пять
видеолекций, интерактивные таблицы, новые слова и задания для
контроля. Курс поможет слушателям запомнить и закрепить основные
лексико-грамматические конструкции; получить навыки чтения, письма
и аудирования; понять сложный грамматический материал и уверено
использовать его в разговорной практике.\n\nПродолжить изучение
русского языка с преподавателями Томского государственного
университета можно на онлайн-курсах «Зарисовки о Сибири. Город
Томск» и «Русский язык как инструмент успешной коммуникации».

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest data generation machine for
the time being. It doesn’t produce the big data, the data is gigantic. Just one
of the four experiments generates thousands gigabytes per second. The
intensity of data flow is only going to be increased over the time. So the
data processing techniques have to be quite sophisticated and unique. In
this course we’ll introduce students into the main concepts of the Physics
behind those data flow so the main puzzles of the Universe Physicists are
seeking answers for will be much more transparent. Of course we will
Addressing Large Hadron Collider Challenges by National Research University
scrutinize the major stages of the data processing pipelines, and focus on
Machine Learning Higher School of Economics machine-learning
the role of the Machine Learning techniques for such tasks as track pattern
recognition, particle identification, online real-time processing (triggers) and
search for very rare decays. The assignments of this course will give you
opportunity to apply your skills in the search for the New Physics using
advanced data analysis techniques. Upon the completion of the course you
will understand both the principles of the Experimental Physics and
Machine Learning much better.\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write
to us:
People apply Bayesian methods in many areas: from game development to
drug discovery. They give superpowers to many machine learning
algorithms: handling missing data, extracting much more information from
small datasets. Bayesian methods also allow us to estimate uncertainty in
predictions, which is a desirable feature for fields like medicine. \nWhen
applied to deep learning, Bayesian methods allow you to compress your
models a hundred folds, and automatically tune hyperparameters, saving
National Research University
Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning your time and money.\nIn six weeks we will discuss the basics of Bayesian
Higher School of Economics in-machine-learning
methods: from how to define a probabilistic model to how to make
predictions from it. We will see how one can automate this workflow and
how to speed it up using some advanced techniques. \nWe will also see
applications of Bayesian methods to deep learning and how to generate
new images with it. We will see how new drugs that cure severe diseases
be found with Bayesian methods.\n\nDo you have technical problems?
Write to us:

The course aims to transfer the fundamental knowledge and to form the
basic competencies necessary for the development and the implementation
of a business strategy in an emerging market.\n\nThe students are going to
improve their analyzing, decision making, and planning skills as well as the
ability to recognize strategic opportunities and threats.\n\nThe course
requires the knowledge of basic economics concepts as the pre-requisite. It
is preferable that the students have some practical entrepreneurial or
National Research University marketing experience, but this is not obligatory.\n\nThe course has a
Business Strategies for Emerging Markets
Higher School of Economics distinct stress to the practice of strategic management. Although a few
fundamental theories are mentioned, the bulk of the ideas are based on
simple though efficient applied model that are easy to understand and
convenient to use. The multitude of examples and stories from the personal
consulting and managerial experience of the author are the hallmark of the
course. The author’s original drawings make the key concepts well
memorable ad cozy to deal with.\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write
to us:
Hi! Our course aims to provide necessary background in Calculus sufficient
for up-following Data Science courses. \n\nCourse starts with basic
introduction to concepts concerning functional mappings. Later students are
assumed to study limits (in case of sequences, single- and multivariate
functions), differentiability (once again starting from single variable up to
multiple cases), integration, thus sequentially building up a base for the
National Research University
Calculus and Optimization for Machine Learning basic optimisation. To provide an understanding of the practical skills set
Higher School of Economics optimization-for-machine-learning
being taught, the course introduces the final programming project
considering the usage of optimisation routine in machine learning.
\n\nAdditional materials provided during the course include interactive plots
in GeoGebra environment used during lectures, bonus reading materials
with more general methods and more complicated basis for discussed
This course is about communication on various levels. Over these 9 weeks
we will cover a number of theories, cases and applications in the field of
communication science. We will start with the foundational concepts of
communication theory, defining what the theory is and going through a
number of approaches to communication itself.\n\nEach week you will have
a test to check on your progress and understanding. We also have a final
text in the end of the course and a little bit of writing. As Oscar Wilde said, if
you cannot write, you cannot think. If you cannot think, others will do
thinking for you. So we find writing and reflecting pretty important for our
classes. Along the course we provide you with in-class materials: lecture
Communication theory: bridging academia and National Research University presentations, articles and additional readings. If you really want to get into
practice Higher School of Economics y-academia-practice the topic, don’t avoid this extra work.\n\nAlthough a substantial part of this
course is theory-based, communication theory has a very practical
application. Communication is an underlying process which creates and
develops relationships, communities, societies. We communicative on a
daily basis via a variety of means and channels. In our globalised and
increasingly interconnected world, communication skills are essential in
both the personal and professional spheres. It is our goal to leave you with
a contextualisation and conceptualisation of communicative processes that
will poise you to hone your own communicative skills — in other words, to
put theory into practice.\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write to us:
Main objective of this course is to trace the development of the Cultural and
Creative Industries as an idea and as concept and to identify the key points
of changes within it in relations with contemporary digital connected world.
Another important task of this course is to provide the deep understanding
of the difference between cultural and symbolic meaning products (such as
films, recorded music, book and periodicals, online media content etc) and
other kind of goods. \n\nThis course will help you to: \n - Identify main
peculiarities of cultural and symbolic goods in their difference with other
branches of economy in terms of production chain, risks, relationship
between different stages of production. \n - Be able to analyze cultural
products and symbolic goods from the organizational, economic, business
model point of view.\n - Be able to invent new business models and
analyze cultural products in terms of their productions risk. \n - Be able to
analyze cultural policies and creative industries/clusters policies.\n\nMain
prerequisite to this course is to be able to produce analytical texts in
humanities. Normally the course addresses all students of master level
National Research University
Cultural and creative industries interested in peculiarities of media and cultural economy and management.
Higher School of Economics industries
This course is strongly not recommended for those who:\n - Analyse any
market or industry only in microeconomic terms (supply and demand, level
of competitions etc). This course is not about market but about peculiarities
of symbolic goods;\n - Try to interpret culture only in terms of marketing
and management (i.e. culture is considered like a simple good to be sold to
the consumer). This course considers it more broadly like a human agency
to produce meanings of everyday life. That’s why cultural goods are
different and can not be interpreted exclusively in terms of consuming and
need more or less state support;\n - Try to interpret culture like pure “art”
and consequently are absolutely not preoccupied by organizational aspect
of its working. \n\nThis course uses a large number of concepts coming
from different fields of science: political economy of communications,
cultural studies, sociology etc. Some aspects of the course are commented
by known scholars in this field such as David Hesmondhalgh (University of
Leeds), Phillipe Bouquillion (University Paris 13 Nord), Bernard Miege
(Grenoble Alpes University).\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write to
Deep learning added a huge boost to the already rapidly developing field of
computer vision. With deep learning, a lot of new applications of computer
vision techniques have been introduced and are now becoming parts of our
everyday lives. These include face recognition and indexing, photo
stylization or machine vision in self-driving cars. \nThe goal of this course is
to introduce students to computer vision, starting from basics and then
turning to more modern deep learning models. We will cover both image
National Research University and video recognition, including image classification and annotation, object
Deep Learning in Computer Vision
Higher School of Economics computer-vision recognition and image search, various object detection techniques, motion
estimation, object tracking in video, human action recognition, and finally
image stylization, editing and new image generation. In course project,
students will learn how to build face recognition and manipulation system to
understand the internal mechanics of this technology, probably the most
renown and often demonstrated in movies and TV-shows example of
computer vision and AI.\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write to us:
The main goal of this course is to introduce topics in Discrete Mathematics
relevant to Data Analysis.\n\nWe will start with a brief introduction to
combinatorics, the branch of mathematics that studies how to count. Basics
of this topic are critical for anyone working in Data Analysis or Computer
Science. We will illustrate new knowledge, for example, by counting the
number of features in data or by estimating the time required for a Python
program to run.\n\nNext, we will apply our knowledge in combinatorics to
study basic Probability Theory. Probability is everywhere in Data Analysis
and we will study it in much more details later. Our goals for probability
section in this course will be to give initial flavor of this field.\n\nFinally, we
National Research University will study the combinatorial structure that is the most relevant for Data
Discrete Math and Analyzing Social Graphs
Higher School of Economics analyzing-social-graphs Analysis, namely graphs. Graphs can be found everywhere around us and
we will provide you with numerous examples. We will mainly concentrate in
this course on the graphs of social networks. We will provide you with
relevant notions from the graph theory, illustrate them on the graphs of
social networks and will study their basic properties. In the end of the
course we will have a project related to social network graphs.\n\nAs
prerequisites we assume only basic math (e.g., we expect you to know
what is a square or how to add fractions), basic programming in Python
(functions, loops, recursion), common sense and curiosity. Our intended
audience are all people that work or plan to work in Data Analysis, starting
from motivated high school students.

The course analyzes challenges faced by transition and emerging-market

economies, i.e., those middle- and low-income countries, which have
conducted market-oriented economic reforms and become integrated into
the global economy since 1990s. \n\nIt starts from a brief history of
communist economic system based on central planning in the former Soviet
Union and Central and Eastern Europe, its evolution and collapse at the
end of 1980s/ early 1990s and subsequent transition to a market system in
1990s and 2000s. Then it analyzes experience of market reforms in China,
India, other Asian countries, Middle East and North Africa, Sub-Saharan
Africa and Latin America at the same period. Finally, it discusses the
National Research University
Economics of Transition and Emerging Markets problems of contemporary global economy and global and regional
Higher School of Economics transition-emerging-markets
economic governance with the special focus given to emerging-market
economies and their role.\nBy the end of the course you will be able to
analyse emerging-market economies and economies in transition, taking
into account their crucial characteristics and historical
experience.\n\nParticipation in the course does not require any
preconditions, however, basic economic knowledge would be an
advantage.\n\nIn order to pass successfully this course you must score not
less than 80% for each of six after module quizzes and complete the peer-
assessed essay at the end of the course.\n\nDo you have technical
problems? Write to us:
The main goal of the course is to explain the main concepts of linear
algebra that are used in data analysis and machine learning. Another goal
is to improve the student’s practical skills of using linear algebra methods in
machine learning and data analysis. You will learn the fundamentals of
working with data in vector and matrix form, acquire skills for solving
systems of linear algebraic equations and finding the basic matrix
National Research University
First Steps in Linear Algebra for Machine Learning decompositions and general understanding of their applicability.\n\nThis
Higher School of Economics algebra-for-machine-learning
course is suitable for you if you are not an absolute beginner in Matrix
Analysis or Linear Algebra (for example, have studied it a long time ago, but
now want to take the first steps in the direction of those aspects of Linear
Algebra that are used in Machine Learning). Certainly, if you are highly
motivated in study of Linear Algebra for Data Sciences this course could be
suitable for you as well.
If you want to break into competitive data science, then this course is for
you! Participating in predictive modelling competitions can help you gain
practical experience, improve and harness your data modelling skills in
various domains such as credit, insurance, marketing, natural language
processing, sales’ forecasting and computer vision to name a few. At the
same time you get to do it in a competitive context against thousands of
participants where each one tries to build the most predictive algorithm.
Pushing each other to the limit can result in better performance and smaller
prediction errors. Being able to achieve high ranks consistently can help
you accelerate your career in data science.\n\nIn this course, you will learn
to analyse and solve competitively such predictive modelling tasks.
\n\nWhen you finish this class, you will:\n\n- Understand how to solve
predictive modelling competitions efficiently and learn which of the skills
obtained can be applicable to real-world tasks.\n- Learn how to preprocess
the data and generate new features from various sources such as text and
images.\n- Be taught advanced feature engineering techniques like
How to Win a Data Science Competition: Learn National Research University
generating mean-encodings, using aggregated statistical measures or
from Top Kagglers Higher School of Economics science
finding nearest neighbors as a means to improve your predictions.\n- Be
able to form reliable cross validation methodologies that help you
benchmark your solutions and avoid overfitting or underfitting when tested
with unobserved (test) data. \n- Gain experience of analysing and
interpreting the data. You will become aware of inconsistencies, high noise
levels, errors and other data-related issues such as leakages and you will
learn how to overcome them. \n- Acquire knowledge of different algorithms
and learn how to efficiently tune their hyperparameters and achieve top
performance. \n- Master the art of combining different machine learning
models and learn how to ensemble. \n- Get exposed to past (winning)
solutions and codes and learn how to read them.\n\nDisclaimer : This is not
a machine learning course in the general sense. This course will teach you
how to get high-rank solutions against thousands of competitors with focus
on practical usage of machine learning methods rather than the theoretical
underpinnings behind them.\n\nPrerequisites: \n- Python: work with
DataFrames in pandas, plot figures in matplotlib, import and train models
Industrial Organization is the area of economics that studies the markets as
institutions, the state of competition and strategic interaction among firms,
the industrial policy and the business decisions firms make within the
market framework. The course looks at the markets from three different
perspectives: the economic theory, the applied business perspective and
the institutional and legal perspective. The focus of the course is split
equally between the economic theory and business perspective but there is
a significant legal component incorporated in various topics. The course
includes economic modeling, game theory, numerous real life examples
and several case studies. We explore interesting topics of market
organization such as negotiations, antitrust, networks, platforms, electronic
Industrial Organization: Strategy and Competition National Research University
markets, intellectual property, business strategies, predation, entry
in Business Higher School of Economics organization
deterrence and many others.\n\nThe basic objective of the course is to
enable the student to understand the structure of markets and the nature of
strategic competition. Knowledge in this course will be valuable for the
students in acquiring managing and governance skills, enriching their
understanding of the institutional framework of business, and improve their
analytical ability in negotiations. \n\nPrerequisites: The course requires
understanding of basic economic modeling, knowledge of intermediate
microeconomics (especially production/cost theory), knowledge of basic
concepts and methodologies of game theory, intermediate econometrics
and basic calculus.\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write to us:

General Theory of Relativity or the theory of relativistic gravitation is the one

which describes black holes, gravitational waves and expanding Universe.
The goal of the course is to introduce you into this theory. The introduction
is based on the consideration of many practical generic examples in various
scopes of the General Relativity. After the completion of the course you will
be able to solve basic standard problems of this theory. We assume that
National Research University you are familiar with the Special Theory of Relativity and Classical
Introduction into General Theory of Relativity
Higher School of Economics Electrodynamics. However, as an aid we have recorded several
complementary materials which are supposed to help you understand some
of the aspects of the Special Theory of Relativity and Classical
Electrodynamics and some of the calculational tools that are used in our
course. Also as a complementary material we provide the written form of
the lectures at the website:\n\nDo
you have technical problems? Write to us:
The goal of this course is to give learners basic understanding of modern
neural networks and their applications in computer vision and natural
language understanding. The course starts with a recap of linear models
and discussion of stochastic optimization methods that are crucial for
training deep neural networks. Learners will study all popular building
blocks of neural networks including fully connected layers, convolutional
and recurrent layers. \nLearners will use these building blocks to define
complex modern architectures in TensorFlow and Keras frameworks. In the
course project learner will implement deep neural network for the task of
National Research University
Introduction to Deep Learning image captioning which solves the problem of giving a text description for
Higher School of Economics learning
an input image.\n\nThe prerequisites for this course are: \n1) Basic
knowledge of Python.\n2) Basic linear algebra and probability.\n\nPlease
note that this is an advanced course and we assume basic knowledge of
machine learning. You should understand:\n1) Linear regression: mean
squared error, analytical solution.\n2) Logistic regression: model, cross-
entropy loss, class probability estimation.\n3) Gradient descent for linear
models. Derivatives of MSE and cross-entropy loss functions.\n4) The
problem of overfitting.\n5) Regularization for linear models.\n\nDo you have
technical problems? Write to us:
Enumerative combinatorics deals with finite sets and their cardinalities. In
other words, a typical problem of enumerative combinatorics is to find the
number of ways a certain pattern can be formed. \n\nIn the first part of our
course we will be dealing with elementary combinatorial objects and
notions: permutations, combinations, compositions, Fibonacci and Catalan
National Research University
Introduction to Enumerative Combinatorics numbers etc. In the second part of the course we introduce the notion of
Higher School of Economics combinatorics
generating functions and use it to study recurrence relations and partition
numbers. \n\nThe course is mostly self-contained. However, some
acquaintance with basic linear algebra and analysis (including Taylor series
expansion) may be very helpful.\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write
to us:
This course is an introduction into formal concept analysis (FCA), a
mathematical theory oriented at applications in knowledge representation,
knowledge acquisition, data analysis and visualization. It provides tools for
understanding the data by representing it as a hierarchy of concepts or,
more exactly, a concept lattice. FCA can help in processing a wide class of
data types providing a framework in which various data analysis and
knowledge acquisition techniques can be formulated. In this course, we
focus on some of these techniques, as well as cover the theoretical
foundations and algorithmic issues of FCA.\nUpon completion of the
National Research University
Introduction to Formal Concept Analysis course, the students will be able to use the mathematical techniques and
Higher School of Economics analysis
computational tools of formal concept analysis in their own research
projects involving data processing. Among other things, the students will
learn about FCA-based approaches to clustering and dependency
mining.\nThe course is self-contained, although basic knowledge of
elementary set theory, propositional logic, and probability theory would
help.\nEnd-of-the-week quizzes include easy questions aimed at checking
basic understanding of the topic, as well as more advanced problems that
may require some effort to be solved.\n\nDo you have technical problems?
Write to us:
A very beautiful classical theory on field extensions of a certain type (Galois
extensions) initiated by Galois in the 19th century. Explains, in particular,
why it is not possible to solve an equation of degree 5 or more in the same
way as we solve quadratic or cubic equations. You will learn to compute
Galois groups and (before that) study the properties of various field
extensions.\n\nWe first shall survey the basic notions and properties of field
extensions: algebraic, transcendental, finite field extensions, degree of an
extension, algebraic closure, decomposition field of a polynomial. \nThen
we shall do a bit of commutative algebra (finite algebras over a field, base
change via tensor product) and apply this to study the notion of separability
in some detail. \nAfter that we shall discuss Galois extensions and Galois
correspondence and give many examples (cyclotomic extensions, finite
fields, Kummer extensions, Artin-Schreier extensions, etc.). \nWe shall
address the question of solvability of equations by radicals (Abel theorem).
National Research University
Introduction to Galois Theory We shall also try to explain the relation to representations and to topological
Higher School of Economics
coverings. \nFinally, we shall briefly discuss extensions of rings (integral
elemets, norms, traces, etc.) and explain how to use the reduction modulo
primes to compute Galois groups.\n\nPREREQUISITES \nA first course in
general algebra — groups, rings, fields, modules, ideals. Some knowledge
of commutative algebra (prime and maximal ideals — first few pages of any
book in commutative algebra) is welcome. For exercises we also shall need
some elementary facts about groups and their actions on sets, groups of
permutations and, marginally, \nthe statement of Sylow's
theorems.\n\nASSESSMENTS\nA weekly test and two more serious exams
in the middle and in the end of the course. For the final result, tests count
approximately 30%, first (shorter) exam 30%, final exam 40%.\n\nThere will
be two non-graded exercise lists (in replacement of the non-existent
exercise classes...)\n\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write to us:
The processes of globalization are highly complex and influence the multi-
layered structures of societies: economic, socio-cultural, political, linguistic
and education aspects among others. A remarkable increase in global
migration flows, especially over the last decade, required from the host
countries to pay particular attention to the provision of equal education
opportunities.\n\nChildren of migrants, frequently not being (fluent)
speakers of the official/national language(s) of the host country, need, and
above all, have the right, to get access to good quality education. In
addition, in today’s highly competitive labour-market, learning
global/international languages (e.g. English) is seen as a necessity. How
and at what age should children start learning an additional language (or
languages)? Do bilingual/multilingual children perform better at school than
their monolingual peers? Which language/education policies are successful
and which are not? What challenges students and teachers face in a
Introduction to Multilingual and Multicultural National Research University
multilingual/multicultural classroom? What measures do educators,
Education Higher School of Economics multicultural-education
schools, communities need to take in order to make the multilingual and
multicultural learning space more effective? The course Introduction to
Multilingual and Multicultural Learning makes an attempt to provide
answers to these and other related questions with reference to the latest
research and discussion of different case studies.\n\nBy the end of this
course, you will be able to:\n- critically evaluate various teaching practices
in multilingual and multicultural settings;\n- critically evaluate various
language policies and planning programmes implemented in multilingual
education settings;\n- obtain valuable insights to better understand the
learning needs of students in a multilingual/multicultural classroom;\n- apply
the knowledge you will have gained in this course, in
multilingual/multicultural classrooms;\n- obtain essential skills to deal with
immigrant/minority language students.\n\nDo you have technical problems?
Write to us:
Economics, psychology, and neuroscience are converging today into a
unified discipline of Neuroeconomics with the ultimate aim of creating a
single, general theory of human decision-making. \n\nNeuroeconomics
provides biologists, economists, psychologists and social scientists with a
deeper understanding of how they make their own decisions and how
others decide. Neuroscience, when allied with psychology and economics,
creates powerful new models to explain why we make decisions.
Neurobiological mechanisms of decision-making, decisions under risk, trust
and cooperation will be central issues in this course. You will be provided
with the most recent evidence from brain-imaging techniques (fMRI, TMS,
etc.) and introduced to the explanatory models behind them.\n\nThe course
does not require any prior study of economics and neuroscience; however,
it might require you to study novel interdisciplinary materials. The course
provides an introduction to the methodology, assumptions, and main
findings of Neuroeconomics. Our students have different backgrounds;
Introduction to Neuroeconomics: How the Brain National Research University therefore, I have adapted and simplified the course to allow all students to
Makes Decisions Higher School of Economics
understand the interdisciplinary content. This course will help you to start
your progress in the field of Neuroeconomics and to further develop your
skills during other more advanced courses and trainings in the future. For
some topics, the course will also provide supplementary videos to reveal
the opinions of leading experts in the field. Each module provides optional
reading material.\n\nThe course structure is as follows: During each video,
you will have to answer some relevant questions. Your answers will not
affect your final grade. At the end of each module, you must complete a
quiz consisting of 15 questions. To pass the course, you must reach a
satisfactory standard in all the course modules by completing all graded
quizzes and the final exam. In addition to watching video lectures and
taking quizzes, you will receive an invitation to join our forum. We plan to
join the discussions in the forum on a weekly basis.\n\nWelcome to
Neuroeconomics World!\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write to us:
Numerical computations historically play a crucial role in natural sciences
and engineering. These days however, it’s not only traditional «hard
sciences»: whether you do digital humanities or biotechnology, whether you
design novel materials or build artificial intelligence systems, virtually any
quantitative work involves some amount of numerical computing .\n\nThese
days, you hardly ever implement the whole computation yourselves from
scratch. We rely on libraries which package tried-and-tested, battle-
hardened numerical primitives. It is vanishingly rare however that a library
contains a single pre-packaged routine which does all what you need.
Numerical computing involves assembling these building blocks into
computational pipelines.\nThis kind of work requires a general
understanding of basic numerical methods, their strengths and
weaknesses, their limitations and their failure modes. \n\nAnd this is exactly
National Research University
Introduction to numerical analysis what this course is about. It is meant to be an introductory, foundational
Higher School of Economics analysis
course in numerical analysis, with the focus on basic ideas. We will review
and develop basic characteristics of numerical algorithms (convergence,
approximation, stability, computational complexity and so on), and will
illustrate them with several classic problems in numerical mathematics. You
will also work on implementing abstract mathematical constructions into
working prototypes of numerical code. Upon completion of this course, you
will have an overview of the main ideas of numerical computing, and will
have a solid foundation for reading up on and working with more advanced
numerical needs of your specific subject area.\nAs prerequisites for this
course, we assume a basic command of college-level mathematics (linear
algebra and calculus, mostly), and a basic level of programming
proficiency.\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write to us:
This is a master course given in Moscow at the Laboratory of Algebraic
Geometry of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
by Valery Gritsenko, a professor of University Lille 1, France.\nJacobi forms
are holomorphic functions in two complex variables. They are modular in
one variable and abelian (or double periodic) in another variable. The theory
of Jacobi modular forms became an independent research subject after the
famous book of Martin Eichler and Don Zagier “Jacobi modular forms”
(Progress in Mathematics, vol. 55, 1985) which was cited more than a
thousand times in research papers. This is due to many applications of
Jacobi forms in arithmetic, topology, algebraic and differential geometry,
mathematical and theoretical physics, in the theory of Lie algebras, etc. The
list of mentioned subjects shows that my course might be useful for master
National Research University
Jacobi modular forms: 30 ans après and Ph.D. students working in different directions.\nMotivated
Higher School of Economics jacobi
undergraduate students can also study this subject. To follow the course
one has to know only elementary basic facts from the theory of modular
forms (for example, the paragraphs 1-4 of the chapter VII of Serre’s “A
Course in Arithmetic” are enough).\nThe main hero of the course is the
Jacobi theta-series. Using it we will construct a lot of concrete examples of
Jacobi forms in one or many abelian variables, in particular, Jacobi forms
for root systems.\nFor some of you, who will be successful with the
theoretical exercises of the course, I am ready to formulate research
problems for Master or Ph.D. thesis. (Ph.D. support might be available at
CEMPI in Lille or at the Faculty of Mathematics of National Research
University Higher School of Economics in Moscow)\n\nDo you have
technical problems? Write to us:

This course is an important part of the undergraduate stage in education for

future economists. It's also useful for graduate students who would like to
gain knowledge and skills in an important part of math. It gives students
skills for implementation of the mathematical knowledge and expertise to
the problems of economics. Its prerequisites are both the knowledge of the
single variable calculus and the foundations of linear algebra including
operations on matrices and the general theory of systems of simultaneous
equations. Some knowledge of vector spaces would be beneficial for a
student. \n\nThe course covers several variable calculus, both constrained
and unconstrained optimization. The course is aimed at teaching students
National Research University to master comparative statics problems, optimization problems using the
Mathematics for economists
Higher School of Economics economists acquired mathematical tools. \nHome assignments will be provided on a
weekly basis.\n\nThe objective of the course is to acquire the students’
knowledge in the field of mathematics and to make them ready to analyze
simulated as well as real economic situations.\n\nStudents learn how to use
and apply mathematics by working with concrete examples and exercises.
Moreover this course is aimed at showing what constitutes a solid proof.
The ability to present proofs can be trained and improved and in that
respect the course is helpful. It will be shown that math is not reduced just
to “cookbook recipes”. On the contrary the deep knowledge of math
concepts helps to understand real life situations.\n\nDo you have technical
problems? Write to us:
Every mobile app gives you something. It could be not only something
tangible like the pair of jeans you've ordered using the app but also a piece
of work like waking you up in the morning. It could be a feeling, for instance,
a feeling of enjoyment obtained from watching a video clip or a feeling of
closeness flashed out after receiving an old photo from a loving person via
some instant messenger. That "something" is actually the reason why you
use the app, it is the heart of the product, and in this course we will not talk
about it. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. There are always two sides of a coin.
There should be a person who makes that "something" accessible. It is
astonishingly important because the use of the product loses its meaning if
users can’t get what they want.\n\nThe main objective of the course is to
teach you to shape mobile products and services for people’s use. To do
that, you’ll need to learn:\n- Interaction design activities and their place in
the whole product design process\n- User research methods with a focus
on the qualitative ones\n- Usability inspection and empirical usability
evaluation methods\n- The process of design creation and best practices
Mobile Interaction Design: How to Design Usable National Research University
from interaction design, information architecture and visual design fields of
Mobile Products and Services Higher School of Economics design
study with a focus on the former\nInterfaces of handheld devices and
tablets are in the spotlight. However, the processes and techniques covered
by the course can be successfully applied to design interactions with mobile
web apps and wearables. It should be noted that this course does not cover
topics such as design management and mobile development, and it will as
well not teach you how to use wireframing and prototyping tools.\n\nWhat
makes the course unique is a focus on the way of thinking during a design
process, the representation of a designer’s decisions in the form of design
questions that make the continuous reflection on the design process
possible and leads to the growth of the number of proposed design
alternatives. The second unique thing about this course is a focus on the
explanation of the concept of usability problems, and the processes of
discovering and analysing them.\n\nUpon completion of the course, you will
be able to:\n- Improve designs by eliminating different kinds of interaction
problems\n- Design huge chunks of user interfaces in the case of adding a
new feature to a product\n- Redesign a complete app by a given set of
This course covers a wide range of tasks in Natural Language Processing
from basic to advanced: sentiment analysis, summarization, dialogue state
tracking, to name a few. Upon completing, you will be able to recognize
NLP tasks in your day-to-day work, propose approaches, and judge what
techniques are likely to work well. The final project is devoted to one of the
most hot topics in today’s NLP. You will build your own conversational chat-
bot that will assist with search on StackOverflow website. The project will be
based on practical assignments of the course, that will give you hands-on
experience with such tasks as text classification, named entities recognition,
National Research University and duplicates detection. \n\nThroughout the lectures, we will aim at finding
Natural Language Processing
Higher School of Economics a balance between traditional and deep learning techniques in NLP and
cover them in parallel. For example, we will discuss word alignment models
in machine translation and see how similar it is to attention mechanism in
encoder-decoder neural networks. Core techniques are not treated as black
boxes. On the contrary, you will get in-depth understanding of what’s
happening inside. To succeed in that, we expect your familiarity with the
basics of linear algebra and probability theory, machine learning setup, and
deep neural networks. Some materials are based on one-month-old papers
and introduce you to the very state-of-the-art in NLP research.\n\nDo you
have technical problems? Write to us:

Welcome to the Reinforcement Learning course. \n\nHere you will find out
about:\n\n- foundations of RL methods: value/policy iteration, q-learning,
policy gradient, etc.\n--- with math & batteries included\n\n- using deep
neural networks for RL tasks\n--- also known as "the hype train"\n\n- state
National Research University
Practical Reinforcement Learning of the art RL algorithms\n--- and how to apply duct tape to them for practical
Higher School of Economics
problems.\n\n- and, of course, teaching your neural network to play
games\n--- because that's what everyone thinks RL is about. We'll also use
it for seq2seq and contextual bandits.\n\nJump in. It's gonna be fun!\n\nDo
you have technical problems? Write to us:
Exploration of Data Science requires certain background in probability and
statistics. This course introduces you to the necessary sections of
probability theory and statistics, guiding you from the very basics all way up
to the level required for jump starting your ascent in Data Science. \n\nThe
core concept of the course is random variable — i.e. variable whose values
are determined by random experiment. Random variables are used as a
model for data generation processes we want to study. Properties of the
data are deeply linked to the corresponding properties of random variables,
such as expected value, variance and correlations. Dependencies between
Probability Theory, Statistics and Exploratory Data National Research University random variables are crucial factor that allows us to predict unknown
Analysis Higher School of Economics statistics quantities based on known values, which forms the basis of supervised
machine learning. We begin with the notion of independent events and
conditional probability, then introduce two main classes of random
variables: discrete and continuous and study their properties. Finally, we
learn different types of data and their connection with random
variables.\n\nWhile introducing you to the theory, we'll pay special attention
to practical aspects for working with probabilities, sampling, data analysis,
and data visualization in Python.\n\nThis course requires basic knowledge
in Discrete mathematics (combinatorics) and calculus (derivatives,

This course offers an introduction into the public economics theory. It does
not aspire to cover theories of taxation, public expenditures, regulation etc.
at length and in-depth. Rather, our ambition is to give a bird's-eye view of
central themes of public economics and related disciplines, and teach
concepts, logic, and ideas, rather than methods of analysis, which would
require an entirely different course format.\n\nOur choice of topics covered
by the course reflects a trade-off between salience and centrality, on the
one hand, and suitability for a brief online introductory course, on the other.
The course content is neither comprehensive (which would be a "mission
impossible" for virtually any public economics course"), nor representative
of other such courses. With these limitations and caveats in mind, we
National Research University encourage our students to continue their public economics studies in a
Public Economics
Higher School of Economics more regular fashion, and see our role inter alia in motivating interest in
such "continued education".\n\nThe central theme of the course is the role
of government as a mechanism of resource allocation which complements
and augments markets. Governments are viewed as public agencies set to
correct market failures. Such agencies however are prone to failures of their
own, and hence markets and governments are two imperfect alternatives.
We deal with government's limitations, with particular emphasis on those
that have to do with informational asymmetry, limited administrative
capacity, and imperfect accountability to society. Otherwise the course's
man themes are economics of taxation, regulation, politics of public
economics, incentives in government, and government vis-à-vis (civil)
society.\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write to us:
This course provides an introduction to the study of the history, major
teachings, and practices of the major Chinese religions and spiritual
practices and is deigned to give conceptual tools to appreciate diverse
religious practice in East. It covers the development of Buddhism, Daoism,
Confucianism and wide range of popular and local religions. From historical
perspective we will also explore the development of key theological,
religious and philosophical doctrines as well as associated practices. An
effort will be made to spend time on each tradition according to its
National Research University importance to Asia as a whole. \n\nWe will explore the role of religions in
Religions and Society in China
Higher School of Economics china politics and social relations in East and South, South East Asia and China in
particular, and will analyze the origins, central teachings, divisions and
branches, rituals and practices, influences on culture, and responses to
modern challenges for each tradition. \n\nThe emphasis throughout the
course is on the hermeneutic difficulties attendant upon the study of religion
in general, and Asian religions in particular. We will explore new Asian
religions as dynamic, ongoing forces in the lives of individuals and in the
collective experience of modern societies.\n\nDo you have technical
problems? Write to us:

The course presents the life and deeds of Joseph Stalin, the leader of the
Soviet Union from 1924 till 1953. It analyses the reasons for his actions and
their results, as well as the causes of his popularity in Russia today. It offers
an analysis of the phenomenon of Stalinism and of its significance for
Russia and beyond.\n\nIn the late 1920s – early 1930s Stalin directed the
massive and rapid industrialisation of the country and the forced
collectivisation of its agriculture. The industrialisation was based on forced
labour, and collectivisation on repression, but both helped to create the
material base for the Soviet defence industry. In the late 1930s Stalin
National Research University unleashed mass terror against the Soviet people, in which millions
Stalin and Stalinism in Russian History
Higher School of Economics perished. In his view this helped to rid the country of any potential internal
enemies on the eve of the coming war. \n\nThe USSR, together with its
allies, won the Second World War, but at the cost of dozens of millions of
lives. Stalin was instrumental in creating the post-war order. The system
which he created in the 1930s shaped the USSR as it was during his
lifetime and for decades after his death. It also influenced the lives of
millions of people beyond the Soviet borders. \n\nThe course will enable
those who take it to develop an informed understanding of the Stalin era
and of the phenomenon of Stalinism.\n\n\nDo you have technical
problems? Write to us:
The purpose of this course is to equip students with theoretical knowledge
and practical skills, which are necessary for the analysis of stochastic
dynamical systems in economics, engineering and other fields.\nMore
precisely, the objectives are \n1. study of the basic concepts of the theory of
stochastic processes;\n2. introduction of the most important types of
stochastic processes;\n3. study of various properties and characteristics of
processes;\n4. study of the methods for describing and analyzing complex
stochastic models.\nPractical skills, acquired during the study process:\n1.
understanding the most important types of stochastic processes (Poisson,
Markov, Gaussian, Wiener processes and others) and ability of finding the
National Research University
Stochastic processes most appropriate process for modelling in particular situations arising in
Higher School of Economics
economics, engineering and other fields;\n2. understanding the notions of
ergodicity, stationarity, stochastic integration; application of these terms in
context of financial mathematics; \nIt is assumed that the students are
familiar with the basics of probability theory. Knowledge of the basics of
mathematical statistics is not required, but it simplifies the understanding of
this course.\nThe course provides a necessary theoretical basis for studying
other courses in stochastics, such as financial mathematics, quantitative
finance, stochastic modeling and the theory of jump - type
processes.\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write to us:

The aim of the course is to obtain the idea of the lexicon as a complex
system and to get the methodology of the typological approach to the
lexicon cross-linguistically, as well as to learn about the general
mechanisms of semantic shift and their typological relevance.\n\nBy the
end of the course the students should know the basic principles of lexical
organization, the main parameters of semantic variations in lexicon, and be
able to apply the basic methods of the analysis of lexical meaning to
different lexical domains.\nThe course is designed for students of linguistic
Towards language universals through lexical
National Research University programs (BA, MA, PhD), as well as for teachers and researchers in the
semantics: introduction to lexical and semantic
Higher School of Economics typology named field. \n\nThe course contains the overview of different approaches
to the semantic description of lexical items and lexical systems in different
languages and discusses the methodology of Moscow Lexical Typology
Group (lecture 1). This methodology (“frame approach”) is illustrated with
the data of the following domains: aquamotion verbs (lecture 2), verbs of
falling (lecture 3), adjectives denoting oldness (lecture 4) and pain
metaphors (lecture 5 and 6). The results of the analyses are visualized with
specially constructed lexical semantic maps.\n\nDo you have technical
problems? Write to us:
The course aims to introduce the key assumptions of the international
relations theory as a part of social science and as an analytic tool, focusing
on the problems of war and peace, foreign policy decision-making, etc. The
course combines historic approach and analysis of the modern political
problems. The historic part shows the evolution of the international
relations theory from being a part of political philosophy to its emergence as
a special branch of political science, which is essential to understand the
National Research University key ideas of the IR science. The lectures also include broad outline of the
Understanding International Relations Theory
Higher School of Economics relations-theory modern concepts and debates in the context of the contemporary political
problems, such as rise of China and other emerging powers, threat of
terrorism, US-Russia confrontation, etc. \n\nThe lectures of the two
outstanding Russian scholars and political analysts – Timofey Bordachev
and Dmitry Suslov - cover such fields as the problems of international
security and conflict resolution, international economic relations, foreign
policy decision-making, global governance, the role of power in the
IR.\n\nDo you have technical problems? Write to us:

The purpose of the course is to bring the basic knowledge on the specific
aspects of Russian economy that had significant impact on the latest
development trends in Russia.\nThis course will provide you with
knowledge on: \n1) the basics of economy;\n2)\tunderstanding the role of
market reforms in developing the key features of modern Russian
economy;\n3)\tunderstanding specific aspects of Russian
economy;\n4)\tcause-effect relationship of the most significant trends in
Russia’s economic development;\n5)\tinstruments for analysis of Russian
economy;\n6)\tbusiness climate in Russia and skills required for doing
business in Russia.\nCurrently, different aspects of economy have some
influence on us and our behavior - e.g. currency exchange rates, inflation
and other things define the way in which we distribute our income between
savings and investments. In order to understand these principles it is
Understanding Russian Economy. Problems of National Research University
required to have the basic knowledge on economics. So it is not only a
Transition Higher School of Economics transition
lecture on Russian economy. Another main objective of the course is to
develop knowledge on the basics of economy as such. So the course will
disclose universal patterns by analyzing trends in Russian
economy.\nFAQ:\nQ: What is targeted audience for this course? What are
the course prerequisites?\nA: The course is mainly developed for students
pursuing their master’s degree in the field of international economy and for
those who have a professional interest in Russian economy. It requires
basic knowledge of economic terms.\nQ: What are the minimum
requirements to pass the course?\nA: In order to pass the course and
receive a Course Certificate you will need to have at least 80% of correct
answers in each quiz.\nWelcome to the course “Understanding Russian
Economy. Problems of Transition”!\n\nDo you have technical problems?
Write to us:
In the course “Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural
Communications": we will:\n\n1)\tBuild skills in the analysis of the
intercultural communication process using Russian-Western communication
as an example. \n2)\tApply the knowledge of interrelations between
different contexts of communication (cultural, institutional, professional,
social, interpersonal, etc.) to the cultural history and national psychology of
Russians.\n\nThe purpose of the course is to provide the students with a
broad overview of the basic principles governing the past, the present and
the future interactions between Russia and the West, with a focus on the
culture and national psychology of Russians and Western
Europeans.\n\nFor example, we will look at the cases when basic cultural
values of Russians show up through the linguistic choices shaping
language production which is consequently misattributed by Western
partners. No matter what the language of intercultural communication is –
Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural National Research University Russian, or English – the meaning of many linguistic expressions may be
Communication Higher School of Economics communication-russians reconstructed wrongly by the representatives of another culture.\n\nSome of
the basic questions we will tackle are:\n\n•\tWhat are the concepts of
culture that have the strongest influence on communication?\n•\tWhat are
Russian basic cultural values and how they shape modern Russian
consciousness?\n•\tWhat are the specific communication patterns of
modern Russians, including those of public and electronic
discourse?\n•\tWhat is important to know about communication with
Russians in organizational contexts?\n\nImportantly, this course is NOT just
a list of practical instructions of dos and don’ts of dealing with Russians.
The course contains a substantial academic component introducing the key
notions and concepts of the Theory of Communication, which will be
extensively introduced throughout the first few modules of the course.
These theoretical grounds will be further on used as a tool for analyzing the
intercultural communications with Russians.\n\nDo you have technical
problems? Write to us:

В курсе рассматриваются кейсы авторских школ в российском

образовании. Материалы содержат видео-интервью с директорами и
управленческими командами, которые выступили в качестве
организаторов введения инновационных образовательных технологий.
\n\nГерои курса рассказывают о том, как они проектировали и строили
свои образовательные организации: от замысла до реализации, с
National Research University какими трудностями сталкивались, как их преодолевали. Эксперты и
Авторские школы
Higher School of Economics спикеры очерчивают круг проблем, связанный с проектированием,
обозначают подходы к их выявлению и разрешению, выделяют
сущностные признаки школьных инноваций. \n\nКурс поможет
познакомиться с опытом проектирования, создания и реструктуризации
общеобразовательных организаций. на примере анализа кейсов для
заимствования опыта лидеров и использования набора практик при
проектирования собственных образовательных организаций.
Курс «Алгоритмизация вычислений» будет вам интересен и просто
необходим, если вы хотели бы изучить программирование с нуля и
выйти на хороший базовый уровень, научиться составлять, понимать и
анализировать алгоритмы. \n\nВ результате изучения курса вы
сможете:\n• записывать математическую постановку задачи;\n•
применять стандартные алгоритмы для решения задач;\n• оценивать
оптимальность алгоритмов и выбирать алгоритм, дающий лучшее
решение задачи;\n• проверять правильность алгоритма методом
трассировки;\n• кодировать алгоритмы с использованием технологии
структурного программирования;\n• отлаживать и тестировать
программы. \n\nИзучение данной дисциплины базируется на знании
Алгоритмизация вычислений (Algorithmic National Research University
студентами основ математики, информатики и основ алгоритмизации в
computation) Higher School of Economics vychislenij
пределах программы средней школы, умении применять
математический аппарат при выборе метода решения задачи.\nДля
освоения учебной дисциплины, студенты должны владеть школьными
знаниями, получаемыми в процессе изучения указанных выше
курсов.\n\nЭтот курс лежит в основе всего программирования. Можно
сказать, что это фундамент, на котором будет строиться все
дальнейшее обучение программированию. Мы будем решать задачи,
постепенно переходя от простых к более сложным. В конечном итоге
вы научитесь решать задачи обработки динамических списков, т.е.
работать на хорошем базовом уровне.\n\nПоявились технические
трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:

Цель курса - дать слушателям начальные представления и навыки

обращения с приближенными аналитическими вычислениями. Такие
методы широко используются в практической работе физиков, но почти
не излагаются в регулярных лекционных курсах, что препятствует
включению студентов в исследовательский процесс. Большинство
лекций также содержат в себе семинарскую часть с разбором задач.
National Research University
Введение в математические методы физики Важная часть курса – полноценные задачи для самостоятельного
Higher School of Economics metody
решения с целью закрепления практических навыков применения
излагаемых методов вычислений. Предполагается, что слушатели
знакомы с основами стандартных математических курсов:
математического анализа, линейной алгебры, обыкновенных
дифференциальных уравнений.\n\nПоявились технические трудности?
Обращайтесь на адрес:
Не так давно получил распространение термин «большие данные»,
обозначивший новую прикладную область — поиск способов
автоматического быстрого анализа огромных объёмов разнородной
информации. Наука о больших данных ещё только оформляется, но
уже сейчас она очень востребована — и в будущем будет
востребована только больше.\nС её помощью можно решать
невероятные задачи: оценивать состояние печени по кардиограмме,
предсказывать зарплату по описанию вакансии, предлагать
пользователю музыку на основании его анкеты в
интернете.\n\nБольшими данными может оказаться что угодно:
результаты научных экспериментов, логи банковских транзакций,
метеорологические наблюдения, профили в социальных сетях —
словом, всё, что может быть полезно проанализировать.\nСамым
перспективным подходом к анализу больших данных считается
применение машинного обучения — набора методов, благодаря
которым компьютер может находить в массивах изначально
National Research University
Введение в машинное обучение неизвестные взаимосвязи и закономерности.\n\nНа факультете
Higher School of Economics mashinnoe-obuchenie
компьютерных наук ВШЭ и в Школе анализа данных есть люди, активно
использующие машинное обучение и разрабатывающие новые
подходы к нему. Именно они — преподаватели этого курса.\n\nВы
изучите основные типы задач, решаемых с помощью машинного
обучения — в основном речь пойдёт о классификации, регрессии и
кластеризации. Узнаете об основных методах машинного обучения и их
особенностях, научитесь оценивать качество моделей — и решать,
подходит ли модель для решения конкретной задачи. Наконец,
познакомитесь с современными библиотеками, в которых реализованы
обсуждаемые модели и методы оценки их качества. Для работы мы
будем использовать реальные данные из реальных задач.\n\nКраткая
программа курса:\nНеделя 1. Введение. Примеры задач. Логические
методы: решающие деревья и решающие леса.\nНеделя 2.
Метрические методы классификации. Линейные методы,
стохастический градиент.\nНеделя 3. Метод опорных векторов (SVM).
Логистическая регрессия. Метрики качества классификации.\nНеделя
Этот курс знакомит вас с основами проверки гипотез, процедурами
множественной проверки гипотез, которые контролируют некоторый
показатель качества применяемой процедуры, используя имеющиеся
Введение в теорию построения процедур National Research University
наблюдения или данные. В течение курса помимо теоретических
множественной проверки гипотез Higher School of Economics testing
аспектов будут рассмотрены реальные прикладные задачи, а также
предложен ряд практических заданий, успешное выполнение которых
поможет глубже разбораться в изучаемом материале.
Любой растущей компании могут потребоваться инвестиции для
финансирования дальнейшего роста. Для решения этой задачи в
условиях нарастания неустойчивости деловой среды Вам понадобится
понимание механизмов работы венчурной индустрии. Курс входит в
специализацию “Корпоративные финансы и стоимость компании”,
включающую 5 связанных курсов и заключительный прикладной проект
“Мастерство создания стоимости компании”.\n\nЭтот курс позволит вам
узнать:\n- как финансируется бизнес на этапе роста, \n- почему
появились и как работают венчурные фонды и фонды прямых
инвестиций,\n- кого они хотят видеть в качестве объекта
National Research University инвестирования,\n- как готовить заявку на инвестиции и как она
Венчурный капитал
Higher School of Economics рассматривается фондом,\n- как фонд и компания сотрудничают в
увеличении стоимости бизнеса,\n- когда и как осуществляется
капитализация этой стоимости путем выхода венчурного инвестора из
компании.\n\nДля освоения курса Вам потребуются знания финансовой
отчетности, оценки стоимости и эффективности инвестиционных
проектов, оптимизации структуры источников финансирования,
которые предлагаются в курсах 1-3 специализации и уметь работать с
Excel.\n\nВ ходе курса Вас ждут интересные лекции и увлекательные
задания.\nКаждое из 4-х занятий предполагает оценочные тесты и
заключительное экзаменационное задание.\n\nПоявились технические
трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:
Цель курса показать, насколько воспитание и выращивание ребенка в
семье, сложный процесс. На него влияют многочисленные факторы,
такие как особенности прохождения семьей своего жизненного цикла,
отношения между родителями ребенка, эмоциональное поле семьи, в
которое включены не только родители и дети, но и поколения предков.
На воспитание ребенка влияют социо-культурные условия среды и
видоспецифические особенности человека. Так, например, если
пара до рождения ребенка была недовольна своей совместной
жизнью, люди даже думали расставаться, но рождение ребенка их
связало, то их старые неразрешенные конфликты могут «заползти» в
отношения с ребенком, и повлиять на воспитание его. Еще пример,
типичный для нашей страны, пережившей множество трудностей и
лишений: в большинстве семей считается, что выбрасывать пищу
нельзя, все нужно доедать, делать запасы. Пищевое поведение не
осознается, но наследуется. Мы хотим, чтобы ребенок хорошо с
National Research University
Возможно ли воспитать детей «правильно»? аппетитом ел, закармливаем его, потому что нам спокойнее, когда он
Higher School of Economics pravilno
ест и получает удовольствие. Потом мы удивляемся, что у него
пристрастие к вредной пище, фантики от конфет под подушкой. Что
случилось? Вы просто невольно научили его, что еда не только для
сытости, но и для снятия тревоги. Так на процесс воспитания влияет
история и культура страны. Слушатели научатся понимать механизмы
возникновения семейных дисфункций, эмоциональные процессы в
семье, то, как это влияет на психическое развитие ребенка и его
психологическое благополучие. После прослушивания курса и
выполнения заданий, слушатели обретут навык более осознанного
общения с ребенком, смогут избавиться от автоматического
реагирования. Снизится интенсивность проекций на ребенка
собственных страхов и сверх ожиданий. В курс будут включены
тестовые задания, направленные на диагностику собственной семьи и
взаимоотношений с ней.\n\nПоявились технические трудности?
Обращайтесь на адрес:
LaTeX (читается «латех») — научная издательская система. На этом
курсе вы узнаете, как оформить ваши идеи в виде красивого,
профессионально сверстанного текста или слайдов
презентации.\n\nСистема LaTeX — стандарт в научном мире. Лучшие
математические, физические и экономические журналы издаются в
LaTeX и рекомендуют авторам использовать его для подготовки
рукописей. LaTeX не очень прост в освоении, но обладает массой
преимуществ перед популярными текстовыми процессорами и
редакторами презентаций:\n • высококачественная верстка — текст
выглядит «как в книжке»;\n • удобная работа со сложными
математическими формулами;\n • отличная кросс-платформенная
совместимость;\n • автоматизация многих рутинных процессов:
нумерации формул, рисунков, таблиц, разделов документа,
перекрестных ссылок, создания колонтитулов, оформления стилей
заголовков и т. п.;\n • огромное сообщество пользователей и
разработчиков, пакеты-расширения на все случаи жизни.\n\nLaTeX
Документы и презентации в LaTeX (Introduction National Research University облегчает жизнь всем, кому приходится оформлять эссе, рефераты,
to LaTeX) Higher School of Economics
курсовые и дипломные работы, диссертации, а также слайды
презентаций на их основе. Пользователи, освоившие LaTeX,
вспоминают верстку сложных документов в Word и создание больших
презентаций в PowerPoint как страшный сон.\n\nFAQ\n\nВ: Что нужно
установить на компьютер для прохождения этого курса?\nО: Для
работы с LaTeX существует масса различных программных средств,
некоторые из которых заменяют друг друга, а другие — дополняют их.
Обзор этих средств — одна из тем первой недели лекций, до этого
времени ничего устанавливать не нужно. Для освоения курса нужно
будет иметь компьютер с быстрым доступом к интернету и
возможностью устанавливать на него программное обеспечение. В
дальнейшем при работе с собственными документами в LaTeX
подключение к интернету будет необязательно.\n\nВ: Требуется ли
предварительная подготовка для прохождения курса?\nО: Нет,
предварительная подготовка для прохождения курса не
требуется.\n\nПоявились технические трудности? Обращайтесь на
Курс раскрывает секреты инвестирования на рынке акций с позиции
частного (миноритарного) инвестора. Слушатель курса погружается в
сопоставление акций по инвестиционной привлекательности, в
особенности работы финансовых аналитиков (брокерских и
инвестиционных компаний), в интересный мир построения
инвестиционных стратегий на базе фундаментального анализа.\n\nВы
освоите профессиональную терминологию финансовых аналитиков и
консультантов, поймете, как выставляются рекомендации «купить»,
«продать», «держать», почему отчеты аналитиков могут вводить в
заблуждение.\n\nВ результате прохождения курса вы \n- получите
навыки самостоятельного принятия среднесрочных инвестиционных
National Research University
Инвестиции в акции решений на базе общедоступной информации на рынке;\n- научитесь
Higher School of Economics
ранжировать акции по инвестиционной привлекательности и выбирать
для себя адекватную инвестиционную стратегию (на базе расчета
дивидендной и общей доходности (TSR) инвестирования в акции,
общего риска, как стандартного отклонения доходности по акции и
изучения финансовой и нефинансовой информации по компании,
ликвидности ее акций;\n- поймете значимость учета качества
корпоративного управления и странового риска;\n- сумеете правильно
воспользоваться фундаментальным анализом с учетом специфики
функционирования российского фондового рынка, налоговой нагрузки
на инвестора, биржевых (транзакционных) издержек.\n\nПоявились
технические трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:

Рынок облигаций представляется частному инвестору сложным и

запутанным. На нем торгуется огромное количество инструментов,
которые сначала кажутся непонятными. Тем не менее, этот рынок дает
огромные возможности инвестору как для диверсификации вложений и
гарантирования дохода, когда на рынке нет достойных инвестиционных
идей, так и для получения спекулятивного дохода.\n\nЦЕЛЬ -
получение знаний об облигационном рынке и приобретение навыков
расчета доходности и оценки рисков инвестиций в различные долговые
инструменты. \n\nПосле изучения курса вы сможете: \n-
самостоятельно находить необходимую информацию для расчета
потенциального дохода и рисков предполагаемой операции, \n-
National Research University
Инвестиции в облигации сравнивать выгоду от покупки различных долговых финансовых
Higher School of Economics
инструментов и \n- выбирать для инвестиций наиболее подходящий
вариант, основываясь на достоверных расчетах. \n\nКроме
инструментария и методологии для успешного старта инвестиционной
деятельности курс содержит ряд практических примеров, которые
позволят вам ознакомиться с рынком облигаций в реальности.\n\nВы
получите возможность понять механизм ценообразования на рынке
облигаций, узнаете, как можно зарабатывать на этом рынке,
ориентируясь на консервативную или спекулятивную стратегию в
зависимости от своих собственных предпочтений. \n\nБольшой и
сложный рынок облигаций станет вам понятным!\n\nПоявились
технические трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:
В этом курсе вы сможете получить знания и навыки инвестиционного
анализа в компании и выбора проектов, способных увеличить
стоимость бизнеса. Мы рассмотрим оценку проектов, нацеленных на
органический рост компании изнутри, и проектов ее роста через
стратегические приобретения бизнесов (сделки M&A). Курс входит в
специализацию “Корпоративные финансы и стоимость компании”,
включающую 5 связанных курсов и заключительный прикладной проект
“Мастерство создания стоимости компании”.\n\nКоманда
преподавателей курса, включающая представителей академической
среды и бизнеса, поможет вам разобраться со сложностями оценки
эффективности инвестиционных проектов, которая необходима для
принятия решения о стратегии дальнейшего развития бизнеса – идти
ли компании по пути расширения текущих производственных
мощностей или принять активное участие в консолидации отрасли
через приобретения или слияния с конкурентами.\n\nРазделы первой
части данного курса посвящены анализу проектов, направленных на
Инвестиционные проекты, слияния и National Research University
органический рост, и помогут вам лучше понять критерии
поглощения Higher School of Economics pogloshcheniye
распределения инвестиционного бюджета между несколькими
вариантами расширения производства. В разделах второй части курса
вы сможете узнать об эффективности сделок слияний и приобретений
(M&A), принципах расчета синергетического эффекта от приобретения
компании, а также последовательно пройти через все этапы сделки
M&A.\n\nПосле успешного завершения курса вы сможете рассчитать
экономическую эффективность инвестиционного проекта, учесть в
финансовой модели возможности синергии от сделки M&A, сравнить
альтернативные инвестиционные проекты и выбрать наиболее
оптимальный с точки зрения различных инвестиционных
критериев.\n\nПредставленный в курсе набор практических знаний
эквивалентен нескольким годам работы в данной отрасли и позволит
вам существенно нарастить багаж знаний, необходимых при
трудоустройстве на работу, связанную с анализом инвестиционных
проектов, включая сопровождение сделок M&A.\n\nДля прохождения
курса вам понадобятся базовые знания в области корпоративных
Этот курс – первый шаг к пониманию институтов и их роли в экономике
и обществе, первый взгляд на богатую идеями и результатами область
экономического анализа, которую мы называем институциональной
экономикой. Мы покажем, что в мире, где осуществление трансакций
связано с издержками, а люди склонны к оппортунизму, необходимо
создавать правила и следить за соблюдением этих правил. Такие
правила, дополненные механизмами принуждения к следованию
правилам, мы и будем называть институтами. \nОсновная задача курса
Институциональная экономика (Institutional National Research University состоит в том, чтобы показать, как институты работают в различных
economics) Higher School of Economics economics сферах, и что происходит, если институты являются слабыми или
неэффективными. Мы поговорим об институте прав собственности и о
контрактах, будем приводить исторические примеры и разбирать
современные кейсы, покажем, что институты важны для процветания
целых стран, но в то же время необходимы для осуществления даже
самых простых трансакций между двумя их гражданами. И это всего
лишь неполный перечень вопросов, на которые мы ответим в течение
курса.\n\nПоявились технические трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:
Курс состоит из двух самостоятельных тем. \n\nВ теме
«Инфраструктура рынка» вы получите представление о деятельности
профессиональных участников рынка ценных бумаг, единственной
задачей которых является создание благоприятных условий для
покупки или продажи акций различными типами инвесторов. По
результатам изучения этой темы вы сможете: \n- описать деятельность
фондовой биржи, на которой совершаются сделки с ценными
бумагами; \n- отличать функции брокера, дилера, депозитария,
расчётной (клиринговой) палаты и пользоваться ими при открытии и
ведении брокерского счета; \n- понимать особенности, правила и риски
и Интернет-торговли; \n- знать правила и возможности использования
индивидуальных инвестиционных счетов;\n- понимать назначение и
виды приказов на покупку или продажу ценных бумаг, условия
совершения различных сделок с акциями – маржинальных, сделок
РЕПО и других.\n\nТема «Методы и технологии инвестирования»
раскрывает перед вами особенности и инструменты краткосрочных
Инфраструктура рынка, методы и технологии National Research University инвестиционных стратегий. Здесь описываются различные
инвестирования Higher School of Economics
инвестиционные стратегии, излагаются основные принципы
технического анализа, даётся понятие торговых стратегий. Вы
познакомитесь с методами разработки математических моделей
прогнозирования движения биржевых цен, лежащих в основе
индикаторов и осцилляторов - основных инструментов принятия
краткосрочных инвестиционных решений.\n\nПо итогам изучения курса
вы сможете:\n- владеть основными принципами технического анализа,
знать его основные подходы и инструменты;\n- уметь самостоятельно
выбирать индикаторы и осцилляторы при разработке и реализации
торговых стратегий и создании собственных торговых
систем.\n\nОЦЕНИВАНИЕ\nПрактические задания с использованием
математических моделей прогнозирования цен и теоретические тесты
на понимание технического анализа.\n\nНЕОБХОДИМЫЕ ЗНАНИЯ И
НАВЫКИ\nДля освоения материалов курса вам понадобятся знания об
основах рынка ценных бумаг, которые вы можете получить во 2 и 3
курсе нашей специализации - "Инвестиции в облигации" и "Инвестиции
Еще в конце 19 века исследователи обратили внимание на значимость
роли медиа в социальных, политических, экономических, культурных
процессах, а в 20 веке масс-медиа стали целой индустрией,
производящей и воспроизводящей прообразы и репрезентации этих
процессов, идеологии и картины мира. 21 век же ставит новые вопросы
о том, что такое медиа и как они участвуют в формировании личности,
конструировании социального пространства, политических режимов и в
развитии экономики. \n\nОсновная цель курса – сформировать базовые
представления о развитии медиа и нарисовать карту обширного поля
медиатеорий. В связи с этим он состоит из двух частей – первая
посвящена истории развития медиасистем, а вторая рассматривает
ключевые теории медиа. \n\nПервая часть курса знакомит с
основными технологическими вехами в развитии медиа и в то же время
позволяет увидеть историю медиа как историю развития социального
института. Основное внимание уделяется развитию институтов медиа
История и теория медиа (History and theory of National Research University преимущественно с момента появления национальных государств в
media) Higher School of Economics
Западной Европе до настоящего момента. Курс рассматривает роль,
которую играют медиа в формировании национальных идентичностей,
капиталистической экономики, представлений о гражданских свободах
и т.д. Отдельный модуль посвящен истории цензуры, поскольку
история медиа тесно связана с этим явлением. \n\nВторая часть курса
посвящена рассмотрению ключевых теоретических подходов к
изучению медиа и коммуникаций, возникавших начиная с 1940-х годов
и до сегодняшнего дня. Так, слушатели познакомятся с эмпирико-
функционалистской и лингвистической группами медиа теорий, с
идеями критической теории, парадигмой медиадетерминизма,
теориями сетевого общества, с коммуникационным аспектом
социологии технических инноваций, с микросоциальными теориями
коммуникации, с изучением медиа в рамках направления cultural
studies и политэкономии.\n\nПоявились технические трудности?
Обращайтесь на адрес:
Здравствуйте!\nМы хотим предложить вам небольшой курс, назвать
который можно было и так, как он озаглавлен на нашем сайте
«История международных отношений». А можно было бы по-другому
– «Введение в историю современных международных отношений».
Дело в том, что в пределах отведенного нам времени невозможно
проследить и уж тем более изучить, понять процесс становления того,
что мы называем современные международные отношения. Но вполне
можно попытаться обнаружить наиболее важные, «долгоиграющие»
события, мысли, их авторов, сформировавших сегодняшний мир –
сложный и противоречивый. \nМы постараемся обойтись без
упоминания и критики различных «историзмов», оставив это занятие
исследователям теории международных отношений. Нас будет
главным образом интересовать фактология, распределение по
хронологической шкале хорошо известных и неоправданно забытых
событий мировой истории. \nМир с конца ХIХ века, а это – начало
National Research University нашего курса, стремительно изменялся. Достаточно вспомнить, что
История международных отношений
Higher School of Economics итоги Первой мировой войны подводили 27 государств,
преимущественно – монархии. Подписи под учредительными
документами ООН по итогам Второй мировой войны поставили 51
страна, а сегодня международное сообщество насчитывает более 200
стран, из них только 19 монархий.\n Мы постараемся понять – какую
роль в развитии системы международных отношений играл научно-
технический прогресс, почему для большинства участников
международных отношений во второй половине ХХ столетия Холодная
война имела первостепенное значение, какое воздействие и почему
оказала на развитие международных связей деколонизация.
\nМеждународная арена, которую вполне оправданно сравнивают с
большой шахматной доской, имела в разные времена разные правила
игры и очень сложный состав участников. Вряд ли мы успеем и сумеем
изучить все правила, но понять мотивы игроков, их цели постараемся.
Вслед за Марком Твеном мы вполне можем заявить: «Прежде всего
нужны факты, а уж потом их можно перевирать.»
Все мы отдаём себе отчёт в том, что в наши дни непонимание
процессов, происходящих в экономике, непростительно для людей,
которые хотят добиться успеха в своей профессии, даже если она не
связана напрямую с экономикой. История экономической мысли – это
квинтэссенция опыта решения сложных проблем хозяйственной жизни;
опыта, который складывался в борьбе идей, отражавших
конфликтующие социальные интересы. Помимо того, что данный курс
даст вам представление о том, как эволюционировала важнейшая
наука, он призван развить критическое экономическое мышление, а
также кругозор и общую эрудицию, что крайне высоко ценится в
История экономической мысли (History of National Research University современном мире и обязательно будет отмечено на собеседовании в
Economic Thought) Higher School of Economics ekonomicheskoy-mysli любой компании.\n\nВ нашем курсе обобщаются уроки выдающихся
экономических мыслителей: Адама Смита и Карла Маркса, Леона
Вальраса и Йозефа Шумпетера, Торстейна Веблена и Николая
Кондратьева, Джона М. Кейнса и др. Мы будем разбираться в том, как,
отвечая на вызовы своего времени, они создавали корпус
современного экономического знания с его возможностями и
ограничениями. \n\nДля освоения курса вам не потребуется никаких
специальных знаний, а для его успешного завершения необходимо
набрать проходной балл (80%) по всем оцениваемым
заданиям.\n\nПоявились технические трудности? Обращайтесь на

Специализация «Основы Digital Маркетинга» завершается итоговым

проектом – созданием digital стратегии, на примере собственной
компании.\n\nИтоговый проект позволяет применить на практике
знания, полученные в процессе изучения первых трех курсов
специализации, и получить практический опыт в разработке digital
стратегии. \n\nКурс состоит из 4 недель, каждая из которых посвящена
отдельному этапу разработки маркетингового плана:\nВнутренняя
среда компании:\n- Описание компании,\n- Постановка цели
стратегического планирования,\n- Анализ продуктовой, ценовой и
сервисной политик.\nСитуационный анализ:\n- Анализ текущих позиций
компании и конкурентов в поисковиках,\n- Анализ текущих позиция
сайтов компании и конкурентов, \n- Анализ текущих позиций компании
и конкурентов в социальных сетях,\n- Анализ отзывов о компании и
Итоговый проект специализации "Основы National Research University конкурентах.\nОпределение позиционирования компании.\nОписание
Digital Маркетинга" Higher School of Economics целевой аудитории:\n- Создание портрета потребителя,\n- Построение
карты пути покупателя,\nСоздание ценностного
предложения.\nФормирование дерева целей:\n- Связывание
стратегических бизнес-целей с тактическими
коммуникационными.\nПостроение воронок продаж и лояльности:\n-
Создание воронки продаж,\n- Создание воронки лояльности,\n-
Определение показателей эффективности для всех типов
коммуникаций.\n\nПомесячный план мероприятий и бюджет на его
выполнение составляются слушателями самостоятельно.\nВ итоге
прохождения специализации слушатели получают рабочий документ –
стратегию Digital Маркетинга для своей компании, которую могут
использовать в своей практической деятельности.\n\nЖелаем успехов
в прохождении курса!\n\nТатьяна Комиссарова,\nДекан ВШМиРБ НИУ
В шестинедельном итоговом проекте, разработанном Высшей школой
экономики в партнерстве с Инвестиционной компанией «Фридом
Финанс» слушателям предлагается сформировать инвестиционный
портфель по заданным критериям, спрогнозировать наращение
капитала по нему и адаптировать его для двух сценариев развития
экономики (оптимистичного и пессимистичного). Дополнительные
материалы для выполнения заданий, комментарии по построению
портфелей начинающего инвестора представят партнеры проекта - АО
«Открытие Брокер» и СПб биржа.\n \nПосле сдачи этого проекта вы
сможете:\n•\tуправлять личными финансами, используя все доступные
частному инвестору инструменты;\n•\tформировать портфель и ставить
долгосрочные финансовые цели;\n•\tсопоставлять доходность и
рискованность инструментов; \n•\tоценивать возможное приращение
капитала;\n•\tвыбирать подходящие финансовые инструменты. \n
\nПроект длится шесть недель с планируемой загрузкой 1-3 часа в
неделю в течение первых четырех недель и загрузкой 4-5 часа в
Итоговый проект специализации "Финансовые National Research University
течение последних двух недель. \n \n \nНа первой неделе слушатели
инструменты для частного инвестора" Higher School of Economics instruments-capstone
критически оценивают предложенный консультантом инвестиционный
портфель (выступают как консультанты-эксперты, критики), а на втором-
четвертом этапе самостоятельно формируют несколько портфелей
(консервативный, агрессивный, средне-рискованный) из предложенных
инструментов, сопоставляя и оценивая их с помощью технического и
фундаментального анализа, а также принимая во внимание
соответствие выбора инструментов заявленным целям заказчика.
Акцент в работе сделан на поиск информации в интернете, на
сопоставление инвестиционных выгод и расчеты показателей
достижения целей.\nНа заключительном этапе формируется
сбалансированный портфель и оценивается его доходность и риски
для оптимистичного и пессимистичного сценариев.\n \nПо итогам
представленного проектного курса слушатели на практике вспомнят
проблематику курсов специализации, составят инвестиционные
портфели и выступят как консультанты, учитывающие инвестиционный
выбор с описанной в задании ситуацией, а также познакомятся с
Курс реализуется НИУ ВШЭ при участии компании «Антирабство»
(основатель и руководитель – Алена Владимирская).\n\nЦелью курса
является профессиональная ориентация студентов бакалавриата,
предоставление теоретических знаний для ориентации на рынке труда
и формирование базовых карьерных навыков, которые позволят им
найти первую работу и построить успешную карьеру.\n\nВ рамках
Как найти свою первую работу? Практический National Research University курса, ведущим HR-специалистом Аленой Владимирской, будут
курс для студентов вузов Higher School of Economics раскрыты вопросы, связанные с практическими аспектами
трудоустройства, такими как подготовка резюме, правильный поиск
вакансий, прохождение интервью, тестов и других моделирующих
упражнений и др., предоставлена информация о текущей ситуации на
рынке вакансий и необходимых компетенциях, требуемых для
успешного трудоустройства в различных отраслях.\n\nПоявились
технические трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:
Курс “Контекстная реклама в Google AdWords” рассказывает об
основах рекламы в Google AdWords, а также углубленных продуктах:
поисковой и контекстно-медийной сети, рекламе на мобильных,
видеорекламе и торговых кампаниях. Кроме того, после каждого из
тематических блоков у участников будет возможность сдать экзамены
на платформе Google Partners. \n\nВы узнаете:\n●\tКак разместить
рекламу в Google AdWords \n●\tКакие существуют типы рекламных
кампаний и как их настроить\n●\tКак оптимизировать рекламные
кампании\n●\tКакие форматы объявлений есть в контекстно-медийной
сети\n●\tОсновные настройки и инструменты, отчеты и полезные
ресурсы\n●\tИ многое другое\n\nКонтекстная реклама — это показ
аудитории рекламных сообщений, соответствующих их интересам.
Контекстная реклама может быть полезной на любом этапе развития
проекта. Она помогает быстро привлечь целевых посетителей на
недавно созданный сайт, обратить внимание аудитории на конкретный
продукт, акцию или контент.\n\nПриняв участие в курсе, Вы узнаете
National Research University
Контекстная реклама. Google AdWords основные преимущества рекламной площадки Google AdWords и
Higher School of Economics reklama-google-adwords
основных принципах ее работы, о том, как создать аккаунт в AdWords и
что учесть при его настройке, из каких элементов состоит рекламный
аккаунт и как их правильно выстроить. Мы расскажем, где
показываются рекламные объявления, какие вида таргетинга бывают и
как настроить каждый из них. На эти и множество других вопросов
ответят эксперты Google и специалисты из ведущих агентств.\n\nКурс
“Контекстная реклама в Google AdWords” поможет Вам разобраться в
особенностях интернет-продвижения. Мы расскажем о мобильной
рекламе, которая становится с каждым годом все более актуальной,
ведь пользователи чаще всего ищут информацию на мобильных. Наши
специалисты расскажут о разработке мобильной стратегии и создании
кампаний в AdWords, продвижении приложений и взаимодействии с
пользователями. \n\nКурс будет интересен всем, кто изучает
контекстную рекламу и интернет-маркетинг. \n\nКроме того, участники
курса, успешно сдавшие экзамен по основам рекламы в Google
AdWords после соответствующего тематического блока и один или
Это стандартный курс линейной алгебры, содержащий все
необходимые для статистики и многомерного анализа приложения и
алгоритмы, но не всегда содержащий подробные
доказательства.\n\nДанный курс пригодится вам для того, чтобы
изучить азы линейной алгебры и ознакомиться с базовыми
определениями, понятиями и алгоритмами, научиться решать задачи, в
которых необходим данный инструментарий. Многие пространственные
задачи требуют знания линейной алгебры, а так же ряд задач
экономики находит более простое решение, если владеть
механизмами решения таких задач; эта наука находит себе
применение во всех направлениях математики и ее приложениях,
National Research University которые только можно представить. После прохождения данного курса
Линейная алгебра (Linear Algebra)
Higher School of Economics вы научитесь корректно использовать понятия вектора, базиса,
линейного пространства и линейной зависимости, оператора и
матрицы, а так же овладеете несложными инструментами для решения
и анализа задач линейной алгебры, научитесь оперировать матрицами
и находить максимально подходящие условия для поиска ответа;
ознакомитесь с классическими теоремами и узнаете красивые задачи
данной науки, а также научитесь проверять свои решения на
корректность, а результаты на адекватность, а еще мы обсудим
теорему Перрона-Фробениуса и ее приложение к индексированию
страниц в интернете.\nВнимательно смотрите лекции и вовремя
выполняйте все необходимые задания. Удачи!\n\nПоявились
технические трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:

Курс посвящен изучению макроэкономических вопросов, таких как

долгосрочный рост, циклические колебания экономики и
стабилизационная политика государства.\n\nЦелью курса является
знакомство слушателей с основными понятиями макроэкономики, с
базовыми моделями и принципами, которые используются при анализе
текущего состояния экономики той или иной страны, что позволит
самостоятельно ориентироваться в происходящих процессах и
явлениях, а также проводить оценку эффективности и необходимости
проводимой государством макроэкономической политики.\n\nДанный
курс покрывает на базовом уровне все основные темы
макроэкономики. Примерно две трети курса посвящены анализу
National Research University общего равновесия на рынках труда, заемных средств, финансовых,
Макроэкономика (Macroeconomics)
Higher School of Economics денежных, товарных рынках, а также международных потоков
капитала. Изучается долгосрочный экономический рост, идущий за
счет накопления капитальных мощностей и технического прогресса.
Вторая часть курса посвящена изучению природы краткосрочных
колебаний вокруг долгосрочной траектории роста, таким как
финансовый кризис и мировая рецессия 2008-2009 годов.
Обсуждаются причины подобных спадов, а также оптимальная
стабилизационная политика государства, призванная либо
предотвращать подобные катаклизмы, либо сглаживать последствия от
них.\n\nДля успешного прохождения курса желательно (но не
обязательно) иметь базовые знания по микроэкономике.\n\nПоявились
технические трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:
Первый курс специализации «Основы digital маркетинга» охватывает
основополагающие вопросы:\n\n-\tКак использовать мощь digital
инструментов для укрепления общекорпоративной стратегии?\n-
\tКаким должен быть сайт компании - ее виртуальное
представительство в Интернете?\n-\tКак сделать сайт известным? И
как отследить результат?\n\nЧтобы не потеряться в безграничном
цифровом море, компаниям приходится прокладывать свой путь –
разрабатывать digital стратегию. Зная свою аудиторию и понимая
позиции конкурентов, компания четко определяет свои цели и
обозначает целевые показатели. Затем выбирает каналы
коммуникации, подбирает действенные инструменты для передачи
информации аудитории. Итог разработки стратегии – пошаговый план
действий на период планирования.\n\nИнтернет-сайт – это
виртуальное представительство компании в сети. Тот самый корабль,
на котором она плывет. От того, насколько он соответствует задачам
компании, зависит многое, если не все. На сайте пользователи
Маркетинговая стратегия в digital среде (Digital National Research University
получают информацию о компании, ее услугах и товарах. Из любой
marketing strategy) Higher School of Economics strategy
точки мира, в любое время. Сайт привлекает новых целевых клиентов,
в том числе позволяет осуществлять электронную коммерцию. Сайт
является важным каналом коммуникации, формирует представление о
бренде компании, помогает завоевывать доверие потребителей. Кроме
того, сайт служит базой для других онлайн активностей
компании.\n\nВажно разобраться, каким образом и на каких принципах
создается веб-сайт компаний, как разработать его структуру, что учесть
в дизайне и верстке.\n\nЧтобы сдвинуться с места, нашему
виртуальному кораблю нужен драйвер. И он получает его в виде
программы продвижения. Компания создает воронку продаж и
планирует рекламу в интернете. Отслеживает ответную реакцию
пользователей и корректирует свои действия. Все это для
максимального рывка вперед!\n\nКомпасом компаниям в цифровом
море служит система web-аналитики. Ее значение трудно переоценить.
Во-первых, с помощью системы web-аналитики контролируется
достижение стратегических целей. И не только по результату, но и в
Уважаемые слушатели! \nРады приветствовать Вас на финальном
проекте специализации "Корпоративные финансы и стоимость
компании".\nФинальный проект охватывает концепции и инструменты 5
курсов специализации, которые нужны для разработки Вами
программы повышения стоимости реальной компании. Это Ваш
индивидуальный креативный продукт, основанный на новой модели
финансового анализа компании, сфокусированного на оценке
изменений в ее стоимости. Проект позволит Вам на практике
National Research University
Мастерство создания стоимости компании применить знания, полученные в рамках данной специализации, и
Higher School of Economics kompanii
проявить креативность в решении ряда задач.\nВ работе над
финальным проектом принимали участие сотрудники Департамента
Финансов Высшей Школы Экономики Кузубов Сергей Анатольевич,
Кокорева Мария Сергеевна, Ивашковская Ирина Васильевна, Партин
Илья Маркович, Пирогов Никита Константинович, Родионов Иван
Иванович. Ассистент курса - Анилов Артем.\nЖелаем Вам успехов при
выполнении итогового проекта!\n\nПоявились технические трудности?
Обращайтесь на адрес:
Целью курса является ознакомление слушателей с основными
принципами организации защиты информации, местом деятельности
по защите информации в политике государства и в деятельности
организации. \nВ процессе освоения курса слушатели получат навыки
моделирования угроз безопасности информации на основе методики,
разработанной уполномоченным органом (регулятором), оценки
актуальности угроз, разработки проекта политики безопасности
организации в соответствии с действующими стандартами и
законодательством Российской Федерации, а также выбора систем
обнаружения компьютерных атак для защиты ИС от активных
вредоносных воздействий нарушителей.\nДля освоения материала
National Research University курса будут полезны основные знания в области компьютерных сетей.
Менеджмент информационной безопасности
Higher School of Economics informacionnoi-bezopasnosti Их наличие позволит понять принципы действия систем обнаружения
атак, принципы их выбора и размещения в защищаемой системе.
Большинство вопросов курса не требует специальных
предварительных знаний и полностью рассматривается в рамках
лекций. \nВ качестве эксперта в курсе участвует Алексей Викторович
Уривский, заместитель генерального директора по науке и инновациям
компании ИнфоТеКС (ОАО «Информационные Технологии и
Коммуникационные Системы») – отечественного разработчика и
производителя средств защиты информации, действующего с 1989
года, являющегося одной из крупнейших компаний России в сфере
защиты информации.\n\nПоявились технические трудности?
Обращайтесь на адрес:

Целью курса является ознакомление слушателей с основными

понятиями защиты информации, основными принципами построения
систем защиты информации, а также основными категориями мер
защиты информации, их возможностями с точки зрения защиты
информации, сильными и слабыми сторонами.\n В процессе освоения
курса слушатели получат навыки выбора решений из различных
категорий методов и средств защиты информаций, соответствующих
требованиям защиты информации в конкретных информационных
системах, оценки соответствия существующих решений таким
требованиям, разработки предложений по совершенствованию
системы обеспечения информационной безопасности.\nДля освоения
National Research University материала курса будут полезны основные знания из общего курса
Методы и средства защиты информации
Higher School of Economics zashity-informacii физики, высшей алгебры, теории чисел, информационных технологий.
Их наличие позволит понять принципы действия криптографических
средств защиты информации, средств технической защиты
информации, а также цифровых стеганографических систем. \nВ
качестве эксперта в курсе участвует Алексей Викторович Уривский,
заместитель генерального директора по науке и инновациям компании
ИнфоТеКС (ОАО «Информационные Технологии и Коммуникационные
Системы») – отечественного разработчика и производителя средств
защиты информации, действующего с 1989 года, являющегося одной
из крупнейших компаний России в сфере защиты
информации.\n\nПоявились технические трудности? Обращайтесь на
Курс позволит слушателям разобраться в наиболее сложных вопросах
жизни школы, а также новых инструментах развития образовательной
организации для формирования навыков принятия управленческих
решений. \n\nВ рамках курса слушатели рассмотрят наиболее сложные
и интересные аспекты жизни школы. Участники смогут получить
Организационные практики и инструменты в National Research University
практические навыки формирования профессиональных обучающихся
работе лидера образовательной организации Higher School of Economics practices-and-instruments
сообществ и эффективного участия в их деятельности, навыки анализа
и юридических документов\n\nМы надеемся, что после освоения
данного курса руководители, административные сотрудники и учителя
смогут оценивать собственную управленческую или педагогическую
работу через разные призмы.
Курс посвящен новой для российской практики методологии анализа
компании, сфокусированной на задаче максимизации ее
фундаментальной стоимости. Он основан на концепциях современной
финансовой теории и выходит далеко за рамки интерпретации
финансовой отчетности компании. \n\nПрименяя принципы
универсальной финансовой теории, мы, тем не менее, отразим и
специфику российского рынка капитала, который относится к группе
развивающихся рынков. Курс основан на изучении публичных
компаний, однако его концепции применимы к компаниям любой
организационно-правовой формы.\n\nМы сфокусируемся на анализе
ключевых корпоративных решений: решений о привлечении капитала и
решений об инвестициях. Инвестиционные решения – это выбор
компанией проектов для долгосрочных вложений. Наша задача :
научить вас современным методам оценки и критериям выбора
инвестиционных проектов. Решения о привлечении капитала – это
выбор источников финансирования инвестиций (внутренние средства,
Основы корпоративных финансов National Research University
заемные средства, средства привлеченные путем выпуска новых
(Fundamentals of Corporate Finance) Higher School of Economics korporativnykh-finansov
акций). Наша задача – объяснить мотивы выбора конкретной
комбинации инструментов финансирования в компании и показать,
чем определяется оптимальная структура капитала компании
(соотношение заемного и собственного капитала).\n\nМы также
рассмотрим решения компании о выплатах акционерам, и
продемонстрируем как полученные в этом курсе знания позволяют
оценивать стоимость компании в целом, с учетом выбранной структуры
капитала.\n\nНаконец, мы обсудим роль корпоративного управления
(corporate governance) в создании стоимости компании.\n\nЛекторами
курса являются профессор Департамента Финансов НИУ ВШЭ Ирина
Васильевна Ивашковская и доцент Департамента Финансов Сергей
Сергеевич Степанов.\n\nВ разработке заданий курса принимали
участие Мария Кокорева, доцент Департамента Финансов НИУ ВШЭ, и
Азиза Улугова, преподаватель Департамента Финансов НИУ
ВШЭ.\n\nПоявились технические трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:
В базовом курсе микроэкономики рассказывается об основных
инструментах экономического анализа, которые позволяют изучать
наиболее важные закономерности в поведении людей и фирм. У
людей есть предпочтения относительно товаров и бюджетные
ограничения, у фирм – производственные возможности и спрос на их
продукцию со стороны людей. В результате взаимодействия людей и
фирм складываются рынки, на которых определяется цена –
важнейший канал передачи информации.\n\nЧтобы информации было
больше, существуют рынки, на которых продаются и покупаются
товары и услуги. Потребитель никогда не купит нужный ему товар, если
не узнает, где и как его можно купить. Производитель не станет его
изготавливать, если не будет уверен, что найдется покупатель,
Основы микроэкономики (Microeconomics National Research University который его приобретет. Каждый человек и каждая фирма обладает
Principles) Higher School of Economics
какими-то сведениями – прежде всего о себе самом, о своих вкусах,
интересах, потребностях и возможностях. Однако информации у всех
становится во много раз больше, когда субъекты начинают
взаимодействовать – производят и потребляют, продают, покупают и
меняются. Поведение людей и фирм на рынках – основной предмет
изучения в курсе микроэкономики.\n\nThe introductory course in
Microeconomics describes the basic instruments of economic analysis,
which allow us to study the most important patterns in behavior of people
and firms. As a result of their interactions markets occur and prices are
determined. Thus, microeconomics studies the behavior of people and
firms in the markets.\n\nПоявились технические трудности?
Обращайтесь на адрес:

Язык программирования Python является одним из самых простых в

освоении и популярных языков программирования. Целью курса
является изучение основных конструкций языка Python, которые
пригодятся при решении широкого круга задач – от анализа данных до
разработки новых программных продуктов.\n\nВ результате освоения
курса слушатели научатся обрабатывать и хранить числа, тексты и их
наборы, освоят стандартную библиотеку языка Python и смогут
автоматизировать задачи по сбору и обработке данных. Курс дает
необходимую базу для освоения более специализированных областей
применения языка Python, таких как машинное обучение,
статистическая обработка данных, визуализация данных и многих
National Research University
Основы программирования на Python других. Также слушатели познакомятся с основами различных
Higher School of Economics programmirovaniya
парадигм программирования: процедурным, функциональным и
объектно-ориентированным программированием.\n\nДля качественного
освоения курса достаточно знания математики на уровне средней
школы, опыта программирования не требуется.\n\nВ курсе
предлагается большое количество задач по программированию,
расположенных по нарастанию сложности, что позволяет закреплять
на практике изучаемый материал. К каждому занятию прилагается
полный конспект, это делает изучение курса удобнее. Курс проводился
в оффлайн варианте для студентов бакалавриата факультета
компьютерных наук НИУ ВШЭ.\n\nПоявились технические трудности?
Обращайтесь на адрес:
Курс знакомит слушателей с основными проблемами классической и
современной философии. Его авторы рассказывают о наиболее
важных и влиятельных идеях в их экспертных областях. Главными
задачами курса являются развитие у слушателей навыков
самостоятельного критического мышления, привычки к рефлексии о
наиболее важных мировоззренческих вопросах современности,
способности обнаруживать неочевидные мировоззренческие проблемы
и находить пути их решения. \n \n \nМы начнем с прояснения вопроса о
том, что такое философия как область исследований и образ жизни.
Затем авторы познакомят вас с основными областями современной
философской мысли - онтологией, эпистемологией и философией
науки, философией языка и сознания, философией действия, этикой,
политической философией и философией истории. Мы вместе в вами
Основы философии: о чем спорят философы National Research University попробуем найти ответы на вопросы о том, можно ли выйти из
сегодня Higher School of Economics
“платоновской пещеры”, как устроено человеческое мышление,
возможен ли искусственный интеллект, стоит ли бояться восстания
машин, откуда берется власть, кто и как пишет историю, что такое
достойная жизнь, обречен ли человек быть свободным, а также на
многие другие головоломки, из которых соткана жизнь современного
мыслящего человека. \nКурс будет интересен тем, кто хочет овладеть
навыками критического мышления, интересуется вопросами о природе
реальности, человека и этики. Этот курс создан как приглашение в
современную философию. Приняв его, слушатели рискуют начать
думать самостоятельно.\n\nАвторы курса выражают благодарность
замечательному художнику Светлане Олейниковой за яркие и живые
иллюстрации к курсу.\n\nПоявились технические трудности?
Обращайтесь на адрес:
В этом курсе вы получите представление о том, как определить
стоимость компании, чтобы использовать эти знания в управленческих
решениях, и почему такие навыки необходимы менеджерам,
аналитикам, предпринимателям, собственникам бизнеса. Курс
открывает специализацию “Корпоративные финансы и стоимость
компании”, включающую 5 связанных курсов и заключительный
прикладной проект “Мастерство создания стоимости компании”\n\nКурс
будет полезен тем, кто стремится получить новые навыки анализа
бизнеса, нарастить мастерство управления, создать успешный бизнес,
усилить профессиональные позиции в аналитической, управленческой
и в предпринимательской среде.\n\nПосле успешного завершения
курса Вы будете:\n- уметь оценивать деятельность компании с
National Research University помощью финансовой отчётности;\n- знать, каковы границы ее
Оценка стоимости компании
Higher School of Economics kompanii применения и в чем состоят радикальные отличия финансовой модели
анализа компании от бухгалтерской;\n- уметь определять потоки
свободных денежных средств компании и использовать драйверы
стоимости для расчета фундаментальной стоимости компании
методом дисконтируемого потока денежных средств;\n- уметь
оценивать стоимость компании с помощью рыночных сравнений;\n-
понимать специфику оценки стоимости в различных отраслях
бизнеса.\n\nДля эффективного освоения курса Вам полезны начальные
знания бухгалтерского учета и основ финансов. По итогам каждой
недели Вам потребуется выполнять контрольные задания, а по
окончании курса - итоговый экзамен. Курс ведут преподаватели и
профессиональный консультант в области оценки.\n\nПоявились
технические трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:

Слушатели курса освоят навыки оценивания доходности и риска по

портфелям финансовых активов, смогут реализовать принципы
расчета и работы с такими традиционными показателями оценки
эффективности инвестирования как коэффициенты Шарпа, Сортино и
др. \nПримеры российской и зарубежной практики позволят вам
сопоставлять активные и пассивные стратегии по привлекательности
(инвестирование через паевые инвестиционные фонды (ПИФы) и
другие программы взаимного инвестирования). После прохождения
курса вы сумеете аргументировано выбрать схему долгосрочного
портфельного инвестирования через пенсионные и страховые
Портфельные инвестиции: активные и National Research University программы. Анализ ETF позволит вам оценить преимущества
пассивные стратегии Higher School of Economics
инвестирования в различные индексы (как уже сформированные
портфели). \nСопоставление зарубежных финансовых рынков позволит
вам расширить портфель включением активов иностранных компаний и
выстроить с учетом налоговой нагрузки и комиссионных прибыльную
инвестиционную стратегию через отбор активов в портфель. \n\nДля
успешного освоения курса понадобятся базовые знания в статистике и
математике, но достаточно будет предварительного освоения 3 курса
специализации - «Инвестирование в акции»\n\nПоявились
технические трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:
Каждый человек время от времени общается с другими людьми:
близкими и друзьями, коллегами и клиентами, продавцами и клерками,
попутчиками и случайными прохожими. Иногда это общение проходит
успешно, иногда - нет. Почему так случилось? и Как этого избежать? –
два вопроса, которые мы задаем себе после неудачного общения. В
этом курсе мы поговорим о том, как устроена человеческая
коммуникация: как мы передаем информацию, с какими препятствиями
сталкиваемся и как решаем возникающие проблемы. Рассмотрим
межличностную и групповую коммуникацию. Обсудим, что происходит в
National Research University
Психология коммуникации личном и онлайн общении. Курс состоит из онлайн лекций и
Higher School of Economics kommunikacii
дополнительных материалов. В онлайн лекциях мы не только
поговорим о результатах психологических исследований, но и
посмотрим, как обнаруженные закономерности проявляются в
реальной жизни – в личных и деловых отношениях; проанализируем
различные способы решения возникающих проблем. Дополнительные
материалы – выступления экспертов и видеозаписи с конкретными
примерами – помогут вам лучше понять материал. Чтобы проверить
свои знания, вы сможете заполнить тесты.\n\nПоявились технические
трудности? Обращайтесь на адрес:
С самого рождения каждый человек входит в социальную группу.
Сначала это группы личного общения – семья, друзья, одноклассники.
Позже мы осознаем свою принадлежность к большим группам –
гендерным, возрастным, профессиональным, этническим,
политическим, религиозным и т.д. Это оказывает драматическое
воздействие на наши оценки и поведение. Мы делим людей на «своих»
и «чужих», защищаем первых и отвергаем вторых. «Это мой класс!»,
«Это моя страна!», «Это моя вера!» - как часто подобные
высказывания становятся началом межгрупповой вражды.\nПочему
возникают межгрупповые конфликты? Что происходит с нами, когда мы
выступаем от лица группы? Как улучшить отношения между разными
сообществами? – вот основные вопросы, на которые пытаются
ответить психологи, изучающие межгрупповые отношения. Наш курс
состоит из трех частей. Сначала мы проанализируем разные
объяснения межгрупповых конфликтов: поговорим о том, почему мы
отвергаем «чужих». Затем рассмотрим, как мы воспринимаем и ведем
National Research University
Психология межгрупповых отношений себя по отношению к другим группам: обсудим, что такое стереотипы,
Higher School of Economics mejgruppovykh-otnoshenii
предрассудки и групповая дискриминация. В завершение мы
поговорим о психологических процедурах, которые помогают нам
установить хорошие отношения с членами других групп: от
убеждающих сообщений и художественных фильмов до организации
личного контакта.\nКурс состоит из онлайн лекций и дополнительных
материалов. В онлайн лекциях мы поговорим о результатах
психологических исследований, а также посмотрим, как обнаруженные
закономерности проявляются в реальной жизни. Дополнительные
материалы – выступления экспертов, статистические данные,
видеозаписи с конкретными примерами – помогут вам лучше понять
материал. Чтобы показать, какую роль межгрупповые отношения
играют в нашей жизни, мы пригласили специалистов, которые
проводят исследования и работают над улучшением межгрупповых
отношений в нашей стране. Кроме того, в рамках курса будут
проходить обсуждения, где вы сможете совместно обсудить проблемы,
возникающие в межгрупповых отношениях.\n\nПоявились технические
В третьем курсе специализации «Основы digital маркетинга»
рассматриваются способы привлечения и удержания клиентов в
цифровой сре

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