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Name: Libre, Lyka #17

Course: BSA- 1

How to Earn 25k in 4 months using only 1


A conservative approach of investing

Still involves risk

Has right potential of good returns

Invest in best performing stocks in PSE

(Philippine Stock Exchange)

Other Blue Chip

Universal Robina

One of most consistent Takes some money,

URC’s stock price is not stocks with more than knowledge, focus, time, and
that expensive 70% year return courage to take risks.
compared to other big according to Bloomberg.
companies (around 190
as of now). URC’s corporate life is 50 yrs. Old
already which proves its stability.

Food is king. URC is the Has whole and majority ownership to:
market leader in  CFC Clubhouse Property
numerous snack food  CFC Corporation Bio-Resource
categories. Power Generation Corporation
 Southern Negros Development
 Nissin-URC
 URC Philippine, Limited
 URC Int’l Co. Ltd.
 Universal Robina (Cayman), Ltd.
Has agro-industrial  URC China Commercial Co., Ltd.
products and commodity
food products
Their stocks are NOT typically
cyclical and seasonal.
URC also exports
their products
URC’s products are
distributed to
approximately 120,000
outlets in the country.

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