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"Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor” (Proverbs 12:24).

“Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless go hungry” (Proverbs 19:15).
“A sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth” (Proverbs 26:15).
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might” (Ecclesiastes 9:10).—Aldian
1 Tim. 5:8
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to
God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17).

Laziness-disinclined to activity or exertion : not energetic or vigorous, encouraging inactivity or

indolence, Laziness is an aversion to work, slowing our pace and productivity.
“It is active obedience to something other than Jesus Christ.”

What Is Laziness and Why Is it a Sin?

 Jesus knew of laziness’s dangers,” . “In the parable of the talents, he
condemned the servant who buried his talent. He called him ‘wicked and
lazy.’ His talent was taken from him and given to another.” 
 Laziness is often associated with sloth and being a sluggard. 
Sluggish describes the slacker. They consistently yield half-efforts, or cling
to someone else’s.
 Laziness is a life of loafing. It is a lack of effort and a disengagement in
developing the skills God has given. 
  Jesus literally told us to  “go” speak the Gospel and to love God and
 Laziness is a sin because it, like all other sin, separates us from God. When
we sit idle, we shrink from His presence, never His desire or intent. He
wants to do more than we can.

What Does the Bible Say about Laziness?

 God went to work in creating the world and everything in it, including us. He
tasked the first man and woman to take care of it. Jesus commanded us
to love God above all else and love our neighbor. We’re meant to do things
on this earth for the glory of God. 
 book of Proverbs commonly addresses issues like laziness in a
cause/effect format. For instance, it instructs that those who don’t go to
work don’t get paid. As a result, they don’t have money, and thus they don’t
eat. The concept is easily relatable to modern day life.
 The original Greek language (Ponerus) – in which the New Testament is
written – translates laziness as wicked, annoyance, hardship; causing pain
and trouble; bad. 

Warning Signs of a Lazy Life Proverbs 26:13–16

 Boredom, procrastination and abandoned projects are obvious signs of
 But what about the more subtle ways this sin creeps in to shut down our
o Lazy people love to sleep more than work- As a door swings back
and forth on its hinges, so the lazy person turns over in bed. Sleep is
not your friend! Rest is good when it is preparation for work. Staying
in the bed for long hours will lead to poverty!
o Lazy people always blame circumstances-The lazy person claims,
“There’s a lion on the road! Yes, I’m sure there’s a lion out there!” An
excuse is a lazy person’s best friend!
o Lazy people are wasteful- Lazy people take food in their hand but don’t
even lift it to their mouth. People who litter, throw out good food, and are
overall bad stewards of their possessions don’t realize they are displaying
traits of laziness.
o Lazy people always have an answer but rarely an action. Lazy people
consider themselves smarter than seven wise counselors! pride that
keeps us from considering constructive criticism
 Laziness is not rest, this is why there is no joy in it.
 Is our end goal to sit down and be served, or to keep finding others to love, serve
and share the Gospel with?

5 Ways to Turn Your Laziness into Productivity for God

1. Take Care of Your Physical Body
“Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled,
upright, holy and disciplined” (Titus 1:8).
  If our physical bodies are worn down and unhealthy, we are prime
targets for laziness to take root. Keeping doctor’s appointments,
eating healthy, and living an active lifestyle are all important factors
in the fight against laziness.
2. Set and Stick to Some Good Habits
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not
for human masters” (Colossians 3:23).
 The pursuit of holiness requires hard work and discipline. Good
habits keep laziness at bay like an alarm clock prevent oversleeping.
 Get a robust, good, and positive theology of work. Realize that God
put us on the planet to be co-makers, co-creators, and co-workers
with him
3. Worship
“Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all
the earth” (Psalm 96:9).
 As gratitude mends our grumbling and comparison, worship wakes
us up from our laziness. God’s creation surrounds us, but so often
we rush through the day instead of pausing to be noticers. When we
take time to savor Jesus’ work in our lives, our hearts naturally stir.
 We yawn before Christ because we do not give ourselves time to
4. Live at Peace with Others
“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without
holiness no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).
 We can love Jesus with all our hearts, but we are not Him. Living at
peace with everyone is an impossibility on this earth, but we can
“make every effort” to live in peace and leave the rest in His capable
  Unforgiveness, or disparaging opinions, can swallow us into the
black hole of isolation. It can stomp the sense of community out of
our lives. 
 When we continue to embrace and press into the people God places
in our lives despite imperfect conditions, we have a built-in guard
against laziness. 
5. Keep Moving Forward
You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old
self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in
the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like
God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:22-24).
 Look back only to move forward. Christ died so we could live life “to
the full.” We will continue to climb the ladder of our faith until the day
we embrace Jesus in heaven. 
  The work He’s purposed each of us to do here is ever fully
completed until He calls us home. Do not fall into the trap of
laziness and apathy;

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