Definition of Terms: Name: Cherid M. Pariñal Grade & Section: 11 STEM - A Subject Teacher: Mrs. Carol E. Gavilla

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Name: Cherid M.

Grade & Section: 11 STEM – A
Subject Teacher: Mrs. Carol E. Gavilla

Definition of Terms
1) Sport - a human activity involving physical skill and exertion governed by a set of rules or customs,
undertaken competitively and capable of achieving a result (Topend Sports).1

2) Individual Sports - An individual sport is one where the athlete competes only against themselves to
achieve a result that has been timed, measured or weighed.2

3) Dual Sports – Are sports played by two people striving against one another.3

4) Team Sports - A team sport includes any sport which involves players working together towards a shared
objective. It is an activity in which a group of individuals, on the same team, work together to accomplish
an ultimate goal which is usually to win.4

5) Technical Skills - Technical skills are defined as “the specific procedures to move one's body to perform
the task that needs to be accomplished” (Martens, Successful Coaching, p. 169).5

6) Tactical Skills - Tactical skills are defined as “the decisions and actions of players in the contest to gain an
advantage over the opposing team or players” (Martens, Successful Coaching, p. 170).5

7) Health – Related Physical Fitness - Components of physical fitness that are associated with some aspect
of overall good health or disease prevention.6
According to Minka (2019), the examples of Health-Related physical fitness include:
a) Flexibility - The ability of the joints to move through their full range of motion.
b) Cardiorespiratory Endurance - The ability of your heart, blood vessels, lungs, and blood to
deliver oxygen and nutrients to all of your body's cells while you are being physically active.
c) Muscular Strength - The amount of force that a muscle can apply in a given contraction.
d) Body Composition - Refers to the ration of lean body tissue (muscle & bone) to body-fat
e) Muscular Endurance - The ability of the muscles to keep working (contract) over a period of

8) Skill – Related Physical Fitness - Skill-related physical fitness, also known as performance fitness,
involves the ability to perform during sports and games (Wordsmith, 2018).8
According to Minka (2019), the examples of Skill-Related physical fitness are as follows:
a) Agility - Is the ability to change the position of your body and to control the movement of your
whole body.
b) Balance - Is the ability to keep an upright posture while either standing still or moving.
c) Power - Is the ability to perform with strength at a rapid pace. Strength and speed are both
involved in power.
d) Reaction Time - Is the amount of time it takes to start a movement once your senses signal the
need to move.
e) Coordination - Is the integration of eye, hand, and foot movements.
f) Speed - Is the ability to cover a distance in a short amount of time.7
9) Management - Management can be defined as all the activities and tasks were undertaken for the purpose
of archiving an objective or goal by continuous activities like; planning, organizing, leading and

10) Organization - The definition of organization refers to the act of putting things into a logical order or the
act of taking an efficient and orderly approach to tasks, or a group of people who have formally come

11) Five Major Functions Of Management

The five major functions of management are as follows:
a) Planning - It is the basic function of management. It deals with chalking out a future course of
action & deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions for achievement of pre-
determined goals.11 According to Koontz, “Planning is deciding in advance - what to do, when
to do & how to do. It bridges the gap from where we are & where we want to be”.12 A plan is a
future course of actions. It is an exercise in problem solving & decision making. Planning is
determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals. Thus, planning is a systematic
thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals. Planning is
necessary to ensure proper utilization of human & non-human resources. It is all pervasive, it
is an intellectual activity and it also helps in avoiding confusion, uncertainties, risks, wastages
b) Organizing - It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and
developing productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals.11
According to Henry Fayol, “To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful or
its functioning i.e. raw material, tools, capital and personnel’s”.13 To organize a business
involves determining and providing human and non-human resources to the organizational
c) Staffing - It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned.
Staffing has assumed greater importance in the recent years due to advancement of
technology, increase in size of business, complexity of human behavior etc. The main purpose
of staffing is to put right man on right job i.e. square pegs in square holes and round pegs in
round holes.11 According to Koontz & O’Donell, ”Managerial function of staffing involves
manning the organization structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal &
development of personnel to fill the roles designed un the structure”.12
d) Leading/Directing - It is that part of managerial function which actuates the organizational
methods to work efficiently for achievement of organizational purposes. It is considered life-
spark of the enterprise which sets it in motion the action of people because planning,
organizing and staffing are the mere preparations for doing the work. Direction is that inert-
personnel aspect of management which deals directly with influencing, guiding, supervising,
motivating sub-ordinate for the achievement of organizational goals.11
e) Controlling - It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction
of deviation if any to ensure achievement of organizational goals. The purpose of controlling
is to ensure that everything occurs in conformities with the standards. An efficient system of
control helps to predict deviations before they actually occur.11 According to Theo Haimann,
“Controlling is the process of checking whether or not proper progress is being made towards
the objectives and goals and acting if necessary, to correct any deviation”.14 According to
Koontz & O’Donell “Controlling is the measurement & correction of performance activities of
subordinates in order to make sure that the enterprise objectives and plans desired to obtain
them as being accomplished”.12

12) What are the qualities of a good leader?

According to Economy (2016), here are 5 attributes of some of today's truly great leaders:
a) Clarity - They are clear and concise at all times--there is no question of their vision and what
needs to be accomplished. This gives others the opportunity to digest their goals and decide
whether or not they will support their cause. Generally, very few people know what they want,
much less how to get there, so they will gravitate towards those who appear to have a clear
picture in mind--good clarity leads to great achievement.
b) Decisiveness - Once they have made up their mind, they don't hesitate to commit--it's all
hands on deck. They show great consistency with their decisions, rarely backing out or
changing their minds unless it is absolutely necessary. Being decisive shows commitment, a
quality very high in demand for a great leader.
c) Courage - Boldness is both something you can develop and something that is blessed as a
virtue. Although some people are naturally more fearless than others, practicing how to be
fearless--or at least project fearlessness--is a completely doable task, one many have achieved
in order to fulfill their role as an amazing leader.
d) Passion - There's nothing more inspirational than seeing someone who cares about what they
do--the best leaders exhibit boundless energy and passion for what they do. Don't be shy about
your passion for whatever it is you are leading, be it a book reading or a laboratory
experiment. As long as you are passionate about what you know, or care about, it'll shine
through and people will follow.
e) Humility - While confidence is a very attractive trait in leaders, there's nothing like a humble
character for creating a lovable persona. Great leaders admit when they are wrong and take
criticism as an opportunity for growth. Show the world how grateful you are to be where you
are. This, in turn, will demonstrate how much you deserve the leadership role.15

13) Importance of management in sports events

Management is a key factor to success in any physical and sports education programs. It involves long-
term strategic plans and programs: resources, financial, legal and safety management, public relations,
and promotions. It deals with the tasks and accountabilities to accomplish the objectives through
cooperation. It requires harmonious effort amongst members to fulfill the target objective. It assists
individuals to realize their objectives or goals and provides guidelines in the collaborative strengths of
people. Management defines the group’s development, efficiency, and accomplishments. It also defines
whether members within the group are contented, cooperating, and productive.
Management gives a grasp and value to the essential ideas of the field’s discipline. Understanding
management helps an individual consider having a career in a certain field. Majority of physical
educators do certain management work: thus, skills in management will provide better performance.
Management is vital to collaborative effort and it helps foster good human relations.16

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