The Passive Form: Am / Is / Are & Was / Were

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I. Give the correct PASSIVE form of the verb. PRESENT or PAST.
1. Many accidents ___________(cause) by dangerous driving.
2. Cheese ___________ (make) from milk.
3. The roof of the building ___________(damage) in a storm a few days ago.
4. You___________(invite) . Why didn’t you go?
5. A cinema is a place where films ___________(show)
6. In the U.S.A, elections for president ___________(hold) every four years.
7. Originally the book ___________(write) in Spanish, and a few years ago it
___________(translate) into English.
8. Although we were driving quite fast, we ___________(overtake) by a lot of other cars.
9. You can’t see the house from the road. It ___________(surround) by trees.
10. How _________________(glass/make) ?
11. When _________________(TV/ invent)?
12. How _________________(mountains/ form)?
13. When _________________(Pluto/discover)?
14. What _________________(silver/use for)?
II. Give the correct form of the verb ACTIVE or PASSIVE. PRESENT or PAST
1. It’s a big factory. 500 people ___________ (employ) there.
2. ___________ (somebody/clean) this room yesterday?
3. Water___________(cover) most of the earth’s surface.
4. How much of the earth’s surface ___________(cover) by water?
5. The park gates ___________(lock) at 6.30 p.m every evening.
6. The letter ___________(post) a week ago and it ___________(arrive) yesterday.
7. The boat hit a rock and ___________(sink) quickly. Fortunately everybody
8. Richard’s parents ___________(die) when he was very young. He and his sister
___________(bring up) by their grandparents.
9. I was born in London, but I ___________(grow up) in Canada.
10. While I was on holiday, my camera ___________(steal) from my hotel room.
11. While I was on holiday, my camera ___________(disappear) from my hotel room.
12. Why ________________(Sue/quit) her job? Didn’t she enjoy it?
13. Why ________________(Bill/fire) from his job? What did he do wrong?
14. The company is not independent. It ___________(own) by a much larger company.
15. I ___________(see) an accident last night. Somebody ___________(call) an ambulance
but nobody ___________ (injure), so the ambulance ___________(not/need)
16. Where ____________________(these photos/ take)? In London? ___________(you/take)
them ,or somebody else?
17. Sometimes it’s quite noisy living here, but it’s not a problem for me because
I ___________(not/bother) by it.
I. Give the correct PASSIVE form of the verb.
1. The situation is serious. Something must ___________(do) before it’s too late.
2. A decision will not ___________(make) until the next morning.
3. Do you think that more money should ___________(spend) on education?
4. They have been fixing the road all night. It should ___________(finish) now.
5. The injured man couldn’t walk and had to ___________(carry).
6. I told the hotel receptionist I wanted to ___________(wake) up at 6.30 the next morning.
7. The room ___________(already/clean).
8. This room ___________ (not/used) for a very long time.
9. These products ___________(buy) recently.
10. The lost boys ___________(not/see) so far.
11. The computers ______________ (use) at the moment.
12. A new road ______________(build) next to our house now.
13. Listen! Someone ______________(beat). We must help them.
14. We can’t stay in our room right now because it ______________(repaint).
II. Give the correct form of the verb ACTIVE or PASSIVE.
1. There’s somebody behind us. I think we ______________(follow).
2. This room looks different. ______________(you/paint) the wall?
3. My car has disappeared. It ______________(steal)!
4. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody ______________(take) it.
5. Sam gets a higher salary now because he ______________(just/promote) recently.
6. You can’t use the office at the moment. It ______________(redecorate).
7. The photocopier __________(break) down yesterday, but it’s working fine now because
it ___________(already/repair) .
8. The man who ___________(disappear) six months ago __________(not/seen) since then.
9. I wonder how Jane is these days. I ___________(not/see) her for ages.
10. I was robbed a few nights ago. _______________(you/ever/rob) before?
III. Give the correct PASSIVE form of the verb.
1. Steve hates __________(keep) waiting.
2. We went to party without __________(invite).
3. I like giving presents and I also like __________(give) them.
4. It’s a bust road and I don’t like crossing it. I’m afraid of __________(hit).
5. As an adult, I hate __________(treat) like a child.
6. You can’t do anything about __________(stick) in a traffic jam.
7. He expected __________(welcome) by his old friends.
8. The man seemed__________(injured) badly when they brought him to the hospital.
9. Susan doesn’t like being around people. She prefer __________(leave) alone.
10. We all want __________(respect) by other people.
11. Not doing the homework, he prepared __________(punish) by his teacher.
12. They managed __________(choose) for the football team.
IV. Give the correct form of the verb ACTIVE or PASSIVE.
1. We plan __________(take) a day off at the end of this month.
2. They risked __________(stick) in the heavy traffic by taking the crowded road.
3. I didn’t mean __________(call) you at such late hour, but it was an emergency.
4. Nancy enjoys __________(compliment) on her outfits.
5. Some people can’t stand __________(insult).
6. They didn’t intend __________(invite) to stay overnight, but they accepted it anyway.
7. Donald Trump determines __________(elect) president again next term.
8. Joe met a boy who happened __________(go) to the same school with him years ago.
9. Although he was promised __________(bring) to Europe, the traffickers ended up
__________(take) him to Africa.
10. What do you call people who pretend __________(hit) by your car to ask for money?

I. Put these sentences into the PASSIVE form.

1. Should they help Jane with the sewing?

2. The mechanic is repairing Judy’s car.
3. We must do something before it’s too late.
4. They make these artificial flowers of silk.
5. Did they feed lulu last night?
6. They are all the food before we got to the party.
7. Have you ever wondered how people make Coca – Cola?
8. He spelt this word wrongly.
9. Nick will bring the pizzas to our house soon.
10. They used to drink beer for breakfast in English years ago.
11. They were cleaning the floor when I arrived.
12. They are digging a hole on the wrong side of the road.
13. They are going to steal your money if you’re not careful.
14. Has anyone asked you for your opinion?
15. They use a computer to do that job nowadays.
16. How do people learn languages?
17. When did humans find fire?
18. You can’t make tea with cold water.
19. Where do people raise kangaroos?
20. The thief broke the window.
21. Where will your company send you next week?
22. They didn’t give me the information I needed.
23. They paid me a lot of money to do the job.
24. They will translate this book into Vietnamese.
25. The Prime Minister presented the medals to the war heroes at the museum yesterday.
26. No one could do anything to put the fire out.
27. You shouldn’t expect your friends to help you.
28. Bananas are exported to Europe.
29. They have discovered oil at the North Pole recently.
30. Christopher Columbus discovered “the New World” in the 1400s.
31. They are building a new hospital in my neighborhood right now.
32. Where do people speak English?
33. Someone stole all our money and passports.
34. How much will they pay you for your work?
35. Has anybody shown you what to do?
36. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview.
37. We found that they had cancelled the game.
38. I didn’t know that somebody was recording our conversation.
39. No one is using the computer at the moment.
40. They have postponed the meeting to next Monday.

II. Complete the sentences with the ACTIVE or PASSIVE form of the verbs in the

1. When I _______(arrive) at the train station yesterday, I _______(meet) by my uncle and

2. The newspaper _________(read) by over 200.000 people every day.
3. Many accidents ________(cause) by careless driving.
4. A bad accident _________(happen) on Highway 95 last night.
5. My car has disappeared. It __________(be) stolen.
6. The road in front of my house _________(fix) at the moment.
7. he __________(leave) home in 1993 and __________(not/ see) since.
8. We can’t go to the school play tonight because all the tickets ___________(already/sell).
9. Lunch ____________(serve) when I arrived.
10. A new house __________(build) next to ours next year.
11. We could use our classrooms yesterday because they ________(repaint).
12. Last month, I __________(give) a job, but I __________(refuse) it.
13. The picture __________(post) hours ago on Facebook, but it _________(not/ receive)
any “like” yet.
14. Flowers __________(can/ find) in almost every corner of the world.
15. Last week you _________(invite) to the weeding.___________(you/go)?
16. How much of the earth’s surface ___________(cover) by water?
17. _______________(somebody/clean) the floor yesterday?
18. Richard’s parents ___________(die) when they ______(be) very young. He and his sister
_______(bring up) by their grandparents.
19. I was born in London, but I __________(grow) up in Canada.
20. This company isn’t independent. It__________(own) by a larger company.
21. It’s a big factory. 500 people _________(work) here.
22. Water _________(cover) ¾ of the Earth’s surface.
23. The letter ___________(send) a week ago, but it ___________(arrive) yet.
24. This road __________(not/use) much.
25. Do you think that more money should__________(spend) on education?
26. The injured man couldn’t walk and had to _________(carry).
27. A decision will not __________(make) until the next meeting.
28. This road is in very bad condition. It should _________(fix) a long time ago.
29. __________(you/tell) about the plan already?
30. Since we _________(leave) his house last night, Jake_________(not/see).
31. The photocopier __________(not/work) last night, but it _________(work) perfectly this
32. When we __________(arrive) at the stadium, all seats _________(take).
33. He always __________(like) attention from people, but he doesn’t like
_________(laugh) at.
34. Jane worried of __________(take) away by the ghosts.
35. Don’t make too much noise! Father __________(work) and he ________(not/like)

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