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Metrobank Business Loan: Facts You Need to Know

June 6th, 2017

Got a business in mind?

Every business needs cash to get kick started. Along the way, you will still need more cash to
supplement arising needs.
More than 90% of the registered businesses with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) are
SMEs. And since these ventures would need a loan to expand, various loan products has been
created to their needs.
Metrobank is one of the banks which developed a loan product especially for SMEs, however,
you have to take the time and know these facts to see if this is the best loan option for you.
Metrobank Business Loan
Metrobank offers three types of business loans: SME Credit Line, SME Short-term Loan or
Straight Loan, and Long-term Loan. These loans are secured loans. You will need to present a
Each one is used for different needs and purposes. Straight Loan is for short-term funding which
can be a minimum of P1 Million up to P20 Million. The loan is payable for one year or up to 60
The Long-term Loan is used for the acquisition of a property for business expansion, for
renovation, equipment purchasing or to finance a new franchise. The loan term can stretch up to
seven (7) years. You can borrow at least P1 Million up to P20 Million.
Credit Line can be an option if you are looking for a working capital since you can easily access
it a couple of times a year. A credit line is renewable every year. Most entrepreneurs use this to
bridge the gap between the receivables and the expenses.
Metrobank Business Loan Requirements
Though there are a lot of banks which offer loans to SMEs, Metrobank has its own list of

1. Personal and Business Identification

 Duly Accomplished Business Loan Application Form

 One government ID
 Business Registration Certificate or Permit
 Proof of Billing

2. Financial Documents

 Income Tax Return (ITR) for the last three (3) years
 Audited Financial Statement for the last three years
 Bank Statements for the last six months

3. Collateral Documents

 Owner’s Duplicate Copy of Transfer Certificate of Title

 Certificate of Placement
 Tax Declaration
 Vicinity Map, Lot plan and Bill of Materials for construction.

Metrobank Business Loan Calculator

Loan calculators are very handy. You can easily know how much you can borrow, the number
of months or years you can choose to stretch your term and the payment method.
Once you click the “Calculate” button, you will be shown on how much you have to pay each
month should the loan amount you choose be approved.
Why is a loan calculator important? You can easily see if you can handle the monthly payments
at ease.
Metrobank Business Loan Interest Rate
The interest rate is the amount charged in terms of percentage. The usual interest rate is
expressed on an annual basis. Most Filipinos compare loans based on the interest rates because
this can easily tell which one could cost more in the long run.
However, Metrobank business loan interest rate is not shared on its online site. You have to
inquire on the bank and give your personal and business details first.
While the interest rate is an important factor to consider, you also have to take a look at other
things. Check on other fees and charges, penalties, loan term, loan amount, loan process and
needed collateral documents.
Metrobank Business Loan Fees and Charges
Metrobank does not charge a processing fee, however, you have to pay for the appraisal fee on
the collateral and the notarial fee on the loan documents.
On the other hand, be prepared for the tedious paperwork ahead and other fees you have to shed
for the required documents.
Benefits of Metrobank Business Loan:

 Metrobank offers you three choices depending on your business needs. You have to choose
specifically based on your purpose.
 Also, Metrobank does not charge a processing fee. Most banks charge non-refundable
administrative fees.

Limitations of Metrobank Business Loan:

 If you have a micro business, then you have to take a look at other options since the minimum
loan amount for the Metrobank Business Loan is P1 Million. If this amount is too high, consider
other loans.
 If you need cash for a sudden business need, consider a personal loan instead. Metrobank
Business Loan takes at least 15 banking days upon submission of the complete required
documents. This is more than two weeks.
 You need a collateral to apply for a loan. Not all business owners can have a property which they
can use as a collateral.

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